Collapse to view only § 1091.403 - Word limits.

§ 1091.401 - Methods of filing and serving documents.

(a) By the respondent. The respondent files documents with the Director, and serves documents on the initiating official, in accordance with the instructions in the Notice.

(b) By the initiating official. The initiating official serves documents on the respondent at the email address specified in the Response (except for service of the Notice, which is governed by § 1091.202(d)). The initiating official files documents with the Director by any appropriate method.

(c) By the Director. The Director serves documents on the respondent at the email address specified in the Response. The Director serves documents on the initiating official by any appropriate method.

(d) Changes. Changes to the methods of filing and serving documents are addressed in § 1091.404.

§ 1091.402 - Time limits.

In computing any period of time prescribed by this part, or by order of the Director, the date of the act or event that commences the designated period of time is not included. The last day so computed is included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday as set forth in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a). When the last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays are included in the computation of time, except when the time period within which an act is to be performed is ten days or less. Changes to time limits are addressed in § 1091.404.

§ 1091.403 - Word limits.

(a) Calculation of word limits. A Notice, response, reply, petition for termination, or recommendation on a petition for termination must contains no more than 13,000 words. This word limit does not apply to any cover page, table of contents, table of citations, signature block, or appendices. Changes to word limits are addressed in § 1091.404.

(b) Certification of word count. A document referenced in paragraph (a) of this section must be accompanied by an appendix stating the number of words in the document, not including any cover page, table of contents, table of citations, signature block, or appendices. It must be signed by counsel for the party filing the document, or by another representative if that party does not have counsel.

§ 1091.404 - Changes to methods of filing and service, time limits, and word limits.

(a) Generally. This section governs a change to a method of filing or service, to a time limit, or to a word limit, whether prescribed by this part or by the Director. Changes to time limits or word limits are disfavored.

(b) Change upon consent. The initiating official and respondent may agree in writing to a change, unless the Director specifies otherwise. The initiating official shall file notice of the change with the Director.

(c) Change upon written request to Director. The initiating official or the respondent may file a written request to the Director for a change, for good cause shown. The mere filing of a written request for a change does not alleviate the obligation to meet an applicable requirement, absent written confirmation that the request has been granted.

(c) Change upon Director's own motion. The Director may make a change on the Director's own motion.

(e) No conferral of rights. Deadlines for action by the Bureau established in this part do not confer any rights on respondents.

§ 1091.405 - Confidentiality of proceedings.

(a) General rule. In connection with a proceeding under this part, including a petition for termination under § 1091.301, all documents, records or other items submitted by a respondent to the Bureau, all documents prepared by, or on behalf of, or for the use of the Bureau, and any communications between the Bureau and a person, shall be deemed confidential supervisory information under 12 CFR 1070.2(i)(1). However, this paragraph does not apply to the version of a document that is released on the Bureau's website under paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Publication of final decisions and orders by the Director. The Director will make a determination regarding whether a decision or order under § 1091.206(a)(1) or § 1091.301(d) will be publicly released on the Bureau's website, in whole or in part. The respondent may file a submission regarding that issue, within ten days after service of the decision or order. The Director will not release information in a decision or order to the extent it would be exempt from disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) or (b)(6) or the Director determines there is other good cause. The Director may also decide that any determination regarding public release will itself be released on the website, in whole or in part. Section 1091.206(d) is not applicable to determinations under this paragraph.

§ 1091.406 - Multiple respondents.

(a) Notice issued to multiple respondents. The initiating official may issue and serve a Notice with respect to multiple respondents. The respondents may elect to make either joint or separate responses to such a Notice under § 1091.203 and be jointly or separately represented at a supplemental oral response under § 1091.205.

(b) Supplemental Notice to add respondents. The initiating official may issue a supplemental Notice in a pending proceeding to add one or more respondents. The Director will adopt such procedural steps as may be appropriate to ensure that the added respondents have a reasonable opportunity to respond to the supplemental Notice.

§ 1091.407 - Adjudication proceedings otherwise brought by the Bureau.

(a) The Bureau may, in its discretion, provide the notice and opportunity to respond required by 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1)(C) in a notice of charges otherwise brought by the Bureau pursuant to 12 CFR 1081.200 and the adjudication proceedings pursuant to part 1081. Also, a person may agree to submit to the Bureau's supervisory authority under 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1)(C) as part of a consent order entered into in connection with an adjudication proceeding or civil action.

(b) If the Bureau chooses to proceed in the manner described in paragraph (a) of this section, it shall so indicate in the notice of charges, and any order of the Director resulting from the notice of charges shall constitute the order referred to in 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1)(C).

(c) If the Bureau proceeds pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the provisions of §§ 1091.201 to 1091.206 and 1091.401 to 1091.406 will be inapplicable to such proceeding.

§ 1091.408 -

(a) Scope. This section applies to any argument to support a respondent's position, including any argument that could be a basis for setting aside Bureau action under 5 U.S.C. 706 or any other source of law.

(b) Duties to raise arguments. A respondent must raise an argument in its written response, or else it is not preserved for judicial review of a proceeding under subpart B. A respondent must raise an argument in its petition for termination, or else it is not preserved for judicial review of a proceeding under subpart C. If the Director requests supplemental briefing, and if a given argument is within the scope of the supplemental briefing requested, the respondent must raise the argument in the supplemental briefing or else it is not preserved for judicial review of a proceeding under subpart B or subpart C, as applicable.

(c) Manner of raising arguments. An argument must be raised in a manner that complies with this part and that provides a fair opportunity to consider the argument.

(d) Discretion to consider unpreserved arguments. The Director has discretion to consider an unpreserved argument, including by considering it in the alternative. If the Director considers an unpreserved argument in the alternative, the argument remains unpreserved.

§ 1091.409 - No limitation on relief sought in civil action or administrative adjudication.

Nothing in this part shall be construed to limit the relief the Bureau may seek in any civil action or administrative adjudication, including but not limited to, seeking an order to have a person deemed subject to the Bureau's supervisory authority under 12 U.S.C. 5514, including for the reasons set forth in 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1)(C).