View all text of Subpart G [§ 1036.601 - § 1036.655]
§ 1036.615 - Engines with Rankine cycle waste heat recovery and hybrid powertrains.
This section specifies how to generate advanced-technology emission credits for hybrid powertrains that include energy storage systems and regenerative braking (including regenerative engine braking) and for engines that include Rankine-cycle (or other bottoming cycle) exhaust energy recovery systems. This section applies only for model year 2020 and earlier engines.
(a) Pre-transmission hybrid powertrains. Test pre-transmission hybrid powertrains with the hybrid engine procedures of 40 CFR part 1065 or with the post-transmission procedures in § 1036.545. Pre-transmission hybrid powertrains are those engine systems that include features to recover and store energy during engine motoring operation but not from the vehicle's wheels. Engines certified with pre-transmission hybrid powertrains must be certified to meet the diagnostic requirements as specified in § 1036.110 with respect to powertrain components and systems; if different manufacturers produce the engine and the hybrid powertrain, the hybrid powertrain manufacturer may separately certify its powertrain relative to diagnostic requirements.
(b) Rankine engines. Test engines that include Rankine-cycle exhaust energy recovery systems according to the procedures specified in subpart F of this part unless we approve alternate procedures.
(c) Calculating credits. Calculate credits as specified in subpart H of this part. Credits generated from engines and powertrains certified under this section may be used in other averaging sets as described in § 1036.740(c).
(d) Off-cycle technologies. You may certify using both the provisions of this section and the off-cycle technology provisions of § 1036.610, provided you do not double-count emission benefits.