- § 293.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
- § 293.2 - How are key terms defined in this part?
- § 293.3 - What authority does the Secretary have to approve or disapprove compacts and amendments?
- § 293.4 - Are compacts and amendments subject to review and approval?
- § 293.5 - Are extensions to compacts or amendments subject to review and approval?
§ 293.1 - What is the purpose of this part?
This part contains:
(a) Procedures that Indian Tribes and States must use when submitting Tribal-State gaming compacts and compact amendments to the Department of the Interior (Department); and
(b) Procedures and criteria that the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) will use for reviewing such Tribal-State gaming compacts or compact amendments.
§ 293.2 - How are key terms defined in this part?
This part relies on but does not restate all defined terms set forth in the definitional section of IGRA.
(a) Amendment means:
(1) A change to a class III Tribal-State gaming compact other than an extension, or
(2) A change to secretarial procedures prescribed under 25 U.S.C. 2710(d)(7)(B)(vii) when such change is agreed upon by the Tribe and State.
(b) Compact or Tribal-State Gaming Compact means an intergovernmental agreement executed between Tribal and State governments under IGRA that establishes between the parties the terms and conditions for the operation and regulation of the Tribe's class III gaming activities.
(c) Extension means an intergovernmental agreement executed between Tribal and State governments under IGRA to change the duration of a compact or amendment.
(d) Gaming activity or gaming activities means the conduct of class III gaming involving the three required elements of chance, consideration, and prize or reward.
(e) Gaming facility means the physical building or structure situated on Indian lands where the gaming activity occurs.
(f) Gaming spaces means the areas within a gaming facility (as defined in paragraph (e) of this section) that are directly related to and necessary for the conduct of class III gaming such as: the casino floor; vault; count room; surveillance, management, and information technology areas; class III gaming device and supplies storage areas; and other secured areas where the operation or management of class III gaming takes place.
(g) IGRA means the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-497) 102 Stat. 2467 dated October 17, 1988, (Codified at 25 U.S.C. 2701-2721 (1988)) and any amendments.
(h) Meaningful concession means:
(1) Something of value to the Tribe;
(2) Directly related to gaming activity;
(3) Something that carries out the purposes of IGRA; and
(4) Not a subject over which a State is otherwise obligated to negotiate under IGRA.
(i) Substantial economic benefit means:
(1) A beneficial impact to the Tribe;
(2) Resulting from a meaningful concession;
(3) Made with a Tribe's economic circumstances in mind;
(4) Spans the life of the compact; and
(5) Demonstrated by an economic/market analysis or similar documentation submitted by the Tribe or the State.
(j) Tribe means Indian Tribe as defined in 25 U.S.C. 2703(5).
§ 293.3 - What authority does the Secretary have to approve or disapprove compacts and amendments?
The Secretary has the authority to approve a compact or amendment “entered into” by a Tribe and a State under IGRA. See § 293.15 for the Secretary's authority to disapprove compacts or amendments.
§ 293.4 - Are compacts and amendments subject to review and approval?
(a) Yes. All compacts and amendments, regardless of whether they are substantive or technical, must be submitted for review and approval by the Secretary.
(b) If an ancillary agreement or document:
(1) Modifies a term in a compact or an amendment, then it must be submitted for review and approval by the Secretary.
(2) Implements or clarifies a provision within a compact or an amendment and is not inconsistent with an approved compact or amendment, it does not constitute a compact or an amendment and need not be submitted for review and approval by the Secretary.
(3) Is expressly contemplated within an approved compact or amendment, such as internal controls or a memorandum of agreement between the Tribal and State regulators, then such agreement or document is not subject to review and approval so long as it is not inconsistent with the approved compact or amendment.
(4) Interprets language in a compact or an amendment concerning a Tribe's revenue sharing to the State, its agencies, or political subdivisions under § 293.27 or includes any of the topics identified in § 293.23, then it may constitute an amendment subject to review and approval by the Secretary.
(c) If a Tribe or a State (including its political subdivisions) is concerned that its agreement or other document may be considered a “compact” or “amendment,” either party may request in writing a determination from the Department if their agreement or other document is a compact or amendment and therefore must be approved and a notice published in the
§ 293.5 - Are extensions to compacts or amendments subject to review and approval?
No. Approval of an extension to a compact or amendment is not required if the extension does not include any changes to any of the other terms of the compact or amendment. However, the parties must submit the documents required by § 293.8(a) through (c). The extension becomes effective only upon publication in the