Collapse to view only § 60-40.2 - Information available on request.

§ 60-40.1 - Purpose and scope.

This part contains the general rules of the OFCCP providing for public access to information from records of the OFCCP or its various compliance agencies. These regulations implement 5 U.S.C. 552, the Freedom of Information Act and supplement the policy and regulations of the Department of Labor, 29 CFR part 70. It is the policy of the OFCCP to disclose information to the public and to cooperate with other public agencies as well as private parties seeking to eliminate discrimination in employment. This part sets forth generally the categories of records accessible to the public, the types of records subject to prohibitions or restrictions on disclosure, and the places at which and the procedures whereby members of the public may obtain access to and inspect and copy information from records in the custody of the OFCCP.

[43 FR 49264, Oct. 20, 1978; 43 FR 51401, Nov. 3, 1978]

§ 60-40.2 - Information available on request.

(a) Upon the request of any person for identifiable records obtained or generated pursuant to Executive Order 11246 (as amended) such records shall be made available for inspection and copying, notwithstanding the applicability of the exemption from mandatory disclosure set forth in 5 U.S.C. 552 subsection (b), if it is determined that the requested inspection or copying furthers the public interest and does not impede any of the functions of the OFCCP, except in the case of records disclosure of which is prohibited by law.

(b) Consistent with the above, all contract compliance documents within the custody of the OFCCP shall be disclosed upon request unless specifically prohibited by law or as limited elsewhere herein. The types of documents which if in the custody of the OFCCP must be disclosed include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Affirmative action plans, whether or not reviewed and finally accepted by the OFCCP except as limited in 41 CFR 60-40.3(a)(1).

(2) Imposed plans and hometown plans, pending or approved.

(3) Text of final conciliation agreements.

(4) Validation studies of tests or other preemployment selection methods.

(5) Dates and times of scheduled compliance reviews.

§ 60-40.3 - Information exempt from compulsory disclosure and which may be withheld.

(a) The following documents or parts thereof are exempt from mandatory disclosure by the OFCCP, and should be withheld if it is determined that the requested inspection or copying does not further the public interest and might impede the discharge of any of the functions of the OFCCP.

(1) Those portions of affirmative action plans such as goals and timetables which would be confidential commercial or financial information because they indicate, and only to the extent that they indicate, that a contractor plans major shifts or changes in his personnel requirements and he has not made this information available to the public. A determination to withhold this type of information should be made only after receiving verification and a satisfactory explanation from the contractor that the information should be withheld.

(2) Those portions of affirmative action plans which constitute information on staffing patterns and pay scales but only to the extent that their release would injure the business or financial position of the contractor, would constitute a release of confidential financial information of an employee or would constitute an unwarranted invasion of the privacy of an employee.

(3) The names of individual complainants.

(4) The assignments to particular contractors of named compliance officers if such disclosure would subject the named compliance officers to undue harassment or would affect the efficient enforcement of the Executive order.

(5) Compliance investigation files including the standard compliance review report and related documents, during the course of the review to which they pertain or while enforcement action against the contractor is in progress or contemplated within a reasonable time. Therefore, these reports and related files shall not be disclosed only to the extent that information contained therein constitutes trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information, inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters which would not be available by law to a private party in litigation with the agency, personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, data which would be exempt from mandatory disclosure pursuant to the “informants privilege” or such information the disclosure of which is prohibited by statute.

(6) Copies of preemployment selection tests used by contractors.

(b) Other records may be withheld consistent with the Freedom of Information Act on a case-by-case basis, with the prior approval of the Director, OFCCP.

§ 60-40.4 - Information disclosure of which is prohibited by law.

The Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) which is submitted by contractors to the OFCCP or a Joint Reporting Committee servicing both the OFCCP and the EEOC shall be disclosed pending further instructions from the Director. The statutory prohibition on disclosure set forth in section 709(e) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is limited by the terms of that section to information obtained pursuant to the authority of title VII of that Act and its disclosure by employees of the EEOC.