Collapse to view only § 295.30 - Types of assistance available.

§ 295.30 - Types of assistance available.

This subpart describes the types of assistance that may be provided under the authority of 15 U.S.C. 278n(b)(2). Such assistance includes but is not limited to entering into cooperative agreements with United States businesses, especially small businesses.

[59 FR 670, Jan. 6, 1994]

§ 295.31 - Qualification of proposers.

Awards under this subpart will be available to all businesses, subject to the limitations set out in §§ 295.3 and 295.32.

[62 FR 64687, Dec. 9, 1997]

§ 295.32 - Limitations on assistance.

(a) The Program will not directly provide funding under this subpart to any governmental entity, academic institution or independent research organization.

(b) For proposals submitted to ATP after December 31, 1997, awards to large businesses made under this subpart shall not exceed 40 percent of the total project costs of those awards in any year of the award.

(c) Awards under this subpart may not exceed $2,000,000, or be for more than three years, unless the Secretary provides a written explanation to the authorizing committees of both Houses of Congress and then, only after thirty days during which both Houses of Congress are in session. No funding for indirect costs, profits, or management fees shall be available for awards made under this subpart.

(d) The total value of any in-kind contributions used to satisfy a cost sharing requirement may not exceed 30 percent of the non-federal share of the total project costs.

[62 FR 64687, Dec. 9, 1997]