Collapse to view only § 50.10 - Report of appraisals.

§ 50.2 - Applicability of this subpart; cooperation with States.

(a) The provisions of this subpart apply to all payments made by the Department for the destruction of animals because of tuberculosis, except as specifically provided in subpart B of this part.

(b) The Administrator cooperates with the proper State authorities in the eradication of tuberculosis and pays Federal indemnities for the destruction of cattle, bison, captive cervids, or swine affected with or exposed to tuberculosis.

[67 FR 48751, July 26, 2002]

§ 50.3 - Payment to owners for animals destroyed.

(a) The Administrator is authorized to agree on the part of the Department to pay indemnity to owners of the following animals:

(1) Cattle, bison, or captive cervids destroyed because the animals are infected with or exposed to tuberculosis;

(2) Cattle, bison, or captive cervids that have been classified as suspect for tuberculosis, except that the payment of indemnity for the destruction of suspect cattle, bison, and captive cervids will be withheld until the tuberculosis status of the suspect animal has been determined and, if the cattle, bison, or captive cervid is found to be infected with tuberculosis, until all cattle, bison, and captive cervids 12 months of age or older in the claimant's herd have been tested for tuberculosis under APHIS or State supervision; and

(3) Other livestock destroyed because they are classified as exposed to tuberculosis by the designated tuberculosis epidemiologist by reason of an association with an affected herd of cattle, bison, or captive cervids.

(b) In each case, the joint State-Federal indemnity paid, together with the amount for net salvage the owner receives, may not exceed the appraised value of the animal, as determined in accordance with § 50.9. Additionally, the Department will in no case pay more than $3,000 for an animal that is destroyed.

[67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.4 - Classification of cattle, bison, captive cervids, and other livestock as infected, exposed, or suspect.

(a) Cattle, bison, and captive cervids are classified as infected with tuberculosis on the basis of an intradermal tuberculin test applied by a Federal, State, or an accredited veterinarian or by other diagnostic procedure approved in advance by the Administrator.

(b) Cattle, bison, and captive cervids are classified as exposed to tuberculosis when such cattle, bison, and captive cervids (1) are part of a known infected herd, or (2) are found to have moved from an infected herd before the time infection was disclosed in such herd and after the time such herd had apparently become infected, or (3) are found to have been exposed by virtue of nursing a reactor dam: Provided, That cattle, bison, and captive cervids classified as exposed to tuberculosis shall be removed direct to slaughter.

(c) Cattle and bison are classified as suspects for tuberculosis based on a positive response to an official tuberculin test, in accordance with the “Uniform Methods and Rules—Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication” (incorporated into the regulations by reference in part 77). Captive cervids are classified as suspects for tuberculosis in the same manner as cattle and bison.

(d) The designated tuberculosis epidemiologist will determine whether livestock other than cattle, bison, or captive cervids are classified as exposed to tuberculosis by reason of association with an affected herd of cattle, bison, or captive cervids.

[40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.5 - Record of tests.

When any cattle, bison, or captive cervid in a herd is classified by an APHIS or State representative or accredited veterinarian as a reactor to a test for tuberculosis, a complete test record shall be made for such herd, including the reactor tag number of each reacting animal and the registration name and number of each reacting registered animal. VS Form 6-22 or an equivalent State form shall be used for the record of any herd having any reactor to a tuberculin test. A copy of the applicable test record shall be given to the owner of any such herd, and one copy of each such record shall be furnished to the appropriate State veterinarian's office.

[40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998]

§ 50.6 - Identification of animals to be destroyed because of tuberculosis.

(a) Livestock to be destroyed because of tuberculosis must be identified as follows:

(1) Livestock classified as reactors for tuberculosis must be identified within 15 days after being classified as reactors, except that the veterinarian in charge may extend the time limit for identification to 30 days when he or she receives a request for such an extension prior to the expiration date of the original 15-day period allowed and circumstances beyond the control of the owner warrant such an extension, and the Administrator may extend the time limit for identification beyond 30 days upon request in specific cases when circumstances beyond the control of the owner warrant such an extension.

(2) Livestock other than reactors for tuberculosis that are to be destroyed because of tuberculosis must be identified prior to movement from the premises of origin to the place of destruction.

(b) Reactor cattle, bison, and captive cervids. Reactor cattle, bison, and captive cervids must be identified by branding the letter “T,” at least 5 by 5 centimeters (2 by 2 inches) in size, high on the left hip near the tailhead and by attaching to the left ear an approved metal eartag bearing a serial number and the inscription “U.S. Reactor,” or a similar State reactor tag. Reactor cattle, bison, and captive cervids may be moved interstate to slaughter without branding if they are permanently identified by the letters “TB” tattooed legibly in the left ear, they are sprayed on the left ear with yellow paint, and they are either accompanied by an APHIS or State representative or moved directly to slaughter in vehicles closed with official seals. The official seals must be applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.

(c) Exposed cattle, bison, and captive cervids. Exposed cattle, bison, and captive cervids must be identified by branding the letter “S,” at least 5 by 5 centimeters (2 by 2 inches) in size, high on the left hip near the tailhead and by attaching to either ear an approved metal eartag bearing a serial number. Exposed cattle, bison, and captive cervids may be moved interstate to slaughter without branding if they are either accompanied by an APHIS or State representative or moved directly to slaughter in vehicles closed with official seals. The official seals must be applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.

(d) Other exposed livestock. Livestock other than cattle, bison, or captive cervids that are destroyed under the provisions of § 50.3 must be identified by tagging with a serially numbered metal eartag attached to either ear. All such animals to be destroyed must be transported to the place of destruction in vehicles closed with seals provided by APHIS or shall be accompanied to the place of destruction by an APHIS or State representative: Provided, however, that animals destroyed and disposed of under the direct supervision of an APHIS or State representative on the premises where they were exposed do not require individual identification.

[67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.7 - Destruction of animals.

(a) Slaughter or disposal. Livestock to be destroyed because of tuberculosis must be shipped direct to slaughter under permit to a Federal or State inspected slaughtering establishment or be disposed of by rendering, burial, or incinerating in an approved manner under supervision of an APHIS or State employee.

(b) Time limit for destruction of animals. Livestock for which Federal indemnity may be paid because of tuberculosis must be destroyed and carcass disposal completed within 15 days after the date of appraisal, except that the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge, for reasons satisfactory to him, may extend the time limit for slaughter to 30 days when request for such extension is received by him prior to the expiration of the original 15-day period allowed, and the Administrator may extend the time limit for slaughter beyond 30 days, upon request in specific cases and for reasons satisfactory to him.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0051) [40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 45 FR 32287, May 16, 1980; 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.8 - Payment of expenses for transporting and disposing of infected, exposed, and suspect animals.

The Department may pay, when approved in advance in writing by the Veterinarian in Charge, one half the expenses of transporting infected, exposed, or suspect livestock to slaughter or to the point where disposal will take place, and one half the expenses of destroying, burying, incinerating, rendering, or otherwise disposing of infected, exposed, or suspect livestock; Provided that, the Department may pay more than one-half of the expenses when the Administrator determines that doing so will contribute to the tuberculosis eradication program. For reimbursement to be made, the owner of the animals must present the Veterinarian in Charge with a copy of either a receipt for expenses paid or a bill for services rendered. Any bill for services rendered by the owner must not be greater than the normal fee for similar services provided by a commercial hauler or renderer.

[62 FR 49592, Sept. 23, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.9 - Appraisals.

(a) Livestock to be destroyed because of tuberculosis under § 50.3 must be appraised within 15 days after being classified as infected with tuberculosis, except that the veterinarian in charge may extend the time limit for appraisal to 30 days when he or she receives a request for such an extension before the end of the expiration date of the original 15-day period allowed and circumstances beyond the control of the owner warrant such an extension, and the Administrator may extend the time limit for appraisal beyond 30 days upon request in specific cases when circumstances beyond the control of the owner warrant such an extension.

(b) Animals for which indemnity is to be paid under this part must be appraised at their fair market value by an appraiser selected by APHIS. APHIS may decline to accept any appraisal that appears to it to be unreasonable or out of proportion to the value of like animals of a like quality. Should the appraisal made by the appraiser selected by APHIS be deemed inadequate by the owner of the animals, the owner will have 15 days from the receipt of the appraisal to submit to the Administrator a request for a review of the appraisal, along with the reasons why the animals should be appraised at a higher value. The decision by the Administrator regarding the value of the animals is final.

(c) When livestock to be destroyed because of tuberculosis are appraised, due consideration will be given to their breeding value as well as to their dairy or meat value. Livestock presented for payment as registered must be accompanied by their registration papers. If the registration papers are temporarily not available, or if the livestock are less than 3 years old and unregistered, the veterinarian in charge may grant a reasonable time for the presentation of their registration papers.

[67 FR 7591, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.10 - Report of appraisals.

Appraisals of livestock made in accordance with § 50.9 shall be recorded on forms furnished by APHIS. The appraisal form shall be signed by the appraiser and by the owner certifying his acceptance of the appraisal. The “date of appraisal” shall be the date that the owner signs the appraisal form. The original of the appraisal form and as many copies thereof as may be required for APHIS, the State, and the owner of the animals shall be sent to the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge.

[40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7592, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.11 - Report of salvage proceeds.

A report of the salvage derived from the sale of each animal on which a claim for indemnity may be made under the provisions of § 50.3 shall be made on a salvage form acceptable to APHIS which shall be signed by the purchaser or his agent or by the selling agent handling the animals. If the livestock are sold by the pound, the salvage form shall show the weight, price per pound, gross receipts, expenses if any, and net proceeds. If the livestock are not sold on a per pound basis, the net purchase price of each animal must be stated on the salvage form and an explanation showing how the amount was arrived at must be submitted. In the event the animals are not disposed of through regular slaughterers or through selling agents, the owner shall furnish, in lieu of the salvage form, an affidavit showing the amount of salvage obtained by him and shall certify that such amount is all that he has received or will receive as salvage for said animals. In an emergency, a certificate executed by the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge will be acceptable in lieu of the owner's affidavit. The salvage shall be considered to be the net amount received for an animal after deducting freight, truckage, yardage, commission, slaughtering charges, and similar costs. The original of the salvage form or the affidavit of the owner or certificate of the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge, furnished in lieu thereof, shall be furnished to the Veterinarian in charge if it is not already in his possession. Additional copies may be furnished to the State officials, if required. Destruction of livestock by burial, incineration or other disposal of carcasses shall be supervised by an APHIS or State representative who shall prepare and transmit to the Veterinarian in Charge a report identifying the animals and showing the disposition thereof.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0001) [40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 48 FR 57471, Dec. 30, 1983; 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7592, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.12 - Claims for indemnity.

Claims for Federal indemnity for livestock destroyed because of tuberculosis shall be presented on indemnity claim forms furnished by APHIS on which the owner of the animals covered thereby shall certify that the animals are or are not, subject to any mortgage as defined in this Part. If the owner states there is a mortgage, the APHIS indemnity claim form shall be signed by the owner and by each person holding a mortgage on the animals consenting to the payment of any indemnity allowed to the person specified thereon. Payment will be made only if the APHIS indemnity claim form has been approved by a proper State official and if payment of the claim has been recommended by the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge or an official designated by him. On claims for indemnity made under the provisions of § 50.3, the Veterinarian in Charge or official designated by him shall record on the APHIS indemnity claim form the amount of Federal and State indemnity payments that appear to be due to the owner of the animals. The owner of the animals shall be furnished a copy of the APHIS indemnity claim form. The Veterinarian in Charge or official designated by him shall then forward the APHIS indemnity claim form to the appropriate official for further action on the claim. No charges for holding the livestock on the farm pending slaughter or for trucking by the owner shall be so deducted or otherwise paid by the Department.

[40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 56 FR 36998, Aug. 2, 1991; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 63 FR 34264, June 24, 1998; 67 FR 7592, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.13 - Disinfection of premises, conveyances, and materials.

All premises, including all structures, holding facilities, conveyances, or materials which are determined by the appropriate Veterinarian in Charge to constitute a health hazard to humans or animals because of tuberculosis shall be properly cleaned and disinfected, in accordance with procedures approved by the Department, within 15 days after the removal of tuberculosis infected or exposed livestock except that the Veterinarian in Charge, for reasons satisfactory to him, may extend the time limit for disinfection to 30 days when request for such extension is received by him prior to the expiration date of the original 15-day period allowed.

[40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, as amended at 52 FR 39614, Oct. 23, 1987; 60 FR 37809, July 24, 1995; 67 FR 7592, Feb. 20, 2002]

§ 50.14 - Claims not allowed.

Claims for compensation for livestock destroyed because of tuberculosis will not be allowed in any of the following cases:

(a) The claimant has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this part:

(b) All cattle, bison, and captive cervids 12 months of age or over in the claimant's herd have not been tested for tuberculosis under APHIS or State supervision: Provided, however, that cattle, bison, and captive cervids destroyed because of tuberculosis are exempt from this testing requirement if the cattle, bison, and captive cervids are subjected to a postmortem examination for tuberculosis by a Federal or State veterinarian.

(c) There is substantial evidence that the owner of the animals or the agent of the owner has in any way been responsible for any attempt to obtain indemnity funds for the animals unlawfully or improperly.

(d) At the time the cattle, bison, or captive cervids in the claimant's herd were tested for tuberculosis, the cattle, bison, captive cervids, or other livestock in the herd belonged to or were on the premises of any person to whom they had been sold, shipped, or delivered for slaughter unless or until all of the cattle, bison, captive cervids, and other livestock remaining on the premises or in the herd from which the tested cattle, bison, or captive cervids originated are tested or otherwise examined for tuberculosis in a manner satisfactory to the Administrator or his or her designated representative.

(e) If the cattle, bison, or captive cervids were added to a herd while the herd was quarantined for tuberculosis, unless an approved herd plan was in effect at the time the claim was filed. As part of the approved herd plan, cattle, bison, or captive cervids added to a herd quarantined for tuberculosis must:

(1) Be from an accredited herd, as defined in § 77.1 of this chapter; or

(2)(i) Be from a herd that tested negative to an official tuberculin test, as defined in § 77.1 of this chapter, during the 60 days before the cattle, bison, or captive cervids were added to the claimant's herd; and

(ii) Have been found negative to an official tuberculin test, as defined in § 77.1 of this chapter, during the 60 days before the cattle, bison, or captive cervids were added to the claimant's herd.

(f) For exposed cattle, bison, or captive cervids destroyed during herd depopulation, if a designated tuberculosis epidemiologist has determined that other livestock in the herd have been exposed to tuberculosis by reason of association with tuberculous livestock, and those other livestock determined to have been exposed to tuberculosis have not been destroyed.

(g) For livestock other than cattle, bison, and captive cervids that are destroyed because of association with herds of affected cattle, bison, or captive cervids:

(1) If the livestock did not reside among the herd for a period of 4 months or more;

(2) If the livestock have not received a postmortem examination for tuberculosis; or

(3) If the livestock were added to a herd that was under quarantine for tuberculosis at the time the livestock were added to the herd, unless an approved herd plan was in effect at that time.

[67 FR 7592, Feb. 20, 2002]

§§ 50.15-50.16 - §[Reserved]