Collapse to view only § 2556.720 - May VISTAs participate in political organizations?

§ 2556.700 - Who is covered by this subpart?

(a) All VISTAs, including leaders and summer associates, are subject to this subpart.

(b) All employees of VISTA sponsors and subrecipients whose salaries or other compensation are paid, in whole or in part, with VISTA grant assistance are subject to this subpart.

(c) All VISTA sponsors and subrecipients are subject to this subpart.

§ 2556.705 - What is prohibited political activity?

For purposes of the regulations in this subpart, “prohibited political activity” means an activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group.

§ 2556.710 - What political activities are VISTAs prohibited from engaging in?

(a) A VISTA may not use their official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election.

(b) A VISTA may not use their official authority or influence to coerce any individual to participate in political activity.

(c) A VISTA may not use their official VISTA program title while participating in prohibited political activity.

(d) A VISTA may not participate in prohibited political activities in the following circumstances:

(1) While they are on duty;

(2) While they are wearing an article of clothing, logo, insignia, or other similar item that identifies AmeriCorps, the VISTA program, or one of AmeriCorps' other national service programs;

(3) While they are in any room or building occupied in the discharge of VISTA duties by an individual employed by the sponsor; and

(4) While using a vehicle owned or leased by a sponsor or subrecipient, or while using a privately-owned vehicle in the discharge of VISTA duties.

§ 2556.715 - What political activities may a VISTA participate in?

(a) Provided that paragraph (b) of this section is fully adhered to, a VISTA may:

(1) Express their opinion privately and publicly on political subjects;

(2) Be politically active in connection with a question that is not specifically identified with a political party, such as a constitutional amendment, referendum, approval of a municipal ordinance, or any other question or issue of similar character;

(3) Participate in the nonpartisan activities of a civic, community, social, labor, professional, or similar organization; and

(4) Participate fully in public affairs, except as prohibited by other Federal law, in a manner that does not compromise their efficiency or integrity as a VISTA, or compromise the neutrality, efficiency, or integrity of AmeriCorps or the VISTA program.

(b) A VISTA may participate in political activities set forth in paragraph (a) of this section as long as such participation:

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interfere with their provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

§ 2556.720 - May VISTAs participate in political organizations?

(a) Provided that paragraph (b) of this section is fully adhered to, and in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may:

(1) Be a member of a political party or other political group and participate in its activities;

(2) Serve as an officer of a political party or other political group, a member of a national, State, or local committee of a political party, an officer or member of a committee of a political group, or be a candidate for any of these positions;

(3) Attend and participate fully in the business of nominating caucuses of political parties;

(4) Organize or reorganize a political party organization or political group;

(5) Participate in a political convention, rally, or other political gathering; and

(6) Serve as a delegate, alternate, or proxy to a political party convention.

(b) A VISTA may participate in a political organization as long as such participation complies with the restrictions set out in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of § 2556.715.

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interfere with the provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

§ 2556.725 - May VISTAs participate in political campaigns?

(a) Provided that paragraph (b) of this section is fully adhered to, and in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may:

(1) Display pictures, signs, stickers, badges, or buttons associated with political parties, candidates for partisan political office, or partisan political groups, as long as these items are displayed in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710;

(2) Initiate or circulate a nominating petition for a candidate for partisan political office;

(3) Canvass for votes in support of or in opposition to a partisan political candidate or a candidate for political party office;

(4) Endorse or oppose a partisan political candidate or a candidate for political party office in a political advertisement, broadcast, campaign literature, or similar material; and

(5) Address a convention caucus, rally, or similar gathering of a political party or political group in support of or in opposition to a partisan political candidate or a candidate for political party office.

(b) A VISTA may participate in a political campaign as long as such participation:

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interfere with the provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

§ 2556.730 - May VISTAs participate in elections?

(a) Provided that paragraph (b) of this section is fully adhered to, and in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may:

(1) Register and vote in any election;

(2) Act as recorder, watcher, challenger, or similar officer at polling places;

(3) Serve as an election judge or clerk, or in a similar position; and

(4) Drive voters to polling places for a partisan political candidate, partisan political group, or political party.

(5) Participate in voter registration activities.

(b) A VISTA may participate in elections as long as such participation:

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interfere with the provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

§ 2556.735 - May a VISTA be a candidate for public office?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no VISTA may run for the nomination to, or as a candidate for election to, partisan political office.

(b) In accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may participate in elections as long as such participation:

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interference with the provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

(c) Provided that paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are adhered to, and in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may:

(1) Run as an independent candidate in a partisan election in designated U.S. municipalities and political subdivisions as set forth at 5 CFR part 733; and

(2) Run as a candidate in a non-partisan election.

§ 2556.740 - May VISTAs participate in political fundraising activities?

(a) Provided that paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section are fully adhered to, and in accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, a VISTA may:

(1) Make a political contribution to a political party, political group, campaign committee of a candidate for public office in a partisan election;

(2) Attend a political fundraiser; and

(3) Solicit, accept, or receive uncompensated volunteer services for a political campaign from any individual.

(b) A VISTA may participate in fundraising activities as long as such participation:

(1) Does not interfere with the performance of, or availability to perform, their assigned VISTA project duties;

(2) Does not interfere with the provision of service in the VISTA program;

(3) Does not involve any use of VISTA assistance, resources or funds;

(4) Would not result in the identification of the VISTA as being a participant in or otherwise associated with the VISTA program;

(5) Is not conducted during scheduled VISTA service hours; and

(6) Does not interfere with the full-time commitment to remain available for VISTA service without regard to regular working hours, at all times during periods of service, except for authorized periods of leave.

(c) A VISTA may not knowingly:

(1) Personally solicit, accept, or receive a political contribution from another individual;

(2) Personally solicit political contributions in a speech or keynote address given at a fundraiser;

(3) Allow their perceived or actual affiliation with the VISTA program, or their official title as a VISTA, to be used in connection with fundraising activities; or

(4) Solicit, accept, or receive uncompensated individual volunteer services from a subordinate (e.g., a leader may not solicit, accept or receive a political contribution from a VISTA).

(d) Except for VISTAs who reside in municipalities or political subdivisions designated under 5 CFR part 733, no VISTA may accept or receive a political contribution on behalf of an individual who is a candidate for local partisan political office and who represents a political party.

§ 2556.745 - Are VISTAs prohibited from soliciting or discouraging the political participation of certain individuals?

(a) A VISTA may not knowingly solicit or discourage the participation in any political activity of any individual who has an application for any compensation, grant, contract, ruling, license, permit, or certificate pending before AmeriCorps or the VISTA program.

(b) A VISTA may not knowingly solicit or discourage the participation in any political activity of any individual who is the subject of, or a participant in, an ongoing audit, investigation, or enforcement action being carried out by or through AmeriCorps or the VISTA program.

§ 2556.750 - What restrictions and prohibitions are VISTAs who campaign for a spouse or family member subject to?

A VISTA who is the spouse or family member of a candidate for partisan political office, candidate for political party office, or candidate for public office in a nonpartisan election is subject to the same restrictions and prohibitions as other VISTAs, as set forth in § 2556.725.

§ 2556.755 - May VISTAs participate in lawful demonstrations?

In accordance with the prohibitions set forth in § 2556.710, VISTAs may participate in lawful demonstrations, political rallies, and other political meetings, so long as such participation is in conformance with all of the following:

(a) Occurs only while on authorized leave or while otherwise off duty;

(b) Does not include attempting to represent, or representing, the views of VISTAs or the VISTA program on any public issue;

(c) Could not be reasonably understood by the community as being identified with the VISTA program, the project, or other elements of VISTA service; and

(d) Does not interfere with the discharge of VISTA duties.

§ 2556.760 - May a sponsor or subrecipient approve the participation of a VISTA in a demonstration or other political meeting?

(a) No VISTA sponsor or subrecipient may approve a VISTA to be involved in planning, initiating, participating in, or otherwise aiding or assisting in any demonstration or other political meeting.

(b) If a VISTA sponsor or subrecipient, subsequent to the receipt of any AmeriCorps financial assistance, including the assignment of VISTAs, approves the participation of a VISTA in a demonstration or other political meeting, that VISTA sponsor or subrecipient is subject to procedures related to the suspension or termination of such assistance, as provided in subpart B of this part, §§ 2556.135 through 2556.140.

§ 2556.765 - What disciplinary actions are VISTAs subject to for violating restrictions or prohibitions on political activities?

Violations by a VISTA of any of the prohibitions or restrictions set forth in this subpart may warrant termination for cause, in accordance with proceedings set forth at §§ 2556.420, 2556.425, and 2556.430.

§ 2556.770 - What are the requirements of VISTA sponsors and subrecipients regarding political activities?

(a) All sponsors and subrecipients are required to:

(1) Understand the restrictions and prohibitions on the political activities of VISTAs, as set forth in this subpart;

(2) Provide training to VISTAs on all applicable restrictions and prohibitions on political activities, as set forth in this subpart, and use training materials that are consistent with these restrictions and prohibitions;

(3) Monitor on a continuing basis the activity of VISTAs for compliance with this subpart; and

(4) Report all violations or questionable situations immediately to the appropriate AmeriCorps Region Office.

(b) Failure of a sponsor to comply with the requirements of this subpart, or a violation of the requirements contained in this subpart by the sponsor or subrecipient, sponsor or subrecipient's covered employees, agents, or VISTAs, may be deemed a material failure to comply with terms or conditions of the VISTA program. In such a case, the sponsor is subject to procedures related to the denial or reduction, or suspension or termination, of such assistance, as provided in §§ 2556.125, 2556.130, and 2556.140.

§ 2556.775 - What prohibitions and restrictions on political activity apply to employees of VISTA sponsors and subrecipients?

All employees of VISTA sponsors and subrecipients, whose salaries or other compensation are paid, in whole or in part, with VISTA funds are subject to all applicable prohibitions and restrictions described in this subpart in the following circumstances:

(a) Whenever they are engaged in an activity that is supported by AmeriCorps or VISTA funds or assistance; and

(b) Whenever they identify themselves as acting in their capacity as an official of a VISTA project that receives AmeriCorps or VISTA funds or assistance, or could reasonably be perceived by others as acting in such a capacity.

§ 2556.780 - What prohibitions on lobbying activities apply to VISTA sponsors and subrecipients?

(a) No VISTA sponsor or subrecipient may assign a VISTA to perform service or engage in activities related to influencing the passage or defeat of legislation or proposals by initiative petition.

(b) No VISTA sponsor or subrecipient may use any AmeriCorps financial assistance, such as VISTA funds or the services of a VISTA, for any activity related to influencing the passage or defeat of legislation or proposals by initiative petition.