Collapse to view only § 5.1 - Applicability.

§ 5.1 - Applicability.

This part applies to all of the following:

(a) Any person that holds or applies for a certificate issued under part 119 of this chapter authorizing the person to conduct operations under part 121 of this chapter.

(b) Any person that holds or applies for a certificate issued under part 119 of this chapter authorizing the person to conduct operations under part 135 of this chapter.

(c) Any person that holds or applies for a Letter of Authorization issued under § 91.147 of this chapter.

(d) Any person that holds both a type certificate and a production certificate issued under part 21 of this chapter for the same product.

(e) Any person that holds a production certificate issued under part 21 of this chapter for a product for which the person is a licensee of the type certificate for the same product.

(f) Any person that applies for a production certificate under part 21 of this chapter for a product for which the person is the holder or licensee of the type certificate for the same product.

(g) Any person that holds a type certificate issued under part 21 of this chapter for a product, except for persons that hold only type certificates issued under § 21.29 of this chapter, that allows another person to use the type certificate to manufacture the same product under a production certificate.

§ 5.3 - Definitions.

Hazard means a condition or an object that could foreseeably cause or contribute to an incident or aircraft accident, as defined in 49 CFR 830.2.

Risk means the composite of predicted severity and likelihood of the potential effect of a hazard.

Risk control means a means to reduce or eliminate the effects of hazards.

Safety assurance means processes within the SMS that function systematically to ensure the performance and effectiveness of safety risk controls and that the organization meets or exceeds its safety objectives through the collection, analysis, and assessment of information.

Safety Management System (SMS) means the formal, top-down, organization-wide approach to managing safety risk and assuring the effectiveness of safety risk controls. It includes systematic procedures, practices, and policies for the management of safety risk.

Safety objective means a measurable goal or desirable outcome related to safety.

Safety performance means realized or actual safety accomplishment relative to the organization's safety objectives.

Safety policy means the person's documented commitment to safety, which defines its safety objectives and the accountabilities and responsibilities of its employees in regards to safety.

Safety promotion means a combination of training and communication of safety information to support the implementation and operation of an SMS in an organization.

Safety Risk Management means a process within the SMS composed of describing the system, identifying the hazards, and analyzing, assessing, and controlling risk.

§ 5.5 - General requirements.

(a) SMS components. An SMS under this part must be appropriate to the size, scope, and complexity of the person's organization and include, at a minimum, all of the following components:

(1) Safety policy that meets the requirements of subpart B of this part.

(2) Safety risk management that meets the requirements of subpart C of this part.

(3) Safety assurance that meets the requirements of subpart D of this part.

(4) Safety promotion that meets the requirements of subpart E of this part.

(b) Continuing requirements. Any person required to develop and implement an SMS under this part must maintain the SMS in accordance with this part.

§ 5.7 - Requirements for domestic, flag, and supplemental operations.

(a) Any person authorized to conduct operations under part 121 of this chapter that has an SMS acceptable to the FAA on or before May 28, 2024, must revise its SMS to meet the requirements of this part no later than May 28, 2025.

(b) Any person applying for authorization to conduct operations under part 121 of this chapter or with such application pending on or after May 28, 2024, must develop and implement an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(c) Any person required to develop and implement an SMS under this section must maintain the SMS as long as the person is authorized to conduct operations under part 121 of this chapter.

(d) Any person required to develop and implement an SMS under this section must make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

§ 5.9 -

(a) Any person authorized to conduct operations under part 135 of this chapter or that holds a Letter of Authorization issued under § 91.147 of this chapter before May 28, 2024, must:

(1) Develop and implement an SMS that meets the requirements of this part no later than May 28, 2027.

(2) Submit to the FAA, a declaration of compliance with this part in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator no later than May 28, 2027.

(b) Any person applying for authorization to conduct operations under part 135 of this chapter or a Letter of Authorization under § 91.147 of this chapter, or with such application pending on or after May 28, 2024, must develop and implement an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(c) Any person required to develop and implement an SMS under this section must maintain the SMS as long as the person is authorized to conduct operations under either part 135 or § 91.147 of this chapter.

(d) Any person required to develop and implement an SMS under this section must make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

(e) The following requirements do not apply to those organizations with a single pilot who is the sole individual performing all necessary functions in the conduct and execution related to, or in direct support of, the safe operation of the aircraft: §§ 5.21(a)(4), 5.21(a)(5), 5.21(c), 5.23(a)(2), 5.23(a)(3), 5.23(b), 5.25(b)(3), 5.25(c), 5.27(a), 5.27(b), 5.71(a)(7), 5.93, and 5.97(d) of this part.

§ 5.11 - Requirements for production certificate holders that are holders or licensees of a type certificate for the same product.

Any person that holds a production certificate issued under part 21 of this chapter for a product for which the person is the holder or licensee of the type certificate for the same product on or before May 28, 2024, must:

(a) Develop and maintain an organizational system description in accordance with § 5.17 of this subpart.

(b) Submit an implementation plan in accordance with § 5.19 of this subpart for FAA approval in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator no later than November 28, 2024.

(c) Develop an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(d) Implement the SMS in accordance with this part no later than May 28, 2027.

(e) Make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

(f) Maintain the SMS as long as the person is both a holder of a production certificate and a holder or licensee of a type certificate for the same product.

§ 5.13 - Requirements for type certificate holders or licensees applying for a production certificate for the same product.

(a) This section applies to any holder or licensee of a type certificate for a product who either:

(1) Applies for a production certificate for that same product under part 21 of this chapter on or after May 28, 2024, or

(2) Has an application for a production certificate for that same product under part 21 of this chapter pending on May 28, 2024.

(b) Any person that meets paragraph (a) of this section must:

(1) Develop and maintain an organizational system description in accordance with § 5.17 of this subpart.

(2) Submit an implementation plan in accordance with § 5.19 of this subpart for FAA approval in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator during the certification process.

(3) Develop an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(4) Implement the SMS in accordance with this part no later than 36 months after submission of the implementation plan.

(5) Make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

(6) Maintain the SMS as long as the person is both a holder of a production certificate and a holder or licensee of a type certificate for the same product.

§ 5.15 - Requirements for type certificate holders that allow another person to use the type certificate to obtain a production certificate for the same product.

(a) This section applies to any person that holds a type certificate issued under part 21 of this chapter for a product, except for persons that hold only type certificates issued under § 21.29 of this chapter, that allows another person to use the type certificate to manufacture the same product under a production certificate.

(b) Any person that meets paragraph (a) of this section and has a licensing agreement in accordance with § 21.55 of this chapter on May 28, 2024, must:

(1) Develop and maintain an organizational system description in accordance with § 5.17 of this subpart.

(2) Submit an implementation plan in accordance with § 5.19 of this subpart for FAA approval in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator no later than November 28, 2024.

(3) Develop an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(4) Implement the SMS in accordance with this part no later than May 28, 2027.

(5) Make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

(6) Maintain the SMS as long as the person continues to meet paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) Any person that meets paragraph (a) of this section and enters into a licensing agreement in accordance with § 21.55 of this chapter after May 28, 2024, must:

(1) Develop and maintain an organizational system description in accordance with § 5.17 of this subpart.

(2) Submit an implementation plan in accordance with § 5.19 of this subpart for FAA approval in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator when providing written licensing agreements in accordance with § 21.55 of this chapter.

(3) Develop an SMS that meets the requirements of this part.

(4) Implement the SMS in accordance with this part no later than 36 months after submission of the person's implementation plan.

(5) Make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the person has an SMS that meets the requirements set forth in this part.

(6) Maintain the SMS as long as the person continues to meet paragraph (a) of this section.

§ 5.17 - Organizational system description.

An organizational system description developed and maintained under this part must include a summary of the following information about the safety of the aviation products or services provided by the person:

(a) The person's aviation-related processes, procedures, and activities.

(b) The function and purpose of the aviation products or services.

(c) The operating environment.

(d) The personnel, equipment, and facilities necessary for operation.

§ 5.19 - Implementation plan.

(a) An implementation plan filed under this part must be based on the organizational system description as defined in § 5.17 and describe the means of compliance (including, but not limited to, new or existing policies, processes, or procedures) used to meet the requirements of this part.

(b) A person required to submit an implementation plan under this part must make available to the Administrator, upon request, all necessary information and data that demonstrates that the SMS has been or will be implemented in accordance with the implementation plan.