Collapse to view only § 85.42 - Real and personal property.

§ 85.40 - Cost sharing.

(a) The Federal share shall not exceed 75% of total costs approved in the grant agreement.

(b) The provisions of 43 CFR 12.64 apply to cost sharing or matching requirements. Third party in-kind contributions must be necessary and reasonable to accomplish grant objectives and represent the current market value of noncash contributions furnished as part of the grant by another public agency, private organization, or individual.

§ 85.41 - Allowable costs.

(a) Allowable grant costs are limited to those costs that are necessary and reasonable for accomplishment of approved grant objectives and meet the applicable Federal cost principles in 43 CFR 12.60(b). Purchase of informational signs, program signs, and symbols designating pumpout and dump stations, are allowable costs.

(b) Grants or facilities designed to include purposes other than those eligible under the Act shall have the costs prorated equitably among the various purposes. Grant funds shall only be used for the part of the activity related to the Clean Vessel Act.

(c) Costs incurred prior to the effective date of the grant agreement are not allowable with the exception that preliminary costs are allowed only with the approval of the appropriate Regional Director. Preliminary costs may include such items as feasibility surveys, engineering design, biological reconnaissance, appraisals, or preparation of grant documents such as environmental assessments for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

§ 85.42 - Real and personal property.

(a) Applicable regulations regarding acquisition, property records, maintenance, and disposal of real property and equipment are found in 43 CFR 12.71 and 12.72. If questions arise regarding applicability, the appropriate Regional Office should be contacted.

(b) A State shall ensure that design and installation of the facilities are in accordance with the technical standards identified in the technical guidelines as published in the Federal Register.

(c) The State must ensure that facilities are operated and maintained, and that structures or related assets are used for the stated grant purpose.

§ 85.43 - Signs and symbols.

(a) Signs. Facilities must display appropriate information signs at pumpout and portable toilet dump stations. Such information should indicate fees, restrictions, hours of operation, operating instructions, a contact name and 1-800-ASK-FISH telephone number for boaters to get additional information or to report an inoperable facility.

(b) Pumpout symbol. (1) At appropriate times, to increase public awareness of the Clean Vessel Act Pumpout Grant Program, use a pumpout symbol according to Service specifications. Use the pumpout symbol as follows:

(i) As a sign at the entrance to a marina advertising the presence of a pumpout and/or portable toilet dump station;

(ii) As a directional sign within a marina;

(iii) As a sign at a pumpout and/or portable toilet dump station;

(iv) As a symbol on educational and informational material; and

(v) For other uses as appropriate to advance the purposes of the Clean Vessel Act.

(2) To avoid confusion with having two symbols, use the selected symbol both for pumpout stations and portable dump stations. The Service encourages the use of this symbol as it is not copyrighted. The NOAA NOS magenta “P” within a magenta circle will continue to be used on nautical charts to identify the location of pumpout and portable toilet dump stations. NOAA will include information about the selected pumpout symbol in the U.S. Coast Pilots, a supplement to the charts, to relate this symbol to the NOAA Nautical Chart magenta “P” and circle.

(3) All recipients identified in § 85.11 should display the appropriate pumpout symbol on facilities, such as pumpout and portable toilet dump stations, or on printed material or other visual representations relating to project accomplishments or education/information, and should encourage others to do so. Sub-recipients also should display the symbol and should encourage use by others for the purposes stated in this paragraph (b)(3).

(4) The Service encourages other persons or organizations, such as marinas with pumpout stations not constructed with Clean Vessel Act funds, to use the symbol to advance the purposes of the Clean Vessel Act program.

(5) The following specifications shall apply: The symbol is black, the background is white, and the border is international orange. There is no standard for the black and white, but use black and white colors, not shades. The standards for the international orange color is as follows: For day boards (signs), use retroflective international orange film. For paint, use international orange conforming to FED-STD 595B, chip number 12197 in daylight conditions. For inks, use Pantone Matching System color chart 179C. In order to ensure visibility after dark, use reflectorized film or paint, and/or artificial illumination. Pumpout symbol technical specifications to construct signs and for other purposes are available upon request.

(6) The following rules govern the graphic reproduction of the symbol:

(i) Do not use a smaller than legible symbol.

(ii) If you reduce or enlarge the symbol, maintain the same proportions.

(iii) Do not obscure the symbol by overprinting.

(iv) Do not place the symbol where it will be split by unlike backgrounds.

(v) Do not place the symbol on a background that is highly textured or patterned.

(vi) When appropriate, for economical reasons, depict the symbol in one-color (black) with a white background, rather than two-color (international orange and black) with white background.

(7) The pumpout symbol follows:

(c) Qualifying signs. (1) In conjunction with the symbol, you may use other qualifying signs below the symbol, either on the same sign or on a separate sign.

(i) You may place the message “P PUMP OUT”, “P PUMPOUT STATION”, “P PORTABLE TOILET DUMP STATION”, or other appropriate qualifier, beneath the symbol. Place the magenta-colored “P” and circle in front of the message to relate the pumpout symbol to the NOAA NOS nautical charts. Messages may be appropriate for several years until the symbol is understood without the message. When appropriate, substitute a black “P” and circle for economical reasons.

(ii) You may place directional arrows beneath the symbol to indicate the direction of pumpout or portable toilet dump station facilities.

(2) The following specifications shall apply: Symbols, such as directional arrows, and letters, are black, and the background is white. For using inks to create the magenta color, use PMS color chart 259U. Letters and black and white colors shall follow the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), FHWA, 1988. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, provides for sale copies of the 1988 MUTCD, including Revision No. 3, dated September 3, 1993, Stock No. 050-001-00308-2.

(3) The same rules governing the graphic reproduction of the pumpout symbol, as described in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, shall apply to qualifying signs.

(d) Pumpout slogan. (1) Use the pumpout slogan according to Service specifications to help increase boater awareness of the need to use pumpout and dump stations to properly dispose of their boat sewage. Use the slogan in conjunction with the pumpout symbol, on educational/informational material, and for other uses as appropriate to advance the purposes of the Clean Vessel Act. The slogan is not copyrighted, and the Service encourages its appropriate use.

(2) All recipients identified in § 85.11 should display the pumpout slogan on facilities, such as pumpout and portable toilet dump stations as appropriate, and on printed material or other visual representations relating to project accomplishments or education/information, and should encourage others to do so. Sub-recipients should display the slogan for purposes as stated above and should encourage others to do so.

(3) The Service encourages other persons or organizations, such as marinas with pumpout stations not constructed with Clean Vessel Act funds, to use the slogan to advance the purposes of the Clean Vessel Act program.

(4) The following specifications shall apply: Letters are black and background is white. The same reference under specifications for Qualifying Signs in paragraph (c)(2) of this section shall apply.

(5) The same rules governing the graphic reproduction of the pumpout symbol, as described in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, shall apply to the pumpout slogan.

(6) The pumpout slogan follows:


(e) All information signs, pumpout symbol, qualifying signs, and pumpout slogan identified in this section and the crediting logo identified in § 85.47, inform and educate boaters. Therefore, use the signs, symbol, slogan and logo as appropriate. For instance, a sign on the water directing boaters to a pumpout may only need the pumpout symbol, and a qualifying sign beneath, e.g., an arrow, and possibly the words “PUMPOUT STATION”. For pumpout and dump stations, the pumpout symbol, slogan, information signs, including all information in paragraph (a) of this section, and the crediting and State logo may be appropriate. If desirable, add qualifying signs. Position a legible sign, symbol and logo either on the pumpout/dump station, on a separate sign, or both, for the greatest effect in informing and educating boaters. For other products such as print and video public service announcements, brochures, etc., the placement of symbols, etc. depends on space availability. The following order of priority dictates the order of use under limited space conditions: the pumpout symbol, slogan, 1-800-ASK-FISH telephone number and Sport Fish Restoration crediting logo. Add other information as appropriate. Use judgement when placing information on signs so as not to confuse the reader. Display the symbol, logo, slogan and information signs in the appropriate locations. To reduce wind drag when bolting signs on pilings, it was found helpful in the Northeast to make signs taller than wider. Symbol or logo size may vary. However, if you reduce or enlarge the symbol, maintain the same proportions.

[62 FR 45348, Aug. 27, 1997]

§ 85.44 - Fee charges for use of facilities.

A maximum of a $5.00 fee may be charged, with no justification, for use of pumpout facilities constructed, operated or maintained with grant funds. If higher fees are charged, they must be justified before the proposal can be approved. Such proceeds shall be retained, accounted for, and used by the operator to defray operation and maintenance costs as long as the facility is needed and it serves its intended purpose. The maximum fee shall be evaluated for inflation, etc., each year.

§ 85.45 - Public access to facilities and maintenance.

All recreational vessels must have access to pumpout and dump stations funded under this grant program. Facilities shall be operated, maintained, and continue to be reasonably accessible to all recreational vessels for the full period of their useful life.

§ 85.46 - Survey and plan standards.

(a) Survey standards. (1) Surveys should be conducted according to the technical guidelines as published in the Federal Register.

(2) Surveys may be conducted Statewide, if necessary, to obtain information on boats using the coastal zone.

(b) Plan standards. Plans should be developed according to the technical guidelines as published in the Federal Register.

§ 85.47 - Program crediting.

(a) Crediting logo. As the source of funding for Clean Vessel Act facilities, the Sport Fish Restoration program should get credit through use of the Sport Fish Restoration logo. Grant recipients may us the crediting logo identified in 50 CFR 80.99 to identify projects funded by the Clean Vessel Act. The Sport Fish Restoration logo follows:

(b) Recipient logo display. Grant recipients are authorized to display the Sport Fish Restoration logo. Section 85.11 identifies recipients eligible to display the appropriate logo according to 50 CFR 80.99. Display includes on pumpout and portable toilet dump stations that grantees acquire, develop, operate or maintain by these grants, or on printed material or other visual representations relating to project accomplishments or education/information. Display the logo in the appropriate location, according to § 85.43(e). Symbol or logo size may vary. However, if your reduce or enlarge the symbol, maintain the same proportions. Recipients may require sub-recipients to display the logo.

(c) Other display of logo. Other persons or organizations may use the logo for purposes related to the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Clean Vessel Act program as authorized in 50 CFR 80.99.

(d) Crediting language. Suggested examples of language to use when crediting the Clean Vessel Act follow:

(1) Example 1. The Sport Fish Restoration Program funded this pumpout facility through your purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fuels.

(2) Example 2. The Sport Fish Restoration Program funded this construction through your purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fuels.

(3) Example 3. The Sport Fish Restoration Program funded the production of this pamphlet through your purchase of fishing equipment and motorboat fuels.

(e) Logo colors. Option 1 in paragraph (e)(1) of this section describes the preferred logo colors. Use Options 2 or 3 in paragraph (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this section when necessary or to reduce costs. Do not attempt to match these Pantone Matching Systems (PMS) colors with combinations of screened process colors.

(1) Option 1. When printed 100 percent on a white background, use PMS 348.

(2) Option 2. When using four-color process printing, print the symbol in 100 percent black on a white background.

(3) Option 3. When it is not possible to follow the specifications of Options 1 or 2 in paragraph (e)(1) or (e)(2) of this section, print the logo in any 100 percent solid dark color on a contrasting light background.

[62 FR 45350, Aug. 27, 1997, as amended at 78 FR 35153, June 12, 2013]

§ 85.48 - Compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and policies.

(a) In accepting Federal funds, State representatives must agree to and certify compliance with all applicable Federal laws, regulations, and policies. This is done by submitting an assurances statement that describes the compliance requirements for Federal grants.

(b) Compliance with environmental and other laws, as defined in Service Manual 523 FW Chapter 1, may require additional documentation. Consult with Regional Offices for specific applicability.

(c) For method of payment, refer to 43 CFR part 12, 31 CFR part 205, and any other regulations referenced in these parts.