Collapse to view only § 705.6 - Confidential information.

§ 705.1 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Department means the United States Department of Commerce and includes the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary's designees.

Secretary means the Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary's designees.

Applicant means the person or entity submitting a request or application for an investigation pursuant to this part.

§ 705.2 - Purpose.

These regulations set forth the procedures by which the Department shall commence and conduct an investigation to determine the effect on the national security of the imports of any article. Based on this investigation, the Secretary shall make a report and recommendation to the President for action or inaction regarding an adjustment of the imports of the article.

§ 705.3 - Commencing an investigation.

(a) Upon request of the head of any government department or agency, upon application of an interested party, or upon motion of the Secretary, the Department shall immediately conduct an investigation to determine the effect on the national security of the imports of any article.

(b) The Secretary shall immediately provide notice to the Secretary of Defense of any investigation initiated under this part.

[47 FR 14693, Apr. 6, 1982. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989, and amended at 63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

§ 705.4 - Criteria for determining effect of imports on the national security.

(a) To determine the effect on the national security of the imports of the article under investigation, the Department shall consider the quantity of the article in question or other circumstances related to its import. With regard for the requirements of national security, the Department shall also consider the following:

(1) Domestic production needed for projected national defense requirements;

(2) The capacity of domestic industries to meet projected national defense requirements;

(3) The existing and anticipated availabilities of human resources, products, raw materials, production equipment and facilities, and other supplies and services essential to the national defense;

(4) The growth requirements of domestic industries to meet national defense requirements and the supplies and services including the investment, exploration and development necessary to assure such growth; and

(5) Any other relevant factors.

(b) In recognition of the close relation between the strength of our national economy and the capacity of the United States to meet national security requirements, the Department shall also, with regard for the quantity, availability, character and uses of the imported article under investigation, consider the following:

(1) The impact of foreign competition on the economic welfare of any domestic industry essential to our national security;

(2) The displacement of any domestic products causing substantial unemployment, decrease in the revenues of government, loss of investment or specialized skills and productive capacity, or other serious effects; and

(3) Any other relevant factors that are causing or will cause a weakening of our national economy.

§ 705.5 - Request or application for an investigation.

(a) A request or application for an investigation shall be in writing. The original, 1 copy and an electronic version of the report in the form of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file shall be filed with the Director, Office of Technology Evaluation, Room H-1093, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230, with the PDF version being submitted to [email protected]. An application for an investigation from an interested party that includes information submitted in confidence in accordance with the procedures of § 705.6 must also include a public version in written and electronic form containing all non-confidential information and public summaries of business confidential information as provided below. For persons seeking to submit business confidential information (trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or any other information considered sensitive or privileged), the public version of the application must contain a summary of the business confidential information in sufficient detail to permit a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information. Generally, numerical data will be considered adequately summarized if grouped or presented in terms of indices or figures within 10 percent of the actual figure. If an individual portion of the numerical data is voluminous (e.g., 5 pages of numerical data), at least one percent of the numerical data, representative of that portion, must be summarized. If the submitter claims that summarization is not possible, the claim must be accompanied by a full explanation of the reason(s). In order to submit business confidential information that is not for public release or classified national security information as a separate submission to the U.S. Department of Commerce, applicants must follow the procedures specified in § 705.6.

Note 1 to paragraph (a):

Requests for an investigation from United States Government agencies need not include a public version.

(b) When a request, application or motion is under investigation, or when an investigation has been completed pursuant to § 705.10 of this part, any subsequently filed request or application concerning imports of the same or related article that does not raise new or different issues may be either consolidated with the investigation in progress as provided in § 705.7(e) of this part, or rejected. In either event, an explanation for taking such action shall be promptly given to the applicant. If the request or application is rejected, it will not be returned unless requested by the applicant.

(c) Requests or applications shall describe how the quantity, availability, character, and uses of a particular imported article, or other circumstances related to its import, affect the national security, and shall contain the following information to the fullest extent possible:

(1) Identification of the applicant;

(2) A precise description of the article;

(3) Description of the domestic industry affected, including pertinent information regarding companies and their plants, locations, capacity and current output of the industry;

(4) Pertinent statistics on imports and domestic production showing the quantities and values of the article;

(5) Nature, sources, and degree of the competition created by imports of the article;

(6) The effect that imports of the article may have upon the restoration of domestic production capacity in the event of national emergency;

(7) Employment and special skills involved in the domestic production of the article;

(8) Extent to which the national economy, employment, investment, specialized skills, and productive capacity is or will be adversely affected;

(9) Revenues of Federal, State, or local Governments which are or may be adversely affected;

(10) National security supporting uses of the article including data on applicable contracts or sub-contracts, both past and current; and

(11) Any other information or advice relevant and material to the subject matter of the investigation.

(d) Statistical material presented should be, if possible, on a calendar-year basis for sufficient periods of time to indicate trends. Monthly or quarterly data for the latest complete years should be included as well as any other breakdowns which may be pertinent to show seasonal or short-term factors.

[47 FR 14693, Apr. 6, 1982. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989, and amended at 63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998; 65 FR 62600, Oct. 19, 2000; 72 FR 25195, May 4, 2007; 86 FR 52964, Sept. 24, 2021]

§ 705.6 - Confidential information.

(a) This paragraph (a) specifies the requirements for submission of classified national security information, business confidential information, and the treatment of United States Government communications during an investigation under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended (a “Section 232 investigation”), or as part of a request or application for an investigation.

(1) Classified national security information. Any information or material, which the applicant or any other party desires to submit in confidence at any stage of the investigation or as part of an application for an investigation, that is classified national security information (“classified information”) within the meaning of Executive Order 13526 shall be marked and submitted to the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in accordance with the guidelines set forth in 32 CFR part 2001 regarding the handling of classified information. Before sending classified information, the applicant or any other party wishing to submit classified information must contact BIS for any additional handling instructions or submission requirements that may be applicable by contacting the Director, Office of Technology Evaluation, Room H-1093, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Any information or material submitted that is identified as classified information must be accompanied at the time of submission by a statement indicating the degree of classification, the authority for the classification, and the identity of the classifying entity. Classified national security information described in this paragraph (a)(1) does not require a public version.

(2) Business confidential information. Any information or material submitted electronically, which the applicant or any other party desires to submit in confidence at any stage of the investigation or as part of an application for an investigation, that is business confidential information (trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or any other information considered sensitive or privileged) should be contained within a file beginning its name with the characters “BC”. Any page containing business confidential information must be clearly marked “BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL” on the top of that page, and any pages not containing confidential information should not be so marked. By submitting information or material identified as business confidential information, the applicant or other party represents that the information is exempted from public disclosure, either by the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 et seq.) or by some other specific statutory exemption. Any request for business confidential treatment must be accompanied at the time of filing by a statement justifying non-disclosure and referring to the specific legal authority claimed. The public summary version required under § 705.5 must be clearly marked “PUBLIC”. When submitted electronically, the file name of the non-confidential version should begin with the character “P”. The “P” should be followed by the name of the person or entity submitting the information or material. All filers should name their files using the name of the person or entity submitting the comments.

(3) United States Government communications. Communications from agencies of the United States Government, including but not limited to requests for investigation submitted pursuant to § 705.5, will generally not be made available to the public.

(b) The Department may refuse to accept as business confidential any information or material it considers not intended to be protected under the legal authority claimed by the applicant, or under other applicable legal authority. Any such information or material so refused shall be promptly returned to the submitter and will not be considered. However, such information or material may be resubmitted as non-confidential in which case it will be made part of the public record.

[47 FR 14693, Apr. 6, 1982. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989, as amended at 86 FR 52964, Sept. 24, 2021]

§ 705.7 - Conduct of an investigation.

(a) If the Department determines that it is appropriate to afford interested parties an opportunity to present information and advice relevant and material to an investigation, a public notice shall be published in the Federal Register soliciting from any interested party written comments, opinions, data, information or advice relative to the investigation. This material shall be submitted as directed within a reasonable time period to be specified in the notice. All material shall be submitted with 6 copies. In addition, public hearings may be held pursuant to § 705.8 of this part.

(b) All requests and applications filed and all material submitted by interested parties, except information on material that is classified or determined to be confidential as provided in § 705.6 of this part, will be available for public inspection and copying in the Bureau of Industry and SecurityFreedom of Information Records Inspection Facility, Room H-4525, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230, in accordance with regulations published in part 4 of title 15, Code of Federal Regulations.

(c) Further information may be requested by the Department from other sources through the use of questionnaires, correspondence, or other appropriate means.

(d) The Department shall, as part of an investigation, seek information and advice from, and consult with, appropriate officers of the United States or their designees, as shall be determined. The Department shall also consult with the Secretary of Defense regarding the methodological and policy questions raised in the investigation. Upon the request of the Secretary, the Secretary of Defense shall provide the Secretary with an assessment of the defense requirements of the article in question. Communications received from agencies of the U.S. government or foreign governments will not be made available for public inspection.

(e) Any request or application that is filed while an investigation is in progress, concerning imports of the same or related article and raising similar issues, may be consolidated with the request, application or motion that initiated the investigation.

[47 FR 14693, Apr. 6, 1982. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989 and amended at 54 FR 19355, May 5, 1989; 63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

§ 705.8 - Public hearings.

(a) If it is deemed appropriate by the Department, public hearings may be held to elicit further information.

(1) A notice of hearing shall be published in the Federal Register describing the date, time, place, the subject matter of each hearing and any other information relevant to the conduct of the hearing. The name of a person to contact for additional information or to request time to speak at the hearing shall also be included. Public hearings may be held in more than one location.

(2) Hearings shall be open to the public unless national security classified information will be presented. In that event the presiding officer at the hearing shall close the hearing, as necessary, to all persons not having appropriate security clearances or not otherwise authorized to have access to such information. If it is known in sufficient time prior to the hearing that national security classified information will be presented the notice of hearing published in the Federal Register shall state that national security classified information will be presented and that the hearing will be open only to those persons having appropriate security clearances or otherwise specifically authorized to have access to such information.

(b) Hearings shall be conducted as follows:

(1) The Department shall appoint the presiding officer;

(2) The presiding officer shall determine all procedural matters during the hearing;

(3) Interested parties may appear, either in person or by representation, and produce oral or written information relevant and material to the subject matter of the investigation;

(4) Hearings will be fact-finding proceedings without formal pleadings or adverse parties. Formal rules of evidence will not apply;

(5) After a witness has testified, the presiding officer may question the witness. Questions submitted to the presiding officer in writing by any interested party may, at the discretion of the presiding officer, be posed to the witness. No cross examination of any witness by a party shall be allowed.

(6) Each hearing will be stenographically reported. Transcripts of the hearing, excluding any national security classified information, may be purchased from the Department at actual cost of duplication, and will be available for public inspection in the Bureau of Industry and Security Freedom of Information Records Inspection Facility, Room H-4525, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230.

[47 FR 14693, Apr. 6, 1982. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989 and amended at 54 FR 19355, May 5, 1989; 63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

§ 705.9 - Emergency action.

In emergency situations, or when in the judgment of the Department, national security interests require it, the Department may vary or dispense with any or all of the procedures set forth in § 705.7 of this part.

§ 705.10 - Report of an investigation and recommendation.

(a) When an investigation conducted pursuant to this part is completed, a report of the investigation shall be promptly prepared.

(b) The Secretary shall report to the President the findings of the investigation and a recommendation for action or inaction within 270 days after beginning an investigation under this part.

(c) An Executive Summary of the Secretary's report to the President of an investigation, excluding any classified or proprietary information, shall be published in the Federal Register. Copies of the full report, excluding any classified or proprietary information, will be available for public inspection and copying in the Bureau of Industry and Security Freedom of Information Records Inspection Facility, Room H-4525, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230; tel. (202) 482-5653.

[63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

§ 705.11 - Determination by the President and adjustment of imports.

(a) Upon the submission of a report to the President by the Secretary under § 705.10(b) of this part, in which the Department has found that an article is being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security, the President is required by Section 232(c) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1862(c)) to take the following action

(1) Within 90 days after receiving the report from the Secretary, the President shall determine:

(i) Whether the President concurs with the Department's finding; and

(ii) If the President concurs, the nature and duration of the action that must be taken to adjust the imports of the article and its derivatives so that the such imports will not threaten to impair the national security.

(2) If the President determines to take action under this section, such action must be taken no later than fifteen (15) days after making the determination.

(3) By no later than thirty (30) days after making the determinations under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the President shall submit to the Congress a written statement of the reasons why the President has decided to take action, or refused to take action.

(b) If the action taken by the President under this section is the negotiation of an agreement to limit or restrict the importation into the United States of the article in question, and either no such agreement is entered into within 180 days after making the determination to take action, or an executed agreement is not being carried out or is ineffective in eliminating the threat to the national security, the President shall either:

(1) Take such other action as deemed necessary to adjust the imports of the article so that such imports will not threaten to impair the national security. Notice of any such additional action taken shall be published in the Federal Register; or

(2) Not take any additional action. This determination and the reasons on which it is based, shall be published in the Federal Register.

[63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

§ 705.12 - Disposition of an investigation and report to the Congress.

(a) Upon the disposition of each request, application, or motion made under this part, a report of such disposition shall be submitted by the Secretary to the Congress and published in the Federal Register.

(b) As required by Section 232(e) of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1862(c)), the President shall submit to the Congress an annual report on the operation of this part.

[63 FR 31623, June 10, 1998]

- Supplement No. 1 to Part 705—Requirements for Submissions Requesting Exclusions From the Adjustment of Imports of Aluminum and Steel Imposed Pursuant to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as Amended

On March 8, 2018, the President issued Proclamations 9704 and 9705 concurring with the findings of the January 11, 2018 reports of the Secretary of Commerce on the effects of imports of aluminum and steel mill articles (steel articles) on the national security and determining that adjusting aluminum and steel imports through the imposition of duties is necessary so that their imports will no longer threaten to impair the national security. Clause 3 of Proclamations 9704 and 9705 also authorized the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, the United States Trade Representative, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and other senior Executive Branch officials as appropriate, to grant exclusions from the duties at the request of directly affected parties located in the United States if the requested steel or aluminum article is determined not to be produced in the United States in a sufficient and reasonably available amount or of a satisfactory quality or based upon specific national security considerations. On August 29, 2018, the President issued Proclamation 9776. Clause 1 of Proclamation 9776, authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the United States Trade Representative, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and such other senior Executive Branch officials as the Secretary deems appropriate, to provide relief from the applicable quantitative limitations set forth in Proclamation 9740 and Proclamation 9759 for steel articles and as set forth in Proclamation 9739 and 9758 for aluminum articles and their accompanying annexes, as amended, at the request of a directly affected party located in the United States for any steel or aluminum article determined by the Secretary to not be produced in the United States in a sufficient and reasonably available amount or of a satisfactory quality. The Secretary is also authorized to provide such relief based upon specific national security considerations.

(a) Scope. This supplement specifies the requirements and process for how directly affected parties located in the United States may submit requests for exclusions from the duties and quantitative limitations imposed by the President. This supplement also specifies the requirements and process for how parties in the United States may submit objections to submitted exclusion requests for relief from the duties or quantitative limitations imposed by the President and the process for rebuttals to submitted objections and surrebuttals (collectively, “232 submissions”). This supplement identifies the time periods for such submissions, the methods of submission, and the information that must be included in such submissions.

(b) Required forms. The 232 Exclusions Portal ( includes four web-based forms that are to be used for submitting exclusion requests, objections to exclusion requests, rebuttals, and surrebuttals described in this supplement. On the 232 Exclusions Portal, each web-based form is available on the portal at the bottom of the preceding filing. For example, a party submitting an objection will access the objection form by scrolling to the bottom of the exclusion request, a rebuttal filer will access the rebuttal form by scrolling to the bottom of the objection form, and a surrebuttal filer would access the surrebuttal form by scrolling to the bottom of the rebuttal form. The U.S. Department of Commerce requires requesters and objectors to use the appropriate form as specified under paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this supplement for submitting exclusion requests and objections to submitted exclusion requests and the forms specified under paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this supplement for submitting rebuttals and surrebuttals. In addition, submitters of exclusion requests, objections to submitted exclusion requests, rebuttals, and surrebuttals to the 232 Exclusions Portal will be required to complete a web-based registration on the 232 Exclusions Portal prior to submitting any documents. In order to register, submitters will be required to provide an email and establish a password for the account. After completing the registration, submitters will be able to login to an account on the 232 Exclusions Portal and submit exclusion requests, objections, rebuttals, and surrebuttal documents.

(1) Form required for submitting exclusion requests. The full name of the form used for submitting steel exclusion requests is Request for Exclusion from Remedies: Section 232 National Security Investigation of Steel Imports. The full name of the form used for submitting aluminum exclusion requests is Request for Exclusion from Remedies: Section 232 National Security Investigation of Aluminum Imports. The Title of the web-based fillable form for both steel and aluminum in the 232 Exclusions Portal is Exclusion Request.

(2) Form required for submitting objections to submitted exclusion requests. The name of the form used for submitting objections to submitted steel exclusion requests is Objection Filing to Posted Section 232 Exclusion Request: Steel. The name of the form used for submitting objections to submitted aluminum exclusion requests is Objection Filing to Posted Section 232 Exclusion Request: Aluminum. The Title of the web-based fillable form for both steel and aluminum in the 232 Exclusions Portal is Objection.

(3) Form required for submitting rebuttals. The name of the form used for submitting rebuttals to steel objections is Rebuttal to Objection Received for Section 232 Exclusion Request: Steel. The name of the form used for submitting rebuttals to aluminum objections is Rebuttal to Objection Received for Section 232 Exclusion Request: Aluminum. The Title of the web-based fillable form for both steel and aluminum in the 232 Exclusions Portal is Rebuttal.

(4) Form required for submitting surrebuttals. The name of the form used for submitting surrebuttals to steel objections is Surrebuttal to Rebuttal Received on Section 232 Objection: Steel. The name of the form used for submitting surrebuttals to aluminum objections is Surrebuttal to Rebuttal Received on Section 232 Objection: Aluminum. The Title of the web-based fillable form for both steel and aluminum in the 232 Exclusions Portal is '04'>Surrebuttal.

Note to paragraphs (b)(1) through (4):

On the 232 Exclusions Portal, each exclusion request is assigned a distinct ID #, which is also used with its associated 232 submissions, but preceded with an acronym indicating the file type: Exclusion Requests (ER ID #), Objection (OF ID #), Rebuttals (RB ID #) and Surrebuttals (SR ID #). For an example of the four possible types of 232 submissions associated with a single exclusion request, you could have ER ID 237, OF ID 237, RB ID 237 and SR ID 237. The 232 Exclusions Portal will automatically assign the two letter designator depending on the type of web-based form being submitted in the portal and will assign an ID number to the original exclusion request and that ID number will be common to any objection, rebuttal, or surrebuttal submitted pertaining to the same exclusion request.

(5) Public disclosure and information protected from public disclosure. (i) Information submitted in 232 submissions will be subject to public review and made available for public inspection and copying, except for the information described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this supplement. Individuals and organizations must fully complete the relevant forms.

(ii) Information not subject to public disclosure should not be submitted. Personally identifiable information, including social security numbers and employer identification numbers, should not be provided. Information that is subject to government-imposed access and dissemination or other specific national security controls, e.g., classified information or information that has U.S. Government restrictions on dissemination to non-U.S. citizens or other categories of persons that would prohibit public disclosure of the information, may not be included in 232 submissions. Individuals and organizations that have confidential business information (“CBI”) that they believe relevant to the Secretary's consideration of the 232 submission should so indicate in the appropriate field of the relevant form, or on the rebuttal or surrebuttal submission, following the procedures in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this supplement.

(iii) Procedures for identifying, but not disclosing confidential or proprietary business information (CBI) in the public version, and procedures for submitting CBI. For persons seeking to submit confidential or proprietary business information (CBI), the 232 submission available to the public must contain a summary of the CBI in sufficient detail to permit a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information. If the submitting person claims that summarization is not possible, the claim must be accompanied by a full explanation of the reasons supporting that claim. Generally, numerical data will be considered adequately summarized if grouped or presented in terms of indices or figures within ten percent of the actual figure. If an individual portion of the numerical data is voluminous (e.g., five pages of numerical data), at least one percent of the numerical data, representative of that portion, must be summarized. In order to submit CBI that is not for public release as a separate email submission to the U.S. Department of Commerce, you must follow the procedures in paragraphs (b)(3)(iii)(A)-(D) of this supplement to assist the U.S. Department of Commerce in identifying these submissions and associating these submissions with the respective 232 submission in the 232 Exclusions Portal. Submitters with classified information should contact the U.S. Department of Commerce for instructions on the appropriate methods to send this type of information.

(A) For CBI related to exclusion requests or objections, check the appropriate box in the 232 Exclusions Portal indicating that the filer has relevant CBI for consideration. If Commerce determines after review that the CBI is needed, Commerce will directly request the CBI from the exclusion requester or objector as warranted.

(B) For CBI related to rebuttals or surrebuttals, on the same day that you submit your 232 submission in the 232 Exclusions Portal, submit the CBI via email to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The email address used is different depending on the type of submission the emailed CBI is for, as follows: CBI for rebuttals use [email protected]; and CBI for surrebuttals use [email protected].

(C) For rebuttals and surrebuttals pertaining to 232 submissions for exclusion requests the email subject line must only include the original 232 Exclusions Portal Exclusion Request (ER) ID # and the body of the email must include the 232 Exclusions Portal Rebuttal (RB) ID #, or Surrebuttal (SR) ID # you received from the 232 Exclusions Portal when you successfully submitted your rebuttal or surrebuttal. These naming conventions used in the 232 Exclusions Portal, respectively, will assist the U.S. Department of Commerce to associate the CBI that will not be posted in the 232 Exclusions Portal with the information included in the public submission.

(D) Submit the CBI as an attachment to that email. The CBI is limited to a maximum of five pages per rebuttal or surrebuttal. The email is to be limited to sending your CBI. All other information for the public submission, and public versions of the CBI, where appropriate, for a 232 submission in the 232 Exclusions Portal following the procedures identified in this supplement, as appropriate.

Note 1 to pParagraph (b) for Submissions of Supporting Documents (Attachments):

Supporting attachments must be emailed as PDF documents.

Note 2 to paragraph (b):

It is a criminal offense to willfully make a false statement or representation to any department or agency of the United States Government as to any matter within its jurisdiction [18 U.S.C. 1001(2018)].

(c) Exclusion requests. (1) Who may submit an exclusion request? Only directly affected individuals or organizations located in the United States may submit an exclusion request. An individual or organization is “directly affected” if they are using steel in business activities (e.g., construction, manufacturing, or supplying steel product to users) in the United States.

(2) Identification of exclusion requests. Separate exclusion requests must be submitted for steel products with chemistry by percentage breakdown by weight, metallurgical properties, surface quality (e.g., galvanized, coated), and critical dimensions covered by a common HTSUS statistical reporting number. Separate exclusion requests must be submitted for aluminum products with critical dimensions covered by a common HTSUS statistical reporting number. The exclusion request forms allow for minimum and maximum dimensions. A permissible range must be within the minimum and maximum range that is specified in the HTSUS statistical reporting number and applicable notes. Separate exclusion requests must also be submitted for products falling in more than one ten-digit HTSUS statistical reporting number. The U.S. Department of Commerce will approve exclusions on a product basis, and the approvals will be limited to the individual or organization that submitted the specific exclusion request, unless Commerce approves a broader application of the product-based exclusion request to apply to additional importers. Other directly-affected individuals or organizations located in the United States that wish to submit an exclusion request for a steel or aluminum product that has already been the subject of an approved exclusion request may submit an exclusion request under this supplement. These additional exclusion requests by other directly-affected individuals or organizations in the United States are not required to reference the previously approved exclusion but are advised to do so, if they want Commerce to take that exclusion into account when reviewing a subsequent exclusion request. Directly affected individuals and organizations in the United States will not be precluded from submitting a request for exclusion of a product even though an exclusion request submitted for that product by another requester or that requester was denied or is no longer valid.

(3) Where to submit exclusion requests? All exclusion requests must be submitted directly on the 232 Exclusions Portal (

(4) No time limit for submitting exclusion requests. Exclusion requests may be submitted at any time.

(5)(i) Substance of exclusion requests. An exclusion request must specify the business activities in the United States within which the requester is engaged that qualify the individual or organization to be directly affected and thus eligible to submit an exclusion request. The request should clearly identify, and provide support for, the basis upon which the exclusion is sought. An exclusion will only be granted if an article is not produced in the United States in a sufficient, reasonably available amount, and of a satisfactory quality, or for specific national security considerations.

(ii) Certification for volume requested. In order to ensure that the volume requested in an exclusion request is consistent with legitimate business needs for the same steel or aluminum articles obtained (i.e., imported from abroad either directly by the requester or indirectly by purchasing from distributors) by the entity requesting an exclusion, the following certification in paragraphs (c)(5)(ii)(A)-(E) must be acknowledged in the 232 Exclusions Portal when completing the submission of a 232 exclusion request. The exclusion request certification for volume requested must be signed by an organization official specifically authorized to certify the document (the certification being made in the 232 Exclusions Portal) as being accurate and complete. The undersigned certifies in the 232 Exclusions Portal that the information herein supplied in response to this paragraph is complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. By signing the certification below, I attest that:

(A) My organization intends to manufacture, process, or otherwise transform the imported product for which I have filed an exclusion request or I have a purchase order or orders for such products;

(B) My organization does not intend to use the exclusion for which I have filed an exclusion request, if granted, solely to hedge or arbitrage the price;

(C) My organization expects to consume, sell, or otherwise use the total volume of product across all my active exclusions and pending exclusion requests in the course of my organization's business activities within the next calendar year;

(D) If my organization is submitting an exclusion request for a product for which we previously received an exclusion, I certify that my organization either imported the full amount of our approved exclusion(s) last year or intended to import the full amount but could not due to one of the following reasons:

(1) Loss of contract(s);

(2) Unanticipated business downturns; or

(3) Other factors that were beyond my organization's control that directly resulted in less need for steel or aluminum articles; and

(E) I certify that the exclusion amount requested this year is in line with what my organization expects to import based on our current business outlook. If requested by the Department of Commerce, my organization shall provide documentation that justifies its assertions in this certification regarding its past imports of steel or aluminum articles and its projections for the current year, as it relates to past and current calendar year exclusion requests.

Note to paragraphs (c)(5)(i) and (ii):

Any exclusion request that does not include a certification made in accordance with (c)(5)(ii) will be treated as an incomplete submission and will therefore be rejected.

(6) Criteria used to review exclusion requests. The U.S. Department of Commerce will review each exclusion request to determine whether an article described in an exclusion request meets any of the following three criteria: The article is not produced in the United States in an amount which can be delivered in a time period equal to or less than the time needed for the requester to obtain the product from their foreign supplier, is not produced in the United States in a satisfactory quality, or for specific national security considerations. The reviews will be made on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the requester has shown that the article is not produced in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available amount or of a satisfactory quality, or that there are specific national security considerations to grant the exclusion. To provide additional context on the meaning and application of the criteria, paragraphs (c)(6)(i)-(iii) of this supplement define keys terms used in the review criteria and provide illustrative application examples. The U.S. Department of Commerce will use the same criteria identified in paragraphs (c)(6)(i)-(iii) of this supplement when determining whether it is warranted to approve broader product-based exclusions based on trends the Department may see over time with 232 submissions. The public is not permitted to request broader product-based exclusions that would apply to all importers, because the Department makes these determinations over time by evaluating the macro trends in 232 submissions. Items for which a broader determination has been made will be identified in supplements no. 2 or 3 to part 705.

(i) Not produced in the United States in a sufficient and reasonably available amount. The exclusion review criterion “Not produced in the United States in a sufficient and reasonably available amount” means that the amount that is needed by the end user requesting the exclusion is not available immediately in the United States to meet its specified business activities. Available “immediately” means that a product (whether it is currently being produced in the United States, or could be produced in the United States) can be delivered by a U.S. producer “within eight weeks”, or, if that is not possible, by a date earlier than the time required for the requester to obtain the entire quantity of the product from the requester's foreign supplier. Furthermore, to the extent that an objector can produce and deliver a portion, which is less than 100 percent, but ten percent or more, of the amount of steel or aluminum needed in the business activities of the user in the United States described in the exclusion request, the Department of Commerce may deny a requested exclusion for that percentage of imported steel or aluminum. It is incumbent upon both the exclusion requester, and objecting producers, to provide supplemental evidence supporting their claimed delivery times.

(ii) Not produced in the United States in a satisfactory quality. The exclusion review criterion “not produced in the United States in a satisfactory quality” does not mean the steel or aluminum needs to be identical, but it does need to be equivalent as a substitute product. “Substitute product” for purposes of this review criterion means that the steel or aluminum being produced by an objector can meet “immediately” (see paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this supplement) the quality (e.g., industry specs or internal company quality controls or standards), regulatory, or testing standards, in order for the U.S.-produced steel to be used in that business activity in the United States by that end user.

(A) Steel application examples. For a steel example, if a U.S. business activity requires that steel plates to be provided must meet certain military testing and military specification standards in order to be used in military combat vehicles, that requirement would be taken into account when reviewing the exclusion request and any objections, rebuttals, and surrebuttals submitted. As another steel example, if a U.S. business activity requires that steel tubing to be provided must meet certain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals to be used in medical devices, that requirement would be taken into account when reviewing the exclusion request and any objections, rebuttals, and surrebuttals submitted. Another steel example would be a food manufacturer that requires tin-plate approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to make any changes in the tin-plate it uses to make cans for fruit juices. An objector would not have to make steel for use in making the cans that was identical, but it would have to be a “substitute product,” meaning it could meet the USDA certification standards.

(B) Aluminum application examples. For an aluminum example, if a U.S. business activity requires that aluminum to be provided must meet certain military testing and military specification standards in order to be used in military aircraft, that requirement would be taken into account when reviewing the exclusion request and any objections, rebuttals, and surrebuttals submitted. Another aluminum example would be a U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer that requires approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make any changes in its aluminum product pill bottle covers. An objector would not have to make aluminum for use in making the product covers that was identical, but it would have to be a “substitute product,” meaning it could meet the FDA certification standards.

(iii) For specific national security considerations. The exclusion review criterion “or for specific national security considerations” is intended to allow the U.S. Department of Commerce, in consultation with other parts of the U.S. Government as warranted, to make determinations whether a particular exclusion request should be approved based on specific national security considerations.

(A) Steel application examples. For example, if the steel included in an exclusion request is needed by a U.S. defense contractor for making critical items for use in a military weapons platform for the U.S. Department of Defense, and the duty or quantitative limitation will prevent the military weapons platform from being produced, the exclusion will likely be granted. The U.S. Department of Commerce, in consultation with the other parts of the U.S. Government as warranted, can consider other impacts to U.S. national security that may result from not approving an exclusion, e.g., the unintended impacts that may occur in other downstream industries using steel, but in such cases the demonstrated concern with U.S. national security would need to be tangible and clearly explained and ultimately determined by the U.S. Government.

(B) Aluminum application examples. For example, if the aluminum included in an exclusion request is needed by a U.S. defense contractor for making critical items for use in a military weapons platform for the U.S. Department of Defense, and the duty or quantitative limitation will prevent the military weapons platform from being produced, the exclusion will likely be granted. The U.S. Department of Commerce, in consultation with the other parts of the U.S. Government as warranted, can consider other impacts to U.S. national security that may result from not approving an exclusion, e.g., the unintended impacts that may occur in other downstream industries using aluminum, but in such cases the demonstrated concern with U.S. national security would need to be tangible and clearly explained and ultimately determined by the U.S. Government.

(d) Objections to submitted exclusion requests. (1) Who may submit an objection to a submitted exclusion request? Any individual or organization that manufactures steel or aluminum articles in the United States may file objections to steel exclusion requests, but the U.S. Department of Commerce will only consider information directly related to the submitted exclusion request that is the subject of the objection.

(2) Identification of objections to submitted exclusion requests. When submitting an objection to a submitted exclusion request, the objector must locate the exclusion request and submit the objection in response to the request directly in the 232 Exclusions Portal. Once the relevant exclusion request has been located, an individual or organization that would like to submit an objection will access the objection form by scrolling to the bottom of the exclusion request form and then fill out the web-based form for submitting their objection to the exclusion request in the 232 Exclusions Portal (

(3) Time limit for submitting objections to submitted exclusions requests. All objections to submitted exclusion requests must be submitted directly on the 232 Exclusions Portal ( no later than 30 days after the related exclusion request is posted, with the 30-day clock starting at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the calendar day an exclusion request is posted.

(4) Substance of objections to submitted exclusion requests. The objection should clearly identify, and provide support for, its opposition to the proposed exclusion, with reference to the specific basis identified in, and the support provided for, the submitted exclusion request. If the objector is asserting that it is not currently producing the steel or aluminum identified in an exclusion request but can produce the steel or aluminum and make that steel or aluminum available “immediately” in accordance with the time required for the user of steel or aluminum in the United States to obtain the product from its foreign suppliers, the objector must identify how it will be able to produce and deliver the quantity of steel or aluminum needed either within eight weeks, or if after eight weeks, by a date which is earlier than the named foreign supplier would deliver the entire quantity of the requested product. It is incumbent on both the exclusion requester, and objecting producers, to provide supplemental evidence supporting their claimed delivery times. This requirement includes specifying in writing to Department of Commerce as part of the objection, the timeline the objector anticipates in order to start or restart production of the steel included in the exclusion request to which it is objecting. For example, a summary timeline that specifies the steps that will occur over the weeks needed to produce that steel or aluminum would be helpful to include, not only for the Department of Commerce review of the objection, but also for the requester of the exclusion and its determination whether to file a rebuttal to the objection. The U.S. Department of Commerce understands that, in certain cases, regulatory approvals, such as from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or some approvals at the state or local level, may be required to start or restart production and that some of these types of approvals may be outside the control of an objector.

(e) Limitations on the size of submissions. Each exclusion request and each objection to a submitted exclusion request is to be limited to a maximum of 5,000 words, inclusive of all exhibits and attachments, but exclusive of the respective forms and any CBI provided to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Each attachment to a submission must be less than 10 MB.

(f) Rebuttal process. Only individuals or organizations that have submitted an exclusion request pursuant to this supplement may submit a rebuttal to any objection(s) posted in the 232 Exclusions Portal ( The objections to submitted exclusion requests process identified under paragraph (d) of this supplement already establish a formal response process for steel and aluminum manufacturers in the United States.

(1) Identification of rebuttals. When submitting a rebuttal, the individual or organization that submitted the exclusion request will access the rebuttal form by scrolling to the bottom of the objection form and then filling out the web-based form for submitting their rebuttal to the objection in the 232 Exclusions Portal (

(2) Format and size limitations for rebuttals. Similar to the exclusions process identified under paragraph (c) of this supplement and the objection process identified under paragraph (d) of this supplement, the rebuttal process requires the submission of a government form as specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this supplement. Each rebuttal is to be limited to a maximum of 2,500 words, inclusive of all exhibits and attachments, but exclusive of the rebuttal form and any CBI provided to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Each attachment to a submission must be less than 10 MB.

(3) Substance of rebuttals. Rebuttals must address an objection to the exclusion request made by the requester. If multiple objections were received on a particular exclusion, the requester may submit a rebuttal to each objector. The most effective rebuttals will be those that aim to correct factual errors or misunderstandings in the objection(s).

(4) Time limit for submitting rebuttals. The rebuttal period begins on the date the Department opens the rebuttal period after the posting of the last objection in the 232 Exclusions Portal. The rebuttal period ends seven days after the rebuttal comment period is opened. This seven-day rebuttal period allows for the individual or organization that submitted an exclusion request pursuant to this supplement to submit any written rebuttals that it believes are warranted.

(g) Surrebuttal process. Only individuals or organizations that have a posted objection to a submitted exclusion request pursuant to this supplement may submit a surrebuttal to a rebuttal (see paragraph (f) of this supplement) posted to their objection to an exclusion request in the 232 Exclusions Portal (

(1) Identification of surrebuttals. When submitting a surrebuttal, the individual or organization that submitted the objection will access the surrebuttal form by scrolling to the bottom of the rebuttal form and then filling out the web-based form for submitting their surrebuttal to the rebuttal in the 232 Exclusions Portal (

(2) Format and size limitations for surrebuttals. Similar to the exclusions process identified under paragraph (c) of this supplement, the objection process identified under paragraph (d) of this supplement, and the rebuttal process identified under paragraph (f) of this supplement, the surrebuttal process requires the submission of a government form as specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this supplement. The surrebuttal must be submitted in the 232 Exclusions Portal. Each surrebuttal is to be limited to a maximum of 2,500 words, inclusive of all exhibits and attachments, but exclusive of the surrebuttal form and any CBI provided to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Each attachment to a submission must be less than 10 MB.

(3) Substance of surrebuttals. Surrebuttals must address a rebuttal to an objection to the exclusion request made by the requester. The most effective surrebuttals will be those that aim to correct factual errors or misunderstandings in the rebuttal to an objection.

(4) Time limit for submitting surrebuttals. The surrebuttal period begins on the date the Department opens the surrebuttal comment period after the posting of the last rebuttal to an objection to an exclusion request in the 232 Exclusions Portal. The surrebuttal period ends seven days after the surrebuttal comment period is opened. This seven-day surrebuttal period allows for the individual or organization that submitted an objection to a submitted exclusion request pursuant to this supplement to submit any written surrebuttals that it believes are warranted to respond to a rebuttal.

(h) Disposition of 232 submissions—(1) Disposition of incomplete submissions. (i) Exclusion requests that do not satisfy the requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this supplement will be rejected.

(ii) Objection filings that do not satisfy the requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (d) will not be considered.

(iii) Rebuttal filings that do not satisfy the requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (f) will not be considered.

(iv) Surrebuttal filings that do not satisfy the requirements specified in paragraphs (b) and (g) will not be considered.

(2) Disposition of complete submissions—(i) Posting of responses in the 232 Exclusions Portal. The U.S. Department of Commerce will post responses (decision memos) in the 232 Exclusions Portal to each exclusion request. The U.S. Department of Commerce response to an exclusion request will also be responsive to any of the objection(s), rebuttal(s) and surrebuttal(s) for that submitted exclusion request submitted through the 232 Exclusions Portal.

(ii) Streamlined review process for “No Objection” requests. The U.S. Department of Commerce will grant properly filed exclusion requests which meet the requisite criteria, receive no objections, and present no national security concerns. If an exclusion request's 30-day comment period in the 232 Exclusions Portal has expired and no objections have been submitted, BIS will immediately assess the request for any national security concerns. If BIS identifies no national security concerns, it will post a decision granting the exclusion request in the 232 Exclusions Portal.

(iii) Effective date for approved exclusions and date used for calculating duty refunds—(A) Effective date for approved exclusions. Approved exclusions will be effective five business days after publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce response granting an exclusion in the 232 Exclusions Portal. Starting on that date, the requester will be able to rely upon the approved exclusion request in calculating the duties owed on the product imported in accordance with the terms listed in the approved exclusion request. Companies are able to receive retroactive relief on granted requests dating back to the date of the request's submission on unliquidated entries.

(B) Contact for obtaining duty refunds. The U.S. Department of Commerce does not provide refunds on tariffs. Any questions on the refund of duties should be directed to CBP.

(iv) Validity period for exclusion requests. Exclusions will generally be approved for one year from the date of the signature on the decision memo, but may be valid for shorter or longer than one year depending on the specifics of the exclusion request; any objections filed; and analysis by the U.S. Department of Commerce and other parts of the U.S. Government, as warranted, of the current supply and demand in the United States, including any limitations or other factors that the Department determines should be considered in order to achieve the national security objectives of the duties and quantitative limitations.

(A) Examples of what fact patterns may warrant a longer exclusion validity period. Individuals or organizations submitting exclusion requests or objections may, and are encouraged to specify how long they believe an exclusion may be warranted and specify the rationale for that recommended time period. For example, an individual or organization submitting an exclusion request may request a longer validity period if there are factors outside of their control that may make it warranted to grant a longer period. These factors may include regulatory requirements that make a longer validity period justified, e.g., for an aircraft manufacturer that would require a certain number of years to make a change to an FAA-approved type certificate or for a manufacturer of medical items to obtain FDA approval. Business considerations, such as the need for a multi-year contract for steel with strict delivery schedules in order to complete a significant U.S. project by an established deadline, e.g., a large scale oil and gas exploration project, is another illustrative example of the types of considerations that a person submitting an exclusion request may reference.

(B) Examples of what criteria may warrant a shorter exclusion validity period. Objectors are encouraged to provide their suggestions for how long they believe an appropriate validity period should be for an exclusion request. In certain cases, this may be an objector indicating it has committed to adding new capacity that will be coming online within six months, so a shorter six-month period is warranted. Conversely, if an objector knows it will take two years to obtain appropriate regulatory approvals, financing and/or completing construction to add new capacity, the objector may, in responding to an exclusion that requests a longer validity period, e.g., three years, indicate that although they agree a longer validity period than one year may be warranted in this case, that two years is sufficient.

(C) None of the illustrative fact patterns identified in paragraphs (h)(2)(iv)(A) or (B) of this supplement will be determinative in and of themselves for establishing the appropriate validity period, but this type of information is helpful for the U.S. Department of Commerce to receive, when warranted, to help determine the appropriate validity period if a period other than one year is requested.

(3) Review period and implementation of any needed conforming changes—(i) Review period. The review period normally will not exceed 106 days for requests that receive objections, including adjudication of objections submitted on exclusion requests and any rebuttals to objections, and surrebuttals. The estimated 106-day period begins on the day the exclusion request is posted in the 232 Exclusions Portal, and ends once a decision to grant or deny is made on the exclusion request.

(ii) Coordination with other agencies on approval and implementation. Other agencies of the U.S. Government, such as CBP, will take any additional steps needed to implement an approved exclusion request. These additional steps needed to implement an approved exclusion request are not part of the review criteria used by the U.S. Department of Commerce to determine whether to approve an exclusion request, but are an important component in ensuring the approved exclusion request can be properly implemented. The U.S. Department of Commerce will provide CBP with information that will identify each approved exclusion request pursuant to this supplement. Individuals or organizations whose exclusion requests are approved must report information concerning any applicable exclusion in such form as CBP may require. These exclusion identifiers will be used by importers in the data collected by CBP in order for CBP to determine whether an import is within the scope of an approved exclusion request.

(i) For further information. If you have questions on this supplement, you may contact the Director, Industrial Studies, Office of Technology Evaluation, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, at (202) 482-5642 or [email protected] regarding steel exclusion requests, or at (202) 482-4757 or [email protected] regarding aluminum exclusion requests. The U.S. Department of Commerce website includes FAQs, best practices other companies have used for submitting exclusion requests and objections, and helpful checklists. The U.S. Department of Commerce has also included a manual providing instruction on the 232 Exclusions Portal for exclusion requests submitted on or after June 13, 2019, titled 232 Exclusions Portal Comprehensive Guide (“232 Exclusions Guide”) and posted online at ( to assist your understanding when making 232 submissions in the 232 Exclusions Portal.

[85 FR 81073, Dec. 14, 2020]

- Supplement No. 2 to Part 705—General Approved Exclusions (GAEs) for Steel Articles Under the Section 232 Exclusions Process

This supplement identifies steel articles that have been approved for import under a General Approved Exclusion (GAE). The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, the United States Trade Representative, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and other senior Executive Branch officials as appropriate, makes these determinations that certain steel articles may be authorized under a GAE consistent with the objectives of the 232 Exclusions Process as outlined in supplement no. 1 to this part. The GAEs described in this supplement may be used by any importer. GAEs do not include quantity limits. Each GAE identifier will be effective fifteen calendar days after publication of a Federal Register notice either adding or revising a specific GAE identifier. There is no retroactive relief for GAEs. Relief is only available to steel articles that are entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the effective date of a GAE included in supplement no. 2 to this part. In order to use a GAE, the importer must include the GAE identifier in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) system that corresponds to the steel articles being imported. These GAEs are indefinite in length, but the Department of Commerce on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce may at any time issue a Federal Register notice removing, revising or adding to an existing GAE in this supplement as warranted to align with the objectives of the 232 exclusions process as described in supplement no. 1 to this part. The Department of Commerce on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce may periodically publish notices of inquiry in the Federal Register soliciting public comments on potential removals, revisions or additions to this supplement.

GAE Identifier Description of steel that may be imported
(at 10-digit harmonized tariff schedule of the United States (HTSUS) statistical reporting number or more narrowly defined at product level)
(e.g., country of
import or
Federal Register citation GAE.1.S: 73045920307304592030. TUBES/PIPES/HLLW PRFLS OTH ALLOY STL, SMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), SUITABLE FOR BOILERS ETC, HEAT-RESISTING STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.2.S: 73045920807304592080. TUBES/PIPES/H PRFLS ALLOY STL, SMLSS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), SUIT FOR BOILERS ETC, NOT HT-RSST STL, OS DIAMETER >406.4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.4.S: 72224060007222406000. ANGLES SHAPES AND SECTIONS STAINLESS STEEL, OTHER THAN HOT ROLLED, NOT DRILLED, NOT PUNCHED, AND NOT OTHERWISE ADVANCED85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.5.S: 73069010007306901000. OTH TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES IRON/NONALLOY STL, RIVETED/SIMILARLY CLOSED (NOT WELDED)85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.6.S: 72126000007212600000. FLAT-ROLLED IRON/NONALLOY STL, WDTH <600MM, CLAD85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.8.S: 72202070607220207060. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), THICKNESS >0.25MM BUT </= 1.25MM, </= 0.5% NICKEL <15% CHROMIUM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.9.S: 72230050007223005000. FLAT WIRE OF STAINLESS STEEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.10.S: 72202080007220208000. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), THK </= 0.25MM, RAZOR BLADE STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.11.S: 72171080607217108060. ROUND WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED, >/= 0.6% CARBON, NOT HEAT-TREATED, OS DIAMETER <1.0MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.12.S: 72269230607226923060. FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), TOOL STEEL OTH THAN HIGH-SPEED, OTHER THAN BALL-BEARING STEEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.13.S: 72299050107229905016. ROUND WIRE OTHER ALLOY STL, OS DIAMETER <1.0MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.15.S: 73045980607304598060. TUBES/PIPES/HLLW PRFLS OTH ALLOY STL, SMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), OS DIAMETER >285.8MM BUT <406MM, WALL THK <12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.17.S: 73042460307304246030. TUBING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, OS DIAMETER </= 114.3MM, WALL THK >9.5MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.18.S: 72299050317229905031. ROUND WIRE OTHER ALLOY STL, WITH OS DIAMETER >/= 1.0MM BUT <1.5MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.19.S: 73045980107304598010. TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES OTH ALLOY STL, SEAMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), NOT HEAT-RESISTANT, OS DIAMETER <38.1MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.20.S: 72193100107219310010. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >/= 600MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), THK >/= 4.75MM, COILS85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.21.S: 73045980457304598045. TUBES/PIPES/HLLW PRFLS OTH ALLOY STL, SMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), NOT HEAT-RESISTANT, OS DIAMETER >/= 190.5MM BUT </= 285.8MM, WALL THK <12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.22.S: 73064010907306401090. OTH TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PRFLS STAINLESS STL, WELDED, CIRC CS, WALL THK <1.65MM, </= 0.5% NICKEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.25.S: 72172015007217201500. FLAT WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, PLATED/COATED WITH ZINC85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.26.S: 72191200267219120026. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >1575MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THK >6.8MM BUT <10MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.28.S: 73042430107304243010. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, THREADED/COUPLED, OS DIAMETER <215.9MM, WALL THK <12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.29.S: 72192200357219220035. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, THICKNESS >/= 4.75MM BUT <10MM, WIDTH >/= 600MM BUT <1575MM, HOT-RLD, NOT COILS, THK 4.75-10MM, >0.5% NICKEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.30.S: 72224030857222403085. SHAPES/SECTIONS STAINLESS STL, HOT-RLD, NOT DRILLED/PUNCHED/ADVANCED, MAX CROSS SECTION <80MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.31.S: 72224030457222403045. SHAPES/SECTIONS STAINLESS STL, HOT-RLD, NOT DRILLED/PUNCHED/ADVANCED, MAX CS >/= 80MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.32.S: 72191100607219110060. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >1575MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THK >10MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.36.S: 72191100307219110030. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 600MM BUT <1575MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THK >10MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.40.S: 72202060607220206060. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), THK >1.25MM, </= 0.5% NICKEL, <15% CHROMIUM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.41.S: 72171080257217108025. ROUND WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED, >0.6% CARBON, HEAT-TREATED, OS DIAMETER <1.0MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.42.S: 72201210007220121000. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 300MM BUT <600MM, HOT-RLD, THK <4.75MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.44.S: 72139130207213913020. BARS/RODS IRON/NA STL, IRR COILS, HOT-RLD, CIRC CS, OS DIAMETER <14MM, NOT TEMPRD/TREATD/PARTLY MFTD, WELDING QUALITY WIRE ROD85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.45.S: 73066170607306617060. OTH TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES OTH ALLOY STL (NOT STAINLESS), WELDED, SQ/RECT CS, WALL THK <4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.47.S: 72179050307217905030. WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED WITH BASE METALS OR PLASTICS, <0.25% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.48.S: 72269230307226923030. FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), TOOL STEEL OTH THAN HIGH-SPEED, BALL-BEARING STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.49.S: 72191200517219120051. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 1370MM BUT <1575MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THICKNESS >/= 4.75MM BUT <6.8MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.50.S: 72279060207227906020. BARS/RODS OTHER ALLOY STL, IRR COILS, HOT-RLD, NOT TOOL STL, WELDING QUALITY WIRE RODS85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.51.S: 72179050907217905090. WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED WITH BASE METALS OR PLASTICS, >/= 0.6% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.57.S: 73049010007304901000. TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES IRON/NONALLOY STL, SEAMLESS, NONCIRCULAR CROSS SECTION, WALL THK >/= 4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.58.S: 73043900027304390002. TUBES/PIPES/HLLW PRFLS IRON/NA STL, SMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), SUITABLE FOR BOILERS ETC, OS DIAMETER <38.1MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.59.S: 72191200717219120071. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >600MM BUT <1370MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THICKNESS >/= 4.75MM BUT <10MM, NOT HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY, >0.5% NICKEL, </= 1.5% OR >/= 5% MOLYBDENUM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.61.S: 72179050607217905060. WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, PLATED/COATED, >0.25% BUT <0.6% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.62.S: 72201250007220125000. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH <300MM, HOT-RLD, THK <4.75MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.63.S: 72269280057226928005. FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), NOT TOOL STL, THK >0.25MM, HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.64.S: 72171060007217106000. OTHER WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED, <0.25% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.65.S: 72191200217219120021. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 1370MM BUT </= 1575MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, THICKNESS >6.8MM BUT </= 10MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.66.S: 73043900167304390016. TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES IRON/NA STL, SEAMLESS, CIRC CS, OTHER THAN COLD-DRAWN/COLD-ROLLED (COLD-REDUCED), GALVANIZED, OS DIAMETER </= 114.3MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.67.S: 73042440407304244040. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, NOT THREADED/COUPLED, OS DIAMETER >/= 215.9MM BUT </= 285.8MM, WALL THK >/= 12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.69.S: 73044130057304413005. TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PRFLS STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, CIRC CS, COLD-DRWN/RLD (COLD-REDUCED), OS DIAMETER <19MM, HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.70.S: 72155000907215500090. OTHER BARS/RODS IRON/NONALLOY STL, COLD-FORMED/FINISHED, NOT COILS, >/= 0.6% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.72.S: 72272000307227200030. BARS/RODS SILICO-MANGANESE STL, IRR COILS, HOT-RLD, WELDING QUALITY WIRE RODS, STAT NOTE 685 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.73.S: 73066970607306697060. OTH TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES OTH ALLOY STL (NOT STAINLESS), WELDED, OTH NONCIRCULAR CS, WALL THK <4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.74.S: 73021010457302101045. RAILS IRON/NONALLOY STL, NEW, HEAT TREATED, >30KG/M85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.77.S: 73053160907305316090. OTHER TUBES/PIPES ALLOY STL, CIRC CS, OS DIAMETER >406.4MM, NOT LINE PIPE OR CASING (OIL/GAS), LONGITUDINALLY WELDED, NOT TAPERED PIPES/TUBES, NON-STAINLESS ALLOY STEEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.79.S: 72269901107226990110. FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL, WDTH <600MM, ELECTROLYTICALLY PLATD/COATD W/ZINC, NOT GRAIN ORIENTED, NOT OF HIGH-SPEED STEEL, FURTHER WORKED THAN HOT-ROLLED OR COLD-ROLLED85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.80.S: 72255060007225506000. FLAT-ROLLED OTH ALLOY STL, WDTH >/= 600MM, COLD-RLD, THK >/= 4.75MM, NOT OF TOOL STEEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.81.S: 73049050007304905000. TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES IRON/NONALLOY STL, SEAMLESS, NOT CIRCULAR CS, WALL THK <4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.82.S: 72192200057219220005. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >/= 600MM, HOT-RLD, NOT COILS, THICKNESS >/= 4.75MM BUT </= 4.75MM BUT </= 10MM, HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY STL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.83.S: 72171040457217104045. ROUND WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED, <0.25% CARBON, OS DIAMETER <1.5MM, HEAT-TREATED, IN COILS WEIGHING >2 KG85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.85.S: 72199000607219900060. OTHER FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH >/= 600MM, FURTHER WORKED THAN COLD-RLD, </= 0.5% NICKEL, <15% CHROMIUM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.86.S: 72191200817219120081. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 600MM BUT <1370MM, HOT-RLD, COILS, NOT HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY, THICKNESS >/= 4.75MM BUT85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.88.S: 722410000057224100005. INGOTS AND OTHER PRIMARY FORMS OF HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY STEEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.89.S: 72132000807213200080. BARS/RODS IRON/NONALLOY STL, HOT-RLD, IRR COILS, FREE-CUTTING STL, <0.1% LEAD85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.91.S: 73066950007306695000. OTH TUBES/PIPES/HOLLOW PROFILES IRON/NONALLOY STL, WELDED, OTH NONCIRCULAR CS, WALL THK <4MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.94.S: 72171040907217104090. ROUND WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, NOT PLATED/COATED, <0.25% CARBON, OS DIAMETER <1.5MM, NOT HEAT-TREATED85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.95.S: 73021050207302105020. RAILS OF ALLOY STEEL, NEW85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.96.S: 72107060307210706030. FLAT-ROLLED IRON/NA STL, WDTH >/= 600MM, PAINTD/VARNSHD/COATD W/PLASTICS, ELECTROLYTICALLY PLATD/COATD W/ZINC85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.97.S: 73042440607304244060. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, NOT THREADED/COUPLED, OS DIAMETER >285.8MM BUT /=12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.99.S: 73042430407304243040. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, THREADED/COUPLED, OS DIAMETER >/= 215.9MM BUT /=12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.100.S: 73042430207304243020. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, SEAMLESS, THREADED/COUPLED, OS DIAMETER <215.9MM, WALL THK >/= 12.7MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.101.S: 72191300817219130081. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WIDTH >/= 600MM BUT <1370MM, NFW THAN HOT-RLD, COILS, ANNEALED OR PICKLED, THICKNESS >/= 3MM BUT <4.75MM, <0.5% OR >24% NICKEL85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.102.S: 72111400907211140090. FLAT-ROLLED IRON/NONALLOY STL, WDTH <600MM, NOT CLAD/PLATED/COATED, NFW THAN HOT-RLD, NOT UNIVERSAL MILL PLATE, THK >/= 4.75MM, NOT HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL, COILS85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.103.S: 72189100307218910030. SEMIFINISHED STAINLESS STL, RECTANGULAR CROSS SECTION, WDTH <4X THK, CS AREA >/= 232 CM285 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.104.S: 73062130007306213000. CASING (OIL/GAS DRILLING) STAINLESS STL, WELDED, THREADED/COUPLED85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.105.S: 72112345007211234500. FLAT-ROLLED IRON/NONALLOY STL, WDTH <300MM, NOT CLAD/PLATED/COATED, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), <0.25% CRBN, THK </= 0.25MM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.106.S: 72202060807220206080. FLAT-ROLLED STAINLESS STL, WDTH <300MM, NFW THAN COLD-RLD (COLD-REDUCED), THK >1.25MM, NOT HIGH-NICKEL ALLOY, </= 0.5% NICKEL, >/= 15% CHROMIUM85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.107.S: 73053910007305391000. OTHER TUBES/PIPES IRON/NONALLOY STL, CIRC CS, OS DIAMETER >406.4MM, WELDED, OTHER THAN LONGITUDALLY WELDED85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021. GAE.108.S: 72172045507217204550. ROUND WIRE IRON/NONALLOY STL, PLATED/COATED WITH ZINC, OS DIAMETER >/= 1.0MM BUT <1.5MM, >/= 0.25% BUT <0.6% CARBON85 FR 81079, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70009, 12/9/2021.

Note to Supplement No. 2: Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) Classifications are identified by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) through its web version of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. The list of the HTSUS Classifications referenced in this table of GAEs is drawn from the HTSUS and ITC Change Records for HTSUS Classifications (compiled at and will be amended when the ITC publishes subsequent Change Records. If there are any discrepancies between the list of the HTSUS Classifications in this table and the HTSUS Classifications identified by the ITC in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and the associated Change Records, the ITC's list of HTSUS Classifications shall be controlling. Therefore, if an HTSUS Classification defining a GAE is split or otherwise modified by the ITC in the HTSUS, GAEs are extended to the newly-created HTSUS Classification(s), so long as the new 'child' HTSUS Classification(s) contain products falling entirely within the scope of the old 'parent' HTSUS classification. These types of 'inherited' GAEs are effective from the effective date of the change to the HTSUS, even prior to a Commerce rule being published to add the new HTSUS number to the GAE list under supplement no. 2. During the period after the effective date of the change to the HTSUS and before the GAE is updated, ACE will reject entries claiming the exclusion with the new HTSUS number and importers will have to make entry without the exclusion. In order for importers to preserve their rights, if any, to the exclusion with the new HTSUS number during this period, importers are advised to seek extensions of liquidation of the affected entries with CBP until Commerce is able to update and publish a revised GAE list under this supplement no. 2.

[85 FR 81079, Dec. 14, 2020, as amended at 86 FR 70009, Dec. 9, 2021; 89 FR 43743, May 20, 2024]

- Supplement No. 3 to Part 705—General Approved Exclusions (GAEs) for Aluminum Articles Under the Section 232 Exclusions Process

This supplement identifies aluminum articles that have been approved for import under a General Approved Exclusion (GAE). The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, the United States Trade Representative, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and other senior Executive Branch officials as appropriate, makes these determinations that certain aluminum articles may be authorized under a GAE consistent with the objectives of the 232 exclusions process as outlined in supplement no. 1 to this part. The GAEs described in this supplement may be used by any importer. GAEs do not include quantity limits. Each GAE identifier will be effective fifteen calendar days after publication of a Federal Register notice either adding or revising a specific GAE identifier. There is no retroactive relief for GAEs. Relief is only available to aluminum articles that are entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the effective date of a GAE included in supplement no. 2 to this part. In order to use a GAE, the importer must reference the GAE identifier in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) system that corresponds to the aluminum articles being imported. These GAEs are indefinite in length, but the Department of Commerce on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce may at any time issue a Federal Register notice removing, revising or adding to an existing GAE in this supplement as warranted to align with the objectives of the 232 exclusions process as described in supplement no. 1 to this part. The Department of Commerce on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce may periodically publish notices of inquiry in the Federal Register soliciting public comments on potential removals, revisions or additions to this supplement.

GAE Identifier Description of aluminum that may be imported
(at 10-digit Harmonized)
Tariff Schedule of the
United States (HTSUS)
statistical reporting
number or more
narrowly defined at
product level)
Other limitations
(e.g., country of import or
quantity allowed)
Federal Register
GAE.3.A: 76071960007607196000. ALUMINUM FOIL OF THICKNESS </= 0.2MM, NOT BACKED, OTHER THAN ROLLED BUT NOT FURTHER WORKED, OTHER THAN ETCHED CAPACITOR FOIL, OTHER THAN CUT TO SHAPE W/ THICKNESS </= 0.15 MM85 FR 81083, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70013, 12/9/2021. GAE.6.A: 76071910007607191000. ALUMINUM FOIL OF THICKNESS </= 0.2MM, NOT BACKED OTHER THAN ROLLED BUT NOT FURTHER WORKED, ETCHED CAPACITOR FOIL85 FR 81083, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70013, 12/9/2021. GAE.7.A: 76061160007606116000. ALUMINUM PLATES, SHEETS AND STRIP, THICKNESS > 0.2MM, RECTANGULAR (INCLUDING SQUARE), NOT ALLOYED, CLAD85 FR 81083, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70013, 12/9/2021. GAE.8.A: 76052900007605290000. ALUMINUM WIRE ALLOY, MAXIMUM CROSS-SECTIONAL DIMENSION </= 7MM85 FR 81083, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70013, 12/9/2021. GAE.12.A: 76072010007607201000. ALUMINUM FOIL OF THICKNESS </=0.2 MM, BACKED COVERED OR DECORATED WITH A CHARACTER, DESIGN, FANCY EFFECT OR PATTERN85 FR 81083, 12/14/2020. 86 FR 70013, 12/9/2021.

Note to Supplement No. 3: Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) Classifications are identified by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) through its web version of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. The list of the HTSUS Classifications referenced in this table of GAEs is drawn from the HTSUS and ITC Change Records for HTSUS Classifications (compiled at and will be amended when the ITC publishes subsequent Change Records. If there are any discrepancies between the list of HTSUS Classifications in this table and the HTSUS Classifications identified by the ITC in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and the associated Change Records, the ITC's list of HTSUS Classifications shall be controlling. Therefore, if an HTSUS Classification defining a GAE is split or otherwise modified by the ITC in the HTSUS, GAEs are extended to the newly-created HTSUS Classification(s), so long as the new 'child' HTSUS Classification(s) contain products falling entirely within the scope of the old 'parent' HTSUS classification. These types of 'inherited' GAEs are effective from the effective date of the change to the HTSUS, even prior to a Commerce rule being published to add the new HTSUS number to the GAE list under this supplement no. 3. During the period after the effective date of the change to the HTSUS and before the GAE is updated, ACE will reject entries claiming the exclusion with the new HTSUS number and importers will have to make entry without the exclusion. In order for importers to preserve their rights, if any, to the exclusion with the new HTSUS number during this period, importers are advised to seek extensions of liquidation of the affected entries with CBP until Commerce is able to update and publish a revised GAE list under this supplement no. 3.

[85 FR 81083, Dec. 14, 2020, as amended at 86 FR 70013, Dec. 9, 2021; 89 FR 43743, May 20, 2024]