Collapse to view only § 333.21 - Requests for priority rating authority.

§ 333.20 - General provisions.

(a) EMPAS is designed to be largely self-executing. However, if production or delivery problems arise, a person should immediately contact FEMA (or the Delegate Agency, as appropriate) for special priorities assistance pursuant to §§ 333.20 through 333.24 and as directed by § 333.83. If FEMA (or the Delegate Agency, as appropriate) is unable to resolve the problem or to authorize the use of a priority rating and believes additional assistance is warranted, FEMA (or the Delegate Agency, as appropriate) may forward the request to another resource agency, as appropriate, for action. Special priorities assistance is a service provided to alleviate problems.

(b) Special priorities assistance can be provided for any reason consistent with this part, such as assisting in obtaining timely deliveries of items needed to satisfy rated orders or authorizing the use of priority ratings on orders to obtain items not otherwise ratable under this part. Special priorities assistance may also be used to request rating authority for items that are not normally eligible for priority treatment.

(c) A request for special priorities assistance or priority rating authority may be submitted on FEMA Form 009-0-142 (OMB control number 1660-0149) to FEMA. Form 009-0-142 may be obtained from the Delegate Agency or from FEMA.

[85 FR 28510, May 13, 2020, as amended at 86 FR 1292, Jan. 8, 2021]

§ 333.21 - Requests for priority rating authority.

(a) If a rated order is likely to be delayed because a person is unable to obtain items not normally rated under this part, the person may request the authority to use a priority rating in ordering the needed items.

(b) Rating authority for production or construction equipment. (1) A request for priority rating authority for production or construction equipment, if needed, must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Commerce on Form BIS-999.

(2) When the use of a priority rating is authorized for the procurement of production or construction equipment, a rated order may be used either to purchase or to lease such equipment. However, in the latter case, the equipment may be leased only from a person engaged in the business of leasing such equipment or from a person willing to lease rather than sell.

(c) Rating authority in advance of a rated prime contract. (1) In certain cases, and upon specific request, FEMA, in order to promote the national defense, may authorize a person to place a priority rating on an order to a supplier in advance of the issuance of a rated prime contract. In these instances, the person requesting advance rating authority must obtain sponsorship of the request from FEMA or the appropriate Delegate Agency. The person shall also assume any business risk associated with the placing of rated orders if these orders have to be cancelled in the event the rated prime contract is not issued.

(2) The person must state the following in the request: “It is understood that the authorization of a priority rating in advance of our receiving a rated prime contract from FEMA (or a Delegate Agency) and our use of that priority rating with our suppliers in no way commits the Delegate Agency, FEMA, or any other Federal Government agency to enter into a contract or order or to expend funds. Further, we understand that the Federal Government shall not be liable for any cancellation charges, termination costs, or other damages that may accrue if a rated prime contract is not eventually placed and, as a result, we must subsequently cancel orders placed with the use of the priority rating authorized as a result of this request.”

(3) In reviewing requests for rating authority in advance of a rated prime contract, FEMA will consider, among other things, the following criteria:

(i) The probability that the prime contract will be awarded;

(ii) The impact of the resulting rated orders on suppliers and on other authorized programs;

(iii) Whether the contractor is the sole source;

(iv) Whether the item being produced has a long lead time; and

(v) The time period for which the rating is being requested.

(4) FEMA may require periodic reports on the use of the rating authority granted under paragraph (c) of this section.

(5) If a rated prime contract is not issued, the person must promptly notify all suppliers who have received rated orders pursuant to the advance rating authority that the priority rating on those orders is cancelled.

§ 333.22 - Examples of assistance.

(a) While special priorities assistance may be provided for any reason in support of this part, it is usually provided in situations where:

(1) A person is experiencing difficulty in obtaining delivery against a rated order by the required delivery date; or

(2) A person cannot locate a supplier for an item needed to fill a rated order.

(b) Other examples of special priorities assistance include:

(1) Ensuring that rated orders receive preferential treatment by suppliers;

(2) Resolving production or delivery conflicts between various rated orders;

(3) Assisting in placing rated orders with suppliers;

(4) Verifying the urgency of rated orders; and

(5) Determining the validity of rated orders.

§ 333.23 - Criteria for assistance.

Requests for special priorities assistance should be timely, i.e., the request must be submitted promptly and in enough time for FEMA or the Delegate Agency to effect a meaningful resolution to the problem, and must establish that:

(a) There is an urgent need for the item; and

(b) The applicant has made a reasonable effort to resolve the problem.

§ 333.24 - Instances where assistance will not be provided.

Special priorities assistance is provided at the discretion of FEMA or the Delegate Agency when it is determined that such assistance is warranted to meet the objectives of this part. Examples where assistance may not be provided include situations when a person is attempting to:

(a) Secure a price advantage;

(b) Obtain delivery prior to the time required to fill a rated order;

(c) Gain competitive advantage;

(d) Disrupt an industry apportionment program in a manner designed to provide a person with an unwarranted share of scarce items; or

(e) Overcome a supplier's regularly established terms of sale or conditions of doing business.