Collapse to view only § 431.6 - Power generation estimates.

§ 431.1 - Purpose.

(a) The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation (Commissioner), is authorized and directed to operate, maintain, and replace the facilities at the Hoover Powerplant, and also to promulgate regulations as the Secretary finds necessary and appropriate in accordance with the authorities in the Reclamation Act of 1902, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.

(b) In accordance with the Boulder Canyon Project Act of 1928, as amended and supplemented (Project Act), the Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act of 1940, as amended and supplemented (Adjustment Act), and the Hoover Power Plant Act of 1984 (Hoover Power Plant Act), the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) promulgates these “General Regulations for Power Generation, Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement at the Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada” (General Regulations) which include procedures to be used in providing Contractors and the Western Area Power Administration (Western) with cost data and power generation estimates, a statement of the requirements for administration and management of the Colorado River Dam Fund (Fund), and methods for resolving disputes.

§ 431.2 - Scope.

These General Regulations shall be effective on June 1, 1987, and shall apply to power generation, operation, maintenance, and replacement activities at the Boulder Canyon Project after May 31, 1987. “General Regulations for the Charges for the Sale of Power from the Boulder Canyon Project” are the subject of a separate rule, under 10 CFR part 904, by the Secretary of Energy, acting by and through the Administrator of Western. The “General Regulations for Generation and Sale of Power in Accordance with the Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act,” dated May 20, 1941, and the “General Regulations for Lease of Power,” dated April 25, 1930, terminate May 31, 1987.

§ 431.3 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Additions and betterments shall mean such work, materials, equipment, or facilities which enhance or improve the Project and do more than restore the Project to a former good operating condition.

Colorado River Dam Fund or Fund shall mean that special fund established by section 2 of the Project Act and which is to be used only for the purposes specified in the Project Act, the Adjustment Act, the Colorado River Basin Project Act, and the Hoover Power Plant Act.

Contractor shall mean any entity which has a fully executed contract with Western for electric service pursuant to the Hoover Power Plant Act.

Project or Boulder Canyon Project shall mean all works authorized by the Project Act, the Hoover Power Plant Act, and any future additions authorized by Congress, to be constructed and owned by the United States, but exclusive of the main canal and appurtenances authorized by the Project Act, now known as the All-American Canal.

Replacements shall mean such work, materials, equipment, or facilities as determined by the United States to be necessary to keep the Project in good operating condition, but shall not include (except where used in conjunction with the word “emergency” or the phrase “however necessitated”) work, materials, equipment, or facilities made necessary by any act of God, or of the public enemy, or by any major catastrophe.

Uprating Program shall mean the program authorized by section 101(a) of the Hoover Power Plant Act for increasing the capacity of existing generating equipment and appurtenances at Hoover Powerplant, as generally described in the report of Reclamation, entitled “Hoover Powerplant Uprating, Special Report,” issued in May 1980, supplemented in January 1985, and further supplemented in September 1985.

§ 431.4 - Power generation responsibilities.

(a) Power generation, and the associated operation, maintenance, and making of replacements, however necessitated, of facilities and equipment at the Hoover Powerplant, are the responsibilities of Reclamation.

(b) Subject to the statutory requirement that Hoover Dam and Lake Mead shall be used: First, for river regulation, improvement of navigation and flood control; second, for irrigation and domestic uses and satisfaction of present perfected rights mentioned in section 6 of the Project Act; and third, for power, Reclamation shall release water, make available generating capacity, and generate energy, in such quantities, and at such times, as are necessary for the delivery of the capacity and energy to which Contractors are entitled.

(c) Reclamation reserves the right to reschedule, temporarily discontinue, reduce, or increase the delivery of water for the generation of electrical energy at any time for the purpose of maintenance, repairs, and/or replacements, and for investigations and inspections necessary thereto, or to allow for changing reservoir and river conditions, or for changes in kilowatthours generation per acre-foot, or by reason of compliance with the statutory requirement as referred to in paragraph (b) of this section; Provided, however, That Reclamation shall, except in case of emergency, give Western reasonable notice in advance of any change in delivery of water, and that Reclamation shall make such inspections and perform such maintenance and repair work at such times and in such manner as to cause the least inconvenience possible to Contractors and that Reclamation shall prosecute such work with diligence and, without unnecessary delay, resume delivery of water as scheduled.

(d) Should a Contractor have concerns regarding power generation and related matters and request a meeting in writing, including a description of areas of concern, Reclamation shall convene such meeting within 10 days of receipt of such request and shall notify all Contractors and Western of the date and location of the meeting, and the areas of concern to be discussed.

[51 FR 23962, July 1, 1986; 51 FR 24531, July 7, 1986]

§ 431.5 - Cost data and fund requirements.

Reclamation shall submit annually on or before April 15 to Western and Contractors, cost data, including one year of actual costs for the last completed fiscal year and estimated costs for the next 5 fiscal years, for operation, maintenance, replacements, additions and betterments, non-Federal funds advanced for the uprating program by non-Federal purchasers, and interest on and amortization of the Federal investment. Such cost data shall identify major items. Upon 5 days prior written notice to Reclamation, any Contractor shall have the right, subject to applicable Federal laws and regulations, to review records used to prepare such cost data at Reclamation offices during regular business hours. Contractors shall have an opportunity to present written views within 30 days of the transmittal of the cost data. Reclamation responses to written views shall be provided within 60 days of transmittal of the cost data or 30 days after a meeting with Contractors convened pursuant to § 431.4(d), whichever is later.

§ 431.6 - Power generation estimates.

Reclamation shall submit annually on or before April 15 to Western and Contractors, an estimated annual operation schedule for the Hoover Powerplant showing estimated power generation and estimated maintenance outages for review, and shall provide an opportunity to present written views within 30 days of the transmittal of the schedule. Reclamation responses to written views shall be provided within 60 days of the transmittal of the schedule or 30 days after a meeting with Contractors convened pursuant to § 431.4(d), whichever is later. The estimated annual operation schedule of Hoover Powerplant shall be subject to necessary modifications, in accordance with § 431.4(c). Upon 5 days prior written notice to Reclamation, any Contractor shall have the right, subject to applicable Federal laws and regulations, to review records used to prepare such power generation estimates at Reclamation offices during regular business hours.

§ 431.7 - Administration and management of the Colorado River Dam Fund.

Reclamation is responsible for the repayment of the Project and the administration of the Colorado River Dam Fund and the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund.

(a) All receipts to the Project shall be deposited in the Fund along with electric service revenues deposited by Western and shall be available without further appropriation for:

(1) Defraying the costs of operation (including purchase of supplemental energy to meet temporary deficiencies in firm energy which the Secretary of Energy is obligated by contract to supply), maintenance, and replacements of all Project facilities, including emergency replacements necessary to insure continuous operations;

(2) Payment of annual interest on the unpaid investments in accordance with appropriate statutory authorities;

(3) Repayment of capital investments including amounts readvanced from the Treasury;

(4) Payments to the States of Arizona and Nevada as provided in section 2(c) of the Adjustment Act and section 403(c)(2) of the Colorado River Basin Project Act;

(5) Transfers to the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund and subsequent transfers to the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund, as provided in section 403(c)(2) of the Colorado River Basin Project Act and section 102(c) of the Hoover Power Plant Act, as reimbursement for the monies expended heretofore from the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund to meet deficiencies in generation at Hoover Dam during the filling period of storage units of the Colorado River Storage Project in accordance with the provisions of sections 403(g) and 502 of the Colorado River Basin Project Act, such transfers, totalling $27,591,621.25, to be effected by 17 annual payments of $1,532,868.00 beginning in 1988 and a final payment of $1,532,865.25 in 2005; and

(6) Any other purposes authorized by existing and future Federal law.

(b) Appropriations for the visitor facilities program and any other purposes authorized by existing and future Federal law advanced or readvanced to the Fund shall be disbursed from the Fund for those purposes.

(c) All funds advanced by non-Federal Contractors for the Uprating Program shall be deposited in the Fund, shall be available without further appropriation, and shall be disbursed from the Fund to accomplish the Uprating Program.

(d) The Fund shall be administered and managed in accordance with applicable Federal laws and regulations, by the Secretary acting through the Commissioner.

[51 FR 23962, July 1, 1986; 51 FR 24531, July 7, 1986]

§ 431.8 - Disputes.

(a) All actions by Reclamation or the Secretary shall be binding unless and until reversed or modified in accordance with the provisions herein.

(b) Any disputes or disagreements as to interpretation or performance of the provisions of these General Regulations under the responsibility of the Secretary shall first be presented to and decided by the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall be deemed to have denied the Contractor's contention or claim if it is not acted upon within 60 days of its having been presented. The decision of the Commissioner shall be subject to appeal to the Secretary by a notice of appeal accompanied by a statement of reasons filed with the Secretary within 30 days after such decision. The Secretary shall be deemed to have denied the appeal if it is not acted upon within 60 days of its having been presented.

(c) The decision of the Secretary shall be final unless, within 30 days from the date of such decision, a written request for arbitration is received by the Secretary. The Secretary shall have 90 days from the date of receipt of a request for arbitration either to concur in or deny in writing the request for such arbitration. Failure by the Secretary to take any action within the 90 day period shall be deemed a denial of the request for arbitration. In the event of a denial of a request for arbitration, the decision of the Secretary shall become final. Upon a decision becoming final, the disputing Contractor's remedy lies with the appropriate Federal court. Any claim that a final decision of the Secretary violates any right accorded the Contractor under the Project Act, the Adjustment Act, or title I of the Hoover Power Plant Act is barred unless suit asserting such claim is filed in a Federal court of competent jurisdiction within one year after final refusal by the Secretary to correct the action complained of, in accordance with section 105(h) of the Hoover Power Plant Act.

(d) When a timely request for arbitration is received by the Secretary and the Secretary concurs in the request, the disputing Contractor and the Secretary shall, within 30 days of receipt of such notice of concurrence, each name one arbitrator to the panel of arbitrators which will decide the dispute. All arbitrators shall be skilled and experienced in the field pertaining to the dispute. In the event there is more than one disputing Contractor in addition to the Secretary, the disputing Contractors shall collectively name one arbitrator to the panel of arbitrators. In the event of their failure collectively to name such arbitrator within 15 days after their first meeting, that arbitrator shall be named as provided in the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The two arbitrators thus selected shall name a third arbitrator within 30 days of their first meeting. In the event of their failure to so name such third arbitrator, that arbitrator shall be named as provided in the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The third arbitrator shall act as chairperson of the panel. The arbitration shall be governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall be limited to the issue submitted. The panel of arbitrators shall render a final decision in this dispute within 60 days after the date of the naming of the third arbitrator. A decision of any two of the three arbitrators named to the panel shall be final and binding on all parties involved in the dispute.

§ 431.9 - Future regulations.

(a) Reclamation may from time to time promulgate additional or amendatory regulations deemed necessary for the administration of the Project, in accordance with applicable law; Provided, That no right under any contract made under the Hoover Power Plant Act shall be impaired or obligation thereunder be extended thereby.

(b) Any modification, extension, or waiver of any provision of these General Regulations granted for the benefit of any one or more Contractors shall not be denied to any other Contractor.