Collapse to view only § 2808. Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency

§ 2801. Scope of chapter; definitions
(a) The term “military construction” as used in this chapter or any other provision of law includes any construction, development, conversion, or extension of any kind carried out with respect to a military installation, whether to satisfy temporary or permanent requirements, or any acquisition of land or construction of a defense access road (as described in section 210 of title 23).
(b) A military construction project includes all military construction work, or any contribution authorized by this chapter, necessary to produce a complete and usable facility or a complete and usable improvement to an existing facility (or to produce such portion of a complete and usable facility or improvement as is specifically authorized by law).
(c) In this chapter and chapter 173 of this title:
(1) The term “appropriate committees of Congress” means the congressional defense committees and, with respect to any project to be carried out by, or for the use of, an intelligence component of the Department of Defense, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate.
(2) The term “facility” means a building, structure, or other improvement to real property.
(3) The term “life-cycle cost-effective”, with respect to a project, product, or measure, means that the sum of the present values of investment costs, capital costs, installation costs, energy costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and replacement costs, as estimated for the lifetime of the project, product, or measure, does not exceed the base case (current or standard) for the practice, product, or measure.
(4) The term “military installation” means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of a military department or, in the case of an activity in a foreign country, under the operational control of the Secretary of a military department or the Secretary of Defense, without regard to the duration of operational control.
(5) The term “Secretary concerned” includes the Secretary of Defense with respect to matters concerning the Defense Agencies.
(d) This chapter (other than sections 2830,1
1 See References in Text note below.
2835, and 2836 of this chapter) does not apply to the Coast Guard or to civil works projects of the Army Corps of Engineers.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 153; amended Pub. L. 100–26, § 7(k)(2), Apr. 21, 1987, 101 Stat. 284; Pub. L. 100–180, div. A, title VI, § 632(b)(1), title XII, § 1231(15), div. B, subdiv. 3, title I, § 2306(b), Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1105, 1160, 1216; Pub. L. 102–484, div. A, title X, § 1052(37), Oct. 23, 1992, 106 Stat. 2501; Pub. L. 102–496, title IV, § 403(b), Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3185; Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title XV, § 1502(a)(10), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 503; Pub. L. 106–65, div. A, title X, § 1067(1), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 774; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1043(b)(16), div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Nov. 24, 2003,
§ 2802. Military construction projects
(a) The Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the military departments may carry out such military construction projects, land acquisitions, and defense access road projects (as described under section 210 of title 23) as are authorized by law.
(b) Authority provided by law to carry out a military construction project includes authority for—
(1) surveys and site preparation;
(2) acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, and installation of facilities;
(3) acquisition and installation of equipment and appurtenances integral to the project;
(4) acquisition and installation of supporting facilities (including utilities) and appurtenances incident to the project; and
(5) planning, supervision, administration, and overhead incident to the project.
(c) In determining the scope of a proposed military construction project, the Secretary concerned shall submit to the President such recommendations as the Secretary considers to be appropriate regarding the incorporation and inclusion of life-cycle cost-effective practices as an element in the project documents submitted to Congress in connection with the budget submitted pursuant to section 1105 of title 31 for the fiscal year in which a contract is proposed to be awarded for the project.
[(d) Repealed. Pub. L. 114–328, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2811(b), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2716.]
(1) If a construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project described in paragraph (2) will be carried out pursuant to a provision of law other than a Military Construction Authorization Act, the Secretary concerned shall—
(A) comply with the congressional notification requirement contained in the provision of law under which the construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project will be carried out and submit to the congressional defense committees any materials required to be submitted to Congress or any other congressional committees pursuant to the congressional notification requirement; or
(B) in the absence of such a congressional notification requirement, submit to the congressional defense committees, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, a report describing the construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project at least 15 days before commencing the construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), a construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project subject to the notification requirement imposed by paragraph (1) is a construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project that—
(A) is not specifically authorized in a Military Construction Authorization Act;
(B) will be carried out by a military department, Defense Agency, or Department of Defense Field Activity; and
(C) will be located on a military installation.
(3) This subsection does not apply to a construction project, land acquisition, or defense access road project described in paragraph (2) whose cost is less than or equal to the threshold amount specified in section 2805(b) of this title.
(1) In addition to any other applicable consultation requirement pursuant to law or Department of Defense policy, if a proposed military construction project is likely to significantly impact tribal lands, known sacred sites, or tribal treaty rights, the Secretary concerned shall initiate consultation with the tribal government of each impacted Indian tribe—
(A) to determine the nature and extent of such impact;
(B) to determine whether such impact can be avoided or mitigated in the design and implementation of the project; and
(C) if such impact cannot be avoided, to develop feasible measures consistent with applicable law to mitigate the impact and estimate the cost of the mitigation measures.
(2) As part of the Department of Defense Form 1391 submitted to the appropriate committees of Congress for a military construction project covered by paragraph (1), the Secretary concerned, to the extent possible at the time of such submission, shall include a description of the current status of the consultation conducted under such paragraph and specifically address each of the items specified in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of such paragraph.
(3) The requirement under paragraph (1) does not affect the obligation of the Secretary concerned to comply with any other applicable consultation requirement pursuant to law or Department of Defense policy.
(4) In this subsection:
(A) The term “Indian tribe” has the meaning given that term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304).
(B) The term “tribal government” means the recognized governing body of an Indian tribe.
(C) The term “sacred site” has the meaning given that term in Executive Order No. 13007, as in effect on the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 154; amended Pub. L. 110–181, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802(a), Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 539; Pub. L. 110–417, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(b), Oct. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 4719; Pub. L. 113–66, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2807(c), Dec. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 1012; Pub. L. 113–291, div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2801, 2803(b), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3695, 3697; Pub. L. 114–328, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2811(b), (c), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2716; Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title X, § 1081(d)(15), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1600; Pub. L. 115–232, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803, Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. 2261; Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title XVII, § 1731(a)(53), div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1815, 1881.)
§ 2803. Emergency construction
(a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c), the Secretary concerned may carry out a military construction project not otherwise authorized by law if the Secretary determines (1) that the project is vital to the national security or to the protection of health, safety, or the quality of the environment, and (2) that the requirement for the project is so urgent that deferral of the project for inclusion in the next Military Construction Authorization Act would be inconsistent with national security or the protection of health, safety, or environmental quality, as the case may be.
(b) When a decision is made to carry out a military construction project under this section, the Secretary concerned shall submit a report to the appropriate committees of Congress on that decision. Each such report shall include (1) the justification for the project and the current estimate of the cost of the project, (2) the justification for carrying out the project under this section, and (3) a statement of the source of the funds to be used to carry out the project. The project may then be carried out only after the end of the five-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by such committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(1) The maximum amount that the Secretary concerned may obligate in any fiscal year under this section is $50,000,000.
(2) A project carried out under this section shall be carried out within the total amount of funds appropriated for military construction that have not been obligated.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 154; amended Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2803, 2870(2), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1537, 1562; Pub. L. 102–484, div. A, title X, § 1053(9), Oct. 23, 1992, 106 Stat. 2502; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(34), div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1600, 1719; Pub. L. 109–364, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2466; Pub. L. 112–81, div. A, title X, § 1064(9), Dec. 31, 2011, 125 Stat. 1587; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(1), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1840.)
§ 2804. Contingency construction
(a) Within the amount appropriated for such purpose, the Secretary of Defense may carry out a military construction project not otherwise authorized by law, or may authorize the Secretary of a military department to carry out such a project, if the Secretary of Defense determines that deferral of the project for inclusion in the next Military Construction Authorization Act would be inconsistent with national security or national interest.
(b) When a decision is made to carry out a military construction project under this section, the Secretary of Defense shall submit a report to the appropriate committees of Congress on that decision. Each such report shall include the justification for the project, the current estimate of the cost of the project, and the justification for carrying out the project under this section. The project may then be carried out only after the end of the seven-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by such committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 155; amended Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2870(3), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1563; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(35), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1600; Pub. L. 109–163, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3504; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(2), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1840; Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title XVII, § 1731(a)(54), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1815; Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title X, § 1081(a)(44), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3873.)
§ 2805. Unspecified minor construction
(a)Authority to Carry Out Unspecified Minor Military Construction Projects.—
(1) Within an amount equal to 125 percent of the amount authorized by law for such purpose, the Secretary concerned may carry out unspecified minor military construction projects not otherwise authorized by law.
(2) An unspecified minor military construction project is a military construction project, land acquisition, or demolition project that has an approved cost equal to or less than $9,000,000.
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, the Secretary concerned may use amounts authorized pursuant to another law or regulation to carry out a demolition project described in paragraph (2).
(b)Approval and Congressional Notification.—
(1) An unspecified minor military construction project costing more than $750,000 may not be carried out under this section unless approved in advance by the Secretary concerned. This paragraph shall apply even though the project is to be carried out using funds made available to enhance the deployment and mobility of military forces and supplies.
(2) When a decision is made to carry out an unspecified minor military construction project to which paragraph (1) is applicable and which costs more than $4,000,000, the Secretary concerned shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress of that decision, of the justification for the project, and of the estimated cost of the project. The project may then be carried out only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by the committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(c)Use of Operation and Maintenance Funds.—The Secretary concerned may spend from appropriations available for operation and maintenance amounts necessary to carry out an unspecified minor military construction project costing not more than $4,000,000.
(d)Laboratory Revitalization.—
(1) For the revitalization and recapitalization of laboratories owned by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary concerned, the Secretary concerned may obligate and expend—
(A) from appropriations available to the Secretary concerned for operation and maintenance, amounts necessary to carry out an unspecified minor military construction project costing not more than $9,000,000, notwithstanding subsection (c); or
(B) from appropriations available to the Secretary concerned for military construction not otherwise authorized by law or from funds authorized to be made available under section 4123(a) of this title, amounts necessary to carry out an unspecified minor military construction project costing not more than $9,000,000.
(2) For purposes of this subsection, an unspecified minor military construction project is a military construction project that (notwithstanding subsection (a)) has an approved cost equal to or less than $9,000,000.
(3) If the Secretary concerned makes a decision to carry out an unspecified minor military construction project to which this subsection applies, the Secretary concerned shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress of that decision, of the justification for the project, and of the estimated cost of the project. The project may then be carried out only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by the committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(4) In this subsection, the term “laboratory” includes—
(A) a research, engineering, and development center; and
(B) a test and evaluation activity.
(e)Prohibition on Use for New Housing Units.—Military family housing projects for construction of new housing units may not be carried out under the authority of this section.
(f)Adjustment of Dollar Limitations for Location.—
(1)Adjustment of limitations.—Each fiscal year, the Secretary concerned shall adjust the dollar limitations specified in this section applicable to an unspecified minor military construction project to reflect the area construction cost index for military construction projects published by the Department of Defense during the prior fiscal year for the location of the project, except that no limitation specified in this section may exceed $14,000,000 as the result of any adjustment made under this paragraph.
[(2) Repealed. Pub. L. 118–31, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803(2), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 744.]
[(3) Repealed. Pub. L. 118–31, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802(c)(2), Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 743.]
(g)Defense Laboratory Modernization Program.—
(1) Using amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to the Department of Defense for research, development, test, and evaluation, the Secretary of Defense may fund a military construction project described in paragraph (4) at any of the following:
(A) A Department of Defense science and technology reinvention laboratory (as designated under section 4121(b) of this title).
(B) A Department of Defense federally funded research and development center that functions primarily as a research laboratory.
(C) A Department of Defense facility in support of a technology development program that is consistent with the fielding of offset technologies as described in section 218 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114–92; 10 U.S.C. note 4811).
(D) A Department of Defense research, development, test, and evaluation facility that is not designated as a science and technology reinvention laboratory, but nonetheless is involved with developmental test and evaluation.
(2) Subject to the condition that a military construction project under paragraph (1) be authorized in a Military Construction Authorization Act, the authority to carry out the military construction project includes authority for—
(A) surveys, site preparation, and advanced planning and design;
(B) acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, and installation of facilities;
(C) acquisition and installation of equipment and appurtenances integral to the project; acquisition and installation of supporting facilities (including utilities) and appurtenances incident to the project; and
(D) planning, supervision, administration, and overhead expenses incident to the project.
(A) The Secretary of Defense shall include military construction projects proposed to be carried out under paragraph (1) in the budget justification documents for the Department of Defense submitted to Congress in connection with the budget for a fiscal year submitted under 1105 of title 31.
(B) Not less than 14 days prior to the first obligation of funds described in paragraph (1) for a military construction project to be carried out under such paragraph, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a notification providing an updated construction description, cost, and schedule for the project and any other matters regarding the project as the Secretary considers appropriate.
(4) The authority provided by paragraph (1) to fund military construction projects using amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for research, development, test, and evaluation is limited to military construction projects that the Secretary of Defense, in the budget justification documents exhibits submitted pursuant to paragraph (3)(A), determines—
(A) will support research and development activities at laboratories described in paragraph (1);
(B) will establish facilities that will have significant potential for use by entities outside the Department of Defense, including universities, industrial partners, and other Federal agencies;
(C) are endorsed for funding by more than one military department or Defense Agency; and
(D) cannot be fully funded within the thresholds otherwise specified in this section.
(5) The maximum amount of funds appropriated or otherwise made available for research, development, test, and evaluation that may be obligated in any fiscal year for military construction projects under paragraph (1) is $150,000,000.
(A) In addition to the authority provided to the Secretary of Defense under paragraph (1) to use amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for research, development, test, and evaluation for a military construction project referred to in such subsection, the Secretary of the military department concerned may use amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for research, development, test, and evaluation to obtain architectural and engineering services and to carry out construction design in connection with such a project.
(B) In the case of architectural and engineering services and construction design to be undertaken under this paragraph for which the estimated cost exceeds $4,000,000, the Secretary concerned shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress of the scope of the proposed project and the estimated cost of such services before the initial obligation of funds for such services. The Secretary may then obligate funds for such services only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the notification is received by the committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 155; amended Pub. L. 99–167, title VIII, § 809, Dec. 3, 1985, 99 Stat. 989; Pub. L. 99–661, div. B, title VII, § 2702(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 4040; Pub. L. 100–180, div. B, subdiv. 3, title I, § 2310, Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1217; Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title XIII, § 1301(16), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1668; Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2807, 2870(4), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1540, 1563; Pub. L. 104–106, div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2811(a), 2812, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 552; Pub. L. 104–201, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a), Sept. 23, 1996, 110 Stat. 2787; Pub. L. 105–85, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1989; Pub. L. 107–107, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 1305; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(36), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1600; Pub. L. 110–181, div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2803, 2804, Jan. 28, 2008, 122 Stat. 539; Pub. L. 111–84, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(1), (2), (b), Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2660; Pub. L. 112–81, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802(a), (b), Dec. 31, 2011, 125 Stat. 1684; Pub. L. 113–66, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a), Dec. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 1006; Pub. L. 113–291, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3695; Pub. L. 114–328, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2712; Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title II, § 220(c)(2), div. B, title XXVIII, §§ 2801(a)(3), 2802, 2803, Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1333, 1840, 1845, 1846; Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title XVII, § 1731(a)(55), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1815; Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title XVIII, § 1843(c)
§ 2806. Contributions for North Atlantic Treaty Organizations Security Investment
(a) Within amounts authorized by law for such purpose, the Secretary of Defense may make contributions for the United States share of the cost of multilateral programs for the acquisition and construction of military facilities and installations (including international military headquarters) and for related expenses for the collective defense of the North Atlantic Treaty Area.
(1) Funds may not be obligated or expended in connection with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program in any year unless such funds have been authorized by law for such program.
(2) If any funds authorized for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program for a fiscal year are available to be obligated or expended at the end of that fiscal year and no funds have been authorized for the following fiscal year, not more than 50 percent of the amount authorized for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment program for that fiscal year shall be deemed to be authorized by law for purposes of paragraph (1) for the following fiscal year.
(1) The Secretary of Defense may make contributions in excess of the amount appropriated for contribution under subsection (a) if the amount of the contribution in excess of that amount does not exceed 200 percent of the amount specified by section 2805(a) of this title as the maximum amount for a minor military construction project.
(2) If the Secretary determines that the amount appropriated for contribution under subsection (a) in any fiscal year must be exceeded by more than the amount authorized under paragraph (1), the Secretary may make contributions in excess of such amount, but not in excess of 125 percent of the amount appropriated, only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary submits, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress notice of the increase, including the reasons for the increase and the source of the funds to be used for the increase.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 156; amended Pub. L. 97–321, title VIII, § 805(b)(1), Oct. 15, 1982, 96 Stat. 1573; Pub. L. 99–661, div. B, title V, § 2503(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 4039; Pub. L. 100–26, § 7(f)(1), Apr. 21, 1987, 101 Stat. 281; Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2870(5), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1563; Pub. L. 104–201, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802(a), (c)(1), Sept. 23, 1996, 110 Stat. 2787; Pub. L. 111–84, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(3), Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2660; Pub. L. 111–383, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803(b), Jan. 7, 2011, 124 Stat. 4459; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(4), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1840; Pub. L. 118–159, div. B, title XXV, § 2503, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2236.)
§ 2807. Architectural and engineering services and construction design
(a) Within amounts appropriated for military construction and military family housing, the Secretary concerned may obtain architectural and engineering services and may carry out construction design in connection with military construction projects, family housing projects, and projects undertaken in connection with the authority provided under section 2854 of this title that are not otherwise authorized by law. Amounts available for such purposes may be used for construction management of projects that are funded by foreign governments directly or through international organizations and for which elements of the armed forces of the United States are the primary user.
(b) In the case of architectural and engineering services and construction design to be undertaken under subsection (a) for which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000, the Secretary concerned shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress of the scope of the proposed project and the estimated cost of such services before the initial obligation of funds for such services. The Secretary may then obligate funds for such services only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the notification is received by the committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(c) If the Secretary concerned determines that the amount authorized for activities under subsection (a) in any fiscal year must be increased the Secretary may proceed with activities at such higher level only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary submits, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress notice of the need for the increase, including the source of funds to be used for the increase.
(d) For architectural and engineering services and construction design related to military construction and family housing projects, the Secretaries of the military departments may incur obligations for contracts or portions of contracts using military construction and family housing appropriations from different fiscal years to the extent that those appropriations are available for obligation.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 156; amended Pub. L. 98–115, title VIII, § 804, Oct. 11, 1983, 97 Stat. 785; Pub. L. 99–661, div. B, title VII, §§ 2702(b), 2712(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 4040, 4041; Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2870(6), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1563; Pub. L. 105–261, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Oct. 17, 1998, 112 Stat. 2202; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(37), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1601; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(5), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841.)
§ 2808. Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency
(a)Construction Authorized.—In the event of a declaration of war or the declaration by the President of a national emergency in accordance with the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) that requires use of the armed forces, the Secretary of Defense, without regard to any other provision of law, may undertake military construction projects, and may authorize the Secretaries of the military departments to undertake military construction projects, not otherwise authorized by law that are necessary to support such use of the armed forces.
(b)Conditions on Sources of Funds.—A military construction project to be undertaken using the construction authority described in subsection (a) may be undertaken only within the total amount of funds that have been appropriated for military construction, excluding funds appropriated for family housing, that—
(1) remain unobligated as of the date on which the first contract would be entered into in support of the national emergency declaration described in subsection (a); and
(2) are available because the military construction project for which the funds were appropriated—
(A) has been canceled; or
(B) has reduced costs as a result of project modifications or other cost savings.
(c)Limitation on Amount of Funds Available for National Emergency.—
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), in the event of a declaration by the President of a national emergency in which the construction authority described in subsection (a) is used, the total cost of all military construction projects undertaken using that authority during the national emergency may not exceed $500,000,000.
(2) In the event of a national emergency declaration in which the construction authority described in subsection (a) will be used only within the United States, the total cost of all military construction projects undertaken using that authority during the national emergency may not exceed $100,000,000.
(d)Waiver of Other Provisions of Law in Event of National Emergency.—In the event of a declaration by the President of a national emergency in which the construction authority described in subsection (a) is used, the authority provided by such subsection to waive or disregard another provision of law that would otherwise apply to a military construction project authorized by this section may be used only if—
(1) such other provision of law does not provide a means by which compliance with the requirements of the law may be waived, modified, or expedited; and
(2) the Secretary of Defense determines that the nature of the national emergency necessitates the noncompliance with the requirements of the law.
(e)Notification Requirement.—
(1)When a decision is made to undertake military construction projects authorized by this section, the Secretary of Defense shall notify, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, the appropriate committees of Congress of the following:
(A) The reasons for the decision to use the construction authority described in subsection (a), including, in the event of a declaration by the President of a national emergency, the reasons why use of the armed forces is required in response to the declared national emergency.
(B) The construction projects to be undertaken using the construction authority described in subsection (a), including, in the event of a declaration by the President of a national emergency, an explanation of how each construction project directly supports the immediate security, logistical, or short-term housing and ancillary supporting facility needs of the members of the armed forces used in the national emergency.
(C) The estimated cost of the construction projects to be undertaken using the construction authority described in subsection (a), including the cost of any real estate action pertaining to the construction projects, and certification of compliance with the funding conditions imposed by subsections (b) and (c).
(D) Any determination made pursuant to subsection (d)(2) to waive or disregard another provision of law to undertake any construction project using the construction authority described in subsection (a).
(E) The military construction projects, including any ancillary supporting facility projects, whose cancellation, modification, or other cost savings result in funds being available to undertake construction projects using the construction authority described in subsection (a) and the possible impact of the cancellation or modification of such military construction projects on military readiness and the quality of life of members of the armed forces and their dependents.
(2) In the event of a declaration by the President of a national emergency in which the construction authority described in subsection (a) is used, a construction project to be undertaken using such construction authority may be carried out only after the end of the five-day period beginning on the date the notification required by paragraph (1) is received by the congressional defense committees.
(f)Termination of Authority.—The authority described in subsection (a) shall terminate with respect to any war or national emergency at the end of the war or national emergency.
(Added Pub. L. 97–214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 157; amended Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(6), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841; Pub. L. 116–283, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)–(e), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4317–4319.)
§ 2809. Long-term facilities contracts for certain activities and services
(a)Submission and Authorization of Proposed Projects.—The Secretary concerned may enter into a contract for the procurement of services in connection with the construction, management, and operation of a facility on or near a military installation for the provision of an activity or service described in subsection (b) if—
(1) the Secretary concerned has identified the proposed project for that facility in the budget material submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense in connection with the budget submitted pursuant to section 1105 of title 31 for the fiscal year in which the contract is proposed to be awarded;
(2) the Secretary concerned has determined that the services to be provided at that facility can be more economically provided through the use of a long-term contract than through the use of conventional means; and
(3) the project has been authorized by law.
(b)Authorized Purposes of Contract.—The activities and services referred to in subsection (a) are as follows:
(1) Child care services.
(2) Utilities, including potable and waste water treatment services.
(3) Depot supply activities.
(4) Troop housing.
(5) Transient quarters.
(6) Hospital or medical facilities.
(7) Other logistic and administrative services, other than depot maintenance.
(c)Conditions on Obligation of Funds.—A contract entered into for a project pursuant to subsection (a) shall include the following provisions:
(1) A statement that the obligation of the United States to make payments under the contract in any fiscal year is subject to appropriations being provided specifically for that fiscal year and specifically for that project.
(2) A commitment to obligate the necessary amount for each fiscal year covered by the contract when and to the extent that funds are appropriated for that project for that fiscal year.
(3) A statement that such a commitment given under the authority of this section does not constitute an obligation of the United States.
(d)Competitive Procedures.—Each contract entered into under this section shall be awarded through the use of competitive procedures as provided in chapter 137 1
1 See References in Text note below.
of this title. In accordance with such procedures, the Secretary concerned shall solicit bids or proposals for a contract for each project that has been authorized by law.
(e)Term of Contract.—A contract under this section may be for any period not in excess of 32 years, excluding the period for construction.
(f)Notice and Wait Requirements.—The Secretary concerned may enter into a contract under this section only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary submits, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress a justification of the need for the facility covered by the proposed contract, including an economic analysis (based upon accepted life cycle costing procedures) which demonstrates that the proposed contract is cost effective when compared with alternative means of furnishing the same facility.
(Added Pub. L. 99–167, title VIII, § 811(a), Dec. 3, 1985, 99 Stat. 990; amended Pub. L. 99–661, div. A, title XIII, § 1343(a)(20), div. B, title VII, § 2711, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3994, 4041; Pub. L. 100–180, div. B, subdiv. 3, title I, § 2302(a), (b), Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1215; Pub. L. 100–456, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Sept. 29, 1988, 102 Stat. 2115; Pub. L. 101–189, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803, Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1647; Pub. L. 102–190, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2805(a)(1), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1537; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(38), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1601; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(7), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841.)
§ 2810. Military construction projects for innovation, research, development, test, and evaluation
(a)Project Authorization Required.—The Secretary of Defense may carry out such military construction projects for innovation, research, development, test, and evaluation as are authorized by law, using funds appropriated or otherwise made available for that purpose.
(b)Submission of Project Proposals.—As part of the defense budget materials for each fiscal year, the Secretary of Defense shall include the following information for each military construction project covered by subsection (a):
(1) The project title.
(2) The location of the project.
(3) A brief description of the scope of work.
(4) A completed Department of Defense Form 1391 budget justification that includes the original project cost estimate.
(5) A current working cost estimate, if different that the cost estimate contained in such Form 1391.
(6) Such other information as the Secretary considers appropriate.
(c)Budget Justification Display.—The Secretary of Defense shall include with the defense budget materials for each fiscal year a consolidated budget justification display that individually identifies each military construction project covered by subsection (a) and the amount requested for such project for such fiscal year.
(d)Application to Military Construction Projects.—This section shall apply to military construction projects covered by subsection (a) for which a Department of Defense Form 1391 is submitted to the appropriate committees of Congress in connection with the budget of the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2023 and thereafter.
(e)Annual Five-year Plans on Improvement of Innovation Infrastructure.—
(1)Submission.—Along with the budget for each fiscal year submitted by the President pursuant to section 1105(a) of title 31, each Secretary of a military department and the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a plan that describes the objectives of that Secretary to improve innovation infrastructure during the five fiscal years following the fiscal year for which such budget is submitted.
(2)Elements.—Each plan submitted by a Secretary of a military department under paragraph (1) shall include the following:
(A) With respect to the five-year period covered by the plan, an identification of the major lines of effort, milestones, and investment goals of the Secretary over such period relating to the improvement of innovation infrastructure and a description of how such goals support such goals, including the use of—
(i) military construction, facilities restoration and modernization funds;
(ii) the defense lab modernization program under section 2805(d) of this title; and
(iii) military construction projects for innovation, research, development, test, and evaluation under this section.
(B) The estimated costs of necessary innovation infrastructure improvements and a description of how such costs would be addressed by the Department of Defense budget request submitted during the same year as the plan and the applicable future-years defense program.
(C) Information regarding the plan of the Secretary to initiate such environmental and engineering studies as may be necessary to carry out planned innovation infrastructure improvements.
(D) Detailed information regarding how innovation infrastructure improvement projects will be paced and sequenced to ensure continuous operations.
(3)Incorporation of results-oriented management practices.—Each plan under subsection (a) shall incorporate the leading results-oriented management practices identified in the report of the Comptroller General of the United States titled “Actions Needed to Improve Poor Conditions of Facilities and Equipment that Affect Maintenance Timeliness and Efficiency” (GAO–19–242), or any successor report, including—
(A) analytically based goals;
(B) results-oriented metrics;
(C) the identification of required resources, risks, and stakeholders; and
(D) regular reporting on progress to decision makers.
(4)Innovative infrastructure defined.—In this subsection, the term “innovation infrastructure” includes laboratories, test and evaluation ranges, and any other infrastructure whose primary purpose is research, development, test, and evaluation.
(Added Pub. L. 117–263, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2805(a), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 118–159, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2806(a), Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2249.)
§ 2811. Repair of facilities
(a)Repairs Using Operations and Maintenance Funds.—Using funds available to the Secretary concerned for operation and maintenance, the Secretary concerned may carry out repair projects for an entire single-purpose facility or one or more functional areas of a multipurpose facility.
(b)Approval Required for Major Repairs.—A repair project costing more than $7,500,000 may not be carried out under this section unless approved in advance by the Secretary concerned. In determining the total cost of a repair project, the Secretary shall include all phases of a multi-year repair project to a single facility. In considering a repair project for approval, the Secretary shall ensure that the project is consistent with force structure plans, that repair of the facility is more cost effective than replacement, and that the project is an appropriate use of operation and maintenance funds.
(c)Prohibition on New Construction or Additions.—Construction of new facilities or additions to existing facilities may not be carried out under the authority of this section.
(d)Congressional Notification.—When a decision is made to carry out a repair project under this section with an estimated cost in excess of $7,500,000, the Secretary concerned shall submit, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress a report containing—
(1) the justification for the repair project and the current estimate of the cost of the project, including, in the case of a multi-year repair project to a single facility, the total cost of all phases of the project;
(2) if the current estimate of the cost of the repair project exceeds 75 percent of the estimated cost of a military construction project to replace the facility, an explanation of the reasons why replacement of the facility is not in the best interest of the Government; and
(3) a description of the elements of military construction, including the elements specified in section 2802(b) of this title, incorporated into the repair project.
(e)Repair Project Defined.—In this section, the term “repair project” means a project—
(1) to restore a real property facility, system, or component to such a condition that it may effectively be used for its designated functional purpose; or
(2) to convert a real property facility, system, or component to a new functional purpose without increasing its external dimensions.
(Added Pub. L. 99–661, div. A, title III, § 315(a), Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3854, § 2810; renumbered § 2811, Pub. L. 100–26, § 7(e)(3), Apr. 21, 1987, 101 Stat. 281; amended Pub. L. 103–337, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 3050; Pub. L. 105–85, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1990; Pub. L. 108–375, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801, Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 2119; Pub. L. 111–84, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2661; Pub. L. 114–328, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2712; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(8), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841.)
§ 2812. Lease-purchase of facilities
(1) The Secretary concerned may enter into an agreement with a private contractor for the lease of a facility of the kind specified in paragraph (2) if the facility is provided at the expense of the contractor on a military installation under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense.
(2) The facilities that may be leased pursuant to paragraph (1) are as follows:
(A) Administrative office facilities.
(B) Troop housing facilities.
(C) Energy production facilities.
(D) Utilities, including potable and waste water treatment facilities.
(E) Hospital and medical facilities.
(F) Transient quarters.
(G) Depot or storage facilities.
(H) Child care centers.
(I) Classroom and laboratories.
(b) Leases entered into under subsection (a)—
(1) may not exceed a term of 32 years;
(2) shall provide that, at the end of the term of the lease, title to the leased facility shall vest in the United States; and
(3) shall include such other terms and conditions as the Secretary concerned determines are necessary or desirable to protect the interests of the United States.
(1) The Secretary concerned may enter into a lease under this section only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary submits, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress a justification of the need for the facility covered by the proposed lease, including an economic analysis (based upon accepted life-cycle costing procedures) that demonstrates the cost effectiveness of the proposed lease compared with a military construction project for the same facility.
(2) Each Secretary concerned may, under this section, enter into—
(A) not more than three leases in fiscal year 1990; and
(B) not more than five leases in each of the fiscal years 1991 and 1992.
(d) Each lease entered into under this section shall include a provision that the obligation of the United States to make payments under the lease in any fiscal year is subject to the availability of appropriations for that purpose.
(Added Pub. L. 101–189, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2809(a), Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1649; amended Pub. L. 101–510, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2864, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1806; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(39), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1601; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(9), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841.)
§ 2813. Acquisition of existing facilities in lieu of authorized construction
(a)Acquisition Authority.—Using funds appropriated for a military construction project authorized by law for a military installation, the Secretary of the military department concerned may acquire an existing facility (including the real property on which the facility is located) at or near the military installation instead of carrying out the authorized military construction project if the Secretary determines that—
(1) the acquisition of the facility satisfies the requirements of the military department concerned for the authorized military construction project; and
(2) it is in the best interests of the United States to acquire the facility instead of carrying out the authorized military construction project.
(b)Modification or Conversion of Acquired Facility.—
(1) As part of the acquisition of an existing facility under subsection (a), the Secretary of the military department concerned may carry out such modifications, repairs, or conversions of the facility as the Secretary considers to be necessary so that the facility satisfies the requirements for which the military construction project was authorized.
(2) The costs of anticipated modifications, repairs, or conversions under paragraph (1) are required to remain within the authorized amount of the military construction project. The Secretary concerned shall consider such costs in determining whether the acquisition of an existing facility is—
(A) more cost effective than carrying out the authorized military construction project; and
(B) in the best interests of the United States.
(c)Notice and Wait Requirements.—A contract may not be entered into for the acquisition of a facility under subsection (a) until the Secretary concerned notifies the appropriate committees of Congress of the determination to acquire an existing facility instead of carrying out the authorized military construction project. The notification shall include the reasons for acquiring the facility. After the notification is transmitted, the Secretary may then enter into the contract only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date on which the notification is received by the committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(Added Pub. L. 103–160, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2805(a)(1), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1886; amended Pub. L. 104–106, div. A, title XV, § 1502(a)(25), Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 506; Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title X, § 1031(a)(40), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1601; Pub. L. 109–163, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(b), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3504; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(10), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1841.)
§ 2814. Special authority for development of Ford Island, Hawaii
(a)In General.—
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary of the Navy may exercise any authority or combination of authorities in this section for the purpose of developing or facilitating the development of Ford Island, Hawaii, to the extent that the Secretary determines the development is compatible with the mission of the Navy.
(2) The Secretary of the Navy may not exercise any authority under this section until—
(A) the Secretary submits to the appropriate committees of Congress a master plan for the development of Ford Island, Hawaii; and
(B) a period of 30 calendar days has elapsed following the date on which the notification is received by those committees.
(b)Conveyance Authority.—
(1) The Secretary of the Navy may convey to any public or private person or entity all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to any real property (including any improvements thereon) or personal property under the jurisdiction of the Secretary in the State of Hawaii that the Secretary determines—
(A) is excess to the needs of the Navy and all of the other armed forces; and
(B) will promote the purpose of this section.
(2) A conveyance under this subsection may include such terms and conditions as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.
(c)Lease Authority.—
(1) The Secretary of the Navy may lease to any public or private person or entity any real property or personal property under the jurisdiction of the Secretary in the State of Hawaii that the Secretary determines—
(A) is not needed for current operations of the Navy and all of the other armed forces; and
(B) will promote the purpose of this section.
(2) A lease under this subsection shall be subject to section 2667(b)(1) of this title and may include such other terms as the Secretary considers appropriate to protect the interests of the United States.
(3) A lease of real property under this subsection may provide that, upon termination of the lease term, the lessee shall have the right of first refusal to acquire the real property covered by the lease if the property is then conveyed under subsection (b).
(A) The Secretary may provide property support services to or for real property leased under this subsection.
(B) To the extent provided in appropriations Acts, any payment made to the Secretary for services provided under this paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation, account, or fund from which the cost of providing the services was paid.
(d)Acquisition of Leasehold Interest by Secretary.—
(1) The Secretary of the Navy may acquire a leasehold interest in any facility constructed under subsection (f) as consideration for a transaction authorized by this section upon such terms as the Secretary considers appropriate to promote the purpose of this section.
(2) The term of a lease under paragraph (1) may not exceed 10 years, unless the Secretary of Defense approves a term in excess of 10 years for purposes of this section.
(3) A lease under this subsection may provide that, upon termination of the lease term, the United States shall have the right of first refusal to acquire the facility covered by the lease.
(e)Requirement for Competition.—The Secretary of the Navy shall use competitive procedures for purposes of selecting the recipient of real or personal property under subsection (b) and the lessee of real or personal property under subsection (c).
(1) As consideration for the conveyance of real or personal property under subsection (b), or for the lease of real or personal property under subsection (c), the Secretary of the Navy shall accept cash, real property, personal property, or services, or any combination thereof, in an aggregate amount equal to not less than the fair market value of the real or personal property conveyed or leased.
(2) Subject to subsection (i), the services accepted by the Secretary under paragraph (1) may include the following:
(A) The construction or improvement of facilities at Ford Island.
(B) The restoration or rehabilitation of real property at Ford Island.
(C) The provision of property support services for property or facilities at Ford Island.
(g)Notice and Wait Requirements.—The Secretary of the Navy may carry out a transaction authorized by this section only after the end of the 20-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary submits, in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title, to the appropriate committees of Congress notice of the transaction, including a detailed description of the transaction and a justification for the transaction specifying the manner in which the transaction will meet the purposes of this section.
(h)Ford Island Improvement Account.—
(1) There is established on the books of the Treasury an account to be known as the “Ford Island Improvement Account”.
(2) There shall be deposited into the account the following amounts:
(A) Amounts authorized and appropriated to the account.
(B) Except as provided in subsection (c)(4)(B), the amount of any cash payment received by the Secretary for a transaction under this section.
(i)Use of Account.—
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), to the extent provided in advance in appropriations Acts, funds in the Ford Island Improvement Account may be used as follows:
(A) To carry out or facilitate the carrying out of a transaction authorized by this section.
(B) To carry out improvements of property or facilities at Ford Island.
(C) To obtain property support services for property or facilities at Ford Island.
(2) To extent that the authorities provided under subchapter IV of this chapter are available to the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary may not use the authorities in this section to acquire, construct, or improve family housing units, military unaccompanied housing units, or ancillary supporting facilities related to military housing.
(A) The Secretary may transfer funds from the Ford Island Improvement Account to the following funds:
(i) The Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund established by section 2883(a)(1) of this title.
(ii) The Department of Defense Military Unaccompanied Housing Improvement Fund established by section 2883(a)(2) of this title.
(B) Amounts transferred under subparagraph (A) to a fund referred to in that subparagraph shall be available in accordance with the provisions of section 2883 of this title for activities authorized under subchapter IV of this chapter at Ford Island.
(j)Inapplicability of Certain Property Management Laws.—Except as otherwise provided in this section, transactions under this section shall not be subject to the following:
(1) Sections 2667 and 2696 of this title.
(2) Section 501 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411).
(3) Subchapter II of chapter 5 and sections 541–555 of title 40.
(k)Scoring.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to waive the applicability to any lease entered into under this section of the budget scorekeeping guidelines used to measure compliance with the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
(l)Property Support Service Defined.—In this section, the term “property support service” means the following:
(1) Any utility service or other service listed in section 2686(a) of this title.
(2) Any other service determined by the Secretary to be a service that supports the operation and maintenance of real property, personal property, or facilities.
(Added Pub. L. 106–65, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2802(a)(1), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. 845; amended Pub. L. 106–398, § 1 [[div. A], title X, § 1087(a)(16)], Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1654, 1654A–291; Pub. L. 107–107, div. A, title X, § 1048(d)(1), Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 1227; Pub. L. 107–217, § 3(b)(18), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1296; Pub. L. 111–383, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803(c), Jan. 7, 2011, 124 Stat. 4459; Pub. L. 115–91, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(a)(11), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1842.)
§ 2815. Military installation resilience projects
(a)Projects Required.—The Secretary of Defense shall carry out military construction projects for military installation resilience, in accordance with section 2802 of this title (except as provided in subsections (d)(3) and (e)).
(b)Congressional Notification.—
(1) When a decision is made to carry out a project under this section, the Secretary of Defense shall notify the congressional defense committees of that decision.
(2) The Secretary of Defense shall include in each notification submitted under paragraph (1) the rationale for how the project would—
(A) enhance military installation resilience;
(B) enhance mission assurance;
(C) support mission critical functions; and
(D) address known vulnerabilities.
(c)Timing of Projects.—Except as provided in subsection (e)(2), a project may be carried out under this section only after the end of the 14-day period beginning on the date that notification with respect to that project under subsection (b) is received by the congressional defense committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(d)Location of Projects.—Projects carried out pursuant to this section may be carried out—
(1) on a military installation;
(2) on a facility used by the Department of Defense that is owned and operated by a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Virgin Islands, even if the facility is not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, if the Secretary of Defense determines that the facility is subject to significant use by the armed forces for testing or training; or
(3) outside of a military installation or facility described in paragraph (2) if the Secretary concerned determines that the project would preserve or enhance the resilience of—
(A) a military installation;
(B) a facility described in paragraph (2); or
(C) community infrastructure determined by the Secretary concerned to be necessary to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions.
(e)Alternative Funding Source.—
(1) In carrying out a project under this section, the Secretary concerned may use amounts available for operation and maintenance for the military department concerned if the Secretary concerned submits a notification to the congressional defense committees of the decision to carry out the project using such amounts and includes in the notification—
(A) the current estimate of the cost of the project;
(B) the source of funds for the project; and
(C) a certification that deferral of the project for inclusion in the next Military Construction Authorization Act would be inconsistent with national security or the protection of health, safety, or environmental quality, as the case may be.
(2) A project carried out under this section using amounts under paragraph (1) may be carried out only after the end of the 7-day period beginning on the date on which a copy of the notification described in paragraph (1) is provided in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(3) The maximum aggregate amount that the Secretary concerned may obligate from amounts available to the military department concerned for operation and maintenance in any fiscal year for projects under the authority of this subsection is $125,000,000.
(f)Annual Report.—Not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year until December 31, 2025, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the status of the planned and active projects carried out under this section (including completed projects), and shall include in the report with respect to each such project the following information:
(1) The title, location, a brief description of the scope of work, the original project cost estimate, and the current working cost estimate.
(2) The information provided under subsection (b)(2).
(3) Such other information as the Secretary considers appropriate.
(Added Pub. L. 116–92, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2801(b)(1), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1880; amended Pub. L. 116–283, div. A, title III, § 315(a), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 3514; Pub. L. 118–31, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2804, Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 744.)
§ 2815a. Stormwater management, shoreline erosion control, and water resilience projects for installations and defense access roads
(a)Projects Authorized.—The Secretary concerned may carry out one or more of the following projects on or related to a military installation:
(1) A stormwater management project for the purposes of—
(A) improving military installation resilience or the resilience of a defense access road or other essential civilian infrastructure supporting a military installation; and
(B) protecting nearby waterways and stormwater-stressed ecosystems.
(2) A shoreline erosion control project for the purpose of improving, protecting, or repairing shoreline to protect the infrastructure of a military installation or a defense access road.
(3) A project to provide water storage and filtration, flood mitigation, or otherwise support water resilience.
(b)Project Methods and Funding Sources.—Using such amounts as may be provided in advance in appropriation Acts, the Secretary concerned may carry out a project under this section as, or as part of, any of the following:
(1) An authorized military construction project.
(2) An unspecified minor military construction project under section 2805 of this title, including using appropriations available for operation and maintenance subject to the limitation in subsection (c) of such section.
(3) A military installation resilience project under section 2815 of this title, including the use of appropriations available for operations and maintenance subject to the limitation of subsection (e)(3) of such section.
(4) A defense community infrastructure resilience project under section 2391(d) of this title.
(5) A military installation resilience project under
(6) A construction project under section 2914 of this title.
(7) A reserve component facility project under section 18233 of this title.
(8) A defense access road project under section 210 of title 23.
(c)Project Priorities.—In selecting projects to be carried out under this section, the Secretary concerned shall give a priority to a project proposal that—
(1) minimizes the runoff of untreated stormwater into freshwater systems or tidal systems;
(2) protects military installations and defense access roads from stormwater runoff and water levels resulting from extreme weather conditions;
(3) controls shoreline erosion control that involve the improvement, protection, or repair of shoreline subject to wave action or stormwater runoff and water levels resulting from extreme weather condition; or
(4) supports water resilience at military installations.
(d)Project Activities.—Activities carried out as part of a project under this section may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The installation, expansion, or refurbishment of stormwater ponds and other water-slowing, retention, or filtration measures to address storm water management.
(2) The installation of permeable pavement in lieu of, or to replace existing, nonpermeable pavement.
(3) The use of planters, tree boxes, cisterns, and rain gardens to reduce stormwater runoff.
(4) The capture or storage of stormwater for use in supporting water resilience at a military installation.
(5) The use of sheet piles, riprap, armor stone, sea walls, natural plantings, or any other technologies created to address shoreline erosion control.
(e)Project Coordination.—
(1) In the case of a project carried out under this section on or related to a military installation and any project related to the same installation carried out under section 2391, 2684, 2815, or 2914 of this title, the Secretary concerned shall ensure coordination between the projects regarding the water access, management, conservation, security, and resilience aspects of the projects.
(2) The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment shall designate an official to be responsible for coordinating projects under this section among the military departments.
(f)Annual Report.—
(1) Not later than 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, each Secretary concerned shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report describing—
(A) the status of planned and active projects carried out by that Secretary under this section; and
(B) all projects completed by the Secretary concerned during the previous fiscal year.
(2) Each report shall include the following information with respect to each project described in the report:
(A) The title, location, a brief description of the scope of work, the original project cost estimate, and the current working cost estimate.
(B) The rationale for how the project will—
(i) improve military installation resilience or the resilience of a defense access road or other essential civilian infrastructure supporting a military installation;
(ii) protect waterways and stormwater-stressed ecosystems;
(iii) improve, protect, or repair shoreline to protect infrastructure of a military installation or a defense access road from shoreline erosion; or
(iv) provide water storage and filtration, flood mitigation, or otherwise support water resilience.
(C) Such other information as the Secretary concerned considers appropriate.
(g)Definitions.—In this section:
(1) The term “defense access road” means a road certified to the Secretary of Transportation as important to the national defense under the provisions of section 210 of title 23.
(2) The terms “facility” and “State” have the meanings given those terms in section 18232 of this title.
(3) The term “military installation” includes a facility of a reserve component owned by a State rather than the United States.
(4) The term “military installation resilience” has the meaning given that term in section 101 of this title.
(5) The term “Secretary concerned” means—
(A) the Secretary of a military department with respect to military installations under the jurisdiction of that Secretary; and
(B) the Secretary of Defense with respect to matters concerning the Defense Agencies and facilities of a reserve component owned by a State rather than the United States.
(6) The term “water resilience” means the capacity of a military installation to mitigate, respond, or adapt to changes in water availability due to manmade or natural phenomena.
(Added Pub. L. 117–81, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2803, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2186; amended Pub. L. 118–159, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2847, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2264.)
§ 2816. Consideration of energy security and energy resilience in life-cycle cost for military construction
(a)In General.—
(1) The Secretary concerned, when evaluating the life-cycle designed cost of a covered military construction project, shall include as a facility requirement the long-term consideration of energy security and energy resilience that would ensure that the resulting facility is capable of continuing to perform its missions, during the life of the facility, in the event of a natural or human-caused disaster, an attack, or any other unplanned event that would otherwise interfere with the ability of the facility to perform its missions.
(2) A facility requirement under paragraph (1) shall not be weighed, for cost purposes, against other facility requirements in determining the design of the facility.
(b)Inclusion in the Building Life-cycle Cost Program.—The Secretary shall include the requirements of subsection (a) in applying the latest version of the building life-cycle cost program, as developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, to consider on-site distributed energy assets in a building design for a covered military construction project.
(c)Covered Military Construction Project Defined.—
(1) In this section, the term “covered military construction project” means a military construction project for a facility that is used to perform critical functions during a natural or human-caused disaster, an attack, or any other unplanned event.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the term “facility” includes at a minimum any of the following:
(A) Operations centers.
(B) Nuclear command and control facilities.
(C) Integrated strategic and tactical warning and attack assessment facilities.
(D) Continuity of government facilities.
(E) Missile defense facilities.
(F) Air defense facilities.
(G) Hospitals.
(H) Armories and readiness centers of the National Guard.
(I) Communications facilities.
(J) Satellite and missile launch and control facilities.
(Added Pub. L. 116–283, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2804(a), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4320.)
§ 2817. Authority for certain construction projects in friendly foreign countries
(a)Construction Authorized.—Using funds available for operations and maintenance, the Secretary of Defense may carry out a construction project in a friendly foreign country, and perform planning and design to support such a project, that the Secretary determines meets each of the following conditions:
(1) The commander of the geographic combatant command in which the construction project will be carried out identified the construction project as necessary to support vital United States military requirements at an air port of debarkation, sea port of debarkation, or rail or other logistics support location.
(2) The construction project will not be carried out at a military installation.
(3) The funds made available under the authority of this section for the construction project—
(A) will be sufficient to—
(i) construct a complete and usable facility or make an improvement to a facility; or
(ii) complete the repair of an existing facility or improvement to a facility; and
(B) will not require additional funds from other Department of Defense accounts.
(4) The level of construction for the construction project may not exceed the minimum necessary to meet the military requirements identified under paragraph (1).
(5) Deferral of the construction project pending inclusion of the construction project proposal in the national defense authorization Act for a subsequent fiscal year is inconsistent with the military requirements identified under paragraph (1) and other national security or national interests of the United States.
(b)Congressional Notification.—
(1)Notification required.—Upon determining to carry out a construction project under this section that has an estimated cost in excess of the amounts authorized for unspecified minor military construction projects under section 2805(c) of this title, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the specified congressional committees a notification of such determination.
(2)Elements.—The notification required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:
(A) A certification that the conditions specified in subsection (a) are satisfied with regard to the construction project.
(B) A justification for such project.
(C) An estimate of the cost of such project.
(3)Notice and wait.—The Secretary of Defense may carry out a construction project only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date the notice required by paragraph (1) is received by the specified congressional committees in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.
(c)Annual Limitations on Use of Authority.—
(1)Total cost limitation.—The Secretary of Defense may not obligate more than $200,000,000 in any fiscal year under the authority provided by this section.
(2)Additional obligation authority.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense may authorize the obligation under this section of not more than an additional $10,000,000 from funds available for operations and maintenance for a fiscal year if the Secretary determines that the additional funds are needed for costs associated with contract closeouts for all construction projects during such fiscal year.
(3)Project limitation.—The maximum amount that the Secretary may obligate for a single construction project is $15,000,000.
(d)Specified Congressional Committees Defined.—In this section, the term “specified congressional committees” means—
(1) the Committee on Armed Services and the Subcommittee on Defense and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and
(2) the Committee on Armed Services and the Subcommittee on Defense and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.
(Added Pub. L. 118–31, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2805, Dec. 22, 2023, 137 Stat. 744.)
§ 2818. Contracts for design and construction of facilities of Department of Defense
(a)In General.—The head of an element of the Department of Defense (as defined in section 111(b) of this title) may award a contact 1
1 So in original. Probably should be “contract”.
to any other such element for the design and construction of facilities of the Department of Defense, including facility maintenance and repair projects and unspecified minor military construction projects under section 2805 of this title, on a reimbursable basis.
) may award a contact 
(b)Consideration as an Obligation.—A contract awarded under subsection (a) by such head shall be considered to be an obligation of such head in the same manner as a similar order or contract placed by such head with a private entity.
(c)Limitation.—An awardee of a contract under subsection (a) may include an amount equal to not more than 10 percent of the proposed value of the contract for contingency expenses.
(Added Pub. L. 118–159, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2843, Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2263.)
§ 2819. Strategy and assessment with respect to non-operational, underutilized, and other Department of Defense facilities: assessments of historical significance
(a)Strategy for Demolition.—Each Secretary concerned shall develop a strategy to demolish facilities under the respective jurisdiction of each such Secretary that—
(1) are in poor or failing condition under the uniform index developed under section 2838 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (Public Law 118–31);
(2) are not in operational use; or
(3) such Secretary determines are underutilized.
(b)Assessment of Certain Maintenance Costs.—Each Secretary concerned shall conduct an assessment to determine the total cost to the United States to maintain facilities that—
(1) are not in operational use; and
(2) such Secretary determines are underutilized.
(c)Required Consideration.—In determining whether a facility is underutilized pursuant to subsections (a) or (b), each Secretary concerned shall compare the occupancy of such facility to the total square footage of such facility.
(d)Assessments of Historic Significance.—
(1) Not later than December 1, 2025, and on an annual basis thereafter, each Secretary concerned shall conduct an assessment of each facility under the jurisdiction of the Secretary concerned that was constructed at least 25 years prior to the year covered by the assessment to determine whether the facility—
(A) is historically significant; or
(B) will be historically significant at the end of the 25-year period beginning on the date of the completion of such assessment.
(2) For each facility described in paragraph (1) that a Secretary concerned determines is not, or will not be, historically significant pursuant to an assessment under such paragraph, the Secretary concerned shall—
(A) conduct an assessment of the condition of such facility;
(B) make an initial determination of whether such facility will be modernized or demolished during such 25-year period; and
(C) submit to the digital facilities management system of the military department under the jurisdiction of such Secretary—
(i) the results of the assessment under subparagraph (A); and
(ii) the initial determination required by subparagraph (B).
(3) If, during the course of any assessment of a facility described in paragraph (1), the Secretary concerned changes a determination with respect to the historic significance of the facility or plans of such Secretary to modernize or demolish the facility, such Secretary shall revise the information submitted to the applicable digital facilities management system pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (2).
(e)Annual Briefing.—
(1) Along with the budget for fiscal year 2027 submitted by the President pursuant to section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, and on an annual basis thereafter, each Secretary concerned shall provide to 1
1 So in original. Probably should be followed by “the”.
congressional defense committees a briefing on—
(A) the strategy required by subsection (a); and
(B) the results of the assessments required by subsections (b) and (d).
(2) Each such briefing shall include—
(A) a summary of the existing authorities of each Secretary concerned to demolish the facilities covered by such strategy;
(B) a plan to implement such strategy; and
(C) recommendations of each such Secretary with respect to reducing—
(i) the inventory of facilities in poor or failing condition under the uniform index developed under section 2838 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (Public Law 118–31); and
(ii) the total cost to the United States to maintain the facilities covered by the assessment required by subsection (b) of such section.
(Added Pub. L. 118–159, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2822(a), Dec. 23, 2024, 138 Stat. 2254.)