Collapse to view only § 9.297 - Beverly, Washington.

§ 9.21 - General.

The viticultural areas listed in this subpart are approved for use as appellations of origin in accordance with part 4 of this chapter.

§ 9.22 - Augusta.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Augusta.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for the Augusta viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Washington East, Missouri”, 7.5 minute quadrangle; and

(2) “Labadie, Missouri”, 7.5 minute quadrangle.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the Augusta viticultural area are located in the State of Missouri and are as follows:

(1) The beginning point of the boundary is the intersection of the St. Charles County line, the Warren County line and the Franklin County line.

(2) The western boundary is the St. Charles County-Warren County line from the beginning point to the township line identified on the approved maps as “T45N/T44N.”

(3) The northern boundary is the township line “T45N/T44N” from the St. Charles County-Warren County line to the range line identified on the approved maps as “R1E/R2E.”

(4) The eastern boundary is the range line “R1E/R2E” from township line “T45N/T44N” extended to the St. Charles County-Franklin County line.

(5) The southern boundary is the St. Charles County-Franklin County line from the extension of range line “R1E/R2E” to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-72, 45 FR 41633, June 20, 1980]

§ 9.23 - Napa Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Napa Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The maps showing the boundaries of the Napa Valley viticultural area are the:

(1) “Mt. St. Helena” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(2) “Detert Reservoir” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(3) “St. Helena” U.S.G.S. 15 minute quadrangle;

(4) “Jericho Valley” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(5) “Lake Berryessa” U.S.G.S. 15 minute quadrangle;

(6) “Mt. Vaca” U.S.G.S. 15 minute quadrangle;

(7) “Cordelia” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(8) “Cuttings Wharf” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle; and

(9) Appropriate Napa County tax assessor's maps showing the Napa County-Sonoma County line.

(c) Boundaries. The Napa Valley viticultural area is located within Napa County, California. From the beginning point at the conjuction of the Napa County-Sonoma County line and the Napa County-Lake County line, the boundary runs along—

(1) The Napa County-Lake County line;

(2) Putah Creek and the western and southern shores of Lake Berryessa;

(3) The Napa County-Solano County line; and

(4) The Napa County-Sonoma County line to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-79, 46 FR 9063, Jan. 28, 1981, as amended by T.D. ATF-201, 50 FR 12533, Mar. 29, 1985]

§ 9.24 - Chalone.

(a) Name The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Chalone.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Chalone viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. They are titled:

(1) “Mount Johnson, California, 1968”;

(2) “Bickmore Canyon, California, 1968”;

(3) “Soledad, California, 1955”; and

(4) “North Chalone Peak, California, 1969.”

(c) Boundaries. The Chalone viticultural area includes 8640 acres, primarily located in Monterey County, California, with small portions in the north and east located in San Benito County, California. The boundaries of the Chalone viticultural area encompass:

(1) Sections 35 and 36, in their entirety, of T.16 S., R.6.E.;

(2) Sections 1, 2 and 12, in their entirety, of T.17 S., R.6 E.;

(3) Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, and 17, in their entirety, the western half of Section 5, and the eastern half of Section 18 of T.17 S., R.7 E.; and

(4) Section 31, in its entirety, and the western half of Section 32 of T.16 S., R.7 E.

[T.D. ATF-107, 47 FR 25519, June 14, 1982]

§ 9.25 - San Pasqual Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Pasqual Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries are three U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Escondido Quadrangle, California—San Diego County”, 7.5 minute series;

(2) “San Pasqual Quadrangle, California—San Diego County”, 7.5 minute series;

(3) “Valley Center Quadrangle, California—San Diego County”, 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The San Pasqual Valley viticultural area is located in San Diego County, California.

(1) From the beginning point at the intersection of Interstate 15 and the 500-foot contour line, north of the intersection of point of Interstate 15 and T.12 S./T.13 S., the boundary line follows the 500-foot contour line to;

(2) The point nearest San Pasqual Road and the 500-foot contour line, the boundary line follows the Escondido Corporate Boundary line to the 500-foot contour line on the hillock and circumnavigates said hillock back to the Escondido Corporate Boundary line and returns to the 500-foot contour line nearest to San Pasqual Road and;

(3) Continues along the 500-foot contour line completely around San Pasqual Valley to a point where the 500-foot contour line intersects with Pomerado Road, at this point, the boundary line, in a straight, northwesterly direction crosses over to;

(4) The 500-foot contour line of Battle Mountain, following the 500-foot contour line around Battle Mountain to point nearest to Interstate 15, at which point the boundary line crosses over to Interstate 15; and

(5) Continues northward along Interstate 15 to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-92, 46 FR 41493, Sept. 23, 1981]

§ 9.26 - Guenoc Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Guenoc Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Guenoc Valley viticultural area are four USGS maps. They are titled:

(1) “Middletown Quadrangle, California-Lake Co.,” 7.5 minute series;

(2) “Jericho Valley Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series;

(3) “Detert Reservoir Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series; and

(4) “Aetna Springs Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Guenoc Valley viticultural area is located within Lake County, California. The beginning point of the boundary is Station 20 of Denton's Survey of Guenoc Rancho, presently marked by a 1 1/2 inch galvanized pipe located atop Jim Davis Peak. On the approved maps, Jim Davis Peak is the unnamed peak (elevation 1,455 feet) located on the western boundary of Section 35, Township 11 North, Range 6 West. From this beginning point the boundary runs:

(1) South 07°49′34″ East, 9,822.57 feet to the USGS triangulation station “Guenoc;”

(2) Then, South 29°14′31″ West, 10,325.08 feet;

(3) Then, South 00°00′ West, 2,100.00 feet;

(4) Then, North 90°00′ West, 4,150.00 feet;

(5) Then, North 24°23′11″ West, 16,469.36 feet;

(6) Then, North 75°47′20″ East, 7,943.08 feet; and

(7) Then, North 60°47′00″ East, 7,970.24 feet to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-95, 46 span 56786, Nov. 19, 1981]

§ 9.27 - Lime Kiln Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lime Kiln Valley.”

(b) Approved Map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Lime Kiln Valley Viticultural area is: “Paicines Quadrangle, California,” 1968, 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Lime Kiln Valley viticultural area is located in San Benito County, California. From the beginning point at the intersection of Thompson Creek and Cienega Road, the boundary proceeds, in a straight line to the summit of an unnamed peak (1,288 feet) in the northwest quarter of Section 28, T.14 S./R.6 E.;

(1) Thence in a straight line from the summit of the unnamed peak (1,288 feet) to a point where it intersects the 1,400-foot contour line, by the elevation marker, in the southwest quarter of T.14 S./R.6 E, Section 28;

(2) Thence following the 1,400-foot contour line through the following sections; Sections 28, 29, and 30, T.14 S./R.6 E.; Section 25, T.14 S./R.5 E.; Sections 30, 19, 20, and returning to 19, T.14 S./R.6 E., to a point where the 1,400-foot contour line intersects with the section line between Sections 19 and 18, T.14 S./R.6 E.;

(3) Thence in a straight line to the Cienega School Building along Cienega Road;

(4) Thence along Cienega Road to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-106, 47 FR 24296, June 4, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5956, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.28 - Santa Maria Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Maria Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Santa Maria Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey maps used to determine the boundary of the Santa Maria Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Orcutt Quadrangle, California-Santa Barbara Co., 7.5 minute series, 1959, photorevised 1967 and 1974, photoinspected 1978;

(2) Santa Maria Quadrangle, California, 7.5 minute series, 1959, photorevised 1982;

(3) “San Luis Obispo”, N.I. 10-3, series V 502, scale 1: 250,000;

(4) “Santa Maria”, N.I. 10-6, 9, series V 502, scale 1: 250,000;

(5) Foxen Canyon Quadrangle, California-Santa Barbara Co., 7.5-minute series, 1995; and

(6) Sisquoc Quadrangle, California-Santa Barbara Co., 7.5 minute series, 1959, photoinspected 1974.

(c) Boundary. The Santa Maria Valley viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties, California. The boundary of the Santa Maria Valley viticultural area is as follows:

(1) Begin on the Orcutt quadrangle map at the intersection of U.S. Route 101 and Clark Avenue, section 18 north boundary line, T9N/R33W, then proceed generally north along U.S. Route 101 approximately 10 miles onto the Santa Maria quadrangle map to U.S. Route 101's intersection with State Route 166 (east), T10N/R34W; then

(2) Proceed generally northeast along State Route 166 (east) onto the San Luis Obispo N.I. 10-3 map to State Route 166's intersection with the section line southwest of Chimney Canyon, T11N/R32W; then

(3) Proceed south in a straight line onto the Santa Maria N.I. 10-6 map to the 3,016-foot summit of Los Coches Mountain; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line onto the Foxen Canyon quadrangle map to the 2,822-foot summit of Bone Mountain, T9N/R32W; then

(5) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line approximately 6 miles to the line's intersection with secondary highways Foxen Canyon Road and Alisos Canyon Road and a marked 1,116-foot elevation point, T8N/R32W; then

(6) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line approximately 6 miles onto the Sisquoc quadrangle map to the southeast corner of section 4, T8N/R32W; then

(7) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line approximately 6.2 miles, crossing over the Solomon Hills, to the line's intersection with U.S. Route 101 and a private, unnamed light-duty road that meanders east into the Cat Canyon Oil Field, T9N/R33W; then

(8) Proceed north 3.75 miles along U.S. Route 101 onto the Orcutt quadrangle map and return to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-89, 46 FR 39812, Aug. 5, 1981, as amended by T.D. TTB-88, 75 FR 81849, Dec. 29, 2010]

§ 9.29 - Sonoma Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sonoma Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The maps showing the boundaries of the Sonoma valley viticultural area are entitled:

(1) “Cuttings Wharf, Calif.”, 1949 (photorevised 1968 and photoinspected 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(2) “Petaluma Point, Calif.”, 1959 (photorevised 1968 and photoinspected 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(3) “Sears Point, Calif.”, 1951 (photorevised 1968), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(4) “Petaluma River, Calif.”, 1954 (photorevised 1968 and 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(5) “Glen Ellen, Calif.”, 1954 (photorevised 1968 and photoinspected 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(6) “Cotati, Calif.”, 1954 (photorevised 1968 and 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(7) “Santa Rosa, Calif.”, 1954 (photorevised 1968 and 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle;

(8) “Kenwood, Calif.”, 1954 (photorevised 1968 and photoinspected 1973), 7.5 minute quadrangle; and

(9) Appropriate Sonoma County tax assessor's maps showing the Sonoma County-Napa County line.

(c) Boundaries. The Sonoma Valley viticultural area is located within Sonoma County, California. From the beginning point at the junction of Tolay Creek and San Pablo Bay, the boundary runs:

(1) Northerly along Tolay Creek to Highway 37;

(2) Westerly along Highway 37 to its junction with Highway 121;

(3) Northwesterly in a straight line to the peak of Wildcat Mountain;

(4) Northwesterly in a straight line to Sonoma Mountain to the horizontal control station at elevation 2,271 feet;

(5) Northwesterly in a straight line to the peak of Taylor Mountain;

(6) Northeasterly in a straight line to the point at which Los Alamos Road joins Highway 12;

(7) Easterly in a straight line to the peak of Buzzard Peak;

(8) Easterly in a straight line to the peak of Mount Hood;

(9) Easterly in a straight line to an unnamed peak located on the Sonoma County-Napa County line and identified as having an elevation of 2,530 feet (This unnamed peak is located in the northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 7 North, Range 6 West, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian);

(10) Southerly along the Sonoma County-Napa County line to the point at which Sonoma Creek enters San Pablo Bay; and

(11) Southwesterly along the shore of San Pablo Bay to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-96, 46 FR 59238, Dec. 4, 1981, as amended by T.D. ATF-201, 50 FR 12533, Mar. 29, 1985; T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5956, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.30 - North Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “North Coast.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the North Coast viticultural area are five U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “San Francisco, Cal.”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1956, revised 1980;

(2) “Santa Rosa, Cal.”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1958, revised 1970;

(3) “Ukiah, Cal.”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1957, revised 1971;

(4) “Tomales, CA,” scale 1:24,000, edition of 1995; and

(5) “Point Reyes NE., CA,” scale 1:24,000, edition of 1995.

(c) Boundaries. The North Coast viticultural area is located in Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties, California. The beginning point is found on the “Santa Rosa, California” U.S.G.S. map at the point where the Sonoma and Marin County boundary joins the Pacific Ocean.

(1) Then follow the Pacific coastline in a generally southeasterly direction for 9.4 miles, crossing onto the Tomales map, to Preston Point on Tomales Bay;

(2) Then northeast along the shoreline of Tomales Bay approximately 1 mile to the mouth of Walker Creek opposite benchmark (BM) 10 on State Highway 1;

(3) Then southeast in a straight line for 1.3 miles to the marked 741-foot peak;

(4) Then southeast in a straight line for 3.1 miles, crossing onto the Point Reyes NE map, to the marked 804-foot peak;

(5) Then southeast in a straight line 1.8 miles to the marked 935-foot peak;

(6) Then southeast in a straight line 12.7 miles, crossing back onto the Santa Rosa map, to the marked 1,466-foot peak on Barnabe Mountain;

(7) Then southeast in a straight line for approximately 10.0 miles to the peak of Mount Tamalpais (western peak, elevation 2604 feet);

(8) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 5.8 miles to the confluence of San Rafael Creek and San Rafael Bay in San Rafael;

(9) Then north and northeast following San Rafael Bay and San Pablo Bay to Sonoma Creek;

(10) Then north following Sonoma Creek to the boundary between Napa and Solano Counties;

(11) Then east and north following the boundary between Napa and Solano Counties to the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Jameson Canyon;

(12) Then east following the right-of-way of the Southern Pacific Railroad to the junction with the Southern Pacific in Suisun City;

(13) Then north in a straight line for approximately 5.5 miles to the extreme southeastern corner of Napa County;

(14) Then north following the boundary between Napa and Solano Counties to the Monticello Dam at the eastern end of Lake Berryessa;

(15) Then following the south and west shore of Lake Berryessa to Putah Creek;

(16) Then northwest following Putah Creek to the boundary between Napa and Lake Counties;

(17) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 11.4 miles to the peak of Brushy Sky High Mountain (elevation 3196 feet);

(18) Then north-northwest in a straight line for approximately 7.6 miles to the 1,851-foot summit of Red Rocks;

(19) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 4.3 miles to the 1,696- foot summit of Chalk Mountain;

(20) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 6 miles to the 4,005- foot summit of Evans Peak;

(21) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 5.0 miles to Pinnacle Rock Lookout;

(22) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 8.0 miles to Youngs Peak (elevation 3683 feet);

(23) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 11.2 miles to the peak of Pine Mountain (elevation 4057 feet);

(24) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 12.1 miles to the peak of Sanhedrin Mountain (elevation 6175 feet);

(25) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 9.4 miles to the peak of Brushy Mountain (elevation 4864 feet);

(26) Then southwest in a straight line for approximately 17.6 miles to the confluence of Redwood Creek and the Noyo River;

(27) Then west following the Noyo River to its mouth at the Pacific Ocean;

(28) Then southeast following the Pacific Ocean shoreline to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-145, 48 FR 42977, Sept. 21, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-149, 82 FR 57662, Dec. 7, 2017; T.D. TTB-188, 88 FR 42881, July 5, 2023; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.120 - Sierra Foothills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sierra Foothills.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Sierra Foothills viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 1:250,000 scale:

(1) “Chico” (NJ 10-3), edition of 1958, revised 1970.

(2) “Sacramento” (NJ 10-6), edition of 1957 revised 1970.

(3) “San Jose” (NJ 10-9), edition of 1962, revised 1969.

(4) “Mariposa” (NJ 11-7), edition of 1957, revised 1970.

(c) Boundary. The Sierra Foothills viticultural area is located in portions of the counties of Yuba, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne and Mariposa, in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the “Chico” map at the point of intersection of the north border of T(ownship) 18 N(orth), R(ange) 6 E(ast), with S. Honcut Creek the boundary proceeds approximately 3.5 miles, in a generally south and southwesterly direction, along the eastern bank of S. Honcut Creek to the point where S. Honcut Creek meets the western border of T. 18 N., R. 6 E.;

(2) Then south, approximately 15 miles, along the western borders of T. 18 N., T. 17 N., and T. 16 N. in R. 6 E., to the point where the western border of T. 16 N., R. 6 E. meets the northernmost perimeter of Beale Air Force Base in the southwestern corner of T. 16 N., R. 6 E.;

(3) Then east, south and west along the perimeter of Beale Air Force Base to the point where the perimeter of Beale Air Force Base intersects the western border of R. 7 E. in T. 14 N.;

(4) Then south, approximately 24 miles, along the western borders of T. 14 N., T. 13 N., T. 12 N., and T. 11 N. in R. 7 E., to the southwestern corner of T. 11 N., R. 7 E. (see “Sacramento” map);

(5) Then east, approximately six miles, along the south border of T. 11 N., R. 7 E., to the southeastern corner of T. 11 N., R. 7 E.;

(6) Then in a south southeasterly direction, in a straight line, approximately three miles, to the northeasternmost corner of Sacramento County in T. 10 N., R. 8 E.;

(7) Then continuing in a south southeasterly direction, in a straight line, along the Sacramento County—El Dorado County line, approximately 15 miles, to the point where the county line meets the Cosumnes River in the southwestern corner of T. 8 N., R. 9 E.;

(8) Then south, in a straight line, approximately 14.1 miles, along the Sacramento County—Amador County line, to the point where the county line meets Dry Creek in the northwestern corner of T. 5 N., R. 9 E.;

(9) Then in a south southeasterly direction, in a straight line, approximately 5.4 miles. along the San Joaquin County—Amador County line, to the point where the Mokelumne River forms the Amador County—Calaveras County line in T. 4 N., R. 9 E.;

(10) Then continuing in a south southeasterly direction, in a straight line, approximately 10.4 miles, along the San Joaquin County-Calaveras County line, to the point where the power line meets the western border of T. 3 N., R. 10 E.;

(11) Then in a southeasterly direction, in a straight line, approximately 22.4 miles, along the Calaveras County-Stanislaus County line to the point where the county line meets the Stanislaus River in T. 1 S., R. 12 E. (see “San Jose” map);

(12) Then in a southeasterly direction, in a straight line, approximately 20 miles, along the Tuolumne County-Stanislaus County line to the point where the county lines of Tuolumne, Mariposa, Stanislaus and Merced counties meet in the southeast corner of T. 3 S., R. 14 E.;

(13) Then continuing along the Mariposa County-Merced County line in a generally southeasterly direction, approximately 37 miles, to the point where the county lines of Mariposa, Merced and Madera counties meet in the northwestern corner of T. 9 S, R. 18 E.;

(14) Then northeasterly in a straight line, approximately 23 miles, along the Mariposa County-Merced County line to the point, approximately one mile west of Miami Mountain, where the Mariposa County-Merced County line meets the western border of the boundary of the Sierra National Forest in T. 6S, R. 20 E. (see “Mariposa” map);

(15) Then in a generally northerly and westerly direction, along the western borders of the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests in Mariposa County (see “San Jose” map);

(16) Then in a generally northerly and westerly direction, along the western border of the Stanislaus National Forest in Tuolumne County (see “Sacramento” map);

(17) Then in a generally northerly and westerly direction, along the western border of the Stanislaus National Forest in Calaveras and Amador counties;

(18) Then in a generally northerly and westerly direction, along the western border of the El Dorado National Forest in Amador, El Dorado and Placer counties (see “Chico” map);

(19) Then in a generally northerly and westerly direction, along the western border of the Tahoe National Forest in Placer, Nevada and Yuba counties to the point south of Ruef Hill where the western border of the Tahoe National Forest intersects the northeast corner of T. 18 N., R. 6 E.;

(20) Then west, approximately five miles, along the north border of T. 18 N., R. 6 E., to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-261, 52 FR 44105, Nov. 18, 1987, as amended by T.D. TTB-196 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.121 - Warren Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Warren Hills.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Warren Hills viticultural area are thirteen U.S.G.S. maps of the 7.5 minute series. They are titled:

(1) Riegelsville Quadrangle, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, 1956 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(2) Bloomsbury Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1955 (photorevised 1970).

(3) High Bridge Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1954 (photorevised 1970).

(4) Washington Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(5) Hackettstown Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1953 (photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1976).

(6) Tranquility Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(7) Newton West Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(8) Flatbrookville Quadrangle, New Jersey—Pennsylvania, 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(9) Blairstown Quadrangle, New Jersey—Warren Co., 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(10) Portland Quadrangle, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, 1955 (photorevised 1984).

(11) Belvidere Quadrangle, New Jersey—Pennsylvania, 1955 (photorevised 1984).

(12) Bangor Quadrangle, Pennsylvania—New Jersey, 1956 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(13) Easton Quadrangle, New Jersey—Pennsylvania, 1956 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Warren Hills viticultural area is located in Warren County, New Jersey. The beginning point of the following boundary description is the junction of the Delaware River and the Musconetcong River, at the southern tip of Warren County (on the Riegelsville map).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the beginning point, the boundary goes northeastward along the Musconetcong River about 32 miles (on the Riegelsville, Bloomsbury, High Bridge, Washington, Hackettstown, and Tranquaility maps) to the point where it intersects the Warren County-Sessex County line;

(ii) Then northwestward along that county line for about 10 miles (on the Tranquility, Newton West, and Flatbrookville maps) to Paulins Kill;

(iii) Then generally southwestward along Paulins Kill (on the Flatbrookville, Blairstown and Portland maps) to the Delaware River;

(iv) Then generally south-southwestward along the Delaware River (on the Portland, Belvidere, Bangor, Easton, and Reigelsville maps) to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-276, 53 FR 29676, Aug. 8, 1988]

§ 9.122 - Western Connecticut Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Western Connecticut Highlands.”

(b) Approved map. The approved map for determining the boundaries of the “Western Connecticut Highlands” viticultural area is 1 U.S.G.S. 1:125,000 series map. It is titled State of Connecticut, Compiled in 1965, Edition of 1966.

(c) Boundary description. The boundaries of the proposed Western Connecticut Highlands viticultural area are as follows:

(1) The beginning point is where Connecticut Route #15 (Merritt Parkway) meets the Connecticut-New York State line near Glenville, CT, in the Town of Greenwich.

(2) The boundary goes approximately 80 miles northerly along the Connecticut-New York State line to the northwest corner of Connecticut at the Town of Salisbury (Connecticut-New York-Massachusetts State line);

(3) The boundary proceeds approximately 32 miles east along the Connecticut-Massachusetts State line to the northeast border of the Town of Hartland;

(4) The boundary runs approximately 5 miles south along the eastern boundary of the Town of Hartland to the northeast corner of the Town of Barkhamstead (Litchfield-Hartford County line);

(5) The boundary then goes south approximately 25 miles along the Litchfield-Hartford County line to the southeast corner of the Town of Plymouth (Litchfield-Hartford-New Haven County line);

(6) The boundary then travels approximately 7 miles west along the Litchfield-New Haven County line to Connecticut Route #8 at Waterville in the Town of Waterbury;

(7) The boundary proceeds approximately 25 miles south along Connecticut Route #8 to the intersection of Connecticut Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) near Nichols in the Town of Trumbull;

(8) The boundary travels approximately 32 miles west along Connecticut Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-267, 53 FR 3747, Feb. 9, 1988]

§ 9.123 - Mt. Veeder.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mt. Veeder.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Mt. Veeder” viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series) maps. They are titled:

(1) Napa, California (1951 (Photorevised (1980))

(2) Rutherford, California (1951 (Photorevised (1968))

(3) Sonoma, California (1951 (Photorevised (1980))

(c) Boundaries. (1) Beginning at unnamed peak, elevation 1,820, on the common boundary between Napa County and Sonoma County in section 23, Township 7 North, Range 6 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian on the Rutherford, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(2) Thence south along common boundary between Napa County and Sonoma County to unnamed peak, elevation 1,135 feet on the Sonoma, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(3) Thence continuing south along the ridge line approximately 1/2 mile to unnamed peak, elevation 948 feet;

(4) Thence due east in a straight line approximately 2/10 mile to the 400 foot contour;

(5) Thence following the 400 foot contour line north around Carneros Valley and then to the west of Congress Valley and Browns Valley on the Napa, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(6) Thence paralleling Redwood Road to its intersection with the line dividing Range 5 West and Range 4 West, east of the unnamed 837 foot peak;

(7) Thence north along the line dividing Range 5 West and Range 4 West approximately 4/10 mile to the 400 foot contour;

(8) Thence briefly southeast, then northwest along the 400 foot contour to the point where that contour intersects the northern border of Section 10, Township 6 North, Range 5 West immediately adjacent to Dry Creek on the Rutherford Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(9) Thence northwesterly along Dry Creek through Sections 3 and 4 of Township 6 North, Range 5 West, and Sections 32 and 31 of Township 7 North, Range 5 West, to the fork of Dry Creek near the center of Section 25 of Township 7 North, Range 6 West;

(10) Continuing along the northern fork of Dry Creek through Sections 25 and 24 of Township 7 North, Range 6 West, to the point at which the main channel of Dry Creek ends and divides into three tributaries;

(11) Thence following the middle tributary of Dry Creek through Sections 24 and 23 of Township 7 North, Range 6 West, to its source at the intersection with a trail indicated on the map;

(12) Thence following a straight line west approximately 1/10 mile to the top of unnamed peak, elevation 1,820, the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-295, 55 span 5844, Feb. 20, 1990, as amended by T.D. ATF-351, 58 span 65126, Dec. 13, 1993]

§ 9.124 - Wild Horse Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Wild Horse Valley.”

(b) Approved Map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the “Wild Horse Valley” viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series) map. It is titled Mt. George, California (1951), photorevised 1968.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the Wild Horse Valley viticultural area (in Napa and Solano Counties) are as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the section line boundary between Section 33, Range 3 West, Township 6 North and Section 4, Range 3 West, Township 5 North, Mount Diablo Range and Meridian, marked with an elevation of 1,731 feet, which is a northwest corner of the boundary between Napa and Solano Counties.

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary runs in a north-northeasterly direction approximately .9 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,804 feet;

(3) Then northeasterly approximately .7 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,824 feet;

(4) Then south-southeasterly approximately .6 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,866 feet;

(5) Then south-southeasterly approximately .5 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 2,062 feet;

(6) Then southerly approximately .7 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 2,137 feet;

(7) Then south-southeasterly approximately .4 mile to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,894 feet;

(8) Then southerly approximately 2.3 miles to the midpoint of the section line boundary between Sections 15 and 22, Township 5 North, Range 3 West, Mount Diablo Range and Meridian;

(9) Then southwesterly approximately 1.3 miles to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,593 feet;

(10) Then west-northwesterly approximately 1.2 miles to the summit of an unnamed hill, on the Napa/Solano County boundary, having a marked elevation of 1,686 feet;

(11) Then north-northeasterly approximately 1.5 miles to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,351 feet;

(12) Then north-northeasterly approximately 1.2 miles to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 1,480 feet; and

(13) Then north-northwesterly approximately 1.0 miles to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-278, 53 FR 48247, Nov. 30, 1988]

§ 9.125 - Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale. They are titled:

(1) Stonewall Quadrangle (1961);

(2) Cain City Quadrangle (1963);

(3) Fredericksburg East Quadrangle (1967, photorevised 1982);

(4) Cave Creek School Quadrangle (1961);

(5) Fredericksburg West Quadrangle (1967, photorevised 1982); and

(6) Lady Bird Johnson Park Quadrangle (1964, photoinspected 1979).

(c) Boundaries. The Fredericksburg in the Texas Hill Country viticultural area is located entirely in Gillespie County, Texas, in the central part of the State approximately 80 miles west of Austin. The beginning point is on the Stonewall Quadrangle map near Blumenthal at a point on U.S. Route 290 approximately .1 mile east of bench mark (BM) 1504, at the junction of a light-duty road known locally as Jung Road.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary proceeds on Jung Road in a northwesterly direction across the Pedernales River.

(2) Then northwesterly approximately 1 mile along Jung Road as it parallels the Pedernales River.

(3) Then north along Jung Road approximately 3.9 miles to a point where Jung Road meets a medium-duty road known locally as Texas Ranch Road 2721.

(4) Then westerly approximately .1 mile on Texas Ranch Road 2721 to a point where it meets a medium-duty road known locally as Texas Ranch Road 1631.

(5) Then northeasterly along Texas Ranch Road 1631 approximately 1 mile to a point where Texas Ranch Road 1631 crosses the 1,800 foot contour line.

(6) Then northwesterly in a meandering manner along the 1,800-foot contour line to the point where the 1,800-foot contour line crosses State Route 16.

(7) Then in a generally westerly direction along the 1,800-foot contour line to the point where the 1,800-foot contour line crosses State Route 965.

(8) Then in a northwesterly and then generally a southeasterly direction along the 1,800-foot contour line to a point where the 1,800-foot contour line goes just south of the Kordzik Hills approximately 1 mile due east of the city of Fredericksburg.

(9) Then continuing on the 1,800-foot contour line in a generally northwesterly, southerly, and again northwesterly direction to the point where the 1,800-foot contour line crosses Loudon Road approximately 4 miles northwest of Fredericksburg.

(10) Then continuing on the 1,800-foot contour line in a northwesterly, then generally a southeasterly, westerly and finally a southerly direction to a point where the 1,800-foot contour line crosses a light-duty road known locally as Hayden Ranch Road about 50 yards north of Texas Ranch Road 2093.

(11) Then 50 yards south on Hayden Ranch Road to Texas Ranch Road 2093 and then east on Texas Ranch Road 2093 approximately .15 mile to an unimproved, southbound, gravel and dirt county road known locally as Beverly Gold's Road.

(12) Then approximately 2.6 miles south on Beverly Gold's Road to a point where it joins Texas State Route 16.

(13) Then approximately 1.5 miles northeast on State Route 16 to a light-duty county road known locally as Bear Creek Road.

(14) Then approximately 1 mile in a southeasterly, northeasterly, and then a southerly direction along Bear Creek Road to the point where the road crosses the 1,700-foot contour line.

(15) Then in a generally easterly direction for approximately 10 miles along the 1,700-foot contour line to a point where the 1,700-foot contour line crosses Texas Ranch Road 1376.

(16) Then approximately 3.1 miles southeast along Texas Ranch Road 1376 to a light-duty road at Luckenbach known locally both as Kunz-Klien Road and Luckenbach Road.

(17) Then approximately 1.3 miles in a generally northeasterly and then an easterly direction along Luckenbach Road and continuing along Luckenbach Road in a northerly direction about 2.5 miles to the point where Luckenbach Road joins U.S. Route 290.

(18) Then west approximately .2 mile on U.S. Route 290 to the intersection with Jung Road, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-279, 53 FR 51541, Dec. 22, 1988]

§ 9.126 - Santa Clara Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Clara Valley.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Santa Clara Valley” viticultural area are 25 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series) maps. They are titled:

(1) Calaveras Reservoir, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(2) Castle Rock Ridge, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1968), photoinspected 1973;

(3) Chittenden, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1980);

(4) Cupertino, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(5) Gilroy, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1981);

(6) Gilroy Hot Springs, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971), photoinspected 1973;

(7) Lick Observatory, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1968), photoinspected 1973;

(8) Loma Prieta, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1968);

(9) Los Gatos, Calif., 1953 (photorevised 1980);

(10) Milpitas, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(11) Mindego Hill, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(12) Morgan Hill, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1980);

(13) Mt. Madonna, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1980);

(14) Mt. Sizer, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971), photoinspected 1978;

(15) Mountain View, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1981);

(16) Newark, Calif., 1959 (photorevised 1980);

(17) Niles, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(18) Pacheco Peak, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971);

(19) Palo Alto, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1973);

(20) San Felipe, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971);

(21) San Jose East, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(22) San Jose West, Calif., 1961 (photorevised 1980);

(23) Santa Teresa Hills, Calif., 1953 (photorevised 1980);

(24) Three Sisters, Calif., 1954 (photorevised 1980);

(25) Watsonville East, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1980); and

(c) The boundaries of the proposed Santa Clara Valley viticultural area are as follows:

(1) The beginning point is at the junction of Elephant Head Creek and Pacheco Creek (approx. .75 mile southwest of the Pacheco Ranger Station) on the Pacheco Peak, Calif. U.S.G.S. map.

(2) From the beginning point the boundary moves in a northerly direction up Elephant Head Creek approx. 1.2 miles until it intersects the 600 foot elevation contour line;

(3) Then it meanders in a northwesterly direction along the 600 foot contour line approx. 55 miles until it intersects Vargas Road in the northwest portion of Sec. 25, T4S/RlW on the Niles, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(4) Then it travels in a northwesterly direction approx. .6 mile to the intersection of Morrison Canyon Road in the eastern portion of Sec. 23, T4S/RlW;

(5) Then it follows Morrison Canyon Road west approx. 1.5 miles to Mission Boulevard (Highway 238) at Sec. 22, T4S/RlW;

(6) Then it moves northwest on Mission Boulevard (Highway 238) approx. .6 mile to the intersection of Mowry Avenue just past the Sanatorium at Sec. 22, T4S/RlW;

(7) It then goes in a southwesterly direction on Mowry Avenue approx. 3.6 miles to the intersection of Nimitz Freeway (Highway 880) (depicted on the map as Route 17) at Sec. 5, T5S/RlW, on the Newark, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(8) It then moves along the Nimitz Freeway (Highway 880) in a southeasterly direction for approx. 9 miles to the intersection of Calaveras Boulevard (Highway 237) at Milpitas on the Milpitas, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(9) Then it follows Highway 237 in a westerly direction approx. 7.2 miles to intersection of Bay Shore Freeway (Highway 101) at Moffett Field on the Mt. View, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(10) Then in a northwest direction follow Bay Shore Freeway (Highway 101) for approx. 6.5 miles to the intersection of the San Francisquito Creek (Santa Clara County/San Mateo County boundary) at Palo Alto T5S/R2W, on the Palo Alto, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(11) Then it heads west on San Francisquito Creek (Santa Clara County/San Mateo County boundary) approx. 7 miles until it converges with Los Trancos Creek (Santa Clara County/San Mateo County boundary) near Bench Mark 172, approx. 100 feet east of Alpine Road;

(12) It travels south approx. 4 miles along Los Trancos Creek (Santa Clara County/San Mateo County boundary) until it intersects the 600 foot elevation contour line at El Corte De Madera, approx. .5 mile north of Trancos Woods on the Mindego Hill, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(13) It moves along the 600 foot elevation contour line in a southeasterly direction approx. 10 miles to Regnart Road at Regnart Creek on the Cupertino, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(14) It goes northeast along Regnart Road, approx. .7 mile to the 400 foot elevation contour line (.3 mile southwest of Regnart School);

(15) It travels along the 400 foot elevation contour line southeast approx. 1.4 miles to the north section line of Section 36, T7S/R2W at Blue Hills, CA;

(16) The boundary goes east on the section line approx. .4 mile to Saratoga Sunnyvale Road (Highway 85);

(17) It travels south on Saratoga Sunnyvale Road (Highway 85) approx. 1 mile to the south section line of Section 36, T7/8S R2W;

(18) Then it goes west on the section line approx. .75 mile to the first intersection of the 600 foot elevation contour line;

(19) It follows the 600 foot elevation contour line southeast approx. .75 mile to Pierce Road south of Calabazas Creek;

(20) It then travels south on Pierce Road approx. .4 mile to the first intersection of the 800 foot elevation contour line;

(21) Then it runs southeast approx. 28 miles on the 800 foot elevation contour line to the east section line of Sec. 25, T10S/R2E/R3E approx. .5 mile north of Little Arthur Creek on the Mt. Madonna, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(22) Then it goes south on the section line approx. .5 mile to the 800 foot elevation contour line approx. .2 mile south of Little Arthur Creek;

(23) Then it goes southeast along the 800 foot elevation contour line approx. 2.7 miles to Hecker Pass Road (Highway 152) approx. 1.25 miles east of Hecker Pass on the Watsonville East, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(24) The boundary goes northeast on Hecker Pass Road (Highway 152) approx. .75 mile to the intersection of the 600 foot elevation contour line just west of Bodfish Creek;

(25) It travels southeast along the 600 foot elevation contour line approx. 7.3 miles to the first intersection of the western section line of Sec. 30, T11S/R3E/R4E on the Chittenden, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(26) Then it follows south along the section line approx. 1.9 miles to the south township line at Sec. 31, T11S/T12S, R3E/R4E;

(27) It moves in an easterly direction along the township line approx. 12.4 miles to the intersection of T11S/T12S and R5E/R6E on the Three Sisters, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(28) Then it goes north along R5E/R6E range line approx. 5.3 miles to Pacheco Creek on the Pacheco Creek, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(29) Then it moves northeast along Pacheco Creek approx. .5 mile to Elephant Head Creek at the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-286, 54 FR 12606, Mar. 28, 1989]

§ 9.127 - Cayuga Lake.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cayuga Lake.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Cayuga Lake viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. map scaled 1:250,000, titled “Elmira, New York; Pennsylvania,” 1962 (revised 1978).

(c) Boundaries. The Cayuga Lake viticultural area is located within the counties of Seneca, Tompkins, and Cayuga, in the State of New York, within the Finger Lakes viticultural area. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Commencing at the intersection of State Route 90 with State Route 5 in Cayuga County, north of Cayuga Lake.

(2) Then south along State Route 90 to a point approximately one mile past the intersection of State Route 90 with State Route 326.

(3) Then south along the primary, all-weather, hard surface road, approximately 3/4 mile, until it becomes State Route 90 again at Union Springs.

(4) Then south/southeast along State Route 90 until it intersects the light-duty, all-weather, hard or improved surface road, approximately 1.5 miles west of King Ferry.

(5) Then south along another light-duty, all-weather, hard or improved surface road, approximately 4 miles, until it intersects State Route 34B, just south of Lake Ridge.

(6) Then follow State Route 34B in a generally southeast direction until it intersects State Route 34, at South Lansing.

(7) Then south along State Route 34, until it meets State Route 13 in Ithaca.

(8) Then southwest along State Routes 34/13, approximately 1.5 miles, until it intersects State Route 79, in Ithaca.

(9) Then west along State Route 79, approximately 1/2 mile, until it intersects State Route 96.

(10) Then along State Route 96, in a generally northwest direction, until it intersects State Routes 414 and 96A in Ovid.

(11) Then north along State Routes 96/414, until they divide, approximately 2.5 miles north of Ovid.

(12) Then along State Route 414, in a generally northeast direction, until it meets U.S. Route 20 in the town of Seneca Falls.

(13) Then along U.S. Route 20, in a northeast direction, until it intersects State Routes 318, 89, and 5.

(14) Then along U.S. Route 20/State Route 5, in a northeast direction, to the beginning point, at the intersection with State Route 90.

[T.D. ATF-269, 53 span 9769, Mar. 25, 1988]

§ 9.128 - Seneca Lake.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Seneca Lake”.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Seneca Lake viticultural area are 13 United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps (Scale: 1:24,000). The maps are titled:

(1) Burdett Quadrangle (New York—Schuyler Co. 1950 (photoinspected 1976));

(2) Montour Falls Quadrangle (New York 1978 (photorevised 1976));

(3) Beaver Dams Quadrangle (New York 1953);

(4) Reading Center Quadrangle (New York 1950 (photorevised 1978));

(5) Dundee Quadrangle (New York 1942 (photoinspected 1976));

(6) Dresden Quadrangle (New York 1943 (photorevised 1978));

(7) Penn Yan Quadrangle (New York—Yates Co. 1942 (photoinspected 1976));

(8) Stanley Quadrangle (New York 1952);

(9) Phelps Quadrangle (New York—Ontario Co. 1953);

(10) Geneva North Quadrangle (New York 1953 (photorevised 1976));

(11) Geneva South Quadrangle (New York 1953 (photorevised 1978));

(12) Ovid Quadrangle (New York—Seneca Co. 1970); and

(13) Lodi Quadrangle (New York 1942).

(c) Boundaries. The Seneca Lake viticultural area surrounds Seneca Lake in upstate New York and is located in portions of Schuyler, Yates, Ontario, and Seneca counties. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Beginning in the town of Watkins Glen at the State Route 414 bridge over the New York State Barge Canal, follow the Canal south approximately 0.2 miles to the mouth of Glen Creek, on the Burdette, N.Y. map;

(2) Follow Glen Creek upstream (west), crossing onto the Montour Falls, N.Y. map and continuing to the road locally known as the Van Zandt Hollow Road on the Beaver Dams, N.Y. map;

(3) Proceed north on Van Zandt Hollow Road to Cross Road;

(4) Continue north on Cross Road, which changes to Cretsley Road, to its intersection with Mud Lake Road (County Road 23) on the Reading Center, N.Y. map;

(5) Proceed west approximately 0.7 miles on County Road 23 to its intersection with Pre-emption Road;

(6) Then continue north on Pre-emption Road along the Dundee, N.Y., Penn Yan, N.Y. and Dresden, N.Y. maps, for approximately 18 miles to its junction with an unnamed light duty road just east of Keuka Lake Outlet on the Penn Yan, N.Y. map;

(7) Follow the unnamed light duty road across the Keuka Outlet, traveling approximately 0.3 miles to its junction in Seneca Mills with an unnamed light duty road, known locally as Outlet Road;

(8) Follow Outlet Road west along the north bank of the Keuka Outlet approximately 0.6 miles, until the road forks;

(9) At the fork, continue north approximately 1 mile, on an unnamed light duty road know locally as Stiles Road, to its junction with Pre-emption Road.

(10) Then proceed north 14.6 miles on Pre-emption Road across the Stanley, N.Y. map, to an unnamed medium duty road, known locally as County Road 4, on the Phelps, N.Y. map;

(11) Continue west approximately 4.5 miles on County Road 4 to its intersection with Orleans Road in Seneca Castle;

(12) Then proceed north on Orleans Road, which becomes Seneca Castle Road, for 2.1 miles, to Warner Corners where the name of the road changes to Wheat Road;

(13) Continue north from Warner Corners on Wheat Road approximately 1.9 miles to its intersection with State Route 88;

(14) Continue north on State Route 88 approximately 1.4 miles, to its intersection with State Route 96 at Knickerbocker Corner;

(15) Continue east on State Route 96 approximately 10.4 miles, to the intersection with Brewer Road on the Geneva North, N.Y. map;

(16) Follow Brewer Road south approximately 1.8 miles to the intersection with U.S. Route 20/State Route 5;

(17) At the intersection of Brewer Road and U.S. Route 20/State Route 5, continue south approximately 0.1 miles, following an imaginary line to the south bank of the Seneca River;

(18) Follow the south bank of the Seneca River east approximately 0.1 miles to the mouth of the Kendig Creek;

(19) Continue south following the Kendig Creek approximately 3.3 miles to the Creek's intersection with Yellow Tavern Road on the Geneva South, N.Y. map;

(20) Follow Yellow Tavern Road west approximately 0.1 miles, to its intersection with Post Road;

(21) Follow Post Road south approximately 1.4 miles to its junction with State Route 96A;

(22) Then follow State Route 96A south 17.5 miles across the Dresden, N.Y., Ovid, N.Y., and Lodi, N.Y. maps to the village of Lodi;

(23) In Lodi, continue south where State Route 96A changes to S. Main Street and then changes to an unnamed medium duty road (known locally as Center Road-Country Road 137);

(24) Continue south on Center Road-Country Road 137 for approximately 4.9 miles to the Seneca/Schuyler County Line;

(25) Then proceed west 0.5 miles on the county line to Logan Road;

(26) Then proceed 8.6 miles south on Logan Road to State Route 227 (identified by the petitioner as State Route 79) on the Burdette, N.Y. map;

(27) Then proceed approximately 800 feet east on Route 227 to Skyline Drive;

(28) Then proceed south on Skyline Drive for 2.5 miles to an unnamed stream;

(29) Follow the unnamed stream west approximately 0.6 miles to its intersection with State Route 414; and

(30) Continue west on State Route 414 approximately 0.5 miles to the beginning point on the bridge over the New York State Barge Canal.

[T.D. TTB-3, 68 FR 39835, July 3, 2003]

§ 9.129 - Arroyo Grande Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Arroyo Grande Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of Arroyo Grande Valley viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale:

(1) “Arroyo Grande, NE, California,” edition of 1965, photorevised 1978.

(2) “Tar Spring Ridge, California,” edition of 1967.

(3) “Nipomo, California,” edition of 1965.

(4) “Oceano, California,” edition of 1965, photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary: The Arroyo Grande Valley viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the “Arroyo Grande” map at the point of intersection of State Route 227 and Corbit Canyon Road in Arroyo Grande Township, the boundary proceeds approximately 0.1 mile, in a northwesterly direction, along the roadway of State Route 227 to the point where State Route 227 intersects with Printz Road in Poorman Canyon in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(2) Then northwesterly, approximately 1.5 miles, along Printz Road to its intersection with Noyes Road in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(3) Then northerly, approximately 1.5 miles, along Noyes Road to its intersection with State Route 227 (at vertical control station “BM 452”) in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(4) Then in a northeasterly direction in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to the intersection of Corbit Canyon Road with an unnamed, unimproved road at Verde in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(5) Then approximately 1.9 miles in a generally northeasterly direction, along the meanders of said unimproved road to its easternmost point, prior to the road turning back in a northwesterly direction to its eventual intersection with Biddle Ranch Road;

(6) Then in a northwesterly direction approximately 1.13 miles in a straight line to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 626 feet in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(7) Then easterly, approximately 0.46 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 635 feet, in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(8) Then east northeasterly, approximately 0.27 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 799 feet, in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(9) Then easterly, approximately 0.78 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 952 feet, in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(10) Then easterly, approximately 0.7 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,188 feet, in the southwest corner of section 29, T. 31 S., R. 14 E.;

(11) Then east southeasterly, approximately 0.9 mile in a straight line, to the point at which Upper Arroyo Grande Road crosses the spillway of Lopez Dam in section 32, T. 31 S., R. 14 E. (see “Tar Spring Ridge” map);

(12) Then, in a generally easterly direction, approximately 3.64 miles along Upper Arroyo Grande Road (under construction) to the point where the broken red line for the proposed location of said road diverges in a northerly direction from the light duty roadbed of said road in the Arroyo Grande land grant (north of section 35, T. 31 S., R. 14 E.);

(13) Then, in a generally northerly direction, approximately 2.5 miles, along the broken red line for the proposed location of Upper Arroyo Grande Road to its point of intersection with an unnamed unimproved road (this intersection being 1.2 miles northwest of Ranchita Ranch) in the Arroyo Grande land grant;

(14) From the point of intersection of the proposed location of Upper Arroyo Grande Road and the unnamed unimproved road, the boundary proceeds in a straight line, east northeasterly, approximately 1.8 miles, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,182 feet, in the northwest corner of section 19, T. 31 S., R. 15 E.;

(15) Then southeasterly, approximately 1.8 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,022 feet, in the northeast corner of section 29, T. 31 S., R. 15 E.;

(16) Then west southwesterly, approximately 0.84 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,310 feet, in the northeast corner of section 30, T. 31 S., R. 15 E.;

(17) Then south southeasterly, approximately 1.46 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,261 feet, in section 32, T. 31 S., R. 15 E.;

(18) Then southeasterly, approximately 0.7 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,436 feet, in the northwest corner of section 4, T. 32 S., R. 15 E.;

(19) Then southwesterly, approximately 1.07 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,308 feet, in the Huasna land grant;

(20) Then west northwesterly, approximately 1.50 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,070 feet, along the east border of section 1, T. 32 S., R. 14 E.;

(21) Then south southeasterly, approximately 1.38 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,251 feet, in the Hausna land grant;

(22) Then southwesterly, approximately 0.95 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,458 feet, in the Santa Manuela land grant;

(23) Then southeasterly, approximately 0.8 mile in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,377 feet, in the Huasna land grant;

(24) Then southwesterly, approximately 1.4 miles in a straight line, to the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,593 feet, in the Santa Manuela land grant (See “Nipomo” map);

(25) Then southwesterly, approximately 1.1 miles in a straight line, to the jeep trail immediately north of the summit of an unnamed peak identified as having an elevation of 1,549 feet, just north of section 35, T. 32 S., R. 14 E.;

(26) Then north northwesterly, approximately 2.73 miles along the jeep trail on Newsom Ridge to the point of intersection of said jeep trail and an unnamed unimproved road (immediately north of section 28, T. 32 S., R. 14 E.);

(27) Then southerly, approximately 1.63 miles along said unimproved road to its intersection with Upper Los Berros No. 2 Road in section 33, T. 32 S., R. 14 E.;

(28) Then southwesterly, approximately 3.27 miles along the stream in Los Berros Canyon (of which approximately 2.0 miles are along Upper Los Berros No. 2 Road) to the point at which U.S. Highway 101 crosses said stream in section 35, T. 12 N., R. 35 W. (See “Oceano” map);

(29) Then across U.S. Highway 101 and continuing in a southwesterly direction approximately 0.1 mile to Los Berros Arroyo Grande Road;

(30) Then following Los Berros Arroyo Grande Road in generally a northwesterly direction approximately 4 miles until it intersects with Valley Road;

(31) Then following Valley Road in generally a northerly direction approximately 1.2 miles until it intersects with U.S. Highway 101;

(32) Then in a northwesterly direction along U.S. Highway 101 approximately .35 mile until it intersects with State Highway 227;

(33) Then in a northeasterly and then a northerly direction along State Highway 227 approximately 1.4 miles to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-291, 55 FR 287, Jan. 4, 1990]

§ 9.31 - Santa Cruz Mountains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Cruz Mountains.”

(b) Approved maps. The 24 approved U.S.G.S. maps for determining the boundaries are 23 7.5 minute scale and one 5 × 11 minute scale.

(1) “Ano Nuevo Quadrangle, California”;

(2) “Big Basin Quadrangle, California”;

(3) “Castle Rock Ridge Quadrangle, California”;

(4) “Cupertino Quadrangle, California”;

(5) “Davenport Quadrangle, California—Santa Cruz County”;

(6) “Felton Quadrangle, California—Santa Cruz County”;

(7) “Franklin Point Quadrangle, California”;

(8) “Half Moon Bay Quadrangle, California—San Mateo County”;

(9) “La Honda Quadrangle, California—San Mateo County”;

(10) “Laurel Quadrangle, California”;

(11) “Loma Prieta Quadrangle, California”;

(12) “Los Gatos Quadrangle, California”;

(13) “Mt. Madonna Quadrangle, California”;

(14) “Mindego Hill Quadrangle, California”;

(15) “Morgan Hill Quadrangle, California—Santa Clara County”;

(16) “Palo Alto Quadrangle, California”;

(17) “San Gregorio Quadrangle, California—San Mateo County”;

(18) “San Mateo Quadrangle, California—San Mateo County”;

(19) “Santa Teresa Hills Quadrangle—Santa Clara County”;

(20) “Soquel Quadrangle, California—Santa Cruz County”;

(21) “Watsonville East Quadrangle, California”;

(22) “Watsonville West Quadrangle, California”;

(23) “Woodside Quadrangle, California—San Mateo County”; and

(24) One 5 × 11 minute series map entitled: “Santa Cruz, California.”

(c) Boundaries. The Santa Cruz Mountains viticultural area is located in portions of San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties, California.

(1) From the beginning point where Highway 92 and the 400-foot contour line intersect (Half Moon Bay Quadrangle), the boundary line follows Highway 92, beginning in a southeasterly direction, to a point where Highway 92 and the 400-foot contour line intersect (San Mateo Quadrangle);

(2) Thence along the 400-foot contour line, beginning in a southeasterly direction, to a point where the 400-foot contour line and Canada Road intersect (Woodside Quadrangle);

(3) Thence along Canada Road, beginning in a southerly direction, to a point where Canada Road and Highway 280 intersect (Woodside Quadrangle);

(4) Thence along Highway 280, beginning in a southeasterly direction, to a point where Highway 280 and 84 intersect (Palo Alto Quadrangle);

(5) Thence along Highway 84, beginning in a southwesterly direction, to a point where Highway 84 and Mountain Home Road intersect (Woodside Quadrangle);

(6) Thence along Mountain Home Road, beginning in a southerly direction, to a point where Mountain Home Road and Portola Road intersect (Palo Alto Quadrangle);

(7) Thence along Portola Road, beginning in a westerly direction, to a point where Portola Road and Highway 84 intersect (Woodside Quadrangle);

(8) Thence along Highway 84, beginning in a southwesterly direction, to a point where Highway 84 and the 600-foot contour line intersect (Woodside Quadrangle);

(9) Thence along the 600-foot contour line, beginning in a northeasterly direction, to a point where the 600-foot contour line and Regnart Road intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(10) Thence along Regnart Road, beginning in a northeasterly direction, to a point where Regnart Road and the 400-foot contour line intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(11) Thence along the 400-foot contour line, beginning in a southerly direction, to a point where the 400-foot contour line and the north section line of Section 35, T. 6 S./R. 2 W, intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(12) Thence along the north section line of Sections 35 and 36, in an easterly direction, to a point where the section line and Highway 85 intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(13) Thence along Highway 85, in a southerly direction, to a point where Highway 85 and the southern section line of Section 36 intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(14) Thence along the section line, in a westerly direction, to a point where the section line and the 600-foot contour line intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(15) Thence along the 600-foot contour line, beginning in a southerly direction, to a point where the 600-foot contour line and Pierce Road intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(16) Thence along Pierce Road, in a southerly direction, to a point where Pierce Road and the 800-foot contour line intersect (Cupertino Quadrangle);

(17) Thence along the 800-foot line, beginning in a northwesterly direction, to a point where the 800-foot contour line and the east section line of Section 25, T. 10 S./R. 2 E., intersect (Mt. Madonna Quadrangle);

(18) Thence along the east section line, in a southerly direction, to a point where this section line and the 800-foot contour line intersect (Mt. Madonna Quadrangle);

(19) Thence along the 800-foot contour line, beginning in a southeasterly direction, to a point where the 800-foot contour line and Highway 152 intersect (Watsonville East Quadrangle);

(20) Thence along Highway 152, in a southwesterly direction, to a point where Highway 152 and the 400-foot contour line intersect (Watsonville East Quadrangle);

(21) Thence along the 400-foot contour line, beginning in a northwesterly direction, to a point where the 400-foot contour line and the Felton Empire Road intersect (Felton Quadrangle);

(22) Thence along Felton Empire Road, in an easterly direction, to a point where Felton Empire Road and Highway 9 intersect (Felton Quadrangle);

(23) Thence along Highway 9, in a southerly direction, to a point where Highway 9 and Bull Creek intersect (Felton Quadrangle);

(24) Thence along Bull Creek, beginning in a southwesterly direction, to a point where Bull Creek and the 400-foot contour line intersect (Felton Quadrangle); and

(25) Thence along the 400-foot contour line, beginning in a southeasterly direction, back to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-98, 46 FR 59240, Dec. 4, 1981]

§ 9.130 - San Ysidro District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Ysidro District.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the San Ysidro District viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 minute series) maps. They are titled:

(1) Gilroy, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1981);

(2) Chittenden, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1980);

(3) San Felipe, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971);

(4) Gilroy Hot Springs, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1978.)

(c) Boundary. The San Ysidro District viticultural area is located in Santa Clara County, California, within the Santa Clara Valley viticultural area. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of California State Highway 152 and Ferguson Road with an un-named wash, or intermittent stream, on the Gilroy, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows the wash northeast as it runs co-incident with the old Grant boundary for approximately 3,800 feet;

(3) The boundary then follows the wash when it diverges from the old Grant boundary and continues approximately 2,300 feet in a northeasterly direction, crosses and recrosses Crews Road, then follows the wash southeast until the wash turns northeast in section 35, T.10S., R.4E., on the Gilroy Hot Springs, Calif., map;

(4) The boundary then diverges from the wash, continuing in a straight line in a southeasterly direction, across an unimproved road, until it intersects with the 600 foot contour line.

(5) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line at about the 600 foot elevation in a southeasterly direction until it meets the minor northerly drainage of the San Ysidro Creek;

(6) The boundary then follows the minor northerly drainage of San Ysidro Creek southeast for approximately 2,000 feet to the seasonal pond adjacent to Canada Road;

(7) From the seasonal pond, the boundary follows the southerly drainage of San Ysidro Creek for about 1,300 feet until it reaches the southwest corner of section 36, T.10S., R.4E.;

(8) The boundary then continues in a straight line in a southerly direction across Canada Road for approximately 900 feet until it intersects with the 600 foot contour line;

(9) The boundary follows the 600 foot contour line for approximately 6,000 feet in a generally southeasterly direction, diverges from the contour line and continues southeast another 1,200 feet until it meets an unimproved road near the north end of a seasonal pond on the San Felipe, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(10) The boundary follows the unimproved road to Bench Mark 160 at Highway 152.

(11) The boundary then follows Highway 152 in a northwesterly direction across the northeast corner of the Chittenden, Calif., U.S.G.S. map, and back to the beginning point at the junction of Ferguson Road and Highway 152.

[T.D. ATF-305, 55 FR 47749, Nov. 15, 1990]

§ 9.131 - Mt. Harlan.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mt. Harlan.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Mt. Harlan” viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series) maps. They are titled:

(1) Mt. Harlan, California (Photorevised (1984)).

(2) Paicines, California (Photorevised (1984)).

(c) Boundaries. (1) The point of beginning is the unnamed 3,063′ peak on the county line between San Benito and Monterey Counties in Township 14 S., Range 5 E., Section 34 of the “Mt. Harlan,” California Quadrangle map.

(2) From the point of beginning on the Mt. Harlan Quadrangle map proceed in a generally northwesterly direction along the county line through Sections 34 and 33, briefly into Section 28 and back through Section 33, and then through Sections 32, 29, and 30 all in Township 14 S., Range 5 E., to the point at which the county line intersects the line between Sections 30 and 19 of said Township and Range.

(3) Thence proceed in a straight line northeast approximately 750 feet to the commencement of the westernmost stream leading into Pescadero Creek. The stream commences in the southwest corner of Section 19 in Township 14 S., Range 5 E.

(4) Thence following the stream in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the 1,800-foot contour line near the center of Section 19 in Township 14 S., Range 5 E.

(5) Thence following the 1,800′ contour line in a southeasterly and then northeasterly direction through Sections 19, 20, 17, 16, 15, 14, then through the area north of Section 14, then southerly through Section 13 on the Mt. Harlan Quadrangle map and continuing on the “Paicines,” California Quadrangle map to the point at which the 1800-foot contour line intersects the line between Sections 13 and 24 of Township 14 S., Range 5 E.

(6) Thence along the 1,800′ contour line through Section 24, back up through Section 13, and then in a southerly direction through Sections 18, 19, and 30 (all on the Paicines Quadrangle map), then westerly through Section 25 on the Paicines Quadrangle map and continuing on the Mt. Harlan Quadrangle map, and then through Section 26 to the point of intersection of said 1,800′ contour and Thompson Creek near the center of Section 26 in Township 14 S., Range 5 E., on the Mt. Harlan Quadrangle map.

(7) Thence southwesterly along Thompson Creek to its commencement in the northwest corner of Section 34, Township 14 S., Range 5 E.

(8) Thence in a straight line to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-304, 55 FR 47747, Nov. 15, 1990]

§ 9.132 - Rogue Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rouge Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Rogue Valley viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. map titled “Medford,” scale 1:250,000 (1955, revised 1976).

(c) Boundaries. The Rogue Valley viticultural area is located entirely within Jackson and Josephine Counties in southwestern Oregon. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Beginning at the point of intersection of Interstate 5 and the Josephine County/Douglas County line approximately 20 miles north of Grants Pass, the boundary proceeds southerly and southwesterly along U.S. Interstate 5 to and including the town of Wolf Creek;

(2) Then westerly and southerly out of the town of Wolf Creek along the Southern Pacific Railway Line to and including the town of Hugo;

(3) Then southwesterly along the secondary, hard surface road known as Hugo Road to the point where the Hugo Road crosses Jumpoff Joe Creek;

(4) Then westerly and down stream along Jumpoff Joe Creek to the intersection of Jumpoff Joe Creek and the Rogue River;

(5) Then northwesterly and down stream along the Rogue River to the first point where the Wild and Scenic Rogue River designated area touches the easterly boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest just south of Galice;

(6) Then in a generally southwesterly direction (with many diversions) along the easterly border of the Siskiyou National Forest to the 42 degree 0 minute latitude line;

(7) Then easterly along the 42 degree 0 minute latitude line to the point where the Siskiyou National Forest again crosses into Oregon approximately 1 mile east of U.S. Highway 199;

(8) Then in a generally northeasterly direction and then a southeasterly direction (with many diversions) along the northern boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest to the point where the Siskiyou National Forest touches the Rogue River National Forest at Big Sugarloaf Peak;

(9) Then in a generally easterly direction (with many diversions) along the northern border of the Rogue River National Forest to the point where the Rogue River National Forest intersects with Slide Creek approximately 6 miles southeast of Ashland;

(10) Then southeasterly and northeasterly along Slide Creek to the point where it intersects State Highway 273;

(11) Then northwesterly along State Highway 273 to the point where it intersects State Highway 66;

(12) Then in an easterly direction approximately 5 miles along State Highway 66 to the east line of Township 39 South, Range 2 East (T39S, R2E);

(13) Then following the east line of T39S, R2E, in a northerly direction to the northeast corner of T39S, R2E;

(14) Then westerly approximately 5 miles along the north line of T39S, R2E, to the 2,600 foot contour line;

(15) Then in a northerly direction following the 2,600 foot contour line across Walker Creek and then in a southwesterly direction to the point where the 2,600 foot contour line touches the east line of T38S, R1E;

(16) Then northerly along the east line of T38S, R1E, to the northeast corner of T38S, R1E;

(17) Then westerly along the north line of T38S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T38S, R1E;

(18) Then northerly along the west line of T37S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T37S, R1E.

(19) Then easterly along the north lines of T37S, R1E, and T37S, R2E, to the southeast corner of T36S, R2E;

(20) Then northerly along the east line of T36S, R2E, to the northeast corner of T36S, R2E;

(21) Then westerly along the north line of T36S, R2E, to the northwest corner of T36S, R2E;

(22) Then northerly along the east line of T35S, R1E, to the northeast corner of T35S, R1E;

(23) Then westerly along the north line of T35S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T35S, R1E;

(24) Then northerly along the east line of T34S, R1W, to the northeast corner of T34S, R1W;

(25) Then westerly along the north lines of T34S, R1E; T34S, R2W; T34S, R3W; T34S, R4W; and T34S, R5W, to the northwest corner of T34S, R5W;

(26) Then northerly along the west line of T33S, R5W, to the Josephine County/Douglas County line;

(27) Then westerly along the Josephine County/Douglas County line to U.S. Interstate 5, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-310, 56 FR 2435, Jan. 23, 1991, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.133 - Rutherford.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rutherford.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Rutherford viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale:

(1) “Yountville Quadrangle, California,” edition of 1951, photorevised 1968.

(2) “Rutherford Quadrangle, California,” edition of 1951, photorevised 1968, photoinspected 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Rutherford viticultural area is located in Napa County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Yountville quadrangle map at the point where the county road known as the Silverado Trail intersects Skellenger Lane, just outside the southwest corner of Section 12, Township 7 North (T.7 N.), Range 5 West (R.5 W.), the boundary proceeds in a southwesterly direction in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles along Skellenger Lane, past its intersection with Conn Creek Road, to the point of intersection with the main channel of the Napa River (on the “Rutherford” map);

(2) Then south along the center of the river bed approximately .4 miles to the point where an unnamed stream drains into the Napa River from the west;

(3) Then along the unnamed stream in a generally northwesterly direction to its intersection with the west track of the Southern Pacific Railroad Track;

(4) Then southeasterly along said railroad track 1,650 feet to a point which is approximately 435 feet north of the centerline of the entry road to Robert Mondavi Winery (shown on the map) to the southeast corner of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(5) Thence southwesterly S 55°06′28″ W for 3,869 feet along the common boundary between Assessor's Parcel Numbers 27-250-14 and 27-280-50/51 to the southwest corner of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(6) Thence northwesterly N 40°31′42″ W for 750 feet along the westerly property line of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(7) Thence southwesterly S 51°00′ W in a straight line to the 500-foot contour line of the Mayacamas Range in the northwestern corner of Section 28, T.7 N., R.5 W.;

(8) Then proceeding along the 500-foot contour line in a generally northwesterly direction in T.7 N., R.5 W. through Sections 21, 20, 17, 18, 17, and 18 to the northwest portion of Section 7 where the 500-foot contour line intersects a southwestward straight line extension of the light-duty road known as Inglewood Avenue;

(9) Thence in a straight line in a northeasterly direction along this extension of Inglewood Avenue to its intersection with the north fork of Bale Slough;

(10) Thence in a southeasterly direction along the north fork of Bale Slough approximately 2,750 feet to its intersection with the end of the county road shown on the map as Zinfandel Avenue, known locally as Zinfandel Lane, near the 201-foot elevation marker;

(11) Then in a northeasterly direction along Zinfandel Avenue (Zinfandel Lane) approximately 2.12 miles to the intersection of that road and Silverado Trail, then continuing northeasterly in a straight line to the 380-foot contour line;

(12) Then following the 380-foot contour line southeasterly through Section 33 to the western border of Section 34, T.8 N., R.5 W., then following that section line north to the 500-foot contour line;

(13) Then following the 500-foot contour line southeasterly to the western border of Section 2, T.7 N., R.5 W., then south along that section line past Conn Creek to its intersection with the 500-foot contour line northwest of the unnamed 832-foot peak;

(14) Then continuing in a westerly direction and then a generally southeasterly direction along the 500-foot contour line through Sections 3, 2, 11 and 12 to the intersection of that contour line with the southern border of Section 12 (on Yountville map);

(15) Then proceeding in a straight line in a westerly direction to the intersection of the Silverado Trail with Skellenger Lane, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-342, 58 FR 35876, July 2, 1993]

§ 9.134 - Oakville.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Oakville.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Oakville viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale:

(1) “Yountville Quadrangle, California,” edition of 1951, photorevised 1968.

(2) “Rutherford Quadrangle, California,” edition of 1951, photorevised 1968, photoinspected 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Oakville viticultural area is located in Napa County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Yountville quadrangle map at the point where the county road known as the Silverado Trail intersects Skellenger Lane, just outside the southwest corner of Section 12, Township 7 North (T.7 N.), Range 5 West (R.5 W.), the boundary proceeds in a southwesterly direction in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles along Skellenger Lane, past its intersection with Conn Creek Road, to the point of intersection with the main channel of the Napa River (on the Rutherford quadrangle map);

(2) Then south along the center of the river bed approximately .4 miles to the point where an unnamed stream drains into the Napa River from the west;

(3) Then along the unnamed stream in a generally northwesterly direction to its intersection with the west track of the Southern Pacific Railroad Track;

(4) Then southeasterly along said railroad track 1,650 feet to a point which is approximately 435 feet north of the centerline of the entry road to Robert Mondavi Winery (shown on the map) to the southeast corner of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(5) Thence southwesterly S 55°06′28″ W for 3,869 feet along the common boundary between Assessor's Parcel Numbers 27-250-14 and 27-280-50/51 to the southwest corner of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(6) Thence northwesterly N 40°31′42″ W for 750 feet along the westerly property line of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-250-14;

(7) Thence southwesterly S 51°00′ W in a straight line to the 500-foot contour line of the Mayacamas Range in the northwestern corner of Section 28, T.7 N., R.5 W.;

(8) Then proceeding along the 500-foot contour line in a generally southeasterly direction through Sections 28, 29, 20, 29, 28, 29, 28, 33 and 34 of T.7 N., R.5 W. and Section 3 of T.6 N., R.5 W. to its intersection with the unnamed stream known locally as Hopper Creek near the middle of Section 3;

(9) Then along the unnamed stream (Hopper Creek) southeasterly and, at the fork in Section 3, northeasterly along the stream to the point where the stream intersects with the unnamed dirt road in the northwest corner of Section 2, T.6 N., R.5 W;

(10) Then proceed in a straight line to the light duty road to the immediate northeast in Section 2, then along the light duty road in a northeasterly direction to the point at which the road turns 90 degrees to the left;

(11) Then proceed along the light duty road 625 feet, then proceed northeasterly (N 40°43′ E) in a straight line 1,350 feet, along the northern property line of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-380-08 (not shown on the map), to State Highway 29, then continuing in a straight line approximately .1 mile to the peak of the 320 + foot hill along the western edge of the Yountville Hills;

(12) Then proceed due east to the second 300-foot contour line, then follow that contour line around the Yountville Hills to the north to the point at which the 300-foot contour line exits the Rutherford quadrangle map for the second time;

(13) Then proceed (on the Yountville quadrangle map) in a straight line in a northeasterly direction approximately N 34°30′ E approximately 1,000 feet to the 90 degree bend in the unimproved dirt road shown on the map, then along that road, which coincides with a fence line (not shown on the map) to the intersection of Conn Creek and Rector Creek;

(14) Then along Rector Creek to the northeast past the Silverado Trail to the Rector Reservoir spillway entrance, then proceed due north along the spillway of Rector Reservoir, then east and northeast along the shoreline of Rector Reservoir to the point where the first unnamed stream enters the Reservoir;

(15) Thence follow the unnamed stream north and northeast to where it intersects an unimproved dirt road at the 1006-foot benchmark;

(16) Then proceed in a straight line approximately .6 mile due west to the intersection of an unnamed stream, then follow said stream downslope to the 500-foot contour line, and along that contour line northwesterly through sections 18 and 13 to the intersection of the contour line with the southern border of Section 12 in T.7 N, R.5 W.;

(17) Then proceed in a straight line in a westerly direction to the intersection of Skellenger Lane with the Silverado Trail, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-343, 58 FR 35884, July 2, 1993]

§ 9.135 - Virginia's Eastern Shore.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Virginia's Eastern Shore.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Virginia's Eastern Shore” viticultural area are 3 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (1:250,000 Series) maps. They are titled:

(1) Eastville, VA.; N.C.; MD., 1946 (revised 1969).

(2) Salisbury, MD.; DEL.; N.J.; VA., 1946 (revised 1969).

(3) Richmond VA.; MD., 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Virginia's Eastern Shore viticultural area is located in Accomack and Northampton counties, Virginia. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of the Virginia/Maryland border and Chincoteague Bay, near Greenbackville on the Salisbury, MD., U.S.G.S. map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows the coastline in a southwesterly direction. Where there are marshes indicated on the U.S.G.S. maps, the boundary is the inland side of these marshes;

(3) When the boundary reaches the southernmost point of the peninsula, on the Eastville, VA., U.S.G.S. map, the boundary turns and proceeds in a northwesterly direction, again following the coastline around Cherrystone Inlet on the Richmond, VA., U.S.G.S. map;

(4) The boundary continues to follow the coastline and the inland side of any marshes indicated on the U.S.G.S. maps in a northeasterly direction, until it reaches the Virginia/Maryland border on the Eastville, VA., U.S.G.S. map;

(5) The boundary then follows the Virginia/Maryland border back to the beginning point at Chincoteague Bay on the Salisbury, MD., U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-309, 56 FR 24, Jan. 2, 1991, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.136 - Texas Hill Country.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Texas Hill Country.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Texas Hill Country” viticultural area are 7 U.S.G.S. (scale 1:250,000) maps. They are titled:

(1) Brownwood, Texas, 1954 (revised 1974);

(2) Sonora, Texas, 1954 (revised 1978);

(3) Llano, Texas, 1954 (revised 1975);

(4) Austin, Texas, 1954 (revised 1974);

(5) Del Rio, Texas, 1958 (revised 1969);

(6) San Antonio, Texas, 1954 (revised 1980);

(7) Seguin, Texas, 1953 (revised 1975).

(c) Boundary. The Texas Hill Country viticultural area is located in portions of McCulloch, San Saba, Lampasas, Burnet, Travis, Williamson, Llano, Mason, Menard, Kimble, Gillespie, Blanco, Hays, Kendall, Kerr, Edwards, Real, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Medina, and Uvalde counties, in the State of Texas. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of Interstate Highway 35 and State highway 29 to the north of the city of Austin, on the Austin Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows State highway 29 in a west-northwesterly direction to the intersection with U.S. Highway 183;

(3) The boundary then follows U.S. Highway 183 in a northwesterly direction to the top of the Austin map and across the northeast corner of the Llano, Texas, U.S.G.S. map, to the intersection with State Highway 190 in Lometa, on the Brownwood, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(4) The boundary then follows State Highway 190 in a southwesterly direction through San Saba and Brady on the Brownwood map to the intersection of U.S. Highway 83 at Menard, on the Llano, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(5) The boundary follows U.S. highway 83 in a southerly direction to the town of Junction, where it meets U.S. Highway 377 (Llano map);

(6) The boundary then follows U.S. Highway 377 southwest to the town of Rocksprings, on the Sonora, Texas, U.S.G.S. map, where it meets State Highway 55;

(7) The boundary then follows State Highway 55 in a southeasterly direction across the southeast portion of the Del Rio, Texas, U.S.G.S. map, and continues to the town of Uvalde, on the San Antonio, Texas, U.S.G.S. map, where it meets U.S. Highway 83;

(8) The boundary then follows U.S. Highway 83 south for approximately 2 miles, until it meets U.S. Highway 90;

(9) The boundary then follows U.S. Highway 90 east across the San Antonio map to its intersection with Loop 410 in the city of San Antonio;

(10) The boundary then follows Loop 410 to the west of San Antonio, until it meets Interstate Highway 35;

(11) The boundary then follows Interstate Highway 35 in a northeasterly direction across the San Antonio map and then across the northwest corner of the Seguin, Texas, U.S.G.S. map until it reaches the beginning point at the intersection with State highway 29 on the Austin, Texas, U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-318, 56 FR 60923, Nov. 29, 1991, as amended by T.D. ATF-344, 58 FR 40354, July 28, 1993]

§ 9.137 - Grand Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Grand Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Grand Valley viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. (7.5 minute series) topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale:

(1) “Palisade Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962.

(2) “Clifton Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962, photorevised 1973.

(3) “Grand Junction Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962, photorevised 1973.

(4) “Colorado National Monument Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962, photorevised 1973.

(5) “Fruita Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962, photorevised 1973.

(6) “Corcoran Point Quadrangle, Colorado,” edition of 1962.

(c) Boundary. The Grand Valley viticultural area is located entirely within Mesa County, Colorado, in the western part of the State. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is located on the Palisade quadrangle map at a point northeast of the city of Palisade where Interstate 70 crosses the Colorado River and intersects with U.S. Highways 6 and 24, adjacent to and immediately west of the Orchard Mesa Canal Aqueduct;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary proceeds due east to the adjacent Orchard Mesa Canal Aqueduct and then in a southerly direction along the Orchard Mesa Canal Aqueduct to an unnamed creek in the western part of section 11, Township 11 South, Range 98 West (T. 11 S., R. 98 W.);

(3) Thence in a southeasterly direction along the unnamed creek to its intersection with the 5000-foot contour line in the northeast corner of section 1, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.;

(4) Thence in a northwesterly and then a southerly direction along the 5000-foot contour line to its intersection with Watson Creek in section 12, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.;

(5) Thence in a southeasterly direction along Watson Creek to its intersection with the electrical power lines in the southern part of section 12, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.;

(6) Thence in a southwesterly direction along the electrical power lines along the northern slope of Horse Mountain to that point where the power lines intersect with the Jeep Trail in the central part of section 15, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.;

(7) Thence in a northwesterly direction along the Jeep Trail to its intersection with Orchard Mesa Canal No. 2 on the western border of section 10, T. 1 S., R. 2 E.;

(8) Thence in a generally southwesterly direction along Orchard Mesa Canal No. 2 through the Clifton quadrangle map to the Canal's junction with the Gunnison River on the Grand Junction quadrangle map (western part of section 31, T. 1 S., R. 1 E.);

(9) Thence in a generally northwesterly direction along the Gunnison River to its junction with the Colorado River in section 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.;

(10) Thence continuing in a northwesterly direction along the Colorado River to the bridge where County Road 340 crosses the river (Section 15, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.);

(11) Thence in a southwesterly direction along County Road 340 approximately .2 mile to its intersection with a secondary highway, hard surface road, known locally as Monument Road;

(12) Thence in a southwesterly direction along Monument Road to the boundary of the Colorado National Monument, located on the Colorado National Monument quadrangle map (section 30, T. 1 S., R. 1 W.);

(13) Thence in a generally northwesterly direction along the boundary of the Colorado National Monument to its intersection with County Road 340 (known locally as Broadway) on the northern border of section 32, T. 1 N., R. 2 W.;

(14) Thence in a generally northerly direction along County Road 340 to the city of Fruita where County Road 340 (known locally as Cherry Street) intersects K Road on the Fruita quadrangle map;

(15) Thence due east on K Road to the northeast corner of section 17, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., on the Corcoran Point quadrangle map, then extending in the same direction in a straight line along the northern boundary of section 16, T. 1 N., R. 1 W. to the intersection with the Government Highline Canal;

(16) Thence in a southeasterly direction along the Government Highline Canal to its intersection with U.S. Interstate 70 on the Grand Junction quadrangle map;

(17) Thence in an easterly direction along U.S. Interstate 70 through the Clifton quadrangle map to where Interstate 70 crosses the Colorado River and intersects with U.S. Highways 6 and 24 on the Palisade quadrangle map, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-317, 56 FR 59216, Nov. 25, 1991]

§ 9.138 - Benmore Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Benmore Valley.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Benmore Valley viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Hopland, CA,” 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1960, (photoinspected 1975); and

(2) “Purdys Gardens, CA,” 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1958, (photoinspected 1975).

(c) Boundaries. The Benmore Valley viticultural area is located in the southwest corner of Lake County, California. It lies entirely within the North Coast viticultural area. The beginning point is an unnamed peak of 2788 feet elevation found in the southeast portion of section 35, T. 14 N., R. 11 W., on the “Purdys Gardens, CA” U.S.G.S. map:

(1) Then southwest in a straight line to the point where an unnamed unimproved road crosses the south section line of section 35, T. 14 N., R. 11 W., west of Benmore Creek;

(2) Then following the unnamed unimproved road south to the intersection with the boundary between Lake and Mendocino Counties;

(3) Then following the county boundary between Lake and Mendocino Counties east and south to the intersection with the 2800 foot contour line;

(4) Then following the 2800 foot contour line in a northerly and then southernly direction to its intersection with the boundary between Lake and Mendocino Counties on the southern edge of section 2, T. 13 N., R. 11 W;

(5) Then following the boundary between Lake and Mendocino Counties east to the point of intersection of sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, T. 13 N., R. 11 W;

(6) Then southeasterly in a straight line to an unnamed peak of 2769 feet elevation in the center of section 12, T. 13 N., R. 11 W;

(7) Then south in a straight line to the point where the boundary between Lake and Mendocino Counties changes from an east-west direction to a north-south direction;

(8) Then in a straight line in an easterly direction to an unnamed peak of 2883 feet elevation in the southwestern portion of section 5, T. 13 N., R. 10 W;

(9) Then northeast in a straight line to the easternmost peak of an unnamed ridge with four peaks in the center of section 5, T. 13 N., R. 10 W;

(10) Then northerly in a straight line to an unnamed peak of 2647 feet elevation near the north section line of section 5, T. 13 N., R. 10 W;

(11) Then westerly in a straight line to the point of intersection between section 5, T. 13 N., R 10 W., section 31, T. 14 N., R. 10 W., and section 1, T. 13 N., R. 11 W;

(12) Then northwest in a straight line to an unnamed peak of 2904 feet elevation in the north portion of section 1, T. 13 N., R. 11 W;

(13) Then northwest in a straight line to an unnamed peak of 2788 feet elevation, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-315, 56 FR 52191, Oct. 18, 1991]

§ 9.139 - Santa Lucia Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Lucia Highlands.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Santa Lucia Highlands” viticultural area are 7 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle 7.5 minute series topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Chualar, Calif., 1947 (photorevised 1984)

(2) Gonzales, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1984)

(3) Rana Creek, Calif., 1956 (photoinspected 1973)

(4) Palo Escrito Peak, Calif., 1956 (photorevised 1984)

(5) Soledad, Calif., 1955 (photorevised 1984)

(6) Sycamore Flat, Calif., 1956 (photorevised 1984)

(7) Paraiso Springs, Calif., 1956 (photorevised 1984)

(c) Boundaries. The Santa Lucia Highlands viticultural area is located in Monterey County, California. The beginning point is found on the “Chualar, California” U.S.G.S. map, where Limekiln Creek crosses the 360 foot contour interval. This point also coincides with the western boundary of the Guadalupe Y Llanitos de los Correos Land Grant and the eastern boundary of section 28, T. 16S., R. 4E. The boundary is as follows:

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary follows Limekiln Creek for approximately 1.2 miles northeast to the 120-foot elevation contour.

(2) Then following the 120-foot elevation contour in a general southeasterly direction for approximately 0.9 mile to where it intersects with River Road.

(3) Then following River Road in a southeasterly direction for 0.3 mile to its intersection with an unimproved road near the marked 130-foot elevation.

(4) Then follow a straight line southeast to the terminus of the 110-foot elevation contour.

(5) Then follow a straight line southeast 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Gonzales map, to the Salinas River.

(6) Then follow the Salinas River in a south-southeast direction 0.7 mile, crossing onto the Palo Escrito map, to the intersection of the Salinas River and the 120-foot elevation contour.

(7) Then follow the 120-foot contour south for 1 mile, then southeast to its intersection with River Road.

(8) Then follow River Road east for 0.1 mile to its intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road.

(9) Then follow the unnamed road southeast for 0.2 mile to its intersection with the 160-foot elevation contour.

(10) Then follow the 160-foot elevation contour southeasterly for approximately 5.9 miles to its intersection with River Road.

(11) Then follow River Road southeasterly for approximately 1 mile to the intersection of River, Fort Romie, and Foothill Roads.

(12) Then following Foothill Road in a southeasterly direction for approximately 4 miles to the junction of Foothill Road and Paraiso Roads on the Soledad map.

(13) Then follow Paraiso Road in a southerly direction, crossing onto the Paraiso Springs map, to its intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road north of Clark Road in Section 20, T18S/R6E.

(14) Then follow the unnamed road east-southeast for 0.3 mile to its intersection with an intermittent stream.

(15) Then follow the intermittent stream in a southwesterly direction for 0.2 mile to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 21, T18S/R6E.

(16) Then follow a straight line south-southwest for 0.3 mile to the intersection of Clark Road and the southern boundary of Section 21, T18S/R6E.

(17) Then follow Clark Road west-southwest for 0.2 mile to its intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road.

(18) Then in a straight south-southeasterly line for approximately 1.9 miles to the line's intersection with the southeast corner of section 33, T18S, R6E (this line coincides with the unnamed light duty road for about 0.4 miles and then with the eastern boundaries of sections 29, 32 and 33, T18S, R6E, which mark this portion of the western boundary of the historical Arroyo Seco Land Grant).

(19) Then straight west along the southern boundaries of sections 33, 32, and 31, T18S, R6E, to the southwest corner of section 31.

(20) Then north along the western boundaries of sections 31 and 30, to the northwestern corner of section 30 T. 18S., R. 6E.

(21) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line to the northwest corner of section 24, T. 18S., R. 5E on the Sycamore Flat, California U.S.G.S. map.

(22) Then north along the western boundary of section 13, T. 18S., R. 5E., to the northwestern corner of section 13, T. 18S., R. 5E.

(23) Then northwest in a diagonal line across sections 11 and 3, to the northwest corner of section 3, T. 18S., R. 5E on the Palo Escrito Peak, California U.S.G.S. map.

(24) Then due west along the southern boundary of section 33, T. 17S., R. 5E., to the southwestern corner of section 33, T. 17S., R. 5E.

(25) Then north along the western boundary of section 33 to the southeast corner of section 29, T. 17S., R. 5E.

(26) Then northwest in a diagonal line through sections 29, 19, 13, and 11, to the northwest corner of section 11, T. 17S., R. 4E on the Rana Creek, California U.S.G.S. map.

(27) Then north along the western boundary of section 2, T. 17S., R. 4E., to the northwestern corner of section 2, T. 17S., R. 4E.

(28) Then west along the southern boundary of section 34, T. 16S., R. 4E., to the southwestern corner of section 34, T. 16S., R. 4E.

(29) Then north along the eastern boundary of sections 33 and 28, T. 16S., R. 4E., for approximately 1 mile, to the point where the eastern boundary of section 28 T. 165., R. 4E., coincides with the western boundary of the Guadalupe Y Llanitos de los Correos Land Grant on the Chualar, California U.S.G.S. map.

(30) Then northwest along the grant line for approximately 2,500 feet to the point of beginning on Limekiln Creek.

[T.D. ATF-321, 57 FR 20764, May 15, 1992, as amended by T.D. TTB-49, 71 FR 34527, June 15, 2006; T.D. TTB-172, 86 FR 47379, Aug. 25, 2021]

§ 9.32 - Los Carneros.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Los Carneros”. “Carneros” may also be used as the name of the viticultural area described in this section. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Los Carneros” and “Carneros” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for the Carneros viticultural area are the following U.S.G.S. maps:

(1) “Sonoma Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1951 (photorevised 1968).

(2) “Napa Quadrangle, California—Napa Co.,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1951 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(3) “Cuttings Wharf Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1949 (photorevised 1968; photoinspected 1973).

(4) “Sears Point Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1951 (photorevised 1968).

(5) “Petaluma River Quadrangle,California—Sonoma Co.,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1954 (photorevised 1980).

(6) “Glen Ellen Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co.,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1954 (photorevised 1980).

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the Carneros viticultural area are located in Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, and are as follows:

(1) The point of beginning is the intersection of highway 12/121 and the Napa County-Sonoma County line, near the extreme southeast corner of the Sonoma Quadrangle map.

(2) From there, following the Napa County-Sonoma County line generally northwestward for about 1.6 miles to the summit of an unnamed hill with a marked elevation of 685 ft.

(3) From there in a straight line northeastward to the summit of Milliken Peak (743 ft.), located on the Napa Quadrangle map.

(4) From there due eastward to the 400 ft. contour line.

(5) Then following that contour line generally northwestward to Carneros Creek (on the Sonoma Quadrangle map).

(6) Then following the same contour line generally southeastward to the range line R. 5 W/R. 4 W (on the Napa Quadrangle map).

(7) Then continuing to follow the same contour line generally northward for about one mile, till reaching a point due west of the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 446 ft. (That hill is about .8 mile southwest of Browns Valley School.)

(8) From that point due eastward to the summit of that hill.

(9) From there in a straight line northeastward across Buhman Avenue to the summit of an unnamed hill having a marked elevation of 343 ft.

(10) From there due eastward to the Napa-Entre Napa land grant boundary.

(11) Then northeastward along that land grant boundary to Browns Valley Road.

(12) Then eastward along Browns Valley Road to Highway 29.

(13) Then southward along Highway 29 to Imola Avenue.

(14) Then eastward along Imola Avenue to the Napa River.

(15) Then generally southward along the west bank of the Napa River to the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks.

(16) Then generally westward and northwestward along the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks to their intersection with the township line T. 5 N./T. 4 N. (on the Sears Point Quadrangle map).

(17) From there due westward to the Northwestern Pacific Railroad tracks.

(18) Then generally southward along the Northwestern Pacific Railroad tracks to Highway 37.

(19) The westward along Highway 37 to its intersection with Highway 121.

(20) From there northwestward in a straight line to the summit of Wildcat Mountain (682 ft.).

(21) From there northwestward, following a straight line toward the summit of Sonoma Mountain (2295 ft.—on the Glenn Ellen Quadrangle map) till reaching a point due west of the intersection of Lewis Creek with the 400-ft. contour line. (That point is about 4 1/3 miles southeast of Sonoma Mountain.)

(22) From that point due eastward to Lewis Creek.

(23) Then generally southeastward along Lewis Creek to Felder Creek.

(24) Then generally eastward along Felder Creek to Leveroni Road (on the Sonoma Quadrangle map).

(25) Then generally eastward along Leveroni Road to Napa Road.

(26) Then eastward and southeastward along Napa Road to Highway 12/121.

(27) Then eastward along Highway 12/121 to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-142, 48 span 37368, Aug. 18, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 span 5956, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-55, 71 span 66455, Nov. 15, 2006]

§ 9.140 - Atlas Peak.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Atlas Peak.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps of determining the boundaries of the Atlas Peak viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Yountville, Calif.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1951, (photorevised 1968); and

(2) “Capell Valley, Calif.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1951, (photorevised 1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Atlas Peak viticultural area is located in Napa County, California. It lies entirely within the Napa Valley viticultural area. The beginning point is Haystack (peak) found in section 21, T. 7 N., R. 4 W. on the “Yountville” U.S.G.S. map;

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary proceeds south in a straight line approximately 0.5 miles, to the highest point of an unnamed peak of 1443 feet elevation on the boundary of sections 21 and 28, T. 7 N., R. 4 W.;

(2) Then southeast in a straight line approximately one mile to an unnamed pass with an elevation of 1485 feet, located on Soda Canyon Road;

(3) Then easterly in a straight line approximately 0.5 miles to an unnamed peak of 2135 feet elevation;

(4) Then in a generally southeasterly direction, as a series of five straight lines connecting the highest points of unnamed peaks with elevations of 1778, 2102, 1942, 1871 and 1840 feet, ending in the center of section 2, T. 6 N., R. 4 W.;

(5) Then southeast in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles to the highest point of an unnamed peak of 1268 feet elevation in section 12, T. 6 N., R. 4 W. on the Capell Valley U.S.G.S. map;

(6) Then east-southeast in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the point where an unnamed tributary stream enters Milliken Creek, immediately south of the Milliken Reservoir in section 7, T. 6 N., R. 3 W.;

(7) Then following the unnamed stream east-northeast approximately 0.5 miles to its source;

(8) Then northeast in a straight line approximately 0.5 miles, through the highest point of an unnamed peak of 1846 feet elevation, to the 1600 foot contour line in the eastern portion of section 8, T. 6 N., R. 3 W.;

(9) Then following the 1600 foot contour line generally north and west for approximately 10 miles, to the point of intersection with the boundary line between sections 12 and 13, T. 7 N., R. 4 W. on the Yountville U.S.G.S. map;

(10) Then following the section boundary line west approximately 1.1 miles to the intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road;

(11) Then northwest in a straight line approximately 0.7 miles to the highest point of an unnamed peak of 2114 feet elevation, located in section 10, T. N., R. 4 W.;

(12) Then northwest in a straight line approximately 0.7 miles to the highest point of an unnamed peak of 2023 feet elevation, located in section 10, T. N., R. 4 W.;

(13) Then southwest in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles to Haystack (peak), the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-320, 57 FR 2681, Jan. 23, 1992]

§ 9.141 - Escondido Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Escondido Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the “Escondido Valley” viticultural area is 1 U.S.G.S. (scale 1:250,000) map. It is titled Fort Stockton, Texas, 1954 (revised 1973).

(c) Boundary. The Escondido Valley viticultural area is located in Pecos County, Texas. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of Interstate Route 10 (I-10) and an intermittent stream approximately 18 miles east of the city of Fort Stockton (standard reference GE3317 on the Fort Stockton, Texas, U.S.G.S. map);

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows I-10 in an easterly direction approximately 9 miles until a southbound trail diverges from I-10 just past the point where it intersects horizontal grid line 2 of square GE on the Fort Stockton, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(3) The boundary then follows the trail in a generally southeasterly direction about 5 miles until it intersects the 3000 foot contour line;

(4) The boundary follows the 3000 foot contour line in a generally westerly direction approximately 17 miles;

(5) The boundary continues to follow the 3000 foot contour line as it turns sharply northwest, but diverges from the contour line when the contour line turns south again;

(6) From the point where it diverges from the contour line, the boundary follows a straight north-northwesterly line as it returns to the beginning point at I-10.

[ATF-322, 57 FR 20761, May 15, 1992]

§ 9.142 - Bennett Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Bennett Valley”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Bennett Valley viticultural area are four 1:24,000 scale USGS topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Santa Rosa Quadrangle, CA—Sonoma Co. 1994

(2) Kenwood Quadrangle, CA 1954, photorevised 1980

(3) Glen Ellen Quadrangle, CA—Sonoma Co. 1954, photorevised 1980

(4) Cotati Quadrangle, CA—Sonoma Co. 1954, photorevised 1980

(c) Boundary. The Bennett Valley viticultural area is entirely within Sonoma County, California, and is located northwest of the peak of Sonoma Mountain and southeast of the city of Santa Rosa.

(1) Beginning at the peak of Taylor Mountain (BM 1401), Section 6, T6N, R7W, proceed straight northeast to the intersection of the common line between Sections 31 and 32 and the 560-foot elevation line, T7N, R7W; continue straight northeast at the same angle, crossing the Bennett Valley Golf Course and Matanzas Creek, to a point on the 500-foot elevation line approximately 400 feet north of the southern boundary of Section 20, T7N, R7W (Santa Rosa Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed straight southeast to the center peak of the three unnamed peaks above the 1,100-foot elevation line, located approximately 1,600 feet southwest of Hunter Spring, in Section 28, T7N, R7W (Santa Rosa Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed straight east-southeast to a 1,527-foot peak in the southeast corner of Section 28, T7N, R7W (Santa Rosa Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed straight southeast to Bennett Mountain's 1,887-foot peak, Section 34, T7N, R7W (Kenwood Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed straight southeast to the 1,309-foot peak located northwest of a water tank and approximately 400 feet north of the southern boundary of Section 35, T7N, R7W (Kenwood Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed straight south-southeast to the 978-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of Section 11, T6N, R7W, and continue straight south-southeast approximately 600 feet to the “T” intersection of two unimproved roads located on the common boundary line between Sections 11 and 12, T6N, R7W (Kenwood Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed south along the north-south unimproved road to its intersection with Sonoma Mountain Road, Section 13, T6N, R7W, and continue straight south to the 1,600-foot elevation line, Section 13, T6N, R7W (Glen Ellen Quadrangle); then

(8) Proceed west along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line to the point where it crosses the common line between Sections 22 and 23, T6N, R7W (Glen Ellen Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed straight west-northwest to the point where the 900-foot elevation line crosses the common line between Sections 15 and 16, T6N, R7W, approximately 500 feet north of the southwest corner of Section 15 (Cotati Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed straight northwest to the intersection of Grange Road (known as Crane Canyon Road to the west) and the southern boundary of Section 9, and continue straight west along that section boundary to the southwest corner of Section 9, T6N, R7W (Cotati Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed straight north-northwest to the 961-foot peak on the east side of Section 8, T6N, R7W (Santa Rosa Quadrangle); and then

(12) Proceed straight northwest to the peak of Taylor Mountain, returning to the point of beginning.

[T.D. TTB-6, 68 FR 61748, Oct. 30, 2003]

§ 9.143 - Spring Mountain District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Spring Mountain District.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Spring Mountain District viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series topographical maps of the 1:24000 scale. They are titled:

(1) “Kenwood, Calif.,” 1954 (photorevised 1980).

(2) “Rutherford, Calif.,” 1951 (photorevised 1968).

(3) “St. Helena, Calif.,” 1960 (photorevised 1980).

(4) “Calistoga, Calif.,” 1958 (photorevised 1980).

(c) Boundary. The Spring Mountain District viticultural area is located in Napa County, California, within the Napa Valley viticultural area. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Calistoga quadrangle map at the Napa-Sonoma county line at the boundary line between sections 18 and 19 in T8N/R6W.

(2) Then east along the boundary line between sections 18 and 19 for approximately 3/4 of a mile to its intersection with Ritchie Creek at the boundary line between sections 17 and 20.

(3) Then northeast along Ritchie Creek approximately 2 miles, to the 400 foot contour line in the northeast corner in section 16 of T8N/R6W.

(4) Then along the 400 foot contour line in a northeast then generally southeast direction, through the St. Helena and Rutherford quadrangle maps, approximately 9 miles, past the town of St. Helena to the point where it intersects Sulphur Creek in Sulphur Canyon, in the northwest corner of section 2 in T7N/R6W.

(5) Then west along Sulfur Creek (onto the Kenwood quadrangle map) and south to the point where it first divides into two intermittent streams in section 3 in T7N/R6W.

(6) Then south along the intermittent stream approximately 1.5 miles to the point where it intersects the 2,360 foot contour line in section 10 in T7N/R6W.

(7) Then southwest in a straight line, approximately .10 mile, to the unnamed peak (elevation 2600 feet) at the boundary line between Napa and Sonoma Counties.

(8) Then in a generally northwest direction along the Napa-Sonoma county line, through sections 10, 9, 4, 5, 32, 33, 32, 29, 20, and 19, to the beginning point on the Calistoga quadrangle map at the boundary between sections 18 and 19 in T8N/R6W.

[T.D. ATF-341, 58 span 28350, May 13, 1993]

§ 9.144 - Texas High Plains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Texas High Plains.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Texas High Plains viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 1:250,000 scale. They are titled:

(1) “Clovis, New Mexico; Texas” 1954, revised 1973.

(2) “Brownfield, Texas; New Mexico” 1954, revised 1973.

(3) “Hobbs, New Mexico; Texas” 1954, revised 1973.

(4) “Plainview, Texas” 1954, revised 1974.

(5) “Lubbock, Texas” 1954, revised 1975.

(6) “Big Spring, Texas” 1954, revised 1975.

(c) Boundary. The Texas High Plains viticultural area is located in Armstrong, Bailey, Borden, Briscoe, Castro, Cochran, Crosby, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Parmer, Randall, Swisher, Terry and Yoakum Counties, Texas. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Hobbs, New Mexico; Texas, map at the intersection of the Texas-New Mexico border and U.S. Route 180 east of Hobbs, New Mexico;

(2) The boundary follows U.S. Route 180 east through Seminole, Texas and onto the Big Spring, Texas, U.S.G.S. map where it intersects with the 3,000 foot contour line in the town of Lamesa, Texas;

(3) The boundary then follows the 3,000 foot contour line in a generally northeasterly direction across the U.S.G.S. maps of Big Spring and Lubbock, Texas;

(4) The boundary continues along the 3,000 foot contour line onto the map of Plainview, Texas, where it follows a generally northwesterly direction until it intersects with State Highway 217 approximately 12 miles east of Canyon, Texas;

(5) The boundary then follows State Highway 217 west to Canyon, Texas, leaves State Highway 217 and proceeds in a straight line in a northwesterly direction until it intersects with U.S. Route 60, still within Canyon, Texas;

(6) The boundary then follows U.S. Route 60 in a southwesterly direction onto the U.S.G.S. map of Clovis, New Mexico; Texas, where it intersects the Texas-New Mexico border;

(7) The boundary then follows the Texas-New Mexico border south, across the U.S.G.S. map of Brownfield, Texas; New Mexico, to the beginning point on the Hobbs, New Mexico; Texas, U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-336, 58 FR 11967, Mar. 2, 1993]

§ 9.145 - Dunnigan Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Dunnigan Hills.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Dunnigan Hills viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. 15 minute series topographical maps of the 1:62500 scale. They are titled:

(1) “Guinda, Calif.,” 1959.

(2) “Dunnigan, Calif.,” 1953.

(3) “Woodland, Calif.,” 1953.

(c) Boundary. The Dunnigan Hills viticultural area is located in Yolo County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Dunnigan, Calif., U.S.G.S. map at the intersection of Buckeye Creek and U.S. Route 99W just south of the Colusa-Yolo county line;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows Route 99W in a southeasterly direction until an unnamed westbound light-duty road coincident with a grant boundary (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 17) diverges from Route 99W just north of the town of Yolo, California, on the Woodland, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(3) The boundary then follows the County Road 17 for approximately 2 miles to an unnamed southbound light duty road (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 95A);

(4) The boundary then follows County Road 95A south for approximately 1/2 mile to an unnamed westbound light duty road (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 17A);

(5) The boundary then proceeds west along County Road 17A for approximately 3/8 mile to an unnamed southbound light duty road (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 95);

(6) The boundary then proceeds south along County Road 95 for approximately 1 mile to an unnamed light duty road which goes in a southwesterly direction (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 19);

(7) The boundary then proceeds southwest along County Road 19 for approximately 1/4 mile to an unnamed light duty road which travels south-southwest (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 94B);

(8) The boundary then proceeds southwest along County Road 94B approximately 1 1/4 mile until it intersects Cache Creek;

(9) The boundary then follows Cache Creek in a westerly direction 5.5 miles until it intersects an unnamed north-south light duty road approximately 1 mile north of the city of Madison, California (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 89);

(10) The boundary then follows County Road 89 two miles in a northerly direction back on to the Dunnigan, Calif., U.S.G.S. map where it intersects an unnamed light duty road (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 16);

(11) The boundary follows County Road 16 west for approximately 2 miles onto the Guinda, Calif., U.S.G.S. map, where it turns north onto an unnamed light-duty road between sections 31 and 32 of T10N/R1W (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 87);

(12) The boundary follows County Road 87 north for 2 miles to an unnamed east-west light duty road (referred to by the petitioner as County Road 14);

(13) The boundary follows County Road 14 west for 3 miles, and then leaves the unnamed road and turns north on the dividing line between sections 22 and 23 of T11N/R2W.

(14) The boundary continues due north until it intersects Little Buckeye Creek just south of the Yolo-Colusa county line;

(15) The boundary then follows Little Buckeye Creek in an easterly direction until it joins Buckeye Creek;

(16) The boundary then follows Buckeye Creek in an easterly direction back to the point of beginning on the Dunnigan, Calif., U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-340, 58 span 28352, May 13, 1993]

§ 9.146 - Lake Wisconsin.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lake Wisconsin.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the “Lake Wisconsin” viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale. They are titled:

(1) Sauk City, Wis., 1975; and

(2) Lodi, Wis., 1975.

(c) Boundary. The Lake Wisconsin viticultural area is located in Columbia and Dane Counties, Wisconsin. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The point of beginning is on the “Lodi, Wisc.” U.S.G.S. map in the northeast quarter-section of section 17, Lodi Township, Columbia County, where Spring Creek enters Lake Wisconsin;

(2) From the point of beginning, follow the southern shoreline of Lake Wisconsin northwest to where Lake Wisconsin narrows and becomes the Wisconsin River on the map, in the vicinity of the town of Merrimac, Sauk County;

(3) Then continue along the southern shoreline of the Wisconsin River, west and south past Goose Egg Hill, Columbia County, on the “Sauk City, Wisc.” quadrangle map, and then west to a southwest bend in the shoreline opposite Wiegands Bay, Sauk County, where the Wisconsin River becomes Lake Wisconsin again on the map;

(4) Then southwest and south along the eastern shoreline of Lake Wisconsin, to the power plant that defines where Lake Wisconsin ends and the Wisconsin River begins again;

(5) Then continuing south along the Wisconsin River shoreline to where it intersects with U.S. Highway 12 opposite Sauk City, Sauk County;

(6) Then in a southeasterly direction on U.S. Highway 12 to the intersection at State Highway 188, just over one-half a mile;

(7) Then in a northeasterly direction about 1,000 feet on State Highway 188, to the intersection of Mack Road;

(8) Then east on Mack Road to the intersection of State Highway Y, about 3 miles;

(9) Then follow State Highway Y in a generally northeasterly direction onto the “Lodi, Wisc.” quadrangle map and continue in a northeasterly direction to the intersection with State Highway 60;

(10) Then in a northeasterly direction on State Highway 60 to the intersection with State Highway 113 in the town of Lodi;

(11) Then in a northwesterly direction on State Highway 113 to where it crosses Spring Creek the second time just before Chrislaw Road;

(12) Then follow Spring Creek in a northwesterly direction to where it enters Lake Wisconsin, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-352, 59 FR 539, Jan. 5, 1994, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.147 - Hames Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Hames Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundary of the Hames Valley viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. 15 minute series topographical map, titled Bradley Quadrangle, California, edition of 1961, with a scale of 1:62,500.

(c) Boundary. The Hames Valley viticultural area is located in southern Monterey County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning at the southeast corner of section 26, T. 23 S., R. 10 E., which coincides with the point where the 640 foot contour line crosses the Swain Valley drainage, the boundary proceeds in a straight line across section 26 to the northwest corner of section 26, T. 23 S., R. 10 E.;

(2) Then west northwest in a straight line across sections 22, 21, 20, and 19, T. 23 S., R. 10 E., to the northwest corner of section 24, T. 23 S., R. 9 E.;

(3) Then southeast in a straight line across sections 24, 25, 30, 31, and 32, to the southeast corner of section 5, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.;

(4) Then east southeast in a straight line across section 9 to the southeast corner of section 10, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.;

(5) Then east southeast in a straight line for approximately 2.25 miles to Hill 704, located in section 18, T. 24 S., R. 11 E.;

(6) Then north northwest in a straight line for approximately 1.35 miles to Hill 801, located near the northwest corner of section 7, T. 24 S., R. 11 E., and then continue in a straight line to the northwest corner of section 6, T. 24 S., R. 11 E.;

(7) Then in a generally northwesterly direction along the Salinas River for approximately 1 mile to where the Swain Valley drainage enters the Salinas River about .11 mile south of the northern boundary line of section 36, T. 23 S., R. 10 E.;

(8) Then in a westerly direction for approximately .75 mile along the Swain Valley drainage to the southeast corner of section 26, T. 23 S., R. 10 E., the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-356, 59 FR 14100, Mar. 25, 1994]

§ 9.148 - Seiad Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Seiad Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate map for determining the boundary of the Seiad Valley viticultural area is a U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series topographical map of the 1:24000 scale, titled “Seiad Valley, Calif.,” 1980.

(c) Boundary. The Seiad Valley viticultural area is located in Siskiyou County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of the 1600 foot contour line with the power transmission line north of the Klamath River, near Mile 130;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows the 1600′ contour line in a generally northeasterly direction until it reaches the intersection of an unnamed light duty road and an unimproved road just west of Canyon Creek;

(3) The boundary then follows the unimproved road north to its end, then goes east in a straight line until it reaches the 1800′ contour line;

(4) The boundary then follows the 1800′ contour line in a northeasterly direction to the point, near Sawmill Gulch, where the contour line crosses Seiad Creek and turns south and west;

(5) The boundary continues to follow the 1800′ contour line as it proceeds southwest for approximately 4.5 miles, then turns sharply south-southeast for approximately 0.3 miles, until the contour line turns sharply east at a point just north of the Klamath River;

(6) The boundary then diverges from the 1800′ contour line and proceeds south-southeast in a straight line, across the Klamath River and State Route 96, until it intersects with the 1600′ contour line;

(7) The boundary then follows the 1600′ contour line south and west, then north and west, roughly following the course of the Klamath River, until it reaches an unnamed peak 1744 feet high;

(8) The boundary continues along the 1600′ contour line as it diverges from the Klamath River and proceeds south, just to the east of an unnamed light duty road, to the point where that road crosses Grider Creek;

(9) The boundary diverges from the contour line and proceeds west in a straight line across the road and Grider Creek until it intersects with the 1600′ contour line on the west side of Grider Creek;

(10) The boundary then follows the 1600′ contour line north, west and north again until it reaches a point where the contour line turns west, just south of the Klamath River;

(11) The boundary diverges from the 1600′ contour line and proceeds in a straight line in a northeasterly direction, back to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-357, 59 FR 26114, May 19, 1994]

§ 9.149 - St. Helena.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “St. Helena.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the St. Helena viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series topographical maps of the 1:24,000 scale. They are titled:

(1) St. Helena Quadrangle, California, edition of 1960, revised 1993;

(2) Calistoga Quadrangle, California, edition of 1958, photorevised 1980;

(3) Rutherford Quadrangle, California, edition of 1951, photorevised 1968, photoinspected 1973.

(c) Boundary. The St. Helena viticultural area is located in Napa County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Rutherford Quadrangle map at the point of intersection between State Highway 29 and a county road shown on the map as Zinfandel Avenue, known locally as Zinfandel Lane, the boundary proceeds in a southwest direction along Zinfandel Avenue to its intersection with the north fork of Bale Slough (blueline stream) near the 201 foot elevation marker;

(2) Thence in a northwesterly direction approximately 2,750 feet along the north fork of Bale Slough to a point of intersection with a southwesterly straight line projection of a light duty road locally known as Inglewood Avenue;

(3) Thence in a straight line in a southwesterly direction along this projected extension of Inglewood Avenue approximately 2,300 feet to its intersection with the 500 foot contour line in Section 7, Township 7 North (T7N), Range 5 West (R5W);

(4) Thence along the 500 foot contour line in a generally northwesterly direction through Sections 7, 1 and 2, to its intersection of the western border of Section 2, T7N, R6W;

(5) Thence northerly along the western border of Section 2 approximately 500 feet to its intersection with Sulphur Creek in Sulphur Canyon in the northwest corner of Section 2, T7N, R6W;

(6) Thence along Sulphur Creek in an easterly direction approximately 350 feet to its intersection with the 400 foot contour line;

(7) Thence along the 400 foot contour line in a generally easterly, then northwesterly, direction past the city of St. Helena (on the St. Helena Quadrangle map) to a point of intersection with a southwesterly straight line projection of the county road shown as Bale Lane in the Carne Humana Rancho on the Calistoga Quadrangle map;

(8) Thence along the projected straight line extension of Bale Lane in a northeasterly direction approximately 700 feet to the intersection of State Highway 29 and Bale Lane and continuing northeasterly along Bale Lane to its intersection with the Silverado Trail;

(9) Thence in a northwesterly direction along the Silverado Trail approximately 1,500 feet to an unmarked driveway on the north side of the Silverado Trail near the 275 foot elevation marker;

(10) Thence approximately 300 feet northeasterly along the driveway to and beyond its point of intersection with another driveway and continuing in a straight line projection to the 400 foot contour line;

(11) Thence in a northerly and then generally southeasterly direction along the 400 foot contour line through Sections 10 (projected), 11, 12, 13, 24 and 25 in T8N, R6W, Section 30 in T8N, R5W, Sections 25 and 24 in T8N, R6W, Sections 19 and 30 in T8N, R5W to a point of intersection with the city limits of St. Helena on the eastern boundary of Section 30 in T8N, R5W, on the St. Helena Quadrangle map;

(12) Thence north, east and south along the city limits of St. Helena to the third point of intersection with the county road known as Howell Mountain Road in Section 29, T8N, R5W;

(13) Thence in a northeasterly direction approximately 900 feet along Howell Mountain Road to its intersection with Conn Valley Road;

(14) Thence northeasterly and then southeasterly along Conn Valley Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Section 28, T8N, R5W;

(15) Thence south approximately 5,200 feet along the eastern boundary of Sections 28 and 33 to a point of intersection with the 380 foot contour line near the southeast corner of Section 33, T8N, R5W, on the Rutherford Quadrangle map;

(16) Thence in a northwesterly direction along the 380 foot contour line in Section 33 to a point of intersection with a northeasterly straight line projection of Zinfandel Avenue;

(17) Thence in a southwesterly direction approximately 950 feet along this straight line projection of Zinfandel Avenue to its intersection with the Silverado Trail;

(18) Thence continuing along Zinfandel Avenue in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with State Highway 29, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-366, 60 FR 47061, Sept. 11, 1995]

§ 9.150 - Cucamonga Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cucamonga Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Cucamonga Valley viticultural area are the following ten U.S.G.S. topographical maps (7.5 minute series 1:24000 scale):

(1) Mt. Baldy, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1988;

(2) Cucamonga Peak, Calif., 1966, photorevised 1988;

(3) Devore, Calif., 1966, photorevised 1988;

(4) San Bernardino North, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1988;

(5) Ontario, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1981;

(6) Guasti, Calif., 1966, photorevised 1981;

(7) Fontana, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1980;

(8) San Bernardino South, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1980;

(9) Prado Dam, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1981;

(10) Corona North, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1981.

(c) Boundary. The Cucamonga Valley viticultural area is located in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of Euclid Avenue and 24th Street on the Mt. Baldy, Calif. U.S.G.S. map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows 24th Street east for approximately 0.3 mile, until it reaches the intersection of 24th Street with two unnamed light-duty streets to the north;

(3) The boundary then diverges from 24th Street and goes straight north for approximately 0.3 mile, until it reaches the 2,000 foot contour line;

(4) The boundary then follows the 2,000 foot contour line in a generally easterly direction across the Cucamonga Peak, Calif., U.S.G.S. map and onto the Devore, Calif., U.S.G.S. map until it reaches Lytle Creek Wash;

(5) The boundary follows the intermittent stream in Lytle Creek Wash in a southeasterly direction to the end of the intermittent stream on the Devore, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(6) The boundary then continues through Lytle Creek Wash, proceeding southeast in a straight line from the end of the intermittent stream, across the southwest corner of the San Bernardino North, Calif., U.S.G.S. map and onto the San Bernardino, South, Calif., U.S.G.S. map, to the northernmost point of the flood control basin at the end of the Lytle Creek Wash, a distance of approximately 4.3 miles;

(7) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line south-southeast across the flood control basin to the point where Lytle Creek Channel exits the basin;

(8) The boundary continues along Lytle Creek Channel until it empties into Warm Creek;

(9) The boundary then follows Warm Creek until it meets the Santa Ana River;

(10) The boundary then follows the western edge of the Santa Ana River in a generally southwesterly direction until it meets the San Bernardino—Riverside County line;

(11) The boundary follows the county line west, crossing onto the Guasti, Calif., U.S.G.S. map, until it reaches the unnamed channel between Etiwanda and Mulberry Avenues (identified by the petitioner as Etiwanda Creek Channel);

(12) The boundary then follows Etiwanda Creek Channel in a southerly direction until it parallels Bain Street;

(13) The boundary then diverges from Etiwanda Creek Channel and follows Bain Street south until it ends at Limonite Avenue in the northeast corner of the Corona North, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(14) The boundary then continues south in a straight line until it reaches the northern shore of the Santa Ana River;

(15) The boundary then follows the north shore of the Santa Ana River until it intersects the 560 foot contour line in Section 1 T3S/R7W;

(16) The boundary then follows the 560′ contour line to the north of the Santa Ana River in a generally westerly direction until it reaches Euclid Avenue on the Prado Dam, Calif., U.S.G.S. map;

(17) The boundary then follows Euclid Avenue north to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-362, 60 FR 16578, Mar. 31, 1995]

§ 9.33 - Fennville.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fennville.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Fennville Viticultural Area are three U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Fennville Quadrangle, Michigan-Allegan County,” 15 minute series;

(2) “Bangor Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series; and

(3) “South Haven Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Fennville viticultural area is primarily located in the southwestern portion of Allegan County, Michigan, with a small finger extending into the northwest corner of Van Buren County, Michigan.

(1) The western boundary is the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, extending from the Black River, at the City of South Haven, north to the Kalamazoo River.

(2) The northern boundary is the Kalamazoo River, extending easterly from Lake Michigan to 86°5′ west longitude.

(3) The eastern boundary is the 86°5′ west longitude meridian, extending from the Kalamazoo River to the intersection of the Middle Fork of the Black River.

(4) The southern boundary is the Middle Fork of the Black River extending westerly from 86°5′ west longitude until it joins the Black River, continuing west along the Black River to the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.

[T.D. ATF-91, 46 FR 46320, Sept. 18, 1981]

§ 9.151 - Puget Sound.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Puget Sound.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Puget Sound viticultural area are four 1:250,000 scale U.S.G.S. topographical maps, one 1:25,000 scale topographic map, and three 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Hoquiam, Washington, 1958 revised 1974 (1:250,000)

(2) Seattle, Washington, 1958 revised 1974 (1:250,000)

(3) Wenatchee, Washington, 1957 revised 1971 (1:250,000)

(4) Victoria, B.C., Can., Wash., U.S., 1957 revised (U.S. area) 1974 (1:250,000)

(5) Auburn, Washington, 1983 (1:25,000)

(6) Buckley, Washington, 1993 (1:24,000)

(7) Cumberland, Washington, 1993 (1:24,000)

(8) Enumclaw, Washington, 1993 (1:24,000)

(c) Boundary. The Puget Sound viticultural area is located in the State of Washington. The boundaries of the Puget Sound viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, follow.

(1) Beginning where the Whatcom county line comes closest to an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Silver Lake Road) on the U.S.G.S. map “Victoria,” T41N/R6E;

(2) Then south along Silver Lake Road approximately 5.5 miles to its intersection with State Highway 542, T39N/R5E;

(3) Then west and then southwest along State Highway 542 approximately 11 miles to its intersection with State Highway 9, T38N/R5E;

(4) Then south along State Highway 9 approximately 44 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Burn Road) at the town of Arlington, T31N/R5E;

(5) Then south, southeast along Burn Road approximately 11 miles to its intersection with State Highway 92, T30N/R6E;

(6) Then south along State Highway 92 approximately 3 miles to its intersection with an unnamed light duty road (referred to in the petition as Machias Hartford Road), T29N/R6E;

(7) Then south along Machias Hartford Road approximately 4 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Lake Roesiger Road), on the U.S.G.S. map “Wenatchee,” T29N/R7E;

(8) Then east along Lake Roesiger Road approximately 3.5 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Woods Creek Road), T29N/R7E;

(9) Then south along Woods Creek Road approximately 10.5 miles to its intersection with U.S. Highway 2 in the town of Monroe, T27N/R7E;

(10) Then west along U.S. Highway 2 approximately 1/2 mile to its intersection with State Highway 203, T27N/R6E;

(11) Then south along State Highway 203 approximately 24 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Preston-Fall City Road), at the town of Fall City, T24N/R7E;

(12) Then southwest along Preston-Fall City Road approximately 4 miles to its intersection with Interstate Highway 90 at the town of Preston, T24N/R7E;

(13) Then east along Interstate Highway 90 approximately 3 miles to its intersection with State Highway 18, T23N/R7E;

(14) Then southwest along State Highway 18 approximately 7 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as 276th Avenue SE), T23N/R6E;

(15) Then south along 276th Avenue SE approximately 5 miles to its intersection with State Highway 516 at the town of Georgetown, T22N/R6E;

(16) Then west along State Highway 516 approximately 2 miles to its intersection with State Highway 169 at the town of Summit on the U.S.G.S. map, “Seattle,” (shown in greater detail on the U.S.G.S. map, “Auburn”), T22N/R6E;

(17) Then south along State Highway 169 approximately 11.5 miles to its intersection with State Highway 410 at the town of Enumclaw on the U.S.G.S. map, “Wenatchee,” (shown in greater detail on the U.S.G.S. map, “Enumclaw”), T20N/R6E;

(18) Then southwest approximately 5 miles along State Highway 410 until its intersection with State Highway 165 on the U.S.G.S. map, “Seattle,” (shown in greater detail on the U.S.G.S. map, “Buckley”), T19N/R6E;

(19) Then southwest on State Highway 165 until its intersection with State Highway 162 at the town of Cascade Junction on the U.S.G.S. map, “Seattle” (shown in greater detail on the U.S.G.S. Map, “Buckley”), T19N/R6E;

(20) Then southwest along State Highway 162 approximately 8 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road (referred to in the petition as Orville Road E.), T19N/R5E;

(21) Then south along Orville Road E., approximately 8 miles to its intersection with the CMSTP&P railroad at the town of Kapowsin, on the U.S.G.S. map, “Hoquiam,” T17N/R5E;

(22) Then south along the CMSTP&P railroad approximately 17 miles to where it crosses the Pierce County line at the town of Elbe, T15N/R5E;

(23) Then west along the Pierce County line approximately 1 mile to the eastern tip of Thurston County, T15N/R5E;

(24) Then west along the Thurston County line approximately 38 miles to where it crosses Interstate Highway 5, T15N/R2W;

(25) Then north along Interstate Highway 5 approximately 18 miles to its intersection with U.S. Highway 101 at the town of Tumwater on the U.S.G.S. map “Seattle,” T18N/R2W;

(26) Then northwest along U.S. Highway 101 approximately 18 miles to its intersection with State Highway 3 at the town of Shelton, T20N/R3W;

(27) Then northeast along State Highway 3 approximately 24 miles to where it crosses the Kitsap County line, T23N/R1W;

(28) Then north along the Kitsap County line approximately 3 miles to the point where it turns west, T23N/R1W;

(29) Then west along the Kitsap County line approximately 11 miles to the point where it turns north, T23N/R3W;

(30) Then continuing west across Hood Canal approximately 1 mile to join with U.S. Highway 101 just south of the mouth of an unnamed creek (referred to in the petition as Jorsted Creek), T23N/R3W;

(31) Then north along U.S. Highway 101 approximately 40 miles to the point where it turns west at the town of Gardiner on the U.S.G.S. map “Victoria,” T30N/R2W;

(32) Then west along U.S. Highway 101 approximately 32 miles to where it crosses the Elwha River, T30N/R7W;

(33) Then north along the Elwha River approximately 6 miles to its mouth, T31N/R7W;

(34) Then continuing north across the Strait of Juan de Fuca approximately 5 miles to the Clallam County line, T32N/R7W;

(35) Then northeast along the Clallam County line approximately 14 miles to the southwestern tip of San Juan County, T32N/R4W;

(36) Then northeast along the San Juan County line approximately 51 miles to the northern tip of San Juan County, T38N/R3W;

(37) Then northwest along the Whatcom County line approximately 19 miles to the western tip of Whatcom County, T41N/R5W;

(38) Then east along the Whatcom County line approximately 58 miles to the beginning.

[T.D. ATF-368, 60 span 51899, Oct. 4, 1995]

§ 9.152 - Malibu-Newton Canyon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this petition is “Malibu-Newton Canyon.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundary of the Malibu-Newton Canyon viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. map, “Point Dume Quadrangle, California” (7.5 Minute Series 1:24,000 Topographic map, photorevised 1981).

(c) Boundary. The Malibu-Newton Canyon viticultural area is located in Los Angeles County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning at the intersection of the Newton Canyon creek (lowest elevation) and an unnamed medium duty road referred to by the petitioner as Kanan Dume Road at the boundary of section 13 and 18 on the U.S.G.S. map “Point Dume Quadrangle.”

(2) Then south along Kanan Dume Road to the point where an unnamed, unimproved dirt road referred to by the petitioner as Ramerez Mountain Way crosses over Kanan Dume Road at the tunnel in the northwest corner of section 19.

(3) Then east along Ramerez Mountain Way, following the southern ridgeline of Newton Canyon, to Latigo Canyon Road in the southwest corner of section 17.

(4) Then south along Latigo Canyon Road to an unnamed, unimproved dirt road referred to by the petitioner as Newton Mountain Way at the southern boundary of section 17.

(5) Then northeast along Newton Mountain Way, following the southeastern ridgeline of Newton Canyon, to an unnamed, unimproved dirt road referred to by the petitioner as Castro Mountain Way in section 16.

(6) Then west along Castro Mountain Way, past Castro Peak, following the northern ridgeline of Newton Canyon to Latigo Canyon Road in section 18.

(7) Then southwest along the natural ridgeline of Newton Canyon to the intersection of Kanan Dume Road and the 1,600 foot contour line in the southeastern portion of section 13.

(8) Then southeasterly along Kanan Dume Road to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-375, 61 FR 29952, June 13, 1996]

§ 9.153 - Redwood Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Redwood Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Redwood Valley viticultural area are four Quadrangle 7.5 minute series 1:24,000 scale U.S.G.S. topographical maps. They are titled:

(1) Redwood Valley, Calif., 1960, photorevised 1975;

(2) Ukiah, Calif., 1958, photorevised 1975;

(3) Laughlin Range, Calif., 1991;

(4) Orrs Springs, California, provisional edition, 1991.

(c) Boundary. The Redwood Valley viticultural area is located in the east central interior portion of Mendocino County, California. The boundaries of the Redwood Valley viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, are:

(1) The beginning point is in the northeastern portion of the Ukiah map at the point where State Highway 20 crosses the R11W/R12W range line along the south bank of the East Fork of the Russian River, T16N/R12W. From the beginning point, proceed north along the R11W/R12W range line, crossing onto the Redwood Valley map, to the northeast corner of section 1, T16N/R12W; then

(2) Proceed west along the northern boundary of section 1 to the section's northwest corner, T16N/R12W; then

(3) Proceed north along the eastern boundary lines of sections 35, 26, 23, 14, 11, and 2 to the T17N/T18N common boundary line at the northeast corner of section 2, T17N/R12W; then

(4) Proceed west along the T17N/T18N common line to the northwest corner of section 6, T17N/R12W; then

(5) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the intersection of the 1,400-foot contour line and Bakers Creek within McGee Canyon, section 25, T17N/R13W; then

(6) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the Redwood Valley map, to the southeast corner of section 36, T17N/R13W; then

(7) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.55 mile, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and an unnamed road known locally as Reeves Canyon Road, section 1, T16N/R13W; then

(8) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Redwood Valley map, to the southeast corner of section 1, T16N/R13W; then

(9) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.65 mile to the intersection of an unnamed, unimproved road and an unnamed, intermittent stream, approximately 500 feet south of Seward Creek, section 12, T16N/R13W; then

(10) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the southwest corner of section 12, T16N/R13W; then

(11) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the far northeastern corner of the Orrs Springs map, then continuing onto the Ukiah map, to the intersection of State Highway 20 and a road known locally as North State Street (old U.S. Highway 101), north of Calpella, T16N/R12W; then

(12) Proceed easterly along State Highway 20, returning to the beginning point.

(d) Transition period. A label containing the words “Redwood Valley” in the brand name or as an appellation of origin approved prior to November 10, 2014 may be used on wine bottled before November 10, 2016 if the wine conforms to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.25 or § 4.39(i) of this chapter in effect prior to November 10, 2014.

[T.D. ATF-386, 61 FR 67466, Dec. 23, 1996, as amended by T.D. TTB-124, 79 FR 60972, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.154 - Chiles Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Chiles Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Chiles Valley viticultural area are four 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topography maps. They are titled:

(1) St. Helena, CA 1960 photorevised 1980;

(2) Rutherford, CA 1951 photorevised 1968;

(3) Chiles Valley, CA 1958 photorevised 1980;

(4) Yountville, CA 1951 photorevised 1968.

(c) Boundary. The Chiles Valley viticultural area is located in the State of California, entirely within the Napa Valley viticultural area. The boundaries of the Chiles Valley viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on appropriate U.S.G.S. maps follow. The local names of roads are identified by name.

(1) Beginning on the St. Helena, CA quadrangle map at the northernmost corner of Rancho Catacula in Section 34, Township 9 North (T9N), Range 5 West (R5W), Mount Diablo Base and Meridian (MDBM);

(2) Then in southwesterly direction along the Rancho Catacula boundary line to its intersection with the Rancho La Jota boundary line;

(3) Then in a south-southeasterly direction approximately 3,800 feet along the Rancho Catacula/Rancho La Jota boundary line to the point where the Rancho Catacula boundary separates from the common boundary with Rancho La Jota;

(4) Then in a southeasterly direction continuing along the Rancho Catacula boundary approximately 23,600 feet to a point of intersection, in the NE 1/4 Sec. 19, T8N, R4W, on the Chiles Valley quadrangle map, with a county road known locally as Chiles and Pope Valley Road;

(5) Then in a southwesterly direction along Chiles and Pope Valley Road to a point where it first crosses an unnamed blueline stream in the SE 1/4 Section 19, T8N, R4W;

(6) Then following the unnamed stream in generally southeast direction to its intersection with the 1200 foot contour;

(7) Then following the 1200 foot contour in a northeasterly direction to a point of intersection with the Rancho Catacula boundary in section 20, T8N, R4W;

(8) Then in a southeasterly direction along the Rancho Catcula boundary approximately 17,500 feet to the southwest corner of Rancho Catacula in section 34, T8N, R4W on the Yountville, CA, quadrangle map;

(9) Then in a northeasterly direction along the Rancho Catacula boundary approximately 650 feet to its intersection with the 1040 foot contour;

(10) Then along the 1040 foot contour in a generally east and northeast direction to its intersection with the Rancho Catacula boundary;

(11) Then in a northeasterly direction along the Rancho Catacula boundary approximately 1100 feet to its intersection with the 1040 foot contour;

(12) Then along the 1040 foot contour in an easterly direction and then in a northwesterly direction to its intersection of the Rancho Catacula boundary;

(13) Then in a southwesterly direction along the Rancho Catacula boundary approximately 300 feet to a point of intersection with a line of high voltage power lines;

(14) Then in a westerly direction along the high voltage line approximately 650 feet to its intersection with the 1000 foot contour;

(15) Then continuing along the 1000 foot contour in a generally northwesterly direction to the point of intersection with the first unnamed blueline stream;

(16) Then along the unnamed stream in a northerly direction to its point of intersection with the 1200 foot contour;

(17) Then along the 1200 foot contour in a northwesterly direction to its points of intersection with the Rancho Catacula boundary in Section 35, T9N, R5W on the St. Helena, CA, quadrangle map;

(18) Then along the Rancho Catacula boundary in a northwesterly direction approximately 5,350 feet to a northernmost corner of Rancho Catacula, the beginning point on the St. Helena quadrangle map a the northernmost corner of Rancho Catacula in Section 34, T9N, R5W, MDBM.

[T.D. ATF-408, 64 span 7787, Feb. 17, 1999]

§ 9.155 - Texas Davis Mountains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Texas Davis Mountains.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Texas Davis Mountains viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. metric topographical maps of the 1:100 000 scale, titled:

(1) “Fort Davis, Texas,” 1985.

(2) “Mount Livermore, Texas—Chihuahua,” 1985.

(c) Boundary. The Texas Davis Mountains viticultural area is located in Jeff Davis County, Texas. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of Texas Highway 17 and Farm Road 1832 on the Fort Davis, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows Highway 17 in a southeasterly and then southwesterly direction until it reaches the intersection of Limpia Creek with the unnamed stream which flows through Grapevine Canyon on the Fort Davis, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(3) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line in a southwesterly direction until it meets Highway 118 at a gravel pit 1 3/4 miles southeast of the intersection of Highway 118 and Highway 17;

(4) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line east by southeast until it meets Highway 166 at its junction with Highway 17;

(5) The boundary then follows Highway 166 in a southwesterly direction onto the Mt. Livermore, Texas-Chihuahua, U.S.G.S. map;

(6) The boundary then continues to follow Highway 166 in a westerly direction;

(7) The boundary then continues to follow Highway 166 as it turns in a northerly and then northeasterly direction to the point where it meets Highway 118;

(8) The boundary then follows Highway 118 in a northerly direction until it reaches a point where it intersects with the 1600 meter contour line, just north of Robbers Roost Canyon;

(9) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line due east for about two miles until it reaches the 1600 meter contour line to the west of Friend Mountain;

(10) The boundary then follows the 1600 meter contour line in a northeasterly direction until it reaches the northernmost point of Friend Mountain;

(11) The boundary then diverges from the contour line and proceeds in a straight line east-southeast until it reaches the beginning point of Buckley Canyon, approximately three fifths of a mile;

(12) The boundary then follows Buckley Canyon in an easterly direction to the point where it meets Cherry Canyon;

(13) The boundary then follows Cherry Canyon in a northeasterly direction to the point where it meets Grapevine Canyon on the Mt. Livermore, Texas-Chihuahua, U.S.G.S. map;

(14) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line from the intersection of Cherry and Grapevine Canyons to the peak of Bear Cave Mountain, on the Fort Davis, Texas, U.S.G.S. map;

(15) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line from the peak of Bear Cave Mountain to the point where Farm Road 1832 begins;

(16) The boundary then follows Farm Road 1832 back to its intersection with Texas Highway 17, at the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-395, 63 span 11828, Mar. 11, 1998]

§ 9.156 - Diablo Grande.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Diablo Grande”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Diablo Grande viticultural area are the following four U.S.G.S. Quadrangle 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic) maps. They are titled:

(1) Patterson Quadrangle, California—Stanislaus Co., 1953 (Photorevised 1971, Photoinspected 1978);

(2) Copper Mtn. Quadrangle, California—Stanislaus Co., 1953 (Field Check 1956, Aerial Photo 1971);

(3) Wilcox Ridge, California—Stanislaus Co., 1956 (Photorevised 1971);

(4) Orestimba Peak, California—Stanislaus Co., 1955 (Photorevised 1971).

(c) Boundary. The Diablo Grande viticultural area is located in the western foothills of Stanislaus County, California. The beginning point is at Reservoir Spillway 780 in section 8, Township 6 South, Range 7 East (T. 6S., R. 7E.) on the Patterson Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(1) Then proceed northwest to Salt Grass Springs to the point where the 1000 foot contour line crosses the northern section line of section 9, T. 6S., R. 6E., on the Copper Mtn., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(2) Then proceed due south past Copper Mountain in section 16, T. 6S., R. 6E., to Mikes Peak in section 4, T. 7S., R. 6E., on the Wilcox Ridge Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(3) Then proceed due west to Oristimba Creek in section 6, T. 7S., R. 6E.

(4) Then proceed following Orestimba Creek south/southeast and then east/northeast to the point where Orestimba Creek meets Bench Mark #340 in section 28, T. 7S., R. 7E., on the Orestimba Peak Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(5) Then proceed northwest to the point of beginning at Reservoir Spillway 780 in section 8, T. 6S., R. 7E.

[T.D. ATF-399, 63 FR 33853, June 22, 1998]

§ 9.157 - San Francisco Bay.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Francisco Bay.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the San Francisco Bay viticultural area are 47 1:24,000 Scale USGS topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Pacheco Peak, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1971;

(2) Gilroy Hot Springs, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1971

(3) Mt. Sizer, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1971

(4) Morgan Hill, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980

(5) Lick Observatory, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1973, Photorevised 1968

(6) San Jose East, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photorevised 1980;

(7) Calaveras Reservoir, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photorevised 1980;

(8) La Costa Valley, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1960, Photorevised 1968;

(9) Mendenhall Springs, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1971;

(10) Altamont, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1981;

(11) Byron Hot Springs, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1968;

(12) Tassajara, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photoinspected 1974, Photorevised 1968;

(13) Diablo, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(14) Clayton, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(15) Honker Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(16) Vine Hill, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(17) Benicia, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(18) Mare Island, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(19) Richmond, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(20) San Quentin, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(21) Oakland West, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(22) San Francisco North, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1968 and 1973;

(23) San Francisco South, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1980;

(24) Montara Mountain, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1980;

(25) Half Moon Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968 and 1973;

(26) San Gregorio, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968;

(27) Pigeon Point, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(28) Franklin Point, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(29) Año Nuevo, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(30) Davenport, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(31) Santa Cruz, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1981;

(32) Felton, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980;

(33) Laurel, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968;

(34) Soquel, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1980;

(35) Watsonville West, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1980;

(36) Loma Prieta, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968;

(37) Watsonville East, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980;

(38) Mt. Madonna, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980;

(39) Gilroy, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1981;

(40) Chittenden, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980;

(41) San Felipe, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1971;

(42) Three Sisters, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1971;

(43) Cedar Mtn., California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1971; Minor Revision 1994;

(44) Cuttings Wharf, Calif.; 1949; Photorevised 1981;

(45) Sears Point, Calif.; 1951; Photorevised 1968;

(46) Cordelia, Calif.; 1951; Photorevised 1980;

(47) Fairfield South, Calif.; 1949; Photorevised 1980;

(48) Clayton, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(49) Antioch South, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(50) Tassajara, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(51) Byron Hot Springs, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(52) Clifton Court Forebay, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(53) Woodward Island, California, scale 1:24,000; 2018;

(54) Bouldin Island, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(55) Jersey Island, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(56) Antioch North, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018;

(57) Honker Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018; and

(58) Vine Hill, California, scale 1:24,000, 2018.

(c) Boundary. The San Francisco Bay viticultural area is located mainly within five counties, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, and Contra Costa, which border the San Francisco Bay. The area also includes portions of three other counties, Solano, Santa Cruz, and San Benito, which are in the general vicinity of the greater San Francisco Bay metropolitan area. The boundary of the San Francisco Bay viticultural area is as described below.

(1) Beginning at the intersection of the 37 degree 00′ North latitude parallel with State Route 152 on the Pacheco Peak Quadrangle.

(2) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line to the intersection of Coyote Creek with the township line dividing Township 9 South from Township 10 South on the Gilroy Hot Springs Quadrangle.

(3) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line to the intersection of the township line dividing Township 8 South from Township 9 South with the range line dividing Range 3 East from Range 4 East on the Mt. Sizer Quadrangle.

(4) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line (across the Morgan Hill Quadrangle) to the intersection of the township line dividing Township 7 South from Township 8 South with the range line dividing Range 2 East from Range 3 East on the Lick Observatory Quadrangle.

(5) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line to the intersection of State Route 130 with the township line dividing Township 6 South from Township 7 South on the San Jose East Quadrangle.

(6) Then proceed in a northeasterly direction following State Route 130 to its intersection with the range line dividing Range 1 East from Range 2 East on the Calaveras Reservoir Quadrangle.

(7) Then proceed north following this range line to its intersection with the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct on the La Costa Valley Quadrangle.

(8) Then proceed in a northeasterly direction in a straight line following the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct to the western boundary of Section 14 in Township 4 South, Range 2 East on the Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle.

(9) Then proceed south along the western boundary of Section 14 in Township 4 South, Range 2 East to the southwest corner of Section 14 on the Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle.

(10) Then proceed east along the southern boundary of Section 14 in Township 4 South, Range 2 East to the southeast corner of Section 14 on the Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle.

(11) Then proceed south along the western boundary of Section 24 in Township 4 South, Range 2 East to the southwest corner of Section 24 on the Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle.

(12) Then proceed east along the southern boundary of Section 24 in Township 4 South, Range 2 East and Section 19 in Township 4 South, Range 3 East to the southeast corner of Section 19 on the Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle.

(13) Then proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 3.2 miles to BM 1878 in Section 14 on the Cedar Mtn. Quadrangle.

(14) Then proceed north in a straight line approximately 4.2 miles to BM 1600 adjacent to Tesla Road in Section 26, Township 3 South, Range 3 East on the Midway Quadrangle.

(15) Then proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 2.8 miles to Patterson Pass, BM 1602, in Section 10, Township 3 South, Range 3 East, on the Altamont Quadrangle.

(16) Then proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 2.7 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 32 with Highway 580 in Township 2 South, Range 3 East.

(17) Then proceed north-northeast in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to an unnamed peak, elevation 1147, in Section 28, Township 2 South, Range 3 East.

(18) Then proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 1 mile to BM 720 in Section 21, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, and proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles to the northeast corner of Section 18 on the Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle, Township 2 South, Range 3 East.

(19) Then proceed due west along the northern boundaries of Section 18 and Section 13 (Township 2 South, Range 2 East) to a point approximately 400 feet due south of Brushy Peak on the Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle.

(20) Then proceed due north to Brushy Peak (elevation 1,702) on the Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle.

(21) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line (across the Tassajara and Diablo Quadrangles) to Mt. Diablo (elevation 3,849) on the Clayton Quadrangle.

(22) Then proceed in a northwesterly direction in a straight line to the intersection of Kirker Pass Road and Hess Road on the Clayton (2018 edition) map.

(23) Proceed northeasterly along Kirker Pass Road to its intersection with Nortonville Road.

(24) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line for 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Antioch South map, to the intersection of Somersville Road and Donlan Boulevard.

(25) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line for 2.5 miles to the intersection of the Stewartville Trail and the Contra Loma Trail.

(26) Proceed southwesterly along Stewartville Trail for 1.9 miles to the intersection of Oil Canyon Trail, Stewartville Trail, and Chadbourne Road.

(27) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 3 miles to the southern terminus of Tour Way.

(28) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.6 miles to the intersection of Chadbourne Road and Deer Valley Road.

(29) Proceed southerly along Deer Valley Road for 3.1 miles to its intersection with Marsh Creek.

(30) Proceed southeasterly along Marsh Creek for 2.4 miles, crossing onto the Tassajara (2018 edition) map, to the creek's intersection with Miwok Trail.

(31) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line for 2.9 miles, crossing onto the Byron Hot Springs (2018 edition) map, to the intersection of Kellogg Creek and Walnut Boulevard.

(32) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 4.3 miles to the intersection of Brushy Creek and Vasco Road.

(33) Proceed northeasterly along Brushy Creek, crossing onto the Clifton Court Forebay map, to the confluence of Brushy Creek with the western shore of Italian Slough to a point due west of the stream gauging station on Italian Slough, just west of Widdows Island and the shared Contra Costa-San Joaquin County line.

(34) Proceed due east to the stream gauging station, then proceed northeast for 5.5 miles, crossing onto the Woodward Island map, to the intersection of the Mokelumne Aqueduct and Orwood Road.

(35) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 4.1 miles to the intersection of Holland Tract Road and the 10-foot elevation contour.

(36) Proceed north for 1.9 miles along Holland Tract Road, crossing onto the Bouldin Island map, and continuing to the northernmost point of Holland Tract Road.

(37) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 2.7 miles, crossing onto the Jersey Island map, to the intersection of Wells Road and Sandmound Road.

(38) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 0.7 mile to the intersection of Bethel Island Road and the shoreline of Dutch Slough Road.

(39) Proceed westerly along the shoreline of Dutch Slough and Big Break, crossing onto the Antioch North map, and continuing westerly along the shoreline of New York Slough, crossing onto the Honker Bay (2018 edition) map, and continuing westerly along the shoreline and onto the Vine Hill (2018 edition) map to the intersection of the shoreline and Interstate 680 at the Benicia-Martinez Bridge.

(40) Then proceed generally north following Interstate 680, crossing over and back on the Benicia Quadrangle map and continuing over the Fairfield South Quadrangle map, to its intersection with the Southern Pacific railroad track at Cordelia, Section 12, T4N/R3W, on the Cordelia Quadrangle map.

(41) Then proceed generally west along the Southern Pacific railroad track to its intersection with the Napa and Solano Counties boundary line in Jameson Canyon at Creston, Section 9, T4N/R3W, on the Cordelia Quadrangle map.

(42) Then proceed generally south-southeast, followed by straight west along the Napa and Solano Counties boundary line; continue straight west, crossing over the Cuttings Wharf Quadrangle map, to its intersection with the east shoreline of Sonoma Creek slough, which coincides with the Highway 37 bridge on the Solano County side of the creek, T4N/R5W, on the Sears Point Quadrangle.

(43) Then proceed generally southeast along the north and east shorelines of San Pablo Bay, also known as the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge, crossing over the Cuttings Wharf Quadrangle map, to its intersection with the Breakwater line, located within the Vallejo City boundary and 0.7 mile west-southwest of the beacon, T3N/R4W, on the Mare Island Quadrangle.

(44) Then proceed straight south-southwest 1.2 miles to its intersection with the San Pablo Bay shoreline at BM 14, west of Davis Point, T3N/R4W, on the Mare Island Quadrangle.

(45) Then proceed generally south along the contiguous eastern shorelines of San Pablo Bay and San Francisco Bay, crossing over the Richmond and San Quentin Quadrangle maps, to its intersection with the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge on the Oakland West Quadrangle.

(46) Then proceed west on the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge to the San Francisco County shoreline on the San Francisco North Quadrangle.

(47) Then proceed along the San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz County shoreline (across the Quadrangles of San Francisco South, Montara Mountain, Half Moon Bay, San Gregorio, Pigeon Point, Franklin Point, Año Nuevo and Davenport) to the place where Majors Creek flows into the Pacific Ocean on the Santa Cruz Quadrangle.

(48) Then proceed northeasterly along Majors Creek to its intersection with the 400 foot contour line on the Felton Quadrangle.

(49) Then proceed along the 400 foot contour line in a generally easterly/northeasterly direction to its intersection with Bull Creek on the Felton Quadrangle.

(50) Then proceed along Bull Creek to its intersection with Highway 9 on the Felton Quadrangle.

(51) Then proceed along Highway 9 in a northerly direction to its intersection with Felton Empire Road.

(52) Then proceed along Felton Empire Road in a westerly direction to its intersection with the 400 foot contour line on the Felton Quadrangle.

(53) Then proceed along the 400 foot contour line (across the Laurel, Soquel, Watsonville West and Loma Prieta Quadrangles) to its intersection with Highway 152 on the Watsonville East Quadrangle.

(54) Then proceed along Highway 152 in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the 600 foot contour line just west of Bodfish Creek on the Watsonville East Quadrangle.

(55) Then proceed in a generally east/southeasterly direction along the 600 foot contour line (across the Mt. Madonna and Gilroy Quadrangles), approximately 7.3 miles, to the first intersection of the western section line of Section 30, Township 11 South, Range 4 East on the Chittenden Quadrangle.

(56) Then proceed south along the section line approximately 1.9 miles to the south township line at Section 31, Township 11 South, Range 4 East on the Chittenden Quadrangle.

(57) Then proceed in an easterly direction along the township line (across the San Felipe Quadrangle), approximately 12.4 miles to the intersection of Township 11 South and Township 12 South and Range 5 East and Range 6 East on the Three Sisters Quadrangle.

(58) Then proceed north along the Range 5 East and Range 6 East range line approximately 5.5 miles to Pacheco Creek on the Pacheco Creek Quadrangle.

(59) Then proceed northeast along Pacheco Creek approximately .5 mile to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-407, 64 FR 3024, Jan. 20, 1999, as amended by T.D. TTB-48, 71 FR 34525, June 15, 2006; T.D. TTB-67, 73 FR 12880, Mar. 11, 2008; T.D. TTB-191, 89 FR 18801, Mar. 15, 2024]

§ 9.158 - Mendocino Ridge.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mendocino Ridge.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Mendocino Ridge viticultural area are four 1:62,500 scale U.S.G.S. topographical maps. They are titled:

(1) Ornbaun Valley Quadrangle, California, 15 minute series topographic map, 1960;

(2) Navarro Quadrangle, California, 15 minute series topographic map, 1961;

(3) Point Arena Quadrangle, California, 15 minute series topographic map, 1960;

(4) Boonville Quadrangle, California, 15 minute series topographic map, 1959.

(c) Boundary. The Mendocino Ridge viticultural area is located within Mendocino County, California. Within the boundary description that follows, the viticultural area starts at the 1200 foot elevation (contour line) and encompasses all areas at or above the 1200 foot elevation line. The boundaries of the Mendocino Ridge viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, follow.

(1) Beginning at the Mendocino/Sonoma County line at the mouth of the Gualala River, where the Gualala River empties into the Pacific Ocean, in section 27 of Township 11 North (T11N), Range 5 West (R5W), located in the southeastern portion of U.S.G.S. 15 minute series map, “Point Arena, California;”

(2) Then following the Mendocino/Sonoma County line eastward to the southeast corner of section 8 in T11N/R13W, on the U.S.G.S. 15 minute map, “Ornbaun Valley, California;”

(3) Then from the southeast corner of section 8 in T11N/R13W directly north approximately 3 + miles to the southwest corner of section 9 in T12N/R13W;

(4) Then proceeding in a straight line in a northwesterly direction to the southwestern corner of section 14 in T13N/R14W;

(5) Then directly north along the western line of section 14 in T13N/R14W to a point on the western line of section 14 approximately 1/4 from the top where the Anderson Valley viticultural area boundary intersects the western line of section 14 in T13N/R14W;

(6) Then in a straight line, in a northwesterly direction, to the intersection of an unnamed creek and the south section line of section 14, T14N/R15W, on the U.S.G.S. 15 minute series map, “Boonville, California;”

(7) Then in a westerly direction along the south section lines of sections 14 and 15 in T14N/R15W to the southwest corner of section 15, T14N/R15W, on the U.S.G.S. 15 minute series map, “Navarro, California;”

(8) Then in a northerly direction along the western section lines of sections 15, 10, and 3 in T14N/R15W in a straight line to the intersection of the Navarro River on the western section line of section 3 in T14N/R15W;

(9) Then in a northwesterly direction along the Navarro River to the mouth of the river where it meets the Pacific Ocean in section 5 of T15N/R17W;

(10) Then in a southern direction along the Mendocino County coastline to the Mendocino/Sonoma County line to the beginning point at the mouth of the Gualala River in section 27 of T11N/R15W, on the U.S.G.S. 15 minute series map, “Point Arena, California.”

[T.D. ATF-392, 62 span 55516, Oct. 27, 1997]

§ 9.159 - Yorkville Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yorkville Highlands.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Yorkville Highlands viticultural area are the following six U.S.G.S. topographical maps (7.5 minute series, 1:24000 scale):

(1) Gube Mountain, Calif., provisional edition 1991;

(2) Big Foot Mountain, Calif., provisional edition 1991;

(3) Cloverdale, Calif., 1960, photoinspected 1975;

(4) Ornbaun Valley Quadrangle, Calif., provisional edition, 1991;

(5) Yorkville, Calif., provisional edition, 1991;

(6) Hopland, Calif., 1960, photoinspected 1975.

(c) Boundary. The Yorkville Highlands viticultural area is located in Mendocino County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is Benchmark 680, located in Section 30, T. 12 N., R. 13 W., on the Ornbaum Valley quadrangle map;

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line in a northeasterly direction to a point intersecting the North Fork of Robinson Creek and the Section 20, T. 13 N., R. 13 W.;

(3) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line in a southeasterly direction to the summit of Sanel Mountain, located at the southeast corner of Section 30, T. 13 N., R. 12 W., on the Yorkville quadrangle map;

(4) The boundary then proceeds in a straight line in a southeasterly direction until it reaches the southeast corner of Section 15, T. 12 N., R 11 W., on the Hopland quadrangle map;

(5) The boundary then proceeds south, following the eastern boundaries of Sections 22 and 27, T. 12 N., R 11 W., until it reaches the Mendocino-Sonoma County line on the Cloverdale quadrangle map;

(6) The boundary then follows the Mendocino-Sonoma county line west, south and west until it reaches the southwest corner of Section 32, T. 12 N., R. 11 W.;

(7) The boundary then diverges from the county line and proceeds in a northwesterly direction, traversing the Big Foot Mountain quadrangle map, until it reaches the southwest corner of Section 5, T. 12 N., R. 13 W. on the Ornbaun Valley quadrangle map;

(8) The boundary proceeds in a straight line in a northerly direction until it reaches the beginning point at Benchmark 680.

[T.D. ATF-397, 63 FR 16904, Apr. 7, 1998]

§ 9.160 - Yountville.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yountville.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Yountville viticultural area are four 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topography maps. They are titled:

(1) Napa, CA 1951 photorevised 1980;

(2) Rutherford, CA 1951 photorevised 1968;

(3) Sonoma, CA 1951 photorevised 1980;

(4) Yountville, CA 1951 photorevised 1968.

(c) Boundary. The Yountville viticultural area is located in the State of California, entirely within the Napa Valley viticultural area. The boundaries of the Yountville viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on appropriate U.S.G.S. maps are as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Rutherford quadrangle map at the intersection of the 500 foot contour line with an unnamed stream known locally as Hopper Creek north of the center of Section 3, T6N, R5W, Mount Diablo Meridan (MDM);

(2) Then along the unnamed stream (Hopper Creek) southeasterly, and at the fork in Section 3, northeasterly along the stream to the point where the stream intersects with an unnamed dirt road in the northwest corner of Section 2, T6N, R5W, MDM;

(3) Then in a straight line to the light duty road to the immediate northeast in Section 2, then along the light duty road in a northeasterly direction to the point at which the road turns 90 degrees to the left;

(4) Then northerly along the light duty road 625 feet, then northeasterly (N 40° by 43′) in a straight line 1,350 feet, along the northern property line of Assessor's Parcel Number 27-380-08, to State Highway 29, then continuing in a straight line approximately 500 feet to the peak of the 320 plus foot hill along the western edge of the Yountville hills;

(5) Then east to the second 300 foot contour line, then along said contour line around the Yountville hills to the north to the point at which the 300 foot line exits the Rutherford quadrangle for the second time;

(6) Then, on the Yountville quadrangle map, in a straight line in a northeasterly direction approximately N34° by 30′ E approximately 1,000 feet to the 90 degree bend in the unimproved dirt road shown on the map, then along that road, which coincides with a fence line to the intersection of Conn Creek and Rector Creek;

(7) Then along Rector Creek to the northeast past Silverado Trail to the Rector Reservoir spillway entrance, then south approximately 100 feet to the 400 foot contour line, then southerly along the 400 foot contour line approximately 4200 feet to the intersection with a gully in section 30, T7N, R4W, MDM;

(8) Then southwesterly down the center of the gully approximately 800 feet to the medium duty road known as Silverado Trail, then southeasterly along the Silverado Trail approximately 590 feet to the medium duty road known locally Yountville Cross Road;

(9) Then southwesterly along the Yountville Cross Road (denoted as GRANT BDY on the map) approximately 4,700 feet to the main branch of the Napa River, then following the western boundary of the Stags Leap District viticultural area, first southerly down the center of the Napa River approximately 21,000 feet, then leaving the Napa River northeasterly in a straight line approximately 900 feet to the intersection of the Silverado Trail with an intermittent stream at the 60 foot contour line in T6N, R4W, MDM;

(10) Then along the Silverado Trail southerly approximately 3,200 feet, passing into the Napa quadrangle, to a point which is east of the confluence of Dry Creek with the Napa River; then west approximately 600 feet to said confluence; then northwesterly along Dry Creek approximately 3,500 feet, passing into the Yountville quadrangle to a fork in the creek; then northwesterly along the north fork of Dry Creek approximately 5,700 feet to the easterly end of the light duty road labeled Ragatz Lane;

(11) Then southwesterly along Ragatz Lane to the west side of State Highway 29, then southerly along Highway 29 by 982 feet to the easterly extension of the north line boundary of Napa County Assessor's parcel number 034-170-015, then along the north line of APN 034-170-015 and its extension westerly 3,550 feet to the dividing line Between R4W and R5W on the Napa quadrangle, then southwesterly approximately 1000 feet to the peak denoted as 564 (which is about 5,500 feet easterly of the northwest corner of the Napa quadrangle); then southwesterly approximately 4,000 feet to the peak northeast of the reservoir gauging station denoted as 835;

(12) Then southwesterly approximately 1,500 feet to the reservoir gauging station, then west to the 400 foot contour line on the west side of Dry Creek, then northwesterly along the 400 foot contour line to the point where the contour intersects the north line of Section 10. T6N, R5W, MDM, immediately adjacent to Dry Creek on the Rutherford, CA map;

(13) Then northwesterly along Dry Creek approximately 6,500 feet to BM503, then northeasterly approximately 3,000 feet to the peak denoted as 1478, then southeasterly approximately 2,300 feet to the beginning of the creek known locally as Hopper Creek, then southeasterly along Hopper Creek approximately 2,300 feet to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-410, 64 FR 13513, Mar. 19, 1999]

§ 9.34 - Finger Lakes.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Finger Lakes.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Finger Lakes viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps scaled 1:250,000. They are entitled:

(1) “Rochester,” Location diagram NK 18-1, 1961; and

(2) “Elmira,” Location diagram NK 18-4, 1968.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the Finger Lakes viticultural area, based on landmarks and points of reference found on the approved maps, are as follows:

(1) Starting at the most northwest point, the intersection of the Erie Canal and the north/south Conrail line south of the City of Rochester.

(2) Then east along the course of the Erie Canal approximately 56 miles (45 miles due east) to the intersection of New York State Highway 89 (NY-89).

(3) Then south on NY-89 four miles to the intersection of highway US-20.

(4) Then east on US-20 for 36 miles to the intersection of interstate 81 (I-81).

(5) Then south along I-81 for ten miles to NY-281.

(6) Then south along NY-281 for 20 miles around the western city limits of Cortland where NY-281 becomes NY-13.

(7) Then continuing southwest on NY-13 (through the cities of Dryden and Ithaca) approximately 36 miles to the intersection of NY-224.

(8) Then due west one mile to the southern boundary of Schuyler County.

(9) Then continuing west along this county line 20 miles to the community of Meads Creek.

(10) Then north along the Schuyler-Steuben county line four miles to the major east-west power line.

(11) Then west along the power line for eight miles to the intersection of NY-17 (four miles southeast of the community of Bath).

(12) Then northwest on NY-17 approximately nine miles to the intersection of I-390.

(13) Then northwest on I-390 for 21 miles to the intersection of NY-36.

(14) Then north for two miles through the community of Dansville to NY-63.

(15) Then northwest on NY-63 approximately 18 miles to the intersection of NY-39, just south of Genesco.

(16) Then north on NY-39 nine miles to the intersection where the west and north/south Conrail lines meet at the community of Avon.

(17) Then north along the north/south Conrail line for 15 miles to the beginning point at the intersection of the Erie Canal.

[T.D. ATF-113, 47 FR 38518, Sept. 1, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5956, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.161 - Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley viticultural area are the following United States Geological Survey Quadrangle maps (7.5 Minute Series):

(1) Napa, California, 1951 (Photo revised 1980); and

(2) Yountville, California, 1951 (Photo revised 1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley viticultural area is located entirely within Napa County, California. The boundaries of the Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on the appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, are as follows:

(1) Beginning at the intersection of State Highway 29 and Trancas Road in the city of Napa on the Napa, CA quadrangle map;

(2) Proceed easterly along Trancas Road until it meets the Napa River;

(3) Proceed southerly along the Napa River approximately 3,500 feet to its confluence with Milliken Creek;

(4) Continue northerly up Milliken Creek to its intersection with Monticello Road;

(5) Then proceed westerly along Monticello Road to its intersection with Silverado Trail;

(6) Then proceed northerly and then northeasterly along Silverado Trail to its intersection with an unimproved dirt road located approximately 1,300 feet north of the intersection of Silverado Trail and Oak Knoll Avenue;

(7) From that point, proceed west in a straight line to the confluence of Dry Creek and the Napa River;

(8) Then proceed northwesterly along Dry Creek onto the Yountville map to the fork in the creek; then northwesterly along the north fork of Dry Creek to its intersection with the easterly end of the light-duty road labeled Ragatz Lane;

(9) Proceed southwesterly along Ragatz Lane to the west side of State Highway 29;

(10) Then proceed southerly along the west side of State Highway 29 for 982 feet to a point marking the easterly extension of the northern boundary of Napa County Assessor's parcel number 034-170-015 (marked in part by a fence along the southern edge of the orchard shown along the west side of State Highway 29 just above the bottom of the Yountville map);

(11) Then proceed westerly for 3,550 feet along the northern boundary of Napa County Assessor's parcel number 034-170-015 and its westerly extension to the dividing line between Range 5 West and Range 4 West on the Napa, CA map;

(12) Then proceed southwest in a straight line to the peak marked with an elevation of 564 feet; then south-southwest in a straight line to the peak marked with an elevation of 835 feet;

(13) Then proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 1,300 feet to the reservoir gauging station located on Dry Creek; then proceed west in a straight line across Dry Creek to the 400 foot contour line;

(14) Proceed along the 400-foot contour line in a generally southeasterly direction to its intersection with the line dividing Range 5 West and Range 4 West; then proceed south along that dividing line approximately 2,400 feet to the center of Redwood Road;

(15) Then proceed southerly and then easterly along Redwood Road to the point of beginning at Highway 29.

[T.D. TTB-9, 69 FR 8564, Feb. 25, 2004]

§ 9.162 - Sta. Rita Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sta. Rita Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Sta. Rita Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Sta. Rita Hills viticultural area are five United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Minute Series maps titled:

(1) “Lompoc, Calif.,” edition of 1959 (photorevised in 1982).

(2) “Lompoc Hills, Calif.,” edition of 1959 (photoinspected 1971).

(3) “Los Alamos, Calif.,” edition of 1959.

(4) “Santa Rosa Hills, Calif.,” edition of 1959 (photoinspected 1978).

(5) “Solvang, Calif.,” edition of 1959 (photorevised 1982).

(6) “Zaca Creek, Calif.,” edition of 1959.

(c) Boundary. The Sta. Rita Hills viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is found on the Solvang, California U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map at an unnamed hilltop, elevation 1600 feet, in section 27, T.6N, R. 32W, on the Solvang, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(2) Then proceed north and slightly west 2.3 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1174 feet, Section 15, T.6N., R. 32W.

(3) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line 0.5 mile to the intersection of Santa Rosa Road and an unnamed, unimproved road that runs just north of a marked gaging station.

(4) Proceed west along the unnamed, unimproved road approximately 0.4 mile to a “T” intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road and the 320-foot elevation contour, Santa Rosa Land Grant, T. 6N, R. 32W.

(5) Proceed northwest along the 320-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Santa Rosa Hills, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map, then continue northwest, north, and northeast along the meandering 320-foot elevation contour for approximately 1.2 miles, crossing onto the Solvang, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map, and continue east then north along the 320-foot elevation contour approximately 0.5 miles, crossing onto the Zaca Creek, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map, to the intersection of the 320-foot elevation contour with an unnamed, unimproved north-south road that follows the length of the Cañada de los Palos Blancos, San Carlos de Jonata Land Grant, T. 6N, R. 32W.

(6) Proceed north-northwest along the unnamed, unimproved road 1.2 miles, crossing onto the Los Alamos, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map, and continue along the road 1.3 miles to the marked 635-foot elevation point at the intersection of the road and a 4-wheel drive trail, San Carlos de Jonata Land Grant, T. 7N, R. 32W.

(7) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to an unnamed hilltop, elevation 1443 feet. Section 20, T. 7N, R. 32W.

(8) Proceed west 1.4 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1479 feet. Section 24, T.7N., R. 33W.

(9) Proceed north 1.2 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1705 feet. Section 13, T.7N., R. 33W.

(10) Proceed northwest approximately 2 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1543. Section 10, T.7N., R. 33W.

(11) Proceed west and slightly south 1.6 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 935 feet within the northern section of the Santa Rosa Land Grant. T.7N., R. 33W.

(12) Proceed south by southwest 1.5 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 605 feet in the northern section of the Santa Rosa Land Grant. T.7N., R. 33W.

(13) Proceed west by southwest approximately 2 miles to the point where California Highway 246 intersects with the 200-foot elevation contour line comprising the western border of the Santa Rita Hills, within the Santa Rosa Land Grant. T.7N., R. 34W, on the Lompoc, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(14) Proceed following the 200 foot elevation contour line south along the western border of the Santa Rita Hills to the extreme southern tip of the 200 foot elevation contour that is .6 miles due west of an unnamed hilltop 361 feet in elevation in the Canada de Salispuedes Land Grant. T.6N., R. 34W.

(15) Proceed southeast 2.35 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1070 feet. Section 18, T.6N., R. 33W, on the Lompoc Hills, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(16) Proceed east and slightly south 1.95 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 921 feet. Section 16, T.6N., R. 33W, on the Santa Rosa Hills, Calif., Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(17) Proceed east by southeast 1.35 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1307 feet at intersection between Sections 22 and 23. T.6N., R. 33W.

(18) Proceed east 2.35 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1507 feet in the southern area of the Santa Rosa Land Grant. T.6N., 32W.

(19) Proceed east by southeast 2.1 miles to an unnamed hilltop elevation 1279 feet in the southern area of the Santa Rosa Land Grant. T.6N., 32W.

(20) Then proceed east by southeast 1.45 miles to the point of the beginning.

(d) From July 30, 2001, until January 5, 2006, this viticultural area was named “Santa Rita Hills”. Effective January 6, 2006, the name of this viticultural area is “Sta. Rita Hills”. Existing certificates of label approval showing “Santa Rita Hills” as the appellation of origin are revoked by operation of this regulation on January 6, 2007.

[T.D. ATF-454, 66 FR 29479, May 31, 2001, as amended by T.D. TTB-37, 70 FR 72713, Dec. 7, 2005; T.D. TTB 141, 81 FR 56504, Aug. 22, 2016]

§ 9.163 - Salado Creek.

(a) The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Salado Creek”.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Salado Creek viticultural area are two 1:24,000 Scale USGS topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Patterson, California Quadrangle,—Stanislaus Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1953; photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1978; and

(2) Crows Landing, California Quadrangle,—Stanislaus Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1952, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundaries. The Salado Creek viticultural area is located in Stanislaus County, California, just southwest of the town of Patterson. The Salado Creek viticultural area boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Patterson Quadrangle map, section 19, T6S, R8E, at the intersection of Interstate Highway 5 and Fink Road, proceed northwest for 4.25 miles along Interstate 5 to its junction with an unnamed light duty road in section 35, T5S, R7E; then

(2) Follow the unnamed light duty road for approximately 0.45 miles, going east across the California Aqueduct and then north, to the road's intersection with the light duty road atop the levee on the east bank of the Delta-Mendota Canal in section 35, T5S, R7E; then

(3) Proceed southeast approximately 0.3 miles along the Delta-Mendota Canal levee road to its intersection with an unnamed unimproved road in section 35, T5S, R7E; then

(4) Proceed north and then east on the unimproved road for approximately 0.4 mile to its intersection with Baldwin Road and continue east on Baldwin Road approximately one mile, crossing Salado Creek, to the Baldwin Road's intersection with Ward Avenue at the eastern boundary line of section 36, T5S, R7E; then,

(5) Proceed north on Ward Avenue approximately 400 feet to its intersection with the 2nd Lift drainage canal in section 31, T5S, R8E; then

(6) Follow the 2nd Lift canal southeast approximately 0.75 miles to its intersection with Elfers Road in section 31, T5S, R8E; then

(7) Proceed east on Elfers Road approximately for 0.45 miles, crossing onto the Crows Landing Quadrangle map, to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road on the south side of Elfers Road that also marks the western boundary of section 6, T6S, R8E; then

(8) Proceed straight south on the unimproved road approximately one mile to its intersection with Marshall Road in section 6, T6S, R8E; then

(9) Follow Marshall Road straight west 1.1 miles, crossing onto the USGS Patterson map, to its intersection with Ward Avenue in section 6, T6S, R8E; then

(10) Proceed south 1.65 miles on Ward Avenue to its intersection with the California Aqueduct, then continue generally south approximately 1.4 miles along the aqueduct to its intersection with Fink Road in section 19, T6S, R8E; then

(11) Follow Fink Road northwest for approximately 0.5 miles, returning to the beginning point at the intersection of Interstate Highway 5 and Fink Road in section 19, T6S, R8E.

[T.D. TTB-13, 69 FR 38833, June 29, 2004]

§ 9.164 - River Junction.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “River Junction.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the River Junction viticultural area are the following two 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topographical maps. They are titled:

(1) Ripon, CA 1969, photorevised 1980;

(2) Vernalis, CA 1969, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundaries. The River Junction AVA is located in southern San Joaquin County, California. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Vernalis, CA quadrangle map at the intersection of the secondary highway Airport Way and the San Joaquin River levee, near Benchmark 35 in T3S/R6E;

(2) Then in a southeasterly direction, follow the levee along the San Joaquin River onto the Ripon, CA quadrangle map;

(3) Then in a northerly direction around Sturgeon Bend in section 18 T3S/R7E;

(4) Then continuing in a generally southeasterly, then northeasterly direction along the levee adjoining the Stanislaus River through sections 19, 20 and 17 to the point where the levee intersects sections 17 and 8;

(5) Then continuing in a northerly direction along the levee in section 8 for approximately 1,000 feet;

(6) Then in a straight line in a northwesterly direction for approximately 100 feet to the intersection with Division Road;

(7) Then in a southwesterly, then northwesterly direction along Division Road through sections 8, 17, 18 and 7 to the intersection with the secondary highway Airport Way;

(8) Then in a southwesterly direction along Airport Way onto the Vernalis quadrangle map to the starting point at the intersection of Airport Way and the San Joaquin River levee T3S/R6E.

[T.D. ATF-452, 66 FR 23592, May 9, 2001]

§ 9.165 - Applegate Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Applegate Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Applegate Valley viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. map titled “Medford, Oregon; California” (NK 10-5) scale 1:250,000 (1955, revised 1976).

(c) Boundaries. The Applegate Valley viticultural area is located in the State of Oregon within Jackson and Josephine Counties, and entirely within the existing Rogue Valley viticultural area. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Beginning at the confluence of the Applegate River with the Rogue River approximately 5 miles west of Grants Pass, the boundary proceeds due west to the boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest north of Dutcher Creek;

(2) Then in a straight line in a southerly and westerly direction along the boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest to Highway 199;

(3) Then in a straight line easterly to the peak of Roundtop Mountain (4693 feet);

(4) Then in a straight line easterly and southerly to the peak of Mungers Butte;

(5) Then in a straight line southerly and westerly to Holcomb Peak;

(6) Then in a generally southeasterly direction along the eastern boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest until it joins the northern boundary of the Rogue River National Forest;

(7) Then easterly along the northern boundary of the Rogue River National forest to a point due south of the peak of Bald Mountain;

(8) Then due north to the peak of Bald Mountain (5635 feet);

(9) Then in a straight-line northerly and westerly to the lookout tower on Anderson Butte;

(10) Then in a straight line northerly and westerly to the peak of an unnamed mountain with an elevation of 3181 feet;

(11) Then in a straight line northerly and westerly to the peak of Timber Mountain;

(12) Then in a straight line westerly and southerly to the middle peak of Billy Mountain;

(13) Then, northerly and westerly by straight lines connecting a series of five unnamed peaks with elevations of approximately 3600, 4000, 3800, 3400, and 3800 feet, respectively;

(14) Then in a straight line northerly and easterly to Grants Pass Peak;

(15) Then in a straight line westerly to Jerome Prairie;

(16) Then in a straight line northwesterly to the confluence of the Applegate River and the Rogue River and the point of the beginning.

[T.D. ATF-434, 65 FR 78099, Dec. 14, 2000]

§ 9.166 - Diamond Mountain District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Diamond Mountain District.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Diamond Mountain District viticultural area are two 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topography maps. They are titled:

(1) Mark West Springs, CA 1993

(2) Calistoga, CA 1993.

(c) Boundaries. The viticultural area is located in Napa County, California. The beginning point is where the boundary between Napa and Sonoma counties intersects Petrified Forest Road in Section 3 of Township 8 North, Range 7 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian on the Mark West Springs map;

(1) Then north and east along Petrified Forest Road approximately 1.9 miles to the point where it intersects the 400-foot contour just east of Section 35 of Township 9 North, Range 7 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the Mallacomes land grant;

(2) Then generally east southeast along the 400-foot contour approximately 6.5 miles to the point where it intersects Ritchey Creek in Section 3 of Township 8 North, Range 6 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;

(3) Then west southwest along Ritchey Creek approximately 2.2 miles to the point where it intersects the boundary between Sections 17 and 20 of Township 8 North, Range 6 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;

(4) Then due west in a straight line along the section boundary approximately 0.8 miles to the point where it intersects the boundary between Napa and Sonoma Counties between Sections 18 and 19 of Township 8 North, Range 6 West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian;

(5) Then generally northwest along the boundary between Napa and Sonoma Counties approximately 4.2 miles to the point where it intersects Petrified Forest Road, to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-456, 66 FR 29698, June 1, 2001]

§ 9.167 - Red Mountain

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Red Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Red Mountain viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. map titled “Benton City, Washington” 7.5 minute series (topographic), (1974).

(c) Boundaries. The Red Mountain viticultural area is located within Benton County, Washington, entirely within the existing Yakima Valley viticultural area. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) The northwest boundary beginning on this map at the intersection of the 560-foot elevation level and the aqueduct found northwest of the center of section 32.

(2) Then following the aqueduct east to its endpoint at an elevation of approximately 650-feet, again in section 32.

(3) From this point in a straight line southeast to the 1173-foot peak, located southeast of the center of section 32.

(4) From this peak southeast in a straight line across the lower southwest corner of section 33 to the 1253-foot peak located due north of the center of section 4.

(5) Then in a straight line southeast to the 1410-foot peak located in the southwest corner of section 3.

(6) From this peak in a straight line southeast to the border of sections 10 and 11 where the power line crosses these two sections. This intersection is northeast of the center of section 10 and northwest of the center of section 11.

(7) From this point in a straight line south following the border of sections 10 and 11 to the corner of sections 10,11,15, and 14. This point has an elevation of 684 feet.

(8) From this point southwest in a diagonal to the 700-foot elevation line and then following this 700-foot elevation through Section 15 and into section 16.

(9) Then following the 700-foot elevation line southwest 1/4 mile in a southwest diagonal until it meets the creek bed.

(10) Following the creek bed southwest through section 16, across the extreme southeast corner of section 17 and into the northeast corner of section 20 to a point where the creek bed meets the 560-foot elevation point.

(11) From this 560-foot elevation point, running north along this elevation line through section 17, through section 8, through section 5 and through section 32 until meeting the beginning point at the aqueduct in section 32.

[T.D. ATF-448, 66 span 18545, Apr. 10, 2001]

§ 9.168 - Fair Play.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fair Play.”

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Fair Play viticultural area are titled:

(1) Aukum, Calif., 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(2) Camino, CA, 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(3) Sly Park, CA, 1952 (photorevised 1973); and

(4) Omo Ranch, Calif., 1952 (photorevised 1973).

(c) Boundaries. The Fair Play viticultural area is located in El Dorado County, California and is located entirely within the existing Sierra Foothills and El Dorado viticultural areas. The boundary for Fair Play is as follows:

(1) The beginning point of the boundary is the intersection of the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River and the U.S.G.S. map section line between Sections 26 and 27, T. 9 N., R. 11 E. (“Aukum” Quadrangle);

(2) From the beginning point, the boundary follows northeast along the Middle Fork of the Cosumnes River until it meets an unnamed medium-duty road (Mt. Aukum Road or El Dorado County Road E-16) just as it crosses onto the “Camino” Quadrangle map;

(3) The boundary continues then northeast along Mt. Aukum Road to its intersection with Grizzly Flat Road at the town of Somerset (“Camino” Quadrangle);

(4) The boundary continues east along Grizzly Flat Road to its intersection with the 2,200-foot contour line (“Camino Quadrangle”);

(5) The boundary continues northeasterly and then easterly along the 2,200-foot contour line until the contour line intersects with Jackass Canyon Creek near the eastern boundary of Section 10, T. 9 N., R. 12. E., on the “Camino Quadrangle” map;

(6) The boundary then proceeds southeast along Jackass Canyon Creek, crossing over the southwestern corner of the “Sly Park” Quadrangle map and onto the “Omo Ranch” Quadrangle map, to the headwaters of the creek, then proceeds in a straight line southeast to Grizzly Flat Road in Section 24, T. 9 N., R. 12 E.;

(7) The boundary continues east along Grizzly Flat Road until the road intersects with the range line between R. 12 E. and R. 13 E. (“Omo Ranch Quadrangle”);

(8) The boundary then follows south along the range line between R. 12 E. and R. 13 E. to its intersection with an unnamed medium-duty road in T. 8 N. (Omo Ranch Road) (“Omo Ranch” Quadrangle);

(9) The boundary then continues west in a straight line approximately 0.3 miles to the point where Cedar Creek intersects with the 3200-foot contour line, within Section 1, T. 8 N.,R. 12 E. (“Omo Ranch” Quadrangle);

(10) The boundary follows along Cedar Creek west and then southwest until it empties into Scott Creek (“Aukum” Quadrangle);

(11) The boundary then proceeds west along Scott Creek until it empties into the South Fork of the Cosumnes River (“Aukum” Quadrangle);

(12) The boundary continues west along the South Fork of the Cosumnes River to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 14, T. 8 N., R 11 E. (“Aukum Quadrangle”);

(13) The boundary then proceeds north along the western boundary lines of Sections 14, 11, and 2, T. 8 N., R 11 E., and then the western boundary lines of Sections 35 and 26, T. 9 N., R 11 E., to return to the beginning point (“Aukum Quadrangle”).

[T.D. ATF-440, 66 FR 11539, Feb. 26, 2001, as amended by T.D. TTB-126, 80 FR 402, Jan. 6, 2015]

§ 9.169 - Red Hills Lake County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Red Hills Lake County”.

(b) Approved Map. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Red Hills Lake County viticultural area are four 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topography maps. They are titled:

(1) Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle, CA—Lake Co. 1958, photorevised 1975;

(2) Lower Lake Quadrangle, CA—Lake Co. 1958, photorevised 1975;

(3) Whispering Pines Quadrangle, CA 1958, photoinspected 1975;

(4) Kelseyville Quadrangle—California. 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Red Hills Lake County viticultural area is located entirely within the Clear Lake viticultural area of Lake County, California, on the southwestern shore of Clear Lake, between the towns of Lower Lake and Kelseyville, California. The Red Hills Lake County viticultural area boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Clearlake Highlands map at the intersection of the Clear Lake shoreline, south of Slater Island, with the common boundary line between sections 3 and 4, T12N, R7W, proceed approximately 0.1 miles due south along the common section line to its intersection with the 1,400-foot contour line, section 3, T12N, R7W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed east-southeasterly along the meandering 1,400-foot contour line onto the Lower Lake map south of Anderson Flat, then reverse direction with the contour line and continue westerly, leaving the Lower Lake map, to the 1,400-foot contour line's intersection with Seigler Canyon Creek, section 10, T12N, R7W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed generally west then south along Seigler Canyon Creek to its confluence with Perini Creek, section 9, R7W, T12N, and continue southerly about 1.2 miles along Perini Creek to its intersection with the 1,800-foot contour line, section 16, R7W, T12N (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(4) Continue southerly along the 1,800-foot contour line, crossing on to the Whispering Pines map, and, turning westerly, continue along the 1,800-foot contour line to its intersection with Copsey Creek, section 28, T12N, R7W (Whispering Pines Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed generally west-northwest along Copsey Creek to its headwaters in section 29, then continue straight west-southwesterly to the headwaters of Bad Creek at its intersection with the section 30 eastern boundary line, and, from that point, proceed approximately 0.1 miles due west to Big Canyon Road, section 30, T12N, R7W (Whispering Pines Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed about 1.1 miles north-northwesterly along Big Canyon Road, leaving the Whispering Pines map, to its intersection with Loch Lomond Road, northeast of Hoberg Airport, section 19, T12N, R7W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed approximately 1.5 miles westerly then southerly along Loch Lomond Road, returning to the Whispering Pines map, passing through Seigler Springs, to the road's first intersection with the 2,640-foot contour line, northwest of Bonanza Springs, section 25, T12N, R8W (Whispering Pines Quadrangle); then

(8) From that point, proceed about 1.9 miles northwesterly in a straight line, passing through the peak of Seigler Mountain, elevation 3,692 feet, and returning to the Clearlake Highlands map, to the line's intersection with Salmina Road, section 23, T12N, R8W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed 1.25 miles northwesterly along Salmina Road to its intersection with State Highway 175, section 15, T12N, R8W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed south 0.6 miles on State Highway 175 to its intersection with the section 15 southern boundary line, T12N, R8W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(11) From that point, proceed about 1 mile in a straight northwesterly line to the peak of Mt. Hannah, elevation 3,978 feet, section 16, T12N, R8W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(12) From the peak of Mt. Hannah, proceed about 0.8 miles in a westerly straight line, crossing on to the Kelseyville map, to the intersection of the 3,000-foot contour line with the section 17 east boundary line, and continue for about 0.45 miles along the same line of direction to the 2,800-foot contour line east of Boggs Lake, section 17, T12N, R8W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed northerly and then westerly along the 2,800-foot contour line around Boggs Lake to the contour line's intersection with Harrington Flat Road, section 18, T12N, R8W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(14) Proceed about 0.4 mile northwesterly along Harrington Flat Road to its intersection with Bottle Rock Road in section 18, T21N, R8W; then

(15) Proceed southerly along Bottle Rock Road approximately 2,500 feet to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved dirt road near the marked 2,928-foot elevation; then

(16) Proceed west along the unimproved dirt road to its intersection with the 2,800-foot elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed northwesterly, then northerly along the meandering 2,800-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 18, T12N, R8W; then

(18) Proceed easterly along the northern boundary of section 18 to its intersection with Bottle Rock Road; then

(19) Proceed north along Bottle Rock Road to its intersection with an unnamed trail in section 7, T12N, R8W; then

(20) Proceed west in a straight line to the western boundary of section 7, T12N, R8W; then

(21) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 7 to the southeastern corner of section 1, T12N, R9W; then

(22) Proceed west along the southern boundary of section 1 to its intersection with the 2,600-foot elevation contour; then

(23) Proceed north in a straight line to the intersection with an unnamed, unimproved dirt road known locally as Helen Road; then

(24) Proceed west in a straight line to the fourth intersection with the 2,560-foot elevation contour in section 1, T12N, R9W; then

(25) Proceed south in a straight line to the southern boundary of section 1; then

(26) Proceed west along the southern boundary of section 1 to its intersection with the western boundary of section 1; then

(27) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 1 to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 1; then

(28) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 1 to its intersection with the 2,000-foot elevation contour; then

(29) Proceed southeasterly along the 2,000-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Bottle Rock Road; then

(30) Proceed northwesterly along Bottle Rock Road to its intersection with Cole Creek Road to the west and an unnamed, unimproved road to the east in section 25, T13N, R9W; then

(31) Proceed east and then northeast approximately 0.4 mile along the unimproved road to the road's intersection with State Highway 29/175, then proceed east along State Highway 29/175 to the intersection of the highway with the 1,720-foot elevation line located just west of the 1,758-foot benchmark (BM) in section 25, T13N, R9W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(32) Proceed northwest along the 1,720-foot elevation line to the common boundary line between sections 25 and 26, T13N, R9W; then

(33) Proceed north along the common boundary line between sections 25 and 26, T13N, R9W, and then the common boundary line between sections 23 and 24, T13N, R9W, (partially concurrent with Wilkinson Road) to the intersection of the common section 23-24 boundary line with the 1,600-foot elevation line (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(34) Proceed about 1.35 miles straight easterly to the 2,493 benchmark located along an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Konocti Road, section 19, T13N, R8W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(35) Proceed less than 0.2 miles easterly and then northerly along the unnamed light-duty road to its intersection with the 2,600-foot elevation line, section 19, T13N, R8W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(36) Proceed about 3.0 miles generally east along the 2,600-foot elevation line to its intersection, north of Bell Mine, with an unnamed intermittent stream near the section 20 east boundary line, T13N, R8W (Kelseyville Quadrangle); then

(37) Proceed about 1.2 miles in a straight east-northeasterly line to the intersection of Konocti Bay Road and Soda Bay Road, and continue due east to the shore of Clear Lake, section 22, T13N, R8W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle); then

(38) Proceed southeasterly along the shoreline of Clear Lake, returning to the point of beginning at the shoreline's intersection with the common boundary line between sections 3 and 4, T12N, R7W (Clearlake Highlands Quadrangle).

[T.D. TTB-15, 69 FR 41754, July 12, 2004; T.D. TTB-118, 78 FR 60688, Oct. 2, 2013; T.D. TTB-190, 89 FR 7620, Feb. 5, 2024]

§ 9.170 - Long Island.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Long Island.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Long Island viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographic maps (Scale: 1:250,000). They are titled:

(1) “New York, N.Y.; N.J.; Conn.,” 1960 (revised 1979);

(2) “Hartford, Conn.; N.Y.; N.J.; Mass.,” 1962 (revised 1975); and

(3) “Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn.; N.Y.,” 1947 (revised 1969).

(c) Boundaries. The Long Island viticultural area includes approximately 1,170 square miles or 749,146 acres and is made up of the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, New York, including all off shore islands in those counties.

[T.D. ATF-453, 66 FR 26791, May 15, 2001]

§ 9.35 - Edna Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Edna Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Edna Valley viticultural area for four U.S.G.S. maps, They are titled:

(1) “San Luis Obispo Quadrangle, California—San Luis Obispo Co.,” 7.5 minute series;

(2) “Lopez Mtn, Quadrangle, California—San Luis Obispo Co.,” 7.5 minute series;

(3) “Pismo Beach Quadrangle, California—San Luis Obispo Co.,” 7.5 minute series; and

(4) “Arroyo Grande NE Quadrangle, California—San Luis Obispo Co.”, 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Edna Valley viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The beginning point is Cuesta Canyon County Park, located on U.S.G.S. map “San Luis Obispo Quadrangle” at the north end of Section 25, Township 30 South, Range 12 East.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs southwesterly along San Luis Obispo Creek to a point .7 mile southerly of the confluence with Davenport Creek;

(2) Thence due east to the intersection with the 400-foot contour line of the northeastern flank of the San Luis Range;

(3) Thence in a generally easterly and then a southeasterly direction along this 400-foot contour line of the northeastern flank of the San Luis Range, which forms the southwestern rim of Edna Valley, to the township line identified as “T31S/T32S” on the U.S.G.S. map;

(4) Thence east along township line “T31S/T32S”, across Price Canyon to Tiber;

(5) Thence in a generally easterly direction along the 400-foot contour line of Tiber Canyon and the southern rim of Canada Verde, crossing Corbit Canyon Road and continuing along the 400-foot contour line to longitude line 120°32′30″;

(6) Thence north along longitude line 120°32′30″ to the 600-foot contour line of the southwestern flank of the Santa Lucia Mountain Range;

(7) Thence in a generally northwesterly direction along the 600-foot contour line of the southwestern flank of the Santa Lucia Range to Cuesta Canyon County Park, the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-101, 47 FR 20299, May 12, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5956, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.171 - San Bernabe.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Bernabe”.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the San Bernabe viticultural area are four 1:24,000 scale, USGS topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Thompson Canyon Quadrangle, California-Monterey County, 1949 (photorevised 1984);

(2) San Lucas Quadrangle, California-Monterey County, 1949 (photorevised 1984);

(3) Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle, California-Monterey County, 1949 (photorevised 1979); and

(4) Cosio Knob Quadrangle, California-Monterey County, 1949 (photorevised 1984);

(c) Boundary. The San Bernabe viticultural area is located in central Monterey County, south of King City, California, and west of U.S. Highway 101.

(1) The point of beginning on the Thompson Canyon Quadrangle is benchmark 304, located one-half mile southwest of King City, along the Salinas River, in Township 20 South (T20S) and Range 8 East (R8E). Proceed southeast in a straight line for 2.35 miles to benchmark 304, at the intersection of a trail and the 300-foot contour line, between U.S. Highway 101 and the Salinas River, in T20S and R8E (San Lucas Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 2.9 miles to benchmark 336, between U.S. Highway 101 and the Salinas River, in T20S and R8E (San Lucas Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 3 miles to benchmark 340, between U.S. Highway 101 and the Salinas River, in T21S and R9E (San Lucas Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed south in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the intersection of the Salinas River and the Highway 198 bridge, in T21S and R9E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed southwest along Highway 198 for 0.6 mile to its intersection with an unnamed light duty road, in T21S and R9E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed northwest, followed by southwest, about 1.2 miles along the meandering, unnamed, light duty road to its intersection with the fork of an intermittent stream, in T21S and R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the 595-foot peak, Section 13, in T21S and R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(8) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 1.3 miles to the 788-foot peak, section 23, in T21S and R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 0.7 mile to the intersection of the unimproved road and jeep trail, east of the 73-degree longitudinal line, section 26, in T21S and R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 3.2 miles to the northwest corner of section 16, in T21S and R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 1.5 miles to the northeast corner of section 19, in T21S and R8E (Cosio Knob Quadrangle); then

(12) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 2.2 miles to the southwest corner of section 24, in T21S and R7E (Cosio Knob Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed north in a straight line for 2 miles to the northwest corner of section 13, in T21S and R7E (Cosio Knob Quadrangle); then

(14) Proceed east in a straight line for 1 mile to the northeast corner of section 13, in T21S and R7E (Cosio Knob Quadrangle); then

(15) Proceed north in a straight line for 2 miles, along the R7E and R8E common boundary line, to the northwest corner of section 6, in T21S and R8E (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle); then

(16) Proceed east in a straight line for 0.1 mile to the southwest corner of section 31 and continue diagonally to the northeast corner of section 31, in T20S and R8E (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle); then

(17) Proceed west in a straight line for 2 miles to the southwest corner of section 25, in T20S and R7E (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle); then

(18) Proceed due north in a straight line for 0.1 mile to the intersection with a light duty road, named Pine Canyon Road, in section 25, and continue northeast along that road for 3.2 miles to its intersection with an unnamed secondary highway, north of benchmark 337, section 18, in T20S and R8E (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle); then

(19) Proceed northwest along the unnamed secondary highway for 0.3 mile to its intersection with U.S. Highway 101, in T20S and R8E (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle); then

(20) Proceed northeast along U.S. Highway 101 for 0.7 mile to benchmark 304, returning to the point of beginning (Thompson Canyon Quadrangle).

[T.D. TTB-14, 69 FR 38836, June 29, 2004]

§ 9.172 - West Elks.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “West Elks.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the West Elks viticultural area are four United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographic maps (Scale: 1:250,000). They are titled:

(1) Lazear Quadrangle (Colorado-Delta Co. 1955 (photorevised 1978));

(2) Hotchkiss Quadrangle (Colorado-Delta Co. 1965 (photorevised 1979));

(3) Paonia Quadrangle (Colorado-Delta Co. 1965 (photorevised 1979); and

(4) Bowie Quadrangle (Colorado-Delta Co. 1965 (photorevised 1978).

(c) Boundaries. The West Elks viticultural area is located in eastern Delta County, Colorado. The beginning point is found on the “Bowie Quadrangle” U.S.G.S. map at the 1/4 corner common to Sections 19 and 20, Township 13 South, Range 91 West (T. 13 S., R. 91 W.);

(1) The boundary proceeds east following the center subdivision lines of Sections 20 and 21 to its intersection with Colorado Highway 133;

(2) Then northeasterly following Colorado Highway 133 to its intersection with the N-S center subdivision line of Section 14, T. 13 S., R. 91 W., near Juanita Junction;

(3) Then south following the center subdivision line to its intersection with the North Fork of the Gunnison River;

(4) Then southwesterly following the North Fork of the Gunnison River to its intersection with the Stewart Ditch in the extreme southern part of Section 15, T. 13 S., R. 91 W.;

(5) Then southwesterly following the Stewart Ditch to its intersection with the section line common to Sections 21 and 28, T. 13 S., R. 91 W.;

(6) Then east following the section line common to Sections 21 and 28 to its intersection with the 6000 foot contour;

(7) Then southerly following the 6000 foot contour to its second intersection with the section line common to Sections 3 and 4, T. 14 S., R. 91 W., located on the Paonia, Colo. U.S.G.S. map;

(8) Then south following the section line common to Sections 3 and 4 to its intersection with the 6200 foot contour;

(9) Then southerly following the 6200 foot contour to its intersection with the section line common to Sections 16 and 17, T. 14 S., R. 91 W.;

(10) Then south following the section line common to Sections 16 and 17 to the point of intersection of Sections 16, 17, 20 and 21;

(11) Then west following the section line common to Sections 17 and 20 to the point of intersection of Sections 17, 18, 19 and 20;

(12) Then south following the section line common to Sections 19 and 20 to the N1/16 corner common to Sections 19 and 20;

(13) Then west following the subdivision line across Section 19 to the N1/16 corner common to Section 19, T. 14 S., R. 91 W. and Section 24, T, 14 S., R. 92 W.;

(14) Then south following the range line between R. 91 W. and R. 92 W. to the point of intersection between Sections 19 and 30, T. 14 S., R. 91 W. and Sections 24 and 25, T. 14 S., R. 92 W.;

(15) Then west following the section line common to Sections 24 and 25 to the point of intersection between Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26, located on the Hotchkiss, Colo. U.S.G.S. map;

(16) Then south following the section line common to Sections 25 and 26 to the point of intersection between Sections 25, 26, 35 and 36;

(17) Then west following the section lines common to Sections 26 and 35 and Sections 27 and 34 to the point of intersection between Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34;

(18) Then south following the section line common to Sections 33 and 34 to the point of intersection between Sections 33 and 34, T. 14 S., R. 92 W. and Sections 3 and 4, T. 15 S., R. 92 W.;

(19) Then west following the township line between T. 14 S. and T. 15 S. approximately three miles to the point of intersection between Section 31, T. 14 S., R. 92 W., Section 6, T. 15 S., R. 92 W., Section 1, T. 15 S., R. 93 W., and Section 36, T. 14 S., R. 93 W.;

(20) Then south following the range line between R. 92 W. and R. 93 W. to the point of intersection between Sections 6 and 7, T. 15 S., R. 92 W. and Sections 1 and 12, T. 15 S., R. 93 W.;

(21) Then west following the section lines common to Sections 1 and 12 and Sections 2 and 11 to its intersection with the North Fork of the Gunnison River, located on the Lazear, Colo. U.S.G.S. map;

(22) Then westerly following the North Fork of the Gunnison River to its intersection with Big Gulch in the extreme northeastern corner of Section 6, T. 15 S., R. 93 W.;

(23) Then northerly following Big Gulch to its intersection with the section line common to Sections 17 and 18, T. 14 S., R. 93 W.;

(24) Then north following the section lines common to Sections 17 and 18, Sections 7 and 8, and Sections 5 and 6 to the point of intersection between Sections 5 and 6, T. 14 S., R. 93 W. and Sections 31 and 32, T. 13 S., R. 93 W.;

(25) Then east following the township line between T. 13 S. and T. 14 S. approximately two miles to the point of intersection between Sections 3 and 4, T. 14 S., R. 93 W. and Sections 33 and 34, T. 13 S., R. 93 W.;

(26) Then south following the section line common to Sections 3 and 4 to the point of intersection between Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10;

(27) Then east following the section lines for approximately 6 miles to the point of intersection between Sections 3, 4, 9 and 10, T. 14 S., R. 92 W., located on the Hotchkiss, Colo. U.S.G.S. map;

(28) Then north following the section line common to Sections 3 and 4 to the point of intersection between Sections 3 and 4, T. 14 S., R. 92 W. and Sections 33 and 34, T. 13 S., R. 92 W.;

(29) Then east following the township line between T. 13 S. and T. 14 S. to its intersection with the Fire Mountain Canal in the southwestern corner of Section 35, T. 13 S., R. 92 W.;

(30) Then northeasterly following the Fire Mountain Canal through the extreme northwest corner of the Paonia, Colo. U.S.G.S. map to its intersection with the section line common to Sections 29 and 30, T. 13 S., R. 91 W., located on the Bowie, Colo. U.S.G.S. map;

(31) Then north following the section lines common to Sections 29 and 30 and Sections 19 and 20 to the 1/4 corner common to Sections 19 and 20, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-445, 66 span 13430, Mar. 6, 2001]

§ 9.173 - Rockpile.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rockpile”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Rockpile viticultural area are four 1:24,000 Scale U.S.G.S. topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle, CA—Sonoma Co. 1978;

(2) Cloverdale Quadrangle, CA 1975;

(3) Tombs Creek Quadrangle, CA—Sonoma Co. 1978; and

(4) Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle, CA 1991.

(c) Boundary. The Rockpile viticultural area is located in northwestern Sonoma County, California. The boundary encircles the Rockpile Ranch area, located west of Lake Sonoma. The point of beginning is the intersection of Rockpile Road and the Section 15 east boundary line, T 10 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle);

(1) Then proceed straight north to the 800-foot contour line, Section 10, T 10 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle);

(2) Then proceed west along the 800-foot contour line through Sections 10, 9, 4, 5, and 32 to the Section 31 east boundary line, T 11 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam and Cloverdale Quadrangles);

(3) Then proceed west along the 800-foot contour line in Section 31, following the line as it reverses from the west to the east direction, returning to the east boundary of Section 31, T 11 N, R 11 W (Cloverdale and Big Foot Mountain Quadrangles);

(4) Then proceed along the 800-foot contour line east through Section 32 and northwest through Sections 33, 32, 29, 30, 25, 24, 23, 14, 15, 22, 21, and 20 to the east boundary line of Section 19, T 11 N, R 12 W (Cloverdale and Big Foot Mountain Quadrangles);

(5) Then proceed west, north, south and east along the meandering 800-foot contour line, in a loop, crossing the southwest and northwest headwaters of Galloway Creek, and returning to the east boundary line of Section 19, T 11 N, R 12 W (Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle);

(6) Then proceed straight north to the Mendocino-Sonoma county boundary line, then follow the county line straight west to the R 13 and 12 W line, and continue straight south to the 1,600-foot contour line in the Section 19 southwest corner, T 11 N, R 12 W (Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle);

(7) Then proceed southeast along the meandering 1,600-foot contour line to the Section 29 west boundary line, and continue straight south to the T 11 and 10 N boundary line, R 12 W (Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle);

(8) Then proceed east along the T 11 and 10 N boundary line to the Section 1 west boundary line, R 12 W (Big Foot Mountain Quadrangle);

(9) Then proceed south along the Section 1 west boundary line, turning east at the Section 1 south boundary and continue east to the northwest corner of Section 8, T 10 N, R 11 W (Big Foot Mountain, Tombs Creek and Warm Springs Dam Quadrangles);

(10) Then proceed south along the west boundary of Section 8, turning east at its southwest corner, and continue east to the 876-foot elevation marker, T 10 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle);

(11) Then proceed straight south approximately 2,000 feet to the 800-foot contour line, T 10 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle);

(12) Then follow the 800-foot contour line as it meanders west, southeast, southwest, and east to the Section 14 west boundary, and then straight north, returning to the point of beginning at Rockpile Road, T 10 N, R 11 W (Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle).

[T.D. ATF-473, 67 FR 9193, Feb. 28, 2002]

§ 9.174 - Yadkin Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yadkin Valley”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Yadkin Valley viticultural area are two United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps, scale 1:250,000:

(1) Winston-Salem, N.C.; VA; Tenn. (1953, Limited Revision 1962), and,

(2) Charlotte, North Carolina; South Carolina. (1953, Revised 1974).

(c) Boundaries. The Yadkin Valley viticultural area is located in the State of North Carolina within Wilkes, Surry, Yadkin and portions of Stokes, Forsyth, Davidson, and Davie Counties. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) On the Winston-Salem, N.C.; VA; Tenn. map, the beginning point is 3.6 miles west of the northeast corner of Surry County on the Surry County and North Carolina/Virginia state line at the crest of Slate Mountain. From the beginning point, proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 6.5 miles to the intersection of the Surry/Stokes County line and State Route 89;

(2) Then bear southeast in a straight line for approximately 9 miles to the line's intersection with State Route 66 in the village of Gap (between Sauratown and Hanging Rock Mountains);

(3) Then bear south, following State Route 66 for approximately 9 miles to intersection of State Route 66 and U.S. Route 52;

(4) Then, for approximately 9.5 miles, follow U.S. Route 52 south through Rural Hall and Stanelyville, to the intersection of the Southern Railway track and U.S. Route 52;

(5) Then bear southerly for approximately 2 miles, following the Southern Railway track to where it intersects with U.S. Route 52 in Winston-Salem;

(6) Then follow U.S. Route 52 south for approximately 19.5 miles, crossing on to the Charlotte, North Carolina; South Carolina map, to its intersection with Interstate 85 at Lexington;

(7) Then, follow Interstate 85 southwest for approximately 11 miles to the Yadkin River and bear northwest approximately 4.5 miles along the Yadkin River to the mouth of the South Yadkin River;

(8) Follow the South Yadkin River upstream in a generally northwest direction approximately 3.5 miles to its intersection with U.S. Route 601;

(9) Then continue in a northerly direction, following U.S. Route 601 through the town of Mocksville, onto the Winston-Salem, N.C.; VA; Tenn. map approximately 20 miles to the Davie/Yadkin County line;

(10) Then, following a series of county lines, continue west along the Yadkin/Davie County line to the Yadkin/Davie/Iredell County line intersection, then follow the Yadkin/Iredell County line to the Yadkin/Iredell/Wilkes County line intersection, then follow the Iredell/Wilkes County line to the Iredell/Wilkes/Alexander County line intersection, then follow the Wilkes/Alexander County line to the Wilkes/Alexander/Caldwell County line intersection;

(11) Then bear northwesterly along the Wilkes/Caldwell County line, to the Wilkes/Caldwell/Watauga County intersection;

(12) Then bear northerly along the Wilkes/Watauga County line to the intersection of the Wilkes/Watauga/Ashe County lines;

(13) Then bear generally northeasterly along the Wilkes/Ashe County line, to the Wilkes/Ashe/Alleghany County line intersection;

(14) Then bear generally easterly along the Wilkes/Alleghany County line to the Wilkes/Alleghany/Surry County line intersection;

(15) Then bear northerly along Alleghany/Surry County line to the intersection of the Alleghany/Surry County line and the North Carolina/Virginia border;

(16) Then bear east along the North Carolina/Virginia State line approximately 22.5 miles, returning to the point of beginning 3.6 miles west of the northeast corner of Surry County.

[T.D. ATF-485, 67 FR 72839, Dec. 9, 2002]

§ 9.175 - Dos Rios.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Dos Rios”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Dos Rios” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Dos Rios viticultural area are four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Dos Rios, California—Mendocino County, 1967 edition, revised 1994;

(2) Laytonville, California—Mendocino County, 1967 edition, revised 1994;

(3) Iron Peak, California—Mendocino County, 1967 edition, revised 1994; and

(4) Covelo West, California—Mendocino County, 1967 edition, photoinspected 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Dos Rios viticultural area is located in northern Mendocino County, California, at the confluence of the Eel River and the Middle Fork of the Eel River. The area's boundaries are defined as follows—

(1) Beginning in the northwestern quarter of the Dos Rios map in section 32, T22N, R13W, at the intersection of the 2,000-foot contour line and Poonkinny Road, proceed southerly and then easterly along the meandering 2,000-foot contour line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 2, T21N, R13W, immediately south of State Route 162 (Dos Rios Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed straight south along the section line, crossing the Middle Fork of the Eel River, to the southeast corner of section 11, T21N, R13W (Dos Rios Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed 0.9 mile straight west along the southern boundary of section 11 to its intersection with the 2,000-foot elevation line, T21N, R13W (Dos Rios Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed northerly then westerly along the meandering 2,000-foot contour line, crossing Big Water Canyon, Doghouse Creek, and Eastman Creek, to the contour line's intersection with the southern boundary of section 17, T21N, R13W (Dos Rios Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed 2.1 miles straight west along the section line, crossing the Eel River, to the section line's intersection with the 2,000-foot contour line along the southern boundary of section 18, T21N, R13W (Dos Rios Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed northerly along the meandering 2,000-foot contour line, crossing between the Dos Rios and Laytonville maps (passing around the Sims 2208 benchmark near the southeast corner of section 36, T22N, R14W), and, returning to the Laytonville map, continue westerly to the contour line's intersection with the southwest corner of section 36, T22N, R14W, at Windy Point (Laytonville Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed 1.2 miles straight north along the section line to its intersection with the 2,000-foot elevation line, section 25, T22N, R14W (Laytonville Quadrangle); then

(8) Proceed northerly along the meandering 2,000-foot elevation, crossing between the Laytonville and Iron Peak maps, and, returning to the Iron Peak map, continue along the contour line to its intersection with the western boundary of section 14 immediately south of an unnamed unimproved road, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed straight north along the section line to the southeast corner of section 3, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed straight west along the section line to the southwest corner of section 3, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed straight north along the section line to the northwest corner of section 3, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(12) Proceed straight east along the section line, crossing the Eel River, to the northeast corner of section 2, which coincides with the Round Valley Indian Reservation's southern boundary, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed straight south along the section line to the southeast corner of section 2, T22N, R14W (Iron Peak Quadrangle); then

(14) Proceed 0.3 mile straight east to the section line's intersection with the 2,000-foot elevation line along the northern boundary of section 12, T22N, R14W, west of Eberle Ridge, (Iron Peak Quadrangle); and

(15) Proceed generally southeast along the meandering 2,000-foot elevation, crossing onto the Covelo West map and continuing southerly along the 2,000-foot contour line from Stoner Creek in section 18, T22N, R13W, and, returning to the Dos Rios map, continue southeasterly along the 2,000-foot contour line (crossing Goforth and Poonkinny Creeks), to the beginning point at the contour line's intersection with Poonkinny Road.

[T.D. TTB-34, 70 FR 59995, Oct. 14, 2005]

§ 9.176 - Capay Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Capay Valley”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundary of the Capay Valley viticultural area is the United States Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographic map titled: 30X60 Minute Quadrangle (Healdsburg, California 1972) (Scale: 1:100,000).

(c) Boundaries. The Capay Valley viticultural area is located in Yolo County, California. The beginning point is the junction of the Yolo, Napa, and Lake County lines.

(1) From the beginning point, proceed north then east along the Yolo-Lake County line;

(2) At the junction of the Yolo, Lake, and Colusa County lines, continue east along the Yolo-Colusa County line to its junction with the boundary between ranges R4W and R3W;

(3) Then south along the R4W and R3W boundary to its junction with the 250 meter contour line;

(4) Proceed generally southeast along the meandering 250 meter contour line to its junction with the T10N-T11N section line;

(5) Continue east along the T10N-T11N section line to the unnamed north-south secondary highway known locally as County Road 85;

(6) Then south along County Road 85, crossing Cache Creek, to its intersection with State Highway 16;

(7) Proceed east on Highway 16 to its junction with the unnamed north-south light duty road known locally as County Road 85B;

(8) Then south on County Road 85B to its junction with the unnamed east-west light duty road known locally as County Road 23;

(9) Proceed west on County Road 23 for approximately 500 feet to an unnamed light duty road known locally as County Road 85;

(10) Proceed south on County Road 85 until the road ends and continue south in a straight line to the T9N-T10N section line;

(11) Then west on the T9N-T10N section line to the Napa-Yolo County line;

(12) Continue northwest following the Napa-Yolo county line and return to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-486, 67 FR 77924, Dec. 20, 2002]

§ 9.177 - Alexandria Lakes.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Alexandria Lakes”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Alexandria Lakes viticultural area are four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Alexandria West, Minn., 1966, revised 1994.

(2) Alexandria East, Minn., 1966, revised 1994.

(3) Lake Miltona East, Minn., 1969.

(4) Lake Miltona West, Minn., 1969.

(c) Boundary. The Alexandria Lakes viticultural area is located in Douglas County, Minnesota. The boundary of the Alexandria Lakes viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Alexandria West, Minn. map between Lake Carlos and Lake Darling at benchmark (BM) 1366, which is an unmarked bridge on County Road 11, known as the Carlos-Darling Bridge. From this point the boundary line continues—

(2) Along the Carlos-Darling bridge and then northeasterly along the western shore of Lake Carlos on to the Alexandria East, Minn. map; then

(3) Along the shoreline until the point where the Lake Carlos shoreline parallels an unlabeled road known as County Road 38; then

(4) North along County Road 38 until it intersects with an unlabeled road known as County Road 62; then

(5) North along County Road 62 on to the Lake Miltona, East, Minn. map and then on to an unlabeled road known as Buckskin Road; then

(6) North on Buckskin Road to the point at BM 1411; then

(7) North from BM 1411 in a straight line to the south shoreline of Lake Miltona; then

(8) Generally west along the south shoreline of Lake Miltona onto the Lake Miltona West, Minn. map until the southern shoreline parallels an unlabeled road known as Krohnfeldt Drive; then

(9) South and then west along Krohnfeldt Drive until it intersects with an unlabeled road known as County Road 34; then

(10) South along County Road 34 until the point where County Road 34 runs parallel to Lake Ida's eastern shoreline; then

(11) South along Lake Ida's eastern shoreline, then onto the Alexandria West, Minn. map to the point where two unlabeled roads known as Burkey's Lane and Sunset Strip Road intersect; then

(12) South along Sunset Strip Road to the point where it intersects with an unlabeled road known as County Road 104; then

(13) Generally east along County Road 104 until it intersects with an unlabeled road known as County Road 34; then

(14) East along County Road 34 until it intersects with an unlabeled road known as County Road 11; then

(15) East along County Road 11 to the beginning point for the area at BM 1366, at the Carlos-Darling Bridge.

[T.D. TTB-29, 70 FR 38003, July 1, 2005]

§ 9.178 - Columbia Gorge.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Columbia Gorge”.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Columbia Gorge viticultural area are 10 United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic maps. They are—

(1) Hood River Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1994;

(2) Northwestern Lake Quadrangle, Washington, 1983;

(3) Husum Quadrangle, Washington—Klickitat Co., 1994;

(4) Appleton Quadrangle, Washington—Klickitat Co., 1994;

(5) Lyle Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1994;

(6) Brown Creek Quadrangle, Oregon, 1994;

(7) Ketchum Reservoir Quadrangle, Oregon, 1994;

(8) Parkdale Quadrangle, Oregon—Hood River Co., 1994;

(9) Dee Quadrangle, Oregon—Hood River Co., 1994; and

(10) Mt. Defiance Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1994.

(c) Boundary. The Columbia Gorge viticultural area is located in Hood River and Wasco Counties, Oregon, and Skamania and Klickitat Counties, Washington. The area's point of beginning is on the Hood River map, at the intersection of Washington State Highway 14 and the R9E-R10E line, close to Tunnel 4, on the north bank of the Columbia River. From this point, the boundary line—

(1) Goes 1.5 miles straight north along the R9E-R10E line to the northwest corner of section 19, T3N, R10E (Hood River Quadrangle);

(2) Continues 2 miles straight east along the section line to the northeast corner of section 20, T3N, R10E (Hood River Quadrangle);

(3) Goes 4.1 miles straight north along the section line, crossing onto the Northwestern Lake map, to the northwest corner of section 33, T4N, R10E (Northwestern Lake Quadrangle);

(4) Continues 1 mile straight east on the section line to the northeast corner of section 33, T4N, R10E (Northwestern Lake Quadrangle);

(5) Goes 1 mile straight north on the section line to the northwest corner of section 27, T4N, R10E (Northwestern Lake Quadrangle);

(6) Continues 1 mile straight east on the section line to the northeast corner of section 27, T4N, R10E (Northwestern Lake Quadrangle);

(7) Goes 3.8 miles north on the section line to its intersection with the T4N-T5N line, R10E (Northwestern Lake Quadrangle);

(8) Continues 4 miles straight east on the T4N-T5N line, crossing onto the Husum map, to the northeast corner of section 5, R11E (Husum Quadrangle);

(9) Goes 2 miles straight south on the section line to the southwest corner of section 9, T4N, R11E (Husum Quadrangle);

(10) Continues 2 miles straight east on the section line to the northeast corner of section 15, T4N, R11E (Husum Quadrangle);

(11) Goes 3 miles straight south on the section line to the southwest corner of section 26, T4N, R11E (Husum Quadrangle);

(12) Continues 2 miles straight east on the section line, crossing onto the Appleton map, to the R11E-R12E line (Appleton Quadrangle);

(13) Goes 1.25 miles straight south on the R11E-R12E line to its intersection with the 2,000-foot contour line near the northeast corner of section 1, T3N (Appleton Quadrangle);

(14) Continues 11 miles south along the meandering 2,000-foot contour line through sections 1 and 12; then generally east through sections 7, 18, 8, and 9 to section 10; then generally north, weaving back and forth between sections 3, 4, 33, and 34; then south to section 3, until the 2,000-foot contour line first intersects the section line between sections 2 and 3, near a creek and an unnamed light duty road, T3N, R12E (Appleton Quadrangle);

(15) Goes 5.1 miles straight south on the section line, crossing onto the Lyle map, and continuing south until it intersects with the Klickitat River along the section 34 east boundary line, T3N, R12E (Lyle Quadrangle);

(16) Continues 0.9 mile generally southwest along the Klickitat River until it joins the Columbia River, and then continues 0.4 mile southwest in a straight line to the Washington-Oregon State line in the center of the Columbia River, section 3, T2N, R12E (Lyle Quadrangle);

(17) Follows the Oregon-Washington state line 2.4 miles generally southeast until it intersects with a northward extension of the R12E-R13E line, T2N (Lyle Quadrangle);

(18) Goes 11 miles straight south on the R12E-R13E line, crossing onto the Brown Creek map, to its intersection with the T1N-T1S Base Line at the southeast corner of section 36 (Brown Creek Quadrangle);

(19) Continues 6.1 miles straight west along the T1N-T1S Base Line, crossing onto the Ketchum Reservoir map, to its intersection with the R11E-R12E line at the southeast corner of section 36 (Ketchum Reservoir Quadrangle);

(20) Goes 6 miles straight north on the R11E-R12E line to its intersection with the T1N-T2N line at the northeast corner of section 1 (Ketchum Reservoir Quadrangle);

(21) Continues 6.2 miles straight west on the T1N-T2N line, crossing onto the Parkdale map, to its intersection with the R10E-R11E line at the southeast corner of section 36 (Parkdale Quadrangle);

(22) Goes 1.85 miles south on the R10E-R11E line to its intersection with the 2,000-foot contour line near the southeast corner of section 12, T1N, R10E (Parkdale Quadrangle);

(23) Continues 10.1 miles along the meandering 2,000-foot contour line generally southwest through sections 12, 13, 14, 23, 22, 26, 27, and 34 in T1N, and section 4 in T1S, to its intersection with the section 4 south boundary line, T1S, R10E (Parkdale Quadrangle);

(24) Goes 2.4 miles straight west along the section line to its intersection with the R9E-R10E line, just west of Trout Creek, at the southwest corner of section 6, T1S (Parkdale Quadrangle);

(25) Continues 1 mile straight north along the R9E-R10E line to its intersection with the T1S-T1N Base Line at the northwest corner of section 6 (Parkdale Quadrangle);

(26) Goes 1.3 miles straight west along the T1S-T1N Base Line, crossing onto the Dee map, to its intersection with the R9E-R10E line at the southwest corner of section 21 (Dee Quadrangle);

(27) Continues 3.1 miles north along the R9E-R10E line to the southeast corner of section 13, T1N (Dee Quadrangle);

(28) Goes 2 miles west along the section line to the southwest corner of section 14, T1N, R9E (Dee Quadrangle);

(29) Continues 1 mile straight north along the section line to the northwest corner of section 14, T1N, R9E (Dee Quadrangle);

(30) Goes 1 mile east along the section line to the northeast corner of section 14, T1N, R9E (Dee Quadrangle);

(31) Continues 2 miles straight north along the section line until its intersection with the T1N-T2N line, R9E (Dee Quadrangle);

(32) Goes 1 mile straight east along the T1N-T2N line to the southeast corner of section 36, R9E (Dee Quadrangle);

(33) Continues 6.75 miles straight north along the R9E-R10E line, crossing onto the Mt. Defiance map, to the Washington-Oregon State line in the Columbia River, T3N (Mt. Defiance Quadrangle);

(34) Goes 1 mile straight east-northeast along the State line, crossing onto the Hood River map, to its intersection with a southward extension of the R9E-R10E line, T3N (Hood River Quadrangle); and

(35) Continues 0.6 mile north along the R9E-R10E extension, returning to the point of beginning at its intersection with the Washington State Highway 14, close to Tunnel 4, on the north bank of the Columbia River (Hood River Quadrangle).

[T.D. TTB-11, 69 FR 25833, May 10, 2004]

§ 9.179 - Southern Oregon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Southern Oregon”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Southern Oregon viticultural area are two 1:250,000 scale, USGS topography maps. They are titled:

(1) Roseburg, Oregon—1958, revised 1970; and

(2) Medford, Oregon; California—1955, revised 1976.

(c) Boundary. The Southern Oregon viticultural area is located entirely within Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine Counties, Oregon. The beginning point is on the Roseburg map at the intersection of Interstate Highway 5 and the Douglas-Lane County line, T21S, R4W.

(1) From the beginning point, proceed north along the Douglas-Lane County line approximately 0.5 miles to the 1,000-foot contour line; then

(2) Proceed northwest along the 1,000-foot contour line to the Douglas-Lane County line; then west along the County line approximately 2.5 miles, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; then in a generally westerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to its first intersection with the R9W-R10W range line; then

(3) Proceed along the 1,000-foot contour line, crossing the R9W-R10W range line four more times; then proceed south along the R9W-R10W range line approximately 2.75 miles to the center of the Umpqua River; then along a straight line in an easterly direction approximately 6.25 miles to the intersection of range line R8W-R9W with the center of the Umpqua River; then south along range line R8W-R9W approximately 3.5 miles to its intersection with township line T22S-T23S; then

(4) Proceed southeast approximately 8.5 miles along a straight line to the intersection of township line T23S-T24S with range line R7W-R8W; then south along the R7W-R8W range line approximately 8 miles to its intersection with the 1,000-foot contour line; then in a southeasterly direction in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles toward the intersection of township line T25S-T26S with range line R6W-R7W, but stopping short at the 1,000-foot contour line; then

(5) Proceed in a southerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to the intersection of township line T27S-T28S with range line R7W-R8W; then in a southwesterly direction in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles toward the intersection of township line T28S-T29S with range line R8W-R9W, but stopping short and returning to the 1,000-foot contour line near the center of T28S, R8W; then generally south along the 1,000-foot contour line to its intersection with township line T29S-T30S; then

(6) Proceed east along township line T29S-T30S approximately 0.33 mile, rejoining the 1,000-foot contour line; then in a northerly and eventually a southerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line, passing onto the Medford map, and past the town of Riddle to range line R6W-R7W; then south along the R6W-R7W range line approximately 15 miles to the Josephine-Douglas County line; then in a general northeasterly direction along the County line to its intersection with Interstate 5 approximately 1.3 miles south of Cow Creek ; then

(7) Proceed southerly and southwesterly along southbound Interstate 5 to its junction with Wolf Creek and then north about 500 feet to the Southern Pacific Railway line; then westerly and southerly out of the town of Wolf Creek along the Southern Pacific Railway line to the rail line's intersection with Hugo Road at the town of Hugo; then southwesterly along Hugo Road to the point where Hugo Road crosses Jumpoff Joe Creek; then westerly and downstream along that creek to the intersection of Jumpoff Joe Creek and the Rogue River; then

(8) Proceed northwesterly and downstream along the Rogue River to the first point where the Wild and Scenic Rogue River designated area touches the easterly boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest, just south of Galice; then

(9) Proceed in a generally southwesterly direction (with many diversions) along the easterly border of the Siskiyou National Forest to the 42 degree 0 minute north latitude line; then easterly along the latitude line to the point where the Siskiyou National Forest boundary again crosses into Oregon, approximately 1 mile east of U.S. Highway 199; then

(10) Proceed in a generally northeasterly direction and then in a southeasterly direction (with many diversions) along the northern boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest to the point where the Siskiyou National Forest touches the Rogue River National Forest at Big Sugarloaf Peak; then

(11) Proceed in a generally easterly direction (with many diversions) along the northern border of the Rogue River National Forest to the point where the Rogue River National Forest intersects with Slide Creek approximately 6 miles southeast of Ashland; then

(12) Proceed southeasterly and northeasterly along Slide Creek to the point where the creek intersects State Route 273; then northwesterly along State Route 273 to the point where it intersects State Highway 66; then proceed in an easterly direction approximately 5 miles along State Route 66 to the east line of T39S, R2E; then

(13) Proceed north along the east line of T39S, R2E to the northeast corner of T39S, R2E; then westerly approximately 5 miles along the north line of T39S, R2E, to the 2,600 foot contour line; then in a northerly direction following the 2,600 foot counter line across Walker Creek and then in a southwesterly direction to the point where the 2,600 foot contour line touches the east line of T38S, R1E; then

(14) Proceed northerly along the east line of T38S, R1E, to the northeast corner of T38S, R1E; then

(15) Proceed westerly along the north line of T38S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T38S, R1E; then

(16) Proceed northerly along the west line of T37S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T37S, R1E; then

(17) Proceed easterly along the north lines of T37S, R1E, and T37S, R2E, to the southeast corner of T36S, R2E; then

(18) Proceed northerly along the east line of T36S, R2E, to the northeast corner of T36S, R2E; then

(19) Proceed westerly along the north line of T36S, R2E, to the northwest comer of T36S, R2E; then

(20) Proceed northerly along the east line of T35S, R1E, to the northeast comer of T35S, R1E; then

(21) Proceed westerly along the north line of T35S, R1E, to the northwest corner of T35S, R1E; then

(22) Proceed northerly along the east line of T34S, R1W, to the northeast corner of T34S, R1W; then

(23) Proceed westerly along the common boundary line of T34S-T33S to the northwest corner of T34S, R5W; then

(24) Proceed northerly along the west line of T33S, R5W, to the Josephine-Douglas County line; thence in a generally east, northeasterly direction along the county line to the intersection of R3W-R4W range line; thence north along the R3W-R4W range line approximately 11.8 miles to the 1,000-foot contour line just south of State Route 227 southeast of the town of Days Creek; then

(25) Proceed in an easterly, westerly, and eventually northerly along the 1,000-foot contour line, crossing to the Roseburg map from the Medford map, to a point approximately 3.5 miles east of Dillard, where the contour line crosses Interstate 5 on the Roseburg map; thence northeast along Interstate 5 approximately 0.25 mile, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a generally northeasterly, southeasterly, northwesterly, and eventually northeasterly along the 1,000-foot contour line past the town of Idleyld Park to the R2W-R3W range line; then

(26) Proceed north along range line R2W-R3W approximately 1.75 miles to the T25S-T26S township line; thence west along township line T25S-T26S approximately .25 mile, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a generally westerly and then a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line toward the valley of Calapooya Creek to the R3W-R4W range line; thence north along range line R3W-R4W approximately 2.25 miles, back to the 1,000-foot contour line; then

(27) Proceed in a westerly and then a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to the T23S-T24S township line, then east along the T23S-T24S township line approximately 2.75 miles to the 1,000-foot contour line; then in a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to its intersection with the Douglas-Lane County line; thence north along the county line approximately 0.75 mile to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-19, 69 FR 70892, Dec. 8, 2004]

§ 9.180 - Dundee Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Dundee Hills”.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Dundee Hills viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale maps. They are titled:

(1) Dundee Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, revised 1993;

(2) Newberg Quadrangle, Oregon, 1961, photorevised 1985; and

(3) Dayton Quadrangle, Oregon, 1957, revised 1992.

(c) Boundary. The Dundee Hills viticultural area is located in Yamhill County, Oregon, near the town of Newberg, and is entirely within the Willamette Valley viticultural area. The boundary of the Dundee Hills viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Dundee map at the intersection of the 200-foot contour line with Kuehne Road at the common boundary line of sections 47 and 48, T3S, R3W;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed east then south along the meandering 200-foot contour line, crossing over to and back off the Newberg map, and then cutting diagonally southwest through the town of Dundee to the 200-foot contour line's intersection with Hess Creek, section 34, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed south, then west, and then northeast, along the meandering 200-foot contour line, twice crossing over to and back off the Dayton map, to the contour line's intersection with Abbey Road after the line passes a quarry and crosses the two forks of Millican Creek in section 52, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed generally north on Abbey Road to Kuehne Road and then follow Kuehne Road northeasterly to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-18, 69 FR 69527, Nov. 30, 2004]

§ 9.36 - McDowell Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “McDowell Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the McDowell Valley viticultural area is a USGS map. That map is titled: “Hopland Quadrangle California” 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. (1) Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 22 T13N R11W.

(2) Then southerly along the section line between Sections 22 and 21 approximately 1700 feet to the intersection of the section line and the ridge line (highest elevation line) between the McDowell Creek Valley and the Dooley Creek Valley.

(3) Then southeasterly along the ridge line (highest elevation line) to the intersection of the ridge line and the 1000-foot contour line in Section 27.

(4) Then southeasterly and on the McDowell Creek Valley side of the ridge along the 1000-foot contour line to the intersection of the 1000-foot contour line and the south section line of Section 27.

(5) Then easterly along the section line between Sections 27 and 34 and between Sections 26 and 35 to the intersection of the section line and the centerline of Younce Road.

(6) Then southeasterly and then northeasterly along Younce Road to the intersection of Younce Road and the section line between Sections 26 and 35.

(7) Then due north from the section line, across Coleman Creek approximately 1250 feet, to the 1000-foot contour line.

(8) Then westerly and then meandering generally to the north and east along the 1000-foot contour line to the intersection of the 1000-foot contour line and section line between Sections 26 and 25.

(9) Then continuing along the 1000-foot contour line easterly and then northwesterly in Section 25 to the intersection of the 1000-foot contour line and the section line between Sections 26 and 25.

(10) Then northerly along the 1000-foot contour line to the intersection of the 1000-foot contour line and the section line between Sections 23 and 24.

(11) Then northerly along the section line across State Highway 175 approximately 1000 feet to the intersection of the section line and the 1000-foot contour line.

(12) Then generally to the northwest along the 1000-foot contour line through Sections 23 and 14 and into Section 15 to the intersection of the 1000-foot contour line and the flowline of an unnamed creek near the northeast corner of Section 15.

(13) Then southwesterly and down stream along the flowline of said unnamed creek and across Section 15, to the stream's intersection with the section line between Sections 15 and 16.

(14) Then southerly along the section approximately 100 feet to the northwest corner of Section 22 and to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-97, 46 FR 59243, Dec. 4, 1981, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5956, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.181 - McMinnville.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “McMinnville.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the McMinnville viticultural area are five United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps titled:

(1) McMinnville, Oregon, 1957, revised 1992;

(2) Muddy Valley, Oregon, 1979, revised 1992;

(3) Stony Mountain, Oregon, 1979, revised 1992;

(4) Sheridan, Oregon, 1956, revised 1992; and

(5) Ballston, Oregon, 1956, revised 1992.

(c) Boundary. The McMinnville viticultural area is located in Yamhill County, Oregon, and is entirely within the Willamette Valley viticultural area. The boundary of the McMinnville viticultural area is as described below—

(1) The beginning point is on the McMinnville, Oregon, map where the 200-foot contour line intersects the common boundary between section 13, T4S, R5W, and section 18, T4S, R4W. From this point follow the meandering 200-foot contour line westerly for about 2 miles to its intersection with Baker Creek Road in section 54, T4W, R5W, on the Muddy Valley map;

(2) Then follow Baker Creek Road west about 2 miles through Happy Valley to the road's intersection with Power House Hill Road in section 50, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley map);

(3) Proceed southwest on Power House Hill Road for about 1.4 miles to its intersection with Peavine Road in section 17, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley map);

(4) Follow Peavine Road west and then northwest about 1.5 miles to its intersection with Gill Creek in section 18, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley map);

(5) Follow Gill Creek southerly (downstream) for about 0.6 miles to its intersection with the 800-foot contour line in section 18, T4S, R5W, on the Muddy Valley map;

(6) From Gill Creek, follow the meandering 800-foot contour line westerly, crossing Deer Creek in section 14, T4S, R6W, on the Stony Mountain map, and, crossing back and forth four times between the Stony Mountain and Muddy Valley maps in section 24, T4S, R6W, continue southwesterly to the contour line's intersection with Thomson Mill Road in section 27, T4S, R6W, on the Stony Mountain map;

(7) Continue to follow the meandering 800-foot contour line southwesterly, crossing Cronin and Beaver Creeks, to the 800-foot contour line's intersection with Rock Creek Road in section 46, T5S, R6W, on the Stony Mountain map;

(8) Then follow Rock Creek Road south for about 5 miles to its intersection with the West Valley Highway in section 44, T5S, R6W, on the Sheridan map, and continue about 200 feet due south in a straight line to from that intersection to the 200-foot contour line, just north of the Yamhill River (Sheridan map);

(9) Then follow the meandering 200-foot contour line easterly, passing north of most of the village of Sheridan, crossing onto the Ballston map, and continue easterly and then northerly along the 200-foot contour line to its first intersection with Christensen Road at the common boundary between sections 27 and 34, T5S, R5W (Ballston map);

(10) Continue to follow the 200-foot contour line westerly and then northerly, passing onto the Muddy Valley map and then the Stony Mountain map, to the contour line's intersection with Deer Creek in section 64, T5S, R6W (Stony Mountain map);

(11) Cross Deer Creek and follow the 200-foot contour line southeasterly, crossing Dupree Creek in section 64, T5S, R6W, on the Muddy Valley map, and, crossing onto the Ballston map, continue southerly and then easterly along the 200-foot contour line to its intersection with State Route 18 at the hamlet of Bellevue, section 28, T5S, R5W (Ballston map);

(12) Continue westerly then northerly along the meandering 200-foot contour line, crossing Latham Road at the northern boundary of section 53, T5S, R5W, and, crossing onto the Muddy Valley map, continue northerly along the 200-foot contour line to its intersection with Muddy Creek in section 40, T5S, R5W (Muddy Valley map);

(13) Crossing Muddy Creek, follow the 200-foot contour line southerly, then easterly, and then northerly to its intersection with Peavine Road in the western extension of section 47, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley map);

(14) From Peavine Road, continue northeasterly along the meandering 200-foot contour line, crossing Cozine Creek in section 46, T4S, R5W, and, crossing onto the McMinnville map, follow the 200-foot contour line across Redmond Hill Road in section 44, T4S, R5W, and return to the point of beginning (McMinnville map)

[T.D. TTB-22, 70 FR 2804, Jan. 18, 2005]

§ 9.182 - Ribbon Ridge.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ribbon Ridge.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps used to determine the boundaries of the Ribbon Ridge viticultural area are the following two United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1:24,000 scale, topographical maps (7.5 minute series).

(1) Laurelwood Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, photorevised 1978; and

(2) Dundee Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, revised 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Ribbon Ridge viticultural area is located in northern Yamhill County, Oregon, northwest of the town of Dundee.

(1) The beginning point is on the Laurelwood Quadrangle map at the intersection of a light-duty road known locally as Albertson Road and Dopp Road (named on the Dundee map), just east of the Lake View School, section 58, T2S, R3W. From the beginning point, the boundary line—

(2) Continues south on Dopp Road for about 4.9 miles, crossing onto the Dundee map, to the road's intersection with North Valley Road, near the Erwin Young School, section 39, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(3) Continues west then north on North Valley Road for about 5 miles, crossing over to the Laurelwood map, to the road's intersection with Laughlin and Albertson Roads, just west of the Lake View School, section 58, T2S, R3W (Laurelwood Quadrangle); then

(4) Continues east on Albertson Road for about 0.2 miles and returns to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-27, 70 FR 31344, June 1, 2005]

§ 9.183 - Yamhill-Carlton.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yamhill-Carlton”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Yamhill-Carlton” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Yamhill-Carlton viticultural area are eight 1:24,000 scale United States Geological Survey topography maps. They are titled:

(1) Gaston Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, revised 1992;

(2) Laurelwood Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, revised 1992;

(3) Dundee Quadrangle, Oregon, 1956, revised 1993;

(4) Carlton Quadrangle, Oregon—Yamhill Co., 1957, revised 1992;

(5) Fairdale Quadrangle, Oregon-Yamhill Co., 1979;

(6) McMinnville Quadrangle, Oregon—Yamhill Co., 1957, revised 1992;

(7) Muddy Valley Quadrangle, Oregon—Yamhill Co., 1979, revised 1992; and

(8) Turner Creek Quadrangle, Oregon, 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Yamhill-Carlton viticultural area is located in Yamhill and Washington Counties, Oregon, and is entirely within the Willamette Valley viticultural area. The Yamhill-Carlton viticultural area is limited to lands at or above 200 feet in elevation and at or below 1,000 feet in elevation within its boundary, which is described as follows—

(1) The point of beginning is on the Gaston map in the village of Gaston at the intersection of Gaston Road East (E. Main Street within Gaston) and the 200-foot elevation line, approximately 225 feet west of State Route 47, section 49, T1S, R4W. From this beginning point, proceed southerly and then southeasterly about 8.15 miles along the meandering 200-foot elevation line (crossing to and from the Laurelwood map in sections 12 and 13, T2S, R4W, and then returning to the Laurelwood map) to the 200-foot elevation line's intersection with Spring Hill Road, section 58, T2S, R3W (Laurelwood Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed south 1.1 miles on Spring Hill Road, which becomes North Valley Road at Laughlin Road, crossing onto the Dundee map, to the road's intersection with the 200-foot elevation line, section 30, T2S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed northerly then southerly for approximately 5 miles along the 200-foot elevation line, crossing over to and back from the Laurelwood map, to the 200-foot elevation line's intersection with State Route 240, section 47, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed straight west for 0.2 mile on State Route 240 to its intersection with Kuehne Road at the 207-foot benchmark, section 47, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed southerly for about 1.9 miles on Kuehne Road to its intersection with Abbey Road, section 50, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed southerly 1.4 miles on Abbey Road to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation line, north of the 174-foot elevation point, section 52, T3S, R3W (Dundee Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed southwesterly for about 2.1 miles along the meandering 200-foot elevation line to Lafayette Cemetery on the Carlton map in section 1, T4S, R4W, and turning northerly along the 200-foot elevation line, continue along the elevation line for about 6 miles, crossing to and from the Dundee map, to the 200-foot elevation line's intersection with Stag Hollow Road, north of Hendricks Road and 190-foot elevation point, section 24, T3S, R4W (Carlton Quadrangle); then

(8) Continue westerly along the meandering 200-foot elevation line, turning northeasterly as the elevation line passes through the Carlton Lakes State Wildlife Refuge, then westerly as the elevation line crosses Stag Hollow Creek in section 47, T3S, R4W, then southerly as the elevation line crosses the North Yamhill River on the Fairdale map in section 43, T2S, R5W, then, returning to the Carlton map, continue southerly on the 200-foot elevation line to its intersection with Meadow Lake Road near the southwest corner of section 55, T3S, R4W (Carlton Quadrangle);

(9) Continue westerly along the meandering 200-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Fairdale map, to the elevation line's intersection with the 123°17′30″ longitude line (north of Panther Creek) in the western extension of section 22, T3S, R5W (Fairdale Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed 0.2 mile straight south along the 123°17′30″ longitude line, crossing Panther Creek, to the line's intersection with the 200-foot elevation line south of the creek in the western extension of section 22, T3S, R5W (Fairdale Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed easterly and then southeasterly along the meandering 200-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Carlton map, then the McMinnville map, to the elevation line's third intersection with an unnamed light-duty road, southwest of the Henderson Benchmark in section 87, T4S, R4W (McMinnville Quadrangle);

(12) Continue southerly and then westerly along the meandering 200-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Muddy Valley map, to the elevation line's intersection with Baker Creek Road (very near Baker Creek Road's intersection with High Heaven Road) in section 54, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed west-southwest for 0.8 mile on Baker Creek Road to its intersection with the 123°17′30″ longitude line in Happy Valley, section 54, T4S, R5W (Muddy Valley Quadrangle); then

(14) Proceed straight north 13.4 miles on the 123°17′30″ longitude line, passing through the Fairdale map and crossing onto the Turner Creek map, to the longitude line's intersection with the 1,000-foot elevation line in the northwestern quadrant of section 10, T2S, R5W, approximately one mile diagonally northwest of the footbridge in Menefee Park (Turner Creek Quadrangle); then

(15) Proceed easterly and then northerly for 4.1 miles along the meandering 1,000-foot elevation line to its intersection with the Washington-Yamhill County line at northern boundary of section 3, T2S, R5W (also the common T1S/T2S boundary line) (Turner Creek Quadrangle); then

(16) Proceed straight east 3.9 miles along the Washington-Yamhill County line, crossing onto the Gaston map, to the county line's intersection with South Road, just east of Mt. Richmond Road, section 60, T2S, R4W (Gaston Quadrangle); then

(17) Proceed east-northeast for 1.8 miles on South Road to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation line, 0.3 mile west of the Gaging Station, section 34, T1S, R4W (Gaston Quadrangle); then

(18) Proceed easterly 1.9 miles along the 200-foot elevation line and return to the beginning point within the village of Gaston.

(d) From February 7, 2005, until December 2, 2010, the name of this viticultural area was “Yamhill-Carlton District”. Effective December 3, 2010, this viticulture area is named “Yamhill-Carlton”. Existing certificates of label approval showing “Yamhill-Carlton District” as an appellation of origin are revoked by operation of this regulation on December 3, 2012.

[T.D. TTB-20, 69 FR 71374, Dec. 9, 2004, as amended by T.D. TTB-87, 75 FR 67618, Nov. 3, 2010]

§ 9.184 - Trinity Lakes.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Trinity Lakes”.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Trinity Lakes viticultural area are 11 1:24,000 scale USGS topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Carrville, Calif. Provisional Edition 1986;

(2) Whisky Bill Peak, Calif. Provisional Edition 1986;

(3) Damnation Peak, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(4) Trinity Center, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(5) Papoose Creek, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(6) Trinity Dam, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(7) Lewiston, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(8) Weaverville, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(9) Rush Creek Lakes, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982;

(10) Siligo Peak, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982; and

(11) Covington Mill, Calif. Provisional Edition 1982.

(c) Boundary. The Trinity Lakes viticultural area is located in Trinity County in northern California. The boundary encompasses Trinity Lake and Lewiston Lake, both within the Trinity Lake unit of the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, and a portion of the Trinity River basin below Lewiston Dam.

(1) The beginning point is on the Carrville, California, quadrangle map on township line T38N/T37N at the northwest corner of section 5, T37N/R7W, near the Trinity River at Derrick Flat;

(2) From the beginning point, follow township line T38N/T37N due east to the northeast corner of section 5, T37N/R7W;

(3) Proceed due south on the eastern boundary of sections 5, 8, 17, and 20 to the northwest corner of section 28, T37N/R7W, near Snow Gulch;

(4) Follow the northern boundary of section 28, T37N/R7W, due east to the section's northeast corner;

(5) Continue due south on the eastern boundary of sections 28 and 33, T37N/R7W, to township line T37N/T36N at the northeast corner of section 4, T36N/R7W;

(6) Proceed due east on township line T37N/T36N onto the Whisky Bill Peak, California quadrangle map to the R7W/R6W range line at the southwest corner of section 31, T37N/R6W, near the East Fork of the Trinity River;

(7) Follow the R7W/R6W range line due north to the northwest corner of section 30, T37N/R6W;

(8) Continue due east along the northern boundary of section 30, T37N/R6W, to the section's northeast corner;

(9) Proceed due south on the eastern boundary of sections 30 and 31, T37N/R6W, and sections 6 and 7, T36N/R6W, and continue onto the Damnation Peak, California, quadrangle map to the southeast corner of section 7;

(10) Follow the southern boundary of section 7, T36N/R6W, and section 12, T36N/R7W, due west onto the Trinity Center, California, quadrangle map to the northeast corner of section 14, T36N/R7W;

(11) Continue due south along the eastern boundary of sections 14, 23, 26, and 35, T36N/R7W, to the boundary's intersection with township line T36N/T35N at the southeast corner of section 35;

(12) Proceed due west along township line T36N/T35N approximately 0.5 mile to the township line's intersection with the 900-meter contour line;

(13) Follow the meandering 900-meter contour line generally west through sections 35 and 34, T36N/R7W; cross the T36N/T35N township line and continue generally southwest on the contour line around Linton Ridge, through Bridge Gulch, Bragdon Gulch, and around Feeny Ridge; cross onto the Papoose Creek, California, quadrangle map and continue southwesterly to the contour line's first intersection with a line marked “NAT RECREATION BDY INDEFINITE,” approximately 2,000 feet north of Feeny Gulch;

(14) Continue easterly on the 900-meter contour line over Feeny Gulch; then proceed southwesterly on the meandering contour line across Van Ness Creek, both Bear Gulches, Langdon Gulch, Digger Gulch, around Fairview Ridge, along the northern side of Papoose Arm, and over the North, East, and South Forks of Papoose Creek; continue westerly on the contour line along the southern side of Papoose Arm to the contour line's intersection with Little Papoose Creek in section 24, T34N/R8W;

(15) Continue generally west along the meandering 900-meter contour line through sections 24, 23, 14, and 15, T34N/R8W; cross onto the Trinity Dam, California, quadrangle map and continue on the contour line through sections 15 and 22; pass back onto the Papoose Creek map and follow the contour line through sections 22, 23, and 22 again; then cross back onto the Trinity Dam map and follow the contour line to its intersection with the southern boundary of section 22, T34N/R8W;

(16) Proceed due west along the southern boundary of section 22 to the northeast corner of section 28, T34N/R8W;

(17) Follow the eastern boundary of sections 28 and 33, T34W/R8W, and section 4, T33N/R8W, due south onto the Lewiston, California, quadrangle map, and continue due south on the eastern boundary of sections 4, 9, 16, and 21 to the southeast corner of section 21, T33N/R8W;

(18) Then proceed due west along the southern boundary of sections 21 and 20 to the northeast corner of section 30, T33N/R8W;

(19) Follow the eastern boundary of section 30, T33N/R8W, due south to the section's southeast corner;

(20) Continue due west along the southern boundary of section 30, T33N/R8W, and sections 25 and 26, T33N/R9W, to the northeast corner of section 34, T33N/R9W;

(21) Proceed due south on the eastern boundary of section 34, T33N/R9W, and section 3, T32N/R9W, to the southeast corner of section 3 near Tom Lang Gulch;

(22) Follow the southern boundary of section 3, T32N/R9W, due west onto the Weaverville, California, quadrangle map, and continue west along the southern boundary of sections 3, 4, and 5, T32N/R9W, to the southwest corner of section 5;

(23) Then proceed due north along the western boundary of section 5, T32N/R9W, for approximately 0.8 mile to its intersection with the 700-meter contour line;

(24) Follow the 700-meter contour line generally northwest through section 5, T32N/R9W, and then through sections 32, 31, 32 again, 29, and 28, T33N/R9W, to the contour line's intersection with the northern boundary of section 28;

(25) Proceed due east along the northern boundary of section 28 across Limekiln Gulch and China Gulch to the southwest corner of section 22, T33N/R9W;

(26) Follow the western boundary of section 22, T33N/R9W, due north to the section's northwest corner;

(27) Then continue due east along the northern boundary of section 22, T33N/R9W, onto the Lewiston map to the section's northeast corner;

(28) Proceed due north on the western boundary of section 14, T33N/R9W, to the section's northwest corner;

(29) Follow the northern boundary of sections 14 and 13, T33N/R9W, due east to the R9W/R8W range line at the northeast corner of section 13;

(30) Then proceed due north along the R9W/R8W range line onto the Trinity Dam map, and continue along the range line to the southeast corner of section 1, R9W/T34N, near Smith Gulch;

(31) Continue due west along the southern boundary of section 1, T34N/R9W, for approximately 0.3 mile to its intersection with the 900-meter contour line;

(32) Follow the meandering 900-meter contour line generally west over Tannery Gulch and around Tannery Ridge, cross onto the Rush Creek Lakes, California, quadrangle map, and continue along the 900-meter contour line to its intersection with Slate Creek in section 4, T34N/R9W;

(33) Using the Rush Creek Lakes and Trinity Dam maps, follow the contour line generally northeast from Slate Creek, crossing Irish Gulch in section 3, T34N/R9W, (crossing back and forth between the two maps three times) to the contour line's intersection with township line T34N/T35N at the northern boundary of section 3, T34N/R9W, on the Trinity Dam map;

(34) Continue generally northwest on the meandering 900-meter contour line and cross onto the Rush Creek Lakes map in section 34, T35N/R9W; continue northwesterly on the contour line over Cummings Creek, Bear Gulch, Snowslide Gulch, Sawmill Creek, and Van Matre Creek; cross onto the Siligo Peak, California, quadrangle map and continue generally northwest on the 900-meter contour line over Middle Creek and Owens Creek to the contour line's intersection with Stuart Fork;

(35) Continue generally southeast on the 900-meter contour line over Fire Camp Creek, Lightning Creek, and Sunday Creek; cross onto the Rush Creek Lakes map and continue generally southeast on the contour line over Elk Gulch and Trinity Alps Creek; cross onto the Trinity Dam map in section 27, T35N/R9W, and proceed easterly along the contour line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 27, T35N/R9W;

(36) Continue generally north along the 900-meter contour line through sections 26 and 23, T35N/R9W, cross onto the Covington Mill, California, quadrangle map in section 23, T35N/R9W, and continue northerly along the contour line to its intersection with Stoney Creek in the same section;

(37) From Stoney Creek, continue generally south on the 900-meter contour line, cross back onto the Trinity Dam map in section 23, T35N/R9W, and continue southerly on the contour line through sections 23, 26, and 35 to the contour line's intersection with the eastern boundary of section 35, T35N/R9W, near that section's northeast corner;

(38) Continue generally northeast on the meandering 900-meter contour line over Telephone Ridge, Buck Gulch, and Buck Ridge; cross onto the Covington Mill map in section 19, T35N/R8W, and continue northwesterly along the contour line across Mule Creek and Snowslide Gulch in section 13, T35N/R9W; continue on the contour line, cross Little Mule Creek in section 18, T35N/R8W, and continue southeasterly on the contour line to its intersection with a line marked “TRANS LINE SINGLE WOOD POLES” in section 20, T35N/R8W;

(39) Continue generally northeast along the 900-meter contour line through sections 20 and 17, T35N/R8W, and cross Strope Creek, Mosquito Gulch, Greenhorn Gulch, Taylor Gulch, Stuart Fork (in section 5, T35N/R8W), and Davis Creek; cross onto the Trinity Center map in section 35, T36/R8W, and continue on the contour line to its intersection with the northern boundary of that section;

(40) Proceed due east along the northern boundary of sections 35 and 36, T36N/R8W, to the R8W/R7W range line at the northeast corner of section 36;

(41) Follow the R8W/R7W range line due north onto the Carrville map and continue along the range line to its intersection with township line T38N/T37N at the northwest corner of section 6, T37N/R7W; and

(42) Proceed due east along township line T38N/T37N and return to the beginning point at the northwest corner of section 5, T37N/R7W.

[T.D. TTB-24, 70 FR 9530, Feb. 28, 2005]

§ 9.185 - Texoma.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Texoma”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Texoma” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Texoma viticultural area are two United States Geological Survey, 1:250,000 scale, topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Sherman, Texas; Oklahoma, 1954, revised 1977; and

(2) Texarkana, Tex.; Ark.; Okla.; La., 1953, revised 1972.

(c) Boundary. The Texoma viticultural area is located in Montague, Cooke, Grayson, and Fannin Counties, Texas. The boundary is defined as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the northwest corner of Montague County (at the Red River, which is also the Texas-Oklahoma State line) on the Sherman map. From this point, the boundary line:

(2) Follows the Red River eastward along the Texas-Oklahoma State line, passes onto the Texarkana map, and continues to the northeast corner of Fannin County; then

(3) Continues southward along the eastern Fannin County line to a point approximately three miles west of Petty, Texas, where a power line shown on the Texarkana map crosses the county line; then

(4) Continues southwest in a straight line for approximately 13 miles to the intersection of State Routes 34/50 and State Route 64 at Ladonia, Texas; then

(5) Follows State Route 34 west to its intersection with State Route 68; then

(6) Continues west-southwesterly in a straight line from that intersection to the intersection of U.S. Highway 69 and State Route 78 at Leonard, Texas, on the Sherman map; then

(7) Continues northwest on U.S. Highway 69 for approximately 6 miles to the intersection of U.S. Highway 69 and State Route 121 at Trenton, Texas; then

(8) Continues westerly in a straight line to the intersection of State Routes 160 and 121, and then continues west on State Route 121 to its intersection with U.S. Highway 75 at Van Alstyne, Texas; then

(9) Continues south along U.S. Highway 75 to the Grayson County line; then

(10) Continues west along the southern Grayson County line and then the southern Cooke County line to the county line's intersection with Interstate 35; then

(11) Continues north along Interstate 35 to its intersection with State Route 922 in Valley View, Texas; then

(12) Follows State Route 922 west for approximately 17 miles to Rosston, Texas; then

(13) Continues west-southwest from Rosston in a straight line for approximately 19 miles to the intersection of U.S. Highway 287 and State Route 101 at Sunset, Texas; then

(14) Follows U.S. 287 northwest approximately 17 miles to the western Montague County line; and

(15) Continues north along the western Montague County line to the beginning point at the northwest corner of Montague County.

[T.D. TTB-38, 70 FR 72716, Dec. 7, 2005]

§ 9.186 - Niagara Escarpment.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Niagara Escarpment”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Niagara Escarpment” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Niagara Escarpment” viticultural area are five United States Geological Survey 1:250,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Lewiston, New York—Ontario, 1980; (2) Ransomville, New York, 1980; (3) Cambria, New York, 1980; (4) Lockport, New York, 1980; and (5) Gasport, New York, 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Niagara Escarpment viticultural area is located in Niagara County, New York. The boundary of the Niagara Escarpment viticultural area is as described below:

(1) On the Lewiston map, south of the village of Lewiston within the Brydges State Artpark, begin on the east bank of the Niagara River at the mouth of Fish Creek; then

(2) Proceed north along the east bank of the Niagara River about 0.6 mile to the northern boundary of the Brydges State Artpark; then

(3) Proceed east along the northern boundary of the Brydges State Artpark about 0.8 mile to the park's northeast corner, and continue east in a straight line a short distance to the Robert Moses Parkway; then

(4) Proceed north along the Robert Moses Parkway about 0.25 mile to Ridge Road, and then east on Ridge Road (State Route 104) about 0.15 mile to the road's first intersection with the 400-foot contour line; then

(5) Continue easterly along the 400-foot contour line, through the Ransomville map (crossing Model City Road, Dickersonville Road, and State Route 429) and the Cambria map (crossing Baer Road, Plank Road, and State Route 93/270), and pass onto the Lockport map to the contour line's junction with Sunset Drive; then

(6) Proceed north on Sunset Drive 0.3 mile to its intersection with Stone Road, then east on Stone Road about 1.25 miles (crossing Eighteenmile Creek) to the intersection of Stone, Purdy, and Old Niagara Roads, and continue east along Old Niagara Road about 0.4 mile to its first intersection with the 400-foot contour line; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly along the 400-foot contour line to its first junction with Slayton Settlement Road, proceed east on Slayton Settlement Road to Day Road, and then proceed north on Day Road to its first junction with the 400-foot contour line; then

(8) Proceed easterly along the 400-foot contour line, pass onto the Gasport map (crossing Humphrey and Orangeport Roads), and continue to the contour line's junction with Quaker Road; then

(9) Proceed north on Quaker Road about 0.4 mile to its intersection with State Route 104, and then east on State Route 104 to its intersection with Johnson Creek (at the village of Johnson Creek); then

(10) Proceed south along Johnson Creek (crossing the Erie Canal), to the creek's junction with Mountain Road; then

(11) Proceed west on Mountain Road to its intersection with Gasport Road, then south on Gasport Road to its intersection with Mill Road, then west on Mill Road to its intersection with Kayner Road, then north on Kayner Road 0.65 mile to its junction with the 600-foot contour line; then

(12) Proceed westerly along the 600-foot contour line (crossing Cottage Road) to its junction with State Route 31, and continue west on State Route 31, passing onto the Lockport map and crossing the Erie Canal within the city of Lockport, to the intersection of State Route 31 and Upper Mountain Road; then

(13) Proceed north-northwesterly on Upper Mountain Road 0.65 mile and then northerly on Sunset Drive 0.25 mile to the junction of Sunset Drive and the 600-foot contour line; then

(14) Proceed westerly along the 600-foot contour line, continuing through the Cambria map (crossing State Route 93/270 and then Blackman and Baer Roads), through the Ransomville map (crossing State Route 429 just north of Pekin and then crossing Black Nose Spring and Model City Roads), and, passing onto the Lewiston map, continue westward along the contour line (through the Escarpment, Ramsey Ridge, and Lewiston Heights subdivisions), to the contour line's junction with Mountain View Drive (just east of State Highway 104 near the Niagara Falls Country Club); then

(15) Proceed west along Mountain View Drive to its intersection with State Route 104, and then proceed south on State Route 104 to its junction with Fish Creek; then

(16) Proceed westerly along Fish Creek and return to the beginning point on the east bank of the Niagara River at the mouth of Fish Creek.

[T.D. TTB-33, 70 FR 53303, Sept. 8, 2005]

§ 9.187 - Covelo.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Covelo”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Covelo” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Covelo viticultural area are four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Dos Rios, California Quadrangle,—Mendocino Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1967, revised 1994;

(2) Covelo West, California Quadrangle,—Mendocino Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1967, photoinspected 1973;

(3) Covelo East, California Quadrangle,—Mendocino Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1967, revised 1994; and

(4) Jamison Ridge, California Quadrangle,—Mendocino Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1967, revised 1994.

(c) Boundary. The Covelo viticultural area surrounds the town of Covelo in northern Mendocino County, California. The area's boundaries are defined as follows—

(1) Beginning on the Dos Rios map at the intersection of State Highway 162 and the southern boundary of section 25, T22N, R13W (labeled Inspiration Point on the map), proceed west 0.3 miles on Highway 162 to BM 2006 in section 36, T22N, R13W; then

(2) Proceed straight west-northwest 1.5 miles to the 2,537-foot elevation point in the northwest quadrant of section 26, T22N, R13W, Dos Rios map; then

(3) Proceed straight northwest 1.6 miles to the 2,488-foot peak in the northwest quadrant of section 22, T22N, R13W, Covelo West map; then

(4) Proceed straight north-northwest 0.75 miles to the 2,262-foot peak on the section 15 and 16 boundary line, T22N, R13W, and continue straight north 1.6 miles to the 2,247-foot peak on the section 3 and 4 boundary line, T22N, R13W, Covelo West map; then

(5) Proceed straight northerly 1 mile to the 1,974-foot peak on the T22N/T23N boundary line, and continue straight north 1.6 miles to the 2,290-foot peak in the northwest quadrant of section 27, T23N, R13W, Covelo West map; then

(6) Proceed straight northeast 1.2 miles to the 2,397-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 22, and continue straight northeast 1.5 miles to BM 2210 in the northeast quadrant of section 14, T23N, R13W, Covelo West map; then

(7) Proceed straight east-southeast 1.75 miles to the 2,792-foot peak in the southwest quadrant of section 18, T23, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(8) Proceed straight north-northeasterly 0.9 mile to the 2,430-foot elevation point in the southeast quadrant of section 7, T23N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(9) Proceed straight east-northeast 1.6 miles to the peak of Coyote Rock in section 9, T23N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(10) Proceed straight east-southeast 1.55 miles to the 2,435-foot elevation point in the northern half of section 15, and continue straight southeast 2.3 miles to the 2,066-foot peak in the southwest quadrant of section 24, T23N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(11) Proceed straight south-southwest 0.6 mile to the 2,024-foot peak near the section 26 eastern boundary line, T23N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(12) Proceed straight west-southwest 1.9 miles to the 2,183-foot peak in the northwest quadrant of section 34, T23N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(13) Proceed straight south-southeast 1.2 miles to the 1,953-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 3, T22N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(14) Proceed straight southerly 0.9 mile to the 2,012-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 10, T22N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(15) Proceed straight south-southeast 1.4 miles along Dingman Ridge to the 2,228-foot peak along the section 14 and 15 boundary line, T22N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(16) Proceed straight southeast 0.95 mile to the 2,398-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 23, T22N, R12W, Covelo East map; then

(17) Proceed straight south-southeast 1.75 miles to the 2,474-foot elevation point along the section 25 and 26 boundary line, T22N, R12W, Jamison Ridge map; then

(18) Proceed straight west-southwest 0.9 mile to BM 2217 in the southwest quadrant of section 26, and continue straight westerly 1.5 miles to the 2,230-foot peak northwest of Iron Spring, in the southeast quadrant of section 28, T22N, R12W, Jamison Ridge map; then

(19) Proceed straight southwest 0.65 mile to the 2,022-foot peak very near an unimproved road in section 33, T22N, R12W, Jamison Ridge map; then

(20) Proceed straight west-northwest 1.5 miles to the 1,762-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 31, T22N, R12W, Jamison Ridge map, and continue in the same line of direction 1.1 miles to the beginning point at the intersection of State Highway 162 and the southern boundary of section 25, T22N, R13W (labeled Inspiration Point), on the Dos Rios map.

[T.D. TTB-42, 71 FR 8205, Feb. 16, 2006]

§ 9.188 - Horse Heaven Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Horse Heaven Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Horse Heaven Hills” and “Horse Heaven” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Horse Heaven Hills viticultural area are 28 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Umatilla Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1993;

(2) Irrigon Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1993;

(3) Paterson Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1993;

(4) West of Paterson Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1993;

(5) Boardman Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1993;

(6) Crow Butte Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1993;

(7) Golgotha Butte Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1993;

(8) Heppner Junction Quadrangle, Oregon—Washington, 1962, photo revised, 1970;

(9) Wood Gulch Quadrangle, Washington—Oregon, 1962, photo revised 1970, photo inspected 1975;

(10) Crider Valley Quadrangle, Washington, 1962;

(11) Douty Canyon Quadrangle, Washington, 1962;

(12) Tule Prong Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(13) Prosser SW Quadrangle, Washington, 1965, photo inspected 1975;

(14) Mabton West Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(15) Mabton East Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(16) Prosser Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(17) Whitstran Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(18) Whitstran NE Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(19) Corral Canyon Quadrangle, Washington, 1977;

(20) Webber Canyon Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(21) Badger Mountain Quadrangle, Washington, 1965, photo revised 1978;

(22) Taylor Canyon Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(23) Johnson Butte Quadrangle, 1964, photo revised 1978;

(24) Nine Canyon Quadrangle, 1964;

(25) Wallula Quadrangle, 1992;

(26) Juniper Canyon Quadrangle, 1966, photo revised 1978;

(27) Juniper Quadrangle, 1993; and

(28) Hat Rock Quadrangle, 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Horse Heaven Hills viticultural area is located in portions of Benton, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties, Washington. The boundary of the Horse Heaven Hills viticultural area is described below:

(1) Beginning on the Umatilla map at the intersection of Interstate Highway 82 and the north bank of the Columbia River in Benton County, Washington, proceed westerly (downstream) along the river's north bank, passing through the Irrigon, Paterson, West of Paterson, Boardman, Crow Butte, and Golgotha Butte maps, to the mouth of Pine Creek in section 32, T4N/R22E, on the Heppner Junction map in Klickitat County; then

(2) Follow Pine Creek northwesterly (upstream) for approximately 7.0 miles to the junction of Pine Creek and the western boundary of section 16, T4N/R21E, on the Wood Gulch map, then continue north along the section boundary to the point where East Road, which coincides with the section line at this point, crosses the 1,700-foot contour line, very near the southwestern corner of section 9, T4N, R21E; then

(3) Proceed northeasterly along the meandering 1,700-foot contour line through, and crossing between, the Crider Valley and Douty Canyon maps (crossing Alder Creek, Stegeman Canyon, Spring Canyon, Sand Ridge, and Willow Creek) to the point where the 1,700-foot contour line intersects Sand Ridge Road in section 4, T5N, R22E, on the Douty Canyon map; then

(4) Continue north-northeasterly along the meandering 1,700-foot contour line through, and crossing between, the Tule Prong and Douty Canyon maps (crossing Tule Canyon, Tule Prong, and Dead Canyon) to the contour line's intersection with Alderdale Road in section 31, T7N/R23E, northeast of Coyote Canyon, on the Prosser SW map in Yakima County; then

(5) Follow Alderdale Road northwest, returning to the Tule Prong map, and continue northwest and then north along Alderdale Road to its intersection with Wandling Road in section 2, T7N/R22E; then

(6) From that intersection, proceed northeasterly in a straight line to the 2,011-foot peak near the northwest corner of section 1, T7N/R22E, on the Mabton West map, and continue northeasterly in a straight line to the 1,989-foot peak in the southeast corner of section 36, T8N/R22E, on the Mabton East map; then

(7) From that peak, proceed easterly in a straight line through the 1,860-foot benchmark along side Township Road in section 31, T8N/R23E, to the 2,009-foot peak in section 32, T8N/R23E, then northerly in a straight line to the 2,011-foot peak in the same section, then easterly to the 1,850 foot peak in the northwest quadrant of section 33, T8N/R23E, then east-northeasterly to the 1,964-foot peak beside the western boundary of section 27, T8N/R23E, then east-northeasterly through the 2,031-foot peak in the northwest corner of section 26, T8N/R23E, to the 2,064-foot peak in the northern portion of the same section; then

(8) From that peak, proceed east-southeast to the 2,093 foot peak in the northeastern quadrant of section 25, T8N/R23E on the Prosser map, then northeasterly in a straight line to the 2,193-foot peak of Horse Hill in the northeast corner of section 25, T8N/R23E, then northeasterly in a straight line, crossing into Benton County, to the 2,107-foot peak in section 19, T8N/R24E, then easterly to the 2,081-foot peak in section 21, T8N/R24E, then east-northeasterly through the 1,813-foot peak near the northwest corner of section 13, T8N/R24E, to the 1,861-foot peak marked with radio towers near the southern boundary of section 12, T8N/R24E; then

(9) From that peak, proceed northeasterly in a straight line to an unmarked 1,410-foot summit in the northeast corner of section 7, T8N/R25E, on the Whitstran map, then east-southeasterly to the 1,637-foot peak near the center of section 8, T8N/R25E, and then north-northeasterly to the intersection of State Route 221 and Carter Road near the southeast corner of section 5, T8N/R25E; then

(10) Follow Carter Road northerly to the point where it becomes an unimproved road and continue northerly then easterly along the unimproved road to the 1,854-foot peak of Gibbon Hill in the northeast corner of section 4, T8N/R25E; then

(11) From that peak, proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line through the 1,745-foot peak in section 35, T9N/R25E, to the 1,976-foot peak in section 36, T9N/R25E, then east-northeasterly in a straight line onto the Whitstran NE map through the 1,808-foot peak in section 30, T9N/R26E, to the 1,818-foot peak in the same section; then

(12) From that peak, proceed due north in a straight line to the jeep trail above the 1,750-foot contour line near the northeast corner of section 30, T9N/R26E; then

(13) Follow the jeep trail east-northeasterly to the 2,046-foot peak of Chandler Butte in section 21, T9N/R26E, then east-northeasterly and then southeasterly along the jeep trail through sections 22 and 23, T9N/R26E, on the Corral Canyon map, to the intersection of the jeep trail and McBee Grade road near the gravel pit in the southeast corner of section 23, T9N/R26E, on the Whitstran NE map; then

(14) From that intersection, proceed southeasterly in a series of straight lines through the 1,689-foot peak in the southeast corner of section 23, T9N/R26E, and the 1,826-foot peak in section 25, T9N/R26E, on the Whitstran map, then, on the Webber Canyon map, through the 1,845-foot peak in section 30, T9N/R27E, the 1,808-foot peak in section 31, T9N/R27E, the 1,745-foot peak in section 32, T9N/R27E, and the 1,572-foot peak of Rome Hill in section 14, T8N/R27E, and then, on the Badger Mountain map, continue in a straight line to the 1,757-foot peak in section 30, T8N/R28E; then

(15) From the 1,757-foot peak, proceed due south in a straight line to the line's intersection with Smith Road near the northern boundary of section 6, T7N/R28E; then

(16) Continue southerly along Smith Road to the road's intersection with Clodfelter Road at the southern boundary of section 6, T7N/R28E, on the Taylor Canyon map; then

(17) Proceed east on Clodfelter Road to its intersection with Williams Road at the eastern boundary of section 5, T7N/R28E, and continue east on Williams Road to its intersection with the 1,800-foot contour line in section 4, T7N/R28E; then

(18) Follow the meandering 1,800-foot contour line southerly then easterly to the contour line's junction with the northeast corner of section 15, T7N/R28E; then

(19) From that point, proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line to the 1,680-foot benchmark in section 17, T7N/R29E, on the Johnson Butte map, and continue east-northeasterly in a straight line through the 2,043-foot peak of Johnson Butte in section 16, T7N/R29E, to the 2,220-foot peak of Jump Off Joe summit in section 12, T7N/R29E; then

(20) From that point, proceed southeasterly in a straight line, through the Nine Canyon map, to the 343-foot benchmark on the bank of the Columbia River at Palmer Pond in section 13, T6N/R30E, on the Wallula map; and then

(21) Follow the north bank of the Columbia River westerly (downstream), through the Juniper Canyon, Juniper, and the Hat Rock maps, to the beginning point at the intersection of Interstate Highway 82 and the north bank of the Columbia River on the Umatilla map.

[T.D. TTB-28, 70 FR 38007, July 1, 2005]

§ 9.189 - High Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “High Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “High Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “High Valley” viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Clearlake Oaks Quadrangle, California—Lake County; edition of 1958; photorevised 1975, minor revision 1994;

(2) Benmore Canyon Quadrangle, California—Lake County; provisional edition of 1989, minor revision 1994; and

(3) Lucerne Quadrangle, California—Lake County; edition of 1958, photorevised 1975, minor revision 1994.

(c) Boundary. The High Valley viticultural area is located in Lake County, California, near the village of Clearlake Oaks. The boundary of the High Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The point of beginning is on the Clearlake Oaks map on the northern boundary line of section 16 (also the southern boundary of the Mendocino National Forest), T14N, R8W, at the intersection of the section line and High Valley Road;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed due east 2.4 miles along the northern boundary lines of sections 16, 15, and 14 (also the southern boundary of the Mendocino National Forest) to the northeast corner of section 14, T14N, R8W; then

(3) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 12 (also the eastern boundary of the Mendocino National Forest), T14N/R8W, to its intersection with the 1,720-foot elevation contour; then

(4) Proceed easterly along the meandering 1,720-foot elevation contour for approximately 11.3 miles, crossing onto the Benmore Canyon map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with the northern fork of an unnamed creek in Salt Canyon known locally as Salt Creek in section 23, T14N/R7W; then

(5) Proceed easterly (downstream) along Salt Creek approximately 760 feet to its intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation contour in section 23; then

(6) Proceed southerly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line 4.1 miles to its intersection with State Route 20, just north of Sweet Hollow Creek, in section 35, T14N, R7W; then

(7) Proceed southwest and then west 1.7 miles on State Route 20 to its intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation line just northwest of BM 1634, Wye, in section 3, T13N, R7W; then

(8) Proceed westerly 15.2 miles along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line, crossing the Clearlake Oaks map, to the elevation line's intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream in Pierce Canyon in the northeast quadrant of section 20, approximately 0.4 mile east of VABM 2533,T14N, R8W, on the Lucerne map; then

(9) Proceed northerly and then northeasterly along the unnamed intermittent stream in Pierce Canyon and then the stream's northern fork approximately 1.6 miles to the northern fork's intersection with the 3,000-foot elevation line in section 16, T14N, R8W, on the Clearlake Oaks map; and then

(10) Proceed straight northeast 0.15 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-30, 70 FR 38001, July 1, 2005, as amended by T.D. TTB-188, 88 FR 42881, July 5, 2023]

§ 9.190 - Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (USGS), 1:24,000 scale, topographic maps. They are:

(1) Sutherlin, OR (Provisional edition 1988);

(2) Scotts Valley, OR (Provisional edition 1987); and

(3) Yoncalla, OR (Provisional edition 1987).

(c) Boundary. The Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon viticultural area is located in Douglas County, Oregon, east of Interstate 5 near the hamlet of Rice Hill, between the villages of Yoncalla and Oakland.

(1) Beginning on the Yoncalla map along the southern boundary of section 35, T23S/R5W, at the point where a pipeline crosses the T23S/T24S township line, proceed due west 0.8 mile along the T23S/T24S township line to its intersection with the 800-foot contour line just west of Pollock Creek in section 34, T23S/R5W (Yoncalla Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed southerly along the meandering 800-foot contour line, cross onto the Sutherlin map in section 10, T24S/R5W, and continue westerly along the 800-foot contour line to its first intersection with the eastern boundary of section 8, T24S/R5W (Sutherlin Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed northerly along the meandering 800-foot contour line, return to the Yoncalla map in section 9, T23S/R5W, and continue northerly along the 800-foot contour line to its intersection with the T23S/T24S township line very near the northwest corner of section 4, T24S/R5W (Yoncalla Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed northeasterly along the 800-foot contour line, cross Wilson Creek in the northern portion of section 23, T23S/R5W, pass onto the Scotts Valley map at Section 14, T23S/R5W, and continue northeasterly along the 800-foot contour line to its intersection with the R4W/R5W range line, which at that point is also the eastern boundary of section 1, T23S/R5W (Scotts Valley Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed southwesterly along the 800-foot contour line, re-cross the R4W/R5W range line, and continue to the second intersection of the 800-foot contour line and the pipeline in section 1, T23/R5W (Scotts Valley Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed 5.75 miles southwesterly along the pipeline, cross Wilson Creek in section 24, T23S/R5W, return to the Yoncalla map in section 26, T23S/R5W, and continue southwesterly along the pipeline to the point of beginning at the intersection of the pipeline intersection and the T23S/T24S township line in section 35, T23S/R5W (Yoncalla Quadrangle).

[T.D. TTB-35, 70 FR 60001, Oct. 14, 2005]

§ 9.37 - California Shenandoah Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Shenandoah Valley” qualified by the word “California” in direct conjunction with the name “Shenandoah Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the California Shenandoah Valley viticultural area are two 1962 U.S.G.S. maps. The maps are titled: “Fiddletown Quadrangle California” 7.5 minute series and “Amador City Quadrangle California-Amador Co.” 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Shenandoah Valley viticultural Area is located in portions of Amador and El Dorado Counties of California. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Beginning at the point where the Consumnes River meets Big Indian Creek.

(2) Then south, following Big Indian Creek, until Big Indian Creek meets the boundary between Sections 1 and 2 of Township 7 North Range 10 East.

(3) Then following this boundary south until it meets the Oleta (Fiddletown) Road.

(4) Then following the Oleta Road east until it meets the boundary between Sections 6 and 5 of Township 7 North Range 11 East.

(5) Then following that boundary north into Township 8 North Range 11 East, and continues north on the boundary between Sections 31 and 32 until this boundary meets Big Indian Creek.

(6) Then following Big Indian Creek in a northeasterly direction until Big Indian Creek meets the boundary between Sections 28 and 27 of Township 8 North Range 11 East.

(7) Then following this boundary north until it reaches the southeast corner of Section 21 of Township 8 North Range 11 East.

(8) The boundary then proceeds east, then north, then west along the boundary of the western half of Section 22 of Township 8 North Range 11 East to the intersection of Sections 16, 15, 21, and 22.

(9) Then proceeding north along the boundary line between Sections 16 and 15 of Township 8 North Range 11 East and continues north along the boundary of Sections 9 and 10 of Township 8 North Range 11 East to the intersection of Sections 9, 10, 3, and 4 of Township 8 North Range 11 East.

(10) Then proceeding west along the boundary of Sections 9 and 4.

(11) Then continuing west along the boundary of Sections 5 and 8 of Township 8 North Range 11 East to the Consumnes River.

(12) Then the boundary proceeds west along the Consumnes River to the point of the beginning.

[T.D. ATF-121, 47 FR 57696, Dec. 28, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5957, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.191 - Ramona Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ramona Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Ramona Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale topographic (30 × 60 Minute Quadrangle) maps used to determine the boundaries of the Ramona Valley viticultural area are titled—

(1) Borrego Valley, California, 1982 edition; and

(2) El Cajon, California, 1979 edition.

(c) Boundary. The Ramona Valley viticultural area is located in central San Diego County, California. The area's boundaries are defined as follows—

(1) Beginning in the southwest corner of the Borrego Valley map at the 882-meter (2,894-foot) peak of Woodson Mountain, T13S, R1W, proceed straight north-northwest approximately 3.25 miles to the 652-meter (2,140-foot) peak of Starvation Mountain, T13S, R1W (Borrego Valley map); then

(2) Proceed straight east-northeast approximately 12.5 miles to the Gaging Station on the northwest shoreline of Sutherland Lake, T12S, R2E (Borrego Valley map); then

(3) Proceed straight southeast approximately 4.4 miles to the 999-meter (3,278-foot) peak of Witch Creek Mountain, T13S, R2E, east of Ballena Valley (Borrego Valley map); then

(4) Proceed straight south-southeasterly approximately 6.6 miles, crossing onto the El Cajon map, to the summit of Eagle Peak (3,166 feet), T14S, R3E, northeast of the El Capitan Reservoir (El Cajon map); then

(5) Proceed straight west-southwest approximately 12.7 miles, passing through Barona Valley, to the peak (1,002 feet) near the center of the unnamed island in the San Vicente Reservoir, T14S, R1E (El Cajon map); then

(6) Proceed straight northwesterly approximately 3.9 miles to the 822-meter (2,697-foot) peak of Iron Mountain, T14S, R1W (El Cajon map); and

(7) Proceed straight north-northwest approximately 2.8 miles, crossing onto the Borrego Valley map, and return to the beginning point at the peak of Woodson Mountain.

[T.D. TTB-39, 70 FR 72719, Dec. 7, 2005]

§ 9.192 - Wahluke Slope.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Wahluke Slope”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Wahluke Slope” and “Wahluke” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Wahluke Slope viticultural area are eight United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Beverly Quadrangle, Washington, 1965;

(2) Beverly SE Quadrangle, Washington—Grant Co., 1965;

(3) Smyrna Quadrangle, Washington—Grant Co., Provisional Edition 1986;

(4) Wahatis Peak Quadrangle, Washington—Grant Co., Provisional Edition 1986;

(5) Coyote Rapids Quadrangle, Washington, Provisional Edition 1986;

(6) Vernita Bridge Quadrangle, Washington, Provisional Edition 1986;

(7) Priest Rapids NE Quadrangle, Washington, Provisional Edition 1986; and

(8) Priest Rapids Quadrangle, Washington, 1948; photo revised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Wahluke Slope viticultural area is located in Grant County, Washington. The boundary of the Wahluke Slope viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is at the northwest corner of the viticultural area where the east bank of the Columbia River intersects the north boundary line of section 22, T15N/R23E, on the Beverly map; then

(2) From the beginning point proceed straight east 1.5 miles to the intersection of the section 23 north boundary line and the 1,480-foot elevation line, T15N/R23E, Beverly map; then

(3) Proceed generally east along the meandering 1,480-foot elevation line, crossing the Beverly map, the Beverly SE map, and the Smyrna map, and continue onto the Wahatis Peak map to the intersection of the 1,480-foot elevation line and the eastern boundary line of section 15, which forms a portion of the boundary line of the Hanford Site, T15N/R26E, Wahatis Peak map; then

(4) Proceed generally southwest along the Hanford Site boundary in a series of 90 degree angles, crossing the Wahatis map, the Coyote Rapids map in section 36, T15N/R25E, and the Vernita Bridge map, and continue onto the Priest Rapids NE map to the intersection of the Hanford Site boundary and the north bank of the Columbia River, section 10, T13N/R24E, Priest Rapids NE map; then

(5) Proceed generally west along the north bank of the Columbia River, crossing onto the Priest Rapids map and, turning north-northwest, continue along the river bank and, crossing onto the Beverly map, return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-40, 70 FR 72710, Dec. 7, 2005]

§ 9.193 - Rattlesnake Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rattlesnake Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Rattlesnake Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Rattlesnake Hills viticultural area are eight United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Yakima East Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1953, photorevised 1985;

(2) Elephant Mountain Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1953, photorevised 1985;

(3) Granger NW Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1965;

(4) Granger NE Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1964;

(5) Sunnyside Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1965, photorevised 1978;

(6) Granger Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1965;

(7) Toppenish Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1958, photorevised 1985; and

(8) Wapato Quadrangle, Washington—Yakima Co., 1958, photorevised 1985.

(c) Boundary. The Rattlesnake Hills viticultural area is located in Yakima County, Washington. The area's boundary is defined as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Yakima East map at the point where a line drawn straight east from the west end of the Wapato Dam on the Yakima River intersects Interstate Highway 82, section 17, T12N/R19E. This line coincides with the boundary of the Yakima Valley viticultural area (27 CFR 9.69). From the beginning point, the Rattlesnake Hills viticultural area boundary line—

(2) Proceeds straight eastward, crossing onto the Elephant Mountain map, to the 2,192-foot peak of Elephant Mountain, section 16, T12N/R20E; then

(3) Continues straight east-southeast, crossing over the northeast corner of the Toppenish map, and continuing onto the Granger NW map, to the 2,186-foot pinnacle of Zillah Peak, section 32, T12N/R21E; then

(4) Continues straight eastward, crossing onto the Granger NE map, to the 3,021-foot peak of High Top Mountain, section 32, T12N/R22E; then

(5) Continues straight east-southeast to the 2,879-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 3, T11N/R22E, and continues in the same direction in a straight line until the line intersects with the 120°00′ west longitude line in section 1 of T11N/R22E along the east margin of the Granger NE map; then

(6) Proceeds straight south along the 120°00′ west longitude line to its intersection with a set of power lines in section 24, T11N/R22E, on the east margin of the Granger NE map; then

(7) Follows the power lines southwest, crossing onto the Sunnyside map, to their intersection with the Sunnyside Canal, section 8, T10N/R22E; then

(8) Follows the meandering Sunnyside Canal generally northwest, crossing over the northeast corner of the Granger map, and continuing over the Granger NW map, the Toppenish map, and onto the Wapato map to the canal's intersection with Interstate Highway 82, section 27 west boundary line, T12N/R19E; then

(9) Follows Interstate Highway 82 northwest for 2.75 miles, crosses onto the Yakima East map, and returns to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-43, 71 FR 8211, Feb. 16, 2006]

§ 9.194 - San Antonio Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Antonio Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “San Antonio Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the San Antonio Valley viticultural area are ten United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Hames Valley, California, 1949, photorevised 1978;

(2) Tierra Redonda Mountain, California, 1949, photorevised 1979;

(3) Bradley, California, 1949, photorevised 1979;

(4) Bryson, California, 1949, photorevised 1979;

(5) Williams Hill, California, 1949, photorevised 1979;

(6) Jolon, California, 1949;

(7) Alder Peak, California, 1995;

(8) Bear Canyon, California, 1949, photoinspected 1972;

(9) Cosio Knob, California, 1949, photorevised 1984; and

(10) Espinosa Canyon, California, 1949, photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The San Antonio Valley viticultural area is located in Monterey County, California. The boundary of the San Antonio Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is at the southeast corner of section 14, T23S, R9E, on the Hames Valley map;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed southeast in a straight line for approximately 5 miles across sections 24 and 25, T23S, R9E, and sections 30, 31, and 32, T23S, R10E, and section 5, T24S, R10E, to the southeast corner of section 5, on the Tierra Redonda Mountain map; then

(3) Continue southeast in a straight line for approximately 3.25 miles through sections 9, 16, 15, and 22, T24S, R10E, to the mid-point of the eastern boundary of section 22 on the Bradley map; then

(4) Proceed straight south for approximately 2.5 miles along the eastern boundary line of sections 22, 27, and 34, T24S, R10E, to the Monterey-San Luis Obispo County line; then

(5) Follow the Monterey-San Luis Obispo County line west for approximately 7.0 miles, back onto the Tierra Redonda Mountain map, to the southwest corner of section 34, T24S, R9E; then

(6) Proceed northwest in a straight line for approximately 17 miles, crossing sections 33, 32, 29, 30, and 19, T24S, R9E, and sections 24, 13, 14, 10, 9, and 4, T24S, R8E, on the Bryson map, section 5, T24S, R8E in the southwest corner of the Williams Hill map, section 32, T23S, and sections 23, 22, 15, and 16, T23S, R7E, on the Jolon map, to an 1,890-foot peak located approximately 2,100 feet west of section 8, T23S, R7E; then

(7) Continue northwest in a straight line for approximately 9 miles, crossing the Alder Peak map between Milpitas Grant and Stony Valley, and sections 9, 4, and 5, T22S, R6E, on the Bear Canyon map, to a 2,713-foot peak located in section 5, T22S, R6E; then

(8) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line for approximately 3.9 miles, passing onto the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation and crossing the San Antonio River, to a 2,449-foot peak on the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation; then

(9) Proceed northeast in a straight line for approximately 2.5 miles, crossing Mission Creek, across sections 30 and 29, T21S, R7E, on the Cosio Knob map to the 2,530-foot peak of Cosio Knob; then

(10) From Cosio Knob, proceed east-southeast in a straight line for approximately 9.5 miles across sections 29, 28, 27, 26, 35, and 36, T21S, R7E, sections 31 and 32, T21S, R8E, and sections 5, 4, 3, and 2, T22S, R8E, on the Espinosa Canyon map, to a 1,811-foot peak located in section 2; then

(11) Proceed southeast in a straight line for approximately 10.4 miles across sections 2, 11, 12, and 13, T22S, R8E, and sections 18 and 19, T22S, R9E, on the Espinosa Canyon map, sections 19, 30, 29, 32, and 33, T22S, R9E, on the northwest corner of the Williams Hill map, and sections 4, 3, 10, 11, and 14, T23S, R9E, on the Hames Valley map, to the beginning point at the southeast corner of section 14, T23S, R9E.

[T.D. TTB-46, 71 FR 33242, June 8, 2006]

§ 9.195 - Alta Mesa.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Alta Mesa”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Alta Mesa” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The seven United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Alta Mesa viticultural area are titled—

(1) North Lodi, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1976;

(2) Galt, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(3) Florin, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(4) Elk Grove, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979;

(5) Sloughhouse, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(6) Clay, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993; and

(7) Lockeford, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979, minor revision 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Alta Mesa viticultural area is located in Sacramento County, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Alta Mesa viticultural area boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Lodi North map at the intersection of Kost Road and the Southern Pacific railway, section 34, T5N, R6E. From the beginning point, proceed north-northwest 8.7 miles along the Southern Pacific railway to its intersection with State Route 99 at McConnel, section 20, T6N, R6E (Galt Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed northwest 4.7 miles on State Route 99 to its intersection with Sheldon Road at the northern boundary of section 26, T7N, R5E (Florin Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed east 5.2 miles on Sheldon Road to its intersection with the Central California Traction railroad at the northern boundary of section 27, T7N, R6E (Elk Grove Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed southeast 3.85 miles along the Central California Traction railroad to Grant Line Road, then southwest on Grant Line Road to Wilton Road at the hamlet of Sheldon, and then continue southeast on Wilton Road to its intersection with Dillard Road, section 6, T6N, R7E (Elk Grove Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed northeast 2.6 miles on Dillard Road to its intersection with Lee Shorthorn Road, T7N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed southeast 0.9 mile on Lee Shorthorn Road to its intersection with Tavernor Road, T7N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed south 0.95 mile on Tavernor Road to its first 90 degree turn to the west (where two unimproved roads join Tavernor Road from the east and south), section 4, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(8) Continue due south 1 mile in a straight line to the line's intersection with the 105-foot contour line and an unimproved extension of Blake Road, section 9, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed west 0.3 mile on the unimproved extension of Blake Road to its intersection with Tavernor Road, section 9, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed south 0.7 mile on Tavernor Road to the center of the loop at the end of the road, section 16, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 0.1 mile to the line's intersection with the east end of the landing strip shown in the northwest quadrant of section 16, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(12) Proceed west along the landing strip and a line extending from its western end to the line's intersection with Alta Mesa Road on the eastern boundary of section 17, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed south 6.1 miles on Alta Mesa Road, crossing State Route 104, to Alta Mesa Road's intersection with Borden Road at the southwest corner of section 9, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(14) Proceed east 1 mile on Borden Road to its intersection with Alabama Road at the southeast corner of section 9, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(15) Proceed south 2 miles on Alabama Road to its intersection with Simmerhorn Road at the southeast corner of section 21, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(16) Proceed east 2 miles on Simmerhorn Road to its intersection with Clay Station Road at the northeast corner of section 26, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(17) Proceed south 0.5 mile on Clay Station Road to its intersection with Dry Creek, section 26, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(18) Proceed west-southwest (downstream) 7.8 miles along Dry Creek, crossing over the northwest corner of the Lockeford map, and twice crossing over the southeast corner of the Galt map, to Dry Creek's intersection with Lincoln Way, section 35, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(19) Proceed northwest 0.1 mile on Lincoln Way to its intersection with Kost Road, section 35, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); and

(20) Proceed west 0.3 mile on Kost Road, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.196 - Borden Ranch.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Borden Ranch”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Borden Ranch” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United State Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Borden Ranch viticultural area are titled—

(1) Lockeford, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979, minor revision 1993;

(2) Clay, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(3) Sloughhouse, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(4) Carbondale, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(5) Goose Creek, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993; and

(6) Clements, Calif., 1968, minor revision 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Borden Ranch viticultural area is located in Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Borden Ranch viticultural area boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Lockeford map at the intersection of Liberty Road and Elliott Road at the southwest corner of section 36, T5N, R7E. From the beginning point, proceed north 2 miles on Elliot Road, which becomes Clay Station Road upon crossing the Sacramento-San Joaquin County line at Dry Creek, to Clay Station Road's intersection with Simmerhorn Road, at the southeast corner of section 23, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed west 2 miles on Simmerhorn Road to its intersection with Alabama Road at the southwest corner of section 22, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed north 2 miles on Alabama Road to its intersection with Borden Road at the northwest corner of section 15, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed west 1 mile on Borden Road to its intersection with Alta Mesa Road at the southwest corner of section 9, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed north 1.35 miles on Alta Mesa Road, crossing State Route 104, to Alta Mesa Road's intersection with the Laguna tributary along the western boundary line of section 4, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed easterly (upstream) about 16.5 miles along the meandering Laguna tributary, crossing over the southeast corner of the Sloughhouse map, to the Laguna's intersection with the Sacramento-Amador County line, 0.75 mile south of the Ione Road, T6N, R9E (Carbondale Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed south and then southeast about 10.8 miles along the Sacramento-Amador and Sacramento-San Joaquin County lines, crossing over the Goose Creek map, to the County line's intersection with Liberty Road, section 32, T5N, R9E (Clements Quadrangle); and

(8) Proceed west about 9.3 miles west along Liberty Road, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.197 - Clements Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Clements Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Clements Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Clements Hills viticultural area are titled—

(1) Waterloo, Calif., 1968, photoinspected 1978;

(2) Lockeford, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979, minor revision 1993;

(3) Clements, Calif., 1968, minor revision 1993;

(4) Wallace, Calif., 1962;

(5) Valley Springs SW., Calif., 1962, photoinspected 1973; and

(6) Linden, Calif., 1968, minor revision 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Clements Hills viticultural area is located in San Joaquin County, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Clements Hills viticultural areas boundary is as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Waterloo map at the intersection of the Calaveras River and Jack Tone Road, section 31 west boundary line, T3N, R8E. From the beginning point, proceed north 6.9 miles on Jack Tone Road to its intersection with Elliot Road in the village of Lockeford (where Jack Tone Road is known as E. Hammond Street for a short distance), section 30, T4N, R8E (Lockeford Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed northwest 5.4 miles on Elliott Road, crossing the Mokelumne River, to Elliott Road's intersection with Liberty Road at the northwest corner of section 1, T4N, R7E, (Lockeford Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed east 9.3 miles on Liberty Road to its junction with the San Joaquin-Amador County line, north of the Camanche Reservoir, section 32, T5N, R9E (Clements Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed south-southeast 13 miles along the San Joaquin-Amador and San Joaquin-Calaveras County lines, crossing over the Wallace map, to the County line's intersection with the Calaveras River, section 31, T3N, R10E (Valley Springs SW., Quadrangle); and

(5) Proceed southwest (downstream) 14.2 miles along the Calaveras River, crossing over the Linden map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.198 - Cosumnes River.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cosumnes River”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Cosumnes River” and “Cosumnes” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Cosumnes River viticultural area are titled—

(1) Bruceville, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(2) Florin, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(3) Elk Grove, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979;

(4) Galt, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(5) Lodi North, Calif.,1968, photorevised 1976; and

(6) Thornton, Calif., 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Cosumnes River viticultural area is located in Sacramento County, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Cosumnes River viticultural area boundary is as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Bruceville map at the intersection of the Mokelumne River and Interstate Highway 5, T5N, R5E. From the beginning point, proceed north 8.5 miles along Interstate 5 to its intersection with an unnamed light duty road, locally known to the west of Franklin as Hood-Franklin Road, section 18, T6N, R5E (Florin Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed east 1.2 miles straight on Hood-Franklin Road to its intersection with Franklin Boulevard in the village of Franklin, section 17, T6N, R5E (Florin Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed north 4.3 miles on Franklin Boulevard to its intersection with Sims Road on the west and Sheldon Road to the east at the northwest corner of section 28, T7N, R5E (Florin Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed east 2.4 miles on Sheldon Road to its intersection with State Route 99 at the northern boundary section 26, T7N, R5E (Florin Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed south-southeast 6 miles on State Route 99, crossing over the Elk Grove map, to the road's intersection with the Southern Pacific railway line at McConnell, section 20, T6N, R6E (Galt Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed south-southeast 8.7 miles along the Southern Pacific railway line to its intersection with Kost Road, section 34, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed west and then north 3.8 miles on Kost Road to its intersection with New Hope Road, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(8) Proceed west then south 2.8 miles on New Hope Road to its intersection with the Mokelumne River and the Sacramento-San Joaquin County line, T5N, R5E (Thornton Quadrangle); and

(9) Proceed northerly then westerly (downstream) for about 2.7 miles along the meandering Mokelumne River, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.199 - Jahant.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Jahant”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Jahant” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey, 1:24000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Jahant viticultural area are titled—

(1) Lodi North, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1976;

(2) Thornton, Calif., 1978;

(3) Galt, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(4) Lockeford, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979; and

(5) Clay, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Jahant viticultural area is located in Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties, California, and is entirely with the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Jahant viticultural area boundary is as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Lodi North map at the intersection of Peltier Road and the Mokelumne River, section 16 south boundary line, T4N, R6E. From the beginning point, proceed westerly (downstream) 6.7 miles along the Mokelumne River to its intersection with New Hope Road, about 0.7 mile north of the village of Thornton, T5N, R5E (Thornton Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed north then east for 3 miles on New Hope Road to its intersection with Kost Road, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed south then east for 4.1 miles on Kost Road to its intersection with Lincoln Way, section 35, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed southeast 0.15 mile on Lincoln Way to its intersection with Dry Creek, section 35, T5N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed easterly (upstream) 7 miles along Dry Creek, crossing twice over and back at the southeast corner of the Galt map, and then crossing over the northwest corner of the Lockeford map, to Dry Creek's intersection with Elliott Road, section 26, T5N, R7E (Clay Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed south 4.5 miles on Elliott Road to its intersection with Peltier Road at the southeast corner of section 14, T4N, R7E (Lockeford Quadrangle); and

(7) Proceed west 8.3 miles on Peltier Road, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.200 - Mokelumne River.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mokelumne River”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Mokelumne River” and “Mokelumne” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The seven United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Mokelumne River viticultural area are titled—

(1) Lodi South, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1976;

(2) Terminous, Calif., 1978, minor revision 1993;

(3) Thornton, Calif., 1978;

(4) Bruceville, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980;

(5) Lodi North, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1976;

(6) Lockeford, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979, minor revision 1993; and

(7) Waterloo, Calif., edition of 1968, photoinspected 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Mokelumne River viticultural area is located in San Joaquin County, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Mokelumne River viticultural area boundary is as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Lodi South map at the intersection of Eightmile Road and Interstate 5, section 36 south boundary line, T3N, R5E. From the beginning point, proceed north-northwest 14.7 miles on Interstate 5, crossing over the Terminous and Thornton maps, to the Interstate's intersection with the Mokelumne River, T5N, R6E (Bruceville Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed southeast (upstream) 5 miles along the meandering Mokelumne River to its intersection with Peltier Road, section 16, T4N, R6E (Lodi North Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed east 8.3 miles along Peltier Road to its intersection with Elliott Road at the northeast corner of section 23, T4N, R7E (Lockeford Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed south then southeast 2.3 miles on Elliott Road to its intersection with Jack Tone Road in the village of Lockeford (where Jack Tone Road is known as E. Hammond Street for a short distance), section 30, T4N, R8E (Lockeford Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed south 6.7 miles on Jack Tone Road to its intersection with the Calaveras River, section 36 east boundary line, T3N, R7E (Waterloo Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed southwesterly (downstream) 0.9 mile along the meandering Calaveras River to its intersection with Eightmile Road, section 36 south boundary line, T3N, R7E (Waterloo Quadrangle); and

(7) Proceed west 8.6 miles on Eightmile Road, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.38 - Cienega Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cienega Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Cienega Valley viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Hollister Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1971);

(2) “Tres Pinos Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1971);

(3) “Mt. Harlan Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1968); and

(4) “Paicines Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Cienega Valley viticultural area is located in San Benito County, California. The beginning point is the Gaging Station, located on U.S.G.S. map “Paicines Quadrangle” in the southeast portion of Section 21, Township 14 South, Range 6 East.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary follows the Pescadero Creek Bed in a southeasterly direction about 100 feet to the unimproved road and continues southwesterly on the unimproved road .5 mile to where it intersects with the south border of Township 14 South, Range 6 East, Section 21;

(2) Thence in a straight line to the southwest portion of Section 28, Township 14 South, Range 6 East, where the 1400-foot contour line intersects the south border of Section 28;

(3) Thence following the 1400-foot contour line through the following sections; Sections 28, 29, and 30, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; Section 25, Township 14 South, Range 5 East; Sections 30, 19, 20, and returning to 19, Township 14 South, Range 6 East, to a point where the 1400-foot contour line intersects with the section line between Sections 19 and 18, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(4) Thence in a straight line due north to the intersection with the 1200-foot contour line in Section 18, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(5) Thence following the 1200-foot contour line in a generally northwesterly direction to where it intersects with the north boundary of Township 14 South, Range 5 East, Section 10; then following this boundary line in a northwesterly direction to where this boundary intersects with the 1600-foot contour line; thence following the 1600-foot contour line in a generally northerly direction to where it intersects with the unimproved road;

(6) Thence looping southward along the unimproved road and continuing on in an easterly direction past the designated “Spring” and then in a northeasterly direction parallel with the Gulch to the Vineyard School on Cienega Road; thence in a southeasterly direction on Cienega Road .4 mile to where the unimproved road intersects; thence traveling north and following the unimproved road in a northwesterly direction about 5. mile; then looping in an easterly direction .75 mile to the intersection of the unimproved road and branching in a southeasterly direction;

(7) Thence crossing Township 13 South to Township 14 South and following the unimproved road to the intersection of the western border of Township 14 South, Range 6 East, Section 6; thence south to the northwest corner of Section 7;

(8) Thence continuing in a straight diagonal line to the southeast corner of Township 14 South, Range 6 East, Section 7; thence from the southeast corner of Section 7 .25 mile west to where it intersects with an unimproved road;

(9) Thence following this unimproved road in a southeasterly direction to the Gaging Station, the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-109, 47 FR 36126, Aug. 19, 1982]

§ 9.201 - Sloughhouse.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sloughhouse”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Sloughhouse” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic quadrangle maps used to determine the boundary of the Sloughhouse viticultural area are titled—

(1) Clay, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(2) Sloughhouse, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993;

(3) Elk Grove, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1979;

(4) Buffalo Creek, Calif., 1967, photorevised 1980;

(5) Folsom SE, Calif., 1954, photorevised 1980; and

(6) Carbondale, Calif., 1968, photorevised 1980, minor revision 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Sloughhouse viticultural area is located in Sacramento County, California, and is entirely within the Lodi viticultural area (27 CFR 9.107). The Sloughhouse viticultural area boundary is as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Clay map at the intersection of the Laguna estuary and Alta Mesa Road, on the western boundary of section 4, T5N, R7E. From the beginning point, proceed north 4.8 miles on Alta Mesa Road to the road's intersection with a line drawn due west from the western end of the landing strip shown in the northwestern quadrant of section 16, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(2) Proceed east 0.5 mile to the eastern end of the landing strip, section 16, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(3) Proceed northeast in a straight line 0.1 mile to the center of the loop at the south end of Tavernor Road, section 16, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(4) Proceed north 0.75 mile on Tavernor Road to its intersection with Blake Road, section 9, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(5) Proceed east 0.5 mile on the unimproved extension of Blake Road to its intersection with the 105-foot elevation line, section 9, T6N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(6) Proceed due north about 0.85 mile to the 90 degree turn in Tavernor Road and continue north about 0.9 mile on Tavernor Road to its intersection with Lee Shorthorn Road, T7N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(7) Proceed northwest 0.9 mile on Lee Shorthorn Road to its intersection with Dillard Road, T7N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(8) Proceed southwest about 2.6 miles on Dillard Road to its intersection with Wilton Road at the hamlet of Dillard, section 6, T6N, R7E (Elk Grove Quadrangle); then

(9) Proceed northwest 3.1 miles on Wilton Road to its intersection with Grant Line Road at the hamlet of Sheldon, section 27, T7N, R6E (Elk Grove Quadrangle); then

(10) Proceed northwest on Grant Line Road to its intersection with State Route 16 (Jackson Road), section 33, T8N, R7E (Buffalo Creek Quadrangle); then

(11) Proceed east-southeast 1.6 miles on State Route 16 to its intersection with Deer Creek at BM 108 near Sloughhouse, T8N, R7E (Sloughhouse Quadrangle); then

(12) Proceed northeasterly (upstream) about 11 miles along the meandering Deer Creek, crossing over the southeast corner of the Buffalo Creek map, to the creek's intersection with the Sacramento-El Dorado County line, section 1, T8N, R8E (Folsom, S.E. Quadrangle); then

(13) Proceed south-southeast followed by south for about 12.4 miles along the Sacramento-El Dorado and Sacramento-Amador County line to the County line's intersection with the Laguna estuary, 0.75 mile south of the Ione Road, T6N, R9E (Carbondale Quadrangle); and

(14) Proceed westerly (downstream) 17.5 miles along the meandering Laguna estuary, crossing over the Sloughhouse map, and return to the beginning point on the Clay Quadrangle.

[T.D. TTB-50, 71 FR 40414, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.202 - Eola-Amity Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Eola-Amity Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Eola-Amity Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Eola-Amity Hills viticultural area are six United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled—

(1) Rickreall, Oregon, 1969, photorevised 1976;

(2) Salem West, Oregon, 1969, photorevised 1986;

(3) Mission Bottom, Oregon, 1957, revised 1993;

(4) Dayton, Oregon, 1957, revised 1992;

(5) McMinnville, Oregon, 1957, revised 1992; and

(6) Amity, Oregon, 1957, revised 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Eola-Amity Hills viticultural area is located in the State of Oregon, within Polk and Yamhill Counties, and is entirely within the Willamette Valley viticultural area. The area's boundary is defined as follows—

(1) The beginning point is on the Rickreall, Oregon, map at the intersection of State Highway 22 and Rickreall Road, near the Oak Knoll Golf Course, in section 50, T7S, R4W;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed east on State Highway 22 to its intersection with Doaks Ferry Road on the Salem West, Oregon, map; then

(3) Proceed northeast on Doaks Ferry Road to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line southeast of Gibson Gulch, in section 65; then

(4) Follow the 200-foot contour line in a westerly loop until it rejoins Doaks Ferry Road; then

(5) Continue north on Doaks Ferry Road to its intersection with State Highway 221; then

(6) Continue north on State Highway 221 to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line at the point where the contour line departs from Highway 221 and runs southwest along the southern edge of Spring Valley (section 53 on the Mission Bottom, Oregon, map); then

(7) Follow the 200-foot contour line first south onto the Salem West, Oregon, map, then northwest around the southern and western edge of Spring Valley and back on to the Mission Bottom, Oregon, map; then

(8) Continue to follow the 200-foot contour line generally north on the Mission Bottom, Oregon, map, crossing onto and back from the Amity, Oregon, map and continue past the Yamhill County line and onto the Dayton, Oregon, map; then

(9) Follow the 200-foot contour line from the Dayton, Oregon, map onto the McMinnville, Oregon, map and back to the Dayton, Oregon, map and continue around the northeast edge of the Amity Hills spur of the Eola Hills; then

(10) Follow the 200-foot contour line onto the McMinnville, Oregon, map as it continues around the northern and western periphery of the Amity Hills spur; then

(11) Follow the 200-foot contour line onto the Amity, Oregon, map as it heads first south, then generally southeast, then generally south, along the western edge of the Eola Hills until it intersects Old Bethel Road at a point just north of the Polk County line; then

(12) Follow Old Bethel Road, which becomes Oak Grove Road, south until the road intersects the 200-foot contour line approximately 400 feet north of Oak Grove Road's northern intersection with Zena Road, just northwest of Bethel; then

(13) Follow the 200-foot contour line easterly and then southerly until its first intersection with Zena Road, and then follow Zena Road west approximately 0.25 mile to its southern intersection with Oak Grove Road, south of Bethel; then

(14) Follow Oak Grove Road south until it intersects with Frizzell Road; then

(15) Follow Frizzell Road west for approximately 0.25 mile to its first intersection with the 200-foot contour line, then

(16) Follow the 200-foot contour line generally south, crossing onto the Rickreall, Oregon, map, until the contour line intersects the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-51, 71 FR 40404, July 17, 2006; T.D. TTB-155, 83 FR 64279, Dec. 14, 2018]

§ 9.203 - Saddle Rock-Malibu.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Saddle Rock-Malibu”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Saddle Rock-Malibu” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Map. The following United States Geological Survey, 1:24,000 scale, topographic map is used to determine the boundary of the Saddle Rock-Malibu viticultural area: Point Dume Quadrangle California, 7.5-Minute Series (Orthophotoquad), 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Saddle Rock-Malibu viticultural area is located in Los Angeles County, California. The boundary of the Saddle Rock-Malibu viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Point Dume map at the intersection of Decker Road and Mulholland Highway, section 3, T1S/R19W;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed north-northeast along Decker Road approximately 0.7 mile to its intersection with the southern boundary of the El Conejo land grant, section 3, T1S/R19W; then

(3) Proceed straight east-southeast along the El Conejo land grant boundary line approximately 0.4 mile to the point where the land grant boundary line changes direction to the northeast, section 2, T1S/R19W; then

(4) Proceed straight northeast for approximately 0.5 mile along the El Conejo land grant boundary line to its second intersection with the 1,700-foot contour line in section 2, T1S/R19W; then

(5) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 1,700-foot contour line, crossing the R19W/R18W range line near the southwest corner of section 6, T1S/R18W, and continue along the 1,700-foot contour line to its intersection with Kanan Road near the southwest corner of section 6, T1S/R18W; then

(6) Proceed south along Kanan Road approximately 0.35 mile to its intersection with the 1,800-foot contour line (very near the intersection of Kanan Road and an unnamed unimproved road), section 7, T1S/R18W; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 1,800-foot contour line to a point approximately 200 feet due north of the intersection of Mulholland Highway and two unnamed, unimproved roads near the center of section 7, T1S/R18W, and, from that point, proceed due south in a straight line to the intersection of Mulholland Highway and the two unnamed, unimproved roads, section 7, T1S/R18W; then

(8) Following the eastern-most unimproved road, proceed southerly along the meandering unimproved road, passing to the west of a 2,054-foot peak, and continue to the road's intersection with another unnamed, unimproved road immediately south of the section 18 north boundary line and due east of a 2,448-foot peak, section 18, T1S/R18W; then

(9) Proceed southwesterly along the unnamed, unimproved road to its intersection with the Latigo Canyon Road, just east of BM 2125, section 18, T1S/R18W; then

(10) Proceed northerly then westerly along Latigo Canyon Road to its intersection with Kanan Road very near the southeast corner of section 12, T1S/R19W; then

(11) Proceed south along Kanan Road for approximately 0.6 mile to its intersection with the 1,700-foot contour line, located immediately south of the four-way intersection of two unnamed, unimproved roads and Kanan Road, section 13, T1S/R19W; then

(12) Proceed 1.5 miles generally west and northwest along the unnamed, unimproved road that meanders westerly, crossing over several intermittent streams, and continues through Zuma Canyon to its intersection with Encinal Canyon Road at about the 1,806-foot elevation mark, section 11, T1S/R19W; then

(13) Crossing Encinal Canyon Road, proceed northwesterly along the unnamed, unimproved road, which becomes a trail, and continue northerly to the trail's intersection with the 1,900-foot contour line, near the center of section 11, T1S/R19W; then

(14) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 1,900-foot contour line, circling to the west of the 2,189-foot peak in section 11, to the contour line's intersection with Mulholland Highway at the northern boundary of section 11, T1S/R19W; then

(15) Proceed westerly about 0.8 mile on Mulholland Highway and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-52, 71 FR 40400, July 17, 2006]

§ 9.204 - Tracy Hills.

(a) Tracy Hills. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Tracy Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Tracy Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Tracy Hills viticultural area are five USGS 1:24,000-scale, topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Tracy, Calif., 1954, photorevised 1981;

(2) Vernalis, CA, 1991;

(3) Solyo, Calif., 1953, photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1978;

(4) Lone Tree Creek, Calif., 1955, photorevised 1971; and

(5) Midway Calif., 1953, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundary. The Tracy Hills viticultural area is located in southwestern San Joaquin County and northwestern Stanislaus County in the State of California. The boundary of the Tracy Hills viticultural area is as described below.

(1) The beginning point is on the Tracy map at the intersection of the Delta-Mendota Canal and Lammers Ferry Road, along the western boundary line of section 6, T3S/R5E. From the beginning point, proceed 0.4 mile generally southeast along the Delta-Mendota Canal to its intersection with the Western Pacific Railway line along the southern boundary line of section 6, T3S/R5E (Tracy map); then

(2) Proceed 5.6 miles straight east along the Western Pacific Railway line and then along Linne Road to the intersection of Linne Road and Lehman Road, along the northern boundary line of section 12, T3S/R5E (Vernalis map); then

(3) Proceed 1.5 miles straight south and then east along Lehman Road to its intersection with Bird Road at the southeast corner of section 12, T3S/R5E (Vernalis map); then

(4) Proceed 1 mile straight south along Bird Road to its intersection with Durham Ferry Road at the southeast corner of section 13, T3S/R5E (Vernalis map); then

(5) Proceed 1.9 miles straight east along Durham Ferry Road to its intersection with State Highway 33 along the northern boundary line of section 20, T3S/R6E (Vernalis map); then

(6) Proceed 5.1 miles straight southeast along State Highway 33, passing the hamlet of Vernalis, to the highway's intersection with McCracken Road along the eastern boundary of section 2, T4S/R6E (Solyo map); then

(7) Proceed 3.4 miles straight south along McCracken Road to its intersection with Hamilton Road at the southeast corner of section 23, T4S/R6E (Solyo map); then

(8) Proceed 2.4 miles straight west along the southern boundary lines of sections 23, 22, and 21, T4S/R6E, crossing the Delta-Mendota Canal and the California Aqueduct, to the junction of the southern boundary of section 21, the 500-foot elevation line, and the westernmost transmission line, (Solyo map); then

(9) Proceed 4.2 miles generally northwest along the meandering 500-foot elevation line to section 18, T4S/R6E, where the 500-foot elevation line crosses all the transmission lines and then continues northwest a short distance to the easternmost transmission line in the northwest quadrant of section 18, T4S/R6E, (Solyo map); then

(10) Proceed 8.45 miles straight northwest along the easternmost transmission line, crossing from the Solyo map, over the Lone Tree Creek map, to the Tracy map, and continue to the transmission line's intersection with the western boundary of section 19, T3S/R5W, about 0.7 mile north-northeast of Black Butte (Tracy map); then

(11) Proceed in a straight line 2 miles northwest to this line's intersection with the 500-foot elevation line, immediately north of an unimproved dirt road, just north of the midpoint of the western boundary line of section 12, T3S/R4E (Tracy map); then

(12) Proceed 0.65 mile straight north along the western boundaries of section 12 and then section 1 to the section 1 line's intersection with Interstate Highway 580 (I-580), section 1, T3S/R4E (Tracy map); then

(13) Proceed 0.8 mile straight northwest along I-580 to its intersection with the Western Pacific Railway line in section 2, T3S/R4E (Midway map); then

(14) Proceed easterly 0.7 mile along the Western Pacific Railway line to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 2, T3S/R4E (Tracy map); and

(15) Proceed east for 1 mile in a straight line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-54, 71 FR 65411, Nov. 8, 2006]

§ 9.205 - Chehalem Mountains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Chehalem Mountains”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Chehalem Mountains” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Chehalem Mountains viticultural area are six United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Newberg Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minute Series, 1961 (photorevised 1985);

(2) Dundee Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minute Series, 1956 (revised 1993);

(3) Laurelwood Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minutes Series 1956 (revised 1992);

(4) Scholls Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minute Series, 1961 (photorevised 1985);

(5) Beaverton Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minute Series, 1961 (photorevised 1984); and

(6) Sherwood Quadrangle, Oregon, 7.5 Minute Series, 1961 (photorevised 1985).

(c) Boundary. The Chehalem Mountains viticultural area is located in Clackamas, Yamhill, and Washington Counties, Oregon. The boundary of the Chehalem Mountains viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is in Yamhill County on the Newberg map in section 15, T3S/R2W, at the intersection of Oregon Highway 99W and the 250-foot contour line, 0.4 mile east of Spring Brook;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed northwesterly 1.2 miles along the 250-foot contour to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Benjamin Road, section 50, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(3) Proceed west 0.5 mile along Benjamin Road, crossing railroad tracks, to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Spring Brook Road, section 48, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(4) Proceed southwest 0.3 mile along Spring Brook Road, parallel to the railroad tracks, to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Mountainview Drive, section 48, T3S/R2W, on the Newberg map; then

(5) Proceed west 0.35 mile on Mountainview Drive to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Aspen Way, along the western boundary of section 8, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(6) Proceed northwesterly 1.4 miles on Aspen Way to its intersection with Bell Road, along the northern boundary of section 47, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(7) Proceed west 0.8 mile on Bell Road, which becomes North Valley Road after crossing Oregon Highway 219, to its intersection with the 250-foot contour line, immediately before an unimproved dirt road on the left, section 46, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(8) Proceed westerly 2 miles along the 250-foot contour line to its first intersection with the western boundary line of section 43, T3S/R3W, along the western border of the Newberg map; then

(9) Proceed north 0.2 mile along the western boundary of section 43, T3S/R3W, to its intersection with the 240-foot contour line, Newberg map; then

(10) Proceed westerly for 4 miles along the 240-foot contour line, crossing onto the Dundee map, to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Sullivan Lane, section 74, T3S/R3, Dundee map; then

(11) Proceed south 0.25 mile along Sullivan Lane to its intersection with North Valley Road at elevation point 216, section 74, T3S/R3, Dundee map; then

(12) Proceed west 0.1 mile along North Valley Road to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line, section 74, T3S/R3W, Dundee map; then

(13) Proceed northwesterly 1 mile along the 200-foot contour line to its intersection with an unnamed creek northeast of elevation point 215, and continue northwesterly 0.05 mile along the unnamed creek to its intersection with Dopp Road along the western boundary line of section 74, T3S/R3W, Dundee map; then

(14) Proceed south 0.8 mile along Dopp Road to its intersection with North Valley Road at the elevation point 202 near the Ewing Young School, section 39, T3S/R3W, Dundee map; then

(15) Proceed northerly 5 miles on North Valley Road, crossing onto the Laurelwood map, to the road's intersection with Laughlin Road and Albertson Road at elevation point 235, section 58, T2S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(16) Proceed east 0.1 mile on Albertson Road to its intersection with the 240-foot contour line, section 58, T2S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(17) Proceed northerly 15.6 miles along the 240-foot contour line to its intersection with Sandstrom Road, section 19, T1S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(18) Proceed west 0.15 mile on Sandstrom Road to its third crossing of the 200-foot contour line, just before Fern Hill Road to the west, section 24, T1S/R4W, Laurelwood map; then

(19) Proceed northwesterly and then northeasterly 4.5 miles along the meandering 200-foot contour line to its intersection with La Follette Road along the eastern boundary of section 8, T1S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(20) Proceed south 0.25 mile on La Follette Road to its intersection with the 240-foot contour line, north of Blooming Fern Hill Road, along the western boundary line of section 16, T1S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(21) Proceed easterly and then southerly 17 miles along the meandering 240-foot contour line, crossing over and back on the Scholls map in section 25 and 56, T1S/R3W, crossing Christensen Creek in section 35, T1S/R3W, and continuing to the contour line's intersection with Laurel Road West, along the southern boundary line of section 1, T2S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(22) Proceed east 0.15 mile on Laurel Road West to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line, along the southern boundary line of section 1, T2S/R3W, Laurelwood map; then

(23) Proceed easterly 17.5 miles along the meandering 200-foot contour line, and, after crossing onto the Scholls map and crossing over Laurel Road South, McCormick Hill Road four times, and Midway Road, and after crossing over and back on the Newberg map (crossing Heaton Creek) in section 28, T2S/R2W, continue to the contour line's intersection with Mountain Home Road, east of Heaton Creek, section 21, T2S/R2W, Scholls map; then

(24) Continue easterly and then southerly 8.9 miles along the 200-foot contour line and, after crossing Baker Creek, skirting Laurel Ridge to the north, crossing onto the Beaverton map, crossing over and back on the Sherwood map, crossing over in the northwest corner of the Beaverton map, and returning to the Scholls map, continue to the contour line's intersection with the middle tributary of an unnamed creek, along the western boundary line of section 24, T2S/R2W, Scholls map; then

(25) Proceed southeast along the meandering 200-foot contour line and, after crossing over to the northeast corner of the Newberg map to the Sherwood map, continue to the contour line's intersection with Edy Road, section 25, T2S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(26) Proceed southwest along the meandering 200-foot contour line and, after crossing onto the Newberg map, skirting part of Chicken Creek, and returning to the Sherwood map, continue to the contour line's intersection with Elwert Road, along the eastern boundary line of section 25, T2S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(27) Proceed south 0.85 mile on Elwert Road to its intersection with Oregon Highway 99W, along the eastern boundary line of section 36, T2S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(28) Proceed south-southwest 0.45 mile on Oregon Highway 99W to its intersection with the 250-foot contour line immediately south of an unnamed Cedar Creek tributary, section 36, T2S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(29) Proceed southerly 1 mile along the meandering 250-foot contour line to its intersection with Middleton Road, section 1, T3S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(30) Proceed southwesterly 0.5 mile on Middleton Road, which becomes Rein Road, to the road's intersection with the 200-foot contour line, immediately south of Cedar Creek, section 1, T3S/R2W, Sherwood map; then

(31) Proceed 1.6 miles generally east along the 200-foot contour line to its intersection, in the village of Middleton, with an unnamed light-duty east-west road locally known as Brookman Road, section 6, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(32) Proceed easterly 0.7 mile on Brookman Road to its intersection with the Washington-Clackamas County line, at the northwest corner of section 5, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(33) Proceed east 1 mile along the Washington-Clackamas County line to its intersection with Brown Road, at the northeast corner of section 5, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(34) Proceed southerly 1 mile on Brown Road to its second intersection with the 250-foot contour line, immediately south of an intermittent stream, in section 4, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(35) Proceed southerly 2.8 miles along the meandering 250-foot contour line, skirting Hoodview, to the contour line's intersection with Baker Road, section 16, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(36) Proceed south 0.15 mile on Baker Road to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line, section 16, T3S/R1W, Sherwood map; then

(37) Proceed southwesterly 13.1 miles along the meandering 200-foot contour line and, after crossing onto the Newberg map, continue to the contour line's intersection with Wilsonville Road, north of Willamette Greenway State Park, section 60, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(38) Proceed northwesterly 2 miles on Wilsonville Road to its intersection with an unnamed tributary of Spring Brook, east-northeast of Grouse Butte, section 57, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(39) Proceed southwesterly 0.25 mile along the unnamed tributary of Spring Brook to its intersection with the 200-foot contour line, section 57, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(40) Proceed westerly and then northerly 0.45 mile along the 200-foot contour line, following the base of Grouse Butte, to the contour line's intersection with Wilsonville Road, section 57, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(41) Proceed east 0.45 mile on Wilsonville Road to its intersection with the same unnamed tributary of Spring Brook, section 57, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(42) Proceed northeasterly 0.05 mile along the unnamed tributary of Spring Brook to its intersection with the 250-foot contour line, southwest of the quarries, section 57, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(43) Proceed northerly 2.2 miles along the 250-foot contour line to its intersection with Corral Creek Road (misnamed Ladd Hill Road on the Newberg map), south of Oregon Highway 99W, section 15, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(44) Proceed north 0.5 mile along Corral Creek Road to its western-most intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Veritas Lane, section 15, T3S/R2W, Newberg map; then

(45) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.05 mile and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-56, 71 FR 68462, Nov. 27, 2006]

§ 9.206 - Shawnee Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Shawnee Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Shawnee Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:250,000-scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the Shawnee Hills viticultural area is titled—Paducah: Kentucky-Illinois, Missouri-Indiana, 1987 edition.

(c) Boundary. The Shawnee Hills viticultural area is located in southern Illinois between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and largely within the Shawnee National Forest. The boundary of the Shawnee Hills viticultural area is described below—

(1) Beginning at the intersection of State Routes 3 and 150 in the town of Chester (Randolph County), proceed northeast on Route 150 to its intersection with the surveyed boundary line between Township 6 South (T6S) and Township 7 South (T7S); then

(2) Proceed due east along the T6S/T7S boundary line until it becomes the boundary between Perry and Jackson Counties, and continue east along the Perry-Jackson County line to State Route 4; then

(3) Proceed southeast on State Route 4 through the villages of Campbell Hill, Ava, and Oraville to its intersection with State Route 13/127; then

(4) Proceed south on State Route 13/127 to the intersection where State Routes 13 and 127 divide in the town of Murphysboro; then

(5) Proceed east on State Route 13 through the city of Carbondale to State Route 13's intersection with Interstate 57; then

(6) Proceed south on Interstate 57 to its intersection with State Route 148; then

(7) Proceed southeast on State Route 148 to its intersection with State Route 37; then

(8) Proceed south on State Highway 37 to Saline Creek; then

(9) Proceed northeasterly (downstream) along Saline Creek to its confluence with the South Fork of the Saline River, then continue easterly (downstream) along the South Fork of the Saline River to its confluence with the Saline River, then continue easterly and then southeasterly (downstream) along the Saline River to its confluence with the Ohio River near Saline Landing; then

(10) Proceed southwesterly (downstream) along the Ohio River to the Interstate 24 bridge; then

(11) Proceed north on Interstate 24 to its intersection with the New Columbia Ditch (with the towns of Big Bay to the northeast and New Columbia to the northwest); then

(12) Proceed westerly along the New Columbia Ditch to its confluence with the Main Ditch, and continue westerly along the Main Ditch to its confluence with the Cache River (near the Cache River's confluence with the Post Creek Cutoff), approximately 1.5 miles east-northeast of the village of Karnak; then

(13) Proceed westerly (downstream) along the Cache River, passing under Interstate 57 near the village of Ullin, and continue southeasterly along the Cache River to the river's confluence with Sandy Creek (northeast of the village of Sandusky); then

(14) Proceed westerly (upstream) along Sandy Creek approximately 4 miles to its junction with an unnamed secondary road (known locally as Alexander County Road 4); then

(15) Proceed south along the unnamed secondary road (Alexander County Road 4) to its junction with State Route 3 at the village of Olive Branch; then

(16) Proceed northwest on State Route 3 to its intersection with the Main Ditch (also known locally as Sexton Creek) at the village of Gale; then

(17) Proceed northerly along Main Ditch and Clear Creek Ditch to a light-duty road (known locally as State Forest Road) near the southwest corner of the Trail of Tears State Forest, approximately 3.75 miles east of the village of Wolf Lake; then

(18) Proceed west on the light-duty road (State Forest Road) to its intersection with State Route 3 just south of Wolf Lake; then

(19) Proceed north on State Route 3 to its junction with the Big Muddy River (near the village of Aldridge), and continue north (upstream) along the Big Muddy River to its confluence with Kincaid Creek near the village of Grimsby; then

(20) Continue northerly along Kincaid Creek to its junction with State Route 149; then

(21) Proceed west on State Route 149 to its junction with State Route 3, and then continue northwest along State Route 3 to the beginning point in the town of Chester.

[T.D. TTB-57, 71 FR 68471, Nov. 27, 2006]

§ 9.207 - Outer Coastal Plain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Outer Coastal Plain”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Outer Coastal Plain” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Outer Coastal Plain viticultural area are 10 United States Geological Survey topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Wilmington, Delaware-New Jersey-Pennsylvania-Maryland, 1984, 1:100,000 scale;

(2) Hammonton, New Jersey, 1984, 1:100,000 scale;

(3) Trenton, New Jersey-Pennsylvania-New York, 1986, 1:100,000 scale;

(4) Long Branch, New Jersey, 1954, photorevised 1981, 1:24,000 scale;

(5) Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1984, 1:100,000 scale;

(6) Cape May, New Jersey, 1981, 1:100,000 scale;

(7) Dover, Delaware-New Jersey-Maryland, 1984, 1:100,000 scale;

(8) Freehold, New Jersey, 2014, 1:24,000 scale;

(9) Marlboro, New Jersey, 2014, 1:24,000 scale; and

(10) Keyport, New Jersey-New York, 2014, 1:24,000 scale.

(c) Boundary. The Outer Coastal Plain viticultural area includes all of Cumberland, Cape May, Atlantic, and Ocean Counties and portions of Salem, Gloucester, Camden, Burlington, and Monmouth Counties in the State of New Jersey. The boundary of the Outer Coastal Plain viticultural area is as described below.

(1) The beginning point is on the Wilmington map at the confluence of Alloway Creek with the Delaware River (within Mad Horse Creek State Wildlife Management Area) in Salem County;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed northeasterly in a straight line to the village of Hagerville; then

(3) Continue north on an unnamed road locally known as County Road (CR) 658 to its intersection with State Route (SR) 49; then

(4) Proceed northwesterly on SR 49 to its intersection with SR 45 in the center of the town of Salem; then

(5) Proceed northeasterly on SR 45 to its intersection with SR 540 at the village of Pointers; then

(6) Proceed north on SR 540 into the village of Slapes Corner; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly on an unnamed road locally known as CR 646 to its intersection with the New Jersey Turnpike near the village of Auburn; then

(8) Proceed northeasterly on the New Jersey Turnpike for approximately 18 miles to its intersection with SR 47; then

(9) Proceed south on SR 47 for approximately 0.5 mile to its intersection with SR 534 at the village of Gardenville Center; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly through Gardenville Center on SR 534 to its intersection with SR 544; then

(11) Proceed northeasterly on SR 544 to its intersection with SR 73 on the Hammonton map; then

(12) Proceed north-northwesterly on SR 73 to its intersection with SR 70 in Cropwell; then

(13) Proceed east on SR 70 to its intersection with U.S. 206 in Red Lion; then

(14) Proceed north on U.S. 206, onto the Trenton map, to the intersection of U.S. 206 and an unnamed road locally known as CR 537, in the village of Chambers Corner; then

(15) Proceed northeasterly on CR 537, through the village of Jobstown; then

(16) Continue northeasterly on CR 537, crossing onto the Freehold, New Jersey, map, to the intersection of CR 537 (known locally as W. Main Street) and State Route 79 (known locally as S. Main Street) in Freehold; then

(17) Proceed northeasterly, then northerly, along State Route 79, crossing onto the Marlboro, New Jersey, map to the intersection of State Route 79 and Pleasant Valley Road in Wickatunk; then

(18) Proceed northeasterly, then southeasterly along Pleasant Valley Road to the road's intersection with Schank Road, south of Pleasant Valley; then

(19) Proceed easterly along Schank Road to the road's intersection with Holmdel Road; then

(20) Proceed northerly along Holmdel Road, crossing onto the Keyport, New Jersey-New York map, to the road's intersection with the Garden State Parkway, north of Crawford Corners; then

(21) Proceed southeasterly on the Garden State Parkway to its intersection with SR 36 and proceed east along SR 36 onto the Long Branch map; then

(22) Using the Long Branch map, continue east on SR 36 to where it intersects with Joline Avenue; then

(23) Proceed northeasterly on Joline Avenue to the Atlantic Ocean shoreline; then

(24) Follow the Atlantic Ocean shoreline south, encompassing all coastal islands, onto the Trenton, Hammonton, Atlantic City, and Cape May maps, to the city of Cape May; then

(25) Proceed west, then north, along the eastern bank of the Delaware River, onto the Atlantic City, Dover, and Wilmington maps to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-58, 72 FR 6167, Feb. 9, 2007, as amended by T.D. TTB-148, 82 FR 57659, Dec. 7, 2017; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.208 - Snake River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Snake River Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Snake River Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Snake River Valley viticultural area are 14 United States Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale, metric topographic maps. They are titled,

(1) Baker, Oregon-Idaho, 1981;

(2) Brogan, Oregon-Idaho, 1980;

(3) McCall, Idaho-Oregon, 1980, Photoinspected 1990;

(4) Weiser, Idaho-Oregon, 1980, Photoinspected 1990;

(5) Boise, Idaho-Oregon, 1981;

(6) Idaho City, Idaho, 1982;

(7) Murphy, Idaho, 1986;

(8) Mountain Home, Idaho, 1990;

(9) Fairfield, Idaho, 1978;

(10) Twin Falls, Idaho, 1979;

(11) Glenns Ferry, Idaho, 1992;

(12) Triangle, Idaho, 1990;

(13) Mahogany Mountain, Idaho, 1978; and

(14) Vale, Oregon-Idaho, 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Snake River Valley viticultural area is located in Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Gooding, Jerome, Owyhee, Payette, Twin Falls, and Washington Counties in southwestern Idaho and in Baker and Malheur Counties in southeastern Oregon. The boundary of the Snake River Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Baker map in Oregon at the intersection of the 1,040-meter contour line and Interstate 84, between Pleasant Valley and Oxman in Baker County, T10S/R42E;

(2) From the beginning point proceed east following the 1,040-meter contour line along the eastern side of the Burnt River Valley, then crossing over to the Brogan map, proceed northerly along the western side of the Snake River Valley and, crossing back over to the Baker map, proceed westerly along the southern side of the Powder River Valley to the 1,040-meter contour line's intersection with the northern boundary of Baker County, T7S/R40E, on the Baker map;

(3) Proceed 7.5 miles straight east along the northern boundary of Baker County to its intersection with the 1,040-meter line east of Oregon State Road 203 and three unnamed creeks, T7S/R41E, on the Baker map;

(4) Proceed generally southeast along the 1,040-meter contour line onto the McCall map, to its intersection with the 45 degree north latitude line, to the immediate west of North Creek in the Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area, T6S/R47E, on the northern border of the McCall map;

(5) Proceed straight east along the 45 degree north latitude line to its intersection with the 1,040-meter contour line, to the immediate east of North Creek, T6S/R47E, on the McCall map;

(6) Follow the 1,040-meter contour line, which encircles the northern portion of McLain Gulch, to its third intersection with the 45 degree north latitude line, west of the Snake River in Baker County, Oregon, T6S/R48E, on the McCall map;

(7) Proceed straight east along the 45 degree north latitude line to its intersection with the 1,040-meter contour line, to east of the Snake River and Indian Creek in Adams County, Idaho, T6S/R48W, on the McCall map;

(8) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a generally clockwise rotation on the McCall map, proceeding southerly on the southeast side of the Snake River, northeasterly north of the Crooked River, crossing the Crooked River, T7S/R3W, proceeding southwesterly south of the Crooked River, crossing Brownlee Creek, T16N/R4W, proceeding generally southwesterly onto the Baker map, continuing southwesterly, crossing Sturgill Creek, T15N/R6W, and Dennett Creek, T14N/R6W, proceeding onto the Brogan map, proceeding southeasterly, crossing Rock Creek, T13N/R6W, proceeding onto the Weiser map, proceeding northeasterly, north of the Mann Creek State Recreation Area, crossing Mann Creek, T13N/R5W, continuing northeasterly onto the McCall map;

(9) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the McCall map, proceeding northeasterly, crossing Pine Creek, T15N/R4W, and Hornet Creek, T8S/R2W, passing west of the Payette National Forest, proceeding southerly, passing east of Mesa, onto the Weiser map, proceeding southerly, crossing Crane Creek, T12N/R1W, turning westerly, rounding north of the Paddock Valley Reservoir, crossing Willow Creek, T9N/R1W, turning southerly onto the Boise map, looping southerly and northerly north of the Black Canyon Reservoir and moving back onto the Weiser map;

(10) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Weiser map, proceeding northerly, crossing Squaw Creek, T12N/R1E, and then southerly, crossing Cottonweed Creek, T11N/R1E, and then southerly again onto the Boise map, rounding south of South Mountain, back onto the Weiser map, proceeding northeasterly north of the Payette River, crossing the North Fork Payette River, T10N/R3E, then proceeding southwesterly south of the Payette River, onto the Boise map, proceeding generally southerly, crossing Cartwright Creek, T6N/R2E, and proceeding westerly and southeasterly towards Lucky Peak Lake, and then turning northward onto the Idaho City map;

(11) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Idaho City map, proceeding northerly, crossing Grimes and Mores Creek, T5N/R4E, and then proceeding southerly to Lucky Peak Lake, turning northeasterly north of the Lucky Peak Lake, Arrowrock Reservoir, and Middle Fork Boise River to T4N/R7E, crossing the Middle Fork Boise River and proceeding southwesterly south of the Middle Fork Boise River, to the South Fork Boise River, crossing the South Fork Boise River, T2N/R6E, proceeding onto the Boise map proceeding southwesterly south of Lucky Peak Lake onto the Murphy map;

(12) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation southeasterly on the Murphy map to the Mountain Home map, proceeding southeasterly, crossing Canyon Creek, passing north of Mountain Home Reservoir, crossing King Hill Creek, onto the Fairfield map, proceeding easterly, crossing Clover Creek, T4S/R13E, proceeding southerly onto the Twin Falls map;

(13) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Twin Falls map, proceeding southeasterly to the Snake River, T9S/R14E, following north of the Snake River and crossing at T10S/R18E, northeast of Twin Falls, proceeding westerly south of the Snake River to the Salmon River, following east of the Salmon River and crossing at T10S/R13E, proceeding northerly west of the Salmon River and the Hagerman Wildlife Management Area, proceeding west onto the Glenns Ferry map;

(14) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Glenns Ferry map, proceeding generally west to Rosevear Gulch, turning south between Rosevear Gulch and Pilgrim Gulch, near Deadman Creek, heading northwesterly, continuing through the Bruneau Desert, crossing Hole Creek in Pot Canyon and proceeding to Bruneau Canyon, proceeding southeasterly east of Bruneau Canyon, crossing Bruneau Canyon, T10S/R7E, proceeding west of Bruneau Canyon then west onto the Triangle map;

(15) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Triangle map, heading northwesterly, crossing Shoofly Creek and Alder Creek, T6S/R1W, onto the Murphy map, continuing northwesterly to Sinker Creek, crossing Sinker Creek, T4S/R2W, continuing northwesterly to Jump Creek, crossing Jump Creek, T1N/R5W, proceeding northwesterly onto the Boise map, crossing its southwestern corner, T2N/R5W, onto the Mahogany Mountain map;

(16) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation onto the Mahogany Mountain map, proceeding westerly onto the Vale map, generally northwesterly then southwesterly onto the Mahogany Mountain map, proceeding southwest, west, and generally north onto the Vale map, passing through Succor Creek State Recreational Area, returning to the Mahogany Mountain map, and, passing east of McIntyre Ridge, crossing Succor Creek, T1N/R46E, proceeding northerly back onto the Vale map;

(17) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Vale map, proceeding northerly east of Owyhee Ridge and Long Draw to north of Lake Owyhee, southwesterly and southerly south of Lake Owyhee onto the Mahogany Mountain map, southwesterly south of Lake Owyhee, the Owyhee River, and Owyhee Canyon, crossing Owyhee Canyon at T29S/R41E, proceeding northerly west of Owyhee Canyon, northeasterly west of Owyhee River and Owyhee Reservoir, and northerly onto the Vale map;

(18) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Vale map, proceeding generally northerly to T20S/R42E, southwesterly east of Cottonwood Creek, crossing Cottonwood Creek, T22S/R40E, proceeding north to the Malheur River, following the Malheur River westerly to the intersection of the 1,040-meter contour line and the 118 degree west longitude line in Malheur County, Oregon, T21S/R38E, on the western border of the Vale map;

(19) Proceed straight north along the 118 degree west longitude line to its intersection with the 1,040-meter contour line, north of the Malheur River, T20S/R38E, proceeding easterly north of the Malheur River to Hog Creek, crossing Hog Creek, T20S/R40E, and proceeding northerly on the Vale map;

(20) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation, crossing onto the Brogan map, proceeding easterly, northerly, and westerly to and around Malheur Reservoir, T14S/R41E, proceeding easterly to Cottonwood Gulch then northerly to Dixie Creek, crossing Dixie Creek, T12S/RR41E, proceeding easterly and northerly onto the Baker map;

(21) Continue following the 1,040-meter contour line in a clockwise rotation on the Baker map, proceeding westerly south of the Burnt River, crossing the Burnt River, T10S/R41E, proceeding easterly north of the Burnt River to Gravel Pits, then northerly, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-59, 72 FR 10602, Mar. 9, 2007]

§ 9.209 - Calistoga.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Calistoga”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Calistoga” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps used to determine the boundary of the Calistoga viticultural area are four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle maps. They are titled:

(1) Mark West Springs, Calif. (1993);

(2) Calistoga, CA (1997);

(3) St. Helena, Calif. (1960, revised 1993); and

(4) Detert Reservoir, CA (1997).

(c) Boundary. The Calistoga viticultural area is located in northwestern Napa County, California. The boundary beginning point is on the Mark West Springs map at the point where the Napa-Sonoma county line intersects Petrified Forest Road in section 3, T8N/R7W. From this point, the boundary:

(1) Continues northeasterly along Petrified Forest Road approximately 1.9 miles to the road's intersection with the 400-foot contour line near the north bank of Cyrus Creek approximately 1,000 feet southwest of the intersection of Petrified Forest Road and State Route 128 on the Calistoga map;

(2) Proceeds generally east-southeast (after crossing Cyrus Creek) along the 400-foot contour line to its intersection with Ritchey Creek in section 16, T8N/R6W;

(3) Follows Ritchey Creek northeast approximately 0.3 mile to its intersection with State Route 29 at the 347-foot benchmark;

(4) Proceeds east-southeast along State Route 29 approximately 0.3 mile to its intersection with a light-duty road labeled Bale Lane;

(5) Follows Bale Lane northeast approximately 0.7 mile to its intersection with the Silverado Trail;

(6) Proceeds northwest along the Silverado Trail approximately 1,500 feet to its intersection with an unmarked driveway on the north side of the Silverado Trail near the 275-foot benchmark;

(7) Continues northeasterly along the driveway for 300 feet to its intersection with another driveway, and then continues north-northeast in a straight line to the 400-foot contour line;

(8) Follows the 400-foot contour line easterly approximately 0.6 mile to its intersection with the eastern edge of the Calistoga map, denoted by a north-south longitude line labeled as longitude 122 degrees, 30 minutes;

(9) Continues north along the longitude line approximately 0.5 mile to its intersection with the 880-foot contour line in section 2, T8N/R6W;

(10) Follows the meandering 880-foot contour line northwesterly, crossing onto the Calistoga map in section 2, T8N/R6W, and continues along the 880-foot contour line through section 3, T8N/R6W, sections 34 and 35, T9N/R6W, (with a brief return to the St. Helena map in section 35), to the 880-contour line's intersection with Biter Creek in the northeast quadrant of section 34, T9N/R6W;

(11) Continues westerly along the meandering 880-foot contour line around Dutch Henry Canyon in section 28, T9N/R6W, and Simmons Canyon in section 29, T9N/R6W, to the contour line's first intersection with the R7W/R6W range line in section 30, T9N/R6W;

(12) Continues northerly along the meandering 880-foot contour line across the two forks of Horns Creek and through Hoisting Works Canyon in section 19, T9N/R6W, crossing between the Calistoga and Detert Reservoir maps, to the contour line's intersection with Garnett Creek in section 13, T9N/R7W, on the Detert Reservoir map;

(13) Continues westerly along the meandering 880-foot contour line, crossing between the Calistoga and Detert Reservoir maps in sections 13 and 14, T9N/R7W, and in the region labeled “Mallacomes or Moristul y Plan de Agua Caliente,” to the contour line's intersection with the Napa-Sonoma county line approximately 1.1 miles northeast of State Route 128 in the “Mallacomes or Moristul y Plan de Agua Caliente” region, T9N/R7W, of the Mark Springs West map; and

(14) Proceeds southerly along the Napa-Sonoma county line to the beginning point.

(d) Transition Period. A label containing the word “Calistoga” in the brand name approved prior to December 8, 2009 may not be used on wine bottled on or after December 10, 2012 if the wine does not conform to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.39(i) of this chapter.

[T.D. TTB-83, 74 FR 64612, Dec. 8, 2009, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 83434, Oct. 16, 2024]

§ 9.210 - Lehigh Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lehigh Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Lehigh Valley” and “Lehigh” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The seven United States Geological Survey 1:50,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Lehigh Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1978;

(2) Schuylkill County (West Half), Pennsylvania, 1979;

(3) Schuylkill County (East Half), Pennsylvania, 1979;

(4) Carbon County, Pennsylvania, 1991;

(5) Monroe County, Pennsylvania, 1980;

(6) Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 1981; and

(7) Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, 1987.

(c) Boundary. The Lehigh Valley viticultural area is located in portions of Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Schuylkill, Carbon, and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania. The boundary of the proposed Lehigh Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Berks County map at the intersection of the Berks-Lancaster County line and the single-track Conrail rail line located near Cacoosing Creek in South Heidelberg Township;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed northwest along the Berks County line and, crossing onto the Schuylkill County (West Half) map, continue northwest along the Schuylkill-Lebanon County line to the county line's intersection with the northern boundary of Pine Grove township; then

(3) Proceed northeast along the northern boundary of Pine Grove, Washington, and Wayne Townships and, crossing onto the Schuylkill County (East Half) map, continue along the northern boundary of Wayne Township to the northeast corner of that township, then

(4) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to the confluence of Beaver Creek and Cold Run at the northeast corner of State Game Lands No. 222 in Walker township; then

(5) Proceed north-northeasterly in a straight line to the 1,402-foot elevation point on Wildcat Mountain in Walker township; then

(6) Proceed easterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Carbon County map, and continue to Bench Mark (BM) 1032 located on Highway 902, south of the village of Bloomingdale; then

(7) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to BM 555 located immediately east of the Lehigh River in the city of Jim Thorpe; then

(8) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to the northern most point of Lehighton Reservoir; then

(9) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to the western end of the dam at the Penn Forest Reservoir; then

(10) Proceed easterly in a straight line and, crossing onto the Monroe County map, continue to the 847-foot elevation point located at the intersection of Highway 534 and an unnamed road locally know as Dotters Corner Road in Polk township; then

(11) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of Highway 115 and an unnamed secondary road locally known as Astolat Road immediately north of the village of Effort; then

(12) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line to St. Johns Cemetery, located along Appenzell Creek northwest of the village of Neola; then

(13) Proceed straight northeast to the intersection of Interstate 80 and an unnamed road locally known as Hamilton Turnpike at the town of Bartonsville; then

(14) Proceed east-southeast along Interstate 80 through Stroudsburg to the west bank of the Delaware River; then

(15) Proceed south (downstream) along the west bank of the Delaware River, and, crossing onto the Northampton County map, continue south along the west bank of the Delaware River to the mouth of Lehigh River at Easton; then

(16) Proceed southwesterly (upstream) along the south bank of the Lehigh River, and crossing onto the Lehigh County map, continue along the south bank of the Lehigh River to the mouth of Jordan Creek in Allentown; then

(17) Proceed westerly (upstream) along Jordan Creek to the first railroad bridge over the creek, and then, following the Conrail rail line on that bridge, proceed southerly along the Conrail rail line (paralleling Trout Creek at first) through Emmaus, Macungie, and Alburtis, and continue along the rail line to the Lehigh-Berks County line; then

(18) Crossing onto the Berks County map, continue southerly along the Conrail rail line through Mertztown, Topton, Lyons, Fleetwood, Blandon, and Muhlenburg to the Conrail rail bridge across the Schuylkill River in Reading; then

(19) Following the Conrail rail line on the Schuylkill River bridge, proceed southerly along the rail line through Wyomissing to the rail line's junction with a single-track Conrail rail line in Sinking Springs; then

(20) From the Conrail rail line junction in Sinking Springs, follow the single track Conrail rail line through Montello, Fritztown, and Vinemont, and return to the beginning point.

[TTB-66, 73 FR 12874, Mar. 11, 2008, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.39 - Paicines.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paicines.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Paicines viticultural area are the three U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Tres Pinos Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1971);

(2) “Paicines Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1968); and

(3) “Cherry Peak Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series (1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Paicines viticultural area is located in San Benito County, California. The beginning point is the northwestern-most point of the proposed area at Township 14 South, Range 6 East, Section 3, northwest corner, located on U.S.G.S. map “Tres Pinos Quadrangle.”

(1) From the beginning point the boundary runs east along the north border of Sections 3, 2, and 1, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(2) Thence south along the east border of Section 1, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; thence east along the north border of Section 7, Township 14 South, Range 7 East; thence south along the east border of Section 7, Township 14 South, Range 7 East;

(3) Thence continuing south along the east border of Section 18, Township 14 South, Range 7 East; thence east along the north border of Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 7 East; thence south along the east border of Sections 20, 29 and 32, Township 14 South, Range 7 East;

(4) Thence continuing south along the east border of Section 5, Township 15 South, Range 7 East; thence south along the east border of Sections 8 and 17, Township 15 South, Range 7 East to latitude line 36°37′30″;

(5) Thence west along latitude line 36°37′30″ to the west border of Section 18, Township 15 South, Range 7 East;

(6) Thence north along the west border of Sections 18 and 7, Township 15 South, Range 7 East; thence west along the south border of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 6 East; thence north along the west border of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 6 East to the 800-foot elevation contour line and then in a generally northwest direction along this 800-foot contour line to where it intersects with the south border of Section 35, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(7) Thence west along the south border of Section 35, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; thence north along the east border of Section 34, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; thence in a northwest direction along the northeast border of Section 34, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; thence continuing in a northwest direction along the east border of Section 27, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(8) Thence continuing in a northwest direction to the northeast border of Section 22, Township 14 South, Range 6 East to where an unnamed, unimproved dirt road intersects the northeast border; thence east and then northwest along the unimproved dirt road to the intersection with the San Benito River; thence following the San Benito River and meandering north to the intersection with the east border of Section 4, Township 14 South, Range 6 East;

(9) Thence continuing north along the east border of Section 4, Township 14 South, Range 6 East to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-108, 47 FR 35481, Aug. 16, 1982]

§ 9.211 - Swan Creek.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Swan Creek”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Swan Creek” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Swan Creek viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 1984, photoinspected 1982;

(2) Boone, North Carolina-Tennessee, 1985; and

(3) Salisbury, North Carolina, 1985, photoinspected 1983.

(c) Boundary. The Swan Creek viticultural area is located in Wilkes, Yadkin, and Iredell Counties, North Carolina. The boundary of the Swan Creek viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Winston-Salem, North Carolina map at the intersection of the Yadkin River and U.S. Highway 21, along the Surry-Yadkin county line, between Elkin and Jonesville;

(2) From the beginning point, proceed 24.6 miles generally south on U.S. Highway 21, crossing onto the Salisbury, North Carolina map, to the intersection of U.S. Highway 21 with Rocky Creek at Turnersburg; then

(3) Proceed 12.3 miles generally north and west along Rocky Creek, returning to the Winston-Salem map, to the intersection of Rocky Creek with State Highway 115 at New Hope in the southwest corner of the map; then

(4) Proceed 15.5 miles generally northwest along State Highway 115, crossing onto the Boone, North Carolina-Tennessee map, to the intersection of State Highway 115 and the Yadkin River, at North Wilkesboro; and

(5) Proceed 16.7 miles generally east-northeast along the Yadkin River, crossing onto the Winston-Salem map, and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-69, 73 FR 22276, Apr. 25, 2008]

§ 9.212 - Leona Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Leona Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Leona Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Leona Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Ritter Ridge, Calif., 1958; Photorevised 1974;

(2) Sleepy Valley, CA, 1995;

(3) Del Sur, CA, 1995; and

(4) Lake Hughes, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Leona Valley viticultural area is located in Los Angeles County, California. The boundary of the Leona Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) From the beginning point on the Ritter Ridge map at the intersection of Elizabeth Lake Pine Canyon Road and the section 23 east boundary line, T6N, R13W, proceed straight south along the section 23 east boundary line approximately 0.1 mile to its intersection with the 3,000-foot elevation line, T6N, R13W; then

(2) Proceed west along the 3,000-foot elevation line to its intersection with the section 23 west boundary line, T6N, R13W; then

(3) Proceed south along the section 23 west boundary line to the southwest corner of section 23 at the 3,616-foot marked elevation point, T6N, R13W; then

(4) Proceed west along the section 22 south boundary line, crossing onto the Sleepy Valley map, and continuing along the section 21 south boundary line, crossing over Pine Creek, to its intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line, T6N, R13W; then

(5) Proceed west along the 3,400-foot elevation line to its intersection with the section 19 south boundary line and Bouquet Canyon Road, T6N, R13W; then

(6) Proceed straight west along the section 19 south boundary line to its intersection with the 3,560-foot elevation line, an unimproved road, and a power transmission line, north of Lincoln Crest, T6N, R13W; then

(7) Proceed northeast along the 3,560-foot elevation line across section 19 to its east boundary line, T6N, R13W; then

(8) Proceed in a straight line north-northwest approximately 0.25 mile to its intersection with a trail and the 3,800-foot elevation line, T6N, R13W; then

(9) Proceed northwest along the meandering 3,800-foot elevation line through section 19 to its intersection with the section 13 southeast corner, T6N, R14W; then

(10) Proceed straight west, followed by straight north, along the marked Angeles National Forest border to the section 11 southeast corner; then

(11) Proceed straight north along the section 11 east boundary line to its intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line south of an unimproved road, T6N, R14W; then

(12) Proceed generally northwest along the 3,400-foot elevation line through section 11, crossing onto the Del Sur map, to its intersection with the section 3 southeast corner, T6N, R14W; then

(13) Proceed straight west to the section 4 southeast corner, T6N, R14W; then

(14) Proceed straight north along the section 4 east boundary line approximately 0.05 mile to its intersection with the 3,600-foot elevation line, T6N, R14W; then

(15) Proceed northwest along the 3,600-foot elevation line, through section 4 and crossing onto the Lake Hughes map, to its intersection with the Angeles National Forest border and the section 4 western boundary line, T6N, R14W; then

(16) Proceed straight north along the section 4 western boundary line to its intersection with BM 3402, south of Andrade Corner, T7N, R14W; then

(17) Proceed in a line straight northeast, crossing onto the Del Sur map, to its intersection with the marked 3,552-foot elevation point, section 33, T7N, R14W; then

(18) Proceed in a line straight east-southeast to its intersection with the marked 3,581-foot elevation point, and continue in a straight line east-southeast to its intersection with the marked 3,637-foot elevation point, T6N, R14W; then

(19) Proceed in a line straight northeast to its intersection with the section 2 northwest corner, T6N, R14W; then

(20) Proceed straight east along the section 2 north boundary line 0.35 mile to its intersection with the 3,600-foot elevation line, T6N, R14W; then

(21) Proceed north and then generally southeast along the 3,600-foot elevation line that runs parallel to and south of the Portal Ridge to the elevation line's intersection with the section 7 east boundary line, T6N, R13W; then

(22) Proceed straight south along the section 7 east boundary line, crossing onto the Sleepy Valley map, to its intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line north of the terminus of 90th Street, T6N, R13W; then

(23) Proceed generally east-southeast along the 3,400-foot elevation line that runs north of the San Andreas Rift Zone to its intersection with the section 16 east boundary line, T6N, R13W; then

(24) Proceed straight south along the section 16 east boundary line to its intersection with the 3,000-foot elevation line, between Goode Hill Road and Elizabeth Lake Pine Canyon Road, T6N, R13W; then

(25) Proceed generally southeast along the 3,000-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Ritter Ridge map, to its intersection with the section 23 east boundary line, north of the intermittent Amargosa Creek and Elizabeth Lake Pine Canyon Road, T6N, R13W; then

(26) Proceed straight south along the section 23 east boundary line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-71, 73 FR 64202, Oct. 29, 2008]

§ 9.213 - Snipes Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Snipes Mountain”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Snipes Mountain” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Snipes Mountain viticultural area are titled:

(1) Sunnyside, Wash., 1965, photo revised 1978; and

(2) Granger, Wash., 1965.

(c) Boundary. The Snipes Mountain viticultural area is located in Yakima County, Washington. The boundary of the Snipes Mountain viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Sunnyside map, to the southwest of the town of Sunnyside, at the intersection of South Hill Road and the eastern boundary of section 34, T10N, R22E. From the beginning point, proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 34 for less than 0.1 mile to its intersection with the 750-foot elevation line, T10N, R22E; then

(2) Proceed along the 750-foot elevation line, first southeasterly then westerly, to its first intersection with the Union Pacific railroad line in section 31, T10N, R22E; then

(3) Proceed west-northwesterly along the Union Pacific railroad line, crossing onto the Granger map, and continue along the railroad line to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 27, T10N, R21E; then

(4) Proceed north in a straight line for less than 0.1 mile to the line's intersection with the 820-foot elevation line in section 22, T10N, R21E; then

(5) Proceed along the meandering 820-foot elevation line, first northwesterly then easterly, and, returning to the Sunnyside map, continue along the elevation line to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 34, T10N, R22E; then

(6) Proceed east along the northern boundary line of section 34 and then section 35 to its intersection with the 820-foot elevation line, section 35, T10N, R22E; then

(7) Proceed southwesterly along the 820-foot elevation line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 34, T10N, R22E; and then

(8) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 34 for approximately 0.2 mile, returning to the point of beginning.

[T.D. TTB-73, 74 FR 3424, Jan. 21, 2009]

§ 9.214 - Haw River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Haw River Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Haw River Valley” and “Haw River” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale metric topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Haw River Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Greensboro, North Carolina, 1984; and

(2) Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1984.

(c) Boundary. The Haw River Valley viticultural area is located in all of Alamance County and portions of Caswell, Chatham, Guilford, Orange, and Rockingham Counties. The boundary of the Haw River Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) Begin at a point on the Greensboro map at the intersection of the Caswell and Orange Counties boundary line with Lynch Creek, southeast of Corbett and the Corbett Ridge, and then proceed in a straight line southeast 2 miles to the intersection of North Carolina State Highway 49 and an unnamed, light-duty road, known locally as McCulloch Road, located approximately 1 mile northeast of Carr, in west Orange County; then

(2) Proceed in a straight line south-southwest 11.9 miles, crossing over U.S. Interstate 85, to Buckhorn at Turkey Hill Creek in west Orange County; then

(3) Proceed in a straight line southeast 5.2 miles, crossing onto the Chapel Hill map, to its intersection with Dodsons Crossroad and an unnamed, light-duty road that runs generally north-northeast-south-southwest in west Orange County; then

(4) Proceed south-southwest on the unnamed, light-duty road 3.4 miles to its intersection with North Carolina State Highway 54, also known as Star Route 54, east of White Cross in west Orange County; then

(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line 14.1 miles, crossing over Terrells Mountain, Wilkinson Creek and several of its eastern tributaries, and U.S. Route 15-501, until the line intersects with an unnamed road, known locally as Gilead Church Road, and U.S. Route 64 at Griffins Crossroads in Chatham County; then

(6) Proceed generally west along U.S. Route 64 approximately 20.7 miles to its intersection with U.S. Route 421 in Siler City, Chatham County; then

(7) Proceed generally northwest on U.S. Route 421 approximately 5.6 miles to its intersection with the Randolph County line, southeast of Staley; then

(8) Proceed straight north along the Randolph County line 7.4 miles to its intersection with the Guilford County line; then

(9) Proceed straight west along the Randolph County line 5.8 miles to its intersection with U.S. Route 421; then

(10) Proceed in a straight line north-northwest 20.5 miles, crossing onto the Greensboro map, to its intersection with U.S. Route 29 and North Carolina State Highway 150, between Browns Summit and Monticello in Guilford County; then

(11) Proceed generally east and north on North Carolina State Highway 150 approximately 4.3 miles to its intersection with North Carolina State Highway 87, east-northeast of Williamsburg in southeast Rockingham County; then

(12) Proceed in a straight line east-northeast 8.3 miles, crossing over the Caswell County line to a point at the intersection of the 236-meter elevation line, as marked on the map, and an unnamed road, known locally as Cherry Grove Road; then

(13) Proceed east and southeast along the unnamed road, known locally as Cherry Grove Road, 5 miles to its intersection with North Carolina State Highway 62 at Jericho in Caswell County; then

(14) Proceed generally southeast on North Carolina State Highway 62 approximately 1.8 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road, known locally as Bayne's Road at Anderson in Caswell County; then

(15) Proceed generally east on the unnamed road known locally as Baynes Road 2 miles to its intersection with North Carolina State Highway 119 at Baynes in Caswell County; then

(16) Proceed generally south-southeast along North Carolina State Highway 119 approximately 1.7 miles to its intersection with the Caswell County line; then

(17) Proceed straight east along the Caswell County line 4.3 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-74, 74 FR 14045, Mar. 30, 2009]

§ 9.215 - Lake Chelan.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lake Chelan”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Lake Chelan” and “Chelan” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Lake Chelan viticultural area are titled:

(1) Manson Quadrangle, Washington—Chelan Co., 1968, photorevised 1987;

(2) Cooper Ridge Quadrangle—Washington, 1968, photorevised 1987;

(3) Chelan Quadrangle—Washington, 1968, photorevised 1987;

(4) Chelan Falls Quadrangle—Washington, 1968, photorevised 1981; and

(5) Winesap Quadrangle—Washington, 1968, photorevised 1987.

(c) Boundary. The Lake Chelan viticultural area is located in Chelan County, Washington. The boundary of the Lake Chelan viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Manson map at the intersection of the east shore of Lake Chelan and the north boundary line of section 15, T28N/R21E, north of Greens Landing. From the beginning point, proceed straight east 1.6 miles along the northern boundary line of sections 15 and 4 to its intersection with the 2,000-foot elevation line, T28N/R21E; then

(2) Follow the meandering 2,000-foot elevation line generally southeast onto the Cooper Ridge map, crossing Purtterman Gulch; continue southeast onto the Chelan map and follow the meandering 2,000-foot elevation line onto the Chelan Falls map, over the Cagle Gulch, and then return to the Chelan map; continue generally southeast onto the Chelan Falls map and follow the 2,000-foot elevation line to section 8, T27N/R23E, to a point 0.3 mile due north of BM 1404 at the intersection of U.S. Route 97 and State Route 151, T27N/R23E; then

(3) Proceed in a straight south-southeast line 1.35 miles to its intersection with the section 20 north boundary line and the 1,000-foot elevation line, T27N/R23E; then

(4) Proceed south-southwest along the 1,000-foot contour line to its intersection with the section 20 south boundary line, south of Chelan Station and immediately west of State Route 151, T27N/R23E; then

(5) Proceed straight west along the south boundary line of sections 20 and 19 for 0.75 mile to its intersection with the light-duty Gorge Road, as identified on the adjoining Chelan map, T27N/R23E; then

(6) Proceed northwest along Gorge Road, crossing onto the Chelan map, to the southeast corner of section 13, T27N/R22E; then

(7) Proceed straight west along the south boundary line of sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, and crossing onto the Winesap map in section 18, to its intersection with the R21E/R22E line, T27N; then

(8) Proceed straight north along the R21E/R22E line to its intersection with the south boundary line of section 13 and the 2,440-foot contour line, T27N/R21E; then

(9) Proceed straight west to the southwest corner of section 13, T27N/R21E; then

(10) Proceed straight north along the section 14 east boundary line to the northeast corner of section 14, T27N/R21E; then

(11) Proceed straight west along the section 14 north boundary line to the northwest corner of section 14, T27N/R21E; then

(12) Proceed straight north along the east boundary line of section 10 for 0.3 mile to its intersection with the 2,520-foot contour line and a 90-degree turn in the Wenatchee National Forest (WNF) boundary line, T27N/R21E; then

(13) Proceed straight west along the WNF boundary line 0.3 mile to its intersection with the 2,600-foot contour line and a 90-degree turn in the WNF boundary line, T27N/R21E; then

(14) Proceed straight south along the WNF boundary line 0.3 mile to its intersection with the south boundary line of section 10, T27N/R21E; then

(15) Proceed straight west along the south boundary lines of sections 10 and 9 to the southeast corner of section 8, T27N/R21E; then

(16) Proceed straight north along the east boundary line of section 8 to the northeast corner of section 8, T27N/R21E; then

(17) Proceed straight west along the north boundary line of section 8 to the northwest corner of section 8, T27N/R21E; then

(18) Proceed generally north along the east boundary line of section 6, crossing onto the Manson map, and continue along the east boundary lines of sections 31 and 30, to the northeast corner of section 30, T28N/R21E; then

(19) Proceed straight east along the north boundary lines of sections 29 and 28 to the intersection with the east shoreline of Lake Chelan; and

(20) Proceed generally northwest and northeast along the east shoreline of Lake Chelan to the point of beginning.

[T.D. TTB-76, 74 FR 19415, Apr. 29, 2009]

§ 9.216 - Upper Mississippi River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Upper Mississippi River Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Upper Mississippi River Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Upper Mississippi River Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) State of Minnesota, scale 1:500,000; compiled in 1963; edition of 1985;

(2) State of Wisconsin, scale 1:500,000; compiled in 1966; edition of 1984;

(3) State of Illinois, scale 1:500,000; compiled in 1970; edition of 1987;

(4) State of Iowa, scale 1:500,000; compiled in 1965; edition of 1984;

(5) Anamosa, Iowa, 1:100,000 scale; edited 1984; and

(6) Marshalltown, Iowa, 1:100,000 scale; edited 1984.

(c) Boundary. The Upper Mississippi River Valley viticultural area is located in portions of southeast Minnesota, southwest Wisconsin, northwest Illinois, and northeast Iowa. The boundary of the Upper Mississippi River Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the State of Minnesota map at the intersection of Interstate Highways 94 and 494 (beltway), east of St. Paul at Oakbury in Washington County. From the beginning point, proceed east on Interstate 94, crossing over Lake St. Croix and onto the State of Wisconsin map at St. Croix County, and then continuing through Dunn County to Eau Claire County, to the intersection of Interstate Highway 94 with Wisconsin State Highway 85, southwest of the City of Eau Claire; then

(2) Proceed northeast on Wisconsin State Highway 85 toward the City of Eau Claire to U.S. Highway 12; then

(3) Proceed southeast on U.S. Highway 12 into Jackson County and passing through Clark County, to Interstate Highway 94 at Black River Falls; then

(4) Proceed southeast on Interstate Highway 94 into Monroe County to Interstate Highway 90, east of the Fort McCoy Military Reservation; then

(5) Proceed southeast on Interstate Highway 90 through Juneau, Sauk, Columbia, Dane, and Rock Counties, crossing onto the State of Illinois map at Winnebago County to U.S. Highway 20 at Cherry Valley; then

(6) Proceed west on U.S. Highway 20 to Illinois State Highway 2, west of the Rock River; then

(7) Proceed southwest on Illinois State Highway 2, passing through Ogle County and into Lee County, to Illinois State Highway 26 at Dixon; then

(8) Proceed south on Illinois State Highway 26 to Illinois State Highway 5 (which has been redesignated as Interstate Highway 88 on contemporary maps of Illinois); then

(9) Proceed southwest on Illinois State Highway 5 (Interstate Highway 88), passing through Whiteside County and into Rock Island County, to Interstate Highway 80 at Barstow; then

(10) Proceed generally northwest on Interstate Highway 80, crossing the Mississippi River, onto the State of Iowa map at Scott County, and continuing west-northwest through Cedar County and into Johnson County to the intersection of Interstate Highways 80 and 380 at Tiffin; then

(11) Proceed north-northwest on Interstate Highway 380 into Linn County and Cedar Rapids on the State of Iowa map. Then using the Anamosa map, followed by the Marshalltown map, follow Interstate Highway 380, labeled “Under Construction” on the Anamosa map, northwest through Benton and Buchanan Counties to Black Hawk County, to U.S. Highway 20, southeast of Waterloo and Raymond; then

(12) Using the State of Iowa map, proceed west-northwest on U.S. Highway 20 to Waterloo and U.S. Highway 63; then

(13) Proceed north on U.S. Highway 63 through Bremer, Chicksaw, and Howard Counties, skirting the Upper Iowa River at Chester, and crossing onto the State of Minnesota map at Fillmore County, to Minnesota State Highway 56; then

(14) Proceed northwest and northerly on Minnesota State Highway 56 through Mower, Dodge, and Goodhue Counties to Dakota County, where it joins with State Highway 52 on commercial maps, to Interstate Highway 494 (beltway), south of St. Paul; then

(15) Follow Interstate Highway 494 (beltway) northeast into Washington County, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-77, 74 FR 29400, June 22, 2009]

§ 9.217 - Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara viticultural area are titled:

(1) Los Olivos, CA, 1995;

(2) Figueroa Mountain, CA, 1995;

(3) Lake Cachuma, CA, 1995; and

(4) Santa Ynez, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara County, California. The boundary of the Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Los Olivos map at the intersection of the Santa Lucia Ranger District diagonal line and Figueroa Mountain Road, a light-duty road, section 27, T8N, R30W. From the beginning point, proceed southeast along the Santa Lucia Ranger District diagonal line, crossing onto the Figueroa Mountain map, and continuing east to its intersection with the northwest corner of section 6, T7N, R29W; then

(2) Proceed straight south along the R29W and R30W line, which is a boundary line of the Los Padres National Forest, to its intersection with the southwest corner of section 18 that coincides with one of the two 90-degree, southwest corners of the Los Padres National Forest, T7N, R29W; then

(3) Proceed east, south, and then east, along the boundary line of the Los Padres National Forest, to its intersection with the boundary line of the Cañada de Los Pinos, or College Rancho Grant, at the northwest corner of section 28, T7N, R29W; then

(4) Proceed straight south along the boundary line of the Cañada de Los Pinos, or College Rancho Grant, crossing onto the Lake Cachuma map, to its intersection with the 1,074-foot Bitt elevation point and the Lake Cachuma Recreation Area boundary line, section 17 east boundary line, T6N, R29W; then

(5) Proceed generally southwest along the Lake Cachuma Recreation Area boundary line to its intersection with the Santa Ynez River to the west of Lake Cachuma and Bradbury Dam, T6N, R30W; then

(6) Proceed generally west along the Santa Ynez River, crossing onto the Santa Ynez map, and continuing to its intersection with California State Road 154, northwest of BM 533, T6N, R30W; then

(7) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line 1.2 miles to the marked 924-foot elevation point, T6N, R30W; then

(8) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line 1.2 miles to the “Y” in an unimproved road 0.1 mile south of the 800-foot elevation line, west of Happy Canyon Road, T6N, R30W; then

(9) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, and continuing to the marked 1,324-foot elevation point, 0.5 mile southwest of Bar G O Ranch, T7N, R30W; then

(10) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 2.5 miles crossing over the marked 1,432-foot elevation point in section 9, then continue in a straight line northerly 1.4 miles to the marked 1,721-foot elevation point in section 4, T7N, R30W; then

(11) Proceed north in a straight line 1.4 miles to the marked 2,334-foot elevation point, west of a meandering unimproved road and south of Figueroa Mountain Road, T8N, R30W; then

(12) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-82, 74 FR 51776, Oct. 8, 2009]

§ 9.218 - Sierra Pelona Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sierra Pelona Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Sierra Pelona Valley” and “Sierra Pelona” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Sierra Pelona Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Agua Dulce, CA, 1995;

(2) Sleepy Valley, CA, 1995; and

(3) Ritter Ridge, Calif., 1958, Photorevised 1974.

(c) Boundary. The Sierra Pelona Valley viticultural area is located in Los Angeles County, California. The boundary of the Sierra Pelona Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Agua Dulce map at the intersection of the section 26 east boundary line, the pipeline, and Escondido Canyon Road, a secondary highway, T5N, R14W. From the beginning point, proceed in a straight line south 0.3 mile to the line's intersection with the northeast corner of the Vasquez Rocks County Park, T5N, R14W; then

(2) Proceed southwest through section 26 along the straight lines and 90-degree turns of the county park boundary line to the line's intersection with the southeast corner of section 27, T5N, R14W; then

(3) Proceed southwest in a straight line 0.4 mile to the line's intersection with BM 2258, section 34, T5N, R14W; then

(4) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line 0.15 mile, crossing over the Agua Dulce Road, to the line's intersection with the 2,400-foot elevation line and an unimproved dirt road, section 34, T5N, R14W; then

(5) Proceed generally west along the meandering 2,400-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with the section 34 west boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(6) Proceed north along the section 34 west boundary line 1 mile to the line's intersection with the 2,800-foot elevation line and the section 27 west boundary line; then

(7) Proceed along the 2,800-foot elevation line first generally northeast, then northwest around Saddleback Mountain, and then north across a trail and an unimproved dirt road, to the line's intersection with the section 21 south boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(8) Proceed straight east along the section 21 south boundary line 0.25 mile to the southeast corner of section 21, T5N, R14W; then

(9) Proceed north along the section 21 south boundary line onto the Sleepy Valley map 0.6 mile to the line's intersection with the 2,800-foot elevation line and the section 22 west boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(10) Proceed along the 2,800-foot elevation line generally northeast around the 3,166-foot and 3,036-foot pinnacles, then continue southwest to the line's intersection with the section 22 north boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(11) Proceed west along the section 22 north boundary line 0.2 mile to the line's intersection with the 2,600-foot elevation line, T5N, R14W; then

(12) Proceed generally west-southwest along the 2,600-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with the section 21 west boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(13) Proceed north along the section 21 west boundary line 0.2 mile to the line's intersection with the 2,400-foot elevation line and the section 20 east boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(14) Proceed generally southwest along the 2,400-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with an unimproved dirt road in section 20, T5N, R14W; then

(15) Proceed northwest along the unimproved dirt road 0.15 mile to its intersection with the Sierra Highway, a secondary highway, section 20, T5N, R14W; then

(16) Proceed southwest along the Sierra Highway 0.15 mile to its intersection with an unnamed stream, section 20, T5N, R14W; then

(17) Proceed in a straight line north-northwest approximately 0.3 mile to the line's intersection with the Angeles National Forest boundary line, an unnamed stream running through Rowher Canyon, and the section 17 south boundary line, T5N, R14W; then

(18) Proceed straight east, north, and east, making 90-degree turns, along the Angeles National Forest boundary line to the line's intersection with the section 7 southwest corner, T5N, R13W; then

(19) Proceed straight north along the Angeles National Forest boundary line and the section 7 west boundary line 0.5 mile to the line's intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line, T5N, R13W; then

(20) Proceed along the 3,400-foot elevation line generally east, north, then west to the line's intersection with the section 6 west boundary line, T5N, R13W; then

(21) Proceed north along the section 6 west boundary line 0.4 mile to the line's intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line, T5N, R13W; then

(22) Proceed generally southeast along the 3,400-foot elevation line, crossing over Latteau, Willow Springs, and Hauser Canyons and continuing onto the Ritter Ridge map, to the line's intersection with an unimproved dirt road at Summit, section 16, T5N, R13W; then

(23) Proceed south along the unnamed dirt road less than 0.1 mile, crossing the Sierra Highway, to its intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation line, section 16, T5N, R13W; then

(24) Proceed generally southwest along the 3,400-foot elevation line, meandering between the Sleepy Valley and Ritter Ridge maps and then returning to the Sleepy Valley map, to the line's intersection with the section 20 north boundary line, T5N, R13W; then

(25) Proceed in a straight line west along the section 20 north boundary line 0.2 mile to the line's intersection with the 3,200-foot elevation line, section 20, T5N, R13W; then

(26) Proceed generally southwest along the 3,200-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with the section 19 west boundary line, T5N, R13W; then

(27) Proceed in a straight line north along the section 19 west boundary line 0.15 mile to the line's intersection with a pipeline, T5N, R13W; and then

(28) Proceed southwest onto the Agua Dulce map 1.25 miles along the pipeline, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-86, 75 FR 42604, July 22, 2010]

§ 9.219 - Antelope Valley of the California High Desert.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Antelope Valley of the California High Desert”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Antelope Valley of the California High Desert” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 20 United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Antelope Valley of the California High Desert viticultural area are titled:

(1) Rosamond Quadrangle, California, 1973;

(2) Rosamond Lake Quadrangle, California, 1973;

(3) Redman Quadrangle, California, 1992;

(4) Rogers Lake South Quadrangle, California, 1992;

(5) Alpine Butte Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1992;

(6) Hi Vista Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1957, revised 1992;

(7) Lovejoy Buttes Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1957, revised 1992;

(8) El Mirage Quadrangle, California, 1956, revised 1992;

(9) Littlerock Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1957, revised 1992;

(10) Palmdale Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1958, photorevised 1974;

(11) Ritter Ridge Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1958, photorevised 1974;

(12) Lancaster West Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1958, photorevised 1974;

(13) Del Sur Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1995;

(14) Lake Hughes Quadrangle, California-Los Angeles Co., 1995;

(15) Fairmont Butte Quadrangle, California, 1995;

(16) Neenach School Quadrangle, California, 1995;

(17) Tylerhorse Canyon Quadrangle, California-Kern Co., 1995;

(18) Willow Springs Quadrangle, California-Kern Co., 1965, photorevised 1974;

(19) Little Buttes Quadrangle, California, 1965, photorevised 1974; and

(20) Soledad Mtn. Quadrangle, California-Kern Co., 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Antelope Valley of the California High Desert viticultural area is located in Los Angeles and Kern Counties, California. The boundary of the Antelope Valley of the California High Desert viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Rosamond map at the intersection of the Kern and Los Angeles Counties boundary line and the Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), boundary line, T8N, R12W. From the beginning point, proceed south along the Edwards AFB boundary line to West Avenue E, where the Edwards AFB boundary line turns east, section 22, T8N/R12W; then

(2) Proceed generally east along the Edwards AFB boundary line, crossing over the Rosamond Lake and Redman maps, onto the Rogers Lake South map to the point where the Edwards AFB boundary line crosses the 2,500-foot elevation line along the northern boundary of section 30, T8N/R9W; then

(3) Proceed generally south along the meandering 2,500-foot elevation line, crossing over the Redman and Alpine Butte maps, onto the Hi Vista map to the elevation line's intersection with Avenue J, section 17, T7N/R9W; then

(4) Proceed straight east approximately 0.2 mile along Avenue J to the northeast corner of section 20, T7N/R9W, (intersection of Avenue J and 160th Street East); then

(5) Proceed straight south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 20 and 29, T7N/R9W, to the northwestern corner of section 33, T7N, R9W; then

(6) Proceed in a clockwise direction along the northern and eastern boundary lines of section 33, T7N/R9W, to the northwestern corner of section 3, T6N/R9W (intersection of Avenue M and 170th Street East); then

(7) Proceed in a clockwise direction along the northern and eastern boundary lines of section 3, T6N/R9W, to the northwestern corner of section 11, T6N/R9W; then

(8) Proceed in a clockwise direction along the northern and eastern boundary lines of section 11, T6N/R9W, crossing onto the Lovejoy Buttes map, to the northwestern corner of section 13, T6N/R9W; then

(9) Proceed in a clockwise direction along the northern and eastern boundary lines of section 13 and then the eastern boundary line of section 24, T6N/R9W, to the northwestern corner of section 30, T6N/R8W (intersection of Avenue Q and 200th Street East); then

(10) Proceed in a clockwise direction along the northern and eastern boundary lines of section 30, T6N/R8W, to the northwestern corner of section 32, T6N/R8W; then

(11) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 32 T6N/R8W, crossing onto the El Mirage map, and continue along the northern boundary of section 33, T6N/R8W, to elevation point 2916 (along Avenue R); then

(12) Proceed due south in a straight line to the point where the 3,100-foot elevation line crosses the eastern boundary line of section 8, T5N/R8W; then

(13) Proceed generally west-southwest along the meandering 3,100-foot elevation line, crossing over the Lovejoy Buttes map, onto the Littlerock map and continue to the elevation line's intersection with the California Aqueduct, approximately 0.2 mile south of Pearlblossom Highway, section 22, T5N/R10W; then

(14) Proceed generally north and then northwest along the California Aqueduct, crossing over the Palmdale, Ritter Ridge, Lancaster West, Del Sur, Lake Hughes, and Fairmont Butte maps, onto the Neenach School map to the California Aqueduct's intersection with the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (adjacent to the Los Angeles Aqueduct) in section 16, T8N/R16W; then

(15) Proceed north and then generally east and north along the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, crossing over the Fairmont Butte map, and continue onto the Tylerhorse Canyon map to the point where the Trail and the adjacent Los Angeles Aqueduct separate near elevation point 3120 and West Antelope Station in section 3, T9N/R15W; then

(16) Proceed generally northeast along the Los Angeles Aqueduct crossing onto the Willow Springs map, to the Aqueduct's intersection with Tehachapi Willow Springs Road, section 7, T10N/R13W; then

(17) Proceed generally south on Tehachapi Willow Springs Road, crossing onto the Little Buttes map, to the road's intersection with the 2,500-foot elevation line along the western boundary of section 17, T9N/R13W; then

(18) Proceed generally east along the meandering 2,500-foot elevation line, crossing over the Willow Springs map and continuing onto the Soledad Mtn. map, where that elevation line crosses over and back three times from the Rosamond map, to the elevation line's intersection with the Edwards AFB boundary line, section 10, T9N/R12W; and then

(19) Proceed straight south along the Edwards AFB boundary line, crossing over to the Rosamond map, and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-93, 76 FR 30007, May 24, 2011]

§ 9.40 - Leelanau Peninsula.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Leelanau Peninsula.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Leelanau Peninsula viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Empire Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series;

(2) “Maple City Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series;

(3) “Traverse City Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series; and

(4) “Northport Quadrangle, Michigan,” 15 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Leelanau Peninsula viticultural area encompasses all of Leelanau County, Michigan, excluding the offshore islands.

[T.D. ATF-99, 47 FR 13329, Mar. 30, 1982]

§ 9.220 - Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak viticultural area are titled:

(1) Asti Quadrangle—California, 1998;

(2) Cloverdale Quadrangle—California, 1960, photoinspected 1975; and

(3) Highland Springs Quadrangle—California, 1959, photorevised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak viticultural area is located in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California. The boundary of the Pine Mountain-Cloverdale Peak viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Asti map at the intersection of Pine Mountain Road and the Sonoma-Mendocino County line, section 35, T12N, R10W. From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly on Pine Mountain Road to its intersection with a light duty road known locally as Green Road, section 33, T12N, R10W; then

(2) Proceed northerly on Green Road approximately 500 feet to its first intersection with the 1,600-foot contour line, section 33, T12N, R10W; then

(3) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 1,600-foot contour line, crossing onto the Cloverdale map in section 32, T12N, R10W, and continue to the contour line's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 31, T12N, R10W; then

(4) Proceed straight north along the eastern boundary line of section 31, crossing the Sonoma-Mendocino line, to the boundary line's intersection with the 1,600-foot contour line on the west side of Section 29, T12N, R10W; then

(5) Proceed northeasterly along the meandering 1,600-foot contour line to its intersection with the intermittent Ash Creek, section 29, T12N, R10W; then

(6) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Asti map, to the unnamed 2,769-foot peak located south of Salty Spring Creek, section 20, T12N, R10W; then

(7) Continue northeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Highland Springs map, to the unnamed 2,792-foot peak in the northeast quadrant of section 21, T12N, R10W; then

(8) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Asti map, to the unnamed 2,198-foot peak in section 23, T12N, R10W; and then

(9) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-96, 76 FR 66637, Oct. 27, 2011]

§ 9.221 - Fort Ross-Seaview.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fort Ross-Seaview”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Fort Ross-Seaview” and “Ft. Ross-Seaview” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Fort Ross-Seaview viticultural area are titled—

(1) Arched Rock, California-Sonoma Co., 1977 edition;

(2) Fort Ross, California-Sonoma Co., 1978 edition;

(3) Plantation, California-Sonoma Co., 1977 edition;

(4) Annapolis, California-Sonoma Co., 1977 edition; and

(5) Tombs Creek, California-Sonoma Co., 1978 edition.

(c) Boundary. The Fort Ross-Seaview viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The area's boundary is defined as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Arched Rock map at the intersection of the 920-foot elevation line and Meyers Grade Road, T8N, R12W. From the beginning point, proceed northwest on Meyers Grade Road approximately 4.3 miles, on to the Fort Ross map, to the intersection of Meyers Grade Road with Seaview and Fort Ross Roads, T8N, R12W; then

(2) Proceed northwest on Seaview Road approximately 6.4 miles, on to the Plantation map, to the intersection of Seaview Road with Kruse Ranch and Hauser Bridge Roads in the southeast corner of section 28, T9N, R13W; then

(3) Proceed west on Kruse Ranch Road approximately 0.2 mile to the intersection of Kruse Ranch Road with the 920-foot elevation line, T9N, R13W; then

(4) Proceed generally north then east along the 920-foot elevation line approximately 2.2 miles to the intersection of the elevation line with Hauser Bridge Road, section 27, T9N, R13W; then

(5) Proceed east on Hauser Bridge Road approximately 1.5 miles to the intersection of Hauser Bridge Road with the 920-foot elevation line, section 23, T9N, R13W; then

(6) Proceed generally northwest then east along the 920-foot elevation line, on to the Annapolis map, approximately 7.8 miles to the intersection of the elevation line with an unnamed, unimproved road that forks to the south from Tin Barn Road, section 8, T9N, R13W; then

(7) Proceed east then north along the unnamed, unimproved road to the intersection of that road with Tin Barn Road, section 8, T9N, R13W; then

(8) Proceed east in a straight line approximately 1.55 miles to Haupt Creek, section 10, T9N, R13W; then

(9) Proceed generally southeast along Haupt Creek approximately 1.2 miles to the western boundary of section 11, T9N, R13W; then

(10) Proceed straight north along the western boundary of section 11 approximately 0.9 mile to the northwest corner of section 11 (near Buck Spring), T9N, R13W; then

(11) Proceed straight east along the northern boundary of section 11 and then along the northern boundary of section 12 approximately 1.1 miles to the intersection of the section 12 northern boundary with an unnamed, unimproved road along Skyline Ridge, section 12, T9N, R13W;

(12) Proceed generally southeast along the unnamed, unimproved road, on to the Tombs Creek map, approximately 1.3 miles to the intersection of that road with the 1,200-foot elevation line, section 13, T9N, R13W; then

(13) Proceed generally southeast along the 1,200-foot elevation line approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of that elevation line with Allen Creek, section 18, T9N, R12W; then

(14) Proceed generally north along Allen Creek approximately 0.2 mile to the intersection of Allen Creek with the 920-foot elevation line, section 18, T9N, R12W; then

(15) Proceed generally east and then southeast along the meandering 920-foot elevation line, on to the Fort Ross map, to the intersection of that elevation line with Jim Creek, section 21, T9N, R12W; then

(16) Proceed generally southeast along Jim Creek approximately 0.7 mile to the northern boundary of section 27, T9N, R12W; then

(17) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 27, T9N, R12W, to the northeast corner of section 27; then

(18) Proceed south along the eastern boundaries of sections 27 and 34, T9N, R12W, and continue south along the eastern boundaries of sections 3, 10, 15, and 22, T8N, R12W, to Fort Ross Road; then

(19) Proceed east along Fort Ross Road to the intersection of Fort Ross Road with the Middle Branch of Russian Gulch Creek, and then proceed south along that creek for approximately 1.2 miles to the intersection of that creek with the 920-foot elevation line, section 26, T8N, R12W; then

(20) Proceed generally south along the meandering 920-foot elevation line approximately 8.1 miles, passing back and forth on the Fort Ross and Arched Rock maps as the 920-foot elevation line meanders north then south around the West Branch of Russian Gulch, returning to the beginning point, T8N, R12W.

[T.D. TTB-98, 76 FR 77695, Dec. 14, 2011]

§ 9.222 - Naches Heights.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Naches Heights”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Naches Heights” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Naches Heights viticultural area are titled:

(1) Selah, Wash., 1958, photorevised 1985;

(2) Yakima West, Wash., 1958, photorevised 1985;

(3) Wiley City, Wash., 1958, photorevised 1985;

(4) Naches, Wash., 1958, photorevised 1978; and

(5) Tieton, Wash., 1971, photoinspected 1981.

(c) Boundary. The Naches Heights viticultural area is located in Yakima County, Washington. The boundary of the Naches Heights viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Selah map at the intersection of the Burlington Northern single-track rail line and the Congdon (Schuler) Canal, section 9, T13N/R18E. From the beginning point, proceed south-southwesterly along the single rail line, onto the Yakima West map, approximately 0.35 mile to the first intersection of the rail line with an unnamed creek, locally known as Cowiche Creek, section 9, T13N/R18E; then

(2) Proceed upstream (westerly) along Cowiche Creek, onto the Wiley City map and then onto the Naches map, approximately 6.25 miles to the confluence of the North and South Forks of Cowiche Creek, south of Mahoney Road, section 3, T13N/R17E; then

(3) Proceed upstream (northwesterly) along the North Fork of Cowiche Creek approximately 1.6 miles to the intersection of the North Fork with Livengood Road, section 34, T14N/R17E; then

(4) Proceed north and northwest on Livengood Road approximately 1.12 miles until the road turns west and joins Forney Road, and continue approximately 1.02 miles along Forney Road to the intersection of Forney Road with the North Fork of Cowiche Creek, section 28 northwest corner, T14N/R17E; then

(5) Proceed upstream (northwesterly) along the North Fork of Cowiche Creek approximately 1.8 miles to the intersection of the North Fork with the section 17 west boundary line, T14N/R17E; then

(6) Proceed straight north along the section 17 west boundary line to its intersection with Cox Road, and then continue north along Cox Road to the intersection of Cox Road with Rosenkranz Road, section 17 northwest corner, T14N/R17E; then

(7) Proceed west on Rosenkranz Road, onto the Tieton map, approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of Rosenkranz Road with North Tieton Road, section 7 south boundary line, T14N/R17E; then

(8) Proceed north on North Tieton Road approximately 0.5 mile to the intersection of North Tieton Road with Dilley Road, section 7, T14N/R17E; then

(9) Proceed west on Dilley Road approximately 0.5 mile to the intersection of Dilley Road with Franklin Road, section 7 west boundary line and the R16E and R17E common line, T14N; then

(10) Proceed north on Franklin Road approximately 0.8 mile to the intersection of Franklin Road with Schenk Road and the section 6 west boundary line, T14N/R16E; then

(11) Proceed west on Schenk Road approximately 0.55 mile to the intersection of Schenk Road with Section 1 Road, section 1, T14N/R16E; then

(12) Proceed straight north from the intersection of Schenk Road and Section 1 Road approximately 2.2 miles to the 1,600-foot elevation line, section 36, T15N/R16E; then

(13) Proceed easterly and then southeasterly along the 1,600-foot elevation line, onto the Naches map, approximately 7.5 miles to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation line with the section 26 north boundary line, T14N/R17E; then

(14) Proceed straight east along the section 26 north boundary line approximately 0.25 mile to the intersection of the section 26 north boundary line with the 1,400-foot elevation line, T14N/R17E; then

(15) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation line approximately 2.5 miles to the intersection of the 1,400-foot elevation line with Young Grade Road, section 31, T14N/R18E; then

(16) Proceed east in a straight line approximately 0.15 mile to the Congdon (Schuler) Canal, which closely parallels the 1,300-foot elevation line, section 31, T14N/R18E; and then

(17) Proceed southeasterly along the Congdon (Schuler) Canal, onto the Selah map, approximately 3.25 miles, returning to the beginning point, section 9, T13N/R18E.

[T.D. TTB-99, 76 FR 77699, Dec. 14, 2011]

§ 9.223 - Coombsville.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Coombsville”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Coombsville” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Coombsville viticultural area are titled:

(1) Mt. George Quadrangle, California, 1951, Photoinspected 1973; and

(2) Napa Quadrangle, California-Napa Co., 1951, Photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundary. The Coombsville viticultural area is located in Napa County, California. The boundary of the Coombsville viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Mt. George map at the 1,877-foot peak of Mt. George, section 29, T6N/R3W. From the beginning point, proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.4 mile to the intersection of the 1,400-foot elevation line and an unnamed intermittent creek that feeds northeast into Leonia Lakes, section 29, T6N/R3W; then

(2) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for 0.45 mile to the intersection of the 1,380-foot elevation line and an unnamed, unimproved dirt road, and then continue in the same straight line to the section 29 east boundary line, T6N/R3W; then

(3) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the unnamed 1,804-foot elevation point in the northwest quadrant of section 33, T6N/R3W; then

(4) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line for 1 mile, passing over the marked 1,775-foot elevation point, to the intersection of the T6N and T5N common line and the 1,600-foot elevation line; then

(5) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line for 1.1 miles to the 1,480-foot elevation point along the section 9 north boundary line, T5N/R3W; then

(6) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line for 1.3 miles to the 1,351-foot elevation point, section 16, T5N/R3W; then

(7) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line for 1.5 miles to the intersection with two unimproved dirt roads and the 1,360-foot elevation line in Kreuse Canyon at the headwaters of the intermittent Kreuse Creek, northeast of Sugarloaf, section 20, T5N/R3W; then

(8) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 1.95 miles to the 90-degree turn of Imola Avenue at the 136-foot elevation point, section 13, T5N/R4W; then

(9) Proceed west along Imola Avenue for 2.1 miles, crossing from the Mt. George map onto the Napa map, to the intersection of Imola Avenue with the Napa River at the Maxwell Bridge, T5N/R4W; then

(10) Proceed north (upstream) along the Napa River for 3.2 miles, crossing over the T6N/T5N common line, to the intersection of the Napa River with Milliken Creek, T6N/R4W; then

(11) Proceed north (upstream) along Milliken Creek for 0.75 mile to the intersection of Milliken Creek with Monticello Road, T6N/R4W; then

(12) Proceed northeast along Monticello Road for 2.4 miles, crossing from the Napa map onto the Mt. George map, to the intersection of Monticello Road with the section 19 west boundary line, T6N/R3W; and then

(13) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for 1.4 miles to the beginning point, section 29, T6N/R3W.

[T.D. TTB-100, 76 FR 77684, Dec. 14, 2011]

§ 9.224 - Wisconsin Ledge.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Wisconsin Ledge”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Wisconsin Ledge” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 11 United States Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Wisconsin Ledge viticultural area are titled:

(1) Door County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(2) Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, 1985;

(3) Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(4) Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(5) Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(6) Washington County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(7) Dodge County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(8) Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(9) Calumet County, Wisconsin, 1986;

(10) Outagamie County, Wisconsin, 1985; and

(11) Brown County, Wisconsin, 1984.

(c) Boundary. The Wisconsin Ledge viticultural area is located in northeast Wisconsin in Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, Washington, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Calumet, Outagamie, and Brown Counties. The boundary of the Wisconsin Ledge viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is shown on the Door County map and is located at the northern end of the Door Peninsula at the point where the R28E and R29E common boundary line intersects with the Lake Michigan shoreline at Gills Rock in Hedgehog Harbor. From the beginning point, proceed easterly along the Lake Michigan shoreline to Northport and then continue southerly along the meandering shoreline, passing in succession over the Kewaunee, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan County maps and onto the Ozaukee County map to the intersection of the Lake Michigan shoreline with a line drawn as an easterly extension of County Highway T (locally known as Lakefield Road), east of Cedarburg; then

(2) Proceed west on County Highway T through Cedarburg, crossing onto the Washington County map, passing over the North Western railroad single track, and continuing to the intersection of County Highway T with U.S. Route 45; then

(3) Proceed north on U.S. Route 45 to the intersection of U.S. Route 45 with State Road 60, south of Hasmer Lake; then

(4) Proceed westerly on State Road 60, crossing onto the Dodge County map, to the intersection of State Road 60 with State Road 26 at Casper Creek, north-northwest of Clyman Junction; then

(5) Proceed northerly on State Road 26 to the intersection of State Road 26 with U.S. Route 151, north of Plum Creek in Chester Township; then

(6) Proceed northerly on U.S. Route 151, passing through Waupun onto the Fond du Lac County map, and continue northeasterly into the City of Fond du Lac to the point where U.S. Route 151 turns east, and, from that point, continue north in a straight line to the south shore of Lake Winnebago in Lakeside Park; then

(7) Proceed easterly along the southern shoreline of Lake Winnebago, then northerly along the eastern shoreline, crossing onto the Calumet County map, to the intersection of the shoreline with a line drawn as a southerly extension of County Highway N at Highland Beach in Harrison Township; then

(8) Proceed north on County Highway N, crossing onto the Outagamie County map, to the intersection of County Highway N with the Fox River; then

(9) Proceed northeasterly (downstream) along the Fox River, crossing onto the Brown County map, until the Fox River meets the southern shoreline of Green Bay; and then

(10) Proceed northeasterly along the eastern shoreline of Green Bay, passing over the Kewaunee County map and onto the Door County map, to Sister Bay, where the eastern shoreline of Green Bay becomes the shoreline of Lake Michigan, and then continue northeasterly along the shoreline of Lake Michigan, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-102, 77 FR 16675, Mar. 22, 2012]

§ 9.225 - Middleburg Virginia.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Middleburg Virginia”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Middleburg Virginia” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 14 United States Geological Survey (scale 1:24,000) topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Middleburg Virginia viticultural area are titled:

(1) Harpers Ferry Quadrangle, West Virginia-Virginia-Maryland, 1996;

(2) Point of Rocks Quadrangle, Maryland-Virginia, 1970, photoinspected 1981;

(3) Waterford Quadrangle, Virginia-Maryland, 1970, photorevised 1984;

(4) Leesburg Quadrangle, Virginia-Maryland, 1994;

(5) Lincoln Quadrangle, Virginia-Loudoun Co., 1970, photoinspected 1981;

(6) Middleburg Quadrangle, Virginia, 1968, photorevised 1978, photoinspected 1981;

(7) Rectortown Quadrangle, Virginia, 1970, photoinspected 1981;

(8) Marshall Quadrangle, Virginia-Fauquier Co., 1970, photorevised 1983;

(9) Orlean Quadrangle, Virginia, 1970, photorevised 1983;

(10) Upperville Quadrangle, Virginia, 1970, photorevised 1983;

(11) Linden Quadrangle, Virginia, 1994;

(12) Ashby Gap Quadrangle, Virginia, 1970, photorevised 1978, photoinspected 1981;

(13) Bluemont Quadrangle, Virginia, 1970, photorevised 1979; photoinspected 1981; and

(14) Purcellville Quadrangle, Virginia-Loudoun Co., 1970, photorevised 1984.

(c) Boundary. The Middleburg Virginia viticultural area is located in Loudoun and Fauquier Counties, Virginia. The boundary of the Middleburg Virginia viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Harpers Ferry map at the intersection of the easternmost boundary line of the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and the south bank of the Potomac River in Loudoun County, Virginia. From the beginning point, follow the south bank of the Potomac River easterly (downstream) for approximately 8.2 miles, crossing onto the Point of Rocks map, to the mouth of Catoctin Creek; then

(2) Proceed southwesterly (upstream) along the meandering Catoctin Creek for approximately 4 miles to State Route 663 (locally known as Taylorstown Road) at Taylorstown; then

(3) Proceed easterly on State Route 663 for approximately 0.1 mile to State Route 665 (locally known as Loyalty Road) in Taylorstown; then

(4) Proceed southerly on State Route 665 for approximately 5.4 miles, crossing onto the Waterford map, to State Route 662 on the south side of Waterford; then

(5) Proceed southerly on State Route 662 for approximately 2.5 miles to State Route 9 (locally known as Charles Town Pike) near Paeonian Springs; then

(6) Proceed southerly on State Route 9 (Charles Town Pike) for approximately 0.7 mile, crossing over State Route 7 (locally known as Harry Byrd Highway), to State Business Route 7 (locally known as E. Colonial Highway); then

(7) Proceed westerly on State Business Route 7 (E. Colonial Highway) for approximately 0.4 mile to the continuation of State Route 662 (locally known as Canby Road); then

(8) Proceed southerly on State Route 662 (Canby Road) for approximately 0.75 miles to an unnamed, unimproved road near the marked 701-foot elevation; then

(9) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line for approximately 0.4 miles, crossing onto the Leesburg map, to the northern terminus of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Gore Lane; then

(10) Proceed southerly along Gore Lane for approximately 0.7 miles to State Route 820; then

(11) Proceed southwesterly along State Route 820 for approximately 0.68 miles, crossing onto the Lincoln map, to State Route 622 (Canby Road); then

(12) Proceed southwesterly on State Route 622 (Canby Road) for approximately 2 miles to the intersection with State Route 729; then

(13) Proceed southwesterly on State Route 729 for approximately 2.8 miles to the State Route 729 bridge at North Fork Creek; then

(14) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) along the meandering North Fork Creek for approximately 4 miles to the confluence of North Fork Creek with Goose Creek; then

(15) Proceed southwesterly (upstream) along the meandering Goose Creek for approximately 5.6 miles to State Route 734 at Carters Bridge; then

(16) Proceed southeasterly on State Route 734 for approximately 2.4 miles, crossing onto the Middleburg map, to State Route 629; then

(17) Proceed southerly on State Route 629 for approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with U.S. Route 50 at Benchmark (BM) 341 at Dover, then continue in a straight line due south for approximately 150 feet to the Little River; then

(18) Proceed southwesterly (upstream) along the meandering Little River for approximately 8 miles to the State Route 626 bridge at Halfway; then

(19) Proceed northwesterly on State Route 626 for approximately 0.3 mile to State Route 706, and then continue northwesterly on State Route 706 for approximately 1.6 miles, crossing onto the Rectortown map, to Burnt Mill Run; then

(20) Proceed west-southwesterly (upstream) along Burnt Mill Run for approximately 0.4 mile to State Route 705; then

(21) Proceed south-southwesterly on State Route 705 for approximately 0.5 mile to State Route 715; then

(22) Proceed west-northwesterly on State Route 715 for approximately 0.4 mile to State Route 709 at Zulla; then

(23) Proceed south-southwesterly on State Route 709 for approximately 4.6 miles, crossing onto the Marshall map, to Interstate Highway 66 (0.6 mile south of Brookes Corner); then

(24) Proceed west-northwesterly on Interstate Highway 66 for approximately 4.0 miles, crossing onto the Orlean map, to State Route 732 (locally known as Ramey Road); then

(25) Proceed westerly on State Route 732 approximately 2 miles to State Route 731 (locally known as Ashville Road) near Ashville; then

(26) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Upperville map, to the marked 1,304-foot peak on Little Cobbler Mountain, then northerly in a straight line to the marked 1,117-foot peak on Little Cobbler Mountain, and then continue northerly in a straight line to the marked 771-foot peak near the northern end of Little Cobbler Mountain; then

(27) Proceed west in a straight line for approximately 2.7 miles to the 595-foot elevation point on State Route 724, southeast of Markham, and continue west in a straight line for approximately 3.1 miles, crossing onto the Linden map, to State Route 726 and an unnamed side road (near a cemetery), approximately 0.7 mile southwest of the intersection of State Route 726 and State Route 55 (near Belle Meade); then

(28) Proceed northeasterly along State Route 726 for approximately 0.7 mile to State Route 55; then

(29) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line for approximately 1.7 miles to State Route 688 at BM 629 in Wildcat Hollow; then

(30) Proceed northerly and then northeasterly on State Route 688 for approximately 5.5 miles, crossing over and back between the Linden and Upperville maps and then continuing on the Upperville map, to U.S. Route 17; then

(31) Proceed northerly on U.S. Route 17 for approximately 2.0 miles, crossing onto the Ashby Gap map, to U.S. Route 50 (just east of Paris); then

(32) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line for approximately 1.5 miles to the marked 797-foot elevation point located along State Route 618 at a fork in the road approximately 0.65 miles north of U.S. Route 50; then

(33) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line for approximately 0.9 mile to U.S. Route 50 at BM 625, which is located at a bridge over an unnamed branch of Panther Skin Creek; then

(34) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line for approximately 2.9 miles, crossing onto the Upperville map, to the intersection of State Routes 712 and 710 at Kerfoot; then

(35) Proceed southeasterly on State Route 710 for approximately 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Rectortown map, to the State Route 710 bridge over Goose Creek; then

(36) Proceed northeasterly (downstream) along the meandering Goose Creek for approximately 10.9 miles to State Route 626 at Bentons Bridge; then

(37) Proceed northwesterly on State Route 626 for approximately 4.0 miles, crossing onto the Bluemont map, to State Route 630 at Unison; then

(38) Proceed northeasterly on State Route 630 for approximately 0.75 mile to Dog Branch; then

(39) Proceed northwesterly along Dog Branch for approximately 1.75 miles to State Route 719; then

(40) Proceed north-northeasterly on State Route 719 for approximately 2 miles to State Route 734 at Airmont; then

(41) Proceed east-southeasterly on State Route 734 for approximately 0.7 mile to State Route 735; then

(42) Proceed northeasterly on State Route 735 for approximately 2 miles to State Route 725; then

(43) Proceed north-northeasterly in a straight line for approximately 4.4 miles, crossing over the northwest corner of the Lincoln map and then onto the Purcellville map, to the intersection of State Routes 711 and 690, (northwest of Purcellville); then

(44) Proceed north-northeasterly on State Route 690 for approximately 3.1 miles to State Route 9, then proceed east on State Route 9 for approximately 0.2 mile to the continuation of State Route 690, then proceed northerly on State Route 690 for approximately 5.3 miles, crossing onto the Harpers Ferry map, to the road's intersection with the 600-foot elevation line immediately south of the road's marked 592-foot elevation point (located 0.75 mile east-northeast of the radio facilities at the 1,424-foot peak of Short Hill Mountain); then

(45) Proceed northerly along the 600-foot elevation line for approximately 4 miles to the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park south boundary line; then

(46) Proceed east and north approximately 0.75 mile along the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park boundary line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-106, 77 FR 56548, Sept. 13, 2012]

§ 9.226 - Inwood Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Inwood Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Inwood Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Inwood Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Clough Gulch, California—Shasta County, Provisional edition 1985;

(2) Inwood, California—Shasta County, Provisional edition 1985;

(3) Hagaman Gulch, California—Shasta County, Provisional edition 1985;

(4) Shingletown, California—Shasta County, Provisional edition 1985; and

(5) Tuscan Buttes NE., California, 1965, Photoinspected 1976.

(c) Boundary. The Inwood Valley viticultural area is located in Shasta County, California. The boundary of the Inwood Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Clough Gulch map at BM (Benchmark) 1254.4 located along State Route 44 in T31N/R2W. From the beginning point, proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 4.1 miles, onto the Inwood map, to the 1,786-foot elevation point, section 17, T31N/R1W; then

(2) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.1 miles to the 2,086-foot elevation point, section 15, T31N/R1W; then

(3) Proceed north-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile to the marked 1,648-foot elevation point (which should be marked as 2,648 feet based on its two adjacent elevation lines) on Bear Creek Ridge, section 10, T31N/R1W; then

(4) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 2,952-foot elevation point (located between two transmission lines), section 11, T31N/R1W; then

(5) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the 3,042-foot summit of Blue Mountain, section 1, T31N/R1W; then

(6) Proceed easterly in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile, crossing over the R1W/R1E “Mt. Diablo Meridian” line, to the 3,104-foot elevation point, section 6, T31N/R1E; then

(7) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles to the summit of Alamine Peak, section 32, T32N/R1E; then

(8) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.1 miles, onto the Hagaman Gulch map, to Bear Pen Springs, section 10, T31N/R1E; then

(9) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 3,373-foot summit of Chalk Mountain, section 9, T31N/R1E; then

(10) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1 mile, returning to the Inwood map, to 2,756-foot elevation point, section 17, T31N/R1E; then

(11) Proceed south in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of that line with an improved road marked “Private” at the southern boundary of section 17, T31N/R1E; then

(12) Proceed south-southwesterly along that “Private” road approximately 1.6 miles to the marked gate of the “Private” road at the road's intersection with unnamed improved and unimproved roads, section 29, T31N/R1E; then

(13) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles, onto the Shingletown map, to the intersection of that line with State Route 44 and an unnamed improved road (known locally as Ash Creek Road), section 31, T31N/R1E; then

(14) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.2 miles to the 3,334-foot elevation point, section 31, T31N/R1E; then

(15) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles, crossing over the R1W/R1E “Mt. Diablo Meridian” line, to the 3,029-foot elevation point on Shingletown Ridge, section 1, T30N/R1W; then

(16) Proceed westerly in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles to the 2,435-foot elevation point, section 3, T30N/R1W; then

(17) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles to the 2,065-foot elevation point (southeast of a marked Borrow Pit), section 8, T30N/R1W; then

(18) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 5.2 miles, onto the Tuscan Buttes NE map, to the 956-foot elevation point near an unnamed spring in section 33, T31N/R2W; then

(19) Proceed north in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles, onto the Clough Gulch map, to BM 1048.1 on State Route 44, section 28, T31N/R2W; then

(20) Proceed east along State Route 44 approximately 1.1 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-107, 77 FR 56544, Sept. 13, 2012]

§ 9.227 - Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 12 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) West Bar, Washington, 1966;

(2) Rock Island Dam, Washington, 1966;

(3) Appledale, Washington, 1966, photoinspected 1976;

(4) Monument Hill, Washington—Grant County, 1966;

(5) Ephrata SW., Washington—Grant County, 1956;

(6) Winchester, Washington—Grant County, 1966;

(7) Winchester SW., Washington—Grant County, 1966, photorevised 1978;

(8) Royal City, Washington—Grant County, provisional edition 1986 (formerly named Smyrna);

(9) Beverly NE., Washington—Grant County, 1965;

(10) Vantage, Washington, 1965, photorevised 1978;

(11) Ginkgo, Washington, 1953, photorevised 1978; and

(12) Cape Horn SE., Washington, 1966, photoinspected 1975.

(c) Boundary. The Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley viticultural area is located in Douglas, Grant, and Kittitas Counties in central Washington. The boundary of the Ancient Lakes of Columbia Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the West Bar map where the western shoreline of the Columbia River in Kittitas County intersects with the north boundary line of section 8, T20N/R22E. Proceed east along the section boundaries for approximately 4.35 miles, over the Columbia River and into Douglas County, to the intersection of the line with the Grant and Douglas Counties common boundary line (concurrent with the R22E and R23E common line) at the northwest corner of section 12, T20N/R22E; then

(2) Proceed north along the Grant and Douglas Counties common boundary line for approximately 2.25 miles, onto the Rock Island Dam map, to the northwest corner of section 31, T21N/R23E; then

(3) Proceed east in a straight line along the section boundaries for approximately 12.1 miles, over the Appledale and Monument Hills maps, onto the Ephrata SW map to the intersection of the line with the R24E and R25E common line at the northwest corner of section 36, T21N/R24E; then

(4) Proceed south along the R24E and R25E common line for approximately 22.5 miles, over the Winchester and Winchester SW maps, onto the Royal City map, passing over the West Canal and into the Frenchman Hills, to the southwest corner of section 12, T17N/R24E (concurrent with the intersection of the R24E and R25E common line and a single transmission line); then

(5) Proceed west in a straight line along the section boundaries (marked for 3 sections by the single transmission line) for approximately 4 miles, onto the Beverly NE map, to the southwest corner of section 9, T17N/R24E; then

(6) Proceed north in a straight line along the section boundary for approximately 1 mile to the northwest corner of section 9, T17N/R24E; then

(7) Proceed west in a straight line along the section boundaries for approximately 7.9 miles, onto the Vantage map, crossing over Interstate Route 90 and Columbia River, to the western shoreline of the Columbia River, at Hole in the Wall in Kittitas County, section 6, T17N/R23E; and then

(8) Proceed north along the western shoreline of the meandering Columbia River for approximately 23.3 miles, crossing over the Ginkgo and Cape Horn SE maps, and onto the West Bar map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-108, 77 FR 64035, Oct. 18, 2012]

§ 9.228 - Indiana Uplands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Indiana Uplands”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Indiana Uplands” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey 1:100,000-scale metric topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Indiana Uplands viticultural area are titled:

(1) Tell City, Indiana—Kentucky, 1991;

(2) Jasper, Indiana—Kentucky, 1994;

(3) Bedford, Indiana, 1990;

(4) Bloomington, Indiana, 1986; Photoinspected 1988;

(5) Madison, Indiana—Kentucky, 1990; and

(6) Louisville, Kentucky—Indiana, 1986.

(c) Boundary. The Indiana Uplands viticultural area is located in south-central Indiana. The boundary of the Indiana Uplands viticultural area is described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Tell City map at the confluence of the Anderson River and the Ohio River near Troy in Perry County. From the beginning point, proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line, crossing to the Jasper map, to the intersection of State Roads 62 and 162, approximately 3.5 miles north of Santa Claus; then

(2) Proceed north on State Road 162 to its intersection with U.S. Route 231 in Jasper; then

(3) Proceed north on U.S. Route 231, crossing to the Bedford map and the Bloomington map, to the intersection of U.S. Route 231 with the 180-meter contour line in Bloomfield, approximately 0.3 mile south of State Road 54; then

(4) From the west side of U.S. Route 231, proceed northerly along the meandering 180-meter contour line, and, after crossing the Owen-Greene county boundary line, continue northeasterly along the contour line to its intersection with the Monroe-Owen county boundary line approximately 1 mile south of the confluence of Big Creek and the White River; then

(5) Proceed north, then northeasterly, and then south along the Monroe-Owen county boundary line to its intersection with the 200-meter contour line, approximately 0.3 mile south of the White River; then

(6) Proceed easterly along the meandering 200-meter contour line to its intersection with State Road 135, south of Morgantown and approximately 0.8 mile north of the Morgan-Brown county boundary line; then

(7) Proceed south on State Road 135 to the Morgan-Brown county boundary line; then

(8) Proceed east along the Brown-Morgan country boundary line and then Brown-Johnson county boundary line to its intersection with the Brown-Bartholomew county boundary line; then

(9) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of State Road 46 and a road locally known as N. County Club Road, approximately 1 mile north of Harrison Lake in western Bartholomew County; then

(10) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of State Road 58 and the Bartholomew-Jackson county boundary line; then

(11) Proceed east along the Bartholomew-Jackson county boundary line for approximately 0.4 mile to the county boundary line's first intersection with the meandering 200-meter contour line after crossing Buck Creek in northwestern Jackson County; then

(12) Proceed easterly then southwesterly along the meandering 200-meter contour line, crossing to the Bedford map, to the intersection of the contour line with U.S. Route 50; then

(13) Proceed east on U.S. Route 50 to its intersection with State Road 235; then

(14) Proceed south on State Road 235 to its intersection with the railroad tracks in Medora; then

(15) Proceed southwesterly along the railroad tracks to a point next to the intersection of two roads locally known as Sparksville Pike Road and Sparks Ferry Road (approximately 0.5 miles east Sparksville) and then proceed southeasterly less than 250 feet on Sparks Ferry Road to that road's bridge over the East Fork of the White River; then

(16) Proceed easterly along the East Fork of the White River and then the Muscatatuck River to the State Road 135 bridge over the Muscatatuck River at Millport; then

(17) Proceed easterly in a straight line to the confluence of the Cammie Thomas Ditch and the Muscatatuck River, located on the northern boundary of Washington County; then

(18) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line, crossing to the Madison map, to the intersection of two roads locally known as E. Pull Tight Road and N. Pumpkin Center East Road at Pumpkin Center in Gibson Township, Washington County; then

(19) Proceed due south in a straight line for approximately 4.5 miles to the line's intersection with a road locally known as E. Old State Road 56; then

(20) Proceed easterly and then northeasterly on E. Old State Road 56 to its intersection with a road locally known in Scott County as S. Bloomington Trail, and then continue southeasterly on S. Bloomington Trail to its intersection with a road locally known as W. Leota Road at Leota; then

(21) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of Interstate 65 and the Scott-Clark counties boundary line at Underwood; then

(22) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line, crossing to the Louisville map, to the intersection of State Road 60 and a road locally known as Carwood Road at Carwood in Clark County; then

(23) Proceed southeasterly on State Road 60 to its intersection with State Road 111 at Bennettsville; then

(24) Proceed southerly on State Road 111 for approximately 1.8 miles to its intersection with a road locally known as W. St. Joe Road at St. Joseph; then

(25) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line to the 266-meter elevation point on Bald Knob, then continue south-southwesterly in a straight line to the 276-meter elevation point on Lost Knob; then

(26) Proceed southerly in a straight line to the confluence of French Creek and the Ohio River in eastern Franklin Township, Floyd County; then

(27) Proceed (downstream) along the Indiana shoreline of the Ohio River, crossing back and forth between the Tell City and Jasper maps, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-110, 78 FR 8021, Feb. 5, 2013]

§ 9.229 - Elkton Oregon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Elkton Oregon”. “Elkton OR” may also be used as the name of the viticultural area described in this section. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Elkton Oregon” and “Elkton OR” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Elkton Oregon viticultural area are titled:

(1) Kellogg Quadrangle, Oregon-Douglas Co., Provisional Edition 1990;

(2) Old Blue Quadrangle, Oregon-Douglas Co., Provisional Edition 1990;

(3) Devils Graveyard Quadrangle, Oregon-Douglas Co., Provisional Edition 1990;

(4) Elkton Quadrangle, Oregon-Douglas Co., Provisional Edition 1990; and

(5) Yellow Butte, Oregon-Douglas Co., Provisional Edition 1987.

(c) Boundary. The Elkton Oregon viticultural area is located in Douglas County, Oregon. The boundary of the Elkton Oregon viticultural area is described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Kellogg map at the intersection of the T23S/T24S and R7W/R8W common lines. From the beginning point, proceed northwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Old Blue map, to the eastern-most intersection of the T22S/T23S and R8W/R9W common lines; then

(2) Proceed north along the R8W/R9W common line onto the Devils Graveyard map, across the Umpqua River, to the intersection of the R8W/R9W common line with the 1,000-foot elevation line along the western boundary of section 30, T21S/R8W; then

(3) Proceed generally east along the meandering 1,000-elevation line, crossing over Patterson Creek, Weatherly Creek headwaters, Cedar Creek, and House Creek; continue following the 1,000-foot elevation line onto the Elkton map, back to the Devils Graveyard map, returning to the Elkton map, and then continuing generally east and southeast across Paradise Creek and Little Tom Folley Creek, to the intersection of the 1,000-foot elevation line with an unnamed, improved road in the southeast quadrant of section 4, T22S/R7W; then

(4) Proceed south-southwest along the unnamed, improved road to the intersection of that road with an unimproved logging road, approximately 1.65 miles due north of the Mile 5 marker on Elk Creek, section 9, T22S/R7W; then

(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line, passing through the southeast corner of section 9, T22S/R7W, to Elk Creek, section 15, T22S/R7W; then

(6) Proceed generally southeast (downstream) along Elk Creek to the State Route 38 bridge at BM 172, section 15, T22S/R7W; then

(7) Proceed south in a straight line to the intersection of the 1,000-foot elevation line and the section 22 south boundary line, T22S/R7W; then

(8) Proceed generally south, west, and then north along the meandering 1,000-foot elevation line, crossing first onto the Kellogg map, then crossing back and forth between the Kellogg map and the Yellow Butte map, returning to the Yellow Butte map to the intersection of the 1,000-foot elevation line with the R7W/R6W common line on Bell Ridge, along the section 1 east boundary line, T23S/R7W; then

(9) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the intersection of the line with the 1,000-foot elevation line and an unnamed, unimproved road, section 7, T23S/R6W; then

(10) Proceed south and west along the meandering 1,000-foot elevation, crossing back and forth between the Kellogg and Yellow Butte maps, and finally returning to the Kellogg map, to the intersection of the 1,000-foot elevation line with the T23S/T24S common line along the section 3 north boundary line, T24S/R7W; and then

(11) Proceed west along the T23S/T24S common line to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-111, 78 FR 8018, Feb. 5, 2013]

§ 9.41 - Lancaster Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lancaster Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Lancaster Valley viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Lancaster County, Pennsylvania”, scaled 1:50,000, edition of 1977; and

(2) “Honey Brook Quadrangle”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955, photorevised 1969 and 1974.

(c) Boundaries. The Lancaster Valley viticultural area is located in Lancaster County and Chester County, Pennsylvania. The beginning point is where Pennsylvania Highway 23 crosses the Lancaster and Berks County boundary.

(1) Then in a southeasterly direction following the Lancaster County boundary for approximately 0.9 mile to the 500 foot contour line immediately south of the Conestoga River.

(2) Then following the 500 foot contour in a southwesterly direction to the Caernarvon-East Earl Township boundary.

(3) Then south approximately 0.1 mile following the Caernarvon-East Earl Township boundary to U.S. Highway 322.

(4) Then west following U.S. Highway 322 for approximately 1.7 miles to the electric transmission line between Fetterville and Cedar Grove School.

(5) Then southwest in a straight line for approximately 5.2 miles to the intersection of Earl, Upper Leacock, and Leacock Townships at the Mill Creek.

(6) Then southeast following the boundary between Earl Township and Leacock Township to the point where Earl, East Earl, Salisbury, and Leacock Townships intersect.

(7) Then east in a straight line for approximately 4.8 miles to the point where the 500 foot contour line intersects Pequea Creek northwest of Mt. Pleasant School.

(8) Then following the 500 foot contour line past Cole Hill through the town of Gap and along Mine Ridge to the 76°07′30″ west longitude line in Paradise Township.

(9) Then southwest in a straight line for approximately 7.7 miles to the Boehm Church south of Willow Street.

(10) The northwest in a straight line for approximately 1.2 miles to the township school in West Willow.

(11) Then west in a straight line for 4.2 miles to the confluence of Stehman Run and the Conestoga River.

(12) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 0.5 mile to the confluence of Indian Run and Little Conestoga Creek.

(13) Then west following Indian Run for approximately 3.6 miles to the source of the more northerly branch.

(14) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 0.25 mile to the source of Wisslers Run.

(15) Then west following Wisslers Run downstream for approximately 0.7 mile to the 300 foot contour line.

(16) Then north following the 300 foot contour line to its intersection with Pennsylvania Highway 999 in Washington Boro.

(17) Then east following Pennsylvania Highway 999 to the school in Central Manor.

(18) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 2.7 miles to the point where the West Branch of the Little Conestoga Creek intersects with Pennsylvania Highway 462.

(19) Then west following Pennsylvania Highway 462 for approximately 1.5 miles to Strickler Run.

(20) Then following Strickler Run southwest to the Columbia municipal boundary.

(21) Then north following the eastern boundary of Columbia to Shawnee Run.

(22) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 5.8 miles to the intersection of Pennsylvania Highway 23 and Running Pump Road [unnamed on map] at elevation check point 436 near Centerville.

(23) Then east following Pennsylvania Highway 23 for approximately 0.5 mile to the 400 foot contour line.

(24) Then following the 400 foot contour line north around Chestnut Ridge, past Millers Run and continuing until the 400 foot contour line intersects an unnamed stream.

(25) Then due south in a straight line for approximately 0.8 mile to Pennsylvania Highway 23.

(26) Then west following Pennsylvania Highway 23 to the intersection with Pennsylvania Highway 441 at Marietta.

(27) Then west following Pennsylvania Highway 441 to Pennsylvania Highway 241 near Bainbridge.

(28) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 5.5 miles to the point where the Consolidated Railroad Corporation crosses the West Donegal-Mount Joy Township boundary in Rheems.

(29) Then east in a straight line for approximately 3.3 miles to the Mt. Pleasant Church.

(30) Then east in a straight line for approximately 3.8 miles to the Erismans Church.

(31) Then east in a straight line for approximately 3.3 miles to the point where the 400 foot contour line crosses Pennsylvania Highway 72 south of Valley View.

(32) Then following the 400 foot contour line east to Pennsylvania Highway 501.

(33) Then east in a straight line for approximately 2.9 miles to the Union Meetinghouse.

(34) Then southeast in a straight line for approximately 1.0 miles to the point where Pennsylvania Highway 272 (indicated as U.S. Highway 222 on the map) crosses Cocalico Creek (which forms the boundary between West Earl and Warwick Townships).

(35) Then northwest following the West Earl Township boundary to its intersection with U.S. Highway 322 southeast of Ephrata.

(36) Then east in a straight line for approximately 3.4 miles to the Lincoln Independence School.

(37) Then southeast in a straight line for approximately 1.7 miles to the West Terre Hill School.

(38) Then east in a straight line for approximately 8.5 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-102, 47 FR 20301, May 12, 1982]

§ 9.230 - Ballard Canyon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ballard Canyon”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Ballard Canyon” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Ballard Canyon viticultural area are titled:

(1) Los Olivos, CA, 1995;

(2) Zaca Creek, Calif., 1959; and

(3) Solvang, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Ballard Canyon viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara County, California. The boundary of the Ballard Canyon viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Los Olivos map at the intersection of State Route 154 and Foxen Canyon Road, section 23, T7N/R31W.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to the intersection of Ballard Canyon Road and an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Los Olivos Meadows Drive, T7N/R31W; then

(3) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1 mile, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, to a marked, unnamed large structure located within a circular-shaped 920-foot contour line in the southwest corner of section 26, T7N/R31W; then

(4) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.25 miles, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to the marked “Ball” 801-foot elevation control point, T6N/R31W; then

(5) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.45 miles, crossing onto the Solvang map, to a marked, unnamed 775-foot peak, T6N/R31W; then

(6) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.55 mile to a marked communication tower located within the 760-foot contour line, T6N/R31W; then

(7) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.25 mile to the intersection of Chalk Hill Road and an unnamed, light-duty road known locally as Mesa Vista Lane, T6N/R31W; then

(8) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the southern-most terminus of a marked, unnamed stream known locally as Ballard Creek, T6N/R31W; then

(9) Proceed northerly (upstream) along Ballard Creek approximately 0.35 mile to the creek's intersection with the 400-foot contour line, T6N/R31W; then

(10) Proceed southerly and then northwesterly along the 400-foot contour line approximately 1.5 miles, to the contour line's first intersection with Ballard Canyon Road, T6N/R31W; then

(11) Proceed north-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to the western-most intersection of the 800-foot contour line and the T6N/T7N boundary line (approximately 0.9 mile east of U.S Highway 101); then

(12) Proceed west along the T6N/T7N boundary line approximately 0.4 mile to the boundary line's third intersection with the 600-foot contour line (approximately 0.5 mile east of U.S. Highway 101); then

(13) Proceed northerly along the meandering 600-foot elevation contour line to the contour line's intersection with Zaca Creek, T7N/R31W; then

(14) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line for approximately 1.2 miles to the western-most intersection of the southern boundary of the Corral de Quati Land Grant and the 1,000-foot contour line (approximately 0.4 mile east of U.S. Highway 101), T7N/R31W; then

(15) Proceed easterly along the meandering 1,000-foot contour line approximately 1.5 miles to the contour line's third intersection with the southern boundary of the Corral de Quati Land Grant (approximately 0.1 mile west of State Route 154), section 22, T7N/R31W; then

(16) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-116, 78 FR 60695, Oct. 2, 2013]

§ 9.231 - Moon Mountain District Sonoma County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Moon Mountain District Sonoma County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Moon Mountain District Sonoma County” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Moon Mountain District Sonoma County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Rutherford, CA, 1951; photorevised 1968;

(2) Sonoma, CA, 1951; photorevised 1980

(3) Glen Ellen, CA, 1954; photorevised 1980; and

(4) Kenwood, CA, 1954; photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundary. The Moon Mountain District Sonoma County viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The boundary of the Moon Mountain District Sonoma County viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Rutherford map at the 2,188-foot elevation point located on the Sonoma-Napa County boundary line in section 26, T7N/R6W. From the beginning point, proceed southerly along the meandering Sonoma-Napa County boundary line, crossing onto the Sonoma map, to the intersection of the county line and Lovall Valley Road, Huichica Land Grant; then

(2) Continue along the Sonoma-Napa County boundary line approximately 0.2 mile to the intersection of the county line and the end of an unnamed light-duty road; then

(3) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles, passing through the marked 692-foot peak, to the intersection of the line with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Thornsberry Road; then

(4) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1 mile to the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Castle Road and Bartholomew Road (marked by the 218-foot elevation point); then

(5) Proceed west in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles, passing through the southern-most quarry marked on Schocken Hill, to the intersection of the line with the 400-foot elevation line, Pueblo Lands of Sonoma; then

(6) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 400-foot elevation line for approximately 7.4 miles, crossing onto the Glen Ellen map and then the Kenwood map, to the intersection of the contour line with Nelligan Road, near the mouth of Nunns Canyon, T6N/R6W; then

(7) Proceed northerly on Nelligan Road approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of the road with the 600-foot elevation line; then

(8) Proceed northwest along the 600-foot elevation line approximately 1.8 miles to its second intersection with a marked trail (near a marked quarry and approximately 0.2 mile southeasterly of a marked 973-foot peak), Los Guilicos Land Grant; then

(9) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 miles to the marked 1,483-foot peak; then

(10) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the Rutherford map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-117, 78 FR 60692, Oct. 2, 2013]

§ 9.232 - Big Valley District-Lake County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Big Valley District-Lake County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Big Valley District-Lake County” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Big Valley District-Lake County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Lucerne, CA, 1996;

(2) Kelseyville, CA, 1993;

(3) Highland Springs, CA, 1993; and

(4) Lakeport, CA, 1958; photorevised 1978; minor revision 1994.

(c) Boundary. The Big Valley District-Lake County viticultural area is located in Lake County, California. The boundary of the Big Valley District-Lake County viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Lucerne map at the point where Cole Creek flows into Clear Lake, section 36, T14N/R9W. From the beginning point, proceed southerly (upstream) along Cole Creek approximately 0.9 mile to the creek's intersection with Soda Bay Road, section 1, T13N/R9W; then

(2) Proceed east on Soda Bay Road less than 0.1 mile to the road's intersection with the unnamed, light-duty road known locally as Clark Drive, section 1, T13N/R09W; then

(3) Proceed southeast in a straight line less than 0.1 mile to the 1,400-foot elevation line, section 1, T13N/R9W; then

(4) Proceed southerly along the 1,400-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Kelseyville map, to the line's intersection with a marked cemetery east of Kelseyville (in the northeast quadrant of section 14, T13N/R9W), and then continue along the 1,400-foot elevation line approximately 0.35 mile to the line's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road which runs north from Konocti Road, section 13, T13N/R9W; then

(5) Proceed south-southeast along the unnamed, unimproved road to the road's intersection with the improved portion of Konocti Road, section 13, T13N/R9W; then

(6) Proceed west on Konocti Road approximately 0.9 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road within Kelseyville known locally as Main Street, section 14, T13N/R9W; then

(7) Proceed south-southeast on Main Street approximately 0.35 mile to its intersection with State Highway 29/175, section 14, T13N/R9W; then

(8) Proceed west-northwest on State Highway 29/175 approximately 0.4 mile to the highway's intersection with Kelsey Creek, section 14, T13N/R9W; then

(9) Proceed northwesterly (downstream) along Kelsey Creek approximately 0.5 mile to the creek's intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road known locally as Big Valley Road (or North Main Street), section 15, T13N/R9W; then

(10) Proceed west and then northwest on Big Valley Road approximately 0.35 mile to the road's intersection with Merritt Road, southern boundary of section 10, T13N/R9W; then

(11) Proceed west on Merritt Road approximately 0.3 mile to the road's intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation line, southern boundary of section 10, T13N/R9W; then

(12) Proceed northwesterly along the 1,400-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with State Highway 29/175, section 9, T13N/R9W, and then continue southerly along the 1,400-foot elevation to the line's intersection with Merritt Road, southern boundary of section 9, T13N/R9W; then

(13) Proceed west on Merritt Road approximately 0.1 mile to the road's intersection with Hill Creek, southern boundary of section 9, T13N/R9W; then

(14) Proceed southerly (upstream) along Hill Creek approximately 0.9 mile to the creek's intersection with Bell Hill Road, section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(15) Proceed west then southwest on Bell Hill Road approximately 0.15 mile, passing the intersection of Bell Hill Road and Hummel Lane, to Bell Hill Road's intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation line, section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(16) Proceed westerly and then southwesterly along the meandering 1,400-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Highland Springs map, to the line's first intersection with Bell Hill Road in section 20, T13N/R9W; then

(17) Proceed west on the meandering Bell Hill Road, crossing Adobe Creek, to the road's intersection with Highland Springs Road, section 30, T13N/R9W; then

(18) Proceed north on Highland Springs Road approximately 2.8 miles to the road's intersection with Mathews Road at the northwest corner of section 8, T13N/R9W; then

(19) Proceed west on Mathews Road approximately 0.7 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed paved road known locally as Ackley Road, southern boundary of section 6, T13N/R9W; then

(20) Proceed north on Ackley Road approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Lakeport map, to the road's intersection with State Highway 29/175, section 6; T13N/R9W; then

(21) Proceed due north-northeast in a straight line approximately 0.15 mile to the unnamed secondary highway known locally as Soda Bay Road, northern boundary of section 6, T13N/R9W; then

(22) Proceed east on Soda Bay Road approximately 0.35 mile to the road's intersection with Manning Creek, northern boundary of section 6, T13N/R9W; then

(23) Proceed northwesterly (downstream) along Manning Creek to the shore of Clear Lake, section 30, T14N/R9W; then

(24) Proceed easterly along the meandering shore of Clear Lake, crossing onto the Lucerne map, to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-118, 78 FR 60688, Oct. 2, 2013]

§ 9.233 - Kelsey Bench-Lake County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Kelsey Bench-Lake County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Kelsey Bench-Lake County,” “Kelsey Bench,” and “Kelseyville Bench” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Kelsey Bench-Lake County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Kelseyville, CA, 1993; and

(2) Highland Springs, CA, 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Kelsey Bench-Lake County viticultural area is located in Lake County, California. The boundary of the Kelsey Bench-Lake County viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Kelseyville map within the town of Kelseyville at the intersection of Konocti Road and Main Street (not named on the map), section 14, T13N/R9W. From the beginning point, proceed east on Konocti Road approximately 0.9 mile to the road's 3-way intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road to the south, section 13, T13N/R9W; then

(2) Proceed south on the unnamed, unimproved road approximately 0.35 mile to a fork in the road, and continue on the eastern branch of the fork approximately 0.4 mile to the point where the road intersects a straight line drawn westward from the marked 2,493-foot elevation point in section 19, T13N/R9W, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation line and the eastern boundary of section 23, T13N/R9W (which is concurrent with Wilkerson Road); then

(3) Proceed westerly along the straight line described in paragraph (c)(2) approximately 0.3 mile to the line's western end at the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation line and the eastern boundary of section 23, T13N/R9W; then

(4) Proceed south along the eastern boundaries of sections 23 and 26, T13N/R9W, approximately 0.8 mile to the first intersection of the eastern boundary of section 26 and the 1,720-foot elevation line; then

(5) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,720-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with State Highway 29/175, just west of BM 1758, section 25, T13N/R9W; then

(6) Proceed west on State Highway 29/175 approximately 0.15 mile to the highway's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road, section 25, T13N/R9W; then

(7) Proceed southwest then west on the unnamed, unimproved road approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with Cole Creek Road at Bottle Rock Road, section 25, T13N/R9W; then

(8) Proceed west on Cole Creek Road approximately 0.65 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road known locally as Live Oak Drive (at BM 1625), section 26, T13N/R9W; then

(9) Proceed northwest on Live Oak Drive to the road's intersection with Gross Road (at BM 1423), section 26, T13N/R9W; then

(10) Proceed south on Gross Road approximately 0.65 mile to the road's intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation line, section 26, T13N/R9W; then

(11) Proceed southerly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with Sweetwater Creek section 10, T12N/R9W; then

(12) Proceed due west in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the line's first intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation after crossing Kelsey Creek, section 10, T12N/R9W; then

(13) Proceed westerly and then northerly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with Kelsey Creek Drive, section 4, T12N/R9W; then

(14) Proceed west on Kelsey Creek Drive and then Adobe Creek Drive, crossing onto the Highland Springs map, and continue north-northwest on Adobe Creek Drive, a total distance of approximately 3.25 miles, to the marked 1,439-foot elevation point in section 29, T13N/R9W; then

(15) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line that passes through the marked 1,559-foot elevation point in section 29, T13N/R9W, and continue in the same direction to the line's intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road known locally as East Highland Springs Road, a total distance of approximately 0.6 mile, section 30, T13N, R9W; then

(16) Proceed north on East Highland Springs Road approximately 0.5 mile, to the road's intersection with an unnamed road in the northeast quadrant of section 30, T13N/R9W; then

(17) Proceed northwest on the unnamed road to the road's end point, then continue due north-northwest in a straight line, a total distance of approximately 0.3 mile, to the line's intersection with the southern boundary of section 19, T13N/R9W; then

(18) Proceed west along the southern boundary of section 19, T13N/R9W, approximately 0.5 mile to the section's southwest corner; then

(19) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 19, T13N/R9W, approximately 0.3 mile to the section line's seventh intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation line; then

(20) Proceed westerly, northwesterly, and then easterly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation line to the line's second intersection with the northern boundary of section 19, T13N/R9W; then

(21) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 19, T13N/R9W, approximately 0.35 mile to the section boundary's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Fritch Road; then

(22) Proceed east on Fritch Road approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with Highland Springs Road, section 18, T13N/R9W; then

(23) Proceed south on Highland Springs Road approximately 0.8 mile to the road's intersection with Bell Hill Road, section 19, T13N/R9W; then

(24) Proceed eastward on the meandering Bell Hill Road approximately 1.4 miles to the road's last intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation line in section 20, T13N/R9W; then

(25) Proceed northeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation line, crossing onto the Kelseyville map, to the line's first intersection with Bell Hill Road in the southeast quadrant of section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(26) Proceed northeast and then east on Bell Hill Road approximately 0.15 mile to the road's intersection with Hill Creek, section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(27) Proceed northerly (downstream) along Hill Creek approximately 0.9 mile to the creek's intersection with Merritt Road, section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(28) Proceed east on Merritt Road approximately 0.1 mile to the road's intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation line, northern boundary of section 16, T13N/R9W; then

(29) Proceed northerly along the 1,400-foot elevation line approximately 0.2 mile to State Highway 29/175, section 9, T13N/R9W, and then continue northerly and then southeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation line approximately 0.5 mile to the line's intersection with Merritt Road, northern boundary of section 15, T13N/R9W; then

(30) Proceed east on Merritt Road approximately 0.3 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Big Valley Road (or North Main Street), northern boundary of section 15, T13N/R9W; then

(31) Proceed south then east on Big Valley Road (North Main Street) approximately 0.35 mile to the road's intersection with Kelsey Creek, section 15, T13N/R9W; then

(32) Proceed southerly (upstream) along Kelsey Creek approximately 0.5 mile to the creek's intersection with State Highway 29/175, section 14, T13N/R9W; then

(33) Proceed southeast on State Highway 29/175 approximately 0.4 mile, crossing Live Oak Drive, to the highway's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Main Street, section 14, T13N/R9W; then

(34) Proceed north on Main Street approximately 0.3 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-118, 78 FR 60689, Oct. 2, 2013]

§ 9.234 - Upper Hiwassee Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Upper Hiwassee Highlands”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Upper Hiwassee Highlands” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 24 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Upper Hiwassee Highlands viticultural area are titled:

(1) Unaka, NC/TN, 1957; photorevised 1978;

(2) McDaniel Bald, NC/TN, 1957; photoinspected 1976;

(3) Marble, NC, 1938; photorevised 1990;

(4) Andrews, NC, 1938; photorevised 1990;

(5) Topton, NC, 1957; photoinspected 1976;

(6) Peachtree, NC, 1937; photorevised 1973;

(7) Hayesville, NC, 1966; photorevised 1978; photoinspected 1987;

(8) Shooting Creek, NC, 1957; photorevised 1990;

(9) Rainbow Springs, NC, 1957; photorevised 1978;

(10) Macedonia, GA/NC, 1988;

(11) Hightower Bald, GA/NC, 1988;

(12) Tray Mountain, GA, 1957; photorevised 1985;

(13) Jacks Gap, GA, 1988;

(14) Hiawassee, GA/NC, 1988;

(15) Blairsville, GA/NC, 1988;

(16) Cowrock, GA, 1988;

(17) Coosa Bald, GA, 1988;

(18) Neels Gap, GA, 1988;

(19) Mulky Gap, GA, 1965;

(20) Wilscot, GA, 1947;

(21) Nottely Dam, GA/NC, 1988;

(22) Culberson, NC/GA, 1988;

(23) Persimmon Creek, NC, 1957; photorevised 1978; and

(24) Isabella, TN/NC, 1957; photorevised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Upper Hiwassee Highlands viticultural area is located in Cherokee and Clay Counties, North Carolina, and Towns, Union, and Fannin Counties, Georgia. The boundary of the Upper Hiwassee Highlands viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is in Cherokee County, North Carolina, on the Unaka map at the intersection of the northwestern end of the Hiwassee Dam and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Hiwassee Dam Access Road.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed northwesterly on Hiwassee Dam Access Road approximately 4.2 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Joe Brown Highway; then

(3) Proceed northeasterly on Joe Brown Highway approximately 1.4 miles to the highway's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Burrell Mountain Road; then

(4) Proceed east-northeasterly along a straight line (drawn from the intersection of Joe Brown Highway and Burrell Mountain Road to the peak of Bird Knob) to the point where the line intersects the 2,400-foot elevation line west of Bird Knob; then

(5) Proceed initially southerly and then easterly along the meandering 2,400-foot elevation line and continue to follow the elevation line in an overall clockwise direction through Cherokee and Clay Counties, North Carolina, and then Towns and Union Counties, Georgia, crossing over as necessary the McDaniel Bald, Marble, Andrews, Topton, Peachtree, Hayesville, Shooting Creek, Rainbow Springs, Macedonia, Hightower Bald, Tray Mountain, Jacks Gap, Hiwassee, Blairsville, Cowrock, Coosa Bald, Neels Gap, and Mulky Gap maps and ending on the Wilscot map, at the intersection of the 2,400-foot elevation line with the Union-Fannin County boundary line at Skeenah Gap; then

(6) Proceed northerly along the meandering Union-Fannin County boundary line, crossing over the Mulky Gap and Nottely Dam maps and onto the Culberson map, to the summit of High Top Mountain; then

(7) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line approximately one mile to the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Cutcane Road and Mt. Herman Road, near Mt. Herman Church; then

(8) Proceed northwesterly on Mt. Herman Road approximately one mile to the road's intersection with State Spur 60 (Murphy Highway); then

(9) Proceed southwesterly on State Spur 60 (Murphy Highway) approximately 2 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Knollwood Road; then

(10) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.75 miles to the summit of Watson Mountain; then

(11) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.15 miles, crossing onto the Persimmon Creek map, to the line's intersection with the wagon and jeep track at the southernmost summit of Vance Mountain in Cherokee County, North Carolina; then

(12) Proceed north-northwesterly along the wagon and jeep track approximately 0.8 mile to the track's intersection with a marked foot trail near the 2,200-foot elevation line on the northern spur of Vance Mountain; then

(13) Proceed north-northwesterly along the foot trail approximately 0.5 mile to the trail's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Wallace Road, and then continue north-northwesterly along Wallace Road approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with U.S. Highway 64 near Hothouse; then

(14) Proceed westerly along U.S. Highway 64 approximately one mile to the highway's intersection with a marked northerly foot trail at Nealy Gap; then

(15) Proceed northerly along the marked foot trail, briefly crossing to and from the Isabella map, to the foot trail's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road, and then continue northerly on the unimproved road to its intersection with a second unnamed unimproved road known locally as Charles Laney Road, a total approximate distance of 0.75 mile; then

(16) Proceed northwesterly on the unnamed unimproved road known locally as Charles Laney Road, crossing onto the Isabella map, to the road's end, and then continue north-northwesterly on a marked foot trail to the trail's intersection with a wagon and jeep track at Wolfpen Gap, a total approximate distance of one mile; then

(17) Proceed easterly and then northeasterly along the wagon and jeep trail, crossing onto the Persimmon Creek map, to the 3,284-foot benchmark (MLB 1514) on Payne Mountain, then continue northeasterly on the wagon and jeep trail (which is partially marked as a foot trail) along the ridge line of Payne Mountain to the peak of Harris Top, then continue north-northeasterly on the wagon and jeep trail to the peak of Beaver Top, a total approximate distance of 2.75 miles; then

(18) Proceed northeasterly approximately 0.25 mile on the wagon and jeep trail to the point where the trail turns sharply to the southeast at a summit within the 2,480-foot elevation line on the western shoulder of Indian Grave Gap; then

(19) Proceed north in a straight line approximately 0.95 mile to the summit of Candy Mountain, and then continue north-northwest in a straight line approximately 0.45 mile to the line's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Candy Mountain Road; then

(20) Proceed east-northeasterly on Candy Mountain Road approximately 0.8 mile to the 1,740-foot benchmark (BM HR 116); then

(21) Proceed northerly in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the southernmost peak of Ghormley Mountain (within the 2,440-foot elevation line); then

(22) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to the intersection of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Lower Bear Paw Road and an unnamed unimproved road just south of Reids Chapel (the chapel is shown along the southern edge of the Unaka map); then

(23) Proceed northerly on Lower Bear Paw Road approximately 0.35 mile, crossing onto the Unaka map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Hiwassee Dam Access Road; then

(24) Proceed easterly and then northerly along Hiwassee Dam Access Road approximately 2.9 miles, returning to the beginning point at the northwestern end of Hiwassee Dam.

[T.D. TTB-120, 79 FR 41893, July 18, 2014]

§ 9.235 - Malibu Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Malibu Coast.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Malibu Coast” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 10 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Malibu Coast viticultural area are titled:

(1) Canoga Park, Calif., 1953; photorevised 1967;

(2) Topanga, CA, 1991;

(3) Malibu Beach, CA, 1995;

(4) Point Dume, CA, 1995;

(5) Triunfo Pass, CA, 1994;

(6) Point Mugu, Calif., 1949; photorevised 1967; photoinspected 1974;

(7) Carmarillo, Calif., 1950; photorevised 1967;

(8) Newbury Park, Calif., 1950; photorevised 1967;

(9) Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1950; photorevised 1981; and

(10) Calabasas, Calif., 1952; photorevised 1967.

(c) Boundary. The Malibu Coast viticultural area is located in portions of Los Angeles County and Ventura County, in California. The boundary of the Malibu Coast viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Canoga Park map beside Mulholland Drive at the 1,126-foot benchmark (BM 1126), located on the marked Los Angeles city boundary line and the northern boundary line of section 24, T1N/R17W. From the beginning point, proceed east-southeasterly along the Los Angeles city boundary line approximately 3.25 miles to the marked 1,718-foot elevation point; then

(2) Proceed south-southwesterly along the Los Angeles city boundary line approximately 4.35 miles, crossing onto the Topanga map, to the northeast corner of section 19, T1S/R16W; then

(3) Proceed east-southeasterly along the Los Angeles city boundary line approximately 1.7 miles to the point east of Topanga Canyon where the city boundary line turns south, and then continue southerly along the city boundary line approximately 1.9 miles to the boundary line's intersection with State Route 1 (the Pacific Coast Highway); then

(4) Proceed westerly on State Route 1, crossing onto the Malibu Beach map and then the Point Dume map, to the road's intersection with the unnamed intermittent creek located within Walnut Canyon (near the Zuma Fire Station); then

(5) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent creek located within Walnut Canyon to the Pacific Ocean shoreline; then

(6) Proceed southwesterly along the Pacific Ocean shoreline approximately 1.5 miles to Point Dume and then continue northwesterly along the Pacific Ocean shoreline approximately 1.3 miles to the mouth of an unnamed intermittent stream; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly along the unnamed intermittent stream (upstream) approximately 0.35 mile to the stream's intersection with State Route 1 (at BM 30); then

(8) Proceed westerly on State Route 1 approximately 17.4 miles, crossing onto the Triunfo Pass map and then the Point Mugu map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Calleguas Creek Road; then

(9) Proceed north-northeasterly approximately 1.2 miles on Calleguas Creek Road, crossing onto the Camarillo map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Caryl Drive; then

(10) Encircle an unnamed 350-foot hill by proceeding westerly on Caryl Drive approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road, then continuing on that unnamed, unimproved road around the hill in a clock-wise direction for approximately 0.8 mile until the road intersects again with Caryl Drive; then

(11) Proceed easterly on Caryl Drive approximately 0.55 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road at Broome Ranch; then

(12) Proceed easterly on the unnamed, unimproved road approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with the 80-foot elevation line; then

(13) Proceed initially northeasterly along the meandering 80-foot elevation line, and then continue to follow the meandering 80-foot elevation line westerly, then northeasterly to its intersection with West Potrero Road (near Camarillo State Hospital, now the site of California State University Channel Islands); then

(14) Proceed easterly on West Potrero Road approximately 0.5 mile to the road's third intersection with the 200-foot elevation; then

(15) Proceed northerly along the 200-foot elevation line approximately 0.75 mile, crossing over an unnamed intermittent creek in Long Grade Canyon, to the elevation line's intersection with a second unnamed intermittent stream; then

(16) Proceed westerly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 0.75 mile to the stream's intersection with an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as Camarillo Street; then

(17) Proceed northerly on Camarillo Street approximately 0.7 mile to the street's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road at the south-bank levee for Calleguas Creek; then

(18) Proceed easterly on the unnamed light-duty road approximately 0.9 mile to the road's intersection with the 100-foot elevation line; then

(19) Proceed initially westerly and then continue easterly and then northerly along the meandering 100-foot elevation line, crossing back and forth between the Camarillo map and the Newbury Park map, to the 100-foot elevation line's intersection with the T1N/T2N boundary line near Conejo Creek on the Newbury Park map; then

(20) Proceed east along the T1N/T2N boundary line approximately 0.7 mile to the line's intersection with U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Boulevard); then

(21) Proceed easterly on U.S. Highway 101 approximately 1.8 miles to the highway's intersection with Conejo Road (known locally as Old Conejo Road); then

(22) Proceed southerly and then easterly on Conejo Road approximately 0.75 mile to the road's intersection with Borchard Road (also known locally as N. Reino Road); then

(23) Proceed southerly on Borchard Road (also known locally as N. Reino Drive) approximately 0.9 mile to the point where Borchard Road (N. Reino Road) turns eastward, and then continue easterly on Borchard Road approximately 1.75 miles to Borchard Road's intersection with U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Boulevard); then

(24) Proceed easterly on U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Boulevard/Freeway) approximately 5 miles, crossing onto the Thousand Oaks map, to the highway's sixth and last intersection with the 920-foot elevation line in section 14, T1N/R19W (approximately 0.2 mile west of the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and an unnamed road known locally as Hampshire Road); then

(25) Proceed southerly and then southwesterly along the meandering 920-foot elevation line to its intersection with an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as E Potrero Road, section 27, T1N/R19W; then

(26) Proceed easterly on E. Potrero Road approximately 0.55 mile to its intersection with an unnamed heavy-duty road known locally as Westlake Boulevard, section 26, T1N/R19W; then

(27) Proceed northeasterly on Westlake Boulevard approximately 0.4 mile to the road's second intersection with the 900-foot elevation line, section 26, T1N/R19W; then

(28) Proceed easterly along the 900-foot elevation line, crossing the Los Angeles-Ventura County line, to the elevation line's intersection with the boundary line of the Las Virgenes Land Grant (concurrent at this point with the northern boundary line of section 31, T1N/R18W); then

(29) Proceed northeasterly along the Las Virgenes Land Grant boundary line approximately 0.3 mile, crossing Triunfo Canyon, to the boundary line's intersection with the 1,000-foot elevation line; then

(30) Proceed westerly and then east-northeasterly along the 1,000-foot elevation line to the line's intersection with the Las Virgenes Land Grant boundary line, and then continue northeasterly along the Las Virgenes Land Grant boundary line approximately 0.2 mile to the boundary line's intersection with U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Freeway); then

(31) Proceed easterly on U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Freeway) approximately 5.7 miles, crossing onto the Calabasas map, to the highway's intersection with the northern boundary line of section 30, T1N/R17, near Brents Junction; then

(32) Proceed west along the northern boundary line of section 30, T1N/R17W approximately 0.5 mile to its intersection with the 1,000-foot elevation line; then

(33) Proceed northerly, southerly, and easterly along the meandering 1,000-foot elevation line, encompassing portions of Las Virgenes, East Las Virgenes, and Gates Canyons, to the elevation line's intersection with the western boundary line of section 21, T1N/R17W; then

(34) Proceed north along the western boundary lines of sections 21 and 16, T1N/R17W, to the section line's intersection with the Los Angeles-Ventura County line; then

(35) Proceed east along the Los Angeles-Ventura County line approximately 0.45 mile, and then proceed north along the county line approximately 0.1 mile to the county line's intersection with Long Valley Road; then

(36) Proceed east-southeasterly on Long Valley Road approximately 1.7 miles to the road's intersection with the Los Angeles city boundary line (approximately 0.1 mile north of U.S. Highway 101 (Ventura Freeway)), section 23, T1N/R17W; then

(37) Proceed south along the Los Angeles city boundary line approximately 0.2 mile, then east-northeasterly approximately 0.2 mile, and then southeasterly approximately 0.9 mile to the city boundary line's intersection with the northern boundary line of section 26, T1N/R17W; then

(38) Proceed east-northeasterly along the Los Angeles city boundary line approximately 0.3 mile, and then continue easterly along the city boundary line approximately 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Canoga Park map, and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-121, 79 FR 41896, July 18, 2014]

§ 9.236 - Manton Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Manton Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Manton Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Manton Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Manton, CA, 1995;

(2) Shingletown, CA, 1985 (provisional); and

(3) Grays Peak, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Manton Valley viticultural area is located in Shasta and Tehama Counties in northern California. The boundary of the Manton Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Manton map, in the community of Manton, at the intersection of three unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Manton Road, Forward Road, and Rock Creek Road, section 21, T30N/R1E. From the beginning point, proceed northerly, then northeasterly on Rock Creek Road approximately 0.8 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Wilson Hill Road, section 21, T30N/R1E; then

(2) Proceed westerly, then northerly on Wilson Hill Road, crossing onto the Shingletown map, then continue westerly, then northerly, then northeasterly on the turning Wilson Hill Road, approximately 4 miles in total distance, to the road's intersection with the marked power line in section 8, T30N/R1E; then

(3) Proceed east-southeasterly along the marked power line, crossing onto the Manton map, approximately 1.1 miles to the power line's intersection with the Volta Powerhouse, section 16, T30N/R1E; then

(4) From the Volta Powerhouse, proceed south-southeasterly (downstream) along an aqueduct and penstock, approximately 0.7 mile in total distance, to the penstock's intersection with the North Fork of Battle Creek, section 16, T30N/R1E; then

(5) Proceed north-northeasterly (upstream) along the North Fork of Battle Creek approximately 0.3 mile to the confluence of Bailey Creek, section 15, T30N/R1E; then

(6) Proceed east-northeasterly (upstream) along Bailey Creek approximately 2 miles to the creek's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Manton Ponderosa Way, section 11; T30N/R1E; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along Manton Ponderosa Way approximately 1.8 miles to the road's intersection with Rock Creek Road, and then proceed easterly on Rock Creek Road approximately 0.05 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Forwards Mill Road, section 19, T30N/R2E; then

(8) Proceed easterly along Forwards Mill Road approximately 4.5 miles, crossing onto the Grays Peak map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Forward Road, section 26, T30N/R2E; then

(9) Proceed generally westerly along Forward Road approximately 4.8 miles, crossing onto the Manton map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Ponderosa Way, section 31, T30N/R2E; then

(10) Proceed southerly along Ponderosa Way approximately 1.7 miles to the road's intersection with an unimproved road (Pacific Gas and Electric service road, approximately 0.25 mile west-southwest of Bluff Springs), section 1, T29N/R1E; then

(11) Proceed westerly along the unimproved road approximately 2.2 miles to the road's intersection with the South Battle Creek Canal, section 3, T29N/R1E; then

(12) Proceed generally northwesterly (downstream) along the meandering South Battle Creek Canal approximately 1.3 miles to the canal's intersection with an unimproved road known locally as South Powerhouse Road, section 4, T29N/R1E; then

(13) Proceed northerly along South Powerhouse Road approximately 2 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Manton Road, section 21, T30N/R1E; then

(14) Proceed easterly along Manton Road approximately 0.1 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-122, 79 FR 44689, Aug. 1, 2014]

§ 9.237 - Eagle Peak Mendocino County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Eagle Peak Mendocino County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Eagle Peak Mendocino County” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geographical Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Eagle Peak Mendocino County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Laughlin Range, California, provisional edition 1991;

(2) Redwood Valley, Calif., 1960, photo revised 1975;

(3) Orrs Springs, California, provisional edition 1991; and

(4) Greenough Ridge, California, provisional edition 1991.

(c) Boundary. The Eagle Peak Mendocino County viticultural area is located in Mendocino County, California. The boundary of the Eagle Peak Mendocino County viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is located on the Laughlin Range map within McGee Canyon at the point where the 1,600-foot contour line intersects with Bakers Creek near the western boundary of section 25, T17N/R13W. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly (downstream) approximately 0.2 mile along Bakers Creek to the creek's intersection with the 1,400-foot contour line, section 25, T17N/R13W; then

(2) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the Redwood Valley map, to the southeast corner of section 36, T17N/R13W; then

(3) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.55 mile, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and an unnamed road locally known as Reeves Canyon Road, section 1, T16N/R13W; then

(4) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Redwood Valley map, to the southeast corner of section 1, T16N/R13W; then

(5) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.65 mile to the intersection of an unnamed, unimproved road and an unnamed intermittent stream located approximately 500 feet south of Seward Creek, section 12, T16N/R13W; then

(6) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Laughlin Ridge map, to the southwest corner of section 12, T16N/R13W; then

(7) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile, crossing onto the Orrs Springs map, to the 1,883-foot elevation point in section 14, T16N/R13W; then

(8) Proceed west-southwesterly in a series of three straight lines (totaling approximately 3.15 miles in distance), first to the 1,836-foot elevation point in section 15, T16N/R13W; then to the 1,805-foot elevation point in section 16, T16N/R13W; and then to the 2,251-foot elevation point in section 20, T16W/R13W; then

(9) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 2,562-foot elevation point, section 20, T16N/R13W; then

(10) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 2,218-foot elevation point, section 19, T16N/R13W; then

(11) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.35 mile to the 2,112-foot elevation point in the southeast corner of section 18, T16N/R13W; then

(12) Proceed north-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile to the 2,344-foot elevation point, section 17, T16N/R13W; then

(13) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the intersection of the R13W/R14W common boundary line and an unnamed, unimproved road east of Leonard Lake, section 1, T16N/R14W; then

(14) Proceed west-northwesterly along the unnamed, unimproved road to the road's intersection with the 2,000 foot contour line between Leonard Lake and Mud Lake, section 1, T16N/R13W; then

(15) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles, crossing onto the Greenough Ridge map, to the 2,246-foot elevation point, section 26, T17N/R14W; then

(16) Proceed northerly in a straight line approximately 0.9 mile to the 2,214-foot elevation point, section 23, T17N/R14W; then

(17) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 1 mile, crossing onto the Laughlin Range map, to the peak of Impassable Rocks, section 24, T17N/R14W; then

(18) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.95 mile, crossing onto the Greenough Ridge map, to the 2,617-foot elevation point, section 14, T17N/R14W, and continue northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 2,836-foot elevation point of Irene Peak, section 11, T17N/R14W; then

(19) Proceed northerly in a straight line approximately 1 mile to the intersection of 3 unnamed unimproved roads approximately 0.3 mile west of the headwaters of Walker Creek (locally known as the intersection of Blackhawk Drive, Walker Lake Road, and Williams Ranch Road) section 2, T17N/R14W; then

(20) Proceed easterly along the unnamed improved road, locally known as Blackhawk Drive, approximately 1.35 miles, crossing onto the Laughlin range map, to the road's intersection with the section 2 eastern boundary line, T17N/R14W; then

(21) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.75 mile, returning to the 2,213 elevation point near the northeast corner of section 1, T17N/R14W; then

(22) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 3.55 miles to BM 1893 (0.2 mile south of Ridge) in section 16, T17N/R13W, and then continue southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.85 mile to a radio facility located at approximately 2,840 feet in elevation in the Laughlin Range, section 15, T17N/R13W; then

(23) Proceed easterly in a straight line approximately 0.85 mile to another radio facility located at approximately 3,320 feet in elevation in the Laughlin Range, section 14, T17N/R13W; then

(24) Proceed southerly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles to the 2,452-foot elevation point in section 26, T17N/R13W; then

(25) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.4 mile to the intersection of the 1,800-foot contour line with Bakers Creek within McGee Canyon, section 26, T17N/R13W; then

(26) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) approximately 0.2 mile along Bakers Creek, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-124, 79 FR 60973, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.238 - Adelaida District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Adelaida District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Adelaida District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Adelaida District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Paso Robles, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(2) Templeton, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(3) York Mountain, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(4) Cypress Mountain, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(5) Lime Mountain, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(6) Adelaida, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Adelaida District viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Adelaida District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Paso Robles map at the point where an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Wellsona Road crosses the main channel of the Salinas River, section 4, T26S/R12E. From the beginning point, proceed southerly (upstream) along the main channel of the Salinas River approximately 3.4 miles to the river's first intersection with the city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line, T26S/R12E; then

(2) Proceed westerly and then southerly along the meandering city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line, crossing onto the Templeton map, to the boundary line's intersection with Peachy Canyon Road, T26S/R12E; then

(3) Proceed westerly on Peachy Canyon Road approximately 2.6 miles, crossing to and from the Paso Robles map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream at the 1,100-foot elevation line near the center of section 36, T26S/R11; then

(4) Proceed south-southeasterly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 1.2 miles to the stream's intersection with the R11E/R12E common boundary line, section 1, T27S/R11E; then

(5) Proceed south along the R11E/R12E common boundary line approximately 0.15 mile to the line's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Kiler Canyon Road, section 1, T27S/R11E; then

(6) Proceed westerly on the light-duty and then unimproved Kiler Canyon Road approximately 4 miles, crossing onto the York Mountain map, to the road's intersection with Summit Canyon Road (locally known as Peachy Canyon Road), section 33, T26S/R11E; then

(7) Proceed southwesterly on Summit Canyon Road (locally known as Peachy Canyon Road) approximately 3.5 miles to the road's intersection with Willow Creek Road (locally known as Vineyard Drive), T27S/R11E; then

(8) Proceed southerly on Willow Creek Road (locally known as Vineyard Drive) approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with Dover Canyon Road, T27S/R11E; then

(9) Proceed westerly on Dover Canyon Road approximately 2.8 miles to the road's intersection with an intermittent stream and an unnamed jeep trail in Dover Canyon, section 14, T27S/R10E; then

(10) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 5.7 miles, crossing onto the Cypress Mountain map, to the R9E/R10E common boundary line at the northwest corner of section 6, T27S/R10E; then

(11) Proceed north along the R9E/R10E common boundary line approximately 6.5 miles, crossing onto the Lime Mountain map, to the line's intersection with the second unnamed intermittent stream that crosses the western boundary line of section 31, T25S/R10E; then

(12) Proceed easterly in a straight line approximately 0.45 mile to a marked 1,165-foot peak in section 31, T25S/R10E, and then continue easterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the marked 1,135-foot peak in section 32, T25S/R10E; then

(13) Proceed due east-northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the line's intersection with Dip Creek, section 32, T25S/R10E; then

(14) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly along Dip Creek approximately 6 miles, crossing onto the Adelaida map, to the creek's intersection with San Miguel Road (locally known as Chimney Rock Road), section 13, T26S/R10E; then

(15) Proceed easterly on San Miguel Road (locally known as Chimney Rock Road, then Nacimiento Lake Drive, then Godfrey Road, and then San Marcos Road) approximately 8.6 miles, crossing onto the Paso Robles map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Wellsona Road, section 6, T26S/R12E; then

(16) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly on Wellsona Road approximately 2.0 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60960, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.239 - Creston District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Creston District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Creston District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Creston District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Creston, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1980;

(2) Shedd Canyon, Calif., 1961;

(3) Wilson Corner, CA, 1995;

(4) Camatta Ranch, CA, 1995; and

(5) Santa Margarita, Calif., 1965, revised 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Creston District viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Creston District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is located on the Creston map along the common boundary line of the Huerhuero Land Grant and section 34, T27S/R13E, at the eastern-most intersection of State Route 41 and an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Cripple Creek Road. From the beginning point, proceed northerly on Cripple Creek Road approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light duty road locally known as El Pomar Drive (at BM 1052), section 27, T27S/R13E; then

(2) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.75 mile to the unnamed 1,142-foot elevation point, T27S/R13E; then

(3) Proceed north in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the line's intersection with an unnamed light duty road locally known as Creston Road at the southwest corner of section 14, T27S/R13E; then

(4) Proceed east on Creston Road approximately 0.35 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Geneseo Road (at BM 1014), T27S/R13E; then

(5) Proceed north-northwesterly on Geneseo Road approximately 0.7 mile to the road's intersection with a jeep trail (locally known as Rancho Verano Place) and the western boundary line of section 14, T27S/R13E; then

(6) Proceed due east in a straight line approximately 0.2 mile to the line's intersection with the Huerhuero Land Grant boundary line, section 14, T27S/R13E; then

(7) Proceed north-northeasterly along the Huerhuero Land Grant boundary line approximately 0.7 mile to the land grant's northern-most point, and then continue east-southeasterly along the land grant's boundary line approximately 0.4 mile to the line's intersection with the northern boundary line of section 14, T27S/R13E; then

(8) Proceed east approximately 1.3 miles along the northern boundary lines of sections 14 and 13, T27S/R13E, and continue east approximately 0.25 mile along the northern boundary line of section 18, T27S/R14E, to the T-intersection of two unnamed unimproved roads; then

(9) Proceed east-southeasterly on the generally east-west unnamed unimproved road approximately 0.85 mile, crossing onto the Shedd Canyon map, to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 18, T27S/R14E; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the 1,641-foot elevation point located at the southeast corner of section 17, T27S/R14E; then

(11) Proceed southeasterly approximately 0.55 mile in a straight line to BM 1533 (located beside Creston Shandon Road (State Route 41)) and continue southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles to the 1,607 elevation point near the western boundary line of section 27, T27S/R14E; then

(12) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the 1.579-foot elevation point at the southeast corner of section 27, T27S/R14E; then

(13) Proceed east approximately 1.9 miles along the northern boundary lines of sections 35 and 36, T27S/R14E, to the section 36 boundary line's intersection with Indian Creek; then

(14) Proceed southerly (upstream) along Indian Creek approximately 5.3 miles in straight-line distance, crossing onto the Wilson Corner map, to the creek's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as La Panza Road, section 20, T28S/R15E; then

(15) Proceed southeasterly on La Panza Road approximately 0.15 mile to the road's intersection with State Route 58 at Wilson Corner, section 29, T28S/R15E; then

(16) Proceed easterly on State Route 58 approximately 1.4 miles, crossing onto the Camatta Ranch map, to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 28, T28S/R15E; then

(17) Proceed south approximately 1.5 miles along the eastern boundary lines of sections 28 and 33, T28S/R15E, to the T28S/T29S common boundary line at the southeast corner of section 33, T28S/15E; then

(18) Proceed west along the T28S/T29S common boundary line approximately 9.1 miles, crossing over the Wilson Corner map and onto the Santa Margarita map, to the boundary line's intersection with the Middle Branch of Huerhuero Creek, section 31, T28S/R14E; then

(19) Proceed north-northwesterly (downstream) along the Middle Branch of Huerhuero Creek approximately 2.3 miles in straight-line distance to the creek's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 24, T28S/R13E; then

(20) Proceed west along the southern boundary line of section 24, T28S/R13E, approximately 0.45 mile to that section's southwestern corner; then

(21) Proceed north along the western boundary line of section 24, T28S/R13E, approximately 1.0 mile to the boundary line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road at the section's northwestern corner; then

(22) Proceed northwesterly on the unnamed unimproved road approximately 0.7 mile to the road's intersection with State Route 229 near BM 1138, section 14, T28S/R13E; then

(23) Proceed northeasterly on State Route 229 approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with the Huerhuero Land Grant boundary line, section 14, T28S/R13E; then

(24) Proceed north-northwesterly along the boundary of the Huerhuero Land Grant approximately 3 miles, crossing onto the Creston map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60960, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.42 - Cole Ranch.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cole Ranch.”

(b) Approved map. The approved map for the Cole Ranch viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. map entitled “Elledge Peak Quadrangle California—Mendocino County,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1958.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the Cole Ranch viticultural area are located in Mendocino County California and are as follows:

(1) The point of beginning is the intersection of the 1480-foot-elevation contour line with the Boonville-Ukiah Cutoff Road near the southeast corner of section 13;

(2) The Boundary follows the 1480-foot-elevation contour line southerly, then easterly, within section 24, then easterly and northwesterly within section 19 to its first intersection with this section line. The boundary proceeds due west on the north section line of section 19 until it intersects with the Boonville-Ukiah Cutoff Road;

(3) The boundary follows this road northwesterly to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-130, 48 FR 16248, Apr. 15, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.240 - El Pomar District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “El Pomar District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “El Pomar District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the El Pomar District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Templeton, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(2) Creston, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundary. The El Pomar District viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the El Pomar District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the southeastern portion of the Templeton map at the intersection of State Route 41 and an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Homestead Road, east-northeast of Atascadero within the Asuncion Land Grant. From the beginning point, proceed north-northwesterly on Homestead Road approximately 1.1 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as South El Pomar Road, Asuncion Land Grant; then

(2) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 1,452-foot elevation point, and continue north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to an unnamed peak above the 1,440-foot elevation line (marked on the map by a triangle), Asuncion Land Grant; then

(3) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the 1,344-foot elevation point, Asuncion Land Grant; then

(4) Proceed northerly in a series of straight lines, totaling approximately 1.4 miles, through the 1,338-foot and 1,329-foot elevation points to the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads locally known as El Pomar Drive and Hollyhock Lane in the Santa Ysabel Land Grant, T27S/R12E; then

(5) Proceed north-northwesterly on Hollyhock Lane approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Neal Springs Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(6) Proceed west on Neal Springs Road approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as South River Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(7) Proceed northwesterly and then northerly on South River Road approximately 2.8 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Charolais Road (0.1 mile north of a marked windmill), Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(8) Proceed east-southeasterly on Charolais Road approximately 1.4 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Creston Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(9) Proceed north and then west-northwesterly on Creston Road approximately 1.9 miles to the road's intersection with a marked telephone line (approximately 1.3 miles due east of U.S. Route 101) in the Santa Ysabel Land Grant, T26/R12E; then

(10) Proceed easterly in a straight line approximately 2 miles, crossing onto the Creston map, to the line's intersection with the point where the R12E/R13E common boundary line crosses Huerhuero Creek, western boundary line of section 31, T26S/R13E; then

(11) Proceed southeasterly (upstream) along Huerhuero Creek approximately 2.4 miles to the creek's first confluence with an unnamed intermittent stream in the northwest quadrant of section 8, T27S/R13E; then

(12) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to the 1,255-foot elevation point in the northwest quadrant of section 16, T27S/R13E; then

(13) Proceed easterly in a straight line approximately 0.75 mile to an unnamed peak above the 1,380-foot elevation line (marked on the map with a triangle), section 16, T27S/R13E; then

(14) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the 1,342-foot elevation point in section 15, T27S/R13E, and then continue east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the northern end of a marked, unnamed light-duty road (locally known as a private driveway located approximately 430 feet east of Old Ford Road), section 15, T27S/R13E; then

(15) Proceed south on the marked, unnamed light-duty road (locally known as a private driveway located approximately 430 feet east of Old Ford Road) approximately 0.3 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Creston Road, section 15, T27S/R13E; then

(16) Proceed east on Creston Road approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with northeast corner of section 22, T27S/R13E; then

(17) Proceed southerly in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the 1,142 elevation point in the Huerhuero Land Grant (0.1 mile south of a pipe line), T27S/R13E; then

(18) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.75 mile to BM 1052 located at the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads locally known locally as El Pomar Drive and Cripple Creek Road, section 27, T27S/R13E; then

(19) Proceed south on Cripple Creek Road approximately 1.0 mile to the road's eastern-most intersection with State Route 41, section 34, T27S/R13E; then

(20) Proceed southwesterly on State Route 41 approximately 0.5 mile to the marked 1,128-foot elevation point, section 3, T28S/R13E; then

(21) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the southeast corner of section 4, T28S/R13E; then

(22) Proceed east along the southern boundary of section 4 approximately 0.75 mile to the section line's intersection with State Route 41; then

(23) Proceed southwesterly on State Route 41 approximately 4.5 miles, crossing onto the Templeton map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60961, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.241 - Paso Robles Estrella District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paso Robles Estrella District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Paso Robles Estrella District” and “Paso Robles Estrella” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Paso Robles Estrella District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Paso Robles, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(2) San Miguel, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(3) Ranchito Canyon, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1976;

(4) Estrella, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(5) Shandon, Calif., 1961.

(c) Boundary. The Paso Robles Estrella District is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Paso Robles Estrella District is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Paso Robles map at the confluence of San Jacinto Creek and the Estrella River, section 26, T25S/R12E. From the beginning point, proceed north-northeasterly (upstream) along San Jacinto Creek approximately 6.5 miles, crossing onto the San Miguel map, to the creek's intersection with the San Luis Obispo County-Monterey County boundary line, northern boundary of section 1, T25S/R12E; then

(2) Proceed east along the San Luis Obispo County-Monterey County boundary line approximately 2.4 miles, crossing onto the Ranchito Canyon map, to the county line's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Ranchita Canyon Road, northern boundary of section 4, T25S/R13E; then

(3) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 4.5 miles to the 1,819-foot elevation point in the northwestern quadrant of section 18, T25S/R14E; then

(4) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles, crossing over the northeastern corner of the Estrella map and then onto the Shandon map, to the 1,614-foot elevation point in the northwestern quadrant of section 20, T25S/R14E; then

(5) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.05 miles to the 1,601-foot elevation point in the northeastern quadrant of section 29, T25S/R14E; then

(6) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles to the 1,562-foot elevation point, section 34, T25S/R14E; then

(7) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 3 miles to the 1,481-foot “Estrella” elevation point, section 14, T26S/R14E; then

(8) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.95 mile to the intersection of the eastern boundary line of section 15, T26S/R14E, and U.S. 446/State Route 41 (now known as State Route 46); then

(9) Proceed south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 15 and 22, approximately 0.55 mile, to the intersection of the section 22 boundary line and the unnamed intermittent stream that flows from Shedd Canyon, section 22, T26S/R14E; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly and then southerly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream located within Shedd Canyon approximately 1.9 miles to the stream's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 26, T26S/R14E; then

(11) Proceed west along the southern boundary lines of sections 26, 27 and 28, T26S/R14E, approximately 1.9 miles to the section 28 boundary line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road located between the 1,220- and 1,240-foot contour lines, section 28, T26S/R14E; then

(12) Proceed southwesterly along the unnamed unimproved road approximately 0.4 miles to a fork and then continue on the westerly fork of the unnamed unimproved road approximately 0.3 miles to the 1,385-foot elevation point, section 32, T26S/R14E; then

(13) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles, crossing onto the Estrella map, to the line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road and the southern boundary of section 30, T26R/R14E; then

(14) Proceed northerly along the unnamed unimproved road approximately 2.0 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as River Grove Drive in Whitley Gardens, T26S/R14E; then

(15) Proceed westerly in a straight line less than 0.1 mile to the intersection of the western boundary line of section 19, T26S/R14E and State Route 46, and then continue west on State Route 46 approximately 2.1 miles to the southwest corner of section 14, T26S/R13E; then

(16) Proceed west along the southern boundary lines of sections 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 (largely concurrent with State Route 46) approximately 4 miles to the southwest corner of section 18, T26S/R13E; then

(17) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 1.45 miles, crossing onto the Paso Robles map, to the line's intersection with State Route 46 at the southwestern corner of section 24, T26S/R12E; then

(18) Proceed west on State Route 46 approximately 2.4 miles to the road's intersection with the Salinas River at the city of Paso Robles, T26S/R12E; then

(19) Proceed northerly (downstream) along the main channel of the Salinas River approximately 5.2 miles in straight-line distance to the river's intersection with the northern boundary line of section 33, T25S/R12E; then

(20) Proceed east along the northern boundary lines of sections 33, 34, and 35, T25S/R12E, approximately 1.8 miles to the intersection of the section 35 boundary line with the Estrella River; then

(21) Proceed northerly (downstream) along the main channel of the Estrella River approximately 0.7 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60962, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.242 - Paso Robles Geneseo District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paso Robles Geneseo District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Paso Robles Geneseo District” and “Paso Robles Geneseo” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Paso Robles Geneseo District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Paso Robles, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(2) Estrella Calif., 1948; photorevised 1979;

(3) Creston, Calif., 1948; photorevised 1980; and

(4) Templeton, Calif., 1948; photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Paso Robles Geneseo District is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Paso Robles Geneseo District is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Paso Robles map at the intersection of State Route 46 and Golden Hill Road at the northwest corner of section 26, T26S/R12E. From the beginning point, proceed east on State Route 46 for 1 mile to the southwest corner of section 24, T26S/R12E; then

(2) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 1.45 miles, crossing onto the Estrella map, to the northwest corner of section 19, T26S/R13E; then

(3) Proceed east along the northern boundary lines of sections 19 and 20, T26S/R13E, to the section 20 boundary line's intersection with State Route 46 and then continue east on State Route 46 to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 24, T26S/R13E; then

(4) Proceed easterly in a straight line less than 0.1 mile to the intersection of an unnamed light duty road locally known as River Grove Drive and an unnamed unimproved road in Whitley Gardens, section 19, T26S/R14E; then

(5) Proceed south on the unnamed unimproved road approximately 2 miles to the road's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 30, T26S/R14E; then

(6) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.9 miles, crossing onto the Creston map, to the intersection of an unnamed light duty road locally known as Geneseo Road and an unnamed unimproved road locally known as Dry Canyon Road (just east of a windmill within Dry Canyon), section 35, T26S/R13E; then

(7) Proceed south on Geneseo Road approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 3, T27S/R13E (near BM 1200); then

(8) Proceed south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 3, 10, and 15, T27S/R13E, approximately 1.9 miles to the first intersection of the section 15 eastern boundary line with the unnamed light-duty road locally known as Geneseo Road, section 15, T27S/R13E; then

(9) Proceed south-southeasterly on Geneseo Road approximately 0.85 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light duty road locally known as Creston Road, Huerhuero Land Grant, T27S/R13E; then

(10) Proceed west on Creston Road 0.5 mile to the road's intersection with a marked, unnamed light-duty road (locally known as a private driveway located approximately 430 feet east of Old Ford Road), southern boundary of section 15, T27S/R13E; then

(11) Proceed north on the marked, unnamed light-duty road (locally known as a private driveway located approximately 430 feet east of Old Ford Road) approximately 0.3 mile to the road's end, section 15, T27S/R13E; then

(12) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the 1,342 foot elevation point in section 15, T27S/R13E, and then continue west-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to an unnamed peak above the 1,380-foot elevation line (marked on the map with a triangle), section 16, T27S/R13E; then

(13) Proceed westerly in a straight line approximately 0.75 mile to the 1,255-foot elevation point in the northwest quadrant of section 16, T27S/R13E; then

(14) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to the confluence of Huerhuero Creek and an unnamed intermittent stream in the northwest quadrant of section 8, T27S/R13E; then

(15) Proceed northwesterly (downstream) along Huerhuero Creek approximately 2.4 miles to the creek's intersection with the R12E/R13E common boundary line, section 31, T26S/R13E; then

(16) Proceed westerly in a straight line approximately 2.3 miles, crossing onto the Templeton map, to the line's intersection with the junction of a marked telephone line and an unnamed light duty road locally known as Creston Road (approximately 1.3 miles due east of U.S. Route 101 in the Santa Ysabel Land Grant, T26S/R12E; then

(17) Proceed west on Creston Road approximately 0.05 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Rolling Hills Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(18) Proceed north on Rolling Hills Road, crossing onto the Paso Robles map (where a portion of Rolling Hills Road is labeled Golden Hill Road), and continue north on Rolling Hills Road and then Golden Hill Road (a total distance of approximately 1.5 miles), returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60963, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.243 - Paso Robles Highlands District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paso Robles Highlands District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Paso Robles Highlands District” and “Paso Robles Highlands” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Paso Robles Highlands District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Camatta Ranch, CA, 1995;

(2) Wilson Corner, CA, 1995;

(3) Shedd Canyon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993;

(4) Camatta Canyon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993;

(5) Holland Canyon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993; and

(6) La Panza Ranch, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Paso Robles Highlands District viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Paso Robles Highlands District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Camatta Ranch map along the T28S/T29S common boundary line (also concurrent with the northern boundary line of the Los Padres National Forest) at the southwest corner of section 34, T28S/R15E. From the beginning point, proceed north along the western boundary lines of sections 34 and 27, T28S/R15E, approximately 1.5 miles to the section 27 boundary line's intersection with State Route 58; then

(2) Proceed west on State Route 58 approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the Wilson Corner map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as La Panza Road at Wilson Corner, section 29, T28S/R15E; then

(3) Proceed northwest on the unnamed light-duty road known locally as La Panza Road approximately 0.15 mile to the road's intersection with Indian Creek, section 20, T28S/R15E; then

(4) Proceed north-northwesterly (downstream) along the meandering Indian Creek approximately 8.5 miles in straight-line distance, crossing onto the Shedd Canyon map, to the creek's intersection with the northern boundary line of section 13, T27S/R14E, within Shedd Canyon; then

(5) Proceed east approximately 6.2 miles along the northern boundary line of section 13, T27S/R14E, and the northern boundary lines of sections 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, and 13, T27S/R15E, crossing onto the Camatta Canyon map, to the intersection of the northern boundary line of section 13, T27S/R15E, with the 1,200-foot elevation line on the western edge of the San Juan Valley; then

(6) Proceed southerly then easterly along the 1,200-foot elevation line to the elevation line's first intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 13, T27S/R15E; then

(7) Proceed south along the eastern boundary line of section 13, T27S/R15E, approximately 0.2 mile to the section 13 boundary line's second intersection with an unnamed unimproved road; then

(8) Proceed southeasterly on the unnamed unimproved road approximately 3 miles as it follows the southwestern edge of the San Juan Valley to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 29, T27S/R16E; then

(9) Proceed south along the eastern boundary line of section 29, T27S/R16E, approximately 0.3 mile to the section line's intersection with the 1,300-foot elevation line; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,300-foot elevation line approximately 3.7 miles as it follows the southwestern edge of the San Juan Valley, crossing onto the Holland Canyon map, to the elevation line's first intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 3, T28S/R16E; then

(11) Proceed south along the eastern boundary line of section 3, T28S/R16E, approximately 0.55 mile to the section boundary line's fifth intersection with the 1,300-foot elevation line (northwest of Pear Tree Spring); then

(12) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,300-foot elevation line approximately 1.3 miles to the elevation line's intersection with an unnamed tributary of San Juan Creek (approximately 0.35 mile east of the 1,686-foot San Juan peak), section 11, T28S/R16E; then

(13) Proceed southerly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile, crossing onto the La Panza Ranch map, to the northwestern corner of section 13, T28S/R16E; then

(14) Proceed east along the northern boundary line of section 13, T28S/R16E, approximately 0.7 mile to the section boundary line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road; then

(15) Proceed south-southeasterly on the unnamed unimproved road approximately 0.85 mile to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 13, T28S/R16E, which is concurrent with the R16E/R17E common boundary line; then

(16) Proceed south along the R16E/R17E common boundary line approximately 3.35 miles to the southeast corner of section 36, T28S/R16E, which is concurrent with the eastern-most intersection of the R16E/R17E and T28S/T29S common boundary lines; then

(17) Proceed west along the T28S/R29S common boundary line approximately 9.1 miles, crossing onto the Camatta Ranch map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60964, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.244 - Paso Robles Willow Creek District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paso Robles Willow Creek District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Paso Robles Willow Creek District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Paso Robles Willow Creek District viticultural area are titled:

(1) York Mountain, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(2) Templeton, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(3) Paso Robles, Calif. 1948, photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Paso Robles Willow Creek District is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Paso Robles Willow Creek District is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the York Mountain map at the intersection of Summit Canyon Road (locally known as Peachy Canyon Road), and an unnamed unimproved road locally known as Kiler Canyon Road, section 33, T26S/R11E. From the beginning point, proceed southerly and then southwesterly on Summit Canyon Road (locally known as Peachy Canyon Road) approximately 3.3 miles to the road's intersection with Willow Canyon Road (locally known as Vineyard Drive), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(2) Proceed southerly on Willow Creek Road (locally known as Vineyard Drive) approximately 0.35 mile to its intersection with Dover Canyon Road; then

(3) Proceed westerly then southerly on Dover Canyon Road approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with the common boundary line of section 18, T27S/R11E, and the Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(4) Proceed east, south, and southeast along the Paso de Robles Land Grant Boundary line approximately 1.9 miles to the fourth crossing of an unnamed intermittent tributary of Jack Creek by the common boundary line of section 20, T27S/R11E, and the Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(5) Proceed northerly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent tributary of Jack Creek approximately 0.15 mile to the tributary's confluence with Jack Creek, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(6) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) along Jack Creek approximately 1.8 miles to the creek's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Jack Creek Road (near BM 920), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly and then east-southeasterly along Jack Creek Road approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with State Route 46; then

(8) Proceed east on State Route 46 approximately 0.15 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Hidden Valley Road, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(9) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly on Hidden Valley Road approximately 2.2 miles, crossing onto the Templeton map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Vineyard Drive, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(10) Proceed east on Vineyard Drive approximately 0.85 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as S. Bethel Road, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(11) Proceed north-northeasterly on S. Bethel Road and then N. Bethel Road approximately 1.7 miles to the road's fifth intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(12) Proceed westerly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream and then the stream's middle branch approximately 1.1 miles to the marked end of the stream, and then continue due west in a straight line approximately 0.05 mile to State Route 46 (Cayucos Road), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(13) Proceed northeasterly on State Route 46 (Cayucos Road) approximately 0.8 mile to BM 924, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(14) Proceed due north in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 12, T27S/R11E, and continue north along the eastern boundary line of section 12, a total of approximately 1.1 miles, to the section boundary line's intersection with a light-duty road locally known as Live Oak Road; then

(15) Proceed easterly on Live Oak Road approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(16) Proceed northwesterly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 0.35 mile to the eastern boundary line of section 12, T27S/R11E; then

(17) Proceed north along the eastern boundary line of section 12, T27S/R11E, to the section's northeast corner, and then proceed east along the southern boundary line of section 6, T27S/R11E, a total of approximately 1.3 miles, to the intersection of the section 6 boundary line with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Arbor Road; then

(18) Proceed south-southeasterly on Arbor Road approximately 0.35 mile to the road's first intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(19) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 1.4 miles to the stream's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as S. Vine Street, just west of the U.S. 101/State Route 46 interchange, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(20) Proceed northerly along S. Vine Street (which generally parallels U.S. 101) approximately 1.8 miles to the street's intersection with the marked city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line (concurrent with the locally-known intersection of S. Vine and 1st Streets), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(21) Proceed west, north, west, and north again along the marked city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line approximately 1 mile to the boundary line's junction with the intersection of an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Merry Hill Road and Peachy Canyon Road, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(22) Proceed westerly on Peachy Canyon Road approximately 2.6 miles, crossing to and from the Paso Robles map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream near the center of section 36, T26S/R11E; then

(23) Proceed south-southeasterly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 1.2 miles to the stream's intersection with the eastern boundary line of section 1, T27S/R11E; then

(24) Proceed south along the eastern boundary line of section 1, T27S/R11E, approximately 0.15 mile to the line's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Kiler Canyon Road, section 1, T27S/R11E; then

(25) Proceed westerly on Kiler Canyon Road approximately 3.7 miles, crossing onto the York Mountain map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60964, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.245 - San Juan Creek.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Juan Creek.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “San Juan Creek” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the San Juan Creek viticultural area are titled:

(1) Cholame, Calif., 1961, revised 1993;

(2) Camatta Canyon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993;

(3) Holland Canyon, Calif. 1961, revised 1993;

(4) La Panza Ranch, CA, 1995;

(5) Shedd Canyon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993; and

(6) Shandon, Calif., 1961, revised 1993.

(c) Boundary. The San Juan Creek viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the San Juan Creek viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Cholame map in the Shandon Valley at the intersection of State Route 41 and San Juan Road, northern boundary of section 21, T26S/R15E. From the beginning point on the Cholame map, and crossing onto the Camatta Canyon map and then the Holland Canyon map, proceed south and then southeasterly approximately 16 miles along the eastern edge of the Shandon Valley and then the San Juan Valley by following San Juan Road (also locally known in places as Shandon San Juan Road, Camatti-Shandon Road, Bitterwater Canyon Road, and then San Juan Road again), passing the San Juan Ranch (where to road is marked as unimproved), to the road's intersection with the San Luis Obispo-Kern County boundary line at the eastern boundary line of section 12, T28S/R16E, which is also concurrent with the R16E/R17E common boundary line; then

(2) Proceed south along the R16E/R17E common boundary line approximately 1.3 miles, crossing onto the La Panza Ranch map, to the boundary line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road locally known as Navajo Creek Road, immediately south of the 1,340-foot elevation line, section 13, T28S/R16E; then

(3) Proceed north-northwesterly on Navajo Creek Road to the road's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 12, T28S/R16E; then

(4) Proceed west along the southern boundary line of section 12, T28S/R16E, approximately 0.7 mile to the section's southwestern corner; then

(5) Proceed northerly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile, crossing onto the Holland Canyon map, to the intersection of the 1,300-foot elevation line and an unnamed tributary of San Juan Creek (approximately 0.35 mile east of the 1,686-foot San Juan peak), in section 11, T28S/R16E; then

(6) Proceed northwesterly along the 1,300-foot elevation line approximately 1.3 miles to the line's first intersection with the western boundary line of section 2, T28S/R16E, northwest of Pear Tree Spring; then

(7) Proceed north along the western boundary line of section 2 approximately 0.55 to the section boundary line's last intersection with the 1,300-foot elevation line, near the northwestern corner of section 2, T28S/R16E; then

(8) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 1,300-foot elevation line approximately 3.7 miles, crossing onto the Camatta Canyon map, to the elevation line's intersection with the western boundary line of section 28, T27S/R16E; then

(9) Proceed north along the western boundary line of section 28 approximately 0.15 mile to the section boundary line's intersection with an unnamed unimproved road, section 28, T27S/R16E; then

(10) Proceed northwesterly on the unnamed unimproved road approximately 3 miles as it follows the southwestern edge of the San Juan Valley to the road's intersection with western boundary line of section 18, T27S/R16E; then

(11) Proceed north along the western boundary line of section 18, T27S/R16E, approximately 0.2 mile to the section boundary line's intersection with 1,200-foot elevation line, section 18, T27S/R16E; then

(12) Proceed westerly then northerly along the 1,200-foot elevation line to the elevation line's intersection with the southern boundary of section 12, T27S/R15E; then

(13) Proceed west approximately 6.4 miles along the southern boundary lines of sections 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, and 7, T27S/R15E, crossing onto the Shedd Canyon map, and continue west along the southern boundary lines of sections 12 and 11, T27S/R14E, to the intersection of the southern boundary line of section 11 with an unnamed unimproved road locally known as Shedd Canyon Road (within Shedd Canyon 0.1 mile west of State Route 41); then

(14) Proceed northerly on Shedd Canyon Road approximately 3.2 miles, crossing onto the Shandon map, to the road's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 26, T26S/R14E; then

(15) Proceed west along the southern boundary line of section 26, T26S/R14E, to the boundary line's intersection with the unnamed intermittent stream located within Shedd Canyon; then

(16) Proceed northerly along the unnamed intermittent stream located within Shedd Canyon approximately 1.8 miles to the stream's intersection with the western boundary line of section 23, T26S/R14E; then

(17) Proceed north along the western boundary lines of sections 23 and 14, T26S/R14E, approximately 0.6 mile to the section 14 boundary line's intersection with State Route 46; then

(18) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.95 mile to the 1,481-foot “Estrella” elevation point, section 14, T26S/R14E; then

(19) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.25 miles to the line's intersection with 1,300-foot elevation line and the northern boundary line of section 11, T26S/R14E; then

(20) Proceed east along northern section boundary lines of sections 11 and 12, T26S/R14E, and the northern boundary lines of sections 7, 8, 9, and 10, T26S/R15E, approximately 5.9 miles in total distance and crossing onto the Cholame map, to the northeast corner of section 10, T26S/R15E (adjacent to State Routes 41/46); then

(21) Proceed south along the eastern boundary line of section 10, T26S/R15E, approximately 1 mile to the section's southeast corner; then

(22) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60965, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.246 - San Miguel District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Miguel District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “San Miguel District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the San Miguel District viticultural area are titled:

(1) San Miguel, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979;

(2) Paso Robles, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(3) Adelaida, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The San Miguel District is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the San Miguel District is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the San Miguel map at the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and the San Luis Obispo-Monterey County boundary line, section 1, T25S/R11E. From the beginning point, proceed east along the San Luis Obispo-Monterey County line approximately 5.9 miles to the county line's intersection with San Jacinto Creek, section 1, T25S/R12E; then

(2) Proceed south-southwesterly (downstream) along San Jacinto Creek for approximately 6.5 miles, crossing on to the Paso Robles map, to the creek's confluence with the Estrella River, section 26, T25S/R12E; then

(3) Proceed southerly (upstream) 0.7 mile along the main channel of the Estrella River to the river's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 26, T25S/R12E; then

(4) Proceed west along the southern boundary lines of sections 26, 27, and 28, T25S/R12E, approximately 1.85 miles to the section 28 boundary line's intersection with the Salinas River; then

(5) Proceed southerly (upstream) along the main channel of the Salinas River approximately 1.6 miles to the river's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Wellsona Road, section 4, T26S/R12E; then

(6) Proceed west then northwesterly on Wellsona Road approximately 2 miles to the road's intersection with San Miguel Road (locally known as San Marcos Road), section 6, T26S/R12E; then

(7) Proceed west-southwesterly on San Miguel Road (locally known as San Marcos Road) approximately 2.6 miles, crossing onto the Adelaida map, to the road's intersection with the eastern boundary line of the Camp Roberts Military Reservation (approximately 400 feet east of the road's intersection with Generals Road), section 2, T26S/R11E; then

(8) Proceed northerly along the meandering eastern boundary line of the Camp Roberts Military Reservation (approximately 6.3 miles in straight line distance), crossing onto the San Miguel map, to the intersection of the military reservation's boundary line with U.S. Highway 101 near the northeast corner of section 7, T25S/R12E; then

(9) Proceed northwesterly on U.S. Highway 101 approximately 1.55 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60966, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.247 - Santa Margarita Ranch.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Margarita Ranch.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Santa Margarita Ranch” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Santa Margarita Ranch viticultural area are titled:

(1) Santa Margarita, Calif., 1965, revised 1993;

(2) Lopez Mountain, CA, 1995;

(3) San Luis Obispo, CA, 1995; and

(4) Atascadero, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Santa Margarita Ranch is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Santa Margarita Ranch is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Santa Margarita map at the intersection of the northern boundary line of section 10, T29S/R13E, and the Salinas River. From the beginning point, proceed southerly (upstream) along the meandering Salinas River approximately 7.9 miles, crossing onto the Lopez Mountain map, to the river's intersection with the R13E/R14E boundary line, which coincides with the eastern boundary line of section 36, T29S/R13E; then

(2) Proceed south along the R13E/R14E boundary line approximately 3.2 miles to the boundary line's first intersection with the Los Padres National Forest boundary line, section 13, T30S/R13E; then

(3) Proceed northwesterly along the Los Padres National Forest boundary line approximately 4 miles to the Forest boundary line's intersection with the T29S/T30S boundary line, near the northwest corner of section 3, T30S/R13E; then

(4) Proceed west along the Los Padres National Forest boundary line and then the T29S/T30S boundary line approximately 2 miles to the southwest corner of section 32, T29S/R13E; then

(5) Proceed north along the western boundary line of section 32, T29S/R13E, and then the Los Padres National Forest boundary line to northwest corner of section 32 where the Forest boundary line makes a 90 degree turn to the west; then

(6) Proceed west along the Los Padres National Forest boundary line approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the San Luis Obispo map, to the point where the Los Padres National Forest boundary line first dips to the south and is no longer concurrent with the northern boundary line of section 36, T29S/R12E; then

(7) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line approximately 2.25 miles, crossing onto the Atascadero map, to the western-most intersection of the 1,400-foot elevation line with the northern boundary line of section 23, T29S/R12E; then

(8) Proceed west along the northern boundary line of section 23, T29S/R12E, approximately 0.6 mile to the section's northeast corner; then

(9) Proceed east along the western boundary line of section 13, T29S/R12E, to the section's northwest corner, and then continue east along the northern boundary line of section 13, T29S/R12E, to the section boundary line's intersection with the R12E/R13E common boundary line at section 13's northeast corner; then

(10) Proceed due north along the R12E/R13E common boundary line approximately 0.75 mile to the boundary line's intersection with the T-intersection of two unnamed unimproved roads, locally known as Powerline Road and Santa Margarita Road; then

(11) Proceed easterly and then east-northeasterly on Santa Margarita Road approximately 1.5 miles, crossing onto the Santa Margarita map, to the road's intersection with El Camino Real, Santa Margarita Land Grant, T29S/R13E; then

(12) Proceed southeasterly on El Camino Real approximately 300 feet to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Asuncion Road at BM 931 (just south of Santa Margarita Creek), Santa Margarita Land Grant; then

(13) Proceed northeasterly on Asuncion Road approximately 0.3 mile (crossing a railroad line) to the road's intersection with Chispa Road; then

(14) Proceed due east in a straight line approximately 0.1 mile to the line's intersection with the boundary line of the Santa Margarita Land Grant, which, at this point, is concurrent with the southwestern boundary line of section 5, T29S/R13E; then

(15) Proceed southeasterly along the Santa Margarita Land Grant boundary line approximately 0.7 mile to the boundary line's intersection with the northwest corner of section 9, T29S/R13E, and then continue east along the northern boundary lines of sections 9 and 10, T29S/R13E, approximately 1.15 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60967, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.248 - Templeton Gap District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Templeton Gap District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Templeton Gap District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Templeton Gap District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Templeton, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979; and

(2) York Mountain, Calif., 1948, photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Templeton Gap viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundary of the Templeton Gap District viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the northern portion of the Templeton map at the point where the marked southern city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line intersects the Salinas River (now very approximate to the point where Niblick Road crosses the Salinas River). From the beginning point, proceed southerly (upstream) along the Salinas River approximately 1.1 miles to the river's confluence with the first marked unnamed intermittent stream flowing from the east, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(2) Proceed southeasterly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 0.4 mile to the stream's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as S. River Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(3) Proceed southeasterly then southerly on S. River Road approximately 2.2 miles to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Neal Springs Road, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(4) Proceed east on Neal Springs Roads approximately 0.4 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Hollyhock Lane, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(5) Proceed south-southeasterly on Hollyhock Lane approximately 0.95 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as El Pomar Drive, Santa Ysabel Land Grant; then

(6) Proceed southerly in a series of straight lines, totaling approximately 1.4 miles, through the 1,329-foot and 1,338-foot elevation points (crossing from the Santa Ysabel to the Asuncion Land Grants) to the 1,344-foot elevation point; then

(7) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the elevation control point (marked by a triangle) above the 1,440-foot contour line, Asuncion Land Grant; then

(8) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the 1,452-foot elevation point, and continue south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the intersection of two light-duty roads locally known as S. El Pomar Road and Homestead Road, Asuncion Land Grant; then

(9) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the point where an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Templeton Road intersects with an unnamed intermittent stream (where Templeton Road makes a 90 degree turn at its junction with two unnamed unimproved roads), Asuncion Land Grant; then

(10) Proceed westerly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 0.5 mile to the stream's confluence with the Salinas River, Asuncion Land Grant; then

(11) Proceed westerly (downstream) along the Salinas River approximately 2.3 miles to the river's intersection with the boundary line of the Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(12) Proceed southwesterly along the boundary line of the Paso de Robles Land Grant approximately 2.3 miles to the point where the boundary line turns sharply to the northwest; then

(13) Proceed northwesterly approximately 4.65 miles along the boundary line of the Paso de Robles Land Grant, crossing onto the York Mountain map, to the point where the boundary line turns due north (coincides with the southeast corner of section 32, T27S/R11E); then

(14) Proceed north and then north-northeasterly along the boundary line of the Paso de Robles Land Grant approximately 1.5 miles to the point where the boundary line turns sharply to the northwest (coincides with the eastern-most point of section 20, T27S/R11E); then

(15) Proceed northwesterly along the boundary line of the Paso de Robles Land Grant approximately 0.3 mile to the eastern-most fork of an unnamed three-fork tributary of the Jack Creek; then

(16) Proceed northerly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent tributary of Jack Creek approximately 0.15 mile to the tributary's confluence with Jack Creek, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(17) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) along Jack Creek approximately 1.8 miles to the creek's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Jack Creek Road (near BM 920), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(18) Proceed northeasterly and then east-southeasterly along Jack Creek Road approximately 1 mile to the road's intersection with State Route 46; then

(19) Proceed east on State Route 46 approximately 0.15 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Hidden Valley Road, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(20) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly on Hidden Valley Road approximately 2.2 miles, crossing onto the Templeton map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Vineyard Drive, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(21) Proceed east on Vineyard Drive approximately 0.85 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as S. Bethel Road, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(22) Proceed north-northeasterly on S. Bethel Road and then N. Bethel Road approximately 1.7 miles to the road's fifth intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(23) Proceed westerly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream and then the stream's middle branch approximately 1.1 miles to the marked end of the stream, and then continue due west in a straight line approximately 0.05 mile to State Route 46 (Cayucos Road), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(24) Proceed northeasterly on State Route 46 (Cayucos Road) approximately 0.8 mile to BM 924, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(25) Proceed due north in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 12, T27S/R11E, and continue north along the eastern boundary line of section 12, a total of approximately 1.1 miles, to the section boundary line's intersection with a light-duty road locally known as Live Oak Road; then

(26) Proceed easterly on Live Oak Road approximately 0.2 mile to the road's intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(27) Proceed northwesterly (upstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 0.35 mile to the eastern boundary line of section 12, T27S/R11E; then

(28) Proceed north along the eastern boundary line of section 12, T27S/R11E, to the section's northeast corner, and then proceed east along the southern boundary line of section 6, T27S/R11E, a total of approximately 1.3 miles, to the intersection of the section 6 boundary line with an unnamed light-duty road locally known as Arbor Road; then

(29) Proceed south-southeasterly on Arbor Road approximately 0.35 mile to the road's first intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(30) Proceed southeasterly and then easterly (downstream) along the unnamed intermittent stream approximately 1.4 miles to the stream's intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as S. Vine Street, just west of the U.S. 101/State Route 46 interchange, Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(31) Proceed northerly along S. Vine Street (which generally parallels U.S. 101) approximately 1.8 miles to the street's intersection with the marked city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line (concurrent with the locally-known intersection of S. Vine and 1st Streets), Paso de Robles Land Grant; then

(32) Proceed east along the marked city of Paso Robles Corporate Boundary line (now very approximate to the alignment of 1st Street and then Niblick Road) approximately 0.5 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-125, 79 FR 60967, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.249 - The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater” and “The Rocks of Milton-Freewater” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater viticultural area are titled:

(1) Milton-Freewater, Oreg., 1964; and

(2) Bowlus Hill, Oreg., 1964; photoinspected 1976.

(c) Boundary. The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater viticultural area is located in Umatilla County, Oregon. The boundary of The Rocks District of Milton-Freewater viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is found on the Milton-Freewater map at the intersection of an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as Freewater Highway (State Route 339) and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Crockett Road, section 26, T6N/R35E. From the beginning point, proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the intersection of State Highway 11 (Oregon-Washington Highway) and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Appleton Road, section 25, T6N/R35E; then

(2) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line for 1.05 miles, crossing onto the Bowlus Hill map, to the intersection of three unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Grant Road, Turbyne Road, and Pratt Lane on the common boundary between section 36, T6N/R35E, and section 31, T5N/R36E; then

(3) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line for 1.1 miles, crossing back onto the Milton-Freewater map, to the intersection of the Union Pacific railroad tracks with the Walla Walla River, section 1, T5N/R35E; then

(4) Proceed southwesterly and then west-northwesterly along the Union Pacific railroad tracks for 1.2 miles to the intersection of the railroad tracks with the 980-foot elevation contour line, approximately 0.15 mile west of Lamb Street, section 2, T5N/R35E; then

(5) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line for 2.25 miles to the intersection of the 840-foot elevation contour line and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Lower Dry Creek Road, section 33, T6N/R35E; then

(6) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the intersection of the 800-foot elevation contour line with an unnamed light-duty road running north-south in section 32, T6N/R35E; then

(7) Proceed easterly in a straight line for 0.9 mile to the intersection of the 840-foot elevation contour line with the Hudson Bay Canal, section 33, T6N/R35E; then

(8) Proceed due north in a straight line for 0.25 mile to the line's intersection with Sunnyside Road, section 33, T6N/T35E; then

(9) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line for 0.5 mile to the intersection of the 840-foot elevation contour line with an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as State Highway 332 (Umapine Highway), eastern boundary of section 28, R6N/T35E; then

(10) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line for 0.3 mile to the intersection of three unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Triangle Road, Hodgen Road, and Appleton Road, section 27, T6N/R35E; then

(11) Proceed east-northeasterly in a straight line for 1.25 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-127, 80 FR 6906, Feb. 9, 2015]

§ 9.250 - Fountaingrove District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fountaingrove District.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Fountaingrove District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Fountaingrove District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Mark West Springs, CA; 1993;

(2) Calistoga, CA; 1997;

(3) Kenwood, CA; 1954; photorevised 1980; and

(4) Santa Rosa, CA; 1994.

(c) Boundary. The Fountaingrove District viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The boundary of the Fountaingrove District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Mark West Springs map at the intersection of the shared Sonoma-Napa County line with Petrified Forest Road, section 3, T8N/R7W.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along the Sonoma-Napa County line, crossing onto the Calistoga map and then the Kenwood map, to the marked 2,530-peak of an unnamed mountain, section 9, T7N/R6W; then

(3) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line to the marked 2,730-foot summit of Mt. Hood, section 8, T7N/R6W; then

(4) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line to the marked 1,542-foot summit of Buzzard Peak, section 11, T7N/R7W; then

(5) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Santa Rosa map, to the intersection of State Highway 12 and Los Alamos Road; then

(6) Proceed due north in a straight line to the southern boundary of section 9, T7N/R7W; then

(7) Proceed west-northwest along the southern boundaries of sections 9, 4, and 5, T7N/R7W, to the western boundary of the Los Guilicos Land Grant; then

(8) Proceed west-southwest along the southern boundaries of sections 5, 6, and 7, T7N/R7W; then continue west-southwest along the southern boundaries of sections 12 and 11, T7N/R8W, to the point where the section 11 boundary becomes concurrent with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Lewis Road; and then continue west-southwest along Lewis Road to the road's intersection with Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa; then

(9) Proceed north-northwesterly along Mendocino Avenue to the road's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Bicentennial Way; then

(10) Proceed north in a straight line, crossing through the marked 906-foot elevation peak in section 35, T8N/R8W, and, crossing on to the Mark West Springs map, continue to the line's intersection with Mark West Springs Road, section 26, T8N/R8W; then

(11) Proceed northerly along Mark West Springs Road, which turns easterly and becomes Porter Creek Road, to the road's intersection with Franz Valley Road, section 12, T8N/R8W; then

(12) Proceed northeasterly along Franz Valley Road to the western boundary of section 6, T8N/R7W; then

(13) Proceed south along the western boundary of section 6, T8N/R7W, to the southwest corner of section 6; then

(14) Proceed east, then east-northeast along the southern boundaries of sections 6, 5, and 4, T8N/R7W, to the southeast corner of section 4; then

(15) Proceed north along the eastern boundary of section 4, T8N/R7W, to the Sonoma-Napa County line; then

(16) Proceed easterly along the Sonoma-Napa County line to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-128, 80 FR 8531, Feb. 18, 2015]

§ 9.43 - Rocky Knob.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rocky Knob.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Rocky Knob viticultural area are two 1968 U.S.G.S. maps. The maps are entitled: “Willis Quadrangle Virginia” 7.5 minute series and “Woolwine Quadrangle Virginia” 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Rocky Knob viticultural area is located in Floyd and Patrick Counties in southern Virginia. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the intersection of Virginia State Route Nos. 776 and 799 at Connors Grove.

(2) Then follow State Route No. 799 south and east to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

(3) Then south on the parkway to its first intersection with State Route No. 758.

(4) Then follow State Route No. 758 east to the intersection of State Route No. 726 at the southern boundary of the Rocky Knob Recreation Area.

(5) Then follow the boundary of the Rocky Knob Recreation Area south then in a northeastern direction to where the boundary first intersects State Route No. 8.

(6) Then from that point at State Route No. 8, proceed northeast in a straight line to State Route No. 719 and Widgeon Creek at a point about 0.7 of a mile west of the intersection of State Route Nos. 719 and 710.

(7) Then proceed northwest in a straight line to the intersection with State Route No. 710 and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

(8) Then follow the Parkway southwest to the intersection with State Route No. 726.

(9) Then turn right on State Route No. 726 and proceed 0.6 of a mile to a roadway at the 3308 elevation point on the map.

(10) Then from that point, proceed west in a straight line back to the starting point at Connors Grove.

[T.D. ATF-124, 48 FR 1293, Jan. 12, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5957, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-91, 76 FR 5477, Feb. 1, 2011]

§ 9.251 - Squaw Valley-Miramonte.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Squaw Valley-Miramonte.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Squaw Valley-Miramonte” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Squaw Valley-Miramonte viticultural area are titled:

(1) Orange Cove North, Calif., 1966;

(2) Pine Flat Dam, Calif., 1965; photoinspected 1978;

(3) Luckett Mtn., Calif., provisional edition 1987;

(4) Verplank Ridge, Calif., provisional edition 1987;

(5) Miramonte, Calif., 1966; and

(6) Tucker Mtn., Calif., 1966.

(c) Boundary. The Squaw Valley-Miramonte viticultural area is located in Fresno County, California. The boundary of the Squaw Valley-Miramonte viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is located on the Orange Cove North map, at the southwest corner of section 21, T14S/R25E. From the beginning point, proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line to the marked 3,355-foot elevation point on Bear Mountain, section 5, T14S/R25E; then

(2) Proceed northeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Pine Flat Dam map and over the marked 3,354-foot elevation point on Bear Mountain, section 32, T13S/R25E, and then continuing northeasterly in a straight line and crossing onto the Luckett Mountain map, proceed to the marked 3,489-foot summit of Dalton Mountain, section 22, T13S/R25E; then

(3) Proceed easterly in a straight line to the Sequoia National Forest boundary line at the northwest corner of section 28, T13S/R26E; then

(4) Proceed east along the Sequoia National Forest boundary line, crossing onto the Verplank Ridge map, and continue south, then east, then south along the national forest boundary line, crossing onto the Miramonte map, and then continue south, then east along the national forest boundary line to the northeast corner of section 5, T14S/R27E; then

(5) Proceed south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 5, 8, and 17, T14S/R27E, to the southeast corner of section 17; then

(6) Proceed east along the northern boundary line of section 21, T14S/R27E, to the northeast corner of that section; then

(7) Proceed south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 21, 28, and 33, T14S/R27E, to the Fresno-Tulare County boundary line at the southeast corner of section 33; then

(8) Proceed west along the Fresno-Tulare County boundary line, crossing onto the Tucker Mountain map, to the southwest corner of section 34, T14S/R26E; then

(9) Proceed north along the western boundary lines of sections 34, 27, 22, and 15, T14S/R26E, to the northwest corner of section 15; then

(10) Proceed west along the southern boundary lines of sections 9, 8, and 7, T14S/R26E, and sections 12 and 11, T14S/R25E, to the southwest corner of section 11; then

(11) Proceed south along the eastern boundary lines of sections 15 and 22, T14S/R25E, to the southeast corner of section 22; then (12) Proceed west along the southern boundary line of section 22, T14S/R25E, and, crossing onto the Orange Cove North map, continue west along the southern boundary line of section 21, T14S/R25E, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-129, 80 FR 47409, Aug. 7, 2015]

§ 9.252 - Eagle Foothills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Eagle Foothills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Eagle Foothills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 6 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Eagle Foothills viticultural area are titled:

(1) Southwest Emmett, Idaho, 1970;

(2) Southeast Emmett, Idaho, provisional edition 1985;

(3) Pearl, Idaho, provisional edition 1985;

(4) Eagle, Idaho, 1998;

(5) Star, Idaho, 1953; and

(6) Middleton, Idaho, 1958; photorevised 1971.

(c) Boundary. The Eagle Foothills viticultural area is located in Gem and Ada Counties in Idaho. The boundary of the Eagle Foothills viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Southwest Emmett map at the intersection of the Ada, Gem, and Canyon County lines at the southwestern corner of section 31, T6N/R1W.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed north along the western boundary of section 31 to the southwest corner of section 30, T6N/R1W; then

(3) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line to the marked 3,109-foot elevation point near the southwest corner of section 30, T6N/R1W; then

(4) Proceed northeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Southeast Emmett map, to the marked 3,230-foot elevation point in section 22, T6N/R1W; then

(5) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line to the marked 3,258-foot elevation point in section 23, T6N/R1W; then

(6) Proceed easterly in a straight line to the 3,493-foot elevation point in section 23, T6N/R1W; then

(7) Proceed northeast in a straight line to the 3,481-foot elevation point in section 13, T6N/R1W; then

(8) Proceed northeast in a straight line to the intersection of the marked 4-wheel drive trail with the R1W range line; then

(9) Proceed north along the R1W range line to its first intersection with the 3,400-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed east along the meandering 3,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Pearl map, then continuing easterly, then southerly, along the meandering 3,400-foot elevation contour, crossing Schiller Creek, the North and South Forks of Willow Creek, and Big Gulch Creek, to the first intersection of the 3,400-foot contour line with the R1E/R2E range line, which forms the eastern boundary of section 13, T5N/R1E; then

(11) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the marked 3,613-foot elevation in point Section 18, T5N/R2E; then

(12) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the marked 3,426-foot elevation point in Section 24, T5N/R1E; then

(13) Proceed west in a straight line to the marked 3,416-foot elevation point in Section 24, T5N/R1E; then

(14) Proceed west in a straight line to the marked 3,119-foot elevation point in Section 23, T5N/R1E; then

(15) Proceed south in a straight line to the marked 3,366-foot elevation point in Section 23, T5N/R1E; then

(16) Proceed southwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Eagle map, to the marked 3,372-foot elevation point in Section 26, T5N/R1E; then

(17) Proceed northwest in a straight line, crossing back onto the Pearl map, to the marked 3,228-foot elevation point in Section 22, T5N/R1E; then

(18) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the marked 3,205-foot elevation point in Section 22, T5N/R1E; then

(19) Proceed south in a straight line, crossing onto the Eagle map, to the marked 3,163-foot elevation point in Section 27, T5N/R1E; then

(20) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the marked 2,958-foot elevation point in Section 28, T5N/R1E; then

(21) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the northeast corner of section 32, T5N/R1E; then

(22) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of Section 32 to the point where the boundary joins Pearl Road, then continue south along Pearl Road to the intersection of the road with Beacon Road; then

(23) Proceed west along Beacon Road, crossing onto the Star map, to the intersection of Beacon Road with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as North Wing Road at the southern boundary of section 32, T5N/R1W; then

(24) Proceed south along North Wing Road to the intersection of the road with New Hope Road in Section 5, T4N/R1W; then

(25) Proceed west along New Hope Road, crossing onto the Middleton map, to the intersection of the road with the Ada-Canyon County line; then

(26) Proceed north along the Ada-Canyon County line, crossing onto the Southwest Emmett map, to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-131, 80 FR 73660, Nov. 25, 2015; T.D. TTB-196 , 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.253 - Los Olivos District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Los Olivos District”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Los Olivos District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Los Olivos District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Los Olivos, CA, 1995;

(2) Zaca Creek, Calif., 1959;

(3) Solvang, CA, 1995; and

(4) Santa Ynez, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Los Olivos District viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara County, California. The boundary of the Los Olivos District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Los Olivos map at the intersection of Foxen Canyon Road with California State Road 154 (known locally as San Marcos Pass Road/Chumash Highway), section 23, T7N/R31W.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to the intersection of Ballard Canyon Road and an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Los Olivos Meadows Drive, T7N/R31W; then

(3) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1 mile, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, to a marked, unnamed structure within a circular-shaped 920-foot contour line in the southwest corner of section 26, T7N/R31W; then

(4) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.25 miles, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to the point marked by the “Ball” 801-foot elevation control point, T6N/R31W; then

(5) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.45 miles, crossing onto the Solvang map, to a marked, unnamed 775-foot peak, T6N/R31W; then

(6) Proceed south-southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.55 mile to a marked communication tower located within the 760-foot contour line, T6N/R31W; then

(7) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of Chalk Hill Road with an unnamed creek descending from Adobe Canyon, northwest of the unnamed road known locally as Fredensborg Canyon Road, T6N/R31W; then

(8) Proceed southwesterly (downstream) along the creek approximately 1 mile to the creek's intersection with the Santa Ynez River, T6N/R31W; then

(9) Proceed easterly (upstream) along the Santa Ynez River approximately 8 miles, crossing onto the Santa Ynez map, to the river's intersection with State Highway 154, T6N/R30W; then

(10) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the marked 924-foot elevation point, T6R/R30W; then

(11) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line 1.2 miles to the “Y” in an unimproved road 0.1 mile south of the 800-foot contour line, west of Happy Canyon Road, T6R/R30W; then

(12) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, and continuing approximately 2.3 miles to the third intersection of the line with the 1,000-foot contour line northwest of BM 812, T7N/R30W; then

(13) Proceed westerly along the meandering 1,000-foot contour line to the contour line's intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road, an unnamed light-duty road, and the northern boundary line of section 23, T7N/R31W; then

(14) Proceed northerly, then westerly, along the unnamed, unimproved road to Figueroa Mountain Road, near the marked 895-foot elevation, T7N/R31W; then

(15) Proceed north on Figueroa Mountain Road approximately 400 feet to the 920-foot contour line, T7N/R31W; then

(16) Proceed initially south, then northwesterly along the meandering 920-foot contour line, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to Foxen Canyon Road, T7N/R31W; then

(17) Proceed southeasterly on Foxen Canyon Road approximately 1.7 miles, crossing onto the Los Olivos map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-132, 81 FR 3329, Jan. 21, 2016]

§ 9.254 - Lamorinda.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lamorinda”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Lamorinda” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Lamorinda viticultural area are titled:

(1) Walnut Creek, CA, 1995;

(2) Las Trampas Ridge, CA, 1995;

(3) Oakland East, CA, 1997; and

(4) Briones Valley, CA, 1995.

(c) Boundary. The Lamorinda viticultural area is located in Contra Costa County, California. The boundary of the Lamorinda viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on Walnut Creek map at the water tank (known locally as the Withers Reservoir) at the end of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Kim Road, in the Cañada del Hambre y Las Bolsas Land Grant.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 833-foot peak marked “Hump 2;” then

(3) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles to the marked 781-foot peak south of the shared Lafayette-Walnut Creek corporate boundary line and north of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Peaceful Lane; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 0.3 mile to the marked 610-foot peak southwest of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Secluded Place; then

(5) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line approximately 1.7 miles to an unidentified benchmark at the end of an unnamed unimproved road known locally as Diablo Oaks Way in section 33, T1N/R2W; then

(6) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Las Trampas map, and continuing another 0.9 mile to the substation at the southeast corner of section 4, T1S/R2W; then

(7) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 2.3 miles to the 1,827-foot summit of Las Trampas Peak, section 22, T1S/R2W; then

(8) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 2.1 miles to the 2,024-foot benchmark marked “Rock 2” in section 26, T1S/R2W; then

(9) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line approximately 2.7 miles to the marked 1,057-foot peak in section 29, T1S/R2W; then

(10) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line approximately 2 miles to the intersection of the 1,000-foot elevation line with the Contra Costa-Alameda County line in section 31, T1S/R2W; then

(11) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.4 mile, crossing onto the Oakland East map, then continuing another 0.1 mile to the 1,121-foot peak in section 30, T1S/R2W; then

(12) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 3.6 miles to the 1,301-foot peak in section 15, T1S/R3W; then

(13) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles to the 1,634-foot peak in section 9, T1S/R3W; then

(14) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles to the communication tower on the Contra Costa-Alameda County line in section 5, T1S/R3W; then

(15) Proceed north in a straight line approximately 0.1 mile, crossing onto the Briones Valley map, then continuing another 0.6 mile to the 1,905-foot summit of Vollmer Peak in the El Sobrante Land Grant; then

(16) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line approximately 3 miles, crossing over to the 1,027-foot peak in the Boca de la Cañada del Pinole Land Grant, to the Orinda corporate boundary line; then

(17) Proceed generally east along the Orinda corporate boundary line approximately 3.3 miles to the water tank at the 1,142-foot elevation in the Boca de la Cañada del Pinole Land Grant; then

(18) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the 1,357-foot benchmark marked “Russell” in the Boca de la Cañada del Pinole Land Grant; then

(19) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 1,405-foot peak in the Boca de la Cañada del Pinole Land Grant; then

(20) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line approximately 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Walnut Creek map, then continuing another 1.1 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-133, 81 FR 9108, Feb. 24, 2016]

§ 9.255 - Loess Hills District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Loess Hills District”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Loess Hills District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 13 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Loess Hills District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Rock Rapids, Iowa-South Dakota, 1985;

(2) Sioux City North, Iowa-South Dakota-Nebraska, 1986; photoinspected 1990;

(3) Storm Lake, Iowa, 1985; photoinspected 1990;

(4) Ida Grove, Iowa, 1985; photoinspected 1990;

(5) Carroll, Iowa, 1993;

(6) Guthrie Center, Iowa, 1993;

(7) Creston, Iowa, 1993;

(8) Omaha, Nebraska-Iowa, 1985; photoinspected, 1990;

(9) Nebraska City, Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri, 1993;

(10) Falls City, Nebraska-Missouri, 1986; photoinspected 1991;

(11) Harlan, Iowa-Nebraska, 1980;

(12) Blair, Nebraska-Iowa, 1986; photoinspected 1988; and

(13) Sioux City South, Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota, 1986; photoinspected 1990.

(c) Boundary. The Loess Hills District viticultural area is located in Fremont, Page, Mills, Montgomery, Pottawattamie, Cass, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Plymouth, and Sioux Counties in western Iowa and Atchison and Holt Counties in northwestern Missouri. The boundary of the Loess Hills District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Rock Rapids, Iowa-South Dakota map, in Sioux County, Iowa, at the intersection of the Big Sioux River and an unnamed road known locally as County Road B30 (360th Street), east of Hudson, South Dakota. From the beginning point, proceed east on County Road B30 approximately 3 miles to a road known locally as County Road K22 (Coolidge Avenue); then

(2) Proceed south on County Road K22 approximately 3 miles to a road known locally as County Road B40 (390th Street); then

(3) Proceed east on County Road B40 approximately 4 miles to a road known locally as County Road K30 (Eagle Avenue); then

(4) Proceed south on County Road K30 approximately 13.1 miles, crossing onto the Sioux City North, Iowa-South Dakota-Nebraska map and continuing into Plymouth County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road C12 (110th Street), at Craig, Iowa; then

(5) Proceed east on County Road C12 approximately 2 miles to a road known locally as County Road K42 (Jade Avenue), at the marked 436-meter elevation point; then

(6) Proceed south on County Road K42 approximately 10 miles to a road known locally as County Road C38; then

(7) Proceed east on County Road C38 approximately 6.4 miles to a road known locally as County Road K49 (7th Avenue SE), approximately 2 miles south of La Mars, Iowa; then

(8) Proceed south on County Road K49 approximately 4 miles to a road known locally as County Road C44 (230th Street); then

(9) Proceed east on County Road C44 approximately 5 miles to a road known locally as County Road K64 (Oyens Avenue); then

(10) Proceed south on County Road K64 approximately 4.1 miles to a road known locally as County Road C60 (290th Street); then

(11) Proceed east on County Road C60 approximately 5 miles, crossing onto the Storm Lake, Iowa map, to State Highway 140; then

(12) Proceed south on State Highway 140 approximately 3.2 miles to a road known locally as County Road L14 (Knox Avenue) in Kingsley, Iowa; then

(13) Proceed south on County Road L14 approximately 2.7 miles, crossing into Woodbury County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road D12 (110th Street); then

(14) Proceed east on County Road D12 approximately 5 miles to a road known locally as County Road L25 (Minnesota Avenue) near Pierson, Iowa; then

(15) Proceed south on County Road L25 approximately 4.5 miles, crossing onto the Ida Grove, Iowa map, to U.S. Highway 20; then

(16) Proceed east on U.S. Highway 20 approximately 22.5 miles, crossing into Ida County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road M25 (Market Avenue); then

(17) Proceed south on County Road M25 approximately 9.8 miles to State Highway 175 east of Ida Grove, Iowa; then

(18) Proceed east on State Highway 175 approximately 4.1 miles to a road known locally as Country Highway M31 (Quail Avenue) near Arthur, Iowa; then

(19) Proceed south on Country Highway M31 approximately 4.4 miles to a road known locally as County Road D59 (300th Street); then

(20) Proceed east on County Road D59 approximately 13 miles, crossing into Sac County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road M64 (Needham Avenue/Center Street) at Wall Lake, Iowa; then

(21) Proceed south on County Road M64 approximately 6.2 miles to a road known locally as County Road E16 (120th Street); then

(22) Proceed east into Carroll County, Iowa, on County Road E16 approximately 6 miles, crossing onto the Carroll, Iowa map, to Breda, Iowa, and then continue east on State Highway 217 (East Main Street) approximately 5 miles to U.S. Highway 71; then

(23) Proceed south on U.S. Highway 71 approximately 3 miles to a road known locally as County Road E26 (140th Street); then

(24) Proceed east on County Road E26 approximately 5 miles to a road known locally as County Road N38 (Quail Avenue); then

(25) Proceed south on County Road N38 approximately 5 miles to U.S. Highway 30 (Lincoln Highway); then

(26) Proceed east on U.S. Highway 30 approximately 3 miles to a road known locally as County Road N44 (Colorado Street) in Glidden, Iowa; then

(27) Proceed south on County Road N44 approximately 8 miles, crossing onto the Guthrie Center, Iowa map, to a road known locally as County Road E57 (280th Street); then

(28) Proceed east on County Road E57 approximately 2 miles to a road known locally as County Road N44 (Velvet Avenue); then

(29) Proceed south on County Road N44 approximately 5.4 miles to State Highway 141 (330th Street) at Coon Rapids, Iowa; then

(30) Proceed west on State Highway 141 approximately 12 miles to U.S. Highway 71 at Lynx Avenue southeast of Templeton, Iowa; then

(31) Proceed south on U.S. Highway 71 approximately 35.9 miles, crossing into Audubon County, Iowa, and then Cass County, Iowa, and onto the Creston, Iowa map, to U.S. Highway 6/State Highway 83 east of Atlantic, Iowa; then

(32) Proceed west, then southwest, then west on U.S. Highway 6 approximately 18.9 miles, crossing onto the Omaha, Nebraska-Iowa map and into Pottawattamie County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road M47 (500th Street) approximately 1 mile west of Walnut Creek; then

(33) Proceed south on County Road M47 approximately 12 miles, crossing into Montgomery County, Iowa to a road known locally as County Road H12 (110th Street); then

(34) Proceed west on County Road H12 approximately 8.9 miles, crossing into Mills County, Iowa, to U.S. Highway 59; then

(35) Proceed south on U.S. Highway 59 approximately 20.2 miles, crossing onto the Nebraska City, Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri map and into Page County, Iowa, to a road known locally as County Road J14 (130th Street); then

(36) Proceed east on County Road J14 approximately 4 miles to a road known locally as County Road M41 (D Avenue); then

(37) Proceed south on County Road M41 approximately 1.7 miles to State Highway 48 at Essex, Iowa; then

(38) Proceed northeast then east on State Highway 48 approximately 1.2 miles to a road known locally as County Road M41 (E Avenue); then

(39) Proceed south on County Road M41 approximately 7 miles to State Highway 2 (210th Street); then

(40) Proceed east on State Highway 2 approximately 8 miles to a road known locally as M Avenue; then

(41) Proceed south on M Avenue, then east on a road known locally as County Road M60 (Maple Avenue), approximately 6.4 total miles, to a road known locally as County Road J52 (270th Street); then

(42) Proceed south in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles to the intersection of 304th Street and Maple Avenue (approximately 1.2 miles southwest of College Springs, Iowa), and then continue south on Maple Avenue for 0.5 mile to a road known locally as County Road J64 (310th Street); then

(43) Proceed west on County Road J64 approximately 4.5 miles to a road known locally as County Road M48 (Hackberry Avenue); then

(44) Proceed south on County Road M48 approximately 1.2 miles to the Iowa-Missouri State line at Blanchard, Iowa, and, crossing into Atchison County, Missouri, where County Road M48 becomes State Road M, and continue generally south on State Road M approximately 11.2 miles, crossing onto the Falls City, Nebraska-Missouri map, to U.S. Highway 136; then

(45) Proceed west on U.S. Highway 136 approximately 1 mile to State Road N; then

(46) Proceed south on State Road N 15 miles, crossing into Holt County, Missouri, to State Road C; then

(47) Proceed west then south on State Road C approximately 3 miles to U.S. Highway 59; then

(48) Proceed northwest on U.S. Highway 59 approximately 2 miles to the highway's first intersection with Interstate Highway 29 near Craig, Missouri; then

(49) Proceed generally north along Interstate Highway 29, crossing into Atchison County, Missouri, and onto the Nebraska City, Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri map, and continuing into Freemont County and Mills County, Iowa, then crossing onto the Omaha, Nebraska-Iowa map and into Pottawattamie County, Iowa; then crossing onto the Harlan, Iowa-Nebraska map and into Harrison County, Iowa; then continuing onto the Blair, Nebraska-Iowa map and into Monona County, Iowa; then crossing onto the Sioux City South, Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota Map and into Woodbury County for a total of approximately 185 miles, to the intersection of Interstate Highway 29 with the Big Sioux River at Sioux City, Iowa; then

(50) Proceed generally north (upstream) along the meandering Big Sioux River, crossing onto the Sioux City North, Iowa-South Dakota-Nebraska map and into Plymouth County and Sioux County, Iowa, and continuing onto the Rock Rapids, Iowa-South Dakota map for a total of approximately 50 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D.TTB-135, 81 FR 11115, Mar. 3, 2016]

§ 9.256 - Lewis-Clark Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lewis-Clark Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Lewis-Clark Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geographical Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 (metric) scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Lewis-Clark Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Clarkston, Wash.-Idaho-Oregon, 1981;

(2) Orofino, Idaho-Washington, 1981; and

(3) Potlatch, Idaho, 1981.

(c) Boundary. The Lewis-Clark Valley viticultural area is located in Nez Perce, Lewis, Clearwater, and Latah Counties, Idaho, and Asotin, Garfield, and Whitman Counties, Washington. The boundary of the Lewis-Clark Valley viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is located on the Clarkston map in Washington State along the Garfield-Asotin County line at the southwest corner of section 18, T11N/R45E. From the beginning point, proceed east along the southern boundary line of section 18, crossing over the Snake River, and continue along the southern boundary line of section 17, T11N/R45E, to the southeast corner of section 17; then

(2) Proceed north along the eastern boundary line of section 17 to the 600-meter elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed generally east-northeast along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour, crossing into Idaho and onto the Orofino map, then continue to follow the elevation contour in an overall clockwise direction, crossing back and forth between the Orofino and Clarkston maps and finally onto the Potlatch map, and then continuing to follow the 600-meter elevation contour in a clockwise direction to the elevation contour's intersection with the southern boundary line of section 1, T37N/R1W, on the Potlatch map, north of the Nez Perce Indian Reservation boundary and west of the Dworshak Reservoir (North Fork of the Clearwater River) in Clearwater County, Idaho; then

(4) Cross the Dworshak Reservoir (North Fork of the Clearwater River) by proceeding east along the southern boundary line of section 1, T37N/R1E, to the southeastern corner of section 1; then by proceeding north along the eastern boundary line of section 1 to the southwest corner of section 6, T37N/R2E; and then by proceeding east along the southern boundary line of section 6 to the 600-meter elevation contour; then

(5) Proceed generally east initially, then generally south, and then generally southeast along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour, crossing onto the Orofino map, and then continuing to follow the elevation contour in an overall clockwise direction, crossing back and forth between the Orofino and Potlatch maps, to the eastern boundary of section 13, T35N/R2E, on the Orofino map in Clearwater County, Idaho; then

(6) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 13, T35N/R2E, to the southeastern corner of section 13, T35N/R2E, northeast of Lolo Creek; then

(7) Proceed west along the southern boundary line of section 13, T35N/R2E, to the Clearwater-Idaho County line in the middle of Lolo Creek; then

(8) Proceed generally west-northwest along the Clearwater-Idaho County line (concurrent with Lolo Creek) to the Lewis County line at the confluence of Lolo Creek and the Clearwater River; then

(9) Proceed generally south along the Lewis-Idaho County line (concurrent with the Clearwater River) to the northern boundary line of section 23, T35N/R2E; then

(10) Proceed west along the northern boundary line of section 23, T35N/R2E, to the 600-meter elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed generally northwest along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour, crossing onto the Potlatch map and then back onto the Orofino map and continuing generally southwest along the 600-meter elevation contour to the common T32N/T31N township boundary line along the southern boundary line of section 35, T32N/R5W, south of Chimney Creek (a tributary of the Snake River) in Nez Perce County, Idaho; then

(12) Proceed west along the common T32N/T31N township boundary line, crossing Chimney Creek, to the Idaho-Washington State line (concurrent with the Nez Perce-Asotin County line) at the center of the Snake River; then

(13) Proceed generally southeast along the Idaho-Washington State line in the Snake River to the northern boundary line of section 29, T31N/R5W; then

(14) Proceed west along the northern boundary line of section 29, T31N/R5W, to the 600-meter elevation contour, northeast of Lime Hill in Asotin County, Washington; then

(15) Proceed generally west and then generally south-southwest along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour to the southern boundary line of section 25, T7N/R46E; then

(16) Proceed west along the southern boundary lines of section 25 and 26, crossing onto the Clarkston map, and continuing along the southern boundary lines of section 26 to the 600-meter elevation contour west of Joseph Creek; then

(17) Proceed southwest along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour to the western boundary line of section 34, T7N/R46E; then

(18) Proceed north along the western boundary lines of sections 34 and 27, T7N/R46E, crossing over the Grande Ronde River, to the 600-meter elevation contour; then

(19) Proceed generally northeast along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour and continue along the 600-meter elevation contour in a clockwise direction, crossing back and forth between the Clarkston and Orofino maps, until, on the Clarkston map, the 600-meter elevation line intersects the Garfield-Asotin County line for the third time along the western boundary of section 19, T11N/R45E; and then

(20) Proceed north along the Garfield-Asotin County line, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-136, 81 FR 23161, Apr. 20, 2016, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.257 - Tip of the Mitt.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Tip of the Mitt”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Tip of the Mitt” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 2 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:250,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Tip of the Mitt viticultural area are titled:

(1) Cheboygan, Michigan, 1955; revised 1981; and

(2) Alpena, Mich., US-Ontario, Can.; 1954.

(c) Boundary. The Tip of the Mitt viticultural area is located in all or portions of Charlevoix, Emmet, Cheboygan, Presque Isle, Alpena, and Antrim Counties in Michigan. The boundary of the Tip of the Mitt viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Cheboygan map, at the point where the Mackinac Bridge intersects the southern shoreline of the Straits of Mackinac. From the beginning point, proceed east-southeasterly along the shoreline of the South Channel of the Straits of Mackinac and Lake Huron, crossing onto the Alpena map and continuing to follow the Lake Huron shoreline and then the Thunder Bay shoreline to the point where the Thunder Bay shoreline intersects the common T31N/T30N township line south of the city of Alpena and north of Bare Point; then

(2) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as Long Rapids Road and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Cathro Road; then

(3) Proceed west in a straight line to the line's intersection with State Highway 65 and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Hibner Road; then

(4) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of the Presque Isle, Alpena, and Montmorency county lines; then

(5) Proceed west along the southern boundary of Presque Isle County, crossing onto the Cheboygan map, to the point where the Presque Isle county line becomes the southern boundary of Cheboygan County, and continuing along the Cheboygan county line to the intersection of the Cheboygan county line with the eastern boundary of Charlevoix County; then

(6) Proceed south then east along the Charlevoix county line to the intersection of the Charlevoix county line with the eastern boundary of Antrim County; then

(7) Proceed south along the Antrim county line to the point where the county line turns due east; then

(8) Proceed west in a straight line to the eastern shoreline of Grand Traverse Bay; then

(9) Proceed north-northeasterly along the shorelines of Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan, Little Traverse Bay, Sturgeon Bay, Trails End Bay, and the Straits of Mackinac, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-139, 81 FR 47291, July 21, 2016]

§ 9.258 - Champlain Valley of New York.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Champlain Valley of New York”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Champlain Valley of New York” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Champlain Valley of New York viticultural area are titled:

(1) Lake Champlain, N.Y.; VT.; N.H.; U.S.; CAN., 1962; revised (U.S. area) 1972; and

(2) Glens Falls, N.Y.; VT.; N.H., 1956; revised 1972.

(c) Boundary. The Champlain Valley of New York viticultural area is located in Clinton and Essex Counties, New York. The boundary of the Champlain Valley of New York viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is found on the Lake Champlain map at the intersection of the western shore of Lake Champlain and the U.S.-Canada border, just north of the town of Rouses Point.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed south along the western shore of Lake Champlain approximately 109.4 miles, crossing onto the Glens Falls map, to a road marked on the map as State Route 73 (now known as State Route 74) and known locally as Fort Ti Road, at the Fort Ticonderoga-Larrabees Point Ferry landing; then

(3) Proceed west along State Route 73 (State Route 74/Fort Ti Road) approximately 1.6 miles to State Route 22; then

(4) Proceed north along State Route 22 approximately 21 miles, crossing onto the Lake Champlain map and passing through the town of Port Henry, to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Road 44 (Stevenson Road); then

(5) Proceed north along County Road 44 (Stevenson Road) approximately 5.8 miles to a railroad track; then

(6) Proceed northerly along the railroad track approximately 1.6 miles to State Route 9N, west of the town of Westport; then

(7) Proceed westerly along State Route 9N approximately 4.1 miles to Interstate 87; then

(8) Proceed north along Interstate 87 approximately 21 miles to the Ausable River, southwest of the town of Keeseville; then

(9) Proceed west (upstream) along the Ausable River approximately 6 miles to a bridge connecting two unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Burke Road and Lower Road in the town of Clintonville, and proceed north along the bridge to Lower Road; then

(10) Proceed west along Lower Road approximately 0.6 mile to State Route 9N; then

(11) Proceed west along State Route 9N approximately 0.8 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 39 (Clintonville Road); then

(12) Proceed north along County Route 39 (Clintonville Road) approximately 1.5 miles to the second crossing of the Little Ausable River, west of Cook Mountain; then

(13) Proceed northeast along the Little Ausable River approximately 3.5 miles to the confluence of the river with Furnace Brook, near the town of Harkness; then

(14) Proceed west along Furnace Brook approximately 0.17 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 40 (Calkins Road); then

(15) Proceed north along County Route 40 (Calkins Road) approximately 5.8 miles to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 35 (Peasleeville Road), south of an unnamed creek known locally as Arnold Brook; then

(16) Proceed west along County Route 35 (Peasleeville Road) approximately 0.1 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Connors Road; then

(17) Proceed north along Connors Road approximately 2.1 miles, crossing the Salmon River, to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 33 (Norrisville Road); then

(18) Proceed west along County Route 33 (Norrisville Road) approximately 1.2 miles to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Shingle Street; then

(19) Proceed north along Shingle Street approximately 4 miles to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 31 (Rabideau Street); then

(20) Proceed west along County Route 31 (Rabideau Street) approximately 0.4 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Goddeau Street; then

(21) Proceed north along Goddeau Street approximately 0.9 mile, crossing the Saranac River, to State Route 3 just east of the town of Cadyville; then

(22) Proceed east along State Route 3 approximately 0.5 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Akey Road; then

(23) Proceed north on Akey Road approximately 0.2 mile to State Route 374; then

(24) Proceed east along State Route 374 approximately 3.6 miles to State Route 190, also known locally as Military Turnpike; then

(25) Proceed northwest along State Route 190 (Military Turnpike) approximately 15.2 miles to an unnamed light-duty road just east of Park Brook known locally as County Route 12 (Alder Bend Road), northwest of Miner Lake State Park; then

(26) Proceed north along County Route 12 (Alder Bend Road) approximately 3 miles to U.S. Highway 11; then

(27) Proceed west along U.S. Highway 11 approximately 1.7 miles to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as County Route 10 (Cannon Corners Road); then

(28) Proceed north along County Route 10 (Cannon Corners Road) approximately 6 miles to the U.S.-Canada border; then

(29) Proceed east along the U.S.-Canada border approximately 19.8 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-142, 81 FR 56491, Aug. 22, 2016]

§ 9.259 - Willcox.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Willcox”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Willcox” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 21 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Willcox viticultural area are titled:

(1) Fort Grant, AZ, 1996;

(2) West of Greasewood Mountain, AZ, 1996;

(3) Greasewood Mountain, AZ, 1996;

(4) Willcox North, AZ, 1996;

(5) Railroad Pass, Ariz., 1979;

(6) Simmons Peak, AZ, 1996;

(7) Dos Cabezas, AZ, 1996;

(8) Pat Hills North, Ariz., 1974;

(9) Pat Hills South, Arizona, 1986 provisional edition;

(10) Sulphur Hills, AZ, 1996;

(11) Pearce, AZ., 1996;

(12) Turquoise Mountain, AZ, 1996;

(13) Black Diamond Peak, AZ, 1996;

(14) Cochise Stronghold, AZ, 1996;

(15) Cochise, AZ, 1996;

(16) Red Bird Hills, AZ, 1996;

(17) Steele Hills, AZ, 1996;

(18) Square Mountain, AZ, 1996;

(19) Muskhog Mountain, AZ, 1996;

(20) Reiley Peak, AZ, 1996; and

(21) Sierra Bonita Ranch, Ariz., 1972.

(c) Boundary. The Willcox viticultural area is located in Cochise and Graham Counties in southeastern Arizona. The boundary of the Willcox viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Fort Grant map at the intersection of State Highway 266 and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Curtis Parkway, in Fort Grant, section 35, T9S/R23E. From the beginning point, proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 20.4 miles, crossing over the West of Greasewood Mountain and the Greasewood Mountain map and onto the Willcox North map, to the intersection of three unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Porters Ranch Road, East Saguaro Road, and North Circle I Road, near benchmark (BM) 4,243 on the Willcox North map, section 36, T12S/R24E; then

(2) Proceed east in a straight line approximately 5 miles to Interstate Highway 10 near the community of Raso, section 1, T13S/R25E; then

(3) Proceed south in a straight line approximately 0.8 mile to the 4,400-foot elevation contour, section 1, T13S/R25E; then

(4) Proceed southwesterly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour around the west end of the Dos Cabezas Mountains and continue southeasterly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour for a total of approximately 13.3 miles, crossing over the Railroad Pass map and onto the Simmons Peak map, to State Highway 186 on the Simmons Peak map, section 28, T14S/R26E; then

(5) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 15.8 miles, crossing over the Dos Cabezas map and onto the Pat Hills North map, to the intersection of the 4,700-foot elevation contour and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as East Creasey Ranch Road on the Pat Hills North map near BM 4,695, section 21, T16S/R28E; then

(6) Proceed southerly along the 4,700-foot elevation contour approximately 10.6 miles, crossing onto the Pat Hills South map, to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as East Uncle Curtis Lane, section 7, T18S/R28 E; then

(7) Proceed west along East Uncle Curtis Lane approximately 0.5 mile to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as South Single Tree Lane near the marked 4,664-foot elevation point, section 7, T18S/R28E; then

(8) Proceed south along South Single Tree Lane approximately 0.5 mile to State Highway 181, section 7, T18S/R28E; then

(9) Proceed west along State Highway 181 approximately 9.9 miles, crossing onto the Sulphur Hills map, to State Highway 191, section 10, T18S/R26E; then

(10) Proceed north-northeasterly, then west, along State Highway 191 approximately 4.8 miles, crossing onto the Pearce map, to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Kansas Settlement Road, near BM 4,327, section 36, T17S/R25E; then

(11) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 8.9 miles, crossing over the Turquoise Mountain map and onto the Black Diamond Peak map, to the southeastern-most corner of the boundary of the Coronado National Forest on the Black Diamond Peak map, section 35, T18S/R24 E; then

(12) Proceed north along the boundary of the Coronado National Forest approximately 2 miles to the marked 4,821-foot elevation point, section 26, T18S/R24E; then

(13) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 13 miles, crossing over the Cochise Stronghold map and onto the Cochise map, to the northeastern corner of the boundary of the Coronado National Forest at the marked 4,642 elevation point on the Cochise map, section 26, T16S/R23E; then

(14) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the intersection of the 4,450-foot elevation contour and an unnamed secondary highway known locally as West Dragoon Road, section 23, T16S/R23E; then

(15) Proceed north in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to the 4,400-foot elevation contour, section 11, T16S/R23E; then

(16) Proceed generally northerly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour approximately 10 miles, crossing onto the Red Bird Hills map, to Interstate Highway 10, section 3, T15S/R23E; then

(17) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 5.8 miles, crossing onto the Steele Hills map, to the intersection of the 4,600-foot elevation contour and an unnamed light-duty road known locally as West Airport Road, section 7, T14S/R23E; then

(18) Proceed east-northeasterly, then easterly, then northerly, then easterly along West Airport Road approximately 7.2 miles, crossing back onto the Red Bird Hills map and then onto the Square Mountain map, to the 4,240-foot elevation contour east of BM 4,264, section 6, T14S/R24E; then

(19) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line approximately 20.5 miles, crossing over the Muskhog Mountain and Reiley Peak maps and onto the Sierra Bonita Ranch map, to the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads known locally as West Ash Creek Road and South Wells Road, near BM 4,487 on the Sierra Bonita Ranch map, section 3, T11S/R22E; then

(20) Proceed generally northerly along South Wells Road to BM 4,502, then continuing northerly along the western fork of the road for a total of approximately 7.7 miles to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Bonita Aravaipa Road, section 27, T9S/R22E; then

(21) Proceed east in a straight line approximately 8.2 miles, crossing onto the Fort Grant map, to the beginning point.

[T.D.TTB-143, 81 FR 62628, Sept. 12, 2016]

§ 9.44 - Solano County Green Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Green Valley” qualified by the words “Solano County” in direct conjunction with the name “Green Valley.” On a label the words “Solano County” may be reduced in type size to the minimum allowed in 27 CFR 4.38(b).

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Green Valley viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Mt. George Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1968); and

(2) “Cordelia Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Green Valley viticultural area is located in Solano County, California. The beginning point is the intersection of the township line identified as T6N/T5N with the westernmost point of the Solano County/Napa County line on the north border of Section 4, located on U.S.G.S. map “Mt. George Quadrangle.”

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs in a southerly direction along the Napa/Solano County border to State Road 12;

(2) Thence east along State Road 12 to where it intersects with Interstate 80;

(3) Thence southwest on Interstate 80 to where it intersects with the Southern Pacific Railroad track;

(4) Thence in an easterly direction along the Southern Pacific Railroad track to where it intersects with range line “R3W/R2W”;

(5) Thence due north on range line “R3W/R2W” to where it intersects with the Solano County/Napa County line;

(6) Thence due west along the Solano County/Napa County line to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-122, 47 FR 37922, Dec. 29, 1982]

§ 9.260 - Appalachian High Country.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Appalachian High Country”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Appalachian High Country” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 46 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Appalachian High Country viticultural area are titled:

(1) Unicoi, Tenn.-N.C, 1939; photorevised 1978;

(2) Iron Mountain Gap, Tenn.-N.C., 1960; photorevised 1968;

(3) Johnson City, Tenn., 1959; photorevised 1968;

(4) Elizabethton, Tenn., 1959; photorevised 1968;

(5) Watauga Dam, Tenn., 1960;

(6) Carter, Tenn., 1938; photorevised 1969;

(7) Keenburg, Tenn., 1960;

(8) Doe, Tenn., 1938; photorevised 1969;

(9) Shady Valley, Tenn.-VA., 1960; photorevised 1970; photoinspected 1988;

(10) Laurel Bloomery, Tenn.-VA., 1938; photorevised 1969;

(11) Grayson, Tenn.-N.C.-VA., 1959; photoinspected 1976;

(12) Park, N.C.-VA., 1959; photorevised 1978;

(13) Whitetop Mountain, VA., 1959; photorevised 1978;

(14) Trout Dale, VA., 1959; photorevised 1978; photoinspected 1988;

(15) Middle Fox Creek, VA., 1959; photoinspected 1988;

(16) Cedar Springs, VA., 1959; photorevised 1978; photoinspected 1988;

(17) Speedwell, VA., 1968; photorevised 1979;

(18) Cripple Creek, VA., 1968; photoinspected 1988;

(19) Austinville, VA., 1965; photorevised 1979; photoinspected 1982;

(20) Galax, VA., 1965; photorevised 1984;

(21) Cumberland Knob, N.C.-VA., 1965; photorevised 1977;

(22) Lambsburg, VA.-N.C., 1965; photorevised 1977;

(23) Roaring Gap, N.C., 1971;

(24) Glade Valley, N.C., 1968;

(25) Traphill, N.C., 1968;

(26) Whitehead, N.C., 1968;

(27) McGrady, N.C., 1968; photoinspected 1984;

(28) Horse Gap, N.C., 1968;

(29) Laurel Springs, N.C., 1968;

(30) Glendale Springs, N.C., 1967;

(31) Maple Springs, N.C., 1966;

(32) Deep Gap, N.C., 1967;

(33) Buffalo Cove, N.C., 1967;

(34) Globe, N.C., 1959;

(35) Grandfather Mountain, N.C., 1960; photorevised 1978;

(36) Newland, N.C., 1960; photorevised 1978;

(37) Linville Falls, N.C., 1994;

(38) Ashford, N.C., 1994;

(39) Little Switzerland, N.C., 1994;

(40) Spruce Pine, N.C., 1994;

(41) Celo, N.C., 1994;

(42) Micaville, N.C., 1960; photorevised 1978;

(43) Bakersville, N.C.,-Tenn., 1960; photorevised 1978;

(44) Burnsville, N.C., 1998;

(45) Huntdale, N.C.-Tenn., 1939; and

(46) Chestoa, Tenn.-N.C., 1939; photorevised 1978.

(c) Boundary. The Appalachian High Country viticultural area is located in all or portions of Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, and Watauga Counties in North Carolina; Carter and Johnson Counties in Tennessee; and Grayson County in Virginia. The boundary of the Appalachian High Country viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Unicoi map, at the point where the Unicoi/Mitchell County line intersects with an unnamed road known locally as Unaka Mountain Road near Beauty Spot Gap, Tennessee. From the beginning point, proceed northeasterly approximately 7.3 miles along the Unicoi/Mitchell County line, crossing onto the Iron Mountain Gap map, to the intersection of the Unicoi/Mitchell County line with the Carter County line; then

(2) Proceed northerly along the Unicoi/Carter County line approximately 9.3 miles, crossing back onto the Unicoi map and then onto the Johnson City map, to the intersection of the Unicoi/Carter County line with the 2,000-foot elevation contour, southeast of an unnamed road known locally as Whispering Pine Road; then

(3) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 2,000-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Unicoi map and then back onto the Johnson City map, and continuing onto the Elizabethton map for approximately 19 miles to the intersection of the elevation contour with an unnamed road known locally as Brimer Road near Bremer Hollow; then

(4) Proceed northwesterly approximately 1,500 feet along Brimer Road to an unnamed road known locally as Jenkins Hollow Road; then

(5) Proceed easterly approximately 1.4 miles along Jenkins Hollow Road, crossing the Doe River, to U.S. Route 321 in the town of Valley Forge, Tennessee; then

(6) Proceed north approximately 400 feet along U.S. Route 321 to an unnamed road known locally as Ruby Harmon Road; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly approximately 360 feet along Ruby Harmon Road to an unnamed road known locally as Nanny Goat Hill Road; then

(8) Proceed easterly approximately 0.2 mile along Nanny Goat Hill Road to the 1,800-foot elevation contour, east of an unnamed road known locally as Gene Mathes Road; then

(9) Proceed northeasterly approximately 0.4 mile along the 1,800-foot elevation contour to an unnamed road known locally as Franklin Lane; then

(10) Proceed southerly approximately 0.3 mile along Franklin Lane to the 2,000-foot elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed northeasterly along the meandering 2,000-foot elevation contour, crossing over Hardin Branch, Clover Branch, South Pierce Branch, and North Pierce Branch, to a fifth, unnamed stream; then

(12) Proceed northerly approximately 0.47 mile along the unnamed stream to an unnamed road known locally as Wilbur Dam Road; then

(13) Proceed southeasterly approximately 0.25 mile along Wilbur Dam Road to Wilbur Dam; then

(14) Proceed northeasterly across Wilbur Dam to the marked transmission line; then

(15) Proceed northerly approximately 0.5 mile along the transmission line to the 2,000-foot elevation contour; then

(16) Proceed northeasterly approximately 19 miles along the meandering 2,000-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Watauga Dam map and onto the Carter map, and continuing along the 2,000-foot elevation contour as it crosses over State Route 91 near Sadie, Tennessee, and turns southwesterly, and continuing southwesterly for approximately 22.2 miles along the 2,000-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Keenburg map and circling Carter Knob, to the intersection of the 2,000-foot elevation contour with the Carter/Sullivan County line; then

(17) Proceed southeasterly, then northeasterly, approximately 7 miles along the Carter/Sullivan County line to an unnamed road known locally as National Forest Road 56, near Low Gap, Tennessee; then

(18) Proceed easterly approximately 0.75 mile along National Forest Road 56, crossing onto the Carter map, to the Carter/Sullivan County line; then

(19) Proceed easterly approximately 10.4 miles along the Carter/Sullivan County line, crossing over the Doe map (northwestern corner) and onto the Shady Valley Map, to the intersection of the Carter/Sullivan County line with the Johnson County line at Rich Knob, Tennessee; then

(20) Proceed northeasterly approximately 13.4 miles along the Johnson/Sullivan County line, crossing onto the Laurel Bloomery map, to the intersection of the Johnson/Sullivan County line with the Washington County line at the Virginia/Tennessee State line; then

(21) Proceed easterly approximately 10 miles along the Johnson/Washington County line, crossing onto the Grayson map, to the intersection of the Johnson/Washington County line with the Grayson County line; then

(22) Proceed east, then northeasterly, then southeasterly, along the Grayson County line, crossing over the Park, Whitetop Mountain, Trout Dale, Middle Fox Creek, Cedar Springs, Speedwell, Cripple Creek, Austinville, Galax, and Cumberland Knob maps and onto the Lambsburg map, to the intersection of the Grayson County line with the Surry County line and an unnamed road known locally as Fisher's Peak Road, at the Virginia/North Carolina State line; then

(23) Proceed west along the Grayson/Surry County line, crossing back onto the Cumberland Knob map, to Alleghany County line; then

(24) Proceed southerly, then northwesterly, then southwesterly along the Alleghany County line, crossing over the Roaring Gap, Glade Valley, Traphill (northeastern corner), Whitehead, McGrady (northwestern corner), Horse Gap, and Laurel Springs map, then back onto the Horse Gap map and continuing along the Alleghany County line on the Horse Gap map to the Ashe/Wilkes County line at Mulberry Gap, North Carolina; then

(25) Proceed westerly, then southwesterly along the Ashe/Wilkes County line, crossing over the Glendale Springs and onto the Maple Springs map, then back onto the Glendale Springs map, then back onto the Maple Springs map, and continuing along the Ashe/Wilkes County line on the Maple Springs map to the intersection of the Ashe/Wilkes County line and the Watauga County line at Thomkins Knob, North Carolina; then

(26) Proceed southwesterly along the Watauga/Wilkes County line, crossing over the Deep Gap map (southeastern corner) and onto the Buffalo Cove map, to the intersection of the Watauga/Wilkes County line and the Caldwell County line at White Rock Mountain, North Carolina; then

(27) Proceed west along the Watauga/Caldwell County line, crossing over the Globe map and onto the Grandfather Mountain map, to the intersection of the Watauga/Caldwell County line with the Avery County line at Calloway Peak, North Carolina; then

(28) Proceed southeasterly approximately 1.8 miles along the Caldwell/Avery County line to the boundary of the Blue Ridge Parkway at Pilot Knob, North Carolina; then

(29) Proceed southwesterly approximately 11.6 miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway boundary, crossing over the Newland map (southeastern corner) and onto the Linville Falls map, to the intersection of the parkway boundary with the Avery/Burke County line; then

(30) Proceed northwesterly, then southwesterly, for a total of approximately 4.2 miles along the Avery/Burke County line to the McDowell County line; then

(31) Proceed southerly approximately 5 miles along the Avery/McDowell County line to the Mitchell County line; then

(32) Proceed southerly, then southwesterly, along the McDowell/Mitchell County line, crossing over the Ashford (northwestern corner) and Little Switzerland (northeastern corner) maps and onto the Spruce Pine map, then back onto the Little Switzerland map and continuing along the McDowell/Mitchell County line, crossing onto the Celo map, to the intersection of the McDowell/Mitchell County line with the Yancey County line; then

(33) Proceed west then northerly along the Mitchell/Yancey County line, crossing over the Micaville, Bakersville, Huntdale (southeastern corner), and Burnsville maps, then back onto the Huntdale map and continuing along the Mitchell/Yancy County line, crossing onto the Chestoa map, to the intersection of the Mitchell/Yancey County line with the Mitchell/Unicoi County line, which is concurrent with the Tennessee/North Carolina State line; then

(34) Proceed northeasterly along the Mitchell/Unicoi County line, crossing back over the Huntsdale (northwestern corner) map and onto the Unicoi map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-144, 81 FR 74679, Oct. 27, 2016]

§ 9.261 - Petaluma Gap.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Petaluma Gap”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Petaluma Gap” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 12 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Petaluma Gap viticultural area are titled:

(1) Cotati, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1980;

(2) Glen Elle, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1980;

(3) Petaluma River, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1980;

(4) Sears Point, Calif., 1951; photorevised 1968;

(5) Petaluma Point, Calif., 1959; photorevised 1980;

(6) Novato, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1980;

(7) Petaluma, Calif., 1953; photorevised 1981;

(8) Point Reyes NE., CA, 1995;

(9) Tomales, CA, 1995;

(10) Bodega Head, Calif., 1972;

(11) Valley Ford, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1971; and

(12) Two Rock, Calif., 1954; photorevised 1971.

(c) Boundary. The Petaluma Gap viticultural area is located in Sonoma and Marin Counties in California. The boundary of the Petaluma Gap viticultural area is as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (48) of this section:

(1) The beginning point is on the Cotati map at the intersection of Grange Road, Crane Canyon Road, and the northern boundary of section 16, T6N/R7W. From the beginning point, proceed southeast in a straight line for 1 mile, crossing over Pressley Road, to the intersection of the 900-foot elevation contour and the eastern boundary of section 16, T6N/R7W; the

(2) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line for 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Glen Ellen map, to the terminus of an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Summit View Ranch Road, just north of the southern boundary of section 15, T6N/R7N; then

(3) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the intersection of Crane Creek and the 1,200-foot elevation contour, section 22, T6N/R7W; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 2.9 miles to the marked 2,271-foot peak on Sonoma Mountain, T6N/R6W; then

(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 10.5 miles, crossing over the northeastern corner of the Petaluma River map and onto the Sears Point map, to the marked 682-foot summit of Wildcat Mountain; then

(6) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line for 3.3 miles to the intersection of State Highway 121 (also known locally as Arnold Drive) and State Highway 37 (also known locally as Sears Point Road); then

(7) Proceed east-northeasterly along State Highway 37/Sears Point Road for approximately 0.1 mile to Tolay Creek; then

(8) Proceed generally south along the meandering Tolay Creek for 3.9 miles, crossing onto the Petaluma Point map, to the mouth of the creek at San Pablo Bay; then

(9) Proceed southwesterly along the shore of San Pablo Bay for 2.7 miles, crossing the mouth of the Petaluma River, and continuing southeasterly along the bay's shoreline to Petaluma Point; then

(10) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line for 6.3 miles, crossing over the northeastern corner of the Novato map and onto the Petaluma River map, to the marked 1,558-foot peak of Burdell Mountain; then

(11) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 1.3 miles to the marked 1,193-foot peak; then

(12) Proceed west-southwesterly in a straight line for 2.2 miles, crossing onto the Petaluma map, to the marked 1,209-foot peak; then

(13) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the marked 1,296-foot peak; then

(14) Proceed west in a straight line for 1 mile to the marked 1,257-foot peak on Red Hill in section 31, T4N/R7W; then

(15) Proceed southwest in a straight line for 2.9 miles to the marked 1,532-foot peak on Hicks Mountain; then

(16) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line for 2.7 miles, crossing onto the Point Reyes NE map, to the marked 1,087-foot peak; then

(17) Proceed north-northwesterly in a straight line for 1.5 miles to the marked 1,379-foot peak; then

(18) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line for 2.9 miles to the marked 935-foot peak; then

(19) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 1.8 miles to the marked 804-foot peak; then

(20) Proceed west-northwesterly in a straight line for 3.1 miles, crossing onto the Tomales map, to the marked 741-foot peak; then

(21) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line for 1.3 miles to benchmark (BM) 10 on State Highway 1, at the mouth of Walker Creek in Tomales Bay; then

(22) Proceed southwesterly, then northwesterly along the shoreline of Tomales Bay to Sand Point, on Bodega Bay, and continuing northerly along the shoreline of Bodega Bay, crossing over the Valley Ford map and onto the Bodega Head map, circling the shoreline of Bodega Harbor to the Pacific Ocean and continuing northerly along the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean to the mouth of Salmon Creek, for a total of 19.5 miles; then

(23) Proceed easterly along Salmon Creek for 9.6 miles, crossing onto the Valley Ford map and passing Nolan Creek, to the second intermittent stream in the Estero Americano land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(24) Proceed east in a straight line for 1 mile to vertical angle benchmark (VABM) 724 in the Estero Americano land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(25) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line for 0.8 mile to BM 61 on an unmarked light duty road known locally as Freestone Valley Ford Road in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(26) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the marked 448-foot peak in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(27) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.1 mile to the northern terminus of an unnamed, unimproved road in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(28) Proceed northeasterly, then southeasterly for 0.9 mile along the unnamed, unimproved road to the 400-foot elevation contour in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(29) Proceed easterly along the meandering 400-foot elevation contour for 6.7 miles, crossing onto the Two Rocks map, to Burnside Road in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(30) Proceed south on Burnside Road for 0.1 mile to an unnamed medium duty road known locally as Bloomfield Road in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant,T6N/R9W; then

(31) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the marked 610-foot peak in the Blucher land grant, T6N/R9W; then

(32) Proceed east-southeasterly in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the marked 641-foot peak in the Blucher land grant, T6N/R9W; then

(33) Proceed northeast in a straight line for 1.2 miles, crossing through the intersection of an intermittent stream with Canfield Road, to the common Range 8/9 boundary; then

(34) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.5 mile to the marked 542-foot peak; then

(35) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the intersection of an unnamed, unimproved road (leading to four barn-like structures) known locally as Carniglia Lane and an unnamed medium duty road known locally as Roblar Road, T6N/R8W; then

(36) Proceed south in a straight line for 0.5 mile to the marked 678-foot peak, T6N/R8W; then

(37) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for 0.8 mile to the marked 599-foot peak, T5N/R8W; then

(38) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for 0.7 mile to the marked 604-foot peak, T5N/R8W; then

(39) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Cotati map, to the intersection of Meacham Road and an unnamed light duty road leading to a series of barn-like structures, T5N/R8W; then

(40) Proceed north-northeast along Meacham Road for 0.8 mile to Stony Point Road, T5N/R8W; then

(41) Proceed southeast along Stony Point Road for 1.1 miles to the 200-foot elevation contour, T5N/R8W; then

(42) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line for 0.5 mile to the intersection of an intermittent creek with U.S. Highway 101, T5N/R8W; then

(43) Proceed north along U.S. Highway 101 for 1.5 miles to State Highway 116 (also known locally as Graverstein Highway), T6N/R8W; then

(44) Proceed northeast in a straight line for 3.4 miles to the intersection of Crane Creek and Petaluma Hill Road, T6N/R7W; then

(45) Proceed easterly along Crane Creek for 0.8 mile to the intersection of Crane Creek and the 200-foot elevation line, T6N/R7W; then

(46) Proceed northwesterly along the 200-foot elevation contour for 1 mile to the intersection of the contour line and an intermittent stream just south of Crane Canyon Road, T6N/R7W; then

(47) Proceed east then northeasterly along the northern branch of the intermittent stream for 0.3 mile to the intersection of the stream with Crane Canyon Road, T6N/R7W; then

(48) Proceed northeasterly along Crane Canyon Road for 1.2 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-149, 82 span 57662, Dec. 7, 2017]

§ 9.262 - Cape May Peninsula.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cape May Peninsula”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Cape May Peninsula” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 11 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Cape May Peninsula viticultural area are titled:

(1) Ocean City, New Jersey, 1989;

(2) Marmora, New Jersey, 1989;

(3) Sea Isle City, New Jersey, 1952; photorevised, 1972;

(4) Woodbine, New Jersey, 1958; photorevised, 1972;

(5) Stone Harbor, New Jersey, 1955; photorevised, 1972;

(6) Wildwood, New Jersey, 1955; photorevised, 1972;

(7) Cape May, New Jersey, 1954; photorevised, 1972;

(8) Rio Grande, New Jersey, 1956; photorevised, 1972;

(9) Heislerville, New Jersey, 1957; photorevised, 1972;

(10) Port Elizabeth, New Jersey, 1956; photorevised, 1972; and

(11) Tuckahoe, New Jersey, 1956; photorevised, 1972.

(c) Boundary. The Cape May Peninsula viticultural area is located in Cape May and Cumberland Counties, New Jersey. The boundary of the Cape May Peninsula viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Ocean City quadrangle at the intersection of the 10-foot elevation contour and the Garden State Parkway, on the southern shore of Great Egg Harbor, northwest of Golders Point. Proceed southeast, then generally southwest along the meandering 10-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Marmora quadrangle, then onto the Sea Isle City quadrangle, to the intersection of the 10-foot elevation contour with an unnamed road known locally as Sea Isle Boulevard; then

(2) Proceed northwesterly along Sea Isle Boulevard to the intersection of the road with U.S. Highway 9; then

(3) Proceed southwesterly along U.S. Highway 9 to the intersection of the highway with the 10-foot elevation contour south of Magnolia Lake; then

(4) Proceed generally southwesterly along the meandering 10-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Woodbine quadrangle, then briefly back onto the Sea Isle City quadrangle, then back onto the Woodbine quadrangle, to the intersection of the 10-foot elevation contour with the western span of the Garden State Parkway east of Clermont; then

(5) Proceed southwest along the Garden State Parkway to the intersection of the road with Uncle Aarons Creek; then

(6) Proceed westerly (upstream) along Uncle Aarons Creek to the intersection of the creek with the 10-foot elevation contour near the headwaters of the creek; then

(7) Proceed easterly, then southwesterly along the 10-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Stone Harbor quadrangle, then onto the northwesternmost corner of the Wildwood quadrangle, then onto Cape May quadrangle, to the intersection of the 10-foot elevation contour with State Route 109 and Benchmark (BM) 8, east of Cold Spring; then

(8) Proceed southeast, then south, along State Route 109 to the intersection of the road with the north bank of the Cape May Canal; then

(9) Proceed northwest along the north bank of the Cape May Canal to the intersection of the canal with the railroad tracks (Pennsylvania Reading Seashore Lines); then

(10) Proceed south along the railroad tracks, crossing the canal, to the intersection of the railroad tracks with the south bank of the Cape May Canal; then

(11) Proceed east along the canal bank to the intersection of the canal with Cape Island Creek; then

(12) Proceed south, then northwest along the creek to the intersection of the creek with a tributary running north-south west of an unnamed road known locally as 1st Avenue; then

(13) Proceed north along the tributary to its intersection with Sunset Boulevard; then

(14) Proceed northwest along Sunset Boulevard to the intersection of the road with Benchmark (BM) 6; then

(15) Proceed south in a straight line to the shoreline; then

(16) Proceed west, then northwest, then northeast along the shoreline, rounding Cape May Point, and continuing northeasterly along the shoreline, crossing onto the Rio Grande quadrangle, then onto the Heislerville quadrangle, to the intersection of the shoreline with West Creek; then

(17) Proceed generally north along the meandering West Creek, passing through Pickle Factory Pond and Hands Millpond, and continuing along West Creek, crossing onto the Port Elizabeth quadrangle, and continuing along West Creek to the fork in the creek north of Wrights Crossway Road; then

(18) Proceed along the eastern fork of West Creek to the cranberry bog; then

(19) Proceed through the cranberry bog and continue northeasterly along the branch of West Creek that exits the cranberry bog to the creek's terminus south of an unnamed road known locally as Joe Mason Road; then

(20) Proceed northeast in a straight line to Tarkiln Brook Tributary; then

(21) Proceed easterly along Tarkiln Brook Tributary, passing through the cranberry bog, crossing onto the Tuckahoe quadrangle, and continuing along Tarkiln Brook tributary to its intersection with the Tuckahoe River and the Atlantic-Cape May County line; then

(22) Proceed easterly along the Atlantic-Cape May County line, crossing onto the Marmora and Cape May quadrangles, to the intersection of the Atlantic-Cape May County line with the Garden State Parkway on the Cape May quadrangle; then

(23) Proceed south along the Garden State Parkway, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-150, 83 FR 14749, Apr. 6, 2018]

§ 9.263 - Dahlonega Plateau.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Dahlonega Plateau”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Dahlonega Plateau” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 9 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Dahlonega Plateau viticultural area are titled:

(1) Dawsonville, GA, 1997;

(2) Campbell Mountain, GA, 2014;

(3) Nimblewill, GA, 1997;

(4) Noontootla, GA, 1988;

(5) Suches, GA, 1988;

(6) Neels Gap, GA, 1988;

(7) Dahlonega, GA, 1951;

(8) Cowrock, GA, 1988; and

(9) Cleveland, GA, 1951; photo revised 1973; photo inspected 1981.

(c) Boundary. The Dahlonega Plateau viticultural area is located in Lumpkin and White Counties, Georgia. The boundary of the Dahlonega Plateau viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is found on the Dawsonville map at the marked 1,412-foot elevation point at the intersection of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Castleberry Bridge Road and an unimproved road known locally as McDuffie River Road.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed north-northeast in a straight line approximately 0.89 mile to the marked 1,453-foot elevation point; then

(3) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.94 miles, crossing onto the Campbell Mountain map, to the intersection of Arrendale Road and Windy Oaks Road; then

(4) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.77 mile to the intersection of the 1,400-foot elevation contour and Dennson Branch; then

(5) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.79 mile to the intersection of the 1,360-foot elevation contour and Mill Creek; then

(6) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.48 mile to the intersection of the 1,500-foot elevation contour and Sheep Wallow Road; then

(7) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.74 miles to the intersection of State Route 52 and the Chattahoochee National Forest boundary; then

(8) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.89 miles, crossing onto the Nimblewill map and then crossing over the marked 1,749-foot elevation point along an unnamed light duty road known locally as Nimblewill Church Road, to the line's intersection with the 1,800-foot elevation contour; then

(9) Proceed generally east-northeast along the 1,800-foot elevation contour approximately 170.72 miles (straight line distance between points is approximately 20.43 miles), crossing over the Noontootla, Suches, Neels Gap and Dahlonega maps and onto the Cowrock map, to the intersection of the 1,800-foot elevation contour with Tom White Branch; then

(10) Proceed southeast along Tom White Branch approximately 0.73 mile to the 1,600-foot elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 1.10 miles to the intersection of Cathey Creek and the secondary highway marked Alt. 75; then

(12) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 3.77 miles, crossing into the Cleveland map, to the intersection of two unnamed light-duty roads known locally as Dockery Road and Town Creek Road; then

(13) Proceed south in a straight line approximately 0.58 mile to the marked 1,774-foot elevation point; then

(14) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 0.60 mile to the 1,623-foot benchmark; then

(15) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 2.73 miles, crossing into the Dahlonega map, to the 1,562-foot benchmark, then

(16) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 3.46 miles to the marked 1,480-foot elevation point near the Mt. Sinai Church; then

(17) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 2.13 miles to the summit of Crown Mountain; then

(18) Proceed west in a straight line approximately 1.28 miles, crossing onto the Campbell Mountain map, to the intersection of the 1,160-foot elevation contour and Cane Creek; then

(19) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 1.61 miles to the intersection of the 1,300-foot elevation contour and Camp Creek; then

(20) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 2.02 miles, crossing into the Dawsonville map, to the intersection of the 1,200-foot elevation contour with the Etowah River, then

(21) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 1.29 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D.TTB-151, 83 FR 30538, June 29, 2018]

§ 9.264 - Upper Hudson.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Upper Hudson”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Upper Hudson” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Upper Hudson viticultural area are titled:

(1) Glens Falls, New York—Vermont, 1989;

(2) Albany, New York—Massachusetts—Vermont, 1989;

(3) Amsterdam, New York, 1985; photoinspected 1990; and

(4) Gloversville, New York, 1985; photoinspected 1992.

(c) Boundary. The Upper Hudson viticultural area is located in Albany, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, and Washington Counties in New York. The boundary of the Upper Hudson viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The point of the beginning is on the Glens Falls map at the intersection of U.S. Highway 9 and State Highway 32, in Glens Falls. From the beginning point, proceed east on State Highway 32 to its intersection with State Highway 254; then

(2) Proceed southeasterly along State Highway 254 to its intersection with U.S. Highway 4 in Hudson Falls; then

(3) Proceed south along U.S. Highway 4 to its intersection with State Highway 197 in Fort Edward; then

(4) Proceed east, then southeast along State Highway 197 to its intersection with State Highway 40 in Argyle; then

(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the intersection of State Highway 29 and State Highway 22 in Greenwich Junction; then

(6) Proceed south along State Highway 22, crossing onto the Albany map, to the highway's intersection with State Highway 7 in Hoosick; then

(7) Proceed southwest along State Highway 7, crossing the Hudson River, to the highway's intersection with State Highway 32 in Green Island; then

(8) Proceed south on State Highway 32 to its intersection with U.S. Highway 20 in Albany; then

(9) Proceed west on U.S. Highway 20 its intersection with U.S. Highway 9; then

(10) Proceed southwest along U.S. Highway 9 to its intersection with State Highway 443; then

(11) Proceed southwest, then westerly along State Highway 443, crossing onto the Amsterdam map, to the highway's intersection with an unnamed state highway known locally as State Highway 30 in Vroman Corners; then

(12) Proceed northwesterly along State Highway 30 to its intersection with State Highway 30A in Sidney Corners; then

(13) Proceed north along State Highway 30A, crossing over the Mohawk River, to the highway's intersection with State Highway 5 in Fonda; then

(14) Proceed east along State Highway 5 to its intersection with State Highway 67 in Amsterdam; then

(15) Proceed east along State Highway 67 to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Morrow Road; then

(16) Proceed northeast in a straight line, crossing over the southeastern corner of the Gloversville map and onto the Glens Falls map, to the point where Daly Creek empties into Great Sacandaga Lake; then

(17) Proceed northeast, then east along the southern shore of Great Sacandaga Lake to its confluence with the Hudson River in the town of Lake Luzerne; then

(18) Proceed south, then easterly along the southern bank of the Hudson River to its intersection with U.S. Highway 9 in South Glens Falls; then

(19) Proceed northwest along U.S. Highway 9, crossing the Hudson River, and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-152, 83 FR 62709, Dec. 6, 2018]

§ 9.265 - Van Duzer Corridor.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Van Duzer Corridor”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Van Duzer Corridor” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The five United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Van Duzer Corridor viticultural area are titled:

(1) Sheridan, Oreg., 1956; revised 1992;

(2) Ballston, Oreg., 1956; revised 1992;

(3) Dallas, Oreg., 1974; photorevised 1986;

(4) Amity, Oreg., 1957; revised 1993; and

(5) Rickreall, Oreg., 1969; photorevised 1976;

(c) Boundary. The Van Duzer Corridor viticultural area is located in Polk and Yamhill Counties, in Oregon. The boundary of the Van Duzer Corridor viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Sheridan map at the intersection of State Highway 22 and Red Prairie Road. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along State Highway 22 for a total of 12.4 miles, crossing over the Ballston and Dallas maps and onto the Rickreall map, to the intersection of the highway with the 200-foot elevation contour west of the Oak Knoll Golf Course; then

(2) Proceed north on the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Amity map, to the third intersection of the elevation contour with Frizzell Road; then

(3) Proceed east on Frizzell Road for 0.3 mile to the intersection of the road with Oak Grove Road; then

(4) Proceed north along Oak Grove Road for 1.7 miles to the intersection of the road with Zena Road; then

(5) Proceed east on Zena Road for approximately 0.25 mile to the second intersection of the road with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(6) Proceed northwest along the 200-foot elevation contour to the intersection of the elevation contour with Oak Grove Road; then

(7) Proceed north along Oak Grove Road (which becomes Old Bethel Road) approximately 7.75 miles to the intersection of the road with Patty Lane; then

(8) Proceed west in a straight line for a total of 10.8 miles, crossing over the Ballston map and onto the Sheridan map, to the intersection of the line with State Highway 18; then

(9) Proceed southwest along State Highway 18 for 0.3 miles to the intersection of the highway with Red Prairie Road; then

(10) Proceed south along Red Prairie Road for approximately 5.3 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-155, 83 FR 64280, Dec. 14, 2018]

§ 9.266 - Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The nine United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Black Mountain, North Carolina, 1941; photorevised 1978;

(2) Bat Cave, North Carolina, 1997;

(3) Cliffield Mountain, North Carolina, 1946; photorevised 1991;

(4) Saluda, North Carolina-South Carolina, 1983 (provisional edition);

(5) Zirconia, North Carolina-South Carolina, 1997;

(6) Standingstone Mountain, South Carolina-North Carolina, 1997;

(7) Horse Shoe, North Carolina, 1997;

(8) Hendersonville, North Carolina, 1997; and

(9) Fruitland, North Carolina, 1997.

(c) Boundary. The Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County viticultural area is located in Henderson County, North Carolina. The boundary of the Crest of the Blue Ridge Henderson County viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Black Mountain map at the 4,412-foot elevation marker atop Little Pisgah Mountain, along the shared Buncombe-Henderson county line. From the beginning point, proceed southeast along the Buncombe-Henderson county line approximately 4.4 miles, crossing onto the Bat Cave map, to the intersection of the Buncombe-Henderson county line with the shared Henderson-Rutherford county line; then

(2) Proceed southerly along the shared Henderson-Rutherford county line approximately 5.1 miles to its intersection with the Polk county line; then

(3) Proceed southwest along the shared Henderson-Polk county line approximately 14.9 miles, crossing over the Cliffield Mountain map and onto the Saluda map, to its intersection with the North Carolina-South Carolina border; then

(4) Proceed westerly along the North Carolina-South Carolina border approximately 8.1 miles, crossing onto the Zirconia map, to the 3,058-foot elevation marker atop Big Top Mountain; then

(5) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 2.0 miles, crossing onto the Standingstone Mountain map, to the center of the highest closing contour atop Maybin Mountain; then

(6) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles, crossing back onto the Zirconia map, to the intersection of an unnamed road, known locally as County Road 1113/Maybin Road, with Mountain Valley Road, also known as County Road 1109/Cabin Creek Road; then

(7) Proceed northwest along Mountain Valley Road/County Road 1109/Cabin Creek Road approximately 1.3 miles, crossing back onto the Standingstone Mountain map, to its intersection with Pinnacle Mountain Road; then

(8) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 1.0 mile to the intersection of Little Cove Creek with the 2,800-foot elevation contour; then

(9) Proceed westerly along the 2,800-foot elevation contour approximately 2.4 miles to its intersection with an unnamed creek on the north slope of Stone Mountain that flows into Jeffers Lake; then

(10) Proceed southwest in a straight line approximately 2.0 miles to the intersection of the shared Henderson-Transylvania county line with the Dupont State Forest boundary atop Hickory Mountain; then

(11) Proceed northeast along the Henderson-Transylvania county line approximately 2.6 miles, crossing onto the Horse Shoe map, to its intersection with an unnamed road, known locally as Clipper Lane, on the hilltop above the Sentell Cemetery; then

(12) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 1.6 miles to the center of the highest closing contour atop Jeter Mountain; then

(13) Proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to the center of the highest closing contour atop Evans Mountain; then

(14) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 2.0 miles to the center of the highest closing contour atop Wolf Mountain; then

(15) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 1.2 miles to the center of the highest closing contour atop Drake Mountain; then

(16) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile to the center of the highest closing contour atop Cantrell Mountain; then

(17) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 3.3 miles to the 2,618-foot elevation marker on the northeast slope of Long John Mountain; then

(18) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles, crossing onto the Hendersonville map, to the center of the highest closing contour atop Stoney Mountain; then

(19) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of Brookside Camp Road with Dixie Highway; then

(20) Proceed northeast along Brookside Camp Road approximately 2.1 miles, crossing onto the Fruitland map, to its intersection with Locust Grove Road; then

(21) Proceed northeast along Locust Grove Road approximately 1.4 miles to its intersection with an unnamed trail near Locust Grove Church; then

(22) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile to the 3,442-foot elevation marker atop Rich Mountain; then

(23) Proceed northwest in a straight line approximately 0.4 mile to the intersection of Southern Leveston Road with an unnamed jeep trail; then

(24) Proceed northwest along Southern Leveston Road approximately 2.4 miles to its intersection with Hoopers Creek Road; then

(25) Proceed northeast in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile to the 2,983-foot elevation marker labeled Edneyville-5 atop a peak on Burney Mountain along the shared Henderson-Buncombe county line; then

(26) Proceed northeast along the Henderson-Buncombe county line approximately 8.2 miles, crossing onto the Black Mountain map, and return to the beginning point atop Little Pisgah Mountain.

[T.D. TTB-156, 84 FR 34784, July 19, 2019]

§ 9.267 - Eastern Connecticut Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Eastern Connecticut Highlands”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Eastern Connecticut Highlands” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The one United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:125,000 scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the Eastern Connecticut Highlands viticultural area is titled “State of Connecticut.”

(c) Boundary. The Eastern Connecticut Highlands viticultural area is located in Hartford, New Haven, Tolland, Windham, New London, and Middlesex Counties in Connecticut. The boundary of the Eastern Connecticut Highlands viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the State of Connecticut map at the intersection of State Highway 83 and the Massachusetts-Connecticut State line in Somers. From the beginning point, proceed east along the Massachusetts-Connecticut State line approximately 33 miles to the intersection of the shared State line and an unnamed road, known locally as Bonnette Avenue, in Thompson; then

(2) Proceed southeast along Bonnette Avenue approximately 0.38 mile to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Sand Dam Road; then

(3) Proceed southeast along Sand Dam Road approximately 1.5 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Thompson Road; then

(4) Proceed south along Thompson Road approximately 1,000 feet to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Quaddick Town Farm Road; then

(5) Proceed east then south along Quaddick Town Farm Road approximately 5.5 miles into the town of Putnam, where the road becomes known as East Putnam Road, and continuing south along East Putnam Road approximately 1 mile to its intersection with U.S. Highway 44; then

(6) Proceed west along U.S. Highway 44 approximately 1 mile to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Tucker Hill Road; then

(7) Proceed south along Tucker Hill Road approximately 0.38 mile to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Five Mile River Road; then

(8) Proceed southwest then west along Five Mile River Road 1.75 miles to its intersection with State Highway 21; then

(9) Proceed south along State Highway 21 approximately 2 miles to its intersection with State Highway 12; then

(10) Proceed south along State Highway 12 approximately 1 mile to its intersection with Five Mile River; then

(11) Proceed west along Five Mile River approximately 0.13 mile to its intersection with the highway marked on the map State Highway 52 (also known as Interstate 395); then

(12) Proceed south along State Highway 52/Interstate 395 approximately 14.5 miles to its intersection with State Highway 201; then

(13) Proceed southeast along State Highway 201 approximately 5.25 miles to its intersection with State Highway 165; then

(14) Proceed southwest along State Highway 165 approximately 10 miles to its intersection with State Highway 2; then

(15) Proceed west along State Highway 2 approximately 1 mile to its intersection with State Highway 82; then

(16) Proceed southwest, then northwest, then southwest along State Highway 82 approximately 27.72 miles to its intersection with State Highway 9; then

(17) Proceed southeast along State Highway 9 approximately 3.7 miles to its intersection with State Highway 80; then

(18) Proceed west along State Highway 80 approximately 15.7 miles to its intersection with State Highway 77; then

(19) Proceed north along State Highway 77 approximately 8.3 miles to its intersection with State Highway 17; then

(20) Proceed northeast along State Highway 17 approximately 6.8 miles to the point where it becomes concurrent with State Highway 9; then

(21) Proceed north along concurrent State Highway 17-State Highway 9 approximately 0.75 mile the point where State Highway 17 departs from State Highway 9; then

(22) Proceed east along State Highway 17 approximately 0.25 mile, crossing over the Connecticut River, to the highway's intersection with State Highway 17A; then

(23) Proceed north along State Highway 17A approximately 3 miles to its intersection with State Highway 17; then

(24) Proceed north along State Highway 17 approximately 8 miles to its intersection with State Highway 94; then

(25) Proceed east along State Highway 94 approximately 4 miles to its intersection with State Highway 83; then

(26) Proceed north along State Highway 83 approximately 25 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-157, 84 FR 54781, Oct. 10, 2019]

§ 9.268 - Tualatin Hills.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Tualatin Hills”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Tualatin Hills” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 6 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps and the single 1:250,000 scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the Tualatin Hills viticultural area are titled:

(1) Vancouver, 1974 (1:250,000);

(2) Dixie Mountain, OR, 2014;

(3) Gaston, OR, 2014;

(4) Laurelwood, OR, 2014;

(5) Forest Grove, OR, 2014;

(6) Hillsboro, OR, 2014; and

(7) Linnton, OR, 2014.

(c) Boundary. The Tualatin Hills viticultural area is located in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, in Oregon. The boundary of the Tualatin Hills viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Dixie Mountain map at the intersection of North West Skyline Boulevard and North West Moreland Road. From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly along North West Moreland Road for approximately 1.3 miles to road's intersection with the Multnomah-Washington County line; then

(2) Proceed south along the Multnomah-Washington County for approximately 1.2 miles to the county line's intersection with the 1,000-foot elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed northwesterly along the 1,000-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Vancouver map and continuing generally southwesterly along the meandering 1,000-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the Washington-Yamhill County line; then

(4) Proceed east along the Washington-Yamhill County line, crossing onto the Gaston map, to the intersection of the county line with NW South Road; then

(5) Proceed northeast along NW South Road to its intersection with SW South Road; then

(6) Proceed northeasterly along SW South Road to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed easterly along the 200-foot elevation contour for approximately 1.9 miles to its intersection with East Main Street/SW Gaston Road in the village of Gaston; then

(8) Proceed south, then east along SW Gaston Road for approximately 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Laurelwood map, to the road's intersection with the 240-foot contour line just south of an unnamed road known locally as SW Dixon Mill Road; then

(9) Proceed north along the meandering 240-foot elevation contour for approximately 5 miles to its intersection with SW Sandstrom Road; then

(10) Proceed west along SW Sandstrom Road for approximately 0.15 mile to its third crossing of the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed northwesterly and then northeasterly along the meandering 200-foot contour line for approximately 2.9 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as SW Fern Hill Road, north of an unnamed road known locally as SW Blooming Fern Hill Road; then

(12) Proceed north along SW Fern Hill Road for approximately 1.2 miles, crossing onto the Forest Grove map, to the road's intersection with Oregon Highway 47; then

(13) Proceed northerly along Oregon Highway 47 for approximately 7.6 miles to its intersection with Oregon Highway 6/NW Wilson River Highway; then

(14) Proceed east along Oregon Highway 6/NW Wilson River Highway for approximately 2.5 miles to its intersection with Sunset Highway; then

(15) Proceed southeast along Sunset Highway for approximately 2.3 miles to its intersection with the railroad tracks; then

(16) Proceed east along the railroad tracks, crossing onto the Hillsboro map, to the intersection of the railroad tracks and an unnamed road known locally as NW Dick Road; then

(17) Proceed south along NW Dick Road for approximately 0.3 mile to its intersection with NW Phillips Road; then

(18) Proceed east along NW Phillips Road for approximately 1.2 miles, crossing onto the Linnton map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed road known locally as NW Old Cornelius Pass Road; then

(19) Proceed northeast along NW Old Cornelius Pass Road to its intersection with NW Skyline Boulevard Road; then

(20) Proceed north and west along NW Skyline Boulevard for approximately 10.5 miles, crossing over the northeast corner of the Hillsboro map and onto the Dixie Mountain map and then returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-160, 85 FR 34099, June 3, 2020]

§ 9.269 - Laurelwood District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Laurelwood District”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Laurelwood District” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The six United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Laurelwood District viticultural area are titled:

(1) Laurelwood, OR, 2014;

(2) Scholls, Oreg., 1961; photorevised 1985;

(3) Newberg, OR, 2014;

(4) Beaverton, Oreg., 1961; photorevised 1984;

(5) Sherwood, Oreg., 1961; photorevised 1985; and

(6) Dundee, Oreg., 1956; revised 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Laurelwood District viticultural area is located in Washington and Yamhill Counties, in Oregon. The boundary of the Laurelwood District viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Laurelwood map at the intersection of Winters Road and Blooming Fern Hill Road in section 17, T1S/R3W. From the beginning point, proceed west then northwest along Blooming Fern Hill Road for approximately 0.4 mile to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(2) Proceed north then northeasterly along the 200-foot elevation contour for 1.5 miles to its intersection with SW La Follette Road; then

(3) Proceed south along SW La Follette Road for 0.25 mile to its intersection with the 240-foot elevation contour, north of Blooming Fern Hill Road; then

(4) Proceed easterly then southerly along the 240-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Scholls map and back onto the Laurelwood map, for a total of 17 miles to the intersection of the elevation contour with SW Laurel Road; then

(5) Proceed east along SW Laurel Road for 0.15 mile to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(6) Proceed easterly along the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Scholls map and onto the Newberg map, then crossing Heaton Creek and back onto the Scholls map for a total of 17.5 miles to the intersection of the elevation contour with Mountain Home Road east of Heaton Creek; then

(7) Proceed easterly then southerly along the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Beaverton and Sherwood maps and back onto the Scholls map for a total of 8.9 miles to the intersection of the elevation contour with the middle tributary of an unnamed stream along the western boundary of section 24, T2S/R2W; then

(8) Proceed southeast along the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the northeast corner of the Newberg map and onto the Sherwood map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with Edy Road in section 25, T2S/R2W; then

(9) Proceed southwest along the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Newberg map and back onto the Sherwood map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with Elwert Road along the eastern boundary of section 25, T2S/R2W; then

(10) Proceed south along Elwert Road for 0.85 mile to its intersection with an unnamed highway known locally as Oregon Highway 99W, along the eastern boundary of section 36, T2S/R2W; then

(11) Proceed southwesterly along Oregon Highway 99W for 0.45 mile to its intersection with the 250-foot elevation contour immediately south of an unnamed tributary of Cedar Creek in section 36, T2S/R2W; then

(12) Proceed southerly along the 250-foot elevation contour for 1 mile to its intersection with Middleton Road in section 1, T2S/R2W; then

(13) Proceed southwesterly along Middleton Road, which becomes Rein Road, for 0.5 mile to the intersection of the road with the 200-foot elevation contour immediately south of Cedar Creek; then

(14) Proceed easterly along the 200-foot elevation contour for 1.6 miles to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty east-west road known locally as Brookman Road in the village of Middleton, section 6, T3S/R1W; then

(15) Proceed east on Brookman Road for 0.4 mile to its intersection with the shared Washington-Clackamas County line at the western corner of section 5, T3S/R1W; then

(16) Proceed south along the Washington-Clackamas County line for 1 mile to its intersection with Parrett Mountain Road along the eastern boundary of section 7, T3S/R1W; then

(17) Proceed southwesterly along Parrett Mountain Road, crossing onto the Newberg map, for a total of 2.6 miles, to the intersection with an unnamed local road known locally as NE Old Parrett Mountain Road; then

(18) Proceed west along NE Old Parrett Mountain Road for 1.7 mile to its intersection with NE Schaad Road; then

(19) Proceed west along NE Schaad Road for 0.5 mile to its intersection with an unnamed local road known locally as NE Corral Creek Road; then

(20) Proceed north along NE Corral Creek Road for 0.9 mile to its westernmost intersection with an unnamed local road known locally as NE Veritas Lane, south of Oregon Highway 99W; then

(21) Proceed north westerly in a straight line for approximately 0.05 mile to the intersection of Oregon Highway 99W and the 250-foot elevation contour; then

(22) Proceed northwesterly along the 250-foot elevation contour for 1 mile to its intersection with the second, westernmost intermittent stream that is an unnamed tributary of Spring Brook; then

(23) Proceed northerly along the unnamed stream, crossing the single-gauge railroad track, for 0.5 mile to the intersection of the stream with the 430-foot elevation contour; then

(24) Proceed west along the 430-foot elevation contour for 0.25 mile, crossing an unnamed road known locally as Owls Lane, to the intersection of the elevation contour with NE Kincaid Road; then

(25) Proceed northwesterly along NE Kincaid Road for 0.25 mile to its intersection with NE Springbrook Road; then

(26) Proceed northwesterly along NE Springbrook Road for 0.22 mile to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Bell Road; then

(27) Proceed east along Bell Road for 0.5 mile, making a sharp northwesterly turn, then continuing along the road for 0.2 mile to its intersection with Mountain Top Road; then

(28) Proceed northwesterly along Mountain Top Road for 1.9 miles to its intersection with SW Hillsboro Highway, also known as Highway 219; then

(29) Proceed north along SW Hillsboro Highway for 0.1 mile to its intersection with Mountain Top Road at the Washington-Yamhill County line; then

(30) Proceed northwest along Mountain Top Road for 3.1 miles, crossing onto the Dundee map, to the intersection of the road with Bald Peak Road in section 26, T2S/R3W; then

(31) Proceed northwest, then northeast, then north along Bald Peak Road, crossing onto the Laurelwood map, for a total of 4.8 miles, to the intersection of the road with SW Laurelwood Road; then

(32) Proceed southwest, then northwest, along SW Laurelwood Road for 0.8 mile to its intersection with the 700-foot elevation contour; then

(33) Proceed northeast, then northwest, then north along the 700-foot elevation contour for 5 miles, passing west of Iowa Hill and Spring Hill, to the intersection of the elevation contour and SW Winters Road; then

(34) Proceed north on SW Winters Road for 2 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-160, 85 FR 34099, June 3, 2020]

§ 9.45 - Suisun Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Suisun Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Suisun Valley viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Mt. George Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1968);

(2) “Fairfield North Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1973);

(3) “Fairfield South Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1968); and

(4) “Cordelia Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series (1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Suisun Valley viticultural area is located in Solano County, California. The beginning point is the intersection of the Southern Pacific Railroad track with range line “R3W/R2W” in the town of Cordelia, located on U.S.G.S. map “Cordelia Quadrangle.”

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs northeast in a straight line to the intersection of Ledgewood Creek with township line “T5N/T4N”;

(2) Thence in a straight line in a northeast direction to Bench Mark (BM) 19 located in the town of Fairfield;

(3) Thence in a straight line due north to Soda Springs Creek;

(4) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to the extreme southeast corner of Napa County located just south of Section 34, Township 6 North, Range 2 West;

(5) Thence due west along the Napa/Solano County border to where it intersects with range line “R3W/R2W”;

(6) Thence due south along range line “R3W/R2W” to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-117, 47 FR 52997, Nov. 24, 1982]

§ 9.270 - Alisos Canyon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Alisos Canyon”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Alisos Canyon” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Alisos Canyon viticultural area are titled:

(1) Foxen Canyon, CA, 1995; and

(2) Zaca Creek, Calif., 1959.

(c) Boundary. The Alisos Canyon viticultural area is located in Santa Barbara County, California. The boundary of the Alisos Canyon viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Foxen Canyon map at an unnamed hilltop with a marked elevation of 1,137 feet, located west of the Cañada de los Coches in the La Laguna Grant. From the beginning point, proceed east in a straight line for 3.71 miles to the intersection of two unnamed, unimproved roads north of Rancho San Juan; then

(2) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line for approximately 1.2 miles to an unnamed hilltop with a marked elevation of 1,424 feet in the La Laguna Grant; then

(3) Proceed southwest in a straight line for approximately 1.7 miles, crossing onto the Zaca Creek map, to a point designated “Oil,” adjacent to the north fork of San Antonio Creek and the intersection of three unnamed light-duty roads in the Cañada del Comasa, La Laguna Grant; then

(4) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line for approximately 1.56 miles to the intersection of the north fork of San Antonio Creek and the 800-foot elevation contour in the Cañada del Comasa, La Laguna Grant; then

(5) Proceed west in a straight line 1.95 miles to an unnamed rectangular structure northeast of the terminus of an unnamed, unimproved road north of U.S. Highway 101 and BM 684 in the La Laguna Grant; then

(6) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line 0.32 mile to the intersection of Alisos Canyon Road and an unnamed, unimproved road east of the Cañada de los Coches in the La Laguna Grant; then

(7) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 1.68 miles, crossing onto the Foxen Canyon map, to an unnamed hilltop with a marked elevation of 997 feet in the La Laguna Grant; then

(8) Proceed northeast in a straight line for 0.5 mile to return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB 1611, 85 FR 52273, Aug. 25, 2020]

§ 9.271 - Royal Slope.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Royal Slope”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Royal Slope” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The one United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the Royal Slope viticultural area is “Priest Rapids, WA,” 2015.

(c) Boundary. The Royal Slope viticultural area is located in Grant and Adams Counties in Washington. The boundary of the Royal Slope viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The point of the beginning is on the Priest Rapids map at the intersection of the 250 meter elevation contour and the northern boundary of Section 8, T17N/R23E. From the beginning point, proceed east for approximately 7 miles along the northern boundaries of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, T17N/R23E, and Sections 7 and 8, T17N/R24E to the northeast corner of Section 8, T17N/R24E; then

(2) Proceed south for approximately 1 mile along the eastern boundary of Section 8 to the southeast corner of Section 8, T17N/R24 E; then

(3) Proceed east for approximately 4 miles along the southern boundaries of Sections 9, 10, 11, and 12, T17N/R24E, to the southeastern corner of Section 12, T17N/R24E; then

(4) Proceed north for approximately 1.8 miles along the eastern boundaries of Sections 12 and 1, T17N/R24E, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 1 and the southern boundary of the Desert Unit of the Columbia Basin State Wildlife Area; then

(5) Proceed easterly for approximately 20 miles along the boundary of the Desert Unit of the Columbia Basin State Wildlife Area to the intersection of the wildlife area boundary with O'Sullivan Dam Road/State Highway 262; then

(6) Proceed east for approximately 1.5 miles along O'Sullivan Dam Road/State Highway 262 to the intersection of the road with an unnamed road known locally as H Road SE; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly for approximately 1.6 miles along H Road SE to the intersection of the road with the southern boundary of Section 16, T17N/R28E; then

(8) Proceed east for approximately 0.4 mile along the southern boundary of Section 16 to the intersection of the southeastern corner of Section 16, T17N/R28E, and the western boundary of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge; then

(9) Proceed southerly, then southwesterly, for approximately 8 miles along the western boundary of the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge and the concurrent western boundary of the Goose Lakes Unit of the Columbia Basin State Wildlife Area to the intersection of the wildlife refuge boundary with the eastern boundary of Section 14, T16N/R27E; then

(10) Proceed south along the eastern boundaries of Sections 14, 23, 26, and 35, T16N/R27E, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 35 with State Highway 26; then

(11) Proceed northwesterly for approximately 3 miles along State Highway 26 to the intersection of the highway with the 250-meter elevation contour in the southwest corner of Section 21, T16/R27E; then

(12) Proceed westerly for approximately 28 miles along the 250-meter elevation contour to the intersection of the elevation contour with the eastern boundary of Section 26, T16N/R23E; then

(13) Proceed north for approximately 1,100 feet along the eastern boundary of Section 26 to the northeast corner of Section 26, T16N/R23E; then

(14) Proceed west for 1 mile along the northern boundary of Section 26, T16N/R23E, to the intersection with the eastern boundary of Section 22, T16N/R23E; then

(15) Proceed north for 1 mile along the eastern boundary of Section 22 to the northern boundary of Section 22, T16N/R23E; then

(16) Proceed west for approximately 1.05 miles along the northern boundary of Section 22, T16N/R23E, to the intersection of the section boundary with the 250-meter elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed northerly for approximately 10 miles along the 250-meter elevation contour to return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-162, 85 FR 54493, Sept. 2, 2020]

§ 9.272 -

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Candy Mountain”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Candy Mountain” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Candy Mountain viticultural area are titled:

(1) Badger Mountain, Washington, 2013;

(2) Benton City, Washington, 2013; and

(3) Richland, Washington, 2014.

(c) Boundary. The Candy Mountain viticultural area is located in Benton County in Washington. The boundary of the Candy Mountain viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Badger Mountain map at the southernmost point of an unnamed road known locally as Arena Road. From the beginning point, proceed northwest in a straight line for approximately 1.85 miles, crossing onto the Benton City map, to the intersection with East Kennedy Road NE; then

(2) Proceed westerly along East Kennedy Road NE for approximately 2,500 feet to the intersection with an intermittent creek approximately 0.8 mile south of Lost Lake; then

(3) Proceed southeasterly along the easternmost fork of the intermittent creek to the intersection with Interstate 82; then

(4) Proceed southeast along Interstate 82 for 2.25 miles, crossing over the Richland map and onto the Badger Mountain map, and continuing along the ramp onto Interstate 182 to a point due south of the intersection of Dallas Road and an unnamed road known locally as East 260 Private Road NE; then

(5) Proceed north in a straight line for 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Richland map, to the intersection of Dallas Road and the 670-foot elevation contour; then

(6) Proceed west along the 670-foot elevation contour for 0.4 mile to the intersection with Arena Road; then

(7) Proceed southerly along Arena Road for approximately 0.45 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-163, 85 FR 60361, Sept. 25, 2020]

§ 9.273 - Tehachapi Mountains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Tehachapi Mountains”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Tehachapi Mountains” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The eight United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Tehachapi Mountains viticultural area are titled:

(1) Bear Mountain, CA, 2015;

(2) Keene, CA, 2015;

(3) Cummings Mountain, CA, 2015;

(4) Tehachapi North, CA, 2015;

(5) Tehachapi NE, CA, 2015;

(6) Monolith, CA, 2015;

(7) Tehachapi South, CA, 2015; and

(8) Tejon Ranch, CA, 2015.

(c) Boundary. The Tehachapi Mountains viticultural area is located in Kern County, California. The boundary of the Tehachapi Mountains viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Bear Mountain map at the intersection of the 4,800-foot elevation contour and an unnamed road known locally as Skyline Drive. From the beginning point, proceed easterly along the 4,800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Keene map, to the intersection of the 4,800-foot elevation contour and Horizon Court; then

(2) Proceed south along Horizon Court to its intersection with the 4,600-foot elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed east, then north along the meandering 4,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Shenandoah Place; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the 4,400-foot elevation contour south of an unnamed road known locally as Big Sky Court; then

(5) Proceed east, then north along the meandering 4,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Bear Valley Road; then

(6) Proceed east in a straight line to the 4,600-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the 4,600-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Cummings Mountain map and continuing southeasterly, then northerly along the 4,600-foot elevation contour, crossing back onto the Keene map, and continuing northerly along the 4,600-foot elevation contour to a point due west of the intersection of Marcel Drive and an unnamed road known locally as Woodford-Tehachapi Road; then

(8) Proceed east in a straight line to the intersection of Woodford-Tehachapi Road and Marcel Drive; then

(9) Proceed east in a straight line, crossing onto the Tehachapi North map and crossing Tehachapi Creek, to the 4,400-foot elevation contour northeast of the community of Cable, California; then

(10) Proceed easterly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Tehachapi NE map, and continuing southeasterly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour to a point due west of the terminus of Zephyr Court; then

(11) Proceed east in a straight line to the terminus of Zephyr Court; then

(12) Proceed east in a straight line to Sand Canyon Road; then

(13) Proceed south along Sand Canyon Road, crossing onto the Monolith map, to its intersection with East Tehachapi Boulevard; then

(14) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line, crossing the railroad tracks and State Route 58, to the 4,200-foot elevation contour; then

(15) Proceed westerly along the 4,200-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed intermittent creek; then

(16) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the 4,400-foot elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed west along the 4,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Tehachapi South map, to its intersection with Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road; then

(18) Proceed south along Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road to its intersection with the 4,520-foot elevation contour; then

(19) Proceed west in a straight line to the intersection of the 4,840-foot elevation contour and Snowshoe Lane; then

(20) Proceed north in a straight line to the 4,800-foot elevation contour; then

(21) Proceed westerly along the 4,800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Cummings Mountain map and over two unnamed intermittent streams, and continuing to the intersection of the 4,800-foot elevation contour and a third unnamed intermittent stream; then

(22) Proceed south in a straight line to the 5,200-foot elevation contour; then

(23) Proceed southerly along the 5,200-foot elevation contour to a point northeast of the southern terminus of Arosa Road; then

(24) Proceed east in a straight line, crossing onto the Tehachapi South map and over an unnamed road known locally as Water Canyon Road, to the 5,400-foot elevation contour; then

(25) Proceed southeasterly, then south, then southwesterly along the 5,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Cummings Mountain map and continuing to the intersection of the 5,400-foot elevation contour with an unnamed road known locally as Matterhorn Drive; then

(26) Proceed west in a straight line, crossing Mountain Climber Way, to the 4,600-foot elevation contour; then

(27) Proceed westerly along the 4,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with High Gun Drive; then

(28) Proceed south in a straight line to the second intersection of the line with the 5,000-foot elevation contour; then

(29) Proceed west in a straight line, crossing onto the Tejon Ranch map, to the line's intersection with an unnamed 4-wheel drive road; then

(30) Proceed northwesterly along the 4-wheel drive road to its intersection with the southern terminus of an unnamed road known locally as Carlisle Drive; then

(31) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line to an unmarked 4,680-foot summit; then

(32) Proceed north in a straight line to the 3,640-foot elevation contour; then

(33) Proceed west in a straight line to the 3,600-foot elevation contour; then

(34) Proceed west, then northwesterly along the 3,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream northwest of Jack Springs Road; then

(35) Proceed northeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Bear Mountain map, and continuing to the intersection of the 4,800-foot elevation contour and an unnamed intermittent creek west of Rockspring Court; then

(36) Proceed north along the 4,800-foot elevation to a point due west of the intersection of the 4,800-foot elevation point and an unnamed road known locally as Skyline Drive; then

(37) Proceed east in a straight line to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-164, 85 FR 73619, Nov. 19, 2020]

§ 9.274 - Palos Verdes Peninsula.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Palos Verdes Peninsula”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Palos Verdes Peninsula” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Palos Verdes Peninsula viticultural area are titled:

(1) Redondo Beach, CA, 1996;

(2) Torrance, Calif., 1964 (photorevised 1981); and

(3) San Pedro Calif., 1964 (photorevised 1981).

(c) Boundary. The Palos Verdes Peninsula viticultural area is located in the southwestern coastal region of Los Angeles County, and contains the cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Estates, and Rancho Palos Verdes, California. The boundary of the Palos Verdes Peninsula viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Redondo Beach map at the intersection of the Pacific Ocean and the Torrance corporate boundary at Malaga Cove, R14W/T4S; then

(2) From the beginning point, proceed east, then generally southeast, along the Torrance corporate boundary, crossing onto the Torrance map, to the corporate boundary's intersection with the Lomita corporate boundary, R14W/T4S; then

(3) Proceed generally southeast along the Lomita corporate boundary to its intersection with Western Avenue, R14W/T4S; then

(4) Proceed south along Western Avenue, crossing onto the San Pedro map, to the road's intersection with the Los Angeles city boundary, R14W/T5S; then

(5) Proceed west, then generally south, then southwest along the Los Angeles city boundary to its intersection with the Pacific Ocean at Palos Verdes Peninsula Park, R14W/T5S; then

(6) Proceed clockwise along the Pacific coastline to return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-166, 86 FR 32191, June 17, 2021]

§ 9.275 - White Bluffs.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “White Bluffs”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “White Bluffs” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 10 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the White Bluffs viticultural area are titled:

(1) Hanford, NE, Washington, 1986;

(2) Mesa West, Washington, 1986;

(3) Wooded Island, Washington, 1992;

(4) Matthews Corner, Washington, 1992;

(5) Basin City, Washington, 1986;

(6) Eltopia, Washington, 1992;

(7) Eagle Lakes, Washington, 1986;

(8) Savage Island, Washington, 1986;

(9) Richland, Washington, 1992; and

(10) Columbia Point, Washington, 1992.

(c) Boundary. The White Bluffs viticultural area is located in Franklin County in Washington. The boundary of the White Bluffs viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Richland map at the intersection of Columbia River Road and an unnamed secondary highway known locally as Sagemoor Road. From the beginning point, proceed north along Columbia River Road, crossing onto the Wooded Island map, to the Potholes Canal; then

(2) Proceed west along the Potholes Canal for 150 feet to its intersection with the shoreline of the Columbia River; then

(3) Proceed north along the Columbia River shoreline, crossing onto the Savage Island map, to the intersection of the shoreline with the Wahluke Slope Habitat Management boundary on Ringold Flat; then

(4) Proceed east, then generally northwesterly, along the Wahluke Slope Habitat Management boundary to its intersection with the 950-foot elevation contour along the western boundary of section 16, T13N/R29E; then

(5) Proceed easterly, then generally northeasterly, along the 950-foot elevation contour, passing over the Hanford NE map and onto the Eagle Lakes map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with an unimproved road in the southeast corner of section 32, T14N/T29E; then

(6) Proceed east along the unimproved road for 100 feet to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty improved road known locally as Albany Road; then

(7) Proceed south along Albany Road, crossing onto the Basin City map, to the road's intersection with an unnamed improved light-duty road known locally as Basin Hill Road along the southern boundary of section 21, T13N/R29E; then

(8) Proceed south in a straight line for 2 miles to an improved light-duty road known locally as W. Klamath Road; then

(9) Proceed east along W. Klamath Road, crossing onto the Mesa West map, to the road's intersection with another improved light-duty road known locally as Drummond Road; then

(10) Proceed north along Drummond Road for 0.75 mile to its intersection with a railroad; then

(11) Proceed easterly along the railroad to its intersection with an improved light-duty road known locally as Langford Road in the northeastern corner of section 4, T12N/R30E; then

(12) Proceed south along Langford Road for 0.5 mile to its intersection with the 800-foot elevation contour; then

(13) Proceed southwesterly along the 800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Eltopia map, to the contour's intersection with Eltopia West Road; then

(14) Proceed east along Eltopia West Road to its intersection with the 700-foot elevation contour; then

(15) Proceed southerly, then northerly along the 700-foot elevation contour, circling Jackass Mountain, to the contour's intersection with Dogwood Road; then

(16) Proceed west along Dogwood Road for 1.1 mile, crossing onto the Matthews Corner map, to the road's intersection with the 750-foot elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed southwesterly along the 750-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Taylor Flats Road; then

(18) Proceed south along Taylor Flats Road, crossing onto the Columbia Point map, to the road's intersection with Birch Road; then

(19) Proceed west along Birch Road for 1 mile to its intersection with Alder Road; then

(20) Proceed south along Alder Road for 0.7 mile to its intersection with the 550-foot elevation contour; then

(21) Proceed westerly along the 550-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Sagemoor Road; then

(22) Proceed westerly along Sagemoor Road for 0.7 mile, crossing onto the Richland map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-167, 86 FR 32188, June 17, 2021]

§ 9.276 - The Burn of Columbia Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “The Burn of Columbia Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “The Burn of Columbia Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of The Burn of Columbia Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Sundale NW, OR-WA, 2017;

(2) Goodnoe Hills, WA, 2017;

(3) Dot, WA, 2017; and

(4) Sundale, WA-OR, 2017.

(c) Boundary. The Burn of Columbia Valley viticultural area is located in Klickitat County in Washington. The boundary of The Burn of Columbia Valley viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Sundale NW map, at the intersection of the Columbia River and the east shore of Paterson Slough. From the beginning point, proceed northerly along the east shore of Paterson Slough to its junction with Rock Creek, and continuing northeasterly along Rock Creek to its intersection with the boundary of the Yakima Nation Trust Land; then

(2) Proceed south, then east, then generally northeasterly along the boundary of the Yakima Nation Trust Land, crossing onto the Goodnoe Hills map, to the intersection of the Trust Land boundary with Kelley Road; then

(3) Proceed north in a straight line to the intersection with the main channel of Chapman Creek; then

(4) Proceed southeasterly (downstream) along Chapman Creek, crossing over the Dot map and onto the Sundale map, to the intersection of Chapman Creek with its southernmost tributary; then

(5) Proceed due east in a straight line to the creek running through Old Lady Canyon; then

(6) Proceed southerly along the creek to its intersection with the northern shoreline of the Columbia River; then

(7) Proceed westerly along the northern shoreline of the Columbia River, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-168, 86 FR 32194, June 17, 2021]

§ 9.277 - Goose Gap.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Goose Gap”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Goose Gap” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 4 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Goose Gap viticultural area are titled:

(1) Benton City, WA, 2017;

(2) Richland, WA, 2017;

(3) Badger Mountain, WA, 2017; and

(4) Webber Canyon, WA, 2017.

(c) Boundary. The Goose Gap viticultural area is located in Benton County, Washington. The boundary of the Goose Gap viticultural area is as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (12) of this section:

(1) The beginning point is on the Benton City map at the intersection of Sections 10, 11, 15, and 14, T9N/R27E. From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly in a straight line for approximately 250 feet to the 700-foot elevation contour in Section 15, T9N/R27E; then

(2) Proceed southwesterly along the 700-ft elevation contour to its westernmost point in Section 15, T9N/R27E; then

(3) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line to intersection of the 700-foot elevation contour and an unnamed intermittent stream in Section 16, T9N/R27E; then

(4) Proceed southwesterly along the unnamed intermittent stream to its intersection with the 600-foot elevation contour in Section 20, T9N/R27E; then

(5) Proceed south, then southwesterly along the 600-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Webber Canyon map, for a total of approximately 3 miles to the intersection of the 600-foot elevation contour and the western boundary of Section 27, T9N/R27E; then

(6) Proceed south along the western boundary of Section 27 to its intersection with the railroad tracks; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the railroad tracks, crossing onto the Badger Mountain map, and continuing along the railroad tracks for a total of approximately 3 miles to the intersection of the railroad tracks with Dallas Road in Section 36, T9N/R27E; then

(8) Proceed east, then north along Dallas Road for approximately 2 miles to its intersection with Interstate 182 in Section 20, T9N/R28E; then

(9) Proceed west along Interstate 182 and onto the ramp to Interstate 82, and continue northwesterly along Interstate 82, crossing over the southwestern corner of the Richland map and onto the Benton City map, to the intersection of Interstate 82 and an intermittent stream in Section 13, T9N/R27E; then

(10) Proceed northwesterly along the intermittent stream to its intersection with E. Kennedy Road NE in Section 13, T9N/R27E; then

(11) Proceed north in a straight line to the northern boundary of Section 13, T9N/R27E; then

(12) Proceed westerly along the northern boundaries of Sections 13 and 14, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-170 86 FR 34954, July 1, 2021]

§ 9.278 - Ulupalakua AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ulupalakua”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Ulupalakua” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Ulupalakua viticultural area is titled “Makena, Hawaii, 1983.”

(c) Boundary. The Ulupalakua viticultural area is located on the island of Maui, in Hawaii. The boundary of the Ulupalakua viticultural area is as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section:

(1) The beginning point is on the Makena, Hawaii, map at the intersection of an unnamed, light-duty road known locally as State Highway 37 and the northernmost unnamed, unimproved road in the Palauea land division (a land division is known as an “ahupua'a” in Hawaii). From the beginning point, proceed south along State Highway 37 to the next unnamed, unimproved road in the Palauea land division; then

(2) Proceed west in a straight line for approximately 2,700 feet to the 1,560-foot elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed north along the 1,560-foot elevation contour to the northern boundary of the Palauea land division; then

(4) Proceed east along the northern boundary of the Palauea land division to the 1,800-foot elevation contour; then

(5) Proceed south along the 1,800-foot elevation contour for approximately 400 feet to the point where the 1,800-foot elevation contour intersects with an imaginary line drawn from the terminus of the northernmost unnamed, unimproved road in the Palauea land division; then

(6) Proceed east in a straight line for approximately 800 feet, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-171, 86 FR 34957, July 1, 2021]

§ 9.279 - Virginia Peninsula AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Virginia Peninsula”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Virginia Peninsula” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 5 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Virginia Peninsula viticultural area are titled:

(1) Norfolk, Virginia-North Carolina; 1985;

(2) Petersburg, Virginia, 1984;

(3) Richmond, Virginia, 1984;

(4) Tappahannock, Virginia-Maryland; 1984; and

(5) Williamsburg, Virginia, 1984.

(c) Boundary. The Virginia Peninsula viticultural area is located in James City, York, New Kent, and Charles City Counties, Virginia, as well as the independent Virginia cities of Poquoson, Hampton, Newport News, and Williamsburg. The boundary of the Virginia Peninsula viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Norfolk, Virginia-North Carolina map at the intersection of the Newport News City boundary and the James River Bridge. From the beginning point, proceed northwesterly along the Newport News City boundary to the point in the James River where the city boundary becomes concurrent with the James City County boundary; then

(2) Proceed northwesterly along the James City County boundary to the point where it becomes concurrent with the Charles City County boundary; then

(3) Proceed along the Charles City County boundary, crossing onto the Petersburg, Virginia, map and continuing along the Charles City County boundary to the point where it intersects the Henrico County boundary at Turkey Island Creek; then

(4) Proceed north-northeasterly along the concurrent Henrico County-Charles City County boundary to its intersection with the Chickahominy River, which is concurrent with the New Kent County boundary; then

(5) Proceed northwesterly along the Chickahominy River-New Kent County boundary, crossing onto the Richmond, Virginia, map to its intersection with the Hanover County boundary; then

(6) Proceed northeasterly along the Hanover County-New Kent County boundary to its intersection with the King William County boundary at the Pamunkey River; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the King William County-New Kent County boundary, crossing onto the Tappahannock, Virginia-Maryland map, to the intersection of the concurrent county boundary with the York River; then

(8) Proceed southeasterly along the York River, crossing onto the Williamsburg, Virginia map, to the intersection of the river with the Chesapeake Bay north of Tue Point; then

(9) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the shoreline of Marsh Point; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly, then southwesterly along the shoreline to the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel; then

(11) Proceed southwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Norfolk, Virginia-North Carolina map, to the northeastern terminus of the Hampton City boundary; then

(12) Proceed southwesterly along the Hampton City boundary to the point where it intersects with the Newport News City boundary; then

(13) Proceed southwesterly, then northwesterly along the Newport News City boundary, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-173, 86 FR 47382, Aug. 25, 2021]

§ 9.280 - Verde Valley AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Verde Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Verde Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 9 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Verde Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Camp Verde, Ariz., 1969;

(2) Clarkdale, Ariz., 1973;

(3) Cornville, Ariz., 1968;

(4) Cottonwood, Ariz., 1973;

(5) Lake Montezuma, Ariz., 1969;

(6) Middle Verde, Ariz., 1969;

(7) Munds Draw, Ariz., 1973;

(8) Page Springs, Ariz., 1969; and

(9) Sedona, Ariz., 1969.

(c) Boundary. The Verde Valley viticultural area is located in Yavapai County, Arizona. The boundary of the Verde Valley viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point of the boundary is at the intersection of the 3,800-foot elevation contour and the northern boundary of Section 32, T17N/R3E, on the Clarkdale Quadrangle. From the beginning point, proceed east along the northern boundary of Section 32 until its intersection with the Verde River; then

(2) Proceed north along the Verde River to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 21, T17N/R3E; then

(3) Proceed north along the western boundaries of Sections 21 and 16 to the intersection with the 3,800-foot elevation contour; then

(4) Proceed southerly then easterly along the 3,800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Page Springs Quadrangle, to its intersection with Bill Gray Road in Section 18, T16N/R4E; then

(5) Proceed north along Bill Gray Road to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Forest 761B Road in Section 32, T17N/R4E; then

(6) Proceed east, then northeast, along Forest 761B Road to its intersection with Red Canyon Road in Section 26, T17N/R4E; then

(7) Proceed south along Red Canyon Road to its intersection with U.S. Highway 89 Alt. in Section 35, T17N/R4E; then

(8) Proceed east over U.S. Highway 89 Alt. in a straight line to and unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Angel Valley Road, and proceed southeasterly along Angel Valley Road as it becomes a light-duty road, crossing over Oak Creek, and continuing along the southernmost segment of Angel Valley Road to its terminus at a structure on Deer Pass Ranch in Section 12, T16N/R4E; then

(9) Proceed south in a straight line to the 3,800-foot elevation contour in Section 12, T16/NR4E; then

(10) Proceed south-southeasterly along the 3,800-foot elevation contour, crossing over the southwestern corner of the Sedona Quadrangle and onto the Lake Montezuma Quadrangle, to the intersection of the contour line with an unnamed creek in Section 6, T15N/R5E; then

(11) Proceed southwesterly along the unnamed creek until its intersection with the 3,600-foot elevation contour in Section 1, T15N/R4E; then

(12) Proceed southerly along the 3,600-foor elevation contour, crossing briefly onto the Cornville Quadrangle and then back onto the Lake Montezuma Quadrangle, to the intersection of the elevation contour with an unnamed secondary highway known locally as Cornville Road in Section 7, T15N/R5E; then

(13) Proceed southeast along Cornville Road to its intersection with the 3,600-foot elevation contour in Section 20, T15N/R5 E; then

(14) Proceed easterly, then southerly, along the elevation contour to its intersection with the boundary of the Montezuma Castle National Monument in Section 36, T15N/R5E; then

(15) Proceed west, southeast, southwest, and then east along the boundary of the Montezuma Castle National Monument to its intersection with range line separating R5E and R6E; then

(16) Proceed south along the R5E/R6E range line, crossing onto the Camp Verde Quadrangle, to the intersection of the range line and the southeastern corner of Section 12, T14N/R5E; then

(17) Proceed west along the southern boundaries of Sections 12, 11, 10, and 9 to the intersection of the southern boundary of Section 9 and the Montezuma Castle National Monument; then

(18) Proceed along the boundary of the Montezuma Castle National Monument in a counterclockwise direction to the intersection of the monument boundary and the 3,300-foot elevation contour in Section 16, T14N/R5E; then

(19) Proceed southerly, then southeasterly, along the 3,300-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Section 18, T13N/R6E; then

(20) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of Section 18 to its intersection with the southern boundary of Section 18; then

(21) Proceed west along the southern boundaries of Sections 19, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, T13N/R53, and Section 13, T13N/R4E, to the intersection with the 3,800-foot elevation contour in Section 13, T13N/R4E; then

(22) Proceed northwesterly along the 3,800-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Middle Verde and Cornville Quadrangles and onto the Cottonwood Quadrangle, to the intersection of the elevation contour with an unnamed creek in Del Monte Gulch in Section 5, T15N/R3E; then

(23) Proceed westerly along the unnamed creek to its intersection with the 5,000-foot elevation contour in Section 26, T16N/R2E; then

(24) Proceed northerly along the 5,000-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Clarkdale Quadrangle and onto the Munds Draw Quadrangle, to the intersection of the elevation contour with a pipeline in Section 4, T16N/R2E; then

(25) Proceed southeasterly along the pipeline, crossing onto the Clarkdale Quadrangle, and continuing northeasterly along the pipeline to its intersection with the 3,800-foot elevation contour in Section 32, T17N/R3E; then

(26) Proceed northerly along the 3,800-foot contour, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-174, 86 FR 62477, Nov. 10, 2021]

§ 9.46 - Livermore Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Livermore Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Livermore Valley viticultural area are 13 United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Clayton, CA (1953; Photorevised 1980; Minor Revision 1994);

(2) Diablo, Calif. (1953; Photorevised 1980);

(3) Tassajara, CA (1996);

(4) Byron Hot Springs, Calif., (1953, Photorevised 1968);

(5) Altamont, Calif., (1953, Photorevised 1981);

(6) Midway, Calif., (1953, Photorevised 1980);

(7) Cedar Mtn., CA, (1956, Photorevised 1971, Minor Revision 1994);

(8) Mendenhall Springs, CA (1996);

(9) La Costa Valley, CA (1996);

(10) Niles, Calif., (1961, Photorevised 1980);

(11) Dublin, Calif., (1961, Photorevised 1980);

(12) Hayward, CA (1993); and

(13) Las Trampas Ridge, CA (1995).

(c) Boundary. The Livermore Valley viticultural area is located in the State of California in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. The Livermore Valley viticultural area's boundary is defined as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Clayton map at the peak of Mount Diablo (VABM 3849) where the Mount Diablo Base Line and Mount Diablo Meridian Line intersect, T1S, R1E;

(2) From the beginning point proceed southeast in a straight line for approximately 14 miles, crossing the Diablo and Tassajara maps, and pass onto the Byron Hot Springs map to the summit of Brushy Peak (elevation 1,702 feet), T1S, R2E; then

(3) Continue due south in a straight line approximately 400 feet to the northern boundary of section 13, T2S, R2E; then

(4) Proceed due east along the section 13 and section 18 northern boundary lines to the northeast corner of section 18, T2S, R3E; then

(5) Continue southeast in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles to BM 720 in section 21, T2S, R3E, on the Altamont map; then

(6) Continue south-southeast in a straight line approximately 1 mile to an unnamed, 1,147-foot peak in section 28, T2S, R3E; then

(7) Continue south-southwest in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of section 32, T2S, R3E, with Interstate 580; then

(8) Continue southeast in a straight line approximately 2.7 miles to BM 1602 in Patterson Pass in section 10, T3S, R3E; then

(9) Continue south-southeast in a straight line approximately 2.8 miles to BM 1600, adjacent to Tesla Road in section 26, T3S, R3E, on the Midway map; then

(10) Continue south in a straight line approximately 4.2 miles, passing onto the Cedar Mtn. map, to BM 1878, 40 feet north of Mines Road, in section 14, T4S, R3E; then

(11) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line approximately 4.2 miles, passing onto the Mendenhall Springs map, to the southeast corner of section 19, T4S, R3E; then

(12) Continue west along the southern boundaries of section 19, T4S, R3E, and section 24, T4S, R2E, to the southwest corner of section 24; then

(13) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 24, T4S, R2E, to the southeast corner of section 14, T4S, R2E; then

(14) Continue west along the southern boundary of section 14, T4S, R2E, to its southwest corner and then proceed north along the western boundary of section 14 to its intersection with the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, T4S, R2E; then

(15) Follow the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct west-southwest approximately 4.2 miles to the Aqueduct's intersection with the R1E/R2E range line on the La Costa Valley map, T4S; then

(16) Continue southwest in a straight line approximately 3.9 miles, crossing Apperson, Welsh, and Alameda Creeks, to BM 533 in section 10, T5S, R1E; then

(17) Proceed due west-northwest in a straight line approximately 1.9 miles, passing onto the Niles map, to the line's intersection with the eastern boundary of section 5 and the Fremont Boundary Line, T5S, R1E; then

(18) Continue northwest in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to an unnamed, 1,291-foot peak in section 32, T4S, R1E; then

(19) Continue northwest in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to an unnamed, 1,058-foot peak in section 30, T4S, R1E; then

(20) Continue northwest in a straight line approximately 3.8 miles, passing through BM 161 in section 11, T4S, R1W, until the line intersects Palomares Road, a medium duty road, in section 11; then

(21) Follow Palomares Road in a northerly direction for approximately 0.7 miles to the road's intersection with the power transmission line shown in section 11, T4S, R1W; then

(22) Proceed northwest along the power transmission line for approximately 6.4 miles, passing through the Dublin map near Walpert Ridge, onto the Hayward map to the point where the power transmission line turns nearly west, approximately 500 feet south of an unnamed, 891-foot, peak, T3S, R2W; then

(23) Continue north-northwest in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to an unnamed, 840-foot peak, T3S, R2W; then

(24) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line approximately 3.4 miles, returning to the Dublin map, to the point where the Contra Costa County-Alameda County line turns to the northwest, about 0.4 mile west of Wiedemann Hill (elevation 1,854 feet), section 20, T2S, R1W; then

(25) Proceed in a northwesterly direction along the meandering Contra Costa County-Alameda County line for approximately 6.0 miles, passing briefly onto the Hayward, Las Trampas Ridge, and Diablo maps, before returning to the Las Trampas Ridge map and continuing to the point where the Contra Costa County-Alameda County line turns to the west-northwest, section 35, T1S, R2W; then

(26) Continue north-northwest in a straight line approximately 2.7 miles to the summit of Las Trampas Peak (elevation 1,827 feet) in section 22, T1S, R2W; then

(27) Proceed east-northeast in a straight line approximately 8.8 miles, passing through the Diablo map, and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-112, 47 FR 38520, Sept. 1, 1982, as amended by T.D. TTB-47, 71 FR 34531, June 15, 2006]

§ 9.281 - Lower Long Tom.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lower Long Tom”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Lower Long Tom” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Lower Long Tom viticultural area are titled:

(1) Cheshire, Oregon, 1984;

(2) Horton, Oregon, 1984;

(3) Glenbrook, Oregon, 1984; and

(4) Monroe, Oregon, 1991.

(c) Boundary. The Lower Long Tom viticultural area is located in Benton and Lane Counties, in Oregon. The boundary of the Lower Long Tom viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Cheshire map at the intersection of Franklin Road and the 360-foot elevation contour in Section 43, T16S/R5W. From the beginning point, proceed west on Franklin Road to its intersection with Territorial Road (known locally as Territorial Highway); then

(2) Proceed southwesterly along Territorial Highway to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road north of Butler Road in Section 44, T16S/R5W; then

(3) Proceed west in a straight line to the western boundary of Section 29, T16S/R5W; then

(4) Proceed north along the western boundary of Section 29 to the southern boundary of Section 57, T16S/R5W; then

(5) Proceed northwest in a straight line to the right angle in the western boundary of Section 57, T16S/R5W; then

(6) Proceed west in a straight line, crossing through Sections 58 and 38, to the intersection of Sections 23, 24, 25, and 26, T16S/R6W; then

(7) Proceed north along the western boundary of Section 24 to the first intersection with the 800-foot elevation contour; then

(8) Proceed northerly, then northwesterly along the 800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Horton map, to the intersection of the 800-foot elevation contour and an unnamed, unimproved road with a marked 782-foot elevation point in Section 10, T16S/R6W; then

(9) Proceed west in a straight line to the 1,000-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed northerly along the 1,000-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Glenbrook map, to the elevation contour's third intersection with the Lane-Benton County line in Section 10, T15S/R6W; then

(11) Proceed east along the Lane-Benton County line, crossing onto the Monroe map, to the R6W/R5W range line; then

(12) Proceed north along the R6W/R5W range line to its intersection with Cherry Creek Road; then

(13) Proceed northeasterly along Cherry Creek Road to its intersection with Shafer Creek along the T14S/T15S township line; then

(14) Proceed northeasterly along Shafer Creek to its intersection with the 300-foot elevation contour; then

(15) Proceed easterly along the 300-foot elevation contour, crossing Territorial Highway, to the intersection of the elevation contour with the marked old railroad grade in Section 33/T14S/R5W; then

(16) Proceed south along the old railroad grade to its intersection with the southern boundary of Section 9, T15S/R5W; then

(17) Proceed west along the southern boundary of Section 9 to its intersection with Territorial Highway; then

(18) Proceed south along Territorial Highway to its intersection with the 360-foot elevation contour in Section 16; T15S/R5W; then

(19) Proceed southwesterly along the 360-foot elevation contour, crossing Ferguson Creek, and continuing generally southeasterly along the elevation contour, crossing onto the Cheshire map and crossing over Owens Creek and Jones Creek, to the point where the elevation contour crosses Bear Creek and turns north in Section 52; T16S/R5W; then

(20) Continue northeasterly along the 360-foot elevation contour to the point where it turns south in the town of Cheshire; then

(21) Continue south along the 360-foot elevation contour and return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-175, 86 FR 62481, Nov. 10, 2021]

§ 9.282 - San Luis Obispo Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Luis Obispo Coast”. “SLO Coast” may also be used as the name of the viticultural area described in this section. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “San Luis Obispo Coast” and “SLO Coast” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 24 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the San Luis Obispo Coast viticultural area are titled:

(1) Burro Mountain, 1995;

(2) Piedras Blancas, 1959; photoinspected 1976;

(3) San Simeon, 1958; photoinspected 1976;

(4) Pebblestone Shut-In, 1959; photoinspected 1976;

(5) Lime Mountain, 1948; photo revised 1979;

(6) Cypress Mountain, 1979;

(7) York Mountain, 1948; photorevised 1979;

(8) Morro Bay North, 1995;

(9) Atascadero, 1995;

(10) San Luis Obispo, 1968; photorevised 1978;

(11) Morro Bay South, 1965; photorevised 1978;

(12) Lopez Mountain, 1995;

(13) Arroyo Grande NE, 1985;

(14) Tar Spring Ridge, 1995;

(15) Nipomo, 1965;

(16) Huasna Peak, 1995;

(17) Twitchell Dam, 1959; photorevised 1982;

(18) Santa Maria, 1959; photorevised 1982;

(19) Oceano, 1965; revised 1994;

(20) Pismo Beach, 1998;

(21) Port San Luis, 1965; photorevised 1979;

(22) Cayucus, 1965; revised 1994;

(23) Cambria, 1959; photorevised 1979; and

(24) Pico Creek, 1959; photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The San Luis Obispo Coast viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County in California. The boundary of the San Luis Obispo Coast viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Burro Mountain map at the intersection of the northern boundary of the Piedra Blanca Grant boundary and the Pacific Ocean. From the beginning point, proceed southeast along the grant boundary to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 15, T25S/R6E; then

(2) Proceed northeast in a straight line to a marked 1,462-foot peak in Section 11, T25S/R6E; then

(3) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Piedras Blancas map, to a marked 2,810-foot peak in Section 19, T25S/R7E; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the San Simeon map, to the 2,397-foot peak of Garrity Peak in the Piedra Blanca Land Grant; then

(5) Proceed east in a straight line to a marked 2,729-foot peak in Section 32, T25S/R8E; then

(6) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Pebblestone Shut-In map, to the 3,432-foot peak of Rocky Butte in Section 24, T26S/R8E; then

(7) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the 2,849-foot peak of Vulture Rock in Section 29, T26S/R9E; then

(8) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing over the Lime Mountain map and onto the Cypress Mountain map to the 2,933-foot peak of Cypress Mountain in Section 12, T27S/R9E; then

(9) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the York Mountain map, to the intersection of Dover Canyon Road and a jeep trail in Dover Canyon in Section 14, T27S/R10E; then

(10) Proceed southwesterly, then southeasterly along the jeep trail to the point where the jeep trail becomes an unnamed light-duty road, and continuing southeasterly along the road to its intersection Santa Rita Creek in Section 25, T27S/R10E; then

(11) Proceed easterly along Santa Rita Creek to the point where the creek splits into a northern and a southern fork; then

(12) Proceed east in a straight line to Cayucos Templeton Road, then proceed south along Cayucos Templeton Road, crossing onto the Morro Bay North map and continuing along the road as it becomes Santa Rita Road, to the intersection of the road with the northeast boundary of Section 20, T28S/R11E; then

(13) Proceed southeast along the northeast boundary of Section 20 to its intersection with the western boundary of the Los Padres National Forest; then

(14) Proceed south, then southeasterly along the western boundary of the Los Padres National Forest, crossing over the Atascadero map and onto the San Luis Obispo map, to the intersection of the forest boundary with the boundary of the Camp San Luis Obispo National Guard Reservation at the northeastern corner of Section 32, T29S/R12E; then

(15) Proceed south, then generally southwesterly along the boundary of Camp San Luis Obispo National Guard Reservation, crossing onto the Morro Bay South map and then back onto the San Luis Obispo map, and then continuing generally easterly along the military reservation boundary to the intersection of the boundary with a marked 1,321-foot peak along the northern boundary of the Potrero de San Luis Obispo Land Grant; then

(16) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Lopez Mountain map, to the southeastern corner of Section 18, T30S/R13E; then

(17) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Section 29; then

(18) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line to a marked 2,094-foot peak in Section 2, T31S/R13E; then

(19) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Arroyo Grande NE map, to the intersection of the 1,800-foot elevation contour and the western boundary of the Los Padres National Forest, along the eastern boundary of Section 12, T31S/R13E; then

(20) Proceed south along the boundary of the Los Padres National Forest to the southeastern corner of Section 13, T31S/R13E; then

(21) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,884-foot peak in Section 19, T31S/R14E; then

(22) Proceed southeast in a straight line to northwestern-most corner of the boundary of the Lopez Lake Recreation Area in Section 19, T31S/R14E; then

(23) Proceed south, then generally east along the boundary of the Lopez Lake Recreation Area, crossing onto the Tar Spring Ridge map, to the intersection of the boundary with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Lopez Drive west of the Lopez Dam spillway in Section 32, T31S/R14E; then

(24) Proceed east along Lopez Drive to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known as Hi Mountain Road in Section 34, T31S/R14E; then

(25) Proceed east along Hi Mountain Drive to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Upper Lopez Canyon Road in the Arroyo Grande Land Grant; then

(26) Proceed north along Upper Lopez Canyon Road to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road that runs south to Ranchita Ranch; then

(27) Proceed northeast in a straight line to a marked 1,183-foot peak in Section 19, T31S/R15E; then

(28) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,022-foot peak in Section 29, T31S/R15E; then

(29) Proceed southwest in a straight line to a marked 1,310-foot peak in Section 30, T31S/R15E; then

(30) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,261-foot peak in Section 32, T31S/R15E; then

(31) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,436-foot peak in Section 4, T32S/R15E; then

(32) Proceed southwest in a straight line to a marked 1,308-foot peak in the Huasna Land Grant; then

(33) Proceed westerly in a straight line to a marked 1,070-foot peak in Section 1, T32S/R14E; then

(34) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,251-foot peak in the Huasna Land Grant; then

(35) Proceed southwest in a straight line to a marked 1,458-foot peak in the Santa Manuela Land Grant; then

(36) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a marked 1,377-foot peak in the Huasna Land Grant; then

(37) Proceed southwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Nipomo map, to a marked 1,593-foot peak in the Santa Manuela Land Grant; then

(38) Proceed southwest in a straight line to the jeep trail immediately north of a marked 1,549-foot peak in Section 35, T32S/R14E; then

(39) Proceed northwesterly along the jeep trail to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road in the Santa Manuela Land Grant; then

(40) Proceed south along the unimproved road to its intersection with Upper Los Berros Road No. 2 in Section 33, T32S/R14E; then

(41) Proceed southeast along Upper Los Berros Road No. 2, crossing onto the Huasna Peak map, to the intersection of the road and State Highway 166; then

(42) Proceed south, then westerly along State Highway 166, crossing over the Twitchell Dam, Santa Maria, and Nipomo maps, then back onto the Santa Maria map, to the intersection of State Highway 166 with U.S. Highway 101 in the Nipomo Land Grant; then

(43) Proceed south along U.S. Highway 101 to its intersection with the north bank of the Santa Maria River; then

(44) Proceed west along the north bank of the Santa Maria River to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(45) Proceed generally west along the 200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Nipomo map and onto the Oceano map, to a point north of where the north-south trending 100-foot elevation contour makes a sharp westerly turn in the Guadalupe Land Grant; then

(46) Proceed due south in a straight line to the 100-foot elevation contour; then

(47) Proceed westerly along the 100-foot elevation contour to its intersection with State Highway 1 in the Guadalupe Land Grant; then

(48) Proceed northwesterly in a straight line to the eastern boundary of the Pismo Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area at Lettuce Lake in the Bolsa de Chamisal Land Grant; then

(49) Proceed northerly along the eastern boundary of the Pismo Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area to the point where the boundary makes a sharp westerly turn just west of Black Lake in the Bolsa de Chamisal Land Grant; then

(50) Northerly along the Indefinite Boundary of the Pismo Dunes National Preserve to corner just west of Black Lake in the Bolsa de Chamisal Land Grant; then

(51) Proceed east in a straight line to an unnamed four wheel drive road east of Black Lake in the Bolsa de Chamisal Land Grant; then

(52) Proceed north along the western fork of the four wheel drive road as it meanders to the east of White Lake, Big Twin Lake, and Pipeline Lake, to the point where the road intersects an unnamed creek at the southeastern end of Cienega Valley in the Bolsa de Chamisal Land Grant; then

(53) Proceed northwesterly along the creek to its intersection with an unnamed dirt road known locally as Delta Lane south of the Oceano Airport; then

(54) Proceed northerly along Delta Lane to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Ocean Street; then

(55) Proceed east in a straight line to State Highway 1; then

(56) Proceed northerly on State Highway 1, crossing onto the Pismo Beach map, to the highway's intersection with a light-duty road known locally as Harloe Avenue; then

(57) Proceed west along Harloe Avenue to its intersection with the boundary of Pismo State Beach; then

(58) Proceed northwesterly along the boundary of Pismo State Beach to its intersection with the Pacific Ocean coastline; then

(59) Proceed northerly along the Pacific Ocean coastline, crossing over the Pismo Beach, Port San Luis, Morro Bay South, Morro Bay North, Cayucos, Cambria, Pico Creek, San Simeon, and Piedras Blancas maps and onto the Burro Mountain map, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-177, 87 FR 13163, Mar. 9, 2022]

§ 9.283 - West Sonoma Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “West Sonoma Coast”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “West Sonoma Coast” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 14 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the West Sonoma Coast viticultural area are titled:

(1) McGuire Ridge, California, 1991 (provisional edition);

(2) Stewarts Point, California, 1978;

(3) Annapolis, California, 1977;

(4) Tombs Creek, California, 1978;

(5) Fort Ross, California, 1998;

(6) Cazadero, California, 1998;

(7) Duncans Mills, California, 1979;

(8) Camp Meeker, California, 1995;

(9) Valley Ford, California, 1954; photorevised 1971;

(10) Two Rock, California, 1954; photorevised 1971;

(11) Bodega Head, California, 1972;

(12) Arched Rock, California, 1977;

(13) Plantation, California, 1977; and

(14) Gualala, California, 1998.

(c) Boundary. The West Sonoma Coast viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The boundary of the West Sonoma Coast viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the McGuire Ridge map at the intersection of the Sonoma County/Mendocino County boundary and the northwest corner of section 29, T11N/R14W. From the beginning point, proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.4 mile to an unnamed hilltop with a marked elevation of 820 feet in section 29, T11N/R14W; then

(2) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 1.4 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of section 32 and the 800-foot elevation contour, T11N/R14W; then

(3) Proceed southeast along the 800-foot elevation contour for 3.1 miles, crossing onto the Stewarts Point map, to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 3, T10N/R14W; then

(4) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 3 and then along the northern boundary of section 2 for a total of 0.8 mile to the intersection of the northern boundary of section 2 and the 600-foot elevation contour, T10N, R14W; then

(5) Proceed generally southeast along the 600-foot elevation contour for 3.3 miles, crossing onto the Annapolis map, to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 12, T10N/R14W; then

(6) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 12, T10N/R14W, for 0.1 mile to its intersection with the 600-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed north then generally east along the meandering 600-foot elevation contour for 4.8 miles to its sixth intersection with the northern boundary of section 7, T10N/R13W; then

(8) Continue northeasterly along the 600-ft elevation contour for an additional 3 miles to its intersection with Springs Creek in section 5, T10N/R13W; then

(9) Proceed southeasterly along Springs Creek for 1 mile to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 9, T10N/R13W; then

(10) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 9 for 0.42 mile to its intersection with an unnamed, intermittent tributary of Grasshopper Creek; then

(11) Proceed southwest along the unnamed, intermittent tributary of Grasshopper Creek for 0.63 mile to its intersection with the main stem of Grasshopper Creek in section 9, T10N/R13W; then

(12) Proceed generally west along the main stem of Grasshopper Creek to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 7, T10N/R13W; then

(13) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 7 for 0.17 mile; then

(14) Proceed in a straight line southeast for 1.6 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of section 17, T10N/R13W, and the 800-foot elevation contour; then

(15) Proceed southeast along the 800-foot elevation contour for 2.6 miles to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road near the 862-foot benchmark in section 21, T10N/R13W; then

(16) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.2 mile to the intersection of the 600-foot elevation contour and an intermittent stream in section 28, T10N/R13W; then

(17) Proceed south along the 600-foot elevation contour for 1.7 miles to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 33, T10N/R13W; then

(18) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 0.5 mile to the intersection of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Skaggs Springs Road and an unnamed, unimproved road near the Mendosoma Fire Station in section 34, T10N/R13W; then

(19) Proceed southeast along the unnamed, unimproved road for total of 5.9 miles as it follows Skyline Ridge and crosses onto the Tombs Creek map, back onto the Annapolis map, then back on to the Tombs Creek map, to the second intersection of the road with the 1,200-foot elevation contour in section 13, T9N/R13W; then

(20) Proceed southeast along the 1,200-foot elevation contour for 0.6 mile to the intersection with Allen Creek in section 18, T9N/R12W; then

(21) Proceed north along Allen Creek for 0.2 mile to the intersection with the 920-foot elevation contour in section 18, T9N/R12W; then

(22) Proceed east and then southeast along the meandering 920-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Fort Ross map, then onto the Tombs Creek map, and then back onto the Fort Ross map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with Jim Creek in section 21, T9N/R12W; then

(23) Proceed southeast along Jim Creek for 0.7 mile to the intersection of the creek with the northern boundary of section 27, T9N, R12W; then

(24) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 27 for 0.5 mile to the northeast corner of section 27; then

(25) Proceed south along the eastern boundaries of sections 27, 34, 3, 10, 15, and 22 for 5.1 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of section 22 and Fort Ross Road, T9N/R12W; then

(26) Proceed east along Fort Ross Road for approximately 262 feet to the intersection of the road with the middle branch of Russian Gulch Creek in section 23, T8N/R12W; then

(27) Proceed south along the middle branch of Russian Gulch Creek for 1.2 miles to the intersection with the 920-foot elevation contour in section 26, T8N/R12W; then

(28) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 2 miles, crossing onto the Cazadero map, to the summit of Pole Mountain in section 30, T8N/R11W; then

(29) Proceed southeast in a straight line for 4.7 miles, crossing onto the Duncans Mills map, to the confluence of Austin Creek and the Russian River, T7N/R11W; then

(30) Proceed generally east (upstream) along the Russian River for 3.1 miles to the intersection of the Russian River and the Bohemian Highway in section 7, T7N/R10W; then

(31) Proceed southeast along the Bohemian Highway for a total of 10.1 miles, crossing onto the Camp Meeker map and through the towns of Camp Meeker and Occidental, then crossing onto the Valley Ford map and through the town of Freestone, to the intersection of the Bohemian Highway and an unnamed medium-duty road known locally as Bodega Road near benchmark (BM) 214 in section 12, T6N/R10W; then

(32) Proceed northeast along Bodega Road for 0.9 mile, crossing onto the Camp Meeker map, to the intersection of the road with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Barnett Valley Road north of the marked 486-foot elevation point in the Cañada de Jonive land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(33) Proceed south then east along Barnett Valley Road for 2.2 miles, crossing onto the Valley Ford map and then onto the Two Rock map, to the intersection of Bennett Valley Road with Burnside Road in section 17, T6N/R9W; then

(34) Proceed southeast along Burnside Road for 3.2 miles to its intersection with the 400-foot elevation contour just north of an unnamed light duty road known locally as Bloomfield Road in the Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T5N/R9W; then

(35) Proceed west along the 400-foot elevation contour for 6.7 miles, crossing onto the Valley Ford map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with an unimproved road, Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R9W; then

(36) Proceed northwest then southwest along the unnamed, unimproved road for 0.9 mile to its terminus, Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R9W; then

(37) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 0.1 mile to the marked 448-foot summit of an unnamed hilltop, Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(38) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 0.6 mile to the 61-foot benchmark along an unnamed secondary highway known locally as Freestone Valley Ford Road, Cañada de Pogolimi land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(39) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line for 0.8 mile to VABM 724 in the Estero Americano land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(40) Proceed west in a straight line for 1.0 mile to the intersection of Salmon Creek and an intermittent stream, Estero Americano land grant, T6N/R10W; then

(41) Proceed west (downstream) along Salmon Creek for 9.6 miles, crossing onto the Bodega Head map, to the mouth of the creek at the Pacific Ocean; then

(42) Proceed north along the Pacific coastline for 51.4 miles, crossing over the Duncan Mills, Arched Rock, Fort Ross, Plantation, and Stewarts Point maps and onto the Gualala map to the intersection of the coastline with the Sonoma County/Mendocino County line; then

(43) Proceed east along the Sonoma County/Mendocino County line for 5.6 miles, crossing onto the McGuire Ridge map, and returning to the beginning point, T11N, R14W.

[T.D. TTB-179, 87 FR 31180, May 23, 2022]

§ 9.284 - Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon”. The word “Mount” may be abbreviated as “Mt.” in the name of this AVA. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon” and “Mt. Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon” are terms of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon viticultural area are titled:

(1) Dallas, OR, 2014; and

(2) Airlie North, OR, 2014.

(c) Boundary. The Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon viticultural area is located in Polk County in Oregon. The boundary of the Mount Pisgah, Polk County, Oregon viticultural area is as described below:

(1) The beginning point is on the Dallas map at the point where the 320-foot elevation contour intersects Mistletoe Road south of the unnamed road known locally as SE Lewis Street. From the beginning point, proceed south along Mistletoe Road for approximately 2 miles to the road's second intersection with the 740-foot elevation contour; then

(2) Proceed due west approximately 0.5 miles to the 400-foot elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed south along the 400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Airlie North map, to the contour's intersection with Cooper Hollow Road near Fisher Reservoir; then

(4) Proceed southeasterly along Cooper Hollow Road to its intersection with McCaleb Road; then

(5) Proceed east, then northeast, then east along McCaleb Road for approximately 1.6 miles to its intersection with Mistletoe Road and the 260-foot elevation contour; then

(6) Proceed easterly along the 260-foot elevation contour until it intersects again with Mistletoe Road; then

(7) Proceed east along Mistletoe Road for 0.3 mile to its intersection with Matney Road; then

(8) Proceed north along Matney Road for 0.6 mile to its intersection with the 260-foot elevation contour at a 90 degree turn in the road; then

(9) Proceed northwesterly along the 260-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Bursell Road; then

(10) Proceed east along Bursell Road for 0.2 mile to its intersection with the 260-foot elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed north along the 260-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Dallas map, to the contour's intersection with Whiteaker Road; then

(12) Proceed southeasterly along Whiteaker Road for 1.0 mile to its intersection with the 260-foot elevation contour at a 90 degree turn in the road; then

(13) Proceed north, then west along the 260-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Ballard Road; then

(14) Proceed south along Ballard Road to its intersection with the 300-foot elevation contour; then

(15) Proceed northwesterly along the 300-foot elevation contour, to its intersection with Cherry Knoll Road; then

(16) Proceed south along Cherry Knoll Road to its intersection with the 320-foot elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed northwesterly along the 320-foot elevation contour, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-180, 87 FR 33642, June 3, 2022]

§ 9.285 - Paulsell Valley AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paulsell Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Paulsell Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area are titled:

(1) Knights Ferry, California, 2015;

(2) Keystone, California, 2015;

(3) Cooperstown, California, 2015; and

(4) Paulsell, California, 2015.

(c) Boundary. The Paulsell Valley viticultural area is located in Stanislaus County, California. The boundary of the Paulsell Valley viticultural area is as described in the following paragraphs:

(1) The beginning point is on the Knights Ferry map at the intersection of Willms Road, Kennedy Road/Sonora Road, and State Highway 108/State Highway 120. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along Willms Road for 7.2 miles, crossing over the Keystone map and onto the Cooperstown map, to the intersection of Willms Road and Warnerville Road at the Warnerville Cemetery; then

(2) Proceed west, then south along Warnerville Road for a total of 0.5 mile to its intersection with Crabtree Road at the railroad tracks west of the town of Warnerville; then

(3) Proceed in a southerly direction along Crabtree Road for 6.7 miles to its intersection with the canal known locally as the Modesto Main Canal; then

(4) Proceed westerly along the canal, crossing onto the Paulsell map, and continuing along the canal for a total of 1.6 miles to the Modesto Reservoir; then

(5) Proceed along the eastern shore, then northern shore, of the Modesto Reservoir for 12.9 miles to the fifth intersection of the shore with an unnamed, intermittent creek at the northernmost point of the reservoir; then

(6) Proceed southwesterly in a straight line to the northern terminus of Reservoir Road; then

(7) Proceed south-southwest along Reservoir Road for 2.2 miles to its intersection with the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(8) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 1.2 miles to the intersection of Hazeldean Road and Tim Bell Road; then

(9) Proceed north along Tim Bell Road for 3.1 miles to its intersection with Claribel Road south of the town of Paulsell; then

(10) Proceed west along Claribel Road for 2.4 miles, crossing Cashman Creek, to the intersection of the road with the 260-foot elevation contour; then

(11) Proceed north in a straight line for 2 miles to the intersection of Warnerville Road and the 300-foot elevation contour east of Cashman Creek; then

(12) Proceed northeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Knights Ferry map and continuing for a total of 1.1 miles to the intersection of Fogarty Road and a railroad track; then

(13) Proceed east in a straight line for 0.9 mile to Paulsell Lateral; then

(14) Proceed northerly along Paulsell Lateral for 2.4 miles to its intersection with Cashman Creek; then

(15) Proceed northwest in a straight line for 1.3 miles to State Highway 108/State Highway 120; then

(16) Proceed northeast in a straight line for 2.4 miles to the third intersection of State Highway 108/State Highway 120 with the 300-foot elevation contour; then

(17) Proceed southeast along State Highway 108/State Highway 120 for 1 mile to its intersection with the 260-foot elevation contour; then

(18) Proceed northeasterly along the 260-elevation contour for 1.4 miles to its intersection with Sonora Road southeast of Knights Ferry; then

(19) Proceed southeast along Sonora Road for 0.1 mile to its intersection with Kennedy Road; then

(20) Proceed northeast, then east, then south along Kennedy Road/Sonora Road for 0.4 mile, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-181, 87 FR 33648, June 3, 2022]

§ 9.286 - Upper Lake Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Upper Lake Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Upper Lake Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Upper Lake Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Lakeport, 1958; photorevised 1978; minor revision 1994;

(2) Upper Lake, 1996;

(3) Bartlett Mountain, 1996; and

(4) Lucerne, 1996.

(c) Boundary. The Upper Lake Valley viticultural area is located in Lake County, California. The boundary of the Upper Lake Valley viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Lakeport map at the intersection of Lyons Creek and the western shore of Clear Lake in Section 31, T15N/R9W. From the beginning point, proceed south in a straight line to an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Lafferty Road; then

(2) Proceed west along Lafferty Road to its intersection with an unnamed secondary highway known locally as Lakeshore Boulevard; then

(3) Proceed north on Lakeshore Boulevard to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Whalen Way; then

(4) Proceed west on Whalen Way to its intersection with State Highway 29; then

(5) Proceed north on State Highway 29, crossing onto the Upper Lake map, to the intersection of the highway and the southern boundary of Section 13, T15N, R10W; then

(6) Proceed west along the southern boundary of Sections 13 and 14 to the intersection of the southern boundary of Section 14 with the 1,600-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed in a generally northwesterly direction along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road in Section 17, T15N/R10W; then

(8) Proceed north in a straight line, crossing Scotts Creek, to the 1,600-foot elevation contour in Section 8, T15N/R10W; then

(9) Proceed northeasterly, then southeasterly along the 1,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed 4-wheel drive road in Section 9, T15N/R10W; then

(10) Proceed northwest in a straight line to the marked 2,325-foot elevation point on Hell's Peak; then

(11) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and the southern boundary of Section 30 along the Mendocino National Forest boundary, T16N/R9W; then

(12) Proceed southeast along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation contour to its third intersection with the Mendocino National Forest boundary, along the eastern boundary of Section 31, T16N/R9W; then

(13) Proceed south, then west along the Mendocino National Forest boundary to its intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation contour along the northern boundary of Section 5, T15N/R9W; then

(14) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Bartlett Mountain map, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and the Mendocino National Forest boundary along the eastern boundary of Section 9, T15N/9RW; then

(15) Proceed south, then east along the Mendocino National Forest boundary to its intersection with the 1,600-foot elevation contour along the northern boundary of Section 15, T15N/R9W; then

(16) Proceed south, then northwest along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Upper Lake map, and continuing southeasterly along the 1,600-foot elevation contour crossing back and forth between the Bartlett Mountain map and the Upper Lake map, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and an unimproved 4-wheel drive road in Section 21, T15N/R9W; then

(17) Continue southeast along the 1,600-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Lucerne map, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and an unimproved 4-wheel drive road in Section 36, T15N/R9W; then

(18) Proceed south in a straight line to the shoreline of Clear Lake; then

(19) Proceed northeasterly along the shoreline of Clear Lake, crossing onto the Lakeport map, and continuing southwesterly along the shoreline, crossing Rodman Slough, to return to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-182, 87 FR 33645, June 3, 2022]

§ 9.287 - Rocky Reach.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Rocky Reach”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Rocky Reach” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 8 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area are titled:

(1) Ardenvoir, WA, 2003;

(2) Chelan, WA, 2004;

(3) Entiat, WA, 2003;

(4) Orondo, WA, 2003;

(5) Rocky Reach Dam, WA, 2003;

(6) Waterville, WA, 2014;

(7) Wenatchee, WA, 2003; and

(8) Winesap, WA, 2004.

(c) Boundary. The Rocky Reach viticultural area is located in Chelan and Douglas Counties in Washington. The boundary of the Rocky Reach viticultural area is as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (13) of this section:

(1) The beginning point is on the Wenatchee map at the intersection of the 1,200-foot elevation contour and the western boundary of section 15, T23N/R20E. From the beginning point, proceed northeast along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Rocky Reach Dam map and onto the northwest corner of the Orondo map; then

(2) Continue northeasterly, then southwesterly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing back onto the Rocky Reach Dam map and continuing southwesterly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the unnamed creek flowing from Spencer Lake; then

(3) Proceed northeasterly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the unnamed creek and continuing across the southeastern corner of the Ardenvoir map and onto the Entiat map; then

(4) Continue northeasterly then westerly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing back onto the Ardenvoir map, and continuing along the elevation contour to its intersection with the R20E/R21E boundary, which is concurrent with the western boundary of section 18, T25N/R21E; then

(5) Proceed north along the R20E/R21E boundary, crossing over the Entiat River and the Entiat Ditch, to the intersection of the range boundary and the 1,200-foot elevation contour; then

(6) Proceed easterly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Winesap map, and continuing northeasterly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the boundary between sections 11 and 12, T26N/R21E; then

(7) Proceed north along the boundary between sections 11 and 12 for approximately 300 feet to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour; then

(8) Proceed northeast, then south, then easterly along the 1,400-foot elevation contour, crossing Knapp Coulee and onto the Chelan map, and continuing east along the 1,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 1, T26N/R22E; then

(9) Proceed south-southeasterly in a straight line, crossing the Columbia River, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and the R22E/R23E boundary; then

(10) Proceed generally westerly along the 1,600-foot elevation contour, crossing over the southeastern corner of the Winesap map and onto the Entiat map, and continuing southwesterly along the 1,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed stream in section 35, T26N/R21E; then

(11) Proceed westerly (downstream) along the unnamed stream for 0.45 mile to its intersection with the 1,200-foot elevation contour; then

(12) Proceed southerly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Orondo map and onto the Wenatchee map to the intersection of the elevation contour with the southern boundary of section 14, T23N/R20E; then

(13) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line for 1.47 miles, crossing the Columbia River, to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-183, 87 FR 33637, June 3, 2022]

§ 9.288 - Gabilan Mountains.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Gabilan Mountains.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Gabilan Mountains” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 10 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Gabilan Mountains viticultural area are titled:

(1) Hollister, CA, 2015;

(2) Mount Harlan, CA, 2015;

(3) Paicines, CA, 2015;

(4) Bickmore Canyon, CA, 2015;

(5) North Chalone Peak, CA, 2015;

(6) Soledad, CA, 2015;

(7) Mount Johnson, CA, 2015;

(8) Gonzales, CA, 2015;

(9) Natividad, CA, 2015; and

(10) San Juan Bautista, CA, 2015.

(c) Boundary. The Gabilan Mountains viticultural area is located in Monterey and San Benito Counties in California. The boundary of the Gabilan Mountains viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Hollister map at the intersection of the 1,520-foot elevation contour and an unnamed local road known locally as San Juan Canyon Road, southeast of the southernmost intersection of San Juan Canyon Road and Hillside Road. From the beginning point, proceed south, then southeasterly along the meandering 1,520-foot elevation contour to its intersection with a west-east flowing tributary of Bird Creek in Azalea Canyon; then

(2) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing Azalea Canyon and the main channel of Bird Creek, to the intersection of the 1,520-foot elevation contour and a southeast-northwest flowing tributary of Bird Creek; then

(3) Proceed generally southeasterly along the 1,520-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the eastern fork of an unnamed stream; then

(4) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Mount Harlan map, to the intersection of the 1,600-ft elevation contour and the northernmost unnamed creek; then

(5) Proceed generally south, then north along the 1,600-foot elevation contour to its intersection with a north-south trending tributary of Pescadero Creek; then

(6) Proceed south in a straight line, crossing Pescadero Creek, to the 1,520-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed easterly along the meandering 1,520-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Paicines map, and continuing along the 1,520-foot elevation contour as it meanders back and forth between the Mount Harlan map and the Paicines map, crossing Thompson Creek and continuing along the 1,520-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the eastern fork of an unnamed intermittent stream on the Paicines map north of Three Troughs Canyon; then

(8) Proceed southeast in a straight line to a fork in a tributary of Stone Creek east of Three Troughs Canyon; then

(9) Proceed east-southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Bickmore Canyon map, to the intersection of an unnamed tributary of the San Benito River and the 1,520-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,520-foot elevation contour to a point north of the confluence of Willow Creek and the South Fork of Willow Creek; then

(11) Proceed south in a straight line to the confluence of Willow Creek and the South Fork of Willow Creek; then

(12) Proceed east in a straight line to State Route 25; then

(13) Proceed southeasterly along State Route 25 to its intersection with the boundary of Pinnacles National Park; then

(14) Proceed south, then east, then generally south along the boundary of Pinnacles National Park, crossing onto the North Chalone Peak map, to the intersection of the National Park boundary and the 1,520-foot elevation contour northeast of Mann Canyon; then

(15) Proceed westerly along the 1,520-foot elevation contour to its intersection with CA-146; then

(16) Proceed southwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Soledad map, to the fork in an unnamed intermittent creek running parallel to Fabry Road; then

(17) Proceed northwest in a straight line, crossing over Stonewall Creek, the unnamed intermittent creek and its tributaries in Bryant Canyon, and a second unnamed intermittent creek, to the intersection of the 1,480-foot elevation contour and the northern terminus of a third unnamed intermittent stream; then

(18) Proceed north in a straight line to the 1,520-foot elevation contour; then

(19) Proceed southwest, then generally northwest along the meandering 1,520-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Mount Johnson map and back and forth between the Gonzales map and the Mount Johnson map to the intersection of the 1,520-foot elevation contour and an unnamed tributary of Chular Creek southeast of Espinosa Canyon on the Gonzales map; then

(20) Proceed northwest in a straight line, crossing Chular Creek and Espinosa Canyon, to the 1,520-foot elevation contour; then

(21) Proceed generally northwesterly, then northeasterly along the 1,520-foot elevation contour, crossing over the Mount Harlan, Natividad, San Juan Bautista, and Hollister maps, returning to the beginning point on the Hollister map.

[T.D. TTB-184, 87 FR 49989, Aug. 15, 2022]

§ 9.289 - Long Valley-Lake County.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Long Valley-Lake County”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Long Valley-Lake County” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The three United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Long Valley-Lake County viticultural area are titled:

(1) Clearlake Oaks, California, 1996;

(2) Benmore Canyon, California, 1996; and

(3) Lower Lake, California, 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Long Valley-Lake County viticultural area is located in Lake County, California. The boundary of the Long Valley-Lake County viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Benmore Canyon map at the intersection of State Highway 20 and the 1,600-foot elevation contour, just north of Sweet Hollow Creek, in section 35, T14N/R7W.

(2) From the beginning point, proceed northerly along the meandering 1,600-foot elevation contour for approximately 4.1 miles to its intersection with the northern fork of an unnamed creek in Salt Canyon known locally as Salt Creek in section 23, T14N/R7W; then

(3) Proceed westerly (upstream) along Salt Creek approximately 760 feet to its intersection with the 1,720-foot elevation contour in section 23, T14N/R7W; then

(4) Proceed northeasterly, then westerly along the meandering 1,720- foot elevation contour for approximately 11.3 miles, crossing onto the Clearlake Oaks map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with the Mendocino National Forest boundary along the western boundary of section 12, T15N/R8W; then

(5) Proceed north along the Mendocino National Forest boundary approximately 896 feet to its intersection with the unnamed creek in Sulphur Canyon; then

(6) Proceed northeast (downstream) along the unnamed creek approximately 770 feet to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour in section 12, T14N/R8W; then

(7) Proceed northeasterly, then northwesterly along the meandering 1,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the Mendocino National Forest boundary along the western boundary of section 36, T15N/R8W; then

(8) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 36 to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 36; then

(9) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 36 to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Benmore Canyon map and continuing easterly along the 1,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the southern boundary of section 11, T14N/R7W; then

(11) Proceed north in a straight line to the northern boundary of section 11; then

(12) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 11, crossing Wolf Creek, to the intersection of the section boundary with the 1,320-foot elevation contour; then

(13) Proceed south in a straight line to the 1,400-foot elevation contour in section 11; then

(14) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation contour to the western boundary of section 12, T14N/R7W; then

(15) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing the North Fork of Cache Creek, to the 1,400-foot elevation contour in section 12 west of the summit of Chalk Mountain; then

(16) Proceed southeasterly, then southerly along the meandering 1,400- foot elevation contour to its third intersection with the eastern boundary of section 13; then

(17) Proceed west in a straight line to an unnamed, unimproved 4-wheel drive road in section 13; then

(18) Proceed south in a straight line, crossing over a second unnamed, unimproved 4-wheel drive road in section 13, to the 1,240-foot elevation contour in section 24, T14N/R7W; then

(19) Proceed east in a straight line to the 1,400-foot elevation contour in section 24; then

(20) Proceed southeasterly, then northeasterly along the meandering 1,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed creek in section 19, T14N/R6W; then

(21) Proceed southwesterly (downstream) along the unnamed creek to its intersection with the 1,200-foot contour in section 19; then

(22) Proceed south in a straight line to the northern boundary of section 30, T14N/R6W; then

(23) Proceed southeast, then east along the northern boundary of section 30 to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour; then

(24) Proceed south in a straight line to the unnamed creek in Benmore Canyon in section 30; then

(25) Proceed southeast in a straight line to the 1,400-foot elevation contour in section 30; then

(26) Proceed southeasterly along the 1,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 31, T14N/R6W; then

(27) Proceed generally south along the eastern boundary of section 31 and continuing along the eastern boundary of section 6, T13N/R6W, crossing onto the Lower Lake map, to the intersection of the boundary line and State Highway 20 north of Phipps Creek; then

(28) Proceed west in a straight line to the 1,200-foot elevation contour; then

(29) Proceed northerly along the 1,200-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Benmore Canyon map, and continuing along the 1,200-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed trail in section 31, T14N/R6W; then

(30) Proceed north in a straight line to State Highway 20; then

(31) Proceed west along State Highway 20, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-188, 88 FR 42881, July 5, 2023]

§ 9.47 - Hudson River Region.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Hudson River Region.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundaries of Hudson River Region viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps, as follows:

(1) Albany (NK 18-6), scale of 1:250,000 series;

(2) Hartford (NK 18-9), scale of 1:250,000 series;

(3) Scranton (NK 18-8), scale of 1:250,000 series;

(4) Binghamton (NK 18-5), scale of 1:250,000 series.

(c) Boundary. The Hudson River Region viticultural area is located in New York State. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the point where N.Y. Route 15 (Merritt Parkway) crosses the New York-Connecticut state line.

(2) The boundary proceeds northerly along the New York-Connecticut state line and the New York-Massachusetts state line to the northeast corner of Columbia County, New York.

(3) The boundary proceeds westerly along the Columbia County-Rensselaer County line to the Columbia County-Greene County line in the Hudson River.

(4) The boundary proceeds southerly along the Columbia County-Greene County line in the Hudson River to the northeast corner of Ulster County.

(5) The boundary proceeds westerly along the Ulster County-Greene County line to N.Y. Route 214.

(6) The boundary proceeds southerly along the eastern side of N.Y. Route 214 to the junction with N.Y. Route 28 in Phoenicia.

(7) The boundary proceeds southerly along the eastern side of N.Y. Route 28 to the junction with N.Y. Route 28A.

(8) The boundary proceeds southerly along the eastern side of N.Y. Route 28A to the intersection with the secondary, hard surface, southbound road leading toward Samsonville.

(9) The boundary proceeds southerly along the eastern side of this southbound road through Samsonville, Tabasco, Mombaccus, Fantinekill, and Pataukunk to the junction with U.S. Route 209.

(10) The boundary proceeds southerly along the eastern side of U.S. Route 209 to the New York-Pennsylvania state line in the Delaware River.

(11) The boundary proceeds easterly along the Delaware River to the New York-New Jersey state line.

(12) The boundary proceeds easterly along the New York-New Jersey state line to N.Y. Route 17.

(13) The boundary proceeds northerly along the western side of N.Y. Route 17 to the junction with Interstate Route 287.

(14) The boundary proceeds easterly along the northern side of Interstate Route 287 to the junction with N.Y. Route 15.

(15) The boundary proceeds easterly along the northern side of N.Y. Route 15 to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-105, 47 FR 24294, June 4, 1982]

§ 9.290 - Winters Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Winters Highlands.” For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Winters Highlands” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The four United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Winters Highlands viticultural area are:

(1) Winters, CA, 2018;

(2) Allendale, CA, 2018;

(3) Mount Vaca, CA, 2018; and

(4) Monticello Dam, CA, 2018.

(c) Boundary. The Winters Highlands viticultural area is located in portions of Solano and Yolo Counties, California. The boundary of the Winters Highlands viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The boundary begins on the Winters map at the intersection of Putah Creek Road and Wintu Way. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along Wintu Way, crossing onto the Allendale map, to the terminus of Wintu Way; then

(2) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line for 1.05 miles to the eastern terminus of Morse Lane; then

(3) Proceed westerly along Morse Lane to its intersection with Olive School Lane; then

(4) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line for 2.52 miles, crossing over the northeastern corner of the Mount Vaca map and onto the Monticello Dam map, to the line's intersection with Highway 128, approximately 2.78 miles west of the intersection of Highway 128 and County Road 89; then

(5) Proceed north in a straight line to the intersection of the line with the Chickahominy Slough; then

(6) Proceed east-southeast along the Chickahominy Slough, crossing onto the Winters map, to its intersection with the 170-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed south-southeasterly along the 170-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the Winters Canal; then

(8) Proceed south along the Winters Canal to its intersection with the terminus of an unnamed local road; then

(9) Proceed due west in a straight line to the 200-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed south in a straight line to the northern terminus of County Road 88; then

(11) Proceed south along County Road 88 to its southern terminus and continue south in a straight line to Valley Oak Drive; then

(12) Proceed southerly along Valley Oak Drive to its intersection with Highway 128; then

(13) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line for 1.04 miles, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-189, 88 FR 59448, Aug. 29, 2023]

§ 9.291 - Contra Costa.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Contra Costa”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Contra Costa” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 15 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Contra Costa viticultural area are titled:

(1) Antioch North, California, 2018;

(2) Antioch South, California, 2018;

(3) Benicia, California, 2018;

(4) Bouldin Island, California, 2018;

(5) Briones Valley, California, 2018;

(6) Byron Hot Springs, California, 2018;

(7) Clayton, California, 2018;

(8) Clifton Court Forebay, California, 2018;

(9) Jersey Island, California, 2018;

(10) Honker Bay, California, 2018;

(11) Tassajara, California, 2018;

(12) Vine Hill, California, 2018;

(13) Walnut Creek, California, 1995;

(14) Walnut Creek, California, 2018; and

(15) Woodward Island, California, 2018.

(c) Boundary. The Contra Costa viticultural area is located in Contra Costa County, California. The boundary of the Contra Costa viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Bouldin Island map at the northernmost point of Holland Tract Road. From the beginning point, proceed south 1.9 miles along Holland Tract Road, crossing onto the Woodward Island map, to the intersection of the road with the 10-foot elevation contour; then

(2) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line 4.1 miles to the intersection of Orwood Road and the Mokelumne Aqueduct; then

(3) Proceed south-southwest in a straight line 5.5 miles, crossing onto the Clifton Court Forebay map, to the stream gauging station on Italian Slough, just west of the Widdows Island and the shared Contra Costa-San Joaquin County line; then

(4) Proceed due west in a straight line to the western shore of Italian Slough, then proceed southwesterly along the western shore Italian Slough to its confluence with Brushy Creek; then

(5) Proceed westerly along Brushy Creek, crossing onto the Byron Hot Springs map and continuing southwesterly along the creek to its intersection with Vasco Road; then

(6) Proceed northwest in a straight line 4.3 miles to the intersection of Kellogg Creek and Walnut Boulevard; then

(7) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line 2.9 miles, crossing onto the Tassajara map, to the intersection of Marsh Creek and Miwok Trail; then

(8) Proceed northwesterly along Marsh Creek 2.4 miles, crossing onto the Antioch South map, to the creek's intersection with Deer Valley Road; then

(9) Proceed northerly along Deer Valley Road 3.1 miles to its intersection with Chadbourne Road; then

(10) Proceed northwest in a straight line 0.6 mile to the southwestern terminus of Tour Way; then

(11) Proceed northwest in a straight line 3 miles to the intersection of Oil Canyon Trail, Stewartville Trail, and Chadbourne Road; then

(12) Proceed northeasterly along Stewartville Trail 1.9 miles to its intersection with the Contra Loma Trail; then

(13) Proceed northwest in a straight line 2.5 miles to the intersection of Somersville Road and Donlan Boulevard; then

(14) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Clayton map, to the intersection of Nortonville Road and Kirker Pass Road; then

(15) Proceed southwesterly along Kirker Pass Road 5 miles to its intersection with Alberta Way; then

(16) Proceed southwest in a straight line 1.5 miles to the intersection of Buckeye Trail, Blue Oak Trail, and Lime Ridge Trail; then

(17) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line 2.6 miles to the intersection of Arroyo Cerro Del and the 400-foot elevation contour just east of North Gate Road; then

(18) Proceed northwest in a straight line 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Walnut Creek map (2018 edition), to the intersection of Brodia Way and La Casa Via; then

(19) Proceed west-northwest in a straight line, crossing onto the Walnut Creek (1995 edition) map, and continue 3.1 miles on the 1995 edition map to the marked 781-foot peak south of the shared Lafayette-Walnut Creek corporate boundary line and north of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Peaceful Lane; then

(20) Proceed northwest in a straight line 1.7 miles to the 833-foot peak marked “Hump 2”; then

(21) Proceed north-northwest 0.5 mile to the water tank (known locally as the Withers Reservoir) at the end of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Kim Road, in the Cañada del Hambre y Las Bolsas Land Grant; then

(22) Proceed northwest in a straight line 3 miles, crossing onto the Briones Valley map, to the intersection of Alhambra Creek Road and Alhambra Valley Road; then

(23) Proceed northwest in a straight line 4.1 miles, crossing onto the Benicia map, to the intersection of Highway 4 and Cummings Skyway; then

(24) Proceed north-northwest in a straight line 1.8 miles to the intersection of Carquinez Scenic Drive and an unnamed road known locally as Canyon Lake Drive; then

(25) Proceed northeasterly in a straight line 0.6 mile to the marked post office in Port Costa; then

(26) Proceed southeast in a straight line 0.9 mile to the first unnamed road that crosses the railroad tracks and intersects with the shoreline at Little Bull Valley; then

(27) Proceed easterly along the shoreline approximately 38.3 miles, crossing over the Vine Hill, Honker Bay, and Antioch North maps and onto the Jersey Island map to Bethel Island Road; then

(28) Proceed southeast in a straight line 0.7 mile to the intersection of Wells Road and Sandmound Boulevard; then

(29) Proceed northeast in a straight line 2.7 miles, crossing onto the Bouldin Island map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-191, 89 FR 18801, Mar. 15, 2024]

§ 9.292 - Comptche.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Comptche”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Comptche” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The one United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area is titled Comptche, California (provisional edition 1991).

(c) Boundary. The Comptche viticultural area is located in Mendocino County, California. The boundary of the Comptche viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Comptche map at the intersection of a north-south tributary of the Albion River and an unnamed improved road known locally as Comptche Ukiah Road, section 12, T16N/R16W. From the beginning point, proceed northwest in a straight line, crossing an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Surprise Valley Road, to the 400-foot elevation contour, section 12, T16N/R16W; then

(2) Proceed north, then easterly along the 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road southeast of the marked 517-foot peak in section 1, T16N/R16W; then

(3) Proceed southeasterly along the unnamed, unimproved road to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Surprise Valley Road, section 1, T16N/R16W; then

(4) Proceed northeasterly along Surprise Valley Road to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as North Fork Road, section 1, T16N/R16 W; then

(5) Proceed northwesterly along North Fork Road to its intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road known locally as Docker Hill Road in section 36, T17N/R16W; then

(6) Proceed north along Docker Hill Road to its intersection with the 400-foot elevation contour, section 36, T17N/R16W; then

(7) Proceed easterly along the 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the North Fork of the Albion River in section 37, T17N/R15W; then

(8) Continue in a generally southerly direction along the 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with an unnamed intermittent creek in section 6, T16N/R15W; then

(9) Proceed south in a straight line to the 400-foot elevation contour, section 6, T16N/R15W; then

(10) Proceed southeasterly, then north, then southeasterly along the meandering 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the Albion River in section 8, T16N/R15W; then

(11) Proceed westerly along the Albion River to its intersection with a north-south tributary in section 12, T16N/R16W; then

(12) Proceed northeasterly along the tributary, returning to the beginning point.

(d) Exclusion. The Comptche viticultural area as described in this section is not included within the North Coast viticultural area as described in § 9.30.

[TTB-2023-0003; T.D. TTB-192, 89 FR 24380, Apr. 8, 2024]

§ 9.293 - Yucaipa Valley AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yucaipa Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Yucaipa Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 4 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Yucaipa Valley viticultural area are:

(1) Yucaipa, CA, 1996;

(2) Forest Falls, CA, 1996;

(3) Beaumont, CA, 1996; and

(4) El Casco, CA, 1967; photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The Yucaipa Valley viticultural area is located in San Bernardino County, California. The boundary of the Yucaipa Valley viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The boundary begins on the Yucaipa map at the intersection of Highway 38/Mill Creek Road and the western boundary of section 13, T1S/R2W. From the beginning point, proceed northeast along Highway 38/Mill Creek Road to the 2,924-foot benchmark in section 13; then

(2) Proceed east in a straight line to the 3,800-foot elevation contour in section 18, T1S/R1W; then

(3) Proceed east-southeasterly along the 3,800-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Forest Falls map, and continuing along the 3,800-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Wilson Creek along the eastern boundary of section 21, T1S/R1W; then

(4) Proceed northerly along Wilson Creek to its intersection with the 4,400-foot elevation contour in section 22, T1S/R1W; then

(5) Proceed south-southeasterly along the 4,400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Birch Creek in section 26, T1S/RR1W; then

(6) Proceed northeasterly along Birch Creek to its intersection with the 5,200-foot elevation contour in section 23, T1S/R1W; then

(7) Proceed south-southeasterly along the 5,200-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the eastern branch of Little San Gorgonio Creek along the San Bernardino National Forest boundary in section 31, T1S/R1E; then

(8) Proceed southwesterly along the eastern branch of Little San Gorgonio Creek to its confluence with the main channel of Little San Gorgonio Creek near the gaging station in section 1, R1W/T2S; then

(9) Proceed southwesterly along the main channel of Little San Gorgonio Creek, crossing onto the Beaumont map, and continuing along the creek to its intersection with Orchard Avenue in section 22, T2S/R1W; then

(10) Proceed west along Orchard Street to the point where the road makes a sharp turn south and becomes locally known as Taylor Street along the western boundary of section 28, T2S/R1W; then

(11) Proceed south along Taylor Street to its intersection with Vineland Avenue in section 28, T2S/R1W; then

(12) Proceed west along Vineland Avenue to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Union Street along the western edge of the Beaumont map in section 29, T2S/R1W; then

(13) Proceed south along Union Street to its intersection with Woodland Avenue in section 29, T2S/R1W; then

(14) Proceed west along Woodland Avenue, crossing onto the El Casco map, where the road becomes known as Cherry Valley Boulevard, and continue west along Cherry Valley Boulevard to its intersection with Interstate 10 in the Tract Between San Jacinto and San Gorgonio, T2S/R2W; then

(15) Proceed southeasterly along Interstate 10 to its intersection with the first unnamed, intermittent stream in section 32, T2S/R1W; then

(16) Proceed west in a straight line to the western boundary of section 31, T2S/R1W; then

(17) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 31 to the southernmost transmission line at the northwest corner of section 31, T2S/R1W; then

(18) Proceed northwesterly along the transmission line to its intersection with San Timoteo Canyon Road in the Tract Between San Jacinto and San Gorgonio, T2S/R2W; then

(19) Proceed northwesterly along San Timoteo Canyon Road to its intersection with the western boundary of the Tract Between San Jacinto and San Gorgonio, T2S/R2W; then

(20) Proceed north, then northeasterly along the boundary of the tract to its intersection with the southwestern corner of section 22, T2S/R2W; then

(21) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 22 to its intersection with the southeastern corner of section 16, T2S/R2W; then

(22) Proceed west along the southern boundaries of sections 16 and 17 to the southwestern corner of section 17, T2S/R2W; then

(23) Proceed north along the western boundary of section 17, crossing onto the Yucaipa map and continuing along the western boundary of section 17 to its intersection with the Riverside-San Bernardino County line along the northern boundary of section 17, T2S/R2W; then

(24) Proceed east along the Riverside-San Bernardino County line to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 17, T2S/R2W; then

(25) Proceed north in a straight line to the boundary of the San Bernardino Land Grant, T2S/R2W; then

(26) Proceed west along the land grant boundary to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 8, T2S/R2W; then

(27) Proceed north along the eastern boundaries of sections 8 and 5 to the intersection of the northeast corner of section 5 and an unnamed road known locally as Highview Drive, T2S/R2W; then

(28) Proceed northwest in a straight line to its intersection with Interstate 10 west of an unnamed light-duty road known locally as Knoll Road in the San Bernardino Land Grant, T2S/R2W; then

(29) Proceed northeast in a straight line to the northeast corner of section 32, T1S/R2W; then

(30) Proceed east along the northern boundaries of sections 33, 34, and 35 to the southwestern corner of section 25, T1S/R2W; then

(31) Proceed north along the western boundaries of sections 25, 24, and 13 to the intersection of the western boundary of section 13 and Highway 38/Mill Creek Road, T1S/R2W, which is the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-193, 89 FR 31635, Apr. 25, 2024]

§ 9.294 - Upper Cumberland.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Upper Cumberland”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Upper Cumberland” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The 8 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:100,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the Upper Cumberland viticultural area are:

(1) Bowling Green, 1985;

(2) Tompkinsville, 1985; photoinspected 1992;

(3) Corbin, 1981;

(4) Nashville, 1984;

(5) Cookeville, 1982;

(6) Oak Ridge, 1979;

(7) McMinnville, 1981; and

(8) Watts Bar Lake, 1981.

(c) Boundary. The Upper Cumberland viticultural area is located in Cumberland, Fentress, Macon, Overton, Putnam, Smith, Warren, and White Counties, in Tennessee. The boundary of the viticultural area is described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Bowling Green map at the intersection of the shared Macon-Sumner County line and the shared Kentucky-Tennessee State line. From the beginning point, proceed south along the shared Macon-Sumner County line, crossing onto the Nashville map and continuing along the shared Macon-Sumner County line to its intersection with the Trousdale County line; then

(2) Proceed east, then southeast, then east along the shared Trousdale-Macon County line, crossing onto the Cookeville map and continuing east along the shared Trousdale-Macon County line to its intersection with the Smith County line; then

(3) Proceed southwesterly along the shared Smith-Trousdale County line, crossing back onto the Nashville map and continuing southwesterly, then westerly along the shared Smith-Trousdale County line to its intersection with the Wilson County line; then

(4) Proceed southeasterly along the shared Wilson-Smith County line to its intersection with the DeKalb County line; then

(5) Proceed east along the shared Smith-DeKalb County line, crossing onto the Cookeville map and continuing east along the Smith-DeKalb County line to its intersection with the Putnam County line; then

(6) Proceed southeast along the shared DeKalb-Putnam County line to its intersection with the White County line; then

(7) Proceed southeast along the shared DeKalb-White County line, crossing onto the McMinnville map and continuing south along the DeKalb-White County line to its intersection with the Warren County line; then

(8) Proceed west along the shared DeKalb-Warren County line to its intersection with the Cannon County line; then

(9) Proceed southwesterly along the shared Warren-Cannon County line to its intersection with the Coffee County line; then

(10) Proceed southeast along the shared Warren-Coffee County line to its intersection with the Grundy County line; then

(11) Proceed east along the shared Warren-Grundy County line to its intersection with the Sequatchie County line; then

(12) Proceed east along the shared Warren-Sequatchie County line to its intersection with the Van Buren County line; then

(13) Proceed northwest, then north along the shared Warren-Van Buren County line to its intersection with the White County line; then

(14) Proceed east, then southerly along the shared White-Van Buren County line to its intersection with the shared Cumberland-Bledsoe County line; then

(15) Proceed east along the shared Bledsoe-Cumberland County line to its intersection with U.S. Highway 127/State Road 29; then

(16) Proceed northeast in a straight line for a total of 21.81 miles, crossing over the Watts Bar Lake map and onto the Oak Ridge map to the intersection of the straight line with the shared Cumberland-Morgan County line east of Hebbertsburg; then

(17) Proceed northwesterly, then westerly, then northwesterly along the shared Cumberland-Morgan County line to its intersection with the Fentress County line; then

(18) Proceed north, then northeast along the shared Fentress-Morgan County line to its intersection with the Scott County line; then

(19) Proceed northeast, then northwest along the shared Scott-Fentress County line, crossing onto the Corbin map and continuing along the shared Scott-Fentress County line to its intersection with the Pickett County line; then

(20) Proceed west, then northwesterly along the shared Fentress-Pickett County line, crossing over the Tompkinsville map and onto the Cookeville map and continuing along the shared Fentress-Pickett County line to its intersection with the Overton County line; then

(21) Proceed west, then northwesterly along the shared Pickett-Overton County line, crossing onto the Tompkinsville map and continuing along the shares Pickett-Overton County line to its intersection with the Clay County line; then

(22) Proceed southwesterly along the shared Overton-Clay County line, crossing onto the Cookeville map and continuing south along the shared Overton-Clay County line to its intersection with the Jackson County line; then

(23) Proceed southerly along the shared Overton-Jackson County line to its intersection with the Putnam County line; then

(24) Proceed westerly along the shared Putnam-Jackson County line to its intersection with the Smith County line; then

(25) Proceed westerly, then northerly along the shared Smith-Jackson County line to its intersection with the Macon County line; then

(26) Proceed north along the shared Macon-Jackson County line, crossing onto the Tompkinsville map and continuing along the shared Macon-Jackson County line to its intersection with the Clay County line; then

(27) Proceed north along the shared Macon-Clay County line to its intersection with the shared Tennessee-Kentucky State line; then

(28) Proceed west along the Tennessee-Kentucky State line, crossing onto the Bowling Green map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-194, 89 FR 42366, May 15, 2024]

§ 9.295 - San Luis Rey AVA.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Luis Rey”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “San Luis Rey” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The eight United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area are as follows:

(1) Oceanside, CA, 2018;

(2) San Luis Rey, CA, 2018;

(3) San Marcos, CA, 2018;

(4) Valley Center, CA, 2018;

(5) Bonsall, CA, 2018;

(6) Temecula, CA, 2018;

(7) Fallbrook, CA, 2018; and

(8) Morro Hill, CA, 2018.

(c) Boundary. The San Luis Rey viticultural area is located in San Diego County, California. The boundary of the San Luis Rey viticultural area is described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Oceanside map at the intersection of Interstate 5 and the Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton boundary. From the beginning point, proceed northeast for a total of 11.21 miles along the MCB Camp Pendleton boundary, crossing over the San Luis Rey map and onto the Morro Hill map, and continuing along the MCB Camp Pendleton boundary to its intersection with the Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Seal Beach Fallbrook California boundary; then

(2) Proceed east along the NWS Seal Beach Fallbrook California boundary for a total of 6.85 miles, crossing onto the Bonsall map and continuing north, then west along the boundary, and crossing back onto the Morro Hill map and continuing northerly along the boundary, crossing onto the Fallbrook map, and continuing along the boundary as it becomes concurrent with the MCB Camp Pendleton boundary, and continuing along the boundary to its intersection with De Luz Road; then

(3) Proceed east along De Luz Road for 0.38 mile to its intersection with Sandia Creek Drive; then

(4) Proceed northerly along Sandia Creek Drive for a total of 3.98 miles, crossing onto the Temecula map and continuing along Sandia Creek Drive to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Rock Mountain Road; then

(5) Proceed east along Rock Mountain Road for 0.21 mile to its intersection with the San Diego County line; then

(6) Proceed south then east along the San Diego County line for 6.72 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Old Highway 395; then

(7) Proceed south along Old Highway 395 for a total of 14.9 miles, crossing onto the Bonsall map and continuing south along Old Highway 395 to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as Old Castle Road; then

(8) Proceed east on Old Castle Road for a total of 0.59 mile, crossing onto the San Marcos map and continuing east along Old Castle Road to its intersection with Gordon Hill Road; then

(9) Proceed southeasterly along Gordon Hill Road for 0.92 mile to its intersection with the 800-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed east along the 800-foot elevation contour for a total of 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Valley Center map and continuing east along the 800-foot elevation contour to its intersection with Canyon Country Lane; then

(11) Proceed northwest and then south along Canyon Country Lane for 0.83 mile to its intersection with the 1,240-foot elevation contour; then

(12) Proceed east along the 1,240-foot elevation contour for 2.90 miles to its intersection with Cougar Pass Road; then

(13) Proceed west then south along Cougar Pass Road for 0.4 mile to its intersection with Meadow Glen Way East; then

(14) Proceed south along Meadow Glen Way East for 0.46 mile to its intersection with Hidden Meadows Road; then

(15) Proceed southwest along Hidden Meadows Road for 0.73 mile to its intersection with Mountain Meadow Road; then

(16) Proceed southwest along Mountain Meadow Road for a total of 1.44 miles, crossing onto the San Marcos map and continuing along Mountain Meadow Road to the point where Mountain Meadow Road becomes known as Deer Springs Road just west of Interstate 15; then

(17) Proceed southwest along Deer Springs Road for 2.42 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as North Twin Oaks Valley Road; then

(18) Proceed south along North Twin Oaks Valley Road for 3.01 miles to its intersection with an unnamed road known locally as West Mission Road; then

(19) Proceed northwest along West Mission Road (which becomes South Santa Fe Avenue) for a total of 3.9 miles to its intersection with Robelini Drive; then

(20) Proceed southwest along Robelini Drive (which becomes Sycamore Avenue) for a total of 0.55 mile to its intersection with State Highway 78; then

(21) Proceed northwest, then westerly along State Highway 78 for a total of 9.09 miles, crossing onto the San Luis Rey map and continuing westerly along State Highway 78 to its intersection with Interstate 5; then

(22) Proceed northwest along Interstate 5 for a total of 3.14 miles, crossing onto the Oceanside map and returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-195, 89 FR 70489, Aug. 30, 2024]

§ 9.296 - Crystal Springs of Napa Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Crystal Springs of Napa Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Crystal Springs of Napa Valley” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The two United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic maps used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area are titled:

(1) St. Helena, CA, 1960, revised 1993; and

(2) Calistoga, CA, 1997.

(c) Boundary. The Crystal Springs of Napa Valley viticultural area is located in Napa County, California. Within the boundary description that follows, the viticultural area encompasses all areas at or below 1,400 feet in elevation. The boundary of the Crystal Springs of Napa Valley viticultural area is as described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the St. Helena map at the intersection of Howell Mountain Road and White Cottage Road. From the beginning point, proceed southeasterly along Howell Mountain Road to its intersection with the St. Helena city limits in section 29, T8N/R5W; then

(2) Proceed west then south along the St. Helena city limits to its intersection with the 400-foot elevation contour along the western edge of section 29, T8N/R5W; then

(3) Proceed northwesterly along the 400-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the western edge of the St. Helena map, denoted by the north-south longitude line labeled as longitude 122 degrees, 30 minutes; then

(4) Proceed due north along the longitude line approximately 0.5 mile to its intersection with the 880-foot elevation contour in section 2, T8N/R6W; then

(5) Proceed northwesterly along the meandering 880-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the Calistoga map, and continuing along the elevation contour (with a brief return to the St. Helena map) to its intersection with Biter Creek in the section 34, T9N/R6W, on the Calistoga map; then

(6) Proceed northerly (upstream) along Biter Creek to its intersection with the 1,400-foot elevation contour; then

(7) Proceed southeasterly along the meandering 1,400-foot elevation contour, crossing onto the St. Helena map, to the intersection of the elevation contour with White Cottage Road; then

(8) Proceed easterly along White Cottage Road for approximately 130 feet, returning to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 83434, Oct. 16, 2024]

§ 9.297 - Beverly, Washington.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Beverly, Washington”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Beverly, Washington” is a term of viticultural significance.

(b) Approved maps. The one United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic map used to determine the boundary of the viticultural area is titled Beverly, Washington (2017).

(c) Boundary. The Beverly, Washington viticultural area is located in Grant County, Washington. The boundary of the Beverly, Washington viticultural area is described as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Beverly, Washington map at the intersection of State Highway 243 and southern boundary of section 34 just north of the town of Schwana. From the beginning point, proceed northwest along Highway 243 to its intersection with an unnamed local road on the north side of Wanapum Village, near the center of section 21; then

(2) Proceed east in a straight line for 2,450 feet to the 600-foot elevation contour; then

(3) Proceed southeasterly along the 600-foot elevation contour for approximately 1,500 feet to its intersection with an unnamed local road in section 22; then

(4) Proceed northeasterly along the unnamed local road for approximately 3,000 feet to its intersection with another unnamed local road; then

(5) Proceed north-northeast in a straight line for approximately 500 feet to the intersection of Beverly Burke Road and an unnamed local road; then

(6) Proceed northeasterly along Beverly Burke Road to the point where it becomes concurrent with the northern boundary of section 22, and continue east along Beverly Burke Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 22; then

(7) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 22 for one mile to its intersection with the northern boundary of section 26; then

(8) Proceed east along the northern boundary of section 26 for one mile to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 26; then

(9) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 26 to its intersection with the 540-foot elevation contour; then

(10) Proceed southwesterly along the 540-foot elevation contour to its intersection with the southern boundary of section 26; then

(11) Proceed west along the southern boundary of section 26 to its intersection with the eastern boundary of section 34; then

(12) Proceed south along the eastern boundary of section 34 for 1 mile to its intersection with the southern boundary of section 34; then

(13) Proceed west along the southern boundary of section 34 for 0.5 mile to the beginning point.

[T.D. TTB-198, 89 FR 85854, Oct. 29, 2024]

§ 9.48 - Monticello.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Monticello.”

(b) Approved maps. Approved maps for the Monticello viticultural area are three 1971 U.S.G.S. maps titled:

(1) Charlottesville Quadrangle, Virginia: 1:250,000 minute series;

(2) Roanoke Quadrangle, Virginia: 1:250,000 minute series; and

(3) Washington, DC: 1:250,000 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. (1) From Norwood, Virginia, following the Tye River west and northwest until it intersects with the eastern boundary of the George Washington National Forest;

(2) Following this boundary northeast to Virginia Rt. 664;

(3) Then west following Rt. 664 to its intersection with the Nelson County line;

(4) Then northeast along the Nelson County line to its intersection with the Albemarle County line at Jarman Gap;

(5) From this point continuing northeast along the eastern boundary of the Shenandoah National Park to its intersection with the northern Albemarle County line;

(6) Continuing northeast along the Greene County line to its intersection with Virginia Rt. 33;

(7) Follow Virginia Rt. 33 east to the intersection of Virginia Rt. 230 at Stanardsville;

(8) Follow Virginia Rt. 230 north to the Greene County line (the Conway River);

(9) Following the Greene County line (Conway River which becomes the Rapidan River) southeast to its intersection with the Orange County line;

(10) Following the Orange County line (Rapidan River) east and northeast to its confluence with the Mountain Run River;

(11) Then following the Mountain Run River southwest to its intersection with Virginia Rt. 20;

(12) Continuing southwest along Rt. 20 to the corporate limits of the town of Orange;

(13) Following southwest the corporate limit line to its intersection with U.S. Rt. 15;

(14) Continuing southwest on Rt. 15 to its intersection with Virginia Rt. 231 in the town of Gordonsville;

(15) Then southwest along Rt. 231 to its intersection with the Albemarle County line.

(16) Then continuing southwest along the county line to its intersection with the Rivanna River;

(17) Then southeast along the Rivanna River to its confluence with the James River, near the Fluvanna-Goochland County line;

(18) Then southwest, then northwest along the James River to its intersection with the Albemarle County line;

(19) Then following the James River to its confluence with the Tye River at Norwood, Virginia, the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-164, 49 FR 2758, Jan. 23, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5957, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. ATF-255, 52 FR 23652, June 24, 1987; T.D. TTB-154, 83 FR 64274, Dec. 14, 2018]

§ 9.49 - Central Delaware Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Central Delaware Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Central Delaware Valley viticultural area are nine U.S.G.S. maps in the 7.5 minute series (topographic). They are titled:

(1) Bloomsbury Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1955 (photorevised 1970).

(2) Riegelsville Quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New Jersey, 1956 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(3) Frenchtown Quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New Jersey, 1955 (photorevised 1970).

(4) Lumberville Quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New Jersey, 1955 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(5) Stockton Quadrangle, New Jersey-Pennsylvania, 1954 (photorevised 1970).

(6) Hopewell Quadrangle, New Jersey, 1954 (photorevised 1970).

(7) Buckingham Quadrangle, Pennsylvania—Bucks Co., 1953 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(8) Lambertville Quadrangle, Pennsylvania-New Jersey, 1953 (photorevised 1968 and 1973).

(9) Pennington Quadrangle, New Jersey-Pennsylvania 1954 (photorevised 1970).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Central Delaware Valley viticultural area is located in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The starting point of the following boundary description is the summit of Strawberry Hill, which is located in New Jersey near the Delaware River about one mile northwest of Titusville, at the southern end of the Central Delaware Valley viticultural area. The starting point is found on the Lambertville Quadrangle map.

(2) Boundary Description: (i) From the summit of Strawberry Hill (475 feet) in a straight line to the summit of Mt. Canoe (428 feet—on the Pennington Quadrangle map).

(ii) From there due east to Mercer County Route 579 (Bear Tavern Road) about .2 mile south of Ackors Corner.

(iii) Then northward along Mercer 579 to Harbourton.

(iv) From there northwestward along Route 3 (Mount Airy-Harbourton Road) to the 2nd English Presbyterian Church in Mount Airy (on the Stockton Quadrangle map).

(v) From there along Old York Road northward to Benchmark 157 on U.S. Route 202.

(vi) From there westward along Queen Road and northwestward along Mount Airy Road to Dilts Corner.

(vii) From there northwestward along Dilts Corner Road to Sandy Ridge Church.

(viii) From there northwestward via Cemetary Road to Benchmark 305.

(ix) From there northward along Covered Bridge Road to Green Sergeant Covered Bridge.

(x) From there generally westward along Sanford Road to its intersection with Route 519 about one mile north of Rosemont.

(xi) From there northward along Route 519 (via Kingwood, Barbertown and Baptistown) to Palmyra (on the Frenchtown Quadrangle map).

(xii) From the intersection in Palmyra, in a straight line northward to the 487 ft. elevation point near Nishisakawick Creek.

(xiii) From there in a straight line northwestward to Benchmark 787 on Rt. 579 (a secondary hard surface highway, unnamed on the map).

(xiv) From there northward along Route 579 to Benchmark 905 (on the Bloomsbury Quadrangle map).

(xv) From there in a straight line westward to the 952 ft. summit of Musconetcong Mountain (on the Frenchtown Quadrangle map).

(xvi) From there in a straight line southwestward to the 836 ft. summit of Musconetcong Mountain (on the Riegelsville Quadrangle map).

(xvii) From there in straight lines connecting the 838 ft., 839 ft., 707 ft., and 386 ft. summits of Musconetcong Mountain.

(xviii) From the 386 ft. summit of Musconetcong Mountain in a straight line across the Delaware River to the intersection of Routes 611 and 212.

(xix) From there along Route 212 to the intersection with the lane going up Mine Hill.

(xx) From there in a straight line to the summit of Mine Hill (488 feet).

(xxi) From there in a straight line southwestward to the 522 ft. summit elevation point.

(xxii) From there southeastward to the summit of Chestnut Hill (743 feet).

(xxiii) From there in a straight line southeastward to the 347 ft. summit elevation point (located south of Kintnersville near Benchmark 173, about .1 mile west of Route 611).

(xxiv) From there in a straight line eastward to the summit of Coffman Hill (826 feet).

(xxv) From there in a straight line southeastward to the 628 ft. summit elevation point (about .3 mile north of Camp Davis).

(xxvi) From there in a straight line southeastward to the point where Bridgeton, Nockamixon, and Tinicum Townships meet (on the Frenchtown Quadrangle map).

(xxvii) From there in a straight line southward to the intersection of Slant Hill Road (Covered Bridge Road) and Stump Road in Smiths Corner (on the Lumberville Quadrangle map).

(xxviii) From there in a straight line southeastward to the 472 ft. elevation point near Rocky Ridge School.

(xxix) From there southeastward in a straight line to the 522 ft. elevation point on Plumstead Hill.

(xxx) From there in a straight line to the 482 ft. elevation point about .7 mile northwest of Lahaska.

(xxxi) From there in a straight line southeastward to the 352 ft. elevation point approximately .6 mile northeast of Lahaska.

(xxxii) From there in a straight line to the point where a power transmission line crosses the 400 ft. contour line on the south side of Solebury Mountain (on the Lambertville Quadrangle map).

(xxxiii) From there in a straight line to the tower on Bowman Hill in Washington Crossing State Park.

(xxxiv) From there in a straight line across the Delaware River to the starting point, the summit of Strawberry Hill (475 feet).

[T.D. ATF-168, 49 FR 10117, Mar. 19, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5958, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.50 - Temecula Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Temecula Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Temecula Valley viticultural area are seven USGS quadrangle maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) Wildomar, California, dated 1953, photorevised 1973;

(2) Fallbrook, California, dated 1968;

(3) Murrieta, California, dated 1953, photorevised 1979;

(4) Temecula, California, dated 1968, photorevised 1975;

(5) Pechanga, California, dated 1968;

(6) Sage, California, dated 1954;

(7) Bachelor Mountain, California, dated 1953, photorevised 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Temecula Valley viticultural area is located in Riverside County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the northernmost point of the Santa Rosa Land Grant where the Santa Rosa Land Grant boundary intersects the easternmost point of the Cleveland National Forest boundary.

(2) The boundary follows the Cleveland National Forest boundary southwesterly to the point where it converges with the Riverside County-San Diego County line.

(3) The boundary follows the Riverside County-San Diego County line southwesterly, then southeasterly to the point where the Riverside County-San Diego County line diverges southward and the Santa Rosa Land Grant boundary continues southeasterly.

(4) The boundary follows the Santa Rosa Land Grant boundary southeasterly, then northeasterly, to its intersection with the Temecula Land Grant boundary.

(5) The boundary follows the Temecula Land Grant boundary southeasterly, then northeasterly, to its intersection with the Little Temecula Land Grant boundary.

(6) The boundary follows the Little Temecula Land Grant boundary southeasterly to its intersection with the boundary of that portion of the Pechanga Indian Reservation which, until 1907, was Lot “E” of the Little Temecula Land Grant.

(7) The boundary follows the Pechanga Indian Reservation boundary southeasterly, then northeasterly (including that portion of the Penchanga Indian Reservation in the approved viticultural area) to the point at which it rejoins the Little Temecula Land Grant boundary.

(8) The boundary follows the Little Temecula Land Grant boundary northeasterly to its intersection with the Pauba Land Grant boundary.

(9) The boundary follows the Pauba Land Grant boundary southeasterly, then northeasterly, to the north-south section line dividing Section 23 from Section 24 in Township 8 South, Range 2 West.

(10) The boundary follows this section line south to the 1500-foot contour line.

(11) The boundary follows the 1500-foot contour line easterly to the range line dividing Range 2 West from Range 1 West.

(12) The boundary follows this range line north, across California State Highway 71/79, to the 1400-foot contour line of Oak Mountain.

(13) The boundary follows the 1400-foot contour line around Oak Mountain to its intersection with the 117°00′ West longitude meridian.

(14) The boundary follows the 117°00′ West longitude meridian north to its intersection with the Pauba Land Grant boundary.

(15) The boundary follows the Pauba Land Grant boundary northwesterly, then west, then south, then west, to Warren Road (which coincides with the range line dividing Range 1 West from Range 2 West).

(16) The boundary follows Warren Road north to an unnamed east-west, light-duty, hard or improved surface road (which coincides with the section line dividing Section 12 from Section 13 in Township 7 South, Range 2 West).

(17) The boundary follows this road west to the north-south section line dividing Section 13 from Section 14 in Township 7 South, Range 2 West.

(18) The boundary follows this section line south to its intersection with Buck Road (which coincides with the east-west section line on the southern edge of Section 14 in Township 7 South, Range 2 West).

(19) The boundary follows Buck Road west to the point where it diverges northwesterly from the section line on the southern edge of Section 14 in Township 7 South, Range 2 West.

(20) The boundary follows this section line west, along the southern edges of Sections 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 in Township 7 South, Range 2 West, to Tucalota Creek.

(21) The boundary follows Tucalota Creek southerly to Santa Gertrudis Creek.

(22) The boundary follows Santa Gertrudis Creek southwesterly to Murrieta Creek.

(23) The boundary proceeds northwesterly along the westernmost branches of Murrieta Creek to its intersection with Hayes Avenue, northwest of Murrieta, California.

(24) The boundary follows Hayes Avenue northwesterly, approximately 4,000 feet, to its terminus at an unnamed, unimproved, fair or dry weather road.

(25) The boundary follows this road southwesterly to Murrieta Creek.

(26) The boundary proceeds northwesterly along the westernmost branches of Murrieta Creek to its intersection with Orange Street in Wildomar, California.

(27) From the intersection of Murrieta Creek and Orange Street in Wildomar, California, the boundary proceeds in a straight line to the beginning point.

(d) From November 23, 1984, until June 17, 2004, the name of this viticultural area was “Temecula”. Effective June 18, 2004, this viticulture area is named “Temecula Valley”. Existing certificates of label approval showing “Temecula” as the appellation of origin will be revoked by operation of this regulation on June 19, 2006.

[T.D. ATF-188, 49 FR 42566, Oct. 23, 1984; 49 FR 43455, Oct. 29, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-221, 51 FR 750, Jan. 8, 1986; T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5958, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-10, 69 FR 20825, Apr. 19, 2004]

§ 9.51 - Isle St. George.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Isle St. George.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved map for determining the boundary of the Isle St. George viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. quadrangle map, “Put-in-Bay, Ohio”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1969.

(c) Boundaries. The Isle St. George viticultural area is located entirely within Ottawa County, Ohio. The boundary of the Isle St. George viticultural area is the shoreline of the island named “North Bass Island” on the “Put-in-Bay, Ohio” U.S.G.S. map, and the viticultural area comprises the entire island.

[T.D. ATF-110, 47 FR 36421, Aug. 20, 1982]

§ 9.52 - Chalk Hill.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Chalk Hill.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Chalk Hill viticultural area are the U.S.G.S. topographic maps titled:

“Mark West Springs Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series, 1958; and,

“Healdsburg Quadrangle, California”, 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1980).

(c) Boundary. The Chalk Hill viticultural area is located near the town of Windsor in Sonoma County, California. From the beginning point on the south line of Section 2, Township 8 North (T. 8 N.), Range 9 West (R. 9 W.) at the intersection of Arata Lane and Redwood Highway (a.k.a. Old Highway 101), on the “Healdsburg Quadrangle” map, the boundary proceeds—

(1) Southeasterly along Redwood Highway through Section 11, T. 8 N., R. 9 W., to the point of intersection with Windsor River Road;

(2) Then westerly along Windsor River Road on the south boundary of Section 11, T. 8 N., R. 9 W., to the point of intersection with Starr Road;

(3) The southerly along Starr Road to the point of intersection with the south line of Section 14, T. 8 N., R. 9 W.;

(4) Then easterly along the south line of Sections 14 and 13, T. 8 N., R. 9 W. and Section 18, T. 8 N., R. 8 W., to the point of intersection with the Redwood Highway;

(5) Then southeasterly along the Redwood Highway to the intersection with an unnamed road that intersects the Redwood Highway at a right angle from the northeast near the southwest corner of Section 28 near Mark West Creek, T. 8 N., R. 8 W.;

(6) Then northeast approximately 500 feet along the unnamed road to its intersection with the Pacific Gas and Electric power transmission line;

(7) Then northeast approximately 1,000 feet along the power transmission line (paralleling the unnamed road) to the point where the power transmission line turns in a northerly direction;

(8) Then in a northerly direction along the power transmission line to the point of its intersection with the south line of Section 17, T. 8 N., R. 8 W.;

(9) Then east along the south line of Sections 17, 16 and 15, T. 8 N., R. 8 W. to the point of intersection with Mark West Road on the “Mark West Quadrangle Map”;

(10) Then northerly for approximately 1.3 miles along Mark West Road (which becomes Porter Creek Road), then northeasterly for approximately 1.7 miles on Porter Creek Road to its intersection with the unnamed medium duty road that parallels Porter Creek in Section 12, T. 8 N., R. 8 W.; then northeasterly on the Franz Valley Road over the Tarwater Grade and continuing along the Franz Valley Road for approximately 3 miles to its intersection with Franz Creek (approximately 2,000 feet west of the range line common to R. 7 W. and R. 8 W. in T. 9 N. and approximately 1,150 feet north of the north line of Section 25, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.);

(11) Then westerly along Franz Creek to its point of intersection with the east line of Section 21, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(12) Then southerly along the east line of Section 21 to the southeast corner thereof;

(13) Then southerly, approximately 0.08 mile, along the west line of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W., to the point at which an unnamed unimproved road which parallels the south bank of Martin Creek intersects the west line of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(14) Then southeasterly, approximately 1.07 miles, along said road to the point at which the road is crossed by the east line of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(15) Then southerly, approximately 0.65 mile, along the east lines of sections 27 and 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W., to the point in the northeast corner of section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. where the north fork of Barnes Creek intersects such line in section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(16) Then continuing along the north fork of Barnes Creek, approximately 0.5 mile, in a generally westerly direction to a small dwelling at the eastern terminus of an unnamed unimproved road (known locally as the access to the Shurtleff Ranch) in section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(17) Then continuing in a generally westerly direction, approximately 1.4 miles, along the unnamed unimproved road (known locally as the access to the Shurtleff Ranch) to its intersection with an unnamed unimproved road (known locally as Spurgeon Road) in section 33, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. on the Healdsburg, California, Quadrangle Map;

(18) Then westerly, approximately 0.45 mile, along the unnamed unimproved road (known locally as Spurgeon Road) to the point where the road intersects Chalk Hill Road in section 32, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(19) Then in a generally northwesterly direction, approximately 1.3 miles, along Chalk Hill Road to the point where Chalk Hill Road crosses Brooks Creek in section 29, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(20) Then north in a straight line, approximately 0.2 mile, to the top of a peak identified as Chalk Hill;

(21) Then west-northwesterly in a straight line to the confluence of Brooks Creek and the Russian River;

(22) Then westerly along the Russian River to the point of intersection with the range line common to R. 8 W. and R. 9 W. in T. 9 N.;

(23) Then southwesterly in a straight line to the point of a hill identified as having an elevation of 737 feet;

(24) Then south-southwesterly in a straight line to the point at the easterly terminus of Reiman Road;

(25) Then southwesterly in a straight line to the point at the intersection of the township line common to T. 8 N. and T. 9 N. in R. 9 W. and the frontage road (a.k.a. Los Amigos Road) for U.S. Highway 101;

(26) Then west approximately 3,000 feet along the township line common to T. 8 N. and T. 9 N. in R. 9 W.;

(27) Then southerly for approximately 2,000 feet in a straight line to the point of intersection with an unnamed stream drainage;

(28) Then east in a straight line to the point of intersection with Eastside Road;

(29) Then northeasterly along Eastside Road to the point of intersection with Redwood Highway;

(30) Then southeasterly along Redwood Highway to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-155, 48 FR 48812, Oct. 21, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-272, 53 FR 17023, May 13, 1988]

§ 9.53 - Alexander Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Alexander Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Alexander Valley viticultural area are seven U.S.G.S. maps entitled:

(1) “Mark West Springs Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1958;

(2) “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1959;

(3) “Jimtown Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1975);

(4) “Geyserville Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1975);

(5) “Healdsburg Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955;

(6) “Asti Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1959 (Photorevised 1978); and

(7) “Cloverdale Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1960.

(c) Boundary. The Alexander Valley viticultural area is located in northeastern Sonoma County, California. From the beginning point at the northeast corner of Section 32, Township 12 North (T. 12 N.), Range 10 West (R. 10 W.), on the Asti Quadrangle map, the boundary runs—

(1) West along the north line of Sections 32 and 31, T. 12 N., R. 10 W., and Sections 36, 35, and 34, T. 12 N., R. 11 W., to the northwest corner of Section 34, on the Cloverdale Quadrangle map;

(2) Then south along the west line of Section 34 to the southwest corner thereof;

(3) Then east southeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 2, T. 11 N., R. 11 W.;

(4) Then south southeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 24, T. 11 N., R. 11 W.;

(5) Then straight south along the eastern boundary line of Section 25, to its intersection with Kelly Road, a medium-duty road, T. 11 N., R. 11 W.;

(6) Then southwest along Kelly Road to its intersection with the northern boundary line of Section 36, T. 11 N., R. 11 W.;

(7) Then straight south to its intersection with 38° 45′ N. latitude along the southern border of the Cloverdale Quadrangle map, T. 10 N., R. 11 W. and R. 10 W.;

(8) Then straight east to its intersection with 123° 00′ E. longitude at the southeastern corner of the Cloverdale Quadrangle map, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.;

(9) Then southeasterly in a straight line approximately 11,000 feet (closely following the ridge line) to the northwest corner of Section 10, T. 10 N., R.10 W. on the Geyserville Quadrangle map;

(10) [Reserved]

(11) Then southerly along the west line of Section 10, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.;

(12) Then S. 74 degrees, E. 2,800 feet in a straight line to the northeasterly tip of a small lake;

(13) Then N. 57 degrees, E. 2,300 feet in a straight line to the southeast corner of Section 10, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.;

(14) Then S. 16 degrees, E. 1,800 feet in a straight line to the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 664 feet;

(15) Then S. 55 degrees, E. 7,900 feet in a straight line to the most northerly point on the northeasterly line of “Olive Hill” Cemetery, lying on the easterly side of a light-duty road identified as Canyon Road;

(16) Then southeasterly along the northeasterly line of “Olive Hill” cemetery to most easterly point thereon;

(17) Then southerly 3,000 feet along the meanders of the west fork of Wood Creek to the point lying 400 feet north of the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 781 feet;

(18) Then southerly 400 feet in a straight line to the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 781 feet;

(19) Then S. 50 1/2 degrees, E. 15,200 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of Lytton Creek with the township line common to T. 9 N. and T. 10 N. in R. 9 W.;

(20) Then southerly along the meanders of Lytton Creek to the point of intersection with a light-duty road identified as Lytton Springs Road in T. 9 N., R. 9 W.;

(21) Then easterly along Lytton Springs Road to the point of intersection with a heavy-duty road identified as U.S. Highway 101 (a.k.a. Redwood Highway), on the Jimtown Quadrangle map;

(22) Then southerly along U.S. Highway 101 to the point of intersection with an unnamed light-duty road (known locally as Chiquita Road), on the Geyserville Quadrangle map;

(23) Then easterly along the unnamed light-duty road to the point of intersection with an unnamed heavy-duty road (known locally as Healdsburg Avenue), on the Jimtown Quadrangle map;

(24) Then southeasterly in a straight line approximately 11,000 feet to the 991-foot peak of Fitch Mountain;

(25) Then east southeasterly approximately 7,000 feet in a straight line to the peak identified as having an elevation of 857 feet;

(26) Then east southeasterly approximately 1,750 feet to the peak identified as Black Peak;

(27) Then southeasterly approximately 7,333 feet to the peak identified as having an elevation of 672 feet;

(28) Then northeasterly approximately 5,000 feet in a straight line to the point of confluence of Brooks Creek with the Russian River in T. 9 N., R. 8 W., on the Healdsburg Quadrangle map;

(29) Then east-southeasterly 2,400 feet in a straight line to the top of a peak identified as Chalk Hill;

(30) Then south from said peak, in a straight line, approximately 0.2 mile to the point where Chalk Hill Road crosses Brooks Creek (on the Healdsburg Quadrangle map);

(31) Then southeasterly, approximately 1.3 miles, along the roadbed of Chalk Hill Road to the point near the confluence of Brooks Creek and Barnes Creek where Chalk Hill Road intersects an unnamed unimproved road (known locally as Spurgeon Road) that parallels Barnes Creek in section 32, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(32) Then easterly, approximately 0.45 mile, along said road (known locally as Spurgeon Road) to the point where the road is intersected by an unnamed unimproved road (known locally as the access to the Shurtleff Ranch) in section 33, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(33) Then continuing along the unnamed unimproved road (known locally as the access to the Shurtleff Ranch), approximately 1.33 miles, in a generally easterly direction, to the eastern terminus of said road at a small dwelling along the north fork of Barnes Creek in section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. on the Mark West Springs, California, Quadrangle map;

(34) Then easterly along the north fork of Barnes Creek, approximately 0.5 mile, to the point in the northeast corner of section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. where the north fork of Barnes Creek intersects the east line of section 34, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(35) Then north, approximately 0.65 mile, along the east lines of sections 34 and 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W., to the point at which an unnamed unimproved road which parallels the south bank of Martin Creek intersects the eastern border of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(36) Then in a generally northwesterly direction, approximately 1.07 miles, along said road to the point at which the road is crossed by the west line of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(37) Then north, approximately 0.08 mile, along the west line of section 27, T. 9 N., R. 8 W., to the southeast corner of section 21, T. 9 N., R. 8 W.;

(38) Then northerly along the east line of Sections 21, 16, and 9, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. to the northeast corner of Section 9, on the Mount St. Helena Quadrangle map;

(39) Then westerly along the north line of Section 9 to the northwest corner thereof, on the Jimtown Quadrangle map;

(40) Then northerly along the western lines of section 4, of T. 9 N, R. 8 W., and sections 33, 28, 21, 16, and 9 of T. 10 N., R. 8 W.;

(41) Then westerly along the northern lines of section 8 and 7, T. 10 N., R. 8 W. and section 12, T. 10 N., R. 9 W. to the southeastern corner of section 2, T. 10 N., R. 9 W.;

(42) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the eastern line of section 3 at 38 degrees 45 minutes latitude, T. 10 N., R. 9 W.;

(43) Then westerly along latitude line 38 degrees 45 minutes to the point lying at 122 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds longitude;

(44) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 4, T. 11 N., R. 10 W., on the Asti, Quadrangle map;

(45) Then northeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 34, T. 12 N., R. 10 W.;

(46) Then north along the east boundary of section 34, T. 12 N., R. 10 W., to the northeast corner of section 34, T. 12 N., R. 10 W.;

(47) Then west along the north boundaries of sections 34 and 33, T. 12 N., R. 10 W., to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-187, 49 span 42724, Oct. 24, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-233, 51 span 30354, Aug. 26, 1986; T.D. ATF-272, 53 span 17025, May 13, 1988; T.D. ATF-300, 55 span 32402, Aug. 9, 1990; T.D. ATF-468, 66 span 50565, Oct. 4, 2001; T.D. TTB-65, 73 span 12877, Mar. 11, 2008]

§ 9.54 - Santa Ynez Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Santa Ynez Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Santa Ynez Valley viticultural area are 12 U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Figueroa Mountain, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959;

(2) “Foxen Canyon, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(3) “Lake Cachuma, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959;

(4) “Lompoc, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959 (photorevised 1974);

(5) “Lompoc Hills, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959;

(6) “Los Alamos, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959;

(7) “Los Olivos, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959 (photoinspected 1974);

(8) “Santa Rosa Hills, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959;

(9) “Santa Ynez, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959 (photorevised 1974);

(10) “Solvang, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959 (photorevised 1974);

(11) “Zaca Creek, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1959; and

(12) “Zaca Lake, Cal.”, 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964.

(c) Boundaries. The Santa Ynez Valley viticultural area is located within Santa Barbara County, California. The beginning point is found on the “Los Alamos, California” U.S.G.S. map where California Highway 246 (indicated as Highway 150 on the Los Alamos map) intersects with the 120°22′30″ longitude line.

(1) Then north following the 120°22′30″ longitude line to Cebada Canyon Road.

(2) Then northeast following Cebada Canyon Road and an unnamed jeep trail to the northern boundary of Section 9, T. 7 N., R. 33 W.

(3) Then east following the northern boundaries of Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 7, and 8 to the northeast corner of Section 8, T. 7 N., R. 33 W.

(4) Then south following the eastern boundaries of Sections 8 and 17 to the intersection with the boundary dividing the La Laguna and San Carlos de Jonata Land Grants.

(5) Then east following the boundary between the La Laguna and the San Carlos de Jonata Land Grants to the intersection with Canada de Santa Ynez.

(6) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 3.6 miles to Benchmark 947 at U.S. Highway 101.

(7) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 2.6 miles to the southwest corner of the La Zaca Land Grant.

(8) Then following the boundary of the La Zaca Land Grant north, then east to its northeast corner.

(9) Then east in a straight line for approximately 2.0 miles to the point of intersection of the La Laguna and Sisquoc Land Grants with the Los Padres National Forest.

(10) Then following the boundary of the Los Padres National Forest south, east, and south until it intersects with the eastern boundary of Section 29, T. 7 N., R. 29 W.

(11) Then south following the eastern boundaries of Sections 29, 32, 5, 8, and 17 to the boundary of the Cachuma Recreation Area at Bitt Benchmark 1074.

(12) Then following the boundary of the Cachuma Recreation Area west and south to the point of intersection with the Los Padres National Forest.

(13) Then south and west following the boundary of the Los Padres National Forest to its intersection with the Las Cruces Land Grant at the southwest corner of Section 12, T. 5 N., R. 32 W.

(14) Then north following the boundary of the Las Cruces Land Grant to the southeast corner of Section 26, T. 6 N., R. 32 W.

(15) Then west following the southern boundaries of Sections 26, 27, 28, and 29 to the intersection with the northern boundary of the San Julian Land Grant at the southwestern corner of Section 29, T. 6 N., R. 32 W.

(16) Then northwest following the boundary of the San Julian Land Grant to its intersection with the 120°22′30″ longitude line.

(17) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 3.2 miles to the point where Santa Rosa Road intersects Salsipuedes Creek.

(18) Then following Salsipuedes Creek downstream to the point of confluence with the Santa Ynez River.

(19) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 1.4 miles to an unnamed hill, elevation 597 feet.

(20) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 1.7 miles to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-132, 48 FR 16252, Apr. 15, 1983]

§ 9.55 - Bell Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Bell Mountain.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Bell Mountain viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. map, titled: Willow City Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1967.

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Bell Mountain viticultural area is located in Gillespie County, Texas. The starting point of the following boundary description is the summit of Bell Mountain (1,956 feet).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the starting point, the boundary proceeds due southward for exactly one half mile;

(ii) Then southeastward in a straight line to the intersection of Willow City Loop Road with an unnamed unimproved road, where marked with an elevation of 1,773 feet;

(iii) Then generally southward along Willow City Loop Road (a light-duty road) to Willow City.

(iv) Then continuing southward and westward along the same light-duty road to the intersection having an elevation of 1,664 feet;

(v) Then continuing westward along the light-duty road to the intersection having an elevation of 1,702 feet;

(vi) Then turning southward along the light-duty road to the intersection having an elevation of 1,736 feet;

(vii) Then turning westward along the light-duty road to the intersection having an elevation of 1,784 feet;

(viii) Then turning southward and then westward, following the light-duty road to its intersection with Texas Highway 16, where marked with an elevation of 1,792 feet;

(ix) Then due westward to the longitude line 98°45′;

(x) Then northward along that longitude line to a point due west of an unnamed peak with an elevation of 1,784 feet;

(xi) Then due eastward to the summit of that unnamed peak;

(xii) Then in a straight line eastward to the intersection of an unnamed unimproved road with Texas Highway 16, where marked with an elevation of 1,822 feet;

(xiii) Then following that unnamed road, taking the right-hand fork at an intersection, to a point due west of the summit of Bell Mountain;

(xiv) Then due eastward to the summit of Bell Mountain.

[T.D. ATF-238, 51 FR 36400, Oct. 10, 1986]

§ 9.56 - San Lucas.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Lucas.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of San Lucas viticultural area are the following four U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 7.5 minute series:

San Lucas, CA, 1949, photorevised 1979, Nattrass Valley, CA, 1967, San Ardo, CA, 1967, and, Espinosa Canyon, CA, 1949, photorevised 1979.

(c) Boundary. The San Lucas viticultural area is located in Monterey County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

Beginning on the “San Lucas Quadrangle” map at the northwest corner of section 5 in Township 21 South, Range 9 East, the boundary proceeds northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.35 mile to the 630-foot promontory in section 32, T. 20 S., R. 9 E.;

(1) Then east southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.6 mile to the 499-foot promontory in the southwest corner of section 33, T. 20 S., R. 9 E.;

(2) Then east southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to the 847-foot promontory in section 3, T. 21 S., R. 9 E., on the “Nattrass Valley Quadrangle” map;

(3) Then south southeasterly in a straight line approximately 2.2 miles to the 828-foot promontory in section 14, T. 21 S., R. 9 E., on the “San Ardo Quadrangle” map;

(4) Then east southeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.3 miles to the 868-foot promontory in section 13, T. 21 S., R. 9 E.;

(5) Then southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.94 mile to the 911-foot promontory in section 19, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(6) Then easterly in a straight line approximately 1.28 miles to the 1,042-foot promontory in section 20, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(7) Then east northeasterly in a straight line approximately 1.28 miles to the 998-foot promontory in southeast corner of section 16, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(8) Then southerly in a straight line approximately 2.24 miles to the 1,219-foot promontory near the east boundary of section 28, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(9) Then southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.5 miles to the 937-foot promontory near the north boundary of section 32, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(10) Then southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.34 mile to the 833-foot promontory in section 32, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(11) Then south southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.5 mile to the 886-foot “Rosenberg” promontory in section 32, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.;

(12) Then south southeasterly approximately 1.1 miles to the 781-foot promontory in section 5, T. 22 S., R. 10 E.;

(13) Then southeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile to the 767-foot promontory in section 9, T. 22 S., R. 10 E.;

(14) Then southerly in a straight line approximately 0.5 mile to the 647-foot promontory along the south boundary of section 9, T. 22 S., R. 10 E.;

(15) Then southwesterly in a straight line approximately 2.67 miles to the 835-foot promontory in section 19, T. 22 S., R. 10 E.;

(16) Then west southwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the 1,230-foot promontory in section 24, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.;

(17) Then north northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to the 1,149-foot promontory in section 14, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.;

(18) Then northwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.57 mile to the 1,128-foot promontory in section 11, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.;

(19) Then west southwesterly in a straight line approximately 0.58 mile to the 1,220-foot promontory near the north boundary of section 15, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.;

(20) Then northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.33 miles to the 1,071-foot promontory in the northwest corner of section 9, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.;

(21) Then northwesterly in a straight line approximately 2.82 miles to the 1,004-foot promontory in section 31, T. 21 S., R. 9 E., on the “Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle” map;

(22) Then north northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.32 miles to the 882-foot promontory in section 25, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.;

(23) Then northwesterly in a straight line approximately 1.05 miles to the 788-foot promontory in section 23, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.;

(24) Then northeasterly approximately 1.3 miles to the 595-foot promontory, section 13, T21S, R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle);

(25) Then northeasterly approximately 0.6 mile to the intersection of a meandering, unnamed, light duty road and the fork of an intermittent stream, then continue meandering northeasterly, followed by southeasterly, approximately 1.1 miles to its intersection with an unnamed, light duty road south of the windmill, T21, R8E (Espinosa Canyon Quadrangle);

(26) Then northeasterly along the unnamed road approximately 0.6 mile to its intersection with the Salinas River, then continue 0.8 mile north in a straight line to benchmark 340, between U.S. Highway 101 and the Salinas River, in T21S, R9E (San Lucas Quadrangle);

(27) Then approximately 0.4 mile northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection with a water tank, then continues northeasterly in a straight line approximately 0.7 mile, and return to the point of beginning in the northwest corner of section 5, in T21S, R9E (San Lucas Quadrangle).

[T.D. ATF-248, 52 FR 2945, Jan. 29, 1987, as amended by T.D. TTB-14, 69 FR 38836, June 29, 2004]

§ 9.57 - Green Valley of Russian River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Green Valley of Russian River Valley”. For purposes of part 4 of this chapter, “Green Valley of Russian River Valley” is a term of viticultural significance. “Sonoma County Green Valley” is also a term of viticultural significance until April 23, 2009.

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Green Valley of Russian River Valley viticultural area are three United States Geological Survey maps. They are titled:

(1) “Sebastopol Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co.”, 7.5 minute series (1954, photorevised 1980);

(2) “Camp Meeker Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co.”, 7.5 minute series (1954, photorevised 1971); and

(3) “Guerneville Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co.”, 7.5 minute series (1955).

(c) Boundary. The Green Valley of Russian River Valley viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The beginning point is located in the northeastern portion of the “Camp Meeker Quadrangle” map where the line separating Section 31 from Section 32, in Township 8 North (T.8N.), Range 9 West (R.9W.) intersects River Road.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs south along the line separating Section 31 from Section 32, continuing south along Covey Road (shown on the map as an unnamed, light-duty road) to the town of Forestville where Covey Road intersects with State Highway 116 (Gravenstein Highway).

(2) Thence east along State Highway 116 until it turns in a southeasterly direction and then proceeding along State Highway 116 in a southeasterly direction until the point at which State Highway 116 intersects State Highway 12 in the town of Sebastopol (located on the “Sebastopol Quadrangle” map);

(3) Thence in a southwesterly direction on State Highway 12 through the town of Sebastopol;

(4) Thence in a westerly direction on State Highway 12, which becomes Bodega Road, until Bodega Road intersects with Pleasant Hill Road;

(5) Thence in a southerly direction on Pleasant Hill Road until it intersects with Water Trough Road;

(6) Thence westerly and then northwesterly on Water Trough Road until it intersects with Gold Ridge Road;

(7) Thence in a southwesterly, northwesterly, and then a northeasterly direction along Gold Ridge Road until it intersects with Bodega Road;

(8) Thence in a southwesterly direction along Bodega Road until Bodega Road intersects with Jonive Road in Township 6 North (T.6N.), Range 9 West (R.9W.) located in the southeast portion of U.S.G.S. map “Camp Meeker Quadrangle”;

(9) Thence proceeding in a northwesterly direction on Jonive Road until it intersects Occidental Road;

(10) Thence proceeding on Occidental Road in a northwesterly direction until Occidental Road intersects the west border of Section 35;

(11) Thence proceeding due north along the west borders of Sections 35, 26, 23, and 14 to the northwest corner of Section 14;

(12) Thence in an easterly direction along the north border of Section 14 to the northeast corner of Section 14;

(13) Thence north along the west borders of Sections 12, 1, and 36 to the northwest corner of Section 36 located in the extreme southern portion of the “Guerneville Quadrangle” map;

(14) Thence in an easterly direction along the north border of Section 36 until it intersects with River Road;

(15) Thence in a southeasterly direction along River Road to the point of beginning located on the “Camp Meeker Quadrangle” map.

(d) From December 21, 1983, until April 23, 2007, the name of this viticultural area was “Sonoma County Green Valley”. Effective April 23, 2007, this viticulture area is named “Green Valley of Russian River Valley”. Existing certificates of label approval showing “Sonoma County Green Valley” as the appellation of origin will be revoked by operation of this regulation on April 23, 2009.

[T.D. ATF-161, 48 FR 52579, Nov. 21, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-60, 72 FR 13692, Mar. 23, 2007]

§ 9.58 - Carmel Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Carmel Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Carmel Valley viticultural area are five U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) Mt. Carmel, Calif., dated 1956;

(2) Carmel Valley, Calif., dated 1956;

(3) Ventana Cones, Calif., dated 1956;

(4) Chews Ridge, Calif., dated 1956; and

(5) Rana Creek, Calif., dated 1956.

(c) Boundary. The Carmel Valley viticultural area is located in Monterey County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the northeast corner of Section 5 in Township 17 South, Range 2 East.

(2) The boundary follows the Los Laurelles Land Grant boundary south, then easterly, to the north-south section line dividing Section 9 from Section 10 in Township 17 South, Range 2 East.

(3) The boundary follows this section line south to the southwest corner of Section 22 in Township 17 South, Range 2 East.

(4) From this point, the boundary follows section lines in Township 17 South, Range 2 East:

(i) To the southeast corner of Section 22,

(ii) To the southwest corner of Section 26,

(iii) To the southeast corner of Section 26,

(iv) To the southwest corner of Section 36.

(5) From this point, the boundary follows the Los Padres National Forest boundary east, then south, then east to the southwest corner of Section 9 in Township 18 South, Range 3 East.

(6) The boundary follows the section line east to the southeast corner of the same section, where the section line rejoins the Los Padres National Forest boundary.

(7) The boundary follows the Los Padres National Forest boundary to the north-south section line dividing Section 11 from Section 12 in Township 18 South, Range 3 East.

(8) The boundary follows this section line north to the township line dividing Township 17 South from Township 18 South.

(9) The boundary follows this township line west to the north-south section line dividing Section 34 from Section 35 in Township 17 South, Range 3 East.

(10) The boundary follows this section line north to the Los Tularcitos Land Grant boundary.

(11) The boundary follows the Los Tularcitos Land Grant boundary northwesterly to the Carmel River.

(12) The boundary follows the Carmel River northerly to the Los Tularcitos Land Grant boundary.

(13) The boundary follows the Los Tularcitos Land Grant boundary northeasterly to the unsurveyed township line (approximate location denoted by a line of red dashes) dividing Township 16 South from Township 17 South.

(14) The boundary follows the unsurveyed township line west to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-119, 47 FR 55916, Dec. 14, 1982, as amended by T.D. TTB-91, 76 FR 5477, Feb. 1, 2011]

§ 9.59 - Arroyo Seco.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Arroyo Seco.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Arroyo Seco viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Greenfield, California,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1956;

(2) “Paraiso Springs, California,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1956;

(3) “Soledad, California,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955; and

(4) “Sycamore Flat, California,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1956 (photoinspected 1972).

(c) Boundaries. The Arroyo Seco viticultural area is located in Monterey County, California. The beginning point is found on the “Sycamore Flat” U.S.G.S. map at the intersection of Jamesburg Road (known locally as Carmel Valley Road) and Arroyo Seco Road, near the intersection of sections 21, 22, 28, and 27, T.19 S., R. 5 E. From the beginning point, proceed southwesterly along Arroyo Seco Road to its intersection with Piney Creek.

(1) Then southeasterly along Piney Creek to its confluence with the Arroyo Seco in section 27, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(2) Then northerly along the Arroyo Seco to its intersection with the southern boundary of section 22, T. 19 S., R 5 E.

(3) Then east following the southern boundaries of Sections 22, 23, 24, 19, and 20 to the southeastern corner of Section 20, T. 19 S., R. 6 E.

(4) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 1.3 miles to the summit of Pettits Peak.

(5) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 1.8 miles to the point where the 400′ contour line intersects the northern boundary of Section 14, T. 19 S., R. 6 E.

(6) Then east following the 400′ contour line to a point immediately west of the Reservoir within the Posa de los Ositos Land Grant.

(7) Then following the ridge line in a northeasterly direction for approximately 7.5 miles to U.S. Highway 101 at the intersection of Underwood Road.

(8) Then east following Underwood Road to its intersection with the Posa de los Ositos Land Grant.

(9) Then north following the boundary of the Posa de los Ositos Land Grant to the west bank of the Salinas River.

(10) Then northwest following the west bank of the Salinas River to the southern boundary of Section 17, T. 18 S., R. 7 E.

(11) Then due west for approximately 2.0 miles following the southern boundary of Section 17, and continuing to U.S. Highway 101.

(12) Then south following Paraiso Road to its intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road north of Clark Road in Section 20, T18S/R6E.

(13) Then east-southeast along the unnamed road for 0.3 mile to its intersection with an intermittent stream.

(14) Then southwesterly along the intermittent stream for 0.2 mile to its intersection with the western boundary of Section 21, T18S/R6E.

(15) Then south-southwest in a straight line for approximately 0.3 mile to the intersection of Clark Road and the southern boundary of Section 21, T18S/R6E.

(16) Then west-southwest along Clark Road for 0.2 mile to its intersection with an unnamed, light-duty road.

(17) Then east-northeasterly along Clark Road for approximately 1,000 feet to its intersection with an unnamed light-duty road to the south.

(18) Then in a straight south-southeasterly line for approximately 1.9 miles to the line's intersection with the southeast corner of section 33, T18S, R6E (this line coincides with the unnamed light duty road for approximately 0.4 miles and then with the eastern boundaries of sections 29, 32 and 33, T18S, R6E, which mark this portion of the western boundary of the historical Arroyo Seco Land Grant).

(19) Then straight west along the southern boundary of section 33, T18S, R6E, to its southwest corner.

(20) Then due south following the eastern boundaries of Sections 5, 8, and 17, to Arroyo Seco Road.

(21) Then southwest in a straight line for approximately 1.0 mile to Bench Mark 673.

(22) Then west in a straight line for approximately 1.8 miles to Bench Mark 649.

(23) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 0.2 mile to the northeast corner of Section 23, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(24) Then west following the northern boundaries of Section 23 and 22 to the northwest corner of Section 22, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(25) Then south in a straight line for approximately 1.0 mile to the point of beginning.

(d) Transition period. A label containing the words “Arroyo Seco” in the brand name or as an appellation of origin approved prior to September 24, 2021 may be used on wine bottled before August 25, 2023, if the wine conforms to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.25 or § 4.39(i) of this chapter in effect prior to September 24, 2021.

[T.D. ATF-131, 48 FR 16246, Apr. 15, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-49, 71 FR 34527, June 15, 2006; T.D. TTB-153, 83 FR 64276, Dec. 14, 2018; T.D. TTB-172, 86 FR 47379, Aug. 25, 2021; 86 FR 52825, Sept. 23, 2021]

§ 9.60 - Shenandoah Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Shenandoah Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Shenandoah Valley viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. Eastern United States 1:250,000 scale maps. The maps are titled: Roanoke (1971), Charlottesville (1956, with a revision in 1965), Cumberland (1956, revised 1969) and Baltimore (1957, revised 1978).

(c) Boundaries. The Shenandoah Valley Viticultural area is located in Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah, Page, Rockingham, Augusta, Rockbridge, Botetourt, and Amherst Counties in Virginia, and Berkeley and Jefferson Counties in West Virginia. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) The boundary line starts at the point of the intersection of the Potomac River and the Virginia-West Virginia State line approximately eight miles east of Charlestown, West Virginia.

(2) Then the boundary proceeds southwesterly approximately 14.8 miles along the State line, which essentially follows the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to its intersection with the western border line of Clarke County, Virginia.

(3) Then the boundary continues approximately 13.8 miles southwesterly along the county line and the crest of the Blue Ridge to its intersection with the western boundary line of Warren County, Virginia.

(4) Then the boundary continues approximately 15 miles along the Warren County line to its intersection with the Skyline Drive.

(5) Then the boundary continues approximately 71 miles in a southwesterly direction along the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge to its intersection with the Blue Ridge Parkway.

(6) Then the boundary continues approximately 53 miles in a southeasterly direction along the Blue Ridge Parkway to its intersection with the James River.

(7) Then the boundary proceeds approximately 44 miles along the James River in a west-northwesterly direction to its intersection with the northwest boundary line of the Jefferson National Forest near Eagle Rock.

(8) Then the boundary proceeds approximately 10.5 miles in a northeasterly direction along the Jefferson National Forest line and along the crest of North Mountain to its intersection with the western boundary line of Rockbridge County.

(9) Then the boundary continues approximately 23 miles along the county line in the same northeasterly direction to its intersection with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.

(10) Then the boundary continues approximately 23 miles along the railroad between the Great North Mountain and the Little North Mountain to its intersection with the southeastern boundary line of the George Washington National Forest at Buffalo Gap.

(11) Then the boundary continues approximately 81 miles northeasterly along the George Washington National Forest Line to the Vertical Control Station, (elevation 1883), on the crest of Little North Mountain approximately 3 miles west of Van Buren Furnace.

(12) Then the boundary line continues approximately 53 miles northeasterly along the crest of Little North Mountain to its intersection with the Potomac River in Fort Frederick State Park.

(13) Then the boundary continues approximately 47.4 miles southeasterly along the Potomac River to the beginning point at that River's intersection with the boundary line between West Virginia and Virginia.

[T.D. ATF-120, 47 FR 57698, Dec. 28, 1982, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5958, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.61 - El Dorado.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “El Dorado.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved U.S.G.S. topographic maps (7.5 series; quadrangles) showing the boundaries of the El Dorado viticultural area, including quadrangles showing the area within the boundaries, are as follows:

(1) “Pilot Hill, California,” 1954 (photorevised 1973);

(2) “Auburn, California,” 1953 (photorevised 1973);

(3) “Greenwood, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(4) “Georgetown, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(5) “Foresthill, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(6) “Michigan Bluff, California,” 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(7) “Tunnel Hill, California,” 1950 (photorevised 1973);

(8) “Slate Mountain, California,” 1950 (photorevised 1973);

(9) “Pollock Pines, California,” 1950 (photorevised 1973);

(10) “Stump Spring, California,” 1951 (photorevised 1973);

(11) “Caldor, California,” 1951 (photorevised 1973);

(12) “Omo Ranch, California,” 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(13) “Aukum, California,” 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(14) “Fiddletown, California,” 1949;

(15) “Latrobe, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(16) “Shingle Springs, California,” 1949;

(17) “Coloma, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(18) “Garden Valley, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(19) “Placerville, California,” 1949 (photorevised 1973);

(20) “Camino, California,” 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(21) “Sly Park, California,” 1952 (photorevised 1973);

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the El Dorado viticultural area which is located in El Dorado County, California, are as follows:

(1) The beginning point of the boundaries is the intersection of the North Fork of the American River (also the boundary line between El Dorado and Placer Counties) and the township line “T. 11 N./T. 12 N.” (“Pilot Hill” Quadrangle);

(2) Thence northeast along the North Fork of the American River to its divergence with the Middle Fork of the American River, continuing then, following the Middle Fork of the American River to its intersection with the Rubicon River which continues as the boundary line between El Dorado and Placer Counties (“Auburn,” “Greenwood,” “Georgetown,” “Foresthill,” and “Michigan Bluff” Quadrangles);

(3) Thence southeast along the Rubicon River to its intersection with the range line “R. 11 E./R. 12 E.” (“Tunnel Hill” Quadrangle);

(4) Thence south along the range line through T. 13 N. and T. 12 N., to its intersection with the township line “T. 12 N./T. 11 N.” (“Tunnel Hill” and “Slate Mountain” Quadrangles);

(5) Thence east along the range line to its intersection with the range line “R. 12 E./R. 13 E.” (“Slate Mountains” and “Pollock Pines” Quadrangles);

(6) Thence south along the range line to its intersection with the township line “T. 11 N./T. 10 N.” (“Pollock Pines” Quadrangle);

(7) Thence east along the township line to its intersection with the range line “R. 13 E./R. 14 E.” (“Pollock Pines” and “Stump Spring” Quadrangles);

(8) Thence south along the range line through T. 10 N., T. 9 N., and T. 8 N. to its intersection with the South Fork of the Cosumnes River (also the boundary line between El Dorado and Amador Counties) (“Stump Spring” and “Caldor” Quadrangles);

(9) Thence west and northwest along the South Fork of the Cosumnes River to its intersection with range line “R. 11 E./R. 10 E.” (“Caldor,” “Omo Ranch,” “Aukum,” and “Fiddletown” Quadrangles);

(10) Thence north along the range line to its intersection with the township line “T. 8 N./T. 9 N.” (“Fiddletown” Quadrangle);

(11) Thence west along the township line to its intersection with range line “R. 10 E./R. 9 E.” (“Fiddletown” and “Latrobe” Quadrangles);

(12) Thence north along the range line to its intersection with U.S. Route 50;

(13) Thence west along U.S. Route 50 to its intersection with Cameron Park Drive;

(14) Thence north along Cameron Park Drive to its intersection with Green Valley Road;

(15) Thence east along Green Valley Road to its intersection with range line R.10 E/ R.9 E;

(16) Thence north along the range line to its intersection with the township line T.10 N./ T.11 N;

(17) Thence east along the township line approximately 4,000 feet to its intersection with the range line “R. 9 E./R. 10 E.” (“Coloma” Quadrangle);

(18) Thence north on the range line to its intersection with the township line “T. 11 N./T. 12 N.” (“Coloma” Quadrangle); and

(19) Thence west along the township line to the point of beginning (“Coloma” and “Pilot Hill” Quadrangles).

[T.D. ATF-152, 48 FR 46520, Oct. 13, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-254, 52 FR 23651, June 24, 1987]

§ 9.62 - Loramie Creek.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Loramie Creek.”

(b) Approved map. The approved map for the Loramie Creek viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. map entitled “Fort Loramie Quadrangle, Ohio—Shelby Co.,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1961 (photoinspected 1973).

(c) Boundaries. The Loramie Creek viticultural area is located entirely within Shelby County, Ohio. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) From the beginning point of the boundary at the intersection of State Route 47 and Wright-Puthoff Road, the boundary runs southward on Wright-Puthoff Road for a distance of 1 3/8 miles to the intersection of the Wright-Puthoff Road with Consolidated Railroad Corporation (indicated on the U.S.G.S. map as New York Central Railroad);

(2) Then along the Consolidated Railroad Corporation right-of-way in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 2 1/8 miles to the intersection of the Consolidated Railroad Corporation right-of-way with Loramie Creek;

(3) Then upstream along Loramie Creek in a northwesterly direction for a distance of approximately 3 1/2 miles to the intersection of Loramie Creek and State Route 47;

(4) Then eastward on State Route 47 for a distance of approximately 4 1/8 miles to the beginning point of State Route 47 and Wright-Puthoff Road.

[T.D. ATF-118, 47 span 53356, Nov. 26, 1982]

§ 9.63 - Linganore.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Linganore.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Linganor viticultural area are five U.S.G.S topographic maps. They are—

(1) “Walkersville Quadrangle, Maryland—Frederick Co.”, 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1979);

(2) “Libertytown Quadrangle, Maryland”, 7.5 minute series, 1944 (Photorevised 1971);

(3) “Damascus Quadrangle, Maryland”, 7.5 minute series, 1944 (Photorevised 1979);

(4) “Winfield Quadrangle, Maryland”, 7.5 minute series, 1950 (Photorevised 1979); and

(5) “Union Bridge Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971).

(c) Boundaries. The Linganore viticultural area is located in north central Maryland and encompasses parts of Frederick and Carroll Counties. From the beginning point lying at the confluence of Linganore Creek and the Monocacy River, on the Walkersville Quadrangle map, the boundary runs—

(1) South-southeasterly 5,000 feet in a straight line to the point lying approximately 1,000 feet south of Interstate Highway 70 at the intersection of two unnamed light duty roads in the town of Bartonsville;

(2) Then east-southeasterly 15,500 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of Mussetter Road and latitude line 39 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds;

(3) Then east-northeasterly 8,125 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of Mill Road and State Highway 144;

(4) Then easterly along State Highway 144 on the Walkersville Quadrangle, Libertytown Quadrangle, and Damascus Quadrangle maps to the point of intersection with State Highway 27, approximately midway between the towns of Ridgeville and Parrsville, on the Damascus Quadrangle map;

(5) Then northeasterly along State Highway 27 on the Damascus Quadrangle, Libertytown Quadrangle, and Winfield Quadrangle maps to the point of intersection with State Highway 26 in the town of Taylorsville on the Winfield Quadrangle map;

(6) Then northerly 2,750 feet in a straight line to the point on a hill identified as having an elevation of 850 feet;

(7) Then northwesterly 21,000 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of State Highway 31 and latitude line 39 degrees 30 minutes on the Libertytown Quadrangle and Union Bridge Quadrangle maps;

(8) Then westerly 15,625 feet along latitude line 39 degrees 30 minutes to the point of intersection with Copper Mine Road;

(9) Then northwesterly along Copper Mine Road on the Union Bridge Quadrangle map to the point of intersection with longitude line 77 degrees 15 minutes;

(10) Then southerly 5,250 feet along longitude line 77 degrees 15 minutes to the point of intersection with latitude line 39 degrees 30 minutes on the Union Bridge Quadrangle and Walkersville Quadrangle maps;

(11) Then southwesterly 46,750 feet in a straight line on the Walkersville Quadrangle map to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-140, 48 FR 37374, Aug. 18, 1983]

§ 9.64 - Dry Creek Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Dry Creek Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Dry Creek Valley viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. topographic maps. They are—

(1) “Geyserville Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1975);

(2) “Jimtown Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1975);

(3) “Healdsburg Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1980);

(4) “Guerneville Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1955;

(5) “Cazadero Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1978; and

(6) “Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle (formerly ‘Skaggs Springs Quadrangle’), California—Sonoma County,” 7.5 minute series, 1978.

(c) Boundaries. The Dry Creek Valley viticultural area is located in north central Sonoma County, California. From the beginning point, lying at the intersection of latitude line 38 degrees 45 minutes and the northwest corner of Section 5, T. 10 N., R. 10 W. on the “Geyserville Quadrangle” map, the boundary runs—

(1) Southeasterly in a straight line approximately 11,000 feet (closely following the ridge line) to the northeast corner of Section 9, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.;

(2) Then southerly along the east line of Section 9 to the southeast corner thereof;

(3) Then S. 74 degrees, E. 2,800 feet in a straight line to the northeasterly tip of a small unnamed lake;

(4) Then N. 57 degrees, E. 2,300 feet in a straight line to the southeast corner of Section 10, T. 10 N., R. 10 W.;

(5) Then S. 16 degrees, E. 1,800 feet in a straight line to the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 664 feet;

(6) Then S. 55 degrees, E. 7,900 feet in a straight line to the most northerly point on the northeasterly line of “Olive Hill” cemetery lying on the easterly side of Canyon Road;

(7) Then southeasterly along the northeasterly line of “Olive Hill” cemetery to the most easterly point thereon;

(8) Then S. 2 degrees, E. 3,100 feet in a straight line to the point in the westerly fork of Wood Creek lying at the westerly terminus of a dirt road;

(9) Then southerly 3,000 feet along the west fork of Wood Creek to the point lying 400 feet north of the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 781 feet;

(10) Then southerly 400 feet in a straight line to the point on a peak identified as having an elevation of 781 feet;

(11) Then S. 50 1/2 degrees, E. 15,500 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of Lytton Creek and the township line common to T. 9 N. and T. 10 N. in R. 9 W.;

(12) Then southerly along the meanders of Lytton Creek to the point of intersection with Lytton Springs Road in T. 9 N., R. 9 W.;

(13) Then easterly along Lytton Springs Road to the point of intersection with U.S. Highway 101 (a.k.a. Redwood Highway) on the “Jimtown Quadrangle” map;

(14) Then southerly along U.S. Highway 101 to the point of intersection with an unnamed light duty road (known locally as Chiquita Road) on the “Geyserville Quadrangle” map;

(15) Then easterly along the unnamed light duty road to the point of intersection with an unnamed heavy duty road (known locally as Healdsburg Avenue) on the “Jimtown Quadrangle” map;

(16) Then southerly along the unnamed heavy duty road through the town of Healdsburg to the point of intersection with the Russian River on the “Healdsburg Quadrangle” map;

(17) Then southerly along the meanders of the Russian River to the confluence of Dry Creek;

(18) Then west-southwesterly 1,300 feet in a straight line to an unnamed light duty road (known locally as Foreman Lane);

(19) Then westerly along the unnamed light duty road, crossing West Dry Creek Road and passing Felta School, to the point of intersection with Felta Creek on the “Guerneville Quadrangle” map;

(20) Then southwesterly 18,000 feet along the meanders of Felta Creek to the point lying at the intersection of three springs in T. 8 N., R. 10 W., approximately 300 feet east from the word “Springs”;

(21) Then S. 58 degrees, W. 15,000 feet in a straight line to the southwest corner of Section 9, T. 8 N., R. 10 W.;

(22) Then northerly along the west line of Sections 9 and 4, T. 8 N., R. 10 W., continuing along the west line of Section 33, T. 9 N., R. 10 W. to the northwest corner thereof;

(23) Then westerly along the south line of Sections 29 and 30, T. 9 N., R. 10 W. to the southwest corner of Section 30 on the “Cazadero Quadrangle” map;

(24) Then northerly along the west line of Sections 30 and 19, T. 9 N., R. 10 W. to the northwest corner of Section 19;

(25) Then westerly along the south line of Section 13, T. 9 N., R. 11 W. to the southwest corner thereof;

(26) Then southwesterly 14,200 feet in a straight line to the northeast corner of Section 20, T. 9 N., R. 11 W.;

(27) Then westerly along the north line of Section 20 to the northwest corner thereof;

(28) Then northerly along the east line of Sections 18, 7, and 6, T. 9 N., R. 11 W., continuing along the east line of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7, and 6, T. 10 N., R. 11 W. to the point of intersection with latitude line 38 degrees 45 minutes on the “Warm Springs Dam Quadrangle” map; and

(29) Then easterly along latitude line 38 degrees 45 minutes to the point of beginning on the “Geyserville Quadrangle” map.

[T.D. ATF-137, 48 span 35397, Aug. 4, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-468, 66 span 50565, Oct. 4, 2001]

§ 9.65 - North Fork of Roanoke.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “North Fork of Roanoke.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the North Fork of Roanoke viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. Virginia, 7.5 minute series maps. They are:

(1) McDonalds Mill Quadrangle, 1965;

(2) Glenvar Quadrangle, 1965;

(3) Elliston Quadrangle, 1965;

(4) Ironto Quadrangle, 1965;

(5) Blacksburg Quadrangle, 1965; and

(6) Newport Quadrangle, 1965.

(c) Boundaries. The North Fork of Roanoke viticultural area is located in parts of Roanoke and Montgomery Counties in southern Virginia.

(1) The point of the beginning is in the north at the intersection of State Routes 785 and 697 in Roanoke County.

(2) Then the boundary follows State Route 697 northeast over Crawford Ridge to the intersection at State Route 624.

(3) Then the boundary turns southwest on State Route 624 along the boundary of the Jefferson National Forest and then continues across the Montgomery County line to U.S. 460 (business).

(4) Then the boundary follows U.S. Route 460 (business) south through the town of Blacksburg.

(5) Then the boundary continues on U.S. Route 460 (bypass) to the intersection of U.S. Route 460 East, where it turns east for approximately one mile to the intersection of U.S. Interstate Highway 81 at Interchange 37.

(6) Then the boundary continues northeast on Interstate Highway 81 to its intersection with State Route 603 at interchange 38.

(7) Then the boundary continues northwest on State Route 603 to its intersection with State Route 629.

(8) Then the boundary follows State Route 629 (which later becomes State Route 622 north of Brandshaw Creek) 2 miles across the Roanoke County line to where it intersects the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company right-of-way.

(9) Then the boundary turns northwest along the C & P right-of-way over Pearis Mountain to the point where the right-of-way intersects State Route 785, one quarter mile northeast of the intersections of State Routes 785 and 697.

(10) Then the boundary follows State Route 784 back to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-129, 48 FR 16250, Apr. 15, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5958, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.66 - Russian River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Russian River Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Russian River Valley viticultural area are 11 United States Geological Survey 1:24,000 Scale topographic maps. They are titled:

(1) Healdsburg, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1993;

(2) Guerneville, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1993;

(3) Cazadero, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1978;

(4) Duncans Mills California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1979;

(5) Camp Meeker, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1995;

(6) Valley Ford, California Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1954; photorevised 1971;

(7) Two Rock, California Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1954; photorevised 1971;

(8) Sebastopol, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1954; photorevised 1980;

(9) Santa Rosa, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1954;

(10) Mark West Springs, California Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1998;

(11) Jimtown, California Quadrangle—Sonoma Co., 7.5 Minute Series, edition of 1993; and

(12) Cotati Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co., scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundaries. The Russian River Valley viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California.

(1) Starting point Healdsburg map-Healdsburg Avenue Bridge over the Russian River at Healdsburg. Proceed south along Russian River to the point where Russian River and Dry Creek converge, from this point proceed west in a straight line to Forman Lane.

(2) Proceed west along Foreman Lane to where it crosses Westside Road and becomes Felta School Road.

(3) Proceed west on Felta School Road to the point where it crosses Felta Creek.

(4) Proceed 18000′ up Felta Creek to its headwaters as shown on the Guerneville, map as “Springs.”

(5) Proceed southwest in a straight line 58 degrees W 27000′ to an intersection with Hulbert Creek on the Cazadero map.

(6) Proceed south and southeast along Hulbert Creek to the point where it intersects California Hwy 116 on the Duncan Mills map.

(7) Proceed in a westerly direction along California Hwy 116 to Monte Rio where it intersects the Bohemian Hwy.

(8) Proceed southeast along the Bohemian Highway, crossing over the Camp Meeker map, to the town of Freestone, where the highway intersects at BM 214 with an unnamed medium-duty road (known locally as Bodega Road, section 12, T6N, R10W, on the Valley Ford map).

(9) Proceed 0.9 mile northeast on Bodega Road to its intersection, at BM 486, with Jonvive Road to the north and an unnamed light duty road to the south, (known locally as Barnett Valley Road, T6N, R9W, on the Camp Meeker map).

(10) Proceed 2.2 miles south, and then east, on Barnett Valley Road, crossing over the Valley Ford map, to its intersection with Burnside Road in section 17, T6N, R9W, on the Two Rock map.

(11) Proceed 3.3 miles southeast on Burnside Road to its intersection with an unnamed medium duty road at BM 375, T6N, R9W, on the Two Rock map.

(12) Proceed 0.6 mile straight southeast to an unnamed 610-foot elevation peak, 1.5 miles southwest of Canfield School, T6N, R9W, on the Two Rock map.

(13) Proceed 0.75 mile straight east-southeast to an unnamed 641-foot elevation peak, 1.4 miles south-southwest of Canfield School, T6N, R9W, on the Two Rock map.

(14) Proceed 0.85 mile straight northeast to the intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream and Canfield Road; continue 0.3 mile straight in the same northeast line of direction to its intersection with the common boundary of Ranges 8 and 9, just west of an unnamed unimproved dirt road, T6N, on the Two Rock map.

(15) Proceed southeast 0.5 mile, crossing over the end of an unnamed, unimproved dirt road to an unnamed 524-foot elevation peak, T6N, R8W, on the Two Rock map.

(16) Proceed southeast 0.75 mile in a straight line to the intersection of an unnamed unimproved dirt road (leading to four barn-like structures) and an unnamed medium-duty road (known locally as Roblar Road), T6N, R8W, on the Two Rock map.

(17) Proceed south 0.5 mile to an unnamed 678-foot elevation peak just slightly north of the intersection of T5N and T6N, R8W, on the Two Rock map.

(18) Proceed east-southeast 0.8 mile to an unnamed peak with a 599-foot elevation, T5N, R8W, on the Two Rock map.

(19) Proceed east-southeast 0.7 mile to an unnamed peak with a 604-foot elevation, T5N, R8W, on the Two Rock map.

(20) Proceed east-southeast 0.9 mile to the intersection of a short, unnamed light-duty road leading past a group of barn-like structures and a medium duty road known locally as Meacham Road, and cross on to the Cotati map T5N, R8W.

(21) Proceed north-northeast 0.75 mile to the intersection of Meacham and Stony Point Roads, T5N, R8W, on the Cotati map.

(22) Proceed southeast 1.1 miles along Stony Point Road to the point where the 200-foot elevation contour line intersects Stony Point Road, T5N, R8W, on the Cotati map.

(23) Proceed north-northeast 0.5 mile to the point where an unnamed intermittent stream intersects U.S. 101, T5N, R8W, on the Cotati map.

(24) Proceed north 4.25 miles along U.S. 101 to the point where Santa Rosa Avenue exits U.S. 101 (approximately 0.5 mile north of the Wilfred Avenue overpass) T6N, R8W, on the Cotati map.

(25) Proceed north 1.1 miles along Santa Rosa Avenue to its intersection with Todd Road, crossing on to the Santa Rosa map, T6N, R8W, on the Santa Rosa map.

(26) Proceed 5.8 miles generally north along Santa Rosa Avenue, which becomes Mendocino Avenue, to its intersection with an unnamed secondary road, known locally as Bicentennial Way, 0.3 mile north-northwest of BM 161 on Mendocino Avenue, section 11, T7N, R8W, on the Santa Rosa map.

(27) Proceed 2.5 miles straight north, crossing over the 906-foot elevation peak in section 35 of the Santa Rosa map, to its intersection with Mark West Springs Road and the meandering 280-foot elevation in section 26, T8N, R8W, of the Mark West Springs map.

(28) Proceed 4.8 miles north-northwest along Mark West Springs Road, which becomes Porter Creek Road, to its intersection with Franz Valley Road, a light-duty road to the north of Porter Creek Road, in section 12, T8N, R8W, on the Mark West Springs map.

(29) Proceed in a northerly direction along Franz Valley Road to the northerly most crossing of Franz Creek.

(30) Proceed west along Franz Creek until it intersects the line separating Section 21 and Section 22.

(31) Proceed south on this line separating Section 21 and 22 to the corner common to Section 21 and 22 and Section 27 and 28.

(32) Proceed west from the common corner of Section 21 and 22 and 27 and 28 and in a straight line to the peak of Chalk Hill on the Healdsburg map.

(33) Proceed west from the peak of Chalk Hill in a straight line to the point where Brooks Creek joins the Russian River.

(34) Proceed north west in a straight line 8000′ to a peak marked 772′ elv. on the Jimtown map.

(35) Proceed north west in a straight line from hill top 772′ elv. to hill top 596′ elv.

(36) Proceed north west in a straight line from hill top 596′ elv. to hill top 516′ elv.

(37) Proceed north west in a straight line from hill top 516′ elv. to hill top 530′ elv.

(38) Proceed west in a straight line from hill top 530′ elv. to hill top 447′ elv.

(39) Proceed west in a straight line from hill top 447′ elv. to the point where Alexander Valley Road meets Healdsburg Avenue.

(40) Proceed south along Healdsburg Avenue through the city of Healdsburg on the Healdsburg map to the point where it crosses the Russian River at the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-159, 48 FR 48813, Oct. 21, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-7, 68 FR 67370, Dec. 2, 2003; T.D. TTB-32, 70 FR 53299, Sept. 8, 2005; T.D. TTB-97, 76 FR 70877, Nov. 16, 2011; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.67 - Catoctin.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Catoctin.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Catoctin viticultural area are 12 U.S.G.S. maps in the scale 1:24,000. They are—

(1) “Point of Rocks Quadrangle, Maryland—Virginia,” 7.5 minute series, 1970;

(2) “Buckeystown Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1952 (Photorevised 1971);

(3) “Frederick Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1980);

(4) “Catoctin Furnace Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1979);

(5) “Blue Ridge Summit Quadrangle, Maryland—Pennsylvania,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971);

(6) “Emmitsburg Quadrangle, Maryland—Pennsylvania,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971);

(7) “Smithsburg Quadrangle, Maryland—Pennsylvania,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971);

(8) “Myersville Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971);

(9) “Funkstown Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (Photorevised 1971);

(10) “Keedysville Quadrangle, Maryland—West Virginia,” 7.5 minute series, 1978;

(11) “Harpers Ferry Quadrangle, Virginia—Maryland—West Virginia,” 7.5 minute series, 1969; and

(12) “Charles Town Quadrangle, West Virginia—Virginia—Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1978;

(13) “Middletown Quadrangle, Maryland,” 7.5 minute series, 1953 (photorevised 1979);

(c) Boundaries. The Catoctin viticultural area is located in western Maryland and encompasses parts of Frederick and Washington Counties. From the beginning point at the point where U.S. Highway 15 crosses the Potomac River and enters the land mass of Maryland on the “Point of Rocks Quadrangle” map, the boundary runs—

(1) Northerly 1,100 feet in a straight line to the point of intersection with a 500-foot contour line;

(2) Then northeasterly along the meanders of the 500-foot contour line on the “Point of Rocks Quadrangle,” “Buckeystown Quadrangle,” “Frederick Quadrangle,” “Catoctin Furnace Quadrangle,” “Blue Ridge Summit Quadrangle,” and “Emmitsburg Quadrangle” maps to the point of intersection with the Maryland—Pennsylvania State line on the “Emmitsburg Quadrangle” map;

(3) Then west along the Maryland-Pennsylvania State line on the “Emmitsburg Quadrangle,” “Blue Ridge Summit Quadrangle,” and “Smithsburg Quadrangle” maps to the point of intersection with the first 800-foot contour line lying west of South Mountain on the “Smithsburg Quadrangle” map;

(4) Then southwesterly along the meanders of the 800-foot contour line on the “Smithburg Quadrangle,” “Myersville Quadrangle,” “Funkstown Quadrangle,” and “Keedysville Quadrangle” maps to the point of intersection with an unnamed light duty road (known locally as Clevelandville Road) north of the town of Clevelandville on the “Keedysville Quadrangle” map;

(5) Then southerly along the unnamed light duty road to the point of intersection with Reno Monument Road;

(6) Then southwesterly 13,500 feet in a straight line to the point lying at the intersection of Highway 67 and Millbrook Road;

(7) Then westerly along Millbrook Road to the point of intersection with Mount Briar Road;

(8) Then northerly along Mount Briar Road to the point of intersection with a 500-foot contour line;

(9) Then northerly along the 500-foot contour line to the point of intersection with Red Hill Road;

(10) Then southerly along the 500-foot contour line to the point of intersection with Porterstown Road;

(11) Then south-southwesterly 29,000 feet in a straight line to the most eastern point on the boundary line of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park lying north of the town of Dargan;

(12) Then southwesterly 7,500 feet in a straight line to the point of the “Harpers Ferry Quadrangle” map lying approximately 600 feet northwest of Manidokan Camp at the confluence of an unnamed stream and the Potomac River; and

(13) Then easterly along the meanders of the Potomac River on the “Harpers Ferry Quadrangle,” “Charles Town Quadrangle,” and “Point of Rocks Quadrangle” maps to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-154, 48 FR 46523, Oct. 13, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.68 - Merritt Island.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Merritt Island.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Merritt Island viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps, 7.5 minute series. They are entitled:

(1) “Clarksburg Quadrangle, California,” 1967 (Photo revised 1980); and

(2) “Courtland Quadrangle, California,” 1978.

(c) Boundaries. The Merritt Island viticultural area is located in Yolo County, California, six miles south of the City of Sacramento. The boundaries of the Merritt Island viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on the appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, are as follows:

(1) Starting at the most southernly point, the intersection of Sutter Slough with the Sacramento River.

(2) Then west along the course of Sutter Slough for 0.54 miles until it intersects Elk Slough.

(3) Then northeast along the course of Elk Slough for 9.58 miles to the community of Clarksburg and the intersection of Sacramento River.

(4) Then southeasterly along the course of the Sacramento River for 7.8 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-134, 48 FR 22146, May 17, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.69 - Yakima Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Yakima Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) maps used to determine the boundary of the Yakima Valley viticultural area are titled:

(1) Walla Walla, Washington (1:250,000 scale), 1953; limited revision 1963;

(2) Yakima, Washington (1:250,000 scale), 1958; revised 1971;

(3) Benton City, WA (1:24,000 scale), 2013;

(4) Badger Mountain, Washington (1:24,000 scale), 2013; and

(5) Richland, Washington (1:24,000 scale), 2014.

(c) Boundaries. The Yakima Valley viticultural area is located in Benton and Yakima Counties, Washington. The beginning point is found on the “Yakima, Washington,” U.S.G.S. map at the Wapato Dam located on the Yakima River.

(1) Then east following the crest of the Rattlesnake Hills across Elephant Mountain, Zillah Peak, High Top (elevation 3031 feet), and an unnamed mountain (elevation 3629 feet) to the Bennett Ranch;

(2) Then due east approximately 0.2 mile to the boundary of the Hanford Atomic Energy Commission Works;

(3) Then southeast following the boundary of the Hanford AEC Works along the Rattlesnake Hills to the Yakima River;

(4) Then southeast, crossing onto the Benton City map, to the top of Red Mountain;

(5) Then southeast to a point on East Kennedy Road approximately 2,500 feet east of an intermittent stream flowing north into Lost Lake;

(6) Then southeast across the top of Candy Mountain, crossing onto the Badger Mountain map, and continuing to the intersection with the southernmost point of an unnamed road known locally as Arena Road; then

(7) Proceed north for 0.45 mile along Arena Road, crossing onto the Richland map, to the intersection with the 670-foot elevation contour; then

(8) Proceed generally east for 0.4 mile along the elevation contour to the intersection with Dallas Road; then

(9) Proceed south in a straight line for 0.5 mile, crossing onto the Badger Mountain map, to the intersection with Interstate 182; then

(10) Proceed southeast in a straight line, crossing onto the Walla Walla map, to the top of Badger Mountain;

(11) Then due south for approximately 4.9 miles to the 1000 foot contour line immediately south of the Burlington Northern Railroad (indicated on map as the Northern Pacific Railroad);

(12) Then west following the 1000 foot contour line to its intersection with U.S. Highway 97 immediately west of Hembre Mountain;

(13) Then west following the Toppenish Ridge, across an unnamed mountain (elevation 2172 feet), an unnamed mountain (elevation 2363 feet), to the peak of Toppenish Mountain (elevation 3609 feet);

(14) Then northwest in straight line for approximately 9.3 miles to the lookout tower at Fort Simcoe Historical State Park;

(15) Then north in a straight line for approximately 11.7 miles to an unnamed peak, (elevation 3372 feet); and

(16) Then east following Ahtanum Ridge, crossing unnamed peaks of 2037 feet elevation, 2511 feet elevation, 2141 feet elevation, to the Wapato Dam at the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-128, 48 FR 14375, Apr. 4, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-163, 85 FR 60361, Sept. 25, 2020]

§ 9.70 - Northern Sonoma.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Northern Sonoma.”

(b) Approved Maps. The nine United States Geological Survey maps used to determine the boundary of the Northern Sonoma viticultural area are titled:

(1) Sonoma County, California, scale 1:100 000, 1970;

(2) Asti Quadrangle, California, scale 1:24 000, 1959, photorevised 1978;

(3) Jimtown Quadrangle, California—Sonoma County; scale 1:24 000, 1955, photorevised 1975;

(4) Camp Meeker Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co., scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1971;

(5) Valley Ford Quadrangle, California, scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1971;

(6) Two Rock Quadrangle, California, scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1971;

(7) Cotati Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co., scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1980;

(8) Santa Rosa Quadrangle, California—Sonoma Co., scale 1:24 000, 1954, photorevised 1980; and

(9) Mark West Springs Quadrangle, California, scale 1:24 000, 1993.

(c) Boundary. The Northern Sonoma viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The boundary description includes (in parentheses) the local names of roads that are not identified by name on the map.

(1) The beginning point is on the Sonoma County, map in the town of Monte Rio at the intersection of the Russian River and a secondary highway (Bohemian Highway);

(2) The boundary follows this secondary highway (Bohemian Highway), southeasterly parallel to Dutch Bill Creek, through the towns of Camp Meeker, Occidental, and Freestone, and then northeasterly to its intersection with an unnamed secondary highway designated as State Highway 12 (Bodega Road) at BM 214, as shown on the Valley Ford map.

(3) The boundary follows Bodega Road northeasterly 0.9 miles on the Valley Ford map; then onto the Camp Meeker map to its intersection, at BM 486, with Jonive Road to the north and an unnamed light duty road to the south (Barnett Valley Road), Township 6 North, Range 9 West, on the Camp Meeker map.

(4) The boundary follows Barnett Valley Road south 2.2 miles, then east crossing over the Valley Ford map and onto the Two Rock map, to Barnett Valley Road's intersection with Burnside Road, section 17, Township 6 North, Range 9 West.

(5) The boundary follows Burnside Road southeast 3.3 miles to Burnside Road's intersection with an unnamed medium duty road at BM 375, Township 6 North, Range 9 West.

(6) The boundary follows a straight line southeast 0.6 mile to an unnamed 610-foot elevation peak, 1.5 miles southwest of Canfield School, Township 6 North, Range 9 West.

(7) The boundary follows a straight line east-southeast 0.75 mile to an unnamed 641-foot elevation peak 1.4 miles south-southwest of Canfield School, Township 6 North, Range 9 West.

(8) The boundary follows a straight line northeast 0.85 mile to its intersection with an unnamed intermittent stream and Canfield Road; then continues on the straight line northeast 0.3 mile to the line's intersection with the common Ranges 8 and 9 line, just west of an unnamed unimproved dirt road, Township 6 North.

(9) The boundary follows a straight line southeast 0.5 mile, crossing over the end of an unnamed, unimproved dirt road to an unnamed 524-foot elevation peak, Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(10) The boundary follows a straight line southeast 0.75 mile to the intersection of an unnamed unimproved dirt road (leading to four barn-like structures) and an unnamed medium-duty road (Roblar Road), Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(11) The boundary follows a straight line south 0.5 mile to an unnamed 678-foot elevation peak, Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(12) The boundary follows a straight line east-southeast 0.8 mile to an unnamed peak with a 599-foot elevation, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(13) The boundary follows a straight line east-southeast 0.7 mile to an unnamed peak with a 604-foot elevation, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(14) The boundary follows a straight line east-southeast 0.9 mile, onto the Cotati map, to the intersection of a short, unnamed light-duty road leading past a group of barn-like structures and Meacham Road, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(15) The boundary follows Meacham Road north-northeast 0.75 mile to Meacham Road's intersection with Stony Point Road, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(16) The boundary follows Stony Point Road southeast 1.1 miles to the point where the 200-foot elevation contour line intersects Stony Point Road, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(17) The boundary follows a straight line north-northeast 0.5 mile to the point where an unnamed intermittent stream intersects U.S. 101, Township 5 North, Range 8 West.

(18) The boundary follows U.S. Route 101 north 4.25 miles to the point where Santa Rosa Avenue exits U.S. Route 101 to the east (approximately 0.5 mile north of the Wilfred Avenue overpass) Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(19) The boundary follows Santa Rosa Avenue north 1.1 miles to its intersection with Todd Road, crossing on to the Santa Rosa map, Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(20) The boundary follows Santa Rosa Avenue generally north 5.8 miles, eventually becoming Mendocino Avenue, to Santa Rosa Avenue's intersection with an unnamed secondary road (Bicentennial Way), 0.3 mile north-northwest of BM 161 on Mendocino Avenue, section 11, Township 7 North, Range 8 West.

(21) The boundary follows a straight line north 2.5 miles crossing over the 906-foot elevation peak in section 35, T8N, R8W, crossing onto the Mark West Springs map, to the line's intersection with Mark West Springs Road and the meandering 280-foot elevation line in section 26, Township 6 North, Range 8 West.

(22) The boundary follows the unnamed secondary highway, Mark West Springs Road, on the Sonoma County map, generally north and east, eventually turning into Porter Road and then to Petrified Forest Road, passing BM 545, the town of Mark West Springs, BM 495, and the Petrified Forest area, to Petrified Forest Road's intersection with the Sonoma County-Napa County line.

(23) The boundary follows the Sonoma County-Napa County line northerly to the Sonoma County-Lake County line.

(24) The boundary follows the Sonoma County-Lake County line northwesterly to the section line on the north side of Section 11, Township 10 North, Range 8 West.

(25) The boundary follows this section line west to the northwest corner of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 8, West.

(26) The boundary follows the section line south to the southwest corner of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range 8, West.

(27) The boundary proceeds northerly along the western lines of section 4, of Township 9 North, Range 8 West, and sections 33, 28, 21, 16, and 9 of Township 10 North, Range 8 West of the Jimtown Quadrangle map.

(28) The boundary proceeds westerly along the northern lines of sections 8 and 7, Township 10 North, Range 8 West and section 12, Township 10 North, Range 9 West to the southeastern corner of section 2, Township 10 North, Range 9 West.

(29) The boundary proceeds northwesterly in a straight line to the eastern line of section 3 at 38 degrees 45 minutes latitude, Township 10 North, Range 9 West.

(30) The boundary proceeds westerly along latitude line 38 degrees 45 minutes to the point lying at 122 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds longitude.

(31) The boundary proceeds northwesterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 4, Township 11 North, Range 10 West, on the Asti, Quadrangle map.

(32) The boundary proceeds northeasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of section 34, Township 12 North, Range 10 West.

(33) The boundary proceeds north along the east boundary of section 34, Township 12 North, Range 10 West on the U.S.G.S. Topographical Map of Sonoma County, California, to the Sonoma County-Mendocino County line.

(34) The boundary proceeds along the Sonoma County-Mendocino County line west then south to the southwest corner of section 34, Township 12 North, Range 11 West.

(35) The boundary proceeds in a straight line east southeasterly to the southeast corner of section 2, Township 11 North, Range 11 West.

(36) The boundary proceeds in a straight line south southeasterly to the southeast corner of section 24, Township 11 North, Range 11 West.

(37) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly across sections 30, 31, and 32 in Township 11 North, Range 10 West, to the point at 38 degrees 45 minutes North latitude parallel and 123 degrees 00 minutes East longitude in section 5, Township 10 North, Range 10 West.

(38) The boundary proceeds along this latitude parallel west to the west line of section 5, Township 10 North, Range 11 West.

(39) The boundary proceeds along the section line south to the southeast corner of section 18, Township 9 North, Range 11 West.

(40) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly approximately 5 miles to the peak of Big Oat Mountain, elevation 1,404 feet.

(41) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southerly approximately 2 3/4 miles to the peak of Pole Mountain, elevation 2,204 feet.

(42) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly approximately 4 3/4 miles to the confluence of Austin Creek and the Russian River.

(43) The boundary proceeds along the Russian River northeasterly, then southeasterly to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-204, 50 span 20562, May 17, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-233, 51 span 30354, Aug. 26, 1986; T.D. ATF-300, 55 span 32402, Aug. 9, 1990; T.D. TTB-97, 76 span 70877, Nov. 16, 2011]

§ 9.71 - Hermann.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Hermann.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Hermann viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. Missouri Quadrangle maps, 7.5 minute series. They are entitled:

(1) Hermann (1974).

(2) Berger (1974).

(3) Gasconade (1974).

(4) Pershing (1974).

(5) Swiss (1973).

(6) Dissen (1973).

(c) Boundaries. The Hermann viticultural area is located in central Missouri along and south of the Missouri River, in the northern portions of Gasconade and Franklin Counties. The boundaries of the Hermann viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on the appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, are as follows:

(1) Starting at the intersection of the Gasconade River with the Missouri River.

(2) Then continuing east and northeast approximately 16.5 miles along the Missouri River Pacific Railroad, as it parallels the Missouri River, to the Gasconade/Franklin County line.

(3) Then continuing along the Missouri Pacific Railroad southeast approximately 8.5 miles to the intersection Big Berger Creek.

(4) Then southwest along the winding course of Big Berger Creek for approximately 20 miles (eight miles due southwest) to Township line T.44/45N.

(5) Then west along the T.44/45N. line approximately 15.5 miles to the intersection of First Creek.

(6) Then north and northwest along the course of First Creek approximately 13.7 miles (6.5 miles straight northwest) to the intersection of the Gasconade River.

(7) Then northeast along the course of the Gasconade River approximately 3.8 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-136, 48 FR 37372, Aug. 18, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.72 - Southeastern New England.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Southeastern New England.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Southeastern New England viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Boston, Mass.; N.H.; Conn.; R.I.; Maine”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1956, revised 1970;

(2) “Hartford, Conn.; N.Y.; N.J.; Mass.”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1962, revised 1975; and

(3) “Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn.; N.Y.”, scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1947, revised 1969.

(c) Boundaries. The Southeastern New England viticultural area is located in the counties of New Haven, New London, and Middlesex in Connecticut; in the counties of Bristol, Newport, Providence, and Washington, in Rhode Island; and in the counties of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket, Norfolk, and Plymouth in Massachusetts. The beginning point is found on the “Hartford” U.S.G.S. map in New Haven Harbor;

(1) Then north following the Quinnipiac River to U.S. Interstate 91;

(2) Then east following U.S. Interstate 91 to Connecticut Highway 80;

(3) Then east following Connecticut Highway 80 to Connecticut Highway 9 near Deep River;

(4) Then north following Connecticut Highway 9 to Connecticut Highway 82;

(5) Then north, east, south and east following Connecticut Highway 82 and 182 to Connecticut Highway 2 in Norwich;

(6) Then east following Connecticut Highway 2 to Connecticut Highway 165;

(7) Then east following Connecticut and Rhode Island Highway 165 to Interstate Highway 95 near Millville;

(8) Then north following Interstate Highway 95 to the Kent County-Washington County boundary;

(9) Then east following the Kent County-Washington County boundary into Narragansett Bay;

(10) Then north through Narragansett Bay, the Providence River, and the Blackstone River to the Rhode Island-Massachusetts State boundary;

(11) Then east and south following the Rhode Island-Massachusetts State boundary to the Norfolk-Bristol (Mass.) County boundary;

(12) Then northeast following the Norfolk-Bristol (Mass.) County boundary to the Amtrak right-of-way (Penn Central on map) northeast of Mansfield;

(13) Then north following the Amtrak right-of-way to the Neponset River immediately east of the Norwood Memorial Airport;

(14) Then northeast following the Neponset River into Dorchester Bay;

(15) Then east following the Norfolk-Suffolk County boundary, and the Plymouth-Suffolk County boundary into Massachusetts Bay;

(16) Then returning to the point of beginning by way of Massachusetts Bay, the Atlantic Ocean, Block Island Sound and Long Island Sound; and including all of the offshore islands in Norfolk, Plymouth, Barnstable, Nantucket, Dukes, and Bristol Counties, Massachusetts; all offshore islands in Rhode Island; and all offshore islands in Connecticut east of the Quinnipiac River.

[T.D. ATF-169, 49 FR 11830, Mar. 28, 1984]

§ 9.73 - Martha's Vineyard.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Martha's Vineyard.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved map for determining the boundary of the Martha's Vineyard viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. map, “Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn.; N.Y.;” scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1947 revised 1969.

(c) Boundaries. The Martha's Vineyard viticultural area is located entirely within Dukes County, Massachusetts. The boundary of the Martha's Vineyard viticultural area is the shoreline of the islands named “Martha's Vineyard” and “Chappaquiddic Island” on the “Providence” U.S.G.S. map, and the viticultural area comprises the entire area of the islands.

[T.D. ATF-193, 50 FR 256, Jan. 3, 1985]

§ 9.74 - Columbia Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Columbia Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Columbia Valley viticultural area are nine 1:250,000 scale U.S.G.S. maps and one 1:100,000 (metric) scale U.S.G.S. map. They are entitled:

(1) Concrete, Washington, U.S.; British Columbia, Canada, edition of 1955, limited revision 1963;

(2) Okanogan, Washington, edition of 1954, limited revision 1963;

(3) Pendleton, Oregon, Washington, edition of 1954, revised 1973;

(4) Pullman, Washington, Idaho, edition of 1953, revised 1974;

(5) Clarkston, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, 1:100,000 (metric) scale, edition of 1981;

(6) Ritzville, Washington, edition of 1953, limited revision 1965;

(7) The Dalles, Oregon, Washington, edition of 1953, revised 1971;

(8) Walla Walla, Washington, Oregon, edition of 1953, limited revision 1963;

(9) Wenatchee, Washington, edition of 1957, revised 1971; and

(10) Yakima, Washington, edition of 1958, revised 1971.

(c) Boundaries. The Columbia Valley viticultural area is located in Adams, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima Counties, Washington, and in Gilliman, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, and Wasco Counties, Oregon. The beginning point is found on “The Dalles” U.S.G.S. map at the confluence of the Klickitat and Columbia Rivers:

(1) Then north and east following the Klickitat and Little Klickitat Rivers to U.S. Highway 97 northeast of Goldendale;

(2) Then north following U.S. Highway 97 to the 1,000′ contour line southwest of Hembre Mountain;

(3) Then west following the Toppenish Ridge, across unnamed mountains of 2,172′ and 2,363′ elevation, to the peak of Toppenish Mountain, elevation 3,609′;

(4) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 11.3 miles to the intersection of Agency Creek with the township line between R. 15 E. and R. 16 E.;

(5) Then north following the township line between R. 15 E. and R. 16 E. to the Tieton River;

(6) Then northeast following the Tieton River to the confluence with the Naches River;

(7) Then east in a straight line for approximately 15.3 miles to the intersection of the 46°45′ latitude line with the Yakima River;

(8) Then north following the Yakima River to the confluence with the North Branch Canal approximately one mile northwest of Throp;

(9) Then north, east, and southeast following the North Branch Canal to its intersection with U.S. Interstate 90 in Johnson Canyon;

(10) Then east following U.S. Interstate 90 to the Columbia River;

(11) Then north following the Columbia River to the township line between T. 21 N. and T. 22 N. immediately north of the Rock Island Dam;

(12) Then west following the township line between T. 21 N. and T. 22 N. for approximately 7.1 miles (from the west shore of the Columbia River) to the 2,000′ contour line immediately west of Squilchuck Creek;

(13) Then north and west following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between R. 18 E. and R. 19 E. west of the landing area at Cashmere-Dryden;

(14) Then north following the township line between R. 18 E. and R. 19 E. for approximately 4.4 miles to the 2,000′ contour line in Ollala Canyon;

(15) Then east, north, and northwest following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between R. 19 E. and R. 20 E. immediately west of Ardenoir;

(16) Then north following the township line between R. 19 E. and R. 20 E for approximately 2.8 miles to the 2,000′ contour line immediately north of the secondary road;

(17) Then southwest and north following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between T. 28 N. and T. 29 N.;

(18) Then east following the township line between T. 28 N. and T. 29 N. for approximately 2.1 miles to the 2,000′ contour line immediately east of Lake Chelan;

(19) Then southeast and north following the 2,000′ contour line (beginning in the “Wenatchee” U.S.G.S. map, passing through the “Ritzville” and “Okanogan” maps, and ending in the “Concrete” map) to the point where the 2,000′ contour line intersects the township line between T. 30 N. and T. 31 N. immediately west of Methow;

(20) Then east following the township line between T. 30 N. and T. 31 N. for approximately 20.2 miles to the 2,000′ contour line east of Monse;

(21) Then south and east following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between T. 30 N. and T. 31 N. west of Alkali Lake;

(22) Then northeast in a straight line for approximately 10.7 miles to the point of intersection of the 2,000′ contour line with Coyote Creek;

(23) Then east, north, south, east, and north following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between T. 29 N. and T. 30 N. immediately west of the Sanpoil River;

(24) Then east following the township line between T. 29 N. and T. 30 N. for approximately 2.3 miles to the 2,000′ contour line immediately east of the Sanpoil River;

(25) Then south, east, and north following the 2,000′ contour line to the township line between T. 29 N. and T 30 N. at Ninemile Flat;

(26) Then east following the township line between T. 29 N. and T. 30 N. for approximately 10.7 miles to the township line between R. 36 E. and R. 37 E.;

(27) Then south following the township line between R. 36 N. and R. 37 E. to the township line between T. 26 N. and T. 27 N.;

(28) Then west following the township line between T. 26 N. and T. 27 N. to Banks Lake;

(29) Then south following Banks Lake to Dry Falls Dam;

(30) Then west and south following U.S. Highway 2 and Washington Highway 17 to the intersection with Washington Highway 28 in Soap Lake;

(31) Then southeast in a straight line for approximately 4.7 miles to the source of Rocky Ford Creek near a fish hatchery;

(32) Then south following Rocky Ford Creek and Moses Lake to U.S. Interstate 90 southwest of the town of Moses Lake;

(33) Then east following U.S. Interstate 90 to the Burlington Northern (Northern Pacific) Railroad right-of-way at Raugust Station;

(34) Then south following the Burlington Northern (Northern Pacific) Railroad right-of-way to Washington Highway 260 in Connell;

(35) Then east following Washington Highway 260 through Kahlotus to the intersection with Washington Highway 26 in Washtucna;

(36) Then east following Washington Highways 26 and 127 through La Crosse and Dusty to the intersection with U.S. Highway 195 at Colfax;

(37) Then south following U.S. Highway 195 to the Washington-Idaho State boundary;

(38) Then south following the Washington-Idaho State boundary on the 1:100,000 (metric) scale Clarkston, Washington, Idaho, Oregon map to the 600-meter elevation contour along the eastern boundary of section 9,

R. 46 E./T. 11 N.; and then generally west following the meandering 600-meter contour to the eastern boundary of section 17, R. 45E./T. 11N.; then south following the eastern boundary of section 17 to the southern boundary of section 17; and then west following the southern boundaries of sections 17 and 18 to the Asotin-Garfield county line in section 19, R. 45E./T. 11N.;

(39) Then south following the Garfield-Asotin county line to the 600-meter elevation contour; then following generally west and south in a counterclockwise direction along the meandering 600-meter elevation contour to Charley Creek in section 4, R. 44 E./T. 9 N.; and then west following Charley Creek on to the township line between R. 42 E. and R. 43 E.;

(40) Then north following the township line between R. 42 E. and R. 43 E. on the 1:250,000 scale “Pullman, Washington, Idaho” map to Washington Highway 128 at Peola;

(41) Then north following Washington Highway 128 to the intersection with U.S. Highway 12 in Pomeroy;

(42) Then west following U.S. Highway 12 for approximately 5 miles to the intersection with Washington Highway 126 [in Zumwalt];

(43) Then southwest following Washington Highway 126 and U.S. Highway 12 through Marengo, Dayton, and Waitsburg to a point where an unnamed light-duty road leaves Highway 12 in an easterly direction in Minnick Station, Washington;

(44) Then east following the unnamed light-duty road for approximately 250 feet until it reaches the 2000′ contour line;

(45) Then south and southwest following the 2000′ contour line to the place where it crosses Oregon Highway 74 in Windmill, Oregon;

(46) Then west following Oregon Highway 74 to Highway 207 in Heppner;

(47) Then southwest following Oregon Highway 207 to Highway 206 in Ruggs;

(48) Then northwest following Oregon Highway 206 to the intersection with the township line between T. 1 S. and T. 2 S.;

(49) Then west following the township line between T. 1 S. and T. 2 S. to the Deschutes River;

(50) Then north following the Deschutes River to the Willamette Base Line;

(51) Then west following the Willamette Base Line to the township line between R. 12 E. and R. 13 E.;

(52) Then north following the township line between R. 12 E. and R. 13. to the Columbia River;

(53) Then west following the Columbia River to the confluence with the Klickitat River and the point of beginning.

(d) Transition period. A label containing the words “Columbia Valley” in the brand name or as an appellation of origin approved prior to May 20, 2016 may be used on wine bottled before May 21, 2018 if the wine conforms to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.25 or § 4.39(i) of this chapter in effect prior to May 20, 2016.

[T.D. ATF-190, 49 FR 44897, Nov. 13, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987; 52 FR 10224, Mar. 31, 1987; T.D. ATF-344, 58 FR 40354, July 28, 1993; T.D. ATF-441, 66 FR 11542, Feb. 26, 2001; T.D. TTB-136, 81 FR 23161, Apr. 20, 2016]

§ 9.75 - Central Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Central Coast.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Central Coast viticultural area are the following 43 United States Geological Survey topographic maps:

(1) Monterey, California (formerly, the Santa Cruz map), scale 1:250,000, NJ 10-12, dated 1974;

(2) Watsonville East, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, photorevised 1968;

(3) Mt. Madonna, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, photorevised 1980;

(4) Loma Prieta, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, photorevised 1968;

(5) Morgan Hill, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, photorevised 1980;

(6) Santa Teresa Hills, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, photorevised 1968;

(7) Los Gatos, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, photorevised 1980;

(8) Castle Rock Ridge, Calif. Quadrangle, Scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, photorevised 1968, photoinspected 1973;

(9) San Jose, California, scale 1:250,000, NJ 10-9, dated 1962, revised 1969;

(10) Dublin, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, photorevised 1980;

(11) Livermore, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, photorevised 1968 and 1973;

(12) Tassajara, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, photoinspected 1974;

(13) Byron Hot Springs, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, photorevised 1968;

(14) Altamont, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, photorevised 1968;

(15) Mendenhall Springs, Calif. Quadrangle, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, photorevised 1971;

(16) San Luis Obispo, California, scale 1:250,000, NI 10-3, dated 1956, revised 1969 and 1979;

(17) Santa Maria, California, scale 1:250,000, NI 10-6, 9, dated 1956, revised 1969;

(18) Los Angeles, California, scale 1:250,000, NI 11-4, dated 1974;

(19) Diablo, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(20) Clayton, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(21) Honker Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(22) Vine Hill, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(23) Benicia, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(24) Mare Island, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(25) Richmond, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(26) San Quentin, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(27) Oakland West, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1959, Photorevised 1980;

(28) San Francisco North, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1968 and 1973;

(29) San Francisco South, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1980;

(30) Montara Mountain, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1980;

(31) Half Moon Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968 and 1973;

(32) San Gregorio, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1961, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968;

(33) Pigeon Point, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(34) Franklin Point, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(35) Año Nuevo, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(36) Davenport, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1968;

(37) Santa Cruz, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1981;

(38) Felton, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photorevised 1980;

(39) Laurel, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1955, Photoinspected 1978, Photorevised 1968;

(40) Soquel, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1980;

(41) Watsonville West, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1954, Photorevised 1980;

(42) Midway, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1953, Photorevised 1980;

(43) Cedar Mtn., California, scale 1:24,000, dated 1956, Photorevised 1971; minor revision 1994;

(44) Benicia, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(45) Vine Hill, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(46) Honker Bay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(47) Antioch North, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(48) Jersey Island, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(49) Bouldin Island, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(50) Woodward Island, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(51) Clifton Court Forebay, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(52) Byron Hot Springs, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(53) Tassajara, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018;

(54) Antioch South, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018; and

(55) Clayton, California, scale 1:24,000, dated 2018.

(c) Boundary. The Central Coast viticultural area is located in the following California counties: Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Alameda, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Contra Costa. The Santa Cruz Mountains viticultural area is excluded. (The boundaries of the Santa Cruz Mountains viticultural area are described in 27 CFR § 9.31.)

(1) The beginning point is the point at which the Pajaro River flows into Monterey Bay. (Monterey map)

(2) The boundary follows north along the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean (across the Watsonville West, Soquel, Santa Cruz, Davenport, Año Nuevo, Franklin Point, Pigeon Point, San Gregorio, Half Moon Bay, Montara Mountain and San Francisco South maps) to the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge. (San Francisco North Quadrangle)

(3) From this point, the boundary proceeds east on the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge to the Alameda County shoreline. (Oakland West Quadrangle)

(4) From this point, the boundary proceeds east along the shoreline of Alameda County and Contra Costa County across the Richmond, San Quentin, Mare Island, Benicia (2018 edition), Vine Hill (2018 edition), Honker Bay (2018 edition), and Antioch North maps and onto the Jersey Island map to the intersection of the shoreline with Bethel Island Road.

(5) Proceed southeast in a straight line 0.7 mile to the intersection of Wells Road and Sandmound Road.

(6) Proceed northeast in a straight line 2.7 miles, crossing onto the Bouldin Island map, to the northernmost point of Holland Tract Road.

(7) Proceed south 1.9 miles along Holland Tract Road, crossing onto the Woodward Island map, to the road's intersection with the 10-foot elevation contour.

(8) Proceed south-southeast in a straight line 4.1 miles to the intersection of Orwood Road and the Mokelumne Aqueduct.

(9) Proceed south-southwest 5.5 miles, crossing onto the Clifton Court Forebay map, to the stream gauging station on Italian Slough, just west of Widdows Island and the shared Contra Costa-San Joaquin County line.

(10) Proceed due west in a straight line to the western shore of Italian Slough, then proceed southwesterly along the shore of Italian Slough to its confluence with Brushy Creek.

(11) Proceed westerly along Brushy Creek, crossing onto the Byron Hot Springs (2018 edition) map and continuing southwesterly along the creek to its intersection with Vasco Road.

(12) Proceed northwest in a straight line 4.3 miles to the intersection of Kellogg Creek and Walnut Boulevard.

(13) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line 2.9 miles, crossing onto the Tassajara (2018 edition) map, to the intersection of Marsh Creek and Miwok Trail.

(14) Proceed northwesterly along Marsh Creek 2.4 miles, crossing onto the Antioch South map, to the creek's intersection with Deer Valley Road.

(15) Proceed northerly along Deer Valley Road 3.1 miles to its intersection with Chadbourne Road.

(16) Proceed northwest in a straight line 0.6 mile to the southwestern terminus of Tour Way.

(17) Proceed northwest in a straight line 3 miles to the intersection of Oil Canyon Trail, Stewartville Trail, and Chadbourne Road.

(18) Proceed northeasterly along the Stewartville Trail 1.9 miles to its intersection with the Contra Loma Trail.

(19) Proceed northwest in a straight line 2.5 miles to the intersection of Somersville Road and Donlan Boulevard.

(20) Proceed west-southwest in a straight line 2.5 miles, crossing onto the Clayton (2018 edition) map, to the intersection of Nortonville Road and Kirker Pass Road.

(21) Proceed southwesterly along Kirker Pass Road approximately 2.5 miles to its intersection with Hess Road.

(22) Proceed southeasterly in a straight line to the 3,849-foot summit of Mt. Diablo.

(23) The boundary proceeds in a southeasterly direction in a straight line across the Diablo and Tassajara maps to Brushy Peak elevation 1,702. (Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle)

(24) The boundary proceeds due south, approximately 400 feet, to the northern boundaries of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 2 East. (Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle)

(25) The boundary proceeds due east along the northern boundaries of Section 13 and Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, to the northeast corner of Section 18. (Byron Hot Springs Quadrangle)

(26) Then proceed southeast in a straight line approximately 1.8 miles to BM 720 in Section 21, Township 2 South, Range 3 East. (Altamont Quadrangle)

(27) Then proceed south-southeast approximately 1 mile to an unnamed 1,147-foot peak in Section 28, Township 2 South, Range 3 East. (Altamont Quadrangle)

(28) Then proceed south-southwest in a straight line approximately 1.1 miles to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Section 32 with Highway 580, Township 2 South, Range 3 East. (Altamont Quadrangle)

(29) Then proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 2.7 miles to BM 1602 in Patterson Pass in Section 10, Township 3 South, Range 3 East. (Altamont Quadrangle)

(30) Then proceed south-southeast in a straight line approximately 2.8 miles to BM 1600, adjacent to Tesla Road in Section 26. (Midway Quadrangle)

(31) Then proceed south in a straight line approximately 4.2 miles to BM 1878, 40 feet north of Mines Road, in Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 3 East. (Cedar Mtn. Quadrangle)

(32) Then proceed west-southwest in a straight line approximately 4.2 miles to the southeast corner of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 3 East. (Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle)

(33) The boundary follows the east-west section line west along the southern boundary of Section 19 in Township 4 South, Range 3 east, and west along the southern boundary of Section 24 in Township 4 South, Range 2 east, to the southwest corner of that Section 24. (Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle)

(34) The boundary follows the north-south section line north along the western boundary of Section 24 in Township 4 South, Range 2 east, to the northwest corner of that Section 24. (Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle)

(35) The boundary follows the east-west section line west along the southern boundary of Section 14 in Township 4 South, Range 2 east, to the southwest corner of that Section 14. (Mendenhall Springs Quadrangel)

(36) The boundary follows the north-south section line north along the western boundary of Section 14 in Township 4 South, Range 2 east, to the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct. (Mendenhall Springs Quadrangle)

(37) The boundary follows the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct southwesterly to the range line dividing Range 1 East from Range 2 East. (San Jose map)

(38) The boundary follows this range line south to its intersection with State Route 130. (San Jose map)

(39) The boundary follows State Route 130 southeasterly to its intersection with the township line dividing Township 6 South from Township 7 South. (San Jose map)

(40) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the intersection of the township line dividing Township 7 South from Township 8 South with the range line dividing Range 2 East from Range 3 East. (San Jose map)

(41) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the intersection of the township line dividing Township 8 South from Township 9 South with the range line dividing Range 3 East from Range 4 East. (San Jose map)

(42) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the intersection of Coyote Creek with the township line dividing Township 9 South from Township 10 South. (San Jose map)

(43) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the intersection of the 37°00′ North latitude parallel with State Route 152. (San Jose map)

(44) The boundary follows the 37°00′ North latitude parallel east to the range line dividing Range 5 East from Range 6 East. (Monterey map)

(45) The boundary follows this range line south to the San Benito-Santa Clara County line. (Monterey map)

(46) The boundary follows the San Benito-Santa Clara County line easterly to the San Benito-Merced County line. (Monterey map)

(47) The boundary follows the San Benito-Merced County line southeasterly to the conjunction of the county lines of San Benito, Merced, and Fresno Counties. (Monterey map)

(48) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a southwesterly extension of the Merced-Fresno County line to Salt Creek. (Monterey map)

(49) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the conjunction of the county lines of Monterey, San Benito, and Fresno Counties. (Monterey map)

(50) The boundary follows the Monterey-Fresno County line southeasterly to the Monterey-Kings County line. (Monterey and San Luis Obispo maps)

(51) The boundary follows the Monterey-Kings County line southeasterly to the San Luis Obispo-Kings County line. (San Luis Obispo map)

(52) The boundary follows the San Luis Obispo-Kings County line east to the San Luis Obispo-Kern County line. (San Luis Obispo map)

(53) The boundary follows the San Luis Obispo-Kern County line south, then east, then south to the point at which the county line diverges easterly from the range line dividing Range 17 East from Range 18 East. (San Luis Obispo map)

(54) The boundary follows this range line south to the township line dividing Township 28 South from Township 29 South. (San Luis Obispo map)

(55) The boundary follows the township line west to the range line dividing Range 13 East from Range 14 East. (San Luis Obispo map)

(56) The boundary follows this range line south to the boundary of the Los Padres National Forest. (San Luis Obispo map)

(57) The boundary follows the boundary of the Los Padres National Forest southeasterly to the creek of Toro Canyon. (San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, and Los Angeles maps)

(58) The boundary follows the creek of Toro Canyon southerly to the Pacific Ocean. (Los Angeles map)

(59) The boundary follows the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and Monterey Bay northerly to the beginning point. (Los Angeles, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, and Monterey maps)

[T.D. ATF-216, 50 FR 43130, Oct. 24, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-407, 64 FR 3023, Jan. 20, 1999; T.D. TTB-48, 71 FR 34524, June 15, 2006; T.D. TTB-191, 89 FR 18800, Mar. 15, 2024]

§ 9.76 - Knights Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Knights Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Knights Valley viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are—

(1) “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1959 (Photoinspected 1973);

(2) “Jimtown Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1955 (Photorevised 1975);

(3) “Mark West Springs Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1958; and

(4) “Detert Reservoir Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1958 (Photorevised 1980).

(c) Boundary. The Knights Valley viticultural area is located in northeastern Sonoma County, California. From the beginning point lying at the intersection of the Sonoma/Lake County line and the north line of Section 11, Township 10 North (T. 10 N.), Range 8 West (R. 8 W.) on the “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle” map, the boundary runs—

(1) Westerly along the north line of Sections 11, 10, and 9, T. 10 N., R. 8 W. to the northwest corner of Section 9 on the “Jimtown Quadrangle” map;

(2) Then southerly along the west line of Sections 9, 16, 21, 28, and 33, T. 10 N., R. 8 W., continuing along the west line of Section 4, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. to the southwest corner thereof;

(3) Then easterly along the south line of Section 4 to the southeast corner thereof on the “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle” map;

(4) Then southerly along the west line of Sections 10, 15, and 22, T. 9 N., R. 8 W. to the point of intersection with Franz Creek in Section 22 on the “Mark West Springs Quadrangle” map;

(5) Then easterly along Franz Creek approximately 14,000 feet to the centerline of Franz Valley Road;

(6) Then southerly along the centerline of Franz Valley Road to the point of intersection with the west line of Section 6, T. 8 N., R. 7 W.;

(7) Then southerly along the west line of Section 6 to the southwest corner thereof;

(8) Then easterly along the south line of Sections 6, 5, and 4, T. 8 N., R. 7 W. to the southeast corner of Section 4;

(9) Then northerly along the east line of Section 4 to the point of intersection with the Sonoma/Napa County line;

(10) Then northerly along the meanders of the Sonoma/Napa County line on the “Mark West Springs Quadrangle,” “Detert Reservoir Quadrangle,” and “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle” maps to the point of intersection with the Lake County line on the “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle” map;

(11) Then northerly along the meanders of the Sonoma/Lake County line on the “Mount St. Helena Quadrangle” and “Detert Reservoir Quadrangle” maps to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-158, 48 FR 48816, Oct. 21, 1983]

§ 9.77 - Altus.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Altus.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Altus viticultural area are five U.S.G.S. maps in the 7.5 minute series. They are titled:

(1) Ozark Quadrangle, 1966.

(2) Coal Hill Quadrangle, 1961.

(3) Hartman Quadrangle, 1961.

(4) Hunt Quadrangle, 1963.

(5) Watalula Quadrangle, 1973.

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Altus viticultural area is located in Arkansas. The starting point of the following boundary description is the crossing of the Missouri Pacific Railroad over Gar Creek, near the Arkansas River at the southeast corner of the city of Ozark, Arkansas (on the Ozark Quadrangle map).

(2) Boundary Description:

(i) From the crossing of the Missouri Pacific Railroad over Gar Creek, following the railroad tracks eastward to the crossing over Horsehead Creek (on the Hartman Quadrangle map).

(ii) From there northward along Horsehead Creek to the merger with Dirty Creek (on the Coal Hill Quadrangle map).

(iii) From there generally northwestward along Dirty Creek to Arkansas Highway 352 (where Dirty Creek passes under the highway as a perennial stream—on the Hunt Quadrangle map).

(iv) From there along Highway 352 westward to Arkansas Highway 219 (on the Watalula Quadrangle map).

(v) Then southward along Highway 219 to Gar Creek (on the Ozark Quadrangle map).

(vi) Then southeastward along Gar Creek to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-176, 49 FR 22471, May 30, 1984]

§ 9.78 - Ohio River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ohio River Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Ohio River Valley viticultural area are 12 U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the scale 1:250,000, as follows:

(1) Paducah NJ 16-7 (dated 1949, revised 1969);

(2) Belleville NJ 16-4 (dated 1958, revised 1977);

(3) Vincennes NJ 16-5 (dated 1956, revised 1969);

(4) Louisville NJ 16-6 (dated 1956, revised 1969);

(5) Cincinnati NJ 16-3 (dated 1953, revised 1974);

(6) Columbus NJ 17-1 (dated 1967);

(7) Clarksburg NJ 17-2 (dated 1956, limited revision 1965);

(8) Canton NJ 17-11 (dated 1957, revised 1969);

(9) Charleston NJ 17-5 (dated 1957, limited revision 1965);

(10) Huntington NJ 17-4 (dated 1957, revised 1977);

(11) Winchester NJ 16-9 (dated 1957, revised 1979); and

(12) Evansville NJ 16-8 (dated 1957, revised 1974);

(c) Boundary. The Ohio River Valley viticultural area is located in portions of Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky. The boundary description in paragraphs (c)(1) through (24) of this section includes for each point, in parentheses, the name of the map sheet(s) on which the point can be found.

(1) The beginning point is the point at which the Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana State lines converge at the confluence of the Wabash River and the Ohio River (Paducah map).

(2) The boundary follows the Illinois-Indiana State line northerly (across the Belleville map) to Interstate Route 64 (Vincennes map).

(3) From the intersection of Interstate Route 64 and the Wabash River, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly to the town of Oatsville in Pike County, Indiana (Vincennes map).

(4) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the point in Spencer County, Indiana, at which State Route 162 diverges northerly from U.S. Route 460, which is known locally as State Route 62 (Vincennes map).

(5) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the confluence of the Anderson River and the Ohio River at Troy, Indiana (Evansville map).

(6) The boundary proceeds along the Indiana shoreline of the Ohio River (Evansville and Vincennes maps) generally easterly to the mouth of French Creek in Franklin Township, Floyd County, Indiana (Louisville map).

(7) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northerly to the peak of Lost Knob, then continues in a straight line north-northeasterly through the peak of Bald Knob to the junction of State Route 111 and a road locally known as W. St. Joe Road at St. Joseph in New Albany Township, Floyd County, Indiana (Louisville map).

(8) The boundary then proceeds on State Route 111 northerly to State Route 60 at Bennettsville in Clark County, Indiana, then on State Route 60 westerly to Carwood, and then in a straight line northerly to the point where the Clark-Scott county line crosses Interstate 65 at Underwood, Indiana (Louisville map).

(9) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to Leota in Scott County, Indiana (Louisville map).

(10) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly to the town of New Marion in Ripley County, Indiana (Cincinnati map).

(11) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northerly to the town of Clarksburg in Decatur County, Indiana (Cincinnati map).

(12) The boundary proceeds in a straight line easterly to the town of Ridgeville in Warren County, Ohio (Cincinnati map).

(13) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the town of Chapman in Jackson County, Ohio (Columbus map).

(14) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly to the town identified on the map as Hesboro, also known as Ilesboro, in Hocking County, Ohio (Columbus map).

(15) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly to the town of Tacoma in Belmont County, Ohio (Clarksburg map).

(16) The boundary proceeds in a straight line easterly to the town of Valley Grove in Ohio County, West Virginia (Canton map).

(17) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southerly to the town of Jarvisville in Harrison County, West Virginia (Clarksburg map).

(18) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly to the town of Gandeeville in Roane County West Virginia (Charleston map).

(19) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly to the town of Atenville in Lincoln County West Virginia (Huntington map).

(20) The boundary proceeds in a straight line westerly to the town of Isonville in Elliott County, Kentucky (Huntington map).

(21) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the town of Berlin in Bracken County, Kentucky (Louisville map).

(22) The boundary proceeds in a straight line westerly to the town of Dry Ridge in Grant County, Kentucky (Louisville map).

(23) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly to the town of Crest in Hardin County, Kentucky (Winchester map).

(24) The boundary proceeds in a straight line westerly to the intersection of State Route 56 and U.S. Route 41 in the city of Sebree in Webster County, Kentucky (Evansville map).

(25) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the beginning point (Paducah map).

(d) Transition period. A label containing the words “Ohio River Valley” in the brand name or as an appellation of origin approved prior to March 7, 2013 may be used on wine bottled before March 9, 2015, if the wine conforms to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.25 or § 4.39(i) of this chapter in effect prior to March 7, 2013.

[T.D. ATF-144, 48 FR 40379, Sept. 7, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-110, 78 FR, 8021, Feb. 5, 2013; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.79 - Lake Michigan Shore.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lake Michigan Shore.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Lake Michigan Shore viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps, 1:250,000 series. They are entitled: (1) Chicago (1953, revised 1970); (2) Fort Wayne (1953, revised 1969); (3) Racine (1958, revised 1969); and (4) Grand Rapids (1958, revised 1980).

(c) Boundaries. The Lake Michigan Shore viticultural area is located in the southwestern corner of the State of Michigan. The boundaries of the Lake Michigan Shore viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on the appropriate U.S.G.S maps, are as follows:

(1) Starting at the most northern point, the intersection the Kalamazoo River with Lake Michigan.

(2) Then southeast along the winding course of the Kalamazoo River for approximately 35 miles until it intersects the Penn Central railroad line just south of the City of Otsego.

(3) Then south along the Penn Central railroad line, through the City of Kalamazoo, approximately 25 miles until it intersects the Grand Trunk Western railroad line at the community of Schoolcraft.

(4) Then southwest along the Grand Trunk Western railroad line approximately 35 miles to the Michigan/ Indiana State line.

(5) Then west along the Michigan-Indiana State line approximately 38 miles until it meets Lake Michigan.

(6) Then north along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan approximately 72 miles to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-153, 48 FR 46526, Oct. 13, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.80 - York Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “York Mountain.”

(b) Approved map. The approved map for the York Mountain viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. map entitled “York Mountain Quadrangle,” 7.5 minute series (topographic), 1949 (photorevised 1979).

(c) Boundaries. The York Mountain viticultural area is located in San Luis Obispo County, California. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) From the beginning point at the northwest corner of the York Mountain Quadrangle map where the Dover Canyon Jeep Trail and Dover Canyon Road intersect, proceed east along Dover Canyon Road 1.5 miles to the western boundary line of Rancho Paso de Robles;

(2) Follow the western boundary line of Rancho Paso de Robles southwest 6.0 miles to where the boundary joins Santa Rita Creek;

(3) Turn right at Santa Rita Creek and follow the creek 5 miles to where the waters of Dover Canyon and Santa Rita Creek meet; and

(4) Then proceed north along Dover Canyon Creek to its intersection with Dover Canyon Road, then following Dover Canyon Road (which becomes Dover Canyon Jeep Trail) back to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-143, 48 FR 38463, Aug. 24, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.81 - Fiddletown.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Fiddletown.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for the Fiddletown viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps entitled:

(1) Fiddletown, CA, 1949, 7.5 minute series;

(2) Amador City, CA, 1962, 7.5 minute series;

(3) Pine Grove, CA, 1948 (photoinspected 1973), 7.5 minute series;

(4) Aukum, CA, 1952 (photorevised 1973), 7.5 minute series.

(c) Boundaries. The Fiddletown viticultural area is located in Amador County, California. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) From the beginning point at the north boundary where Fiddletown Shenandoah Road crosses Big Indian Creek in Section 28, Township 8 N, Range 11 E, proceed in a southwesterly direction following Big Indian Creek through the southeast corner of Section 29, crossing the northwest corner of Section 32 to where it meets Section 31;

(2) Then in a southerly direction follow the Section line between Sections 31 and 32, Township 8 N, Range 11 E, and Sections 5 and 6, 7 and 8, Township 7 N, Range 11 E, to where the Section line meets the South Fork of Dry Creek;

(3) Then following the South Fork of Dry Creek in an easterly direction crossing the lower portions of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and into Township 8 N, Range 12 E, at Section 7 and across Section 7 to where it meets Section 8;

(4) Then north following the Section line between Sections 7 and 8, 5 and 6 into Township 8 N, Range 12 E, between Sections 31 and 32, to Big Indian Creek; and

(5) Then following Big Indian Creek in a northwesterly direction through Sections 31, 30, 25, 26 and 27, returning to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-147, 48 FR 45239, Oct. 4, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5959, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.82 - Potter Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Potter Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The approved maps for the Potter Valley viticultural area are the U.S.G.S. maps entitled “Potter Valley Quadrangle, California,” 1960, and “Ukiah Quadrangle, California,” 1958, 15 minute series (topographic).

(c) Boundaries. The Potter Valley viticultural area is located in Mendocino County, California. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) From the beginning point at the southeast corner of quadrant 36 and southwest corner of quadrant 32 (a point where Mendocino and Lake Counties border on the T. 17 N.-T. 16 N. township line), the boundary runs northwest to the northeastern corner of quadrant 4, on the T. 18 N.-T. 17 N. township line;

(2) Then west to the northwest corner of quadrant 1;

(3) Then south to the southwest corner of quadrant 36;

(4) Then east to R. 12 W.-R. 11 W. range line at the southeast corner of quadrant 36;

(5) Then south to Highway 20;

(6) Then southeast on Highway 20 to where Highway 20 passes from quadrant 20 to quadrant 21; and

(7) Thence northeast, returning to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-151, 48 FR 46521, Oct. 13, 1983]

§ 9.83 - Lake Erie.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lake Erie.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Lake Erie viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Toledo,” scale 1:250,000 (1956, revised 1978);

(2) “Cleveland,” scale 1:250,000 (1956, revised 1972);

(3) “Erie,” scale 1:250,000 (1959, revised 1972); and

(4) “Buffalo,” scale 1:250,000 (1962).

(c) Boundaries. The Lake Erie viticultural area is located along the shore and on the islands of Lake Erie across the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The beginning point is where Buffalo Creek empties into Lake Erie at Buffalo Harbor.

(1) From the beginning point the boundary proceeds up Buffalo Creek to the confluence of Cazenovia Creek.

(2) The boundary proceeds up Cazenovia Creek and thence up the west branch of Cazenovia Creek to a point approximately one mile north of Colden, New York, exactly 12 statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie.

(3) The boundary proceeds southwestward and along a line exactly 12 statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie to a point approximately one mile north of Dayton, New York, where it intersects the 1,300-foot contour line.

(4) The boundary proceeds generally southwestward along the 1,300-foot contour line to a point almost two miles north-northwest of Godard, Pennsylvania, exactly six statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie.

(5) The boundary proceeds southwestward along a line exactly six statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie to the point where it intersects Ohio Route 45 near the intersection with Interstate 90.

(6) The boundary proceeds southward along Ohio Route 45 to a point exactly 14 statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie approximately one mile north of Rock Creek, Ohio.

(7) The boundary proceeds southwestward, then westward, then northwestward along a line 14 statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie to the point where it intersects the Ohio-Michigan boundary just north of Centennial, Ohio.

(8) The boundary then follows the Ohio-Michigan border in an easterly direction to the shoreline of Lake Erie. Thence in a generally southeasterly direction along the shoreline of Lake Erie to the mouth of the Portage River just north of Port Clinton. Thence due north in a straight line to the United States-Canada border. Thence in a southeasterly and then an easterly direction along the United States-Canada border until a point is reached which is due north of the easternmost point of Kelleys Island.

(9) The boundary then proceeds due south until it reaches the shoreline of Lake Erie. Thence the boundary follows the lakeshore in a generally northeasterly direction to the beginning point at the mouth of Buffalo Creek.

[T.D. ATF-156, 48 FR 48819, Oct. 21, 1983]

§ 9.84 - Paso Robles.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Paso Robles”.

(b) Approved Map. The appropriate map for determining the boundary of the Paso Robles viticultural area is the United States Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale map of San Luis Obispo, California, 1956, revised 1969, shoreline revised and bathymetry added 1979.

(c) Boundaries. The Paso Robles viticultural area is located within San Luis Obispo County, California. From the point of beginning where the county lines of San Luis Obispo, Kings and Kern Counties converge, the county line also being the township line between T.24S. and T.25S., in R.16E.:

(1) Then in a westerly direction along this county line for 42 miles to the range line between R.9E. and R.10E.;

(2) Then in a southerly direction for 12 miles along the range line to the southwest of corner of T.26S. and R.10E.;

(3) Then in a southeasterly direction, approximately 5.5 miles to a point of intersection of the Dover Canyon Jeep Trail and Dover Canyon Road;

(4) Then in an easterly direction along Dover Canyon Road, approximately 1.5 miles, to the western border line of Rancho Paso de Robles;

(5) Then, following the border of the Paso Robles land grant, beginning in an easterly direction, to a point where it intersects the range line between R.11E. and R.12E.;

(6) Then southeasterly for approximately 16.5 miles to the point of intersection of the township line between T.29S. and T.30S. and the range line between R.12E. and R.13E.;

(7) Then in an easterly direction along the T.29S. and T.30S. line for approximately 3.1 miles to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of the Los Padres National Forest;

(8) Then in a southeasterly direction along the eastern boundary line of the Los Padres National Forest for approximately 4.1 miles to its intersection with the R.13E. and R.14E. line;

(9) Then in a northerly direction along the R.13E. and R.14E. line for approximately 8.7 miles to its intersection with the T.28S. and T.29S. line;

(10) Then in an easterly direction for approximately 18 miles to the range line between R.16E. and R.17E.;

(11) Then in a northerly direction for approximately 24 miles to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-148, 48 FR 45241, Oct. 4, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-377, 61 FR 29953, June 13, 1996; T.D. TTB-72, 74 FR 3429, Jan. 21, 2009]

§ 9.85 - Willow Creek.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Willow Creek.”

(b) Approved map. The map showing the boundary of the Willow Creek viticultural area is: “Willow Creek Quadrangle,” California, U.S.G.S. 15 minute series (1952).

(c) Boundaries. The Willow Creek viticultural area is located within portions of Humboldt and Trinity Counties, California. From the point of beginning where the 1,000-foot contour line intersects Kirkham Creek (directly north of section 19, T.7 N./R.5E.), beginning in a southerly direction, the boundary line the 1,000-foot contour line to;

(1) The point of intersection between the 1,000-foot contour line and the north section line of section 27, T.6N./R.5E.;

(2) Then in a straight, north easterly line to the point of intersection between the 1,000-foot contour line and the east section line of section 13, T.6N./R.5E.;

(3) Then in a straight, northwesterly line to the point of intersection between the 1,000-foot contour line and the north section line of section 11, T.6N./R.5E.;

(4) Then in a straight, south-southwesterly line to the point of intersection between the 1,000-foot contour line and the east section line of section 15, T.6N./R.5E.;

(5) Then following the 1,000-foot contour line, beginning in a westerly direction, to the point of intersection between the 1,000-foot contour line and Coons Creek;

(6) Then in a straight, westerly line to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-141, 48 FR 37376, Aug. 18, 1983]

§ 9.86 - Anderson Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Anderson Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Anderson Valley viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Navarro Quadrangle, California—Mendocino Co.,” 15 minute series (1961);

(2) “Boonville Quadrangle, California—Mendocino Co.,” 15 minute series (1959); and

(3) “Ornbaun Valley Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series (1960).

(c) Boundaries. The Anderson Valley viticultural area is located in the western part of Mendocino County, California. The beginning point is at the junction of Bailey Gulch and the South Branch North Fork Navarro River in Section 8, Township 15 North (T.15N.), Range 15 West (R.15W.), located in the northeast portion of U.S.G.S. map “Navarro Quadrangle.”

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs southeasterly in a straight line to an unnamed hilltop (elevation 2015 feet) in the northeast corner of Section 9, T.13N., R.13W., located in the southeast portion of U.S.G.S. map “Boonville Quadrangle”;

(2) Then southwesterly in a straight line to Benchmark (BM) 680 in Section 30, T.13N., R.13W., located in the northeast portion of U.S.G.S. map “Ornbaun Valley Quadrangle”;

(3) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection of an unnamed creek and the south section line of Section 14, T.14N., R.15W., located in the southwest portion of U.S.G.S. map “Boonville Quadrangle”;

(4) Then in a westerly direction along the south section lines of Sections 14, 15, and 16, T.14N., R.15W., to the intersection of the south section line of Section 16 with Greenwood Creek, approximately .2 miles west of Cold Springs Road which is located in the southeast portion of U.S.G.S. map “Navarro Quadrangle”;

(5) Then in a southwesterly and then a northwesterly direction along Greenwood Creek to a point in Section 33 directly south (approximately 1.4 miles) of Benchmark (BM) 1057 in Section 28, T.15N., R.16W.;

(6) Then directly north in a straight line to Benchmark (BM) 1057 in Section 28, T.15N., R.16W.;

(7) Then in a northeasterly direction in a straight line to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-139, 48 FR 37370, Aug. 18, 1983]

§ 9.87 - Grand River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Grand River Valley.”

(b) Approved map. The approved map for determining the boundary of the Grand River Valley viticultural area is the U.S.G.S. topographic map in the scale of 1:250,000, entitled Cleveland, number NK 17-8, dated 1956, revised 1972.

(c) Boundary. The Grand River Valley viticultural area is located in the following Ohio counties: Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula. The viticultural area consists of all of the land within the Lake Erie viticultural area, described in § 9.83, which is also within 2 statute miles, in any direction, of the Grand River. Specifically, the Grand River Valley viticultural area consists of all of the land west of Ohio Route 45 which is within 2 statute miles, in any direction, of the Grand River, and which is also within 14 statute miles inland from any point on the shore of Lake Erie.

[T.D. ATF-157, 48 FR 48821, Oct. 21, 1983]

§ 9.88 - Pacheco Pass.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Pacheco Pass.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of Pacheco Pass viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) San Felipe Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1955 (photorevised 1971).

(2) Three Sisters Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1954 (photorevised 1971).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Pacheco Pass viticultural area is located in California. The starting point of the following boundary description is the crossing of Pacheco Creek under California Highway 156, about 4 miles north of Hollister Municipal Airport, in San Benito County, California.

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the starting point northwestward along Pacheco Creek to the intersection with the straight-line extension of Barnheisel Road. (Note. This is an old land grant boundary and appears on the U.S.G.S. map as the western boundary of an orchard.)

(ii) From there in a straight line northeastward to the intersection of Barnheisel Road and California Highway 156.

(iii) From there northward along Highway 156 to California Highway 152 (“Pacheco Pass Highway”).

(iv) Then northward along Pacheco Pass Highway to the 37° latitude line.

(v) Then eastward along that latitude line to the land line R. 5E./R. 6E.

(vi) Then southward along that land line, crossing Foothill Road, and continuing southward to a point exactly 2,300 feet south of Foothill Road.

(vii) From there is a straight line to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-167, 49 FR 9169, Mar. 12, 1984]

§ 9.89 - Umpqua Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Umpqua Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Umpqua Valley viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Roseburg,” scale 1:250,000 (1958, revised 1970); and

(2) “Medford,” scale 1:250,000 (1955, revised 1976).

(c) Boundaries. The Umpqua Valley viticultural area is located entirely within Douglas County, Oregon, which is in the southwest part of the State. The beginning point is the intersection of Interstate Highway 5 with the Douglas/Lane County line in Township 21 South (T21S), Range 4 West (R4W) on the “Roseburg” map.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary proceeds north along the Douglas/Lane County line approximately .5 miles to the 1,000-foot contour line;

(2) Thence northwest along the 1,000-foot contour line to the Douglas/Lane County line; thence west along the Douglas/Lane County line approximately 2.5 miles, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a generally westerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to the R9W/R10W range line;

(3) Thence south along the R9W/R10W range line approximately 2.75 miles to the center of the Umpqua River; thence along a straight line in an easterly direction approximately 6.25 miles to the intersection of range line R8W/R9W with the center of the Umpqua River; thence south along range line R8W/R9W approximately 3.5 miles to its intersection with township line T22S/T23S;

(4) Thence southeast approximately 8.5 miles along a straight line to the intersection of township line T23S/T24S with range line R7W/R8W; thence south along the R7W/R8W range line approximately 8 miles to its intersection with the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a southeasterly direction in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles toward the intersection of township line T25S/T26S with range line R6W/R7W, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line;

(5) Thence in a southerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to the intersection of township line T27S/T28S with range line R7W/R8W; thence in a southwesterly direction in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles toward the intersection of township line T28S/T29S with range line R8W/R9W, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence south along the 1,000-foot contour line to its intersection with township line T29S/T30S;

(6) Thence east along township line T29S/T30S approximately .33 miles, rejoining the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a northerly and eventually a southerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line past the town of Riddle on the “Medford” map to range line R6W/R7W; thence south along the R6W/R7W range line approximately .5 miles back to the 1,000-foot contour line;

(7) Thence in an easterly, westerly, and eventually a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to a point approximately 3.5 miles east of Dillard, where the contour line crosses Interstate Highway 5 on the “Roseburg” map; thence northeast along Interstate Highway 5 approximately .25 mile, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a generally northeasterly, southeasterly, northwesterly, and eventually a northeasterly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line past the town of Idleyld Park to the R2W/R3W range line;

(8) Thence north along range line R2W/R3W approximately 1.75 miles to the T25S/T26S township line; thence west along township line T25S/T26S approximately .25 mile, returning to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a generally westerly and then a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line up the valley of Calapooya Creek to the R3W/R4W range line; thence north along range line R3W/R4W approximately 2.25 miles, back to the 1,000-foot contour line;

(9) Thence in a westerly and then a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to the T23S/T24S township line; thence east along the T23S/T24S township line approximately 2.75 miles to the 1,000-foot contour line; thence in a northerly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line to its intersection with the Douglas/Lane County line; thence north along the Douglas/Lane County line approximately .75 mile to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-170, 49 FR 12246, Mar. 29, 1984]

§ 9.90 - Willamette Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Willamette Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundaries of the Willamette Valley viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. Oregon maps scaled 1:250,000 and one U.S.G.S. Oregon map scaled 1:24,000. They are entitled:

(1) “Vancouver,” Location Diagram NL 10-8, 1958 (revised 1974).

(2) “Salem,” Location Diagram NL 10-11, 1960 (revised 1977).

(3) “Roseburg,” Location Diagram NL 10-2, 1958 (revised 1970).

(4) “Letz Creek, OR” (revised 1984).

(c) Boundaries. The Willamette Valley viticultural area is located in the northwestern part of Oregon, and is bordered on the north by the Columbia River, on the west by the Coast Range Mountains, on the south by the Calapooya Mountains, and on the east by the Cascade Mountains, encompassing approximately 5,200 square miles (3.3 million acres). The exact boundaries of the viticultural area, based on landmarks and points of reference found on the approved maps, are as follows: From the beginning point at the intersection of the Columbia/Multnomah County line and the Oregon/Washington State line;

(1) West along the Columbia/Multnomah County line 8.5 miles to its intersection with the Washington/Multnomah County line;

(2) South along the Washington County line 5 miles to its intersection with the 1,000 foot contour line;

(3) Northwest (15 miles due northwest) along the 1,000 foot contour line to its intersection with State Highway 47, .5 mile north of “Tophill”;

(4) Then, due west from State Highway 47 one-quarter mile to the 1,000 foot contour line, continuing south and then southwest along the 1,000 foot contour line to its intersection with the Siuslaw National Forest (a point approximately 43 miles south and 26 miles west of “Tophill”), one mile north of State Highway 22;

(5) Due south 6.5 miles to the 1,000 foot contour line on the Lincoln/Polk County line;

(6) Continue along the 1,000 foot contour line (approximately 23 miles) east, south, and then west, to a point where the Polk County line is intersected by the Lincoln/Benton County line;

(7) South along Lincoln/Benton County line, 11 miles to its intersection with the Siuslaw National Forest line;

(8) East along the Siuslaw National Forest line six miles, and then south along the Siuslaw National Forest line six miles to State Highway 34 and the 1,000 foot contour line;

(9) South along the 1,000 foot contour line to its intersection with Township line T17S/T18S (31 miles southwest, and one mile west of State Highway 126);

(10) East along T17S/T18S 4.5 miles to Range line R6W/R7W, south along this range line 2.5 miles to the 1,000 foot contour line;

(11) Northeast, then southeast along the 1,000 foot contour line approximately 12 miles to its intersection with the R5W/R6W range line;

(12) South along the R5W/R6W range line approximately 0.25 mile to the intersection with the 1,000 foot contour line;

(13) Generally southeast along the meandering 1,000 foot contour line, crossing onto the Letz Creek map, to a point on the 1,000 foot contour line located due north of the intersection of Siuslaw River Road and Fire Road;

(14) South in a straight line approximately 0.55 mile, crossing over the Siuslaw River and the intersection of Siuslaw River Road and Fire Road, to the 1,000 foot contour line;

(15) Generally southeast along the meandering 1,000 foot contour line, crossing onto the Roseburg, Oregon map, to the intersection of the 1,000 foot contour line with the Lane/Douglas County line;

(16) East along the Lane/Douglas County line approximately 3.8 miles to the intersection with the 1,000 foot contour line just east of the South Fork of the Siuslaw River;

(17) Generally north, then northeast along the 1,000 foot contour line around Spencer Butte, and then generally south to a point along the Lane/Douglas County line 0.5 mile north of State Highway 99;

(18) South along the Lane/Douglas County line 1.25 miles to the 1,000 foot contour line;

(19) Following the 1,000 foot contour line around the valleys of Little River, Mosby Creek, Sharps Creek and Lost Creek to the intersection of R1W/R1E and State Highway 58);

(20) North along R1W/R1E, six miles, until it intersects the 1,000 foot contour line just north of Little Fall Creek;

(21) Continuing along the 1,000 foot contour line around Hills Creek, up the southern slope of McKenzie River Valley to Ben and Kay Dorris State Park, crossing over and down the northern slope around Camp Creek, Mohawk River and its tributaries, Calapooia River (three miles southeast of the town of Dollar) to a point where Wiley Creek intersects R1E/R1W approximately one mile south of T14S/T13S;

(22) North along R1E/R1W 7.5 miles to T12S/T13S at Cedar Creek;

(23) West along T12S/T13S four miles to the 1,000 foot contour line;

(24) Continuing in a general northerly direction along the 1,000 foot contour line around Crabtree Creek, Thomas Creek, North Santiam River (to its intersection with Sevenmile Creek), and Little North Santiam River to the intersection of the 1,000 foot contour line with R1E/R2E (approximately one mile north of State Highway 22);

(25) North along R1E/R2E (through a small portion of Silver Falls State Park) 14 miles to T6S/T7S;

(26) East along T6S/T7S six miles to R2E/R3E;

(27) North along R2E/R3E six miles to T5S/T6S;

(28) Due northeast 8.5 miles to the intersection of T4S/T5S and R4E/R3E;

(29) East along T4S/T5S six miles to R4E/R5E;

(30) North along R4E/R5E six miles to T3S/T4S;

(31) East along T3S/T4S six miles to R5E/R6E;

(32) North along R5E/R6E 10.5 miles to a point where it intersects the Mount Hood National Forest boundary (approximately three miles north of U.S. Highway 26);

(33) West four miles and north one mile along the forest boundary to the 1,000 foot contour line (just north of Bull Run River);

(34) North along the 1,000 foot contour line, into Multnomah County, to its intersection with R4E/R5E;

(35) Due north approximately three miles to the Oregon/Washington State line; and

(36) West and then north, 34 miles, along the Oregon/Washington State line to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-162, 48 FR 54221, Dec. 1, 1983, as amended by T.D. TTB-134, 81 FR 11112, Mar. 3, 2016]

§ 9.91 - Walla Walla Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Walla Walla Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Walla Walla Valley viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps, in the scale 1:100,000. They are entitled:

(1) “Walla Walla,” Washington-Oregon, 1980

(2) “Pendleton,” Oregon-Washington, 1983

(c) Boundaries. The Walla Walla Valley viticultural area is located within Walla Walla County in Washington State and Umatilla County in Oregon. It is entirely within the Columbia Valley viticultural area. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) The beginning point is on the Walla Walla quadrangle map, in T8N/37E, at the point where the 2,000 foot contour line intersects with an unnamed light duty road approximately 250 feet east of U.S. Highway 12 in Minnick, Washington (on maps measured in metric units, this elevation is between the 600 and 650 meter contour lines),

(2) Then the boundary goes northwest in a straight line for 7 kilometers (km), until it intersects with a power line that runs between T8N and T9N,

(3) Then the boundary follows the power line west for 8 km, where it diverges from the power line and goes west-southwest in a straight line for approximately 33 km to the intersection of 2 unnamed light duty roads in the area marked Ninemile Canyon in the southwest corner of T8N/R33E,

(4) Then the boundary goes south-southwest in a straight line approximately 8 km, until it reaches U.S. Highway 12, about 2.5 km east of Reese, Washington,

(5) Then the boundary goes south in a straight line for approximately 8 km, crossing the Washington-Oregon state line and moving onto the Pendleton U.S.G.S. map, where it meets the 450 m contour line in T6N/R32E, near an unnamed peak with an elevation of 461 m,

(6) Then the boundary follows the 450 m contour line in a generally southeasterly direction until it intersects Dry Creek in T4N/R35E,

(7) Then the boundary goes southeast along Dry Creek (Oregon) until it reaches the 2000 foot contour line,

(8) Then the boundary follows the 2000 foot contour line in a generally northeasterly direction, crossing the Oregon-Washington state line and returning to the Walla Walla U.S.G.S map, until it reaches the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-441, 66 FR 11542, Feb. 26, 2001]

§ 9.92 - Madera.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Madera.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Madera viticultural area are eleven U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Clovis, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1964, photorevised 1972;

(2) “Fresno North, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1965, photorevised 1972;

(3) “Friant, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1964;

(4) “Lanes Bridge, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1964, photoinspected 1973;

(5) “Gregg, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1965;

(6) “Madera, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1963;

(7) “Kismet, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1961;

(8) “Raynor Creek, Cal.,” 7 1/2 minute series, edition of 1961;

(9) “Fresno, Cal.,” scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1962, revised 1971;

(10) “Monterey, Cal.,” scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1974; and

(11) “San Jose, Cal.,” scaled 1:250,000, edition of 1962, revised 1969.

(c) Boundaries. The Madera viticultural area is located in Madera and Fresno Counties, California. The beginning point is found on the “Fresno North,” 7 1/2 minute series U.S.G.S. map at the point where the San Joaquin River intersects the section line dividing sections 20 and 29, and sections 21 and 28, T. 12 S., R. 20 E.;

(1) Then east approximately 6 miles following the section line and Shepherd Avenue to the intersection with Sunnyside Road;

(2) Then north approximately 7 miles following Sunnyside Road and continuing along the section line to the point of intersection of section 16, 17, 20, and 21, T.11S., R 21E.;

(3) Then west approximately 17.6 miles following the section line and continuing along Avenue 15 to the intersection with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad;

(4) Then northwest following the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad to Road 26;

(5) Then north following Road 26 and continuing north in a straight line to the Chowchilla River in the “Raynor Creek” 7 1/2 minute series U.S.G.S. map, and in the “San Jose” scaled 1:250,000 U.S.G.S. map;

(6) Then west following the Chowchilla River to the point where the Madera County-Merced County boundary diverges from the river;

(7) Then southwest following the Madera County-Merced County boundary to the San Joaquin River;

(8) Then following the San Joaquin River south and east returning to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-192, 49 span 47833, Dec. 12, 1984; 50 span 2782, Jan. 22, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 span 5960, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.93 - Mendocino.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mendocino.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries for the Mendocino viticultural area are seven U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) “Willits Quadrangle, California—Mendocino Co.,” 15 minute series (1961);

(2) “Potter Valley Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series (1960);

(3) “Ukiah Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series (1958);

(4) “Hopland Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series (1960);

(5) “Boonville Quadrangle, California—Mendocino Co.,” 15 minute series (1959);

(6) “Navarro Quadrangle, California—Mendocino Co.,” 15 minute series (1961);

(7) “Ornbaun Valley Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series (1960).

(c) Boundaries. The “Mendocino” viticultural area is located entirely within Mendocino County, California. The beginning point is the southeast corner of Section 30, Township 12 North (T. 12 N.), Range 10 West (R. 10 W.) located along the Mendocino County/Sonoma County line in the southeast quadrant of U.S.G.S. map “Hopland Quadrangle.”

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs north along the eastern boundary of Sections 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 to the point labeled Jakes Cr (Jakes Creek) located at the northwest corner of Section 5, T. 12 N., R. 10 W.;

(2) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to the point labeled Bedford Rock in Section 3, T. 13 N., R. 11 W.;

(3) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to a point labeled Red Mtn in Section 17, T. 14 N., R. 11 W.;

(4) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to the southeast corner of Section 25, T. 16 N., R. 11 W.;

(5) Thence in a straight line in a northeast direction to the northeast corner of Section 1, T. 16 N., R. 11 W. located along the Mendocino County/Lake County line;

(6) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to the northeast corner of Section 5, T. 17 N., R. 11 W.;

(7) Thence due west along the T.18N./T.17N. common line until the common line intersects with the R.13W./R.12W. common line;

(8) Thence in a straight line in a south-southwesterly direction, crossing onto the Willits map, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot contour line and Baker Creek (within McGee Canyon) along the west boundary line of Section 25, T.17N./R.13W.;

(9) Thence in a southeasterly direction (downstream) along Bakers Creek to where the creek intersects with the 1,400-foot contour line in Section 25, T.17N/R.13W.;

(10) Thence in a straight line in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of Section 36, T.17N./R.13W.;

(11) Thence in a straight line in a west-southwesterly direction to the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and an unnamed road known locally as Reeves Canyon Road in Section 1, T.16N./R.13W.;

(12) Thence in a straight line in a southeasterly direction to the southeast corner of Section 1, T.16N./R.13W.;

(13) Thence in a straight line in a south-southwesterly direction to the intersection of an unnamed, unimproved road and an unnamed, intermittent stream, approximately 500 feet south of Seward Creek, in Section 12, T.16N./R.13W.;

(14) Thence in a straight line in a west-southwesterly direction to the southwest corner of Section 12, T.16N./R.13W.;

(15) Thence in a straight line in a southwesterly direction to the southwest corner of Section 14, T.16N./R.13W.;

(16) Thence in a straight line in a southwest direction to the point labeled Eagle Rock located in Section 16, T. 15 N., R. 13 W.;

(17) Thence in a straight line in a southeast direction to the point labeled Bus McGall Peak located in Section 4, T. 13 N., R. 12 W.;

(18) Thence in a straight line in a westerly direction to an unnamed hilltop, elevation 2,015 feet, in the northeast corner of Section 9, T. 13 N., R. 13 W.;

(19) Thence in a straight line in a northwest direction to the junction of Baily Gulch and the South Branch, North Fork of the Navarro River, located in Section 8, T.15N., R.15W.;

(20) Thence in a straight line in a southwest direction to Benchmark (BM) 1057 located in Section 28, T. 15 N., R. 16 W.;

(21) Thence due south in a straight line approximately 1.4 miles to Greenwood Creek located in Section 33, T. 15 N., R. 16 W.;

(22) Thence following Greenwood Creek in a generally southeasterly and then a northeasterly direction to where it intersects with the south section line of Section 16, T. 14 N., R. 15 W., approximately .2 miles west of Cold Springs Road;

(23) Thence in an easterly direction along the south section lines of Sections 16, 15, and 14, T. 14 N., R. 15 W., to the intersection of the south section line of Section 14 with an unnamed creek;

(24) Thence in a straight line in a southeasterly direction to Benchmark (BM) 680 located in Section 30, T. 13 N., R. 13 W.;

(25) Thence continuing in a straight line in a southerly direction to the southwest corner of Section 5, T. 12 N., R. 13 W., and the Mendocino County/Sonoma County line;

(26) Thence continuing in a straight line in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of the southwest corner of Section 32, T. 12 N., R. 11 W., and the Mendocino County/Sonoma County line;

(27) Thence following the Mendocino County/Sonoma County line in an easterly, northerly, and then an easterly direction to the beginning point.

(d) Transition period. A label containing the word “Mendocino” in the brand name (other than in the phrase “Mendocino County” or “Eagle Peak Mendocino County”) or as an appellation of origin approved prior to November 10, 2014 may be used on wine bottled before November 10, 2016 if the wine conforms to the standards for use of the label set forth in § 4.25 or § 4.39(i) of this chapter in effect prior to November 10, 2014.

[T.D. ATF-178, 49 FR 24714, June 15, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-397, 63 FR 16904, Apr. 7, 1998; T.D. TTB-124, 79 FR 60972, Oct. 9, 2014]

§ 9.94 - Howell Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Howell Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Howell Mountain viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) “Detert Reservoir, CA.,” 1959 (photorevised 1980).

(2) “Aetna Springs, CA.,” 1958 (photorevised 1981).

(3) “Calistoga, CA.,” 1958 (photorevised 1980).

(4) “St. Helena, CA.,” 1960 (photorevised 1980).

(c) Boundaries. The Howell Mountain viticultural area is located in Napa County, California, and is part of the Napa Valley viticultural area. The exact boundaries of the viticultural area, based on landmarks and points of reference found in the approved maps, as follows:

(1) Beginning at the 1,400 foot contour line at the intersection of Sections 15 and 16 in R6W/T9N of the Detert Reservoir Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map.

(2) Then continuing in an east and southeast direction along the 1,400 foot contour line to the southeast corner of Section 23 in R5W/T8N.

(3) Then in a generally northwest direction along the 1,400 foot contour line until it intersects the line between Sections 21 and 22 in R6W/T9N.

(4) Then north along the Section 21/22 boundary line to the starting point at the 1,400 foot contour line.

[T.D. ATF-163, 48 FR 57487, Dec. 30, 1983, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5960, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.95 - Clarksburg.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Clarksburg.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Clarksburg viticultural area are eight U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) Sacramento West, Calif., 1967 (photorevised 1980).

(2) Saxon, Calif., 1952 (photorevised 1968).

(3) Clarksburg, Calif., 1967 (photorevised 1980).

(4) Florin, Calif., 1968 (photorevised 1980).

(5) Liberty Island, Calif., 1978.

(6) Courtland, Calif., 1978.

(7) Bruceville, Calif., 1978 (photorevised 1980).

(8) Isleton, Calif., 1978.

(9) Rio Vista, Calif., 1978 (minor revision 1993).

(c) Boundaries. Beginning at a point (on the Sacramento West topographic map) in Yolo County in T8N/R4E, at the intersection of Jefferson Blvd. and Burrows Ave.,

(1) Then southwest in a straight line 1.2 miles along Jefferson Blvd. to the eastern bank of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel.

(2) Then southwest along the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel, approximately 17 miles to T5N/R3E, to the Class 5 trail on the levee connecting the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel and the dredger cut Miner Slough, approximately 2 miles from the Solano/Yolo County line.

(3) Then east along the trail to the Miner Slough.

(4) Then south along Miner Slough to the point where it joins Cache Slough.

(5) Then south along Cache Slough to the point where it joins the Sacramento River.

(6) Then east, then generally northeasterly along the meandering Sacramento River to the point where it meets the Delta Cross Channel at the Southern Pacific Railroad.

(7) Then northeast along the Southern Pacific Railroad for 2 miles, to a point 1/3 mile past the intersection of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the eastern branch of Snodgrass Slough.

(8) Then east approximately 2 1/2 miles along the levee to Interstate 5 (under construction).

(9) Then north approximately 8 1/2 miles along Interstate 5 (under construction, proposed, and completed) to Section 18 in T6N/R5E, at the intersection of Interstate 5 and Hood Franklin Road.

(10) Then southwest along Hood Franklin Road to the Southern Pacific Railroad Levee, .1 mile northeast of Hood Junction.

(11) Then north approximately 18 miles along the Southern Pacific Railroad Levee to Section 11 in T7N/R4E, at Freeport Blvd., and then across the Sacramento River at the line between Sections 11 and 14.

(12) Then northwest along the west bank of the Sacramento River to Burrows Ave.

(13) Then northwest along Burrows Ave. to the starting point at the intersection of Jefferson Blvd. and Burrows Ave.

[T.D. ATF-166, 49 span 2759, Jan. 23, 1984, as amended by T.D. TTB-178, 87 span 13159, Mar. 9, 2022]

§ 9.96 - Mississippi Delta.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mississippi Delta.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Mississippi Delta viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) Helena, scale of 1:250,000, 1955 (revised 1977).

(2) Greenwood, scale of 1:250,000, 1953 (revised 1979).

(3) Jackson, scale of 1:250,000, 1955 (revised 1973).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Mississippi Delta viticultural area is located in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee. The starting point of the following boundary description is the intersection of the Illinois Central Gulf (I.C.G.) Railroad and the Mississippi River levee system, on the southeast side of Lake Horne, between Lake View, Mississippi, and Walls, Mississippi, on the Helena map.

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the starting point generally southward along the Mississippi River levee system until it again intersects the I.C.G. Railroad, near Twin Lake, Mississippi (about 10 miles north of Vicksburg, on the Jackson map). In any place where there is more than one continuous levee, the one closest to the Mississippi River is the boundary.

(ii) From the intersection described in paragraph (c)(2)(i), the boundary continues southward along the I.C.G. tracks, until they merge with another branch of the I.C.G. Railroad, near Redwood, Mississippi.

(iii) Then generally northeastward along that other branch of the I.C.G. Railroad, to the Leflore County-Holmes County line (on the Greenwood map).

(iv) Then southeastward along that county line to the Leflore County-Carroll County line.

(v) Then generally northward along that county line to Mississippi Route 7.

(vi) Then generally northeastward along Route 7 to the 90°00′ longitude line.

(vii) Then northward along that longitude line to Mississippi Route 8.

(viii) Then eastward along Route 8 to Mississippi Route 35.

(ix) Then northward along Route 35 to Mississippi Route 322 (on the Helena map).

(x) Then generally eastward along Route 322 to the Panola Quitman Floodway.

(xi) Then northward along that floodway to the range line R.9W./R.8W.

(xii) Then northward along that range line to the 200 ft. contour line (north of Ballentine, Mississippi).

(xiii) Then generally northeastward along that contour line to Mississippi Route 3.

(xiv) Then northward along Route 3 to the Tunica County-Tate County line.

(xv) Then northward along that county line to the Tunica County-De Soto County line.

(xvi) Then northward along that county line to the I.C.G. Railroad.

(xvii) Then northward along the I.C.G. tracks to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-181, 49 FR 34354, Aug. 30, 1984]

§ 9.97 - Sonoita.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sonoita.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of Sonoita viticultural area are seven U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) Benson Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(2) Fort Huachuca Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(3) Elgin Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(4) Lochiel Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(5) Mount Wrightson Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(6) Sunnyside Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(7) Empire Mountains Quadrangle, 15 minute series, 1958.

(c) Bouldary—(1) General. The Sonoita viticultural area is located in Arizona. The starting point of the following boundary description is the summit of Mount Wrightson (9,543 feet) in the Santa Rita Mountains.

(2) Boundary Description—(i) From the starting point southeastward in a straight line for approximately 24 miles, to the summit of Lookout Knob (6,171 feet) in the Canelo Hills.

(ii) From there in a straight line eastward for approximately 10 miles, to the summit of Huachuca Peak (8,410 feet) in the Huachuca Mountains.

(iii) From there north-northwestward for approximately 21 miles in a straight line to the summit of Granite Peak (7,413 feet) in the Whetstone Mountains.

(iv) From there west-southwestward in a straight line for approximately 26 miles, to the summit of Mount Wrightson (the point of beginning).

[T.D. ATF-189, 49 FR 43054, Oct. 26, 1984]

§ 9.98 - Monterey.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Monterey.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Monterey viticultural area are 36 U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) Sycamore Flat, CA, 1956, photoinspected 1972;

(2) Junipero Serra Peak, CA, 1949, photoinspected 1972;

(3) Reliz Canyon, CA, 1949;

(4) Paraiso Springs, CA, 1956;

(5) Thompson Canyon, CA, 1949, photo-revised 1979;

(6) Cosio Knob, CA, 1948, photoinspected 1976;

(7) Espinosa Canyon, CA, 1948;

(8) San Ardo, CA, 1967;

(9) Hames Valley, CA, 1949;

(10) Tierra Redonda Mtn., CA, 1948;

(11) Bradley, CA, 1949;

(12) Wunpost, CA, 1948;

(13) Pancho Rico Valley, CA, 1967;

(14) Nattras Valley, CA, 1967;

(15) San Lucas, CA, 1949;

(16) Pinalito Canyon, CA, 1969;

(17) North Chalone Peak, CA, 1969;

(18) Soledad, CA, 1955;

(19) Mount Johnson, CA, 1968;

(20) Gonzales, CA, 1955;

(21) Mt. Harlan Quadrangle, CA, 1968;

(22) Natividad Quadrangle, CA, 1947, photo-revised 1968, photoinspected 1974;

(23) San Juan Bautista Quadrangle, CA, 1955, photo-revised 1980;

(24) Prunedale Quadrangle, CA, 1954, photo-revised 1981;

(25) Watsonville East Quadrangle, CA, 1955, photo-revised 1980;

(26) Watsonville West Quadrangle, CA, 1954, photo-revised 1980;

(27) Moss Landing Quadrangle, CA, 1954, photo-revised 1980;

(28) Marina Quadrangle, CA, 1947, photo-revised 1968 and 1974;

(29) Monterey, CA, 1947, photo-revised 1968, photoinspected 1974;

(30) Mt. Carmel, CA, 1956, photoinspected 1972;

(31) Carmel Valley, CA, 1956, photoinspected 1974;

(32) Spreckels, CA, 1947, photo-revised 1968, photoinspected 1975;

(33) Chualar, CA, 1947, photo-revised 1968, photoinspected 1974;

(34) Rana Creek, CA, 1956, photoinspected 1973; and

(35) Palo Escrito Peak, CA, 1956;

(36) Greenfield, CA, 1956;

(37) Salinas, CA, 1947 (photorevised 1975); and

(38) Seaside, CA, 1947 (photorevised 1968, photoinspected 1974).

(c) Boundary. The Monterey viticultural area is located in Monterey County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is found on the “Sycamore Flat” U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute map at the junction of Arroyo Seco Road and the Jamesburg Road, in the southeast corner of section 21, T(ownship) 19 S., R(ange) 5 E. (This is also the beginning point for the Arroyo Seco viticultural area.)

(2) The boundary proceeds directly west along the southern boundary of section 21 to the southwest corner of section 21, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(3) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line across section 28 to the southeast corner of section 28, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(4) Then directly east along the southern boundaries of sections 27, 26 and 25 in T. 19 S., R. 5 E., sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 and 25 in T. 19 S., R. 6 E., and sections 30, 29, and 28 in T. 19 S., R. 7 E. to the southeast corner of section 28, T. 19 S., R. 7 E.

(5) Then south along the eastern boundary of section 33 to the southeast corner of section 33, T. 19 S., R. 7 E.

(6) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line across section 3 to the southeast corner of section 3, T. 20 S., R. 7 E.

(7) Then south southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 11 and 14 to the southeast corner of section 14, T. 20 S., R. 7 E.

(8) Then south along the western boundaries of sections 24 and 25 to the southwest corner of section 25, T. 20 S., R. 7 E.

(9) Then east along the southern boundaries of sections 25 and 30 to the southeast corner of section 30, T. 20 S., R. 8 E.

(10) Then southwest in a straight diagonal line across section 31 to the southwest corner of section 31, T. 20 S., R. 8 E.

(11) Then west along the southern boundary of section 36, T. 20 S., R. 7 E., to the northwest corner of section 6, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.

(12) Then south along the western boundaries of sections 6 and 7 to the southwest corner of section 7, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.

(13) Then west along the northern boundary of section 13 to the northwest corner of section 13, T. 21 S., R. 7 E.

(14) Then south along the western boundaries of sections 13 and 24 to the southwest corner of section 24, T. 21 S., R. 7 E.

(15) Then east northeast in a straight diagonal line across section 24, T. 21 S., R. 7 E., and across section 19, T. 21 S., R. 8 E., to the northeast corner of section 19, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.

(16) Then northeast in a straight diagonal line across section 17 to the northeast corner of section 17, T. 21 S., R. 8 E.

(17) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 16, 22, 26 and 36 in T. 21 S., R. 8 E. and across sections 6, 8, and 16 in T. 22 S., R. 9 E. to the southeast corner of section 16, T. 22 S., R. 9 E.

(18) Then east southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 22, 23, 24, T. 22 S., R. 9 E., and across section 19, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., to the southeast corner of section 19, T. 22 S., R. 10 E.

(19) Then south southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 29, 32, and 33, T. 22 S., R. 10 E., to the southeast corner of section 4, T. 23 S., R. 10 E.

(20) Then south southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 10, 15, 23, and 26 to the southeast corner of section 26, T. 23 S., R. 10 E.

(21) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across section 26 to the northwest corner of section 26, T. 23 S., R. 10 E.

(22) Then west northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 22, 21, 20, and 19, T. 23 S., R. 10 E. to the northwest corner of section 24, T. 23 S., R. 9 E.

(23) Then southeast across sections 24, 25, 30, 31, and 32, to the southeast corner of section 5, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(24) Then east southeast in a straight diagonal line across section 9 to the southeast corner of section 10, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(25) Then south southeast in a straight diagonal line across section 14 to the southeast corner of section 23, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(26) Then southwest in a straight diagonal line to the southwest corner of section 26, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(27) Then south along the western boundary of section 35 to the southwest corner of section 35, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(28) Then east along the southern boundaries of sections 35 and 36 to the southeast corner of section 36, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(29) Then north along the eastern boundaries of sections 36 and 25 to the northeast corner of section 25, T. 24 S., R. 10 E.

(30) Then northeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 19, 18, and 17 to the northeast corner of section 8, T. 24 S., R. 11 E.

(31) Then west northwest in a straight diagonal line across section 5 to the northwest corner of section 6, T. 24 S., R. 11 E.

(32) Then north along the line separating Range 10 E. and Range 11 E. along the eastern boundary lines of sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 in Township 23 S., and along the western boundaries of sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 in Township 22 S., to the northeast corner of section 36, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.

(33) Then west northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 25, 26, 23, 22, 15, 16 and 9 to the northwest corner of section 8, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.

(34) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line to the northwest corner of section 6, T. 21 S., R. 10 E.

(35) Then west along the northern boundary of section 1, T. 21 S., R. 9 E. to the southeast corner of section 36, T. 20 S., R. 9 E.

(36) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 36, 26, 22, 16, 8, and 6 in T. 20 S., R. 9 E. to the northwest corner of section 6, T. 20 S., R. 9 E.

(37) Then north along the line separating Range 8 E. and Range 9 E. along the western boundaries of sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12, and 1, T. 19S., R. 8 E. to the northeast corner of section 1, T. 19 S., R. 9 E.

(38) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line to the point of intersection of the boundary line separating R. 7 E. and R. 8 E. and the boundary line separating T. 17 S. and T. 18 S.

(39) Then west along the northern boundaries of sections 1 and 2 to the northwest corner of section 2, T. 18 S., R. 7 E.

(40) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across section 34 to the northwest corner of section 34, T. 17 S., R. 7 E.

(41) Then west along the southern boundaries of sections 28 and 29 to the southwest corner of section 29, T. 17 S., R. 7 E.

(42) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 30, 24, 14, 10 and 4 to the northwest corner of section 4, T. 17 S., R. 6 E.

(43) Then north northeast in a straight line across the easternmost portion of section 32 to the northeast corner of section 32, T. 16 S., R. 6 E.

(44) Then north along the eastern boundary of section 29 to the northeast corner of section 29, T. 16 S., R. 6 E.

(45) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across section 20 to the northwest corner of section 20, T. 16 S., R. 6 E.

(46) Then west northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 18 and 13 to the northwest corner of section 13, T. 16 S., R. 5 E.

(47) Then north northwest in a straight diagonal line across sections 11 and 2 to the northwest corner of section 2, T. 16 S., R. 5 E.

(48) Then west along the southern boundaries of section 34 and 33 to the southwest corner of section 33, T. 15 S., R. 5 E.

(49) Then north along the western boundary of section 33, T. 15 S., R. 5 E., in a straight line for approximately 0.5 mile to the intersection with the Chualar Land Grant boundary at the northwestern corner of section 33, T. 15 S., R. 5 E.

(50) Then northeast in a straight diagonal line across the Chualar Land Grant and section 27 to the northeast corner of section 27, T. 15 S., R. 5 E.

(51) Then northwest in a straight diagonal line across section 22 to the northwest corner of section 22, T. 15 S., R. 5 E.

(52) Then west in a straight line along the southern boundaries of sections 16 and 17, T. 15 S., R. 5 E., to the southwest corner of section 17 where it intersects with the Encinal Y Buena Esperanza Land Grant boundary.

(53) Then north and then west along the eastern boundary of the Encinal Y Buena Esperanza Land Grant and the western boundaries of sections 21, 17, 8, and 7, T. 15 S., R. 5 E.

(54) Then in a straight line from the northwest corner of the Encinal Y Buena Esperanza Land Grant boundary and section 7, T. 15 S., R. 5 E. in a west northwest direction to the point where the power transmission line (with located metal tower) intersects at the western boundary of the Cienega del Gabilan Land Grant and the eastern boundary of the El Alisal Land Grant, T. 14 S., R. 4 E.

(55) Then north and then northwest along the boundary line between the Cienega del Gabilan Land Grant and El Alisal Land Grant to the westernmost corner of the Cienega del Gabilan Land Grant, T. 14 S., R. 4 E.

(56) Then west along the boundary line between the Sausal Land Grant and La Natividad Land Grant to the point where the boundary line intersects Old Stage Road.

(57) Then north along Old Stage Road to the point where Old Stage Road intersects the Monterey County—San Benito County line, T. 13 S., R. 4 E.

(58) Then northwest along the Monterey County—San Benito County line to the point near the Town of Aromas where the boundary lines of the counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito meet, T. 12 S., R. 3 E.

(59) Then in a meandering line along the Monterey County—Santa Cruz County line east then southeast to the Pacific Ocean, T. 12 S., R. 1 E.

(60) Then south along the coastline of Monterey Bay to its intersection with the northwesternmost boundary of Fort Ord Military Reservation, T. 14 S., R. 1 E.

(61) Then following the boundary line of the Fort Ord Military Reservation in an irregular line generally east, then south, then west to the point where the boundary line of the military reservation meets the Pacific Ocean, T. 15 S., R. 1 E.

(62) Then following the coastline of the Monterey Peninsula south along the coastline of Carmel Bay to Carmel Point, the northwesternmost point of Point Lobos State Reserve on the Carmel Peninsula.

(63) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line to the southwestern corner of section 25, T. 16 S., R. 1 W.

(64) Then east along the southern boundaries of section 25, T. 16 S., R. 1 W., and sections 30 and 29, T. 16 S., R. 1 E., to the southeastern corner of section 29 where it intersects with the southwestern boundary of the El Potrero de San Carlos Land Grant.

(65) Then southeast along the southwestern boundary line of the El Potrero de San Carlos Land Grant to the southeastern corner of section 33, T. 16 S., R. 1 E.

(66) Then east along the line separating Township 16 S. and Township 17 S. and across Pinyon Peak to the southeast corner of section 32, T. 16 S., R. 2 E. (This is the beginning and ending point of the boundary of Carmel Valley viticultural area.)

(67) Then continuing east along the line separating Township 16 S. from Township 17 S. to its point of intersection with the line separating Range 2 E. and Range 3 E.

(68) Then north along the western boundaries of sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7 and 6 in T. 16 S., R. 3 E. to the southwestern corner of section 31, T. 15 S., R. 3 E.

(69) Then in a straight diagonal line east northeast across sections 31, 32 and 33, T. 15 S., R. 3 E. to the southeast corner of section 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 E.

(70) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line along the eastern boundaries of sections 33 and 34, T. 15 S., R. 3 E., and sections 3, 2, 12, 16, 20, 21, and 28, T. 16 S., R. 4 E., to the point where the eastern boundary line of section 28 intersects the boundary line of the Guadalupe Y Llanitos de Los Correos Land Grant.

(71) Then south to the southwest corner of section 34, T. 16 S., R. 4 E.

(72) Then east to the northwest corner of section 2, T. 17 S., R. 4 E.

(73) Then south along the eastern boundary of section 3 to the southeast corner of section 3, T. 17 S., R. 4 E.

(74) Then southeast in a straight diagonal line across sections 11, 13, 19, and 29, to the southeast corner of section 29, T. 17 S., R. 5 E.

(75) Then south along the western boundary of section 33 to the southwest corner of section 33, T. 17 S., R. 5 E.

(76) Then east along the southern boundary of section 33 to the northeast corner of section 4, T. 18 S., R. 5 E.

(77) Then southeast in a diagonal line across sections 3 and 11 to the southeast corner of section 11, T. 18 S., R. 5 E.

(78) Then south along the western boundary of section 13 to the southwest corner of section 13, T. 18 S., R. 5 E.

(79) Then southeast in a diagonal line across section 24 to the southeast corner of section 24, T. 18 S., R. 5 E.

(80) Then south along the western boundaries of section 30 and 31 to the southwest corner of section 31, T. 18 S., R. 6 E.

(81) Then east along the southern boundaries of sections 31 and 32 to the southeast corner of section 32, T. 18 S., R. 6 E. (From this point, the Monterey and Arroyo Seco viticultural areas share the same boundary lines.)

(82) Then south along the eastern boundaries of sections 5, 8, and 17 to Arroyo Seco Road, T. 19 S., R. 6 E.

(83) Then southwest in a straight line for approximately 1.0 mile to Benchmark 673, T. 19 S., R. 6 E.

(84) Then west in a straight line for approximately 1.8 miles to Bench Mark 649.

(85) Then northwest in a straight line for approximately 0.2 mile to the northeast corner of section 23, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(86) Then west following the northern boundaries of sections 23 and 22 to the northwest corner of section 22, T. 19 S., R. 5 E.

(87) Then south in a straight line along the western boundary of section 22 to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-177, 49 FR 24718, June 15, 1984, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5960, Feb. 27, 1987; T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.99 - Clear Lake.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Clear Lake.”

(b) Approved Maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Clear Lake viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. The maps are titled as follows:

(1) “Lower Lake Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series, 1958;

(2) “Clearlake Oaks Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series, 1960;

(3) “Lakeport Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series, 1958;

(4) “Kelseyville Quadrangle, California,” 15 minute series, 1959;

(5) “Upper Lake Quadrangle, California,” 7.5 minute series, 1996.

(c) Boundaries. The Clear Lake viticultural area is located in southwestern Lake County, California. The descriptive boundaries of the viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference on the applicable U.S.G.S. maps, are as follows:

Lower Lake Quadrangle Map (15 minute series); From the beginning point on Mt. Hannah in Section 16, Township 12 North (T12N), Range 8 West (R8W), identified as having an elevation of 3,978 feet, the boundary runs—

(1) East-southeasterly in a straight line to the point on Seigler Mountain in Section 23, T12N/R8W, identified as having an elevation of 3,692 feet;

(2) Then east-southeasterly in a straight line to the point on Childers Peak in Section 34, T12N/R7W, identified as having an elevation of 2,188 feet;

(3) Then east-northeasterly in a straight line to the point on the southeast corner of Section 25, T12N/R7W;

(4) Then northeasterly in a straight line to the point in Section 16, T12N/R6W, identified as being the “Baker Mine;”

(5) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the point at the southeast corner of Section 23, T13N/R7W;

(6) Then northerly along the east line of Sections 23, 14, 11, and 2, to the point at the northeast corner of Section 2, T13N/R7W, on the Clearlake Oaks Quadrangle map;

Clearlake Oaks Quadrangle Map (15 minute series); Continuing from the northeast corner of Section 2, T13N/R7W—

(7) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the point in Section 21, T14N/R7W, at the top of Round Mountain

(8) Then northwesterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Section 4, T14N/R8W;

Lakeport Quadrangle Map (15 minute series); Continuing from the southeast corner of Section 4, T14N/R8W, on the Clearlake Oaks Quadrangle Map—

(9) Then northwesterly on the Lakeport Quadrangle in a straight line to a point on Charlie Alley Peak in Section 28, T16N/R9W, identified as having an elevation of 3,482 feet;

(10) Then westerly in a straight line to a point on Hells Peak in Section 29, T16N/R10W, identified as having an elevation of 2,325 feet;

(11) Then southeasterly in a straight line, crossing onto the Upper Lake quadrangle, to the intersection of the 1,600-foot elevation contour and an unnamed 4-wheel drive road in Section 9, T15N/R10W;

(12) Then northwesterly, then southwesterly along the 1,600-foot elevation contour to a point in Section 8, T15N/R10W, that is due north of the westernmost structure in a row of three structures located south of Scotts Creek;

(13) Then south in a straight line, crossing over Scotts Creek and the westernmost structure, to the intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road and the 1,600-foot elevation contour in Section 17, T15N/R10W;

(14) Then generally east along the 1,600-foot elevation contour to its second intersection with an unnamed, unimproved road in section 15, T15N/R10W;

(15) The southeasterly in a straight line to a point on Griner Peak in Section 23, T15N/R10W, identified as having an elevation of 2,132 feet;

(16) Then southwesterly in a straight line to a point on Scotts Mountain in Section 8, T14N/R10W, identified as having an elevation of 2,380 feet;

(17) Then southeasterly in a straight line to a point on Lakeport Peak in Section 35, T14N/R10W, identified as having an elevation of 2,180 feet;

Kelseyville Quadrangle Map (15 minute series); Continuing from Lakeport Peak in Section 35, T14N/R10W, on the Lakeport Quadrangle Map—

(18) Then southeasterly in a straight line to the point at the southwest corner of Section 1, T13N/R10W;

(19) Then south by southeast in a straight line to the point at the southeast corner of Section 36, T13N/R10W;

(20) Then south by southeasterly in a straight line to the point at the southwest corner of Section 18, T12N/R8W;

(21) Then east by northeast in a straight line to the beginning point at Mount Hannah, Section 16, T12N/R8W, on the Lower Lake Quadrangle Map.

[T.D. ATF-174, 49 FR 19468, May 8, 1984, as amended by T.D. TTB-182, 87 FR 33645, June 3, 2022]

§ 9.100 - Mesilla Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mesilla Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of Mesilla Valley viticultural area are 15 U.S.G.S. quadrangle 7.5 minute series maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Anthony, N. Mex.-Tex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955;

(2) “Bishop Cap, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955;

(3) “Black Mesa, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(4) “Canutillo, Tex.-N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955 (photorevised 1967);

(5) “Dona Ana, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(6) “La Mesa, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955;

(7) “La Union, N. Mex.-Tex.” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955;

(8) “Las Cruces, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(9) “Leasburg, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(10) “Little Black Mountain, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(11) “Picacho Mountain, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1978;

(12) “San Miguel, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955;

(13) “Smeltertown, Tex.-N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955 (photorevised 1967 and 1973);

(14) “Strauss, N. Mex.-Tex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955; and

(15) “Tortugas Mountain, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1955.

(c) Boundaries. The Mesilla Valley viticultural area is located within Dona Ana County, New Mexico, and El Paso County, Texas. The boundaries are as follows: The beginning point is at the Faulkner Canyon on the “Leasburg, N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map at the northwest corner of Section 15, Township 21 South (T21S), Range 1 West (R1W).

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary runs east 3.7 miles along the north section line until it converges with the 4,200 foot elevation contour line at Section 18, T21S/R1E;

(2) Then it runs southeasterly 31 miles along the 4,200 foot elevation contour line to a point approximately 3.5 miles south of Bishop Cap where it intersects the Fort Bliss Military Reservation boundary at the northeast portion of Section 13, T25S/R3E on the “Bishop Cap, N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(3) Then it follows the Fort Bliss Military Reservation boundary south for approximately 3.7 miles and east approximately .8 mile to the intersection with the 4,200 foot elevation contour line at the southeast portion of Section 6, T26S/R4E on the “Anthony, N. Mex.-Tex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(4) Then it runs south along the 4,200 foot elevation contour line for approximately 20 miles until it intersects the La Mesa Road (Mesa Avenue) in the city limits of El Paso, Texas, on the “Smeltertown, Tex.-N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(5) Then it heads south on the La Mesa Road (Mesa Avenue) for 1.2 miles until it meets Executive Center Boulevard that goes to La Guna/Smeltertown;

(6) Then it travels in a southwesterly direction for 1.1 miles on Executive Center Boulevard to La Guna/Smeltertown until it crosses the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks at Smeltertown, Texas;

(7) Then it proceeds back into New Mexico northwesterly along the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks approximately 12.5 miles to a point near the switch yards at Strauss, New Mexico, where it intersects the 4,100 foot elevation contour line at the center of Section 24, T28S/R2E on the “Strauss, N. Mex.-Tex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(8) Then it follows the 4,100 foot elevation contour line in a northwesterly direction for 17 miles until it intersects with the south section line of Section 29, T25S/R2E, on the “Little Black Mountain, N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(9) Then it runs westerly approximately .5 mile along the south section line until it meets the 4,150 foot elevation contour line at Section 29, T25S/R2E;

(10) Then it follows the 4,150 foot elevation contour line northward for 15 miles until it meets with Interstate Highway 70/80/180 at the southeast corner of Section 19, T23S/R1E, on the “Las Cruces, N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(11) Then it runs southwest along Interstate Highway 70/80/180 for approximately .9 mile until it reaches the 4,200 foot elevation contour line at the northwest corner of Section 30, T23S/R1E, on the “Picacho Mt., N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(12) Then it meanders in a northerly direction on the 4,200 foot elevation contour line for 15 miles until it reaches the section line at the southwest corner of Section 15, T21S/R1W on the “Leasburg, N. Mex.” U.S.G.S. map;

(13) Then finally it goes north along the section line to Faulkner Canyon until it meets with the northwest corner of Section 15, T21S/R1W, which is the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-197, 50 FR 6163, Feb. 14, 1985]

§ 9.101 - The Hamptons, Long Island.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “The Hamptons, Long Island.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of “The Hamptons, Long Island” viticultural area are 5 U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) “Riverhead, N.Y.,” 7.5 minute series, scaled at 1:24,000, edition of 1956;

(2) “Eastport, N.Y.,” 7.5 minute series, scaled at 1:24,000, edition of 1956;

(3) “New York, N.Y.; N.J.; Conn., U.S. 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edition of 1960, revised 1979;

(4) “Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn.; N.Y., U.S. 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edition of 1947, revised 1969, and

(5) “Hartford, Conn.; N.Y.; N.J.; Mass., U.S. 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edition of 1962, revised 1975.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the viticultural area are as follows: “The Hamptons, Long Island” viticultural area is located entirely within eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. The viticultural area boundaries consist of all of the land areas of the South Fork of Long Island, New York, including all of the beaches, shorelines, islands and mainland areas in the Townships of Southampton and East Hampton (including Gardiners Island). The beginning point is found on the “Riverhead, N.Y.” U.S.G.S. map on the Peconic River about 2 miles east of Calverton where the Townships of Riverhead, Brookhaven and Southampton meet:

(1) The boundary travels south approximately 10 miles along the Southampton/Brookhaven Township line until it reaches the dunes on the Atlantic Ocean near Cupsogue Beach on the “Eastport, N.Y.” U.S.G.S. map.

(2) Then the boundary proceeds east and west along the beaches, shorelines, islands and mainland areas of the entire South Fork of Long Island described on the “New York,” “Providence,” and “Hartford” U.S.G.S. maps until it reaches the Peconic River near Calverton at the beginning point. These boundaries consist of all of the land found in the Townships of Southampton and East Hampton (including Gardiners Island).

[T.D. ATF-205, 50 FR 20413, May 16, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-344, 58 FR 40354, July 28, 1993]

§ 9.102 - Sonoma Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sonoma Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Sonoma Mountain viticultural area are 2 U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the 7.5 minute series, as follows:

(1) Glen Ellen, Calif., dated 1954, photorevised 1980; and

(2) Kenwood, Calif., dated 1954, photorevised 1980.

(c) Boundary. The Sonoma Mountain viticultural area is located in Sonoma County, California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the northern most point at which the 1600-foot contour line crosses the section line dividing section 22 from section 23, in Township 6 North, Range 7 West.

(2) The boundary follows this section line north to the 800-foot contour line.

(3) The boundary follows the 800-foot contour line westerly, easterly, and northerly to Bennett Valley Road.

(4) The boundary follows Bennett Valley Road easterly to Enterprise Road.

(5) The boundary follows Enterprise Road southeasterly to an unnamed stream, in Section 7, Township 6 North, Range 7 West, which crosses Enterprise Road near the point at which the road turns from an easterly to a southerly direction.

(6) The boundary follows this stream easterly to the 400-foot contour line.

(7) The boundary follows the 400-foot contour line southerly to the township line dividing Township 6 North from Township 5 North.

(8) The boundary follows a straight line extension of this township line west to the 1200-foot contour line.

(9) The boundary follows the 1200-foot contour line northwesterly to the range line dividing Range 6 West from Range 7 West.

(10) The boundary follows this range line south to the 1600-foot contour line.

(11) The boundary follows this contour line westerly to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-196, 50 FR 2979, Jan. 23, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5960, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.103 - Mimbres Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Mimbres Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Mimbres Valley viticultural area are 28 U.S.G.S. quadrangle maps (26-7.5 minute series and 2-15 minute series). They are entitled:

(1) “Akela, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1972;

(2) “Antelope Hill, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1963 (photoinspected 1974);

(3) “Bisbee Hills, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(4) “Bowlin Ranch, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(5) “Capital Dome, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(6) “Carne, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(7) “Columbus, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(8) “Columbus NE, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1966;

(9) “Columbus SE, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1966;

(10) “Deming East, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(11) “Deming West, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964 (photoinspected 1972);

(12) “Dwyer, N. Mex.,” 15 minute series, edition of 1956;

(13) “Faywood Station, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1947;

(14) “Florida Gap, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(15) “Goat Ridge, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(16) “Gym Peak, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(17) “Hermanas, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(18) “Malpais Hill, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(19) “Midway Butte, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(20) “Myndus, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1972;

(21) “North Peak, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(22) “Red Mountain, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(23) “San Lorenzo, N. Mex.,” 15 minute series, edition of 1956;

(24) “Sibley Hole, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1972;

(25) “South Peak, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965;

(26) “Spalding, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964;

(27) “West Lime Hills, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1965; and

(28) “Williams Ranch, N. Mex.,” 7.5 minute series, edition of 1964.

(c) Boundaries. The Mimbres Valley viticultural area is located within Grant and Luna Counties, New Mexico. The boundaries are as follows: The beginning point is located at Faywood Station on an unimproved dirt road at benchmark 4911 in Luna County, New Mexico on the northern part of Section 2, Township 21 South (T21S), Range 12 West (R12W) on the Faywood Station Quadrangle U.S.G.S. map;

(1) From the beginning point the boundary runs northeast 2.25 miles along an unimproved dirt road until it intersects U.S. Route 180 (indicated on map as U.S. Rte. 260) at New Mexico Highway 61 (indicated on map as an unnumbered secondary highway) at the south portion of Sec. 30, T20S/R11W;

(2) The boundary proceeds in a generally northerly direction on N.M. Hwy. 61 for 34.5 miles crossing over U.S. Rte. 90 (indicated on map as U.S. Rte. 180) west of San Lorenzo, N.M. until it meets an unimproved dirt road near Bear Canyon Dam at the west line of Sec. 28, T16S/R11W on the San Lorenzo, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(3) It then heads east on the unimproved dirt road for .2 mile until it meets the Mimbres River at Sec. 28, T16S/R11W;

(4) It then goes south on the Mimbres River for .25 mile until it intersects the 6,000 foot elevation contour line at Sec. 28, T16S/R11W;

(5) From there the boundary runs south along the 6,000 foot elevation contour line until it meets the east line of Sec. 11, T17S/R11W;

(6) Then it proceeds south on the section line for .6 mile until it hits the south line of Sec. 12, T17S/R11W;

(7) Then it travels east on the section line for 1.8 miles until it intersects an unimproved dirt road in Noonday Canyon on the north line of Sec. 18, T17S/R10W;

(8) It then heads south on the unimproved dirt road for 2.2 miles until it intersects a medium duty road at the northern part of Sec. 30, T17S/R10W;

(9) The boundary goes south on the medium duty road for .8 mile until it reaches the north line of Sec. 31, T17S/R10W;

(10) The boundary goes east 5 miles on the section line to the east line of Sec. 36, T17S/R10W;

(11) The boundary proceeds south on the section line for 13 miles to the south line of Sec. 36 (also indicated on map as Luna/Grant Country line), T19S/R10W on the Dwyer, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(12) The boundary travels west on the Luna/Grant County line for three miles to the east line of Sec. 4, T20S/R10W;

(13) The boundary goes south on the section line for three miles to the south line of Sec. 16, T20S/R10W;

(14) Then it goes west on the section line for approximately .6 mile to a light duty road located 500 feet south of Benchmark 5119 on the south line of Sec. 16, T20S/R10W;

(15) The boundary heads south on the light duty road for approximately 10.25 miles until it meets Hwy. 180 at Benchmark 4672 near the west line of Sec. 9, T22S/R10W on the Spalding, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(16) Then it proceeds southeasterly on Hwy. 180 for approximately 5 miles to the north line of Sec. 6, T23S/R9W on the Deming West, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(17) It then goes east on the section line approximately 11.75 miles to the east line of Sec. 1, T23S/R8W on the Carne, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(18) It then travels south on the section line for 1.5 miles until it meets an unimproved dirt road at Sec. 12, T23S/R8W;

(19) It follows the unimproved dirt road in an easterly direction for 3 miles to Carne Windmill at the northeast part of Sec. 17, T23S/R7W;

(20) From there it follows an unimproved dirt road in a southeasterly direction for .75 mile until it meets the south line of Sec. 16, T23S/R7W;

(21) Then it proceeds east along the section line for 9 miles until it arrives at the east line of Sec. 24, T23S/R6W on the Myndus, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(22) Then it goes south on the section line for 15 miles until it meets the south line of Sec. 36, T25S/R6W on the Sibley Hole, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(23) Then it heads west on the section line for 8 miles until it intersects the 4,200 foot elevation contour line at the southeast corner of Sec. 34, T25S/R7W on the Gym Peak, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(24) Then it heads north on the 4,200 foot elevation contour line for 11 miles until it meets N.M. Hwy. 549 (indicated on map as U.S. Rte. 70/80/180) at the southwest corner of Sec. 5, T24S/R7W on the Florida Gap, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(25) The boundary heads west on M.M. Hwy. 549 (indicated on map as U.S. Rte. 70/80/180) for 4.5 miles until it meets the light duty road at the east line of Sec. 3, T24S/R8W on the Capital Dome, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(26) It then goes south on the light duty road/section line for 4 miles until it meets another light duty road at the south line of Sec. 22, T24S/R8W;

(27) Then the boundary heads west for 2 miles on the light duty road/section line until it intersects an unimproved dirt road at the east line of Sec. 29, T24S/R8W;

(28) Then it travels south on the unimproved dirt road/section line for 2 miles until it meets another unimproved dirt road at the south line of Sec. 32, T24S/R8W;

(29) It then moves west .25 mile on the unimproved dirt road until it reaches the east line of Sec. 5, T25S/R8W;

(30) Then it goes south on the section line for 6 miles until it reaches an unimproved dirt road near Crawford Ranch at the north line of Sec. 5, T25S/R8W on the South Peak, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(31) Then it follows the unimproved dirt road in a southwest then southern direction for approximately 3 miles until it hits the north line of Sec. 19, T26S/R8W;

(32) It then travels east for 1.1 mile along the section line until it hits the east line of Sec. 20, T26S/R8W;

(33) From there it proceeds south for 2 miles on the section line until it intersects the north line of Sec. 33, T26S/R8W;

(34) It then heads east for 5 miles on the section line until it intersects the east line of Sec. 31, T26S/R7W on the Gym Peak, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(35) The boundary goes south on the section line for 7 miles until it meets the north line of Sec. 5 (which also is a light duty road), T28S/R7W on the Columbus NE, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(36) Then it goes east for 4 miles on the section line until it meets the east line of Sec. 2 near Oney Tank T28S/R7W;

(37) Then it goes south on the section line for 8.7 miles until it meets the New Mexico, U.S.A./Mexico International border at the east line of Sec. 17, T29S/R7W on the Columbus SE, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(38) The boundary follows in a westerly direction along the International border for 23 miles to the west line of Sec. 18, T29S/R10W on the Hermanas, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(39) It then heads north on the western section for 3.5 miles to the north line of Sec. 31, T28S/R10W;

(40) It then moves east for 13 miles on the section line until it intersects the east line of Sec. 32, T28S/R8W on the Columbus, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(41) Then it follows the section line north for 8 miles until it meets the south line of Sec. 18, T27S/R8W on the North Peak, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(42) Then it proceeds west on the section line for 11 miles to the west part of Sec. 16 identified as longitude point 107 degrees, 52 minutes, 30 seconds, T27S/R10W on the West Lime Hills, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(43) Then it moves north on the 107 degrees, 52 minutes, 30 seconds longitude point for 9 miles until it intersects the north line of Sec. 4, T26S/R10W on the Midway Butte, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(44) Then it goes west on the section line for 6.5 miles until it meets the west line of Sec. 33, T25S/R11W on the Bisbee Hills, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(45) The boundary then travels north on the section line for 26.5 miles (crossing the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks) until it intersects with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad tracks on the west line of Sec. 21, T21S/R11W on the Spalding, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(46) Finally it follows the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad tracks in a northwesterly direction for 5 miles until it reaches the beginning point at benchmark 4911 on an unimproved dirt road in Faywood Station at Sec. 2, T21S/R12W on the Faywood Station, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-217, 50 FR 48081, Nov. 21, 1985, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.104 - South Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “South Coast.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of South Coast viticultural area are four U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) San Diego, 1:250,000 series, 1958 (revised 1978).

(2) Santa Ana, 1:250,000 series, 1959 (revised 1979).

(3) Long Beach, 1:250,000 series, 1957 (revised 1978).

(4) Wildomar Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1953 (photorevised 1973).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The South Coast viticultural area is located in California. The starting point of the following boundary description is the northern intersection of the Orange County line with the Pacific Ocean (on the Long Beach map).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the starting point generally northeastward, eastward, and southeastward along the Orange County line, to the intersection of that county line with the township line on the northern border of Township 7 South (in Range 6 West; on the Santa Ana map).

(ii) From there eastward along that township line to its intersection with the northern boundary of the Temecula viticultural area described in § 9.50; at this point, the Temecula viticultural area boundary coincides with the boundary of the Cleveland National Forest (on the Wildomar Quadrangle map).

(iii) From there following the northern boundary of the Temecula viticultural area, at and near its northernmost point, generally northeastward, eastward, and southeastward until the Temecula viticultural area boundary again intersects the township line on the northern border of Township 7 South (in Range 4 West; thus all of the Temecula viticultural area is included inside of South Coast viticultural area).

(iv) Then eastward, along the township line on the northern border of Township 7 South, to the San Bernardino Meridian (on the Santa Ana map).

(v) Then southward along the San Bernardino Meridian to the Riverside County-San Diego County line.

(vi) Then westward along that county line for about 7 1/2 miles, to the western boundary of the Cleveland National Forest (near the Pechanga Indian Reservation).

(vii) Then generally southeastward along the Cleveland National Forest boundary to where it joins California Highway 76.

(viii) From there generally southeastward along Highway 76 to California Highway 79.

(ix) Then southeastward along Highway 79 to the township line on the northern border of Township 12 South (in Range 3 East).

(x) Then eastward along that township line to its intersection with the range line on the eastern border of Range 3 East.

(xi) From there southward along that range line to the U.S.-Mexico international border.

(xii) Then westward along that international border to the Pacific Ocean.

(xiii) Then generally northwestward along the shore of the Pacific Ocean to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-218, 50 span 48084, Nov. 21, 1985]

§ 9.105 - Cumberland Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Cumberland Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Cumberland Valley viticultural area are the following 32 U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 7.5 minute series:

(1) “Williamsport Quadrangle”, edition of 1969.

(2) “Shepherdstown Quadrangle”, edition of 1978.

(3) “Keedysville Quadrangle”, edition of 1978.

(4) “Middletown Quadrangle”, edition of 1953, photo-revised 1979.

(5) “Myersville Quadrangle”, edition of 1953, photo-revised 1971.

(6) “Smithsburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1953, photo-revised 1971.

(7) “Waynesboro Quadrangle”, edition of 1944, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(8) “Iron Springs Quadrangle”, edition of 1953, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(9) “Scotland Quadrangle”, edition of 1944, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(10) “Caledonia Park Quadrangle”, edition of 1944, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(11) “Walnut Botton Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1969 and 1977.

(12) “Dickinson Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1969 and 1977.

(13) “Mount Holly Springs Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(14) “Mechanicsburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(15) “LeMoyne Quadrangle”, edition of 1963, photo-revised 1972.

(16) “Steelton Quadrangle”, edition of 1963, photo-revised 1972.

(17) “Harrisburg West Quadrangle”, edition of 1969, photo-revised 1974.

(18) “Wertzville Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(19) “Sherman's Dale Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(20) “Landisburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1969 and 1977.

(21) “Andersonburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1969 and 1977.

(22) “Newville Quadrangle”, edition of 1952, photo-revised 1969 and 1975.

(23) “Newburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1966, photo-revised 1973.

(24) “Doylesburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1966, photo-revised 1973.

(25) “Roxbury Quadrangle”, edition of 1966, photo-revised 1973.

(26) “Fannettsburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1966, photo-revised 1973.

(27) “St. Thomas Quadrangle” edition of 1944, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(28) “McConnellsburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1944, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(29) “Mercersburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1943, photo-revised 1968 and 1973.

(30) “Clear Spring Quadrangle”, edition of 1955, photo-revised 1971.

(31) “Hedgesville Quadrangle”, edition of 1979.

(32) “Mason Dixon Quadrangle”, edition of 1943-53 (photorevised 1971).

(33) “Hagerstown Quadrangle”, edition of 1943-53 (photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1977).

(34) “Funkstown Quadrangle”, edition of 1943-53 (photorevised 1971, photoinspected 1977).

(35) “Plainfield Quadrangle”, edition of 1975.

(36) “Shippensburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1973.

(37) “Chambersburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1973.

(38) “Williamson Quadrangle”, edition of 1973.

(39) “Greencastle Quadrangle”, edition of 1973.

(40) “Dillsburg Quadrangle”, edition of 1973.

(c) Boundary. The Cumberland Valley viticultural area is located in Washington County in west-central Maryland and Franklin and Cumberland counties in south-central Pennsylvania. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Starting immediately west of the Town of Williamsport in Washington County, Maryland, at Lock 45 of the Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O) Canal National Historical Park and the confluence of the Potomac River and Conococheague Creek (see Williamsport Quadrangle), the boundary proceeds in a southeasternly direction along the perimeter of the park on the northeastern bank of the Potomac River to the confluence of Antitam Creek and the Potomac River;

(2) Then southeast of Limekiln Road which runs along the perimeter of the park from Antietam Creek to the intersection of Limekiln Road and Harpers Ferry Road;

(3) Then northeasterly a straight line approximately two miles to the 952-foot summit of Hawk's Hill;

(4) Then northerly on a straight line approximately 2.5 miles to the intersection of Red Hill Road and Porterstown Road;

(5) Then southeasterly along Porterstown Road to its intersection with Mount Briar—Trego Road;

(6) Then southerly along Mount Briar—Trego Road to its intersection with Millbrook Road;

(7) Then east along Millbrook Road to its intersection with State Route 67, approximately 0.5 mile north of Rohersville, Maryland;

(8) Then directly east approximately 1.25 miles in a straight line to the 1,000-foot contour line of South Mountain;

(9) Then in a north northeasterly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line of South Mountain in Washington County, Maryland, and Franklin and Cumberland counties in Pennsylvania to the point on South Mountain where the 1,000-foot contour line crosses State Hollow Road (Rt. 233);

(10) Then north along Rt. 233 to the point where it crosses the 750-foot contour of South Mountain;

(11) Then east along the 750-foot contour line of South Mountain to the point southwest of the Mount Holly Springs Reservoir where Cold Spring Run, a tributary of Yellow Breeches Creek, crosses the 750-foot contour line, approximately 3 miles southwest of the town of Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania;

(12) Then east northeast in a straight line approximately seven miles to Center Point Knob, elev. 1050 feet, approximately two miles southeast of Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania (see Mechanicsburg Quadrangle);

(13) Then continuing east northeast in a straight line approximately six miles to the point where U.S. Rt. 15 crosses Yellow Breeches Creek, approximately one mile east of Williams Grove, Pennsylvania;

(14) Then east and northeast in a meandering line along the north bank of Yellow Breeches Creek to its confluence with the Susquehanna River;

(15) Then north along the west bank of the Susquehanna River, which forms the western portion of the corporate boundary line of the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to the point where the 300-foot contour line and the west bank of the Susquehanna River meet;

(16) Then directly west to the 700-foot contour line of Blue Mountain overlooking the Susquehanna River;

(17) Then along the 700-foot contour line of Blue Mountain as it meanders west and around McClures Gap;

(18) Then along the 700-foot contour line of Blue Mountain to the point where the 700-foot contour line crosses State Rt. 233;

(19) Then northeast along Rt. 233 through Doubling Gap to the 1,000-foot contour line of Blue Mountain;

(20) Then in a generally southwesterly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line of Blue Mountain into Franklin County to the point where the 1,000-foot contour line meets the roadbed of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Interstate 76;

(21) Then along the roadbed of the Pennsylvania Turnpike to the east entrance of the Blue Mountain Tunnel;

(22) Then in a straight line approximately 6.5 miles to the intersection of State Rt. 533 and the 1,000-foot contour line of Blue Mountain, approximately one mile west northwest of Upper Strasburg, Pennsylvania;

(23) Then southwest along the 1,000-foot contour line of Blue Mountain to and along the 1,000-foot contour line of Broad Mountain;

(24) Then along the 1,000-foot contour line as it meanders along and around Broad Mountain and Front Mountain to the point where the 1,000-foot contour line crosses Wilson Run near Franklin Furnace, Pennsylvania;

(25) Then southwest in a straight line approximately 3.5 miles to Parnell Knob, elev. 2060 feet;

(26) Then west northwest in a straight line approximately four miles to the point where the 1,000-foot contour line crosses Township Run near Cape Horn on Cove Mountain, approximately two miles north northwest of Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania;

(27) Then southwest along the 1,000-foot contour line of Cove Mountain into and out of Cove Gap;

(28) Then along the 1,000-foot contour line of Cove Mountain and Two Top Mountain in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and Sword Mountain and Fairview Mountain in Washington County, Maryland, to the point on Fairview Mountain where the 1,000-foot contour line intersects the National Road (U.S. Rt. 40);

(29) Then west along U.S. Rt. 40 approximately 0.5 mile to the intersection of U.S. Rt. 40 and Cove Road;

(30) Then south in a straight line from the intersection of U.S. Rt. 40 and Cove Road approximately 1.25 miles to the intersection of McCoys Ferry Road and State Rt. 56;

(31) Then south along McCoys Ferry Road to the perimeter of the C&O Canal National Historical Park along the Potomac River;

(32) Then southeast along the perimeter of the C&O National Historical Park to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-210, 50 FR 29971, July 23, 1985, as amended by T.D. ATF-249, 52 FR 5960, Feb. 27, 1987]

§ 9.106 - North Yuba.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “North Yuba.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of North Yuba viticultural area are the following four U.S.G.S. topographical maps of the 7.5 minute series:

(1) “Oregon House Quadrangle,” edition of 1948, photo-revised 1969.

(2) “Rackerby Quadrangle,” edition of 1948, photo-revised 1969.

(3) “Challenge Quadrangle,” edition of 1948 photo-revised 1969.

(4) “French Corral Quadrangle,” edition of 1948, photo-revised 1969.

(c) Boundary. The North Yuba viticultural area is located in Yuba County in the State of California. The boundary is as follows:

(1) Beginning on the “Oregon House Quadrangle” map at the point where the Browns Valley Ditch crosses Woods Creek in the southwest corner of section 25, T. 17 N., R. 6 E., the boundary proceeds northeasterly in a meandering line approximately 1.5 miles along the east bank of Woods Creek to the point near Richards Ranch where the paved light duty road crosses said creek;

(2) Then west and north, approximately 0.33 mile to the point where the paved light duty road meets the unimproved dirt road accessing Dixon Hill and Texas Hill;

(3) Then northwest continuing along the paved light duty road approximately 2.75 miles to the intersection at Oregon House of said light duty road with the medium duty road which travels east and west between Virginia Ranch Reservoir of Dry Creek and the Yuba County Forestry Headquarters near Dobbins;

(4) Then northeasterly, 0.7 mile, along same light duty road to its intersection with the unimproved dirt road to Lake Mildred, located in the northwest corner of section 2, T. 17 N., R. 6 E.;

(5) Then northwesterly, 1.0 miles, along the unimproved dirt road to the end of said road at the shoreline of Lake Mildred;

(6) Then southwest along the shoreline of Lake Mildred to the Los Verjeles Dam at the westernmost end of said lake;

(7) Then across the face of said dam and continuing northeast along the shoreline of Lake Mildred to the point where the stream running through Smokey Ravine flows into Lake Mildred;

(8) Then north and west along said stream to the point where the stream crosses the 1,900-foot contour line in the northeast corner of section 27, T. 18 N., R. 6 E.;

(9) Then southwest in a meandering line along the 1.900-foot contour line of Lamb Hill;

(10) Then northwest along the 1,900-foot contour line of High Spring Ridge to the point where the medium duty paved road running north and south along Willow Glen Creek crosses the 1,900-foot contour line, approximately 0.75 mile north of Finley Ranch;

(11) Then north along said road, approximately 1 mile, to its intersection at Willow Glen Ranch near the west boundary line of section 15, T. 18 N., R. 6 E., with the light duty road which crosses Critterden Ridge;

(12) Then in a generally easterly direction along said road, approximately 2.0 miles, to its point of intersection with the light duty paved road named Frenchtown Road which runs north and south between Brownsville and Frenchtown;

(13) Then south along the Frenchtown Road to the point where the road crosses the 1,600-foot contour line in the northwest corner of section 24, T. 18 N., R. 6 E.;

(14) Then east along the 1,600-foot contour line to the point where Dry Creek crosses the 1,600-foot contour line near the south boundary line of section 13, T. 18 N., R. 6 E.;

(15) Then south along Dry Creek, approximately 0.16 mile, to the confluence of Indiana Creek with Dry Creek;

(16) Then in a generally easterly direction, approximately 1 mile, along Indiana Creek to the confluence of Keystone Creek with Indiana Creek;

(17) Then north along indiana Creek, approximately 0.87 mile, to the point where Indiana Creek meets the 2,000-foot contour line of Oregon Hills;

(18) Then in a generally southeasterly direction along the 2,000-foot contour line of Oregon Hills, approximately 6 miles, to the point near the east boundary line of section 9, T. 17 N., R. 7 E., where the power transmission line on Red Bluff crosses the 2,000-foot contour line;

(19) Then southwest along the right of way of said power transmission line to the point near the south boundary of section 9, T. 17 N., R. 7 E., where it meets the power transmission line running northwest and southeast between Dobbins and the Colgate Power House;

(20) Then southeast along the power transmission line between Dobbins and Colgate Power House to the Colgate Power House;

(21) Then in a generally westerly direction from the Colgate Power House along the power transmission line which crosses over Dobbins Creek to the point west of Dobbins Creek where the power transmission line intersects the 1,000-foot contour line;

(22) Then in a generally southwesterly direction along the 1,000-foot contour line above the north bank of the Yuba River and Harry L. Englebright lake of the Yuba River to the intersection of the 1,000-foot contour line with Woods Creek in the northeast corner of section 36, T. 17 N., R. 6 E.;

(23) Then east and north along the east bank of Woods Creek, approximately 0.5 miles, to the point of beginning.

[T.D. ATF-211, 50 FR 30820, July 30, 1985]

§ 9.107 - Lodi.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Lodi.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Lodi viticultural area are 18 U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series maps and are titled as follows:

(1) Valley Springs SW, Calif. 1962;

(2) Farmington, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1987);

(3) Peters, CA 1952 (Photorevised 1968);

(4) Stockton East, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1987);

(5) Waterloo, Calif. 1968 (Photoinspected 1978);

(6) Lodi South, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1976);

(7) Terminous, Calif. 1978 (Minor Revision 1993);

(8) Thornton, Calif. 1978;

(9) Bruceville, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1980);

(10) Florin, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1980);

(11) Elk Grove, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1979);

(12) Sloughhouse, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1980, Minor Revision 1993);

(13) Buffalo Creek, Calif. 1967 (Photorevised 1980);

(14) Folsom SE, Calif. 1954 (Photorevised 1980);

(15) Carbondale, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1980, Minor Revision 1993);

(16) Goose Creek, Calif. 1968 (Photorevised 1980, Minor Revision 1993);

(17) Clements, Calif. 1968 (Minor Revision 1993); and

(18) Wallace, Calif. 1962.

(c) Boundaries. The Lodi viticultural area is located in California in the counties of Sacramento and San Joaquin. The beginning point is located at the intersection of the Calaveras River and the San Joaquin-Stanislaus County line (Valley Springs SW, Calif. map).

(1) From the beginning point, proceed south along the San Joaquin-Stanislaus County line to its intersection with State Route 4, also known as Funck Road, T1N, R9E (Farmington, Calif. map);

(2) Then proceed west on State Route 4 (west on Funck Road, then south on Waverly Road, then west through the village of Farmington on Farmington Road) to State Route 4's intersection with Jack Tone Road, T1N, R7E (beginning on the Farmington, Calif. map, passing through the Peters, CA map, and ending on the Stockton East, Calif. map);

(3) Then proceed north along Jack Tone Road to its intersection with Eightmile Road, T3N, R7E (ending on the Waterloo, Calif. map);

(4) Then proceed west along Eightmile Road to its intersection with Bishop Cut, T3N, R5E (beginning on the Waterloo, Calif. map, passing through the Lodi South, Calif. map, and ending on the Terminous, Calif. map);

(5) Then proceed north along Bishop Cut to White Slough, T3N, R5E (Terminous, Calif. map);

(6) Then proceed west along White Slough to an unnamed drainage canal on Terminous Tract, across the slough from a marked pumping station on King Island, T3N, R5E (Terminous, Calif. map);

(7) Then proceed straight northwest on the Terminous Tract to the south end of Peatland Road and follow it north to its intersection with State Route 12, T3N, R5E (Terminous, Calif. map);

(8) Then proceed west 0.2 mile on State Route 12 to its intersection with an unnamed unimproved road at BM-8, and continue straight northwest on the Terminous Tract to the marked siphon on the south side of Sycamore Slough, T3N, R5E (ending on the Thornton, Calif. map);

(9) Then proceed in a straight line north-to-northeast across Brack Tract, Hog Slough and Canal Ranch to the line's intersection with Beaver Slough near the 90-degree east turn of an unnamed light duty road, west of a small cluster of buildings, T4N, R5E (Thornton, Calif. map);

(10) Then proceed west along Beaver Slough to its intersection with the South Mokelumne River, following the river north and east to its intersection with Interstate 5 (marked as under construction), T5N, R5E (ending on the Bruceville, Calif. map);

(11) Then proceed northwest along Interstate 5 to its intersection with an unnamed road, locally known as Hood-Franklin Road.

(12) From Interstate 5, proceed east on Hood-Franklin Road to its intersection with Franklin Boulevard, Section 17, T6N, R5E (ending on the Florin, Calif. map);

(13) Proceed generally north along Franklin Boulevard to its intersection with Sims Road and a section line running due east marking the northern boundary of Section 28, T7N, R5E (Florin, Calif. map).

(14) Follow this section line due east to its junction with Sheldon Road and then proceed east along Sheldon Road to its intersection with the Central California Traction Co. Railroad (beginning on the Florin, Calif. map and ending on the Elk Grove, Calif. map);

(15) Proceed southeast along the Central California Traction Co. Railroad to its intersection with Grant Line Road (Elk Grove, Calif. map);

(16) Then northeast along Grant Line Road to its intersection with State Highway 16 (beginning on the Elk Grove, Calif. map, passing through the Sloughhouse, Calif. map, and ending on the Buffalo Creek, Calif. map);

(17) Proceed southeast along State Highway 16 to its intersection with Deer Creek (ending on the Sloughhouse, Calif. map);

(18) Then proceed generally northeast along Deer Creek to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Sacramento County (beginning on the Sloughhouse, Calif. map, passing through the Buffalo Creek, Calif. map, and ending on the Folsom SE, Calif. map); and

(19) Proceed generally south along the eastern boundary of Sacramento County to the meeting point of Sacramento, Amador, and San Joaquin Counties (beginning on the Folsom SE, Calif. map, passing through the Carbondale, Calif. map, and ending on the Goose Creek, Calif. map); and

(20) Then proceed generally south-southeast along the eastern boundary of San Joaquin County to the point of beginning (beginning on the Goose Creek, Calif. map, passing through the Clements, Calif. and Wallace, Calif. maps, and ending on the Valley Springs SW, Calif. map).

[T.D. ATF-223, 51 FR 5324, Feb. 13, 1986, as amended by T.D. ATF-482, 67 FR 56484, Sept. 4, 2002]

§ 9.108 - Ozark Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ozark Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of Ozark Mountain viticultural area are 11 U.S.G.S. maps in the scale of 1:250,000. They are titled—

(1) St. Louis, Missouri (1963, revised 1969);

(2) Jefferson City, Missouri (1955, revised 1970);

(3) Springfield, Missouri (1954, revised 1969);

(4) Joplin, Missouri; Kansas (1954, revised 1974);

(5) Tulsa, Oklahoma; Arkansas; Missouri; Kansas (1958, revised 1973);

(6) Fort Smith, Arkansas-Oklahoma (1978);

(7) Russellville, Arkansas (compiled in 1954);

(8) Memphis, Tennessee; Arkansas; Missouri (1953, revised 1978);

(9) Poplar Bluff, Missouri; Arkansas (1957, revised 1978);

(10) Paducah, Kentucky; Illinois; Missouri; Indiana (1949, revised 1969); and

(11) Rolla, Missouri; Illinois (1954, revised 1969).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Ozark Mountain viticultural area is located in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The starting point of the following boundary description is the point at which the Missouri River joins the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri (on the St. Louis map).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) The boundary proceeds from the starting point westward along the Missouri River until it meets the Osage River;

(ii) Then further westward along the Osage River (flowing through Lake of the Ozarks and the Harry S. Truman Reservoir) until it passes adjacent to Missouri Highway 82 in Osceola, Missouri (on the Jefferson City map);

(iii) Then southwestward along Missouri Highway 82 until it intersects U.S. Highway 54 in Eldorado Springs, Missouri (on the Joplin map);

(iv) Then westward along U.S. Highway 54 until it intersects U.S. Highway 71 near Nevada, Missouri;

(v) Then southward along U.S. Highway 71 until it intersects Interstate Highway 44, approximately 5 miles south of Carthage, Missouri;

(vi) Then westward and southwestward along Interstate Highway 44 into the State of Oklahoma, and continuing southwestward until Interstate Highway 44 crosses the Neosho River near Miami, Oklahoma (on the Tulsa map);

(vii) Then southward along the Neosho River (flowing through the Lake of the Cherokees, Lake Hudson, and Fort Gibson Lake) until it flows into the Arkansas River, approximately 2 miles west of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma (on the Fort Smith map);

(viii) Then southward and eastward along the Arkansas River (flowing through the Robert S. Kerr Lake) into the State of Arkansas, and continuing eastward until the Arkansas River is joined by Vache Grasse Creek, approximately 4 miles east of Barling, Arkansas;

(ix) Then southeastward and southwestward following Vache Grasse Creek to the place where it is crossed by Arkansas Highway 10, near Greenwood, Arkansas;

(x) Then westward along Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 71. Note: Highway 10 is the primary highway leading from Greenwood to Hackett, Arkansas;

(xi) Then southward and eastward along Highway 71 until it crosses Rock Creek;

(xii) Then northeastward along Rock Creek to Petit Jean Creek;

(xiii) Then generally northeastward and eastward along Petit Jean Creek until it becomes the Petit Jean River (on the Russellville map);

(xiv) Then generally eastward along the Petit Jean River, flowing through Blue Mountain Lake, until the Petit Jean River joins the Arkansas River;

(xv) Then generally eastward along the Arkansas River to Cadron Creek;

(xvi) Then northeastward and eastward along Cadron Creek, for about 2 1/2 miles, until it passes under U.S. Highway 64, approximately 3 1/2 miles west of Conway, Arkansas;

(xvii) Then eastward along U.S. Highway 64 until it intersects U.S. Highway 67, near Beebe, Arkansas (on the Memphis map);

(xviii) Then northeastward along U.S. Highway 67 into the state of Missouri, then northward until U.S. Highway 67 intersects U.S. Highway 60, in Poplar Bluff, Missouri (on the Poplar Bluff map);

(xix) Then eastward along U.S. Highway 60 until it crosses the western boundary of Stoddard County. Note: Here that boundary is the St. Francis River;

(xx) Then northward, northeastward, and eastward along the boundary of Stoddard County until it joins the southern boundary of Cape Girardeau County (on the Cape Girardeau map);

(xxi) Then northeastward along the Cape Girardeau County boundary until it meets the Mississippi River south of Cape Girardeau, Missouri;

(xxii) Then northward along the Mississippi River to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-231, 51 span 24144, July 2, 1986; 51 span 25366, July 14, 1986; T.D. TTB-196, 89 span 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.109 - Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace viticultural area are 2 U.S.G.S. 1:250,000 scale maps. They are entitled:

(1) Washington, DC; Maryland; Virginia, 1957 (Revised 1979); and

(2) Richmond, VA; MD., 1973.

(c) Boundaries. The Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace viticultural area consists of all of the lands in the Counties of Westmoreland, King George, Northumberland, Lancaster and Richmond, in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The boundaries of the Northern Neck George Washington Birthplace viticultural area, using landmarks and points of reference found on the appropriate U.S.G.S. maps, are as follows:

(1) Beginning on the Washington, DC; Maryland; Virginia U.S.G.S. map at a point on Potomac Creek where the King George County western boundary line at its northernmost point intersects Potomac Creek the boundary proceeds easterly and southeasterly on the Richmond, VA; MD. U.S.G.S. map, along the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River for approximately 66 miles to Smith Point on the Chesapeake Bay;

(2) Thence southerly along the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay for approximately 20 miles to Windmill Point at the mouth of the Rappahannock River;

(3) Thence northwesterly along the banks of the Rappahannock River for approximately 72 air miles to Muddy Creek at the point where the western boundary line of King George County at its southernmost point begins;

(4) Thence northward along the King George County/Stafford County line approximately 7 miles to the point of the beginning.

[T.D. ATF-250, 52 FR 13082, Apr. 21, 1987, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.110 - San Benito.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “San Benito.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of San Benito viticultural area are six U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) Hollister Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1955 (photorevised 1971).

(2) Tres Pinos Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1955 (photorevised 1971).

(3) Quien Sabe Valley Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1968.

(4) Mt. Harlan Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1968.

(5) Paicines Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1968.

(6) Cherry Peak Quadrangle, 7.5 minute series, 1968.

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The San Benito viticultural area is located in San Benito County, California. The starting point of the following boundary description is the point where the eastern border of Section 17 of Township 15 South, Range 7 East, crosses the latitude 36°37′30″ (on the Cherry Peak map).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the starting point, westward along latitude 36°37′30″ to the Range Line R.6E./R.7E. (on the Paicines map).

(ii) Then northward along that range line to the southern border of Section 1, Township 15 South, Range 6 East.

(iii) Then westward along that southern border to the western border of the same section.

(iv) Then northward along that western border to the 800-foot contour line.

(v) Then northwestward along that contour line to the Township Line T.14S./T.15S.

(vi) Then westward along that township line to the southern border of Section 34, Township 15 South, Range 6 East.

(vii) Then continuing westward along that southern border to the 1200-foot contour line.

(viii) Then generally northwestward along that contour line until it crosses for the second time the southern border of Section 28, Township 14 South, Range 6 East.

(ix) Then westward along that southern border to the 1400-foot contour line.

(x) Then following the 1400-foot contour line through the following sections: Sections 28, 29, and 30, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; Section 25, Township 14 South, Range 5 East; Sections 30, 19, 20, and returning to 19, Township 14 South, Range 6 East; to the point where the 1400-foot contour line intersects the section line between Sections 19 and 18, Township 14 South, Range 6 East.

(xi) From there in a straight line due northward to the 1200-foot contour line in Section 18, Township 14 South, Range 6 East.

(xii) Then following the 1200-foot contour line generally northwestward to the northern border of Section 10, Township 14 South, Range 5 East (on the Mt. Harlan map).

(xiii) Then following that northern border northwestward to the 1600-foot contour line.

(xiv) Then following the 1600-foot contour line generally northward to an unimproved road.

(xv) Then looping southward along the unimproved road and continuing eastward past the designated “Spring” and then northward parallel with Bonanza Gulch to the Vineyard School on Cienega Road (on the Hollister map).

(xvi) From there in a straight line northeastward, crossing Bird Creek and the San Benito River, to the northwestern corner of Section 19, Township 13 South, Range 6 East (on the Tres Pinos map).

(xvii) From there following the northern border of Sections 19 and 20, Township 13 South, Range 6 East, to the northeastern corner of Section 20.

(xviii) From there in a straight line due eastward to the Range line R.6E./R7E.

(xix) Then southward along that Range line to the Township line T.13S./T.14S.

(xx) Then eastward along that Township line to the eastern border of Section 6, Township 14 South, Range 7 East (on the Quien Sabe Valley map).

(xxi) Then southward along the eastern border of Sections 6, 7, and 18, Township 14 South, Range 7 East, to the northern border of Section 20, Township 14 South, Range 7 East (on the Cherry Peak map).

(xxii) Then eastward along that northern border to the eastern border of Section 20.

(xxiii) Then southward along the eastern border of Sections 20, 29, and 32, Township 14 South, Range 7 East, and continuing southward along the eastern border of Sections 5, 8, and 17, Township 15 South, Range 7 East, to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-258, 52 FR 37137, Oct. 5, 1987, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.111 - Kanawha River Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Kanawha River Valley”.

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Kanawha River Valley viticultural area are 20 U.S.G.S. topographic maps in the 7.5-Minute series as follows:

(1) Addison, Ohio—W. Va., dated 1960;

(2) Gallipolis, Ohio—W. Va., dated 1958;

(3) Apple Grove, Ohio—W. Va., dated 1968, photorevised 1975;

(4) Glenwood, W. Va.—Ohio, dated 1968;

(5) Milton, W. Va., dated 1972;

(6) West Hamlin, W. Va., dated 1957;

(7) Hamlin, W. Va., dated 1958;

(8) Garrets Bend, W. Va., dated 1958;

(9) Scott Depot, W. Va., dated 1958;

(10) Saint Albans, W. Va., dated 1958;

(11) Pocatalico, W. Va., dated 1958;

(12) Sissonville, W. Va., dated 1958;

(13) Romance, W. Va.,—Ky., dated 1957;

(14) Kentuck, W. Va., dated 1957;

(15) Kenna, W. Va., dated 1957;

(16) Ripley, W. Va., dated 1960;

(17) Cottageville, W. Va., dated 1960;

(18) Mount Alto, W. Va.—Ohio, dated 1958, photorevised 1972;

(19) Beech Hill, W. Va.—Ohio, dated 1957, photorevised 1975;

(20) Cheshire, W. Va.—Ohio, dated 1968;

(c) Boundary description. The boundary description of the Kanawha River Valley viticultural area includes (in parentheses) the name of the map on which each described point is found. The boundary description is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the West Virginia-Ohio State Line at the confluence of Champaign Creek and the Ohio River. (Addison quadrangle)

(2) The boundary follows the West Virginia-Ohio State Line, in the Ohio River (across the Gallipolis and Apple Grove quadrangles) southwesterly to the point at which the Mason County-Cabell County Line intersects the State Line. (Glenwood quadrangle)

(3) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southerly to the benchmark at 583 ft. elevation in the town of Yates Crossing in Cabell County, WV. (Milton quadrangle)

(4) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southeasterly to the benchmark at 640 ft. elevation in the town of Balls Gap, in Lincoln County, WV. (West Hamlin quadrangle)

(5) The boundary proceeds in a straight line easterly (across the Hamlin, Garrett Bend, and Scott Depot quadrangles) to the benchmark at 590 ft. elevation in the town of Institute in Kanawha County, WV. (Saint Albans quadrangle)

(6) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly to the benchmark at 654 ft. elevation in the town of Pocatalico, in Kanawha County, WV. (Pocatalico quadrangle)

(7) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northeasterly (across the Sissonville quadrangle) to the confluence of Johns Branch and Sugar Creek in the town of Romance, in Jackson County, WV. (Romance quadrangle)

(8) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly (across the Kentuck quadrangle) to the confluence of Plum Orchard Run and Stonelick Creek in the town of Plum Orchard, in Jackson County, WV. (Kenna quadrangle)

(9) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly (across the Ripley quadrangle) to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad crossing of State Highway 87 in the town of Evans, in Jackson County, WV. (Cottageville quadrangle)

(10) The boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly (across the Mount Alto quadrangle) to the benchmark at 674 ft. elevation in the town of Flatrock, in Mason County, WV. (Beech Hill quadrangle)

(11) The boundary proceeds northwesterly in a straight line (across the Cheshire quadrangle) to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-226, 51 FR 11913, Apr. 8, 1986]

§ 9.112 - Arkansas Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Arkansas Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundary of the Arkansas Mountain viticultural area are two U.S.G.S. maps, titled:

(1) Russellville, Arkansas, 1:250,000 series compiled in 1954.

(2) Fort Smith, Arkansas-Oklahoma, 1:250,000 series, 1978.

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Arkansas Mountain viticultural area is located in northwestern Arkansas. Starting at the point where Frog Bayou converges with the Arkansas River, near Yoestown, Arkansas (or the Fort Smith map), the boundary proceeds:

(2) Boundary Description. (i) Southwestward along the Arkansas River to Vache Grasse Creek.

(ii) Then southeastward and southwestward following Vache Grasse Creek to the place where it is crossed by Arkansas Highway 10, near Greenwood, Arkansas.

(iii) From there westward along Highway 10 to U.S. Highway 71. (Note: Highway 10 is the primary highway leading to Greenwood to Hackett, Arkansas.)

(iv) Then southward and eastward along Highway 71 until it crosses Rock Creek.

(v) Then northeastward along Rock Creek to Petit Jean Creek.

(vi) Then generally northeastward and eastward along Petit Jean Creek until it becomes the Petit Jean River (on the Russellville map).

(vii) Then generally eastward along the Petit Jean River, flowing through Blue Mountain Lake, until the Petit Jean River joins the Arkansas River.

(viii) Then generally eastward along the Arkansas River to Cadron Creek.

(ix) Then generally northward and northeastward along Cadron Creek to the place where it is crossed by U.S. Highway 65.

(x) From there northward along Highway 65 to its intersection with Arkansas Highway 16 near Clinton, Arkansas.

(xi) From there following Highway 16 generally westward to its intersection with Arkansas Highway 23 in Brashears, Arkansas.

(xii) From there southward along Highway 23 to the Madison County-Franklin County line.

(xiii) Then westward and southward along that county line to the Madison County-Crawford County line.

(xiv) Then westward along that county line to the Washington County-Crawford County line.

(xv) Then westward along that county line to Jones Fork (on the Fort Smith map).

(xvi) Then southward along Jones Fork until it joins Frog Bayou near Winfrey, Arkansas.

(xvii) Then generally southward along Frog Bayou, flowing through Lake Shepherd Springs and Lake Fort Smith, to the starting point.

[T.D. ATF-235, 51 FR 34205, Sept. 26, 1986]

§ 9.113 - North Fork of Long Island.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “North Fork of Long Island.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “North Fork of Long Island” viticultural area are 5 U.S.G.S. maps. They are entitled:

(1) Wading River, N.Y., 7.5 minute series, scaled at 1:24,000 edition of 1967.

(2) Riverhead, N.Y., 7.5 minute series, scaled at 1:24,000, edition of 1956.

(3) New York, N.Y.; N.J.; Conn., U.S., 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edition of 1960, revised 1979.

(4) Providence, R.I.; Mass.; Conn., N.Y., U.S., 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1:250,000, edition of 1947, revised 1969.

(5) Hartford, Conn.; N.Y.; N.J.; Mass., U.S., 1:250,000 series, scaled at 1,250,000, edition of 1962, revised 1975.

(c) Boundaries. The boundaries of the proposed viticultural area are as follows: The North Fork of Long Island viticultural area is located entirely within eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. The viticultural area boundaries consist of all of the land areas of the North Fork of Long Island, New York, including all of the mainland, shorelines and islands in the Townships of Riverhead, Shelter Island, and Southold.

(1) The point of beginning is on the Wading River, N.Y., 7.5 minute series, U.S.G.S. map at the northern boundary of the Brookhaven/Riverhead Township line on the Long Island Sound (approximately 500 feet east of the mouth of the Wading River);

(2) The boundary goes south on the Brookhaven/Riverhead Town line for approximately 6.5 miles until it meets the Peconic River approximately 1 mile east of U.S. Reservation Brookhaven National Laboratory;

(3) Then the boundary travels east on the Peconic River (Brookhaven/Riverhead Town line) for 2.7 miles until it meets the Riverhead/Southampton Township line on the Riverhead, N.Y., U.S.G.S. map;

(4) It then goes east on the Riverhead/Southampton Township line for 4.2 miles until it reaches an area where the Peconic River widens north of Flanders;

(5) Then the boundary proceeds east to Orient Point then west along the shoreline, beaches, islands, and mainland areas of the North Fork of Long Island, described on the “New York”, “Providence” and “Hartford” U.S.G.S. maps until it reaches the Brookhaven/Riverhead Township line at the point of beginning. These boundaries consist of all the land (and isolated islands including without limitation, Wicopesset Island, Robins Island, Fishers Island, Great Gull Island, Plum Island, and Shelter Island) in the Townships of Riverhead, Shelter Island, and Southold.

[T.D. ATF-240, 51 FR 36398, Oct. 10, 1986]

§ 9.114 - Old Mission Peninsula.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Old Mission Peninsula.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the “Old Mission Peninsula” viticultural area are 2 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (15 Minute Series) maps, scaled at 1:62,500. They are entitled:

(1) Elk Rapids, Mich. (1957); and

(2) Traverse City, Mich. (1957).

(c) Boundary. The boundary in Grand Traverse County, Michigan, consists of all of Peninsula Township, excluding Marion and Bassett Islands. In addition, the viticultural area takes in a small portion of Traverse City Township.

(1) The beginning point is on the Traverse City, Mich., U.S.G.S. map at the shoreline of the West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay at Section 1, Township 27 North, Range 11 West (T27N, R11W), approximately 500 feet due west of the intersection of two unmarked light-duty roads (approx. 750 feet north of Bryant Park);

(2) The boundary proceeds north 19 miles along the western shoreline of the Old Mission Peninsula until it reaches the lighthouse near Old Mission Point at the north side of the Peninsula on the Elk Rapids, Mich., U.S.G.S. map, Sec. 23, T30N, R10W;

(3) It then proceeds south for approximately 19 miles along the eastern shoreline of the peninsula to the southeast portion of an unmarked light-duty road (known locally as Eastern Avenue) at Sec. 6, T27N, R10W on the Traverse City, Mich., U.S.G.S. map. The unmarked light-duty road is located immediately north of Northwestern Michigan College on the shoreline of the East Arm of the Grand Traverse Bay;

(4) The boundary travels west along the unmarked light-duty road (known locally as Eastern Avenue) for approximately one mile until it meets an unmarked north/south light-duty road at Sec. 1, T27N, R11W; and

(5) Finally, the boundary proceeds due east 500 feet to the beginning point on the shoreline of the West Arm of the Grand Traverse Bay at Sec. 1, T27N, R11W.

[T.D. ATF-252, 52 FR 21515, June 8, 1987]

§ 9.115 - Ozark Highlands.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ozark Highlands.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Ozark Highlands viticultural area are three U.S.G.S. maps of the 1:250,000 series. They are titled:

(1) Rolla, Missouri; Illinois, 1954 (revised 1969).

(2) St. Louis, Missouri; Illinois, 1963 (revised 1969).

(3) Springfield, Missouri, 1954 (revised 1969).

(c) Boundary—(1) General. The Ozark Highlands viticultural area is located in south central Missouri. The area comprises portions of the following counties: Phelps, Maries, Osage, Gasconade, Franklin, Crawford, Texas, Shannon, Dent, Reynolds, and Pulaski. The beginning point of the following boundary description is the junction of Little Piney Creek and the Gasconade River, near Jerome, Missouri (in the northwest corner of the Rolla map).

(2) Boundary Description. (i) From the beginning point, the boundary goes northward along the Gasconade River to the latitude line 38°00′ (the dividing line between the Rolla and St. Louis maps);

(ii) Then eastward along that latitude line to U.S. Highway 63;

(iii) Then northward along U.S. 63 to Spring Creek;

(iv) Then north-northwestward along Spring Creek to the Gasconade River;

(v) Then northward along the Gasconade River to a power transmission line (less than 1 mile north of Buck Elk Creek);

(vi) Then eastward and east-northeastward along that power transmission line to Missouri Route 19;

(vii) Then southward along Route 19 to the Bourbeuse River;

(viii) Then east-northeastward along the Bourbeuse River to the range line dividing R. 2 W. and R. 1 W.;

(ix) Then southward along that range line to the Meramec River;

(x) Then southwestward along the Meramec River to Huzzah Creek;

(xi) Then southward along Huzzah Creek to Dry Creek (on the Rolla map, where Missouri Route 8 crosses Huzzah Creek);

(xii) Then southward along Dry Creek to Cherry Valley Creek;

(xiii) Then south-southwestward along Cherry Valley Creek to Missouri Route 19;

(xiv) Then southward and southwestward along Route 19 to Crooked Creek;

(xv) Then northwestward along Crooked Creek to the Meramec River;

(xvi) Then southward along the Meramec River to Hutchins Creek;

(xvii) The southeastward along Hutchins Creek to its source near Missouri Route 32, across from the Howes Mill Post Office;

(xviii) Then in a straight line toward the Howes Mill Post Office to Route 32;

(xix) Then eastward along Route 32 to the range line dividing R. 3 W. and R. 2 W.;

(xx) Then southward along that range line to the township line dividing T. 33 N. and T. 32 N.;

(xxi) Then westward along that township line (which coincides, in R. 3 W., with the Reynolds County/Dent County line) to the boundary of Clark National Forest;

(xxii) Then generally southward along that national forest boundary to the Dent County/Shannon County line;

(xxiii) Then westward along that county line to the Current River;

(xxiv) Then southeastward along the Current River to Missouri Route 19;

(xxv) Then southward along Route 19 to Jack's Fork;

(xxvi) Then westward, southwestward and northwestward along Jack's Fork, taking the North Prong, to its northwesternmost source;

(xxvii) Then in a straight line northwestward to the southeasternmost source of Hog Creek;

(xxviii) Then northwestward along Hog Creek to the Big Piney River (on the Springfield map);

(xxix) Then northward along the Big Piney River to the township line dividing T. 35 N. and T. 36 N.;

(xxx) Then eastward along that township line to Little Piney Creek (on the Rolla map);

(xxxi) Then northward and westward along Little Piney Creek to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-256, 52 FR 32785, Aug. 31, 1987]

§ 9.116 - Sonoma Coast.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Sonoma Coast”.

(b) Approved map. The approved maps for determining the boundary of the Sonoma Coast viticultural area are the following six U.S.G.S. topographic maps:

(1) Sonoma County, California, scale 1:100,000, dated 1970;

(2) Mark West Springs, California, 7.5-minute series, dated 1958, photoinspected 1978;

(3) Healdsburg, California, 7.5-minute series, dated 1955, photorevised 1980;

(4) Jimtown, California, 7.5-minute series, dated 1955, photorevised 1975;

(5) Guerneville, California, 7.5-minute series, dated 1955; and

(6) Cazadero, California, 7.5-minute series, dated 1978.

(c) Boundary description. In general, the boundary description of the Sonoma Coast viticultural area is found on the U.S.G.S. Topographic Map of Sonoma County, California, scale 1:100,000, dated 1970. When a point of the boundary description is found on one of the 7.5-minute quadrangles, the boundary description indicates this in parentheses. The boundary description is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is the point at which the Sonoma County-Mendocino County line meets the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean.

(2) The boundary follows the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean southerly to the Sonoma County-Marin County line.

(3) The boundary follows the Sonoma County-Marin County line southeasterly to San Pablo Bay.

(4) The boundary follows the shoreline of San Pablo Bay easterly to the Sonoma County-Napa County line.

(5) The boundary follows the Sonoma County-Napa County line northerly to the peak of Arrowhead Mountain.

(6) From the peak of Arrowhead Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line westerly to the peak of Sonoma Mountain.

(7) From the peak of Sonoma Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the peak of Taylor Mountain.

(8) From the peak of Taylor Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the point, near the benchmark at 184 ft. elevation in Section 34, Township 8 North, Range 8 West, at which Mark West Road crosses an unnamed stream which flows northwesterly into Mark West Creek. (Mark West Springs map)

(9) From this point, the boundary proceeds northerly in a straight line to the headwaters of Brooks Creek, in Section 4, Township 8 North, Range 8 West. (Mark West Springs map)

(10) The boundary follows Brooks Creek northwesterly to its confluence with the Russian River. (Healdsburg map)

(11) The boundary proceeds southwesterly in a straight line to an unidentified peak at elevation 672 ft. (Healdsburg map)

(12) The boundary proceeds northwesterly in a straight line to the peak identified as Black Peak. (Healdsburg map)

(13) The boundary proceeds westerly in a straight line to an unidentified peak at elevation 857 ft. (Healdsburg map)

(14) The boundary proceeds westerly in a straight line to the peak of Fitch Mountain at elevation 991 ft. (Healdsburg map)

(15) The boundary proceeds northwesterly in a straight line to the intersection, near a benchmark at elevation 154 ft. in the town of Chiquita, of a light-duty road (known locally as Chiquita Road) and a southbound primary highway, hard surface road (known locally as Healdsburg Avenue). (Jimtown map)

(16) The boundary follows that road (known locally as Healdsburg Avenue) southerly through the city of Healdsburg to the point at which it is a light-duty, hard or improved surface road, identified on the map as Redwood Highway, which crosses the Russian River, immediately south of the city of Healdsburg at a bridge (known locally as the Healdsburg Avenue Bridge). (Healdsburg map)

(17) The boundary follows the Russian River southerly to a point, near the confluence with Dry Creek, opposite a straight line extension of a light-duty, hard or improved surface road (known locally as Foreman Lane) located west of the Russian River. (Healdsburg map)

(18) The boundary proceeds in a straight line to that road and follows it westerly, then south, then westerly, onto the Guerneville map, across a secondary highway, hard surface road (known locally as Westside Road), and continues westerly, then northwesterly to the point at which it crosses Felta Creek. (Guerneville map)

(19) The boundary follows Felta Creek approximately 18,000 ft. westerly to its headwaters, at the confluence of three springs, located approximately 5,800 feet northwesterly of Wild Hog Hill. (Guerneville map)

(20) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly to the southwest corner of Section 9, Township 8 North, Range 10 West. (Guerneville map)

(21) The boundary proceeds in a straight line southwesterly to the point in, Section 24, Township 8 North, Range 11 West, at which Hulbert Creek crosses the 160 ft. contour line. (Cazadero map)

(22) The boundary follows Hulbert Creek southerly to its confluence with the Russian River.

(23) The boundary follows the Russian River southwesterly to its confluence with Austin Creek.

(24) From this point, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the peak of Pole Mountain.

(25) From the peak of Pole Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the peak of Big Oat Mountain.

(26) From the peak of Big Oat Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly to the peak of Oak Mountain.

(27) From the peak of Oak Mountain, the boundary proceeds in a straight line northwesterly approximately 14.5 miles to the Sonoma County-Mendocino County line at the northeast corner of Section 25, Township 11 North, Range 14 West.

(28) The boundary follows the Sonoma County-Mendocino County line west, then southwesterly to the beginning point.

[T.D. ATF-253, 52 FR 22304, June 11, 1987]

§ 9.117 - Stags Leap District.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Stags Leap District.”

(b) Approved map. The appropriate map for determining the boundaries of the Stags Leap District viticultural area is one U.S.G.S. topographic map in the 7.5 minute series, scaled 1:24000, titled “Yountville, Calif.,” 1951 (photorevised 1968).

(c) Boundaries. The Stags Leap District viticultural area is located in Napa County, California, within the Napa Valley viticultural area. The boundaries are as follows:

(1) Commencing at the intersection of the intermittent stream (drainage creek) with the Silverado Trail at the 60 foot contour line in T6N/R4W, approximately 7 miles north of the city of Napa.

(2) Then southwest in a straight line, approximately 900 feet, to the main channel of the Napa River.

(3) Then following the main branch of the Napa River (not the southern branch by the levee) in a northwesterly then northerly direction, until it intersects the medium-duty road (Grant Bdy) in T7N/R4W, known locally as the Yountville Cross Road.

(4) Then northeast along the Yountville Cross Road until it intersects the medium-duty road, the Silverado Trail.

(5) Then north along the Silverado Trail approximately 590 feet to a gully entering the Silverado Trail from the east.

(6) Then northeast along the center line of that gully, approximately 800 feet, until it intersects the 400 foot contour line in Section 30 of T7N/R4W.

(7) Then in a generally southeast direction, following the 400 foot contour line through Sections 29, 32, 33, 4, and 3, until it intersects the intermittent stream in the southwest corner of Section 3 in T6N/R4W.

(8) Then in a generally southwest direction along that intermittent stream to the beginning point, at the intersection with the Silverado Trail.

[T.D. ATF-281, 54 FR 4018, Jan. 27, 1989, as amended by T.D. TTB-196, 89 FR 87936, Nov. 6, 2024]

§ 9.118 - Ben Lomond Mountain.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Ben Lomond Mountain.”

(b) Approved maps. The appropriate maps for determining the boundaries of the Ben Lomond Mountain viticultural area are four 7.5 minute series U.S.G.S. maps. They are titled:

(1) Davenport Quadrangle (1955, photorevised 1968);

(2) Big Basin Quadrangle (1955, photorevised 1973);

(3) Felton Quadrangle (1955, photorevised 1980); and

(4) Santa Cruz Quadrangle (1954, photorevised 1981).

(c) Boundaries. The Ben Lomond Mountain viticultural area is located entirely within Santa Cruz County, California, which is in the central part of the State near the coast. The beginning point is the intersection of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 (Davenport Quadrangle, T. 10S., R. 3W.) which coincides with the 800-foot contour line and is approximately .6 mile northwest of the top of Bald Mountain.

(1) From the beginning point, the boundary follows the 800-foot contour line in a meandering manner in a generally northwesterly direction across section 26 into section 27 (T. 10S., R. 3W.).

(2) Thence along the 800-foot contour line in an easterly and then generally a northeasterly direction through section 27 and then back across the northwest corner of section 26 and thence in a generally northwesterly direction along the 800-foot contour line across sections 23, 22 and into section 15.

(3) Thence along the 800-foot contour line in a northerly and then a southerly direction across section 22 and eventually in a generally northwesterly direction into section 20.

(4) Thence continuing along the 800-foot contour line in a generally northwesterly direction through sections 20, 17, 16, 17, 16, 9, 8, 5, 8, 7 and 6 (T. 10S., R. 3W.).

(5) Thence continuing in a northerly direction across sections 5 and 32 and thence in a southwesterly direction across sections 31 and 6.

(6) Thence continuing in a generally northerly direction across sections 1, 6, 31, 36, 31, 36 and 30 (T. 9S., R. 3W.) to the intersection of the 800-foot contour line and Scott Creek in section 19 (T. 9S., R. 3W.).

(7) Thence in a northeasterly direction along the south bank of Scott Creek through sections 19, 20 and 17 to the intersection of Scott Creek with the 1600-foot contour line in section 16 (T. 9S., R. 3W.).

(8) Thence in a generally northeasterly and then southerly direction along the 1600-foot contour line through section 16 and then through the southeast and southwest corners of sections 9 and 10 respectively to the intersection of the 1600-foot contour line with Jamison Creek in section 16 (T. 9S., R. 3W.).

(9) Thence in an easterly direction along the south bank of Jamison Creek across sections 15 and 14 (T. 9S., R. 3W.) to the intersection of Jamison Creek and the 800-foot contour line in the southeast corner of section 14 (T. 9S., R. 3W.).

(10) Thence in a southeasterly direction in a meandering manner along the 800-foot contour line across sections 14, 23, 24, 25 (T. 9S., R. 3W.), sections 30 and 31 (T. 9S., R. 2W.), and sections 32, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17 and 21 (T. 10S., R. 2W.).

(11) Thence in a southwesterly, then generally a southeasterly and then a northwesterly direction along the 800-foot contour line in a meandering manner to section 31 and then continuing on through sections 31 and 30 (T. 10S., R. 2W.).

(12) Thence continuing along the 800-foot contour line in a generally southerly and then a generally northwesterly direction through sections 25, 36, 31 and 36 to the point of beginning at the intersection of sections 25, 26, 35 and 36 (T. 10S., R. 3W.).

[T.D. ATF-264, 52 FR 46591, Dec. 9, 1987]

§ 9.119 - Middle Rio Grande Valley.

(a) Name. The name of the viticultural area described in this section is “Middle Rio Grande Valley.”

(b) Approved maps. The approved maps for determining the boundaries of the “Middle Rio Grande Valley” viticultural area are 24 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle (7.5 Minute Series) maps and 1 (15 Minute Series) U.S.G.S. map. They are titled:

(1) Abeytas, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1979.

(2) Alameda, N. Mex. (1960), revised 1967 and 1972.

(3) Alburquerque East, N. Mex. (1960), revised 1967 and 1972.

(4) Albuquerque West, N. Mex. (1960), revised 1967 and 1972.

(5) Belen, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971.

(6) Bernalillo, N. Mex. (1954), revised 1972.

(7) Dalies, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971.

(8) Isleta, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1967 and 1974.

(9) La Joya, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971.

(10) Lemitar, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971.

(11) Loma De Las Canas, N. Mex. (1959), revised 1979.

(12) Loma Machete, N. Mex. (1954), revised 1972.

(13) Los Griegos, N. Mex. (1960), revised 1967 and 1972.

(14) Los Lunas, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971 and 1974.

(15) Mesa Del Yeso, N. Mex. (1959).

(16) Placitas, N. Mex. (1954).

(17) San Acacia, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1971.

(18) San Antonio, N. Mex. (1948)—15 minute series.

(19) San Felipe Pueblo, N. Mex. (1954), revised 1978.

(20) Santa Ana Pueblo, N. Mex. (1954), revised 1978.

(21) Socorro, N. Mex. (1959), revised 1971.

(22) Tome, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1979.

(23) Turn, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1979.

(24) Veguita, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1979.

(25) Wind Mesa, N. Mex. (1952), revised 1967.

(c) Boundary description. The boundary of the proposed Middle Rio Grande Valley viticultural area is as follows:

(1) The beginning point is at the transmission line tower in the middle of Section 34, T14N, R4E of the Santa Ana Pueblo, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(2) The boundary follows the power transmission line east for 2.5 miles until it converges with New Mexico State Route 25/Interstate 85 (now known as Interstate 25) at Sec. 1, T13N, R4E on the San Felipe Pueblo, M. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(3) It follows I-25 southwest for 1.2 miles until it arrives at an unimproved dirt road approx. .2 mile east of Algodones Cemetery, at Sec. 11, T13N, R4E on the Placitas, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(4) The boundary follows the unimproved dirt road southeast for 5.5 miles until it meets another unimproved dirt road at Tecolote, NM, south of Sec. 27 and 28, T13N, R5E;

(5) It travels southwest on the unimproved dirt road .7 mile until it meets NM-44 approx. 100 feet northwest of BM 6,075 in Placitas, NM, at T13N, R5E;

(6) It then goes southeast on NM-44 for approx. 250 feet until it intersects the 6,100 foot elevation contour line approx. 250 feet southeast of BM 6,075, at T13N, R5E;

(7) It then travels west for 3.5 miles on the 6,100 feet elevation contour line until it reaches a light-duty road on the Huertas Grant/Cibola National Forest Boundary at Sec. 6, T12N, R5E;

(8) The boundary runs north to northwest on the light-duty road for approx. .9 mile until it meets NM-44 next to BM 5,875 in Sec. 31, T13N, R5E;

(9) It travels west 5.2 miles on NM-44 until it arrives at I-25 (southbound interchange) near the Bernalillo Cemetery at T13N, R4E on the Bernalillo, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(10) It proceeds south on I-25 for approx. 8.6 miles until it intersects with NM-556 at the east bound interchange at Sec. 1, T11N, R3E on the Alameda, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(11) The boundary goes east approx. 5 miles on NM-556 until it intersects the 106°30′ longitude meridian, T11N, R4E;

(12) Then it goes south on the 106°30′ longitude meridian for approx. 4.5 miles until it arrives at Montgomery Blvd. at Sec. 34, T10/11N, R4E;

(13) The boundary travels west on Montgomery Blvd. for approx. 6.1 miles until it meets the south exit ramp of 1-25 in Sec. 34, T11N, R3E;

(14) Then it travels south on I-25 for approx. 13.3 miles (through Albuquerque, NM) until it intersects with NM-47 at Sec. 6, T8N, R3E on the Isleta, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(15) It heads south on NM-47 for approx. 3.2 miles until it converges with the 4,900 foot elevation contour line at Isleta Pueblo, NM, in Sec. 24, T8N, R2E;

(16) The boundary follows the 4,900 foot elevation contour line south for approx. 25 miles until it arrives at a point north on Madron, NM, at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad (AT&SF RR) tracks, approx. 250 feet east of elevation mark 4,889 feet on the Turn, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(17) It then travels north on the AT&SF RR tracks for approx. 350 feet until it intersects NM-47 approx. 350 feet north of elevation mark 4,889 feet;

(18) The boundary goes southwest on NM-47 (through Turn, N.M.) for approx. 2.4 miles until it reaches the 106°45′ longitude meridian between the Turn, N. Mex. & Vequita, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. maps;

(19) Then it travels south on the 106°45′ longitude meridian for approx. 4.7 miles until it meets the 34°30′ latitude parallel on the Veguita, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(20) It then proceeds west on the 34°30′ latitude parallel for approx. 1 mile until it arrives at NM-47 approx. .75 mile south of San Juan Church;

(21) Then it moves south on NM-47 for approx. 13.2 miles until it reaches an improved light-duty road at La Joya, NM, approx. 500 feet west of La Joya Cemetery on the La Joya, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(22) It then travels south on the improved light-duty road for approx. 450 feet until it intersects another improved light-duty road;

(23) Then it goes 500 feet west on the improved light-duty road until it reaches a north-south unimproved road at a point approx. .9 mile east of the AT&SF RR tracks;

(24) The boundary heads south on the unimproved road for approx. 7.9 miles until it reaches the 34°15′ latitude parallel on the La Joya, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(25) It travels west on the 34°15′ latitude parallel for approx. .9 mile until it intersects the 106°52′30′ longitude meridian on the Mesa Del Yeso, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(26) It then goes south on the 106°52′30″ longitude meridian for approx. 3.3 miles until it intersects the south section line of Sec. 19, T1S, R1E;

(27) It then runs east for approx. 1.25 miles until it reaches the east section line (marked altitude 5,058 feet) of Sec. 20, T1S, R1E;

(28) It travels south on the section line for approx. 7.1 miles, until it meets the Grant Boundary at altitude mark 4,734 feet at Sec. 32/33, T2S, R1E on the Loma De Las Canas, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(29) It proceeds east on the Grant Boundary for .25 mile until it arrives at the section line (Grant Boundary at Sec. 32/33, T2S, R1E;

(30) The boundary moves south on the Grant Boundary for approx. 5.2 miles until it meets the (Grant Boundary) section line near altitude spot 4,702 feet at Sec. 28/29, T3S, R1E;

(31) The boundary goes west on the section line (Grant Boundary) for approx. .25 mile until it arrives at the section line at Sec. 28/29, T3S, R1E;

(32) Then it moves south on the section line for approx. 5.7 miles until it meets an unimproved dirt road at Bosquecito, N.M. on the west section line of Sec. 9, T4S, R1E on the San Antonio, N. Mex. (15 minute series) U.S.G.S. map;

(33) It heads south on the unimproved dirt road for approx. 2 miles until it changes to a light-duty road at Padilla Ranch in Sec. 21, T4S, R1E;

(34) It follows the light-duty road for 2.25 miles until it intersects US-380/85, in Sec. 33, T4S, R1E;

(35) Then it follows US-380/85, first west then it loops north for approx. 8 miles until it meets the 34°00′ latitude parallel;

(36) The boundary moves west on the 34°00′ latitude parallel of the Socorro, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map for approx. .75 mile until it meets the 4,800 foot elevation contour line in Sec. 35;

(37) It meanders north on the 4,800 foot elevation contour line for approx. 9 miles until it meets the 34°07′30″ latitude parallel;

(38) It travels east for approx. .2 mile on the 34°07′30″ latitude parallel until it meets I-25 (US-60/85);

(39) It goes north on I-25 (US-60/85) for approx 27.8 miles until it meets the Belen Highline Canal levee approx. 1.6 mile south of San Antonio Church on the Veguita, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(40) Then the boundary follows the Belen Highline Canal north for approx. 9.4 miles until it intersects I-25, approx. .5 mile west of Bacaville, NM, on the Belen, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(41) Then it travels north on I-25 for approx. 16 miles until it meets the 34°52′30″ latitude parallel on the Isleta, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(42) The boundary goes west on the 34°52 30″ latitude parallel for approx. 1 mile until it arrives at the 106°45′ longitude meridian;

(43) Then it moves north on the 106°45′ longitude meridian for approx. 16.5 miles until it reaches the 35°07′30″ longitude meridian on the Albuquerque West, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map;

(44) At this point it heads east for approx. 1.2 miles along the 35°07′30″ latitude parallel until it reaches the power transmission line towers at Sec. 3/4, T10N, R2E of the Los Griegos, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map; and finally

(45) From there it follows the power transmission line towers (and for 1 mile along a connecting unimproved road) north and northeast for a total of approx. 24.4 miles to the point of beginning at Sec. 34, T14N, R4E, of the Santa Ana Pueblo, N. Mex. U.S.G.S. map.

[T.D. ATF-266, 52 FR 2836, Feb. 2, 1988]