Collapse to view only § 71.75-13 - Safety Management Certificate.

§ 71.75-1 - Application.

(a) The provisions of this subpart shall apply to all vessels on or certificated for an international voyage.

(b) [Reserved]

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by USCG-2007-0030, 75 FR 78081, Dec. 14, 2010]

§ 71.75-5 - Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.

(a) All vessels on or certificated for an international voyage are required to have a “ SOLAS Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.”

(b) All such vessels shall meet the requirements of this chapter for vessels on or certificated for an international voyage in addition to the applicable requirements of SOLAS.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48051, Sept. 18, 1995; USCG-2007-0030, 75 FR 78081, Dec. 14, 2010]

§ 71.75-10 - Exemption Certificate.

(a) A vessel may be exempted by the Commandant from complying with certain requirements of the Convention under his administration upon request made in writing to him and transmitted via the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.

(b) When an exemption is granted to a vessel by the Commandant under and in accordance with the Convention, an Exemption Certificate describing such exemption shall be issued through the appropriate Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in addition to the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate.

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48051, Sept. 18, 1995]

§ 71.75-13 - Safety Management Certificate.

All vessels to which 33 CFR part 96 applies on an international voyage must have a valid Safety Management Certificate and a copy of their company's valid Document of Compliance certificate on board.

[CGD 95-073, 62 FR 67514, Dec. 24, 1997]

§ 71.75-15 - Posting of Convention certificates.

(a) The certificates described in this subpart, or certified copies thereof, when issued to a vessel shall be posted in a prominent and accessible place on the vessel.

(b) The certificate shall be carried in a manner similar to that described in § 71.01-5 for a certificate of inspection.

§ 71.75-20 - Duration of certificates.

(a) The certificates are issued for a period of not more than 12 months, with exception to a Safety Management Certificate which is issued for a period of not more than 60 months.

(b) An Exemption Certificate shall not be valid for longer than the period of the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate to which it refers.

(c) The Passenger Ship Safety Certificate may be withdrawn, revoked, or suspended at any time when it is determined the vessel is no longer in compliance with applicable requirements. (See § 2.01-70 of this chapter for procedures governing appeals.)

[CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48051, Sept. 18, 1995; CGD 95-073, 62 FR 67514, Dec. 24, 1997]