Collapse to view only § 930.215 - Audit requirements.
- § 930.200 - Scope.
- § 930.205 - Financial management standards.
- § 930.210 - Cost principles and standards.
- § 930.215 - Audit requirements.
- § 930.220 - Real property and equipment.
- § 930.225 - Purchasing systems standards.
§ 930.200 - Scope.
This subpart addresses administrative matters that do not impose organization-wide requirements on an awardee's business (financial management, property management, or purchasing) systems. An organization does not have to redesign its business systems to accommodate variations in these requirements. Agreements may differ in the requirements that they specify based on the awardee and the specific circumstances of the research, development, and demonstration project.
§ 930.205 - Financial management standards.
(a) Any awardees that currently perform under other expenditure-based Federal procurement contracts or assistance awards are subject to the same standards for financial management systems that apply to those other Federal awards.
(b) Any awardees that do not currently perform under expenditure-based Federal procurement contracts or assistance awards should be allowed to use their existing financial management system as long as the system, at a minimum, effectively controls all project funds, including Federal funds and any required cost share. The system must have complete, accurate, and current records that document the sources of funds and the purposes for which they are disbursed. Awardees also must have procedures for ensuring that project funds are used only for purposes permitted by the agreement.
§ 930.210 - Cost principles and standards.
(a) For-profit awardees. The cost principles in 48 CFR part 31 will generally apply to for-profit awardees.
(b) Other than For-profit awardees. The cost principles in 2 CFR part 200 will generally apply to states, local governments, Indian Tribes, institutes of higher education and other nonprofit entities.
(c) Cost standards. The Agreements Officer, meaning the cognizant warranted Department of Energy (DOE) or National Nuclear Security Administration official authorized to execute and administer other transaction agreements, may establish alternative standards in the agreement as long as that alternative provides, as a minimum, that:
(1) Federal funds and funds counted as awardees' cost sharing will be used only for costs that a reasonable and prudent person would incur in carrying out the research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) project contemplated by the agreement.
(2) Costs must be allocated to DOE and other projects in accordance with the relative benefits the projects receive.
(3) Costs allocated to DOE projects must be given consistent treatment with costs allocated to the participants' other RD&D activities (e.g., activities supported by the participants themselves or by non-Federal sponsors).
(4) The standards must also state that the Federal funds and funds counted as participants' cost sharing will be used only for costs that are consistent with the purposes stated in the governing Congressional authorizations and appropriations.
§ 930.215 - Audit requirements.
(a) For-profit awardees. If an expenditure-based other transaction (OT) agreement provides for audits of a for-profit participant, the Agreements Officer, meaning the cognizant warranted Department of Energy or National Nuclear Security Administration official authorized to execute and administer OT agreements, also must specify:
(1) Whether the Defense Contract Auditing Agency or an Independent Public Accountant will perform the required audits.
(2) What the audits are to cover.
(3) Who will pay for the audits.
(4) The auditing standards that the auditor will use.
(5) The available remedies for noncompliance.
(6) Where the auditor is to send audit reports.
(7) The retention period for the auditor's working papers.
(8) Who will have access to the auditor's working papers.
(b) Other than For-profit awardees. Expenditure-based OT agreements are subject to the Single Audit Act (31 U.S.C. 7501-7507). State, local government, Indian Tribes, institutes of higher education, and nonprofit participants are subject to the requirements under that Act. Additional information may be found at 2 CFR part 200, subpart F.
§ 930.220 - Real property and equipment.
(a) The participant must include the cost of the real property or equipment as part of the proposed cost of the project. The Agreements Officer (AO), meaning the cognizant warranted Department of Energy (DOE) or National Nuclear Security Administration official authorized to execute and administer other transaction (OT) agreements, must approve the use of project funds (Federal or cost share) to purchase real property or equipment. The AO should specify the use, management, vesting of title, and disposition requirements in the award.
(b) The AO may include an alternative property provision where DOE is authorized to grant title to property or equipment acquired under an OT agreement when determined such a grant is appropriate.
§ 930.225 - Purchasing systems standards.
(a) Any awardees that currently perform under other expenditure-based Federal procurement contracts or assistance awards are subject to the same standards for purchasing systems that apply to those other Federal awards.
(b) Any awardees that do not currently perform under expenditure-based Federal procurement contracts or assistance awards should be allowed to use its existing purchasing system as long as the system, at a minimum, is able to flow down the applicable requirements in Federal statutes, Executive orders, or Governmentwide regulations.