Collapse to view only § 18.102 - Approved (incorporated by reference) voluntary consensus standards.
- § 18.101 - Acceptance and use of voluntary consensus standards.
- § 18.102 - Approved (incorporated by reference) voluntary consensus standards.
- § 18.103 - Review and update of applicable voluntary consensus standards.
§ 18.101 - Acceptance and use of voluntary consensus standards.
(a) Voluntary consensus standards that are suitable for gassy mining environments and that provide protection against fire or explosion, if used in their entirety and without modification, may be used in lieu of the requirements in subparts B through E of this part, if MSHA has incorporated those standards by reference.
(b) For applications submitted on or after January 9, 2025, an approval will be issued in accordance with subpart A of this part for a completely assembled electrical machine or accessory, if each component of such electrical machine or accessory:
(1) Meets the requirements in subparts B through E of this part; or
(2) Meets the Group I requirements in the following voluntary consensus standards (incorporated by reference, see § 18.102), as well as the associated Level of Protection, if specified, that apply to those components:
(i) ANSI/ISA 60079-11 (Level of Protection 'ia');
(ii) ANSI/ISA 60079-25 (Level of Protection 'ia');
(iii) ANSI/UL 60079-0;
(iv) ANSI/UL 60079-1 (Level of Protection 'da');
(v) ANSI/UL 60079-11 (Level of Protection 'ia');
(vi) ANSI/UL 60079-18 (Level of Protection 'ma');
(vii) ANSI/UL 60079-25 (Level of Protection 'ia'); and
(viii) ANSI/UL 60079-28 (Equipment Protection Level 'Ma').
§ 18.102 - Approved (incorporated by reference) voluntary consensus standards.
Certain material is incorporated by reference into this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for inspection at U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact MSHA at: 765 Technology Drive, Triadelphia, WV 26059, phone: (304) 547-0400; For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email [email protected]. The material is available as follows:
(a) International Society of Automation (ISA), 67 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; phone: (919) 549-8411; website:
(1) ANSI/ISA 60079-11 (12.02.01)-2014, American National Standard for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety “i”, Edition 6.2, Approved March 28, 2014; into § 18.101.
(2) ANSI/ISA 60079-25 (12.02.05)-2011, American National Standard for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systems, Approved December 2, 2011; into § 18.101.
(b) UL Solutions, Comm 2000, 151 Eastern Avenue, Bensenville, IL 60106; phone: (888) 853-3503; website:
(1) UL 60079-0, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 0: Equipment—General Requirements, Seventh Edition, Dated March 26, 2019, including revisions through April 15, 2020 (ANSI/UL 60079-0); into § 18.101.
(2) UL 60079-1, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 1: Equipment Protection by Flameproof Enclosures “d”, Seventh Edition, Dated September 18, 2015, including revisions through January 23, 2020 (ANSI/UL 60079-1); into § 18.101.
(3) UL 60079-11, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 11: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic Safety “i”, Sixth Edition, Dated February 15, 2013, including revisions through September 14, 2018 (ANSI/UL 60079-11); into § 18.101.
(4) UL 60079-18, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 18: Equipment Protection by Encapsulation “m”, Fourth Edition, Dated December 14, 2015, including revisions through February 7, 2019 (ANSI/UL 60079-18); into § 18.101.
(5) UL 60079-25, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 25: Intrinsically Safe Electrical Systems, Second Edition, Dated December 2, 2011, including revisions through June 12, 2020 (ANSI/UL 60079-25); into § 18.101.
(6) UL 60079-28, Standard for Safety for Explosive Atmospheres—Part 28: Protection of Equipment and Transmission Systems Using Optical Radiation, Second Edition, Dated September 15, 2017, including revisions through December 7, 2021 (ANSI/UL 60079-28); into § 18.101.
Note 1 to § 18.102:The voluntary consensus standards listed in this section may also be obtained from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1899 L Street NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20036, phone: (202) 293-8020; website:
§ 18.103 - Review and update of applicable voluntary consensus standards.
(a) MSHA will review more recent editions of voluntary consensus standards listed in § 18.102 to determine whether they can be used in their entirety and without modification, in lieu of the requirements in subparts B through E of this part.
(b) MSHA may review voluntary consensus standards not approved for incorporation by reference (IBR) in § 18.102 to determine whether such standards are suitable for gassy mining environments and whether they provide protection against fire or explosion, if substituted in their entirety and without modification, in lieu of the requirements in subparts B through E of this part.
(c) Following such review and determination, MSHA will use the appropriate rulemaking process to amend the list of voluntary consensus standards approved for IBR in lieu of the requirements in subparts B through E of this part.