Collapse to view only § 2551.93 - What are a sponsor's legal requirements in managing grants?

§ 2551.91 - What is the process for application and award of a grant?

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024. Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024.

(a) How and when may an eligible organization apply for a grant? (1) An eligible organization may file an application in response to CNCS' published request, such as a Notice of Funding Opportunity or a Notice of Funding Availability. Applicants are not assured of selection or approval and may have to compete with other applicants.

(2) The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Executive Order 12372, “Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,” (3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 197) in 45 CFR part 1233 and any other applicable requirements.

(b) Who reviews the merits of an application and how is a grant awarded? (1) CNCS reviews and determines the merit of an application by its responsiveness to published guidelines and to the overall purposes and objectives of the program. When funds are available, CNCS awards a grant in writing to each applicant whose grant proposal provides the best potential for serving the purpose of the program.

(2) The award will be documented by the Notice of Grant Award (NGA). CNCS and the sponsoring organization are the parties to the NGA. The NGA will document the sponsor's commitment to fulfill specific programmatic objectives and financial obligations. It will document the extent of CNCS' obligation to provide financial support to the sponsor.

(c) What happens if CNCS rejects an application? CNCS will notify the applicant if the applicant is not approved for funding, along with an explanation of CNCS' decision.

(d) For what period of time does CNCS award a grant? CNCS awards a Senior Companion grant for a specified period that is usually three years in duration.

[83 FR 64647, Dec. 17, 2018]

§ 2551.92 - What are project funding requirements?

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024. Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024. Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024.

(a) Is non-CNCS support required? A CNCS grant may be awarded to fund up to 90 percent of the cost of development and operation of a Senior Companion project. The sponsor is required to contribute at least 10 percent of the total project cost from non-Federal sources or authorized Federal sources.

(b) Under what circumstances does CNCS allow less than the 10 percent non-CNCS support? CNCS may allow exceptions to the 10 percent local support requirement in cases of demonstrated need such as:

(1) Initial difficulties in the development of local funding sources during the first three years of operations; or

(2) An economic downturn, the occurrence of a natural disaster, or similar events in the service area that severely restrict or reduce sources of local funding support; or

(3) The unexpected discontinuation of local support from one or more sources that a project has relied on for a period of years.

(c) May CNCS restrict how a sponsor uses locally generated contributions in excess of the 10 percent non-CNCS support required? Whenever locally generated contributions to Senior Companion projects are in excess of the minimum 10 percent non-CNCS support required, CNCS may not restrict the manner in which such contributions are expended provided such expenditures are consistent with the provisions of the Act.

(d) Are program expenditures subject to audit? All expenditures by the grantee of Federal and non-Federal funds, including expenditures from excess locally generated contributions in support of the grant, are subject to audit by CNCS, its Inspector General, or their authorized agents.

(e) May a sponsor pay stipends at rates different than those established by CNCS? No, a sponsor shall pay stipends at rates established by CNCS.

[64 FR 14115, Mar. 24, 1999, as amended at 75 FR 51415, Aug. 20, 2010; 83 FR 64647, Dec. 17, 2018]

§ 2551.93 - What are a sponsor's legal requirements in managing grants?

Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 70542, Aug. 30, 2024.

What rules govern a sponsor's management of grants?

(a) A sponsor shall manage a grant in accordance with:

(1) The Act;

(2) Regulations in this part;

(3) 2 CFR part 200 and 2 CFR part 2205;

(4) All applicable CNCS policies; and

(5) All other applicable CNCS requirements.

(b) Project support provided under a CNCS grant shall be furnished at the lowest possible cost consistent with the effective operation of the project.

(c) Volunteer expense items, including transportation, meals, recognition activities and items purchased at the volunteers' own expense and which are not reimbursed, are not allowable as contributions to the non-Federal share of the budget.

(d) Costs to bring a sponsor into basic compliance with accessibility requirements for individuals with disabilities are not allowable costs.

(e) Payments to settle discrimination complaints, either through a settlement agreement or formal adjudication, are not allowable costs.

(f) Written CNCS approval is required for the following changes in the approved grant:

(1) Reduction in budgeted volunteer service years.

(2) Change in the service area.

[79 FR 76077, Dec. 19, 2014, as amended at 83 FR 64648, Dec. 17, 2018]