Collapse to view only § 29.404 - When must the Department transfer funds that were not paid as part of the initial lump sum payment (or initial periodic payment)?

§ 29.400 - What funds may a Tribe elect to include in a funding agreement?

A Tribe may elect to include in a funding agreement the following funds:

(a) Funds provided to the Tribe under the Tribal Transportation Program identified in 23 U.S.C. 202 in accordance with the statutory formula set forth in 23 U.S.C. 202(b);

(b) Any transit funds provided to the Tribe under 49 U.S.C. 5311;

(c) Funds for any discretionary or competitive grant administered by the Department awarded to the Tribe for a transportation program under title 23 of the U.S. Code or chapter 53 of title 49 of the U.S. Code;

(d) Funds for any other discretionary or competitive grant for a transportation-related purpose administered by the Department otherwise available to the Tribe;

(e) Federal-aid funds apportioned to a State under chapter 1 of title 23 of the U.S. Code if the State elects to transfer, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 207(d)(2)(A)(ii) or 23 U.S.C. 202(a)(9), a portion of such funds to the Tribe for an eligible project; and

(f) Formula funds awarded to a State under 49 U.S.C. 5311 that the State elects to award to the Tribe, where the Tribe and State agree that the Department will award the funds directly to the Tribe.

§ 29.401 - What funds must the Department transfer to a Tribe in a funding agreement?

(a) Subject to the terms of a funding agreement, the Department must transfer to a Tribe all the funds provided for in the funding agreement.

(b) The Department must provide funds for periods covered by a joint resolution adopted by Congress making continuing appropriations and authorization extensions, to the extent permitted by such resolutions. The Department will defer payment of funds to the Tribe if the period of continuing appropriations is less than 35 days.

(c) To the extent a Tribe elects to include the following funds in its funding agreement, the Department will include the amount equal to:

(1) The amount awarded to the Tribe for any discretionary or competitive grant;

(2) The amount transferred to the Tribe by a State;

(3) The sum of the funds that the Tribe would otherwise receive in accordance with a funding formula or other allocation method set forth in title 23 of the U.S. Code or chapter 53 of title 49 of the U.S. Code; and

(4) Such additional amounts as the Department determines equal the amounts that would have been withheld, if any, for the costs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to administer the program or project on behalf of the Tribe.

§ 29.402 - Is the Tribe responsible for the funds included in a funding agreement?

The Tribe is responsible for implementing the Tribe's PSFAs using the funds included in a funding agreement and for administering the funds in accordance with this part. In addition, the Tribe must carry out its PSFAs in accordance with the funding agreement, and all applicable statutes and regulations identified in the funding agreement.

§ 29.403 - When must the Department transfer to a Tribe the funds identified in a funding agreement?

When a funding agreement requires an annual transfer of funds to be made by the Department at the beginning of a fiscal year, or requires semiannual or other periodic transfers of funds to be made to a Tribe, the Department will make the first transfer no later than 10 days after the apportionment of such funds by the Office of Management and Budget to the Department, unless the funding agreement provides otherwise. Consistent with the Prompt Payment Act, the Department is not responsible for any interest penalty if the Department makes the transfer within 30 days.

§ 29.404 - When must the Department transfer funds that were not paid as part of the initial lump sum payment (or initial periodic payment)?

The Department must transfer any funds that were not paid in the initial lump sum payment (or initial periodic payment) within 10 days after the apportionment of such funds by the Office of Management and Budget to the Department, unless the funding agreement provides otherwise. Consistent with the Prompt Payment Act, the Department is not responsible for any interest penalty if the Department makes the transfer within 30 days.

§ 29.405 - When must the Department transfer funds for a discretionary or competitive grant?

If the Department selects a Tribe for a discretionary or competitive grant, and the Tribe elects to include the grant funds in its funding agreement, the Department will transfer the funds to the Tribe in accordance with the terms of the Notice of Funding Opportunity or as the Department and the Tribe may otherwise agree. The Department will transfer these funds no later than 10 days after the Department and the Tribe execute a funding agreement or an amendment covering the grant, unless the funding agreement provides otherwise. Consistent with the Prompt Payment Act, the Department is not responsible for any interest penalty if the Department makes the transfer within 30 days.

§ 29.406 - Does the award of funds for a discretionary or competitive grant entitle a Tribe to receive the same amount in subsequent years?

The award of funds for a discretionary or competitive grant does not entitle a Tribe to receive the same amount of funds in subsequent years.

§ 29.407 - Does the award of funds for discretionary or competitive grants entitle the Tribe to receive contract support costs?

Receipt of discretionary or competitive grant awards does not entitle the Tribe to receive contract support costs or any other amounts identified in 25 U.S.C. 5325. However, a Tribe may use grant awards to cover overhead and administrative expenses associated with operation of the grant, as provided in the grant award.

§ 29.408 - How may a Tribe use interest earned on funds included in a funding agreement?

A Tribe may retain interest earned on funds included in a funding agreement to carry out transportation or governmental functions.

§ 29.409 - May a Tribe carry over from one fiscal year to the next any funds that remain at the end of the funding agreement?

A Tribe may carry over from one fiscal year to the next any funds that remain at the end of the funding agreement, consistent with the following:

(a) The period of availability for formula funds included in a funding agreement does not lapse. After transfer to the Tribe, such funds will remain available until expended. If a Tribe elects to carry over funds from one fiscal year to the next, such carryover funds will not diminish the amount of formula funds the Tribe is authorized to receive under its funding agreement in that or any subsequent fiscal year.

(b) The period of availability for discretionary or competitive grants are specific to the funding source and will be set forth in the funding agreement.

§ 29.410 - May a Tribe use remaining funds from a discretionary or competitive grant included in a funding agreement?

A Tribe may use remaining funds from a discretionary or competitive grant included in a funding agreement, but only with written approval from the Department. The Department must determine that the use of such funds is consistent with the statutory requirements of the grant program, including purpose and time, and is for the project for which the grant was provided.

§ 29.411 - Are funds included in a compact and funding agreement non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting matching or cost participation requirements under any other Federal or non-Federal program?

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, pursuant to 25 U.S.C. 5325(j), funds included in a compact and funding agreement are considered non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting matching or cost participation requirements under any other Federal or non-Federal program.

§ 29.412 - May the Department increase the funds included in the funding agreement if necessary to carry out the Program?

The Department may increase the funds included in the funding agreement if necessary to carry out the Program. However, the Department and the Tribe must agree to any transfer of funds to the Tribe unless otherwise provided for in the funding agreement.

§ 29.413 - How will the Department assist a Tribe with its credit requests?

At the request of a Tribe that has applied for a loan or other credit assistance from a State infrastructure bank or other financial institution to complete an eligible transportation-related project with funds included in a funding agreement, the Department will provide documentation in its possession or control to assist the Tribe.

§ 29.414 - What limitations apply to Department actions related to transfer of funds associated with PSFAs?

The Department will not:

(a) Fail or refuse to transfer to a Tribe its full share of funds due under the Program, except as required by Federal law;

(b) Withhold portions of such funds for transfer over a period of years;

(c) Reduce the amount of funds identified for transfer in a funding agreement to make funding available for self-governance monitoring or administration by the Department;

(d) Reduce the amount of funds included in a funding agreement in subsequent years, except pursuant to:

(1) A reduction in appropriations from the previous fiscal year or a change in the funding formula;

(2) A congressional directive in legislation or accompanying report;

(3) A Tribal authorization;

(4) A change in the amount of pass-through funds;

(5) Completion of a project, activity, or program for which discretionary or competitive grant funds were provided;

(6) Expenditure of all discretionary or competitive grant funds authorized by the Department under separate statutory authorities for an eligible project, activity, or program; or

(7) A final decision by the Department pursuant to subpart I to terminate a compact or funding agreement (or portions thereof) due to a finding of gross mismanagement or imminent jeopardy.

(e) Reduce the amount of funds identified in a funding agreement to pay for Federal functions, including Federal pay costs, Federal employee retirement benefits, automated data processing, technical assistance, and monitoring of activities under the Program, except that such prohibition is inapplicable when Congress authorizes the Department to set aside a portion of the funds for Department project monitoring and oversight related functions; or

(f) Reduce the amount of funds required under the Program to pay for costs of Federal personnel displaced by compacts and funding agreements.

§ 29.415 - Does the Prompt Payment Act apply to funds included in a funding agreement?

The Prompt Payment Act, 31 U.S.C. 3901 et seq., applies to the transfer of funds under the Program.

§ 29.416 - What standard applies to a Tribe's management of funds included in a funding agreement?

(a) A Tribe must invest and manage funds included in a funding agreement as a prudent investor would, in light of the purpose, terms, distribution requirements, and applicable provisions, in the compact and funding agreement. This duty requires the exercise of reasonable care, skill, and caution, and is to be applied to investments not in isolation, but in the context of the investment portfolio and as a part of an overall investment strategy, which should incorporate risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the Tribe. In making and implementing investment decisions, the Tribe has a duty to diversify the investments unless, under the circumstances, it is prudent not to do so.

(b) A Tribe must:

(1) Conform to fundamental fiduciary duties of loyalty and impartiality;

(2) Act with prudence in deciding whether and how to delegate authority and in the selection and supervision of agents; and

(3) Incur only costs that are reasonable in amount and appropriate to the investment responsibilities of the Tribe.

§ 29.417 - Must a Tribe continue performance of the Tribal Transportation Program or the Tribal Transit Program under a compact and funding agreement if the Department does not transfer sufficient funds?

A Tribe does not have to continue performance of the Tribal Transportation Program (23 U.S.C. 202(b)) or the Tribal Transit Program (49 U.S.C. 5311(c)(1)) that requires an expenditure of funds in excess of the amount of funds included in a funding agreement. If at any time the Tribe has reason to believe that the total amount included in a funding agreement is insufficient, the Tribe must provide reasonable notice of such insufficiency to the Self-Governance Official. If the Department does not increase the amount of funds included in the funding agreement for the Tribal Transportation Program or Tribal Transit Program, the Tribe may suspend performance of the program activity until such time as the Department transfers additional funds.

§ 29.418 - May a funding agreement include transfers of State funds?

(a) A State may elect to provide a portion of Federal-aid funds apportioned to the State under chapter 1 of title 23 of the U.S. Code to an eligible Tribe for a project eligible under 23 U.S.C. 202(a).

(b) If a State provides such funds, the transfer may occur in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 202(a)(9), 23 U.S.C. 207(d)(2)(A)(ii), or the State may transfer the funds to the Department, and the Department will transfer the funds to the participating Tribe through the Tribe's funding agreement.

(c) If a State provides such funds, the Tribe (and not the State) will be responsible for:

(1) Constructing and maintaining any projects carried out using the funds;

(2) Administering and supervising the projects and funds in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 207;

(3) Complying with applicable post-construction requirements.

(d) The receipt of any State funds transferred at the election of a State to the Tribe pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 202(a)(9), 23 U.S.C. 207(d)(2)(A)(ii), or funds awarded to a State pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5311 that are transferred at the election of a State to the Federal Transit Administration for the benefit of a Tribe does not entitle the Tribe to receive contract support costs under 25 U.S.C. 5325(a). While a Tribe is not entitled to additional funds for contract supports costs, a Tribe may use a portion of such State funds for overhead and administrative expenses if such costs are reasonable, allowable, and allocable in accordance with 2 CFR part 200 and the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the funding source.

§ 29.419 -

The award of formula funds does not entitle a Tribe to receive contract support costs under 25 U.S.C. 5325(a). A funding agreement will not provide additional funds for contract support costs to carry out PSFAs. While a Tribe is not entitled to additional funds for contract support costs, a Tribe may use a portion of its formula funds (§ 29.400(a) and (b)) for overhead and administrative expenses if such costs are reasonable, allowable, and allocable in accordance with 2 CFR part 200 and the statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the funding source.

§ 29.420 - Is a Tribe entitled to enter into facility leases from the Department and to receive facility support costs?

A Tribe is not entitled to enter into facility leases with the Department and receive facility support costs. A funding agreement will not provide additional funds for facility leases and facility support costs to carry out PSFAs. However, facility leases and facility support costs may be an eligible and allowable use of funds a Tribe receives under a funding agreement.

§ 29.421 - May a Tribe redesign, consolidate, reallocate, or redirect the funds included in a funding agreement?

(a) A Tribe may redesign, consolidate, reallocate, or redirect funds included in a funding agreement in any manner it considers to be in the best interest of the Indian community being served, provided that:

(1) The funds are expended on projects identified in a transportation improvement program approved by the Department, where statutorily required; and

(2) The funds are used in accordance with the requirements in appropriations acts, title 23 of the U.S. Code, chapter 53 of title 49 of the U.S. Code, and any other applicable law.

(b) Consistent with 23 U.S.C. 207(e)(1)(B), a Tribe may not redesign, consolidate, reallocate, or redirect any discretionary or competitive grant funds or State transfers of funds that are included in the funding agreement. A Tribe may use remaining funds from a discretionary or competitive grant in accordance with § 29.410.