Collapse to view only 3409.503 - 3409.503 Waiver.

3409.502 - 3409.502 Applicability.

This subpart applies to all ED contracts except contracts with other Federal agencies. However, this subpart applies to contracts with the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the 8(a) program.

3409.503 - 3409.503 Waiver.

The HCA is designated as the official who may waive any general rule or procedure of FAR subpart 9.5 or of this subpart.

3409.506 - 3409.506 Procedures.

(a) If the effects of a potential or actual conflict of interest cannot be avoided, neutralized, or mitigated before award, the prospective contractor is not eligible for that award. If a potential or actual conflict of interest is identified after award and the effects cannot be avoided, neutralized, or mitigated, ED will terminate the contract unless the HCA deems continued performance to be in the best interest of the Federal Government.

(b) The HCA is designated as the official to conduct reviews and make final decisions under FAR 9.506(b) and (c).

3409.507 - 3409.507 Solicitation provision and contract clause.

3409.507-1 - 3409.507-1 Solicitation provision.

The contracting officer must insert the provision in 3452.209-70 (Conflict of interest certification) in all solicitations for services above the simplified acquisition threshold.

3409.507-2 - 3409.507-2 Contract clause.

The contracting officer must insert the clause at 3452.209-71 (Conflict of interest) in all contracts for services above the simplified acquisition threshold.