View all text of Subchapter III [§ 1131 - § 1144]

§ 1134. Security assessments and plans
(a) Public transportation security assessments
(1) Submission
(2) Secretarial review
(3) ContentThe Secretary shall ensure that each completed security assessment includes—
(A) identification of critical assets, infrastructure, and systems and their vulnerabilities; and
(B) identification of any other security weaknesses, including weaknesses in emergency response planning and employee training.
(b) Bus and rural public transportation systemsNot later than 180 days after August 3, 2007, the Secretary shall—
(1) conduct security assessments, based on a representative sample, to determine the specific needs of—
(A) local bus-only public transportation systems; and
(B) public transportation systems that receive funds under section 5311 of title 49; and
(2) make the representative assessments available for use by similarly situated systems.
(c) Security plans
(1) Requirement for plan
(A) High risk agencies
(B) Other agenciesProvided that no public transportation agency that has not been designated high risk shall be required to develop a security plan, the Secretary may also establish a security program for public transportation agencies not designated high risk by the Secretary, to assist those public transportation agencies which request assistance, including—
(i) guidance to assist such agencies in conducting security assessments and preparing and implementing security plans; and
(ii) a process for the Secretary to review and approve such assessments and plans, as appropriate.
(2) Contents of planThe Secretary shall ensure that security plans include, as appropriate—
(A) a prioritized list of all items included in the public transportation agency’s security assessment that have not yet been addressed;
(B) a detailed list of any additional capital and operational improvements identified by the Department or the public transportation agency and a certification of the public transportation agency’s technical capacity for operating and maintaining any security equipment that may be identified in such list;
(C) specific procedures to be implemented or used by the public transportation agency in response to a terrorist attack, including evacuation and passenger communication plans and appropriate evacuation and communication measures for the elderly and individuals with disabilities;
(D) a coordinated response plan that establishes procedures for appropriate interaction with State and local law enforcement agencies, emergency responders, and Federal officials in order to coordinate security measures and plans for response in the event of a terrorist attack or other major incident;
(E) a strategy and timeline for conducting training under section 1137 of this title;
(F) plans for providing redundant and other appropriate backup systems necessary to ensure the continued operation of critical elements of the public transportation system in the event of a terrorist attack or other major incident;
(G) plans for providing service capabilities throughout the system in the event of a terrorist attack or other major incident in the city or region which the public transportation system serves;
(H) methods to mitigate damage within a public transportation system in case of an attack on the system, including a plan for communication and coordination with emergency responders; and
(I) other actions or procedures as the Secretary determines are appropriate to address the security of the public transportation system.
(3) ReviewNot later than 6 months after receiving the plans required under this section, the Secretary shall—
(A) review each security plan submitted;
(B) require the public transportation agency to make any amendments needed to ensure that the plan meets the requirements of this section; and
(C) approve any security plan that meets the requirements of this section.
(4) Exemption
(5) Waiver
(d) Consistency with other plans
(e) UpdatesNot later than
(1) update the security assessments referred to in subsection (a);
(2) update the security improvement priorities required under subsection (f); and
(3) require public transportation agencies to update the security plans required under subsection (c) as appropriate.
(f) Security improvement priorities
(1) In general
(2) Allocations
(g) Shared facilities
(h) Nondisclosure of information
(1) Submission of information to Congress
(2) Disclosure of independently furnished information
(i) Determination
(Pub. L. 110–53, title XIV, § 1405, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 402.)