Collapse to view only § 78.23 - Brucellosis exposed bison.
- § 78.20 - General restrictions.
- § 78.21 - Bison steers and spayed heifers.
- § 78.22 - Brucellosis reactor bison.
- § 78.23 - Brucellosis exposed bison.
- § 78.24 - Bison from herds not known to be affected.
- § 78.25 - Other movements.
- §§ 78.26-78.29 - §[Reserved]
§ 78.20 - General restrictions.
Bison may not be moved interstate except in compliance with this subpart and with 9 CFR part 86.
§ 78.21 - Bison steers and spayed heifers.
Bison steers and spayed heifers may be moved interstate without further restriction under this subpart.
§ 78.22 - Brucellosis reactor bison.
(a) Destination. Brucellosis reactor bison may be moved interstate only for immediate slaughter as follows:
(1) Directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment;
(2) Directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment; or
(3) From a farm of origin directly to a specifically approved stockyard approved to receive brucellosis reactors and then
(i) Directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment; or
(ii) Directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment.
(b) Identification. Brucellosis reactor bison must be individually identified prior to moving interstate by attaching to the left ear a metal tag bearing a serial number and the inscription “U.S. Reactor,” or a metal tag bearing a serial number designated by the State animal health official for identifying brucellosis reactors, and must be:
(1) “B” branded (as defined in § 78.1); or
(2) Accompanied directly to slaughter by an APHIS or State representative; or
(3) Moved in vehicles closed with official seals applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative. The official seal numbers must be recorded on the accompanying permit.
(c) Permit. Brucellosis reactor bison moving interstate shall be accompanied to destination by a permit.
(d) Marking of records. Each person moving brucellosis reactor bison interstate shall, in the course of interstate movement, plainly write or stamp the words “Brucellosis Reactor” upon the face of any document that person prepares in connection with such movement.
(e) Segregation en route. Brucellosis reactor bison shall not be moved interstate in any means of conveyance containing animals which are not brucellosis reactors unless all of the animals are for immediate slaughter or unless the brucellosis reactor bison are kept separate from the other animals by a partition securely affixed to the sides of the means of conveyance.
§ 78.23 - Brucellosis exposed bison.
Brucellosis exposed bison may be moved interstate only as follows:
(a) Movement to recognized slaughtering establishments. Brucellosis exposed bison may be moved interstate for slaughter accompanied by a permit or “S” brand permit and as follows:
(1) Directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment or directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment; or
(2) From a farm of origin directly to a specifically approved stockyard approved to receive brucellosis exposed bison and then
(i) Directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment; or
(ii) Directly to an approved intermediate handling facility and then directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment.
(b) Movement to quarantined feedlots. Brucellosis exposed bison may be moved directly to a quarantined feedlot or, from a farm of origin, directly to a specifically approved stockyard approved to receive brucellosis exposed bison and then directly to a quarantined feedlot. Such bison shall be accompanied by a permit or “S” brand permit.
(c) Movement other than in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section. Brucellosis exposed bison which are from herds known to be affected, but which are not part of a herd being depopulated under part 51 of this chapter, may move without further restriction under this subpart if the bison:
(1) Are under 6 months of age and were weaned from brucellosis reactor or brucellosis exposed bison not less than 30 days immediately preceding interstate movement; or
(2) Are under 6 months of age and nursing brucellosis exposed bison in a herd subjected to a herd blood test within 10 days prior to interstate movement; or
(3) Are official vaccinates under 1 year of age from a herd following an approved individual herd plan.
§ 78.24 - Bison from herds not known to be affected.
Bison from herds not known to be affected may be moved interstate only as follows:
(a) Movement to recognized slaughtering establishments. Bison from herds not known to be affected may be moved directly to a recognized slaughtering establishment without further restriction under this subpart.
(b) Movement to quarantined feedlots. Bison from herds not known to be affected may be moved directly to a quarantined feedlot without further restriction under this subpart.
(c) Movement from public zoo to public zoo. Bison from herds not known to be affected may be moved from a zoo owned by a governmental agency to another such zoo if handled in accordance with § 78.3.
(d) Movement other than in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section. Bison from herds not known to be affected may be moved interstate other than in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section only as follows:
(1) Such bison under 6 months of age may be moved interstate when accompanied by an ICVI.
(2) Such bison which are official vaccinates under 2 years of age and are not parturient or postparturient may be moved interstate when accompanied by an ICVI.
(3) Such bison may be moved interstate if they are negative to an official test within 30 days prior to such movement and are accompanied by an ICVI which states, in addition to the items specified in § 78.1, the dates and results of the official tests.
(4) Such bison may be moved interstate if they originate in a certified brucellosis-free herd and are accompanied by an ICVI which states, in addition to the items specified in § 78.1, that the bison originated in a certified brucellosis-free herd.
§ 78.25 - Other movements.
The Administrator may, upon request in specific cases, permit the interstate movement of bison not otherwise provided for in this subpart, under such conditions as the Administrator may prescribe in each case to prevent the spread of brucellosis. The Administrator shall promptly notify the State animal health officials of the States involved of any such action.