Conflicts of Interest
Audits and Cost Principles
- SECTION § 137.165 - Are Self-Governance Tribes required to undertake annual audits?
- SECTION § 137.166 - Are there exceptions to the annual audit requirements?
- SECTION § 137.167 - What cost principles must a Self-Governance Tribe follow when participating in self-governance under Title V?
- SECTION § 137.168 - May the Secretary require audit or accounting standards other than those specified in § 137.167?
- SECTION § 137.169 - How much time does the Federal Government have to make a claim against a Self-Governance Tribe relating to any disallowance of costs, based on an audit conducted under § 137.165?
- SECTION § 137.170 - When does the 365 day period commence?
- SECTION § 137.171 - Where do Self-Governance Tribes send their audit reports?
- SECTION § 137.172 - Should the audit report be sent anywhere else to ensure receipt by the Secretary?
- SECTION § 137.173 - Does a Self-Governance Tribe have a right of appeal from a disallowance?
- SECTION § 137.175 - Is a Self-Governance Tribe required to maintain a recordkeeping system?
- SECTION § 137.176 - Are Tribal records subject to the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Privacy Act?
- SECTION § 137.177 - Is the Self-Governance Tribe required to make its records available to the Secretary?
- SECTION § 137.178 - May Self-Governance Tribes store patient records at the Federal Records Centers?
- SECTION § 137.179 - May a Self-Governance Tribe make agreements with the Federal Records Centers regarding disclosure and release of the patient records stored pursuant to § 137.178?
- SECTION § 137.180 - Are there other laws that govern access to patient records?
Health Status Reports
- SECTION § 137.200 - Are there reporting requirements for Self-Governance Tribes under Title V?
- SECTION § 137.201 - What are the purposes of the Tribal reporting requirements?
- SECTION § 137.202 - What types of information will Self-Governance Tribes be expected to include in the reports?
- SECTION § 137.203 - May a Self-Governance Tribe participate in a voluntary national uniform data collection effort with the IHS?
- SECTION § 137.204 - How will this voluntary national uniform data set be developed?
- SECTION § 137.205 - Will this voluntary uniform data set reporting activity be required of all Self-Governance Tribes entering into a compact with the IHS under Title V?
- SECTION § 137.206 - Why does the IHS need this information?
- SECTION § 137.207 - Will funding be provided to the Self-Governance Tribe to compensate for the costs of reporting?
- SECTION § 137.210 - What happens if self-governance activities under Title V reduce the administrative or other responsibilities of the Secretary with respect to the operation of Indian programs and result in savings?
- SECTION § 137.211 - How does a Self-Governance Tribe learn whether self-governance activities have resulted in savings as described in § 137.210.
Access to Government Furnished Property
Matching and Cost Participation Requirements
Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)
Conflicts of Interest
§ 137.160 - Are Self-Governance Tribes required to address potential conflicts of interest?
Yes, self-Governance Tribes participating in self-governance under Title V must ensure that internal measures are in place to address conflicts of interest in the administration of self-governance PSFAs.
Audits and Cost Principles
§ 137.165 - Are Self-Governance Tribes required to undertake annual audits?
Yes, under the provisions of section 506(c) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-5(c)], Self-Governance Tribes must undertake annual audits pursuant to the Single Audit Act, 31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq.
§ 137.166 - Are there exceptions to the annual audit requirements?
Yes, the exceptions are described in 31 U.S.C. 7502 of the Single Audit Act.
§ 137.167 - What cost principles must a Self-Governance Tribe follow when participating in self-governance under Title V?
A Self-Governance Tribe must apply the cost principles of the applicable OMB circular, except as modified by:
(a) Section 106 (k) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450j-1],
(b) Other provisions of law, or
(c) Any exemptions to applicable OMB circulars subsequently granted by the OMB.
§ 137.168 - May the Secretary require audit or accounting standards other than those specified in § 137.167?
No, no other audit or accounting standards shall be required by the Secretary.
§ 137.169 - How much time does the Federal Government have to make a claim against a Self-Governance Tribe relating to any disallowance of costs, based on an audit conducted under § 137.165?
Any right of action or other remedy (other than those relating to a criminal offense) relating to any disallowance of costs is barred unless the Secretary provides notice of such a disallowance within 365 days from receiving any required annual agency single audit report or, for any period covered by law or regulation in force prior to enactment of the Single Agency Audit Act of 1984, any other required final audit report.
§ 137.170 - When does the 365 day period commence?
For the purpose of determining the 365 day period, an audit report is deemed received on the date of actual receipt by the Secretary, at the address specified in § 137.172, if, within 60 days after receiving the audit report, the Secretary does not give notice of a determination by the Secretary to reject the single-agency audit report as insufficient due to non-compliance with chapter 75 of title 31, United States Code or noncompliance with any other applicable law.
§ 137.171 - Where do Self-Governance Tribes send their audit reports?
(a) For fiscal years ending on or before June 30, 1996, the audit report must be sent to: National External Audit Review Center, Lucas Place Room 514, 323 W. 8th St., Kansas City, MO 64105.
(b) For fiscal years, beginning after June 30, 1996, the audit report must be sent to: Single Audit Clearinghouse, 1201 E. 10th St., Jeffersonville, IN 47132.
§ 137.172 - Should the audit report be sent anywhere else to ensure receipt by the Secretary?
Yes, the Self-Governance Tribe should also send the audit report to: National External Audit Review Center, Lucas Place Room 514, 323 W. 8th St., Kansas City, MO 64105.
§ 137.173 - Does a Self-Governance Tribe have a right of appeal from a disallowance?
Yes, the notice must set forth the right of appeal and hearing to the Interior Board of Contract Appeals, pursuant to section 110 of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450m-1].
§ 137.175 - Is a Self-Governance Tribe required to maintain a recordkeeping system?
Yes. Tribes are required to maintain records and provide Federal agency access to those records as provided in § 137.177.
§ 137.176 - Are Tribal records subject to the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Privacy Act?
No, except to the extent that a Self-Governance Tribe specifies otherwise in its compact or funding agreement, the records of the Self-Governance Tribe shall not be considered Federal records for purposes of chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code.
§ 137.177 - Is the Self-Governance Tribe required to make its records available to the Secretary?
Yes, after 30 days advance written notice from the Secretary, the Self-Governance Tribe must provide the Secretary with reasonable access to such records to enable the Department to meet its minimum legal recordkeeping system requirements under sections 3101 through 3106 of title 44 United States Code.
§ 137.178 - May Self-Governance Tribes store patient records at the Federal Records Centers?
Yes, at the option of a Self-Governance Tribe, patient records may be stored at Federal Records Centers to the same extent and in the same manner as other Department patient records in accordance with section 105(o) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450j(o)].
§ 137.179 - May a Self-Governance Tribe make agreements with the Federal Records Centers regarding disclosure and release of the patient records stored pursuant to § 137.178?
Yes, a Self-Governance Tribe may make agreements with the Federal Records Centers regarding disclosure and release of the patient records stored pursuant to § 137.178.
§ 137.180 - Are there other laws that govern access to patient records?
Yes, a Tribe must consider the potential application of Tribal, Federal and state law and regulations that may apply to requests for access to Tribal patient records, such as the provisions 42 CFR 2.1-2.67 pertaining to records regarding drug and/or alcohol treatment.
§ 137.185 - May a Self-Governance Tribe redesign or consolidate the PSFAs that are included in a funding agreement and reallocate or redirect funds for such PSFAs?
Yes, a Self-Governance Tribe may redesign or consolidate PSFAs included in a funding agreement and reallocate or redirect funds for such PSFAs in any manner which the Self-Governance Tribe deems to be in the best interest of the health and welfare of the Indian community being served, only if the redesign or consolidation does not have the effect of denying eligibility for services to population groups otherwise eligible to be served under applicable Federal law.
§ 137.190 - Is a Self-Governance Tribe that receives funds under Title V also entitled to contract under section 102 of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450(f)] for such funds?
For the period for which, and to the extent to which, funding is provided under the compact or funding agreement, the Self-Governance Tribe is not entitled to contract with the Secretary for the same funds or PSFA under section 102 of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450f]. Such Self-Governance Tribe is eligible for new programs on the same basis as other Indian Tribes.
Health Status Reports
§ 137.200 - Are there reporting requirements for Self-Governance Tribes under Title V?
Yes, compacts or funding agreements negotiated between the Secretary and a Self-Governance Tribe must include a provision that requires the Self-Governance Tribe to report on health status and services delivery. These reports may only impose minimal burdens on the Self-Governance Tribes.
§ 137.201 - What are the purposes of the Tribal reporting requirements?
Tribal reports enable the Secretary to prepare reports required under Title V and to develop the budget request. The reporting requirements are not intended as a quality assessment or monitoring tool, although such provision may be included at the option of the Self-Governance Tribe. Under no circumstances will the reporting requirement include any confidential, proprietary or commercial information. For example, while staffing levels may be a part of a report, pay levels for the staff are considered confidential between the Self-Governance Tribe and the employee.
§ 137.202 - What types of information will Self-Governance Tribes be expected to include in the reports?
Reports will be derived from existing minimal data elements currently collected by Self-Governance Tribes, and may include patient demographic and workload data. Not less than 60 days prior to the start of negotiations or a mutually agreed upon timeframe, the IHS will propose a list of recommended minimal data elements, along with justification for their inclusion, to be used as a basis for negotiating these requirements into the Self-Governance Tribe's compact or funding agreement.
§ 137.203 - May a Self-Governance Tribe participate in a voluntary national uniform data collection effort with the IHS?
Yes, in order to advance Indian health advocacy efforts, each Self-Governance Tribe will be encouraged to participate, at its option, in national IHS data reporting activities such as Government Performance Results Act, epidemiologic and surveillance reporting.
§ 137.204 - How will this voluntary national uniform data set be developed?
IHS will work with representatives of Self-Governance Tribes, in coordination with the Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC), to develop a mutually-defined annual voluntary uniform subset of data that is consistent with Congressional intent, minimizes reporting burdens, and responds to the needs of the Self-Governance Tribe.
§ 137.205 - Will this voluntary uniform data set reporting activity be required of all Self-Governance Tribes entering into a compact with the IHS under Title V?
No, to the extent that specific resources are available or have not otherwise been provided to Self-Governance Tribes for this purpose, and if the Self-Governance Tribes choose to participate, the IHS will provide resources, hardware, software, and technical assistance to the Self-Governance Tribes to facilitate data gathering to ensure data consistency and integrity under this voluntary effort.
§ 137.206 - Why does the IHS need this information?
This information will be used to comply with sections 513 [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-12] and 514 [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-13] of the Act as well as to assist IHS in advocating for the Indian health system, budget formulation, and other reporting required by statute, development of partnerships with other organizations that benefit the health status of Indian Tribes, and sharing of best practices.
§ 137.207 - Will funding be provided to the Self-Governance Tribe to compensate for the costs of reporting?
Yes, reporting requirements are subject to the Secretary providing specific funds for this purpose in the funding agreement.
§ 137.210 - What happens if self-governance activities under Title V reduce the administrative or other responsibilities of the Secretary with respect to the operation of Indian programs and result in savings?
To the extent that PSFAs carried out by Self-Governance Tribes under Title V reduce the administrative or other responsibilities of the Secretary with respect to the operation of Indian programs and result in savings that have not otherwise been included in the amount of Tribal shares and other funds determined under section 508(c) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-7(c)], the Secretary must make such savings available to the Self-Governance Tribes, for the provision of additional services to program beneficiaries in a manner equitable to directly served, contracted, and compacted programs.
§ 137.211 - How does a Self-Governance Tribe learn whether self-governance activities have resulted in savings as described in § 137.210.
The annual report prepared pursuant to section 514(b)(2) [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-13(b)(2)] of the Act must specifically identify any such savings.
Access to Government Furnished Property
§ 137.215 - How does a Self-Governance Tribe obtain title to real and personal property furnished by the Federal Government for use in the performance of a compact, funding agreement, construction project agreement, or grant agreement pursuant to section 512(c) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 458aaa-11(c)]?
(a) For government-furnished real and personal property made available to a Self-Governance Tribe, the Self-Governance Tribe must take title to all real or personal property unless the Self-Governance Tribe requests that the United States retain the title.
(b) For government-furnished personal property made available to a Self-Governance Tribe:
(1) The Secretary, in consultation with each Self-Governance Tribe, must develop a list of the property used in a compact, funding agreement, or construction project agreement.
(2) The Self-Governance Tribe must indicate any items on the list to which the Self-Governance Tribe wants the Secretary to retain title.
(3) The Secretary must provide the Self-Governance Tribe with any documentation needed to transfer title to the remaining listed property to the Self-Governance Tribe.
(c) For government-furnished real property made available to a Self-Governance Tribe:
(1) The Secretary, in consultation with the Self-Governance Tribe, must develop a list of the property furnished for use in a compact, funding agreement, or construction project agreement.
(2) The Secretary must inspect any real property on the list to determine the presence of any hazardous substance activity, as defined in 41 CFR 101-47.202-2(b)(10).
(3) The Self-Governance Tribe must indicate on the list to the Secretary any items of real property to which the Self-Governance Tribe wants the Secretary to retain title and those items of property to which the Self-Governance Tribe wishes to obtain title. The Secretary must take such steps as necessary to transfer title to the Self-Governance Tribe those items of real property which the Self-Governance Tribe wishes to acquire.
Matching and Cost Participation Requirements
§ 137.217 - May funds provided under compacts, funding agreements, or grants made pursuant to Title V be treated as non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting matching or cost participation requirements under any other Federal or non-Federal program?
Yes, funds provided under compacts, funding agreements, or grants made pursuant to Title V may be treated as non-Federal funds for purposes of meeting matching or cost participation requirements under any other Federal or non-Federal program.
Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)
§ 137.220 - Do section 314 of Public Law 101-512 [25 U.S.C. 450f note] and section 102(d) of the Act [25 U.S.C. 450f(d)] (regarding, in part, FTCA coverage) apply to compacts, funding agreements and construction project agreements?
Yes, regulations governing FTCA coverage are set out at 25 CFR Part 900, Subpart M.