Collapse to view only § 621.12 - Reports of condition and performance.

§ 621.12 - Reports of condition and performance.

(a) Each institution, including the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, shall prepare and file such reports of condition and performance as may be required by the Farm Credit Administration.

(b) Reports of condition and performance shall be filed four times each year, and at such other times as the Farm Credit Administration may require. The reports shall be prepared on the accrual basis of accounting and shall fairly represent the financial condition and performance of each institution at the end of, and over the period of, each calendar quarter, provided that such additional reports as may be necessary to ensure timely, complete, and accurate monitoring and evaluation of the affairs, condition, and performance of Farm Credit institutions may be required, as determined by the Chief Examiner, Farm Credit Administration.

(c) All reports of condition and performance shall be submitted electronically in accordance with the instructions prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration and located on its Web site.

[58 FR 48786, Sept. 20, 1993, as amended at 74 FR 28600, June 17, 2009]

§ 621.13 - Content and standards—general rules.

Each institution, including the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, shall prepare reports of condition and performance:

(a) In accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, standards, and such instructions and specifications and on such media as may be prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration;

(b) In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and such other accounting requirements, standards, and procedures as may be prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration; and

(c) In such manner as to facilitate their reconciliation with the books and records of reporting institutions.

§ 621.14 - Certification of correctness.

Each report of financial condition and performance filed with the Farm Credit Administration shall be certified as having been prepared in accordance with all applicable regulations and instructions and to be a true and accurate representation of the financial condition and performance of the institution to which it applies. The reports shall be certified by the officer of the reporting institution named for that purpose by action of the reporting institution's board of directors. If the board of directors of the institution has not acted to name an officer to certify the correctness of its reports of condition and performance, then the reports shall be certified by the president or chief executive officer of the reporting institution.

§ 621.15 - Reports of accounts and exposures.

(a) Responsibilities of banks and associations for preparing and submitting reports. The banks and associations must prepare and submit an accurate and complete report of all bank and association accounts and exposures electronically to the Farm Credit Administration pursuant to the requirements of this part. In order to accomplish such submission, each bank and association must:

(1) Prepare and submit an accurate and complete report of its accounts and exposures electronically to the Reporting Entity:

(i) In accordance with the instructions prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration, or as may be required by the Farm Credit Administration; and

(ii) Within 20 calendar days after each quarter-end date, and at such other times as the Farm Credit Administration may require.

(2) Submit to the Farm Credit Administration and the Reporting Entity a written certification that the information provided in the report of accounts and exposures has been prepared in accordance with all applicable regulations and instructions, and is a true and accurate record of the data maintained by the bank or association, to the best of its knowledge and belief. The reports shall be certified by the officer of the reporting bank or association named for that purpose by action of the reporting bank's or association's board of directors. If the board of directors of the bank or association has not acted to name an officer to certify to the accuracy of its reports of accounts and exposures, then the reports shall be certified by the president or chief executive officer of the reporting bank or association. In the event the bank or association learns of a material error or misstatement in the information submitted to the Reporting Entity, it must notify the Reporting Entity and the Farm Credit Administration immediately of the error or misstatement and prepare and submit corrected information as soon as practicable.

(3) Respond promptly to any questions by the Reporting Entity related to information provided under this section in connection with the preparation of a report of accounts and exposures, including any data required to establish, implement and maintain consistent, accurate, and complete shared asset identification and reporting of shared asset exposures to the Farm Credit Administration.

(4) Develop, implement, and maintain an effective system of internal controls over the data included in the report of accounts and exposures, including controls for maintaining the confidentiality of borrower information. The system of internal controls, at a minimum, must comply with the requirements of applicable Farm Credit Administration regulations, including § 618.8430 of this chapter.

(b) Responsibilities of the Reporting Entity for preparing and submitting reports. The Reporting Entity must:

(1) Collect, store, and manage the information submitted to it by each bank and association under the requirements of this section in a central data repository in accordance with Farm Credit Administration regulations and prescribed instructions.

(2) Prepare and submit an electronic quarterly report of the accounts and exposures of all banks and associations to the Farm Credit Administration in accordance with the instructions prescribed by the Farm Credit Administration or as may be required by the Farm Credit Administration.

(3) Establish, implement, and maintain an automated mechanism to ensure the reliable, timely, accurate and consistent identification of the banks' and associations' shared asset exposures, and report these exposures and the shared asset identifiers in the electronic quarterly report of accounts and exposures to the Farm Credit Administration. In connection with establishing and implementing the automated shared asset identification mechanism, the Reporting Entity may provide the banks and associations information from the central data repository to identify and report shared asset exposures.

(4) Submit to the Farm Credit Administration a written certification that the information provided to the Farm Credit Administration in the report of accounts and exposures of all banks and associations accurately represents the information provided to it by the banks and associations and that the Reporting Entity has complied with the requirements of § 621.15(b). The reports shall be certified by the president or chief executive officer of the Reporting Entity. In the event the Reporting Entity learns of a material error or misstatement in the information submitted to the Farm Credit Administration, it must notify the Farm Credit Administration immediately of the error or misstatement and prepare and submit corrected information as soon as practicable.

(5) Develop, implement, and maintain an effective system of internal controls over the central data repository, including controls for maintaining the confidentiality of borrower information. The system of internal controls, at a minimum, must comply with the requirements of applicable Farm Credit Administration regulations, including § 618.8430 of this chapter and require that the Reporting Entity:

(i) Develop policies and procedures to ensure that the information submitted in the report of accounts and exposures to the Farm Credit Administration is complete and consistent with the information submitted to the Reporting Entity from the banks and associations under § 621.15(a); and

(ii) Specify procedures for monitoring any material corrections or adjustments, in a timely manner, and provide timely notification and resubmission of the report of accounts and exposures to the Farm Credit Administration.

(6) Notify the Farm Credit Administration if it is unable to prepare and submit the quarterly report of accounts and exposures in compliance with the requirements of § 621.15(b)(1) through (b)(3). The notification:

(i) Must be signed by the chief executive officer, or person in an equivalent position, and submitted to the Farm Credit Administration as soon as the Reporting Entity becomes aware of its inability to comply;

(ii) Must explain the reasons for its inability to prepare and submit the report; and

(iii) May include a request that the Farm Credit Administration extend the due date for the quarterly report of accounts and exposures.

(7) In the event there is a breach of information, immediately provide written notice of the breach to:

(i) The Farm Credit Administration; and

(ii) Each bank and association concerned;

(iii) For the purposes of this section, “breach of information” means any actual or attempted unauthorized access, possession, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of information in the central data repository, any reports of accounts and exposures, or any other information received pursuant to § 621.15(a)(1).

(8) Notify the Farm Credit Administration in writing of any request for data contained in the reports of accounts and exposures that are not explicitly allowed for in § 618.8320(b) of this chapter.

[78 FR 77562, Dec. 24, 2013]