Collapse to view only § 63.5990 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
What This Subpart Covers
Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
General Compliance Requirements
General Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Tire Production Affected Sources
- SECTION § 63.5994 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for tire production affected sources?
- SECTION § 63.5995 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
- SECTION § 63.5996 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources?
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
- SECTION § 63.5997 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for tire cord production affected sources?
- SECTION § 63.5998 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
- SECTION § 63.5999 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources?
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- SECTION § 63.6000 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for puncture sealant application affected sources?
- SECTION § 63.6001 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
- SECTION § 63.6002 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources?
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Tire Production Affected Sources
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- SECTION § 63.6007 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources?
- SECTION § 63.6008 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources?
Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
- SECTION § 63.6011 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for rubber processing affected sources?
- SECTION § 63.6012 - What are my rubber processing monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
- SECTION § 63.6013 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
Notifications, Reports, and Records
Other Requirements and Information
- APPENDIX - Table 1 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 2 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 3 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 4 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Operating Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Control Devices
- APPENDIX - Table 6 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 7 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 8 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 9 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 10 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 11 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 12 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 13 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 14 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 15 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 16 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Operating Limits for Rubber Processing Control Devices
- APPENDIX - Table 17 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 18 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 19 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
- APPENDIX - Table 20 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Requirements for Reports
- APPENDIX - Table 21 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Selected Hazardous Air Pollutants
- APPENDIX - Table 22 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to This Subpart XXXX
What This Subpart Covers
§ 63.5980 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
This subpart establishes national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for rubber tire manufacturing. This subpart also establishes requirements to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the emission limitations.
§ 63.5981 - Am I subject to this subpart?
(a) You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a rubber tire manufacturing facility that is located at, or is a part of, a major source of hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions.
(1) Rubber tire manufacturing includes rubber processing, the production of rubber tires and/or the production of components integral to rubber tires, the production of tire cord, and the application of puncture sealant. Components of rubber tires include, but are not limited to, rubber compounds, sidewalls, tread, tire beads, tire cord and liners. Other components often associated with rubber tires but not integral to the tire, such as wheels, inner tubes, tire bladders, and valve stems, are not components of rubber tires or tire cord and are not subject to this subpart.
(2) A major source of HAP emissions is any stationary source or group of stationary sources within a contiguous area and under common control that emits or has the potential to emit considering controls, in the aggregate, any single HAP at a rate of 9.07 megagrams (10 tons) or more per year or any combination of HAP at a rate of 22.68 megagrams (25 tons) or more per year.
(b) You are not subject to this subpart if the affected source at your rubber tire manufacturing facility meets either of the conditions described in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) You own or operate a tire cord production affected source, but the primary product produced at the affected source is determined to be subject to another subpart under this part 63 as of the effective date of that subpart (publication date of the final rule) or startup of the source, whichever is later. In this case, you must determine which subpart applies to your source and you must be in compliance with the applicable subpart by the compliance date of that subpart. The primary product is the product that is produced for the greatest operating time over a 5-year period, based on expected utilization for the 5 years following the compliance date or following initial startup of the source, whichever is later.
(2) Your rubber tire manufacturing affected source is a research and development facility whose primary purpose is to conduct research and development into new processes and products, where such source is operated under the close supervision of technically trained personnel and is not engaged in the manufacture of products for commercial sale in commerce, except in a de minimis manner.
§ 63.5982 - What parts of my facility does this subpart cover?
(a) This subpart applies to each existing, new, or reconstructed affected source at facilities engaged in the manufacture of rubber tires or their components.
(b) The affected sources are defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section (tire production), paragraph (b)(2) of this section (tire cord production), paragraph (b)(3) of this section (puncture sealant application), and paragraph (b)(4) of this section (rubber processing).
(1) The tire production affected source is the collection of all processes that use or process cements and solvents as defined in § 63.6022, located at any rubber tire manufacturing facility. It includes, but is not limited to: Storage and mixing vessels and the transfer equipment containing cements and/or solvents; wastewater handling and treatment operations; tread and cement operations; tire painting operations; ink and finish operations; undertread cement operations; process equipment cleaning materials; bead cementing operations; tire building operations; green tire spray operations; extruding, to the extent cements and solvents are used; cement house operations; marking operations; calendar operations, to the extent solvents are used; tire striping operations; tire repair operations; slab dip operations; other tire building operations, to the extent that cements and solvents are used; and balance pad operations.
(2) The tire cord production affected source is the collection of all processes engaged in the production of tire cord. It includes, but is not limited to: dipping operations, drying ovens, heat-set ovens, bulk storage tanks, mixing facilities, general facility vents, air pollution control devices, and warehouse storage vents.
(3) The puncture sealant application affected source is the puncture sealant application booth operation used to apply puncture sealant to finished tires.
(4) The rubber processing affected source is the collection of all rubber mixing processes (e.g., banburys and associated drop mills) that either mix compounds or warm rubber compound before the compound is processed into components of rubber tires. The mixed rubber compound itself is also included in the rubber processing affected source. On and before November 29, 2024, there are no emission limitations or other requirements for the rubber processing affected source. The emission limitations for the rubber processing affected source are effective after November 29, 2024.
(c) An affected source that is not a rubber processing affected source is a new affected source if construction of the affected source commenced after October 18, 2000, and it met the applicability criteria of § 63.5981 at the time construction commenced. An affected source that is a rubber processing affected source is a new affected source if construction of the affected source commenced after November 16, 2023, and it met the applicability criteria of § 63.5981 at the time construction commenced.
(d) An affected source is reconstructed if it meets the criteria as defined in § 63.2.
(e) An affected source is existing if it is not new or reconstructed.
§ 63.5983 - When do I have to comply with this subpart?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed affected source, except as provided in §§ 63.5982(b)(4) and 63.5981(b)(1), you must comply with the emission limitations for new and reconstructed sources in this subpart upon startup.
(b) If you own or operate an existing affected source that is not a rubber processing affected source, you must comply with the emission limitations for existing sources no later than July 11, 2005. If you own or operate a rubber processing affected sources that began construction or reconstruction before November 16, 2023, you must comply with the emission limitations for existing rubber processing existing sources no later than November 29, 2027.
(c) If you have an area source that increases its emissions or its potential to emit such that it becomes a major source of HAP, the affected source(s) must be in compliance with existing source emission limitations no later than 3 years after the date on which the area source became a major source.
(d) You must meet the notification requirements in § 63.6016 according to the schedule in § 63.6016 and in subpart A of this part. Some of the notifications must be submitted before the date you are required to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart.
Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
§ 63.5984 - What emission limits must I meet for tire production affected sources?
You must meet each emission limit in either option 1 or option 2 of Table 1 to this subpart that applies to you.
§ 63.5985 - What are my alternatives for meeting the emission limits for tire production affected sources?
You must use one of the compliance alternatives in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section to meet either of the emission limits in § 63.5984.
(a) Purchase alternative. Use only cements and solvents that, as purchased, contain no more HAP than allowed by the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 (HAP constituent option).
(b) Monthly average alternative, without using an add-on control device. Use cements and solvents in such a way that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 or option 2.
(c) Monthly average alternative, using an add-on control device. Use a control device to reduce HAP emissions so that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 or option 2.
Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
§ 63.5986 - What emission limits must I meet for tire cord production affected sources?
You must meet each emission limit in either option 1 or option 2 of Table 2 to this subpart that applies to you.
§ 63.5987 - What are my alternatives for meeting the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources?
You must use one of the compliance alternatives in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section to meet the emission limits in § 63.5986.
(a) Monthly average alternative, without using an add-on control device. Use coatings in such a way that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
(b) Monthly average alternative, using an add-on control device. Use a control device to reduce HAP emissions so that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
§ 63.5988 - What emission limitations must I meet for puncture sealant application affected sources?
(a) You must meet each emission limit in either option 1 or option 2 of Table 3 to this subpart that applies to you.
(b) If you use an add-on control device to meet the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, you must also meet each operating limit in Table 4 to this subpart that applies to you.
§ 63.5989 - What are my alternatives for meeting the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources?
You must use one of the compliance alternatives in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section to meet the emission limitations in § 63.5988.
(a) Overall control efficiency alternative. Use an emissions capture system and control device and demonstrate that the application booth emissions meet the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1a or 1b, and the control device and capture system meet the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart.
(b) Permanent total enclosure and control device efficiency alternative. Use a permanent total enclosure that satisfies the Method 204 criteria in 40 CFR part 51, appendix M. Demonstrate that the control device meets the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1a or 1b. You must also show that the control device and capture system meet the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart.
(c) Monthly average alternative, without using an add-on control device. Use puncture sealants in such a way that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2.
(d) Monthly average alternative, using an add-on control device. Use a control device to reduce HAP emissions so that monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2.
General Compliance Requirements
§ 63.5990 - What are my general requirements for complying with this subpart?
(a) Before January 21, 2021, you must be in compliance with the applicable emission limitations specified in tables 1 through 4 to this subpart at all times, except during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction if you are using a control device to comply with an emission limit. After January 20, 2021, you must be in compliance with the applicable emission limitations specified in tables 1 through 4 to this subpart at all times. After November 29, 2024, you must be in compliance with the applicable emission limitations for rubber processing specified in tables 15 and 16 to this subpart at all times according to the compliance dates in § 63.5983.
(b) Before January 21, 2021, except as provided in § 63.5982(b)(4), you must always operate and maintain your affected source, including air pollution control and monitoring equipment, according to the provisions in § 63.6(e)(1)(i). After January 20, 2021, at all times, you must operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not require you to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination of whether a source is operating in compliance with operation and maintenance requirements will be based on information available to the Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source.
(c) During the period between the compliance date specified for your source in § 63.5983 and the date upon which continuous compliance monitoring systems (CMS) have been installed and validated and any applicable operating limits have been set, you must maintain a log detailing the operation and maintenance of the process and emission control equipment.
(d) Before January 21, 2021, for each affected source that complies with the emission limits in Tables 1 through 3 to this subpart using a control device, you must develop a written startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan according to the provisions in § 63.6(e)(3). After January 20, 2021, a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan is not required.
(e) For each monitoring system required in this section, you must develop and submit for approval a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section as follows:
(1) Installation of the CMS sampling probe or other interface at a measurement location relative to each affected process unit so that the measurement is representative of control of the exhaust emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last control device);
(2) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer, and the data collection and reduction system; and
(3) Performance evaluation procedures and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations).
(f) Before January 21, 2021, in your site-specific monitoring plan, you must also address the ongoing procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (3) of this section as follows. After January 20, 2021, in your site-specific monitoring plan, you must also address the ongoing procedures specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section as follows.
(1) Ongoing operation and maintenance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(c)(1), (3), (4)(ii), (7), and (8), and this section;
(2) Before January 21, 2021, ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(d). After January 20, 2021, ongoing data quality assurance procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.8(d)(1) and (2). The owner or operator shall keep these written procedures on record for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the provisions of this part, to be made available for inspection by the Administrator. If the performance evaluation plan is revised, the owner or operator shall keep previous (i.e., superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan on record to be made available for inspection by the Administrator, for a period of 5 years after each revision to the plan. The program of corrective action should be included in the plan required under § 63.8(d)(2).
(3) Before January 21, 2021, ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.10(c), (e)(1), and (e)(2)(i). After January 20, 2021, the owner or operator shall keep these written procedures on record for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the provisions of this part, to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the Administrator. If the performance evaluation plan is revised, the owner or operator shall keep previous (i.e., superseded) versions of the performance evaluation plan on record to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the Administrator, for a period of 5 years after each revision to the plan. The program of corrective action should be included in the plan required under § 63.8(d)(2); and
(4) After January 20, 2021, ongoing recordkeeping and reporting procedures in accordance with the general requirements of § 63.10(c), (e)(1), and (e)(2)(i).
General Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
§ 63.5991 - By what date must I conduct an initial compliance demonstration or performance test?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed affected source, you must conduct each required initial compliance demonstration or performance test within 180 calendar days after the compliance date that is specified for your new or reconstructed affected source in § 63.5983(a). If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must do so according to the provisions of § 63.7(a)(2).
(b) If you have an existing affected source, you must conduct each required initial compliance demonstration or performance test no later than the compliance date that is specified for your existing affected source in § 63.5983(b). If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must do so according to the provisions of § 63.7(a)(2).
(c) If you commenced construction or reconstruction between October 18, 2000 and July 9, 2002, you must demonstrate initial compliance with either the proposed emission limitations or the promulgated emission limitations no later than January 6, 2003, or within 180 calendar days after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to § 63.7(a)(2)(ix).
(d) If you commenced construction or reconstruction between October 18, 2000 and July 9, 2002, and you chose to comply with the proposed emission limitation when demonstrating initial compliance, you must conduct a second compliance demonstration for the promulgated emission limitation no later than January 5, 2006, or after startup of the source, whichever is later, according to § 63.7(a)(2)(ix).
§ 63.5992 - When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
If you use a control system (add-on control device and capture system) to meet the emission limitations, you must also conduct a performance test at least once every 5 years following your initial compliance demonstration to verify control system performance and reestablish operating parameters or operating limits for control systems used to comply with the emissions limits. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to the measurement of THC emissions that are monitored with a continuous emission monitoring system for demonstrating compliance with the THC emission limitations for rubber processing in § 63.6009. When complying with the emission limits for rubber processing in § 63.6009 for fPM or metal HAP based on averaging to comply with the facility-wide average alternatives, the subsequent performance tests must begin no later than 5 years after the first test of the averaged mixers is performed.
§ 63.5993 - What performance tests and other procedures must I use?
(a) If you use a control system to meet the emission limitations, you must conduct each performance test in table 5 to this subpart that applies to you, except that for the rubber processing affected source, you must conduct performance tests according to table 17 instead of table 5.
(b) Each performance test must be conducted according to the specific conditions specified in table 5 to this subpart, except that for the rubber processing affected source, you must conduct performance tests according to table 17 instead of table 5.
(c) Before January 21, 2021, you may not conduct performance tests during periods startup, shutdown, or malfunction, as specified in § 63.7(e)(1). After January 20, 2021, performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator specifies to the owner or operator based on representative performance of the affected source for the period being tested. Representative conditions exclude periods of startup and shutdown unless specified by the Administrator or an applicable subpart. The owner or operator may not conduct performance tests during periods of malfunction. The owner or operator must record the process information that is necessary to document operating conditions during the test and include in such record an explanation to support that such conditions represent the entire range of normal operation, including operational conditions for maximum emissions if such emissions are not expected during maximum production. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance tests.
(d) Before January 21, 2021, you must conduct three separate test runs for each performance test required in this section, as specified in § 63.7(e)(1) unless otherwise specified in the test method. Each test run must last at least 1 hour. After January 20, 2021, you must conduct three separate test runs for each performance test required in this section, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, unless otherwise specified in the test method. Each test run must last at least 1 hour.
(e) If you are complying with the emission limitations using a control system, you must also conduct performance tests according to the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this section as they apply to you. The provisions of paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(3) of this section do not apply to the rubber processing subcategory.
(1) Determining capture efficiency of permanent or temporary total enclosure. Determine the capture efficiency of a capture system by using one of the procedures in Table 5 to this subpart.
(2) Determining capture efficiency of an alternative method. As an alternative to constructing a permanent or temporary total enclosure, you may determine the capture efficiency using any capture efficiency protocol and test methods if the data satisfy the criteria of either the Data Quality Objective or the Lower Confidence Limit approach in appendix A to subpart KK of this part.
(3) Determining efficiency of an add-on control device. Use Table 5 to this subpart to select the test methods for determining the efficiency of an add-on control device.
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Tire Production Affected Sources
§ 63.5994 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for tire production affected sources?
(a) Methods to determine the mass percent of HAP in cements and solvents. To determine the HAP content in the cements and solvents used at your tire production affected source, use EPA Method 311 of appendix A of this part, an approved alternative method, or any other reasonable means for determining the HAP content of your cements and solvents. Other reasonable means include, but are not limited to: a material safety data sheet (MSDS), provided it contains appropriate information; a certified product data sheet (CPDS); or a manufacturer's hazardous air pollutant data sheet. You are not required to test the materials that you use, but the Administrator may require a test using EPA Method 311 (or an approved alternative method) to confirm the reported HAP content. If the results of an analysis by EPA Method 311 are different from the HAP content determined by another means, the EPA Method 311 results will govern compliance determinations.
(b) Methods to demonstrate compliance with the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart (option 1). Use the method in paragraph (b)(1) of this section to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the applicable emission limits for tire production affected sources using the compliance alternative described in § 63.5985(a), purchase alternative. Use the equations in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources using the monthly average compliance alternatives described in § 63.5985(b) and (c).
(1) Determine the mass percent of each HAP in each cement and solvent according to the procedures in paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Use Equation 1 of this section to calculate the HAP emission rate for each monthly operating period when complying by using cements and solvents without using an add-on control device so that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1. Equation 1 follows:
Where:(3) Use Equation 2 of this section to calculate the HAP emission rate for each monthly period when complying by using a control device to reduce HAP emissions so that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart (option 1). Equation 2 follows:
Where:(4) Each monthly calculation is a compliance demonstration for the purpose of this subpart.
(c) Methods to demonstrate compliance with the production-based emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2. Use the methods and equations in paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the production-based emission limits for tire production affected sources using the compliance alternatives described in § 63.5985(b) and (c).
(1) Methods to determine the mass percent of each HAP in cements and solvents. Determine the mass percent of all HAP in cements and solvents using the applicable methods specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Quantity of rubber used. Determine your quantity of rubber used (megagrams) by accounting for the total mass of mixed rubber compound that is delivered to the tire production operation.
(3) Compliance without use of an add-on control device. If you do not use an add-on control device to meet the emission limits, use Equation 3 of this section to calculate the monthly HAP emission rate in grams of HAP emitted per megagram of rubber used, using the quantity of rubber used per month (megagrams), as determined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section so that the monthly average HAP emission does not exceed the HAP emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2. Equation 3 follows:
Where:(4) Compliance with use of an add-on control device. If you use a control device to meet the emission limits, use Equation 4 of this section to calculate the monthly HAP emission rate in grams of HAP emitted per megagram of rubber used, using the quantity of rubber used per month (megagrams), as determined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section so that the monthly average HAP emission does not exceed the HAP emission limit in Table 1 of this subpart, option 2. Equation 4 follows:
Where:(5) Each monthly calculation is a compliance demonstration for the purpose of this subpart.
(d) Specific compliance demonstration requirements for tire production affected sources. (1) Conduct any required compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.5993.
(2) If you are demonstrating compliance with the HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, conduct the compliance demonstration using cements and solvents that are representative of cements and solvents typically used at your tire production affected source.
(3) Establish an operating range that corresponds to the control efficiency as described in Table 5 to this subpart.
(e) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions from add-on control devices. If you want to take credit in Equations 2 and 4 of this section for HAP emissions reduced using a control system, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Monitor the established operating parameters as appropriate.
(i) If you use a thermal oxidizer, monitor the firebox secondary chamber temperature.
(ii) If you use a carbon adsorber, monitor the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle.
(iii) If you use a control device other than a thermal oxidizer or a regenerative carbon adsorber, install and operate a continuous parameter monitoring system according to your site-specific performance test plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i).
(iv) If you use a permanent total enclosure, monitor the face velocity across the natural draft openings (NDO) in the enclosure. Also, if you use an enclosure, monitor to ensure that the sizes of the NDO have not changed, that there are no new NDO, and that a HAP emission source has not been moved closer to an NDO since the last compliance demonstration was conducted.
(v) If you use other capture systems, monitor the parameters identified in your monitoring plan.
(2) Maintain the operating parameters within the operating range established during the compliance demonstration.
(f) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions when streams are combined. When performing material balances to demonstrate compliance, if the storage of materials, exhaust, or the wastewater from more than one affected source are combined at the point where control systems are applied, any credit for emissions reductions needs to be prorated among the affected sources based on the ratio of their contribution to the uncontrolled emissions.
§ 63.5995 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
(a) For each operating parameter that you are required by § 63.5994(e)(1) to monitor, you must install, operate, and maintain a continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) according to the requirements in § 63.5990(e) and (f) and in paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this section.
(1) You must operate your CPMS at all times that the process is operating.
(2) You must collect data from at least four equally spaced periods each hour.
(3) For at least 75 percent of the hours in an operating day, you must have valid data (as defined in your site-specific monitoring plan) for at least four equally spaced periods each hour.
(4) For each hour that you have valid data from at least four equally spaced periods, you must calculate the hourly average value using all valid data.
(5) You must calculate the daily average using all of the hourly averages calculated according to paragraph (a)(3) of this section for the 24-hour period.
(6) You must record the results for each inspection, calibration, and validation check as specified in your site-specific monitoring plan.
(b) For each temperature monitoring device, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b)(1) through (8) of this section.
(1) Locate the temperature sensor in a position that provides a representative temperature.
(2) For a non-cryogenic temperature range, use a temperature sensor with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 2.2 degrees centigrade or 0.75 percent of the temperature value, whichever is larger.
(3) For a cryogenic temperature range, use a temperature sensor with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 2.2 degrees centigrade or 2 percent of the temperature value, whichever is larger.
(4) Shield the temperature sensor system from electromagnetic interference and chemical contaminants.
(5) If a chart recorder is used, it must have a sensitivity in the minor division of at least 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
(6) Perform an electronic calibration at least semiannually according to the procedures in the manufacturer's owners manual. Following the electronic calibration, you must conduct a temperature sensor validation check in which a second or redundant temperature sensor placed near the process temperature sensor must yield a reading within 16.7 degrees centigrade of the process temperature sensor's reading.
(7) Conduct calibration and validation checks any time the sensor exceeds the manufacturer's specified maximum operating temperature range or install a new temperature sensor.
(8) At least monthly, inspect all components for integrity and all electrical connections for continuity, oxidation, and galvanic corrosion.
(c) For each integrating regeneration stream flow monitoring device associated with a carbon adsorber, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (c)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Use a device that has an accuracy of ±10 percent or better.
(2) Use a device that is capable of recording the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle.
(d) For any other control device, or for other capture systems, ensure that the CPMS is operated according to a monitoring plan submitted to the Administrator with the Notification of Compliance Status report required by § 63.9(h). The monitoring plan must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section. Conduct monitoring in accordance with the plan submitted to the Administrator unless comments received from the Administrator require an alternate monitoring scheme.
(e) For each pressure differential monitoring device, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (e)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Conduct a quarterly EPA Method 2 procedure (found in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A) on the applicable NDOs and use the results to calibrate the pressure monitor if the difference in results are greater than 10 percent.
(2) Inspect the NDO monthly to ensure that their size has not changed, that there are no new NDO, and that no HAP sources have been moved closer to the NDO than when the last performance test was conducted.
§ 63.5996 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limit that applies to you according to Table 6 to this subpart.
(b) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.6016(e).
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
§ 63.5997 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for tire cord production affected sources?
(a) Methods to determine the mass percent of each HAP in coatings. (1) To determine the HAP content in the coating used at your tire cord production affected source, use EPA Method 311 of appendix A of this part, an approved alternative method, or any other reasonable means for determining the HAP content of your coatings. Other reasonable means include, but are not limited to: an MSDS, provided it contains appropriate information; a CPDS; or a manufacturer's HAP data sheet. You are not required to test the materials that you use, but the Administrator may require a test using EPA Method 311 (or an approved alternative method) to confirm the reported HAP content. If the results of an analysis by EPA Method 311 are different from the HAP content determined by another means, the EPA Method 311 results will govern compliance determinations.
(2) Unless you demonstrate otherwise, the HAP content analysis must be based on coatings prior to any cross-linking reactions, i.e., curing. However, you may account for differences in HAP emissions resulting from chemical reactions based on the conversion rates of the individual coating formulations, chemistry demonstrations, or other demonstrations that are verifiable to the approving agency. Use the revised value in your compliance demonstration in the relevant equations in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Methods to determine compliance with the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1. Use the equations in this paragraph (b) to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production sources using the compliance alternatives described in § 63.5987(a) and (b).
(1) Determine mass percent of HAP. Determine the mass percent of all HAP in each coating according to the procedures in paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Compliance without use of an add-on control device. If you do not use an add-on control device to meet the emission limits, use Equation 1 of this section to calculate the monthly HAP emission rate in grams of HAP emitted per megagram of fabric processed at the tire cord production source to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1. Equation 1 follows:
Where:(3) Compliance with use of an add-on control device. If you use a control device to meet the emission limits, use Equation 2 of this section to calculate the monthly HAP emission rate in grams of HAP emitted per megagram of fabric processed to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the HAP emission limit in Table 2 of this subpart, option 1. Equation 2 follows:
Where:(4) Each monthly calculation is a compliance demonstration for the purpose of this subpart.
(c) Methods to determine compliance with the emission limits in table 2 of this subpart, option 2. Use the equations in this paragraph (c) to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production sources using the compliance alternatives described in § 63.5987(a) and (b).
(1) Determine the mass percent of each HAP in each coating according to the procedures in paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Use Equation 3 of this section to calculate the monthly average HAP emission rate when complying by using coatings without using an add-on control device to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2. Equation 3 follows:
Where:(3) Use Equation 4 of this section to calculate the monthly average HAP emission rate when complying by using an add-on control device to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in table 2 to this subpart, option 2. Equation 4 follows:
Where:(4) Each monthly calculation is a compliance demonstration for the purpose of this subpart.
(d) Specific compliance demonstration requirements for tire cord production affected sources. (1) Conduct any required compliance demonstrations according to the requirements in § 63.5993.
(2) Conduct the compliance demonstration using coatings with average mass percent HAP content that are representative of the coatings typically used at your tire cord production affected source.
(3) Establish an operating range that corresponds to the control efficiency as described in Table 5 to this subpart.
(e) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions from add-on control devices. If you want to take credit in Equations 2 and 4 of this section for HAP emissions reduced using a control system, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Monitor the established operating parameters as appropriate.
(i) If you use a thermal oxidizer, continuously monitor the firebox secondary chamber temperature.
(ii) If you use a carbon adsorber, monitor the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle.
(iii) If you use a control device other than a thermal oxidizer or a regenerative carbon adsorber, install and operate a continuous parameter monitoring system according to your site-specific performance test plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i).
(iv) If you use a permanent total enclosure, monitor the face velocity across the NDO in the enclosure. Also, if you use an enclosure, monitor to ensure that the sizes of the NDO have not changed, that there are no new NDO, and that a HAP emission source has not been moved closer to an NDO since the last performance test was conducted.
(v) If you use other capture systems, monitor the parameters identified in your monitoring plan.
(2) Maintain the operating parameter within the operating range established during the compliance demonstration.
(f) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions when streams are combined. When performing material balances to demonstrate compliance, if the storage of materials, exhaust, or the wastewater from more than one affected source are combined at the point where control systems are applied, any credit for emissions reductions needs to be prorated among the affected sources based on the ratio of their contribution to the uncontrolled emissions.
§ 63.5998 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
For each operating parameter that you are required by § 63.5997(e)(1) to monitor, you must install, operate, and maintain a continuous parameter monitoring system according to the provisions in § 63.5995(a) through (e).
§ 63.5999 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limit that applies to you according to Table 7 to this subpart.
(b) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.6016(e).
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
§ 63.6000 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for puncture sealant application affected sources?
(a) Methods to determine compliance with the puncture sealant application emission limitations in Table 3 to this subpart. Use the methods and equations in paragraph (b) of this section to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the overall control efficiency compliance alternatives described in § 63.5989(a) and (b). Use the methods and equations in paragraphs (c) through (g) of this section to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the HAP constituent compliance alternative described in § 63.5989(c) and (d).
(b) Methods to determine compliance with the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1. Follow the test procedures described in § 63.5993 to determine the overall control efficiency of your system.
(1) You must also meet the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(i) Conduct the performance test using a puncture sealant with an average mass percent HAP content that is representative of the puncture sealants typically used at your puncture sealant application affected source.
(ii) Establish all applicable operating limit ranges that correspond to the control system efficiency as described in Table 5 to this subpart.
(2) Use Equation 1 of this section to calculate the overall efficiency of the control system. If you have a permanent total enclosure that satisfies EPA Method 204 (found in 40 CFR part 51, appendix M) criteria, assume 100 percent capture efficiency for variable F. Equation 1 follows:
Where:(3) Monitor the established operating limits as appropriate.
(i) If you use a thermal oxidizer, monitor the firebox secondary chamber temperature.
(ii) If you use a carbon adsorber, monitor the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle.
(iii) For each control device used other than a thermal oxidizer or a regenerative carbon adsorber, install and operate a continuous parameter monitoring system according to your site-specific performance test plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i).
(iv) If you use a permanent total enclosure, monitor the face velocity across the NDO in the enclosure. Also, if you use an enclosure, monitor to ensure that the sizes of the NDO have not changed, that there are no new NDO, and that a HAP emission source has not been moved closer to an NDO since the last performance test was conducted.
(v) If you use other capture systems, monitor the parameters identified in your monitoring plan.
(vi) Maintain the operating parameter within the operating range established during the performance test.
(c) Methods to determine the mass percent of each HAP in puncture sealants. To determine the HAP content in the puncture sealant used at your puncture sealant application affected source, use EPA Method 311 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 63, an approved alternative method, or any other reasonable means for determining the HAP content of your puncture sealants. Other reasonable means include, but are not limited to: an MSDS, provided it contains appropriate information; a CPDS; or a manufacturer's hazardous air pollutant data sheet. You are not required to test the materials that you use, but the Administrator may require a test using EPA Method 311 (or an approved alternative method) to confirm the reported HAP content. If the results of an analysis by EPA Method 311 are different from the HAP content determined by another means, the EPA Method 311 results will govern compliance determinations.
(d) Methods to determine compliance with the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2. Use the equations in this paragraph (d) to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the HAP constituent emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources using the compliance alternatives described in § 63.5989(c) and (d).
(1) Use Equation 2 of this section to calculate the monthly average HAP emission rate when complying by using puncture sealants without using an add-on control device to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2. Equation 2 follows:
Where:(2) Use Equation 3 of this section to calculate the monthly average HAP emission rate when complying by using puncture sealants by using an add-on control device to show that the monthly average HAP emissions do not exceed the emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2. Equation 3 follows:
Where:(3) Each monthly calculation is a compliance demonstration for the purpose of this subpart.
(e) Specific compliance demonstration requirements for puncture sealant application affected sources. (1) Conduct any required compliance demonstrations according to the requirements in § 63.5993.
(2) Conduct the compliance demonstration using a puncture sealant with average mass percent HAP content that is representative of the puncture sealants typically used at your puncture sealant application affected source.
(3) Establish an operating range that corresponds to the appropriate control efficiency described in Table 5 to this subpart.
(f) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions from add-on control devices. If you want to take credit in Equation 3 of this section for HAP emissions reduced using a control system, you must monitor the established operating parameters as appropriate and meet the requirements in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(g) How to take credit for HAP emissions reductions when streams are combined. When performing material balances to demonstrate compliance, if the storage of materials, exhaust, or the wastewater from more than one affected source are combined at the point where control systems are applied, any credit for emissions reductions needs to be prorated among the affected sources based on the ratio of their contribution to the uncontrolled emissions.
§ 63.6001 - What are my monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
For each operating limit that you are required by § 63.6000(b)(3) to monitor or each operating parameter that you are required by § 63.6000(f) to monitor, you must install, operate, and maintain a continuous parameter monitoring system according to the provisions in § 63.5995(a) through (e).
§ 63.6002 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limit that applies to you according to Table 8 to this subpart.
(b) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.6016(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Tire Production Affected Sources
§ 63.6003 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources?
(a) You must monitor and collect data as specified in Table 9 to this subpart.
(b) Except for periods of monitoring malfunctions, associated repairs, and required quality assurance or control activities (including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments), you must monitor continuously (or collect data at all required intervals) while the affected source is operating. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction when the affected source is operating.
(c) In data average calculations and calculations used to report emission or operating levels, you may not use data recorded during periods of monitoring malfunctions or associated repairs, or recorded during required quality assurance or control activities. Such data may not be used in fulfilling any applicable minimum data availability requirement. You must use all the data collected during all other periods in assessing the operation of the control device and associated control system.
§ 63.6004 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable limit in Table 1 to this subpart using the methods specified in Table 10 to this subpart.
(b) You must report each instance in which you did not meet an emission limit in table 1 to this subpart. You must also report each instance in which you did not meet the applicable requirements in table 10 to this subpart. These instances are deviations from the emission limits in this subpart. The deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6017(e).
(c) You also must meet the following requirements if you are complying with the purchase alternative for tire production sources described in § 63.5985(a):
(1) If, after you submit the Notification of Compliance Status, you use a cement or solvent for which you have not previously verified percent HAP mass using the methods in § 63.5994(a), you must verify that each cement and solvent used in the affected source meets the emission limit, using any of the methods in § 63.5994(a).
(2) You must update the list of all the cements and solvents used at the affected source.
(3) With the compliance report for the reporting period during which you used the new cement or solvent, you must submit the updated list of all cements and solvents and a statement certifying that, as purchased, each cement and solvent used at the affected source during the reporting period met the emission limits in table 1 to this subpart.
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
§ 63.6005 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources?
(a) You must monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources as specified in table 11 to this subpart.
(b) You must monitor and collect data according to the requirements in § 63.6003(b) and (c).
§ 63.6006 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart using the methods specified in table 12 to this subpart.
(b) You must report each instance in which you did not meet an applicable emission limit in table 2 to this subpart. You must also report each instance in which you did not meet the applicable requirements in table 12 to this subpart. These instances are deviations from the emission limits in this subpart. The deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6017(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
§ 63.6007 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources?
(a) You must monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources as specified in table 13 to this subpart.
(b) You must monitor and collect data according to the requirements in § 63.6003(b) and (c).
§ 63.6008 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable emission limitation in tables 3 and 4 to this subpart using the methods specified in Table 14 to this subpart.
(b) You must report each instance in which you did not meet an applicable emission limit in table 3 to this subpart. You must also report each instance in which you did not meet the applicable requirements in table 14 to this subpart. These instances are deviations from the emission limits in this subpart. The deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6017(e).
Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
§ 63.6009 - What emission limits must I meet for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must meet the emission limit for total hydrocarbons (THC) and either total metal HAP or the alternative emission limit for filterable particulate matter (fPM) in table 15 to this subpart that applies to you. You may choose to comply with each emission limit for each rubber processing mixer separately or for a group of rubber processing mixers routed to the same control device or stack, or with an alternative for all mixers combined based on a facility-wide average.
(b) You must also meet each operating limit in table 16 to this subpart that applies to you.
§ 63.6010 - What are my alternatives for meeting the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must comply with the applicable emission limit for THC in table 15 of this subpart for each rubber processing mixer or a group of rubber processing mixers routed to the same control device, or you must demonstrate compliance by averaging among all mixers and comply with the limit as a facility-wide emission limit.
(b) You must demonstrate compliance with either the emission limit for fPM or the alternative emission limit for total metal HAP in table 15 of this subpart; if you demonstrate compliance with the alternative fPM emission limit, you do not have to demonstrate compliance with the emission limit for metal HAP. You must comply with the applicable emission limit for fPM or metal HAP in table 15 of this subpart for each rubber processing mixer or group of rubber processing mixers routed to the same control device, or you must demonstrate compliance by averaging among all mixers and comply with the limit as a facility-wide emission limit.
(c) For each rubber processing mixer, you must show that the control device and capture system meet the operating limits in table 16 to this subpart.
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
§ 63.6011 - How do I conduct tests and procedures for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) Conduct any required compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.5993 (b), (c), and (d).
(b) You must use the methods in table 17 of this subpart and according to paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section to measure emissions and stack gas flow rates and characteristics to determine THC and fPM or metal HAP mass emission rates in grams per day.
(1) You must operate a THC CEMS in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6012 and Performance Specification 8A in appendix B to 40 CFR part 60. For the purposes of conducting the accuracy and quality assurance evaluations for CEMS, the reference method (RM) is Method 25A of appendix A-7 to 40 CFR part 60. Owners or operators are responsible for ensuring their instruments provide appropriate data continuously. If a THC monitor will be used for an emission stream that could have a wide variability in THC concentrations because of mixing both high-emitting and low-emitting compounds at different times, then a dual-span monitor should be considered for use. If the THC monitor is used for emissions that are relatively constant, then a dual-span monitor may not be needed, but it remains the responsibility of source owners or operators to make that determination. Owners and operators cannot discard from the compliance determination THC concentration data that exceed the calibration range of the monitor.
(2) Use the THC CEMS to conduct the initial compliance test for the first 15 mixer operating days after the applicable compliance date for each mixer. All THC values must be used as they are recorded by the THC CEMS, except that negative values equal to or greater than to −5 should be treated as zeros, and values less than (i.e., more negative than) −5 cannot be used as valid compliance data in the calculations.
(3) To convert the THC concentration measurements to mass emission rates, you must measure the volumetric flow rate in the same duct or stack in which the THC concentration is monitored no less frequently than once every 5 years. You may use the same flow rate measurements that are completed for demonstrating compliance with the emission limits for fPM or total metal HAP according to table 17 of this subpart. If you change operations in a way that would likely result in a change to volumetric flow rate, you must conduct an additional measurement of the new volumetric flow rate.
(c) You must monitor mixed rubber compound processed in each mixer in Mg per day during the testing for THC. During the testing for fPM or total metal HAP, you must monitor the mixed rubber compound processed in each mixer in Mg for the same periods that fPM or total metal HAP testing runs are performed, excluding the mass of rubber processed during the time between fPM or metal HAP sampling runs.
(d) You must use the methods in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section to calculate the THC emission rate for the 15-day initial compliance period to demonstrate initial compliance. You must use the average THC emission rate obtained during the first 15 mixer operating days after the applicable compliance date to determine initial compliance for each mixer, group of mixers routed to the same control device or stack, or all mixers combined if complying with the facility-wide average alternative.
(1) Use Equation 1 to paragraph (d)(1) of this section to calculate the 15-day average THC emission rate in grams THC per megagram of mixed rubber compound processed. This emission rate is calculated for each rubber mixer separately, group of mixers routed to the same control device or stack, or for all rubber mixers combined if complying with the facility-wide average alternative.
Equation 1 to Paragraph (d)(1)
(2) Use Equation 2 to paragraph (d)(2) of this section to calculate the THC emission rate in grams per day THC as propane for each day i in the 15-day initial compliance period for rubber processing for each rubber mixer emission stack.
Equation 2 to Paragraph (d)(2)
(e) You must use Equation 3 to this paragraph to calculate the fPM emission rate in grams per megagram of mixed rubber compound processed or use Equation 4 to of this paragraph to calculate the metal HAP emission rate in grams per megagram of mixed rubber compound processed to demonstrate initial compliance. The rubber mass processed at each mixer must be recorded for the exact same period of time as the fPM or metal HAP emissions are measured at each mixer. If you are demonstrating compliance with the facility-wide emission average alternative, the relevant measurement of fPM or metal HAP, as appropriate, at each mixer does not need to be done simultaneously for all mixers, but all tests of mixers to be averaged must be done within the same 3-month period.
Equations 3 and 4 to Paragraph (e)
§ 63.6012 - What are my rubber processing monitoring installation, operation, and maintenance requirements?
(a) You must install and operate a THC continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) according to § 63.8 (b) and (c) and comply with the monitoring requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section. Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e).
(1) On each stack used to exhaust emissions from a rubber processing mixer to the atmosphere, you must install, operate, and maintain a THC CEMS in accordance with Performance Specification 8A of appendix B to 40 CFR part 60 and comply with all of the requirements for CEMS found in the general provisions, subpart A of this part. The THC CEMS must be installed downstream of any organic vapor control device (such as a thermal oxidizer), if present. A single THC CEMS may be used to monitor the combined emissions from multiple rubber mixers.
(2) You must operate and maintain each CEMS according to the quality assurance requirements in Procedure 1 of appendix F to 40 CFR part 60. Where a dual range analyzer is used, the daily calibration drift check must be performed for each operating range. For THC CEMS certified under Performance Specification 8A of appendix B to 40 CFR part 60, conduct the relative accuracy test audits required under Procedure 1 in accordance with Performance Specification 8, sections 8 and 11 using Method 25A in appendix A-7 to 40 CFR part 60 as the reference method; the relative accuracy must meet the criteria of Performance Specification 8, section 13.2.
(b) Parameter monitoring requirements. If you have an operating limit that requires the use of a continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS), you must install, operate, and maintain each CPMS according to the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section by the applicable compliance date specified in § 63.5983. Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e).
(1) The CPMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for each successive 15-minute period. You must have a minimum of four successive cycles of operation to have a valid hour of data.
(2) You must conduct all monitoring in continuous operation at all times that the mixer is operating.
(3) Determine the 1-hour block average of all recorded readings.
(4) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and validation check.
(c) For each bag leak detection system (BLDS), you must meet any applicable requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) through (10) of this section. Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e).
(1) The BLDS must be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting fPM emissions at concentrations of 1.0 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter or less.
(2) The sensor on the BLDS must provide output of relative fPM emissions.
(3) The BLDS must be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
(4) The BLDS must have an alarm that will sound automatically when it detects an increase in relative fPM emissions greater than a preset level.
(5) The alarm must be located in an area where appropriate plant personnel will be able to hear it.
(6) For a positive-pressure fabric filter baghouse, each compartment or cell must have a bag leak detector (BLD). For a negative-pressure or induced-air fabric filter baghouse, the BLD must be installed downstream of the fabric filter. If multiple BLD are required (for either type of fabric filter baghouse), the detectors may share the system instrumentation and alarm.
(7) Each triboelectric BLDS must be installed, calibrated, operated, and maintained according to EPA-454/R-98-015, Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14). Other types of bag leak detection systems must be installed, operated, calibrated, and maintained according to the manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations. Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e).
(8) At a minimum, initial adjustment of the system must consist of establishing the baseline output in both of the following ways in paragraphs (c)(8)(i) and (ii), according to section 5.0 of the EPA-454/R-98-015, Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14):
(i) Adjust the range and the averaging period of the device.
(ii) Establish the alarm set points and the alarm delay time.
(9) After initial adjustment, the sensitivity or range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time may not be adjusted except as specified in the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e). In no event may the range be increased by more than 100 percent or decreased by more than 50 percent over a 365-day period, unless such adjustment follows a complete fabric filter inspection that demonstrates that the fabric filter is in good operating condition, as defined in section 5.2 of the EPA-454/R-98-015, Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14). You must record each adjustment.
(10) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and validation check.
(d) For each emission unit equipped with an add-on air pollution control device, you must inspect each capture/collection and closed vent system at least once each calendar year to ensure that each system vents captured emissions through a closed system, except that dilution air may be added to emission streams for the purpose of controlling temperature at the inlet to a fabric filter. You must record the results of each inspection.
§ 63.6013 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission limit that applies to you according to table 17 to this subpart.
(b) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.6016(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
§ 63.6014 - How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources as specified in table 18 to this subpart.
(b) You must monitor and collect data according to the requirements in § 63.6012.
§ 63.6015 - How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limits for rubber processing affected sources?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable emission limit in table 15 and each operating limit in table 16 to this subpart using the methods specified in table 18 to this subpart.
(b) You must report each instance in which you did not meet an applicable emission limit in table 15 or operating limit in table 16 to this subpart. You must also report each instance in which you did not meet the applicable requirements in table 18 to this subpart. These instances are deviations from the emission limitations in this subpart. The deviations must be reported in accordance with the requirements in § 63.6017(e).
Notifications, Reports, and Records
§ 63.6016 -
(a) You must submit all of the notifications in §§ 63.7 (b) and (c), 63.8(f) (4) and (6), and 63.9 (b) through (e) and (h) that apply to you by the dates specified.
(b) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you startup your affected source before July 9, 2002, you must submit an Initial Notification not later than November 6, 2002, or no later than 120 days after the source becomes subject to this subpart, whichever is later.
(c) As specified in § 63.9(b)(3), if you startup your new or reconstructed affected source on or after July 9, 2002, you must submit an Initial Notification not later than 120 calendar days after you become subject to this subpart.
(d) If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must submit a notification of intent to conduct a performance test at least 60 calendar days before the performance test is scheduled to begin as required in § 63.7(b)(1).
(e) If you are required to conduct a performance test, design evaluation, or other initial compliance demonstration as specified in tables 5 through 8 and table 17 to this subpart, you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status according to § 63.9(h)(2)(ii). The Notification must contain the information listed in table 20 to this subpart for compliance reports. The Notification of Compliance Status must be submitted according to the following schedules, as appropriate:
(1) For each initial compliance demonstration required in tables 6 through 8 and table 17 to this subpart that does not include a performance test, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status before the close of business on the 30th calendar day following the completion of the initial compliance demonstration.
(2) Before January 21, 2021, for each initial compliance demonstration required in tables 6 through 8 and table 17 to this subpart that includes a performance test conducted according to the requirements in table 5 to this subpart, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status, including the performance test results, before the close of business on the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test according to § 63.10(d)(2). After January 20, 2021, for each initial compliance demonstration required in tables 6 through 8 to this subpart that includes a performance test conducted according to the requirements in table 5 to this subpart, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status, including the performance test results, before the close of business on the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test according to §§ 63.10(d)(2) and 63.6017(h)(1) through (3).
(f) For each tire production affected source, the Notification of Compliance Status must also identify the emission limit option in § 63.5984 and the compliance alternative in § 63.5985 that you have chosen to meet.
(g) For each tire production affected source complying with the purchase compliance alternative in § 63.5985(a), the Notification of Compliance Status must also include the information listed in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) A list of each cement and solvent, as purchased, that is used at the affected source and the manufacturer or supplier of each.
(2) The individual HAP content (percent by mass) of each cement and solvent that is used.
(h) For each tire production or tire cord production affected source using a control device, the Notification of Compliance Status must also include the information in paragraphs (h) (1) and (2) of this section for each operating parameter in §§ 63.5994(e)(1) and 63.5997(e)(1) that applies to you.
(1) The operating parameter value averaged over the full period of the performance test (e.g., average secondary chamber firebox temperature over the period of the performance test was 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit).
(2) The operating parameter range within which HAP emissions are reduced to the level corresponding to meeting the applicable emission limits in tables 1 and 2 to this subpart.
(i) For each puncture sealant application affected source using a control device, the Notification of Compliance Status must include the information in paragraphs (i)(1) and (2) of this section for each operating limit in § 63.6000(b)(3) and each operating parameter in § 63.6000(f).
(1) The operating limit or operating parameter value averaged over the full period of the performance test.
(2) The operating limit or operating parameter range within which HAP emissions are reduced to the levels corresponding to meeting the applicable emission limitations in table 3 to this subpart.
(j) For each tire cord production affected source required to assess the predominant use for coating web substrates as required by § 63.5981(b), you must submit a notice of the results of the reassessment within 30 days of completing the reassessment. The notice shall specify whether this subpart XXXX is still the applicable subpart and, if it is not, which part 63 subpart is applicable.
(k) You must submit to the Administrator notification reports of the following recorded information. Beginning on January 21, 2021, or once the reporting form has been available on the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) website for 1-year, whichever date is later, you must submit all subsequent notification of compliance status reports required in §§ 63.9(h) and paragraphs (d) through (i) of this section to the EPA via the CEDRI. The CEDRI interface can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) ( You must use the appropriate electronic report form (i.e., template) on the CEDRI website ( for this subpart. The date on which the report form becomes available will be listed on the CEDRI website. If the reporting form for the notification of compliance status report specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, you must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate addresses listed in § 63.13. Once the form has been available in CEDRI for 1 year, you must begin submitting all subsequent notification of compliance status reports via CEDRI. The applicable notification must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted. The EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Do not use CEDRI to submit information you claim as confidential business information (CBI). Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI, if you claim that some of the information required to be submitted via CEDRI is CBI, submit a complete report, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA. The report must be generated using the appropriate electronic reporting form found on the CEDRI website. Submit the file on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage medium and clearly mark the medium as CBI. Mail the electronic medium to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same file with the CBI omitted shall be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX CEDRI as described earlier in this paragraph. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment and requires EPA to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available. Where applicable, you may assert a claim of the EPA system outage, in accordance with § 63.6017(i), or force majeure, in accordance with § 63.6017(j), for failure to timely comply with this requirement.
§ 63.6017 - What reports must I submit and when?
(a) You must submit each applicable report in table 20 to this subpart.
(b) Unless the Administrator has approved a different schedule for submission of reports under § 63.10(a), you must submit each report by the date in table 20 to this subpart and according to the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) The first compliance report must cover the period beginning on the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in § 63.5983 and ending on June 30 or December 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified for your source in § 63.5983.
(2) Before January 21, 2021, the first semiannual compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date follows the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in § 63.5983. After January 20, 2021, the first semiannual compliance report must be submitted electronically via CEDRI no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date follows the end of the first calendar half after the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in § 63.5983.
(3) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual reporting period from July 1 through December 31.
(4) Before January 21, 2021, each subsequent semiannual compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the semiannual reporting period. After January 20, 2021, each subsequent semiannual compliance report must be submitted electronically via CEDRI no later than July 31 or January 31, whichever date is the first date following the end of the semiannual reporting period.
(5) For each affected source that is subject to permitting subparts pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, and if the permitting authority has established dates for submitting semiannual reports pursuant to 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance reports according to the dates the permitting authority has established instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section.
(c) The compliance report must contain information specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (11) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report.
(3) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
(4) Before January 21, 2021, if you had a startup, shutdown and malfunction during the reporting period and you took actions consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, the compliance report must include the information in § 63.10(d)(5)(i). After January 20, 2021, a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan is not required.
(5) If there are no deviations from any emission limitations (emission limit or operating limit) that applies to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limitations during the reporting period.
(6) If there were no periods during which the operating parameter monitoring systems were out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no periods during which the operating parameter monitoring systems or CPMS were out-of-control during the reporting period.
(7) Before January 21, 2021, for each tire production affected source, the emission limit option in § 63.5984 and the compliance alternative in § 63.5985 that you have chosen to meet. After January 20, 2021, for each tire production affected source, the emission limit option in § 63.5984 and the compliance alternative in § 63.5985 that you have chosen to meet. If you have chosen the same emission limit option and compliance alternative for every tire production affected source at your facility, then you may report the emission limit option and compliance alternative for the facility rather than for each tire production affected source.
(8) For each tire production affected source complying with the purchase compliance alternative in § 63.5985(a), and for each annual reporting period during which you use a cement and solvent that, as purchased, was not included in the list submitted with the Notification of Compliance Status in § 63.6009(g), an updated list of all cements and solvents used, as purchased, at the affected source. You must also include a statement certifying that each cement and solvent, as purchased, that was used at the affected source during the reporting period met the HAP constituent limits (option 1) in table 1 to this subpart.
(9) For each tire cord production affected source, the emission limit option in § 63.5986 and the compliance alternative in § 63.5987 that you have chosen to meet.
(10) For each puncture sealant application affected source, the emission limit option in § 63.5988 and the compliance alternative in § 63.5989 that you have chosen to meet.
(11) For each rubber processing affected source, whether you are complying with the particulate matter or total metal HAP emission limit alternative in table 15 to this subpart.
(d) Before January 21, 2021, for each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit or operating limit) that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a CPMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart, the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) and paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction when the affected source is operating. After January 20, 2021, for each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit or operating limit) that occurs at an affected source where you are not using a CPMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart, the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction of process, air pollution control, and monitoring equipment when the affected source is operating.
(1) Before January 20, 2021 the total operating time of each affected source during the reporting period. After January 20, 2021, in the event that an affected unit fails to meet an applicable standard, record the number of failures. For each failure record the date, time and duration of each failure.
(2) Before January 20, 2021, information on the number, duration, and cause of deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable) and the corrective action taken. After January 20, 2021, for each failure to meet an applicable standard, record and retain a list of the cause of deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable), affected sources or equipment, whether the failure occurred during startup, shutdown, or malfunction, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.
(3) After January 20, 2021, record actions taken to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.5990, and any corrective actions taken to return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation.
(e) Each affected source that has obtained a title V operating permit pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71 must report all deviations as defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If an affected source submits a compliance report (pursuant to Table 10 to this subpart along with, or as part of, the semiannual monitoring report required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) which includes all required information concerning deviations from any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice requirement in this subpart, submission of the compliance report shall be deemed to satisfy any obligation to report the same deviations in the semiannual monitoring report. However, submission of a compliance report shall not otherwise affect any obligation the affected source may have to report deviations from permit requirements to the permit authority.
(f) Upon notification to the Administrator that a tire production affected source has eliminated or reformulated cement and solvent so that the source can demonstrate compliance using the purchase alternative in § 63.5985(a), future compliance reports for this affected source may be submitted annually.
(g) Before July 24, 2021, or once the reporting form has been available on the CEDRI website for 1-year, whichever date is later, if acceptable to both the Administrator and you, you may submit reports and notifications electronically. Beginning on July 24, 2021, or once the reporting form has been available on the CEDRI website for 1-year, whichever date is later, you must submit compliance reports required in paragraphs (c)(1) through (11) of this section, as applicable, to the EPA via the CEDRI. The CEDRI interface can be accessed through the EPA's CDX ( You must use the appropriate electronic report form on the CEDRI website ( for this subpart. The date on which the report form becomes available will be listed on the CEDRI website. If the reporting form for the compliance report specific to this subpart is not available in CEDRI at the time that the report is due, you must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate addresses listed in § 63.13. Once the form has been available in CEDRI for 1-year, you must begin submitting all subsequent reports via CEDRI. The reports must be submitted by the deadlines specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the reports are submitted. The EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Do not use CEDRI to submit information you claim as CBI. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI, if you claim that some of the information required to be submitted via CEDRI is CBI, submit a complete report, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA. The report must be generated using the appropriate electronic reporting form found on the CEDRI website. Submit the file on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage medium and clearly mark the medium as CBI. Mail the electronic medium to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same file with the CBI omitted shall be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX CEDRI as described earlier in this paragraph. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment and requires EPA to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available.
(h) After January 20, 2021, if you use a control system (add-on control device and capture system) to meet the emission limitations, you must also conduct a performance test at least once every 5 years following your initial compliance demonstration to verify control system performance and reestablish operating parameters or operating limits for control systems used to comply with the emissions limits. Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test required by this subpart, you must submit the results of the performance test following the procedures specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (3) of this section. The provisions of this paragraph (h) and (h)(1) and (h)(3) do not apply to control devices and capture systems to control THC emissions from rubber processing when monitored by a THC CEMS.
(1) Data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT website ( at the time of the test. Submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the CEDRI, which can be accessed through the EPA's CDX ( The data must be submitted in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT. Alternatively, you may submit an electronic file consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT website.
(2) Data collected using test methods that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the test. The results of the performance test must be included as an attachment in the ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. Submit the ERT generated package or alternative file to the EPA via CEDRI.
(3) CBI. If you claim some of the information submitted under paragraph (h) of this section is CBI, you must submit a complete file, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA. The file must be generated through the use of the EPA's ERT or an alternate electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. Submit the file on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage medium and clearly mark the medium as CBI. Mail the electronic medium to U.S. EPA/OAQPS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described in paragraph (h) of this section. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment and requires EPA to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available.
(i) After January 20, 2021 if you are required to electronically submit a report or notification (i.e., Notification of Compliance Status Report) through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of the EPA system outage for failure to timely comply with the reporting requirement. To assert a claim of the EPA system outage, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (i)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) You must have been or will be precluded from accessing CEDRI and submitting a required report or notification within the time prescribed due to an outage of either the EPA's CEDRI or CDX systems.
(2) The outage must have occurred within the period of time beginning 5 business days prior to the date that the submission is due.
(3) The outage may be planned or unplanned.
(4) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.
(5) You must provide to the Administrator a written description identifying:
(i) The date(s) and time(s) when CDX or CEDRI was accessed and the system was unavailable;
(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to the EPA system outage;
(iii) Measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and
(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.
(6) The decision to accept the claim of the EPA system outage and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
(7) In any circumstance, the report or notification must be submitted electronically as soon as possible after the outage is resolved.
(j) After January 20, 2021 if you are required to electronically submit a report or notification (i.e., Notification of Compliance Status Report) through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of force majeure for failure to timely comply with the reporting requirement. To assert a claim of force majeure, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (j)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) You may submit a claim if a force majeure event is about to occur, occurs, or has occurred or there are lingering effects from such an event within the period of time beginning five business days prior to the date the submission is due. For the purposes of this section, a force majeure event is defined as an event that will be or has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of the affected facility, its contractors, or any entity controlled by the affected facility that prevents you from complying with the requirement to submit a report electronically within the time period prescribed. Examples of such events are acts of nature (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts of war or terrorism, or equipment failure or safety hazard beyond the control of the affected facility (e.g., large scale power outage).
(2) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.
(3) You must provide to the Administrator:
(i) A written description of the force majeure event;
(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to the force majeure event;
(iii) Measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and
(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.
(4) The decision to accept the claim of force majeure and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
(5) In any circumstance, the reporting must occur as soon as possible after the force majeure event occurs.
(k) For each THC CEMS, within 60 days after the reporting period ends, you must report all of the calculated 15-day rolling average values derived from the THC CEMS for THC emissions in grams of THC per megagram (g/Mg) of rubber processed, either for each mixer individually, or for all mixers that use a single control device or stack, or that are averaged to comply on the basis of the facility-wide average alternative.
§ 63.6018 - What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) A copy of each notification and report that you submitted to comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you submitted, according to the requirements in § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests as required in § 63.10(b)(2)(viii).
(3) Before January 21, 2021, the records in § 63.6(e)(3)(iii) through (v) related to startup, shutdown, and malfunction. After January 20, 2021, it is not required to keep records in § 63.6(e)(3)(iii) through (v) related to startup, shutdown, and malfunction.
(b) For each tire production affected source, you must keep the records specified in Table 9 to this subpart to show continuous compliance with each emission limit that applies to you.
(c) For each tire cord production affected source, you must keep the records specified in Table 11 to this subpart to show continuous compliance with each emission limit that applies to you.
(d) For each puncture sealant application affected source, you must keep the records specified in Table 13 to this subpart to show continuous compliance with each emission limit that applies to you.
(e) For each rubber processing affected source, you must keep the records specified in table 19 to this subpart to show continuous compliance with each emission limit that applies to you.
(f) After January 20, 2021 any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the EPA's CEDRI may be maintained in electronic format. This ability to maintain electronic copies does not affect the requirement for facilities to make records, data, and reports available upon request to a delegated air agency or the EPA as part of an on-site compliance evaluation.
§ 63.6019 - In what form and how long must I keep my records?
(a) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review, according to § 63.10(b)(1).
(b) As specified in § 63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record for 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record.
(c) You must keep each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to § 63.10(b)(1). You can keep the records offsite for the remaining 3 years.
Other Requirements and Information
§ 63.6020 - What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
Table 22 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions in §§ 63.1 through 63.15 apply to you.
§ 63.6021 - Who implements and enforces this subpart?
(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by us, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or a delegated authority such as your State, local, or tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA has delegated authority to your State, local, or tribal agency, then that agency, in addition to the U.S. EPA, has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You should contact your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if implementation and enforcement of this subpart is delegated to your State, local, or tribal agency.
(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency under 40 CFR part 63, subpart E, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are retained by the Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are not transferred to the State, local, or tribal agency.
(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or tribal agencies are listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) Approval of alternatives to the requirements in §§ 63.5981 through 63.5984, 63.5986, 63.5988, and 63.6009.
(2) Approval of major changes to test methods under § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f) and as defined in § 63.90.
(3) Approval of major changes to monitoring under § 63.8(f) and as defined in § 63.90.
(4) Approval of major changes to recordkeeping and reporting under § 63.10(f) and as defined in § 63.90.
§ 63.6022 - What definitions apply to this subpart?
Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act and in § 63.2, the General Provisions. The following are additional definitions of terms used in this subpart:
As purchased means the condition of a cement and solvent as delivered to the facility, prior to any mixing, blending, or dilution.
Bag leak detector system (BLDS) is a type of PM detector used on fabric filters to identify an increase in PM emissions resulting from a broken filter bag or other malfunction and sound an alarm.
Capture system means a hood, enclosed room, or other means of collecting organic HAP emissions into a closed-vent system that conveys these emissions to a control device.
Cements and solvents means the collection of all organic chemicals, mixtures of chemicals, and compounds used in the production of rubber tires, including cements, solvents, and mixtures used as process aids. Cements and solvents include, but are not limited to, tread end cements, undertread cements, bead cements, tire building cements and solvents, green tire spray, blemish repair paints, side wall protective paints, marking inks, materials used to clean process equipment, and slab dip mixtures. Cements and solvents do not include coatings or process aids used in tire cord production, puncture sealant application, rubber processing, or materials used to construct, repair, or maintain process equipment, or chemicals and compounds that are not used in the tire production process such as materials used in routine janitorial or facility grounds maintenance, office supplies (e.g., dry-erase markers, correction fluid), architectural paint, or any substance to the extent it is used for personal, family, or household purposes, or is present in the same form and concentration as a product packaged for distribution to and use by the general public.
Coating means a compound or mixture of compounds that is applied to a fabric substrate in the tire cord production operation that allows the fabric to be prepared (e.g., by heating, setting, curing) for incorporation into a rubber tire.
Components of rubber tires means any piece or part used in the manufacture of rubber tires that becomes an integral portion of the rubber tire when manufacture is complete and includes mixed rubber compounds, sidewalls, tread, tire beads, and liners. Other components often associated with rubber tires such as wheels, valve stems, tire bladders and inner tubes are not considered components of rubber tires for the purposes of these standards. Tire cord and puncture sealant, although components of rubber tires, are considered as separate affected sources in these standards and are defined separately.
Control device means a combustion device, recovery device, recapture device, or any combination of these devices used for recovering or oxidizing organic hazardous air pollutant vapors. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, absorbers, carbon adsorbers, condensers, incinerators (oxidizers), flares, boilers, and process heaters.
Control system efficiency means the percent of total volatile organic compound emissions, as measured by EPA Method 25 or 25A (40 CFR part 60, appendix A), recovered or destroyed by a control device multiplied by the percent of total volatile organic compound emissions, as measured by Method 25 or 25A, that are captured and conveyed to the control device.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source, subject to this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard;
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to implement an applicable requirement in this subpart and that is included in the operating permit for any affected source required to obtain such a permit; or
(3) Before January 21, 2021, fails to meet any emission limitation (including any operating limit) or work practice standard in this subpart during startup, shutdown, and malfunction, regardless of whether or not such failure is permitted by this subpart. On and after January 21, 2021, this paragraph no longer applies.
Emission limitation means any emission limit, opacity limit, operating limit, or visible emission limit.
Fabric processed means the amount of fabric coated and finished for use in subsequent product manufacturing.
Mixed rubber compound means the material, commonly referred to as rubber, from which rubber tires and components of rubber tires are manufactured. For the purposes of this definition, mixed rubber compound refers to the compound that leaves the rubber mixing process (e.g., banburys) and is then processed into components from which rubber tires are manufactured.
Monthly operating period means the period in the Notification of Compliance Status report comprised of the number of operating days in the month.
Operating day means the period defined in the Notification of Compliance Status report. It may be from midnight to midnight or a portion of a 24-hour period.
Particulate matter (PM) detector means a system that is continuously capable of monitoring PM loading in the exhaust of a fabric filter in order to detect bag leaks, upset conditions, or control device malfunctions and sounds an alarm at a preset level. A PM detector system includes, but is not limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light scattering, light transmittance, or other effects to continuously monitor relative particulate loadings. A BLDS is a type of PM detector.
Process aid means a solvent, mixture, or cement used to facilitate or assist in tire component identification; component storage; tire building; tire curing; and tire repair, finishing, and identification.
Puncture sealant means a mixture that may include, but is not limited to, solvent constituents, mixed rubber compound, and process oil that is applied to the inner liner of a finished tire for the purpose of sealing any future hole which might occur in the tread when an object penetrates the tire.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40 CFR 70.2.
Rubber means the sum of the materials (for example, natural rubber, synthetic rubber, carbon black, oils, sulfur) that are combined in specific formulations for the sole purpose of making rubber tires or components of rubber tires.
Rubber mixing means the physical process of combining materials for use in rubber tire manufacturing to make mixed rubber compound using the collection of banburys and associated drop mills.
Rubber tire means a continuous solid or pneumatic cushion typically encircling a wheel and usually consisting, when pneumatic, of an external rubber covering.
Rubber used means the total mass of mixed rubber compound delivered to the tire production operations in a tire manufacturing facility (e.g., the collection of warm-up mills, extruders, calendars, tire building, or other tire component and tire manufacturing equipment).
Tire cord means any fabric (e.g., polyester, cotton) that is treated with a coating mixture that allows the fabric to more readily accept impregnation with rubber to become an integral part of a rubber tire.
- Table 1 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.5984, you must comply with the emission limits for each new, reconstructed, or existing tire production affected source in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits | 1. Option 1—HAP constituent option | a. Emissions of each HAP in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total cements and solvents used at the tire production affected source, and b. Emissions of each HAP not in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total cements and solvents used at the tire production affected source. | 2. Option 2—production-based option | Emissions of HAP must not exceed 0.024 grams per megagram (0.00005 pounds per ton) of rubber used at the tire production affected source. |
- Table 2 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.5986, you must comply with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits | 1. Option 1.a (production-based option)—Existing tire cord production affected source | Emissions must not exceed 280 grams HAP per megagram (0.56 pounds per ton) of fabric processed at the tire cord production affected source. | 2. Option 1.b (production-based option)—New or reconstructed tire cord production affected source | Emissions must not exceed 220 grams HAP per megagram (0.43 pounds per ton) of fabric processed at the tire cord production affected source. | 3. Option 2 (HAP constituent option)—Existing, new or reconstructed tire cord production affected source | a. Emissions of each HAP in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total coatings used at the tire cord production affected source, and
b. Emissions of each HAP not in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total coatings used at the tire cord production affected source. |
- Table 3 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.5988(a), you must comply with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits | 1. Option 1.a (percent reduction option)—Existing puncture sealant application spray booth | Reduce spray booth HAP (measured as volatile organic compounds (VOC)) emissions by at least 86 percent by weight. | 2. Option 1.b (percent reduction option)—New or reconstructed puncture sealant application spray booth | Reduce spray booth HAP (measured as VOC) emissions by at least 95 percent by weight. | 3. Option 2 (HAP constituent option) Existing, new or reconstructed puncture sealant application spray booth | a. Emissions of each HAP in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total puncture sealants used at the puncture sealant affected source, and
b. Emissions of each HAP not in table 21 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total puncture sealants used at the puncture sealant affected source. |
- Table 4 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Operating Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Control Devices
As stated in § 63.5988(b), you must comply with the operating limits for puncture sealant application affected sources in the following table unless you are meeting Option 2 (HAP constituent option) limits in Table 3 to this subpart:
For each . . . | You must . . . | 1. Thermal oxidizer to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | Maintain the daily average firebox secondary chamber temperature within the operating range established during the performance test. | 2. Carbon adsorber (regenerative) to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | a. Maintain the total regeneration mass, volumetric flow, and carbon bed temperature at the operating range established during the performance test.
b. Reestablish the carbon bed temperature to the levels established during the performance test within 15 minutes of each cooling cycle. | 3. Other type of control device to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | Maintain your operating parameter(s) within the range(s) established during the performance test and according to your monitoring plan. | 4. Permanent total enclosure capture system | a. Maintain the face velocity across any NDO at least at the levels established during the performance test.
b. Maintain the size of NDO, the number of NDO, and their proximity to HAP emission sources consistent with the parameters established during the performance test. | 5. Other capture system | Maintain the operating parameters within the range(s) established during the performance test and according to your monitoring plan. |
As stated in § 63.5993, you must comply with the requirements for performance tests in the following table:
If you are using . . . | You must . . . | Using . . . | According to the following requirements . . . | 1. A thermal oxidizer | a. Measure total HAP emissions, determine destruction efficiency of the control device, and establish a site-specific firebox secondary chamber temperature limit at which the emission limit that applies to the affected source is achieved | i. Method 25 or 25A performance test and data from the temperature monitoring system | (1). Measure total HAP emissions and determine the destruction efficiency of the control device using Method 25 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7). You may use Method 25A (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7) if: an exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentration of 50 parts per million (ppmv) or less is required to comply with the standard; the volatile organic matter concentration at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control are such that exhaust volatile organic matter concentrations are 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device exhaust, is 50 ppmv or less, regardless of the inlet concentration. | (2). Collect firebox secondary chamber temperature data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the initial 3-hour performance test, and determine the average firebox temperature over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the 15-minute reading. | 2. A carbon adsorber (regenerative) | a. Measure total organic HAP emissions, establish the total regeneration mass or volumetric flow, and establish the temperature of the carbon bed within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycles. The total regeneration mass, volumetric flow, and carbon bed temperature must be those at which the emission limit that applies to the affected source is achieved | i. Method 25 or Method 25A performance test and data from the carbon bed temperature monitoring device | (1). Measure total HAP emissions using Method 25. You may use Method 25A, if an exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentration of 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device, exhaust is 50 ppmv or less is required to comply with the standard; the volatile organic matter concentration (VOMC) at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control are such that exhaust VOMCs are 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device, exhaust is 50 ppmv or less, regardless of the inlet concentration.
(2). Collect carbon bed total regeneration mass or volumetric flow for each carbon bed regeneration cycle during the performance test. | (3). Record the maximum carbon bed temperature data for each carbon bed regeneration cycle during the performance test.
(4). Record the carbon bed temperature within 15 minutes of each cooling cycle during the performance test. (5). Determine the average total regeneration mass or the volumetric flow over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the readings. (6). Determine the average maximum carbon bed temperature over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the readings. (7). Determine the average carbon bed temperature within 15 minutes of the cooling cycle over the 3-hour performance test. | 3. Any control device other than a thermal oxidizer or carbon adsorber | Determine control device efficiency and establish operating parameter limits with which you will demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limit that applies to the affected source | EPA-approved methods and data from the continuous parameter monitoring system | Conduct the performance test according to the site-specific plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i). | 4. All control devices | a. Select sampling ports' location and the number of traverse ports | Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | Locate sampling sites at the inlet and outlet of the control device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere. | b. Determine velocity and volumetric flow rate | Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | c. Conduct gas analysis | Method 3, 3A, or 3B of 40 CFR part 60 appendix A; as an alternative to the manual portion of Method 3B, you may use ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14) | d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas | Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | 5. A permanent total enclosure (PTE) | Measure the face velocity across natural draft openings and document the design features of the enclosure | Method 204 of CFR part 51, appendix M | Capture efficiency is assumed to be 100 percent if the criteria are met | 6. Temporary total enclosure (TTE) | Construct a temporarily installed enclosure that allows you to determine the efficiency of your capture system and establish operating parameter limits | Method 204 and the appropriate combination of Methods 204A-204F of 40 CFR part 51, appendix M |
- Table 6 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.5996, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . | 1. Sources complying with the purchase compliance alternative in § 63.5985(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate for each monthly period that no cements and solvents were purchased and used at the affected source containing HAP in amounts above the composition limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in § 63.5994(a) and (b)(1). | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device in § 63.5985(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(a) and (b)(2). | 3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device in § 63.5985(c) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(a), (b)(3) and (4), and (d) through (f). | 4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without use of a control device in § 63.5985(b) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(c)(1) through (3). | 5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device in § 63.5985(c) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(c)(1) and (2), (4) and (5), and (d) through (f). |
- Table 7 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.5999, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . | 1. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(a) | The production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in § 63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (2). | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(b) | The production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in § 63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). | 3. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(a) and (c)(1) and (2). | 4. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(c)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). |
- Table 8 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6002, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . | 1. Sources complying with the overall control efficiency alternative in § 63.5989(a) | The percent reduction option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that you conducted the performance tests, determined the overall efficiency of your control system, demonstrated that the applicable limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, have been achieved, and established the operating limits in Table 4 of this subpart for your equipment according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(b). | 2. Sources complying with the permanent total enclosure and control device efficiency alternative in § 63.5989(b) | The percent reduction option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that you conducted the performance tests, determined the individual efficiencies of your capture and control systems, demonstrated that the applicable limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, have been achieved, and established the operating limits in Table 4 of this subpart for your equipment according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(b). | 3. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative in § 63.5989(c) without using an add-on control device | The HAP constituent option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(c) and (d)(1). | 4. Sources complying with the HAP constituent alternative in § 63.5989(d) by using an add-on control device | The HAP constituent option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(c), (d)(2) and (3), and (e) through (f). |
- Table 9 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6003, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . | 1. Sources complying with purchase compliance alternative in § 63.5985(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limit (option 1) in Table 1 to this subpart | a. A list of each cement and solvent as purchased and the manufacturer or supplier of each.
b. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results indicating the mass percent of each HAP for each cement and solvent as purchased. | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to § 63.5985(b) that are meeting emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart | a. A record of Method 311, or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for each cement and solvent, as purchased.
b. The mass of each cement and solvent used each monthly operating period. c. The total mass of rubber used each monthly operating period (if complying with the production-based emission limit, option 2, in Table 1 to this subpart). d. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. e. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission limit format. | 3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to § 63.5985(c) that are meeting emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
- Table 10 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6004, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . | 1. Sources complying with purchase compliance alternative in § 63.5985(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating for each monthly period that no cements and solvents were purchased and used at the affected source containing HAP in amounts above the composition limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in § 63.5994(a) and (b)(1). | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to § 63.5985(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(a) and (b)(2). | 3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to § 63.5985(c) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(a), (b)(3) and (4), and (d) through (f). | 4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to § 63.5985(b) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(c)(1) through (3). | 5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to § 63.5985(c) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5994(c)(1) and (2), (4) and (5), and (d) through (f). |
- Table 11 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6005, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . | 1. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(a) that are meeting emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart | a. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for coating used.
b. The mass of each coating used each monthly operating period. c. The total mass of fabric processed each monthly operating period (if complying with the production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1). d. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. e. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission emission limit format. | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(b) that are meeting emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
- Table 12 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6006, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . | 1. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(a) | In Table 2 to this subpart | a. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(a) and (b)(1) and (2).
b. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(a) and (c)(1) and (2). | 2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using an add-on control device according to § 63.5987(b) | In Table 2 to this subpart | a. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f).
b. Demonstrating that the monthly HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.5997(c)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). |
- Table 13 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6007, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . | 1. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in § 63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a thermal oxidizer to reduce HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the secondary chamber firebox temperature for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated. | 2. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in § 63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a carbon adsorber to reduce HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated, and a record of the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated. | 3. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in § 63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using any other type of control device to which puncture sealant application spray booth HAP emissions are ducted so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. | 4. Sources complying with the permanent total enclosure compliance alternative in § 63.5989(b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a permanent total enclosure capture system to capture HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the face velocity across any NDO, the size of NDO, the number of NDO, and their proximity to HAP emission sources. | 5. Sources complying with the overall control efficiency alternative in § 63.5989(a) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using any other capture system to capture HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. | 6. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5988(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | a. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for puncture sealant used.
b. The mass of each puncture sealant used each monthly operating period. c. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. d. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission limit format. | 7. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to § 63.5988(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative that are not using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
- Table 14 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6008, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . | 1. Each carbon adsorber used to comply with the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | a. Monitoring and recording every 15 minutes the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle, and
b. Maintaining the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle within the operating levels established during your performance test. | 2. Each thermal oxidizer used to comply with operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | a. Continuously monitoring and recording the firebox temperature every 15 minutes, and
b. Maintaining the daily average firebox temperature within the operating level established during your performance test. | 3. Other “add-on” control or capture system hardware used to comply with the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Continuously monitoring and recording specified parameters identified through compliance testing and identified in the Notification of Compliance Status report. | 4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using an add-on control device according to § 63.5989(c) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(c) and (d)(1). | 5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative by using an add-on control device according to § 63.5989(d) that are the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6000(c), (d)(2) and (3), and (e) through (g). |
- Table 15 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6009(a), you must comply with the emission limits for each new, reconstructed, or existing rubber processing affected source in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits | 1. Existing rubber processing affected sources | a. THC emissions, measured as propane must not exceed 64 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed, based on a 15-day rolling average.
b. fPM emissions must not exceed 3.0 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed, or metal HAP emissions must not exceed 0.051 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed. | 2. New or reconstructed rubber processing affected sources | a. THC emissions, measured as propane must not exceed 64 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed, based on a 15-day rolling average.
b. fPM emissions must not exceed 3.0 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed, or metal HAP emissions must not exceed 0.051 grams/Mg mixed rubber compound processed. |
- Table 16 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Operating Limits for Rubber Processing Control Devices
As stated in § 63.6009(b) you must comply with the operating limits for rubber processing affected sources in the following table:
For each . . . | You must . . . | 1. For each rubber processing mixer | a. Inspect each emission capture system or enclosure and closed vent system at least once each calendar year to ensure that each system or enclosure vents captured emissions through a closed system, except that dilution air may be added to emission streams for the purpose of controlling temperature at the inlet to a fabric filter. You must record the results of each inspection. | 2. Each mixer equipped with a fabric filter | a. Maintain and operate the fabric filter such that the BLDS detector alarm condition does not exist for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month period; and comply with the requirements in § 63.6012(c). Standard operating procedures must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e). |
- Table 17 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6011, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for the rubber processing affected source and conduct performance tests according to the following table:
For the following emission limit . . . | You must do the following . . . | 1. The applicable THC emission limit in table 15 to this subpart | a. Continuously measure THC emissions using a THC CEMS and mass of mixed rubber compounds processed over a period of not less than 15 days.
b. Use the applicable methods in item 2 in this table to measure exhaust flow rate in dry standard cubic feet per minute to determine THC mass emissions in grams per day using the equations and procedures in § 63.6011. c. Demonstrate that you have achieved the applicable THC emission limits in table 15 to this subpart according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6011. | 2. The applicable fPM emission limit in table 15 to this subpart | a. Conduct the performance test according to the site-specific plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i).
b. Measure fPM and the mass of mixed rubber compound processed for at least 3 runs lasting at least 1 hour per run. | c. Use Method 5 in appendix A-3 to 40 CFR part 60 to measure fPM emissions.
d. Select sampling ports' location and the number of traverse ports according to Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1. e. Determine velocity and volumetric flow rate according to Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 and A-2. f. Conduct the gas analysis according to Method 3, 3A, or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2; as an alternative to the manual portion of Method 3B, you may use ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14). g. Measure moisture content of the stack gas using Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3. h. Demonstrate that you have achieved the applicable fPM emission limit in table 15 to this subpart according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6011. i. Install, operate, and maintain the BLDS according to the requirements in § 63.6012(c) at the time of the initial compliance test. Standard operating procedures for the BLDS must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e). | 3. The applicable metal HAP alternative emission limit in table 15 to this subpart | a. Conduct the performance test according to the site-specific plan submitted according to § 63.7(c)(2)(i).
b. Measure metal HAP emissions and mass of mixed rubber compound processed for at least 3 runs lasting at least 1 hour per run. | c. Use Method 29 in appendix A-8 to 40 CFR part 60 to measure metal HAP emissions. As an alternative to Method 29 for mercury only, you may use the particulate mercury portion of ASTM D6784-16 to measure particulate mercury emissions (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14). | d. Select sampling ports' location and the number of traverse ports according to Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1. | e. Determine velocity and volumetric flow rate according to Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 and A-2. | f. Conduct the gas analysis according to Method 3, 3A, or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2; as an alternative to the manual portion of Method 3B, you may use ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference; see § 63.14). | g. Measure moisture content of the stack gas using Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3. | h. Demonstrate that you have achieved the applicable metal HAP emission limit in table 15 to this subpart according to the applicable procedures in § 63.6011. | i. Install, operate, and maintain the BLDS according to the requirements in § 63.6012(c) at the time of the initial compliance test. Standard operating procedures for the BLDS must be incorporated into the monitoring plan required by § 63.5990(e). |
- Table 18 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6014(a), you must show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for rubber processing affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . | 1. Each THC continuous emissions monitoring system installed in a rubber processing mixer affected source | a. Continuously monitoring and record the THC concentration and calculate the daily THC emissions in grams per day. | 2. Each rubber processing affected source | a. Continuously monitor the daily mass of mixed rubber compound processed for each mixer in megagrams per day. | 3. Each rubber processing affected source fabric filter | a. Maintain and operate the fabric filter so that the alarm on the BLDS is not activated and an alarm condition does not exist for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in each 6-month reporting period; and continuously recording the output from the BLDS detection system; and | b. Each time the alarm sounds and the owner or operator initiates corrective actions within 1 hour of the alarm, 1 hour of alarm time will be counted (if the owner or operator takes longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective actions, alarm time will be counted as the actual amount of time taken by the owner or operator to initiate corrective actions); if inspection of the fabric filter system demonstrates that no corrective actions are necessary, no alarm time will be counted. |
- Table 19 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Rubber Processing Affected Sources
As stated in § 63.6018(e), you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for rubber processing affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . | 1. Rubber processing affected sources using an emission capture system or enclosure to capture emissions and performing the inspections specified in table 16 to this subpart | a. Records of the annual inspections of the enclosure and closed vent system specified in table 16 to this subpart. | 2. Rubber processing affected sources using a continuous emissions monitoring system to comply with the THC limits in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of each THC concentration measurement and each inspection, calibration, and validation check.
b. Records of each flow rate measurement. | 3. Rubber processing affected sources subject to the THC emission limit in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of daily mass of mixed rubber compound processed for each mixer, in megagrams per day.
b. Records of each calculated 15-day rolling average THC emission rate, in grams THC per Mg rubber processed for each mixer separately or for all mixers combined and complying with the facility-wide emission limit. | 4. Rubber processing affected sources subject to the fPM or metal HAP emission limits in table 15 to this subpart | a. Records of applicable periodic fPM or metal HAP performance tests.
b. Records of mass of mixed rubber compound processed during the periodic fPM or metal HAP performance test. c. Records of the calculated fPM or metal HAP emission rate, in grams fPM or metal HAP per Mg rubber processed for each mixer separately or for all mixers combined and complying with the facility-wide emission limit. | d. Records of each inspection, calibration, and validation check of the bag leak detection system.
e. Records of each bag leak detection system alarm, the amount of time taken to initiate corrective action after the alarm, and the response and corrective action taken. |
- Table 20 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Requirements for Reports
You must submit a(n) | The report must contain . . . | You must submit the report . . . | 1. Compliance report | a. If there are no deviations from any emission limitations that apply to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limitations during the reporting period. If there were no periods during which the CPMS was out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no periods during which the CPMS was out-of-control during the reporting period | Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.6017(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in § 63.6017(f) for the tire production affected source only. | b. If you have a deviation from any emission limitation during the reporting period at an affected source where you are not using a CPMS, the report must contain the information in § 63.6010(d). If the deviation occurred at a source where you are using a CMPS or if there were periods during which the CPMS were out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), the report must contain the information required by § 63.5990(f)(3) | Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.6017(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in § 63.6017(f) for the tire production affected source only. | c. Before January 21, 2021, If you had a startup, shutdown, and malfunction during the reporting period and you took actions consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, the compliance report must include the information in § 63.10(d)(5)(i). After January 20, 2021, this information is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.6017(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in § 63.6017(f). After January 20, 2021, this information is no longer required. | 2. Before January 21, 2021, immediate startup, shutdown, and malfunction report if you had a startup, shutdown, and malfunction during the reporting period that is not consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | a. Before January 21, 2021, actions taken for the event. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, by fax or telephone within 2 working days after starting actions inconsistent with the plan. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required. | b. Before January 21, 2021, the information in (§ 63.10(d)(5)(ii)). After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, by letter within 7 working days after the end of the event unless you have made alternative arrangements with the permitting authority (§ 63.10(d)(5)(ii)). After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required. | 3. Performance Test Report | If you use a control system (add-on control device and capture system) to meet the emission limitations | Conduct a performance test at least once every 5 years following your initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in § 63.5993. |
- Table 21 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Selected Hazardous Air Pollutants
You must use the information listed in the following table to determine which emission limit in the HAP constituent options in Tables 1 through 3 to this subpart is applicable to you:
CAS No. | Selected hazardous air pollutants | 50000 | Formaldehyde | 51796 | Ethyl carbamate (Urethane) | 53963 | 2-Acetylaminofluorene | 56235 | Carbon tetrachloride | 57147 | 1,1-Dimethyl hydrazine | 57578 | beta-Propiolactone | 58899 | Lindane (all isomers) | 59892 | N-Nitrosomorpholine | 60117 | Dimethyl aminoazobenzene | 62759 | N-Nitrosodimethylamine | 64675 | Diethyl sulfate | 67663 | Chloroform | 67721 | Hexachloroethane | 71432 | Benzene (including benzene from gasoline) | 75014 | Vinyl chloride | 75070 | Acetaldehyde | 75092 | Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) | 75218 | Ethylene oxide | 75558 | 1,2-Propylenimine (2-Methyl aziridine) | 75569 | Propylene oxide | 77781 | Dimethyl sulfate | 79061 | Acrylamide | 79447 | Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride | 79469 | 2-Nitropropane | 88062 | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol | 91941 | 3,3-Dichlorobenzidene | 92671 | 4-Aminobiphenyl | 92875 | Benzidine | 95534 | o-Toluidine | 95807 | 2,4-Toluene diamine | 96128 | 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane | 96457 | Ethylene thiourea | 98077 | Benzotrichloride | 101144 | 4,4-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) | 101779 | 4,4-Methylenedianiline | 106467 | 1,4-Dichlorobenzene(p) | 106898 | Epichlorohydrin (l-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane) | 106934 | Ethylene dibromide (Dibromoethane) | 106990 | 1,3-Butadiene | 107062 | Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) | 107131 | Acrylonitrile | 107302 | Chloromethyl methyl ether | 117817 | Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) | 118741 | Hexachlorobenzene | 119904 | 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine | 119937 | 3,3-Dimethyl benzidine | 122667 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | 123911 | 1,4-Dioxane (1,4-Diethyleneoxide) | 127184 | Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) | 140885 | Ethyl acrylate | 302012 | Hydrazine | 542756 | 1,3-Dichloropropene | 542881 | Bis(chloromethyl)ether | 680319 | Hexamethylphosphoramide | 684935 | N-Nitroso-N-methylurea | 1120714 | 1,3-Propane sultone | 1332214 | Asbestos | 1336363 | Polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclors) | 1746016 | 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin | 8001352 | Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene) | Arsenic Compounds | Chromium Compounds | Coke Oven Emissions |
- Table 22 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to This Subpart XXXX
Before January 21, 2021, as stated in § 63.6020, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions (GP) requirements according to the following table:
Citation | Subject | Brief description of applicable sections | Applicable to Subpart XXXX? | Using a control device | Not using a control device | § 63.1 | Applicability | Initial applicability determination; applicability after standard established; permit requirements; extensions; notifications | Yes | Yes. | § 63.2 | Definitions | Definitions for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.3 | Units and Abbreviations | Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.4 | Prohibited Activities | Prohibited activities; compliance date; circumvention; severability | Yes | Yes. | § 63.5 | Construction/Reconstruction | Applicability; applications; approvals | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(a) | Applicability | GP apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become major | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(1)-(4) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Sources | Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction or reconstruction commences for CAA section 112(f) | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(5) | Notification | Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(6) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(b)(7) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Area Sources that Become Major | No | No. | § 63.6(c)(1)-(2) | Compliance Dates for Existing Sources | Comply according to date in subpart, which must be no later than 3 years after effective date; for CAA section 112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective date unless compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(c)(3)-(4) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(c)(5) | Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources that Become Major | Area sources that become major must comply with major source standards by date indicated in subpart or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years) | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(d) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(e)(1)-(2) | Operation & Maintenance | Operate to minimize emissions at all times; correct malfunctions as soon as practicable; and operation and maintenance requirements independently enforceable; information Administrator will use to determine if operation and maintenance requirements were met | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(e)(3) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | Yes | No. | § 63.6(f)(1) | Compliance Except During Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No. See § 63.5990(a) | No. | § 63.6(f)(2)-(3) | Methods for Determining Compliance | Compliance based on performance test; operation and maintenance plans; records; inspection | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(g)(1)-(3) | Alternative Standard | Procedures for getting an alternative standard | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(h) | Opacity/Visible Emission (VE) Standards | No | No. | § 63.6(i) | Compliance Extension | Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(j) | Presidential Compliance Exemption | President may exempt source category from requirement to comply with rule | Yes | Yes. | § 63.7(a)(1)-(2) | Performance Test Dates | No | No. | § 63.7(a)(3) | CAA section 114 Authority | Administrator may require a performance test under CAA section 114 at any time | Yes | No. | § 63.7(b)(1) | Notification of Performance Test | Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test | Yes | No. | § 63.7(b)(2) | Notification of Rescheduling | If rescheduling a performance test is necessary, must notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled date of rescheduled date | Yes | No. | § 63.7(c) | Quality Assurance/Test Plan | Requirement to submit site-specific test plan 60 days before the test or on date Administrator agrees with: test plan approval procedures; performance audit requirements; and internal and external quality assurance procedures for testing | Yes | No. | § 63.7(d) | Testing Facilities | Requirements for testing facilities | Yes | No. | § 63.7(e)(1) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Performance tests must be conducted under representative conditions; cannot conduct performance tests during startup, shutdown, and malfunction; not a violation to exceed standard during startup, shutdown, and malfunction | Yes | No. | § 63.7(e)(2) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Must conduct according to rule and the EPA test methods unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | No. | § 63.7(e)(3) | Test Run Duration | Must have three test runs of at least 1 hour each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of three runs; and conditions when data from an additional test run can be used | Yes | No. | § 63.7(f) | Alternative Test Method | Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval to use an alternative test method | Yes | No. | § 63.7(g) | Performance Test Data Analysis | Must include raw data in performance test report; must submit performance test data 60 days after end of test with the Notification of Compliance Status report; and keep data for 5 years | Yes | No. | § 63.7(h) | Waiver of Tests | Procedures for Administrator to waive performance test | Yes | No. | § 63.8(a)(1) | Applicability of Monitoring Requirements | Subject to all monitoring requirements in standard | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(a)(2) | Performance Specifications | Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 apply | Yes | No. | § 63.8(a)(3) | [Reserved] | § 63.8(a)(4) | Monitoring with Flares | No | No. | § 63.8(b)(1) | Monitoring | Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(b)(2)-(3) | Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems | Specific requirements for installing monitoring systems; must install on each effluent before it is combined and before it is released to the atmosphere unless Administrator approves otherwise; if more than one monitoring system on an emission point, must report all monitoring system results, unless one monitoring system is a backup | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(c)(1) | Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance | Maintain monitoring system in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f) | No. | § 63.8(c)(1)(i) | Routine and Predictable Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(1)(ii) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction not in Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(1)(iii) | Compliance with Operation and Maintenance Requirements | How Administrator determines if source complying with operation and maintenance requirements; review of source operation and maintenance procedures, records, manufacturer's instructions, recommendations, and inspection of monitoring system | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(c)(2)-(3) | Monitoring System Installation | Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements; must verify operational status before or at performance test | Yes | No. | § 63.8(c)(4) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f) | No. | § 63.8(c)(5) | Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems Minimum Procedures | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(6) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) | No. | § 63.8(c)(7)-(8) | CMS Requirements | Out-of-control periods, including reporting | Yes | No. | § 63.8(d) | CMS Quality Control | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f) | No. | § 63.8(e) | CMS Performance Evaluation | No | No. | § 63.8(f)(1)-(5) | Alternative Monitoring Method | Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative monitoring | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(f)(6) | Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test | No | No. | § 63.8(g) | Data Reduction | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f) | No. | § 63.9(a) | Notification Requirements | Applicability and state delegation | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(b)(1)-(5) | Initial Notifications | Submit notification 120 days after effective date; notification of intent to construct/reconstruct, notification of commencement of construct/reconstruct, notification of startup; and contents of each | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(c) | Request for Compliance Extension | Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed best available control technology or lowest achievable emission rate | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(d) | Notification of Special Compliance Requirements for New Source | For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years after effective date | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(e) | Notification of Performance Test | Notify Administrator 60 days prior | Yes | No. | § 63.9(f) | Notification of VE/Opacity Test | No | No | § 63.9(g) | Additional Notifications When Using CMS | No | No | § 63.9(h) | Notification of Compliance Status | Contents; due 60 days after end of performance test or other compliance demonstration, except for opacity/VE, which are due 30 days after; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(i) | Adjustment of Submittal Deadlines | Procedures for Administrator to approve change in when notifications must be submitted | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(j) | Change in Previous Information | Must submit within 15 days after the change | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(a) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | Applies to all, unless compliance extension; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority; procedures for owners of more than 1 source | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(1) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | General Requirements; keep all records readily available; and keep for 5 years. | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(i)-(iv) | Records related to Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | Yes | No | § 63.10(b)(2)(vi) and (x)-(xi) | CMS Records | Malfunctions, inoperative, out-of-control; calibration checks; adjustments, maintenance | Yes | No. | § 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix) | Records | Measurements to demonstrate compliance with emission limitations; -performance test, performance evaluation, and VE observation results; and measurements to determine conditions of performance tests and performance evaluations | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xii) | Records | Records when under waiver | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xiii) | Records | No | No. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv) | Records | All documentation supporting Initial Notification and Notification of Compliance Status | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(3) | Records | Applicability determinations | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(c) | Records | No | No. | § 63.10(d)(1) | General Reporting Requirements | Requirement to report | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(d)(2) | Report of Performance Test Results | When to submit to Federal or State authority | Yes | No. | § 63.10(d)(3) | Reporting Opacity or VE Observations | No | No. | § 63.10(d)(4) | Progress Reports | Must submit progress reports on schedule if under compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(d)(5) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Reports | Yes | No. | § 63.10(e) | Additional CMS Reports | No | No. | § 63.10(f) | Waiver for Recordkeeping/Reporting | Procedures for Administrator to waive | Yes | Yes. | § 63.11 | Flares | No | No. | § 63.12 | Delegation | State authority to enforce standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.13 | Addresses | Addresses where reports, notifications, and requests are sent | Yes | Yes. | § 63.14 | Incorporation by Reference | Test methods incorporated by reference | Yes | Yes. | § 63.15 | Availability of Information | Public and confidential information | Yes | Yes. |
After January 20, 2021, as stated in § 63.6020, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions (GP) requirements according to the following table:
Citation | Subject | Brief description of applicable sections | Applicable to subpart XXXX? | Using a
control device | Not using a
control device | § 63.1 | Applicability | Initial applicability determination; applicability after standard established; permit requirements; extensions; notifications | Yes | Yes. | § 63.2 | Definitions | Definitions for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.3 | Units and Abbreviations | Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.4 | Prohibited Activities | Prohibited activities; compliance date; circumvention; severability | Yes | Yes. | § 63.5 | Construction/Reconstruction | Applicability; applications; approvals | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(a) | Applicability | GP apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become major | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(1)-(4) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Sources | Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction or reconstruction commences for CAA section 112(f) | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(5) | Notification | Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(b)(6) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(b)(7) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Area Sources that Become Major | No | No. | § 63.6(c)(1)-(2) | Compliance Dates for Existing Sources | Comply according to date in subpart, which must be no later than 3 years after effective date; for CAA section 112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective date unless compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(c)(3)-(4) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(c)(5) | Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources that Become Major | Area sources that become major must comply with major source standards by date indicated in subpart or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years) | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(d) | [Reserved] | § 63.6(e)(1)(i)-(ii) | Operations and Maintenance | No. See § 63.5990(a) | No. See § 63.5990(a). | § 63.6(e)(1)(iii)-(2) | Operation and Maintenance | Operate to minimize emissions at all times; correct malfunctions as soon as practicable; and operation and maintenance requirements independently enforceable; information Administrator will use to determine if operation and maintenance requirements were met | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(e)(3) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | § 63.6(f)(1) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Exemption | No. See § 63.5990(a) | No. | § 63.6(f)(2)-(3) | Methods for Determining Compliance | Compliance based on performance test; operation and maintenance plans; records; inspection | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(g)(1)-(3) | Alternative Standard | Procedures for getting an alternative standard | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(h) | Opacity/Visible Emissions (VE) Standards | No | No. | § 63.6(i) | Compliance Extension | Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.6(j) | Presidential Compliance Exemption | President may exempt source category from requirement to comply with rule | Yes | Yes. | § 63.7(a)(1)-(2) | Performance Test Dates | No | No. | § 63.7(a)(3) | CAA section 114 Authority | Administrator may require a performance test under CAA section 114 at any time | Yes | No. | § 63.7(b)(1) | Notification of Performance Test | Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test | Yes | No. | § 63.7(b)(2) | Notification of Rescheduling | If rescheduling a performance test is necessary, must notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled date of rescheduled date | Yes | No. | § 63.7(c) | Quality Assurance/Test Plan | Requirement to submit site-specific test plan 60 days before the test or on date Administrator agrees with: test plan approval procedures; performance audit requirements; and internal and external quality assurance procedures for testing | Yes | No. | § 63.7(d) | Testing Facilities | Requirements for testing facilities | Yes | No. | § 63.7(e)(1) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Performance tests must be conducted under representative conditions; cannot conduct performance tests during startup, shutdown, and malfunction | No. See § 63.5993(c) | No. | § 63.7(e)(2) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Must conduct according to rule and the EPA test methods unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | No. | § 63.7(e)(3) | Test Run Duration | Must have three test runs of at least 1 hour each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of three runs; and conditions when data from an additional test run can be used | Yes | No. | § 63.7(f) | Alternative Test Method | Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval to use an alternative test method | Yes | No. | § 63.7(g) | Performance Test Data Analysis | Must include raw data in performance test report; must submit performance test data 60 days after end of test with the Notification of Compliance Status report; and keep data for 5 years | Yes | No. | § 63.7(h) | Waiver of Tests | Procedures for Administrator to waive performance test | Yes | No. | § 63.8(a)(1) | Applicability of Monitoring Requirements | Subject to all monitoring requirements in standard | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(a)(2) | Performance Specifications | Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 apply | Yes, if using a CEMS | Yes, if using a CEMS. | § 63.8(a)(3) | [Reserved] | § 63.8(a)(4) | Monitoring with Flares | No | No. | § 63.8(b)(1) | Monitoring | Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(b)(2)-(3) | Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems | Specific requirements for installing monitoring systems; must install on each effluent before it is combined and before it is released to the atmosphere unless Administrator approves otherwise; if more than one monitoring system on an emission point, must report all monitoring system results, unless one monitoring system is a backup | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(c)(1) | Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance | Maintain monitoring system in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f) | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f). | § 63.8(c)(1)(i) | Routine and Predictable Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(1)(ii) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction not in Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(1)(iii) | Compliance with Operation and Maintenance Requirements | How the Administrator determines if source complying with operation and maintenance requirements; review of source operation and maintenance procedures, records, manufacturer's instructions, recommendations, and inspection of monitoring system | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(2)-(3) | Monitoring System Installation | Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements; must verify operational status before or at performance test | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(c)(4) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f) | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f). | § 63.8(c)(5) | Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems Minimum Procedures | No | No. | § 63.8(c)(6) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e). | § 63.8(c)(7)-(8) | CMS Requirements | Out-of-control periods, including reporting | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(d)(1)-(2) | CMS Quality Control | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f) | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(e) and (f). | § 63.8(d)(3) | Written Procedures for CMS | No. See § 63.5990(f)(2). | No. See § 63.5990(f)(2). | § 63.8(e) | CMS Performance Evaluation | Performance evaluation of continuous monitoring systems | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(f)(1)-(5) | Alternative Monitoring Method | Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative monitoring | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(f)(6) | Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test | Requesting an alternative to the relative accuracy test for a CEMS | Yes | Yes. | § 63.8(g) | Data Reduction | How to reduce CMS data | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f) | Applies as modified by § 63.5990(f). | § 63.9(a) | Notification Requirements | Applicability and state delegation | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(b)(1)-(5) | Initial Notifications | Submit notification 120 days after effective date; notification of intent to construct/reconstruct, notification of commencement of construct/reconstruct, notification of startup; and contents of each | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(c) | Request for Compliance Extension | Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed best available control technology or lowest achievable emission rate | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(d) | Notification of Special Compliance Requirements for New Source | For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years after effective date | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(e) | Notification of Performance Test | Notify Administrator 60 days prior | Yes | No. | § 63.9(f) | Notification of VE/Opacity Test | No | No. | § 63.9(g) | Additional Notifications When Using CMS | Additional notification requirements for sources with continuous monitoring systems | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(h) | Notification of Compliance Status | Contents; due 60 days after end of performance test or other compliance demonstration, except for opacity/VE, which are due 30 days after; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(i) | Adjustment of Submittal Deadlines | Procedures for Administrator to approve change in when notifications must be submitted | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(j) | Change in Previous Information | Must submit within 15 days after the change | Yes | Yes. | § 63.9(k) | Notification | Electronic reporting procedures | Yes, as specified in § 63.9(j) | Yes, as specified in § 63.9(j). | § 63.10(a) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | Applies to all, unless compliance extension; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority; procedures for owners of more than 1 source | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(1) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | General Requirements; keep all records readily available; and keep for 5 years | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(i) and (iv-v) | Records related to Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | § 63.10(b)(2)(ii) | Recordkeeping of failures to meet a standard | No. | § 63.10(b)(2)(iii), (vi), and (x)-(xi) | CMS Records | Malfunctions, inoperative, out-of-control; calibration checks; adjustments, maintenance | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix) | Records | Measurements to demonstrate compliance with emission limitations; performance test, performance evaluation, and VE observation results; and measurements to determine conditions of performance tests and performance evaluations | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xii) | Records | Records when under waiver | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xiii) | Records | Emission levels relative to the criterion for obtaining permission to use an alternative to the relative accuracy test | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(2)(xiv) | Records | All documentation supporting Initial Notification and Notification of Compliance Status | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(b)(3) | Records | Applicability determinations | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(c)(1)-(14) | Records | Additional recordkeeping requirements for sources with continuous monitoring systems | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(c)(15) | Use of SSM plan | No | No. | § 63.10(d)(1) | General Reporting Requirements | Requirement to report | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(d)(2) | Report of Performance Test Results | When to submit to Federal or State authority | Yes | No. | § 63.10(d)(3) | Reporting Opacity or VE Observations | No | No. | § 63.10(d)(4) | Progress Reports | Must submit progress reports on schedule if under compliance extension | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(d)(5) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Reports | See § 63.6017(d) for malfunction reporting requirements | No | No. | § 63.10(e) | Additional CMS Reports | Additional reporting requirements for sources with continuous monitoring systems | Yes | Yes. | § 63.10(f) | Waiver for Recordkeeping/Reporting | Procedures for Administrator to waive | Yes | Yes. | § 63.11 | Flares | No | No. | § 63.12 | Delegation | State authority to enforce standards | Yes | Yes. | § 63.13 | Addresses | Addresses where reports, notifications, and requests are sent | Yes | Yes. | § 63.14 | Incorporation by Reference | Test methods incorporated by reference | Yes | Yes. | § 63.15 | Availability of Information | Public and confidential information | Yes | Yes. |