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§ 52.1470 - Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for the State of Nevada under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 2013, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 31, 2013, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region IX certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of December 31, 2013.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region IX EPA Office at 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC; or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to:

(c) EPA approved regulations.

Table 1—EPA-Approved Nevada Regulations and Statutes

State citation Title/Subject State effective date EPA Approval date Additional explanation Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 485, Motor Vehicles: Insurance and Financial Responsibility485.050“Motor vehicle” defined10/1/0377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 5/21/12. Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 485.050 (Michie 2010). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Air Pollution; Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445, Air Controls, Air Pollution; Nevada Air Quality Regulations—Definitions445B.001Definitions1/1/0773 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445.431“Acid mist” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.002“Act” defined8/28/7971 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.003“Adjacent properties” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.0035“Administrative revision to a Class I operating permit” defined09/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.004“Administrator” defined10/14/8271 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(i). 445B.005“Affected facility” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.006“Affected source” defined10/25/0171 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(v). 445B.007“Affected state” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.009“Air-conditioning equipment” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445.436“Air contaminant” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.011“Air pollution” defined3/5/9871 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.013“Allowable emissions” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.014“Alteration” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.015“Alternative method” defined10/30/9571 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(i). 445B.016“Alternative operating scenarios” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.018“Ambient air” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.019“Applicable requirement” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.022“Atmosphere” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.029“Best available retrofit technology” defined4/23/0977 FR 17334 (3/26/12)Included in supplemental SIP revision submitted on September 20, 2011, and approved as part of approval of Nevada Regional Haze SIP. 445.445“Barite” defined1/25/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.447“Barite grinding mill” defined1/25/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.030“British thermal units” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.035“Class I-B application” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.036“Class I source” defined09/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.037“Class II source” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.038“Class III source” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.458“Calcine” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.464“Coal” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.470“Colemanite” defined11/17/7849 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.471“Colemanite processing plant” defined11/17/7849 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.042“Combustible refuse” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.0423“Commence” defined04/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 5/21/12. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.0425“Commission” defined3/5/9871 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.044“Construction” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.046“Contiguous property” defined12/04/7677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.047“Continuous monitoring system” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445.482“Converter” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.051“Day” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.053“Director” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.054“Dispersion technique” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.492“Dryer” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). Article 1.60Effective date12/27/7746 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 12/29/78. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(vii). 445B.055“Effective date of the program” defined12/13/9371 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(v). 445B.056“Emergency” defined12/13/9371 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(v). 445B.058“Emission” defined3/5/9871 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.059“Emission unit” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.060“Enforceable” defined10/14/8271 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(i). 445B.061“EPA” defined12/13/9371 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(v). 445B.062“Equivalent method” defined10/30/9571 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(i). 445B.063“Excess emissions” defined10/31/0573 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(iii). 445B.064“Excessive concentration” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.066“Existing stationary source” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. Article 1.73Existing source11/7/7543 FR 36932 (8/21/78)Submitted on 12/10/76. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). 445.512“Floating roof” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.513“Fossil fuel” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.068“Facility” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.069“Federally enforceable” defined04/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.070“Federally enforceable emissions cap” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.072“Fuel” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.073“Fuel-burning equipment” defined9/19/9071 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(iii). 445B.075“Fugitive dust” defined11/15/9471 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(vi). 445B.077“Fugitive emissions” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.080“Garbage” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.082“General permit” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.083“Good engineering practice stack height” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.084“Hazardous air pollutant” defined12/13/9371 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(6)(ii). 445B.086“Incinerator” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.087“Increment” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.536“Lead” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.091“Local air pollution control agency” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). “Article 1—Definitions: No. 2—LAER”Lowest achievable emission rate8/28/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(i). 445B.093“Major modification” defined09/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.094“Major source” defined06/01/0177 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.0945“Major stationary source” defined9/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.095“Malfunction” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.097“Maximum allowable throughput” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.099“Modification” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.103“Monitoring device” defined1/11/9671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(vi). 445B.104“Motor vehicle” defined06/01/0177 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.106“Multiple chamber incinerator” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.107“Nearby” defined10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. Article 1.114New source11/7/7543 FR 36932 (8/21/78)Submitted on 12/10/76. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). 445B.108“New stationary source” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.109“Nitrogen oxides” defined11/15/9471 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(vi). 445B.112“Nonattainment area” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.113“Nonroad engine” defined6/1/0171 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(iv). 445B.1135“Nonroad vehicle” defined6/1/0171 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(iv). 445B.116“Odor” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.117“Offset” defined10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.119“One-hour period” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.121“Opacity” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.122“Open burning” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.123“Operating permit” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.124“Operating permit to construct” defined12/17/0277 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.125“Ore” defined11/17/7871 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/12/78. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(iii). 445B.127“Owner or operator” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.129“Particulate matter” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.130“Pathological wastes” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.134Person9/18/0672 FR 19801 (4/20/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/8/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(62)(i)(A)(1). 445B.1345“Plantwide applicability limitation” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.565“Petroleum” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.1349“PM2.5 emissions” defined10/27/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Submitted on 12/11/15. 445B.135“PM10” defined12/26/9171 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(iv). 445B.1355“PM10 emissions” defined10/27/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Submitted on 12/11/15. 445B.138“Potential to emit” defined12/16/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. June 2012 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. Article 1.131Point source12/4/7643 FR 36932 (8/21/78)Submitted on 12/10/76. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). 445.570“Portland cement plant” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.574“Precious metal” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.575“Precious metal processing plant” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.142“Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.144“Process equipment” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.145“Process weight” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.147“Program” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.585“Process weight rate” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.151“Reference conditions” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.152“Reference method” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445.592“Registration certificate” defined8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.153“Regulated air pollutant” defined10/31/0573 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(iii). 445B.154“Renewal of an operating permit” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.156“Responsible official” defined07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.157“Revision of an operating permit” defined09/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.597“Roaster” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.161“Run” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.163“Salvage operation” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.167“Shutdown” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.168“Single chamber incinerator” defined12/27/7771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(ii). Article 1.171Single source11/7/7543 FR 36932 (8/21/78)Submitted on 12/10/76. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). 445B.172“Six-minute period” defined12/4/7673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445.618“Slag” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.174“Smoke” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.176“Solid waste” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.177“Source” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.180“Stack and chimney” defined10/30/9571 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.182“Standard” defined11/15/9471 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(vi). 445B.185“Start-up” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.187“Stationary source” defined12/16/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. June 2012 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.190“Stop order” defined12/13/9373 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(2)(i). 445B.194“Temporary source” defined06/01/0177 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445.633“Submerged fill pipe” defined12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.198“Uncombined water” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.200“Violation” defined12/13/9377 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 5/21/12. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.202“Volatile organic compounds” defined11/15/9471 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(6)(iii). 445B.205“Waste” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.207“Wet garbage” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.209“Year” defined10/22/8771 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(2)(ii). 445B.211Abbreviations9/24/0471 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(vii). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Air Pollution; Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445, Air Controls, Air Pollution; Nevada Air Quality Regulations—General Provisions445B.220Severability1/1/0773 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(v). 445B.22017Visible emissions: Maximum opacity; determination and monitoring of opacity4/1/0673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(A)(3)(iii). 445B.2202Visible emissions: Exceptions for stationary sources4/1/0673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(A)(3)(iii). Article 16.3.3, subsections and for Opacity [Portland cement plants]3/31/7747 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 12/29/78. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(viii). Subsection was deleted without replacement at 72 FR 25971 (5/8/07). 445.729Process weight rate for calculating emission rates12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). Article[Establishes maximum allowable particulate emissions rate for the first barite grinding mill at Milchem Inc. near Battle Mountain]12/3/8047 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/5/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(22)(ii). 445.808(1), (2)(a-c), (3), (4), and (5)[Establishes standards for maximum allowable particulate emissions rate and discharge opacity for certain barite grinding mills at IMCO Services and at Dresser Industries, in or near Battle Mountain]8/24/83 (adopted)49 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 9/14/83. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(26)(i)(A). 445.816(1), (2)(d), (3), (4), and (5)[Establishes standards for maximum allowable particulate emissions rate and discharge opacity for certain processing plants for precious metals at the Freeport Gold Company in the North Fork area]8/24/83 (adopted)49 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Submitted on 9/14/83. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(26)(i)(A). 445.730Colemanite flotation processing plants11/17/7849 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445B.22027Emissions of particulate matter: Maximum allowable throughput for calculating emissions rates3/5/9872 FR 25971 (5/8/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.2203Emissions of particulate matter: Fuel-burning equipment10/27/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/11/15. 445B.22033Emissions of particulate matter: Sources not otherwise limited3/5/9872 FR 25971 (5/8/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.22037Emissions of particulate matter: Fugitive dust10/30/9572 FR 25971 (5/8/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). Article 8, subsection 8.2.1[Indirect Heat Transfer Fuel Burning Equipment—Sulfur emission limits]1/28/72 (submitted)37 FR 10842 (5/31/72)Submitted on 1/28/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Article 8.2.2[“Sulfur emission” defined for purposes of Article 8.]12/4/7646 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 12/29/78. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(vii). 445B.2204“Sulfur emission” defined12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.22043Sulfur emissions: Calculation of total feed sulfur9/24/0473 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.22047Sulfur emissions: Fuel-burning equipment9/27/9971 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(iii). 445B.2205Sulfur emissions: Other processes which emit sulfur9/24/0473 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(A)(3)(ii). 445B.22067Open burning4/15/0471 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(vi). 445B.2207Incinerator burning10/27/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/11/15. 445B.22083Construction, major modification or relocation of plants to generate electricity using steam produced by burning of fossil fuels10/31/0573 FR 20536 (4/16/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 8/20/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(67)(i)(A)(1). 445B.2209Reduction of animal matter12/4/7671 FR 15040 (3/27/06)Originally adopted on 9/16/76. Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(1)(i). 445B.22093Organic solvents and other volatile compounds10/31/0573 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(iii). 445B.22095Emission limitation for BART4/23/0977 FR 17334 (3/26/12)Included in supplemental SIP revision submitted on September 20, 2011, and approved as part of approval of Nevada Regional Haze SIP. 445B.22096Control measures constituting BART; limitations on emissions10/27/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/11/2015. 445B.22097Standards of quality for ambient air05/16/201888 FR 32120, 5/19/2023Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/11/2015. 445B.225Prohibited conduct: Concealment of emissions10/30/9573 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.227Prohibited conduct: Operation of source without required equipment; removal or modification of required equipment; modification of required procedure1/11/9673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.229Hazardous emissions: Order for reduction or discontinuance10/30/9573 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.230Plan for reduction in emissions9/18/0672 FR 19801 (4/20/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/8/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(62)(i)(A)(1). 445.667Excess emissions: Scheduled maintenance; testing; malfunction8/28/7949 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). Article 2.5 (“Scheduled Maintenance, Testing, and Breakdown or Upset”), subsection 2.5.4[related to breakdown or upset]11/7/7543 FR 1341 (1/9/78)Submitted on 10/31/75. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(11). Article 2.5, subsection 2.5.4 states: “Breakdown or upset, determined by the Director to be unavoidable and not the result of careless or marginal operations, shall not be considered a violation of these regulations.” 445B.250Notification of Director: Construction, reconstruction and initial start-up; demonstration of continuous monitoring system performance10/31/0573 FR 20536 (4/16/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 8/20/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(67)(i)(A)(1). 445B.252Testing and sampling10/30/0373 FR 20536 (4/16/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(3)(i). 445B.256Monitoring systems: Calibration, operation and maintenance of equipment10/30/9571 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(i). 445B.257Monitoring systems: Location12/4/7671 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(5)(i). 445B.258Monitoring systems: Verification of operational status9/18/0672 FR 19801 (4/20/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/8/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(62)(i)(A)(1). 445B.259Monitoring systems: Performance evaluations9/18/0672 FR 19801 (4/20/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/8/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(62)(i)(A)(1). 445B.260Monitoring systems: Components contracted for before September 11, 19749/18/0672 FR 19801 (4/20/07)Most recently approved version was submitted on 12/8/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(62)(i)(A)(1). 445B.261Monitoring systems: Adjustments12/4/7671 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(5)(i). 445B.262Monitoring systems: Measurement of opacity10/30/0371 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(iii). 445B.263Monitoring systems: Frequency of operation12/4/7671 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(5)(i). 445B.264Monitoring systems: Recordation of data9/25/0071 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(ii). 445B.265Monitoring systems: Records; reports7/2/8471 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(6)(i). 445B.267Alternative monitoring procedures or requirements10/30/0371 FR 71486 (12/11/06)Most recently approved version was submitted on 1/12/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(7)(iii). 445B.275Violations: Acts constituting; notice5/4/0673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(iv). 445B.277Stop orders5/4/0673 FR 19144 (4/9/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 6/26/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(66)(i)(A)(3)(iv). 445.694Emission discharge information12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.699Violations: Administrative fines12/4/7649 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). 445.764Reduction of employees' pay because of use of system prohibited8/17/8149 FR 11626 (3/27/84)Most recently approved version was submitted on 10/26/82. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(25)(i)(A). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Air Pollution—Operating Permits Generally445B.287, excluding paragraphs (1)(d) and (4)(b)Operating permits: General requirements; exception; restriction on transfers07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11, except for subsection (2), which was submitted on 5/21/12. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.288Operating permits: Exemptions from requirements; insignificant activities04/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.295Application: General requirements09/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.297, excluding subsection (2)Application: Submission; certification; additional information05/04/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.298Application: Official date of submittal07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.305Operating permits: Imposition of more stringent standards for emissions07/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.308, excluding paragraph (2)(d) and subsections (4) and (9)Prerequisites and conditions for issuance of certain operating permits; compliance with applicable state implementation plan12/23/1379 FR 62851, 10/21/2014Adopted Regulation of the State Environmental Commission, LCB File No. R042-13. The Nevada SEC amended NAC 445B.308 on December 4, 2013, and NDEP submitted it to EPA on January 3, 2014. 445B.310Environmental evaluation: Applicable sources and other subjects; exemption09/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.311Environmental evaluation: Contents; consideration of good engineering practice stack height6/23/1479 FR 62851, 10/21/2014Adopted Regulation of the State Environmental Commission, LCB File No. R145-13. The Nevada SEC amended NAC 445B.311 on May 2, 2014, and NDEP submitted it to EPA on June 5, 2014. 445B.313Method for determining heat input: Class I sources12/16/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. June 2012 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3135Method for determining heat input: Class II sources12/17/0277 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.314Method for determining heat input: Class III sources12/17/0277 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.315Contents of operating permits: Exception for operating permits to construct; required conditions5/4/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.318Operating permits: Requirement for each source; form of application; issuance or denial; posting5/4/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.319, excluding paragraph (3)(b)Operating permits: Administrative amendment9/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.325, excluding subsections (1), (3), and (4)Operating permits: Termination, reopening and revision, revision, or revocation and reissuance7/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.331Request for change of location of emission unit9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3361, excluding paragraph (1)(b) and subsections (6) and (7)General requirements7/22/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3363Operating permit to construct: Application1/28/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.33637Operating permit to construct for approval of plantwide applicability limitation: Application9/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3364Operating permit to construct: Action by Director on application; notice; public comment and hearing1/28/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3365Operating permit to construct: Contents; noncompliance with conditions5/4/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.33656Operating permit to construct for approval of plantwide applicability limitation: Contents; noncompliance with conditions5/4/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3366Expiration and extension of operating permit to construct; expiration and renewal of plantwide applicability limitation9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3368Additional requirements for application; exception1/28/1077 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3375, excluding subsections (2) and (3)Class I-B application: Filing requirement9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3395, excluding subsections (13), (14), and (15)Action by Director on application; notice; public comment and hearing; objection by Administrator; expiration of permit4/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.340, excluding subsection (3)Prerequisites to issuance, revision or renewal of permit4/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.342, excluding paragraph (3)(e)Certain changes authorized without revision of permit; notification of authorized changes10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3425Minor revision of permit9/24/0477 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.344Significant revision of permit12/17/0277 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3441Administrative revision of permit to incorporate conditions of certain permits to construct9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3443Renewal of permit12/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3447, excluding subsection (4)Class I general permit12/17/0277 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 5/21/12. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3453, excluding subsection (3)Application: General requirements5/4/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3457Action by Director on application; notice; public comment and hearing; expiration of permit10/26/1177 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 11/09/11. June 2012 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.346, excluding subsection (6)Required contents of permit10/30/9577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3465Application for revision10/31/0577 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3473Renewal of permit12/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3477Class II general permit4/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3485Application: General requirements9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3487Action by Director on application; expiration of permit9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3489Required contents of permit9/18/0677 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3493Application for revision10/25/0177 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. 445B.3497Renewal of permit12/17/0877 FR 59321 (9/27/12)Submitted on 1/24/11. November 2010 codification of NAC chapter 445B published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau. Nevada Air Quality Regulations—Point Sources and Registration CertificatesNevada Air Quality Regulations (NAQR), Article 13 (“Point Sources”), subsection 13.1, paragraph 13.1.1General Provisions for the Review of New Sources12/15/7747 FR 27070 (6/23/82)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). NAQR, Article 13, subsection 13.1, paragraph 13.1.3 [excluding 13.1.3(1) and 13.1.3(3)][related to registration certificates for point sources subject to the requirement for an environmental evaluation; additional requirements for such sources to be located in nonattainment areas]2/28/8046 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 3/17/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(18)(i). NAQR article 13.1.3(3) was deleted without replacement at 73 FR 20536 (4/16/08). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(18)(i)(A). NAQR article 13.1.3(1) was superseded by approval of amended NSR rules at 77 FR 59321 (9/27/12). NAQR Article 13, subsection 13.2 (excluding 13.2.3 and 13.2.4)[relates to thresholds used to identify sources subject to environmental evaluation requirement]12/15/7747 FR 27070 (6/23/82)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Subsection 13.2 includes paragraphs 13.2.1-13.2.2. Paragraphs 13.2.3-13.2.4 were superseded by approval of amended NSR rules at 77 FR 59321 (9/27/12). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 58, Energy; Public Utilities and Similar Entities: Regulation of Public Utilities Generally704.820Short title1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)NRS 704.820 to 704.900, inclusive, is cited as the Utility Environmental Protection Act. Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.825Declaration of legislative findings and purpose1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.830Definitions1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.840“Commence to construct” defined1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.845“Local government” defined1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.850“Person” defined1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.855“Public utility,” “utility” defined1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.860“Utility facility” defined1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.865Construction permit: Requirement; transfer; exceptions to requirement1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.870Construction permit application: Form, contents; filing; service; public notice1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.875Review of application by state environmental commission1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.880Hearing on application for permit1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.885Parties to permit proceeding; appearances; intervention1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.890Grant or denial of application; required findings; service of copies of order1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.892Grant, denial, conditioning of permit for plant for generation of electrical energy for export1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.895Rehearing; judicial review1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). 704.900Cooperation with United States, other states1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(i). General Order No. 3, Rules of Practice and Procedure Before the Public Service CommissionRule 25Construction Permits—Utility Environmental Protection Act1/1/7947 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Submitted on 10/13/80. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(21)(ii). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—General Provisions445B.400Scope9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.401Definitions8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.403“Approved inspector” defined8/19/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4045“Authorized inspection station” defined8/19/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.405“Authorized station” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.408“Carbon monoxide” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.409“Certificate of compliance” defined9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4092“Certified on-board diagnostic system” defined8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4096“Class 1 approved inspector” defined9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4097“Class 1 fleet station” defined9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4098“Class 2 approved inspector” defined9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4099“Class 2 fleet station” defined9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.410“CO2” defined9/28/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.411“Commission” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.413“Department” defined1/1/8673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.415“Director” defined8/19/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.416“Emission” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.418“EPA” defined9/28/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.419“Established place of business” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.420“Evidence of compliance” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.421“Exhaust emissions” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.422“Exhaust gas analyzer” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.424“Fleet station” defined8/19/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4247“Gross vehicle weight rating” defined8/19/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.426“Heavy-duty motor vehicle” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.427“Hydrocarbon” defined9/28/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.428“Hz” defined9/28/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.432“Light-duty motor vehicle” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.433“Mini motor home” defined10/1/8373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.434“Motor home” defined10/1/8373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.435“Motor vehicle” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.440“New motor vehicle” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.442“Opacity” defined1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.443“Person” defined1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.444“ppm” defined9/28/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.449“Smoke” defined1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.450“Special mobile equipment” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.451“Standard” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4515“State electronic data transmission system” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.452“Tampering” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4525“Test station” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.453“Truck” defined10/1/8373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.454“Used motor vehicle” defined1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.455“Van conversion” defined10/1/8373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4553“Vehicle inspection report” defined8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4556“Vehicle inspection report number” defined9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.456Severability9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Facilities for Inspection and Maintenance445B.460Test station: License required to operate; expiration of license; ratings; performance of certain services; prohibited acts; location9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.461, except for paragraph (3)(d)Compliance by Federal Government, state agencies and political subdivisions9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). NAC section 445B.461(3)(d) was deleted without replacement at 74 FR 3975 (1/22/09). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(3). 445B.462Test station: Application for license to operate; inspection of premises; issuance of license9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.463Test station: Grounds for denial, revocation or suspension of license; reapplication; permanent revocation of license8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.464Test station: Hearing concerning denial, suspension or revocation of license9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.465Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Requirements for bond or deposit9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.466Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Liability under bond or deposit; suspension and reinstatement of licenses9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.467Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Disbursement, release or refund of bond or deposit9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.468Authorized stations and authorized inspection stations: Scope of coverage of bond or deposit9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.469Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Posting of signs and placards9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.470Test station: Display of licenses; availability of reference information9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.471Test station: Advertising; provision by Department of certain informational material for public9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.472Test station: Records of inspections and repairs; inspection of place of business; audit of exhaust gas analyzers9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.473Test station: Notice of wrongfully distributed or received vehicle inspection reports; inventory of vehicle inspection reports9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.474Test station: Failure to employ approved inspector7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.475Authorized station or class 2 fleet station: Requirements for employees9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.476Test station: Willful failure to comply with directive; suspension of license; reapplication after revocation of license9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.478Fleet station: Licensing; powers and duties9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.480Test station: Requirements concerning business hours9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Inspectors445B.485Prerequisites to licensing2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.486Examination of applicants for licensing2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.487Denial of license9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.489Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.490Hearing on suspension or revocation of license2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.491Temporary suspension or refusal to renew license1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.492Duration of suspension; surrender of license12/20/7973 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.493Limitation on reapplication after revocation or denial or license; surrender of revoked license; permanent revocation of license2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.495Contents of license9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.496Expiration of license1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.497Requirements for renewal of license2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.498Performance of emission inspection without license prohibited; expiration of license; license ratings2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4983Issuance of access code to approved inspector; use of access code and identification number2/23/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.4985Violations7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.499Fees7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.501Report of change in place of employment or termination of employment12/20/7973 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.502Submission of certificate of employment to report change9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Exhaust Gas Analyzers445B.5049Connection to state electronic data transmission system9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.505Availability of list of approved analyzers and their specifications7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5052Approved analyzer: Use and equipment; deactivation by Department6/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5055Revocation of approval of analyzer9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5065Manufacturer of approved analyzer: Required warranty7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5075Manufacturer of approved analyzer: Required services; administrative fine for violations7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Control of Emissions: Generally445B.575Device to control pollution: General requirement; alteration or modification3/1/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.576Vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel fuel: Restrictions on visible emissions and on idling of diesel engines10/22/9273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.577Devices used on stationary rails: Restrictions on visible emissions1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.578Exceptions to restrictions on visible emissions10/22/9273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.579Inspection of vehicle: Devices for emission control required9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.580Inspection of vehicle: Procedure for certain vehicles with model year of 1995 or older and heavy-duty vehicles with model year of 1996 or newer9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5805Inspection of vehicle: Procedure for light-duty vehicles with model year of 1996 or newer8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.581Inspection of vehicle: Place and equipment for performance9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5815Inspection of vehicle: Certified on-board diagnostic systems3/1/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.582Repair of vehicle; reinspection or testing9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.583Evidence of compliance: Purpose; records9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.584Evidence of compliance: Purchase of vehicle inspection report numbers7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.585Evidence of compliance: Issuance by approved inspector9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.586Evidence of compliance: Return of fee9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.587Test of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: Equipment for measurement of smoke opacity9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.588Testing of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: List of approved equipment7/17/0373 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.589Testing of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: Procedure; certificate of compliance; effect of failure; lack of proper fuel cap9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5895Dissemination of list of authorized stations9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.590Waiver of standards for emissions5/14/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.591Form for registration of vehicle in area where inspection of vehicle not required1/1/8873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.5915Requirements for registration of vehicle temporarily being used and maintained in another state9/1/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.592Applicability of certain standards for emissions and other requirements10/31/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.593Evidence of compliance required for certain vehicles based in Clark County10/31/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.594Evidence of compliance required for certain vehicles based in Washoe County10/31/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.595(1)Inspections of vehicles owned by State or political subdivisions or operated on federal installations9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Subsection 2 was not included in the 7/3/08 approval of NAC 445B.595. Certain paragraphs of subsection (2) were approved at 74 FR 3975 (1/22/09). 445B.595(2) (a), (b), and (c)Inspections of vehicles owned by State or political subdivisions or operated on federal installations9/13/9574 FR 3975 (1/22/09)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(4). 445B.596Standards for emissions8/21/0273 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.598Imposition and statement of fee for inspection and testing; listing of stations and fees9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.599Prescription and notice of maximum fees for inspections and testing9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.600Procedure for setting new fee9/13/9573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.601Concealment of emissions prohibited1/10/7873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Restored Vehicles445B.6115Exemption of vehicle from certain provisions7/27/0073 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.6125Certification of vehicle for exemption3/5/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Inspection of Test Stations and Approved Inspectors445B.7015Annual and additional inspections2/3/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.7025Alteration of emission control system of vehicle used to conduct inspection2/3/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.7035Preliminary written notice of violation; reinspection of vehicle2/3/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.7045Administrative fines and other penalties for certain violations2/3/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B, Air Controls, Emissions From Engines—Miscellaneous Provisions445B.727Administrative fines and other penalties2/3/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). 445B.735Program for licensure to install, repair and adjust devices for control of emissions9/25/9873 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Most recently approved version was submitted on 5/11/07. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(2). Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 590, Petroleum Products and Antifreeze, Fuels590.065 (excluding subsection (7))Adopted Regulation of the State Board of Agriculture LCB File No. R111-08. A regulation relating to fuel; adopting by reference a certain standard for gasoline published by ASTM International; providing exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto1/28/1075 FR 59090 (9/27/10)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(74)(i)(B). As adopted by the Nevada Board of Agriculture. Submitted on 3/26/10 for inclusion into Appendix C of the 2008 Las Vegas Valley CO Maintenance Plan.

Table 2—EPA-Approved Lander County Regulations

County citation Title/Subject County
effective date
EPA Approval date Additional explanation Lander County Ordinance LC 8-78Dust Ordinance9/8/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Was approved as part of the Lander County Air Quality Improvement Plan which was submitted on 12/29/78.

Table 3—EPA-Approved Clark County Regulations

County citation Title/Subject County
effective date
EPA Approval date Additional explanation Section 0Definitions8/3/202188 FR 38754, 6/14/2023Submitted electronically on January 31, 2022, as an attachment to a letter dated January 31, 2022. Section 0Definitions (“Clearing and Grubbing” only)4/1/201479 FR 62351, 10/17/2014Amended by Clark County Board of County Commissioners on March 18, 2014 through Ordinance No. 4189. Submitted by NDEP on 4/1/2014. Section 1 (“Definitions”): Subsection 1.58New Source12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 9/18/79. See 40 CFR 52/1490(c)(17)(i). Section 1 (“Definitions”): Subsection 1.81Single Source12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 9/18/79. See 40 CFR 52/1490(c)(17)(i). Section 1 (“Definitions”): Subsection 1.88Standard Conditions12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 9/18/79. See 40 CFR 52/1490(c)(17)(i). Section 2: Subsections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3Air Pollution Control Board12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 2Procedures for Adoption and Revision of Regulations and for Inclusion of those Regulations in the State Implementation Plan1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 4Control Officer12/17/201987 FR 23765, 4/21/2022Submitted electronically on March 16, 2020, as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 5: Subsection 5.1Interference with Control Officer12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 6: Subsection 6.1Injunctive Relief12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 8: Subsections 8.1, 8.2Persons Liable for Penalties—Punishment; Defense12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 12.0Applicability and General Requirements2/4/202088 FR 38754, 6/14/2023Submitted electronically on March 16, 2020, as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 12.1Permit Requirements for Minor Sources1/1/201988 FR 38754, 6/14/2023Submitted electronically on April 12, 2019, as an attachment to a letter dated April 12, 2019. Section 12.2Permit Requirements for Major Sources in Attainment Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration)4/1/1479 FR 62351, 10/17/14Amended by Clark County Board of County Commissioners on March 18, 2014 through Ordinance No. 4189. Submitted by NDEP on 4/1/14. Section 12.3Permit Requirements for Major Sources in Nonattainment Areas4/1/1479 FR 62351, 10/17/14Amended by Clark County Board of County Commissioners on March 18, 2014 through Ordinance No. 4189. Submitted by NDEP on 4/1/14. Section 12.4Authority to Construct Application and Permit Requirements For Part 70 Sources4/1/1479 FR 62351, 10/17/14Amended by Clark County Board of County Commissioners on March 18, 2014 through Ordinance No. 4189. Submitted by NDEP on 4/1/14. Section 12.7: Subsection 12.7.5Emission Reduction Credits7/1/1079 FR 62351, 10/17/14The heading for subsection 12.7.5 is “Criteria for Granting ERCs.” Adopted by Clark County Board of County Commissioners on May 18, 2010 through Ordinance No. 3864. Submitted by NDEP on 4/1/14. Section 12.9.1Annual Emissions Statement8/18/202087 FR 45657, 7/29/2022Submitted on October 15, 2020. Section 12.11General Permits for Minor Stationary Sources1/1/201988 FR 38754, 6/14/2023Submitted electronically on April 12, 2019, as an attachment to a letter dated April 12, 2019. Section 18: Subsections 18.1-18.5.2Registration/Permit Fees9/3/8147 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(iv). Section 18: Subsections 18.6-18.12Registration/Permit Fees12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 23: Subsections 23.1-23.5 (excluding subsections 23.2.1-, 23.3.4-23.3.5)Continuous Monitoring by Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Subsections 23.2.1-, 23.3.4-23.3.5, submitted on 7/24/79, were superseded by revised subsections submitted on 11/17/81 and approved at 47 FR 26386 (6/18/82). Section 23 (Continuous Monitoring by Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam Generators): Subsections 23.2.1-, 23.3.4-23.3.5)[related to specifications for continuous monitoring]9/3/8147 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(iv). Section 25: Subsection 25.2Upset, Breakdown or Scheduled Maintenance12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Subsection 25.1, submitted on 7/24/79, was never approved into the SIP; see 40 CFR 52.1483 and 69 FR 54006, at 54017, 54018 (9/7/04). Section 26Emission of Visible Air Contaminants5/5/201682 FR 27622 (6/16/2017)Submitted on June 29, 2015. Section 27Particulate Matter from Process Weight Rate9/3/8147 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(iv). Section 28: Subsections 28.1 and 28.2Fuel Burning Equipment12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 31Reduction of Emission of Sulfur from Primary Non-Ferrous Smelters12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 32: Subsections 32.1, 32.2Reduction of Animal Matter12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 33Chlorine in Chemical Processes1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. See also clarification at 69 FR 54006 (9/7/04). Section 41Fugitive Dust1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 42: Subsections 42.1, 42.3 and 42.4Open Burning12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Subsection 42.2 deleted without replacement—see 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii)(C). Section 50Storage of Petroleum Products12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ii). Section 51Petroleum Product Loading into Tank Trucks and Trailers12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ii). Section 52: Subsections 52.1-52.10 (excluding subsections and 52.7.2)Handling of Gasoline at Service Stations, Airports and Storage Tanks12/28/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ii). Subsections and 52.7.2 were superseded by amended provisions submitted on 11/17/81 and approved at 47 FR 26386 (6/18/82). Section 52 (Handling of Gasoline at Service Stations, Airports and Storage Tanks): Subsections and 52.7.2[related to vapor recovery and sales information]9/3/8147 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(iv). Section 53Oxygenated Gasoline Program1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Ordinance No. 3809An Ordinance to Suspend the Applicability and Enforceability of All Provisions of Clark County Air Quality Regulation Section 54, the Cleaner Burning Gasoline Wintertime Program; and Provide for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto9/29/0975 FR 59090 (9/27/10)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(74)(i)(A). Section 54 was suspended by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners through adoption of Ordinance No. 3809 on September 15, 2009. Submitted on 3/26/10 for inclusion into Appendix C of the 2008 Las Vegas Valley CO Maintenance Plan. Section 60 (excluding subsections 60.4.2 and 60.4.3)Evaporation and Leakage6/28/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 9/18/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(17)(i). Subsections 60.4.2 and 60.4.3 were superseded by approval of amended provisions at 49 FR 10259 (3/20/84) and 47 FR 26386 (6/18/82). Section 60: Subsection 60.4.2[General prohibition on use of cutback asphalt]9/3/8149 FR 10259 (3/20/84)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(vi). Section 60: Subsection 60.4.3[Exceptions to subsection 60.4.2]9/3/8147 FR 26386 (6/18/82)Submitted on 11/17/81. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(iv). Section 70: subsections 70.1-70.6Emergency Procedures12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 80Circumvention12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 81Provisions of Regulations Severable12/28/7846 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(viii). Section 90Fugitive Dust from Open Areas and Vacant Lots1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 91Fugitive Dust from Unpaved Roads, Unpaved Alleys, and Unpaved Easement Roads4/29/1479 FR 60080, 10/6/14Adopted by Clark County on April 15, 2014 and submitted by NDEP on May 27, 2014. Section 92Fugitive Dust from Unpaved Parking Lots, Material Handling & Storage Yards, & Vehicle & Equipment Storage Yards4/29/1479 FR 60080, 10/6/14Adopted by Clark County on April 15, 2014 and submitted by NDEP on May 27, 2014. Section 93Fugitive Dust from Paved Roads & Street Sweeping Equipment1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 94Permitting & Dust Control for Construction Activities1/21/202087 FR 30423, 5/19/2022Submitted on March 16, 2020 as an attachment to a letter dated March 13, 2020. Section 94 HandbookConstruction Activities Dust Control Handbook4/1/0371 FR 63250 (10/30/06)Originally adopted on 6/22/00, and amended on 3/18/03. Submitted on 3/26/03. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(61)(i)(A)(1). Supersedes earlier version of rule approved at 69 FR 32273 (6/9/04). Clark County Building Code, Section 3708Residential Wood Combustion Ordinance (Fireplace), No. 124912/4/9068 FR 52838 (9/8/03)Adopted on 11/20/90, and submitted on 11/19/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(41)(i)(A)(1).

Table 4—EPA-Approved City of Las Vegas Regulations

City citation Title/Subject City effective date EPA Approval date Additional explanation City of Las Vegas Building Code, Section 3708Residential Wood Combustion Ordinance (Fireplace), No. 353811/21/9068 FR 52838 (9/8/03)Adopted on 11/21/90, and submitted on 11/19/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(41)(i)(A)(2).

Table 5—EPA-Approved City of North Las Vegas Regulations

City citation Title/Subject City effective date EPA Approval date Additional explanation City of North Las Vegas Building Code, Section 13.16.150Residential Wood Combustion Ordinance (Fireplace), No. 10209/18/9168 FR 52838 (9/8/03)Adopted on 9/18/91, and submitted on 11/19/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(41)(i)(A)(3).

Table 6—EPA-Approved City of Henderson Regulations

City citation Title/Subject City effective date EPA Approval date Additional explanation City of Henderson Building Code, Section 15.40.010Residential Wood Combustion Ordinance (Fireplace), No. 169710/15/9668 FR 52838 (9/8/03)Adopted on 10/15/96, and submitted on 11/19/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(41)(i)(A)(4).

Table 7—EPA-Approved Washoe County Regulations

Title/Subject District effective date EPA Approval date Additional explanation GENERAL DEFINITIONS 010.000Definitions5/26/201682 FR 27622 (6/16/2017)Submitted on August 15, 2016. 010.005Air Contaminant2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.010Air Pollution2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.011Allowable emissions5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.014Asphalt5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81).Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.015Atmosphere2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.020Board of Health2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.025BTU-British Thermal Unit2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.028Cold Cleaner1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.030Combustion Contaminants2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.035Combustible Refuse2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.040Commercial Fuel Oil2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.045Condensed Fumes2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.050Control Equipment2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.055Control Officer2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.057Conveyorized Degreaser1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.059Cut-back Asphalt5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.060District Health Officer2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.065Dusts2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.070Emission2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.071Freeboard height1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.072Freeboard ratio1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.075Fuel2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.080Fuel Burning Equipment2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.085Garbage2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.090Gas2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.091Gasoline1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.095Health District2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.100Hearing Board2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.105Incinerator2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.106Lowest Achievable Emission Rate5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.107BMajor Emitting Facility Or Major Stationary Source (Nonattainment Areas)5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.108Major Modification5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.110Mist2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.116Non Attainment Area5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.117Non Attainment Pollutant5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.120Nuisance2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.125Odor2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.130Opacity2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.135Open Fire2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.136Open Top Vapor Degreaser1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.140Particulate Matter2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.145Pathological Waste2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.117Pellet Stove2/23/0672 FR 33397 (6/18/07)Submitted on 5/5/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(63)(i)(A)(1). 010.148Penetrating Prime Coat5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.149Penetrating Seal Coat5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.150Person2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.151Potential to Emit5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.155Process Weight2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.160Process Weight Rate2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.165Ringelmann Chart2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.166Significant Ambient Impact5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.170Smoke2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.175Source2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.1751Source Registration5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 010.180Stack or Chimney2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.185Standard Conditions2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 010.197Volatile Organic Compound1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 4/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). GENERAL PROVISIONS 020.005Board of Health-Powers and Duties2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.010Injunctive Relief2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.015Judicial Relief2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.025Control Officer-Powers and Duties2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.035Violations of Regulations2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.040Notice of Violation2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.045Citation2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.050Administrative Fines2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.055Injunctive Relief2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.055Confidential information1/24/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 020.060Interference with Performance of Duty2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.070Sampling and Testing2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.080Circumvention2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.085Upset, Breakdown or Scheduled Maintenance2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.090Registration of Sources2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 020.095Severability2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). SOURCE REGISTRATION AND OPERATION 030.000Sources—General5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.005[Authority to Construct must be issued before any building permit]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.010[Limits on Issuance of Authorities to Construct]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.015[Public notice requirement for major sources]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.025Registration Application5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.030[Limits on effect of acceptance of permit application or issuance of Authority to Construct]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.110[modifications]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.115(1), (5), and subsection (B)[Additional requirements for major sources in general and specific additional requirements for major sources of nonattainment pollutants]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.120[Violations and Stop Work Orders]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.1201[Person served with Stop Work Order]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.205[Registration Requirement]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.210[Issuance of Permits to Operate]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.215[Limits on Meaning of Issuance of Permit to Operate]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.218Demonstration of Compliance6/28/1277 FR 60915 (10/5/12)Submitted on 8/30/12. 030.230Record Keeping6/28/1277 FR 60915 (10/5/12)Submitted on 8/30/12. 030.235Requirements for Source Sampling and Testing6/28/1277 FR 60915 (10/5/12)Submitted on 8/30/12. 030.245[Permit to Operate is not transferable]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.250[Permit to Operate is subject to suspension or revocation for violation]5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 030.300Fee and Fee Schedule5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.305Plan Review Fees5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.310[Permit to Operate—Schedule of Fees]5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.970 (subsection A only)Part 70 Permit Monitoring and Compliance6/28/1277 FR 60915 (10/5/12)Submitted on 8/30/12. 030.3101Fuel burning equipment5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.3102Incinerators5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.3103Storage tanks5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). 030.3104Processes5/23/79
46 FR 43141 (8/27/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(ix). PROHIBITED EMISSIONS 040.005Visible Air Contaminants2/23/0672 FR 33397 (6/18/07)Submitted on 5/5/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(63)(i)(A)(1). 040.010Particulate Matter2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.015Specific Contaminants2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.020Dust and Fumes2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.025Exceptions2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.030Dust Control11/1/0272 FR 25969 (5/8/07)Adopted on 7/26/02. Submitted on 8/5/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(55)(i)(A)(2). 040.031Street Sanding Operations2/27/0271 FR 14386 (3/22/06)Adopted on 2/27/02. Submitted on 8/5/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(55)(i)(A)(1). 040.032Street Sweeping Operations2/27/0271 FR 14386 (3/22/06)Adopted on 2/27/02. Submitted on 8/5/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(55)(i)(A)(1). 040.035Open Fires2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.040Burning Permit Conditions2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.045Refuse Disposal2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.050Incinerator Emissions2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.051Wood-Burning Devices5/26/201682 FR 27622 (6/16/2017)Submitted on August 15, 2016. 040.060Sulfur Content of Fuel2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.065Reduction of Animal Matter2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on 6/12/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 040.070Storage of Petroleum Products1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 040.075Gasoline Loading into Tank Trucks and Trailers1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 040.080Gasoline Unloading from Tank Trucks and Trailers into Storage Tanks1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 040.085Organic Solvents1/24/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 040.090Cut-Back Asphalts5/23/79
46 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Submitted on 7/24/79. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iii). 040.095Oxygen Content of Motor Fuel10/24/13 (amended)83 FR 983 (1/9/18)Previously approved at 73 FR 38124 (7/3/08). Submitted on 3/28/14. Suspends local motor fuel oxygenate requirement. [Related to 040.095]Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting, September 22, 2005, Public Hearing-Amendments—Washoe County District Board of Health Regulations Governing Air Quality Management; to Wit: Rule 040.095 (Oxygen Content of Motor Vehicle Fuel)9/22/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)See 52.1490(c)(69)(i)(A)(1)(i). EMERGENCY EPISODE PLAN 050.001Emergency Episode Plan3/23/0672 FR 33397 (6/18/07)Submitted on 5/5/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(63)(i)(A)(1). 060.010Emergency Authority to Act2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on June 12, 1972. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 060.015Sampling Stations and Air Sampling2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on June 12, 1972. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 060.020Reports2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on June 12, 1972. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2). 060.025Continuing Program of Voluntary Cooperation2/1/7237 FR 15080 (7/27/72)Submitted on June 12, 1972. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(2).

(d) EPA-approved State source-specific permits. [Reserved]

(e) EPA-approved Nevada nonregulatory provisions and quasi-regulatory measures.

EPA-Approved Nevada Nonregulatory Provisions and Quasi-Regulatory Measures

Name of SIP provision Applicable geographic or
nonattainment area
State submittal date EPA approval date Explanation AIR QUALITY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE STATE OF NEVADA 1Section 1—Legal authorityState-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Statutes approved into the SIP are listed at the end of this table. Legal opinions concerning the planState-wide11/17/7238 FR 12702 (5/14/73).See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(4). Section 2—Control regulationsState-wide, Clark County and Washoe County air districts, and certain city and county jurisdictions()Not applicableSee paragraph (c) of 40 CFR 52.1470, above. Section 3—Air quality data summary (excluding subsection 3.2)State-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). An amended subsection 3.2 was submitted on 12/10/76 and approved at 43 FR 26932 (8/21/78). Subsection 3.2 (SO2 Data)State-wide12/10/7643 FR 26932 (8/21/78)Superseded subsection 3.2 from the original SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). Section 4—Emissions summary (excluding subsection 4.2)State-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). An amended subsection 4.2 was submitted on 12/10/76 and approved at 43 FR 26932 (8/21/78). Subsection 4.2 (Exceptions)State-wide12/10/7643 FR 26932 (8/21/78)Superseded subsection 4.2 from the original SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). Section 5—Control strategy (excluding subsection 5.1 and table 5.1)State-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Errata sheet correcting page 5-21 was submitted by Nevada on 4/26/72 and approved with the original SIP on 1/28/72. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(1). Subsection 5.1 and table 5.1 was superseded by amended provisions at 43 FR 26932 (8/21/78). Subsection 5.1 (Approach)State-wide12/10/7643 FR 26932 (8/21/78)Superseded subsection 5.1 from the original SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). Table 5.1 (Classification of regions)State-wide12/10/7643 FR 26932 (8/21/78)Superseded table 5.1 from the original SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). Table 5.2 (Set 1 Pollutants)Clark County12/10/7643 FR 26932 (8/21/78)Specifies SO2 control strategy analysis for Clark County. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(12). Nevada State Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport to Satisfy the Requirements of Clean Air Act 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS Promulgated in July 1997 (January 31, 2007)State-wide2/5/0772 FR 41629 (7/31/07)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(64)(i)(A)(1). Mason Valley #108 (Yerington) and Fernley Area #76 Air Quality Implementation PlanMason Valley and Fernley Area12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). TSP plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Letter from Michael L. Eckstein, P.E., Lyon County Engineer, 2/27/79Yerington and Fernley7/24/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Relates to paving schedule to reduce TSP emissions. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iv). Lander County Air Quality Improvement PlanLander County12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). TSP plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Resolution, County of Lander, May 3, 1979Lander County7/24/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iv). Carson Desert (#101 (Fallon) Air Quality Implementation PlanCarson Desert12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). TSP plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Letter from Ben T. Bartlett, P.E., City Engineer, City of Fallon, 12/20/78City of Fallon7/24/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Relates to paving schedule to reduce TSP emissions. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iv). Winnemucca Segment (#70) Air Quality Implementation PlanWinnemucca Segment12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). TSP plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Letter from Leslie F. Harmon, Councilman, City of Winnemucca, 11/11/79City of Winnemucca7/24/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Relates to paving schedule to reduce TSP emissions. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(iv). Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Sulfur Dioxide Standard—Central Steptoe ValleyCentral Steptoe Valley, White Pine County2/14/9567 FR 17939 (4/12/02)Sulfur dioxide redesignation request and maintenance plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(39)(i)(A). Supplement to Maintenance Plan for the National Sulfur Dioxide Standard—Central Steptoe ValleyCentral Steptoe Valley, White Pine County2/27/0267 FR 17939 (4/12/02)Supplement consists of a letter from Allen Biaggi, Administrator, NDEP, to Wayne Nastri, EPA Region IX Regional Administrator, dated 2/27/02. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(40)(i)(A). Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Implementation Plan, 12/5/78Las Vegas Valley, Clark County12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Carbon monoxide, photochemical oxidant, and TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). The plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Two memoranda of understanding between Clark County, the Health District, and the Transportation Policy CommitteeLas Vegas Valley, Clark County7/24/7946 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Amendments to the Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Implementation Plan, 12/5/78. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(v). Air Quality Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, Revised 11/18/80 (excluding Clark County Air Pollution Control Regulations)Las Vegas Valley, Clark County4/4/8147 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Updates Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Implementation Plan, 12/5/78, for carbon monoxide, ozone and TSP to respond to conditions placed on approval. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(23)(i). Clark County air pollution control regulations were included as appendix C to the plan but were not approved as part of the plan. Air Quality Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, Update, 6/1/82Las Vegas Valley, Clark County6/23/8249 FR 44208 (11/5/84)Submitted as required in response to EPA's approval of request for extension of CO attainment date to 1987. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(32). Air Quality Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, Post 1982 Update, July 1984Las Vegas Valley, Clark County1/11/8551 FR 29923 (8/21/86)Submitted as required in response to EPA's approval of request for extension of ozone attainment date to 1987. In addition to the plan itself, the approval includes an emissions inventory for 1995, transmitted by letter dated 3/14/86. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(33)(i)(A). Emissions Inventory for 1995Las Vegas Valley, Clark County3/14/8651 FR 29923 (8/21/86)Supplements the Air Quality Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, Post 1982 Update, 7/84. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(33)(ii)(A). Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, Clark County, Nevada (March 2011)Clark County, Nevada: that portion of Clark County that lies in hydrographic areas 164A, 164B, 165, 166, 167, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, and 218, but excluding the Moapa River Indian Reservation and the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation4/11/1178 FR 1149, 1/8/13Approval includes appendices A, B, and C. Relates to the 1997 8-hour ozone standard. Second Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, Clark County, Nevada (December 2021), and Revision to Contingency Measures Plan in the Second Maintenance Plan for the 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS (July 2023)Las Vegas, Nevada: that portion of Clark County that lies in hydrogeographic areas 164A, 164B, 165, 166, 167, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, and 218, but excluding the Moapa River Indian Reservation and the Fort Mohave Indian ReservationClark County Second Maintenance Plan: 1/24/2022, Contingency Measure Revision: 8/16/202389 FR 23916, 4/5/2024Fulfills requirement for second ten-year maintenance plan. Revision to Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan: Clark County, Nevada (October 2018)Clark County, Nevada: That portion of Clark County that lies in hydrogeographic areas 164A, 164B, 165, 166, 167, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, and 218, but excluding the Moapa River Indian Reservation and the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation10/31/201884 FR 44699, 8/27/2019Conditional approval of revised emission inventory and budgets. Includes a State commitment to revise the budgets within one year. Revision to Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the 1997 Ozone NAAQS, Clark County, Nevada (August 2020)Clark County, Nevada: That portion of Clark County that lies in hydrogeographic areas 164A, 164B, 165, 166, 167, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, and 218, but excluding the Moapa River Indian Reservation and the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation9/30/202086 FR 59643, 10/28/2021Submitted by NDEP electronically on September 30, 2020, as an attachment to a letter dated September 25, 2020. Approval of the 2020 Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision removes the condition placed on the approval of the 2018 Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision. Revision to Nevada 2015 Eight-Hour Ozone Plan, Emissions Inventory Requirement for the Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, NV (October 15, 2020)Las Vegas Valley, Clark County10/15/202011/14/2022, 87 FR 68057Adopted by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners on September 1, 2020. Submitted by NDEP electronically on October 15, 2020, as an attachment to a letter dated October 8, 2020. Approval of the Base-Year Emissions Inventory for the 2015 Eight Hour ozone NAAQS. Revision to the Nevada State Implementation Plan for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS: Nonattainment Major NSR Requirements: Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment AreaLas Vegas Valley, Clark County8/5/202189 FR 37137, 5/6/2024This is an approval of Clark County's certification that the existing Nonattainment New Source Review program is at least as stringent as the requirements of 40 CFR 51.165 for the 2015 ozone NAAQS. PM-10 State Implementation Plan for Clark County, June 2001Las Vegas Valley, Clark County7/23/0169 FR 32273 (6/9/04)Adopted 6/19/01. PM-10 nonattainment plan. Approval covers chapter 3, chapter 4 (excluding pages 4-125 and 4-126), chapters 5 through 7, appendices A through E, appendix J, and appendices L through N. All rules and regulations approved in appendix G have been superseded by subsequent EPA approvals of amended regulations. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(42)(i)(A)(1). Pages 4-125 and 4-126 and appendix R (of the PM-10 State Implementation Plan for Clark County)Las Vegas Valley, Clark County11/19/0269 FR 32273 (6/9/04)Replacement pages and an additional appendix (i.e., Appendix R—Documentation on Residential Wood Combustion Control Measures”) to the PM-10 State Implementation Plan for Clark County. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(44)(i)(A)(1). Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for Particulate Matter (PM10), Clark County, Nevada (August 2012)Las Vegas Valley, Clark County9/7/1279 FR 60080 (10/6/14)Excludes appendix B (“Documentation of the Public Review Process”). State of Nevada State Implementation Plan for an Enhanced Program for the Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles for Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City, Nevada, revised March 1996Portions of Clark County3/20/9669 FR 56351 (9/21/04)I/M SIP. Approval includes the cover page through page 15, appendix 1 (only the Nevada attorney general's opinion and memorandum dated 11/15/93 and 6/29/94, respectively), and appendices 2 and 9. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(46)(i)(A)(1). NV2000 Analyzer Electronic Data Transmission Equipment Specifications (June 15, 2000)Parts of Clark County1/30/0269 FR 56351 (9/21/04)Included in approval of I/M program for Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(48)(ii)(A)(1). Contract between Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles and MD LaserTech for on-road testing services, dated January 15, 2002Parts of Clark County6/4/0269 FR 56351 (9/21/04)Included in approval of I/M program for Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(49)(ii)(A)(1). Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada, August 2000Las Vegas Valley, Clark County8/9/0069 FR 56351 (9/21/04)CO nonattainment plan. Adopted on 8/1/00. Approval includes the following sections within which certain exceptions are noted but excluding all sections not specifically cited: chapters 1 through 8 (with the exception of chapter 7, subsection 7.2.2, “Contingency Measures”); appendix A, “Emissions Inventory”, sections 1 through 7, and section 8-“Annexes” (with the exception of appendix E, “Quality Assurance/Quality Control”); appendix B, “Transportation Documentation”, section 1; appendix D, “Regulations, Policies and Public Participation Documentation”, section 1-“Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG) Regulations and Supporting Documentation” (with the exception of District Board of Health of Clark County Air Pollution Control Regulations section 54 as adopted on April 22, 1999), section 2, section 3, section 4-“Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B: Technician Training and Licensing” (with the exception of NAC 445B.485-445B.487, 445B.489-445B.493, and 445B.495-445B.498), and sections 5 through 9; and appendix E, “Supplemental Technical Support Documentation”, sections 1 through 4, and 7. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(47)(i)(A)(1). Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Revision, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada, October 2005Las Vegas Valley, Clark County2/14/0671 FR 44587 (8/7/06)Update to 2000 CO nonattainment plan. Adopted by Clark County on 10/4/05. Approval did not include section 7.3 (page 7-2), “Mobile Source Emissions Budget”). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(57)(i)(A)(1). Section 7.3 (page 7-2), “Mobile Source Emissions Budget”) of the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Revision, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, NevadaLas Vegas Valley, Clark County5/12/0671 FR 44587 (8/7/06)Replacement section for 2005 CO Plan. Adopted by Clark County on 5/2/06. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(58)(i)(A)(1). Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada (September 2008), excluding the appendicesLas Vegas Valley, Clark County9/18/0875 FR 59090 (9/27/10)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(73)(ii)(B). Resolution of the Clark County Board of Commissioners Adopting the Clark County Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, adopted by the Clark County Board of Commissioners on September 2, 2008Las Vegas Valley, Clark County9/18/0875 FR 59090 (9/27/10)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(73)(ii)(A). Second 10-year Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan, Las Vegas Valley Maintenance Area, Clark County, Nevada (May 2019)Las Vegas Valley, Clark County6/18/201986 FR 58579 (10/22/2021)Fulfills requirement for second ten-year maintenance plan. Letter from Anthony Lesperance, Director, Nevada Department of Agriculture, to Lewis Wallenmeyer, Director, Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, dated June 22, 2010Las Vegas Valley, Clark County8/30/1075 FR 59090 (9/27/10)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(75). Letter sets forth the Nevada Department of Agriculture's commitment to seek reinstatement of the Low RVP wintertime gasoline requirement in Clark County if necessary under the Las Vegas Valley Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan to address future carbon monoxide violations. Clark County Transportation Conformity Plan (January 2008)Portions of Clark County4/1/0873 FR 66182 (11/7/08)40 CFR 52.1490(c)(72)(i)(A). Correspondence dated March 6, 2007 from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to the Nevada Division of Environmental ProtectionPortions of Clark County and Washoe County5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)The letter describes an upgrade to the NV2000 emission analyzer to make emissions testing possible on motor vehicles containing a certified on-board diagnostic system which uses controller area network communication. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(ii)(A)(1). Truckee Meadows Air Quality Implementation Plan, 12/6/78Truckee Meadows, Washoe County12/29/7846 FR 21758 (4/14/81)Carbon monoxide, photochemical oxidant, and TSP nonattainment plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(iii). The plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 47 FR 15790 (4/13/82). Request for Extension of the CO Attainment Date for the Truckee Meadows CO Nonattainment AreaTruckee Meadows, Washoe County8/19/8046 FR 45605 (9/14/81)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(20). Resolution of the Washoe Council of Governments adopted 8/28/81 and Endorsement of the State Environmental Commission dated 10/15/81Truckee Meadows, Washoe County11/17/8147 FR 15790 (4/13/82)Commitments satisfy a condition placed on approval of the 1978 Truckee Meadows Air Quality Implementation Plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(ii). Truckee Meadows Air Quality Implementation Plan (AQIP), 1982 Update (Revised)Truckee Meadows, Washoe County9/14/8349 FR 31683 (8/8/84)CO nonattainment plan. Attainment and RFP demonstrations and the Legally Enforceable Measures portions of the plan were not included in the approval. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(26)(ii). Maintenance Plan for the Washoe County 8-Hour Ozone Attainment Area (April 2007), excluding appendicesWashoe County5/30/0773 FR 3389 (1/18/08)CAA section 110(a)(1) maintenance plan. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(65)(i)(A)(1). Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Truckee Meadows Carbon Monoxide Non-Attainment Area (September 2005), excluding appendices B, C, and DTruckee Meadows, Washoe County11/4/0573 FR 38124 (7/3/08)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(69)(i)(A)(2). Second 10-Year Maintenance Plan for the Truckee Meadows 8-Hour Carbon Monoxide Attainment Area, August 28, 2014Truckee Meadows, Washoe County11/7/1481 FR 59498,8/30/16)Fulfills requirement for second ten-year maintenance plan. Includes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030. Basic I/M Performance StandardPortions of Washoe County11/2/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(70)(i)(A)(1) and (c)(70)(ii)(A)(1). Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting, September 28, 2006, Public Hearing-State Implementation Plan (SIP)Portions of Washoe County11/2/0673 FR 38124 (7/3/08)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(70) (i)(A)(1)(i). “Basic Program-Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) of Motor Vehicles—Truckee Meadows Planning Area, Nevada;” to Wit: Basic Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Performance Standard. State Implementation Plan for a Basic Program for the Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles for the Truckee Meadows Planning Area, Nevada (June 1994), including the cover page through page 9, appendix 1, appendix 2 (only the certificate of compliance and Nevada attorney general's opinion), and appendices 3, 6, 8, and 10Portions of Washoe County6/3/9473 FR 38124 (7/3/08)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(68). Revisions to the Nevada Particulate Matter (PM10) State Implementation Plan for the Truckee Meadows Air Basin (August 2002), Section V; Section VI, Table 4; and Appendix B, Tables 1-2 and 1-3 onlyTruckee Meadows, Washoe County8/5/0280 FR 76232, 12/8/15Approval of the portion of the 2002 PM10 Attainment Plan that demonstrates implementation of best available control measures in compliance with section 189(b)(1)(B) of the Clean Air Act. Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Truckee Meadows 24-Hour PM10 Nonattainment Area (August 28, 2014)Truckee Meadows, Washoe County11/7/1480 FR 76232, 12/8/15 Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area PlanNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties7/24/7947 FR 27065 (6/23/82)Carbon monoxide nonattainment plan. Also, includes elements related to photochemical oxidant. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(16)(vii). The plan was approved with conditions, but conditions were revoked at 49 FR 6897 (2/24/84). Amendments to the Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area PlanNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties12/9/8249 FR 6897 (2/24/84)Submitted in response to conditions placed on approval of 1979 Lake Tahoe Plan. Amendments include: (i) Emission reduction estimates and/or changes in vehicular activity for the adopted control measures; (ii) A modeling analysis indicating 1982 attainment; (iii) Documentation of the modeling analysis including air quality, traffic and meteorological data; (iv) Evidence of implementation and/or future commitments for the adopted control measures; and (v) Appendix of previous reports, measured data and other official correspondence including: (A) Resource commitments from the responsible agencies for implementing the RFP, (B) 1979 and 1980 Annual Reports for the Lake Tahoe Air Basin, and (C) 1981 Nevada Air Quality Report. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(27). Amendments to the Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area PlanNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties12/16/8249 FR 6897 (2/24/84)Submitted in response to conditions placed on approval of 1979 Lake Tahoe Plan. Amendments include: (i) Additional evidence of commitment to the control evidence by the responsible state and/or local agencies; and (ii) Additional supporting documentation for the 1982 attainment modeling analysis which included revised technical data on measured and modeled CO traffic volumes, and a revised narrative on the calibration constant and the impacts to the model. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(28). Amendments to the Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area PlanNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties1/28/8349 FR 6897 (2/24/84)Submitted in response to conditions placed on approval of 1979 Lake Tahoe Plan. Amendments include: (i) Response to EPA's preliminary evaluation, specifying documentation for calibrating the model, the mobile source emission factors, and additional traffic data; (ii) Conversion factors for the model; and (iii) A revised 1982 attainment modeling analysis and supporting documentation including: (A) 1979, 1980-82 traffic data for the Stateline Area, (Appendix A); (B) Stateline Cold Start/Hot Start Analysis, (Appendix B); (C) Portions of the Highway 50 Corridor Study, June 1979 (Appendix C); (D) Reference from Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, (1979), (Appendix D); and (E) Revised Caline 3 and Mobile 2 modeling analysis using both 27% and 50% cold start factors, (Appendix E). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(29). Amendments to the Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area PlanNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties5/5/8349 FR 6897 (2/24/84)Submitted in response to conditions placed on approval of 1979 Lake Tahoe Plan. Amendments include: (i) “Stateline, Nevada, 1983 Carbon Monoxide Study“—a traffic, ambient air monitoring and predictive modeling report; and (ii) A revised analysis of the Caline 3 model verifying 1982 attainment, based on data collected in February and March 1983. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(30). Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Limited Maintenance Plan for the Nevada Side of the Lake Tahoe Basin, October 2003Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties10/27/0368 FR 69611 (12/15/03)Adopted on 9/18/03. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(45)(i)(A)(1). Approval includes: (1) Attainment year (2001) emissions inventory, monitoring network and verification of continued attainment, and contingency plan, including commitments to follow maintenance plan contingency procedures by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Nevada Department of Transportation, and the Washoe County District Health Department. Transmittal Letter for the Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Limited Maintenance Plan for the Nevada Side of the Lake Tahoe Basin, October 2003Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties10/27/0368 FR 69611 (12/15/03)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(45)(i)(B). Includes a State commitment to track CO concentrations and to adopt, submit as a SIP revision, and implement expeditiously any and all measures to achieve the level of CO emissions reductions needed to maintain the CO NAAQS in the event that an exceedance of the CO NAAQS is monitored, and to work with the involved jurisdictions to ensure that sufficient measures are adopted and implemented in a timely fashion to prevent a violation. Addendum to the October 27, 2003 letter of transmittal of the redesignation request and maintenance planNevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties10/27/0368 FR 69611 (12/15/03)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(45)(i)(C). Includes emissions projections for on-road motor vehicles through 2016. 2012 Revision to the Nevada State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide, April 2012Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties4/3/201282 FR 26351 (6/7/2017)Adopted on 4/3/2012. Approval excludes sections 3.2.4 and 4. With 2016 supplement, fulfills requirement for second ten-year maintenance plan. 2016 Supplement to Nevada's 2nd 10-Year CO Limited Maintenance Plan at Lake Tahoe, August 26, 2016Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties8/26/201682 FR 26351 (6/7/2017)Adopted on 8/26/2016. Approval includes revised sections 3.2.4 and 4 (alternative CO monitoring strategy and contingency plan), 2011 emissions inventory and 2024 projected emissions inventory (Attachment A), evidence of public participation (Attachment B) and revised table of contents for 2012 submittal (Attachment F). Excludes Attachments C, D and E. 2012 Revision to the Nevada State Implementation Plan for Carbon Monoxide, April 2012Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties4/3/201282 FR 13235 (3/10/2017)Adopted on 4/3/2012. Approval excludes sections 3.2.4 and 4. With 2016 supplement, fulfills requirement for second ten-year maintenance plan. 2016 Supplement to Nevada's 2nd 10-Year CO Limited Maintenance Plan at Lake Tahoe, August 26, 2016Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe Basin—portions of Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties8/26/201682 FR 13239 (3/10/2017)Adopted on 8/26/2016. Approval includes revised sections 3.2.4 and 4 (alternative CO monitoring strategy and contingency plan), 2011 emissions inventory and 2024 projected emissions inventory (Attachment A), evidence of public participation (Attachment B) and revised table of contents for 2012 submittal (Attachment F). Excludes Attachments C, D and E. Section 6—Emergency episode plan (excluding subsections 6.1.4,; tables 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3; Air Pollution Episode Notice and; Episode Communication Checklist)State-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Subsections 6.1.4,; tables 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3; Air Pollution Episode Notice and; Episode Communication Checklist from the original SIP were superseded by amended provisions approved at 45 FR 46384 (7/10/80). Subsections 6.1.4 (Emergency Episode Criteria) and (Episode Actions); table 6.1 (Episode stage definitions), table 6.2 (Stage 1 episode, Stage 2 episode, and Stage 3 episode), and table 6.3 (Source list); Air Pollution Episode Notice and; Episode Communication ChecklistState-wide12/29/7845 FR 46384 (7/10/80)Amends provisions from original SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(14)(i). Section 7—Compliance scheduleState-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Section 8—Source surveillanceState-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Section 9—Review of new sources and modificationsState-wide1/28/7237 FR 10842 (5/31/72)See 40 CFR 52.1490(b). Section 10—State of Nevada Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and SurveillanceState-wide6/24/8046 FR 40512 (8/10/81)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(19)(i). Section 11—Intergovernmental ConsultationState-wide8/30/1277 FR 64737 (10/23/12)Submitted as attachment D to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. Attachment D—Inter-Local Agreement Supporting CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) RequirementsWashoe County12/4/0977 FR 64737 (10/23/12)Submitted as attachment D to NDEP's December 4, 2009 SIP revision submittal. Section 12—ResourcesState-wide8/30/1277 FR 64737 (10/23/12)Submitted as attachment A to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2008 Lead NAAQS, excluding appendices A-G for NDEP; and excluding the Washoe County District Board of Health Agenda, Minutes, Certificate of Adoption, Cover Letter to NDEP, and Proof of PublicationState-wide, within NDEP jurisdiction and Washoe County10/12/1179 FR 15697(3/21/14)“Infrastructure” SIP for NDEP and Washoe County for the 2008 Pb standard. Clark County Portion of Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2008 Lead NAAQS, excluding Cover Letter to NDEP and Clark County Air Quality RegulationsClark County7/23/1279 FR 15697 (3/21/14)“Infrastructure” SIP for Clark County for the 2008 Pb standard. State Implementation Plan Revision for LeadState-wide11/17/8148 FR 6105 (2/10/83)Lead (Pb) SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(24)(v). State Implementation Plan Revision for Ambient Lead in Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, 2/11/80Las Vegas Valley, Clark County6/24/8047 FR 28374 (6/30/82)Lead (Pb) SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(19)(iii). Adopted Lead Implementation Plan for the Truckee Meadows Basin, 4/26/84Truckee Meadows, Washoe County5/30/8449 FR 26736 (6/29/84)Lead (Pb) SIP. See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(31)(i). Enclosure 1—CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) Requirements in the Current Nevada State Implementation Plan (SIP) for 8-Hour OzoneState-wide, within NDEP jurisdiction2/1/0877 FR 64737 (10/23/12)“Infrastructure” SIP for the 1997 8-Hour ozone standard. Enclosures (2) and (3) include copies of the regulatory and statutory provisions previously approved in the Nevada SIP. Enclosure 1—CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) Requirements in the Current Nevada State Implementation Plan (SIP) for PM2.5State-wide, within NDEP jurisdiction2/26/0877 FR 64737 (10/23/12)“Infrastructure” SIP for the 1997 PM2.5 standard. Enclosures (2) and (3) include copies of the regulatory and statutory provisions previously approved in the Nevada SIP. Enclosure 1-CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) Requirements in the Current Nevada State Implementation Plan (SIP) for PM2.5State-wide, within NDEP jurisdiction9/15/0977 FR 64737 (10/23/12)“Infrastructure” SIP for the 2006 PM2.5 standard. Enclosures (2) and (3) include copies of the regulatory and statutory provisions previously approved in the Nevada SIP. Attachment A—Current CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) Requirements in the Washoe County Portion of the Nevada PM2.5 SIPWashoe County12/04/0977 FR 64737 (10/23/12)Attachment B includes Washoe County regulations, that are addressed in separate rulemakings. Attachment C is the PSD delegation agreement between Washoe County District Health Department and EPA Region IX. Attachment D (“Inter-Local Agreement Supporting CAA 110(a)(2)(A)-(M) Requirements”) is approved into the SIP and listed separately in this table. Revisions to Nevada's Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) Plan Submittals as of July 2012 (August 2012), excluding attachments A through DState-wide8/30/201277 FR 64737 (10/23/2012)Attachment A (“Section 12-Resources”), the individual statutory provisions in attachment B (“Statutes for Inclusion in Nevada's ASIP”), and attachment D (“Section 11—Intergovernmental Consultation”) are listed separately in this table. Attachment C was submitted for information only and not for incorporation into Nevada's SIP. Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance ProgramState-wide6/28/199461 FR 4901 (2/9/1996)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(34)(i)(A). Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2008 ozone NAAQS, excluding appendices A-F for NDEP; excluding the cover letter to NDEP and attachments A and B for Clark County; and excluding the cover letter to NDEP and Attachments A and B for Washoe CountyState-wide12/20/201280 FR 67662 (11/3/2015)“Infrastructure” SIP for NDEP, Clark County and Washoe County for the 2008 8-hour ozone standard. Supplement to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Portion of the Nevada “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS: CAA § 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), Interstate Transport; excluding the cover letter to EPA Region 9 and attachments A and 2State-wide3/25/201681 FR 9165 (2/3/2017)Interstate transport supplement to the “Infrastructure” SIP for NDEP, Clark County and Washoe County for the 2008 8-hour ozone standard. Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2010 nitrogen dioxide NAAQS, excluding appendices A-G for NDEP; excluding the cover letter to NDEP and attachments A-C for Clark County; and excluding the cover letter to NDEP, Washoe County portion of Nevada's State Implementation Plan for the 2010 nitrogen dioxide NAAQS, and attachments A and B for Washoe CountyNDEP jurisdiction and Clark County1/18/201380 FR 67662 (11/3/2015)“Infrastructure” SIP for NDEP and Clark County for the 2010 1-hour nitrogen dioxide standard. Washoe County Portion of Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2010 nitrogen dioxide NAAQS, excluding cover letter to NDEP and attachments A-BWashoe County3/15/201380 FR 67662 (11/3/2015)“Infrastructure” SIP for Washoe County for the 2010 1-hour nitrogen dioxide standard. Nevada's Clean Air Act § 110(a)(1) and (2) State Implementation Plan for the 2010 sulfur dioxide NAAQS, excluding the cover letter and appendices A-E for NDEP; excluding the cover letter to NDEP and attachments A-C for Clark County; and excluding the cover letter to NDEP, attachments A-C, and public notice information for Washoe CountyState-wide6/3/201380 FR 67662 (11/3/2015)“Infrastructure” SIP for NDEP, Clark County and Washoe County for the 2010 1-hour sulfur dioxide standard. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Portion of the Nevada State Implementation Plan for the 2012 Annual Primary Fine Particulate Matter NAAQS, excluding the cover letter; the part addressing the visibility requirements of CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) on page 9; and Appendices A-D and F-IState-wide within NDEP jurisdiction12/11/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023NDEP “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS. The Clark County Portion of the State Implementation Plan to meet the PM2.5 SIP Requirements of the Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2), excluding the cover letter to NDEP; the part of the submittal addressing the visibility requirements of CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) on page 8; and Attachments A, B, and DClark County12/11/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Clark County “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS. The Washoe County Portion of the Nevada State Implementation Plan to Meet the PM2.5 Infrastructure SIP Requirements of Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2), excluding the cover letter to NDEP and all Attachments and AppendicesWashoe County12/11/201588 FR 10044, 2/16/2023Washoe County “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Portion of the Nevada State Implementation Plan for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS: Demonstration of Adequacy, excluding the cover letter; the part addressing the requirements of CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I); and AppendicesState-wide within NDEP jurisdiction9/28/201888 FR 32120, 5/19/2023NDEP “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS. The Clark County Portion of the State Implementation Plan to meet the Ozone Infrastructure SIP Requirement of Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2), excluding the cover letter to NDEP; the part of the submittal addressing the requirements of CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I); and Attachment AClark County9/28/201888 FR 32120, 5/19/2023Clark County “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS. The Washoe County Portion of the Nevada State Implementation Plan to Meet the Ozone Infrastructure SIP Requirements of Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2), excluding the cover letter to NDEP the part of the submittal addressing the requirements of CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I), and all Attachments and AppendicesWashoe County9/28/201888 FR 32120, 5/19/2023Washoe County “Infrastructure” SIP for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS. Nevada Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (October 2009), excluding the BART determination for NOX at Reid Gardner Generating Station in sections 5.5.3, 5.6.3 and 7.2, which the EPA has disapprovedState-wide11/18/200977 FR 50936 (8/23/2012)Excluding Appendix A (“Nevada BART Regulation”). The Nevada BART regulation, including NAC 445B.029, 445B.22095, and 445B.22096, is listed above in 40 CFR 52.1470(c). Nevada Regional Haze Plan 5-Year Progress ReportState-wide11/18/201482 FR 37020 (8/8/2017) Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance ProgramState-wide7/5/9561 FR 4901 (2/9/96)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(35)(i)(A). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 0, Preliminary Chapter—General Provisions0.039“Person” defined3/24/0671 FR 51766 (08/31/06)See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(59)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 18, State Executive Department, Boards, Chapter 232A, Commissions and Similar Bodies232A.020Residency requirement for appointment; terms of members; vacancies; qualification of member appointed as representative of general public; gubernatorial appointee prohibited from serving on more than one board, commission or similar body8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 14, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 232A.020). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 23, Public Officers and Employees, Chapter 281A, Ethics in Government281A.150“Public employee” defined8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 18, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 281A.150). 281A.160“Public officer” defined8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 18, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 481A.160). 281A.400General requirements; exceptions8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 18, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 281A.400). 281A.410Limitations on representing or counseling private persons before public agencies; disclosure required by certain public officers8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 18, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 281A.410). 281A.420Requirements regarding disclosure of conflicts of interest and abstention from voting because of certain types of conflicts; effect of abstention on quorum and voting requirements; exceptions8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 18, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 281A.420). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 32, Revenue and Taxation, Chapter 365, Taxes on Certain Fuels for Motor Vehicles and Aircraft365.060“Motor vehicle fuel” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 32, Revenue and Taxation, Chapter 366, Tax on Special Fuel366.060“Special fuel” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Chapter 439, Administration of Public Health439.390District board of health: Composition; qualifications of members8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B, and as an exhibit to attachment D, to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 27, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 439.390). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: General Provisions445B.105Definitions1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.110“Air contaminant” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.115“Air pollution” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.120“Commission” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.125“Department” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.130“Director” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.135“Federal Act” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.140“Hazardous air pollutant” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.145“Operating permit” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.150“Person” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.155“Source” and “indirect source” defined1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: State Environmental Commission445B.200Creation and composition; chairman; quorum; compensation of members and employees; disqualification; technical support1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.205Department designated as State Air Pollution Control Agency1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.210Powers of commission5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.220Additional powers of commission1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.225Power of commission to require testing of sources1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.230Powers and duties of department1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.235Additional powers of department1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.240Power of representatives of department to enter and inspect premises1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.245Power of department to perform or require test of emissions from stacks1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: Local Hearing Board445B.275Creation; members; terms1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.280Attendance of witnesses at hearing; contempt; compensation1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Chapter 445B, Air Pollution: Provisions for Enforcement445B.300Operating permit for source of air contaminant; notice and approval of proposed construction; administrative fees; failure of commission or department to act1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.310Limitations on enforcement of federal and state regulations concerning indirect sources6/26/0774 FR 15219 (4/3/09)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1470(c)(66)(i)(A)(4). 445B.320Approval of plans and specifications required before construction or alteration of structure1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.340Appeals to commission: notice of appeal1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.350Appeals to commission: hearings1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.360Appeals to commission: appealable matters; action by commission; regulations1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: Violations445B.450Notice and order by director; hearing; alternative procedures1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.460Injunctive relief1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: Program for Control of Air Pollution445B.500Establishment and administration of program; contents of program; designation of air pollution control agency of county for purposes of federal act; powers and duties of local air pollution control board; notice of public hearings; delegation of authority to determine violations and levy administrative penalties; cities and smaller counties; regulation of certain electric plants prohibited8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 28, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 445B.500). 445B.503Local air pollution control board in county whose population is 700,000 or more: Cooperation with regional planning coalition and regional transportation commission; prerequisites to adoption or amendment of plan, policy or program8/30/1277 FR 64737, 10/23/12Submitted in attachment B, and as an exhibit to attachment D, to NDEP's August 30, 2012 SIP revision submittal. (Nevada Revised Statutes, Volume 28, 2011, as published by the Legislative Counsel, State of Nevada, section 445B.503). 445B.510Commission may require program for designated area1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.520Commission may establish or supersede county program1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.530Commission may assume jurisdiction over specific classes of air contaminants1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.540Restoration of superseded local program; continuation of existing local program1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: Miscellaneous Provisions445B.560Plan or procedure for emergency1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.570Confidentiality and use of information obtained by Department; penalty1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.580Officer of Department may inspect or search premises; search warrant1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.595Governmental sources of air contaminants to comply with state and local provisions regarding air pollution; permit to set fire for training purposes; planning and zoning agencies to consider effects on quality of air1/12/0671 FR 51766 (8/31/06)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(4). 445B.600Private rights and remedies not affected1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). 445B.610Provisions for transition in administration1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Air Pollution: Penalties445B.640Levy and disposition of administrative fines; additional remedies available; penalty1/12/0672 FR 11 (01/03/07)Nevada Revised Statutes (2003). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(56)(i)(A)(8). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 40, Public Health and Safety, Chapter 445B, Air Pollution: Control of Emissions from Engines445B.700Definitions5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.705“Approved inspector” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.710“Authorized inspection station” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.715“Authorized maintenance station” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.720“Authorized station” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.725“Commission” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.730“Evidence of compliance” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.735“Fleet station” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.737“Heavy-duty motor vehicle” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.740“Light-duty motor vehicle” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.745“Motor vehicle” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.747“Motor vehicle fuel” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.750“Passenger car” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.755“Pollution control device” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.757“Special fuel” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.758“Used motor vehicle” defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.759Inapplicability to military tactical vehicles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.760Authority of Commission to prescribe standards for emissions from mobile internal combustion engines; trimobiles; standards pertaining to motor vehicles to be approved by Department of Motor Vehicles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.765Information concerning program for control of emissions from motor vehicles: Collection, interpretation and correlation; public inspection5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.770Regulations of Commission: Control of emissions from motor vehicles; program for inspection and testing of motor vehicles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.775Regulations of Commission: Requirements for licensing of stations by Department of Motor Vehicles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.780Program for regulation of emissions from heavy-duty motor vehicles; equipment used to measure emissions; waiver from requirements of program5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.785Regulations of Department of Motor Vehicles: Licensing of stations; performance of inspection and issuance of evidence of compliance; diagnostic equipment; fee, bond or insurance; informational pamphlet; distribution5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.790Regulations concerning inspection of stations; grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license of inspector or station5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.795Compulsory program for control of emissions: Limitations5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.798Authority of Department of Motor Vehicles, in larger counties, to conduct test of emissions from motor vehicle being operated on highway5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.800Evidence of compliance: Requirements for registration, sale or long-term lease of used vehicles in certain counties5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.805Evidence of compliance: Exemptions from requirements5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.810State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to provide assistance5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.815Evidence of compliance: Duty of employees and agents of Department of Motor Vehicles; submission by owner or lessee of fleet5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.820Installation and inspection of pollution control device5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.825Exemption of certain classes of motor vehicles; waiver from provisions of NRS 445B.770 to 445B.815, inclusive5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.830Fees to be paid to Department of Motor Vehicles; Pollution Control Account; expenditure of money in Account; quarterly distributions to local governments; annual reports by local governments; grants; creation and duties of advisory committee; submission and approval of proposed grants5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.832Surcharge for electronic transmission of information: Authority to impose; inclusion as separate entry on form certifying emission control compliance; definition5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.834Additional fee for form certifying emission control compliance: Retention of portion of fee by station performing inspection; definition5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.835Administrative fine; hearing; additional remedies to compel compliance5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.840Unlawful acts5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 445B.845Criminal penalty; enforcement of provisions by peace officer; mitigation of offense5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 481, Administration of Laws Relating to Motor Vehicles: Department of Motor Vehicles481.019Creation; powers and duties5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.023Administration of laws by Department; exceptions5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.027General functions of Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Transportation respecting state highways5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.031Office of Director of Department created5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.035Director of Department: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited; employment of deputies and staff5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.047Appointment of personnel5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.0473Divisions of Department5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.0475Duties of Administrative Services Division5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.048Division of Compliance Enforcement: Appointment and duties of investigators5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.0481Section for Control of Emissions From Vehicles and Enforcement of Matters Related to Use of Special Fuel: Creation; appointment and duties of investigators, officers and technicians5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.051Powers and duties of Director: Generally5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.0515Powers and duties of Director: References to names of persons in documents and records5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.052Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definition of ‘seasonal resident’ by regulation5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.0535Powers and duties of Director: Expenditure of appropriations to assist certain entities to purchase and obtain evidence; receipt and safekeeping of money5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.055Department to keep main office in Carson City; maintenance of branch offices5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.057Offices of Department: Extended hours of operation5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.063Collection and deposit of fees for publications of Department and private use of files and records of Department; limitations on release and use of files and records; regulations5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.065Acceptance of donations for programs for traffic safety5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.079Money collected to be deposited in Motor Vehicle Fund; exception; dishonored payments; adjustment of deposits5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.081Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Department authorized to file certificate; certificate as lien; extension of lien5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.082Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Release or subordination of lien; certificate issued by Department as conclusive evidence5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.083Money for administration of chapter; claims5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 481.087Administrative expenses deemed cost of administration of operation of motor vehicles on public highways5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases482.029Electric personal assistive mobility device defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases—Administration482.155Enforcement of provisions of chapter by Department, its officers and peace officers5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.160Administrative regulations; branch offices; appointment of agents and designation of county assessor as agent; compensation of certain agents5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.162Department to adopt regulations setting forth criteria for determination of whether person is farmer or rancher; presentation of evidence to Department5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.165Director to provide forms5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.170Records of Department concerning registration and licensing5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.171List of registered owners to be provided for selection of jury; reimbursement of Department5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.173Schedule for retention and disposition of certain records of Department5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.175Validity of registration: Powers and duties of Department and registered dealers5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.180Motor Vehicle Fund: Creation: deposits; interest and income; dishonored payments; distribution of money collected for basic governmental services tax; transfers5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.1805Revolving Account for Issuance of Special License Plates: Creation; deposit of certain fees; use of money in Account; transfer of excess balance to State Highway Fund5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.181Governmental services taxes: Certification of amount collected each month; distribution5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.183Motor Vehicle Revolving Account: Creation; use; deposits5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.186Certain odometers deemed to register mileage reflected on odometer plus 100,000 miles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.187Department authorized to enter into written agreements for periodic payment of delinquent taxes or fees; regulations5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.188Waiver of penalty or interest for failure timely to file return or pay tax, penalty or fee in certain circumstances5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases—Original and Renewal of Registration482.205Registration required for certain vehicles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.206Periods of registration for motor vehicles; exceptions5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.208Registration of leased vehicles by long-term lessor or long-term lessee5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.210Exemptions from registration5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.215Application for registration5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.216Department may authorize new vehicle dealer to accept applications for registration and transfer of registration of new motor vehicles and to issue certificates of registration; duties of dealer; prohibited acts; regulations5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.220Application for specially constructed, reconstructed, rebuilt or foreign vehicle; certificate of inspection; charge for inspection5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.225Collection of sales or use tax upon application for registration of certain vehicles purchased outside this State; payment of all applicable taxes and fees required for registration; refund of tax erroneously or illegally collected5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.230Grounds requiring refusal of registration5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.235Registration indexes and records; assignment of registration number by registered dealer5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.240Issuance of certificates of registration and title by Department or registered dealer; period of validity of certificate5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.245Contents of certificates of registration and title5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.255Placement of certificate of registration; surrender upon demand of peace officer, justice of the peace or deputy of Department; limitation on conviction5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.260Duties of Department of Motor Vehicles and its agents relative to registration of vehicle; issuance of certificate of title; fees and taxes5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.265License plates issued upon registration; stickers, tabs or other devices issued upon renewal of registration; return of plates; fee for and limitations on issuance of special license plates5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.266Manufacture of license plates substantially similar to license plates issued before January 1, 1982: Written request; fee; delivery; duties of Department; retention of old plates authorized if requested plates contain same letters and numbers5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.267License plates: Production at facility of Department of Corrections5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.268License plates: Additional fee for issuance; deposit of fee5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.270License plates: General specifications; redesign; configuration of special license plates designed, prepared and issued pursuant to process of direct application and petition5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2703License plates: Samples; form; fee; penalty5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2705License plates: Passenger cars and trucks5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.271License plates: Decals; fees5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2715License plates: Registrant entitled to maintain code if continuously renewed; exceptions; issuance of replacement plates with same code after expiration of registration; fee5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2717License plates to be issued to automobile wreckers and operators of salvage pools5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.272License plates: Motorcycles5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.274License plates: Trailers5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.275License plates: Display5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.280Expiration and renewal of registration5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2805Department not to renew registration if local authority has filed notice of nonpayment pursuant to NRS 484.444; fee for service performed by Department5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.2807Requirements for registration if local government has filed notice of nonpayment pursuant to NRS 484.4445/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.281Authority of Department of Motor Vehicles to allow authorized inspection station or authorized station to renew certificates of registration; adoption of regulations5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.283Change of name or place of residence: Notice to Department required; timing and contents of notice5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.285Certificates, decals and number plates: Illegibility, loss, mutilation or theft; obtaining of duplicates or substitutes; fees and taxes5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 482.290Assignment and recording of new number for identification of vehicle if old number destroyed or obliterated; fee; penalty for willful defacement, alteration, substitution or removal of number with intent to defraud5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases—Permits for Unregistered Motor Vehicles482.385Registration of vehicle of nonresident owner not required; exceptions; registration of vehicle by person upon becoming resident of this State; penalty; taxes and fees; surrender or nonresident license plates and registration certificate; citation for violation5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases—Cancellation of Registration482.461Failure of mandatory test of emissions from engines; notification; cost of inspection5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 482, Motor Vehicles and Trailers: Licensing, Registration, Sales and Leases—Penalties482.565Administrative fines for violations other than deceptive trade practices; injunction or other appropriate remedy; enforcement proceedings5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). Nevada Revised Statutes (2005), Title 43, Public Safety; Vehicles; Watercraft; Chapter 484, Traffic Laws—Other Equipment484.101Passenger car defined5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 484.644Device for control of pollution: Use required; disconnection or alteration prohibited; exceptions5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1). 484.6441Device for control of pollution: Penalty; proof of conformity may be required5/11/0773 FR 38124 (7/3/08)Nevada Revised Statutes (2005). See 40 CFR 52.1490(c)(71)(i)(A)(1).

* Not applicable.

1 The organization of this table generally follows from the organization of the State of Nevada's original 1972 SIP, which was divided into 12 sections. Nonattainment and maintenance plans, among other types of plans, are listed under Section 5 (Control Strategy). Lead SIPs and Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance SIPs are listed after Section 12 followed by nonregulatory or quasi-regulatory statutory provisions approved into the SIP. Regulatory statutory provisions are listed in 40 CFR 52.1470(c).

[77 FR 14864, Mar. 13, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 17340, Mar. 26, 2012; 77 FR 50951, Aug. 23, 2012; 77 FR 59327, Sept. 27, 2012; 77 FR 60916, Oct. 5, 2012; 77 FR 64049, Oct. 18, 2012; 77 FR 64745, Oct. 23, 2012; 78 FR 1152, Jan. 8, 2013; 79 FR 15702, Mar. 21, 2014; 79 FR 35052, June 19, 2014; 79 FR 60080, Oct. 6, 2014; 79 FR 62351, Oct. 17, 2014; 79 FR 62851, Oct. 21, 2014; 80 FR 67662, Nov. 3, 2015; 80 FR 76234, Dec. 8, 2015; 81 FR 1884, Jan. 14, 2016; 81 FR 59498, Aug. 30, 2016; 82 FR 9165, Feb. 3, 2017; 82 FR 13242, Mar. 10, 2017; 82 FR 26354, June 7, 2017; 82 FR 27624, June 16, 2017; 82 FR 37024, Aug. 8, 2017; 82 FR 42041, Sept. 6, 2017; 83 FR 984, Jan. 9, 2018; 84 FR 44701, Aug. 27, 2019; 86 FR 58581, Oct. 22, 2021; 86 FR 59645, Oct. 28, 2021; 87 FR 23767, Apr. 21, 2022; 87 FR 30424, May 19, 2022; 87 FR 45662, July 29, 2022; 87 FR 68059, Nov. 14, 2022; 88 FR 10047, Feb. 16, 2023; 88 FR 32124, May 19, 2023; 88 FR 38757, June 14, 2023; 89 FR 23918, Apr. 5, 2024; 89 FR 37139, May 6, 2024]

§ 52.1471 - Classification of regions.

The Nevada plan is evaluated on the basis of the following classifications:

Air quality control region Pollutant Particulate matter Sulfur oxides Nitrogen dioxide Carbon monoxide Ozone Las Vegas IntrastateIIIIIIIII Northwest Nevada IntrastateIIIIIIIIIIIII Nevada IntrastateIAIIIIIIIIIIII
[80 FR 67663, Nov. 3, 2015]

§ 52.1472 - Approval status.

(a) With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Nevada's plan for the attainment and maintenance of the national standards under section 110 of the Clean Air Act.

(b) With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves the plan with respect to Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, for the nonattainment areas listed in this paragraph.

(1) Mason Valley/Fernley Area for TSP.

(2) Lower Reese River Valley/Clovers Area for TSP.

(3) Carson Desert for TSP.

(4) Winnemucca Segment for TSP.

(5) Truckee Meadows for TSP and CO.

(6) Las Vegas Valley for TSP and CO.

(7) Lake Tahoe Basin for CO.

(c) With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves the plan with respect to Part D, Title I of the Clean Air Act, as amended in the 1977, for the nonattainment areas listed in this paragraph. In addition, continued satisfaction of the requirements of Part D for the ozone portion of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) depends on the adoption and submittal by January 1, 1981 of reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements for sources covered by Control Technique Guidelines (CTG's) published between January 1978 and January 1979.

(1) Truckee Meadows for O3.

(2) Las Vegas Valley for O3.

(d) 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on February 1, 2008 and August 30, 2012 are partially disapproved for Clean Air Act (CAA) elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(ii), (J) and (K) for the Nevada Division of Environmental Quality (NDEP) and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP; and for CAA element 110(a)(2)(F) for the Clark County portion of the Nevada SIP.

(e) 1997 P2.5 NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on February 26, 2008 and August 30, 2012 are partially disapproved for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(ii), (J) and (K) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP; and for CAA element 110(a)(2)(F) for the Clark County portion of the Nevada SIP.

(f) 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on September 15, 2009, December 4, 2009, and August 30, 2012 are partially disapproved for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II) (interfere with measures in any other state to prevent significant deterioration of air quality), (D)(ii), (J) and (K) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP; for CAA element 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) for the NDEP, Washoe County, and Clark County portions of the Nevada SIP; and for CAA element 110(a)(2)(F) for the Clark County portion of the Nevada SIP.

(g) 2008 Pb NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on October 12, 2011, July 23, 2012, and August 30, 2012 are partially disapproved for Clean Air Act (CAA) elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), and (J) for the Nevada Division of Environmental Quality (NDEP), Clark County, and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP; for CAA element (D)(ii) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP; and for CAA element 110(a)(2)(F)(iii) for the Clark County portion of the Nevada SIP.

(h) 2008 8-hour ozone NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on December 20, 2012 are partially disapproved for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(ii), and (J) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP.

(i) 2008 1-hour nitrogen dioxide NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on January 18, 2013 are partially disapproved for Clean Air Act (CAA) elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), and (J) for the Nevada Division of Environmental Quality (NDEP) and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP.

(j) 2010 1-hour sulfur dioxide NAAQS: The SIPs submitted on June 3, 2013, are disapproved for CAA elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), and (J) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP.

(k) 2015 8-hour ozone NAAQS. The SIP submittal from October 1, 2018, is disapproved for Clean Air Act (CAA) section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) (prongs 1 and 2) for the NDEP, Clark County, and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP submission. The Nevada state implementation plan (SIP) submittal on October 1, 2018 is partially disapproved for the prevention of significant deterioration-related portions of Clean Air Act (CAA) elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), and (J) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP. CAA element 110(a)(2)(J) for public notification is conditionally approved for NDEP and Washoe County.

(l) 2012 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS. The Nevada state implementation plan (SIP) submittal on December 11, 2015 is partially disapproved for the prevention of significant deterioration-related portions of Clean Air Act (CAA) elements 110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), and (J) for the NDEP and Washoe County portions of the Nevada SIP. CAA element 110(a)(2)(J) for public notification is conditionally approved for NDEP and Washoe County.

[46 FR 21766, Apr. 14, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 27069, June 23, 1982; 77 FR 64748, Oct. 23, 2012; 79 FR 15702, Mar. 21, 2014; 80 FR 67663, Nov. 3, 2015; 82 FR 9166, Feb. 3, 2017; 85 FR 41397, July 10, 2020; 88 FR 9383, Feb. 13, 2023; 88 FR 10049, Feb. 16, 2023; 88 FR 32125, May 19, 2023]

§ 52.1473 - General requirements.

(a) The requirements of § 51.116(c) of this chapter are not met in Washoe County, since the plan does not provide procedures for making emission data, as correlated with allowable emissions, available to the public. In addition, Chapter 020.065 of the “Air Pollution Control Regulations” of the District Board of Health of Washoe County in the Northwest Nevada Intrastate Region is disapproved since it contains provisions which restrict the public availability of emission data as correlated with applicable emission limitations and other control measures.

(b) Regulation for public availability of emission data. (1) Any person who cannot obtain emission data from the Agency responsible for making emission data available to the public, as specified in the applicable plan, concerning emissions from any source subject to emission limitations which are part of the approved plan may request that the appropriate Regional Administrator obtain and make public such data. Within 30 days after receipt of any such written request, the Regional Administrator shall require the owner or operator of any such source to submit information within 30 days on the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional Administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the applicable plan.

(2) Commencing after the initial notification by the Regional Administrator pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the owner or operator of the source shall maintain records of the nature and amounts of emissions from such source and any other information as may be deemed necessary by the Regional administrator to determine whether such source is in compliance with applicable emission limitations or other control measures that are part of the plan. The information recorded shall be summarized and reported to the Regional Administrator, on forms furnished by the Regional Administrator, and shall be submitted within 45 days after the end of the reporting period. Reporting periods are January 1-June 30 and July 1-December 31.

(3) Information recorded by the owner or operator and copies of this summarizing report submitted to the Regional Administrator shall be retained by the owner or operator for 2 years after the date on which the pertinent report is submitted.

(4) Emission data obtained from owners or operators of stationary sources will be correlated with applicable emission limitations and other control measures that are part of the applicable plan and will be available at the appropriate regional office and at other locations in the state designated by the Regional Administrator.

[37 FR 10878, May 31, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 15086, July 27, 1972; 38 FR 12708, May 14, 1973; 40 FR 55331, Nov. 28, 1975; 43 FR 1342, Jan. 24, 1978; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]

§ 52.1474 - Part D conditional approval.

(a) The following portions of the Nevada SIP contain deficiencies with respect to Part D of the Clean Air Act which must be corrected within the time limit indicated.

(1)-(4) [Reserved]

[46 FR 21766, Apr. 14, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 15792, Apr. 13, 1982; 47 FR 27069, June 23, 1982; 49 FR 6900, Feb. 24, 1984]

§ 52.1475 - [Reserved]

§ 52.1476 - Control strategy: Particulate matter.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) The following rule and portions of the control strategy are disapproved since they do not provide the degree of control needed to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter.

(1) NAQR Article 7.2.7, Particulate Matter; Table 4.2, Emissions Inventory Summary for Particulates and Table 5.2, Summary of Control Strategy Analysis for Particulates, from the Nevada Control Strategy, submitted on October 7, 1976.

(c) The following rules are disapproved because they relax the emission limitation on particulate matter.

(1) Clark County District Board of Health, Table 27.1, (Particulate Matter from Process Matter), submitted on July 24, 1979.

(2) Nevada Air Quality Regulations, Article 4, Rule 4.34, (Visible Emission from Stationary Sources), submitted on December 29, 1978, and Rule 4.3.6, (Visible Emission from Stationary Sources), submitted on June 24, 1980.

[37 FR 10877, May 31, 1972, as amended at 45 FR 8011, Feb. 6, 1980; 46 FR 43142, Aug. 27, 1981; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986; 80 FR 76235, Dec. 8, 2015]

§ 52.1477 - Nevada air pollution emergency plan.

Section 6.1.5 of the Emergency Episode Plan submitted on December 29, 1978 is disapproved since termination of the episode is left to the discretion of the Control Officer and not specified criteria and it does not meet the requirements of 40 CFR 51.16 and Appendix L. The old rule 6.1.5 submitted on January 28, 1972 is retained.

[45 FR 46385, July 10, 1980]

§ 52.1478 - Extensions.

The Administrator, by the authority delegated under section 186(a)(4) of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990, hereby extends for one year, until December 31, 1996, the attainment date for the Clark County (Las Vegas Valley), Nevada carbon monoxide nonattainment area.

[61 FR 57333, Nov. 6, 1996]

§ 52.1479 - Source surveillance.

(a) The requirements of § 51.211 of this chapter are not met, except in Clark County, since the plan does not provide adequate legally enforceable procedures for requiring owners or operators of stationary sources to maintain records of, and periodically report, information on the nature and amount of emissions.

(b) The requirements of § 51.214 of this chapter are not met since the plan does not provide adequate legally enforceable procedures to require stationary sources subject to emission standards to submit information relating to emissions and operation of the emission monitors to the State as specified in Appendix P of part 51.

[37 FR 10878, May 31, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 12709, May 14, 1973; 40 FR 55331, Nov. 28, 1975; 43 FR 36933, Aug. 21, 1978; 51 FR 40677, Nov. 7, 1986]

§§ 52.1480-52.1481 - §[Reserved]

§ 52.1482 - Compliance schedules.

(a)-(b) [Reserved]

(c) The compliance schedule revisions submitted for the sources identified below are disapproved as not meeting the requirement of subpart N of this chapter. All regulations cited are air pollution control regulations of the State, unless otherwise noted.

Source Location Regulation involved Date of adoption Jack N. Tedford, IncFallonNot givenAug. 14, 1972. Basic, IncGabbsArticle 4Feb. 13, 1973. Article 7June 26, 1973. Duval CorpBattle MountainArticle 5Feb. 13, 1973. Mohave Generating Station, Southern California Edison CoLaughlinClark County, Section 16Jan. 11, 1973. Section 26July 17, 1973.
[39 FR 14209, Apr. 22, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 3995, Jan. 27, 1975; 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986; 54 FR 25258, June 14, 1989]

§ 52.1483 - Malfunction regulations.

(a) The following regulations are disapproved because they would permit the exemption of sources from applicable emission limitations under certain situations and therefore they do not satisfy the enforcement imperatives of section 110 of the Clean Air Act.

(1) Clark County District Board of Health

(i) Previously approved on May 14, 1973 and deleted without replacement on August 27, 1981: Section 12 (Upset, Breakdown, or Scheduled Maintenance).

(ii) Section 25, Rule 25.1, submitted by the Governor on July 24, 1979.

(iii) Section 25, Rules 25.1-25.1.4, submitted by the Governor on November 17, 1981.

(iv) Section 25, “Affirmative Defense for Excess Emissions Due to Malfunctions, Startup, and Shutdown,” submitted by the Governor on September 1, 2010.

[49 FR 10259, Mar. 20, 1984, as amended at 69 FR 54019, Sept. 7, 2004; 79 FR 13567, Mar. 11, 2014]

§ 52.1484 - [Reserved]

§ 52.1485 - Significant deterioration of air quality.

(a) The requirements of sections 160 through 165 of the Clean Air Act are not met, since the plan, except as it applies to the Clark County Health District, does not include approvable procedures for preventing the significant deterioration of air quality.

(b) Regulation for preventing significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of § 52.21 except paragraph (a)(1) are incorporated and made a part of the applicable State plan for the State of Nevada except for that portion applicable to the Clark County Health District.

(c) All applications and other information required pursuant to § 52.21 from sources located in the jurisdiction of the State of Nevada shall be submitted to the Director, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 201 South Fall Street, Carson City, Nevada instead of the EPA Region 9 Office.

[47 FR 26621, June 21, 1982, as amended at 48 FR 28271, June 21, 1983; 68 FR 11323, Mar. 10, 2003; 68 FR 74489, Dec. 24, 2003]

§ 52.1486 - Control strategy: Hydrocarbons and ozone.

(a) The requirements of subpart G of this chapter are not met since the plan does not provide for the attainment and maintenance of the national standard for ozone in the Las Vegas Intrastate Region (§ 81.80 of this chapter).

[45 FR 67347, Oct. 10, 1980, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]

§ 52.1487 - Public hearings.

(a) The requirements of § 51.102 (a) and (e) of this chapter are not met since NAQR, Article allows variances (compliance schedules), to be renewed without a public hearing, thus allowing further postponement of the final compliance date for sources whose emissions contribute to violations of the national standards. Therefore, NAQR, Article is disapproved.

[43 FR 1343, Jan. 24, 1978, as amended at 51 FR 40675, Nov. 7, 1986]

§ 52.1488 - Visibility protection.

(a) The requirements of section 169A of the Clean Air Act are not met, because the plan does not include approvable procedures for protection of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas.

(b) Regulation for visibility monitoring and new source review. The provisions of § 52.28 are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable plan for the State of Nevada except for that portion applicable to the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(c)-(d) [Reserved]

(e) Approval. On November 18, 2009, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection submitted the “Nevada Regional Haze State Implementation Plan.” With the exception of the BART determination for NOX at Reid Gardner Generating Station in sections 5.5.3, 5.6.3 and 7.2; the NOX averaging time and control type for units 1, 2 and 3 in sub-paragraph (1)(c) of Nevada Administrative Code section 445B.22096; and the NOX emission limit for unit 3 in sub-paragraph (1)(c) of Nevada Administrative Code section 445B.22096; the Nevada Regional Haze State Implementation Plan, as supplemented and amended on February 18, 2010 and September 20, 2011, meets the applicable requirements of Clean Air Act sections 169A and 169B and the Regional Haze Rule in 40 CFR 51.308.

(f) [Reserved]

(g) Approval. On November 18, 2014, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection submitted the “Nevada Regional Haze Plan 5-Year Progress Report” (“Progress Report”). The Progress Report meets the requirements of the Regional Haze Rule in 40 CFR 51.308.

[50 FR 28553, July 12, 1985, as amended at 52 FR 45137, Nov. 24, 1987; 67 FR 6133, Feb. 8, 2002; 69 FR 54019, Sept. 7, 2004; 77 FR 17341, Mar. 26, 2012; 77 FR 50951, Aug. 23, 2012; 78 FR 53037, Aug. 28, 2013; 82 FR 3129, Jan. 10, 2017; 82 FR 37025, Aug. 8, 2017; 82 FR 48770, Oct. 20, 2017; 83 FR 54054, Oct. 26, 2018]

§ 52.1489 - Particulate matter (PM-10) Group II SIP commitments.

(a) On March 29, 1989, the Air Quality Officer for the State of Nevada submitted a revision to the State Implementation Plan for Battle Mountain that contains commitments, for implementing all of the required activities including monitoring, reporting, emission inventory, and other tasks that may be necessary to satisfy the requirements of the PM-10 Group II SIPs.

(b) The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection has committed to comply with the PM-10 Group II, State Implementation Plan (SIP) requirements.

[55 FR 18111, May 1, 1990]

§ 52.1490 - Original identification of plan.

(a) This section identified the original “Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Nevada” and all revisions submitted by the State of Nevada that were federally approved prior to September 28, 2010.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 28, 1972.

(1) Previously approved on May 31, 1972 and now deleted without replacement Rules 2.8 and 2.11.

(2) Previously approved on May 31, 1972 in paragraph (b) and now deleted without replacement: Articles 2.10.1,, 3.3.4, 4.3.4, and Section 13, Nos. 15 and 19 of Senate Bill No. 275.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Errata sheet to the plan was submitted on April 26, 1972, by the Division of Health.

(2) Washoe County regulations submitted on June 12, 1972, by the Governor.

(i) Previously approved on July 27, 1972 in paragraph (c)(2) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement Washoe County Air Quality Regulations: Rules 020.020, 020.030, 020.075, and 040.055.

(3) Compliance schedules submitted on July 14, 1972, by the Governor.

(4) Legal opinions concerning the plan submitted on November 17, 1972, by the Office of the Attorney General.

(5) Amended Clark County regulations submitted on January 19, 1973, by the Governor.

(i) Previously approved on May 14, 1973 in paragraph (c)(5) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Section 15 (Prohibition of Nuisance Conditions) and Section 29 (Odors in the Ambient Air).

(6) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations NAQR to regulate construction of complex sources (Article 13) submitted on April 1, 1974, by the Governor.

(7) Amendments to the NAQR to regulate sulfur emissions from nonferrous smelters; (Article 8.1); to regulate and monitor visible emissions from stationary sources (Article 4); and to allow supplementary control systems (Article 14); submitted on June 14, 1974, by the Governor.

(i) Previously approved on February 6, 1975 in paragraph (7) and now deleted without replacement: Article 8.1.

(8) Amendments to the NAQR to regulate open burning (Article 5.2.3 and 5.2.4), and to regulate the construction of complex sources (Article 13), submitted on November 12, 1974, by the Governor.

(9) Administrative procedures for the review of complex sources submitted on December 11, 1974, by the Governor's representative.

(10) Amendments to the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) (1975 Legislative Session) on motor vehicle inspection and testing (NRS 445.640, 445.700, 482.640 and 169.125), public availability of emission data (NRS 445.576), organization (NRC 445.481 and 481.——). (Section 1 of 1975 Assembly Bill 326), stack testing (NRS 445.447), and alleged violations (NRS 445.526) submitted on September 10, 1975 by the Governor.

(11) Amendments to the NAQR, as amended through September 18, 1975, submitted on October 31, 1975, by the Governor, as follows:

Article 1—Definitions: 1.6-1.13, 1.15-1.33, 1.35-1.69;

Article 2—General Provisions: 2.4.1-2.4.4, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.4, 2.6.1-2.6.4, 2.7.1, 2.8.1, 2.8.4,, 2.9.1-2.9.3, 2.9.5-2.9.7,, 2.10.2-2.10.4,;

Article 3—Registration Certificates and Operating Permits: 3.1.3, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.8a & d-i, 3.1.9, 3.2.2-3.2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.5, 3.4.1, 3.4.6-3.4.14;

Article 4—Visible Emissions From Stationary Sources: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.5, 4.4-4.4.2;

Article 5—Open Burning: 5.2.3, 5.2.4;

Article 6—Incinerator Burning: 6.3-6.6.2;

Article 7—Particulate Matter: 7.1.3, 7.2.1-7.2.3, 7.3.1-7.3.3;

Article 8—Sulfur Emissions: 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.4,, 8.3-8.4;

Article 9—Organic Solvent, Other Volatile Compounds: 9.1, 9.2-, 9.2.2, 9.2.3;

Article 10—Odors:,;

Article 11—Mobile Equipment: 11.3-11.7.1, 11.7.4-11.7.5, 11.10, 11.10.1, 11.11-11.14.17.

(i) Previously approved on January 9, 1978 in paragraph (11) and now deleted without replacement: Articles, 2.10.2, 2.10.3, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, and 8.1.4.

(12) Amendments to miscellaneous Nevada air quality control regulations and to other sections of the State plan submitted on December 10, 1976, by the Governor, as follows:

Article 1—Definitions: 1.1-1.213;

Article 2—General Provisions: 2.5.3, 2.6.2-2.6.9, 2.7.1-2.7.4,, 2.16, 2.17;

Article 3—Registration Certificates and Operating Permits,, 3.2.1;

Article 7—Particulate Matter: 7.2.4;

Article 8—Sulfur Emissions: 8.2.2-8.2.4;

Article 11—Mobile Equipment: 11.7.6, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10.2;

Section 3—Air quality data: 3.2;

Section 4—Emissions summary: 4.2;

Section 5—Control strategy: 5.1, table 5.1, table 5.2;

Section 10—Air quality surveillance network: Monitoring network table, sampling sites modification table.

(i) Previously approved on August 21, 1978 in paragraph (12) and now deleted without replacement: Article 2.7.4.

(13) Amendments to the NAQR and the control strategy submitted on October 7, 1976, by the Governor.

(i) Article 7—Particulate Matter: 7.2.7; Table 4.2—Emissions Inventory Summary for Particulates.

Table 5.2—Summary of Control Strategy Analysis for Particulates.

(14) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on December 29, 1978, by the Governor.

(i) Nevada State Emergency Episode Plan Sections: 6.1.4, 6.1.5,; Tables: 6.1, 6.2 (Stages 1, 2, and 3), 6.3; Air Pollution Episode Notice; Episode Communication Checklist.

(ii) Nevada Revised Statutes Policy Declarations; Definitions:

445.401, 445.406, 445.411, 445.416, 445.421, 445.424, 445.427, 445.431, 445.441, 445.446; State Environmental Commission: 445.451, 445.456, 445.461, 445.466, 445.471, 445.472, 445.473, 445.474, 445.476; Local Hearing Boards: 445.486; Enforcement Provisions: 445.491, 445.496, 445.497, 445.498, 445.499, 445.501; Variances: 445.506, 445.511, 445.516, 445.521; Hearings, Orders Respecting Violations: 445.529; Local Air Pollution Control Programs: 445.546, 445.551, 445.556, 445.561, 445.566; Miscellaneous Provisions: 445.571, 445.581, 445.586, 445.596, 445.598; Penalties: 445.601; Deletions: Senate Bill 275, Sections 8.5, 17(1-4, 6, 7), 27, 38.

(A) Previously approved on July 10, 1980 and now deleted without replacement Statutes 445.506, 445.511, 445.516, and 445.521.

(iii) Nonattainment area plans for Mason Valley/Fernley Area, Lander County, Carson Desert, Winnemucca Segment, Truckee Meadows, and Las Vegas Valley.

(iv) Nevada Revised Statutes, Engine Emission Controls:

445.610, 445.620, 445.625, 445.630, 445.640, 445.650, 445.660, 445.670, 445.680, 445.690, 445.700, 445.705, and 445.710.

(v) Nevada Air Quality Regulations for Mobile Equipment:

Article 1—Sections 1.1 to 1.38; Article 2—Sections 2.1 to 2.2; Article 3—Sections 3.1 to 3.14.6; and Article 4—Sections 4.1 to 4.20.

(vi) Nevada Revised Statute 445.493, Limitations on Enforcement of Regulations as to Indirect Sources and Authority to Review New Indirect Sources.

(vii) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations:

Article 1, Rules 1.44, 1.53, 1.60, 1.98.1; Article 2, Rules 2.2.2, 2.11.7, a/b, 2.17.4,,, 2.17.10,; Article 3, Rules 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.4.11; Article 4, Rule 4.3.[6]4; Article 5, Rule 5.2.4; Article 6, Rule 6.3; Article 7 Rules 7.1.[3]2, 7.3.3; Article 8, Rules,, 8.2.2, and Article 12, Rule 12.1.

(A) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 in paragraph (c)(14)(vii) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Rule 2.11.7.

(viii) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations:

Article 1; Article 7, Rules—; Article 16, Rules—16.3.3 and Rules 16.15.1—16.15.4.

(ix) Previously approved on June 18, 1982 in paragraph (14)(viii) and now deleted without replacement: Article 16: Rules, 16.3.2,,, 16.15, 16.15.1,,, 16.15.2,,, 16.15.3,,, and 16.15.4.

(x) Previously approved on June 18, 1982 in paragraph (c)(14)(viii) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Article 16: Rules

(xi) Previously approved on July 10, 1980 in paragraph (14)(ii) and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) sections: 445.401, 445.466, and 445.497.

(15) Redesignation of the Clark-Mohave Interstate AQCR submitted on March 23, 1979, by the Governor.

(16) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on July 24, 1979, by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations:

Article I—Definition: No. 2—LAER.

(ii) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 15—Source Registration, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 15.10, 15.11, and 15.12; Section 50—Storage of Petroleum Products; Section 51—Petroleum Product Loading into Tank Trucks, and Trailers; and Section 52—Handling of Gasoline at Service Stations, Airports and Storage Tanks.

(iii) Amendments to the Washoe County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Definitions, Sections 010.011, 010.014, 010.028, 010.057, 010.059, 010.071, 010.072, 010.091, 010.106, 010.107B, 010.108, 010.116, 010.117, 010.136, 010.148, 010.149, 010.151, 010.166, 010.197, and 010.1751; Source Registration and Operation, Sections 030.000, 030.005, 030.010, 030.015, 030.025, 030.030, 030.110, 030.115 (1 and 5)B, 030.120, 030.1201, 030.205, 030.210, 030.215, 030.245, and 030.250; Section 040.070—Storage of Petroleum Products; Section 040.075—Gasoline Loading into Tank Trucks and Trailers; Section 040.080—Gasoline unloading from Tank Trucks and Trailers into Storage Tanks; Section 040.085—Organic Solvents; and Section 040.090—Cut-Back Asphalt.

(iv) Paving schedules for the following Nonattainment Area Plans: Mason Valley/Fernley Area, Carson Desert, Winnemucca Segment, and Lander County.

(v) Amendments to the Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area Plan: Two memoranda of understanding between Clark County, the Health District, and the Transportation Policy Committee.

(vi) Nevada Revised Statutes, Engine Emission Control: 445.632, 445.634, 445.635, and 445.644.

(vii) Lake Tahoe Basin Nonattainment Area Plan.

(viii) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 2, Rules 2.1, 2.2, 2.3; Section 3, Rule 3.1; Section 4, Rules 4.1—4.11; Section 5, Rule 5.1; Section 6, Rule 6.1; Section 7, Rules 7.1—7.19; Section 8, Rules 8.1, 8.2, 8.7 (deletion); Section 9, Rules 9.1—9.3; Section 10; Section 16, Rules 16.1,—16.5, 16.6 (Operating Permits), 16.6 (Emission of Visible Air Contaminants) (deletion), 16.7—16.9; Section 17, Rules 17.1—17.8; Section 18, Rules 18.1—18.12; Section 23, Rules 23.1—23.5; Section 24, Rules 24.1—24.5; Section 25, Rules 25.1, 25.2, 25.4 (deletion); Section 26, Rules 26.1—26.3; Section 27, Rules 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 27.4; Section 28, Rules 28.1, 28.2; Section 29; Section 30, Rules 30.1—30.7; Section 31; Section 32, Rules 32.1, 32.2; Section 40, Rule 40.1; Section 41, Rules 41.1—41.4; Section 42, Rules 42.1—42.4; Section 43, Rule 43.1; Section 70, Rules 70.1—70.6; Sections 80, and 81.

(A) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 and now deleted without replacement Section 9, Rules 9.2 to 9.3.

(B) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 at (c)(16)(viii) and now deleted Section 17, Rules 17.1-17.8.

(C) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 in paragraph (c)(16)(viii) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Section 40, Rule 40.1 (Prohibition of Nuisance Conditions); Section 42, Rule 42.2 (open burning); and Section 43, Rule 43.1 (Odors in the Ambient Air).

(D) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 in paragraph (c)(16)(viii) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations: Section 3, Rule 3.1.

(viii) Repeal and removal of all references to Indirect (Complex) Sources in the following rules or portions of rules in the Nevada Air Quality Regulations.

Article 1—Definitions: 1.12, 1.95, 1.147(b), and 1.202. Article 2—Registration Certificates and Operating Permits: 3.1.9, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.5. Article 13—Point Sources: 13.1.1, 13.1.2, 13.2, and 13.2.1 to 13.5.3.

(ix) Amendments to the Washoe County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Sections 020.055, 030.300, 030.305, 030.310, 030.3101-030.3105, 030.3107, and 030.3108 and the following deletions: 010.115, 050.005, 050.010, 050.015, 050.020, 050.025, 050.030, and 050.035.

(A) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 in paragraph (c)(16)(ix) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement Washoe County Air Quality Regulations: Rules 030.3105, 030.3107, and 030.3108.

(x) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Article 12, Lead (Pb).

(17) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on September 18, 1979, by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 1—Definitions (except 1.14, 1.15, 1.79, and 1.94); Section 15.14—Source Registration Requirements for Areas Exceeding Air Quality Standards; and Section 60—Evaporation and Leakage.

(ii) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 1, Rules 1.79, 1.94; Section 11, Rules 11.1, 11.1.1-11.1.8, 11.2, 11.2.1-11.2.3, 11.3, 11.3.1, 11.3.2, 11.4, and Section 13, Rule 13.5 (deletion).

(A) Previously approved on August 27, 1981 in paragraph (c)(17)(ii) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Section 1, Rules 1.79, 1.94.

(18) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations submitted on March 17, 1980, by the Governor.

(i) Article 13.1.3—Point Sources and Registration Certificates.

(A) Previously approved on April 14, 1981 in paragraph (c)(18)(i) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Air Quality Regulations (NAQR) article 13.1.3(3).

(19) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on June 24, 1980, by the Governor.

(i) Section 10—State of Nevada Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and Surveillance.

(ii) Amendment to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Article 4, Rule 4.3.6.

(iii) Clark County, Nevada Lead SIP.

(20) The following amendment to the plan was submitted on August 19, 1980 by the Governor.

(i) Request for Extension of the Carbon Monoxide Attainment Date for the Truckee Meadows Nonattainment Area.

(21) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on October 13, 1980, by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to the Nevada Revised Statutes: 704.820 through 704.900 (Utility Environmental Protection Act).

(ii) Rule 25, of General Order No. 3, Nevada Public Service Commission.

(22) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on November 5, 1980, by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations: Section 4, Rules 4.12, 4.12.1-4.12.3.

(ii) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Article 7, Rules 7.2.5,, 7.2.9; and Article 8, Rule 8.3.4.

(iii) Previously approved on June 18, 1982 in paragraph (22)(ii) and now deleted without replacement: Articles 7.2.5, 7.2.9, and 8.3.4.

(23) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on March 4, 1981, by the Governor:

(i) Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Implementation Plan (excluding Clark County Air Pollution Control Regulations).

(24) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on November 17, 1981 by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to the Nevada Air Quality Regulations: Article 14.1.

(ii) Resolution of the Washoe Council of Governments adopted August 28, 1981 and Endorsement of the State Environmental Commission dated October 15, 1981.

(iii) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 1—Definitions 1.7, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.32, 1.48, 1.50, 1.52, 1.57, 1.67, 1.72, 1.90 and the addition of the following unnumbered definitions: “Emission Unit,” “Criteria Pollutant,” “Non-Criteria Pollutant,” “Baseline Area,” “Begin Actual Construction,” “Building, Structure, Facility, or Installation,” “Particulate Precursor,” “Secondary Emissions,” and “Significant.”

Section 15—Source Registration, 15.1, 15.1.1, 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.1.4, 15.1.5, 15.1.6, 15.1.7, 15.1.8, 15.2; 15.2.1, 15.2.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5; Preconstruction Review for New and Modified Sources, 15.6, 15.6.1,, (deleted),, 15.6.2, (deleted),,,,, 15.6.3,, to (added), 15.6.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, 15.10, 15.10.1, 15.10.2, 15.10.3, 15.10.4, 15.11, 15.12; Prevention of Significant Deterioration, 15.13 (added); Preconstruction Review Requirements for New or Modified Sources in Areas Exceeding Air Quality Standards (“Offset” Rules), 15.14.1,, (added),,, 15.14.4,,, (added), (added), (added) and, (deleted).

(iv) Amendments to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations:

Section 4, Rule 4.7.3; Section 7; Section 9, Rules 9.1; Section 16; Section 17, Rules 17.2.1 and 17.6.1; Section 18, Rules 18.1—18.5.2; Section 23, Rules 23.2.1— and Rules 23.3.4—23.3.5; Section 27; Section 30, Rules 30.4 and 30.8; Section 52, Rules and 52.7.2; and Section 60, Rules 60.4.3.

(A) Previously approved on June 18, 1982 and now deleted without replacement Section 7, Rules 7.1 to 7.19 and Section 9, Rule 9.1.

(B) Previously approved on June 18, 1982 at (c)(24)(iv) and now deleted Section 17, Rules 17.2.1 and 17.6.1.

(v) Nevada State Lead SIP Revision submitted by the State on November 5, 1981.

(vi) Amendment to the Clark County District Board of Health Air Pollution Control Regulations: Section 60, Rule 60.4.2.

(25) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on October 26, 1982, by the Governor.

(i) Amendments of Chapter 445 of the Nevada Administrative Code.

(A) New or amended sections 445.430-445.437, 445.439-445.447, 445.451, 445.453-445.472, 445.474-445.477, 445.480-445.504, 445.509-445.519, 445.522-445.537, 445.539, 445.542-445.544, 445.546-445.549, 445.551, 445.552, 445.554-445.568, 445.570, 445.572-445.587, 445.589-445.605, 445.608-445.612, 445.614-445.622, 445.624, 445.626, 445.627, 445.629-445.655, 445.660, 445.662-445.667, 445.682, 445.685-445.700, 445.704-445.707, 445.712-445.716, 445.721, 445.723, 445.729-445.732, 445.734, 445.742, 445.743, 445.746, 445.753, 445.754, 445.764, 445.844, and 445.845.

(ii) Previously approved on March 27, 1984, in paragraph (25)(i)(A) and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) sections: 445.447, 445.554, 445.596, 445.662, 445.695, 445.698, 445.700, and 445.844.

(iii) Previously approved on March 27, 1984, in paragraph (25)(i)(A) and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) sections: 445.440, 445.442-445.443, 445.446, 445.451, 445.453-445.456, 445.459-445.463, 445.465-445.469, 445.474-445.476, 445.481, 445.483-445.485, 445.487, 445.489-445.491, 445.493-445.498, 445.502-445.503, 445.509-445.511, 445.514-445.515, 445.518-445.519, 445.522-445.524, 445.526-445.532, 445.534, 445.539, 445.543-445.544, 445.546, 445.547, 445.551, 445.566-445.568, 445.572-445.573, 445.576-445.580, 445.582-445.583, 445.586-445.587, 445.591, 445.593-445.595, 445.598, 445.600, 445.602-445.605, 445.608-445.611, 445.614-445.616, 445.619-445.620, 445.626, 445.629, 445.631-445.632, 445.634-445.646, 445.648, 445.652, 445.654, and 445.723.

(iv) Previously approved on March 27, 1984 in paragraph (c)(25)(i)(A) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section: 445.535.

(v) Previously approved on March 27, 1984, in paragraph (c)(25)(i)(A) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section: 445.655.

(vi) Previously approved on March 27, 1984, in paragraph (c)(25)(i)(A) of this section and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section 445.706(2).

(26) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on September 14, 1983 by the Governor.

(i) Amendments to Chapter 445 of the Nevada Administrative Code.

(A) New or amended Sections 445.732, 445.808 (paragraphs (1), (2)(a-c), and (3)-(5)), 445.815 (paragraphs (1), (2)(a)(1 and 2), and (3)-(5)), 445.816 (paragraphs (1), (2)(a-i), and (3)-(5)), 445.843, and 445.846 (paragraphs (1), (3), and (4)).

(B) Previously approved on March 27, 1984, in paragraph (26)(i)(A) and now deleted without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) sections 445.815 (paragraphs (1), (2)(a)(1)-(2), and (3)-(5)) and 445.816 (paragraph (2)(a)-(c) and (e)-(i)).

(ii) The Truckee Meadows Air Quality Implementation Plan 1982 Update except for the attainment and RFP demonstrations and Legally Enforceable Measures portions of the plan.

(iii) Amendments related to Nevada's inspection and maintenance (I/M) program.

(A) State legislation (AB 677) which defers the start-up of the annual I/M program from July 1, 1983 to October 1, 1983.

(B) An I/M public education plan.

(C) Revisions to the Engine Emission Control Regulations (Nevada Administrative Code 455.851 to 445.945).

(27) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on December 9, 1982, by the State:

(i) Emission reduction estimates and/or changes in vehicular activity for the adopted control measures.

(ii) A modeling analysis indicating 1982 attainment.

(iii) Documentation of the modeling analysis including air quality, traffic and meteorological data:

(iv) Evidence of implementation and/or future commitments for the adopted control measures.

(v) Appendix of previous reports, measured data and other official correspondence including:

(A) Resource commitments from the responsible agencies for implementing the RFP,

(B) 1979 and 1980 Annual Reports for the Lake Tahoe Air Basin, and

(C) 1981 Nevada Air Quality Report.

(28) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on December 16, 1982 by the State:

(i) Additional evidence of commitment to the control evidence by the responsible state and/or local agencies,

(ii) Additional supporting documentation for the 1982 attainment modeling analysis which included revised technical data on measured and modeled CO traffic volumes, and a revised narrative on the calibration constant and the impacts to the model.

(29) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on January 28, 1983 by the State:

(i) Response to EPA's preliminary evaluation, specifying documentation for calibrating the model, the mobile source emission factors, and additional traffic data.

(ii) Conversion factors for the model.

(iii) A revised 1982 attainment modeling analysis and supporting documentation including:

(A) 1979, 1980-82 traffic data for the Stateline Area, (Appendix A);

(B) Stateline Cold Start/Hot Start Analysis, (Appendix B);

(C) Portions of the Highway 50 Corridor Study, June 1979 (Appendix C);

(D) Reference from Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, (1979), (Appendix D); and

(E) Revised Caline 3 and Mobile 2 modeling analysis using both 27% and 50% cold start factors, (Appendix E).

(30) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on May 5, 1983 by the State:

(i) “Stateline, Nevada, 1983 Carbon Monoxide Study”—a traffic, ambient air monitoring and predictive modeling report, and

(ii) A revised analysis of the Caline 3 model verifying 1982 attainment, based on data collected in February and March 1983.

(31) The following amendments to the plan were submitted on May 30, 1984, by the Governor.

(i) Washoe County, Nevada Lead SIP Revision.

(32) The Las Vegas Valley 1982 Air Quality Implementation Plan (AQIP) Update for carbon monoxide submitted by the Governor on June 23, 1982.

(33) On January 11, 1985, the following amendments to the plan were submitted by the State.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Implementation Plan, Post 1982 Update for Ozone adopted on October 16, 1984 (including section 33 (Chlorine in Chemical Processes)), adopted May 18, 1984).

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Emissions Inventory for 1995, transmitted by a letter dated March 14, 1986.

(34) Program elements were submitted on June 28, 1994 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program, adopted on June 28, 1994.

(35) Program elements were submitted on July 5, 1995 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program, adopted on July 5, 1995.

(36)-(37) [Reserved]

(38) On August 7, 1998, regulations for the following Health District were submitted by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Health District.

(1) Section 53 adopted on September 25, 1997.

(39) The following plan was submitted on February 14, 1995, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the National Sulfur Dioxide Standard—Central Steptoe Valley, adopted by Nevada Division of Environmental Protection on February 14, 1995.

(40) The following plan supplement was submitted on February 27, 2002, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Supplement to the Maintenance Plan for the National Sulfur Dioxide Standard—Central Steptoe Valley (Letter from Allen Biaggi, Administrator, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, to Wayne Nastri, Regional Administrator, EPA Region IX, dated February 27, 2002).

(41) Regulations for the following agencies were submitted on November 19, 2002 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Air Quality Management Board.

(1) Clark County Building Code, section 3708, adopted on November 20, 1990.

(2) City of Las Vegas Building Code, section 3708, adopted on November 21, 1990.

(3) City of North Las Vegas Building Code, section 13.16.150, adopted on September 18, 1991.

(4) City of Henderson Building Code, section 15.40.010, adopted on October 15, 1996.

(42) The following plan was submitted on July 23, 2001, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality Management.

(1) PM-10 State Implementation Plan for Clark County including: Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (excluding pages 4-125 and 4-126), Chapters 5 through 7, Appendices A through E, Appendix G (excluding pages 90-1 through 90-10, 91-1 through 91-9, 92-1 through 92-7, 93-1 through 93-8, and the following paragraphs of pages 0-1 through 0-46: 0.1-0.24, 0.26-0.32, 0.34, 0.35, 0.38-0.42, 0.44, 0.49, 0.50, 0.52-0.57, 0.59-0.64, 0.66-0.69, 0.71-0.80, 0.82, 0.83, 0.85-0.109, 0.112, 0.113, 0.115, 0.116, 0.118, 0.119, 0.121-0.126, 0.128-0.131, 0.134-0.139, 0.142-0.146, 0.148-0.161, 0.163, 0.165, and 0.167-0.172), Appendix J, and Appendices L through N adopted on June 19, 2001.

(43) The following regulations were submitted on October 24, 2002, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality Management.

(1) Sections 90, 91, 92 and 93 adopted on November 20, 2001.

(44) The following plan amendments were submitted on November 19, 2002, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality Management.

(1) Pages 4-125 and 4-126 and Appendix R adopted on November 19, 2002.

(45) The following plan was submitted on October 27, 2003, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Limited Maintenance Plan for the Nevada Side of the Lake Tahoe Basin, dated October 2003, adopted by the State Environmental Commission on September 18, 2003.

(1) Attainment year (2001) emissions inventory, monitoring network and verification of continued attainment, and contingency plan, including commitments to follow maintenance plan contingency procedures by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, the Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Nevada Department of Transportation, and the Washoe County District Health Department.

(B) Letter of October 27, 2003, from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, transmitting the redesignation request and maintenance plan for the Lake Tahoe Nevada CO nonattainment area and including a State commitment to track CO concentrations and to adopt, submit as a SIP revision, and implement expeditiously any and all measures to achieve the level of CO emissions reductions needed to maintain the CO NAAQS in the event that an exceedance of the CO NAAQS is monitored, and to work with the involved jurisdictions to ensure that sufficient measures are adopted and implemented in a timely fashion to prevent a violation.

(C) Additional material—Addendum to the October 27, 2003 letter of transmittal of the redesignation request and maintenance plan: emissions projections for on-road motor vehicles through 2016.

(46) The following plan revision was submitted on March 20, 1996, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) State of Nevada State Implementation Plan for an Enhanced Program for the Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles for Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City, Nevada, revised March 1996, transmitted by letter dated March 20, 1996, including the cover page through page 15, appendix 1 (only the Nevada attorney general's opinion and memorandum dated November 15, 1993 and June 29, 1994, respectively), and appendices 2 through 9.

(47) The following plan revision was submitted on August 9, 2000, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality Management.

(1) Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada, August 2000, adopted on August 1, 2000, including the following sections within which certain exceptions are noted but excluding all sections not specifically cited: chapters 1 through 8 (with the exception of chapter 7, subsection 7.2.2, “Contingency Measures”); appendix A, “Emissions Inventory”, sections 1 through 7, and section 8— “Annexes” (with the exception of appendix E, “Quality Assurance/Quality Control”); appendix B, “Transportation Documentation”, section 1; appendix D, “Regulations, Policies and Public Participation Documentation”, section 1— “Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG) Regulations and Supporting Documentation” (with the exception of District Board of Health of Clark County Air Pollution Control Regulations section 54 as adopted on April 22, 1999), section 2, section 3, section 4—“Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 445B: Technician Training and Licensing” (with the exception of NAC 445B.485-445B.487, 445B.489-445B.493, and 445B.495-445B.498), and sections 5 through 9; and appendix E, “Supplemental Technical Support Documentation”, sections 1 through 4, and 7.

(48) The following plan revision was submitted on January 30, 2002 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) New or amended regulations implementing Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City: Nevada Administrative Code, chapter 445B, sections 445B.400-445B.774 (i.e., “Emissions from Engines”), including the sections under the subheadings “General Provisions,” “Facilities for Inspection and Maintenance,” “Inspectors,” “Exhaust Gas Analyzers,” “Control of Emissions: Generally” [excluding sections 445B.576-445B.578, and excluding section 445B.594 (“Inspections required in Washoe County”)], “Restored Vehicles,” “Miscellaneous Provisions,” but excluding the sections under the subheading “Control of Emissions: Heavy-Duty Motor Vehicles” (i.e., sections 445B.737-445B.774), codification as of February 2002 by the Legislative Counsel Bureau.

(2) Previously approved on September 21, 2004, in paragraph (c)(48)(i)(A)(1) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) sections: 445B.461(3)(d) and 445B.595(2)(d).

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) NV2000 Analyzer Electronic Data Transmission Equipment Specifications (June 15, 2000), revision 5, November 8, 2000.

(49) The following plan revisions were submitted on June 4, 2002 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) New or amended statutes related to Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City, as amended through the 2001 Legislative sessions: Nevada Revised Statutes, title 40, chapter 445B, sections 445B.210, 445B.700, 445B.705, 445B.710, 445B.715, 445B.720, 445B.725, 445B.730, 445B.735, 445B.740, 445B.745, 445B.750, 445B.755, 445B.758, 445B.760, 445B.765, 445B.770, 445B.775-445B.778, 445B.780, 445B.785, 445B.790, 445B.795, 445B.798, 445B.800, 445B.805, 445B.810, 445B.815, 445B.820, 445B.825, 445B.830, 445B.832, 445B.834, 445B.835, 445B.840, and 445B.845, and title 43, chapter 482, section 482.461, transmitted by letter dated June 4, 2002.

(2) New regulation establishing the State's low Reid Vapor Pressure wintertime requirement for gasoline sold in Clark County: Nevada Administrative Code, chapter 590, section 590.065 as adopted on October 28, 1998 (made effective December 14, 1998) by the State Board of Agriculture.

(3) Regulation R017-02, adopted on March 8, 2002 by the Nevada State Environmental Commission: New or amended rules in Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code removing the limitation on applicability of, and removing the restrictive trigger for effectuating the implementation of, the on-board diagnostics systems test for Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Contract between Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles and MD LaserTech for on-road testing services, dated January 15, 2002.

(50) The following plan revision was submitted on September 9, 2003 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) New or amended statutes related to Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley and Boulder City, as amended through the 2001 Legislative sessions: Nevada Revised Statutes, title 43, chapter 481, sections 481.019, 481.023, 481.027, 481.031, 481.035, 481.043, 481.047, 481.0473, 481.0475, 481.0477, 481.048, 481.0481, 481.051, 481.052, 481.055, 481.057, 481.063, 481.065, 481.079, 481.081, 481.082, 481.083, 481.085, and 481.087; title 43, chapter 482, sections 482.155, 482.160, 482.162, 482.165, 482.170, 482.171, 482.173, 482.175, 482.180, 482.1805, 482.181, 482.183, 482.186-482.188, 482.205, 482.206, 482.208, 482.210, 482.215, 482.216, 482.220, 482.225, 482.230, 482.235, 482.240, 482.245, 482.255, 482.260, 482.265-482.268, 482.270, 482.2703, 482.2705, 482.271, 482.2715, 482.2717, 482.272, 482.274, 482.275, 482.280, 482.2805, 482.2807, 482.281, 482.283, 482.285, 482.290, 482.385, and 482.565; and title 43, chapter 484, sections 484.644 and 484.6441, transmitted by letter dated September 9, 2003.

(51) The following plan revision was submitted on September 24, 2003 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Regulation R178-01, adopted on July 11, 2002 by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (and made effective August 21, 2002): New or amended rules in Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code establishing on-board diagnostics systems test procedures for Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program.

(52) The following plan revision was submitted on November 10, 2003 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality Management.

(1) New or amended Section 53—Oxygenated Gasoline Program, and Section 54—Cleaner Burning Gasoline (CBG): Wintertime Program, adopted on May 20, 2003 (made effective June 3, 2003).

(53) The following plan revision was submitted on October 23, 2003, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) New or amended rules adopted on October 7, 2003 by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners: Clark County Air Quality Regulations section 0 (Definitions), section 11 (Ambient Air Quality Standards), section 12 (Preconstruction Review for New or Modified Stationary Sources), excluding subsection 12.2.18 and 12.2.20, section 58 (Emission Reduction Credits), and section 59 (Emission Offsets), excluding subsection 59.2 (“Local Offset Requirements”).

(54) The following plan revision was submitted on November 20, 2003 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Nevada Administrative Code section 445B.22083, adopted March 3, 1994 (effective March 29, 1994), by the State Environmental Commission.

(55) The following plan revision and regulations were submitted on August 5, 2002, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Washoe County District Board of Health.

(1) Rules 040.031 and 040.032, adopted on February 27, 2002.

(2) Regulation 040.030 adopted on July 26, 2002.

(56) The following regulations and statutes were submitted on January 12, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) The following sections of the Nevada Air Quality Regulations were adopted on the dates listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) September 16, 1976: 445B.002, 445B.009, 445B.022, 445B.042, 445B.047, 445B.053, 445B.080, 445B.086, 445B.091, 445B.095, 445B.106, 445B.121, 445B.122, 445B.127, 445B.129, 445B.144, 445B.161, 445B.163, 445B.167, 445B.174, 445B.176, 445B.185, 445B.198, 445B.205, 445B.207, 445B.2204, and 445B.2209.

(ii) November 8, 1977: 445B.168.

(iii) September 12, 1978: 445B.125.

(2) The following sections of Chapter 445 of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) August 19, 1982: 445B.004 and 445B.060.

(ii) September 3, 1987: 445B.018, 445B.030, 445B.051, 445B.072, 445B.097, 445B.119, 445B.151, and 445B.209.

(iii) August 29, 1990: 445B.073.

(iv) November 18, 1991: 445B.135.

(v) November 3, 1993: 445B.055, 445B.056, and 445B.061.

(vi) March 3, 1994: 445B.075, 445B.103, 445B.109, and 445B.182.

(3) The following sections of Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed below:

(i) October 3, 1995: 445B.005, 445B.059, 445B.077, 445B.112, 445B.116, 445B.130, 445B.145, 445B.152, 445B.177, 445B.180, 445B.22037, and 445B.227.

(ii) January 22, 1998: 445B.011, 445B.0425, 445B.058, 445B.22027, and 445B.22033.

(iii) September 9, 1999: 445B.2203 and 445B.22047.

(iv) May 10, 2001: 445B.113 and 445B.1135.

(v) September 18, 2001: 445B.006.

(vi) February 26, 2004: 445B.22067, 445B.2207, and 445B.22097.

(vii) August 19, 2004: 445B.001, 445B.211, 445B.22043, 445B.2205, and 445B.230.

(viii) October 4, 2005: 445B.22017 (effective April 1, 2006) and 445B.2202 (effective April 1, 2006).

(4) Title 40, Chapter 445B of Nevada Revised Statutes (2003): Sections 445B.105, 445B.110, 445B.115, 445B.120, 445B.125, 445B.130, 445B.135, 445B.140, 445B.145, 445B.150, 445B.155, 445B.210, 445B.220, 445B.225, 445B.235, 445B.245, 445B.275, 445B.280, 445B.300, 445B.320, 445B.500, 445B.510, 445B.520, 445B.530, 445B.540, 445B.560, and 445B.595.

(5) The following sections of the Nevada Air Quality Regulations were adopted on the dates listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) September 16, 1976: 445B.134, 445B.257, 445B.258, 445B.259, 445B.260, 445B.261, and 445B.263.

(6) The following sections of Chapter 445 of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) April 26, 1984: 445B.265.

(ii) November 3, 1993: 445B.084.

(iii) March 3, 1994: 445B.202.

(7) The following sections of Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed below:

(i) October 3, 1995: 445B.015, 445B.062, and 445B.256.

(ii) August 22, 2000: 445B.264.

(iii) September 18, 2003: 445B.262 and 445B.267.

(iv) October 4, 2005: 445B.063, 445B.153, and 445B.22093.

(8) Title 40, Chapter 445B of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS)(2003): Sections 445B.200, 445B.205, 445B.230, 445B.240, 445B.340, 445B.350, 445B.360, 445B.450, 445B.460, 445B.570, 445B.580, 445B.600, 445.610, and 445.640.

(9) The following sections of Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed in paragraph (c)(56)(i)(A)(9) of this section:

(i) September 18, 2003: 445B.252.

(57) The following plan revision was submitted on February 14, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Revision, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada, adopted on October 4, 2005 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners (with the exception of section 7.3 (page 7-2), “Mobile Source Emissions Budget”).

(58) The following plan revision was submitted on May 12, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Section 7.3 (page 7-2), “Mobile Source Emissions Budget” of the Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan Revision, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada, adopted on May 2, 2006 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners.

(59) The following statute was submitted on March 24, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Title 0, Preliminary Chapter-General Provisions, of Nevada Revised Statutes: Section 0.039, effective April 29, 1985.

(60) The following plan revision was submitted on January 23, 2003, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Sections 90 and 92, adopted June 22, 2000 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners, and amended on December 17, 2002.

(61) The following plan revision was submitted on March 26, 2003, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Section 93, adopted on June 22, 2000 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners and amended on March 4, 2003; Section 94, adopted on June 22, 2000 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners and amended on March 18, 2003; and, the “Construction Activities Dust Control Handbook”, adopted June 22, 2000 by the Clark County Board of Commissioners and amended on March 18, 2003.

(62) The following plan revision was submitted on December 8, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) The following sections of Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on September 6, 2006: 445B.134, 445B.230, 445B.258, 445B.259, and 445B.260.

(63) New or amended regulations were submitted on May 5, 2006, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Washoe County District Health Department.

(1) Rules 010.117, 040.005, and 040.051, revised on February 23, 2006, and Rule 050.001, adopted on March 23, 2006.

(64) The following plan was submitted on February 5, 2007 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Nevada State Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport to Satisfy the Requirements of Clean Air Act 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS Promulgated in July 1997 (January 31, 2007), adopted by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection on February 5, 2007.

(65) The following plan was submitted on May 30, 2007 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Washoe County District Health Department, Air Quality Management Division.

(1) Maintenance Plan for the Washoe County 8-Hour Ozone Attainment Area (April 2007), Washoe County District Health Department, excluding appendices.

(66) The following plan revision was submitted on June 26, 2007 by the Governor's designee. All section citations listed below refer to the January 2007 codification of chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code as published by the Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) The following section of the Nevada Air Quality Regulations was adopted on the date listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) September 16, 1976, effective date December 4, 1976: 445B.172, “Six-Minute Period defined.”

(2) The following section of Chapter 445 of the Nevada Administrative Code was adopted on the date listed below and recodified as Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code in November 1994:

(i) November 3, 1993: 445B.190, “Stop order defined.”

(3) The following sections of Chapter 445B of the Nevada Administrative Code were adopted on the dates listed below:

(i) October 3, 1995: 445B.225, “Prohibited conduct: Concealment of emissions;” and 445B.229, “Hazardous emissions: Order for reduction or discontinuance.”

(ii) August 19, 2004, effective date September 24, 2004: 445B.001, “Definitions;” 445B.22043, “Sulfur emissions: Exceptions for stationary sources;” and 445B.2205, “Sulfur emissions: Other processes which emit sulfur.”

(iii) October 4, 2005: 445B.063, “Excess emissions defined;” 445B.153, “Regulated air pollutant defined;” 445B.22017, “Visible emissions: Maximum opacity; determination and monitoring of opacity;” 445B.2202, “Visible emissions: Exceptions for stationary sources;” and 445B.22093, “Organic solvents and other volatile compounds.”

(iv) March 8, 2006: 445B.275, “Violations: Acts constituting; notice;” and 445B.277, “Stop orders.”

(v) September 6, 2006: 445B.220, “Severability.”

(4) Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) (2003), chapter 445B, section 445B.310 (“Limitations on enforcement of federal and state regulations concerning indirect sources”).

(67) New or amended regulations were submitted on August 20, 2007 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Nevada Administrative Code (January 2007 codification by the Legislative Counsel Bureau) section 445B.22083, “Construction, major modification or relocation of plants to generate electricity using steam produced by burning of fossil fuels;” and section 445B.250, “Notification of Director: Construction, reconstruction and initial start-up; demonstration of continuous monitoring system performance;” adopted by the State Environmental Commission on October 4, 2005.

(68) The following plan revision was submitted on June 3, 1994 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) State Implementation Plan for a Basic Program for the Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles for the Truckee Meadows Planning Area, Nevada (June 1994), including the cover page through page 9.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) State Implementation Plan for a Basic Program for the Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles for the Truckee Meadows Planning Area, Nevada (June 1994), appendix 1, appendix 2 (only the certificate of compliance and Nevada attorney general's opinion), and appendices 3, 6, 8, and 10.

(69) The following plan revision was submitted on November 4, 2005 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Washoe County District Health Department.

(1) Rule 040.095, “Oxygen content of motor vehicle fuel,” revised on September 22, 2005.

(i) Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting, September 22, 2005, Public Hearing—Amendments—Washoe County District Board of Health Regulations Governing Air Quality Management; to Wit: Rule 040.095 (Oxygen Content of Motor Vehicle Fuel).

(2) Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan for the Truckee Meadows Carbon Monoxide Non-Attainment Area (September 2005), excluding appendices B, C, and D.

(70) The following plan revision was submitted on November 2, 2006 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Washoe County District Health Department.

(1) Basic I/M Performance Standard, excluding appendices A through D.

(i) Washoe County District Board of Health Meeting, September 28, 2006, Public Hearing—State Implementation Plan (SIP)—“Basic Program—Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) of Motor Vehicles—Truckee Meadows Planning Area, Nevada;” to Wit: Basic Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Performance Standard.

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Washoe County District Health Department.

(1) Basic I/M Performance Standard, appendices A through D.

(71) The following plan revision was submitted on May 11, 2007 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) New or amended statutes related to mobile sources, including Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley/Boulder City and Truckee Meadows: Nevada Revised Statutes (2005), chapter 365, section 365.060, “Motor vehicle fuel defined;” chapter 366, section 366.060, “Special fuel defined;” chapter 445B, sections 445B.210, “Powers of Commission,” 445B.700, “Definitions,” 445B.705, “Approved inspector defined,” 445B.710, “Authorized inspection station defined,” 445B.715, “Authorized maintenance station defined,” 445B.720, “Authorized station defined,” 445B.725, “Commission defined,” 445B.730, “Evidence of compliance defined,” 445B.735, “Fleet station defined,” 445B.737, “Heavy-duty motor vehicle defined,” 445B.740, “Light-duty motor vehicle defined,” 445B.745, “Motor vehicle defined,” 445B.747, “Motor vehicle fuel defined,” 445B.750, “Passenger car defined,” 445B.755, “Pollution control device defined,” 445B.757, “Special fuel defined,” 445B.758, “Used motor vehicle defined,” 445B.759, “Inapplicability to military tactical vehicles,” 445B.760, “Authority of Commission to prescribe standards for emissions from mobile internal combustion engines; trimobiles; standards pertaining to motor vehicles to be approved by Department of Motor Vehicles,” 445B.765, “Information concerning program for control of emissions from motor vehicles: Collection, interpretation and correlation; public inspection,” 445B.770, “Regulations of Commission: Control of emissions from motor vehicles; program for inspection and testing of motor vehicles,” 445B.775, “Regulations of Commission: Requirements for licensing of stations by Department of Motor Vehicles,” 445B.780, “Program for regulation of emissions from heavy-duty motor vehicles; equipment used to measure emissions; waiver from requirements of program,” 445B.785, “Regulations of Department of Motor Vehicles: Licensing of stations; performance of inspection and issuance of evidence of compliance; diagnostic equipment; fee, bond or insurance; informational pamphlet; distribution,” 445B.790, “Regulations concerning inspection of stations; grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license of inspector or station,” 445B.795, “Compulsory program for control of emissions: Limitations,” 445B.798, “Authority of Department of Motor Vehicles, in larger counties, to conduct test of emissions from motor vehicle being operated on highway,” 445B.800, “Evidence of compliance: Requirements for registration, sale or long-term lease of used vehicles in certain counties,” 445B.805, “Evidence of compliance: Exemptions from requirements,” 445B.810, “State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to provide assistance,” 445B.815, “Evidence of compliance: Duty of employees and agents of Department of Motor Vehicles; submission by owner or lessee of fleet,” 445B.820, “Installation and inspection of pollution control device,” 445B.825, “Exemption of certain classes of motor vehicles; waiver from provisions of NRS 445B.770 to 445B.815, inclusive,” 445B.830, “Fees to be paid to Department of Motor Vehicles; Pollution Control Account; expenditure of money in Account; quarterly distributions to local governments; annual reports by local governments; grants; creation and duties of advisory committee; submission and approval of proposed grants,” 445B.832, “Surcharge for electronic transmission of information: Authority to impose; inclusion as separate entry on form certifying emission control compliance; definition,” 445B.834, “Additional fee for form certifying emission control compliance: Retention of portion of fee by station performing inspection; definition,” 445B.835, “Administrative fine; hearing; additional remedies to compel compliance,” 445B.840, “Unlawful acts,” and 445B.845, “Criminal penalty; enforcement of provisions by peace officer; mitigation of offense;” chapter 481, sections 481.019, “Creation; powers and duties,” 481.023, “Administration of laws by Department; exceptions,” 481.027, “General functions of Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Transportation respecting state highways,” 481.031, “Office of Director of Department created,” 481.035, “Director of Department: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited; employment of deputies and staff,” 481.047, “Appointment of personnel,” 481.0473, “Divisions of Department,” 481.0475, “Duties of Administrative Services Division,” 481.048, “Division of Compliance Enforcement: Appointment and duties of investigators,” 481.0481, “Section for Control of Emissions From Vehicles and Enforcement of Matters Related to Use of Special Fuel: Creation; appointment and duties of investigators, officers and technicians,” 481.051, “Powers and duties of Director: Generally,” 481.0515, “Powers and duties of Director: References to names of persons in documents and records,” 481.052, “Powers and duties of Director: Adoption of definition of ‘seasonal resident’ by regulation,” 481.0535, “Powers and duties of Director: Expenditure of appropriations to assist certain entities to purchase and obtain evidence; receipt and safekeeping of money,” 481.055, “Department to keep main office in Carson City; maintenance of branch offices,” 481.057, “Offices of Department: Extended hours of operation,” 481.063, “Collection and deposit of fees for publications of Department and private use of files and records of Department; limitations on release and use of files and records; regulations,” 481.065, “Acceptance of donations for programs for traffic safety,” 481.079, “Money collected to be deposited in Motor Vehicle Fund; exception; dishonored payments; adjustment of deposits,” 481.081, “Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Department authorized to file certificate; certificate as lien; extension of lien,” 481.082, “Arrearage in tax, fee or assessment administered by Department: Release or subordination of lien; certificate issued by Department as conclusive evidence,” 481.083, “Money for administration of chapter; claims,” and 481.087, “Administrative expenses deemed cost of administration of operation of motor vehicles on public highways;” chapter 482, sections 482.029, “Electric personal assistive mobility device defined,” 482.155, “Enforcement of provisions of chapter by Department, its officers and peace officers,” 482.160, “Administrative regulations; branch offices; appointment of agents and designation of county assessor as agent; compensation of certain agents,” 482.162, “Department to adopt regulations setting forth criteria for determination of whether person is farmer or rancher; presentation of evidence to Department,” 482.165, “Director to provide forms,” 482.170, “Records of Department concerning registration and licensing,” 482.171, “List of registered owners to be provided for selection of jury; reimbursement of Department,” 482.173, “Schedule for retention and disposition of certain records of Department,” 482.175, “Validity of registration: Powers and duties of Department and registered dealers,” 482.180, “Motor Vehicle Fund: Creation: deposits; interest and income; dishonored payments; distribution of money collected for basic governmental services tax; transfers,” 482.1805, “Revolving Account for Issuance of Special License Plates: Creation; deposit of certain fees; use of money in Account; transfer of excess balance to State Highway Fund,” 482.181, “Governmental services taxes: Certification of amount collected each month; distribution,” 482.183, “Motor Vehicle Revolving Account: Creation; use; deposits,” 482.186, “Certain odometers deemed to register mileage reflected on odometer plus 100,000 miles,” 482.187, “Department authorized to enter into written agreements for periodic payment of delinquent taxes or fees; regulations,” 482.188, “Waiver of penalty or interest for failure timely to file return or pay tax, penalty or fee in certain circumstances,” 482.205, “Registration required for certain vehicles,” 482.206, “Periods of registration for motor vehicles; exceptions,” 482.208, “Registration of leased vehicles by long-term lessor or long-term lessee,” 482.210, “Exemptions from registration,” 482.215, “Application for registration,” 482.216, “Department may authorize new vehicle dealer to accept applications for registration and transfer of registration of new motor vehicles and to issue certificates of registration; duties of dealer; prohibited acts; regulations,” 482.220, “Application for specially constructed, reconstructed, rebuilt or foreign vehicle; certificate of inspection; charge for inspection,” 482.225, “Collection of sales or use tax upon application for registration of certain vehicles purchased outside this State; payment of all applicable taxes and fees required for registration; refund of tax erroneously or illegally collected,” 482.230, “Grounds requiring refusal of registration,” 482.235, “Registration indexes and records; assignment of registration number by registered dealer,” 482.240, “Issuance of certificates of registration and title by Department or registered dealer; period of validity of certificate,” 482.245, “Contents of certificates of registration and title,” 482.255, “Placement of certificate of registration; surrender upon demand of peace officer, justice of the peace or deputy of Department; limitation on conviction,” 482.260, “Duties of Department of Motor Vehicles and its agents relative to registration of vehicle; issuance of certificate of title; fees and taxes,” 482.265, “License plates issued upon registration; stickers, tabs or other devices issued upon renewal of registration; return of plates; fee for and limitations on issuance of special license plates,” 482.266, “Manufacture of license plates substantially similar to license plates issued before January 1, 1982: Written request; fee; delivery; duties of Department; retention of old plates authorized if requested plates contain same letters and numbers,” 482.267, “License plates: Production at facility of Department of Corrections,” 482.268, “License plates: Additional fee for issuance; deposit of fee,” 482.270, “License plates: General specifications; redesign; configuration of special license plates designed, prepared and issued pursuant to process of direct application and petition,” 482.2703, “License plates: Samples; form; fee; penalty,” 482.2705, “License plates: Passenger cars and trucks,” 482.271, “License plates: Decals; fees,” 482.2715, “License plates: Registrant entitled to maintain code if continuously renewed; exceptions; issuance of replacement plates with same code after expiration of registration; fee,” 482.2717, “License plates to be issued to automobile wreckers and operators of salvage pools,” 482.272, “License plates: Motorcycles,” 482.274, “License plates: Trailers,” 482.275, “License plates: Display,” 482.280, “Expiration and renewal of registration,” 482.2805, “Department not to renew registration if local authority has filed notice of nonpayment pursuant to NRS 484.444; fee for service performed by Department,” 482.2807, “Requirements for registration if local government has filed notice of nonpayment pursuant to NRS 484.444,” 482.281, “Authority of Department of Motor Vehicles to allow authorized inspection station or authorized station to renew certificates of registration; adoption of regulations,” 482.283, “Change of name or place of residence: Notice to Department required; timing and contents of notice,” 482.285, “Certificates, decals and number plates: Illegibility, loss, mutilation or theft; obtaining of duplicates or substitutes; fees and taxes,” 482.290, “Assignment and recording of new number for identification of vehicle if old number destroyed or obliterated; fee; penalty for willful defacement, alteration, substitution or removal of number with intent to defraud,” 482.385, “Registration of vehicle of nonresident owner not required; exceptions; registration of vehicle by person upon becoming resident of this State; penalty; taxes and fees; surrender or nonresident license plates and registration certificate; citation for violation,” 482.461 “Failure of mandatory test of emissions from engines; notification; cost of inspection,” 482.565, “Administrative fines for violations other than deceptive trade practices; injunction or other appropriate remedy; enforcement proceedings;” and chapter 484, sections 484.101, “Passenger car defined,” 484.644, “Device for control of pollution: Use required; disconnection or alteration prohibited; exceptions,” and 484.6441, “Device for control of pollution: Penalty; proof of conformity may be required.”

(2) New or amended rules related to mobile sources, including Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley/Boulder City and Truckee Meadows: Nevada Administrative Code, chapter 445B (January 2007 revision by the Legislative Counsel Bureau), sections 445B.400, “Scope,” 445B.401, “Definitions,” 445B.403, “Approved inspector defined,” 445B.4045, “Authorized inspection station defined,” 445B.405, “Authorized station defined,” 445B.408, “Carbon monoxide defined,” 445B.409, “Certificate of compliance defined,” 445B.4092, “Certified on-board diagnostic system defined,” 445B.4096, “Class 1 approved inspector defined,” 445B.097, “Class 1 fleet station defined,” 445B.098, “Class 2 approved inspector defined,” 445B.4099, “Class 2 fleet station defined,” 445B.410, “CO2 defined,” 445B.411, “Commission defined,” 445B.413, “Department defined,” 445B.415, “Director defined,” 445B.416, “Emission defined,” 445B.418, “EPA defined,” 445B.419, “Established place of business defined,” 445B.420, “Evidence of compliance defined,” 445B.421, “Exhaust emissions defined,” 445B.422, “Exhaust gas analyzer defined,” 445B.424, “Fleet station defined,” 445B.4247, “Gross vehicle weight rating defined,” 445B.426, “Heavy-duty motor vehicle defined,” 445B.427, “Hydrocarbon defined,” 445B.428, “Hz defined,” 445B.432, “Light-duty motor vehicle defined,” 445B.433, “Mini motor home defined,” 445B.434, “Motor home defined,” 445B.435, “Motor vehicle defined,” 445B.440, “New motor vehicle defined,” 445B.442, “Opacity defined,” 445B.443, “Person defined,” 445B.444, “ppm defined,” 445B.449, “Smoke defined,” 445B.450, “Special mobile equipment defined,” 445B.451, “Standard defined,” 445B.4515, “State electronic data transmission system defined,” 445B.452, “Tampering defined,” 445B.4525, “Test station defined,” 445B.453, “Truck defined,” 445B.454, “Used motor vehicle defined,” 445B.455, “Van conversion defined,” 445B.4553, “Vehicle inspection report defined,” 445B.4556, “Vehicle inspection report number defined,” 445B.456, “Severability,” 445B.460, “Test station: License required to operate; expiration of license; ratings; performance of certain services; prohibited acts; location,” 445B.461, “Compliance by Federal Government, state agencies and political subdivisions,” 445B.462, “Test station: Application for license to operate; inspection of premises; issuance of license,” 445B.463, “Test station: Grounds for denial, revocation or suspension of license; reapplication; permanent revocation of license,” 445B.464, “Test station: Hearing concerning denial, suspension or revocation of license,” 445B.465, “Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Requirements for bond or deposit,” 445B.466, “Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Liability under bond or deposit; suspension and reinstatement of licenses,” 445B.467, “Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Disbursement, release or refund of bond or deposit,” 445B.468, “Authorized stations and authorized inspection stations: Scope of coverage of bond or deposit,” 445B.469, “Authorized station or authorized inspection station: Posting of signs and placards,” 445B.470, “Test station: Display of licenses; availability of reference information,” 445B.471, “Test station: Advertising; provision by Department of certain informational material for public,” 445B.472, “Test station: Records of inspections and repairs; inspection of place of business; audit of exhaust gas analyzers,” 445B.473, “Test station: Notice of wrongfully distributed or received vehicle inspection reports; inventory of vehicle inspection reports,” 445B.474, “Test station: Failure to employ approved inspector,” 445B.475, “Authorized station or class 2 fleet station: Requirements for employees,” 445B.476, “Test station: Willful failure to comply with directive; suspension of license; reapplication after revocation of license,” 445B.478, “Fleet station: Licensing; powers and duties,” 445B.480, “Test station: Requirements concerning business hours,” 445B.485, “Prerequisites to licensing,” 445B.486, “Examination of applicants for licensing,” 445B.487, “Denial of license,” 445B.489, “Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of license,” 445B.490, “Hearing on suspension or revocation of license,” 445B.491, “Temporary suspension or refusal to renew license,” 445B.492, “Duration of suspension; surrender of license,” 445B.493, “Limitation on reapplication after revocation or denial or license; surrender of revoked license; permanent revocation of license,” 445B.495, “Contents of license,” 445B.496, “Expiration of license,” 445B.497, “Requirements for renewal of license,” 445B.498, “Performance of emission inspection without license prohibited; expiration of license; license ratings,” 445B.4983, “Issuance of access code to approved inspector; use of access code and identification number,” 445B.4985, “Violations,” 445B.499, “Fees,” 445B.501, “Report of change in place of employment or termination of employment,” 445B.502, “Submission of certificate of employment to report change,” 445B.5049, “Connection to state electronic data transmission system,” 445B.505, “Availability of list of approved analyzers and their specifications,” 445B.5052, “Approved analyzer: Use and equipment; deactivation by Department,” 445B.5055, “Revocation of approval of analyzer,” 445B.5065, “Manufacturer of approved analyzer: Required warranty,” 445B.5075, “Manufacturer of approved analyzer: Required services; administrative fine for violations,” 445B.575, “Device to control pollution: General requirement; alteration or modification,” 445B.576, “Vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel fuel: Restrictions on visible emissions and on idling of diesel engines,” 445B.577, “Devices used on stationary rails: Restrictions on visible emissions,” 445B.578, “Exceptions to restrictions on visible emissions,” 445B.579, “Inspection of vehicle: Devices for emission control required,” 445B.580, “Inspection of vehicle: Procedure for certain vehicles with model year of 1995 or older and heavy-duty vehicles with model year of 1996 or newer,” 445B.5805, “Inspection of vehicle: Procedure for light-duty vehicles with model year of 1996 or newer,” 445B.581, “Inspection of vehicle: Place and equipment for performance,” 445B.5815, “Inspection of vehicle: Certified on-board diagnostic systems,” 445B.582, “Repair of vehicle; reinspection or testing,” 445B.583, “Evidence of compliance: Purpose; records,” 445B.584, “Evidence of compliance: Purchase of vehicle inspection report numbers,” 445B.585, “Evidence of compliance: Issuance by approved inspector,” 445B.586, “Evidence of compliance: Return of fee,” 445B.587, “Test of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: Equipment for measurement of smoke opacity,” 445B.588, “Testing of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: List of approved equipment,” 445B.589, “Testing of light-duty motor vehicles powered by diesel engines: Procedure; certificate of compliance; effect of failure; lack of proper fuel cap,” 445B.5895, “Dissemination of list of authorized stations,” 445B.590, “Waiver of standards for emissions,” 445B.591, “Form for registration of vehicle in area where inspection of vehicle not required,” 445B.5915, “Requirements for registration of vehicle temporarily being used and maintained in another state,” 445B.592, “Applicability of certain standards for emissions and other requirements,” 445B.593, “Evidence of compliance required for certain vehicles based in Clark County,” 445B.594, “Evidence of compliance required for certain vehicles based in Washoe County,” 445B.595 (excluding subsection(2)), “Inspections of vehicles owned by State or political subdivisions or operated on federal installations,” 445B.596, “Standards for emissions,” 445B.598, “Imposition and statement of fee for inspection and testing; listing of stations and fees,” 445B.599, “Prescription and notice of maximum fees for inspections and testing,” 445B.600, “Procedure for setting new fee,” 445B.601, “Concealment of emissions prohibited,” 445B.6115, “Exemption of vehicle from certain provisions,” 445B.6125, “Certification of vehicle for exemption,” 445B.7015, “Annual and additional inspections,” 445B.7025, “Alteration of emission control system of vehicle used to conduct inspection,” 445B.7035, “Preliminary written notice of violation; reinspection of vehicle,” 445B.7045, “Administrative fines and other penalties for certain violations,” 445B.727, “Administrative fines and other penalties,” and 445B.735, “Program for licensure to install, repair and adjust devices for control of emissions.”

(3) Previously approved on July 3, 2008, in paragraph (c)(71)(i)(A)(2) of this section and now deleted from the SIP without replacement: Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section: 445B.461(3)(d).

(4) New or amended rules related to mobile sources, including Nevada's vehicle inspection and maintenance program in Las Vegas Valley/Boulder City and Truckee Meadows: Nevada Administrative Code, chapter 445B (January 2007 revision by the Legislative Counsel Bureau), paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of subsection (2) of section 445B.595, “Inspections of vehicles owned by State or political subdivisions or operated on federal installations.”

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.

(1) Correspondence dated March 6, 2007 from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection describing an upgrade to the NV2000 emission analyzer to make emissions testing possible on motor vehicles containing a certified on-board diagnostic system which uses controller area network communication.

(72) The following plan revision was submitted on April 1, 2008, by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Clark County Transportation Conformity Plan (January 2008), adopted by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners on January 15, 2008.

(73) The following plan revision was submitted on September 18, 2008, by the Governor's designee.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Resolution of the Clark County Board of Commissioners Adopting the Clark County Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, adopted by the Clark County Board of Commissioners on September 2, 2008.

(B) Carbon Monoxide Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan, Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area, Clark County, Nevada (September 2008), adopted by the Clark County Board of Commissioners on September 2, 2008 (excluding the appendices).

(74) The following plan revision was submitted on March 26, 2010 by the Governor's designee.

(i) Incorporation by reference.

(A) Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.

(1) Clark County Board of County Commissioners, Ordinance No. 3809, “An Ordinance to Suspend the Applicability and Enforceability of All Provisions of Clark County Air Quality Regulation Section 54, the Cleaner Burning Gasoline Wintertime Program; and Provide for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto,” adopted September 15, 2009, effective (for state purposes) on September 29, 2009.

(B) Nevada Department of Agriculture.

(1) Nevada Board of Agriculture, Adopted Regulation of the State Board of Agriculture LCB File No. R111-08, including an amended version of Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) section 590.065, effective (for state purposes) on January 28, 2010, (excluding newly designated subsection (7) of NAC section 590.065).

(75) The following plan revision was submitted on August 30, 2010, by the Governor's designee.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Additional material.

(A) Letter from Anthony Lesperance, Director, Nevada Department of Nevada, to Lewis Wallenmeyer, Director, Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, dated June 22, 2010, setting forth the Nevada Department of Agriculture's commitment to seek reinstatement of the Low RVP wintertime gasoline requirement in Clark County if necessary under the Las Vegas Valley Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan to address future carbon monoxide violations.

[37 FR 10878, May 31, 1972] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.1490, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at

§ 52.1491 - Interstate transport.

(a) Approval. On February 7, 2007, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection submitted the “Nevada State Implementation Plan for Interstate Transport to Satisfy the Requirements of the Clean Air Act 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS Promulgated in July 1997” (“2007 Interstate Transport SIP”). The 2007 Interstate Transport SIP meets the requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 1997 8-hour ozone and 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS other than the requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) regarding interference with other states' measures to protect visibility.

(b) Approval. The requirements of Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) regarding interference with other states' measures to protect visibility for the 1997 8-hour ozone and 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS are met by the “Nevada Regional Haze State Implementation Plan,” as supplemented and amended on February 18, 2010 and September 20, 2011.

[77 FR 17341, Mar. 26, 2012]

§ 52.1492 - Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides?

(a)(1) The owner and operator of each source and each unit located in the State of Nevada and Indian country within the borders of the State and for which requirements are set forth under the CSAPR NOX Ozone Season Group 3 Trading Program in subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter must comply with such requirements with regard to emissions occurring in 2023 and each subsequent year. The obligation to comply with such requirements with regard to sources and units in the State and areas of Indian country within the borders of the State subject to the State's SIP authority will be eliminated by the promulgation of an approval by the Administrator of a revision to Nevada's State Implementation Plan (SIP) as correcting the SIP's deficiency that is the basis for the CSAPR Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) under § 52.38(b)(1) and (b)(2)(iii) for those sources and units, except to the extent the Administrator's approval is partial or conditional. The obligation to comply with such requirements with regard to sources and units located in areas of Indian country within the borders of the State not subject to the State's SIP authority will not be eliminated by the promulgation of an approval by the Administrator of a revision to Nevada's SIP.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, if, at the time of the approval of Nevada's SIP revision described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the Administrator has already started recording any allocations of CSAPR NOX Ozone Season Group 3 allowances under subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter to units in the State and areas of Indian country within the borders of the State subject to the State's SIP authority for a control period in any year, the provisions of subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter authorizing the Administrator to complete the allocation and recordation of CSAPR NOX Ozone Season Group 3 allowances to such units for each such control period shall continue to apply, unless provided otherwise by such approval of the State's SIP revision.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the effectiveness of paragraph (a)(1) of this section is stayed with regard to emissions occurring in 2023 and thereafter.

(b)(1) The owner and operator of each source located in the State of Nevada and Indian country within the borders of the State and for which requirements are set forth in § 52.40 and § 52.41, § 52.42, § 52.43, § 52.44, § 52.45, or § 52.46 must comply with such requirements with regard to emissions occurring in 2026 and each subsequent year.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the effectiveness of paragraph (b)(1) of this section is stayed.

[88 FR 36892, June 5, 2023, as amended at 88 FR 67107, Sept. 29, 2023]