Collapse to view only § 490.508 - Credit activity reporting requirements.

§ 490.500 - Purpose and scope.

This subpart implements the statutory requirements of section 508 of the Act, which provides for the allocation of credits to fleets or covered persons that:

(a) Acquire alternative fueled vehicles in excess of the number they are required to acquire under this part or obtain alternative fueled vehicles before the model year when they are required to do so under this part;

(b) Acquire certain other vehicles as identified in this subpart; or

(c) Invest in qualified alternative fuel infrastructure or non-road equipment or an emerging technology.

[79 FR 15904, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.501 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions found in § 490.2, the following definitions apply to this subpart:

Alternative Fuel Infrastructure means property that is for:

(1) The storage and dispensing of an alternative fuel into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle propelled by such fuel; or

(2) The recharging of motor vehicles or neighborhood electric vehicles propelled by electricity.

Alternative Fuel Non-road Equipment means mobile, non-road equipment that operates on alternative fuel (including but not limited to forklifts, tractors, bulldozers, backhoes, front-end loaders, and rollers/compactors).

Emerging Technology means a pre-production or pre-commercially available version of a fuel cell electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, medium- or heavy-duty electric vehicle, medium- or heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicle, neighborhood electric vehicle, or plug-in electric drive vehicle, as such vehicles are defined in this section.

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle means a motor vehicle or non-road vehicle that uses a fuel cell, as that term is defined in section 803 of the Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16152(1)).

Hybrid Electric Vehicle means a new qualified hybrid motor vehicle as defined in section 30B(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 30B(d)(3)).

Medium- or Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle means an electric, hybrid electric, or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds.

Medium- or Heavy-Duty Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle means a fuel cell electric vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds.

Neighborhood Electric Vehicle means a 4-wheeled on-road or non-road vehicle that—

(1) Has a top attainable speed in 1 mile of more than 20 mph and not more than 25 mph on a paved level surface; and

(2) Is propelled by an electric motor and an on-board, rechargeable energy storage system that is rechargeable using an off-board source of electricity.

Plug-in Electric Drive Vehicle means a vehicle that—

(1) Draws motive power from a battery with a capacity of at least 4 kilowatt-hours;

(2) Can be recharged from an external source of electricity for motive power;

(3) Is a light-, medium-, or heavy-duty motor vehicle or non-road vehicle, as those terms are defined in section 216 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7550); and

(4) In the case of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, also includes an on-board method of charging the energy storage system and/or providing motive power.

[79 FR 15904, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.502 - Applicability.

This subpart applies to all fleets and covered persons that are required to acquire alternative fueled vehicles by this part.

[79 FR 15904, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.503 - Creditable actions.

A fleet or covered person becomes entitled to alternative fueled vehicle credits, at the allocation levels specified in § 490.504, by:

(a)(1) Acquiring light duty alternative fueled vehicles, including those in excluded categories under § 490.3, in excess of the number of light duty alternative fueled vehicles that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under § 490.201 or § 490.302;

(2) Acquiring alternative fueled vehicles, including those in excluded categories under § 490.3, with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds, in excess of the number of light duty alternative fueled vehicles that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under § 490.201 or § 490.302;

(3) Acquiring in model year 2014 or in any model year thereafter, any of the following vehicles in excess of the number of light duty alternative fueled vehicles that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under § 490.201 or § 490.302:

(i) Medium- or heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles; or

(ii) Medium- or heavy-duty electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles;

(b) Acquiring alternative fueled vehicles, including those in excluded categories under § 490.3 and those with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds, in model years before the model year when that fleet or covered person is first required to acquire light duty alternative fueled vehicles under § 490.201 or § 490.302;

(c) Investing, during a model year that is model year 2014 or thereafter and is also a model year in which requirements under this part apply to the fleet or covered person, at least $25,000 in alternative fuel infrastructure or alternative fuel non-road equipment, or at least $50,000 in an emerging technology, provided that:

(1) The emerging technology, alternative fuel infrastructure, or alternative fuel non-road equipment is put into operation during the year in which the fleet or covered person has applied for credits;

(2) In the case of an emerging technology, the amount invested by the fleet or covered person is not the basis for credit under paragraphs (a), (b), or (d) of this section; and

(3) In the case of alternative fuel non-road equipment, the equipment is being operated on alternative fuel, within the constraints of best practices and seasonal fuel availability; or

(d) Acquiring, during a model year that is model year 2014 or thereafter and is also a model year in which requirements under this part apply to the fleet or covered person, any of the following vehicles, including those in excluded categories under § 490.3:

(1) A hybrid electric vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle;

(2) A plug-in electric drive vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle;

(3) A fuel cell electric vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle; or

(4) A neighborhood electric vehicle.

(e) For purposes of this subpart, a fleet or covered person that acquired a motor vehicle on or after October 24, 1992, and converted it to an alternative fueled vehicle before April 15, 1996, shall be entitled to a credit for that vehicle notwithstanding the time limit on conversions established by §§ 490.202(c) and 490.305(c).

[79 FR 15905, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.504 - Credit allocation.

(a) Based on annual credit activity report information, as described in § 490.508, DOE shall allocate:

(1) One alternative fueled vehicle credit for each alternative fueled vehicle, regardless of the vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating, that a fleet or covered person acquires in excess of the number of light duty alternative fueled vehicles that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under § 490.201 or § 490.302; and

(2) One-half of an alternative fueled vehicle credit for each medium- or heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicle that is not an alternative fueled vehicle and each medium- or heavy-duty electric vehicle that is not an alternative fueled vehicle, either or both of which a fleet or covered person acquires in excess of the number of light duty alternative fueled vehicles that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under § 490.201 or § 490.302.

(b) If an alternative fueled vehicle, regardless of the vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating, is acquired by a fleet or covered person in a model year before the first model year that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire light duty alternative fueled vehicles by this part, as reported in the annual credit activity report, DOE shall allocate one credit per alternative fueled vehicle for each year the alternative fueled vehicle is acquired before the model year when acquisition requirements apply.

(c) DOE shall allocate credits to fleets and covered persons under paragraph (b) of this section only for alternative fueled vehicles acquired on or after October 24, 1992.

(d) Based on annual credit activity report information, as described in § 490.508, DOE shall allocate alternative fueled vehicle credit in the amount set forth below for the associated creditable actions that a fleet or covered person undertakes as described in § 490.503(d):

(1) A hybrid electric vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle— 1/2 credit;

(2) A plug-in electric drive vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle— 1/2 credit;

(3) A fuel cell electric vehicle that is a light duty motor vehicle, but that is not an alternative fueled vehicle— 1/2 credit; and

(4) A neighborhood electric vehicle— 1/4 credit.

(e) Based on annual credit activity report information, as described in § 490.508, DOE shall allocate one alternative fueled vehicle credit for every $25,000 that a fleet or covered person invests, as described in § 490.503(c), in:

(1) Alternative fuel infrastructure that is:

(i) Publicly accessible, provided that the maximum number of credits under this paragraph shall not exceed ten for the model year and the alternative fuel infrastructure became operational in the same model year, and provided further that the total number of credits allocated under this paragraph (e)(1)(i) and paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section do not exceed ten in a given model year; or

(ii) Not publicly accessible, provided that the maximum number of credits under this paragraph shall not exceed five for the model year and the alternative fuel infrastructure became operational in the same model year, and provided further that the total number of credits allocated under this paragraph (e)(1)(ii) and paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section do not exceed ten in a given model year; or

(2) Alternative fuel non-road equipment, provided that the maximum number of credits under this paragraph (e)(2) shall not exceed five for the model year, and provided further that the equipment is being operated on alternative fuel.

(f) Based on annual credit activity report information, as described in § 490.508 of this subpart, DOE shall allocate two alternative fueled vehicle credits for the first $50,000, and one alternative fueled vehicle credit for every $25,000 thereafter, that a fleet or covered person invests, as described in § 490.503(c), in emerging technology, provided that the maximum number of credits under this paragraph (f) shall not exceed five for the model year, and provided further that the amount for which credit is allocated under this paragraph has not been the basis for credit allocation under paragraphs (a), (b), or (d) of this section.

(g) A fleet or covered person may aggregate the amount of money invested in alternative fuel infrastructure, alternative fuel non-road equipment, and emerging technology such that funds from multiple categories may be used to achieve the applicable threshold for the purpose of earning an alternative fueled vehicle credit, so long as no funds are aggregated from a category for which the fleet has already been allocated the maximum number of credits allowed for that category, as set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.

[79 span 15905, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.505 - Use of alternative fueled vehicle credits.

At the request of a fleet or covered person in an annual report under subpart C or D of this part, DOE shall treat each banked alternative fueled vehicle credit as the acquisition of an alternative fueled vehicle that the fleet or covered person is required to acquire under this part. Each full credit shall count as the acquisition of one alternative fueled vehicle in the model year for which the fleet or covered person requests that the credit be applied.

[79 FR 15906, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.506 - Credit accounts.

(a) DOE shall establish a credit account for each fleet or covered person that obtains an alternative fueled vehicle credit.

(b) DOE shall send to each fleet and covered person an annual credit account balance statement after the receipt of its credit activity report under § 490.508.

[79 FR 15906, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.507 - Alternative fueled vehicle credit transfers.

(a) Any fleet or covered person that is required to acquire alternative fueled vehicles may transfer an alternative fueled vehicle credit to—

(1) A fleet that is required to acquire alternative fueled vehicles; or

(2) A covered person subject to the requirements of this part, if the transferor provides certification to the covered person that the credit represents a vehicle that operates solely on alternative fuel.

(b) Proof of credit transfer may be on a form provided by DOE, or otherwise in writing, and must include dated signatures of the transferor and transferee. The proof should be received by DOE within 30 days of the transfer date at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, EE-2G, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121, or such other address as DOE publishes on its Web site or in the Federal Register.

[79 FR 15906, Mar. 21, 2014]

§ 490.508 - Credit activity reporting requirements.

(a) A fleet or covered person that either applied one or more banked credits towards its alternative fueled vehicle acquisition requirements pursuant to § 490.505, seeks the allocation of alternative fueled vehicle credits under this subpart, or participated in a credit transfer under § 490.507 must include a credit activity report with its annual report submitted under subpart C or D of this part.

(b) The credit activity report must include the following information:

(1) Number of alternative fueled vehicle credits applied towards acquisition requirements pursuant to § 490.505;

(2) Number of alternative fueled vehicle credits requested for:

(i) Light duty alternative fueled vehicles acquired in excess of the required acquisition number;

(ii) Alternative fueled vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds acquired in excess of the required acquisition number;

(iii) Medium- or heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles, acquired in excess of the required acquisition number;

(iv) Medium- or heavy-duty electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles, acquired in excess of the required acquisition number;

(v) Light duty alternative fueled vehicles acquired in model years before the first model year the fleet or covered person is required to acquire light duty alternative fueled vehicles by this part;

(vi) Alternative fueled vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8,500 pounds acquired in model years before the first model year the fleet or covered person is required to acquire light duty alternative fueled vehicles by this part;

(vii) The acquisition of light duty hybrid electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles;

(viii) The acquisition of light duty plug-in electric drive vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles;

(ix) The acquisition of light duty fuel cell electric vehicles that are not alternative fueled vehicles; and

(x) The acquisition of neighborhood electric vehicles.

(3) Number of alternative fueled vehicle credits, in whole number values, requested for each of the following:

(i) Investment in alternative fuel infrastructure;

(ii) Investment in alternative fuel non-road equipment; and

(iii) Investment in an emerging technology.

(4) For each vehicle that is not an alternative fueled vehicle and for which credit is requested under paragraphs (b)(2)(iii), (iv), (vii), (viii), (ix), or (x) of this section:

(i) Vehicle make and model;

(ii) Model year;

(iii) Vehicle Identification Number; and

(iv) Acquisition date.

(5) For investment in alternative fuel infrastructure, supporting documentation and a written statement, certified by a responsible official of the fleet or covered person, indicating or providing:

(i) The model year or period in which the investment was made;

(ii) The amount of money invested by the fleet or covered person and to whom the money was provided;

(iii) The physical location(s) (address and zip code) and a detailed description of the alternative fuel infrastructure, including the name and address of the construction/installation company (where appropriate), whether the infrastructure is publicly accessible, and the type(s) of alternative fuel offered; and

(iv) The date on which the alternative fuel infrastructure became operational.

(6) For investment in alternative fuel non-road equipment, supporting documentation and a written statement, certified by a responsible official of the fleet or covered person, indicating or providing:

(i) The model year or period in which the investment was made;

(ii) The amount of money invested by the fleet or covered person and to whom the money was provided; and

(iii) A detailed description of the alternative fuel non-road equipment, including the name and address of the manufacturer, the type(s) of alternative fuel on which the equipment is capable of being operated, a certification that the equipment is being operated on that alternative fuel, the date on which the fleet or covered person purchased the equipment, and the date on which it was put into operation.

(7) For investment in an emerging technology, supporting documentation and a written statement, certified by a responsible official of the fleet or covered person, indicating or providing:

(i) The model year or period in which the investment was made;

(ii) The amount of money invested by the fleet or covered person and to whom the money was provided;

(iii) A certification that the emerging technology's acquisition is not included as a new light duty alternative fueled vehicle acquisition in the fleet or covered person's annual report;

(iv) A certification that the emerging technology's acquisition is not included in paragraph (b)(2) of this section and the amount invested is not included in the amounts submitted under paragraph (b)(5)(ii) or (b)(6)(ii) of this section; and

(v) A detailed description of the emerging technology, including the name and address of the manufacturer, the date on which the fleet or covered person purchased the emerging technology, and the date on which it was put it into operation.

(8) The total number of alternative fueled vehicle credits requested by the fleet or covered person, calculated by adding the two subtotals under paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section and then rounding the aggregate figure to the nearest whole number; in rounding to the nearest whole number, any fraction equal to or greater than one half shall be rounded up and any fraction less than one half shall be rounded down.

(9) Purchases of alternative fueled vehicle credits:

(i) Credit source; and

(ii) Date of purchase;

(10) Sales of alternative fueled vehicle credits:

(i) Credit purchaser; and

(ii) Date of sale.

[79 FR 15906, Mar. 21, 2014]