Collapse to view only § 261a.10 - Appeal of adverse determination of request for access or amendment.

§ 261a.5 - Request for access to records.

(a) Procedures for making request. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) or (f) of this section, if you (or your guardian) want to learn of the existence of, or to gain access to, your record in a system of records, you may submit a request in writing to the Secretary of the Board, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20551.

(2) If you request information contained in a system of records maintained by the Board's OIG, you may submit the request in writing to the Inspector General, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20551.

(b) Contents of request. Except for requests made under paragraph (f) of this section, your written request must include-

(1) A statement that the request is made pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974;

(2) The name of the system of records you believe contains the record you request, or a concise description of that system of records;

(3) Information necessary to verify your identity pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section; and

(4) Any other information that might assist us in identifying the record you seek (e.g., maiden name, dates of employment, etc.).

(c) Verification of identity. We will require proof of your identity, and we reserve the right to determine whether the proof you submit is adequate. In general, we will consider the following to be adequate proof of identity:

(1) If you are a current or former Board employee, your Board identification card; or

(2) If you are not a current or former Board employee, either

(i) Two forms of identification, including one photo identification, or

(ii) A notarized statement attesting to your identity.

(d) Verification of identity not required. We will not require verification of identity when the records you seek are available to any person under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).

(e) Request for accounting of previous disclosures. You may request an accounting of previous disclosures of records pertaining to you in a system of records as provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a(c).

(f) Requests Made by Board Employees. Unless the Secretary provides and you are notified otherwise, if you are a current or former Board employee, you also may request access to your record in a system of records by appearing in person before or writing directly to the Board office that maintains the record.

§ 261a.6 - Board procedures for responding to request for access.

(a) Compliance with Freedom of Information Act. We will handle every request made pursuant to § 261a.5 of this part (other than requests submitted under § 261a.5(f) that were granted) as a request for information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The time limits set forth in paragraph (b) of this section and the fees specified in § 261a.4 of this part will apply to such requests.

(b) Time for response. We will acknowledge every request made pursuant to § 261a.5 of this part within 20 business days from receipt of the request and will, where practicable, respond to each request within that 20-day period. When a full response is not practicable within the 20-day period, we will respond as promptly as possible.

(c) Disclosure. (1) When we disclose information in response to your request, except for information maintained by the Board's OIG, we will make the information available for inspection and copying during regular business hours at the Board's Freedom of Information Office, or we will mail it to you on your request. For requests made under paragraph § 261a.5(f), you may request that the information be provided orally or in person.

(2) When the information to be disclosed is maintained by the Board's OIG, the OIG will make the information available for inspection and copying or will mail it to you on request.

(3) You may bring with you anyone you choose to see the requested material. All visitors to the Board's buildings must comply with the Board's security procedures.

(d) Denial of request. If we deny a request made pursuant to § 261a.5 of this part, we will tell you the reason(s) for denial and the procedures for appealing the denial. If a request made under paragraph § 261a.5(f) is denied, in whole or in part, the Board office that denied your request will simultaneously notify the Secretary of the Board of its action.

§ 261a.7 - Special procedures for medical records.

If you request medical or psychological records pursuant to § 261a.5, we will disclose them directly to you unless the Chief Privacy Officer, in consultation with the Board's physician or Employee Assistance Program counselor, determines that such disclosure could have an adverse effect on you. If the Chief Privacy Officer makes that determination, we will provide the information to a licensed physician or other appropriate representative that you designate, who may disclose those records to you in a manner he or she deems appropriate.

§ 261a.8 - Request for amendment of record.

(a) Procedures for making request. (1) If you wish to amend a record that pertains to you in a system of records, you may submit the request in writing to the Secretary of the Board (or to the Inspector General for records in a system of records maintained by the OIG) in an envelope clearly marked “Privacy Act Amendment Request.”

(2) Your request for amendment of a record must—

(i) Identify the system of records containing the record for which amendment is requested;

(ii) Specify the portion of that record requested to be amended; and

(iii) Describe the nature of and reasons for each requested amendment.

(3) We will require you to verify your identity under the procedures set forth in § 261a.5(c) of this part, unless you have already done so in a related request for access or amendment.

(b) Burden of proof. Your request for amendment of a record must tell us why you believe the record is not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete. You have the burden of proof for demonstrating the appropriateness of the requested amendment, and you must provide relevant and convincing evidence in support of your request.

§ 261a.9 - Board review of request for amendment of record.

(a) Time limits. We will acknowledge your request for amendment of your record within 10 business days after we receive your request. In the acknowledgment, we may request additional information necessary for a determination on the request for amendment. We will make a determination on a request to amend a record promptly.

(b) Contents of response to request for amendment. When we respond to a request for amendment, we will tell you whether your request is granted or denied. If we grant your request, we will take the necessary steps to amend your record and, when appropriate and possible, notify prior recipients of the record of our action. If we deny the request, in whole or in part, we will tell you—

(1) Why we denied the request (or portion of the request);

(2) That you have a right to appeal; and

(3) How to file an appeal.

§ 261a.10 - Appeal of adverse determination of request for access or amendment.

(a) Appeal. You may appeal a denial of a request made pursuant to § 261a.5 or § 261a.8 of this part within 10 business days after we notify you that we denied your request. Your appeal must—

(1) Be made in writing with the words “PRIVACY ACT APPEAL” written prominently on the first page and addressed to the Secretary of the Board, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20551;

(2) Specify the background of the request; and

(3) Provide reasons why you believe the initial denial is in error.

(b) Determination. We will make a determination on your appeal within 30 business days from the date we receive it, unless we extend the time for good cause.

(1) If we grant your appeal regarding a request for amendment, we will take the necessary steps to amend your record and, when appropriate and possible, notify prior recipients of the record of our action.

(2) If we deny your appeal, we will inform you of such determination, tell you our reasons for the denial, and tell you about your rights to file a statement of disagreement and to have a court review our decision.

(c) Statement of disagreement. (1) If we deny your appeal regarding a request for amendment, you may file a concise statement of disagreement with the denial. We will maintain your statement with the record you sought to amend and any disclosure of the record will include a copy of your statement of disagreement.

(2) When practicable and appropriate, we will provide a copy of the statement of disagreement to any prior recipients of the record.