View all text of Subchapter IV- A [§ 7651 - § 7651o]
§ 7651. Findings and purposes
(a) Findings
The Congress finds that—
(1) the presence of acidic compounds and their precursors in the atmosphere and in deposition from the atmosphere represents a threat to natural resources, ecosystems, materials, visibility, and public health;
(2) the principal sources of the acidic compounds and their precursors in the atmosphere are emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of fossil fuels;
(3) the problem of acid deposition is of national and international significance;
(4) strategies and technologies for the control of precursors to acid deposition exist now that are economically feasible, and improved methods are expected to become increasingly available over the next decade;
(5) current and future generations of Americans will be adversely affected by delaying measures to remedy the problem;
(6) reduction of total atmospheric loading of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will enhance protection of the public health and welfare and the environment; and
(7) control measures to reduce precursor emissions from steam-electric generating units should be initiated without delay.
(b) Purposes
(July 14, 1955, ch. 360, title IV, § 401, as added