Collapse to view only § 905.802 - HUD review of PHA performance.

§ 905.800 - Compliance.

As provided in § 905.106 of this part, PHAs or other owner/management entities and their partners are required to comply with all applicable provisions of this part. Execution of the CF ACC Amendment received from the PHA, submissions required by this part, and disbursement of Capital Fund grants from HUD are individually and collectively deemed to be the PHA's certification that it is in compliance with the provisions of this part and all other Public Housing Program Requirements. Noncompliance with any provision of this part or other applicable requirements may subject the PHA and/or its partners to sanctions contained in § 905.804 of this part.

§ 905.802 - HUD review of PHA performance.

(a) HUD determination. HUD shall review the PHA's performance in completing work in accordance with this part. HUD may make such other reviews when and as it determines necessary. When conducting such a review, HUD shall, at minimum, make the following determinations:

(1) HUD shall determine whether the PHA has carried out its activities under this part in a timely manner and in accordance with its CFP 5-Year Action Plan and other applicable requirements.

(2) HUD shall determine whether the PHA has a continuing capacity to carry out its Capital Fund activities in a timely manner.

(3) HUD shall determine whether the PHA has accurately reported its obligation and expenditures in a timely manner.

(4) HUD shall determine whether the PHA has accurately reported required building and unit data for the calculation of the formula.

(5) HUD shall determine whether the PHA has obtained approval for any CFFP or OFFP proposal and any PHA development proposal.

(b) [Reserved]

§ 905.804 - Sanctions.

(a) If at any time, HUD finds that a PHA has failed to comply substantially with any provision this part, HUD may impose one or a combination of sanctions, as it determines is necessary. Sanctions associated with failure to obligate or expend in a timely manner are specified at § 905.306 of this part. Other possible sanctions that HUD may impose for noncompliance by the PHA include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1) Issue a corrective action order, at any time, by notifying the PHA of the specific program requirements that the PHA has violated, and specifying that any of the corrective actions listed in this section must be taken. Any corrective action ordered by HUD shall become a condition of the CF ACC Amendment.

(2) Require reimbursement from non-HUD sources.

(3) Limit, withhold, reduce, or terminate Capital Fund or Operating Fund assistance.

(4) Issue a Limited Denial of Participation or Debar responsible PHA officials, pursuant to 2 CFR parts 180 and 2424.

(5) Withhold assistance to the PHA under section 8 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 1437f.

(6) Declare a breach of the CF ACC with respect to some or all of the PHA's functions.

(7) Take any other available corrective action or sanction as HUD deems necessary.

(b) Right to appeal. Before taking any action described in paragraph (a) of this section, HUD shall notify the PHA of its finding and proposed action and provide to the PHA an opportunity, within a prescribed period of time, to present any arguments or additional facts and data concerning the finding and proposed action to HUD's Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.