Collapse to view only § 993.10 - Standard prunes.
- SECTION § 993.1 - Secretary.
- SECTION § 993.2 - Act.
- SECTION § 993.3 - Person.
- SECTION § 993.4 - Area.
- SECTION § 993.5 - Prunes.
- SECTION § 993.6 - Non-French prunes.
- SECTION § 993.7 - French prunes.
- SECTION § 993.8 - Natural condition prunes.
- SECTION § 993.9 - Processed prunes.
- SECTION § 993.10 - Standard prunes.
- SECTION § 993.11 - Standard processed prunes.
- SECTION § 993.12 - Substandard prunes.
- SECTION § 993.13 - Handle.
- SECTION § 993.14 - Handler.
- SECTION § 993.15 - Dehydrator.
- SECTION § 993.16 - Producer.
- SECTION § 993.17 - Ton.
- SECTION § 993.18 - Grade.
- SECTION § 993.19a - Size.
- SECTION § 993.19b - Undersized prunes.
- SECTION § 993.20 - Crop year.
- SECTION § 993.21 - Domestic.
- SECTION § 993.21a - Proper storage.
- SECTION § 993.21b - Trade demand.
- SECTION § 993.21c - Salable prunes.
- SECTION § 993.21d - Reserve prunes.
- SECTION § 993.22 - Consumer package.
- SECTION § 993.23 - Part and subpart.
Prune Marketing Committee
- SECTION § 993.24 - Establishment and membership.
- SECTION § 993.25 - Term of office.
- SECTION § 993.26 - Selection.
- SECTION § 993.27 - Eligibility.
- SECTION § 993.28 - Nominees.
- SECTION § 993.29 - Alternates.
- SECTION § 993.30 - Failure to nominate.
- SECTION § 993.31 - Acceptance.
- SECTION § 993.32 - Vacancies.
- SECTION § 993.33 - Voting procedure.
- SECTION § 993.34 - Expenses.
- SECTION § 993.35 - Powers.
- SECTION § 993.36 - Duties.
- SECTION § 993.37 - Research and development.
Marketing Policy
Prohibition on Handling
Grade and Size Regulations
Reserve Control
- SECTION § 993.54 - Establishment of salable and reserve percentages.
- SECTION § 993.55 - Application of salable and reserve percentages after end of crop year.
- SECTION § 993.56 - Reserve obligation.
- SECTION § 993.57 - Holding requirement and delivery.
- SECTION § 993.58 - Deferment of time for withholding.
- SECTION § 993.59 - Payment to handlers for services.
Producer Diversion
Disposition of Reserve Prunes
Reports and Books and Other Records
Expenses and Assessments
Miscellaneous Provisions
- SECTION § 993.83 - Rights of the Secretary.
- SECTION § 993.84 - Personal liability.
- SECTION § 993.85 - Separability.
- SECTION § 993.86 - Derogation.
- SECTION § 993.87 - Duration of immunities.
- SECTION § 993.88 - Agents.
- SECTION § 993.89 - Effective time.
- SECTION § 993.90 - Termination or suspension.
- SECTION § 993.91 - Procedure upon termination.
- SECTION § 993.92 - Effect of termination or amendment.
- SECTION § 993.93 - Amendments.
- SECTION § 993.97 - Exhibit A; minimum standards.
§ 993.1 - Secretary.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any other officer or employee of the United States Department of Agriculture who is or who may hereafter be, authorized to exercise the powers and to perform the duties of the Secretary under the Act.
§ 993.2 - Act.
Act means Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress, as amended and reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
§ 993.3 - Person.
Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or any other business unit.
§ 993.4 - Area.
Area means the State of California.
§ 993.5 - Prunes.
Prunes means and includes all sun-dried or artificially dehydrated plums, of any type or variety, produced from plums grown in the area, except: (a) Sulfur-bleached prunes which are produced from yellow varieties of plums and are commonly known as silver prunes; and (b) plums which have not been dried or dehydrated to a point where they are capable of being stored prior to packaging, without material deterioration or spoilage unless refrigeration or other artificial means of preservation are used, and so long as they are treated by a process which is in conformity with, or generally similar to, the processes for treatment of plums of that type which have been developed or recommended by the Food Technology Division, College of Agriculture, University of California, for the specialty pack known as “high moisture content prunes,” but this exception shall not apply if and when such plums are dried to the point where they are capable of being stored without material deterioration or spoilage, refrigeration or other artificial means of preservation.
§ 993.6 - Non-French prunes.
Non-French prunes means prunes commonly known as Imperial, Sugar, Robe de Sargent, Burton, Standard, Jefferson, Fellenberg, Italian, President, Giant, and Hungarian (Gross), produced from such varieties of plums. This definition may be modified by the committee with the approval of the Secretary.
§ 993.7 - French prunes.
French prunes means: (a) Prunes produced from plums of the following varieties of plums: French (Prune d'Agen, Petite Prune d'Agen), Coates (Cox, Double X, Saratoga); and (b) any other prunes which possess taste, flesh texture, and other characteristics similar to those of the prunes named in this section.
§ 993.8 - Natural condition prunes.
Natural condition prunes means prunes which have not been processed.
§ 993.9 - Processed prunes.
Processed prunes means prunes which have been cleaned, or treated with water or steam, by a handler.
§ 993.10 - Standard prunes.
Standard prunes means any lot of natural condition prunes meeting the applicable grade and size standards prescribed pursuant to § 993.49 other than pursuant to § 993.49(c).
§ 993.11 - Standard processed prunes.
Standard processed prunes means any lot of processed prunes meeting the applicable grade and size standards prescribed pursuant to § 993.50.
§ 993.12 - Substandard prunes.
Substandard prunes means any lot of processed or natural condition prunes failing to meet the applicable grade and size standards prescribed pursuant to §§ 993.49 and 993.50 other than pursuant to § 993.49(c).
§ 993.13 - Handle.
Handle means to receive, package, sell, consign, transport, or ship (except as a carrier of prunes owned by another person), or in any other way to place prunes in the current of the commerce within the area or from such area to any point outside thereof: Provided, That this term shall not include: (a) Sales or deliveries of prunes by a producer or dehydrator to a producer, dehydrator, or handler within the area; (b) the receiving of prunes by a producer or dehydrator from a producer or dehydrator; and (c) receipts, sales, or shipments of prunes already handled by another person other than pursuant to § 993.50(f).
§ 993.14 - Handler.
Handler means any person who handles prunes.
§ 993.15 - Dehydrator.
Dehydrator means any person who produces prunes by drying or dehydrating plums by means of sun-drying or artificial heat.
§ 993.16 - Producer.
Producer means any person who is engaged, in a proprietary capacity, in growing plums for drying or dehydrating into prunes.
§ 993.17 - Ton.
Ton means a short ton of 2,000 pounds.
§ 993.18 - Grade.
Grade means the classification of prunes for quality and condition according to the grading specifications established pursuant to the provisions of this subpart.
§ 993.19a - Size.
Size means either (a) the number of prunes contained in a pound and may be referred to in terms of size ranges, or (b) the diameter of a round opening, expressed in multiples of one thirty-second of an inch, through which prunes pass freely.
§ 993.19b - Undersized prunes.
Undersized prunes means prunes which pass freely through a round opening of a specified diameter.
§ 993.20 - Crop year.
Crop year means the 12-month period beginning August 1 of any year and ending July 31 of the following year.
§ 993.21 - Domestic.
Domestic means the United States, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Canada.
§ 993.21a - Proper storage.
Proper storage means storage of such character as will maintain prunes in the same condition as when received by a handler, except for normal and natural deterioration and shrinkage.
§ 993.21b - Trade demand.
(a) Domestic trade demand. The quantity of prunes which the commercial trade will acquire from all handlers during a crop year for distribution in domestic markets for human consumption as prunes and prune products.
(b) Foreign trade demand. The quantity of prunes which the commercial trade will acquire from all handlers during a crop year for distribution in other than domestic markets for human consumption as prunes and prune products.
§ 993.21c - Salable prunes.
Salable prunes means those prunes which are free to be handled pursuant to any salable percentage established by the Secretary pursuant to § 993.54, or, if no reserve percentage is in effect for a crop year, all prunes, excluding the quantity of undersized prunes determined pursuant to § 993.49(c), received by handlers from producers and dehydrators during that year.
§ 993.21d - Reserve prunes.
Reserve prunes means those prunes which must be withheld in satisfaction of a reserve obligation arising from application of a reserve percentage established by the Secretary pursuant to § 993.54.
§ 993.22 - Consumer package.
Consumer package means: (a) Any container of prunes holding less than 10 pounds of standard processed prunes or standard prunes; or (b) any container holding less than 10 pounds of prunes and other dried fruit if more than 60 percent of the net weight of mixed dried fruit in the lot consists of standard processed prunes or standard prunes.
§ 993.23 - Part and subpart.
Part means the order regulating the handling of dried prunes produced in California, and all rules, regulations, and supplementary orders issued thereunder. This order regulating the handling of dried prunes produced in California shall be a subpart of such part.
Prune Marketing Committee
§ 993.24 - Establishment and membership.
A Prune Marketing Committee (herein referred to as the “Committee”), consisting of 22 members with an alternate member for each such member, is hereby established to administer the terms and provisions of this part, of whom with their respective alternates, 14 shall represent producers, 7 shall represent handlers, and 1 shall represent the public. Committee membership shall be allocated in accordance with the following grouping with the alternate positions identically allocated:
(a) Three handler members to represent handlers who are cooperative marketing associations of producers (referred to in this part as “cooperative handlers”);
(b) Three handler members to represent handlers other than cooperative handlers (referred to in this part as “independent handlers”);
(c) One handler member to represent handlers who are cooperative handlers or independent handlers, whichever of such handlers handled as first handlers more than 50 percent of the prunes handled by all handlers during the crop year preceding the year in which nominations are made;
(d) Fourteen producer members to be selected from and to represent producers who are members of cooperative marketing associations (referred to in this part as “cooperative producers”) and producers other than “cooperative producers” (referred to in this part as “independent producers”); the number of the producer members for the cooperative producer group or the independent producer group, as the case may be, shall be in the same proportion, as near as practicable, to the total of 14, as the tonnage of prunes handled by the respective group of cooperative handlers or independent handlers as first handlers during the crop year preceding the year in which nominations are made is to the total tonnage of prunes handled by all handlers as first handlers.
(e) The public member and alternate shall have no financial interest in the prune industry.
§ 993.25 - Term of office.
The term of office of members, and their respective alternates, shall be two years, ending on May 31 of even numbered years, and any later date which may be necessary for the selection and qualification of their respective successors.
§ 993.26 - Selection.
Selection of members of the committee, and their respective alternates, shall be made in the appropriate number specified in § 993.24, by the Secretary from nominees nominated pursuant to this part or, in the discretion of the Secretary, from other eligible persons.
§ 993.27 - Eligibility.
Producer members of the Committee shall be at the time of their selection, and during their term of office, producers in the group, for which selected and if to represent a district also producers in the district for which selected, and, except for producer members representing cooperative producers, shall not be engaged in the handling of prunes either in a proprietary capacity or as a director, officer, or employee. Handler members of the Committee shall be handlers in the group they represent or directors, officers, or employees of such handlers. These eligibility requirements shall not apply to the public member and alternate member.
§ 993.28 - Nominees.
(a) For the purpose of obtaining nominations for producer members to represent independent producers, the Committee shall, with the approval of the Secretary, divide the area into districts giving, insofar as practicable, equal representation to numbers of independent producers and production of prune tonnage by such producers. The number of districts shall be equal to the number of such producer members or seven, whichever is the lesser. Candidates for nomination by independent producers from the various districts shall be obtained at meetings convened by the committee. Following such meetings, the committee shall prepare a separate ballot for each of the districts, or a joint ballot for two or more districts, containing (1) the names of the candidates for each district involved and (2) provision for write-in candidates. The ballot shall be mailed to each independent producer of record in each district. The voting procedure (including the casting of the ballot by mail addressed to the committee), and tabulation of votes shall be in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the committee, with the approval of the Secretary. Each voter shall be entitled to cast only one vote for a member nominee and only one vote for an alternate member nominee in a district in which he is a producer, and no voter shall vote for candidates in more than one district. In case he is a producer in more than one district, he shall elect in which of such districts he will vote and notify the committee as to his choice. Whenever the number of producer members to represent independent producers during the ensuing term of office is to exceed seven, one nominee shall be nominated by independent producers in each of the seven districts and an additional nominee for each member in excess of the seven members shall be nominated, without reference to districts, by such seven nominees. The committee shall recommend the establishment of districts, or any changes therein, to the Secretary prior to January 31 of each year in which nominations are made.
(b) Before April 16 of each even-numbered year nominations of producer members to represent cooperative producers and handler members to represent cooperative handlers shall be submitted to the Secretary by cooperative marketing associations engaged in the handling of prunes. The number of cooperative producer members and handler members to be nominated by each cooperative marketing association shall bear, as near as practicable, the same percentage as each cooperative marketing association's tonnage of prunes handled as first handler thereof is to the total tonnage handled by all cooperative marketing associations during the preceding crop year.
(c) In any year in which nominations are made following a crop year during which the tonnage of prunes handled by independent handlers as first handlers exceeded the tonnage of prunes handled by cooperative handlers as first handlers, nominees for member positions to represent independent handlers shall be nominated as follows:
(1) Each of the two independent handlers who handled during such preceding crop year, the two largest percentages of the prune tonnage handled by all independent handlers shall nominate from their respective organizations, one nominee for a handler member and one for an alternate member;
(2) Three independent handlers who handled during such preceding crop year the next three largest percentages of the prune tonnage handled by all independent handlers shall nominate from among their organizations, one nominee for a handler member and one for an alternate member;
(3) All other independent handlers who handled the remaining percentage of such prune tonnage shall nominate from their organizations, one nominee for a handler member and one for an alternate member.
In any year in which nominations are made following a crop year during which the tonnage of prunes handled by cooperative handlers as first handlers exceeded the tonnage of prunes handled by independent handlers as first handlers, nominees for two member and alternate positions to represent the independent handlers referred to in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall be nominated in accordance with said paragraph (c)(1), and one nominee for the member and one for the alternate position to represent all other independent handlers shall be nominated by the handlers referred to in paragraph (c) (2) and (3) of this section and the votes of such handlers shall be weighted by the tonnage of prunes handled during the preceding crop year by the respective handlers.(d) The committee shall establish with the approval of the Secretary, the procedures by which such nominations, other than by cooperative marketing associations engaged in the handling of prunes, shall be obtained and shall submit such nominations to the Secretary before April 16 of the year in which nominations are made. In the event the committee determines that any nominating procedure specified in this section does not result in equitable representation, it may establish, with the prior approval of the Secretary, such modifications as will tend to assure such representation.
(e) The producer and handler members of the Committee selected for a new term of office shall nominate a public member and alternate member at the first meeting following their selection.
§ 993.29 - Alternates.
An alternate for a member of the committee shall act in the place and stead of such member (a) during his absence, and (b) in the event of his removal, resignation, disqualification, or death, until a successor for such member's unexpired term has been selected and has qualified. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subpart the provisions of this part applicable to members also apply to alternate members.
§ 993.30 - Failure to nominate.
If a nomination for any position on the committee is not received by the Secretary by May 1, the Secretary may select an eligible individual without regard to nominations.
§ 993.31 - Acceptance.
Each person selected as a member or alternate member of the committee shall, prior to serving on the committee, qualify by filing with the Secretary a written acceptance within 15 days after receiving notice of his selection.
§ 993.32 - Vacancies.
In the event of any committee vacancy occasioned by the removal, resignation, disqualification, or death of any member, or in the event of the failure of any person selected as a member or alternate member to qualify, a successor for the unexpired term shall be nominated within 60 calendar days thereof. Such nominations shall be made in the manner provided for in this subpart, insofar as applicable, except that nominations of nominees for a producer member position to represent independent producers may, at the discretion of the committee, be made to the committee by the incumbent producer members of the committee who represent independent producers.
§ 993.33 - Voting procedure.
Decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote of the members present and voting and a quorum must be present: Provided, That decisions on marketing policy, grade or size regulations, pack specifications, salable and reserve percentages, and on any matters pertaining to the control or disposition of reserve prunes or to prune plum diversion pursuant to § 993.62, including any delegation of authority for action on such matters and any recommendation of rules and procedures with respect to such matters, including any such decision arrived at by mail or telegram, shall require at least 14 affirmative votes. A quorum shall consist of at least 13 members of whom at least 8 must be producer members and at least 4 must be handler members. Except in case of emergency, a minimum of 5 days notice must be given with respect to any meeting of the Committee. In case of an emergency, to be determined within the discretion of the chairman of the Committee, as much notice of a meeting as is practicable in the circumstances shall be given. The Committee may vote by mail or telegram upon due notice to all members, but any proposition to be so voted upon first shall be explained accurately, fully, and identically by mail or telegram to all members. When any proposition is submitted to be voted on by such method, one dissenting vote shall prevent its adoption.
§ 993.34 - Expenses.
The members of the committee, and alternates when acting as members, or when alternates' expenses are authorized by the committee, shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed their expenses.
§ 993.35 - Powers.
The committee shall have the following powers:
(a) To administer the terms and provisions of this subpart;
(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart;
(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of this subpart; and
(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart.
§ 993.36 - Duties.
The committee shall have, among others, the following duties:
(a) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer, dehydrator, or handler;
(b) To keep minutes, books, and other records which shall clearly reflect all of its acts and transactions, and such minutes, books, and other records shall be subject to examination by the Secretary at any time;
(c) To make, subject to the prior approval of the Secretary, scientific and other studies, and assemble data on the producing, handling, shipping, and marketing conditions relative to prunes, which are necessary in connection with the performance of its official duties;
(d) To select, from among its members, a chairman and other appropriate officers, and to adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of the business of the committee as it may deem advisable;
(e) To appoint or employ such other persons as it may deem necessary, and to determine the salaries and define the duties of such persons;
(f) To submit to the Secretary not later than the fourth Tuesday of July of each year, a budget of its anticipated expenditures and the recommended rate of assessment for the ensuing crop year, and the supporting data therefor;
(g) To submit to the Secretary such available information with respect to prunes as the committee may deem appropriate, or as the Secretary may request;
(h) To prepare and submit to the Secretary quarterly statements of the financial operations of the committee, exclusive of reserve prune operations, and to make such statements, together with the minutes of the meetings of said committee, available for inspection at the offices of the committee by producers, dehydrators, and handlers;
(i) To prepare and submit to the Secretary annually, as soon as practicable after the end of each crop year and at such other times as the committee may deem appropriate or the Secretary may request, a statement of the committee's financial operations with respect to reserve prunes for such crop year and to make such statement available at the offices of the committee for inspection by producers, dehydrators, and handlers;
(j) To cause the books of the committee to be audited by a certified public accountant at least once each crop year, and at such other times as the committee may deem necessary or as the Secretary may request, and two copies of each such audit report shall be submitted to the Secretary and a copy which does not contain confidential data shall be available for inspection at the offices of the committee, by producers, dehydrators, and handlers;
(k) To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the committee as is given to the members of the committee;
(l) To give producers, dehydrators, and handlers reasonable advance notice of meetings of the committee, and to maintain all such meetings open to such persons;
(m) To investigate compliance with the provisions of this subpart and with any rules and regulations established pursuant to such provisions; and
(n) To establish, with the approval of the Secretary, such rules and procedures relative to administration of this subpart as may be consistent with the provisions contained in this subpart and as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of the act and the efficient administration of this subpart.
§ 993.37 - Research and development.
The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish or provide for the establishment of marketing research and development projects designed to assist, improve, or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption of prunes. The expense of such projects shall be paid from funds collected pursuant to § 993.81.
Marketing Policy
§ 993.41 - Marketing policy.
(a) On or before the first Tuesday of each July, the committee shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a report setting forth its recommended marketing policy for the ensuing crop year. If it becomes advisable to modify such policy, because of changed demand, supply, or other conditions, the committee shall formulate a new policy and shall submit a report thereon to the Secretary. Notice of the committee's marketing policy, and of any modifications thereof, shall be given promptly by reasonable publicity to producers, dehydrators, and handlers.
(b) In formulating its marketing policy for the ensuing crop year, the committee shall consider and shall include in its report to the Secretary, the following estimates (natural condition basis) and recommendations:
(1) The carryover of salable prunes as of August 1;
(2) The carryover of reserve prunes as of August 1;
(3) The grade and size composition of the salable and reserve carryovers;
(4) The quantity of prunes to be produced without regard to possible diversions of prune plums by producers;
(5) The probable quality and prune sizes in the crop;
(6) The domestic trade demand by uses of prunes;
(7) The foreign trade demand by countries or groups of countries;
(8) The desirable carryout of salable prunes at the end of the ensuing crop year;
(9) The quantity of undersized prunes in the crop, itemized as to French prunes and non-French prunes;
(10) The quantity of prunes to be withheld as reserve prunes so as to protect against errors of estimation and permit orderly marketing of the supply;
(11) The recommended salable and reserve percentages;
(12) The quantity of prune plums, dried weight basis, deemed desirable to be diverted pursuant to § 993.62;
(13) Any recommended change in regulations pursuant to §§ 933.49 to 993.53, inclusive;
(14) The probable assessable tonnage for the purposes of § 993.81; and
(15) The current prices for prunes, the trend and level of consumer income, whether producer prices are likely to exceed parity, and such other factors as may have a bearing on the marketing of prunes or the administration of this part.
Prohibition on Handling
§ 993.48 - Regulation.
No handler shall handle prunes except in accordance with the provisions of this part.
Grade and Size Regulations
§ 993.49 - Incoming regulation.
(a) No handler shall receive prunes from producers or dehydrators, other than substandard prunes and undersized prunes, unless such prunes meet the minimum standards for natural condition prunes set forth in § 993.97 (Exhibit A), or as such standards may be modified, or the more restrictive grade regulation established pursuant to this section, and then in effect: Provided, That no handler shall receive any prunes (including substandard prunes and undersized prunes) from producers or dehydrators unless such prunes have been properly dried and cured in original natural condition, without the addition of water, and are free from active insect infestation, so that they are capable of being received, stored, and packed without material deterioration or spoilage. Any “high moisture content prunes,” as described in the exception in § 993.5(b), in the possession of a handler, shall be held separate and apart from any prunes held by him. If such “high moisture content prunes” are dried or dehydrated to a point where they are capable of being stored, without material deterioration or spoilage, unrefrigerated or not otherwise artificially preserved, they shall be deemed, at that time, to have been received by such handler as prunes, and shall be subject to all of the conditions and restrictions of this subpart.
(b) The Secretary, on the basis of a recommendation of the committee or other information, may establish size regulations or more restrictive grade regulations with respect to prunes that may be received by a handler from producers and dehydrators whenever he finds that such action would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.
(c) In no crop year shall a handler receive from producers or dehydrators prunes, other than as undersized prunes, which pass freely through a round opening with a diameter as follows: For French prunes 23/32 of an inch, and for non-French prunes 28/32 of an inch: Provided, That the Secretary upon a recommendation of the Committee, may establish larger openings whenever it is determined that supply conditions for a crop year warrant such regulation. The quantity of undersized prunes in any lot received by a handler from a producer or dehydrator shall be determined by the inspection service and entered on the applicable inspection certificate.
§ 993.50 - Outgoing regulation.
(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided, no handler shall ship or otherwise make final disposition of prunes which fail to meet the applicable minimum standards set forth in § 993.97 (Exhibit A), or as such standards may be modified, for standard prunes or standard processed prunes.
(b) The Secretary, on the basis of a recommendation of the committee or other information, may establish size regulations, pack specifications, or more restrictive grade regulations with respect to prunes that may be shipped or otherwise disposed of by a handler if such action would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act. If a more restrictive grade regulation is established in connection with § 993.97 (Exhibit A) it shall insofar as practicable apply comparably to both natural condition prunes and processed prunes. When pack specifications are in effect, no handler shall ship prunes in consumer packages, unless such prunes are identified by an appropriate label, seal, stamp, or tag affixed to such container by the handler showing the size of prunes in the lot from which the container was packed. In order to effectuate such orderly marketing of prunes as will be in the public interest, whether prices are above or below parity, no handler shall use descriptive terms in a manner inconsistent with that set forth in this subpart or in any pack specifications or other regulation issued by the Secretary pursuant to this subpart.
(c) Non-French prunes: No handler shall ship or otherwise make final disposition of any lot of standard prunes or standard processed prunes of the non-French varieties or any lot which includes non-French prunes in excess of a tolerance to be prescribed by the Secretary on recommendation of the Committee, unless the average count of such non-French prunes contained in any such lot is 40 or less per pound. However, under safeguards to be established by the Committee, any lot containing non-French prunes with an average size count of more than 40 prunes per pound may be shipped to or disposed of in prune product outlets in which they lose their form and character as prunes by conversion prior to consumption. A tolerance as to the permitted deviation of sizes about the average count shall be prescribed by the Secretary, upon recommendation of the Committee.
(d) French prunes: No handler shall ship or otherwise make final disposition of any lot of French prunes for human consumption as prunes, or any lot of mixed dried fruit containing French prunes for human consumption as mixed dried fruit, unless the average count of French prunes contained in any such lot is 100 or less per pound. However, under safeguards to be established by the Committee, any lot containing French prunes with an average size count of more than 100 prunes per pound may be shipped to or disposed of in prune product outlets in which they lose their form and character as prunes by conversion prior to consumption. In determining whether any such lot conforms to this minimum size requirement, the following tolerance shall apply: In a sample of 100 ounces, the count per pound of 10 ounces of the smallest prunes shall not vary from the count per pound of 10 ounces of the largest prunes by more than 45 points. The Secretary may, upon the basis of the recommendation and information submitted by the Committee and other available information, modify this tolerance for uniformity of size.
(e) No handler shall ship or otherwise make final disposition of any lot of substandard prunes except for use as prune products in which the prunes lose their form and character as prunes by conversion prior to consumption, or for use in non-human consumption outlets: Provided, That any such prunes which are shipped or otherwise disposed of for human consumption shall meet the minimum standards prescribed in II C (1), (2), and (3) of § 993.97 or as such standards as may pursuant to § 993.52 be modified. The committee shall issue any such rules and regulations as may be necessary to insure such uses.
(f) Notwithstanding the restrictions contained in this section, any handler may transfer prunes from one plant owned by him to another plant owned by him within the area without having an inspection made as provided for in § 993.51. Any handler may ship prunes from his plant to another handler's plant within the area without having an inspection made as provided for in § 993.51, but a report of such inter-handler transfer shall be made promptly by the transferring handler to the committee. The receiving handler shall, before shipping or otherwise making final disposition of such prunes, comply with the requirements of this section and of § 993.51.
(g) No handler shall ship or otherwise dispose of, for human consumption, the quantity of prunes determined by the inspection service pursuant to § 993.49(c) to be undersized prunes. However, such handler may, at the direction and under the supervision of the Committee, dispose of such quantity of prunes in nonhuman consumption outlets. Prunes so disposed of shall be of the same variety as, and reasonably comparable in size, to such undersized prunes. The handler shall cause the inspection service to make a determination whether the prunes disposed of by the handler in nonhuman consumption outlets meet such requirements. In making the determination with respect to comparability in size, the inspection service shall apply a tolerance permitting a deviation from the size of the applicable opening established pursuant to § 993.49(c). Any such tolerance, together with any rules and regulations to ensure proper disposition of the prunes and that such prunes are reasonably comparable to the undersized prunes so received, shall be established by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary. The quantity of prunes determined pursuant to § 993.49(c) shall not be deemed to be within the handler's quota for salable prunes fixed by the Secretary within the meaning of section 8a(5) of the Act.
§ 993.51 - Inspection and certification.
Each handler shall at his own expense, before or upon the receiving, and before the shipping or disposing of prunes, cause an inspection to be made of such prunes to determine whether they meet the applicable grade and size requirements or the pack specifications, including labeling, effective pursuant to this part. Such handler shall obtain a certificate that such prunes meet the aforementioned applicable requirements and shall submit such certificate, or cause it to be submitted, to the committee. Acceptable certificates shall be those issued by inspectors of the Dried Fruit Association of California. The Secretary may designate another inspection service in the event the services of the Association prove unsatisfactory.
§ 993.52 - Modification.
Minimum standards, pack specifications or size regulations, including the openings prescribed in § 993.49(c), may be modified by the Secretary, on the basis of a recommendation of the committee or other information, whenever he finds that such modification would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.
§ 993.53 - Above parity situations.
The minimum standards, the minimum sizes, including the minimum undersized regulation in § 933.49(c), and the provisions of this part relating to administration shall continue in effect irrespective of whether the estimated season average price for prunes is in excess of the parity level specified in section 2(1) of the act.
Reserve Control
§ 993.54 - Establishment of salable and reserve percentages.
Whenever the Secretary finds, from the recommendations and supporting information supplied by the committee, or from any other available information, that to establish the percentages of prunes for any crop year which shall be salable prunes and reserve prunes, respectively, or to modify the previously established percentages, would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall establish or modify such percentages. The salable and reserve percentages when applied to the natural condition weight of prunes, excluding the quantity of undersized prunes determined pursuant to § 993.49(c), received during the crop year by a handler from producers and dehydrators, plus that diverted tonnage (dried weight natural condition prune basis) on diversion certificates issued pursuant to § 993.62 and credited to or held by him, shall determine the weight of each handler's receipts which are salable prunes and reserve prunes. The total of the salable and reserve percentages shall equal 100 percent. A cooperative marketing association may concentrate the prunes of its producer members before applying the salable and reserve percentages.
§ 993.55 - Application of salable and reserve percentages after end of crop year.
The salable and reserve percentages established for any crop year shall remain in effect after that crop year until salable and reserve percentages are established for another crop year. After such percentages are established, all reserve obligations shall be adjusted to the newly established percentages.
§ 993.56 - Reserve obligation.
Whenever salable and reserve percentages are in effect for any crop year, the reserve obligation of a handler shall approximate the average marketable content of the handler's receipts and shall be a weight of natural condition prunes equal to the reserve percentage applied to the natural condition weight of prunes, excluding the quantity of undersized prunes determined pursuant to § 993.49(c), such handler receives during the crop year from producers and dehydrators plus that diverted tonnage (dried weight natural condition prune basis) on diversion certificates credited to or held by him which were issued pursuant to § 993.62. However, if the committee determines the requirement as to set-aside reflecting average marketable content of receipts is not essential to achieve program objectives for the crop of a particular season, it may be eliminated for that season by the committee, with the approval of the Secretary. As a prerequisite for making this determination, the committee must find that the resultant set-aside procedures assure that the trade demand for manufacturing prunes, as well as prunes for consumption as prunes, will be met. The salable prunes permitted to be disposed of by any handler in accordance with the provisions of this part shall be deemed to be that handler's quota fixed by the Secretary within the meaning of section 8a(5) of the act.
§ 993.57 - Holding requirement and delivery.
Each handler shall at all times, hold, in his possession or under his control, in proper storage for the account of the committee, free and clear of all liens, the quantity of prunes necessary to meet his reserve obligation, less any quantity: (a) For which he has a temporary deferment pursuant to § 993.58(a); (b) of prune plums (dried weight natural condition basis) diverted pursuant to § 993.62 as shown on diversion certificates held by him, or credited by the committee against his reserve obligation; (c) disposed of by him under a sales contract of the committee; (d) delivered by him to the committee, or to a person designated by it, pursuant to its instructions; and (e) for which he is otherwise relieved by the committee of such responsibility to so hold prunes. No handler may transfer a reserve obligation but any handler may, upon notification to the committee arrange to hold reserve prunes on the premises of another handler or in approved commercial storage, under conditions of proper storage. The committee may, after giving reasonable notice, require a handler to deliver to it, or to a person designated by it, f.o.b. handler's warehouse or point of storage, reserve prunes held by him. The committee may require that such delivery consist of natural condition prunes or it may arrange for such delivery to consist of processed prunes.
§ 993.58 - Deferment of time for withholding.
(a) Compliance by any handler with the requirement of § 993.57 for withholding reserve prunes may be temporarily deferred to any date desired by the handler, but not later than November 15 of the crop year, upon the execution and delivery by such handler to the committee of a written undertaking that on or prior to the desired date he will have fully satisfied his holding requirement. Such undertaking shall be secured by a bond or bonds to be filed with and acceptable to the committee in the amount or amounts specified, conditioned upon full compliance with such undertaking.
(b)(1) Each bond shall be provided by and at the handler's expense, with a surety or sureties acceptable to the committee, and shall be in an amount computed by multiplying the pounds of natural condition prunes for which deferment is desired by the bonding rate. Such bonding rate shall be established by the committee at a level sufficient to achieve the objectives of this part.
(2) In case a handler defaults in meeting his deferred withholding requirement, any funds collected by the committee from the bonding company through such default shall be used by the committee to purchase from handlers a quantity of natural condition prunes, up to but not exceeding the quantity on which default occurred. Purchases shall be made from prunes with respect to which the reserve obligation has been met, and shall be of grades, varieties, or sizes and in such containers as the committee specifies in consideration of available reserve prune outlets. Purchases shall be at prices determined to be appropriate by the committee and if more prunes are offered than required by the committee, it shall make the purchases from various handlers as nearly as practicable in proportion to the quantity of their respective offerings at the same price. The committee shall dispose of the prunes acquired as soon as practicable in the most favorable reserve prune outlets and shall deposit the proceeds from such sales, less committee expenses in connection with such transaction, with reserve pool funds for distribution to equity holders.
(3) If for any reason the committee is unable to purchase a quantity of prunes as large as the quantity of reserve prunes in default by the handler, any remaining balance of funds received because of the default less expenses of the committee, shall be deposited with reserve pool funds for distribution to equity holders.
(c) A handler who has defaulted on his bond shall be credited on his reserve obligation with, and his holding requirement reduced by, that quantity of prunes represented by the sums collected but not more than the extent of his default.
§ 993.59 - Payment to handlers for services.
The committee shall pay handlers for necessary services rendered by them in connection with reserve prunes including, but not limited to, inspection, receiving, storing, grading, and fumigation, in accordance with a schedule of payments and conditions established by the Secretary after recommendation by the committee.
Producer Diversion
§ 993.62 - Diversion privileges.
(a) Prune plums. The words prune plums as used in this section mean plums of a variety used in the production of prunes.
(b) Voluntary principle. No producer shall be required to divert all or any portion of the prune plums produced by him.
(c) Authorization. If, on the basis of a committee recommendation for diversion operations, the availability of governing rules and procedures established by the Secretary after recommendation of the committee, and other information, the Secretary concurs that diversion operations should be permitted, he shall authorize such operations.
(d) Diversion certificates. After diversion operations are authorized, and subject to the applicable rules and procedures, any producer may divert prune plums of his own production for eligible purposes and receive from the committee a diversion certificate therefor: Provided, That diversion certificates for prune plums diverted by producer members of a cooperative marketing association shall be issued by the committee to the association if it so requests. To the extent permitted by the rules and procedures, the certificate may be submitted to any handler in lieu of reserve prunes and to the same extent the certificate shall entitle the handler to satisfy his reserve obligation. Only to the extent permitted by the rules and procedures, diversion certificates may be transferable among producers and handlers.
(e) Eligible diversions. Within such restrictions as may be prescribed in rules and procedures, diversion may be authorized for such dispositions as are not competitive with the normal marketing of prunes and prune products. Such eligible diversions may include: (1) Disposal of prune plums for nonhuman use; (2) leaving prune plums unharvested; and (3) such other methods of diversion as may be authorized. No diversion certificate shall be issued by the committee for prune plums which would not, under normal producer practices, be dried and delivered to a handler.
(f) Nonparticipation in pool proceeds. Any prune plums diverted pursuant to this section shall not be included in any reserve pool.
(g) Payment of costs. Prior to the issuance of a diversion certificate to a producer or a cooperative marketing association, the producer or association shall pay to the committee fees established to cover costs pertaining to the diversion.
Disposition of Reserve Prunes
§ 993.65 - Disposition of reserve prunes.
(a) Committee's right of disposition. The committee shall have the power and authority to sell or dispose of any and all reserve prunes (1) to meet demand either (i) as domestic trade demand, or (ii) as foreign trade demand, or (2) for use in any outlet, defined in rules and procedures, established by the Secretary after recommendation of the committee, noncompetitive with normal outlets for salable prunes.
(b) Methods of disposition. The committee may, for any of the purposes of § 993.65(a), offer to sell and sell reserve prunes to handlers for disposition or sale by them in specified outlets. Sale of reserve prunes by the committee to any handler for resale in such outlets or for resale to other persons for sale in such outlets shall be governed by the provisions of a sales agreement, executed by the handler with the committee. The committee may refuse to sell reserve prunes to any handler if the handler violates the terms and conditions of the agreement or other provisions of this part. The committee may sell reserve prunes into any outlet in which direct selling is determined to be more appropriate.
(c) Offers to sell reserve prunes. No offer to sell reserve prunes either to handlers or to other persons shall be made by the committee until 5 days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) have elapsed from the time it files with the Secretary complete information as to the terms and conditions of the proposed offer including the basis for determining the handlers' shares: Provided, That at any time prior to the expiration of the 5-day period the offer may be made upon the committee receiving from the Secretary notice that he does not disapprove it.
(d) Transfer of shares. No handler may transfer a reserve obligation. However, any handler who is authorized by the committee to dispose of reserve prunes may arrange with another handler to dispose of his share of reserve prunes through such other handler. In that event, credit for the reserve disposition shall go to the handler whose reserve prunes are used.
(e) Distribution of proceeds. Expenses incurred by the committee for the receiving, handling, holding, or disposing of any quantity of reserve prunes shall be charged against the proceeds of sales of such prunes. Net proceeds from the disposition of reserve prunes shall be distributed by the committee either directly, or through handlers as agents of the committee, under safeguards to be established by the committee, to persons in proportion to their contributions thereto, or to their successors in interest, with appropriate grade and size differentials as established by the committee. Progress payments may be made by the committee as sufficient funds accumulate. Distribution of the proceeds in connection with the reserve prunes contributed by a cooperative marketing association shall be made to such association, if it so requests.
Reports and Books and Other Records
§ 993.71 - Confidential information.
All reports and records furnished or submitted by handlers to the committee which include data or information constituting a trade secret or disclosing of the trade position, financial condition, or business operations of the particular handler from whom received shall be received by, and at all times kept in the custody and under the control of one or more employees of the committee, who shall disclose such information to no person except the Secretary. Notwithstanding the above provisions of this section, information may be disclosed to the committee when reasonably necessary to enable the committee to carry out its functions under this subpart.
§ 993.72 - Reports of acquisitions, sales, uses, and shipments.
Each handler shall file such reports of his acquisitions, sales, uses, and shipments of prunes, as may be requested by the committee.
§ 993.73 - Other reports.
Upon the request of the committee, each handler shall furnish such other reports and information as are needed to enable the committee to perform its functions under this subpart.
§ 993.74 - Records.
Each handler shall maintain such records of prunes received, held and disposed of by him, as are prescribed by the committee and needed by it to perform its functions under this subpart. Such records shall be retained for at least two years beyond the crop year of their applicability.
§ 993.75 - Verification of reports.
For the purpose of checking and verifying reports filed by handlers or the operation of handlers under the provisions of this subpart, the Secretary, and the Committee through its duly authorized agents, shall have access to any premises where prunes may be held by any handler and at any time during reasonable business hours, shall be permitted to inspect any prunes so held by such handler and any and all records of such handler with respect to the holding or disposition of all prunes which may be held or which may have been disposed of by him.
Expenses and Assessments
§ 993.80 - Expenses.
The committee is authorized to incur such expenses as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by it during each crop year for the maintenance and functioning of the committee and for such other purposes as the Secretary may, pursuant to the provisions of this subpart, determine to be appropriate.
§ 993.81 - Assessments.
(a) Each handler shall pay to the committee, upon demand, with respect to all salable prunes handled by him as the first handler thereof, his pro rata share of all expenses which the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the committee during each crop year. Each handler's pro rata share shall be the rate of assessment per ton fixed by the Secretary. At any time during or after a crop year the Secretary may increase the rate of assessment to cover unanticipated expenses of the committee or a deficit in assessable tonnage.
(b) In order to provide funds to carry out the functions of the committee, the committee may accept advance payments from any handler to be credited toward such assessments as may be levied pursuant to this section against the respective handler.
(c) Any money collected as assessments during any crop year and not expended in connection with the committee's operations may be used by the committee for a period of five months subsequent to such crop year. At the end of such period the committee shall, from funds on hand, refund or credit to handler accounts the aforesaid excess. Each handler's share of such excess funds shall be the amount of assessments he has paid in excess of his pro rata share of the actual net expenses of the committee for the preceding crop year. Any money collected from assessments hereunder and remaining unexpended in the possession of the committee at the termination of this part, shall be distributed in such manner as the Secretary may direct: Provided, That to the extent practical, such funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom such funds were collected.
§ 993.82 - Funds.
All funds received by the committee pursuant to the provisions of this part shall be used solely for authorized purposes. The Secretary may, at any time, require the committee or its members and alternate members to account for all receipts and disbursements.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 993.83 - Rights of the Secretary.
The members of the committee (including successors or alternates) and any agent or employee appointed or employed by the committee, shall be subject to the removal or suspension by the Secretary, in his discretion, at any time. Each and every decision, determination, or other acts of the committee shall be subject to the continuing right of the Secretary to disapprove of the same at any time, and upon such disapproval, shall be deemed null and void.
§ 993.84 - Personal liability.
No member or alternate member of the committee, or any employee, representative, or agent thereof shall be held personally responsible, either individually of jointly with others, in any way whatsoever, to any person, for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts, either of commission or omission, as such member, alternate member, employee, representative, or agent, except for acts of dishonesty.
§ 993.85 - Separability.
If any provision of this subpart is declared invalid or the applicability thereof to any person, circumstance, or thing is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this subpart or the applicability thereof to any other person, circumstance, or thing shall not be affected thereby.
§ 993.86 - Derogation.
Nothing contained in this subpart is, or shall be construed to be, in derogation or in modification of the rights of the Secretary or of the United States to exercise any powers granted by the act or otherwise, or, in accordance with such powers, to act in the premises whenever such action is deemed advisable.
§ 993.87 - Duration of immunities.
The benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred upon any person by virtue of this subpart shall cease upon the termination of this subpart, except with respect to acts done under and during the existence of this subpart.
§ 993.88 - Agents.
(a) Authorization by Secretary. The Secretary may, by a designation in writing, name any person, including any officer or employee of the United States Government, or name any bureau or division in the United States Department of Agriculture, to act as his agent or representative in connection with any of the provisions of this subpart.
(b) Authorization by committee. The committee may authorize any person or persons or agency to act as its agent or representative in connection with the provisions of this subpart.
§ 993.89 - Effective time.
The provisions of this subpart, as well as any amendments to this subpart, shall become effective at such time as the Secretary may declare, and shall continue in force until terminated, or during suspension, in one of the ways specified in § 993.90.
§ 993.90 - Termination or suspension.
(a) Failure to effectuate policy of act. The Secretary may, at any time, terminate the provisions of this subpart, by giving at least one day's notice by means of a press release or in any other manner which he may determine. The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operation of any or all of the provisions of this subpart, whenever he finds that such provisions do not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.
(b) Referendum. The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this subpart on or before the fifteenth day of July of any crop year, to be effective at the end of such crop year, whenever he is required to do so by the provisions of section 8c(16)(B) of the act. The Secretary may, at any time he deems it desirable, hold a referendum of producers to determine whether they favor termination of this subpart. However, beginning with 1951, if the Secretary receives a recommendation, adopted by at least a majority vote of the producer members of the committee, requesting the holding of such a referendum, the Secretary shall hold such a referendum: Provided, That the Secretary shall not be required to hold such a referendum upon the basis of such a request more than once every two years.
(c) Termination of act. The provisions of this subpart shall terminate, in any event, upon the termination of the act.
§ 993.91 - Procedure upon termination.
Upon the termination of this subpart, the members of the committee then functioning shall continue as joint trustees, for the purpose of liquidating the affairs of the committee. Action by such trustee shall require the concurrence of a majority of the said trustees. Such trustees shall continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary, and shall, from time to time, account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property on hand, together with all books and records of the committee and the joint trustees, to such person as the Secretary may direct; and shall, upon the request of the Secretary, execute such assignments or other instruments necessary or appropriate to vest in such person full title and right to all the funds, properties, and claims vested in the committee or the joint trustees, pursuant to this subpart. Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered by the committee or the joint trustees, pursuant to this section, shall be subject to the same obligations imposed upon the members of the said committee and upon said joint trustees.
§ 993.92 - Effect of termination or amendment.
Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Secretary, the termination of this subpart or of any regulation issued pursuant to this subpart, or the issuance of any amendment to either thereof, shall not (a) affect or waive any right, duty, obligation, or liability which shall have arisen or which may thereafter arise in connection with any provision of this subpart or any regulation issued under this subpart, or (b) release or extinguish any violation of this subpart or any regulation issued under this subpart, or (c) affect or impair any rights or remedies of the Secretary, or of any other person, with respect to such violation.
§ 993.93 - Amendments.
Amendments to this subpart may be proposed from time to time, by any person or by the committee, and may be made a part of this subpart by the procedures provided under the act.
§ 993.97 - Exhibit A; minimum standards.
I. Minimum standards for natural condition prunes:
A. Defects. Defects are: (1) Off-color; (2) inferior meat condition; (3) end cracks; (4) fermentation; (5) skin or flesh damage; (6) scab; (7) burned; (8) mold; (9) imbedded dirt; (10) insect infestation; (11) decay.
B. Explanation of terms. (1) Off-color means a dull color or skin differing noticeably in appearance from that which is characteristic of mature, properly handled fruit of a given variety or type.
(2) Inferior meat condition means flesh which is fibrous, woody or otherwise inferior due to immaturity to the extent that the characteristic texture of the meat is substantially affected.
(3) End cracks means callous growth cracks, at the blossom end of prunes, aggregating more than three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) but not more than one-half of one inch ( 1/2″) in length.
(4) Fermentation means damage to the flesh by fermentation to the extent that the characteristic appearance or flavor is substantially affected.
(5) Skin or flesh damage means growth cracks, splits, breaks in skin or flesh of the following descriptions:
(a) Callous growth cracks, except end cracks as defined in this section, aggregating more than three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) in length;
(b) Splits or skin breaks exposing flesh and affecting materially the normal appearance of the prunes;
(c) Any cracks, splits or breaks open to the pit;
(d) Healed or unhealed surface or flesh blemishes caused by insect injury and which materially affect appearance, edibility or keeping quality;
(e) Skin damage caused by rain or overdipping to the extent that the prunes cannot be processed normally without material sloughing of the skin.
(6) Scab means tough or thick scab exceeding in the aggregate the area of a circle three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) in diameter or by unsightly scab of another character exceeding in the aggregate the area of a circle three-fourths of one inch ( 3/4″) in diameter.
(7) Burned means injury by sunburn or excessive heat in dehydration to the extent that the characteristic appearance, flavor or edibility of the fruit is noticeably affected.
(8) Mold means a characteristic fungus growth and is self-explanatory.
(9) Imbedded dirt means the presence of dirt or other extraneous material so imbedded in, or adhering to, the prune that it cannot be removed in normal processing.
(10) Insect infestation means the presence of insects, insect fragments or insect remains.
C. Maximum tolerances. Tolerance allowances shall be on a weight basis and shall not exceed the following:
(1) The tolerance allowance for decay shall not exceed one percent (1%).
(2) The combined tolerance allowance for mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed five percent (5%).
(3) The combined tolerance allowance for fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab-burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed eight percent (8%).
(4) The combined tolerance allowance for end cracks, fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab, burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed ten percent (10%), except that the first eight percent (8%) of end cracks shall be given one-half value and any additional percentage of end cracks shall be given full value.
(5) The combined tolerance allowance for off-color, inferior meat condition, end cracks, fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab-burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed twenty percent (20%), except that the first eight percent (8%) of end cracks shall be given one-half value and any additional percentage of end cracks shall be given full value.
(6) Prunes showing obvious live insect infestation shall be fumigated prior to acceptance.
D. Natural condition prunes must be properly dried and cured in original natural condition, without the addition of water, and free from active infestation, so that they are capable of being received, stored and packed without deterioration or spoilage.
II. Minimum standards for processed prunes:
A. Defects. Defects are: (1) Off-color; (2) inferior meat condition; (3) end cracks; (4) fermentation; (5) skin or flesh damage; (6) scab; (7) burned; (8) mold; (9) imbedded dirt; (10) insect infestation; (11) decay.
B. Explanation of terms. (1) Off-color means a dull color or skin differing noticeably in appearance from that which is characteristic of mature, properly handled fruit of a given variety or type.
(2) Inferior meat condition means flesh which is fibrous, woody or otherwise inferior due to immaturity to the extent that the characteristic texture of the meat is substantially affected.
(3) End cracks means callous growth, cracks, at the blossom end of prunes, aggregating more than three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) but not more than one-half of one inch ( 1/2″) in length.
(4) Fermentation means damage to the flesh by fermentation to the extent that the characteristic appearance or flavor is substantially affected.
(5) Skin or flesh damage means growth cracks, splits, breaks in skin or flesh of the following descriptions:
(a) Callous growth cracks, except end cracks as defined in this section, aggregating more than three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) in length;
(b) Splits or skin breaks exposing flesh and materially affecting the normal appearance of French prunes; or markedly affecting the normal appearance of varieties other than the French variety;
(c) Any cracks, splits or breaks open to the pit;
(d) Healed or unhealed surface or flesh blemishes caused by insect injury and which materially affect appearance, edibility or keeping quality.
(6) Scab means tough or thick scab exceeding in the aggregate the area of a circle three-eighths of one inch ( 3/8″) in diameter or by unsightly scab of another character exceeding in the aggregate the area of a circle three-fourths of one inch ( 3/4″) in diameter.
(7) Burned means injury by sunburn or excessive heat in dehydration to the extent that the characteristic appearance, flavor or edibility of the fruit is noticeably affected.
(8) Mold means a characteristic fungus growth and is self-explanatory.
(9) Imbedded dirt means the presence of dirt or other extraneous material so imbedded in, or adhering to, the prune that it cannot be readily removed in washing the fruit.
(10) Insect infestation means the presence of insects, insect fragments or insect remains.
C. Maximum tolerances. Tolerance allowances shall be on a weight basis and shall not exceed the following:
(1) There shall be no tolerance allowance for live insect infestation.
(2) The tolerance allowance for decay shall not exceed one percent (1%).
(3) The combined tolerance allowance for mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed five percent (5%).
(4) The combined tolerance allowance for fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab, burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed eight percent (8)%.
(5) The combined tolerance allowance for end cracks, fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab, burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed ten percent (10%), except that the first eight percent (8%) of end cracks shall be given one-half value and any additional percentage of end cracks shall be given full value.
(6) The combined tolerance allowance for off-color, inferior meat condition, end cracks, fermentation, skin or flesh damage, scab, burned, mold, imbedded dirt, insect infestation, and decay shall not exceed twenty percent (20%), except that the first eight percent (8%) of end cracks shall be given one-half value and any additional percentage of end cracks shall be given full value.