Collapse to view only § 671.13 - RWP manual.
§ 671.11 - RWP program.
(a) Each RTA must adopt and implement an approved RWP program to improve transit worker safety that is consistent with Federal and State safety requirements and meets the minimum requirements of this part.
(b) The RWP program must include:
(1) An RWP manual as described in § 671.13; and
(2) All of the RWP program elements described in Subpart D of this part.
(c) Each RTA must submit its RWP manual and subsequent updates to its SSOA for review and approval as described in § 671.25.
§ 671.13 - RWP manual.
(a) Each RTA must establish and maintain a separate, dedicated manual documenting its RWP program.
(b) The RWP manual must include the terminology, abbreviations, and acronyms used to describe the RWP program activities and requirements.
(c) The RWP manual must document:
(1) All elements of the RWP program in Subpart D of this part.
(2) A definition of RTA and transit worker responsibilities as described in Subpart C—Responsibilities.
(3) Training, qualification, and supervision required for transit workers to access the track zone, by labor category or type of work performed.
(4) Processes and procedures, including any use of roadway workers to provide adequate on-track safety, for all transit workers who may access the track zone in the performance of their work, including safety and oversight personnel. Procedures for SSOA personnel to access the roadway must conform with the SSOA's risk-based inspection program.
(d) The RWP manual must include or incorporate by reference a track access guide to support on-track safety. The track access guide must be based on a physical survey of the track geometry and condition of the transit system and include, at a minimum:
(1) Locations with limited, close, or no clearance, including locations (such as alcoves, recessed spaces, or other designated places or areas of refuge or safety) with size or access limitations.
(2) Locations subject to increased rail vehicle or on-track equipment braking requirements or reduced rail transit vehicle operator visibility due to precipitation or other weather conditions.
(3) Curves with no or limited visibility.
(4) Locations with limited or no visibility due to obstructions or topography.
(5) All portals with restricted views.
(6) Locations with heavy outside noise or other environmental conditions that impact on-track safety.
(7) Any other locations with access considerations.
(e) Following initial approval of the RWP manual by its SSOA, not less than every two years, the RTA must review and update its RWP manual to reflect current conditions and lessons learned in implementing the RWP program and information provided by the SSOA and FTA.
(f) The RTA must update its RWP manual and track access guide as necessary and as soon as practicable upon any change to the system that conflicts with any element of either document.
(g) The RWP manual must be distributed to all transit workers who access the roadway and redistributed after each revision.