Collapse to view only § 88.103 - Emissions bandwidth.
- § 88.101 - Transmitter power.
- § 88.103 - Emissions bandwidth.
- § 88.105 - Emission mask.
- § 88.107 - Out-of-band emission limits.
- § 88.109 - Time division duplex requirement.
- § 88.111 - Certification required.
- § 88.113 - Authorization of equipment.
- § 88.115 - RF safety.
- § 88.117 - Incorporation by reference.
§ 88.101 - Transmitter power.
Transmitters operating in the 5030-5091 MHz band must comply with the transmitter output power specified in technical standard RTCA DO-362A (incorporated by reference, see § 88.117) section and associated subsections.
§ 88.103 - Emissions bandwidth.
The authorized bandwidth is the maximum occupied bandwidth authorized to be used by a station. Transmitters operating in the 5030-5091 MHz band must comply with the channel width requirements, channel placement requirements, tunability requirements, and non-video channel bandwidth limitations specified in technical standard RTCA DO-362A (incorporated by reference, see § 88.117) sections,,, and, respectively.
§ 88.105 - Emission mask.
Transmitters operating in the 5030-5091 MHz band must comply with the ARS and GRS radio transmitter power spectral density (PSD) limits specified in technical standard RTCA DO-362A (incorporated by reference, see § 88.117) section
§ 88.107 - Out-of-band emission limits.
Transmitters operating in the 5030-5091 MHz band must comply with the out-of-band-emission limits specified in technical standard RTCA DO-362A (incorporated by reference, see § 88.117) section and associated subsections. On any frequency outside the 5030-5091 MHz band that is not addressed by RTCA DO-362A section and associated subsections, the power of any emission, as measured over a 1 megahertz resolution bandwidth, shall be attenuated outside the band below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10log(P) dB.
§ 88.109 - Time division duplex requirement.
Transmitters operating in the 5030-5091 MHz band must comply with the time division duplex (TDD) frame structure and timing accuracy requirements specified in technical standard RTCA DO-362A (incorporated by reference, see § 88.117) sections and
§ 88.111 - Certification required.
Each transmitter utilized for operation under this part and each transmitter marketed as set forth in § 2.803 of this chapter must be certified by the Commission for use in part 88 services following the procedures set forth in part 2, subpart J of this chapter.
Effective Date Note:At 90 FR 1395, Jan. 8, 2025, Part 88 was added, and § 88.111 was delayed indefinitely.§ 88.113 - Authorization of equipment.
An applicant for certification of equipment intended for transmission in the 5030-5091 MHz band must notify the FAA of the filing of a certification application. The letter of notification must be mailed to: FAA, Spectrum Engineering Service Group, AJW-1900, 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591 prior to the filing of the application with the Commission.
(a) The notification letter must describe the equipment, and give the manufacturer's identification, antenna characteristics, rated output power, emission type and characteristics, the frequency or frequencies of operation, and essential receiver characteristics if protection is required.
(b) The certification application must include a copy of the notification letter to the FAA. The Commission will not act until it receives the FAA's determination regarding whether it objects to the application for equipment authorization. The FAA should mail its determination to: Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division, Equipment Authorization and Compliance Branch, 7435 Oakland Mills Rd., Columbia, MD 21046. The Commission will consider the FAA determination before taking final action on the application.
Effective Date Note:At 90 FR 1395, Jan. 8, 2025, Part 88 was added, and § 88.113 was delayed indefinitely.§ 88.115 - RF safety.
Licensees and manufacturers are subject to the radio frequency radiation exposure requirements specified in §§ 1.1307(b), 1.1310, 2.1091, and 2.1093 of this chapter, as appropriate. Applications for equipment authorization of mobile or portable devices operating under this section must contain a statement confirming compliance with these requirements for both fundamental emissions and unwanted emissions and technical information showing the basis for this statement must be submitted to the Commission upon request.
Effective Date Note:At 90 FR 1395, Jan. 8, 2025, Part 88 was added, and § 88.115 was delayed indefinitely.§ 88.117 - Incorporation by reference.
The standards referenced in this section are incorporated by reference into this subpart with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The approved material is available for inspection at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact the FCC at: 45 L Street NE, Reference Information Center, Room 1.150, Washington, DC 20554; phone: (202) 418-0270. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email [email protected] or go to The material may be obtained from RTCA, Inc., 1150 18th Street NW, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20036; phone: 202-833-9339; email: [email protected]; website:
(a) RTCA-DO-362A, Command and Control (C2) Data Link Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) (Terrestrial), dated December 17, 2020.
(b) [Reserved]