Collapse to view only 1414.407-3 - 1414.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.

1414.404 - 1414.404 Rejection of bids.

1414.404-1 - 1414.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.

The CCO is authorized to make the written determination to cancel the IFB before award but after bid opening.

1414.407 - 1414.407 Mistakes in bids.

1414.407-3 - 1414.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.

(a) The HCA is authorized to make the administrative determinations under FAR 14.407-3, except as set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. This authority is not redelegable.

(b) The CCO has the authority outlined in FAR 14.407-3(c) to make the written determination permitting a bidder to withdraw a bid, after review by the SOL.

(c) The CO shall submit a report on suspected or alleged mistakes in bids together with the supporting data to the BPC, who will forward it to the HCA. The CO may also include a report on bids where evidence of the intended bid is clear and convincing but the bidder has not requested permission to correct the bid. Incomplete reports may result in a delay in obtaining a determination.

(d) The BPC is responsible for maintaining records of administrative determinations.

1414.407-4 - 1414.407-4 Mistakes after award.

The CO is authorized to make the administrative determinations outlined in 14.407-4 after receiving concurrence from the SOL.