Collapse to view only § 1002.12 - Use of replicas, reproductions, and embossing seals.
- § 1002.11 - Description of official seal.
- § 1002.12 - Use of replicas, reproductions, and embossing seals.
§ 1002.11 - Description of official seal.
The Department of Energy hereby prescribes as its official seal, of which judicial notice shall be taken pursuant to section 654 of the Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977, 42 U.S.C. 7264, the imprint illustrated below and described as follows:
(a)(1) The official seal includes a green shield bisected by a gold-colored lightning bolt, on which is emblazoned a gold-colored symbolic sun, atom, oil derrick, windmill, and dynamo. It is crested by the white head of an eagle, atop a white rope. Both appear on a blue field surrounded by concentric circles in which the name of the agency, in gold, appears on a green background. Detailing is in black.
(2) The colors used in the configuration are dark green, dark blue, gold, black, and white.
(3) The eagle represents the care in planning and the purposefulness of efforts required to respond to the Nation's increasing demands for energy. The sun, atom, oil derrick, windmill, and dynamo serve as representative technologies whose enhanced development can help meet these demands. The rope represents the cohesiveness in the development of the technologies and their link to our future capabilities. The lightning bolt represents the power of the natural forces from which energy is derived and the Nation's challenge in harnessing the forces.
(4) The color scheme is derived from nature, symbolizing both the source of energy and the support of man's existence. The blue field represents air and water, green represents mineral resources and the earth itself, and gold represents the creation of energy in the release of natural forces. By invoking this symbolism, the color scheme represents the Nation's commitment to meet its energy needs in a manner consistent with the preservation of the natural environment.
§ 1002.12 - Use of replicas, reproductions, and embossing seals.
(a) The Secretary and his designees are authorized to affix replicas, reproductions, and embossing seals to appropriate documents, certifications, and other material for all purposes as authorized by this section.
(b) Replicas may be used only for:
(1) Display in or adjacent to DOE facilities, in Department auditoriums, presentation rooms, hearing rooms, lobbies, and public document rooms.
(2) Offices of senior officials.
(3) Official DOE distinguishing flags, adopted and utilized pursuant to subpart C.
(4) Official awards, certificates, medals, and plaques.
(5) Motion picture film, video tape and other audiovisual media prepared by or for DOE and attributed thereto.
(6) Official prestige publications which represent the achievements or mission of DOE.
(7) Non-DOE facilities in connection with events and displays sponsored by DOE, and public appearances of the Secretary or other designated senior DOE Officials.
(8) For other such purposes as determined by the Director of the Office of Administrative Services.
(c) Reproductions may be used only on:
(1) DOE letterhead stationery.
(2) Official DOE identification cards and security credentials.
(3) Business cards for DOE employees.
(4) Official DOE signs.
(5) Official publications or graphics issued by and attributed to DOE, or joint statements of DOE with one or more Federal agencies, State or local governments, or foreign governments.
(6) Official awards, certificates, and medals.
(7) Motion picture film, video tape, and other audiovisual media prepared by or for DOE and attributed thereto.
(8) For other such purposes as determined by the Director of the Office of Administrative Services.
(d) Embossing seals may be used only on:
(1) DOE legal documents, including interagency or intergovernmental agreements, agreements with States, foreign patent applications, and similar documents.
(2) For other such purposes as determined by the General Counsel or the Director of Administration.
(e) Any person who uses the official seal, replicas, reproductions, or embossing seals in a manner inconsistent with this part shall be subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1017, providing penalties for the wrongful use of an official seal, and to other provisions of law as applicable.
(f) The official seal is being registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.