Collapse to view only § 501.143 - Comments.

§ 501.140 - Purpose and scope.

DOE may issue rulings in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. DOE will publish each ruling in the Federal Register and in 10 CFR part 518. A person is entitled to rely upon a ruling to the extent provided in this subpart.

§ 501.141 - Criteria for issuance.

(a) The General Counsel may issue a ruling whenever:

(1) There has been a substantial number of inquiries with regard to similar factual situations or a particular section of the regulations; or

(2) It is determined that a ruling will be of assistance to the public in applying the regulations to a specific situation.

§ 501.142 - Modification or rescission.

(a) A ruling may be modified or rescinded by—

(1) Publication of the modification or rescission by DOE in the Federal Register and in 10 CFR part 518; or

(2) Adoption of a rule that supersedes or modifies a prior ruling.

(b) A person shall not be subject to the sanctions or penalties stated in these regulations for actions taken in reliance upon a ruling, notwithstanding that the ruling is subsequently declared to be invalid or no longer applicable. A person affected by a ruling may not rely upon it for more than 30 days after it has been rendered invalid pursuant to issuance of a superseding rule by OFE, or after it has been rescinded or modified by DOE.

§ 501.143 - Comments.

Any interested person may file a written comment on or objection to a published ruling at any time with the Assistant General Counsel for Interpretations and Rulings at the address provided in § 501.11.