Collapse to view only § 501.50 - Policy.
- § 501.50 - Policy.
- § 501.51 - Prohibitions by order—electing powerplants.
- § 501.52 - Prohibitions by order—certifying powerplants.
- §§ 501.53-501.56 - §[Reserved]
§ 501.50 - Policy.
Except in conjunction with a prohibition order requested by the intended recipient, OFE shall not propose to prohibit or prohibit by rule or order the use of petroleum or natural gas either as a primary energy source or in amounts in excess of the minimum amount necessary to maintain reliability of operation consistent with reasonable fuel efficiency in an existing installation unless and until OFE adopts rules establishing regulatory requirements governing the issuance of such orders and rules in accordance with the applicable procedural and substantive requirements of law.
§ 501.51 - Prohibitions by order—electing powerplants.
(a) OFE may prohibit by order the use of petroleum or natural gas as a primary energy source or in amounts in excess of the minimum amount necessary to maintain reliability of operation consistent with reasonable fuel efficiency in an electing powerplant, if:
(1) That facility has not been identified as a member of a category subject to a final rule at the time of the issuance of such order; and
(2) The requirements of § 504.6 have been met.
(b) Notice of order and public participation. (1) OFE may hold a conference with the proposed order recipient prior to issuing the proposed order.
(2) Pursuant to section 701 of FUA, prior to the issuance of a final order to an electing powerplant, OFE shall publish a proposed order in the
(3) OFE shall provide a period for the submission of written comments of at least three months after the date of the proposed order. During this period, the recipient of the proposed order and any other interested person must submit any evidence that they have determined at that time to support their respective positions as to each of the findings that OFE is required to make under section 301(b) of the Act. A proposed order recipient may submit additional new evidence at any time prior to the close of the public comment period which follows publication of the Tentative Staff Analysis or prior to the close of the record of any public hearing, whichever occurs later. A request by the proposed order recipient for an extension of the three-month period may be granted at OFE's discretion.
(4) Subsequent to the end of the comment period, OFE will issue a notice of whether OFE intends to proceed with the prohibition order proceeding.
(5) An owner or operator of a facility that may be subject to an order may demonstrate prior to issuance of a final prohibition order that the facility would qualify for an exemption if the prohibition had been established by rule. OFE will not delay the issuance of a final prohibition order or stay the effective date of such an order for the purpose of determining whether a proposed order recipient qualifies for a particular exemption unless the demonstration or qualification is submitted prior to or during the second three-month comment period, commencing after issuance of a notice of intention to proceed, or unless materials submitted after the period (i) could not have been submitted during the period through the exercise of due diligence, (ii) address material changes in fact or law occurring after the close of the period, or (iii) consist of amplification or rebuttal occasioned by the subsequent course of the proceeding. A request by the proposed order recipient for an extension of this time period may be granted at OFE's discretion.
(6) Subsequent to the end of the second three (3) month period, OFE will, if it intends to issue a final prohibition order, prepare and issue a Notice of Availability of a Tentative Staff Analysis. Interested persons wishing a hearing must request a hearing within forty-five (45) day after issuance of the Notice of Availability of the Tentative Staff Analysis. During this forty-five (45) days period, interested persons may also submit written comments on the Tentative Staff Analysis.
(7) If a hearing has been requested, OFE shall provide interested persons with an opportunity to present oral data, views and arguments at a public hearing held in accordance with subpart C of this part. The hearing will consider the findings which OFE must make in order to issue a final prohibition order and any exemption for which the proposed order recipient submitted its demonstration in accordance with paragraph (b)(5) of this section.
(8) Upon request by the recipient of the proposed prohibition order, the combined public comment periods provided for in this section may be reduced to a minimum of forty-five (45) days from the time of publication of the proposed order.
(9) OFE may terminate a prohibition order proceeding at any time prior to the date upon which a final order shall become effective. Should OFE terminate the proceeding, it will notify the proposed order recipient, and publish a notice in the
(c) Decision to issue a final order. (1) OFE will base its determination to issue an order on consideration of the whole record or those parts thereof cited by a party and supported by and in accordance with reliable, probative and substantial evidence.
(2) OFE shall include in the final order a written statement of the pertinent facts, a statement of the basis upon which the final order is issued, a recitation of the conclusions regarding the required findings and qualifications for exemptions. The final order shall state the effective date of the prohibition contained therein. If it is demonstrated that the facility would have been granted a temporary exemption, the effective date of the prohibition contained in the final order shall be delayed until such time as the temporary exemption would have terminated. If it is demonstrated that a facility will need a period of time to comply with the final order, the effective date of the prohibition contained in the final order may be delayed, in OFE's discretion, so as to allow an order recipient to comply with the final order.
(3) OFE will enclose with a copy of the final order, where appropriate, a schedule of steps that should be taken by a stated date (a compliance schedule) to ensure that the affected facility will be able to comply with the prohibitions stated in the order by the effective date of the prohibition contained in the final order. The compliance schedule may require the affected person to take steps with regard to a unit 60 days after service of the final order.
(4) A copy of the final order and a summary of the basis therefore will be published in the
(d) Request for order. (1) A proceeding for issuance of a prohibition order to a specific unit may be commenced by OFE, in its sole discretion, in response to a request for an order filed by the owner or operator of a facility.
(2) A petition requesting OFE to commence a prohibition order proceeding should include the following information for all units to be covered by the prohibition order:
(i) A statement of the reasons the owner or operator is seeking the issuance of a prohibition order; and
(ii) Sufficient information for OFE to make the findings required by section 301(b) of FUA.
(3) If OFE determines to accept the request, OFE shall publish a proposed order in the
§ 501.52 - Prohibitions by order—certifying powerplants.
(a) OFE may prohibit by order the use of petroleum or natural gas as a primary energy source or in amounts in excess of the minimum amount necessary to maintain reliability of operation consistent with maintaining reasonable fuel efficiency in an existing powerplant if the owner or operator of the powerplant certifies, and OFE concurs in such certification in accordance with the requirements of §§ 504.5, 504.6 and 504.8.
(b) Notice of order and participation. (1) OFE may hold a conference with the proposed order recipient, at the recipient's election, prior to issuing the proposed order. The conference may resolve any questions regarding the certification required by section 301 of the Act, as amended, and §§ 504.5, 504.6, and 504.8, and OFE's review and concurrence therein.
(2) Pursuant to section 701(b) of FUA, prior to the issuance of a final order to a certifying powerplant owner or operator, OFE must publish in the
(3) The publication of the Notice of Acceptance or Notice of Proposed Non-Concurrence commences a period of 45 days during which interested persons may submit written comments or request a public hearing. During this period, the recipient of the proposed order and any other interested person may submit any evidence that they have available relating to the proposed order, the certification or the concurrence that OFE must make. A proposed order recipient may submit additional new evidence at any time prior to the close of the public comment period which follows the commencement of the proceeding or prior to the close of the record of any public hearing, whichever occurs later. A request for an extension of the 45 day period may be granted at OFE's discretion. In the case of a Notice of Acceptance, as set forth in § 504.9, no final prohibition order can be issued until any necessary environmental review pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C 4321 et seq. (NEPA) has been completed. Upon completion of the NEPA review and unless OFE determines on the basis of the record of the proceeding that the certification fails to meet the requirements of §§ 504.5, 504.6, and 504.8, OFE shall publish a final prohibition order, together with the information required by paragraph (c) of this section. In the case of a Notice of Proposed Non-Concurrence, at the end of the 45 day comment period, OFE will notify the proposed order recipient and parties to the proceeding and publish a final Notice of Non-Concurrence in the
(4) If a hearing has been requested, OFE shall provide interested persons with an opportunity to present oral data, views and arguments at a public hearing held in accordance with subpart C of this part. The hearing may consider, among other matters, the sufficiency of the certification of the owner or operator of the powerplant required by section 301 of FUA, as amended, and §§ 504.5, 504.6, and 504.8 of these regulations.
(5) OFE may terminate a prohibition order proceeding at any time prior to the date upon which a final prohibition order is issued whenever OFE believes, from any information contained in the record of the proceeding, that the certification does not meet the requirements of section 301 of the Act, as amended, or §§ 504.5, 504.6, and 504.8 of these regulations. If OFE terminates the proceeding or publishes a final Notice of Non-Concurrence, or the proposed order recipient fails to submit a complete certification, OFE will notify the proposed order recipient and other parties to the proceeding and publish a notice in the
(c) Record and decision to issue a final order. (1) OFE will base its determination to issue an order on consideration of the whole record or those parts thereof cited by a party and supported by and in accordance with reliable, probative and substantial evidence.
(2) OFE shall include in the final order a written statement of the basis upon which the final order is issued, and its concurrence in the required certification. A copy of the final order and a summary of the basis therefor will be published in the
(d) Amendment to certifications under §§ 504.5 and 504.6. The proposed prohibition order recipient may amend its compliance schedule under § 504.5(d), or its certification under section 301 of FUA, as amended, and §§ 504.5, 504.6 and 504.8 of these regulations in order to take into account changes in relevant facts and circumstances at any time prior to the effective date of the prohibitions contained in the final prohibition order.
(e) Rescission of prohibition orders. The rescission or modification of final prohibition orders issued to existing electric powerplants will be governed by the procedure in § 501.101 of these regulations.