Collapse to view only § 955.91 - Additional parties.
- SECTION § 955.1 - Secretary.
- SECTION § 955.2 - Act.
- SECTION § 955.3 - Person.
- SECTION § 955.4 - Production area.
- SECTION § 955.5 - Vidalia onion.
- SECTION § 955.6 - Handler.
- SECTION § 955.7 - Handle.
- SECTION § 955.9 - Producer.
- SECTION § 955.10 - Producer-handler.
- SECTION § 955.12 - Committee.
- SECTION § 955.13 - Fiscal period.
- SECTION § 955.20 - Establishment and membership.
- SECTION § 955.21 - Term of office.
- SECTION § 955.22 - Nominations.
- SECTION § 955.23 - Selection.
- SECTION § 955.24 - Acceptance.
- SECTION § 955.25 - Alternates.
- SECTION § 955.26 - Vacancies.
- SECTION § 955.27 - Failure to nominate.
- SECTION § 955.28 - Procedure.
- SECTION § 955.29 - Expenses.
- SECTION § 955.30 - Powers.
- SECTION § 955.31 - Duties.
Expenses and Assessments
Research and Development
Reports and Recordkeeping
Miscellaneous Provisions
- SECTION § 955.71 - Termination or suspension.
- SECTION § 955.72 - Proceedings after termination.
- SECTION § 955.73 - Effect of termination or amendment.
- SECTION § 955.80 - Compliance.
- SECTION § 955.81 - Right of the Secretary.
- SECTION § 955.82 - Duration of immunities.
- SECTION § 955.83 - Agents.
- SECTION § 955.84 - Derogation.
- SECTION § 955.85 - Personal liability.
- SECTION § 955.86 - Separability.
- SECTION § 955.87 - Amendments.
Marketing Agreement
§ 955.1 - Secretary.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture who has been delegated, or who may hereafter be delegated, the authority to act for the Secretary.
§ 955.2 - Act.
Act means Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress (May 12, 1933), as amended and as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (Sec. 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
§ 955.3 - Person.
Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or any other business unit.
§ 955.4 - Production area.
Production area means that part of the State of Georgia enclosed by the following boundaries:
Beginning at a point in Laurens County where U.S. Highway 441 intersects Highway 16; thence continue southerly along U.S. Highway 441 to a point where it intersects the southern boundary of Laurens County; thence southwesterly along the border of Laurens County to a point where it intersects the county road known as Jay Bird Springs Road; thence southeasterly along Jay Bird Springs Road to a point where it intersects U.S. Highway 23; thence easterly to a point where U.S. Highway 23 intersects the western border of Telfair County; thence southwesterly following the western and southern border of Telfair County to a point where it intersects with Jeff Davis County; thence following the southern border of Jeff Davis County to a point where it intersects with the western border of Bacon County; thence southerly and easterly along the border of Bacon County to a point where it intersects Georgia State Road 32; thence easterly along Georgia State Road 32 to Seaboard Coastline Railroad; thence northeasterly along the tracks of Seaboard Coastline Railroad to a point where they intersect Long County and Liberty County; thence northwesterly and northerly along the southwestern border of Liberty County to a point where the border of Liberty County intersects the southern border of Evans County; thence northeasterly along the eastern border of Evans County to the intersection of the Bulloch County border; thence northeasterly along the Bulloch County border to a point where it intersects with the Ogeechee River; thence northerly along the main channel of the Ogeechee River to a point where it intersects with the southeastern border of Screven County; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly border of Screven County to the main channel of the Savannah River; thence northerly along the main channel of the Savannah River to a point where the northwestern boundary of Hampton County, South Carolina intersects the Savannah River; thence due west to a point where State Road 24 intersects Brannen Bridge Road; thence westerly along Brannen Bridge Road to a point where it intersects with State Road 21; thence westerly along State Road 21 to the intersection of State Road 17; thence westerly along State Road 17 to the intersection of State Road 56 and southerly to the northern border of Emanuel County; thence westerly and southerly along the border of Emanuel County to a point where it intersects the Treutlen County border; thence southerly to a point where the Treutlen County border intersects Interstate Highway 16; thence westerly to the point of beginning in Laurens County.§ 955.5 - Vidalia onion.
Vidalia onion means all varieties of Allium cepa of the hybrid yellow granex, granex parentage or any other similar variety recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary, that are grown in the production area.
§ 955.6 - Handler.
Handler is synonymous with shipper and means any person (except a common or contract carrier of Vidalia onions owned by another person) who handles Vidalia onions, or causes Vidalia onions to be handled.
§ 955.7 - Handle.
Handle or ship means to package, load, sell, transport, or in any other way to place Vidalia onions, or cause Vidalia onions to be placed, in the current of commerce within the production area or between the production area and any point outside thereof. Such term shall not include the transportation, sale, or delivery of field-run Vidalia onions to a person within the production area for the purpose of having such Vidalia onions prepared for market.
§ 955.9 - Producer.
Producer is synonymous with grower and means any person engaged in a proprietary capacity in the production of Vidalia onions for market.
§ 955.10 - Producer-handler.
Producer-Handler means a producer who handles Vidalia onions.
§ 955.12 - Committee.
Committee means the Vidalia Onion Committee, established pursuant to § 955.20.
§ 955.13 - Fiscal period.
Fiscal period means the 12-month period beginning on September 16 and ending on September 15 of the next year or such other period that may be recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
§ 955.20 - Establishment and membership.
(a) There is hereby established a Vidalia Onion Committee, consisting of nine members, to administer the terms and provisions of this part. Eight members shall be producers, and one shall be a public member. At least four of the producer members shall be producer-handlers. Each member shall have an alternate who shall have the same qualifications as the member.
(b) Each member, other than the public member, shall be an individual who is, prior to selection and during such member's term of office, a resident of the production area and a grower or an officer or employee of a grower.
(c) The public member shall be a resident of the production area and shall have no direct financial interest in the commercial production, financing, buying, packing or marketing of Vidalia onions, except as a consumer, nor shall such person be a director, officer or employee of any firm so engaged.
§ 955.21 - Term of office.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the term of office of committee members and their respective alternates shall be for two years and shall begin as of September 16 or for such other period as the committee may recommend and the Secretary approve. The terms shall be determined so that approximately one-half of the total committee membership shall terminate each year. Members and alternates shall serve in such capacity during the term of office or portion thereof for which they are selected and until their respective successors are selected.
(b) The term of office of the initial members and alternates shall begin as soon as possible after effective date of this part. As determined by lot drawn at the initial nomination meeting, one-fourth of the initial grower members and alternates shall serve for a one-year term, one-fourth shall serve for a two-year term, one-fourth shall serve for a three-year term, and one-fourth shall serve for a four-year term. The term of office for the initial public member and alternate shall be for two years.
(c) The consecutive terms of office of members shall be limited to three 2-year terms.
§ 955.22 - Nominations.
(a) Initial members. For nominations to the initial committee, a meeting of producers shall be held by the Secretary.
(b) Successor members. (1) The committee shall hold or cause to be held not later than August 1 of each year, or such other date as may be specified by the Secretary, a meeting or meetings of growers for the purpose of designating one nominee for each position as member and for each position as alternate member of the committee which is vacant, or which is about to become vacant.
(2) Nominations for members and alternates shall be supplied to the Secretary in such manner and form as the Secretary may prescribe, not later than August 15 of each year, or by such other date as may be specified by the Secretary.
(3) The Secretary may, upon recommendation of the committee, divide the production area into districts for the purpose of nominating committee members and their alternates.
(c) Only producers may participate in designating nominees to serve as committee members. Each producer is entitled to cast only one vote on behalf of such producer and such producer's agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and representatives in designating nominees for committee members and alternates. An eligible voter's privilege of casting only one vote shall be construed to permit a voter to cast one vote for each position to be filled.
(d) The producer members shall nominate the public member and alternate member at the first meeting following the selection of members for a new term of office. Nominations for the public member and alternate member shall be supplied to the Secretary in such manner and form as the Secretary may prescribe, not later than November 1, or such other date as may be specified by the Secretary.
§ 955.23 - Selection.
From the nominations made pursuant to § 955.22 or from other qualified persons, the Secretary shall select members and alternate members of the committee.
§ 955.24 - Acceptance.
Any person nominated to serve as a member or alternate member of the committee shall, prior to selection by the Secretary, qualify by filing a written acceptance indicating such person's willingness to serve in the position for which nominated.
§ 955.25 - Alternates.
An alternate member of the committee shall act in the place and stead of the member for whom such person is an alternate during such member's absence or when designated to do so by such member. In the event both a member of the committee and that member's alternate are unable to attend a committee meeting, the member, the alternate, or the committee, in that order, may designate another alternate from the same district (if applicable) and the same group (producer or producer-handler) to serve in such member's stead. Only the public member's alternate is authorized to serve in the place and stead of the public member. In the event of the death, removal, resignation or disqualification of a member, that member's alternate shall serve until a successor to such member is selected.
§ 955.26 - Vacancies.
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the failure of any person nominated as a member or as an alternate to qualify, or in the event of the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of a member or alternate, a successor for the unexpired term may be selected by the Secretary from nominations made pursuant to § 955.22, or from other eligible persons.
§ 955.27 - Failure to nominate.
If nominations are not made within the time and manner prescribed in § 955.22, the Secretary may, without regard to nominations, select members and alternates on the basis of the representation provided for in § 955.20.
§ 955.28 - Procedure.
(a) Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum, and five concurring votes shall be required to pass any motion or approve any committee action.
(b) The committee may provide for meetings by telephone, telegraph, or other means of communication, and any vote cast orally at such meetings shall be confirmed promptly in writing: Provided, That if an assembled meeting is held, all votes shall be cast in person.
§ 955.29 - Expenses.
Members and alternates shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for such expenses authorized by the committee and necessarily incurred by them in attending committee meetings and in the performance of their duties under this part.
§ 955.30 - Powers.
The committee shall have the following powers:
(a) To administer the provisions of this part in accordance with its terms;
(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this part;
(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violation of the provisions of this part; and
(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this part.
§ 955.31 - Duties.
The committee shall have, among others, the following duties:
(a) As soon as practicable after the beginning of each term of office, to meet and organize, to select a chairman and such other officers as may be necessary, to select subcommittees of committee members or alternates, and to adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it deems necessary;
(b) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer or handler;
(c) To furnish to the Secretary such available information as may be requested;
(d) To appoint such employees, agents, and representatives as it may deem necessary, to determine the compensation and define the duties of each such person, and to protect the handling of committee funds;
(e) To investigate from time to time and to assemble data on the growing, harvesting, shipping, and marketing conditions with respect to Vidalia onions;
(f) To keep minutes, books, and records which clearly reflect all of the acts and transactions of the committee. Such minutes, books, and records shall be subject to examination at any time by the Secretary or the Secretary's authorized agent or representative. Minutes of each committee meeting shall be furnished promptly to the Secretary;
(g) Prior to the beginning of each fiscal period, to prepare and submit to the Secretary a budget of its projected income and expenses for such fiscal period, together with a report thereon and a recommendation as to the rate of assessment for such period;
(h) To cause its books to be audited by a Certified Public Accountant at least once each fiscal period, and at such other time as the committee may deem necessary or as the Secretary may request. The report of such audit shall show the receipt and expenditure of funds collected pursuant to this part. A copy of each report shall be furnished to the Secretary. A copy shall also be made available at the principal office of the committee for inspection by producers and handlers provided that confidential information shall be removed;
(i) To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the committee and its subcommittees as is given to its members.
Expenses and Assessments
§ 955.40 - Expenses.
The committee is authorized to incur such expenses as the Secretary may find are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the committee for its maintenance and functioning, and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this part. The funds to cover such expenses shall be acquired in the manner prescribed in §§ 955.42 and 955.45.
§ 955.41 - Budget.
At least 60 days prior to each fiscal period, or such other date as may be specified by the Secretary, and as may be necessary thereafter, the committee shall prepare an estimated budget of income and expenditures necessary for the administration of this part. The committee may recommend a rate of assessment calculated to provide adequate funds to defray its proposed expenditures. The committee shall present such budget to the Secretary with an accompanying report showing the basis for its calculations.
§ 955.42 - Assessments.
(a) The funds to cover the committee's expenses shall be acquired by the levying of assessments upon handlers as provided in this subpart. Each person who first handles Vidalia onions shall pay assessments to the committee upon demand, which assessments shall be in payment of such handler's pro rata share of the committee's expenses.
(b) Assessments shall be levied upon handlers at rates established by the Secretary. Such rates may be established upon the basis of the committee's recommendations or other available information.
(c) At any time during, or subsequent to, a given fiscal period the committee may recommend the approval of an amended budget and an increase in the rate of assessment. Upon the basis of such recommendations, or other available information, the Secretary may approve an amended budget and increase the assessment rate. Such increase shall be applicable to all Vidalia onions which were handled during such fiscal period.
(d) The payment of assessments for the maintenance and functioning of the committee may be required under this part throughout the period it is in effect irrespective of whether particular provisions of this part are suspended or become inoperative.
(e) To provide funds for the administration of the provisions of this part during the initial fiscal period or the first part of a fiscal period when neither sufficient operating reserve funds nor sufficient revenue from assessments on the current season's shipments are available, the committee may accept payment of assessments in advance or may borrow money for such purposes.
(f) The committee may impose a late payment charge or an interest charge or both, on any handler who fails to pay any assessment in a timely manner. Such time and the rates shall be recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
§ 955.43 - Accounting.
(a) All funds received by the committee pursuant to the provisions of this part shall be used solely for the purposes specified in this part.
(b) The Secretary may at any time require the committee, its members and alternates, employees, agents and all other persons to account for all receipts and disbursements, funds, property, or records for which they are responsible. Whenever any person ceases to be a member or alternate of the committee, such person shall account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property and funds in such member's possession to the committee, pertaining to the committee's activities for which such person was responsible, and shall execute such assignments and other instruments as may be necessary or appropriate to vest in the committee full title to all of the property, funds, and claims vested in such person.
(c) The committee may make recommendations to the Secretary for one or more of the members thereof, or any other person, to act as a trustee for holding records, funds, or any other committee property during periods of suspension of this part, or during any period or periods when regulations are not in effect and, upon determining such action is appropriate, the Secretary may direct that such person or persons shall act as trustee or trustees for the committee.
§ 955.44 - Excess funds.
If, at the end of a fiscal period, the assessments collected are in excess of expenses incurred, such excess shall be accounted for as follows:
(a) The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish an operating reserve and may carry over to subsequent fiscal periods excess funds in a reserve so established, except funds in the reserve shall not exceed the equivalent of approximately three fiscal periods' budgeted expenses. Such reserve funds may be used:
(1) To defray any expenses authorized under this part;
(2) To defray expenses during any fiscal period prior to the time assessment income is sufficient to cover such expenses;
(3) To cover deficits incurred during any fiscal period when assessment income is less than expenses;
(4) To defray expenses incurred during any period when any or all provisions of this part are suspended or are inoperative; and
(5) To cover necessary expenses of liquidation in the event of termination of this part.
Upon termination of this part, any funds not required to defray the necessary expenses of liquidation shall be disposed of in such manner as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate except that to the extent practicable, such funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom such funds were collected.(b) If such excess is not retained in a reserve as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, each handler entitled to a proportionate refund of the excess assessments collected shall be credited at the end of a fiscal period with such refund against the operations of the following fiscal period unless such handler demands payment thereof, in which event such proportionate refund shall be paid.
§ 955.45 - Contributions.
The committee may accept voluntary contributions but these shall only be used to pay expenses incurred pursuant to § 955.50. Such contributions shall be free from any encumbrances by the donor, and the committee shall retain complete control of their use.
Research and Development
§ 955.50 - Research and development.
(a) The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish or provide for the establishment of production research, marketing research and development and marketing promotion projects, including paid advertising, designed to assist, improve, or promote the marketing, distribution, consumption, or efficient production of Vidalia onions. Any such project for the promotion and advertising of Vidalia onions may utilize an identifying mark which shall be made available for use by all handlers in accordance with such terms and conditions as the committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe. The expense of such projects shall be paid from funds collected pursuant to § 955.42 or § 955.45.
(b) In recommending projects pursuant to this section, the committee shall give consideration to the following:
(1) The expected supply of Vidalia onions in relation to market requirements;
(2) The supply situation among competing areas and commodities;
(3) The anticipated benefits from such projects in relation to their costs;
(4) The need for marketing research with respect to any market development activity; and
(5) Other relevant factors.
(c) If the committee should conclude that a program of research and development should be undertaken, or continued, in any fiscal period, it shall submit the following for the approval of the Secretary;
(1) Its recommendations as to the funds to be obtained pursuant to § 955.42 or § 955.45;
(2) Its recommendation as to any research projects; and
(3) Its recommendations as to promotion activity and paid advertising.
(d) Upon conclusion of each activity, but at least annually, the committee shall summarize and report the results of such activity to the Secretary.
(e) All marketing promotion activity engaged in by the committee, including paid advertising, shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
(1) No marketing promotion, including paid advertising, shall refer to any private brand, private trademark or private trade name;
(2) No promotion or advertising shall disparage the quality, use, value or sale of like or any other agricultural commodity or product, and no false or unwarranted claims shall be made in connection with the product; and
(3) No promotion or advertising shall be undertaken without reason to believe that returns to producers will be improved by such activity.
Reports and Recordkeeping
§ 955.60 - Reports and recordkeeping.
Upon request of the committee, made with the approval of the Secretary, each handler shall furnish to the committee, in such manner and at such time as it may prescribe, such reports and other information as may be necessary for the committee to perform its duties under this part.
(a) Such reports may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The quantities of Vidalia onions received by a handler;
(2) The quantities disposed of by the handler;
(3) The date of each such disposition; and
(4) The identification of the carrier transporting such Vidalia onions.
(b) All such reports shall be held under appropriate protective classification and custody by duly appointed employees of the committee, so that the information contained therein which may adversely affect the competitive position of any handler in relation to other handlers will not be disclosed. Compilations of general reports from data submitted by handlers is authorized, subject to the prohibition of disclosure of an individual handler's identity or operations.
(c) Each handler shall maintain for at least two succeeding years such records of the Vidalia onions received and disposed of by such handler as may be necessary to verify reports submitted to the committee pursuant to this section.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 955.71 - Termination or suspension.
(a) The Secretary may at any time terminate the provisions of this part by giving at least one day's notice by means of a press release or in any other manner which the Secretary may determine.
(b) The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operations of any or all of the provisions of this part whenever it is found that such provisions do not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
(c) The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this part at the end of any fiscal period whenever it is found that such termination is favored by a majority of producers who, during a representative period, have been engaged in the production of Vidalia onions:
Provided, That such majority has, during such representative period, produced for market more than fifty percent of the volume of such Vidalia onions produced for market, but such termination shall be effective only if announced on or before June 15 of the then current fiscal period.(d) Within six years of the effective date of this part, the Secretary shall conduct a continuance referendum to ascertain whether continuance of this part is favored by producers. Subsequent referenda to ascertain continuance shall be conducted every six years thereafter.
(e) The provisions of this part shall, in any event, terminate whenever the provisions of the Act authorizing them cease to be in effect.
§ 955.72 - Proceedings after termination.
(a) Upon the termination of the provisions of this subpart, the then functioning members of the committee shall continue as joint trustees, for the purpose of liquidating the affairs of the committee, of all funds and property then in the possession, or under control, of the committee, including claims for any funds unpaid or property not delivered at the time of such termination. Action by said trusteeship shall require the concurrence of a majority of the said trustees.
(b) The said trustees shall continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary; shall, from time to time, account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property on hand, together with all books and records of said committee and of the trustees, to such person as the Secretary may direct; and shall upon the request of the Secretary, execute such assignments or other instruments necessary or appropriate to vest in such person full title and right to all of the funds, property, and claims vested in said committee or the trustees pursuant to this subpart.
(c) Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered by the committee or its members pursuant to this section shall be subject to the same obligations imposed upon the members of the committee and upon the said trustees.
§ 955.73 - Effect of termination or amendment.
Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Secretary, the termination of this subpart or of any regulation issued pursuant to this subpart, or the issuance of any amendments to either thereof, shall not:
(a) Affect or waive any right, duty, obligation, or liability which shall have arisen or which may thereafter arise in connection with any provision of this subpart or any regulation issued under this subpart;
(b) Release or extinguish any violation of this subpart or of any regulations issued under this subpart; or
(c) Affect or impair any rights or remedies of the Secretary or of any other person with respect to any such violations.
§ 955.80 - Compliance.
No handler shall handle Vidalia onions except in conformity with the provisions of this part.
§ 955.81 - Right of the Secretary.
The members of the committee (including successors and alternates) and any agent or employee appointed or employed by the committee shall be subject to removal or suspension by the Secretary at any time. Each and every order, regulation, decision, determination, or other act of the committee shall be subject to the continuing right of the Secretary to disapprove of the same at any time. Upon such disapproval, the disapproved action of the committee shall be deemed null and void except as to acts done in reliance thereon or in compliance therewith prior to such disapproval by the Secretary.
§ 955.82 - Duration of immunities.
The benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred upon any person by virtue of this part shall cease upon the termination of this part, except with respect to acts done under and during the existence of this part.
§ 955.83 - Agents.
The Secretary may, by designation in writing, name any person, including any officer or employee of the Government, or name any agency in the United States Department of Agriculture, to act as the Secretary's agent or representative in connection with any of the provisions of this part.
§ 955.84 - Derogation.
Nothing contained in this part is, or shall be construed to be, in derogation or in modification of the rights of the Secretary or of the United States to exercise any powers granted by the Act or otherwise, or, in accordance with such powers, to act in the premises whenever such action is deemed advisable.
§ 955.85 - Personal liability.
No member or alternate of the committee or any employee or agent thereof, shall be held personally responsible, either individually or jointly with others, in any way whatsoever, to any handler or to any person for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts, either of commission or omission, as such member, alternate, employee, or agent, except for acts of dishonesty, willful misconduct, or gross negligence.
§ 955.86 - Separability.
If any provision of this part is declared invalid, or the applicability thereof to any person, circumstance, or thing is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this part, or the applicability thereof to any other person, circumstance, or thing shall not be affected thereby.
§ 955.87 - Amendments.
Amendments to this part may be proposed, from time to time, by the committee or by the Secretary.
Marketing Agreement
§ 955.90 - Counterparts.
This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts and when one counterpart is signed by the Secretary, all such counterparts shall constitute, when taken together, one and the same instrument as if all signatures were contained in one original.
§ 955.91 - Additional parties.
After the effective date thereof, any handler may become a party to this agreement if a counterpart is executed by such handler and delivered to the Secretary. This agreement shall take effect as to such new contracting part at the time such counterpart is delivered to the Secretary, and the benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred by this agreement shall then be effective as to such new contracting party.
§ 955.92 - Order with marketing agreement.
Each signatory hereby requests the Secretary to issue, pursuant to the Act, an order providing for regulating the handling of Vidalia onions in the same manner as is provided for in this agreement.