Collapse to view only § 607.2 - Definitions.

§ 607.1 - Purpose and scope.

The regulations in part 607 implement the provisions of section 5.15 of the Farm Credit Act of 1971, 12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq. (Act) relating to Farm Credit Administration (FCA) assessments. The regulations prescribe the procedures for the equitable apportionment of FCA annual administrative expenses and necessary reserves among Farm Credit System (System) institutions. Pursuant to section 5.15(a) of the Act, the regulations also provide for the separate assessment of the FCA's costs of supervising and examining the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (FAMC). The regulations further provide for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in performing statutorily required examinations of non-System entities.

§ 607.2 - Definitions.

For the purpose of this part, the following definitions shall apply:

(a) Assessment means the annual amount to be paid by each System institution to the Farm Credit Administration in accordance with section 5.15 of the Act.

(b) Average risk-adjusted asset base means the average of the risk-adjusted asset base (as defined in § 615.5201 of this chapter) of banks, associations, and designated other System entities, calculated as follows:

(1) For a bank, association, or designated other System entity with four quarters of risk-adjusted assets as of June 30 of each year, the sum of the average daily risk-adjusted assets as of the last day of the quarter for the most recent four quarters immediately preceding each September 15, divided by four;

(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section, for a bank, association, or designated other System entity with less than four quarters of risk-adjusted assets as of June 30 of each year, the sum of the average daily risk-adjusted assets as of the last day of the quarter for the quarters in which it was in existence immediately preceding September 15, divided by the number of quarters in which it was in existence immediately preceding September 15;

(3) For a bank, association, or designated other System entity that is the continuing institution after a merger of existing institutions or a newly formed institution formed through a consolidation of existing institutions and that has less than four quarters of risk-adjusted assets as of June 30 of each year, the sum of the average daily risk-adjusted assets as of the last day of the quarter for the most recent four quarters immediately preceding September 15 for all the institutions that were merged or consolidated, divided by four;

(4) For a bank, association, or designated other System entity chartered during the period July 1 through September 30 of each year that is not the continuing institution after a merger of existing institutions or a newly formed institution formed through a consolidation of existing institutions, the total of the average daily risk-adjusted assets as of the last day of the quarter ending September 30.

(c) Composite Financial Institution Rating System (FIRS) rating means the composite numerical assessment of the financial condition of an institution assigned to the institution by the FCA based on its most recent examination of the institution. The FIRS factors are generally considered to be important indicators of an institution's financial health. Institutions are rated on each of the factors during an examination. The composite FIRS rating ranges from 1 to 5, with a lower number indicating a better financial condition than a higher number.

(d) Delinquent amount means an amount owed to the FCA that has not been paid by the date specified in the FCA's Notice of Assessment or billing.

(e) Designated other System entities means other System entities designated by the FCA in § 607.3(c) to be assessed on the same basis as banks and associations under § 607.3.

(f) Direct expenses means the expenses of the FCA attributable to the performance of examinations.

(g) Indirect expenses means all FCA expenses that are not attributable to the performance of examinations.

(h) Non-System entities means the National Consumer Cooperative Bank, the National Cooperative Bank Development Corporation, and any other entity that is required to be examined, supervised, or otherwise regulated by the FCA that is not a System institution.

(i) Notice of Assessment means a written notice to each System institution showing the total amount assessed and owing, the fiscal year covered by the assessment, the amounts of installment payments, and the due dates for such payments. For banks, associations, and designated other System entities, the Notice of Assessment shall also include an individualized assessment table showing the assessment under § 607.3(b)(2), where applicable.

(j) Other System entities means any service corporation chartered under section 4.25 of the Act, the FAMC, the Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation, the Farm Credit Finance Corporation of Puerto Rico, and any other entity statutorily designated as a System institution that is not a bank or association.

(k) System institutions means banks, associations, and other System entities.

[58 FR 10942, Feb. 23, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 37403, July 22, 1994; 63 FR 34268, June 24, 1998; 70 FR 35348, June 17, 2005; 75 FR 35968, June 24, 2010; 81 FR 49772, July 28, 2016; 82 FR 48759, Oct. 20, 2017]

§ 607.3 - Assessment of banks, associations, and designated other System entities.

(a) Banks, associations, and other System entities designated in paragraph (c) of this section will be assessed annually pursuant to this section for funds to cover a portion of the FCA's administrative expenses and for such funds as may be required to maintain a necessary reserve. The total amount of the annual assessment of banks, associations, and designated other System entities shall be based on the FCA budget for each fiscal year plus such amount as may be required to maintain a necessary reserve, excluding amounts to be assessed against other System entities and reimbursements received from non-System entities.

(b) The assessment shall be apportioned among the banks, associations, and designated other System entities as follows:

(1) Thirty (30) percent of the assessment under this section shall be apportioned to each bank, association, and designated other System entity on the basis of each institution's pro rata share of the total average risk-adjusted asset base.

(2) Seventy (70) percent of the assessment under this section shall be apportioned to each bank, association, and designated other System entity based upon the amounts of the institution's average risk-adjusted assets that fall within the graduated risk-adjusted asset tiers contained in the following table. An institution's total assessment under this paragraph is the sum of the amounts assessed for risk-adjusted assets falling into each applicable tier, subject to adjustment for its FIRS rating as required in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section. The same assessment rate (designated as X1 or a declining percentage of X1 in the following table) will be applied to each dollar value of risk-adjusted assets falling within each tier, increased where applicable, by the amounts prescribed in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section. The actual assessment rate under this paragraph shall be determined annually based on relative average risk-adjusted asset bases, the FIRS ratings of individual institutions, and the FCA budget as adjusted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, but the relationship between the rates applied to each tier shall remain constant as set forth in the following table.

Average risk-adjusted asset size range (in millions) Assessment rate Over To $0$25X12550.85X150100.75X1100500.60X15001,000.50X11,0007,000.35X17,00010,000.20X110,000.10X1
Example:XYZ association has a FIRS rating of 2 and average risk-adjusted assets of $500.4 million. The value of X1 has been determined to be .000917, based on an FCA budget of $40.29 million.
X1= .000917 therefore $25,000,000 × .0917%=$22,925 .85X1= .000780 therefore $25,000,000 × .0780%=19,500 .75X1= .000688 therefore $50,000,000 × .0688%=34,400 .60X1= .000550 therefore $400,000,000 × .0550%=220,000 .50X1= .000458 therefore $400,000 × .0458%=183 Total Assessment under § 607.3(b)(2)=297,008

(i) If the FCA assigns a bank, association, or designated other System entity a composite FIRS rating of 3 following its most recent examination of the institution prior to the date of assessment, the assessment provided for in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall be increased by 20 percent.

(ii) If the FCA assigns a bank, association, or designated other System entity a composite FIRS rating of 4 or 5 following its most recent examination of the institution prior to the date of assessment, the assessment provided for in paragraph (b)(2) of this section shall be increased by 40 percent.

(iii) Banks, associations, and designated other System entities that were formed through mergers or consolidations and have not been examined before their initial assessment under this section shall be deemed to have a composite FIRS rating equivalent to the best composite FIRS rating assigned to the merged or consolidated institutions in the FCA's most recent examination of the individual institutions prior to the date of merger or consolidation. Newly chartered institutions not formed through mergers or consolidations that have not been examined before their initial assessment under this section shall be deemed to have a composite FIRS rating of 2.

(3) Each bank, association, and designated other System entity shall pay a minimum assessment of $20,000 regardless of the result of the application of the assessment formula established by paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section. If such a minimum assessment is apportioned to an institution, that institution's average risk-adjusted asset base shall be deducted from the total average risk-adjusted asset base, and $20,000 shall be deducted from the total assessment amount for purposes of determining the assessments of banks, associations, and designated other System entities paying more than the $20,000 minimum assessment.

(c) Other System entities designated to be assessed in accordance with this section are:

The Farm Credit Services Leasing Corporation.

(d) Assessments may be adjusted periodically to reflect:

(1) Changes in the FCA budget and necessary reserve; and

(2) Any overpayment or underpayment by a bank, association, or designated other System entity in the prior fiscal year.

[58 FR 10942, Feb. 23, 1993, as amended at 63 FR 34268, June 24, 1998]

§ 607.4 - Assessment of other System entities.

(a)(1) Unless otherwise designated to be assessed under § 607.3, and with the exception of FAMC as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, other System entities will be assessed for estimated direct expenses plus an allocated portion of FCA indirect expenses and such amount as may be required to maintain a necessary reserve. The estimate for direct expenses shall take into account the direct expenses incurred in the most recent examination of the entity preceding each September 15 and expected increases or decreases in examination work for the next fiscal year. A proportional amount of FCA indirect expenses will be allocated to each entity based on the estimated direct expenses related to the particular entity as a percentage of the total budgeted direct expenses of the agency (excluding direct expenses under paragraph (b) of this section) for the fiscal year covered by the assessment.

(2) Assessments of other System entities under paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be adjusted periodically to reflect:

(i) Changes in the FCA budget and necessary reserve; and

(ii) Any overpayment or underpayment by such other System entity in the prior fiscal year.

(b) Assessment of Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation. The FCA shall assess FAMC for the estimated cost of FCA's regulation, supervision, and examination of FAMC, including reasonably related administrative and overhead expenses. FAMC's assessment may be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in the FCA budget and to reconcile differences between FAMC's assessment and FCA's actual expenditures for regulation of FAMC in the prior fiscal year.

§ 607.5 - Notice of assessment.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, prior to September 15 of each year, the FCA shall determine the amount of assessment to be collected from each System institution for the next fiscal year under §§ 607.3 and 607.4 and shall provide each System institution with a Notice of Assessment. The total amount assessed each System institution in the Notice of Assessment shall be an obligation of each institution on October 1 of each fiscal year. The total amount assessed each System institution shall be payable not less often than quarterly in equal installments during each fiscal year, subject to adjustment pursuant to §§ 607.3(d), 607.4(a)(2), 607.4(b), and 607.10.

(b) For banks, associations and designated other System entities chartered during the period July 1 through September 30 of each year, the FCA shall, prior to December 15, determine the amount of assessment to be collected from each such institution for the remainder of the fiscal year and provide the institution with a Notice of Assessment. The total amount of the assessment becomes an obligation of the institution on January 1 and shall be payable in equal installments, subject to adjustment pursuant to §§ 607.3(d) and 607.10, not less often than quarterly for the remainder of the fiscal year. The first installment shall be due on January 1. This paragraph shall not apply to banks, associations, and designated other System entities formed by merger, consolidation, or transfer of direct lending authority.

(c) In the event of the proposed cancellation of the charter of a System institution, the unpaid installments of the total amount of the institution's assessment shall be provided for prior to the cancellation of the charter.

§ 607.6 - Payment of assessment.

(a) System institutions shall pay the amounts due as scheduled in the FCA Notice of Assessment. Payment shall be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) for credit to the FCA's account in the Department of the Treasury, by check to the FCA for deposit, or by such other means as the FCA may authorize.

(b) Payments made by EFT that are not received by the close of business on the due date shall be considered delinquent in accordance with § 607.7.

(c) Payments made by check that are not received by the FCA before the close of business on the third workday preceding the due date shall be considered delinquent in accordance with § 607.7.

§ 607.7 - Late-payment charges on assessments.

(a) If any portion of a scheduled installment of a System institution's total assessment or the reimbursement billed to a non-System entity is not paid by the due date, the overdue amount shall be considered delinquent.

(b) Delinquent amounts shall be charged late-payment interest at the United States Treasury Department's current value of funds rate published in the Federal Register. Late payment interest shall be expressed as an annual rate of interest and shall accrue on a daily basis starting on the due date of the delinquent amount and continuing through the date payment is received by the FCA.

(c) The FCA shall waive the collection of interest on the delinquent amounts if such amounts are paid within 30 days of the date interest begins to accrue. The FCA may waive interest due on delinquent amounts upon finding no fault with the performance of the remitter.

(d) The FCA shall charge an amount necessary to cover the administrative costs incurred as a result of collection of any delinquent amount.

(e) The FCA shall charge a penalty of 6 percent per annum on any portion of a delinquent amount that is more than 90 days past due. Such penalty shall accrue from the date the amount became delinquent.

§ 607.8 - Reimbursements for services to non-System entities.

Non-System entities shall be assessed for direct expenses plus an amount for FCA indirect expenses reasonably related to the services rendered to the non-System entity. Such related indirect expenses shall be calculated as a percentage of the FCA's overall indirect expenses based on the extent of FCA activities with respect to the non-System entity during the period since the entity's most recent assessment.

§ 607.9 - Reimbursable billings.

The FCA shall bill the amounts due for services to non-System entities each year subsequent to the issuance of their respective Reports of Examination. Amounts billed are due in full within 30 days from the date billed. If the billed amount or any portion thereof remains unpaid at close of business on the due date, such amount or portion shall be considered delinquent in accordance with § 607.7.

§ 607.10 - Adjustments for overpayment or underpayment of assessments.

Where adjustments for overpayment or underpayment of assessments are made pursuant to §§ 607.3(d), 607.4(a)(2), and 607.4(b), credits for overpayments or charges for underpayments shall be based on FCA administrative operating expenses incurred in the applicable fiscal year and on funds required to be maintained pursuant to section 5.15 of the Act. Such credits or charges shall be applied to the next applicable assessment payment due during the current or subsequent fiscal year. Where such adjustments are made, the FCA shall provide the institution with a statement of adjustment at least 15 days prior to the date when the institution's next assessment payment is due. Adjustments in assessments shall be made in principal amount only. Overdue amounts under § 607.7 are not underpayments for assessment adjustment purposes.

§ 607.11 - Report of assessments and expenses.

By January 15 of each calendar year, the FCA shall provide each assessed System institution with a report of assessments and expenses for the preceding fiscal year showing total assessments and other income received as applied to expenses incurred by major budget category and amounts set aside for a necessary reserve.