Collapse to view only § 4211.22 - Requests for PBGC approval.

§ 4211.21 - Changes subject to PBGC approval.

(a) General rule. Subject to the approval of the PBGC pursuant to this subpart, a plan, other than a plan that primarily covers employees in the building and construction industry, may adopt, by amendment, any allocation method or modification to an allocation method that is not permitted under subpart B of this part.

(b) Building and construction industry plans. Subject to the approval of the PBGC pursuant to this subpart, a plan that primarily covers employees in the building and construction industry may adopt, by amendment, any allocation method or modification to an allocation method that is not permitted under section 4211 of ERISA if the method or modification is applicable only to its employers that are not construction industry employers within the meaning of section 4203(b)(1)(A) of ERISA.

(c) Substantial overallocation not allowed. No plan may adopt an allocation method or modification to an allocation method that results in a systematic and substantial overallocation of the plan's unfunded vested benefits.

(d) Use of method prior to approval. A plan may implement an alternative allocation method or modification to an allocation method that requires PBGC approval before that approval is given. However, the plan sponsor shall assess liability in accordance with this paragraph.

(1) Demand for payment. Until the PBGC approves the allocation method or modification, a plan may not demand withdrawal liability under section 4219 of ERISA in an amount that exceeds the lesser of the amount calculated under the amendment or the amount calculated under the allocation method that the plan would be required to use if the PBGC did not approve the amendment. The plan must inform each withdrawing employer of both amounts and explain that the higher amount may become payable depending on the PBGC's decision on the amendment.

(2) Adjustment of liability. When necessary because of the PBGC decision on the amendment, the plan shall adjust the amount demanded from each employer under paragraph (c)(1) of this section and the employer's withdrawal liability payment schedule. The length of the payment schedule shall be increased, as necessary. The plan shall notify each affected employer of the adjusted liability and payment schedule and shall collect the adjusted amount in accordance with the adjusted schedule.

[61 FR 34097, July 1, 1996, as amended at 86 FR 1275, Jan. 8, 2021]

§ 4211.22 - Requests for PBGC approval.

(a) Filing of request—(1) In general. A plan shall submit a request for approval of an alternative allocation method or modification to an allocation method to the PBGC in accordance with the requirements of this section as soon as practicable after the adoption of the amendment.

(2) Method of filing. The PBGC applies the rules in subpart A of part 4000 of this chapter to determine permissible methods of filing with the PBGC under this subpart.

(b) Who shall submit. The plan sponsor, or a duly authorized representative acting on behalf of the plan sponsor, shall sign the request.

(c) Where to submit. See § 4000.4 of this chapter for information on where to file.

(d) Content. Each request shall contain the following information:

(1) The name, address and telephone number of the plan sponsor, and of the duly authorized representative, if any, of the plan sponsor.

(2) The name of the plan.

(3) The nine-digit Employer Identification Number (EIN) that the Internal Revenue Service assigned to the plan sponsor and the three-digit Plan Identification Number (PIN) that the plan sponsor assigned to the plan, and, if different, also the EIN-PIN that the plan last filed with the PBGC. If the plan has no EIN-PIN, the request shall so indicate.

(4) The date the amendment was adopted.

(5) A copy of the amendment, setting forth the full text of the alternative allocation method or modification.

(6) The allocation method that the plan currently uses and a copy of the plan amendment (if any) that adopted the method.

(7) A statement certifying that notice of the adoption of the amendment has been given to all employers that have an obligation to contribute under the plan and to all employee organizations that represent employees covered by the plan.

(e) Additional information. In addition to the information listed in paragraph (d) of this section, the PBGC may require the plan sponsor to submit any other information that the PBGC determines is necessary for the review of an alternative allocation method or modification to an allocation method.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1212-0035) [61 FR 34097, July 1, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 61355, Oct. 28, 2003]

§ 4211.23 - Approval of alternative method.

(a) General. The PBGC shall approve an alternative allocation method or modification to an allocation method if the PBGC determines that adoption of the method or modification would not significantly increase the risk of loss to plan participants and beneficiaries or to the PBGC.

(b) Criteria. An alternative allocation method or modification to an allocation method satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section if it meets the following three conditions:

(1) The method or modification allocates a plan's unfunded vested benefits, both for the adoption year and for the five subsequent plan years, to the same extent as any of the statutory allocation methods, or any modification to a statutory allocation method permitted under subpart B.

(2) The method or modification allocates unfunded vested benefits to each employer on the basis of either the employer's share of contributions to the plan or the unfunded vested benefits attributable to each employer. The method or modification may take into account differences in contribution rates paid by different employers and differences in benefits of different employers' employees.

(3) The method or modification fully reallocates among employers that have not withdrawn from the plan all unfunded vested benefits that the plan sponsor has determined cannot be collected from withdrawn employers, or that are not assessed against withdrawn employers because of section 4209, 4219(c)(1)(B) or 4225 of ERISA.

(c) PBGC action on request. The PBGC's decision on a request for approval shall be in writing. If the PBGC disapproves the request, the decision shall state the reasons for the disapproval and shall include a statement of the sponsor's right to request a reconsideration of the decision pursuant to part 4003 of this chapter.

§ 4211.24 - Special rule for certain alternative methods previously approved.

A plan may not apply to any employer withdrawing on or after November 25, 1987, an allocation method approved by the PBGC before that date that allocates to the employer the greater of the amounts of unfunded vested benefits determined under two different allocation rules. Until a plan that has been using such a method is amended to adopt a valid allocation method, its allocation method shall be deemed to be the statutory allocation method that would apply if it had never been amended.