Collapse to view only § 1128.320 - Period of availability of funds.
- § 1128.300 - Purpose of FMS Article III.
- § 1128.305 - Content of FMS Article III.
- § 1128.310 - Cost principles.
- § 1128.315 - Clarification concerning allowability of publication costs.
- § 1128.320 - Period of availability of funds.
- § 1128.325 - Fee or profit.
§ 1128.300 - Purpose of FMS Article III.
FMS Article III of the general terms and conditions specifies what costs are allowable as charges to awards and when they are allowable. It also specifies restrictions on payment of fee or profit. It thereby implements OMB guidance in §§ 200.209 and 200.309 and Subpart E of 2 CFR part 200. It also partially implements 2 CFR 200.201(b)(1) and 200.323(c), as those sections apply to the cost principles to be used in relation to subawards and contracts, respectively.
§ 1128.305 - Content of FMS Article III.
(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must address allowability of costs and permissibility of fee or profit.
(b) Award terms and conditions. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must include the wording appendix C to this part provides for FMS Article III with appropriate reservations as described in §§ 1128.310 through 1128.325.
§ 1128.310 - Cost principles.
(a) Policy. The set of Governmentwide cost principles applicable to a particular entity type governs the allowability of costs that may be:
(1) Charged to each cost-type:
(i) DoD grant or cooperative agreement to a recipient of that entity type;
(ii) Subaward to a subrecipient of that entity type at any tier below a DoD grant or cooperative agreement; and
(iii) Procurement transaction with a contractor of that entity type awarded by a recipient of a DoD grant or cooperative agreement or a subrecipient that received a subaward at any tier below that grant or cooperative agreement.
(2) Considered in establishing the amount of any:
(i) Fixed-amount subaward, at any tier under a grant or cooperative agreement, to a subrecipient of that entity type; or
(ii) Fixed-price procurement transaction with a contractor of that entity type that is awarded by either a recipient of a DoD grant or cooperative agreement or a subrecipient that received a subaward at any tier below that grant or cooperative agreement.
(b) Award terms and conditions—(1) General. Because almost all DoD grants and cooperative agreements are cost-type awards, appendix C includes wording for Section A of FMS Article III that specifies use of the applicable Governmentwide cost principles in the determination of the allowability of costs.
(2) Exception. A DoD Component may reserve any paragraph of appendix C's wording for Section A of FMS Article III in its general terms and conditions if the Component is certain that no entities of the type to which the paragraph applies could be recipients of awards using those general terms and conditions or recipients of subawards or procurement transactions at any tier under those awards.
§ 1128.315 - Clarification concerning allowability of publication costs.
(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must clarify that a recipient must charge publication costs consistently as either direct or indirect costs in order for those costs to be allowable charges to DoD grants and cooperative agreements.
(b) Award terms and conditions—(1) General. To clarify the allowability of publication costs, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must include the wording appendix C to this part provides for Section B of FMS Article III.
(2) Exception. A DoD Component may instead reserve Section B of FMS Article III in its general terms and conditions if the DoD Component determines that there will be no publication costs under any of the awards using those general terms and conditions.
§ 1128.320 - Period of availability of funds.
(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must specify the period during which Federal funds are available for obligation by recipients for project or program purposes.
(b) Award terms and conditions. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must include the wording appendix C to this part provides for Section C of FMS Article III to specify the period of availability of funds.
§ 1128.325 - Fee or profit.
(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must specify that recipients may neither receive fee or profit nor pay fee or profit to subrecipients.
(b) Award terms and conditions. A DoD Component must use the wording appendix C to this part provides for Section D of FMS Article III to specify the limitation on payment of fee or profit.