Collapse to view only § 49.215 - What are the standards for managing the collections?

§ 49.200 - Where are collections deposited?

(a) A collection from Federal land made pursuant to a permit issued under this part will be deposited in a repository approved to receive the collection.

(b) The curation of paleontological resources collected from Federal land before September 1, 2022 is governed by the terms and conditions of the original collection permit or agreement, rather than by this part.

(c) The Federal land manager, in coordination with the permittee and repository staff, will ensure that the specimens in the collection that further paleontological knowledge, public education, or management of paleontological resources are curated in the approved repository. Specimens that do not further paleontological knowledge, public education, or management of paleontological resources may be placed in working collections or disposed of as determined by the Federal land manager in coordination with appropriate subject matter experts.

§ 49.205 - What are the requirements for approving a repository to receive a collection?

(a) The bureaus may approve a repository if:

(1) Repository has facilities and staff that provide curation as defined in this part;

(2) Repository has a scope of collections statement or similar policy document that demonstrates the repository's willingness and ability to curate Federal paleontological resources;

(3) Repository has access to paleontological and/or curatorial staff with adequate experience to successfully prepare and curate paleontological resource collections;

(4) Repository's past and current performance meets applicable departmental standards; and

(5) Repository will not release specific location data to the public except as consistent with § 49.25 or as provided in an agreement between the repository and the bureau.

(b) Once a repository is approved to receive a collection, it will remain approved to curate the collection unless the Federal land manager, after consultation with the permittee and the repository, determines that one or more of the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section is not satisfied. The Federal land manager must refer to Departmental guidance to address this situation.

§ 49.210 - What terms and conditions must agreements between the bureau and approved repository contain?

(a) The Federal land manager will review existing agreements between the bureau and the approved repository to determine if these agreements adequately address the management of the collection. If adequate agreements do not already exist, the Federal land manager will work with the repository to develop a new agreement to cover this collection as well as other collections as appropriate.

(b) Agreements between the bureau and approved repository will contain the following information as deemed appropriate by the parties:

(1) Statement (updated as necessary) that identifies the collection(s) at the approved repository.

(2) Statement that asserts Federal ownership of the collection(s).

(3) Statement of work to be performed by the approved repository.

(4) Statement of the duties and responsibilities of the bureau and of the approved repository for the long-term care of the collection(s).

(5) Statement that the collections are available for scientific and educational uses and that the specific location data may be shared consistent with the Federal land manager's determination under § 49.25.

(6) Description of any special procedures or restrictions for access to or use of collections, consumptive analysis, or reproductions.

(7) Description of when and how the collection(s) may be loaned to other entities, including general parameters such as loan duration, purpose, responsibility, insurance, tracking, and packing/shipping materials.

(8) Statement describing the frequency, methods, and reporting process for inventories.

(9) Statement that all exhibits, publications, and studies of paleontological resources will acknowledge the bureau that administers the collection(s).

(10) Statement describing how copies of any publications or reports resulting from study of the collection(s) will be made available by the publication or report writers to the bureau.

(11) Statement describing how collection management records will be made available to the bureau that administers the collection(s).

(12) Statement that employees of the repository will work to preserve and protect specimens in their care using best professional practices, and will take no actions whereby any of the collection(s) shall or may be encumbered, seized, taken, sold, attached, lost, or stolen.

(13) Effective term of the agreement and procedures for modification, cancellation, suspension, extension, and termination of the agreement, including costs.

(14) Additional terms and conditions as needed to manage the collection(s).

(c) The agreement must be signed by an authorized representative of the approved repository and the Federal land manager.

§ 49.215 - What are the standards for managing the collections?

(a) Each approved repository must:

(1) Curate museum collections as defined at § 49.5 and consistent with any agreements between the bureau and the approved repository;

(2) Obtain approval of the Federal land manager before conducting or allowing reproduction or consumptive analysis of part or all of the collection, unless this topic is addressed in an agreement between the bureau and the approved repository;

(3) Conduct inventories consistent with Departmental and bureau museum management standards, and report the results to the bureau.

(b) The Federal land manager, in coordination with the repository official and appropriate subject matter experts, may determine that specimens that are found to be redundant, lack adequate associated data, or otherwise are determined not to further paleontological knowledge, public education, or management of paleontological resources may be removed from museum collections and placed into working collections.

(c) The approved repository may charge reasonable fees, consistent with applicable law, to persons and/or institutions that deposit, use, or borrow specimens at that repository that were collected under this part. Fees may cover labor and material costs incurred by the repository for curating, handling, record keeping, and insuring the collection(s).