Collapse to view only § 932.32 - Acceptance.
- SECTION § 932.1 - Secretary.
- SECTION § 932.2 - Act.
- SECTION § 932.3 - Person.
- SECTION § 932.4 - Area.
- SECTION § 932.5 - Olives.
- SECTION § 932.6 - Variety group 1.
- SECTION § 932.7 - Variety group 2.
- SECTION § 932.8 - Natural condition olives.
- SECTION § 932.9 - Packaged olives.
- SECTION § 932.10 - Lot.
- SECTION § 932.11 - Grade.
- SECTION § 932.12 - Size.
- SECTION § 932.13 - Size-grade.
- SECTION § 932.14 - Process.
- SECTION § 932.15 - Handler.
- SECTION § 932.16 - Handle.
- SECTION § 932.17 - Producer.
- SECTION § 932.18 - Committee.
- SECTION § 932.19 - Crop year and fiscal year.
- SECTION § 932.20 - Part and subpart.
- SECTION § 932.21 - District.
- SECTION § 932.22 - Sublot.
- SECTION § 932.23 - Undersize olives and limited use size olives.
- SECTION § 932.23a - Limited use.
- SECTION § 932.24 - Noncanning use.
Olive Administrative Committee
- SECTION § 932.25 - Establishment and membership.
- SECTION § 932.26 - Term of office.
- SECTION § 932.27 - Selection.
- SECTION § 932.28 - Eligibility.
- SECTION § 932.29 - Nominations.
- SECTION § 932.30 - Alternates.
- SECTION § 932.31 - Failure to nominate.
- SECTION § 932.32 - Acceptance.
- SECTION § 932.33 - Vacancies.
- SECTION § 932.34 - Powers.
- SECTION § 932.35 - Duties.
- SECTION § 932.36 - Procedure.
- SECTION § 932.37 - Compensation and expenses.
Expenses and Assessments
Research and Development
Reports and Records
Miscellaneous Provisions
- SECTION § 932.65 - Compliance.
- SECTION § 932.66 - Right of the Secretary.
- SECTION § 932.67 - Effective time.
- SECTION § 932.68 - Termination.
- SECTION § 932.69 - Proceedings after termination.
- SECTION § 932.70 - Effect of termination or amendment.
- SECTION § 932.71 - Duration of immunities.
- SECTION § 932.72 - Agents.
- SECTION § 932.73 - Derogation.
- SECTION § 932.74 - Personal liability.
- SECTION § 932.75 - Separability.
§ 932.1 - Secretary.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any officer or employee of the U.S. Department of Agriculture who is or who may hereafter be authorized to exercise the powers or to perform the duties of the Secretary of Agriculture.
§ 932.2 - Act.
Act means Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress (May 12, 1933) as amended and as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 601-674).
§ 932.3 - Person.
Person includes an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or any other business unit.
§ 932.4 - Area.
Area means the State of California.
§ 932.5 - Olives.
Olives means the fruit of any variety of the species olea europaea, whether or not processed, grown within the area.
§ 932.6 - Variety group 1.
Variety group 1 means the following varieties and any mutations, sports, or other derivations of such varieties: Aghizi Shami, Amellau, Ascolano, Ascolano dura, Azapa, Balady, Barouni, Carydolia, Cucco, Gigante di Cerignola, Gordale, Grosane, Jahlut, Polymorpha, Prunara, Ropades, Sevillano, Saint Agostino, Tafahi, and Touffahi.
§ 932.7 - Variety group 2.
Variety group 2 means the following varieties and any mutations, sports, or other derivations of such varieties: Manzanillo, Mission, Nevadillo, Obliza, Redding Picholine.
§ 932.8 - Natural condition olives.
Natural condition olives means olives in their fresh harvested state, whether or not placed in a water or other preserving medium.
§ 932.9 - Packaged olives.
Packaged olives means (a) processed olives in hermetically sealed containers and heat sterilized under pressure, otherwise known as canned ripe olives and including the three distinct types, ripe, green ripe, and tree-ripened; or (b) olives, packed in brine, and which have been fermented and cured, otherwise known as green olives.
§ 932.10 - Lot.
Lot means the total net weight of natural condition olives of any one variety delivered to a handler at any one time.
§ 932.11 - Grade.
Grade means the classification of olives as to quality according to the grading specifications established pursuant to the provisions of this part.
§ 932.12 - Size.
Size means the number of whole olives contained in a pound and may be referred to in terms of size ranges.
§ 932.13 - Size-grade.
Size-grade means to classify olives, or to cause olives to be classified, by sample or otherwise, into separate size designations.
§ 932.14 - Process.
Process means to change olives in any way from their natural condition by any commercial process.
§ 932.15 - Handler.
Handler means any person who handles olives.
§ 932.16 - Handle.
Handle means to: (a) Size-grade olives, (b) process olives, or (c) use processed olives in the production of packaged olives, within the production area, or (d) ship packaged olives from the area to any point outside thereof or within the area: Provided, This term shall not include natural condition olives acquired and (1) used for olive oil, salt cured oil coated olives (also variously referred to as “Greek Olives,” “Greek Style Olives,” or “Oil Cured Olives”), or Silician Style Olives, or (2) shipped to fresh market outlets.
§ 932.17 - Producer.
Producer means any person engaged in a proprietary capacity in the production of olives for market as packaged olives.
§ 932.18 - Committee.
Committee means the California Olive Committee established pursuant to § 932.25.
§ 932.19 - Crop year and fiscal year.
(a) Crop year means the 12-month period beginning on August 1 of each year and ending on July 31 of the following year or such other period that may be recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
(b) Fiscal year means the 12-month period beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each year or such other period that may be recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
§ 932.20 - Part and subpart.
Part means the Order Regulating the Handling of Olives Grown in California and all rules and regulations, and supplementary orders issued thereunder. The aforesaid Order Regulating the Handling of Olives Grown in California shall be a subpart of such part.
§ 932.21 - District.
District means any of the following geographical areas of the State of California:
(a) District 1 shall include the counties of Glenn, Tehama, and Shasta.
(b) District 2 shall include the counties of Mono, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, Monterey, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, and all counties to the south thereof.
(c) District 3 shall include all counties not included in Districts 1 and 2.
§ 932.22 - Sublot.
Sublot means a quantity of olives resulting from the separation by the handler of a lot into two or more parts.
§ 932.23 - Undersize olives and limited use size olives.
Undersize olives means olives of a size which, pursuant to § 932.51(a)(3), shall be disposed of in noncanning use; and limited use size olives means processed olives of any size which, pursuant to § 932.52(a)(3), is authorized for limited use.
§ 932.23a - Limited use.
Limited use means the use of processed olives in the production of packaged olives of the halved, segmented (wedged), sliced, or chopped styles, as defined in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives (7 CFR part 52) or subsequent amendments thereto, including modifications of the requirements for such styles pursuant to this part, and such additional styles (and the requirements applicable thereto) as may be specified pursuant to § 932.52(a)(7).
§ 932.24 - Noncanning use.
Noncanning use means the use of olives other than in the production of canned ripe olives, and is the authorized outlet for undersize olives and the limited use size olives which, pursuant to § 932.52(b), are not permitted for limited use in any crop year in which limited use is restricted to less than the available quantity of limited use size olives.
Olive Administrative Committee
§ 932.25 - Establishment and membership.
A California Olive Committee consisting of 16 members, is hereby established to administer the terms and provisions of this part. Each member shall have an alternate who meets the same qualifications as the member. Eight of the members and their alternates shall be producers or officers or employees of producers, and eight of the members and their alternates shall be handlers or directors, officers, or employees of handlers. The eight members of the committee who are producers or officers or employees of producers are referred to in this subpart as “producer members” of the committee; and the eight members of the committee who are handlers or directors, officers, or employees of handlers are referred to in this subpart as “handler members” of the committee. The committee may be increased by one public member who shall not be a producer or handler of olives nor an officer or employee or director of any producer or handler of olives. District representation of the producer members shall be two from District 1, four from District 2, and two from District 3. Allocation of the handler members shall be four members to represent cooperative marketing organizations, herein referred to as “cooperative handlers”, and four members to represent handlers who are not cooperative marketing organizations, herein referred to as “independent handlers”: Provided, That whenever during the crop year in which nominations are made and in the preceding crop year, the cooperative handlers or the independent handlers handled as first handler 65 percent or more of the total quantity of olives so handled by all handlers, allocation shall be five members to represent the group which so handled 65 percent or more of such olives and three members to represent the group which handled 35 percent or less. The public member and alternate public member shall be selected from any place within the area. The committee may, with the approval of the Secretary, provide such other allocation of producer or handler membership, or both, as may be necessary to assure equitable representation.
§ 932.26 - Term of office.
The term of office of members and alternate members of the committee shall be 2 years beginning on June 1 and ending on May 31 of odd numbered years: Provided, That the term of office of initial members and alternate members shall begin on the effective date of this subpart. Each such member and alternate member shall serve during that portion of the term of office for which he is selected and has qualified and shall continue to serve until his successor is selected and has qualified.
§ 932.27 - Selection.
Selection of members of the committee, and their respective alternates, shall be made in the appropriate numbers specified in § 932.25 by the Secretary from nominees nominated pursuant to this part or, in the discretion of the Secretary, from other persons eligible for nominations for such positions.
§ 932.28 - Eligibility.
Each producer member of the committee shall, at the time of selection and during the member's term of office, be a producer in the district for which selected, and except for producers who are members of cooperative handlers shall not be engaged in the handling of olives either in a proprietary capacity, or as a director, officer, or employee. Each handler member of the committee shall, at the time of selection and during the member's term of office, be a handler in the group that the member represents or a director, officer, or employee of such handler. The public member and alternate public member of the committee shall not at the time of selection and during the term of office be engaged in or have a financial interest in the commercial production, marketing, buying, grading, or processing of olives, nor shall such member or alternate be an officer, director, member, or employee of any firm engaged in such activities.
§ 932.29 - Nominations.
(a) Producer members. (1) Nominations for producer members of the committee, and their respective alternates, may be conducted according to the following procedures, or other procedures recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary:
(i) Meetings shall be held in each producer district for the purpose of selecting candidates for the member and alternate member nominations;
(ii) Those candidates selected at the producer meetings shall be nominated by mail balloting of producers in that district;
(iii) The committee shall adopt, with approval of the Secretary, appropriate procedures to be observed for conducting producer nominations by mail: Provided, That the names of nominees shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to April 16 of the year in which nominations are made.
(2) Only producers, including duly authorized officers or employees of producers, shall participate in the nomination of producer members and alternate members. Each producer shall be entitled to cast only one vote for each nominee to be selected in the district in which the producer produces olives. No producer shall participate in the selection of nominees in more than one district. If a producer produces olives in more than one district, such producer shall select the district in which such producer will so participate and notify the committee of such choice.
(b) Handler members. (1) At a meeting or meetings called by the committee, the cooperative handlers shall nominate a qualified person for each member position and a qualified person for each alternate member position allocated to cooperative handlers as provided in § 932.25.
(2) At a meeting or meetings called by the committee, the independent handlers shall nominate a qualified person for each member position and a qualified person for each alternate member position allocated to independent handlers as provided in § 932.25.
(3) Each handler shall be entitled to cast only one vote for each nominee for cooperative handler member or alternate member or independent handler member or alternate member, as the case may be, which vote shall be weighed by the tonnages of olives handled by such handler during the crop year in which nominations are made and in the previous crop year.
(c) Public member. Nominations for the public member and alternate public member of the committee shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to April 16 of the year in which nominations are made. The committee shall prescribe procedures for the selection and voting for each candidate.
§ 932.30 - Alternates.
An alternate for a member of the committee shall act in the place and stead of such member (a) during such member's absence, and (b) in the event of such member's removal, resignation, disqualification or death, until a successor for such member's unexpired term has been selected and has qualified. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this subpart, the provisions of this part applicable to members also apply to alternate members. The committee or the chariman of the committee may request one or more alternates to attend any or all meetings notwithstanding the expected or actual attendance of the respective member or members.
§ 932.31 - Failure to nominate.
If nominations for any position on the committee are not received by the Secretary by May 1 of the year in which nominations are to be made, the Secretary may select an eligible individual without regard to nomination.
§ 932.32 - Acceptance.
Any person selected by the Secretary as a member or as an alternate member of the committee shall qualify by filing a written acceptance with the Secretary promptly after being notified of such selection.
§ 932.33 - Vacancies.
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the failure of any person selected as a member, or as an alternate member of the committee to qualify, or in the event of the removal, resignation, disqualification, or death of any member or alternate member, a successor for such person's unexpired term shall be nominated and selected in the manner set forth in § 932.29 insofar as such provisions are applicable. If nomination to fill any such vacancy is not made within 60 calendar days after such vacancy occurs, the Secretary may fill such vacancy without regard to nominations, but on the basis of the applicable representations and qualifications set forth in §§ 932.25, 932.27, and 932.28.
§ 932.34 - Powers.
The committee shall have the following powers:
(a) To administer this subpart in accordance with its terms and provisions;
(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart;
(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of the provisions of this subpart; and
(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart.
§ 932.35 - Duties.
The committee shall have, among others, the following duties:
(a) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer or handler;
(b) To keep minutes, books, and other records, which shall clearly reflect all of its acts and transactions, and such minutes, books, and other records shall be subject to examination by the Secretary at any time;
(c) To make, subject to approval by the Secretary, scientific and other studies, and assemble data on the producing, handling, shipping, and marketing conditions relative to olives, which are necessary in connection with the performance of its official duties;
(d) To submit to the Secretary such available information with respect to olives as he may request or as the committee may deem desirable and pertinent;
(e) To select, from among its members, a chairperson and other officers, and to adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable;
(f) To appoint or employ such other persons as it may deem necessary, and to determine the salaries and define the duties of each such person;
(g) To submit to the Secretary, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year and not later than December 15, a budget of the anticipated expenses of the committee and the proposed assessment rate for such fiscal year, together with a report thereon.
(h) To cause the books of the committee to be audited by one or more certified public accountants at least once each fiscal year, and at such other times as the committee may deem necessary or as the Secretary may request. The report of each such audit shall show, among other things, the receipts and expenditures of funds, and at least two copies of each such audit report shall be submitted to the Secretary.
(i) To prepare monthly statements of its financial operations and make such statements, together with the minutes of its meetings, available at the office of the committee for inspection by any producer or handler, and to submit copies of such statements and minutes to the Secretary;
(j) To give reasonable advance notice of each meeting by mail addressed to each member, and such notice shall be given as widespread publicity as practicable. The same notice of meetings given to members shall be given to the Secretary;
(k) With the approval of the Secretary, to redefine the districts into which the area has been divided in § 932.21 and to reapportion the membership in accordance therewith: Provided, That any such changes reflect insofar as practicable shifts in olive acreage within the districts and area, the numbers of growers in the districts, the tonnage produced, and are equitable as to producers; and
(l) To investigate compliance with the provisions of this part.
§ 932.36 - Procedure.
Decisions of the committee shall be by majority vote of the members, including alternates acting as members, present and voting, and a quorum must be present: Provided, That decisions requiring a recommendation to the Secretary on matters pertaining to grade and size regulations shall require at least 10 affirmative votes, at least 5 of which must be from producer members and at least 5 of which must be from handler members and, if the committee is increased by the addition of a public member, at least 11 affirmative votes shall be required, at least 5 of which must be from producer members and at least 5 of which must be from handler members. A quorum shall consist of at least 10 members, including alternates acting as members, and, if the committee is increased by the addition of a public member, a quorum shall consist of at least 11 members, including alternates acting as members. Except in case of an emergency, a minimum of 5 days advance notice shall be given with respect to any meeting of the committee. In case of an emergency, to be determined within the discretion of the chairperson of the committee, as much advance notice of a meeting as is practicable in the circumstances shall be given. The committee may vote by mail or telegram upon due notice to all members, but any proposition to be so voted upon first shall be explained accurately, fully, and identically by mail or telegram to all members. When voted on by such method, at least 14 affirmative votes, of which seven shall be producer member votes and seven shall be handler member votes, shall be required for adoption and, if the committee is increased by the addition of a public member, votes by mail or telegram shall require at least 15 affirmative votes, of which at least 7 shall be producer member votes and at least 7 shall be handler member votes. The committee may recommend for the Secretary's approval changes in the number of affirmative votes required for adoption of any proposition voted upon by means of a mail or telegram ballot: Provided, That the number of affirmative votes required for adoption shall not be less than 10, and in any case an equal number of producer member and handler member votes shall be required for adoption and, if the committee is increased by the addition of a public member, the number of affirmative votes required for adoption shall be increased by 1.
§ 932.37 - Compensation and expenses.
The members of the committee and alternates when acting as members or at the request of the committee or its chairperson shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses, as approved by the committee, incurred by them in the performance of their duties under this part.
Expenses and Assessments
§ 932.38 - Expenses.
The committee is authorized to incur such expenses as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the committee for its maintenance and functioning and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this part. The funds to cover such expenses shall be acquired in the manner prescribed in § 932.39.
§ 932.39 - Assessments.
(a) As each handler's pro rata share of the expenses which the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the committee during a fiscal year, each handler who first handles olives during the current crop year shall pay to the committee, upon demand, assessments less any amounts which may be credited pursuant to § 932.45, on all olives to be used in the production of packaged olives, including olives to be used in canned ripe olives of the “tree-ripened” type or green olives when such are regulated as packaged olives pursuant to § 932.52. The payment of assessments for maintenance and functioning of the committee may be required under this part throughout the period it is in effect irrespective of whether particular provisions thereof are suspended or become inoperative.
(b) The Secretary shall fix the rate of assessment to be paid by each such handler during a fiscal year in an amount designed to secure sufficient funds to cover the expenses which may be incurred during such period. At any time during or after the fiscal year, the Secretary may increase the rate of assessment in order to secure sufficient funds to cover any later finding by the Secretary relative to the expenses which may be incurred. Such increase shall be applied to all olives handled during the applicable crop year. In order to provide funds for the administration of the provisions of this part during the first part of a fiscal year before sufficient operation income is available from assessments, the committee may accept the payment of assessments in advance, and may also borrow money for such purpose.
(c) Any assessment not paid by a handler within a period of time prescribed by the committee may be subject to an interest or late payment charge, or both. The period of time, rate of interest and late payment charge shall be as recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary. Subsequent to such approval, all assessments not paid within the prescribed period of time shall be subject to an interest or late payment charge or both.
§ 932.40 - Accounting.
(a) If, at the end of a fiscal year, the assessments collected are in excess of expenses incurred, such excess shall be accounted for in accordance with one of the following:
(1) If such excess is not retained in a reserve as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the committee shall refund or credit to handler accounts the aforesaid excess. Each handler's share of such excess funds shall be the amount of assessments such handler has paid in excess of such handler's pro rata share of the actual net expenses of the committee for such fiscal year. Excess funds may be used temporarily by the committee to defray expenses of the subsequent fiscal year: Provided, That each handler's share of such excess shall be made available to the handler by the committee within five months after the end of the fiscal year.
(2) The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may carry over such excess into subsequent fiscal years as a reserve: Provided, That funds already in the reserve do not exceed approximately one fiscal year's expenses. Such reserve funds may be used for any expenses authorized pursuant to § 932.38 and for necessary expenses of liquidation in the event of termination of this part. Upon such termination, any funds not required to defray the necessary expenses of liquidation shall be disposed of in such manner as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate: Provided, That to the extent practicable, such funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom such funds were collected.
(b) All funds received by the committee pursuant to the provisions of this part shall be used solely for the purpose specified in this part and shall be accounted for in the manner provided in this part. The Secretary may at any time require the committee and its members to account for all receipts and disbursements.
(c) Upon the removal or expiration of the term of office of any member of the committee, such member shall account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property and funds in his possession to the committee, and shall execute such assignments and other instruments as may be necessary or appropriate to vest in the committee full title to all of the property, funds, and claims vested in such member pursuant to this part.
Research and Development
§ 932.45 - Production research and marketing research and development projects.
(a) The following activities of the committee are authorized under this section.
(1) The committee may, with the approval of the Secretary, establish or provide for the establishment of production research, and marketing research and development projects designed to assist, improve or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption or efficient production of California olives. Such projects may provide for any marketing research and development projects designed to assist, improve, or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption or efficient production of California olives. Such projects may provide for any form of marketing promotion including paid advertising. The expenses of such research and projects shall be paid from funds collected pursuant to § 932.39 or from voluntary contributions. Voluntary contributions may be accepted by the committee only to pay the expenses of such projects: Provided, That the committee shall retain complete control over the use of such contributions which shall be free from any encumbrances.
(2) The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may provide for crediting a portion of a handler's direct expenditures for paid brand advertising for olives. Such expenditures may include, but are not limited to, money spent for advertising space in magazines, newspapers, outdoor media and transit or time charges for radio and television. No handler shall receive credit in excess of such handler's pro rata share of the total monies allotted by the committee for brand advertising credit. Each advertisement must be published, broadcast or displayed during the fiscal year for which credit is requested. Before any creditable brand advertising may be undertaken pursuant to this paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Secretary, upon recommendation by the committee, shall prescribe appropriate rules and regulations as are necessary to effectively regulate such activity.
(b) In recommending marketing research and development projects pursuant to this section, the committee shall give consideration to the following factors:
(1) The expected supply of olives in relation to market requirements;
(2) The supply situation among competing areas and commodities; and
(3) The need for marketing research with respect to any marketing development activity and the need for a coordinated effort with USDA's Plentiful Food Program.
(c) In recommending production research projects pursuant to this section, the committee shall give consideration to the extent and need for assistance to, and improvement of California olive production.
(d) If the committee should conclude that a program of production research, marketing research, or development should be undertaken or continued pursuant to this section in any fiscal year, it shall submit the following for the approval of the Secretary:
(1) Its recommendations as to funds to be obtained pursuant to § 932.39 or voluntary contributions;
(2) Its recommendations as to any production research or marketing research project; and
(3) Its recommendation as to promotion activity and paid advertising.
(e) The committee shall, as soon as practicable, prepare and mail reports on current production research and marketing research and development projects to the Secretary and make a copy of such reports available at the committee office for examination by producers, handlers, or other interested parties.
§ 932.50 - Report of marketing policy.
At least 14 days prior to the start of each crop year (except that this period may be shortened by the committee not more than 5 days if warranted), the committee shall hold a meeting for the purpose of formulating a marketing policy for the coming crop year: Provided, That with respect to the 1982-83 crop year the committee shall hold a meeting for such purpose as soon as practicable. The committee shall prepare and submit to the Secretary promptly after each such meeting, a report setting forth its recommended marketing policy for the ensuing crop year. In the event it becomes advisable to modify such policy, because of changed supply, demand, or other conditions, the committee shall formulate a new policy and shall submit a report thereon to the Secretary. In developing the marketing policy, the committee shall give consideration to the handler carryover, production, probable quality and composition of olive sizes in the crop, trade demand, probable imports, whether producer prices are likely to exceed parity, the probable assessable tonnage and such other factors as may have a bearing on the marketing of olives or the administration of this part. Notice of the committee's marketing policy, and of any modifications thereof, shall be given promptly by reasonable publicity to producers and handlers.
§ 932.51 - Incoming regulations.
(a) Minimum standards for natural condition olives. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no handler shall process any lot of natural condition olives for use in the production of packaged olives which has not first been:
(i) Weigspan on scales sealed by the State of California Department of Weights and Measures, an official certified weight certificate issued thereon, and a copy of such certificate furnisspan to the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service and the committee; and
(ii) Size-graded, either by sample or by lot, under the supervision of any such inspection service and classified into separate size designations and a certification issued with respect thereto by such inspection service. Such size designations shall be in accordance with those set forth in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives (7 CFR part 52) or subsequent amendments thereto, or such sizes as may be recommended by the committee and establisspan by the Secretary: Provided, That, for the purpose of this part, the size designations in said standards shall be deemed to include the following additional size designations.
Designation(s) | Approximate count (per pound) | Average count range (per pound) | Subpetite | 181 and up. | Petite | 160 | 141-180, inclusive. | Extra Large Sevillano “L” | 82 | 76-88, inclusive. | Extra Large Sevillano “C” | 70 | 65-75, inclusive. |
(2) Each handler may satisfy the incoming and outgoing size requirements for any lot of olives under the conditions set forth in subdivisions (i), (ii), and (iii) of this paragraph: Provided, That any such lot shall be kept intact under surveillance by the inspection services:
(i) When the Secretary authorizes use of limited size olives for limited use styles during any crop year, any lot of limited use size olives may be used in the production of packaged olives for limited use styles without an outgoing inspection if such olives are within the following average count range for that variety group, and meet such further size requirements as recommended by the committee with the approval of the Secretary:
Variety | Average count range (per pound) | Group 1, except Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino | 76-88, inclusive. | Group 1, Ascolano, Barouni and St. Agostino | 89-140, inclusive. | Group 2, except Obliza | 141-180, inclusive. | Group 2, Obliza | 128-140, inclusive. |
(ii) When limited use size olives are not authorized for limited use styles during any crop year, any lot of the minimum canning size olives may be used in the production of packaged olives for limited use styles without an outgoing inspection for size if such olives are within the following average count range for that variety group, and meet such further size requirements as recommended by the committee with approval of the Secretary:
Variety | Average count range (per pound) | Group 1, except Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino | 65-75, inclusive. | Group 1, Ascolano, Barouni and St. Agostino | 65-88, inclusive. | Group 2, except Obliza | 128-140, inclusive. | Group 2, Obliza | 106-121, inclusive. |
(iii) The committee may recommend, subject to approval by the Secretary, size certification procedures for olives used in the production of canned whole or pitted styles of olives: Provided, That if size certification for canned whole or pitted styles is implemented, marketing order sizes shall be adopted and size requirements in the U.S. Grade Standards shall not apply. Size certification of such styles shall be applicable to any or all sizes of olives recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary pursuant to § 932.52(a)(2). Size certification procedures recommended to the Secretary may include but are not limited to the establishment of average count ranges, acceptable count ranges, and approximate counts (midpoints) for each variety or variety group.
(3) Each handler shall, under the supervision of any such inspection service, dispose of into noncanning use an aggregate quantity of olives, comparable in size and characteristics and equal to the quantities shown on the certification for each lot to be:
(i) Variety Group 1 olives, except the Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino varieties, of a size which individually weigh less than 1/90 pound;
(ii) Variety Group 1 olives of the Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino varieties of a size which individually weigh less than 1/140 pound;
(iii) Variety Group 2 olives, except the Obliza variety, of a size which individually weigh less than 1/180 pound;
(iv) Variety Group 2 olives of the Obliza variety of a size which individually weigh less than 1/140 pound;
(v) Such other sizes for the foregoing variety groups as are not authorized for limited use pursuant to § 932.52; and
(vi) Olives classified as culls.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, a handler may (i) meet any deficit in such handler's undersize obligation in one variety by disposing of, under supervision of the inspection service, as other than canned ripe olives, an equal quantity of undersize olives, of any other variety, or by so disposing of an equal quantity of olives of that or any other variety of sizes larger than undersize of a quality better than culls, and (ii) meet any deficit in such handler's cull obligation in one variety by so disposing of an equal quantity of cull olives of any other variety, or by so disposing of an equal quantity of olives of any variety of sizes larger than undersize of a quality better than culls.
(5) Each handler shall hold at all times a quantity of olives equal to the quantities required in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, less any quantity previously disposed of as specified in such subparagraph.
(b) Whenever a handler receives a lot of natural condition olives, or makes a separation resulting in a sublot, solely for use in the production of green olives or canned ripe olives of the “tree-ripened” type, he may handle such lot or sublot without regard to the provisions of this section and § 932.52 only if (1) he notifies the committee upon receiving such a lot or making such a separation; (2) the identity of all such lots and sublots of olives is maintained by keeping them separate and apart from other olives he receives; (3) the packaged olives produced from such lots and sublots after processing are canned ripe olives of the “tree-ripened” type or green olives; and (4) there are no outgoing regulations pursuant to § 932.52 then applicable to packaged olives that are canned ripe olives of the “tree-ripened” type or green olives.
2. At 81 FR 46569, July 18, 2016, in § 932.51 paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) through (a)(5) were suspended indefinitely.
§ 932.52 - Outgoing regulations.
(a) Minimum standards for packaged olives. No handler shall use processed olives in the production of packaged olives or ship such packaged olives unless they have first been inspected as required pursuant to § 932.53 and meet each of the following applicable requirements:
(1) Canned ripe olives, other than those of the “tree-ripened” type, shall grade at least U.S. Grade C as such grade is defined in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives (7 CFR part 52) or subsequent amendments thereto, or as modified by the committee, with approval of the Secretary, for purposes of this part.
(2) Except as provided in § 932.51(a) (1) and (2), canned whole ripe olives, other than those of the “tree-ripened” type, shall conform to the single size designations set forth in the U.S. Standards for Grades of Canned Ripe Olives (7 CFR part 52) or subsequent amendments thereto, or as modified by the committee, with the approval of the Secretary, and shall be of a size not smaller than the following applicable size requirements, tolerances and percentages: Provided, That the Secretary, on the basis of a recommendation of the committee or other available information, may change such sizes, tolerances or percentages:
(i) With respect to variety group 1 olives, except the Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino varieties, the individual fruits shall each weigh no less than 1/75 pound, except that (A) for olives of the extra large size designation, not more than 25 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/75 pound each including not more than 10 percent, by count, of such olives that weigh less than 1/82 pound each; and (B) for olives of any designation except the extra large size, not more than 5 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/75 pound each;
(ii) With respect to variety group 1 olives of the Ascolano, Barouni and St. Agostino varieties, the individual fruits shall each weigh not less than 1/88 pound except that (A) for olives of the extra large size designation, not more than 25 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/88 pound each including not more than 10 percent, by count, of such olives that weigh less than 1/98 pound each, and (B) for olives of any size designation, except the extra large size, not more than 5 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/88 pound each;
(iii) With respect to variety group 2 olives, except the Obliza variety, the individual fruits shall each weigh not less than 1/140 pound except that (A) for olives of the small size designation, not more than 35 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/140 pound each including not more than 7 percent, by count, of such olives that weigh less than 1/160 pound each; and (B) for olives of any size designation, except the small size, not more than 5 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/140 pound each; and
(iv) With respect to Variety Group 2 olives of the Obliza variety, the individual fruits shall each weigh not less than 1/121 pound except that (a) for olives of the medium size designation, not more than 35 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/121 pound each including not more than 7 percent, by count, of such olives that weigh less than 1/135 pound each; and (b) for olives of any size designation, except the medium size, not more than 5 percent, by count, of such olives may weigh less than 1/121 pound each.
(3) Subject to the provisions set forth in paragraph (a)(4) of this section and § 932.51(a) (1) and (2), processed olives to be used in the production of canned pitted ripe olives, other than those of the “tree-ripened” type, shall meet the same requirements as prescribed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section: Provided, That olives smaller than those so prescribed, as recommended annually by the committee and approved by the Secretary, may be authorized for limited use but any such limited use size olives so used shall be not smaller than the following applicable minimum size: Provided further, That each such minimum size may also include a size tolerance (specified as a percent) as recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
(i) Variety Group 1 olives, except the Ascolano, Barouni, and St. Agostino varieties, of a size which individually weigh 1/90 pound;
(ii) Variety Group 1 olives of the Ascolano, Barouni, or St. Agostino varieties, of a size which individually weigh 1/140 pound;
(iii) Variety Group 2 olives, except the Obliza variety, of a size which individually weigh 1/180 pound;
(iv) Variety Group 2 olives of the Obliza variety, of a size which individually weigh 1/140 pound.
(4) The Secretary may, upon recommendation of the committee, restrict the total quantity of limited use size olives for limited use during any crop year. Such restricted quantity shall be apportioned among the handlers by applying a percentage, establisspan annually by the Secretary upon recommendation by the committee, to each handler's total receipts of limited use size olives during such crop year.
(5) Canned ripe olives of the “tree-ripened” type and green olives shall meet such grade, size, and pack requirements as may be establisspan by the Secretary based upon the recommendation of the committee or other available information.
(6) The size designations used in this section mean the size designations described in (a)(1)(ii) of § 932.51.
(7) For the purposes of this part the committee may, with the approval of the Secretary, specify the styles of olives, including the requirements with respect thereto, for limited use.
(b) Disposition requirements for limited use size olives. (1) The requirements of this paragraph are in addition to and not in substitution of the requirements of § 932.51(a)(5).
(2) Each handler shall, under the supervision of the Specialty Crops Inspection Division, USDA, or the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, dispose of limited use size olives into limited use or into noncanning use: Provided, That whenever a handler's use of limited use size olives is restricted pursuant to § 932.52(a)(4), such handler shall dispose of into noncanning use that quantity of such limited use size olives which is in excess of the quantity permitted for limited use.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a handler may meet any deficit in his obligation to dispose of limited use size olives into noncanning use pursuant to this paragraph by disposing of, under supervision of the inspection service, an equivalent quantity of olives of a size larger than the limited use size and of a quality better than culls.
(4) Each handler shall hold at all times a quantity of olives eligible to meet the disposition requirements of this paragraph less any quantity previously disposed of as specified in paragraphs (b) (2) and (3) of this section.
§ 932.53 - Inspection and certification.
(a) Each handler shall have the olives such handler handles inspected and certified as for conformance with all applicable requirements pursuant to §§ 932.51 and 932.52 with respect to such handling. Inspection and certification for conformance with the requirements of § 932.51 shall be by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, including certification as to size, and inspection for conformance with the requirements of § 932.52 shall be by the Specialty Crops Inspection Division, USDA, except that the disposition of olives, other than as canned ripe olives, in accordance with the requirements of § 932.51(a)(3) may be under the supervision of any of such inspection services. A copy of each certification by the said inspection services, pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be furnished to the committee.
(b) The committee may enter into an agreement with either or both of said inspection services with respect to the costs of the inspection required by this section and may collect from handlers their respective pro rata share of such costs.
§ 932.54 - Transfers.
Transfers within the area of olives from one handler to another for further handling within the area are permitted. Whenever such a transfer of olives is made, the transferring handler shall comply with all applicable regulations up to the time of such transfer, and the receiving handler shall comply with all applicable regulations subsequent to such transfer: Provided, That the disposition obligations referable to transferred natural condition olives pursuant to § 932.51(a)(3) may be transferred along with the olives, in which event the receiving handler shall comply with the disposition obligations. Transfers of olives from within the area to any point outside the area shall be subject to such requirements with respect to inspection, holding, disposition, and reporting as may be established by the Secretary on the basis of recommendations by the committee or other available information.
§ 932.55 - Exemption.
(a) The provisions of this subpart shall not be applicable to processed olives on hand on the effective date of this subpart but only if the identity of such olives is maintained and such olives are not commingled with olives processed after such effective date in the production of packaged olives. However, olives on hand on such effective date that are commingled with olives processed after such date and are used in the production of packaged olives shall be subject to all relevant provisions applicable to the handling of packaged olives.
(b) Upon the basis of the recommendation submitted by the committee or from other available information, the Secretary may relieve from any or all requirements under this part the handling of olives in such minimum quantities, in such types of shipments, or for such specified purposes (including shipments to facilitate the conduct of marketing research and development projects established pursuant to § 932.45) as the committee with the approval of the Secretary may prescribe.
(c) The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, shall prescribe rules, regulations, and safeguards as it may deem necessary to ensure that olives exempted under the provisions of this section are handled only as authorized.
Reports and Records
§ 932.60 - Reports of acquisitions, sales, uses, shipments and creditable brand advertising.
(a) Each handler shall file such reports of his acquisitions, sales, uses, and shipments of olives, as may be requested by the committee.
(b) Upon the request of the committee, each handler shall furnish such other reports and information as are needed to enable the committee to perform its functions under this part.
(c) Each handler shall file such reports of creditable brand advertising as recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary.
§ 932.61 - Records.
Each handler shall maintain such records of olives acquired, held, and disposed of by such handler as may be prescribed by the committee and needed by it to perform its functions under this subpart. Such records shall be retained for at least two years beyond the crop year in which the transaction occurred. The committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe rules and regulations to include under this section handler records that detail advertising and promotion activities which the committee may need to perform its functions under § 932.45(a).
§ 932.62 - Verification of reports.
For the purpose of checking and verifying reports filed by handlers, the committee, through its duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any handler's premises during regular business hours, and shall be permitted at any such time to: (a) Inspect such premises and any olives held by such handler, and any and all records of the handler with respect to such handler's acquisition, sales, uses and shipments of olives; and (b) inspect any and all records of such handler with respect to advertising and promotion activities subject to § 932.45(a) and maintained by the handler pursuant to § 932.61. Each handler shall furnish all labor and equipment necessary to make such inspections.
§ 932.63 - Confidential information.
All reports and information submitted by handlers pursuant to the provisions of this part shall be received by, and at all times be in the custody of one or more designated employees of the committee. No such employees shall disclose to any person, other than the Secretary upon request therefor, data, or information obtained or extracted from such reports and records which might affect the trade position, financial condition, or business operation of the particular handler from whom received: Provided, That such data and information may be combined, and made available in the form of general reports in which the identities of the individual handlers furnishing the information is not disclosed.
Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 932.65 - Compliance.
Except as provided in this part, no person shall handle olives, the handling of which has been prohibited by the Secretary in accordance with the provisions of this part, and no person shall handle olives except in conformity with the provisions of this part and the regulations issued hereunder.
§ 932.66 - Right of the Secretary.
The members of the committee (including successors and alternates) and any agents or employees appointed or employed by the committee, shall be subject to removal or suspension at any time by the Secretary. Each and every order, regulation, determination, decision, or other act of the committee shall be subject to the continuing right of the Secretary to disapprove of the same at any time. Upon such disapproval, such disapproved action shall be deemed null and void except as to acts done in reliance thereon or in compliance therewith prior to such disapproval by the Secretary.
§ 932.67 - Effective time.
The provisions of this subpart, as well as any amendments to this subpart, shall become effective at such time as the Secretary may declare, above his signature, and shall continue in force until terminated in one of the ways specified in § 932.68.
§ 932.68 - Termination.
(a) The Secretary may, at any time, terminate the provisions of this subpart by giving at least one day's notice by means of a press release or in any other manner which he may determine.
(b) The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operation of any or all of the provisions of this subpart whenever he finds such provisions do not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.
(c) The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this subpart at the end of any crop year whenever the Secretary finds that such termination is favored by a majority of producers who, during a representative period determined by the Secretary, have been engaged in the area in the production of olives for market as packaged olives: Provided, That such majority have during such representative period produced for market more than 50 percent of the volume of such olives produced for market, but such termination shall be effective only if announced on or before July 15 of the then current crop year.
§ 932.69 - Proceedings after termination.
(a) Upon the termination of the provisions of this subpart, the members of the committee then functioning shall continue as joint trustees, for the purpose of liquidating the affairs of the committee, of all funds and property then in the possession or under the control of the committee including claims for any funds unpaid or property not delivered at the time of such termination. Action by such trustee shall require the concurrence of a majority of the trustees.
(b) Said trustees shall continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary; shall, from time to time, account for all receipts and disbursements, and deliver all property on hand, together with all books and records of the committee and the joint trustees, to such person as the Secretary may direct; and shall, upon the request of the Secretary, execute such assignments or other instruments necessary or appropriate to vest in such person full title and right to all of the funds, property, and claims vested in the committee or the joint trustees.
(c) Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered by the committee or the joint trustees, pursuant to this section, shall be subject to the same obligations imposed upon the members of the said committee and upon said joint trustees.
§ 932.70 - Effect of termination or amendment.
Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Secretary, the termination of this subpart or any regulation issued pursuant thereto, or the issuance of any amendment to either thereof, shall not (a) affect or waive any right, duty, obligation, or liability which shall have arisen, or which may thereafter arise, in connection with any provision of this subpart, or any regulation issued thereunder; (b) release or extinguish any violation of this subpart or of any regulation issued thereunder; or (c) affect or impair any rights or remedies of the Secretary or any other person with respect to any such violation.
§ 932.71 - Duration of immunities.
The benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred upon any person by virtue of this subpart shall cease upon the termination of this subpart, except with respect to acts done under and during the existence of this subpart.
§ 932.72 - Agents.
The Secretary may, by a designation in writing, name any person, including any officer or employee of the U.S. Government or name any service or division in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to act as his agent or representative in connection with any of the provisions of this subpart.
§ 932.73 - Derogation.
Nothing contained in this subpart is or shall be construed to be, in derogation or in modification of the rights of the Secretary or of the United States to exercise any powers granted by the act or otherwise, or, in accordance with such powers, to act in the premises whenever such action is deemed advisable.
§ 932.74 - Personal liability.
No member or alternate member of the committee or any employee or agent thereof shall be held personally responsible, either individually or jointly with others, in any way whatsoever, to any person, for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts either of commission or omission, as such member, alternate member, employee, or agent, except for acts of dis- honesty.
§ 932.75 - Separability.
If any provision of this subpart is declared invalid or the applicability thereof to any person, circumstance, or thing is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this subpart or the applicability thereof to any other person, circumstance, or thing shall not be affected thereby.