Collapse to view only § 2502.70 - What must an AmeriCorps employee do if served with process or pleadings that includes a covered claim?

§ 2502.10 - Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to provide the procedures for indemnification of AmeriCorps employees who are personally named in certain legal proceedings not covered by the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) or the Federal Employee Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act (FELRTCA) when AmeriCorps determines both that the actions arose within the scope of their AmeriCorps employment and that indemnification is in the agency's interest. These determinations are matters of agency discretion.

§ 2502.20 - Applicability.

(a) This part is applicable to all former and current AmeriCorps employees, including special Government employees.

(b) This part does not apply to volunteers, service members, contractors, or any other individuals who may be affiliated with AmeriCorps, but not employed by the agency.

§ 2502.30 - Definitions.

AmeriCorps means the Corporation for National and Community Service.

AmeriCorps employee means a current or former employee of the Corporation for National and Community Service, regardless of whether the individual was an employee before the Corporation for National and Community Service began operating under the name AmeriCorps.

CEO means the AmeriCorps Chief Executive Officer or their designee.

Covered claim means a claim seeking damages against an employee personally (or against their estate) for personal injury, death, or loss of property, resulting from the employee's activities, when AmeriCorps determines both that the actions arose within the scope of their office or employment but are not covered by the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) or the Federal Employee Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act (FELRTCA).

General Counsel means the AmeriCorps General Counsel or their designee.

§ 2502.40 - Under what circumstances may AmeriCorps indemnify employees?

AmeriCorps may, at its sole discretion, indemnify an AmeriCorps employee for a verdict, judgment, or other monetary award rendered against the employee personally in a claim or may settle or compromise a personal damages claim against an AmeriCorps employee if:

(a) The CEO determines that the AmeriCorps employee's conduct giving rise to the verdict, judgment, monetary award, or claim was taken within the scope of their employment;

(b) The CEO determines that the indemnification or settlement is in AmeriCorps' best interest; and

(c) AmeriCorps appropriated funds are available for the indemnification or settlement.

§ 2502.50 - At what point in a legal proceeding will AmeriCorps consider a request to indemnify the employee?

(a) AmeriCorps may settle or compromise a claim against an AmeriCorps employee at any time.

(b) Unless there are exceptional circumstances, as determined by the CEO, AmeriCorps will not consider a request to indemnify a claim before entry of an adverse verdict, judgment, or award.

§ 2502.60 - What types of legal proceedings may an AmeriCorps employee seek indemnification or settlement for?

An AmeriCorps employee may seek indemnification or settlement in any civil action or proceeding brought, in any court, for a covered claim.

§ 2502.70 - What must an AmeriCorps employee do if served with process or pleadings that includes a covered claim?

An AmeriCorps employee who is named as a defendant (or the personal representative of the AmeriCorps employee's estate) in a legal proceeding that includes a covered claim and who wishes to seek indemnification must promptly notify their supervisor, who then promptly notifies the Office of General Counsel. Former employees must directly notify the Office of General Counsel.

§ 2502.80 - What may the General Counsel do upon receipt of the process and pleadings and report of circumstances?

Where appropriate, the General Counsel may request that the Department of Justice provide legal representation for the AmeriCorps employee.

§ 2502.90 - How may an AmeriCorps employee request indemnification?

To request indemnification for a verdict, judgment, award, or settlement proposal of a covered claim, the AmeriCorps employee must:

(a) Have complied with the requirements of § 2502.70.

(b) Submit a written request, via their supervisor, to the head of the employee's office, or (in the case a former employee) directly to the Office of General Counsel. The written request must include appropriate documentation, including copies of the verdict, judgment, award, or settlement proposal.

§ 2502.100 - How will AmeriCorps handle the request for indemnification?

(a) The head of the office or their designee will review the employee's request and submit all of the following to the General Counsel:

(1) The original or a copy of the employee's request.

(2) A recommendation to approve or deny the request.

(3) A detailed analysis of the basis for a recommendation.

(4) A certification from the Chief Financial Officer as to whether the agency has funds available to pay the indemnification.

(b) The General Counsel will:

(1) Review the circumstances of the incident that gave rise to the action or proceeding, and all data relevant to the question of whether the employee was acting within the scope of their employment.

(2) Where appropriate, seek the views of the U.S. Department of Justice and/or the U.S. Attorney for the district encompassing the location where the action or proceeding is brought.

(3) Prepare a recommendation to approve or deny the request.

(4) Forward the request, the accompanying documentation, and the General Counsel's recommendation to the CEO for a decision.