Collapse to view only § 630.402 - Policy.

§ 630.401 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to prescribe procedures for conducting geodetic control surveys when participation with Federal-aid highway funds in the cost thereof is proposed and to encourage inter-agency cooperation in setting station markers, surveying to measure their position, and preserving the control so established.

§ 630.402 - Policy.

(a) Geodetic surveys along Federal-aid highway routes may be programmed as Federal-aid highway projects.

(b) All geodetic survey work performed as a Federal-aid highway project will conform to National Ocean Survey (NOS) specifications. NOS will, as the representative of FHWA, be responsible for the inspection and verification of the work to ascertain that the specifications for the work have been met. Final project acceptance by FHWA will be predicated on a finding of acceptability by NOS.

§ 630.403 - Initiation of projects.

All projects shall be coordinated by the FHWA Division Administrator, the State highway department and the National Ocean Survey.

§ 630.404 - Standards.

(a) Highway purposes may best be served by the establishment of station markings for horizontal control along Federal-aid highway routes at spacings of three to eight kilometers (about 2 to 5 miles) and station markers for vertical control of spacings no closer than one kilometer. These requirements may be waived only with the approval of the Administrator.

(b) Projects should be of sufficient scope to permit efficient use of field parties. Projects should extend at least 30 kilometers. Projects may be coordinated with adjoining States to attain greater efficiency.

(c) Where geodetic station markers cannot be established inititally at points readily accessible from the Federal-aid route, or where unavoidable circumstances result in their being established within construction limits, supplemental projects may later be approved to set and survey markers at satisfactory permanent points, preferably within the right-of-way but at points where their use does not introduce traffic hazards.