Collapse to view only § 490.801 - Purpose and scope.

§ 490.801 - Purpose and scope.

This subpart implements section 514 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 13263a) which permits States and alternative fuel providers to petition for alternative compliance waivers from the alternative fueled vehicle acquisition requirements in subparts C and D of this part, respectively.

§ 490.802 - Eligibility for alternative compliance waiver.

Any State subject to subpart C of this part and any covered person subject to subpart D of this part may apply to DOE for a waiver from the applicable alternative fueled vehicle acquisition requirements.

§ 490.803 - Waiver requirements.

DOE grants a State or covered person a waiver:

(a) If DOE determines that the State or covered person will achieve a reduction in petroleum consumption, through eligible reductions as specified in § 490.804 of this subpart, equal to the amount of alternative fuel used if the following vehicles were operated 100 percent of the time on alternative fuel during the model year for which a waiver is requested:

(1) Previously required alternative fueled vehicles in the fleet's inventory at the start of the model year for which a waiver is requested;

(2) Alternative fueled vehicles that the State or covered person would have been required to acquire in the model year for which a waiver is requested, and in previous model years in which a waiver was granted, absent any waivers;

(b) The State or covered person is in compliance with all applicable vehicle emission standards established by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); and

(c) The State or covered person is in compliance with all applicable requirements of this subpart.

§ 490.804 - Eligible reductions in petroleum consumption.

(a) Motor vehicles. Demonstrated reductions in petroleum consumption during the model year for which a waiver is requested that are attributable to motor vehicles owned, operated, leased or otherwise under the control of a State or covered person are applicable towards the petroleum fuel reduction required in § 490.803(a) of this subpart.

(b) Qualified nonroad vehicles. Demonstrated reductions in petroleum consumption during the model year for which a waiver is requested that are attributable to nonroad vehicles owned, operated, leased or otherwise under the control of a State or covered person acquired during waiver years are applicable towards the petroleum fuel reduction required in § 490.803(a) of this subpart:

(1) If acquisition of the nonroad vehicles leads directly to the establishment or upgrading of refueling or recharging infrastructure during a waiver year that would also allow for increased petroleum replacement by serving the fleet's on-road light-duty vehicles; and

(2) To the extent that additional reductions attributable to motor vehicles are not reasonably available.

(c) Rollover of excess petroleum reductions. (1) Upon approval by DOE, petroleum fuel use reductions achieved by a fleet in excess of the amount required for alternative compliance in a previous model year may be applied towards the petroleum fuel use reduction requirement under § 490.803(a) in a model year for which a waiver is granted and for which the fleet experiences a shortfall.

(2)(i) A fleet seeking to roll over for future use the petroleum fuel use reductions that it achieved in excess of the amount required for alternative compliance in a particular model year must make a written request to DOE as part of the fleet's annual report required under § 490.807 for the model year in which the excess reductions were achieved.

(ii) Following receipt of a request under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, DOE will notify the requesting fleet of the amount of excess petroleum fuel use reductions that DOE has approved for rollover and potential application towards the petroleum fuel use reduction requirement in a future model year.

(iii) A fleet seeking to apply excess petroleum fuel use reductions rolled over pursuant to paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section in a model year for which a waiver is granted and for which the fleet experiences a shortfall in achieving the petroleum fuel use reduction requirement under § 490.803(a) must make a written request to DOE as part of the fleet's annual report required under § 490.807. The written request must specify the amount of the rollover reductions (in GGE) the fleet wishes to have applied and the total balance of rollover reductions (in GGE) the fleet possesses.

(3)(i) In considering a written request to apply rollover reductions under paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, DOE may seek from the fleet additional information about the fleet and its operations.

(ii) Upon approving a request to apply rollover reductions, DOE will apply the approved rollover reductions only to the extent that other reductions in petroleum consumption through any of the means set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section were not reasonably achievable.

(4) Excess petroleum reductions are not tradable.

(d) Ineligible reductions. The petroleum reduction plan required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section must not include reductions in petroleum attributable to incentives for third parties to reduce their petroleum use, petroleum reductions that are not transportation-related, or petroleum reductions attributable to non-qualified nonroad vehicles.

[72 FR 12964, Mar. 20, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 15907, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.805 - Application for waiver.

(a) A State or covered person must apply for a waiver applicable to an entire fleet for a full model year in accordance with the deadlines specified in paragraph (b) of this section. DOE will not grant a waiver for less than an entire fleet or less than a full model year.

(b)(1) A State or covered person must register a preliminary intent to apply for a waiver by March 31 prior to the model year for which a waiver is sought.

(2) A complete waiver application must be received by DOE no later than July 31 prior to the model year for which a waiver is sought.

(c) A waiver application must include verifiable data that is sufficient to enable DOE to determine whether the State or covered person is likely to achieve the amount of petroleum reduction required for alternative compliance and whether the fleet is in compliance with Clean Air Act vehicle emission standards. At a minimum, the State entity or covered person must provide DOE with the following information:

(1) The model year for which the waiver is requested;

(2) The total number of required alternative fueled vehicle acquisitions in the fleet including:

(i) The number of alternative fueled vehicle acquisitions that the State or covered person would, without a waiver, be required to acquire during the model year for which the waiver is requested;

(ii) The number of alternative fueled vehicle acquisitions that the State or covered person would, without a waiver, have been required to acquire during the model years for which waivers were previously granted;

(iii) The number of required alternative fueled vehicles existing in the fleet that were acquired during years in which no waiver was in force; and excluding

(iv) Any required alternative fuel vehicles acquired during a waiver or non-waiver year or light-duty vehicles acquired in lieu of alternative fuels vehicles during a waiver year that are to be retired before the beginning of the waiver year;

(3) The anticipated amount of gasoline and diesel and alternative fuel (calculated in gasoline gallon equivalents (gge)) to be used by the covered light-duty vehicles in the fleet for the waiver year including an estimate of per vehicle average fuel use in these vehicles;

(4) A petroleum reduction plan as described in paragraph (d) of this section; and

(5) Documents, or a certification by a responsible official of the State or covered person, demonstrating that the fleet is in compliance with all applicable vehicle emission standards established by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act.

(d) The petroleum reduction plan required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section must contain a documented explanation as to how the State or covered person will meet the reduction in petroleum consumption required by § 490.803(a) of this subpart.

(1) The planned actions must:

(i) Be verifiable;

(ii) Demonstrate a reduction in petroleum use by motor vehicles or qualified nonroad vehicles owned, operated, leased or otherwise controlled by the State or covered person;

(iii) Provide for a net reduction in petroleum consumption as specified in § 490.803(a) of this subpart.

(2) The documentation for the plan may include, but is not limited to, published data on fuel efficiency, Government data, letters from manufacturers, and data on actual usage.

(e) A State or covered person must send its report, and two copies, to DOE on official company or agency letterhead, and the report must be signed by a responsible company or agency official. Send to: Regulatory Manager, Alternative Fuel Transportation Program, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program, EE-2G/Forrestal Building, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585.

[72 FR 12964, Mar. 20, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 15907, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.806 - Action on an application for waiver.

(a) DOE grants or denies a complete waiver application within 45 business days after receipt of a complete application.

(b) If DOE determines that an application is not complete in that sufficient information is not provided for DOE to make a determination, DOE notifies the State or covered person of the information that must be submitted to complete the application.

(c) If DOE denies a waiver, and the State or covered person wishes to exhaust administrative remedies, the State or covered person must appeal within 30 days of the date of the determination, pursuant to 10 CFR part 1003, subpart C, to the Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585. DOE's determination shall be stayed during the pendency of an appeal under this paragraph.

§ 490.807 - Reporting requirement.

(a) By December 31 following a model year for which an alternative compliance waiver is granted, a State or covered person must submit a report to DOE that includes:

(1) A statement certifying:

(i) The total number of petroleum gallons and/or alternative fuel gge used by the fleet during the waiver year in its covered light-duty vehicles; and

(ii) The amount of petroleum motor fuel reduced by the fleet in the waiver year through alternative compliance.

(b) A State or covered person must send its report to DOE on official company or agency letterhead, and the report must be signed by a responsible company or agency official. Send to: Regulatory Manager, Alternative Fuel Transportation Program, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies Program, EE-2G/Forrestal Building, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585.

§ 490.808 - Use of credits to offset petroleum reduction shortfall.

(a) If a State or covered person granted a waiver under this subpart wants to use alternative fueled vehicle credits purchased or earned pursuant to subpart F of this part to offset any shortfall in meeting the petroleum reduction required under § 490.803(a) of this subpart, it must make a written request to DOE.

(1) The State or covered person must provide details about the particular circumstances that led to the shortfall and provide documentation that shows a good faith effort to meet the requirements.

(2) DOE may request that a State or covered person supply additional information about the fleet and its operations if DOE deems such information necessary for a decision on the request.

(b) If DOE grants the request, it notifies the State or covered person of the credit amount required to offset the shortfall. DOE derives the credit amount using the fleet's fuel use per vehicle data.

(c) DOE gives the State entity or covered person until March 31 following the model year for which the waiver is granted, to acquire the number of credits required for compliance with this subpart.

§ 490.809 - Violations.

If a State or covered person that received a waiver under this subpart fails to comply with the petroleum motor fuel reduction or reporting requirements of this subpart, DOE will revoke the waiver and may impose on the State or covered person a penalty under subpart G of this part. A State or covered person whose waiver has been revoked by DOE is precluded from requesting an exemption under § 490.204 or § 490.307 from the vehicle acquisition mandate for the model year of the revoked waiver.

[79 FR 15907, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.810 - Record retention.

A State or covered person that receives a waiver under this subpart must retain documentation pertaining to its waiver application and alternative compliance, including petroleum fuel reduction by its fleet, for a period of three years following the model year for which the waiver is granted.